Discovered or Invented
Discovered or Invented
Discovered or Invented
think of a particular calamity that has affected the country and discuss he possible ways
that mathematics can help in mitigating the effects of this calamity. As much as possible
mention some ways that mathematics is used for organization, prediction and control.
Flooding is one of the most damaging natural disasters in the Philippines. The country is hit with
an average 20 typhoons per year, making the 471 major river basins dispersed across the islands
prone to flooding. Many countries are starting to view how beneficial mathematics can help to
describe, analyze, and understand natural disasters. Consequently, several studies are now
incorporating computational modelling for learning and analyzing disasters. A study by Wang-
Kun Chen and Guang-Jun Sui introduces the management methodology of modeling typhoon
disaster with focuses on describing an ideal mathematical way to represent typhoon risk. The
relationship between the environmental events, the ecosystem change, the economic loss, and the
response measure can be evaluated through this approach. On the other hand, Australia’s
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization division of Mathematical and
Information Sciences is collaborating various sectors in Australia and China to model the flow of
flood waters and the debris they carry. Through these efforts, many countries, including the
Philippines will formulate better measures to mitigate the destructive effects of typhoon and
essay on how mathematics csn help you succesd in chosen field of specialization and
subsequently in your future career
Mathematics is embodied into the daily lives of heath care professionals. Nurses regularly use
basic operations of arithmetic, ratios and algebraic equations to perform various nursing
procedures such as calculating dosages, drug titration, calculating IV drip rates, and lucrative
delivery of other services. Nurses must also recognize measurement systems and be able to
accurately convert one measurement to another. If I work as a nurse, proficiency in math will
help me make sure an amount is appropriate because a guess or approximation is harmful when a
patient’s life is on the line. Besides, in my pursuit in medicine mathematics is similarly essential
in generating efficient prescription and data analysis because math goes hand-in-hand with health
and medicine. Hence, as a future medical professional I should help myself to acquire sufficient
knowledge in math as it is a vital player in the healthcare environment.
give at least three patters that you encounter every day. for each one, explain why they are
classified as pattern
Patterns are visible regular and recurring form or designs. Examples of patterns that I normally
encounter are butterflies, trees, and. Butterflies display reflectional symmetry because drawing a
line separating two portions of the animal shows mirror images of each other. Looking at a
butterfly’s wings, it is easy to understand the concept of symmetry, more specifically reflection.
Next are trees, which are classified natural fractals. They exhibit patterns that repeat smaller and
smaller copies of themselves to create the biodiversity of a forest. Each tree branch, from the
trunk to the tips, is a copy of the one that came before it. Lastly, some flowers like the petunia.
Eight stamens of unequal length and a prominent four-lobed stigma emanate from the center of
the flower. When the different members of each whorl are alike, the flower is regular and is
referred radially symmetrical.