SECTION 02880 Play Field Equipment & Structures Rev 0

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PART 1 GENERAL............................................................................................................ 1

1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK .................................................................................. 1

1.02 SECTION INCLUDES .......................................................................................... 1

1.03 RELATED SECTIONS ......................................................................................... 1

1.04 REFERENCES..................................................................................................... 2

1.05 SUBMITTALS....................................................................................................... 4

1.06 QUALITY CONTROL ........................................................................................... 5

1.07 HEALTH AND SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS...................................................... 5

1.08 WARRANTY......................................................................................................... 6

1.09 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE ........................................................... 6

PART 2 PRODUCTS ......................................................................................................... 7

2.01 GENERAL ............................................................................................................ 7

2.02 MATERIAL ........................................................................................................... 7

2.03 FLOORING, WALLS AND CEILING SYSTEMS................................................ 10

2.04 VOLLEYBALL .................................................................................................... 14

2.05 BASKET BALL ................................................................................................... 15

2.06 LAWN TENNIS................................................................................................... 16

2.07 SOCCER FIELD................................................................................................. 19

2.08 HANDBALL ........................................................................................................ 20

2.09 SQUASH COURT .............................................................................................. 21

2.10 RACQUETBALL COURT ................................................................................... 21

2.11 RUNNING TRACK ............................................................................................. 22

2.12 PLAYFIELD EQUIPMENT ................................................................................. 23

2.13 HARDWARE ...................................................................................................... 25

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PART 3 EXECUTION ...................................................................................................... 26

3.01 INSPECTION ..................................................................................................... 26

3.02 GENERAL .......................................................................................................... 26

3.03 INSTALLATION.................................................................................................. 26

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A. The works covered under this Section include furnishing and installation of materials,
goal assemblies and supporting frame for Soccer Fields; Volleyball, Basketball
Handball, Squash Court, Racquetball Court , Lawn Tennis Courts and Running
Tracks. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment
necessary to complete the work.

B. The extent of general playfield equipment is indicated on the Contract Drawings and
includes the provision of equipment, hardware, attachments and fastenings as
specified or required for proper and complete installation.


A. Soccer Field

B. Running Track

C. Volleyball Equipment

D. Basketball Equipment

E. Handball Equipment

F. Squash Court

G. Racquetball Court

H. Lawn Tennis Court and Equipment

I. General Playfield Equipment


A. Section 01320 Construction Progress Documentation

B. Section 01330 Submittal Procedures

C. Section 01410 Regulatory Requirements

D. Section 01450 Quality Control

E. Section 01650 Product Delivery Requirements

F. Section 01660 Product Storage and Handling Requirements

G. Section 02310 Grading

H. Section 02315 Excavation and Fill

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I. Section 03310 Structural Concrete

J. Section 03380 Post Tensioned Concrete

K. Section 09910 Paints

L. Section 09960 High Performance Coating

M. Section 09970 Coating for Steel


A. The referred codes and standards are intended to provide an acceptable level of
quality for materials, products and workmanship. In case of conflict between these
standards and the text of this Specification, the Specification text shall govern.

B. The latest revision of the referred codes and standards shall be used wherever
applicable. In case of conflict, the Contractor shall propose equipment, materials and
processes conforming to one group of codes and standards.

C. GSMO Gulf Standard

1. GSMO 416 Playground Equipment for Children Parks - Part 1:

General Safety Requirements

2. GSMO 417 Playground Equipment for Children Parks - Part 2:

Requirements For Sitting and Installation

3. GSMO 418 Playground Equipment for Children Parks - Part 3:

Requirements For Inspection and Maintenance

D. SASO Saudi Arabia Standards Organization

1. SASO 765 Playground Equipment for Children Parks - Part 1:

General Safety Requirements

2. SASO 766 Playground Equipment for Children Parks – Part 2:

Requirements for Sitting and Installation

3. SASO 767 Playground Equipment for Children Parks – Part 3:

Requirements for Inspection and Maintenance

4. SASO 1414 Method of Testing of Timber Part 1: Standard

Method of Testing Small Clear Specimens of

5. SASO 1590 Wood Moisture Meters - Verification Methods and

Equipment: General Provisions

E. ACI American Concrete Institute

1. ACI 318RM Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete

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Chapter 18: Pre-Stressed Concrete

F. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

1. ASTM A36M Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel

2. ASTM A123M Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot Dipped

Galvanized) Coating on Iron and Steel Products

3. ASTM A153M Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and

Steel Hardware

4. ASTM A653M Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc- Coated

(Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated(Galvanized)
by the Hot-Dip Process

5. ASTM C94M Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete

6. ASTM D422 Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of


7. ASTM D638 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of


8. ASTM D698 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction

Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Efforts 600

9. ASTM D790 Standard Test Method for Flextural Properties of

Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical
Insulating Materials

10. ASTM D1556 Standard Test Methods for Density and Unit Weight
of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method

