Guide To Pronunciation Site Merriam-Webster

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Guide to Pronunciation

Pronunciation is not an intrinsic component of the dic- tions in Canada, such as decal and khaki, have those pro-
tionary. For some languages, such as Spanish, Swahili, and nunciations duly noted. Pronunciations peculiar to certain
Finnish, the correspondence between orthography and spheres of activity are also represented, as for example the
pronunciation is so close that a dictionary need only spell variants of athwart and tackle heard in nautical use. Final-
a word correctly to indicate its pronunciation. Modern ly, a wide range of unpredictable variations are included,
English, however, displays no such consistency in sound such as the pronunication of economic with either \e\ or
and spelling, and so a dictionary of English must devote \\. Unpredictable variations frequently cut across the
considerable attention to the pronunciation of the lan- boundaries of geographical dialects, sometimes running
guage. The English lexicon contains numerous eye rhymes along the lines of social class, ethnicity, or gender instead.
such as love, move, and rove, words which do not sound In fine, this dictionary attempts to includeeither explic-
alike despite their similar spellings. On the other hand, it itly or by implicationall pronunciation variants of a
also contains rhyming words such as breeze, cheese, ease, word that are used by educated speakers of the English
frieze, and sleaze whose rhymes are all spelled differently. language.
This grand mismatch between words that look alike and The pronunciations in this dictionary are informed
words that sound alike does at least serve to record some- chiefly by the Merriam-Webster pronunciation file. This
thing of the history of the English-speaking peoples and file contains citations that are transcriptions of words used
their language. Spelling often indicates whether a word by native speakers of English in the course of utterances
comes down from the native Anglo-Saxon word stock or heard in speeches, interviews, and conversations. In this
was adopted in successive ages from the speech of a mis- extensive collection of 3 5 slips of paper, one finds the
sionary monk chanting Latin, a seafaring Viking dickering pronunciations of a host of people: politicians, professors,
in Old Norse, a Norman nobleman giving orders in curators, artists, musicians, doctors, engineers, preachers,
French, or a young immigrant to turn-of-the-century activists, journalists, and many others. The Merriam
America. For example, the sound \sh\ is spelled as sh in Webster pronunciation editors have been collecting these
native English shore, as ch in the French loan champagne, citations from live speech and from radio, television, and
as sk in one pronunciation of the Norwegian loan ski, as si shortwave broadcasts since the 1930s. It is primarily on the
in the Renaissance Latin loan emulsion, and as sch in the basis of this large and growing file that questions of usage
recent Yiddish loan schlep. English vowels present differ- and acceptability in pronunciation are answered. All of
ent complexities of sound and spelling, due in large part to the pronunciations recorded in this book can be docu-
the fact that William Caxton introduced printing to En- mented as falling within the range of generally acceptable
gland in A.D. 1476, many decades before the sound change variation, unless they are accompanied by a restricting us-
known as the Great Vowel Shift had run its course. With age note or symbol or a regional label.
the rise of printing came an increasingly fixed set of spell-
ing conventions, but the conventionalized spellings soon No system of indicating pronunciation is self
lost their connection to pronunciation as the vowel shift explanatory. The following discussion sets out the signifi-
continued. The stressed vowels of sane and sanity are cation and use of the pronunciation symbols in this book,
therefore identical in spelling though now quite different with special attention to those areas where experience has
in quality. For the trained observer the vagaries of English shown that dictionary users may have questions. More de-
orthography contain a wealth of linguistic history; for tailed information can be found in the Guide to Pronunci-
most others, however, this disparity between sound and ation in Websters Third New International Dictionary.
The order of symbols discussed below is the same as the
spelling is just a continual nuisance at school or work. order on the page of Pronunciation Symbols, with the ex-
Readers often turn to the dictionary wanting to learn ception that the symbols which are not letter characters
the exact pronunciation of a word, only to discover that are here listed first. Those characters which have corre-
the word may have several pronunciations, as is the case sponding symbols in the International Phonetic Alphabet
for deity, economic, envelope, and greasy, among many oth- (IPA) are shown with their IPA equivalents.
ers. The inclusion of variant pronunciations disappoints
those who want their dictionary to list one correct pro-
All pronunciation information is printed between
nunciation. In truth, though, there can be no objective
standard for correct pronunciation other than the usage of \ \ reversed virgules. Pronunciation symbols are
printed in roman type and all other information, such as
thoughtful and, in particular, educated speakers of En-
glish. Among such speakers one hears much variation in labels and notes, is printed in italics.
Dictionaries of English before the modern era usually A high-set stress mark precedes a syllable with
ignored pronunciation variants, instead indicating a single
pronunciation by marking the entry word with diacritics
\ \ primary (strongest) stress; a low-set mark pre-
cedes a syllable with secondary (medium) stress; a third
to indicate stress and letter values. These systems were level of weak stress requires no mark at all: \pen-mn-
cumbersome, however, and reflected the dialectal biases ship\.
of the editors more than the facts about how a word was Since the nineteenth century the International Phonet-
