The Song-Cycle Frauenliebe Und-Leben by Robert Schumann
The Song-Cycle Frauenliebe Und-Leben by Robert Schumann
The Song-Cycle Frauenliebe Und-Leben by Robert Schumann
Recommended Citation
Jensen, Jocelyn Kaye, "The Song-Cycle Frauenliebe Und-leben By Robert Schumann" (1970). All Graduate
Plan B and other Reports. 613.
PROGRAM , , , iv
I, INTRODUCTION , , , , , , , • • • , • , , • , • • • • , , 1
OF MUSIC , , , , , , , , • , , • , 2
LEBEN", , , , • , , , • , , , , , , •• , • , , • 11
VITA • , , ,
Illustration Page
geeehen • • 16
2. Example of Measur es ) 1 through )6 , Piano E p ilo ~~e , Seit
v on Allen. • • • • • • • • 18
ihr Schweete rn • • •• 2)
ner Brust. 25
Department of Music
Graduate Recital
Jocelyn Kaye Jensen, Mezzo-Soprano
The eight songs within this cycle a re based upon the poems of
Adelbert von Chamieeo, written by that poet for hie young bride,
The romanticism of the literature appealed greatly to Robert Schumann,
who, in 1840, had married Clara Wieck,
During the year of 1840, Schumann composed many of the most
beautiful and sentimental art eonge ever written, The poems of Heine
and Chamieeo served ae texts for a large number of the Schumann songs,
The Freuenliebe und-leben follows one women's life, ae she meets
end marri es the man of her dreame. The eongs revolve about her ex-
preseione of love for this man, her worship for him and for the child,
which she bears in hie image. The depth of her hurt and frustration,
ae he precedes her in death, ie extremely pathetic in the final song
of the cycle, Nun hast du mi r den ereten Schmerz gethan, (Now for the
first time, you have hurt me),
There ie, within the music of Schumann, en opportunity to view
the introspective, subjective soul of a fine artist, Hie songs re-
present hie own literary appreciation. Hie use of word images in a
textual sense displayed hie abi lity to place worde to mueic with ex-
treme dexter ity and clarity of expreeeion.
From the first moment she views this man, her eyes are blind to
all others, Hie image is constantly before her, Any other events
are now secondary to her,
Er, derr Herrlichete von Allen (He, the most wonderful of men)
Ae she further expresses her ad oration for him, hie qualit ies
are those of tenderness and kindneee, Hie lips are gentle; hie eyes
are bright; hie mind ie clear, and hie courage ie firm, Hie life
ie ae bright ae the stars in the heavens, ~~omever he chooses ae
hie bride, she will rejoice and weep, ae long ae that person ie
worthy of him,
Ich Kann 1 e nicht faeeen, nicht glauben (I cannot grasp it, I cannot
believe it)
She pleads with her sisters to help prepare her to receive him.
She wishes to banish all fear from her heart. She bide them a ead
farewell, as she joyfully joins her love.
On her heart and breast, the child reate. Only the mother
who loves and nurses the child she feeds can know what it means to
be happy. How sorry she is for men, who cannot feel a mother'e
bliss. Her joy and delight are represented in this child.
Nun haet du mir den ereten Schmerz gethan (Now, for the first time,
you have hurt me)
Death is cruel. Her husband has hurt her for the first time
by leaving her alone. The world is empty. She has loved and lived,
and now there is no more life. Softly she draws back into heree lf •
The veil falls. She is with him, her lost happiness, her whole
each of the eight songs in the cycle was undertaken to enable the
personal growth and greater respect for the works of Robert Alex-
ander Schumann.
In the l8,0 1 s and 1840's the orchestras being used were small
Gerald Abraham, A Hundred Yeare of Music (Chicagos ~ldine Pub-
lishing Company, 1964), p. 21.
and voiced according to the needs of much earlier composers,
or that group which wae the authority figure in government and eoci-
was being manifested for the individual man, Hie own personality
and ita freedom of expression were of absolute necess i ty, Obvi ous ly,
those who were moat affected by these attitudes were the intel lect-
uale and the artiste of the times,
music, Poets and writers became compatriots in thia eurge for new
Ibid,, P• 14,
his place in nature. One could visualize man alone in the mountains
with one another, sharing attitudes and ideas. This tended to widen
and curious. They were reading more. Many of the composers were
ere that made them romantics, for wherever they looked in contempor-
ary literature they found romantic literature. 11 5
Liszt, Berlioz, Schumann, and \~agner were not only widely read;
they mixed with literary and artistic people. They not only mixed
all of the arts were enlarged. The stress u pon individual importance
created many artists who were the true representatives of the ideal
in the Romantic man.
