Food Chemistry: Wil A.M. Van Loon, Jozef P.H. Linssen, Aagje Legger, Maarten A. Posthumus, Alphons G.J. Voragen
Food Chemistry: Wil A.M. Van Loon, Jozef P.H. Linssen, Aagje Legger, Maarten A. Posthumus, Alphons G.J. Voragen
Food Chemistry: Wil A.M. Van Loon, Jozef P.H. Linssen, Aagje Legger, Maarten A. Posthumus, Alphons G.J. Voragen
Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 417–425
The aim of this study was to isolate and identify odour active compounds from French fries at mouth conditions. Volatile
compounds were released from French fries by purge-and-trap, trapped on Tenax TA, and identified with GC–MS. GC–olfac-
tometry was used to determine odour active compounds with a trained panel using the detection frequency method. A total of 122
compounds were identified of which 85% originated from either sugar degradation and/or Maillard reaction and 15% from lipid
degradation, based on relative areas. About 50 odour active compounds were, due to coelution, responsible for 41 odours perceived
by the panel. 3-Methylbutanal and 2-methylbutanal, hexanal, 2,3-dimethylpyrazine, 2-methylpropanal, 2,3-butanedione, pyridine,
heptanal, 2,5-dimethylpyrazine and/or 2,6-diemethylpyrazine and/or ethylpyrazine, dimethyl trisulfide, octanal, phenylacetaldehyde,
2,5-diethylpyrazine, (E)-2-nonenal, 3-methylbutanoic acid and/or 2-methylbutanoic acid, (E,Z)-2,4-heptadienal, (E)-2-octenal, 5-
ethyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazine and/or 2-ethyl- 3,5-dimethylpyrazine, nonanal, and tentatively 2-methylpyrrole had the highest detection
frequencies. This resulted in a strong malty and fried potato note, combined with caramel/buttery, green, spicy, and deep-fried notes.
Also chemical and sweaty odours were observed.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: French fries; Potato; Flavour; Volatile compounds; Dynamic headspace; Olfactometry
1. Introduction Coleman & Ho, 1980; Coleman, Ho, & Chang, 1981;
Duckham, Dodson, Bakker, & Ames, 2001; Duckham,
French fries are popular around the world because of Dodson, Bakker, & Ames, 2002; Ho & Coleman, 1980;
their pleasant taste, which is a combination of a crispy Oruna-Concha, Duckham, & Ames, 2001), microwave
crust, soft inside and typical fried potato flavour. The baked (Oruna-Concha, Bakker, & Ames, 2002a; Oruna-
flavour of potato has been investigated extensively. Concha et al., 2002b), and French fried potatoes (Car-
According to a review by Maga (1994), more than 500 lin, Jin, Huang, Ho, & Chang, 1986; Wagner & Grosch,
volatiles have been identified so far. 1997; Wagner & Grosch, 1998). Lipid oxidation is the
The composition of volatiles obtained from major major source of volatiles in raw potatoes, because the
cooking procedures differs significantly (Whitfield & lipoxygenase content is relatively high (Josephson &
Last, 1991). Therefore, a distinction should be made Lindsay, 1987). In boiled potatoes the concentration of
between raw (Petersen, Poll, & Larsen, 1998), boiled lipid-derived compounds is lower than in raw potatoes.
(Josephson & Lindsay, 1987; Nursten & Sheen, 1974; This is either due to degradation during boiling or to less
Oruna-Concha, Bakker, & Ames, 2002b; Petersen et al., enzymatic activity since shredding is done after boiling,
1998), oven baked (Buttery, Guadagni, & Ling, 1973; when enzymes are inactivated (Petersen et al., 1998).
