SQC (Chapter 5)

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1.Definition of reliability
2.Common models and distributions
3.Reliability Estimation
4.Types of reliability test

5.1 Definition of Reliability

Reliability: The reliability of a product is the probability that the

product will meet certain specifications for a given period of
 For example, suppose we want a new automobile to perform

without malfunction for a period of 2 years or for 20000 miles.

 The probability that an automobile will meet this specification

is the reliability of the automobile.

 Reliability has sometimes been classified as "how quality
changes over time.“
 The difference between quality and reliability is that quality

shows how well an object performs its proper function, while

reliability shows how well this object maintains its original

level of quality over time, through various conditions.

 For example, a quality vehicle that is safe, fuel efficient, and

easy to operate may be considered high quality. If this car

continues to meet this criterion for several years, and

performs well and remains safe even when driven in

inclement weather, it may be considered reliable.
The three commonly models and distribution of reliability


1) The exponential distribution

2) Two-parameter Weibull distribution , and

3) lognormal distributions .

, because their shape and relative simplicity make them

suitable to model skewed positive failure data.

5.2 Reliability Estimation
 Reliability estimation techniques include methods to

evaluate system reliability throughout the product life cycle

 The purpose of reliability estimation, demonstration, and

testing is to determine whether a product has met certain

reliability requirements with a stated statistical confidence
 The failure time T: The length of life of a product is the

length of time until the product fails to perform according to

 When the product fails to perform according to specifications,

it is said to be failed.
 The time at which a single product item fails is called the

failure time for the item.

 For example, the length of life of an abrasive grinding wheel

is the length of time until the wheel fails to perform according

to specifications.
 The specifications may have been determined by the

manufacturer or the user may have written his or her own



 The length of time until failure is called the failure time of the

 Therefore, the Failure Time (T) of a product is a random

variable that represents the length of time that the product

performs according to specifications.
 The density function for a product failure time is called failure

time distribution.
 If we denote the failure time density function by the symbol f(t),

then the probability that the product will fail before time t0 is: 7

 Suppose that a product is said to be reliable if it survives

beyond time t0.

 Then the reliability of the product, that is the probability that it

will survive beyond time t0 is R(t0) = 1 – F(t0).

 The reliability, R(t0), is also called the survival function for the

 The probability of failure time and reliability is the shaded and

un-shaded area under the density function of the following

figure, respectively.

 Hazard Rates: The failure time distribution for a product enables us

to calculate the probability F(t 0) that an item will fail before time t 0

and the probability R(t0) = 1 –F(t0) that an item survive until time t 0.

 While for some small change in failure time, denoted by ∆t , the

probability that an item will fail in the interval (t, t + ∆t) is called the
hazard rates.
 Therefore, the hazard rate for a product is defined is:

 where f(t) is the density function of the product’s failure time


 The family of density functions represented by the Weibull

distribution is often used for this purpose.

 The Weibull density function and cumulative distribution

function are, respectively,

 Example: A drill bit has a failure time distribution given by

the density:

5.3 Types of reliability tests
There are four main types of reliability. Each can be estimated by
comparing different sets of results produced by the same method
 Test-retest reliability: measures the consistency of results

when you repeat the same test on the same sample at a

different point in time
 Inter-rater reliability (also called inter observer reliability):

measures the degree of agreement between different people

observing or assessing the same thing.
 Parallel forms reliability: measures the correlation between

two equivalent versions of a test. You use it when you have

two different assessment tools or sets of questions designed
to measure the same thing.
 Internal consistency: assesses the correlation between

multiple items in a test that are intended to measure the same




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