Ibid., P• 157.
Abraham, A Hundred Years of Music, p. 21.
Ibid., p. 20.
His mind was satura ted with literary rhyt hms and i mages ,
the characters a nd prose etyle of Hoggman and Jean Paul, the
verses of Heine and Chamiseo and Eichendorff. He was the
first musician who can be said to have actually relived hie
poet 1 e experience--in the Heine songs in particular.l
Dorn and by 18~2 hie first works for the piano were completed. These
of piano music. The results •opened a new epoch for piano litera-
was obviously eo innate within this men that hie attitudes towards
seemed always to see the good end to encourage with words, rather
;>Ibid., P• 469.
4 Ibid.
Wieck, hie former piano instructor, The romance was destined for
Correspondence was the binding force between the two, Finally Schu-
marry the woman he loved. The court action was successful for him
and after four years, the two lovers were married on September 12,
year of hie marriage led him to utilize the poetry of others in the
writing of hie songs. Hie own emotions were eo full and external
open and honest ae Schumann would have been inspired by the ful-
James Hueet Hall, The Art Song (Norman, Oklahoma: University
of Oklahoma Preas, 195~), P• 60.
occupy the central portion of the remainder of this paper. Based up-
on the poems of Ohamiseo, this group of eight songs tells of the 40-
year-old poet's adoration of hie 18-year-old bride.
Gerald Abraham felt that the Chamieeo verses were rather med-
iocre end this seemed, in hie opinion, to weaken some of the muei-
The University Society, p. 21,.
tic poets. Hie life epane a fifty-seven year period from 1781 un-
til 1838. The works of Goethe and Ludwig Uhland provided poetic
group. Thie set of poeme takee the moet important phase of a woman 1 e
Encyclopaedia Britannica, V (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britann-
ica, Inc., William Benton, Publisher, 1962), P• 213.
Ibid •
life and allows the liste ner to view her intimate thoughts and emo-
tiona. It delves into her relationship with the man who is to be-
come her husba nd, their eventual marriage, the birth of a child, and
the husband's death, which leaves her totally and hopelessly alone.
Her entire existence revolved about her love for this person.
Martin Cooper has been concerned that the poems were eub-eten-
dard and perhaps too sweet to have many outstanding virtues. During
the 1840 e when this cycle was set to music, Schumann's mood obvious-
Hie marriage to Clara Wieck wee the center of hie extremely ex-
preseive nature and from this event v.-ere to come many of the most
beautiful songs ever written. Some of these songs "are perhaps the
They should give birth to their own characteristic beauty which then
tures. Hie great abilities to create were subject to hie own self-
Abraham, A Hundred Years of Music, P• ?6.
Ibid., P• ?7.
effacement. He placed others fer above himself end yet the purity
gave form to the music itself. His own literary works must have giv-
en him greater understanding, enabling him to utilize others' verses
>~ith extreme dexterity in his songs.
"Hie literary taste and affinities gave him a feeling for pro-
sody and a sensitiveness to the atmosphere of a poem such as no pre-
vious song-writer had ever had.•7
Hall, p. 8.
foundation for this song-cycle gave him added impetus to create mue-
ic which represented the sincerity and genuineness of his efforts,
basis. These poems are most often by the same poet and are usually
held together by a central theme or main idea. The songs are meant
to be a musical unit and they should be performed as such.
lyze the Frauenliebe und-leben for its musical merit as well as its
textual strengths and weaknesses.
Hall, P• 61.
Abraham, Schumann--A Symposium, P• 1~7.
ma~ excellent singers do not have, I have heard the same sing-
er render Schubert to perfection, and Schumann absolutely badly.
For with Schubert the moat of >~hat ie to be done ia explicitly
expresaed; while with Schumann one muat underatend the art of
reading between the lines---of interpreting a half-told tale.~
aong-cycle, They are& Io Seit ich ihn geeehen (Since first I saw
him); II. Er, der Herrlichate von Allen (He, the moat wonderful of
men); III. Ich Kann 1 e nicht faaaen, nicht glauben (I cannot graap
Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz gethan (Now, for the first time,
you have hurt me),
transposed down one whole atep from the original key by Schumann,
In Seit ich ihn geaehen, Schumann writes a one measure piano in-
----- ~
harmonic chordal move in the accompaniment from the tonic to the sub-
dominant and to a dominant seventh. The melody mirrors the piano line.
er and remains rather imitative of theme A. The form is two part, with
The work should be sung quite metrically with the melody line dictat-
ing the dynamic rise and fall o:!' the voice.