The composition of volatiles changes upon heating. The
Corresponding author. Tel.: +31-317-483548; fax: +31-317-48-48- Maillard reaction becomes predominant during oven-
93. baking of potatoes, while a microwave treatment re-
E-mail address: (J.P.H. Linssen). sults in a composition of volatiles between boiled and
0308-8146/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
418 W.A.M. van Loon et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 417–425
oven-baked potatoes (Oruna-Concha et al., 2002b). The aim of this study was to isolate and identify
Duckham et al. (2001) compared volatiles of oven- odour active compounds of French fries at mouth con-
baked potatoes from eleven cultivars and classified them ditions. Mouth conditions will be created to mimic re-
by their origin: lipid degradation, sugar degradation lease of volatile compounds from the food to the nose
and/or Maillard reaction not involving sulfur amino epithelia, where odour is sensed, by taking into account
acids, sulfur amino acid degradation, methoxypyrazines, the amount of product in relation to the mouth volume,
and terpenes. There are great similarities between the the temperature, and by mixing the product with artifi-
composition of oven-baked potatoes and potato chips, cial saliva.
but also some notable differences (Whitfield & Last,
1991). In fried potato products flavour compounds are
not only formed from the potato, but also from the 2. Materials and methods
frying oil and from the interaction of Maillard reaction
compounds and lipids (Maga, 1994; Whitfield, 1992). 2.1. Materials
Frying temperature is an important parameter as it has a
great influence on the formation of pyrazines in potato French fries (10 10 mm, from variety Agria), ob-
chips (Maga & Sizer, 1978; Martin & Ames, 2001a). tained from Boots Frites BV (Purmerend, The Nether-
Brewer, Vega, and Perkins (1999) emphasize that odour lands), were deep-fried in a Princess Classis household
characteristics of French fries reflect the odour charac- fryer (Princess Household Appliances, Middelharnis,
teristics of the frying oils, so that typical lipid oxidation The Netherlands) in partially hydrogenated vegetable
products such as hexanal increase in the product when frying oil (Remia, Den Dolder, The Netherlands, fatty
the same oil is used over a longer period. acid composition: 9.7% C16:0, 5.9% C18:0, 72.3%
Although potato flavour has received much atten- C18:1, 11.5% C18:2, and 0.8% C18:3) for 4 minutes at
tion, the number of papers about flavour compounds of 180 °C.
French fries is limited. The doctoral thesis by Carlin Artificial saliva was prepared in demineralized water
(1983) describes 429 volatiles extracted from French according to Van Ruth et al. (1995) and consisted of
fries, and two papers have been published from this K2 PO4 (1.37 g l 1 ), KCl (0.45 g l 1 ), CaCl2 H2 0 (0.44
thesis: one focusing on alkyloxazoles (Carlin et al., g l 1 ), NaCl (0.88 g l 1 ), NaHCO3 (5.2 g l 1 ), porcine
1986) and the other on 3-(methylthio)alkanals (Carlin, stomach mucine (2.16 g l 1 , type II M2378, Sigma,
Ho, Chang, Velluz, & Pickenhagen, 1990). There is Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands) and a-amylase from A.
however no information about odour impact of the oryzae (10.5 g l 1 , type X-A, 500,000 units, Sigma,
volatiles given. Wagner and Grosch (1997) screened 48 Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands). NaN3 (0.2 g l 1 ) was
compounds on their contribution to French fries fla- used for preservation.
vour using aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) and
gas chromatography–olfactometry of headspace sam- 2.2. Isolation of volatile compounds
ples (GCO-H). In a second paper (Wagner & Grosch,
1998) the authors evaluated the flavour profile of a Volatiles were adsorbed on a glass tube (length 100
model system with 21 potent flavour compounds dis- mm, 3.0 mm internal diameter) filled with 100 mg of
solved in sunflower oil in comparison with the original Tenax TA (20/35 mesh, Alltech Nederland BV,
extract. 2-Ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine, 3-ethyl-2,5-dim- Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands) using purge-and-trap. A
ethylpyrazine, 2,3-diethyl-5-methylpyrazine, 3-isobutyl- sample of French fries was cut in pieces ( < 0.5 cm3 ), 3.0
2-methoxypyrazine, 2,4-decadienal (E,E- and E,Z-), g was weighed and transferred into a glass flask (70 ml),
trans -4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal, 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl- and 4 ml of artificial saliva was added. The flask was
3(2H)-furanone, methylpropanal, 2- and 3-methylbut- placed in a water bath of 37 °C and a flow of purified
anal, and methanethiol were identified as character nitrogen (50 ml min 1 ) was passed through the sample
impact odorants. for 30 min. The sample was mixed constantly by a
Starch and lipids, both important constituents of magnetic stirrer. A cold trap with ethanol of )10 °C was
French fries, are known to interact with flavour com- used to prevent water vapour entering the Tenax tube.