11. ASTM D4318 Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit,
and Plasticity Index of Soil

12. ASTM E11 Standard Specification for Wire Cloth and Sieves for
Testing Purposes

13. ASTM F963 Standard Consumer Safety Specification on Toy


14. ASTM F1292 Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of

Surface System Under and Around Playground

15. ASTM F1487 Standard Consumer Safety Performance

Specification for Home Playground Equipment for
Public Use

16. ASTM F1953 Standard Guide for Construction and Maintenance of

Grass Tennis Court
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17. ASTM F2049 Standard Guide for fence/Barriers for Public,

Commercial and Multi-Family Residential Use
Outdoor Play Areas

G. AWPA American Wood Preservers Association

1. STANDARD M2 Inspection of Treated Timber Products

2. STANDARD M3 Quality Control Procedures for Wood Preserving


3. STANDARD P9 Standard for Solvents Formulations for Organic

Preservative System

H. SSINA The Stainless Steel Information Center. Specialty Steel Industry

of North America

I. WCLIB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau

1. Standard Grading Rules for West Coast Lumber


A. The Contractor shall submit to the Royal Commission, in accordance with

SECTION 01330, the following items for review and approval before commencing

1. Details of all materials and laboratory test results for sand and clay stabilized
playing surfaces.

2. Quality Control Procedure shall be in accordance with SECTION 01450.

3. Shop Drawings shall be sufficient to comply with the Contract Documents and
to correlate with other materials, size and finish. The Contractor shall show
locations and installation procedures and include details of joints, type of
attachments, connections and clearances.

4. Product Data includes schedules, charts, literature and illustrations to indicate

the performance, fabrication procedures, product variations and accessories.
The Contractor shall attach certifications and other data as may be required
with these Specifications and transmit a copy of installation instructions to the

5. The Contractor shall review colors chosen for all components of the equipment
with the Royal Commission and obtain written approval before any items are

B. Material Samples

1. Before delivery, the Contractor shall submit Samples for initial selection
purposes in form of manufacturer’s color charts showing full range of colors or
patterns available for factory-finished equipments.

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A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of work and shall develop and
propose programs and methods of construction and testing such as to achieve the
specified quality to the approval of the Royal Commission in accordance with
SECTION 01450.

B. The Contractor shall provide equipment from manufacturers who have at least
5 successful years of experience in producing playground equipment and site

C. Qualifications

1. Qualifications of Manufacturers

a) Products used in the work of this Section shall be produced by

manufacturers regularly engaged in manufacture of similar items and
with a history of successful production acceptable to the Royal

2. Qualifications of Installers

a) The Contractor shall use adequate number of skilled workmen who are
thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are
completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods
needed for proper performance of work.

3. Contractor’s site supervisor(s) shall have knowledge of referenced standards

and at least 5 years of documented experience.

D. Internal Quality Control

1. Contractor’s internal quality control shall include but not be limited to:

a) Checking supplier’s test certificates and certificates of compliance to

conform to specification and referenced standards prior to assembly

b) Checking supplier’s delivery tickets of each delivery for completeness

and compliance with supply order and specification.


A. All works undertaken in relation to this Specification are to be completed in full

accordance with the respective health and safety requirements established by the

1. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

a) Legislation, Regulation, Standards and Codes.

2. Royal Commission Regulations

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a) Standards, Contractual Conditions, and Health and Safety Systems.

3. Contractor

a) Health and Safety Standards and Systems as accepted by the Royal


B. In the absence of any of the above, best accepted industry practice shall be
employed throughout.


A. Play equipment shall be warranted for a period of 12 months from date of acceptance
of the work. Defects in materials and workmanship occurring during the warranty
period shall be corrected.


A. The Contractor shall deliver, handle and store equipment and material units in
accordance with SECTIONS 01650 and 01660, as well as the following

1. The Contractor shall deliver materials in manufacturer's original packaging with

all tags and labels intact and legible.

2. Parts for each model shall be shipped together in kit form with detailed
installation drawings.

3. The Contractor shall store materials and handle them in such a manner to
avoid interference with work of other trades and to avoid damage. Damaged or
defected parts shall be rejected.

4. The Contractor shall store the metal accessories indoor and protect against
rust and other damages.

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A. All goods and products covered by these Specifications shall be procured, when
available, from an in-Kingdom manufacturer. Procurement of all goods and products
manufactured out-of-Kingdom must be approved by the Royal Commission.


A. Wood Grade

1. Play equipment wood components shall be manufactured from playground

equipment grade Douglas Fir timber, selected by the equipment manufacturer
for strength, durability and appearance.

2. All timber shall have very high strength properties and shall be of the finest
appearance. Timber shall be graded primarily for compression parallel to the
grain, but may be used in tension or bending.

3. Timber shall be free-of-heart-center (FOHC) and shall be fine grained, with at

least 80% of the pieces possessing 8 annular rings per 25 mm, the remainder
having at least 6 rings per 25 mm. There shall be no loose knots, knotholes or
shake. No unsound wood, white specks or honeycomb is acceptable. No
planer skips are allowed in dressing. To minimize slivering, timber of this grade
shall be free of wane, and edges must be heavily eased (square edges are not
allowed). Except as noted, other characteristics and limiting provisions are in
accordance with "Standard Grading Rules for West Coast Lumber."