actually spoken. Lexicographers came eventually to recog- ics Association has recommended that stress marks pre-
nize the need for separate respellings which could record cede the stressed syllable, and linguists worldwide have
the entire range of accepted variants along with appropri- adopted this practice on the basic principle that before a
ate notes about dialectal distribution or usage. syllable can be uttered the speaker must know what de-
This dictionary records many types of variation in pro- gree of stress to give it.
nunciation. Distinctions between British and American
speech are frequently noted, as are differences among the Hyphens are used to separate syllables in pro-
three major dialect areas of the U.S.Northern, South-
ern, and Midland. Words that have distinctive pronuncia-
\ - \ nunciation transcriptions. In actual speech, of
course, there is no pause between the syllables of a word.
The placement of hyphens is based on phonetic principles, in stressed syllables as in humdrum, abut.
such as vowel length, nasalization, variation due to the po- \, \ (IPA [$]).
Some speakers pronounce \\ and \\ identically before
sition of a consonant in a syllable, and other nuances of
the spoken word. The syllable breaks shown in this book \l\, with the result that word pairs like gull and goal are ho-
reflect the careful pronunciation of a single word out of mophones. The sound produced in such cases is usually
context. Syllabication tends to change in rapid or running the same sound that other speakers use for \\.
speech: a consonant at the end of a syllable may shift into
a following syllable, and unstressed vowels may be elided. immediately preceding \l\, \n\, \m\, \\, as in bat-
The numerous variations in pronunciation that a word \ \ tle, cotton, and one pronunciation of open \-
pm\ and of and \\ as in one pronunciation of the phrase
may have in running speech are of interest to phoneticians
but are well outside the scope of a dictionary of general lock and key \lk--k\. The symbol \\ preceding these
English. consonants does not itself represent a sound. It signifies in-
The centered dots in boldface entry words indicate po- stead that the following consonant is syllabic; that is, the
tential end-of-line division points and not syllabication. consonant itself forms the nucleus of a syllable that does
These division points are determined by considerations of not contain a vowel.
both morphology and pronunciation, among others. Fur- In the pronunciation of some French or French-derived
ther discussion of end-of-line division is contained in the words \\ is placed immediately after \l\, \m\, \r\ to indi-
section of that name within the Explanatory Notes. In this cate one nonsyllabic pronunciation of these consonants, as
book a consistent approach has been pursued, both to- in the French words table table, prisme prism, and ti-
tre title, each of which in isolation and in some contexts
ward word division based on traditional formulas and to- is a one-syllable word.
ward syllabication based on phonetic principles. As a re-
sult, the hyphens indicating syllable breaks and the
as in further, merger, bird (IPA [*, V]). (See the
centered dots indicating end-of-line division often do not
fall in the same places. \ r \ section on \r\.) Actually, this is usually a single
sound, not a sequence of \\ followed by \r\. Speakers of
r-dropping dialects will pronounce \r\ without r-color
\ ( ) \ Parentheses are used in pronunciations to indi-
cate that whatever is symbolized between them
(IPA [5I, I] when stressed, [] when unstressed) when it
precedes a consonant or pause, but will insert a following
is present in some utterances but not in others; thus facto- \r\ when \r\ precedes another vowel.
ry \fak-t(-)r\ is pronounced both \fak-t-r\ and \fak-
tr\, industry \in-()ds-tr\ is pronounced both \in-ds-
as in two different pronunciations
tr\ and \in-ds-tr\. In some phonetic environments, as
in fence \fen(t)s\ and boil \bi(-)l\, it may be difficult to
\ r-, -r \ of hurry. Most U.S. speakers pro-
nounce \hr-\ with the \r\ representing the same sounds
determine whether the sound shown in parentheses is or is as in bird \brd\. Usually in metropolitan New York and
not present in a given utterance; even the usage of a single southern England and frequently in New England and the
speaker may vary considerably. southeastern U.S. the vowel is much the same as the vowel
of hum followed by a syllable-initial variety of \r\. This
\ , ; \ Variant pronunciations are separated by com-
mas; groups of variants are separated by semi-
pronunciation of hurry is represented as \h-r\ in this
book. Both types of pronunciation are shown for words
colons. The order of variants does not mean that the first composed of a single meaningful unit (or morpheme) as in
is in any way preferable to or more acceptable than the current, hurry, and worry. In words such as furry, stirring,
others. All of the variants in this book, except those re- and purring in which a vowel or vowel-initial suffix is add-
stricted by a regional or usage label, are widely used in ac- ed to a word ending in r or rr (as fur, stir, and purr), the sec-
ceptable educated speech. If evidence reveals that a partic- ond type of pronunciation outlined above is heard only oc-
ular variant is used more frequently than another, the casionally and is not shown in this dictionary.
former will be given first. This should not, however, preju-
dice anyone against the second or subsequent variants. In as in mat, map, mad, gag, snap, patch (IPA []).
many cases the numerical distribution of variants is equal,
but one of them, of course, must be printed first.
\ a \ Some variation in this vowel is occasioned by the
consonant that follows it; thus, for some speakers map,
mad, and gag have noticeably different vowel sounds.
The obelus, or division sign, is placed before a There is a very small number of words otherwise identical
\\ pronunciation variant that occurs in educated in pronunciation that these speakers may distinguish sole-
ly by variation of this vowel, as in the two words can (put