pounds (Arvisenet, Voilley, & Cayot, 2002; Doyen,
Carey, Linforth, Marin, & Taylor, 2001). Moreover, 2.3. Gas chromatographic analysis
during consumption food is mixed and diluted with
saliva by mastication, and starch will be degraded to Volatiles were desorbed onto the column using a
some extent by amylase in saliva. The breakdown of thermal desorption unit (5 min at 245 °C) and cold trap
the food matrix affects the food volatile composition ()120 °C/260 °C) device (Carlo Erba TDAS 5000, Inter-
(Van Ruth, Roozen, & Cozijnsen, 1995), but is often science BV, Breda, The Netherlands). Compounds were
not taken into account when key flavour compounds separated on a 60 m 0.25 mm 0.25 lm Supelco MDN-
are determined. 5S capillary column (Sigma, Zwijndrecht, The Nether-
W.A.M. van Loon et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 417–425 419
lands) in a Carlo Erba MEGA 5300 system (Interscience data was written in Pascal. Assessors recorded the be-
BV, Breda, The Netherlands). The oven temperature was ginning and end of an odour by pressing a key on a
kept at 40 °C for 4 min, and then increased to 270 °C at 4.0 laptop computer. The number of assessors detecting an
°C min 1 with a final hold for 5 min. Helium was used as odour simultaneously is used as a measure for the im-
carrier gas at a constant pressure of 150 kPa and a FID portance and from this data an aromagram can be
detector was used at 300 °C. Retention indices of com- constructed. Three training sessions were carried out
pounds were determined with a homologue series of alk- with the same sample as in the final experiment to make
anes (C5-C16) and relative areas of the compounds were the assessors familiar with the procedure. To generate
calculated based on four replicates. flavour descriptors, assessors were asked to give a de-
Identification was performed with a Varian 3400 gas scription at the end of each odour impression. From the
chromatograph (Varian, Bergen op Zoom, The Neth- list of descriptors twelve groups were created based on
erlands) equipped with a thermo desorption device similarity and occurrence in a panel discussion. In the
(Chrompack TCT injector 16200, Chrompack, Middel- olfactometry experiment assessors were forced to choose
burg, The Netherlands), coupled with a Finnigan the group best describing the odour at the end of each
MAT95 mass spectrometer (Thermo Electron, Bremen, odour impression. Blank Tenax TA tubes were used as
Germany). The mass spectrometer was operated in the dummy samples to determine the noise level of the pa-
70 eV EI ionisation mode and scanned from mass 24 to nel. Retention index, mass spectrum, and odour de-
320 with a cycle time of 0.65 s. Identification was made scription (Maarse, 1991; Sigma–Aldrich, 2003) were
by matching sample spectra against the Wiley/NIST 7th used to identify odour active compounds.
edition library and the Wageningen library, and by re-
tention indices when available (Adams, 2001; Kondjo-
yan & Berdague, 1996). 3. Results and discussion
2.4. Gas chromatography–olfactometry analysis The groups of odour descriptors resulting from the
attribute generation and panel discussion are shown in
Gas chromatography–olfactometry analysis (GC–O) Table 1. Because compounds often eluted closely after
analysis was performed with a comparable system, col- each other and assessors had to react quickly, we de-
umn, and conditions as described in the previous para- cided to create not more than twelve groups. For de-
graph. The effluent was however split 10:45:45 at the end scriptors often mentioned (e.g. French fries, chocolate) a
of the column for FID detector and two sniffing ports, separate group was created, and from some similar de-
respectively. Humidified air ran through stainless steel scriptors a logical group name proceeded (e.g. nutty,
tubing to the sniffing port in order to prevent drying out green). For the remaining descriptors a general group
of assessors’ nasal membranes during the 40 min sniffing name (e.g. spicy, baked flavour) was agreed on.
