Fermacell Impact Protection Solutions For Sports Halls

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Impact protection
Solutions for Sports Halls

September 2017

Impact Protection
using fermacell

The superior performance of fermacell allows it to be used as boarding for ceilings and
walls in sports halls where impact protection as well as sound proofing and fire protection
qualities are paramount.

Requirements fermacell solution For wall constructions in sports halls,

Wall and ceiling constructions in sports Ball impact protection for ceilings can a double layer lining using 12.5 mm
halls must not only meet technical fire easily be achieved with a single layer of fermacell Gypsum Fibreboard enables
proofing and sound insulation 12.5 mm fermacell Gypsum Fibreboard; higher levels of protection against ball
requirements, but they must also for greater protection a second layer impact (e.g. behind a hockey goal) to be
provided impact resistance from balls may be used. achieved.
and bodies. The linings must be able to
withstand mechanical impact stresses
without sustaining permanent damage.

Installation for Wall and

Ceiling Constructions

Installation for Walls Construction Second (outer) layer:

For wall linings with greater Fix 12.5 mm thick fermacell Gypsum
requirements for protection against ball Fibreboards through the first layer
> 300 mm
impact (including hockey balls), two into the substructure - fixings -
layers are required: galvanised reinstated staples
(length ≥ 50 mm, fixing centres
First (lower) layer: ≤ 200 mm) or fermacell screws
Stud support centres - timber (3.9 mm x 40 mm, fixing centres
studs (60 mm x 50 mm) or steel studs ≤ 200 mm). Joints to be offset
(75 mm x 50 mm fixing face x 0.6 between the two layers of
gauge steel studs) at maximum fermacell by ≤ 200 mm.
300 mm centres. Board jointing - fermacell Jointstik
Board fixings - galvanised resinated adhesive.
(staples (length ≥ 40 mm, fixing
centres ≤ 400 mm) or fermacell
screws (3.9 mm x 30 mm, fixing
centres ≤ 400 mm).
Board jointing - dry butt joint.
75 mm DIN steel studs

Installation for Ceiling Constructions

50 x 30 300 Ceiling Constructions

Ball impact for ceiling linings is
provided with just one layer of
12.5 mm fermacell.

Support centres for battens

(50 mm x 30 mm) or steel profiles
(min 50 mm fixings. face and 0.6
gauge ) at max. 300 mm centres.
Board fixings - galvanised resinated
staples (length 40 ≥ mm, fixings
centres ≤ 150 mm) or fermacell
Ceiling construction
dry wall screws (3.9 mm x 30 mm,
fixing centres ≤ 200 mm).
Board jointing - fermacell
Joint stik adhesive system.

Project References For more project case studies visit


Brockington College Sports Hall

Project: Brockington College
Client: Leeds City Council
Architect: BDP Architects
Contractor: Marriott Construction, part of KIER Group
The sports hall occupies 594 square metres with 9.6
meter high walls.
The vast expense of walling is notable for the smooth
blemish free surface achieved by using two layers of
12.5 mm fermacell board installed horizontally.

Lane End Primary School, Leeds

Client: Leeds City Council
Architect: NPS Leeds Limited
Contractor: Interserve Construction
3000 m2 of fermacell Gypsum Fibreboard 12.5 mm used
fermacell specification reduced the walls to
single boards with minimal patressing.

Clydebank Leisure Centre

Client: West Dunbartonshire Council
Architect: Kennedy Fitzgerald
Contractor: BAM Construction

fermacell for Education:

Solutions Simplified

With just six individual fermacell systems and four basic constructions, fermacell satisfies
all the requirements for acoustic, fire and impact resistance as specified in the Department
of Education‘s publication: Standard Specifications, Layouts and Dimensions - Partitions
in Schools.

Acoustic, fire, impact performance and fermacell Gypsum Fibreboard

environmental considerations are at the provide significant benefits and often All fermacell systems for
top of the list of partitioning priorities: exceed the requirements in relation Education use a 75 mm C
whether it is an Education building or a to durability and low life costs with stud as a standard, thus
sports and leisure centre, partitioning such projects. further standardising the
with demonstrable pedigree such as components required.
fermacell is no longer an option, it is Due to the composition of fermacell
essential. boards our systems give the Severe Duty rating achieved
architect, main contractor and client for all fermacell Education
The careful selection of the systems peace of mind as they have the ability systems, so there is no
possibility of an under-
used in these commercial buildings is to withstand the everyday knocks and
strength being installed.
vital as they have to perform at the impacts that the partitions in these
highest level in demanding sectors receive everyday.
environments. Particular attention has
to be given to the whole life costs of the Dry lining You can download
Solutions for educational buildings

products used during the construction September 2016

a PDF of the fermacell
as the cost of maintenance of the Solutions for
building has to be managed from Education Building
strict budgets. Brochure on our
website or visit

fermacell 1S15 fermacell 1S21 fermacell 1S31 fermacell 1S32


A real wall comes with

a 20 year impact warranty

Dry lining partitions are valued for their flexibility and speed of install and yet traditional
systems are not as robust as block work. However, with fermacell you can have all the
advantages of dry lining without having to compromise on strength.

Because fermacell is a Gypsum However, fermacell partitions exceed fermacell impact warranty. and is valid
Fibreboard, it is much stronger than the test requirements stipulated in for any type of building anywhere in the
conventional plasterboard and this BS5234 part 2 and we are confident that U.K. or Ireland subject to just a few
means it is very robust. a fermacell partition will survive conditions.
whatever comes its way in the normal
According to BS5234 part 2, partitions hustle and bustle of the life of the Conditions include the exclusive use of
built with a 12.5 mm layer of fermacell building. Should a fermacell partition genuine fermacell boards, fermacell
achieve the maximum performance become damaged through impact then steel profiles and fermacell
requirement of “severe” when tested it is also very easy to repair. accessories, original installation by a
using both hard body impact and soft recommended fermacell contractor in
body impact. The severe performance In fact, we are so confident in the ability accordance with fermacell approved
level is mandated in the Standard of a fermacell partition to survive the installation methods and installation
Specifications, Layouts and Dimensions day to day bumps and knocks in a busy inspection during construction by a
for Education document, published by environment such as a school corridor, fermacell representative.
the Department for Education. all fermacell partitions come with the

For more information, please visit





Fermacell UK
7 The Priory
Old London Road
Sutton Coldfield
B75 5SH
Telephone: 0121 311 3480
Fax: 0121 311 1882
E-Mail: fermacell-uk@xella.com

All information and data is correct at the time of going to print. We reserve the right to make technical changes at any time.

n fermacell
A European business
production sites
in Germany,
The fermacell product range is today
Spain and
manufactured in 5 factories across
the Netherlands
Germany, the Netherlands and Spain.

With sales operations across Europe nn
and one in the Middle East, fermacell
products are used in construction n
projects from Aberdeen to Sicily and
from Madrid to Warsaw. UK and
international case studies
demonstrate that construction
industry professionals across Europe
understand and value fermacell as
the “ultimate building board”.

Orejo Factory, Spain Calbe Factory, Germany Wijchen Factory, the Netherlands


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