Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers
Theory and Design
Ulrich L. Rohde
Synergy Microwave Corp.
Paterson NJ, USA
Rohde & Schwarz
Munich Germany
University of the Armed Forces, Munich
Federal Republic of Germany
Enrico Rubiola
FEMTO-ST Institute, CNRS and UBFC
Besançon, France
Observatory THETA,
Besançon, France
Torino, Italy
Jerry C. Whitaker
Advanced Television Systems Committee
Washington, DC, USA
This second edition first published 2021
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Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Preface xvi
Important Notations xx
1 Loop Fundamentals 1
Index 783
Member of the Faculty of the Institute for Technical Informatics, INF 3, Universität der Bunderwehr, Munich,
“I like solving problems in my field of expertise where others have failed. Most people lack the drive or staying power to
see things through.”
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich L. Rohde is a partner of Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany;
Chairman of Synergy Microwave Corp., Paterson, NJ; President of Communications Consulting Corporation; an
honorary member of the Senate of the Armed Forces University Munich; honorary member of the Senate of the
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg; and past member of the Board of Directors of Ansoft
Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA. Dr. Rohde serves as an honorary professor at IIT Delhi, full professor at Oradea Uni-
versity, Romania, and visiting professor at Technical University, Munich, Germany. Prior to Honorary Professor
of RF and Microwave Technologies at the University of Cottbus, Dr. Rohde was a member of the staff at George
Washington University (1982) and as an adjunct professor at the University of Florida, Gainesville, teaching in the
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences departments, gave numerous lectures worldwide regarding com-
munications theory and digital frequency synthesizers.
Dr. Rohde is an IEEE life Fellow, published more than 350 scientific papers in professional journals and con-
ferences, co-authored of 15 technical books and book chapters, and holds over 4 dozen patents. Dr. Rohde has
received a number of awards, including:
• Recipient of the 2019 Honorary Fellowship Award from IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommuni-
cations Engineers), which recognizes the outstanding contributions for the applications of microwave theory
and techniques.
• Recipient of the 2019 IEEE CAS (Circuits and Systems Society) Industrial Pioneer Award.
• Recipient of the 2017 RCA (Radio Club of America) Lifetime achievement award for “For significant
achievements and a major body of work accomplished over a lifetime that has advanced the art and science
of radio and wireless technology.”
• Recipient of the 2017 IEEE UFFC-S W. G. Cady Award for “Pioneering research, development, and com-
mercialization of signal generating and processing devices for commercial and scientific applications.”
• Recipient of the 2017 IEEE AP-S Distinguish achievement award for “Outstanding career achievement in
the field of antennas and propagation.”
• Recipient of the 2016 IEEE MTT-S Applications Award for “Significant contributions to the development
of low-noise oscillators.”
• Recipient of the 2015 IFCS I. I. Rabi Award, IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium & European
Frequency and Time Forum.
• Recipient of the 2015 IEEE Region 1 Award for outstanding scientific contributions and leadership in the
design and implementation of sophisticated RF technologies.
• Recipient of the 2014 IFCS C. B. Sawyer Award recipient, IEEE International Frequency Control Sympo-
Dr. Rohde is a member of the following: Fellow Member of the IEEE; Member of the IEEE Technical
Committee for HF, VHF, and UHF Technology MTT-17; Member of the IEEE Signal Generation and Fre-
quency Conversion MTT-22; Member of the Board of Trustees Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (EMFT) for Modular
Solid State Technology, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Bavarian Academy of Science, and Hon-
orary Member of the Academy of Science, all in Munich; ETA KAPPA NU (EPSILON SIGMA CHAPTER)
Honor Society; Executive Association of the Graduate School of Business-Columbia University, New York;
The Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association; Fellow of the Radio Club of America; and
former Chairman of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Advisory Board at New Jersey Institute of
In 2006, Dr. Rohde was honored as Microwave Legend by Microwave & RF Magazine; the selection was
based on global voting. In 2009, Dr. Rohde was selected in the list of Divine Innovators of November 2011,
Microwave Journal. Based on Dr. Rohde’s five-decade of scientific creativity and pioneer contributions in the
field of microwave and antenna, IEEE has established three awards on his name:
• IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Award on Antenna Measurements and Applications
• IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Award on Computational Techniques in Electromagnet-
• IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Humanitarian Technical Field Award.
His hobbies including sailing, U.S. Merchant Marine Officer, Master of Steam or Motor Vessels, photography,
and ham radio (N1UL).
Enrico Rubiola
Enrico Rubiola is a professor at the Université de Franche-Comté and a researcher with the Department of Time and
Frequency of the CNRS FEMTO-ST Institute, Besançon, France, and an associated researcher at INRiM, the Italian
institute of primary metrology in Torino. Formerly, he was a professor at the Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy,
France, and an assistant professor at the Politecnico di Torino. He was also a guest professor at the Università di
Parma, Italy, and a guest scientist at the NASA/CALTECH Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
After graduating in Electronic Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino in 1983, Enrico received a Ph.D. in
Metrology from the Italian Minister of University and Research, Roma (1989), and a Sc.D. degree from the Uni-
versité de Franche-Comté in 1999.
Enrico’s primary interests are high-spectral purity oscillators from low RF to optics, phase noise, amplitude
noise, noise in digital systems, general time and frequency metrology, frequency synthesis, spectral analysis,
wavelet statistics (Allan variance and similar variances), microwave photonics, precision electronics form dc to
microwaves, and precision instrumentation. He designed the frequency synthesis of the FEMTO-ST cryogenic
oscillators, achieving 3 × 10−16 stability. Enrico is known for innovative instruments for AM/PM noise measure-
ment with ultimate sensitivity, −210 dBc/Hz and below, for the theory underlying the “Leeson effect,” for theory
of modern frequency counters (Π, Λ, and Ω), for dedicated signal-processing methods, and for hacking oscil-
lators from the phase noise plots. In 2018, Enrico received the IEEE W. G. Cady Award “for groundbreaking
contributions” in the field.
In 2012, Enrico founded the Oscillator IMP project, a platform for the measurement of short-term frequency
stability and AM/PM noise of oscillators and related components. In 2013, he founded the European Frequency
and Time Seminar (http://efts.eu), a no-profit crash course in Time and Frequency, and he has been chairing and
running it since.
A wealth of articles, reports, conference presentations, and lectures for PhD students and young scientists are
available on the Enrico’s home page http://rubiola.org.
Jerry C. Whitaker
Jerry C. Whitaker is Vice President for Standards Development at the Advanced Television Systems Committee;
Washington, D.C. Mr. Whitaker supports the work of the various ATSC technology and specialist groups and assists
in the development of ATSC Standards and related documents. He currently serves as Secretary of the Technol-
ogy Group on Next Generation Broadcast Television. He is also closely involved in work relating to educational
Mr. Whitaker joined ATSC in 2000 and has participated in all facets of the organization, from development of
standards and recommended practices to representing ATSC at various organizations and venues.
Prior to joining the ATSC, Mr. Whitaker headed the publishing company Technical Press, based in Morgan
Hill, Calif. Mr. Whitaker is the author and editor of more than 35 books on technical topics, including: The SBE
Broadcast Engineering Handbook; The Standard Handbook of Video and Television Engineering, 4th ed.; NAB
Engineering Handbook, 9th ed.; DTV Handbook, 3rd ed.; and The Electronics Handbook, 2nd ed. He is the coauthor
with Dr. Rohde of Communications Receivers, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ed.
Mr. Whitaker is a Life Fellow the Society of Broadcast Engineers and a Fellow of the Society of Motion Pic-
ture and Television Engineers. He has served as a Board member and Vice President of the Society of Broadcast
Engineers. He served as Chair of the NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference Committee from 1993 until 2000,
and as Chair of the SMPTE Fall Technical Conference Program Committee from 2007 until 2013.
Mr. Whitaker was previously Editor, Editorial Director, and Associate Publisher of Broadcast Engineering
magazine and Video Systems magazine.
In a previous life, he was Chief Engineer for radio stations KRED-AM and KPDJ-FM in Eureka, CA. He also
worked in radio and television news in Sacramento, CA, at KCRA-AM and KCRA-TV. His first experience in
broadcast engineering came at KERS-FM, the campus radio station at California State University, Sacramento.
