Food Safety Training Copy 2

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Cook Food Safely At Home

Bacteria in Freezer: 0°F

food grow Danger

rapidly in the zone

Fridge: at
danger zone 40°F or Below

Storage & Placement of food

Perishable food should Cook or Freeze within 2 days: Raw meat, poultry, and
be store in the fridge Fish, poultry, ground meats, & seafood should be in a sealed
within 2 hours variety meats container or wrapped securely
[Within 1 hour when Cook or Freeze within 3-5 days: to prevent raw juice from
the temperature is Beef, Veal, Lab, or Pork contaminating other foods.
above 90°F]

Reheating pre-
3 Thawing methods
cooked/leftover food
Move food to the fridge for thawing, Use a food thermometer to ensure
allow 12-24 hours thawing period. food internal temperature reaches
*Put raw meat/poultry in a close 165°F.
container for thawing
Cover &rotate the food for even
Place food in a leak-proof plastic bag Stir food to ensure heat a
& submerge in cold tap water. distributed evenly.
Change water every 30 minutes. Only use microwave save containers,
Cook immediately after thawing. glass or dishes to reheat food.
Thawing food, meat and poultry in Frozen food can be reheated in a
the microwave and cook immediately. saucepan, microwave or in the oven.

Minimum Internal Temperature

145°F 165°F 160°F 160°F

Roast: Beef, pork, veal & Poultry Ground: Beef, pork, Eggs
lamb steak and chops veal & lamb

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