4. Pressure Preservative Treatment

a) All wood components shall be pressure preservative treated with a non-

toxic formulation suitable for use on playground equipment, or approved

5. Composition

a) The treatment solution shall be a homogenous solution capable of deep

penetration and not merely an emulsion. The solution shall contain as
the preservative a boron based compound equivalent in weight to 6%
boric acid, and a 6% paraffin wax as a water repellant additive.

6. The preservative carrier shall conform to AWPA Standard P9. The treatment
shall not materially change the color of the wood to which it is applied.

7. Application

a) Wood shall be pressure impregnated by the closed cylinder, vacuum

pressure method as prescribed by the latest Standards of the American
Wood Preserver’s Association.

8. Verification

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a) The conformance to the requirements of this Specification shall be

monitored by independent inspectors in accordance with the established
quality control and inspection procedures as specified in AWPA
Standards M2 and M3.

B. Fiberglass

1. All fiberglass items shall be constructed of new, first-class, commercial-quality,

fiber-glass-fabric-reinforced, polyester resin laminate material. Fiberglass shall
conform to ASTM D638 and D790.

2. Finish

a) All finished surfaces of fiberglass items and fabrications shall be

smooth, resin-rich, free of voids, and without dry spots, crazes, or un-
reinforced areas, and shall provide for corrosion resistance and
weathering. Outer surfaces shall be reasonably smooth and no glass
fibers shall be exposed.

3. Supports and Fasteners

a) The Contractor shall provide all bolts, anchor bolts, nuts, washers, and
supports as required for all the plastic and fiberglass in accordance with
the requirements of the manufacturers of the plastic and fiberglass
items. All bolts, anchor bolts, washers and supports required in
connection with the plastic or fiberglass items provided under this
Section shall be of Type 316 stainless steel.

C. Galvanized Steel

1. Galvanized steel shall be in accordance with ASTM 653M.

D. Stainless Steel

1. Sheet Metals

a) General
1) The Contractor shall provide sheet metals selected for their
surface flatness smoothness and freedom from surface
blemishes where exposed to view in the finished unit.
2) The Contractor shall not use materials whose exposed surfaces
exhibit pitting, seam marks, roller marks, variations in flatness
exceeding those permitted by referenced standards for stretcher-
leveled metal sheet, stains, discoloration or other imperfections.
3) Stainless Steel Sheet shall conform to ASTM A167, AISI Type
304 or 316 (UNS 30400 or 30316), stretcher leveled, with the
following mill finish:
(a) Cold-rolled for surfaces requiring extensive polishing after
fabrication to produce the uniform polished finish specified.
(b) Sheet Thickness: 1.52 mm (16 gage).
(c) Sheet Size: Largest size to provide minimum number of
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seams. No seams allowed from counter top to splash.

(d) Finish: AISI/SSINA No. 4.

b) Finishes, General
1) Comply with SSINA for recommendations relative to application
and designations of finishes.
2) Complete mechanical finishes of flat sheet metal surfaces before
fabrication, wherever possible. After fabrication, finish all joints,
bends, abrasions, and other surface blemishes to match sheet
3) Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage
by application of adhesive paper or other temporary protective
covering prior to shipment.

E. Aluminum

1. Aluminum alloy and temper shall be as recommended by manufacturer. For

type of use and finish indicated, the Contractor shall comply with the
requirements of standards indicated below :

a) Sheet and Plate

1) ASTM B209M, alloy 5005-H14, stretcher leveled.

b) Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes

1) ASTM B221M, alloy 6063-T5 or alloy 6463-T5.

c) Extruded Structural Pipe and Tubes

1) ASTM B429.

d) Bars, Rods, and Wire

1) ASTM B211.

e) Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes

1) AWS A5.10.

2. Finish coating shall be an electrolytically deposited color anodic finish in

accordance with AAMA.

F. Metal Coating

1. All metal parts, other than those galvanized, shall be coated with approved
colored polymeric urethane applied in a thickness of 0.13 mm. This coating
shall be bonded mechanically and chemically by the electrostatic method and
then oven-cured to render the coated metal resistant to abrasion, impact,
chipping, weathering and rusting.

G. Fabrication

1. All fabrication of components shall take place in a factory by personnel

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experienced in the manufacture of children's play apparatus. The assembly of

components to form a play cluster will be permitted on site, subject to

2. Fabrication shall be in accordance with detailed drawings submitted for

approval prior to fabrication.

3. All edges shall be uniformly rounded and ends carefully chamfered.

4. All bolt holes shall be predrilled and, where exposed in the finished structure,
counter bored to receive hardwood plugs to conceal connecting hardware.

5. After complete fabrication and prior to pressure preservative treatment, each

piece shall be code-marked to facilitate easy erection at the job site.

6. Where wood or metal pieces are used to form suspended horizontal bridges,
runways or walkways, the distance between pieces shall not exceed 20 mm.
Each piece shall be anchored to chain, rope or cable by a closed metal eye
ring and link. Suspended bridges, runways and walkways shall be equipped
with protective guardrails.

7. No apparatus shall be constructed where the play surface (i.e. floor, platforms,
slide, horizontal bars, etc.) exceeds 2 m in height.