Mr. Whitaker twice received the Jesse H. Neal Editorial Achievement Award from the Association of Business
Publishers (ABP). He was also named “Educator of the Year” by the Society of Broadcast Engineers in 2002.
His hobbies include building high-end vacuum tube audio amplifiers, restoring vintage radio broadcast hard-
ware, and attending his children’s numerous school sporting events. Mr. Whitaker lives with his wife and daughters
(and two dogs) in Morgan Hill, CA.
Since 1997 when the first edition of Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers was published, enormous progress has
been made both in semiconductors (discrete devices and integrated circuits) and in fundamental technologies.
Specifically, much better implementations of direct digital synthesis (DDS) architectures have helped to improve
performance in a number of key areas, notably reduced spurious elements and noise. Another critical part of a
synthesizer is the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). New insights into its functionality have made the out-of-loop
bandwidth much better. This also applies in the understanding of crystal and other high-Q based oscillators. These
portions of the first edition have been greatly enhanced and updated in this Second Edition.
The radio frequency (RF)/microwave synthesizer text has also been expanded considerably, and the very impor-
tant element of signal generation has been added, for example, arbitrary waveform generation and vector signal
generation with very fast switching and high frequency resolution, and low noise/low spurious response.
In order to properly set the stage for the Second Edition, some introductory comments are warranted on the topic of
signal generation. Today, the trend is toward full digital generation of modulated RF signals, that is, the traditional
analog VCO and phase-locked loop (PLL) are no longer always necessary. Currently, the required functionality and
the subsequent digital-to-analog converter (DAC) are incorporated into large-scale application-specific integrated
circuits (ASICs). The following two links are to datasheets of such devices1 : http://www.analog.com/media/en/
technical-documentation/data-sheets/AD9164.pdf and http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/dac38j84.pdf.
From Analog Devices, the authors would like to thank John Morrissey and Ian Collins for their technical con-
tribution and permission to use the Analog Devices material.
Modern waveform synthesis is based on the approach that the DAC directly generates complex modulated
signals, that is, subsequent analog modulation is no longer required. The field programmable gate array (FPGA)
generates the I/Q modulation data as a digital data stream. High-speed serial interfaces are used to transmit the
I/Q data from the FPGA to the DAC, for example, in accordance with the JESD204B standard. To improve data
efficiency, only the baseband data is transmitted, not the sampled RF signal. To achieve the DAC’s final sampling
rate, which at 2.5 × frf typically lies significantly above the sampling rate for baseband data, the baseband data
is interpolated up to the DAC sampling rate (i.e., initially greatly oversampled). The carrier is generated by a
numerically controlled oscillator (NCO). Today’s state-of-the-art phase accumulators have resolutions of 48 bit (or
higher). If the NCO’s frequency resolution is insufficient, the remaining frequency difference can be pre-calculated
in baseband to achieve the required final resolution. A digital multiplier mixes the up-sampled baseband data with
the NCO carrier to yield the digital modulated RF signal. This digital RF data is then fed into the RF DAC and
output as an analog signal.
The maximum frequency of the RF signal is limited by the Nyquist rate (DAC sampling rate). If the required
RF frequency lies above this frequency, the signal can be up-converted with a scalar mixer.
Overall, this results in very compact solutions for digitally generating RF signals without impairments. Addi-
tional advantages are the option of very fast frequency hopping, including phase-locked frequency hopping, that is,
1 Thehyperlinks in this book were functional at the time of publication. Some hyperlinks change over time, and so it may be
necessary to search on the document filename to resolve a modified link.
phase-accurate hopping back to the previous frequency. Because this method of signal generation is mathematically
deterministic, clock synchronization allows very efficient multiple-in/multiple-out (MIMO) signal generation.
Digital synthesis has the disadvantage of inherent spurs (DAC nonlinearities, finite resolution, and power source
timing in the DAC). Depending on the RF frequency, these spurs show up between 40 and 80 dBc and need to be
eliminated through appropriate frequency planning and filtering.
A very good clock source is necessary to achieve good phase noise in high-performance DACs. From a sys-
tem theory perspective, a DAC functions as a frequency divider, delivering very good phase noise values close
to the carrier. Unlike traditional synthesizers, there is no “noise shoulder” in the region of the PLL bandwidth.
Another advantage of an RF DAC compared with a traditional PLL is that the clock is generated with a narrowband,
high-quality oscillator instead of a tunable broadband VCO.
Preparation of the Second Edition of Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers has included a comprehensive review of
all of the original text and the addition of new updated text and illustrations. The new edition has been a collective
effort among the authors. Jerry C. Whitaker took charge of the organization of the book, streamlining it for easy
reading and attending to the details of publication, and Enrico Rubiola added his insightful knowledge of noise and
noise contribution in circuits and system to the new edition. Another useful item we introduced is a clear mathe-
matical method to treat the oscillators design for best noise performance, both at RF and microwave frequencies.
This is of great value since most companies still prefer to design their oscillators or have them custom-optimized.
In addition, Prof. Afshin Daryoush agreed to write a theoretical introduction about opto-electric synthesizer
based on fiber optic cable. Also, some of our joint publications on this topic are included.
Rohde & Schwarz Munich provided some of the important material including photographs. They came from
the Business Unit, Measurement and Test Equipment, specifically from Mr. Pauly and Mr. Pointner. Also, our col-
leagues at Synergy Microwave Corp., NJ, USA, helped with important contributions, specifically Dr. Ajay Poddar.
This book is based on theoretical and practical work done over many years, courses given at George Washington
University 1983, very recent developments done at Synergy Microwave Corp., and mathematical treatments found
in the Ansys HFSS circuit analysis program (which was supported by a variety of government contracts). We
have used mostly software from Ansys Corp. and Keysight. There are other suppliers of similar high-performance
software; however, we tend to have less access to those.
For individuals who are getting acquainted with oscillators and synthesizers, we strongly recommend purchas-
ing the ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, annually published by the American Radio Relay League,
225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111. The chapter on oscillators and synthesizers is a complete and well written
first-time introduction to this topic.
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers, Second Edition, is divided into six chapters beginning with Chapter 1
on loop fundamentals, which provides detailed insight into settling time and other characteristics of the loop. The
clear differentiation between analog and digital loops has proven to be quite useful, and topics such as pull-in
performance and acquisition are discussed in detail. This mathematically based presentation remains very much
up to date.
Chapter 2 outlines noise and spurious responses of the loops. The linear approach of oscillator phase noise is
very detailed and walks the reader through all the important steps and contributions, both inside and outside the
loop. We also look at the noise contribution of the various parts of the loop, such as frequency dividers, phase detec-
tors, and even power supplies. Finally, the noise analysis of the entire system and its measurements are covered.
We added clarification and guidance to many parts. Here, modern IC design has helped to substantially improve
the PLL.
In Chapter 3 we look at special loops. Here, the DDS technique—explained in detail—should prove most inter-
esting to the reader. The fractional division N synthesizer technology (FN) competes with DDS. Details regarding
a mixed approach are also shown in the appendices. Most of these FN loops can be found in cell phones and
battery-operated two-way radios.
The fractional division N synthesis principle is quite complex. This is best seen from the various patent applica-
tions. Most RF and microwave companies now use this technique. The digital implementation of the accumulator
and its compensating network has the greatest influence on performance. This area is very exciting, but only major
houses will be able to afford the large-scale custom integrated circuits (LSIs) and gate arrays that will solve these
problems. The appearance of high performance fractional-N synthesizer chips for low-power applications further
illustrates this trend when cost and power consumption are an issue. However, when highest performance is more
critical than cost and power consumption (e.g., test equipment applications), modern DDS system implementations
clearly win. If the readers are interested in CMOS PLL Synthesizers, there is an interesting book by Keliu Shu and
Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio, published by Springer, ISBN 0-387-23668-6. © 2005. Also we found a PhD disserta-
tion on the topic, “Low Phase Noise CMOS PLL Frequency Synthesizer—Design and Analysis,” by Xinhua He,
which can be found at: https://drum.lib.umd.edu/bitstream/handle/1903/7337/umi-umd-4746.pdf?sequence=1&
This book does not address foundry designs specifically, but the two examples earlier (the book and the dis-
sertation) require a foundry and provide many useful information about the topic. We are sure there are more and
newer publications about Synthesizer CMOS IC-design. The book mentioned previously provides an interesting
discussion on Sigma-Delta modulators.