speech but that is considered by some to be questionable
or unacceptable. This symbol is used sparingly and prima- into cans; be able) in the sentence Lets can what we can.
rily for variants that have been objected to over a period However, this distinction is sufficiently infrequent that the
of time in print by commentators on usage, in schools by traditional practice of using a single symbol is followed in
this book.
teachers, or in correspondence that has come to the Many varieties of English do not allow \a\ to be fol-
Merriam-Webster editorial department. In most cases the lowed by an \r\ which begins the following syllable. In
objection is based on orthographic or etymological argu- such a case, the sequence of \a-r\ is replaced by \er\, and
ments. For instance, the second variant of cupola \ky- word pairs like arrow and aero are homophones. This is
p-l, -l\, though used frequently in speech, is objected not always indicated in transcription. The reader should
to because a is very rarely pronounced \\ in English. The assume that any sequences of \a-r\ will be \er\ for such
pronunciation \l-ber-\ is similarly marked at the entry speakers.
for library because some people insist that both rs should When it precedes \\, \a\ is often followed by a \y\
be pronounced. sound. The resulting vowel sounds much like \\ for many
in unstressed syllables as in banana, collide, abut
\ \ (IPA []). This neutral vowel, called schwa, may as in day, fade, date, aorta, drape, cape (IPA [e,
be represented orthographically by any of the letters a, e, i,
o, u, y, and by many combinations of letters. In running
\ a \ ei, ei]). In most English speech this is actually a
diphthong. In lowland South Carolina, in coastal Georgia
speech unstressed vowels are regularly pronounced as \\ and Florida, and occasionally elsewhere \\ is pronounced
in American and British speech. as a monophthong. As a diphthong \\ has a first element
Speakers of r-dropping dialects will often insert an \r\ \e\ or monophthongal \\ and a second element \i\.
after \\ when \\ precedes another vowel. (See the section Before \l\, speakers may lose the second element \i\ and
on \r\.) insert \\. Thus, a word like ale would be IPA [el]. Alter-
nately, many speakers will keep the second element \i\ and \d\.) Many speakers pronounce \d\ like \j\ when it occurs
add a following \\ which creates a new syllable. Thus, the before \r\ in the same syllable.
word trail will be \tr-l\, rhyming with betrayal.
as in bet, bed, peck (IPA [)]). In Southern and
as in bother, cot (IPA ["]). The symbol \\ repre- \ e \ Midland dialects this vowel before nasal conso-
\\ sents the vowel of cot, cod, and the stressed vow- nants often has a raised articulation that approximates \i\,
so that pen has nearly the pronunciation \pin\.
el of collar in the speech of those who pronounce this vow-
el differently from the vowel in caught, cawed, and caller, Many varieties of English do not allow \e\ to be fol-
represented by \\. In U.S. speech \\ is pronounced with lowed by an \r\ which begins the following syllable. In
little or no rounding of the lips, and it is fairly long in du- such a case, the sequence of \e-r\ is replaced by \er\, and
ration, especially before voiced consonants. In southern word pairs like very and vary are homophones. This is not
England \\ is usually accompanied by some lip rounding always indicated in transcription. The reader should as-
and is relatively short in duration. The vowel \\ generally sume that any sequences of \e-r\ will be \er\ for such
has appreciable lip rounding. Many U.S. speakers do not speakers.
distinguish between cotcaught, codcawed, and
collarcaller, usually because they lack or have less lip
rounding in the words transcribed with \\. Though the
symbols \\ and \\ are used throughout this book to dis-
\ er \ as(IPAin[eV,bare, fair, wear, derriere, millionaire
)V]). The initial element of this diph-
thong may vary from \e\ to \\. Speakers of r-dropping di-
tinguish the members of the above pairs and similar alects will pronounce \er\ without any r-color on the sec-
words, the speakers who rhyme these pairs will automati- ond element (IPA [e, )]) when it precedes a consonant or
cally reproduce a sound that is consistent with their own pause, but will usually insert an \r\ after \er\ when it pre-
speech. cedes a vowel. (See the section on \r\.)
In transcription of foreign words, the symbol \\ is also
used to represent IPA [a], a vowel which is generally pro- in stressed syllables as in beat, nose-
nounced farther forward in the mouth than \\ but not as
far forward as \a\. Some speakers may also have such a
\ e , e \ bleed, evenly, easy (IPA [i]).
Many speakers will insert \\ after \\ when it precedes
vowel in words like balm which contrasts with the vowel \l\. Additionally, some speakers pronounce \\ and \i\
in words like bomb. Such a contrast is rare, however, and identically before \l\, with the result that word pairs like
it is not represented in this dictionary. heel and hill are homophones. The sound pronounced in
Speakers of r-dropping dialects will usually insert an \r\ such cases may be either \\ or \i\ as pronounced by those
after \\ when \\ precedes another vowel. (See the section who distinguish the two.
on \r\.)
in unstressed syllables, as in easy, mealy (IPA [i,
\ r \ as in car, heart, aardvark, bazaar, bizarre (IPA \ e \ i, 2]). Though the fact is not shown in this book,
some dialects such as southern British and southern U.S.
["V, aV, #V]). The initial element of this diph-
thong may vary from \\ to a vowel pronounced farther often, if not usually, pronounce \i\ instead of unstressed
forward in the mouth than \\, or it may be a vowel with \\.
some lip rounding resembling \\. Speakers of r-dropping
dialects will pronounce \r\ as a long vowel (IPA ["I, aI])
when it precedes a consonant or pause, and may distin-
guish \r\ in cart from \\ in cot by the length and quality
\ f \ as in fifty, cuff (IPA [f]).
of the vowel, not by the presence of \r\. However, speakers
of r-dropping dialects will usually insert an \r\ after \r\
when it precedes a vowel. (See the section on \r\.)
\ g \ as in go, big, gift (IPA [g]).