8. Particular attention shall be given to the elimination of any vertical piece of

equipment or support form which stands alone or near any other structure and
is lower than the other structures (Examples are fireman's poles and support
forms for climbing towers).

9. Climbing ladders shall have angulations less than 90°. from ground surface
with handrails provided.

10. Individual non-backed seats designed for swings shall not be constructed of
hard material such as wood or metal, etc.


A. Clay and Sand

1. This surface shall consist of 300 mm thick layer of a mixture of Hofuf clay
(25%) and sand (75%) placed in 3 lifts of 100 mm each and compacted to 90%
of ASTM D698 maximum dry density. Extent of placement shall be the entire
area as shown on the drawings.

2. Sand shall meet the parameters as specified in Table 2A.

3. Sand shall have pH range of 5 to 6.5. Soils indicated having a pH below 5 shall
be treated with dolomite limestone as necessary to attain this pH range. Soils
having a pH greater than 6.5 shall be treated with sulfur as necessary to attain
this pH range. The pH shall be determined by soil test.

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Size Sieve Percent Passing

19 mm ASTM E11 100

No. 20 ASTM E11 77 - 100

No. 60 ASTM E11 0 - 23

No. 270 ASTM E11 0 - 10

B. Post-Tensioned Concrete

1. This flooring shall be in accordance with ACI 318RM. Also refer

SECTION 03880.

C. Natural Grass

1. The Royal Commission’s approved stolons shall be planted in 400 mm thick

root zone layer.

2. Root Zone Layer

a) The 400 mm thick zone is immediately beneath the grass shall consists
of the following:
1) 300 mm thick fine sand layer shall be laid over the PVC layer.
2) Top 100 mm thick growing medium shall consist of 80% sand,
15% peat moss and compound fertilizer (100 gm/m2 NPK- 18-18-

D. Polyurethane - Rubberized System

1. Composition

a) The flooring system shall be composed of polymerically-bound rubber

granules with coats of polyurethane in alternative designs to match
every specific application.

2. Typical Application

a) Surfacing of outdoor and indoor ball game courts.

b) Surfacing of running tracks and field events areas.

c) Surfacing for gymnasium halls.

d) Surfacing for school yards and exercise/training areas.

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E. Artificial Grass System

1. Composition

a) The flooring system shall be composed of a dense cushion sheeting

adhered to a shock absorbing under layer which shall be adhered to the
asphalt/concrete pavement. The under layer may be either cast-in-situ
rubber granule core or foam padding.

2. Typical Application

a) Surfacing of soccer, football fields, hockey and cricket.

b) Surfacing of recreational areas.

F. Acrylic Coating System

1. Composition

a) The flooring system shall be composed of multilayer; acrylic based

coating proceeded by 1 to 2 coats of asphalt re-surfacer.

b) The coats shall be made of mineral filled heavy coats. It shall be

followed by lighter sealing coats at the top, and then the line marking
shall be done using acrylic line paint.

c) The total thickness shall be approximately 2 mm.

2. Typical Application

a) For tennis courts and multipurpose outdoor courts, over asphalted


G. Wooden Floor System

1. Composition

a) Floor Strips
1) Tongue and groove maple strip shall be nailed or clipped to sub-
floor, OR
2) Wooden slats panels shall be glued to sub floor.

b) Load Distributing Sub-Floor

1) Plywood panels, OR
2) Spaced wooden sleepers/joists, OR
3) A combination of plywood panels/sleepers

c) Cushioning System
1) Isolated rubber pads or steel spring shall be free floating on the
ground, OR

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2) Spaced steel channels shall be anchored to the ground, OR

3) Continuous foam blanket seal shall be glued to the ground.

2. Typical Application

a) Surfacing of squash/racket courts, basketball, and volleyball.

b) Surfacing of gymnastic/aerobics and indoor tracks.

H. Special Wall Plastering

1. Composition

a) The plaster consist of a special base cementitious compound applied to

the walls by the usual hawk and trowel plastering method after the walls
being pretreated with a bonding agent, then after the plaster base layer
is cured , it shall be painted with polyester/polyurethane finish coat.

2. Typical Application

a) Plastering of walls of squash courts and racquet ball courts.

b) Plastering of gymnasium and aerobics halls.

I. Walls and Ceiling Panels

1. Composition

a) The panel shall be composed of:

1) Transparent textured melamine coat.
2) White cellulose fiber sheets impregnated with melamine resins.
3) Multi-layer craft paper impregnated with phenolic and melamine
4) Dense core.

b) The panels system shall composed of the melamine-laminated panels

installed with concealed attachment to wooden/ steel stud system which
shall be fastened to the masonry/concrete walls at specific intervals.

c) Ceiling panels shall be attached to the girding system of either C-joist

truss or suspended runners.

d) The back wall shall be of safety glass panels for the full height or only to
the door head level.

2. Typical Application

a) For cladding of walls or ceiling of precision courts of squash and racquet


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A. Playing Surface

1. The surface shall be installed over a structurally sound base provided with
kerbing and drainage. Surface slope for outdoor shall be 5 mm/m.