experiments. A total of 122 compounds identified with GC–MS are
listed in Table 2. Based on the relative areas approxi-
2.5. Olfactometry data acquisition mately 85% of the aroma compounds originated from
sugar degradation and/or Maillard reaction not involv-
Twelve assessors, nine females and three males aged ing sulfur amino acids and 15% were lipid-derived. Less
19–22, were selected for the olfactometry experiment than 0.1% consisted of a number of sulfur compounds
from thirty volunteers. The selection procedure included and one terpene (limonene). Duckham et al. (2001)
a questionnaire and a test for odour sensitivity. The compared volatiles from oven-baked potatoes of eleven
questionnaire was used to test their creativity by de- cultivars, and found that the relative amount of lipid
scribing odours and odour differences between several derived volatiles ranged from 22% to 69% among cul-
products including French fries. Also questions about tivars. For volatiles originating from sugar degradation
their availability and physical condition were included. and/or Maillard reaction not involving sulfur amino
The odour sensitivity test was carried out by putting a acids the range was from 25% to 77%. As the lipid
concentration series of 2-methylbutanal in paraffin content of raw potato is only 2–3 g kg 1 (Duckham
(0.08, 0.13, 0.40, 2.0, and 10 ll l 1 ) in ascending order. et al., 2001) and French fries are prepared in a large
The concentration range was determined in preliminary amount of oil, one might expect the amount of lipid-
experiments. Sixteen volunteers put the concentration derived volatiles to be higher in French fries than in
either in the correct order or mixed up only two con- oven-baked potatoes. It seems however that the high
secutive concentrations. Twelve of them were selected heat transfer from the oil to the product is more fa-
based on the results of the questionnaire. vourable for sugar degradation and/or the Maillard re-
The detection frequency method (Van Ruth et al., action than for lipid degradation. Furthermore,
1995) was used to determine the importance of odour melanoidines formed in the Maillard reaction are
active compounds and a program to acquire sniffing known to have an antioxidative effect (Morales &
420 W.A.M. van Loon et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 417–425
Table 1
Descriptor groups used for olfactory analysis
Group Descriptor Descriptors from attribute generation
1 French fries French fries, potato chips, baked potato, frying fat, frying odour
2 Baked flavour Popcorn, cookie, baked meat, baked fish, bread
3 Potato, earthy Raw potato, cooked potato, earthy
4 Nutty Nutty, peanut, almond, nougat, marzipan
5 Chocolate Chocolate, cacao
6 Sweet, flowery, fresh Sweet, flowery, mint, anise, apple, lemon, soap, pine, melon
7 Butter, vanilla, caramel Butter, vanilla, caramel
8 Grass, green Vegetable, grass, plant, cucumber, carrots
9 Cheese, sweat Cheese, sweat
10 Spicy Spicy, mushroom, wood, garlic, onion, leather, fungus
11 Chemical, paint, glue Chemical, paint, glue, plastic
12 Metal, burnt Metal, burnt
Table 3
Detection frequency and odour description of odour active compounds from French fries
Peak no. Retention time on GC–O RIa Detection Odour groupb Compound
1 6.19 <500 4 5, 6, 11 Ethanol
2 7.25 550 10 7, 5, 9, 11 2-Methylpropanal
3 7.83 585 10 7 2,3-Butanedione
4 9.44 660 11 11, 9, 5, 7 3-Methylbutanal and 2-methylbutanal
5 10.76 700 5 7 2,3-Pentaandion
6 11.92 730 5 6 2,5-Dihydro-3,4-dimethylfuran tentative
7 12.51 745 10 11 Pyridine
8 12.84 755 4 11, 6, 1 Pyrrole
9 13.26 760 7 6 Methyl 2-butenoate, (E)-
10 14.07 775 6 11, 9 2-Methylpropanoic acid
11 15.21 800 11 6, 8 Hexanal