\ au \ aselement
in now, loud, out (IPA [aC, au]). The initial
of this diphthong may vary from \a\
\ h \ as in hat, ahead (IPA [h]).
to \\, the first being more common in Southern and south
Midland speech than elsewhere. In coastal areas of the \hw\ ashavein whale as pronounced by those who do not
the same pronunciation for both whale
southern U.S. and in parts of Canada this diphthong is of- and wail. Some U.S. speakers distinguish these two words
ten realized as \\ when immediately preceding a voice- as \hwl\ and \wl\ respectively, though frequently in the
less consonant, as in the noun house and in out. U.S. and usually in southern England \wl\ is used for
Many varieties of English do not allow \a\ to be fol- both. Some linguists consider \hw\ to be a single sound, a
lowed by \l\ in the same syllable. Speakers of such varie- voiceless \w\ (IPA [{]).
ties will insert a following \\ which creates a new syllable.
This is indicated by the transcription \a(-)l\. For such as in tip, banish, active (IPA [i]).
speakers, owl will rhyme with avowal. Also, many varieties
of English do not allow \a\ to be followed by \r\ in the
\ i \ Some speakers pronounce \\ and \i\ identical-
ly before \l\, with the result that word pairs like heel and
same syllable. Speakers of such varieties will transform the hill are homophones. The sound pronounced in such cases
following \r\ into \r\, thus creating a new syllable. This is may be either \\ or \i\ as pronounced by those who distin-
indicated by the transcription \a(-)r\. For such speakers, guish the two.
scour will rhyme with plower. When it precedes \\, \i\ is often followed by a \y\
sound. The resulting sound often greatly resembles \\.
\ b \ as in baby, rib (IPA [b]). as in near, deer, mere, pier, souvenir (IPA [iV,
as in chin, nature \n-chr\ (IPA [A]). Actual-
\ ir \ iV]). The initial element of this diphthong may
\ ch \ ly, this sound is \t\ + \sh\. The distinction be-
vary from \ to \i\. Speakers of r-dropping dialects will
pronounce \ir\ without any r-color on the second element
tween the phrases why choose and white shoes is main- (IPA [i, i]) when it precedes a consonant or pause, but
tained by a difference in the syllabication of the \t\ and the will usually insert an \r\ after \ir\ when it precedes a vow-
\sh\ in each case and the consequent use of different vari- el. (See the section on \r\.)
eties (or allophones) of \t\.

