Waves and Vibrations in Soil

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Waves and Vibrations in Soils: Earthquakes - Traffic - Shocks - Construction works J ...

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Ingegneria Sismica | Studi Giuridici |

Waves and Vibrations in Soils:

Earthquakes, Traffic, Shocks, Construction works
J.F. Semblat, A. Pecker
I nostri prodotti: Books > Earthquake Engineering

ISBN: 88-6198-030-3
Table of contents
Objective of the book
The main scientific and engineering goal of this book is to deal simultaneously with
soil dynamics/vibrations and wave propagation in soils (including seismic waves).
These various fields are generally considered separately and the important links
between them, both from scientific and practical points of view, are unfortunately not
investigated. They are usually considered in separate disciplines such as
earthquake geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, mechanics, geophysics,
seismology, numerical modelling, etc. The objective of the book is to offer in a single
publication an overview of soil dynamics and wave propagation in soils with
emphasis on engineering applications. It starts from a wide variety of practical
problems (e.g. traffic induced vibrations, dynamic compaction, vibration isolation),
then deals with 1D and 2D/3D wave propagation in heterogeneous and attenuating
media (with application to laboratory and in situ dynamic characterization of soils),
gives an overview of various numerical methods (e.g. FEM, BEM) to simulate wave
propagation (including numerical errors, radiation/absorbing conditions, etc) and
finally investigates seismic wave propagation and amplification in complex
geological structures (e.g. irregular topographies, alluvial deposits). Maggiori

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Dettagli Prodotto

Objective of the book

The main scientific and engineering goal of this book is to deal simultaneously with soil dynam
propagation in soils (including seismic waves). These various fields are generally considered sep
links between them, both from scientific and practical points of view, are unfortunately not inves
considered in separate disciplines such as earthquake geotechnical engineering, civil engineering
seismology, numerical modelling, etc.
The objective of the book is to offer in a single publication an overview of soil dynamics and w
with emphasis on engineering applications. It starts from a wide variety of practical proble
vibrations, dynamic compaction, vibration isolation), then deals with 1D and 2D/3D wave prop
and attenuating media (with application to laboratory and in situ dynamic characterization of soi
various numerical methods (e.g. FEM, BEM) to simulate wave propagation (inclu
radiation/absorbing conditions, etc) and finally investigates seismic wave propagation and a

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Waves and Vibrations in Soils: Earthquakes - Traffic - Shocks - Construction works J ... Page 2 of 2

geological structures (e.g. irregular topographies, alluvial deposits).

Jean-François Semblat
Jean-François Semblat is Head of the Dynamics, Waves and Vibrations Unit in the Division for S
at Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées (Paris, France) and Associate Professor at Ecole P
France). He has published over 100 technical papers in journals and conferences. He is on t
International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE) and European Journal of Environmental and
member of the Scientific Committees of the French Association for Earthquake Eng. and the
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. He is member of the board of the International A
Methods and Advances in Geomechanics and is associate member of the American Society of Civ
He has received several awards for his work: French Association for Earthquake Eng., E
Geoscientists and Eng., International Association for Computer Methods in Geomechanics.

Alain Pecker
Alain Pecker is Chairman and Managing Director of Géodynamique et Structure, Professor at Eco
Chaussées and Visiting Faculty at the Centre for Post-Graduate Training and Research in Ear
Engineering Seismology (ROSE School, IUSS Pavia). He is member of the French National A
Honorary President of the French Association for Earthquake Engineering, Past President of th
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, President of the French Committee for Seismic Buil
member of several international technical committees dealing with earthquake geotechnical e
published over 80 technical papers in journals and conferences and has been invited as lecturer o
in several international events. He is on the editorial boards of three international journals. He ha
for his work, among which one from the French National Academy of Sciences.

Gestito da Eucentre P.I. 02009180189 Numero REA: 254684

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