Decking Plan and Build Installation Instructions

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Planning and Building your Deck

Thank you for choosing Jacksons Fencing. Our high quality fencing products will last for years and give you
trouble-free service if you follow the installation instructions below, which are offered as a general guide.

All Timber Posts installation require proper drainage to avoid premature rotting. For Detail refer to the installation
instruction for “Timber Fence Post”.

You don’t have to be a master carpenter to design & build a

timber deck.
Before doing any thing else decide what sort of deck best suits you and your
home. Do you want it at ground level, elevated, or split level? What will you
use it for? Do you want shade or sunlight? Will it be an area to walk out of
your house onto, or a stand alone deck in a quiet part of your garden? When
you have answered all these questions you can start planning a deck

600 1200 1200 General Deck Building and Safety Tips

When planning your deck keep in mind that it is better to use complete
450 -
lengths of timber; joints can weaken the structure.

Our timber is Jakcure pressure treated, which means it is guaranteed for

25 years, so always use fixings that are made to last (stainless steel) as it

would be a shame to ruin the look of your deck with corrosion stains on
the timber.

EXAMPLE GRID FOR DECK AREA 3250 X 3600mm Countersink screws to avoid foot injuries, and try to ensure that nothing
protrudes from the surface of your deck that could cause someone to trip

To Start
Once you have decided on the size of your deck draw a grid like the example. By doing this it will help you calculate how
many posts, joists and boards you will need for your deck.

Footings and Posts

After taking measurements from the deck plan being used, determine
the location of the footings and mark these points with pegs or paint.
The post holes for the footings should be a minimum of 300mm deep (600)
Grooved decking
boards 100 x 25 or 150
and 200mm diameter. Joists 5mm Refer to x 32 mm Nom.
100 x 50mm Nom instructions
Using your grid start by arranging the layout with joists (100 x
50mm) at right angles to the house wall (obviously this only applies Posts 100mm diam. machine
if you are building a deck attached to your house), set the posts rounded morticed for joists
out according to the grid. With the posts starting at 600mm from
the wall (which should avoid all the house footings) set the posts
out at 1200mm centres and 450mm apart for commercial decks or
600mm apart for domestic decks. The posts need to go in the ground
a minimum of 150mm (therefore the posts lengths need to account
for the lay of the ground).

Jacksons Fencing Head Office Stowting Common Ashford Kent TN25 6BN
Tel +44 (0) 1233 750393 Fax +44 (0) 1233 750403

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Weed Control Sheeting
Black woven or plastic sheeting recommended for weed control under decking, 1m wide. Remove any plants or turf, lay
plastic sheets with slits for drainage. Cover with stone chip, pea shingle or gravel.

Setting Posts
The decking should be constructed using the following View on A
materials and in the following manner.
Standard posts are supplied 600, 900, 1200 and 1800 Grooved decking boards
long x 100mm machine round with a mortice in the top 100 x 25 or 150 x 32mm Nom.
of the post for 100 x 50mm joists.
The posts should be set in concrete at 450mm or 600mm
centres in the direction the boards will run and 1200mm Joists
100 x 50mm
centres in the other direction. Nom.

Posts 100mm diam.

600mm long posts set in 200mm of concrete. Nom.
900mm long posts set in 200mm of concrete. Machine rounded
(450-600mm) (450-600mm)
1200mm long posts set in 300mm of concrete.

When setting posts, fill each hole with concrete 6 to 1 mix (15kg, 20kg, 30kg, depending on the post length). The
concrete should come to within 50mm of the ground level and sloped to drain off water. After setting the posts, use a
strut to keep them plumb and let them set overnight (if you have not used rapid hardening concrete). The posts must be
set to 50 or 57mm below the finished height of the deck, before the joists are attached to the posts. It is very important
that the tops of the posts are level.

Joists are 3.0m or 3.6m long 100 x 50mm and are fixed to the posts by means of two 75mm galvanized nails through
the post and into the rail. The joist will be 25mm proud of the post. Remember that all cut ends should be treated with
“New Jakcure end grain preservative”. The best method of application is to pour the Jakcure end grain preservative into
a small container and dip the cut end, rather than using a paint brush. For decks that are more than 600mm out of the
ground the corners are to be strutted with tubular steel braces that fit diagonally.