Chapter 4 provides a detailed overview of loop components. Many practical circuit details are found in this
chapter as it addresses low-noise oscillator design, including the use of linear CAD tools. The section on refer-
ence frequency standards provides thorough insight into the design of crystal oscillators, which are a vital part
of synthesizers and which must provide both low aging and optimum phase noise. Other important components
include mixers, phase/frequency discriminators, wideband high-gain amplifiers, programmable dividers, and loop
filters. The microwave oscillator design section in Chapter 4 is unique because it is the first systematic evaluation
of all aspects of microwave design techniques—including different resonators, such surface acoustic wave (SAW)
oscillators, dielectric resonators, and ceramic resonators—and addresses the use of tuning diodes. We apply non-
linear time domain analysis to calculate the oscillators, and we employ CAD tools to verify the oscillator noise
Chapter 5 provides in-depth details about multiloop synthesizers. The section on microwave synthesizers deals
with analysis, architectures, and trade-offs. Another unique section is the survey of critical stages and the examina-
tion of their behavior. Microprocessors are used to optimize parts of the synthesizer architecture. Various techniques
are found in synthesizer for military communication equipment.
Chapter 6 is dedicated to practical synthesizer examples, which combine the techniques outlined in previous
chapters. The design of a high-performance hybrid synthesizer and the related performance measurement tech-
niques enable the engineer to follow the various design steps and design rules. The core of this chapter teaches the
reader to understand the essentials for success in the first go-round of a design.
The appendices comprise eight sections.
• Appendix A provides a mathematical overview for individuals who want to write their own CAD programs.
Also, verified designs are provided for very low phase noise very high frequency (VHF) and ultra high
frequency (UHF) oscillators. Analog Devices and others provide a set of free CAD tools, such as a SPICE
version, to analyze many types of systems, for example: http://www.analog.com/LTSpice.
• Appendix B is a mathematical treatment of the nonlinear time domain approach to calculating phase noise
in a free-running oscillator. This may be the first complete treatment of its kind in a book and is based on
recent publications by the renowned expert team of Synergy Microwave Corporation.
• Appendix C is a reprint of selected application notes provided by Analog Devices. This is useful to get a feel
for the state-of-the-art synthesizer chips available and how to use them.
• Appendix D discusses monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC)-based synthesizers.
• Appendix E is about advanced dielectric resonator oscillator (DRO) design.
• Appendix F describes opto-electronic oscillator/synthesizer.
• Appendix G discusses noise analysis, then and today.
• Appendix H describes a novel approach to frequency and phase settling time measurements on PLL circuits.
The following link documents some interesting frequency synthesizer approaches: https://www.nature.com/
Symbol Meaning
Symbol Meaning
Symbol Meaning
The majority of frequency synthesizers utilize the phase-locked loop (PLL). Indeed, it was the realization of the
PLL in an integrated circuit that led to the inexpensive frequency synthesizer. Because an understanding of PLLs is
necessary for the design of frequency synthesizers, they are discussed in detail in this chapter. The emphasis here
is on the PLL as used in a frequency synthesizer rather than for signal detection. For the latter problem, the PLL
input is a relatively low-level signal embedded in noise, and the PLL serves to detect the noisy signal. For PLL
applications in frequency synthesizers, the input signal-to-noise ratio is high, and the PLL serves to lock out the
output frequency on a multiple of the input frequency.
Although the PLL is a nonlinear device, it can be modeled as a linear device over most of its operating range.
This chapter first presents the linearized analysis of the PLL, including its stability characteristics. The design of
compensating filters to improve PLL performance is then discussed.
A PLL includes a phase detector, low-pass filter, and voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), as illustrated in
Figure 1-1. The phase detector is a nonlinear device, and its characteristics determine loop performance. The
various types of phase detectors are described in Chapter 3. The loop transient performance is discussed in Section
1-10. No generalized results are available for transient performance, but the discussion illustrates one analysis
approach that can be used.
Several books have been published on this matter, and for those involved in research or have interest in a more
theoretical approach of the PLL principle, the following classic books are recommended:
Best, Roland E., Phase Locked Loops: Design, Simulation, and Applications, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York,
NY, 2007.
Crawford, James A., Frequency Synthesizer Design Handbook, Artech House, Boston-London, 1994.
Egan, William F., Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock, Wiley, New York, NY, 2007. ISBN 978-0-470-17871-3.
Gardner, Floyd M., Phaselock Techniques, 3rd edition, Wiley, New York, NY, 2005. ISBN 978-0-471-43063-6.
Gorsky-Popiel, Jerzy, Frequency Synthesis Techniques and Applications, IEEE Press, New York, NY, 1975.
Kroupa, Venceslav F, Phase Lock Loops and Frequency Synthesis, Griffin, London, 2003,
ISBN 978-0-470-86512-5.
Lindsey, William C, and Chie, Chak M., Phase-Locked Loops and Their Applications, IEEE Press, New York, NY,
ϕi Phase Voltage- ϕo
detector Filter controlled
(PD) Vd Vc oscillator (VCO)
Manassewitsch, Vadim, Frequency Synthesizers Theory and Design, 3rd edition, Wiley, New York, NY, 2005, ISBN
Robert Bogdan Staszewski and Poras T. Balsara, All-Digital Frequency Synthesizer in Deep-Submicron CMOS,
September 2006, ISBN 978-0-471-77255-2.
The term phase-locked loop refers to a feedback loop in which the input and feedback parameters of interest
are the relative phases of the waveforms. The function of a PLL is to track small differences in phase between the
input and feedback signal. The phase detector measures the phase difference between its two inputs. The phase
detector output is then filtered by the low-pass filter and applied to VCO. The VCO input voltage changes the VCO
frequency in a direction that reduces the phase difference between the input signal and the local oscillator (LO).
The loop is said to be in phase lock or locked when the phase difference is reduced to zero.
Although the PLL is nonlinear since the phase detector is nonlinear, it can accurately be modeled as a linear
device when the loop is in lock. When the loop is locked, it is assumed that the phase detector output voltage is
proportional to the difference in phase between its inputs; that is,
Vd = K𝜃 (𝜃t − 𝜃o ) (1-1)
where 𝜃 t and 𝜃 o are the phases of the input and VCO output signals, respectively.
K𝜃 is the phase detector gain factor and has the dimensions of volts per radian. It will also be assured that the
VCO can be modeled as a linear device whose output frequency deviates from its free-running frequency by an
increment of frequency,
Δ𝜔 = Ko Ve (1-2)
where Ve is the voltage at the output of the low-pass filter and Ko is the VCO gain factor, with the dimensions of
rad/s per volt. Since frequency is the time derivative of phase, the VCO operation can be described as
Δ𝜔 = = K o Ve (1-3)
With these assumptions, the PLL can be represented by the linear model shown in Figure 1-2. F(s) is the transfer
function of the low-pass filter. The linear transfer function relating 𝜃 o (s) and 𝜃 t (s) is
𝜃o (s) K𝜃 Ko F(s)∕s
B(s) = = (1-4)
𝜃i (s) 1 + K𝜃 Ko F(s)∕s
𝜃o K𝜃 Ko K
B(s) = = = (1-5)
𝜃i s + K𝜃 Ko s+K
which is equivalent to the transfer function of a simple low-pass filter with unity dc gain and bandwidth equal to K.
This is really the minimum configuration of a PLL. Since there is no divider in the chain, the output frequency
and the reference frequency are the same. The first PLL built probably used a ring modulator as a phase detector.
ϕi +
Σ Kd F(s)
– s
Four-quadrant multiplier
v1 –π
v2 vd δε
–π π π
The ring modulator or diode bridge is electrically the same as a four-quadrant multiplier and operates from −𝜋 to
+𝜋 of phase range.
Since the VCO probably has a sine-wave output and the reference frequency also has a sine wave, it is referred
to as a sinusoidal phase detector. This does not really mean that the phase detector is sinusoidal; it means that the
waves applied to the phase detector are sinusoidal.
Since there are no digital components in this basic loop, it is correctly called an analog phase-locked loop and,
as stated earlier, is the minimum form of a PLL. To model it correctly, a number of assumptions are required.
