City of Watertown Planning Board Agenda May 4, 2021
City of Watertown Planning Board Agenda May 4, 2021
City of Watertown Planning Board Agenda May 4, 2021
The Chair of the Planning Board has called a meeting of the Planning Board for
Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall.
1. Call to Order and reading of the Minutes of the April 6, 2021 Planning
Board meeting.
6. Waiver of Site Plan Approval – Request submitted by Andrew Farr for a 2,200
square-foot (SF) parking area expansion and to construct a 144 SF accessory
structure at 787 Pearl Street, Parcel Number 4-09-101.000.
Note: The Planning Board meeting will be held in person and is open to the public. To access
City Hall and attend the meeting, you must enter through the Sterling Street entrance, sign in,
and you must wear a facemask at all times while inside the building. Social distancing rules will
apply during the meeting with chairs placed six feet apart.
Note: All applicants involved in the above requests must attend the meeting. If an applicant is
not present, the Planning Board will not act upon the individual request.