Decking boards are 100 x 25mm or 150 x 32 (nominal) and are planed and grooved. In order to minimise variation in board
gaps once the timber dries, align the second board with the first, measure 100mm (or 150) from the edge of the first board
to the second and fix in the same way as the first board. Continue across the whole deck with the last board finishing flush
with the edge board with no overhang. This may mean in some
292mm typ.
cases that freshly treated boards are laid tight together. The
boards should appear evenly spaced when the timber shrinks
gap between 92mm typ.
as it dries out. Each board should be fixed to the joists with boards 8mm
galvanized or stainless steel screws through the top of the overhang 15mm
board near the outside edges. Use 2 screws per board, per joist. 193mm typ.
To enhance the appearance it is suggested that decking boards
should be fixed around the edge of the deck to form a facia
this will create a much neater finish and helps hide any visible
construction posts. DECKING STAIR STRINGER

Where steps are needed, this can be achieved by using stringers

as shown here, with the size for a step being 193mm ‘rise’, and the ‘going’ being 292mm, (this being made up of three decking
boards, 3 x 100mm nominal or 2 x 150mm nominal).

Stringers centred at maximum 450mm.

Jacksons Fencing Head Office Stowting Common Ashford Kent TN25 6BN
Tel +44 (0) 1233 750393 Fax +44 (0) 1233 750403

DRB Reviewed (ACT) 25/03/2015 JFW 10 Issue 07 Page 2 of 3

DECK TOP FASCIA We have outlined the steps
you will need to take to build a
raised timber deck. However, if
you already have a level patio
VARIABLE area which you would like to
POSTS give a ‘face lift’ try covering the
JOISTS 150mm
MINIMUM paving with decking boards.
This is easily achieved by
CONCRETE constructing a supporting frame
BACKFILL to hold the decking boards in

We offer two styles of balustrade, all made from best quality joinery timber. These are all fitted in Jakposts, either
1060mm high for normal balustrade, or 2.1m if a pergola is to be installed above the deck. The posts are fitted into
galvanized shoes upon a base board which is bolted through the deck. In addition, a capping rail 120 x 21mm is available.

To add extra strength to your balustrade, spur posts and packers can be used. They are supplied in 1.5m long x 100 x
100mm, and are drilled for 10mm studding. Spur posts should be fitted to every other post.

Carpenter’s hammer. Hand tamper. Line level. Hand or circular saw. Marker pegs or paint. Spade and shovel. Brace and
bit, or electric drill.
Carpenter’s square. String (for layout). Spirit level. Screwdriver inc. T25 torx bit.

Jakcured pressure treated timber. Decking boards only to be used clear of the ground, decking joists are only to be used
on or abovr ground, not buried. Fasteners are galvanized or stainless steel. New Jakcure end grain preservative for any
cut timbers. Cement and Ballast (4-2-1 mix).

Maintenance Tips
When planning your deck ensure you space deck boards apart to allow water to drain away easily. Brush your deck
regularly to keep any debris like leaves and rubbish from building up in drainage spaces. Debris can hold moisture and
the resulting rotting can lead to unsightly staining on the boards. Move planters, tables and chairs around the deck to
allow the deck to dry out under them and to avoid irregular lightening of the boards by the sun.

All timber used is superior quality Jakcured softwood guaranteed for 25 years

Safety Notes:
Biocidal Products Regulation (EU528/2012):
Jakcured articles incorporate biocidal products to protect against wood destroying organisms.
Active ingredients include: Copper(II)Carbonate / Copper(II)Hydroxide / Propiconazole / Tebuconazole
Wear gloves when handling freshly treated wood. Avoid breathing dust when cutting. Dispose of off-cuts responsibly – do not burn.

Jacksons Fencing Head Office Stowting Common Ashford Kent TN25 6BN
Tel +44 (0) 1233 750393 Fax +44 (0) 1233 750403

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