We have already stated that, for our initial consideration, the loop is locked and that the transfer characteristic
of the phase/frequency detector is linear in the area of operation. A four-quadrant multiplier or diode quad has a
sinusoidal output voltage, as shown in Figure 1-3, and is only piecewise linear for 𝜃 = 0 or in the center of operation.
This minimum configuration of a PLL has several drawbacks. The absence of a filter does not allow one to
choose parameters for optimized performance; the diode ring has only several hundred millivolts output, and an
additional loop amplifier will add noise to the system. Therefore, for frequency synthesizer applications, a simple
analog loop without any filter is rarely used. Such a loop would be called a first-order type 1 loop, and we will deal
with it later.
There are some applications for a 1:1 loop, as we will see. The 1:1 loop is used to clean up an existing fre-
quency, whereby the loop bandwidth is kept narrow enough to allow fast locking, and wide enough to permit fast
acquisition. However, the loop bandwidth is narrower than the spurious frequencies present at the reference input.
The attenuation of the loop filter of such a loop, which should be a second-order loop, will clean up the output
signal relative to the reference.
We have met the minimum-configuration analog PLL and already learned that there are several limitations to this
loop. The first step in increasing the output voltage delivered from the diode quad and avoiding an operational
amplifier is to use a different phase detector.
If the diode bridge arrangement is changed and the diodes are overdriven by the reference signal and the input
signal from the VCO remains sufficiently small relative to the reference, the phase detector is still in a linear
operation mode, and the output signal of the phase detector is no longer a sinusoidal curve but rather has a linear
sawtooth form. The range over which the phase detector operates is still from −𝜋 to +𝜋, and the circuit is called
quasi-digital. Later, when dealing with ring modulators, we will learn that it is a major requirement that the ref-
erence or LO signal must have a specified range, with a minimum typically 0.5 V for hot carrier diodes, and the
VCO voltage should be substantially smaller for linear operation.
As the amplitude of the VCO signal is increased, the diode bridge or double-balanced modulator is overdriven,
and a large number of harmonics occur. In a 1:1 loop, this is not very dangerous because all harmonics are phase
and frequency coherent and do not generate unwanted signals. If a double-balanced mixer is used in a conversion
scheme inside a loop, as we will see later, it is of utmost importance to operate the double-balanced mixer in its
linear range and use a double-balanced mixer that has sufficient isolation between all ports.
In the case of the double-balanced mixer, whether overdriven from the LO or not, we refer to it as an analog
linear PLL. If the VCO signal also overdrives the double-balanced mixer, we call it quasi-digital.
The digital equivalent of a double-balanced mixer is the exclusive-OR gate. The exclusive-OR gate, when built
in CMOS logic, can be operated at 12 V, and therefore the dc output voltage can now be from almost 0 to +12 V,
obtained from the integrator. We now have found a way to increase our dc control voltage without the noise sacrifice
of an additional operational amplifier.
Both the double-balanced mixer and the exclusive-OR gate are only phase sensitive. The exclusive-OR gate
also operates from −𝜋 to +𝜋, and the VCO has to be pretuned to be within the capture range.
Both phase detectors can be used for harmonic locking.
When we analyze the various loop components in Chapter 4, we will find some drawbacks that limit the use of
the exclusive-OR gate.
The edge-triggered JK master/slave flip-flop can be used as a phase/frequency comparator. It operates from
−2𝜋 to +2𝜋. The edge-triggered JK master/slave flip-flop has two outputs. One output supplies pulses to charge a
capacitor, and the other can be used to discharge a capacitor.
To use this phase/frequency detector requires an active loop filter or active integrator, commonly referred to as
a charge pump. This type of phase detector generates a beat frequency at the output, and the average dc voltage
generated in the integrator is either negative or positive, relative to half the power supply voltage, depending on
whether the signal frequency is higher or lower than the reference. This is a useful feature and explains why we can
state that this circuit is not only phase sensitive but also frequency sensitive. Unfortunately, the frequency sensitivity
for this type of phase/frequency discriminator is useful only for large differences. For very small differences in
frequency, there is very little advantage in choosing this circuit over the exclusive-OR gate or the double-balanced
mixer. We will learn more about this circuit in Chapter 4.
The most important circuit for phase/frequency comparators is probably an arrangement of two flip-flops and
several gates. This particular circuit will be called a tri-state phase/frequency comparator, for reasons we will see
later. It has several advantages:
The last two types of phase/frequency detectors, because of their charge/discharge capability, require active
filters or summation circuits. It is theoretically possible to avoid the amplifier and use purely resistive circuits, but
as we will soon learn, this has disadvantages. So far, we still have only used a loop that has no frequency divider.
The introduction of a frequency divider requires that the input to the divider be a square wave (transistor–
transistor logic (TTL)), and we will now define all loops that use digital dividers and phase/frequency comparators
as digital loops. This should not be confused with digital synthesizers. A digital frequency synthesizer is most
likely a direct synthesizer in which the output frequency is digitally generated with the help of a processor and is
not available anywhere in analog or sine wave form. The output frequency is then the summation of several digital
signals in a quasi-sine wave at the output generated only by means of digital circuitry. There are several methods
besides the one currently used, which employs a lookup table for sine or cosine functions. For very low-frequency
application, a complicated arrangement of diodes can be used to generate sine waves out of triangular waveshapes.
Table 1-1 shows a comparison of the various phase/frequency detectors.
Disturbance, u
b Feedback
Figure 1-4 Equivalent diagram of a PLL using feedback control system analogy.
We have learned that because of its wider operating range, the PLL using digital phase/frequency comparators
offers significant advantages over the analog PLL, and that is the main reason it is used in frequency synthesizers.
A closed loop is really a feedback system, and the various rules for feedback systems apply. We have already
written down without further justification the formula that applies for a closed loop:
forward gain
B(s) = (1-6)
1 + (open-loop gain)
Before we continue, let us take a look at some of the abbreviations and definitions that are used in feedback
control systems. Figure 1-4 shows the equivalent block diagram of a feedback system. The gain is equal to the
multiplication of the VCO gain Ko times the phase/frequency comparator K𝜃 and will be abbreviated by K:
rad∕s V
K = Ko K𝜃 (1-7)
V rad
takes a filter function F(s) into consideration, and the fact that the VCO itself is a perfect integrator is also taken
into consideration.
To close the loop, we have to describe the feedback transfer function
H(s) = (1-9)
which will describe the divider ratio N and assumes that there is no delay in the divider. If there is delay in the
divider, H(s) is expressed in the form
e−Tn s
H(s)∗ = (1-10)
Therefore, the open-loop gain of the system is written
This definition of open-loop gain must not be confused with the open-loop gain K or the feedforward gain. From
our definition earlier, the closed-loop gain is
forward gain
B(s) =
1 + (open-loop gain)
𝜃o (s)
𝜃i (s)
1 + G(s)H(s)
s + K(s)F(s)∕N
It has become customary to incorporate the divider ratio N in the K, which means that K in most cases can be
said to equal
Ko K𝜃
If this substitution is made, the formulas are generally valid, provided that the correct factor of K is selected,
and the formulas are generally usable regardless of the actual division ratio. In synthesizer design it is interesting
to determine the system’s noise bandwidth, Bn , which is defined as
Bn = B(j𝜔) d𝜔 (1-13)
2𝜋 ∫0
the resulting j𝜃 would then be the 3-dB bandwidth, the complex variable j deleted. Another important piece of
information in feedback control system performance is the steady-state error, that is, the error remaining after all
transients have died out. The equation for the error function is
𝜃e 1
E(s) = = 1 − B(s) = (1-14)
𝜃i 1 + G(s)H(s)
We will compute the steady-state error as a function of the various systems in Section 1-10 and make some
predictions on loops of various orders. As previously mentioned, we have classified the loops to be either analog
or digital, referring to the phase/frequency detector, and in writing the initial equations, we have already indicated
that the loop may or may not have a filter incorporated.
In analyzing the loop, we will find that to describe a loop, we can express it in terms of both the order of the
loop and the type of loop. The expression “type of loop” refers to the number of integrators used. A PLL using
no active integrator can really only be a type 1 loop. The term “order” refers to the order of the polynomial that is
required to express the loop transfer characteristic.
