SHEARS INC Salon Management System

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VOL 1 (2017) NO 4 - 2

e-ISSN : 2549-9904
ISSN : 2549-9610


SHEARS Inc. Salon Management System

Annie Chai#, Chuah Chai Wen#
# Information Security Interest Group (ISIG), Faculty Computer Science and Information Technology, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

Abstract— Management system is the framework of processes and procedures used to ensure that an organization can fulfil all task
required to achieve its objectives. In recent times, most organization will opt to use management system in their daily business task.
There are those who still use the non-computerized system as opposed to the computerized management system. The non-
computerized system may be effective but it also causes greater task load when implemented. Computerized system makes it easier
for users with functions such as searching, automatic calculation, and display of related information with minimal queries. The
development of Shears Inc. Salon Management System is to act an alternative to the non-computerized system implemented by
Shears Inc. Salon. The system developed will be able to decrease the task load of owner and employees of Shears Inc. Salon. Software
Development Life Cycle methodology is used in the development of Shears Inc. Salon Management System. This system is installed in
computer device. It runs on local host server and MySQL is used as the database server. The programming language used in
developing Shears Inc. Salon Management System is PHP programming language. Hence, Shears Inc. Salon Management System is
an alternative for the salon to manage recording tasks.

Keywords— salon management system, computerized system, software development life cycle.

conducted. These processes are time consuming especially

I. INTRODUCTION searching the customer information for generating the
Shears Inc. Salon is a hair salon owned by Mr. Kenny. monthly and yearly revenue reports. Therefore, a systematic
The salon is located at Lot 1980, Block 16 KCLD, Brighton computerized system for Shears Inc. Salon Management
Square Jalan Song, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. The System using object oriented approach was designed,
operating hours is from Monday to Sunday, 10a.m. to 8p.m. developed and tested.
and can be contacted at 082-285556. The salon offers hair The following sections in the paper are organized as
services such as cut, wash, rebounding, bleach, perming, and follows. In Section II literature review, analysis and features
color. of existing systems similar to Shears Inc. Salon Management
The salon has three employees who provide hair services. System is discussed. Section III discusses about waterfall
To date, all the employees and the owner take a part in model, one of the model of Software Development Life
recording transactions information manually. The Cycle (SDLC). Section IV discusses about the system
transactions are categorized into daily and periodic analysis and design. Section V is about the implementation
transaction. The daily transactions include recording and testing of system. Lastly, Section VI concludes the
payments, appointments, and customer information. The documentations and development of the Shears Inc. Salon
periodic transactions include recording new product Management System.
information, amount of stock added and the amount of stock
that have been used. The information recorded during daily II. LITERATURE REVIEW
and periodic transactions are needed as a reference record In accordance with ISO 9000:2000, management system
used during stock check, and analysis of service sales. The is defined as a set of interrelated or interacting elements to
salon relies on the non-computerized system to record those establish policy and objectives, and to achieve those
transactions currently. objectives [1, 2]. Today, management system is slowly
Yet, the non-computerized system inconveniences the becoming a necessity to business organizations. The
owner and employees when any calculation needs to be management system is slowly becoming the norm by taking
completed fast, searching is needed, and when analysis is over tasks that are meddlesome to be done manually [3].

Computerized systems are fast, reduces data anomalies, A. Requirement Definition
reduces data redundancy, low paper usage and generates The system’s services, constraints, and goals are
information needed automatically [4 - 7]. Manual system established by consulting the owner of Shears Inc. Salon.
takes time in data retrieval, has higher chances of anomalies The owner specified that the system should be able to record
and redundancy, high paper usage and needs to gather customer information, employee information, product
analysis data step by step. information, appointment information and payment
A. Xandaro Scheduling Software information. The system should also be able to generate
performance report of each of the employees.
Xandaro Scheduling Software [8] main focus is on the
appointment function. This software is easy to maneuver. B. System and Software Design
The making of appointments uses images to differentiate The system design process allocated the requirements to
employee and it progresses part by part instead of enquiring either hardware or software systems. It is done by
everything is a page. Xandaro Scheduling Software’s user establishing overall system architecture. Data flow diagram,
interface is kept simple and direct. This is helpful for those flow chart and entity relationship diagram are designed to
who is not used to making appointment online. act as the foundation to the development of Shears Inc.
B. Unique Salon Software Salon Management System.
Unique Salon Software [9] is complex software where one C. Implementation and Software Testing
will not be able to use the system before reading the user In this phase, the front-end and back-end system are
manual. This homepage of this system is unorganized as the developed which includes all designed modules and the
buttons are all in different sizes and the arrangements are all design database based on requirement of the customers. For
packed together. There are 18 buttons in total in the its development, php language is used. The database was
homepage. Unique salon software uses search function in all created using MySQL.
the modules. It simplifies the retrieval of specific
information. So, users can obtain the information faster and D. Integration and System Testing
easily. During this phase, the interfaces are linked together to
ensure the navigation and flow is smooth. All functions are
C. Advantage Salon Software
integrated into the system along with the database. System
Advantage Salon software [10] is organized and neat. testing is conducted to ensure that the modules are functional
Menus are displayed vertically on the right side of the page and to check for errors.
while buttons are placed horizontally on the top of the page.
Each interface or Advantage salon software are standardized IV. SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
where buttons and menus are always placed at the same
position. This decreased the possibilities of user mistakenly System analysis and design illustrates the architecture of
select the wrong menu or button. the system. There are two main users for this system. The
users are an admin and employees of Shear Inc. For admin,
D. Shears Inc. Salon Management System correct username and password are required in order to
Shears Inc. Salon Management System is designed based access to the system. Once the username and password are
on the observations and analysis done on salon software. verified and status of admin is authenticated, admin will be
Shears Inc. Salon Management System has search function given access to the homepage of the system. However, if the
module to allow the users to obtain information quickly. login fails, admin will have to enter the information again.
Simple designs are planned so users will not be confused on After gaining access to the homepage, admin can choose
how to maneuver the system. Appointments module is from customer record, appointment calendar, employee
displayed in calendar style. Planner style appointments record, product record, service record, appointment planner,
displays the complete list of appointments that have been payment, and performance report. Noted that, only admin
recorded. can manipulate the data of employee, service and employee
performance reports for security purposes.
III. METHODOLOGY When admin chooses to access customer record, a list of
customer details will be displayed. Then, admin can choose
The development of Shears Inc. Salon Management to update the customer records if he or she wishes to insert,
System is based on waterfall model also known as software edit, and delete customer information. Once the update is
life cycle. The phases in waterfall model cascades from one successful, an updated record will then be displayed. If the
to another. The waterfall model is an example of a plan- admin does not want to update, the process will then be
driven process. In principle, planning and schedules of redirected to the “view customer record” decision. Admin
activities must be made before starting on them [11, 12]. then can choose to proceed with the same process or go to a
There are five phases in waterfall model. The first phase is different process. The flows are identical for all other
requirement definition followed by system and software processes in the system except for performance report
design. The third phase is implementation and unit testing. process. Upon selecting the performance report option, an
The fourth phase is integration and system testing. The last overall performance report will be displayed. Admin can
phase is operation and maintenance. then proceed to view a different type of report which is
individual performance report.