\d\ as in did, adder (IPA [d]). (See the section on \t\ \ :

\ as in site, side, buy, tripe (IPA [ai, ai, "i, "i]). Ac-
tually, this sound is a diphthong, usually com-
posed of \\ + \i\. In Southern speech, especially before a
below for a discussion of the flap allophone of
pause or voiced consonant, as in shy and five, the second wi\. This reduced variant is not usually shown at individ-
element \i\ may not be pronounced (IPA [aI]). Chiefly in ual entries.
eastern Virginia, coastal South Carolina, and parts of Can-
ada the diphthong is approximately \\ + \i\ before voice-
less consonants, as in nice and write (IPA [$i]).
Many varieties of English do not allow \\ to be followed
\ o \ assection
in saw, all, gnaw, caught (IPA [<]). (See the
on \\.)
Speakers of r-dropping dialects will usually insert an \r\
by \l\ in the same syllable. Speakers of such varieties will after \\ when \\ precedes another vowel. (See the sec-
insert a following \\ which creates a new syllable. This is tion on \r\.)
indicated by the transcription \(-)l\. For such speakers,
file will rhyme with denial. Also, many varieties of English
do not allow \\ to be followed by \r\ in the same syllable.
Speakers of such varieties will transform the following \r\
\ \ as(IPAin French boeuf beef, German Hlle hell
[]). This vowel, which occurs only in
foreign-derived terms and names, can be approximated by
into \r\, thus creating a new syllable. This is indicated by attempting to pronounce the vowel \e\ with the lips mod-
the transcription \(-)r\. For such speakers, fire will erately rounded as for the vowel \\. This vowel is often
rhyme with higher. anglicized as the \r\ of bird by those who do not drop
their rs or as the corresponding vowel of bird used by
those who do (see the section on \r\).
\ j \ assound
in job, gem, edge, join, judge. Actually, this
is \d\ + \zh\ (IPA [&]). Assuming the angli- This symbol is also used to represent the vowel in
cization of Jeanne dArc as \zhn-drk\, the distinction be- French feu fire, German Hhle hole (IPA []). This
tween the sentences They betray John Dark and They be- vowel, which occurs primarily in foreign-derived terms
trayed Jeanne dArc is maintained by a difference in the and names, can be approximated by attempting to pro-
syllabication of the \d\ and the \zh\ in each case and the nounce a monophthongal vowel \\ with the lips fully
consequent use of different varieties (or allophones) of \d\. rounded as for the vowel \\. This vowel also occurs in
Scots and thus is used in the pronunciation of guidwillie,
mainly restricted to Scotland.
\ k \ as in kin, cook, ache (IPA [k]).
as in German ich I, Buch book, and one pro- \ o : \ asSouthern
in coin, destroy (IPA [<i, <i, oi, oi]). In some
speech, especially before a consonant
\k\ nunciation of English loch. Actually, there are in the same word, the second element may disappear or be
replaced by \\. Some utterances of drawing and sawing
two distinct sounds in German; the \\ in ich (IPA []) is
pronounced toward the front of the mouth and the \\ in have a sequence of vowel sounds identical to that in coin,
Buch is pronounced toward the back (IPA [x]). In English, but because drawing and sawing are analyzed by many as
however, no two words otherwise identical are distin- two-syllable words they are transcribed with a parenthe-
guished by these two varieties of \\, and therefore only a sized hyphen: \dr(-)i\, \s(-)i\.
single symbol is necessary. Many varieties of English do not allow \i\ to be fol-
lowed by \l\ in the same syllable. Speakers of such varie-
ties will insert a following \\ which creates a new syllable.
\ l \ asandinfiddle
lily, pool (IPA [l, 4]). In words such as battle
the \l\ is a syllabic consonant (IPA [6]).
This is indicated by the transcription \i(-)l\. For such
speakers, oil will rhyme with loyal.
(See the section on \\ above.)