The absolute minimum in a loop is a phase/frequency detector, a VCO, and no filter. By this definition, this
would be a first-order type 1 loop. Another way of explaining this is by saying that the type of a system refers to
the number of poles of the loop transfer function locked at the origin. The order of a system refers to the highest
degree of the polynomial expression of the denominator that can be expanded into a polynomial expression. In this
book we deal with loops of types 1 and 2 from first order up to fifth.
We have now learned that there are two classifications for loops:
Using our previous definition, a digital PLL is a PLL system in which the phase/frequency comparator is built
from digital components such as gates or flip-flops to form either an exclusive-OR gate, an edge-triggered JK mas-
ter/slave flip-flop, or what we call a tri-state phase/frequency comparator. In addition, digital PLLs use frequency
dividers, and although some circuits using the principle of subharmonic locking for dividers are known, this gener-
ally refers to the use of asynchronous or synchronous dividers. Asynchronous dividers are usually ripple counters,
and synchronous dividers are counters that are being clocked by a common reset line.
The basic difference between an analog and a digital phase/frequency loop is in the possible delay introduced
by the frequency divider and the nonlinear effects of the phase/frequency comparator, and the question of ultimate
resolution of the phase/frequency comparator. The phase/frequency comparator using active filters shows some
highly nonlinear performance during zero crossings at the output or under perfectly locked conditions. As there is
no output from a tri-state phase/frequency comparator under locked conditions, the gain of the loop is zero until
there is a requirement to send correcting pulses from the digital phase/frequency comparator, which then results in
a jump of loop gain.
We will demonstrate that digital phase/frequency comparators, especially tri-state phase/frequency comparators,
have two ranges for acquisition. One is called pull-in range, and the other is called lock-in range. The acquisition
time is the time for both. This total time to acquire both frequency and phase lock is sometimes called the capture
time or digital acquisition time. Depending on the loop filter and the phase/frequency comparator, we will have
different time constants.
For reasons of convenience and linearity, we have, so far, assumed that the loop is in the locked condition.
Initially, when the loop is switched on for the first time, it is far from being locked, and the VCO frequency can be
anywhere within tuning range. Tuning range is defined as the frequency range over which the VCO can be tuned
with the available control voltage.
There are, however, limitations because of the tuning diodes. The minimum voltage that can be applied is
determined by the threshold voltage of the diode itself before it becomes conductive. This voltage is typically
0.7 V, and the maximum voltage is the potential determined by the breakdown voltage of the tuning diode. Even in
the case where the familiar back-to-back diode arrangement is used, these are the two limits for the voltage range.
In practice, however, this range is even narrower because the voltage sensitivity of the tuning diode is excessive at
the very low end and very small at the extreme high end. Even before the breakdown voltage is reached, the noise
contribution from the diode already increases because of some zener effects.
As the loop currently is not in locked condition, we have to help it to acquire lock. Very few loops acquire locking
by themselves, a process called self-acquisition. Generally, the tuning range is larger than the acquisition range.
Self-acquisition is a slow, unreliable process. If the loop is closed for the first time, the process called “pull-in” will
occur. The oscillator frequency, together with the reference frequency, will generate a beat note and a dc control
voltage of such phases that the VCO is pulled in a direction of frequency lock. As the oscillator itself generates
noise in the form of a residual frequency modulation (FM), the oscillator is constantly trying to break out of lock,
and the loop is constantly monitoring the state and reassuring lock. This results, under normal circumstances, in
constant charging and discharging of the holding capacitor responsible for the averaging process.
There is one other phase/frequency comparator that is really more a switch than anything else; it is called a
sample/hold comparator. The sample/hold comparator, which we will deal with later, has the advantage of very
good reference frequency suppression, introduces a phase shift that reduces the phase margin, and is really useful
only up to several hundred kilohertz of frequency. For frequencies higher than this, there is too much leakage.
The sample/hold comparator, which has been popular for a number of years, is described in Chapter 4. Modern
frequency synthesizers, however, prefer digital phase/frequency comparators because the sample/hold comparator
is only a phase comparator and does not recognize frequency offsets. It is too slow to be used for harmonic sampling
and, in our opinion, has only limited use.
The sample/hold comparator is used mostly with T networks for additional reference suppression, and although
these circuits provide good reference suppression, the phase margin has to be so high that the loops are generally
slow in their response.
The switching speed of the loop and its general performance to noise are covered in detail in Section 1-10.
Now let us take a look at a numerical example. Consider a frequency synthesizer using a PLL to synthe-
size a 1-MHz signal from a 25-kHz reference frequency. To realize an output frequency of 1 MHz, a division
of 1 MHz/25 kHz = 40 is necessary.
Let us assume that there is no filtering included, and therefore the closed-loop transfer function will be
B(s) = (1-15)
s + K∕N
A typical value for K𝜃 is 2 V/rad and a typical value for the VCO gain factor Ko is 1000 Hz/V. With these values
the closed-loop transfer function is
K𝜃 Ko 1000 × 2𝜋 × 2 4000𝜋
B(s) = = = (1-16)
s + K𝜃 Ko ∕N s + [(1000 × 2𝜋 × 2)∕40] s + 100𝜋
K𝜃 Ko
𝜔3dB = (1-17)
and therefore
𝜔n = 100𝜋
(1) A four-quadrant multiplier or double-balanced mixer being driven either by a sine wave or a square wave.
(2) The input and output voltages for an exclusive-OR gate.
(3) The input and output voltages after the integrator of an edge-triggered JK master/slave flip-flop.
(4) The input and output voltages of a tri-state phase/frequency comparator after the integrator. Notice that the
extended operating range is linear from −2𝜋 to +2𝜋.
Table 1-2 Circuit Diagrams and Input and Output Waveforms of Various Phase/frequency Comparators
Four-quadrant multiplier
V1 2
Vd θ
V2 –π π π
V1 2
Square θ
V2 waves –π π π
V1 vd
V1 π
– π
V2 Q θ
–π π
V2 +
Exclusive OR
Q = up
V1 vd
–2π 2π
V2 θ
–π π
Q = down
JK master/slave FF
V1 Up
Case 1 S I
V2 vd
Down –π
–2π π 2π
Case 2
V1 R Q
Down S I
V2 Down
G3 G4
The type 1 first-order loop contains a digital phase/frequency comparator and a digital divider, and throughout the
rest of this book, we will deal only with digital loops. This is done on the assumption that the phase/frequency
comparator can be modeled as a linear device over the operating range, which is certainly not true. However, as
most of the formulas and deviations that deal with PLLs have certain assumptions that have finite accuracy, it is
permissible to do so. We realize that a purist will be offended by this statement. However, as many PLLs have been
designed by rule of thumb and the final results were within a few percent accurate, we assume that the reader will
permit this simplification.
The analog loop, as mentioned earlier, does not provide enough dc output, and for reasons of sideband noise,
there is no advantage in using the linear loop in digital frequency synthesizers. Therefore, the PLL without a loop
filter, F(s) = 1, is called a type 1 first-order loop because it has only one integrator, and the highest power (s) in the
denominator of the system transfer function is 1.
The open-loop gain of a type 1 first-order PLL is equal to the forward gain divided by N, (K𝜃 Ko /s)/N. The
transfer function is
B(s) = (1-18)
1 + s[1∕(K𝜃 Ko ∕N)]
K𝜃 Ko
Bn = (1-19)
It should be noted that the noise bandwidth changes as a function of the division ratio N. If there is a large
change in the division ratio, the noise bandwidth will change substantially. This is another reason why the type 1
first-order loop is not very popular.
Let us assume that the loop is not in locked condition. The phase/frequency comparator receives two different
frequencies at the two inputs. For digital phase/frequency comparators, we will use an exclusive-OR gate, which
requires an active integrator.
Because of the limits of the operating range, presteering is required for the VCO to be within the range −𝜋 to
+𝜋 for a locking condition. It is known that the maximum difference between the VCO free-running frequency
and the desired final frequency at which phase lock is possible can be equal to
K𝜃 Ko
Δ𝜔capture = Δ𝜔H = rad∕s (1-20)
It is important to keep the steady-state phase error small; therefore, high dc loop gain is required. As the increase
in loop gain would require an amplifier, this makes the loop noisy and eventually unstable.