The singer's final word on •sein" rests on the tonic and the
accompaniment cadences from a dominant seventh to a tonic chord to
conclude the first song of the cycle.
Er, der Herrlichste von Allen, the second song of tho cycle is
enth which occur throughout this song. Schumann utilizes the turn in
the vocal line and according to Martin Cooper, the turn is a strong
characteristic of the songs of 1840, It rarely appeRrs after that
mil- -d e, wie _ so
time. Cooper wee not able to determine whether the turn wee just
a pianistio habit of the fingers of one accustomed to piano
4ae.u, p. 62.
quite rapidly in '/8 time end the rhythm of the melodic line be-
comes the most interesting portion of the vocal pert, The melody,
6 Ibid., P• 101,
7Ibid., p. lo4,
free, The uee of the intervFJ. l of the eixth with the rer;ula r tria.d
ticu l ar, individual neede of tha t poem unfolded to the compos er.
l ar indic ation from Schumann• Er, der Herrlichete von Allen (" I nnig,
lebhaft ) and An Meinem Her zen, e n meiner Brust ("Fr&hlich, i nnig 1 ),
Accordingly the 1
Innig 1 transcription by Schumann also d ~ tes the
t hird of the tonic triad, The melody ie acted upon by subtle rhythm-
Schumann very simply movee the last four measures of the vocal coda
into A flat major again, The remaining eix measures of the song are
a rather pedantic piano part which concludes the work on the tonic.
17"fnnl . .
Illustration 5• Measures 41 a nd 42, Vocal Coda, Helft mir, ihr
Bchwe etern.
ply in this instance where the most ingenious portion of the song
from the previous songs, which have been discussed. After twenty-
two meaeuree in F major, Schumann modulates into the key of the sub-
this point. The melody reflects the depth of the text a nd the extent
dev i ations from the originally stated theme. He adds a four measure
on t he last measure and creates a move f rom the ninth to the tonic.
ing the main melodic interest. Without these clever change e , the
and fourth beats of each measure. The final seven measures are a
piano epilogue which cadences on the tonic ae does the voice in ita
concluding portion of the song.
Friihlieh, innig.
Au mci- nf'm Her - zpn,
+ - ,'!-i- ~ ~
~~· y.{
:;..: -~: ~ / -+ -ji:'__~
Jw. I
Illustration 6, Measureo 1 and 2, An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust.
strophic form could not properly fulfill the intent of the poet's
words. He repeats the first melodic theme only once and this con-
Abraham, A Hundred Years of Music, P• 50.
minor key maintains the cloud hanging over the woman's own thoughts
The simplicity of the vocal line allows the singer added lever-
flat major and the repetition of the music of the first song of the
cycle, Seit ich ihn gesehen, characterizes the final piano epilogue.
By repeating the music of the first of the eight songs, SchtmlB.nn
suggests the widow in her grief turning back through the years to
picture her hero as when first hie image filled her dreams .ul;5
Hall, P• 6;5.
various areas of the field of music, which given this writer
songs within this particular group. The findings from the research
curriculums, which ere varied and complex. The work towards the com-
ing of this pape r and the preparation of a recital, inspira tion 'dae
an instructor of music.
Frauen = Liebe und ==- Leben Woman! s Love and Woman's Life
(•) (•)
Seit ich ihn gcschcn, Since first I saw him
Glaub ich blind zu scin; I think myself blind;
Wo ich hin nur blickc, wherever I look
&h ich ihn allcin; I see only him.
Wic im wachcn Traume As in a 'Waking dream
Schwebt scin Bild mir vor, his image floats before me;
Taucht aus riefstcm Dunkel, in blackest darkness
Heller nur cmpor. it stands out the more brightly.
Sonst ist Iicht- und far bios All else around me
Alles um mich her, is without colour and light;
Nach der Schwcstcrn Spiele I take no more pleasu~
Nicht bcgehr ich mchr, in my sisters' games;
Mi:khte Iieber wcinen, I would rather weep quietly
Still im K.ammerlcin; in my little room;
Seit ich ihn gesehen, sincefirstlsawhim
Glaub ich blind zu sein. I think myself blind.
(>) (>)
Er. der Herrlichste von allen, He, the most wonderful of men,
\Vie so mildc, wie so gut! how render he is, how k.ind!
Holde Lippen, klarcs Auge, Gen!le lips, bright eyes,
Heller Sinn und fester Mut. a clear mind and firm courage.