as in murmur, dim, nymph (IPA [m]). In pronun-

\m\ ciation variants of some words, such as open and
o r \ as in boar, port, door, shore (IPA [oV, <V]). The
initial element of this diphthong may vary
from \\ to \\. Speakers of r-dropping dialects will usual-
happen, \m\ is a syllabic consonant (IPA [7]). (See the sec- ly pronounce \r\ the same as \\. (See the section on \r\.)
tion on \\ above.) Historically, there has been a contrast between the vowel
in words like ore, bore, porch, sport, and hoarse on one
hand and the vowel in words like or, for, torch, short, and
\ n \ asandinsudden,
no, own (IPA [n]). In words such as cotton
the \n\ is a syllabic consonant (IPA horse on the other hand. The vowel in the former set of
words has been much like \\, and the vowel in the latter
[8]). (See the section on \\ above.)
set like \\. However, the number of speakers that make
such a distinction is currently very small, and we have not
\ \ indicates that a preceding vowel or diphthong is
pronounced with the nasal passages open, as in represented the distinction in this dictionary.
French un bon vin blanc \-b-va-bl\ a good white
\ p \ as in pepper, lip (IPA [p]).
as in sing \si\, singer \si-r\, finger \fi-gr\,
\\ ink \ik\ (IPA []). In some rare contexts \\ as in red, rarity. What is transcribed here as \r\
\ r \ in reality represents several distinct sounds. Be-
may be a syllabic consonant (IPA [9]). (See the section on
\\ above.) fore a stressed vowel \r\ denotes a continuant produced
with the tongue tip slightly behind the teethridge (IPA [>]).
This sound is usually voiceless when it follows a voiceless
as in bone, know, beau (IPA [o, oC, ou]). Espe-
\ o \ cially in positions of emphasis, such as when it
stop, as in pray, tree, and cram.
In Received Pronunciation \r\ is sometimes pronounced
occurs at the end of a word or has primary stress, \\ tends as a flap (IPA [=]) in the same contexts in which \t\ and \d\
to become diphthongal, moving from \\ toward a second occur as flaps in American English. (See the section on \t\
element \\. In southern England and in some U.S. speech, below.) Occasionally the flap may be heard after conso-
particularly in the Philadelphia area and in the nants, as in bright and grow. In other dialects of British En-
Pennsylvania-Ohio-West Virginia border area, the first ele- glish, particularly Scots, \r\ may be pronounced as an alve-
ment is often approximately \\. In coastal South Carolina, olar trill (IPA [r]) or as a uvular trill (IPA [R]).
Georgia, and Florida stressed \\ is often monophthongal In some dialects, especially those of the southeastern
when final, but when a consonant follows it is often a U.S., eastern New England, New York City, and southern
diphthong moving from \\ to \\. In this book the symbol England, \r\ is not pronounced or is pronounced as \\ af-
\\ represents all of the above variants. As an unstressed ter a vowel in the same syllable. Such dialects are often re-
vowel before another vowel, \\ is often pronounced as a ferred to as r-dropping dialects. This term is somewhat
schwa with slight lip rounding that is separated from the misleading, since speakers of such dialects will often pro-
following vowel by the glide \w\, as in following \f-l- nounce an \r\ in certain situations where speakers of non
r-dropping dialects will not have an \r\. This matter is dis- ther \\ or \\ as pronounced by those who distinguish the
cussed in some of the other sections of this Guide. two.