We have explained previously that the VCO gain is limited because of the tuning range of the diodes, and
we will learn later that it is desirable to keep the VCO gain as low as possible. The input line to the VCO is a
high-impedance, and pick-up on this line will result in spurious output at the VCO. To keep the spurious frequencies
small, the VCO gain must be kept as small as possible.
The phase detector sensitivity depends mainly on the operating voltage. We recall that the double-balanced
modulator with four diodes supplies only several hundred millivolts; instead, the exclusive-OR gate was chosen,
as this can be operated from 12 V or even higher if CMOS logic is used.
There are several estimates regarding the acquisition time for the type 1 first-order PLL. Using the exclusive-OR
gate, the acquisition time is approximately
2 2
TA = ln (1-21)
K𝜃 Ko ∕N 𝜃𝜀
where ln refers to the natural logarithm and 𝜃 𝜀 refers to the final phase error in radians.
2 2
TA = ln
50 0.2
= 9.2 × 10−2 s
Assuming that the initial offset was less than 50 Hz, the loop locks in frequency without skipping cycles. In
practice, it is impossible to presteer the loop within 50 Hz; therefore, this formula has only limited use.
We have just determined the acquisition time, but we have to ask ourselves: What does it really mean? Does it
mean that the frequency from the initial offset is now the same as the reference frequency? Does it mean that we
have reached a certain percentage of final frequency or gotten very close to the final frequency or final phase? Will
we ever reach the final value, or is there a residual error?
The error function, which we met earlier, provides us with information and insight.
𝜃𝜀 1
E(s) = = 1 − B(s) = (1-14)
𝜃i 1 − G(s)H(s)
It has been shown that, depending on the type of change of input, we get different results. These results are
determined by the use of a transformation from the frequency into the time domain. Section A-4 presents the
mathematical background for the Laplace transform and discusses how it is applied. Here, we use only the results.
Inserting the known factors into Eq. (1-14), we obtain
s𝜃𝜀 (s)
E(s) = (1-22)
with K = K𝜃 Ko /N. It is customary to analyze the performance of the loop for three different conditions:
(1) To apply a step to the input and see what the output response is.
(2) A ramp voltage.
(3) A parabolic input.
Case 1, the step input, means an instantaneous jump with zero rise time to which the output will respond with
a delay. The steady-state phase error resulting from this step change of input phase of magnitude Δ𝜃 for a ramp,
𝜃(s) = (1-23)
Δ𝜔 Δ𝜃
𝜀 = lim = (1-24)
s→0 s+K K
Case 2, the steady-state error resulting from a ramp of input phase that is the same as a step change in reference
frequency in the amount Δ𝜔[𝜃(s) × Δ𝜔/s2 ], is
Δ𝜔 Δ𝜔
𝜀 = lim = (1-25)
s→0 s+K K
It is apparent from these two equations that after a certain time, a type 1 first-order loop will track out any step
change in input phase within the system hold-in range and will follow a step change in frequency with a phase
error that is proportional to the magnitude of the frequency steps and inversely proportional to the dc loop gain.
The loop will show the same performance if phase or frequency of the VCO changes rather than the reference.
In case 3, for the type 1 first-order PLL, it is of interest to examine a ramp change in frequency, the case in
which the reference frequency is linearly changed with a time rate of Δ𝜔/dt rad/s2 and 𝜃(s) = (2Δ𝜔/dt)/s3 . Why
is this so important? Let us assume that we sweep a PLL at a constant rate, as is done in some modern spectrum
analyzers, and we have to find the final condition for the steady-state phase error. The final phase error is
𝜀 = lim =∞ (1-26)
s→0 s2 + sK
What does this mean for us? It means that, as there is no infinite value for K in a type 1 first-order loop, this
loop is not very attractive for tracking, and it also means that above a certain and critical rate of change of reference
frequency or VCO frequency, the loop will no longer stay in locked condition. Therefore, if the loop is swept above
a certain rate, it will not maintain lock.
F(s) = (1-27)
𝜏s + 1
𝜃o (s) NK N
B(s) = = = (1-28)
𝜃i (s) s(𝜏s + 1) + K (s2 ∕𝜔2n ) + (2𝜁∕𝜔n )s + 1
where √
𝜔n = (1-29)
and √
𝜔n 1
2𝜉 = = (1-30)
K 𝜏K
|𝜃 |
| | 1
|B(s)| = | o (j𝜔)| = (1-31)
| 𝜃i | [(1 − 𝜔2 ∕𝜔2n )2 + (2𝜁 𝜔∕𝜔n )2 ]1∕2
| |
The frequency response of this second-order transfer function determined in Eq. (1-28) is plotted in Figure 1-6
for selected values of 𝜁. For 𝜁 = 0.07, the transfer function becomes the second-order “maximally flat” Butterworth
response. For values of 𝜁 < 0.07, the gain exhibits peaking in the frequency domain. The maximum value of the
frequency response MP can be found by differentiating the magnitude of Eq. (1-28) (with s = j𝜔). MP is found
to be
MP = √ (1-33)
2𝜁 1 − 𝜁 2
θi(s) Kϕ F(s) θo(s)
4 20 dB/decade
–2 6 1 ζ = 0.3
2 ζ = 0.5
–6 5
3 ζ = 0.707
4 4 ζ = 1.0
–12 1 2 3 5 ζ = 2.0
–14 6 ζ = 5.0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 3 4 6 8 10
𝜔p = 𝜔n 1 − 2𝜁 2 (1-34)
The 3-dB bandwidth B can be derived by solving for the frequency 𝜔h at which the magnitude of Eq. (1-28)
(with s = j𝜔) is equal to 0.707. B is found to be
B = 𝜔n (1 − 2𝜁 2 + 2 − 4𝜁 2 + 4𝜁 4 )1∕2 (1-35)
The time it takes for the output to rise from 10% to 90% of its final value is called the rise time tr . Rise time is
approximately related to the system bandwidth by the relation
tr = (1-36)
which is exact only for the first-order system described by Eq. (1-5).
The error signal 𝜃 𝜀 , defined as 𝜃 i − 𝜃 o , can be expressed (in unity feedback systems) as
𝜃i (s) 𝜃i (s)
𝜃𝜀 (s) = = (1-37)
1 + KG(s) 1 + KF(s)∕s
If the system is stable, the steady-state error for polynomial inputs 𝜃 i (t) = tn can be obtained from the final value
lim 𝜃𝜀 (t) = lim s𝜃𝜀 (s)
t→∞ s→0
2𝜃i (1-38)
= lim
s→0 KF(s)
If 𝜃 i (t) is a step function representing a sudden increase in phase, 𝜃 i (s) = 1/s and
lim 𝜃 (t) = lim (1-39)
t→∞ 𝜀 s→0 KF(s)
F(s) is either a constant or a low-pass filter that may include poles at the origin. That is,
lim F(s) = ≠0 (1-40)
s→0 sn
Therefore, Eq. (1-39) can be written
sn+1 K ∗
lim 𝜃𝜀 (t) = lim =0 (1-41)
t→∞ s→0 KK ∗
That is, a PLL will track step changes in phase with zero steady-state error.
If there is a constant-amplitude change in the input frequency of A rad/s,
𝜃i (s) = (1-42)
Equation (1-39) becomes
lim 𝜃 (y) = lim = (1-43)
t→∞ 𝜀 s→0 KF(s) KF(0)
If F(0) = 1, the steady-state phase error will be inversely proportional to the loop gain K. Recall that the larger
K is, the larger will be the closed-loop bandwidth and thus the faster the loop response. To increase the response
speed and reduce the tracking error, the loop gain should be as large as possible. If F(0) is finite, there will be a
finite steady-state phase error. The frequency error,
f𝜀 (t) = 𝜃 (t) (1-44)
dt 𝜀
will be zero in the steady state. That is, the input and VCO frequencies will be equal (𝜔i = 𝜔o ).
Table 1-3 shows the popular loop filters for the type 2 second-order loop. We have now dealt with case 1, a
simple resistor-capacitor (RC) filter. The performance obtained with this loop filter is relatively restricted, mainly
because the advantage over the loop with no filter was that we only got one additional parameter, a time constant
Let us look at the table and the various filters. The passive filter type 2 uses two resistors and one capacitor,
which allows compensation of phase.
