Sulfide Test: Spectroquant
Sulfide Test: Spectroquant
Sulfide Test: Spectroquant
January 2021
1.14779.0001 7. Procedure
Pretreated sample 5.0 ml Pipette into a test tube.
(10 - 25 °C)
Reagent S-1 1 drop 1)
Add and mix.
Leave to stand for 1 min (reaction time), then fill the sample into the cell,
and measure in the photometer.
1. Method
In aqueous solutions of sulfides a pH-dependent equilibrium exists Hold the bottle vertically while adding the reagent!
between dissolved hydrogen sulfide (H2S), hydrogen sulfide ions (HS-), and For measurement in the 50-mm cell both the sample volume as well as the
sulfide ions (S2-). In the acidic range, in which practically only dissolved quantities of reagents S-1, S-2, and S-3 must be doubled. Alternatively, the
hydrogen sulfide is present, this reacts with dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine semi-microcell Cat. No. 173502 can be used.
and iron(III) ions to form methylene blue. This is determined photometri- When using the 50-mm cell is recommended to measure against an own
prepared blank sample (preparation as per measurement sample, but with
distilled water instead of sample) to increase the accuracy.
The method is analogous to EPA 376.2, APHA 4500-S2- D, ISO Configure the photometer for blank measurement.
10530, and DIN 38405-26.
Notes on the measurement:
2. Measuring range and number of determinations • Certain photometers may require a blank (preparation as per
Cell Measuring range Number of measurement sample, but with distilled water instead of sample).
mm mg/l S2- mg/l HS • For photometric measurement the cells must be clean.
Wipe, if necessary, with a clean dry cloth.
50 0.020 - 0.500 0.021 - 0.516 • Measurement of turbid solutions yields false-high readings.
20 0.050 - 0.750 0.052 - 0.774 220 • The pH of the measurement solution must be within the range 0.4 - 0.7.
10 0.10 - 1.50 0.10 - 1.55
• The color of the measurement solution remains stable for at least
For programming data for selected photometers / spectrophotometers see 60 min after the end of the reaction time stated above.
8. Analytical quality assurance
3. Applications recommended before each measurement series
Sample material: To check the photometric measurement system (test reagents, measure-
Groundwater and surface water ment device, handling) and the mode of working, a freshly prepared
Drinking water sulfide standard solution containing 0.75 mg/l S2- (application see the
Wastewater website) can be used.
Soils after appropriate sample pretreatment Sample-dependent interferences (matrix effects) can be deter-
This test is not suited for seawater. mined by means of standard addition.
Additional notes see under
For quality and batch certificates for Spectroquant® test kits see the
4. Influence of foreign substances website, where you will find all data in production control, that are
This was checked individually in solutions containing 1 and 0 mg/l S2-. The determined in accordance with ISO 8466-1 and DIN 38402 A51.
determination is not yet interfered with up to the concentrations of foreign
substances given in the table. Cumulative effects were not checked; such 9. Notes
effects can, however, not be excluded.
• Reclose the reagent bottles immediately after use.
Concentrations of foreign substances in mg/l or % • Information on disposal can be obtained at
Ag+ 0.05 Cu2+ 0.05 NO2- 10 EDTA 0
Al3+ 1000 F- 1000 Pb2+ 10 NaCl 0.5 %
Ca2+ 1000 Fe3+ 10 PO43- 1000 NaNO3 1%
1000 Hg 1 SiO3
2+ 2-
1000 Na2SO4 1%
CN- 1000 Mg2+ 1000 Zn2+ 1000
Cr3+ 100 NH4+ 1000
Cr2O72- 10 Ni2+ 1000
Package contents:
1 bottle of reagent S-1
1 bottle of reagent S-2
1 bottle of reagent S-3
1 AutoSelector
Other reagents and accessories:
MQuant® Universal indicator strips pH 0 - 14, Cat. No. 109535
MQuant® pH-indicator strips pH 0 - 6.0, Cat. No. 109531
Sodium hydroxide solution 1 mol/l Titripur®, Cat. No. 109137
Sulfuric acid 0.5 mol/l Titripur®, Cat. No. 109072
Pipette for a pipetting volume of 5.0 ml
Rectangular cells 10, 20, and 50 mm (2 of each), Cat. Nos. 114946,
114947, and 114944
Semi-microcells 50 mm (2 pcs), Cat. No. 173502
6. Preparation
• Analyze immediately after sampling.
• The pH must be within the range 2 - 10.
Adjust, if necessary, with sodium hydroxide solution or sulfuric acid.
• Filter turbid samples.