\ s \ as in source, less (IPA [s]). \ \ as in German fllen to fill, hbsch hand-

some (IPA [E]). This vowel, which occurs only
in foreign-derived terms and names, can be approximated
as in shy, mission, machine, special (IPA [@]). by attempting to pronounce the vowel \i\ with the lips
\ sh \ Actually, this is a single sound, not two. When
the two sounds \s\ and \h\ occur in sequence, they are sep-
moderately rounded as for the vowel \\.
This symbol is also used to represent the vowel in
arated by a hyphen in this book, as in grasshopper \gras- French rue street, German fhlen to feel (IPA [y]).
h-pr\. This vowel, which occurs only in foreign-derived terms
and names, can be approximated by attempting to pro-
as in tie, attack, late, later, latter (IPA [t]). In nounce the vowel \\ with the lips fully rounded as for the
\ t \ some contexts, as when a stressed or unstressed
vowel precedes and an unstressed vowel or \l\ follows, the
vowel \\.

sound represented by t or tt is pronounced in most Ameri- as in poor, tour, insure (IPA [uV, CV]). The ini-
can speech as a voiced flap produced by the tongue tip
tapping the teethridge (IPA [=]). In similar contexts the
\ r \ tial element of this diphthong may vary from
\\ to \\. Speakers of r-dropping dialects will pronounce
sound represented by d or dd has the same pronunciation. \r\ without any r-color on the second element (IPA [u,
Thus, the pairs ladder and latter, leader and liter, parody C]) when it precedes a consonant or pause, but will usual-
and parity are often homophones. At the end of a syllable ly insert an \r\ after \r\ when it precedes a vowel. (See the
\t\ often has an incomplete articulation with no release, or section on \r\.) Many speakers do not have the dipththong
it is accompanied or replaced by a glottal closure. When \r\ and have merged it with either \r\ (when it follows
\t\ occurs before the syllabic consonant \n\ as in button palatal consonants such as \sh\, \ch\, or \y\ in words like
\b-tn\, the glottal allophone is often heard. This may re- sure, mature, or obscure) or \r\ (in other environments).
flect a syllabication of \t\ with the preceding stressed sylla- Similarly, many speakers of r-dropping dialects have
ble (i.e., \bt-n\). merged \r\ with \r\ and \\ in the same respective envi-
Many speakers pronounce \t\ like \ch\ when it occurs ronments.
before \r\ in the same syllable.

\ th \ as in thin, ether (IPA [B]). Actually, this is a sin-

gle sound, not two. When the two sounds \t\
\ v \ as in vivid, invite (IPA [v]).
and \h\ occur in sequence they are separated by a hyphen
in this book, as in knighthood \nt-hd\. In some dialects
of American English, \th\ is regularly replaced by \f\. \ w \ as in we, away (IPA [w]).
as in yard, young, cue \ky\, curable \kyr--
\ \
as in then, either, this (IPA []). Actually, this is
a single sound, not two. The difference between \ y \ bl\, few \fy\, fury \fyr-\, union \yn-yn\
(IPA [j]). The sequences \ly\, \sy\, and \zy\ in the same
\th\ and \\ is that the former is pronounced without and
the latter with vibration of the vocal cords. syllable, as in lewd, suit, and presume, are common in
southern British speech but are rare in American speech
and only \l\, \s\, and \z\ are shown in this dictionary.
as in rule, youth, union \yn-yn\, few \fy\
\ u
\ (IPA [u]). As an unstressed vowel before another
vowel, \\ is often pronounced as a schwa with slight lip
A sequence of \h\ and \y\ as in hue and huge is pro-
nounced by some speakers as a \\ articulated toward the
front of the mouth (IPA []).
rounding that is separated from the following vowel by the
glide \w\, as in valuing \val-y-wi\. This reduced variant
y indicates that during the articulation of the pre-
is not usually shown at individual entries. Younger speak-
ers of American English often use a more centralized and \ \ ceding consonant the tongue has substantially
the position it has for the articulation of the \y\ of yard, as
less rounded pronunciation of \\ in certain words (as
news and musician), both in stressed and especially in un- in French digne \dn\ worthy. Thus \\ does not itself
stressed syllables. represent a sound but rather modifies the preceding sym-
Some speakers pronounce \\ and \\ identically before bol.
\l\, with the result that word pairs like pool and pull are
homophones. The sound pronounced in such cases may be
either \\ or \\ as pronounced by those who distinguish
the two.
\ z \ as in zone, raise (IPA [z]).
as in vision, azure \a-zhr\ (IPA [F]). Actually,
\ zh \
\ u \
as in pull, wood, book (IPA [C]). Some speakers this is a single sound, not two. When the two
pronounce \\ and \\ identically before \l\, sounds \z\ and \h\ occur in sequence, they are separated
with the result that word pairs like pool and pull are homo- by a hyphen in this book, as in hogshead \hgz-hed,
phones. The sound pronounced in such cases may be ei- hgz-\.
Pronunciation Symbols
For more information see the Guide to Pronunciation.