The active filter, with which we will be dealing shortly, will add an additional integrator and therefore change
this loop from a type 1 second-order to a type 2 second-order. The second-order loops we are currently dealing with
are of type 1 because there is only one integrator involved, the VCO.
As we have only the time constant available as the additional parameter, which as we saw previously determines
both the natural loop frequency 𝜔n and the damping factor 𝜁 , we have not made much progress toward improving
Table 1-3 Circuit and Transfer Characteristics of Several PLL Filters
Passive Active
1 2 3 4
R1 R1 R1 R2 C R1 C
– –
Circuit C R2
+ +
F( jω)
F( jω)
F( jω)
F( jω)
ω ω ω ω
1 + jω τ2 1 + jω τ2
1 1
F( jω) = 1 + jωτ1 1 + jω(τ1 + τ2) jω τ1 jωτ1
τ1 + R1 C τ2 = R2 C
the loop and choosing independent parameters. If we add a resistor in series with the capacitor and obtain the loop
filter shown in Table 1-3, type 2, the transfer function F(s) is
1 + 𝜏2 s
F(s) = (1-45)
1 + 𝜏1 s
or as it is sometimes defined,
1 + j𝜔𝜏2
F(s) = (1-46)
1 + j𝜔(𝜏1 + 𝜏2 )
𝜏1 = (R1 + R2 )C (1-47)
𝜏2 = R2 C (1-48)
𝜏1 = R1 C (1-49)
𝜏2 = R2 C (1-50)
This fact should be pointed out, as it may cause confusion to the reader. This results in the transfer function of the
type 1 second-order PLL using the first-case definition,
K(1 + 𝜏2 s∕1 + 𝜏1 s)
B(s) =
s + K(1 + 𝜏2 s∕1 + 𝜏1 s)
K(1∕𝜏1 )(1 + 𝜏2 s)
s2 + (1∕𝜏1 )(1 + K𝜏2 )s + (K∕𝜏1 )
To be consistent with our previous abbreviations, we now insert the terms of the loop damping factor 𝜁 and the
natural frequency 𝜔n and obtain
s𝜔 (2𝜁 − 𝜔n ∕K) + 𝜔2n
B(s) = n (1-52)
s2 + 2𝜁 𝜔n s + 𝜔2n
where √
𝜔n = rad∕s (1-53)
and √
1 1
𝜁= (1 + 𝜏2 K) (1-54)
2 𝜏1 K
We remember our abbreviation used previously, 𝜔n . The magnitude of the transfer function of the phase-lag
filter magnitude is √
1 + (𝜔R2 C)2
|F(j𝜔)| = (1-55)
1 + [𝜔C(R1 + R2 )]2
𝜔n √
B3dB = (a + a2 + 1)1∕2 Hz (1-59)
Again, we are interested in the final phase error and information we can gain from the phase error function
s(1 + 𝜏1 s)𝜃(s)
E(s) = (1-62)
𝜏1 s2 + (1 + K𝜏2 )s + K
As we are still dealing with a type 1 system, we obtain zero steady phase error, for a step in phase, and constant
error for a ramp input in phase. One of these cases is shown in Figure 1-7, where the transient phase error due to a
step in phase is plotted.
For the loop to stay in lock, the following critical values have to be considered. The maximum rate of change
of reference frequency dΔ𝜔/dt should satisfy the equation
( )
= 𝜔2n (1-63)
dt max
The maximum rate at which the VCO can be swept must satisfy the condition
( ) 𝜔2n
< (1-64)
dt max 2
Δ𝜔H = K rad∕s
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Figure 1-7 Transient phase step response for type 1 second-order loop.
An approximate time required for this type 1 second-order loop to obtain frequency lock is
4(Δf )2
Tacq ≃ s (1-66)
A simple numerical example may give some additional insight. Let us assume that we have an oscillator oper-
ating at 45 MHz, using a reference frequency of 1 kHz. The tuning range of the oscillator is 5 MHz, which means
that the frequency of the VCO in the beginning can be at either 40 or 50 MHz, as an extreme value. If we take the
Δf offset worst-case condition of 5 MHz, and to get adequate reference suppression, we use a 50-Hz natural loop
frequency and a damping factor 𝜁 of 0.7, the noise bandwidth is
( )
50 1
Bn = 0.7 +
2 0.7 × 4
= 25(0.7 + 0.3571)
= 25 × 1.0571
= 26.4 Hz
This is a ridiculous value. Unless the loop gets acquisition help, we would lose patience before it has ever
acquired lock. Let us assume for a moment that we have a Δf of only 1 kHz or one step size. This still results in
an acquisition time of 380 s, much too long for practical values. In Section 1-10 we will learn some acquisition
aids that can speed up the otherwise lengthy procedure. For now, it is sufficient to know that in cases where we do
not use a phase/frequency comparator, it generates a beat note that is capable of switching and, therefore, aiding
acquisition. Externally switched oscillators can be used, or automatic circuits can be incorporated that change the
loop bandwidth before acquisition occurs and therefore can speed up the circuit substantially.
We end our discussion of the type 1 second-order loop here and concentrate on the more popular type
2 second-order loop. Why is the type 2 second-order loop so much more popular?
We found out previously that the freedom of choice of parameters was limited.
How do we accomplish the infinite dc gain, and how do we accomplish zero phase error?
If it is necessary to have zero phase error in response to step changes in the input frequency, lim F(s) must be
infinite. That is, the dc gain of the low-pass filter must be infinite. This can be realized by including in F(s) a pole
at the origin. In this case F(s) will be of the form
1 𝜏2 s + 1
F(s) = (1-67)
s 𝜏1
The addition of the pole at the origin creates difficulties with the loop stability. In fact, the system will now be
unstable unless a lead network is included in F(s). With a passive filter, therefore resulting in a type 1 second-order
loop, the condition is generally that we start with specified values for 𝜔n and 𝜁 and we want to determine the time
constants 𝜏 1 and 𝜏 2 . This has rarely been shown in the literature, and for those interested, here is the result. We
start off with K𝜃 Ko /N = K and
𝜔n = (1.56)
𝜏1 + 𝜏2
( )1∕2 ( )
1 1 1
𝜁= K+ 𝜏2 + (1-68)
2 𝜏1 + 𝜏2 K
By squaring 𝜁 and inserting the value for 𝜔n , after some manipulation we obtain
𝜏22 K 2 + 𝜏2 2K + 1 − 4𝜁 2 =0 (1-69)
𝜏1 = − 𝜏2 (1-70)
−2K + 4K 2 − 4K 2 [1 − 4𝜁 2 (K 2 ∕𝜔2n )]
𝜏2 = (1-71)
2K 2
and 𝜏1
R1 = (1-72)
and 𝜏2
R2 = (1-73)
1 𝜏2 s + 1
F(s) = (1-67)
s 𝜏1
The multiplier 1/s indicates a second integrator, which is generated by the active amplifier. In Table 1-3, this is
the type 3 filter. The type 4 filter is mentioned there as a possible configuration but is not recommended because,
as stated previously, the addition of the pole of the origin creates difficulties with loop stability and, in most cases,
requires a change from the type 4 to the type 3 filter. One can consider the type 4 filter as a special case of the
type 3 filter, and therefore it does not have to be treated separately. Another possible transfer function is
1 1 + 𝜏2 s
F(s) = (1-74)
R1 C s
𝜏2 = R2 C (1-50)
Again, as if for a practical case, we start off with the design values 𝜔n and 𝜁, and we have to determine 𝜏 1
and 𝜏 2 . Taking an approach similar to that for the type 1 second-order loop, the results are
𝜏1 = (1-76)
𝜏2 = (1-77)
and 𝜏1
R1 = (1.72)
and 𝜏2
R2 = (1.73)
The closed-loop transfer function of a type 2 second-order PLL with a perfect integrator is
2𝜁 𝜔n s + 𝜔2n
B(s) = (1-79)
s2 + 2𝜁 𝜔n s + 𝜔2n
( )
1 R 1∕2
𝜁= K𝜏2 2 (1-81)
2 R1
and K = K𝜃 Ko /N.
