Dam Hydrology and Reservoir Sedimentation
Dam Hydrology and Reservoir Sedimentation
Dam Hydrology and Reservoir Sedimentation
Earth-fill dam:
Design criteria, Types, Foundation design, Seepage-analysis, control and mitigation,
Embankment design (core, crest, free board, slopes, materials, filter, slope protection),
Stability analysis. Rock-fill dam: Types, Embankment design, Selection of rock
materials, Foundation preparation, Seepage control, Slope protection, Stability analysis.
Concrete dams:
Loads, Gravity dam -dam stability, stress analysis, profile selection;
Arch dam -Layout/arch geometry and profile, arch stress analysis, thin or thick arch,
force analysis, abutment strength;
Buttress dam-buttress analysis and profile design; Seepage control, Spillways layout
and type.
Spillways: Design flood, design discharge, Location, Types, Energy dissipation
Outlet works: Types, Tunnels-design, lining, Inlet, Trash racks, Gates and valves,
Energy dissipation.
Hydropower works: Layout of tunnels, headrace, fore bay, penstock, surge tanks,
powerhouse, forebay and tail race.
Powerhouse sizing. Dam construction: River diversion, coffer dam.
Dam Instrumentation and Safety: Failure-Causes, controls, Inspection, Instrumentation.
Power house:
Layout, Sizing of generator room, and other ancillaries, Workshop, office, storage,
workers and utility area, loading bay, Height requirements, Pressure relieving
structures, Dewatering of powerhouse pit. Ventilation, Disaster prevention, Overhead
cranes and jibs.
Electro-mechanical components: Generator, step-up transformer, high voltage switch
gear, low voltage switch gear, high voltage circuit breakers, MVILV installations, control
and protection.