Introductory Lessons in Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond
Introductory Lessons in Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond
Introductory Lessons in Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond
The following pagesareintendedfor any individualwho is interestedin learning
thebasicsof BiblicalAramaic.It is basedon lessonsI createdfor an introductory
classin Aramaicat thelJniversityof Michigan,whereI teach.It shouldbe
considered a work in progress.
wasprovidedby a grant
Partof the fundingfor the onlineversionof the lessons
from the Lecturers'Professional Development Fund.
Representationsof pronunciation
canbe madein severalways.I will represent
pronunciationswith recognizable
Romanletterswithin slashmarks:/ /. This is for
the sakeof makingthe pronunciations
readilycomprehensiblefor thebeginner.A
morescientificmethodis to usetheInternational
PhoneticAlphabet;with its many
curioussymbolsandsignsthis is sometimesconfusingfor non-specialists.
For PerfectandImperfectVerbalForms
3ms third personmasculinesingular
3fs third personfemininesingular
2ms secondpersonmasculinesingular
2fs secondpersonfemininesingular
3mp thirdpersonmasculineplural
3fp thirdpersonfeminineplural
2mp secondpersonmasculineplural
2fp secondpersonfeminineplural
For Imperatives
m.s. masculinesingular
f.s. femininesinzular
sing. singular
pl. plural