So wie dort in blauer Tiefe, As that star shines brightly and gloriously
Hell und herrlich, jener Stem, in the deep blue,
Also er an meinem Himmel, so he shines in my heaven,
Hell und herrlich, hehr und fem. bright and glorious, exahcd and remote.
Wandie, wandle deine Balmcn, Follow your course-
Nur betrachten dcinen Schein, I will only gaze on your brightness,
Nur in Dcmut ihn betrachten, look at it humbly
Selig nur und traurig seinl and be happy and sad!
HOre nicht mein stilles Beten, Do not hear the silent prayer
Deinem G!Ucke nur geweiht; I offer up for your happiness;
Darfst mich niedre Magd nicht kenncn, you must not know this lowly handmaid,
Hoher Stem der llerrlichkeitl my glorious, distant star!
Nur die Wi.irdigste von allen Only the worthiest
Darfbeglilcken deine Wahl, may be made happy by your choice,
Und ich will die Hohc scgnen, and I will bless her
Sc:gnen viele tausendmal. many thousand times.
Will mich freuen dann und weinen, l111~n I will rejoice and weep,
Selig, selig bin ich dann; then I am happy, happy;
Sol he mirdas l lcrz auch brechcn, Even if my heart should brcilk-
Brich, 0 llerz, wuliegt daran? brea~ heMt- what does it matter!
(J) (J)
fch kann's nida fassen, nicht glaubcn, I cannot grasp it, I cannot believe it;
Es hat cin Traum mich bcrUckt; a dream must be deceiving me.
\~'ie hJtt e r doch umcr allen
How, out of all the others,
Mich Arme crhbht und begli.ickt! could he have honoured and blessed me?
Mir v.'Cir's, cr habc g:csprochen: I thought I heard him say:
'Ich bin auf ewig dein', 'I am yours for ever.'
Mir ~"llr's- ich tr.lurne noch immer, I thought- but I must be still dreaming,
Es kann jl nimmer so sein. for surely it could not be,
0 laO im Traumc mkh sterben, 0 let me die in this dream;
Ce\l.ieget an seiner Drust, cradled against his heart
Den seligsten Tod mid1 schlUden let me drink in most delicious death
In Tr.!ne:n unendlichcr Lust. with tears of unending joy.
(4) (<)
Du Ring an meinem Finger, Ring on my finger,
Mein goldenes Ringclcin, little golden ring-
lch driicke dich fromm an die Lip~n, devoutly I press you to my lips
Dich frorrun an das Ilene mein. and to my heart.
Ich hart ihn ausgctr5umet, The peaceful, blissful dream of childhood
Der Kindheit fricdlich schOncn Traum, had ended,
lch land allein mkh, vcrloren and I found myself alone, lost
Im Oden, unendlichcn Raum. in a dreary, limitless waste.
Du Ring an mcincm Finger Ring on my finger,
Da hast du mich erst bdehrt, you taught me;
Hast meinem Blick erschlossen you opened my eyes
Des Lebens unendlichen, tie fen Wen. to the limitless, inexhaustible value of life.
lch v.ill ibm dicnen, ihm Ieben, I will serve him, live for him,
D1m angehOren ganz, belong wholly to him;
Hin selbe r mich geben und llnden I will give myself to him and find myself
VerkJirt mich in seinem Glanz. transfigured by his brightness.
Du Ring an meinem Finger, Ring on my finger,
Me in goldenes Ringelein, little golden ring-
Ich. drilde dich fromm an die lippen devoutly I press you to my lips
Dich fromm an das Herze mein. and to my heart.
(!) (!)
Helft mir, ihr Schwestem, Sisters, be kind, help
Freundlich mich schmUcken, to adorn me,
Dient dcr Gliicklichen heute mit, serve me today in my happiness.
\\'indet geschaft:ig Busily twine
Mit urn die Stirne about my brow
Noch der bliihenden Myrte Zier. the blossoming myrtle.
A Is ich befriedigt, \Vhcn, up till now, I lay, satisfied
F reudigen Herzens, and with joy in my heart
Soost dem Geliebten im Arme lag, in the arms of my love,
Immer noch rief er, he still wished, impatiently
Sehnsucht im Herzen, and with longing in his heart,
Ungeduldig den heutigen Tag. for this d01y.
Helft mir, ihr Schwestcm, Help me, sisters,
Helft mir vcrschcuchcn to banish
Eine tOrichtc Bangigkeit, a foolish fear,
DaD ich mit klarem that I may receive him
Aug ihn empfange, with an unclouded eye-
lhn, die Quelle dcr Freudigkeit. him, the source of my joy.