2. Surface shall be from one of the following:

a) Polyurethane - Rubberized System.

b) Acrylic Coating System.

c) Wooden Floor System.

d) Natural Grass.

e) Clay and Sand.

3. The color of the surface shall be light and in contrast between play area and
safety zone, usually green color for play area.

4. Line Marking

a) All line shall be 50 m wide in blue color.

5. Dimensions

a) Play Area: 18 x 9 m.

b) Play plus Safety Zones: 24 x 13 m.

B. Volleyball Uprights

1. Each upright shall be made of steel pipe conforming to ASTM A53, Grade B,
Schedule 80 or heavier, galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123M. The
upright shall be up in one single piece and it shall be capable of net height
adjustment by means of slide bars with net fixation. Slide bars shall move in
slots on both sides. The net tensioning device shall be mounted on a slide bar
on the side of the upright away from the court play and shall be a non-slip
threaded rod type powered by means of conical-toothed wheels.

2. Upright top shall be provided with malleable iron or galvanized steel half ball
cap welded water tight to the top of the pipe.

3. All hardware shall be galvanized steel or stainless steel.

4. Volleyball uprights shall be embedded in concrete foundations. Base plate

steel angles shall be in accordance with ASTM A525. Steel plate shall be in
accordance with ASTM A36M. The Contractor shall provide 8 mm thick base
plate with 4 steel angles welded to the plate which is fixed to the foundation
with anchor bolts and nuts.

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C. Volleyball Net

1. Competition Model Volleyball Net shall be 9.75 m in length and 990 mm

maximum in width.

2. Netting shall be 100 mm square mesh black nylon, with white double thickness
binding on all four sides with end sleeves and with sewn-in wooden side
dowels for proper net tension.

3. Top tension cables shall be Kevlar; bottom tension ropes shall be of nylon.


A. Playing Surface

1. The surface shall be installed over a structurally sound base provided with
kerbing and drainage. Surface slope for outdoor shall be 5 mm/m.

2. Surface shall be from one of the following:

a) Polyurethane - Rubberized System.

b) Acrylic Coating System.

c) Wooden Floor System.

d) Post-Tensioned Concrete.

3. The color of the surface shall be light and in contrast between play area and
safety zone, usually green color for play area.

4. Line Marking

a) All line shall be 50 m wide in black color.

5. Dimensions

a) Play Area: 18 x 9 m.

b) Play plus Safety Zones: 30 x 17 m.

B. Backboard

1. The Contractor shall provide one of the following as specified by the Royal

a) Rectangular wood backboard, stationary type; 1800 wide x 1200 high

x 38 mm thick. Waterproof high density particle board with 0.80 mm
thick satin finished white polyethylene face laminated to front and back
side; with official orange perimeter and target area markings,
permanently applied as an integral part of the melamine laminate at
fabrication. Perimeter edges of the board finished in white; supplied with

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safety padding, OR

b) Rectangular 1800 wide x 1200 mm high steel backboard 3.42 mm

(10 gage) skin and 6 mm steel support structure finished in white
weather resistant powder coat with official orange shooters square
molded in, OR

c) Rectangular fiber glass 1800 wide x 1200 mm high backboard of

waterproof construction, for indoor or outdoor use and with molded-in
Orange markings, OR

d) Rectangular 1800 wide x 1200 mm high acrylic backboard of all weather

12 mm thick clear acrylic with heavy anodized aluminum framework.

C. Vertical Frame Assembly

1. Vertical frame assembly shall consist of a central mast of 166 mm or near

equal outside diameter heavy wall structural steel tubes with diagonal sway
braces of minimum 60 mm outside diameter structural steel pipe. Top
horizontal support, hinge spreader shall be of a heavy 100 mm structural
channel to form a rigid back-to-back triangular design.

2. Goal shall mount directly through bank and into a heavy structural steel welded
net, which shall be clamped to the vertical support to eliminate any strain on
bank, should a player hang on the front mounted goal. The upper bank
extension assembly shall be adjustable.

3. Backboard shall be supported from 90 mm outside diameter pipe anchored to

structural framing member by means of heavy formed steel support fittings.

4. Central masts for basketball shall be embedded in concrete foundations. The

Contractor shall provide 8 mm thick base plate with 4 steel angles in
conformance with ASTM A36M. Plate shall be fixed to the foundation with
anchor bolts and nuts. Angle shall be welded to the base plate.

5. Basketball central mast shall be protected with crash padding for a height of
2 m covering with neoprene or rubber pads suitable for intended use. Materials
selected for padding and methods and installation shall be approved by the
Royal Commission prior to installation.

D. Goal

1. The Contractor shall provide a heavy duty front mount goal constructed of
extra high tensile strength steel and rugged 16 mm diagonal support bracing;
indestructible combination type when used in conjunction with the goal mount
feature described above.

2. It shall be of high quality enamel finish, complete with goal mounting hardware
and durable nylon anti-whip net.


A. Playing Surface
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1. The surface shall be installed over a structurally sound base provided with
kerbing and drainage. The surface slope for outdoor courts shall be 5 mm/m.

2. Surface shall be from one of the following:

a) Polyurethane - Rubberized System.

b) Acrylic Coating System.

c) Post Tensioned Concrete.

d) Artificial grass.

e) Natural Grass
1) Natural grass shall be mostly confined to the summer months
when the grass is firm and dry.

3. The color of the surface shall be light and in contrast between play area and
safety zone, usually green color for play area.

4. Line Marking

a) All line shall be 50 m wide (except base line which may be 100 mm) in
white or yellow color.

5. Dimensions

a) Play Area: 24 x 11 m.

b) Play plus Safety Zones: 37 x 19 m.

B. Tennis Net

1. High quality 3.5 mm braided polyethylene net body featuring a heavy duty
polyester headband and 6 rows of double netting with fiberglass dowels.

2. Length shall be 12.80 m.

C. Tennis Net Posts

1. The post body shall be made of sturdy 3.04 mm (11gage) steel with a chip and
fade resistant powder coated finish.

2. The corrosion-resistant, self-locking internal wind assembly shall be

constructed of heat-treated hardened aluminum alloy. The assembly shall be
encased in a housing of hardened bronze alloy (copper/tin/zinc) and include a
matching removable handle.

3. Posts shall be equipped with welded lacing rods for a professional net
installation in Green or Black color.

4. The overall length shall be 1.626 m.

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D. Net Accessories

1. The Contractor shall provide the following accessories:

a) Center Strap
1) Heavy duty polyester with double end snap.

b) Master replacement headband.

c) Pipe Anchor
1) Anchor shall be made of 25 cm long, 3.42 mm (10 gage) heavy
duty galvanized steel.

E. Fencing Elements

1. Posts

a) Steel pipe which are as TMA-S3 40 hot dipped galvanized with an

average zinc coating of 550g/m2 and in accordance with ASTM A120.

b) Length of the Post

1) 3 m plus base length.

c) Outside Diameter
1) 73 mm for corner, end gate and straining posts.
2) 60 mm for intermediate line posts.
3) 42 mm for bracing struts and top/bottom rails.

d) Posts shall be 4 to 5 mm thick.

e) The posts may be optionally coated with PVC coating in green color.

f) The open-top of posts shall be plugged with plastic plugs.

2. Chain Link Fabric

a) The fence shall be 50 x 50 mm square mesh, galvanized with minimum

366 g/m2 zinc and PV. coated.

b) The fitting shall be galvanized with 550g/m2 of zinc and in accordance

with ASTM A123M and A153M.

3. Gates

a) Two hinged gate of 2 x 1 m shall be provided.

Rev 0 18 of 27 Contract No:


4. Wind Screen

a) The Contractor shall provide the wind screen as described below:

1) A closed mesh/open mesh fabric made of polypropylene or vinyl
coated polyester of 2.75 m height in dark green color.
2) The wind screen shall be with 25 mm or 37 mm vinyl hems at top,
bottom and side of panels, with brass grommets at 300 or
450 mm intervals.


A. Playing Surface

1. The surface shall be installed over a structurally sound base provided with
kerbing and drainage. The surface slope for outdoor fields shall be 5 mm/m.

2. Surface shall be from one of the following:

a) Natural Grass.

b) Clay and Sand.

c) Artificial Grass System.

3. The color of the surface shall be light and in contrast between play area and
safety zone, usually green color for play area.

4. Line Marking

a) All line shall be 120 mm wide in white color.

5. Dimensions

a) Play Area: 110 x 75 m.

b) Play plus Safety Zones: 120 x 90 m.

B. Line Marking

1. Line marking to the Soccer Field and Running Track shall be made from chalk.

2. Marking chalk shall be flush with the finished surfaces of the sand clay
stabilized layer and bedded on cement sand (1:4) layer.

C. Soccer Goal Posts, Transom Bar, Stays and Net

1. The Soccer Field shall be provided with goal posts to regulation patterns and
transom bar in galvanized steel tubing.

2. Posts are to be set in C25b concrete foundation pedestals and smoothed off
50 mm below surface of pitch.

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3. End stays are to comprise galvanized steel tubing welded to transom bar. The
foot of end stays is to be set in C25b concrete foundation pedestals and
smoothed-off level with surface of pitch.

4. The net shall be nylon mesh as per regulation pattern and standard and
secured to posts, transom and end stays with approved plastic clips and

5. Goal posts and end stays are to be primed and painted white or as directed by
the Royal Commission.

6. The field shall be provided by 4 corner flags and 2 optional flag opposite half
way line.


A. Playing Surface

1. The surface shall be installed over a structurally sound base provided with
kerbing and drainage. The surface slope for outdoor courts shall be 5 mm/m.

2. Surface shall be from one of the following:

a) Polyurethane - Rubberized System.

b) Acrylic Coating System.

c) Wooden Floor System.

d) Natural Grass.

e) Clay and Sand.

3. The color of the surface shall be light and in contrast between play area and
safety zone, usually green color for play area.

4. Line Marking

a) All lines shall be 50 m wide in orange color.

5. Dimensions

a) Play Area: 40 x 20 m.

b) Play plus Safety Zones: 44 x 22 m.

B. Line Marking

1. Line marking to the Soccer Field and Running Track shall be made from chalk
when the surface is made of sand and clay.

2. Marking chalk shall be flush with the finished surfaces of the sand clay

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stabilized layer and bedded on cement sand (1:4) layer.

C. Handball Goal Posts, Transom Bar, Stays And Net

1. The Handball Field shall be provided with goal posts to regulation patterns and
transom bar in galvanized steel tubing.

2. Posts are to be set in C25b concrete foundation pedestals and smoothed off
50 mm below surface of pitch.

3. End stays are to comprise galvanized steel tubing welded to transom bar. The
foot of end stays is to be set in C25b concrete foundation pedestals and
smoothed-off level with surface of pitch.

4. The net shall be nylon mesh as per regulation pattern and standard and
secured to posts, transom and end stays with approved plastic clips and

5. Goal posts and end stays are to be primed and painted white or as directed by
the Royal Commission.


A. Playing Surface

1. Surface shall be from one of the following:

a) Polyurethane - Rubberized System.

b) Acrylic Coating System.

c) Wooden Floor System.

2. Line Marking

a) All line shall be 50 m wide in red color.

3. Dimensions

a) Play Area: 9.75 x 6.4 m.

b) Height shall not be less then 5.4 m.

B. Walls and Ceiling

1. Walls and ceiling shall be in accordance with pars. 2.03 H or I.


A. Playing Surface

Rev 0 21 of 27 Contract No:


1. Surface shall be from one of the following:

a) Polyurethane - Rubberized System.

b) Acrylic Coating System.

c) Wooden Floor System.

2. Line Marking

a) All line shall be 50 m wide in red color.

3. Dimensions

a) Play Area: 12.2 x 6.1 m.

b) Height shall not be less then 6.1 m.

B. Walls and Ceiling

1. Walls and ceiling shall be in accordance with 2.03 H or I.


A. Playing Surface

1. The surface shall be installed over a structurally sound base provided with
kerbing and drainage. The surface slope for outdoor tracks shall be 5 mm/m.

2. Surface shall be from one of the following:

a) Clay and Sand.

b) Synthetic Surface
1) The surface shall be made of poured in place multi-layered
resilient material of at least 13 mm total thickness with the final
top layer in brick red color, UV./wearing resistant material with
textured granular surface to provide the required friction for
running activities.

3. The color of the surface shall be light and in contrast between play area and
safety zone, usually green color shall be for play area.

4. Line Marking

a) All line shall be 50 mm wide in white color.

5. Dimensions

a) 400 m, 8 lanes, standard track for international events, 177 x 93 m

(20000 m2).

Rev 0 22 of 27 Contract No:


b) 300 m, 7 lanes, temporary track for domestic competition, 127 x 87 m

(12000 m2).

c) 200 m, 6 lanes, for school and recreational areas, 92 x 55 m

(6000 m2).

d) 160 m, 4 lanes, jogging track for indoor fitness hall, 70 x 35 m

(3000 m2).


A. Playing Surface

1. Surface shall be from one of the following:

a) Polyurethane - Rubberized System.

b) Clay and Sand.

B. The equipment shall be as per the Contract Drawings or as listed below, but not
limited to:

1. Horizontal Monkey Ladder shall include frame (pressure wood or galvanized

steel), 30 mm diameter galvanized steel rungs and fixing accessories.

a) Size
1) 4.3 m long by 2.3 m high.

2. Parallel Bars shall include frame (pressure wood or galvanized steel), 30 mm

diameter galvanized steel rungs and fixing accessories.

a) Size
1) 3 m long by 2.3 m high.

3. Slides shall include Slide bed (bed material shall be of 2 mm thick with
continuous welds on all seam stainless steel, or fiberglass or as approved by
the Royal Commission), Wooden platform, G.I. ladder , Fiber Reinforced Glass
roof and fixing accessories.

a) Sizes
1) 450 mm wide by 3.6 m long by 1.8 m high.
2) 450 mm wide by 6 m long by 3 m high.

4. Swings shall include pipe framed two ends legs, rubber or plastic seats, chain
and fixing accessories.

a) Size
1) 2.4 m high with 4 plain seats.
2) 2.4 m high with 8 plain seats.

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3) 3.6 m high with 4 plain seats.

5. Tire swings shall include wooden or galvanized steel frame, chain, tire and
fixing accessories. Heavy truck tires shall be avoided to minimize the hazard of
impact. If steel-belted radials are used, they shall be examined closely to
ensure that there are no exposed steel belts which could cause laceration or
puncture injuries. Plastic materials can be used as an alternative to simulate
actual tires.

6. Seesaw

a) Traditional fulcrum seesaw shall include pressure treated wood or fiber

reinforced plastic board with hand holds and required accessories.

b) Spring seesaw shall include pressure treated wood or fiber reinforced

plastic board with hand holds, foot rest and required accessories.