For employee, correct username and password are
required for using this system. The status of the employees is
authenticated using their own username and password. The
employee can view customer record, appointment calendar,
product records, payment, and planner.
A. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Fig.1 shows the entity relationship diagram of the system.
There are 8 tables in overall. The first table is product table
with prod_code as its primary key (PK). The second table is
service table with service_id as its PK. The third table is
employee with emp_ic as the PK. The fourth table is
customer table with cust_ic as PK and emp_ic as the foreign
key(FK). Appointment table have app_id as PK. Cust_ic, Fig. 3 Customer list module
emp_ic, and service_id in appointments table are FK.
Payments table have emp_ic, service_id, and cust_ic as the There is search function for searching customer record.
foreign key and p_id as the PK. Stock in have stockin_id as Fig. 4 shows the partial coding for customer searching.
PK and prod_code as FK. Stock used table have
stockused_id as PK and prod_code as FK.

Fig. 4 Source code searching customer

Fig. 5 shows the interface of appointment list based on

selected date. When cursor points to the customer name, it
will show the service required by the customer and the
customer’s contact number.

Fig. 1 ERD Shears Inc. Salon Management System


In this phase, the development of the system will be based
on the designs made in Section V. There are eight modules
in this system. The modules are login module, customer
module, employee module, appointment module, product
module, payment module, service module and report module.
The programming language used in development is PHP. Fig. Fig. 5 Appointment list interface
2 shows the login interface of Shars Inc. Salon Management
System. Fig. 3 shows customer list module. Fig. 6 shows the source code for appointment list in php.

Fig. 6 Source code for appointment list

In the report module, one can display the performance of

each report. The source code of the performance is shown in
Fig. 7.
Fig. 2 Login interface

Fig. 7 Source code of report

User Acceptance Testing

User acceptance testing is carried out to make sure the Fig. 10 System evaluation by employees
developed system fulfil the customer needs and requirements.
There are four users who evaluated this system. There are VI. CONCLUSIONS
owner and three employees from Shears Inc. Salon. Four
questionnaires are given for user acceptance test. The Shears Inc Management System is a system that allows
questionnaire is divided into three parts which are user users to record different type of information such as record
interface evaluation, system evaluation for owner, and appointments, records product information, records
system evaluation for employee. The questions ask contain transactions, display appointments in both calendar and
the scale with 1=very poor, 2=poor, 3=moderate, 4=good planner form and generate reports on the performance of
and last is 5=very good. Users answer the questionnaire employees. In summarization, this system is successfully
based on the scaled provided. developed and the objectives are fulfilled. However, an
Fig. 8 shows the user interface evaluation result. The enhancement should be complete as future work is adding
results show the satisfactory of the user interface is in the the customer booking module which allow the customer to
range of moderate to very good. view the calendar of the stylist then book the time online.

This research was supported by RMC UTHM and Gates
IT Solution Sdn. Bhd.

[1] D. Hoyle, ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook 4th ed., Butterworth –
Heinmann, 2001.
[2] CERCO Working Group on Quality, Handbook for Implementing a
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[3] L. Halawi, R. McCarthy and J. Aronson, Success Stories in
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Fig. 8 User interface evaluation result Systems, vol 28, no 1, 2017.
[4] E. Sissy-Josefina, J. Andreas, P. Christoph and L. Jan Marco,
Fig. 9 shows system evaluation by the owner of Shears Understanding IT-Culture Conflicts to Drive Successful
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[5] H. S. Gitlow, Quality Management System a Practical Guide, CRC
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[6] T. H. Lee, S. Shiba and R. C. Wood, Integrated Management System:
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[7] C. Demartini, Performance Management Systems: Design, Diagnose
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[8] Xandaro: Free Salon Software (2017). URL:
[9] Unique Salon Software (2017). URL:
[10] Advantage Salon Software. URL:
[11] Sommerville, I. (2016). Software Engineering. 10th ed. United States:
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[12] A. A. Siqueira, S. Reinehr and A. Malucelli (2017). Using a
Statistical Method to Compare Agile and Waterfall Processes
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Fig. 9 System evaluation by owner Improvement. Pp 523-532.

Fig 10 shows the system evaluation by employees. The

results show the satisfactory for the system is in the range of
moderate to very good.


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