Mapa Mental
Mapa Mental
Mapa Mental
For quotations
Capitalize the first word in quotations, provided the quoted material is a
complete sentence.
For example:
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The only way to have a friend is to be one."
2. For proper nouns
English translation-A Use capitals for proper nouns. In other words, capitalize the names of people, Complex sentences
Let's see how we can use the word of specific places, and things.
transition or link word is a Comple setences contain a dependent
transition For example:
word or phrase that shows clause and at least one independent clause.
as example: we can use questions or We don't capitalize the word "bridge" unless it starts a sentence, but we must
the relationship between The two clauses are
affirmartive senteces capitalize "Brooklyn" Bridge because it is the name of a specific bridge or The
paragraphs or sections of a connected by a subordinator (i.e, which,
I planned to go the park this saturday word "country" would not normally be capitalized, but we would have to write
text or speech. Transitions who, although, despite, if, since, etc.).
because it's supposed to rain all day China with a capital "C" because it is the name of a specific country.
provide greater cohesion Examples
well this word is rare since it would be 3. For job titles
by making them more 1. My daughter, who was late for class,
incorrect in the transition word Capitalize job titles when they are on the signature line of a letter, when the title
explicit or pointing out how arrived shortly after the bell rang.
the transition word would be but and if we comes immediately before a name, or when the title replaces the use of a
ideas relate to each other 2. That's the man who bought our house.
change it to because it would look like this name (i.e., a title used as a direct address). Compoud Sentences
3. Although it was difficult, the class passed
I was plannig to go to the park this saturday Here are some examples: Compound sentences contain
the test with excellent marks.
but it's supposed to rain all day Sincerely, - Vicky Marquez, President - President Vicky Marquez two statements that are
so, but it's a transition word connected by a conjunction
It can also show that there is a relationship (i.e., and, but, or, etc.).
of conflict or contradiction between these Examples
In English, most f the time, we
two ideas 1. I wanted to come, but it was
write with lower case letters.
ideas late.
We use capital letters of
you can also choose from many transition 2. The company had an
specific situations.
words, such as excellent year, so they gave
but, tey, however, in contrast. everyone a bonus.
Transiton Word
3. I went shopping, and my wife
When to use capital
went to her classes.