Bist, mein Gelicbter, My beloved,
Du mir erschicnen 1 Have you appeared to me~
Giebst du mir, Sonne, deincn Schein? Sun, do you shine on me?
LaO mich in Andach t, In devotion
LaO mich in Demut, and humility
La1l mich verncigen dem Herren mein. I bow to my lord.
Streuet ihm, Schwcstem, Sisters, strew
Streuet ihm Blumen, flowers before him,
Bringet ihm knospcnde J\osen dar, off~ r him rose buds.
Aber eudt, Schwestcm, But you, sisters,
GriiO id1 mit Wchmut I bid a sad f<~rewell
Frcudig schcidend aus curer Schar. as I joyfully leave you.
(6) (6)
Sliller Freund, du blickest Sweet friend, you look at me
Mich vcrwundert an, in wonder,
Kannst es nicht begrcifen, and cannot understand
Wie ich weincn kann; why I weep.
LaO dcr feuduen Perlen Let the unaccustomed
Ungcwohnte Zier pearly drops
Freudighe[l erziuem tremble, joyously bright,
In dem Auge mir. in my eye.
Wie so bang mein Busen, How anxious my heart is,
Wie so wonnevoll! how full of bliss!
WUOt ich nur mit Worte-n, If I only knew how
Wie ich's sagen soli; to say it in words;
Komm und birg dein Anrlic: come, hide your face
Hier an meiner Brust, here on my breast,
Will in's Ohr dir fhistcrn that I may whisper in your ear
Aile meine Lust. what gives me joy.
We-iOt du nun die Trlinen, Do you know now
Die ich weincn kann, why I we-ep?
Sollst du nicht sic sehen, Should you not ~ my tears,
Du geliebte-r Mann? my beloved?
Dleib an meinem Hcrzen, Rest against my hcan,
'Fo.hle dessen Schlag, feel how it beats,
DaO ich fest und fester that I may press you against me
Nut dich drO.cken m:1g. closer and closer.
Hier an meinem Bette
Here by my bed
Hat die Wiege Rawn,
there is room for a cradle,
\Vo sie still verberge
which may silently hide
Meinen holden Traum;
my blissful dream.
Kommen wird der Morp:en.
TI1e day wi ll come
Wo der Traum erwacht,
when the dream comes true
Und daraus de in Dildnis
and your image
Mir entgegen lacht.
smiles up at me.
An meincm Hcrzen, an mcincr Brust,
At my heart, at my breast-
Du mcinc \Vonnc, du mcine lust!
you my joy, my delighd
D::~s GlUck ist die Liebe, die Lieb ist das llappiness is love, love h.1ppiness-
I have said it and say so still.
Ich hab's g:esagt und nehm's nicht zurlick.
Hab liherscllwcnglich mich gcschtttzt
r thought my~lfboundlessly happy,
but now I am happier still.
Bin Ubcrp:lucklich aber jetzt.
Only a mother 9oho nurses
Nur die da siiugt, nur die da liebr
and loves the child she feeds,
Das Kind, dcm sie die Nahrung giebt; only a mother on know
Nur cine ~1uttcr weiO allein
what it means to love and be happy.
Was lichen hciOt und gliicklich scin.
I low sorry I am fo r men
0, wic bcdaur' ich doch den Mann,
who cannot feel a mother's bliss!
Der Munergliick nidn flihlen kannl Sweet angel,
Du Iieber, Iieber Engel, du
you look at me and smile!
Du schauest mich an und l5dJelst dazu/
At my heart, at my breast-
An mcincm llerzcn, an mciner Brust, you my joy, my del ight!
Du meine \Vonnc, du meine Lust!
(8) (8)
Nun hast du mir den e rsrcn Schmerz getan,
Now, for the flrst time, you have hurt me,
but this hurt is cruel.
Du schl;ifst, du harter, unbarmhen'ger
liard, pitiless man, you are sleeping
the sleep of death.
Den Todessdllaf.
Es blicket die Verb One vor skh hin, Left all alone, I gaze before me;
Die Welt ist leer.
the world is empty.
Geliebet hab ich und gelebt, ich bin I have loved, I have lived,
Nicht lcbend mehr.
and now I have no more life.
lch zieh mich in mein Tnnres sti ll zurilck, Softly I draw back into myself;
DerSchleierfallt, the veil falls.
Da hab ich dich und mcin verlornes GlUck,
There I am with you and my lost happiness-
you, my whole world! 1
s. s. Prawer, Ed., The Penguin Book of Lieder (Baltimore,
Maryland• Penguin Books, 1964 ), pp . 77-80.
Master of Music
Biographical Information: