Medication Administration
Medication Administration
Medication Administration
Disadvantages Disadvantages
- Drug can enter the body through abrasions and - Mucous membranes are highly sensitive to
cause systemic effects some medication concentration
- Leaves residue on the skin that may soil clothes - Patients with ruptured eardrum cannot receive
ear irrigations
Drug preparation for topical route:
- Cream
- Lotion
Drug preparation for Transdermal and Mucous MEDICATION ORDER
membrane route:
- A written direction provided by a prescribing
- Aqueous solution practitioner for a specific medication to be
- Aqueous spray or foam administered to an individual.
- Cream
Should contain:
- Gel/jelly
- Ointment - Full name of the client
- Lotion - Date and time the order is written
- Suppositories - Name of the drug to be administered
- Vaginal tablets - Dosage of the drug
Given Via: - Frequency of administration
- Signature of the person writing the order
- Inhalation
o for aqueous sprat intranasal (can be Types of medication order
oral*) 1. Standing/Routine order
- Instillation a. May or may not have a termination
o Dropping medicine into the mucous date. A standing order may be
membrane carried out indefinitely until an
- Irrigation order is written to cancel it, or it
o Flushing mucous membranes with large may be carried out for a specified
amounts of medicine number of days.
- Insertion 2. As needed order (PRN order)
o Inserting medicines into vagina or a. Permits the nurse to give a
rectum medication when, in the nurse’s
judgement the client requires it.
The nurse must use good
judgement about when the
medication is needed and when it