07-Introduction To Realibility
07-Introduction To Realibility
07-Introduction To Realibility
Maintenance Management
Bandung, Mart 2021
Customer I want what I want
Satisfaction when I want it
Notice :
1. The Reliability is a probability. Random
2. The definition is depends on a specified
function under specified operational
and environmental conditions, at and
throughout a specified time. dealing
2. Demand Time :
The definition of reliability allows for the
specification of demand time to be either an
instant in time or a time interval.
In actually the demand time may be a
sequence of instances (or periods or cycles)
or it may be a series of intervals. That’s
depend on the type of system or service.
Demand time-cont.
When the demand time of an item
performance is either a discrete instant in
time or series of instances, we shall use the
term Cycle-dependent performance.
If the demand time of an item’s
performance is a time interval or is
continuous, we describe the performance as
time dependent performance.
Where :
P(S) = success probability
N = number of sequential trials match strikes
S = number of successes
F = number of failures
2. 2. Repeated cycles
As with one-shot items, The reliability of an
item that function through repeated cycles
is also its success probability.
As example, if you, the user, drop coin in to
postage stamp machine, the reliability of
that stamp machine is the probability
that the machine provides the
expected stamp for you.
Repeated cycles – cont.
If the machine provides the stamp you ordered
and the correct change, if applicable, the
functioning is success, you got what you
wanted when you wanted it. In the other
hand, you fail to get the stamp, or you get the
wrong stamp, or you get the wrong change, it is
a failure.
The reliability of that stamp machine is the
probability that the machine provides the
expected stamp for you.
Reliability of Repeated-Cycles Item
Where :
P(S) = success probability
N = number of trials (either success or failure)
S = number of successes
F = number of failures
2. 3.Time-dependent items
of Specified Mission
When an item’s function is time dependent and it is
needed throughout a time interval but only throughout
that specified time interval its reliability is known as
mission reliability, expressed as
R = R(t)
Where :
R(t) = reliability defined as a function of time, (i.e., the
reliability for the specified duration t)
t = specified mission time duration
Example :
Time dependent items of specified mission
MTBF R(t )dt
t 0
If and only if the item has constant failure rate, its MTBF is
MTBF 1 /
Example 3.3
Compute MTBF for the power supply of
example 3.2.
Since the failure rate is constant,
MTBF = 1/λ = 1 / 8.5 x 10-6 /h =
118,000 h
The fraction of time that the item is actually operating or
operable. So, availability (A) is :
Example 3.4 :
if the MDT of the power supply of example 3.2 and 3.3 si 2
h. find its avalibility :
MTBF 118 ,000 h
MTBF MDT 118 ,000 2 h
A 0 .99998
Reliability for different configurations
3. Hybrid Configuration
1 2 N 2
Overall reliability = Ro = ?
Reliability for different configurations
M(t) = 1 – exp(-t/MTTR)
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