7. Merry-Go-Round

a) Merry-go-rounds are a common type of rotating equipment. Most merry-

go-rounds consist of a circular base, close to the ground, which children
either sit or stand on and that rotates when pushed.

b) All merry-go-rounds, with or without seats, shall provide a means of

hand support. Guard rail shall also be provided.

c) A means shall be provided to limit the peripheral speed of rotation to a

maximum of 3.9 m/s.

8. Spring Rocking Equipment shall include spring and seat with fixing

a) Spring rocking equipment may be in the form of individual seat

assemblies mounted on a spring mechanism or consist of several seat
assemblies linked by a common spring mechanism (i.e., a spring-loaded

b) Springs
1) The spring mechanism of rocking equipment shall minimize the
possibility of children pinching either their hands or feet between
coils of the spring or between the spring and part of the rocker.

c) Handholds shall be provided for each seat position on spring rocking

equipment and shall conform to the general requirements for the
diameter of hand-gripping components as well as to all protrusion

d) Footrests shall be provided for each seat position on spring rocking

equipment and shall conform to all protrusion requirements.

C. Accessories

1. Timber Poles

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a) Timber poles shall be machine rounded and pressure treated.

2. Steel Frames

a) Steel frame shall be of strong corrosion resistant galvanized steel.

3. Bolts

a) All bolts shall be of stainless steel for high stress application.

4. Chain

a) All chain shall be made from stainless steel split links.

5. Guard Rail

a) Minimum 750 mm high (pressure treated wood or galvanized steel.)


A. All hardware necessary for assembly shall be provided by the Contractor in sufficient
quantities, sizes, and quality to assure safety and these shall be suitable for the
intended use.

B. When installed and tightened in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, all
fasteners, connecting, and covering devices shall not be removable without the use
of tools to protect against unintentional or unauthorized loosening. Hardware in all
moving joints shall also be secured from unintentional or unauthorized loosening.

C. Lock washers, self-locking nuts, or other locking means shall be provided for all nuts
and bolts to protect against detachment.

D. All fasteners shall be corrosion resistant and be selected to minimize the likelihood of
corrosion to the materials they connect.

E. Chains used to suspend swings or as climbing components shall be at least welded

link, proof coil steel chain and shall be hot-dipped galvanized, zinc plated, vinyl-
coated, or otherwise protected against corrosion.

F. All swing hangers, including tire swivels, and other moving parts shall be commercial
grade and designed to reduce wear.

G. Bearing used in moving joints shall be easy to lubricate or be self-lubricating.

H. All hardware shall comply with the requirements regarding protrusions and
projections as well as entanglement hazards.

I. All moving parts shall comply with the requirements regarding pinch, crush, and
shearing points.

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A. The Contractor shall examine the substrates and the conditions under which
playground equipment shall be installed and correct any unsatisfactory conditions.

B. The Contractor shall not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have
been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Royal Commission.


A. Foundation

1. Excavation, backfilling, and compaction for foundation of basketball, volleyball,

playfield equipments and soccer posts shall be in accordance with the
requirements of SECTION 02315.

2. Refer to SECTION 03310 for foundation concrete requirements. Fabricate and

install all non-structural embedment items of foundations per SECTION 05120.

3. Concrete foundation surfaces in contact with earth shall be protected with

bituminous paint.

B. Finishes

1. Steel surfaces shall be galvanized and painted with enamel paint or powder
coated as directed by the Royal Commission, and shall be weather resistant.
Color for all equipment components shall be as directed by the Royal

2. The Contractor shall provide line and edge of pavement markings in

accordance with court layout shown on the drawings. Paint shall conform to
SECTIONS 09910, 09930, 09960 and 09970.


A. Construction of all the works of this Section shall be strictly in accordance with the
details as indicated on the drawings and manufacturer’s installation instructions.

B. The Contractor shall ensure that installation is well fixed, leveled and plumbed, and
oriented as shown on drawings.

C. Play apparatus shall be installed so that there is a minimum of 2.5 m of

unencumbered horizontal distance between the farthest reach of the apparatus and
the nearest point of any wall, fence, other apparatus or any obstruction. Examples
are stationary rope or tire swings.

D. Particular attention should be given to the elimination of any projecting piece of

equipment between 300 and 1800 mm from ground surface which projects out into
the footpath of children.

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E. Provision for curbs or other retaining devices shall allow a minimum of 300 mm thick
un-compacted sand level with ground surface. Un-compacted sand should be placed
under all play equipment from which children can fall. The sand area shall extend a
minimum of 2.5 m in all directions from the farthest reach of playground apparatus.

F. Play equipment shall not be installed underneath other play equipment or apparatus
from which children may fall.

G. Tennis net posts shall end no higher than 25 mm above the net cord, at a height of
about 1067 mm above the court surface. The footings should be a minimum of
1067 mm below surface.

H. Tennis net post footings shall be placed so that the center line of the posts shall be
915 mm outside the court on each side.

I. The center lines of the tennis net post shall be positioned 12.8 m apart for doubles
court and 10.06 m apart for singles court. Post sleeves are recommended because
they allow easy removal of the posts for resurfacing, maintenance, post
repair/replacement, and alternate uses of the court.


Rev 0 27 of 27 Contract No:

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