12 15.57 810 7 1, 10 1-Ethylpyrrole tentative
13 17.42 845 9 9, 3 2-Methylpyrrole tentative
14 17.75 855 9 11, 9 3-Methylbutanoic acid and/or 2-methylbu-
tanoic acid
15 18.97 880 6 3 Unknown
16 20.07 900 10 8, 3, 6 Heptanal
17 21.00 920 10 3, 1, 12 2,5-Dimethylpyrazine, 2,6-dimethylpyrazine
and/or ethylpyrazine
18 21.30 925 11 2, 4 2,3-Dimethylpyrazine
19 21.70 935 5 1, 2 Vinylpyrazine
20 22.97 960 8 3 2-Heptenal, (E)-
21 23.87 980 10 9, 10, 2, 12 Dimethyl trisulfide
22 24.67 995 5 6 2-Pentylfuran
23 24.90 1000 9 6, 1 2,4-Heptadienal, (E,Z)-
24 25.23 1005 10 6, 1 Octanal
25 26.29 1025 7 2, 12, 4 2-Methyl-5-vinylpyrazine
26 27.01 1045 5 3, 11 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone tentative
27 27.36 1050 10 3, 12, 6, 8 Phenylacetaldehyde
28 27.87 1060 9 8, 11, 10, 7 2-Octenal, (E)-
29 28.67 1080 8 3, 11, 2, 10 3-Ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyrazine, 2,3-diethyl-
pyrazine and/or 2,6-diethylpyrazine
30 29.09 1090 9 6, 2, 10 5-Ethyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazine and/or 2-eth-
31 29.27 1095 10 6, 3, 12, 11 2,5-Diethylpyrazine
32 29.76 1105 9 1, 8 Nonanal
33 32.11 1155 7 3, 6, 9 3,5-Diethyl-2-methylpyrazine and/or 2,3-di-
34 32.48 1170 10 8 2-Nonenal, (E)-
35 33.22 1180 7 2, 4 Pyrazine, methylpropenyl isomer
36 33.89 1200 6 8, 6, 3, 12 Pyrazine, dimethylisobutyl isomer
37 34.67 1215 7 8 Decanal
38 35.16 1230 7 2, 1, 4, 11 2,4-Nonadienal, (E,E)-
39 36.26 1255 4 8, 2, 3 Pyrazine, isopentylmethyl isomer
40 37.02 1275 5 6, 7, 2, 12 2-Decenal, (E)-
41 39.68 1330 5 1 2,4-Decadienal, (E,E)-
Retention index estimated by 30–40 s delay between FID-signal and flavour perception.
See Table 1.
spicy note. Based on retention index and mass spec- tention index is higher than the literature value in
trum peak 13 could be 2-methylpyrrole, however no Table 2. As these compounds were dominating the
information about the odour description could be mass spectra around peak 15, it was not possible to
found in literature. Although the chemical odour from identify the compound responsible for the potato or
pyridine, and sweaty odour from 3-methylbutanoic earthy odour.
acid and 2-methylbutanoic acid were clearly noticed by Although the potato variety used was the same, the
the panel, they do not seem to give a distinct note, but results were different from what Wagner and Grosch
may influence the perceived aroma as a whole. 2- (1997) found. They did not find chemical or sweaty
Methylbutanoic acid and 3-methylbutanoic acid had a odours such as pyridine and 3-methylbutanoic acid, and
very broad peak and that is the reason why the re- that we did not find methional and methanethiol. This
424 W.A.M. van Loon et al. / Food Chemistry 90 (2005) 417–425
can be explained by using different methods for sample Doyen, K., Carey, M., Linforth, R. S. T., Marin, M., & Taylor, A. J.
preparation and extraction. Other factors such as stor- (2001). Volatile release from an emulsion: Headspace and in-
mouth studies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 49,
age conditions of the potatoes (Duckham et al., 2002), 804–810.
the type of frying oil (Brewer et al., 1999), and the frying Duckham, S. C., Dodson, A. T., Bakker, J., & Ames, J. M. (2001).
temperature (Maga & Sizer, 1978; Martin & Ames, Volatile flavour components of baked potato flesh. A comparison
2001b) may play a role as well. of eleven potato cultivars. Nahrung, 45(5), 317–323.
Duckham, S. C., Dodson, A. T., Bakker, J., & Ames, J. M. (2002).
Effect of cultivar and storage time on the volatile flavor compo-
nents of baked potato. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,
4. Conclusion
50, 5640–5648.
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