.... banana, collide, abut .... bone, know, beau

, .... humdrum, abut .... saw, all, gnaw, caught
.... immediately preceding \l\, \n\, \m\, \\, as .... French boeuf, feu, German Hlle, Hhle
in battle, mitten, eaten, and sometimes open
\-pm\, lock and key \--\; immediately
i .... coin, destroy
following \l\, \m\, \r\, as often in French ta- r .... boar, port, door, shore
ble, prisme, titre
p .... pepper, lip
r .... further, merger, bird
r .... red, rarity
-r } .... as in two different pronunciations of hurry
\hr-, h-r\
source, less
as in shy, mission, machine, special (actual-
a .... mat, map, mad, gag, snap, patch ly, this is a single sound, not two); with a hy-
phen between, two sounds as in grasshopper
.... day, fade, date, aorta, drape, cape \gras-h-pr\
.... bother, cot t .... tie, attack, late, later, latter
r .... car, heart, bazaar, bizarre th .... as in thin, ether (actually, this is a single
a .... now, loud, out sound, not two); with a hyphen between,
two sounds as in knighthood \nt-hd\
b .... baby, rib
.... then, either, this (actually, this is a single
ch .... chin, nature \n-chr\ sound, not two)

d .... did, adder .... rule, youth, union \yn-yn\, few \fy\

e .... bet, bed, peck .... pull, wood, book

er .... bare, fair, wear, millionaire

.... German fllen, hbsch, fhlen, French rue

, .... beat, nosebleed, evenly, easy

r .... boor, tour, insure
v .... vivid, give
.... easy, mealy
w .... we, away
f .... fifty, cuff
y .... yard, young, cue \ky\, mute \myt\,
g .... go, big, gift union \yn-yn\
h .... hat, ahead .... indicates that during the articulation of the
sound represented by the preceding charac-
hw .... whale as pronounced by those who do not ter, the front of the tongue has substantially
have the same pronunciation for both whale the position it has for the articulation of the
and wail first sound of yard, as in French digne
i .... tip, banish, active
ir .... near, deer, mere, pier
z .... zone, raise
zh .... as in vision, azure \a-zhr\ (actually, this is
.... site, side, buy, tripe a single sound, not two); with hyphen be-
tween, two sounds as in hogshead \hgz-
j .... job, gem, edge, join, judge hed, hgz-\
k .... kin, cook, ache \ .... reversed virgule used in pairs to mark the
.... German ich, Buch; one pronunciation of beginning and end of a transcription: \pen\
loch .... mark preceding a syllable with primary
(strongest) stress: \pen-mn-ship\
l .... lily, pool
m .... murmur, dim, nymph
.... mark preceding a syllable with secondary
(medium) stress: \pen-mn-ship\
n .... no, own - .... mark of syllable division
.... indicates that a preceding vowel or diph- ( ) .... indicate that what is symbolized between is
thong is pronounced with the nasal passages present in some utterances but not in oth-
open, as in French un bon vin blanc \-b- ers: factory \fak-t(-)r\
.... indicates that many regard as unacceptable
.... sing \si\, singer \si-r\, finger \fi-gr\, the pronunciation variant immediately fol-
ink \ik\ lowing: nuclear \n-kl-r, ny-, -ky-lr\

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