The 3-dB bandwidth of the type 2 second-order loop is
𝜔n √
B3dB = [2𝜁 2 + 1 + (2𝜁 2 + 1)2 + 1]1∕2 Hz (1-82)
Again, we ask the question of the final error and use the previous error function,
E(s) = (1-84)
s + K(R2 ∕R1 ){[s + (1∕𝜏2 )]∕s}
s2 𝜃(s)
E(s) = (1-85)
s2 + K(R2 ∕R1 )s + (K∕𝜏2 )(R2 ∕R1 )
As a result of the perfect integrator, the steady-state error resulting from a step change in input phase or change
of magnitude of frequency is zero.
If the input frequency is swept with a constant range change of input frequency (Δ𝜔/dt) for 𝜃(s) = (2Δ𝜔/dt)/s3 ,
the steady-state phase error is
R 𝜏 (2Δ𝜔∕dt)
E(s) = 1 2 rad (1-86)
R2 K
The maximum rate at which the VCO frequency can be swept for maintaining lock is
( )
2Δ𝜔 N 1
= 4Bn − rad∕s (1-87)
dt 2𝜏2 𝜏2
The introduction of N indicates that this is referred to the VCO rather than to the phase/frequency comparator.
In the previous example of the type 1 first-order loop, we referred it only to the phase/frequency comparator rather
than the VCO.
K′d F(s) Ko
Ω1 (s) + Phase A(s) B(s) Ω2 (s)
frequency Filter VCO
Ω2 (s)
is explained fully in Chapter 4, and we only use the result here. This phase detector gain is valid only in the
out-of-lock state and is a somewhat coarse approximation to the real gain, which, due to nonlinear differential
equations, is very difficult to calculate. However, practical tests show that this approximation is still fairly accurate.
Ωe (s) = Ω1 (s)N ′
N + Ko Kd F(s)
Ω1 (s) = (Δ𝜔1 = magnitude of frequency step) (1-89)
Ωe (s) = ( ) ′
′ 𝜏 Ko Kd
s N + Ko Kd 𝜏2 + 𝜏1
[ ]
1 1
𝜔e (t) = Δ𝜔1 exp − (1-92)
(𝜏1 N∕Ko Kd ) + 𝜏2
′ ′
1 + Ko Kd (𝜏2 ∕𝜏1 )(1∕N)
Δ𝜔1 N
lim 𝜔e (t) = ′
t→0 N + Ko Kd (𝜏2 ∕𝜏1 )
lim 𝜔e (t) = 0 (1-94)
{ }
1 1 𝜏1 + 𝜏2
Ωe (s) = Δ𝜔1 N + (1-97)
s s[N(𝜏1 + 𝜏2 ) + Ko Kd 𝜏2 ] + (N + Ko Kd ) s[N(𝜏1 + 𝜏2 ) + Ko Kd′ 𝜏2 ] + (N + Ko Kd′ )
′ ′
For the first term we will use the abbreviation A, and for the second term we will use the abbreviation B.
1∕[N(𝜏1 + 𝜏2 ) + Ko Kd 𝜏2 ]
A= [ ′
] (1-98)
N+Ko Kd
s s+ ′
N(𝜏1 +𝜏2 )+Ko Kd 𝜏2
𝜏1 +𝜏2
N(𝜏1 +𝜏2 )+Ko Kd 𝜏2
B= ′
N+Ko Kd
s+ ′
N(𝜏1 +𝜏2 )+Ko Kd 𝜏2
and finally
𝜔e (t) = 𝜔1 N[𝓁 −1 (A) + (𝜏1 + 𝜏2 )𝓁 −1 (B)] (1-102)
What does the equation mean? We really want to know how long it takes to pull the VCO frequency to the
reference. Therefore, we want to know the value of t, the time it takes to be within 2𝜋 or less of lock-in range.
The PLL can, at the beginning, have a phase error from −2𝜋 to +2𝜋, and the loop, by accomplishing lock, then
takes care of this phase error.
We can make the reverse assumption for a moment and ask ourselves, as we have done earlier, how long the
loop stays in phase lock. This is called the pull-out range. Again, we apply signals to the input of the PLL as long
as the loop can follow and the phase error does not become larger than 2𝜋. Once the error is larger than 2𝜋, the
loop jumps out of lock.
We will learn more about this in Section 1-10, but as already mentioned with regard to the condition where the
loop is out of lock, a beat note occurs at the output of the loop filter following the phase/frequency detector.
The tri-state phase/frequency comparator, however, works on a different principle, and the pulses generated and
supplied to the charge pump do not allow the generation of an ac voltage. The output of such a phase/frequency
detector is always unipolar, but, relative to the value of Vbatt /2, the integrator voltage can be either positive or neg-
ative. If we assume for a moment that this voltage should be the final voltage under a locked condition, we will
observe that the resulting dc voltage is either more negative or more positive relative to this value, and because of
this, the VCO will be “pulled in” to this final frequency rather than swept in, which had been mentioned previously.
The swept-in technique applies only in cases of phase/frequency comparators, where this beat note is being gener-
ated. A typical case would be the exclusive-OR gate or even a sample/hold comparator. This phenomenon is rarely
covered in the literature and was probably discussed in detail for the first time in the book by Roland Best [1].
Let us assume now that the VCO has been pulled in to final frequency to be within 2𝜋 of the final frequency,
and the time t is known. The next step is to determine the lock-in characteristic.
Lock-in Characteristic
We will now determine lock-in characteristic, and this requires the use of a different block diagram. Figure 1-8
shows the familiar block diagram of the PLL, and we will use the following definitions:
A(s) = 𝜃e (s)Kd
B(s) = A(s)F(s)
𝜃2 (s) = B(s)
The phase error at the detector is
𝜃e (s) = 𝜃1 (s) (1-103)
Ko Kd F(s) + sN
In Section A-4 we will see that a step in phase at the input, with the worst-case error being 2𝜋, results in
𝜃1 (s) = 2𝜋 (1-104)
We will now treat the two cases using an active or a passive filter.
Active Filter
The transfer characteristic of the active filter is
1 + s𝜏2
F(s) = (1.90)
This results in the formula for the phase error at the detector,
𝜃e (s) = 2𝜋 (1-105)
s2 + (sK o Kd 𝜏2 ∕𝜏1 )∕N + (Ko Kd ∕𝜏1 )∕N
a2 = 1
a1 = (Ko Kd 𝜏2 ∕𝜏1 )∕N
a0 = (Ko Kd ∕𝜏1 )∕N
and we have to find the roots W1 and W2 . Expressed in the form of a polynomial coefficient, the phase error is
𝜃e (s) = 2𝜋 (1-106)
(s + W1 )(s + W2 )
After the Laplace transformation has been performed, the result can be written in the form
W1 e−W1 t − W2 e−W2 t
𝛿e (t) = 2𝜋 (1-107)
W1 − W2
lim 𝛿e (t) = 2𝜋
lim 𝛿 (t) =0
t→∞ e
Passive Filter
The transfer function of the passive filter is
1 + s𝜏2
F(s) = (1.95)
1 + s(𝜏1 + 𝜏2 )
If we apply the same phase step of 2𝜋 as before, the resulting phase error is
[1∕(𝜏1 + 𝜏2 )] + s
𝜃e (s) = 2𝜋 N+Ko Kd 𝜏2 Ko Kd
s2 +s N(𝜏1 +𝜏2 )
+ N(𝜏1 +𝜏2 )
a2 = 1
N + Ko Kd 𝜏2
a1 =
N(𝜏1 + 𝜏2 )
Ko Kd
a0 =
N(𝜏1 + 𝜏2 )
and finally find the roots for W1 and W2 . This can be written in the form
[ ]
1 1 s
𝜃e (s) = 2𝜋 + (1-109)
𝜏1 + 𝜏2 (s + W1 )(s + W2 ) (s + W1 )(s + W2 )
lim 𝛿e (t) = 2𝜋
lim 𝛿 (t) =0
t→∞0 e
We will show with the type 2 third-order loop how these roots are being determined, as the roots are going to
be fifth order. We assume that determining the roots of a cubic equation is known and easy.
As a result of the last equation for the active as well as for the passive filter, Eqs. (1-107) and (1-110) have
the dimension of radians. Although mathematically speaking it is not strictly accurate, it is permissible to multiply
these values with the division ratio N and the reference frequency to obtain a final error in the dimension frequency.
It has been shown in practical experiments that, if this final error is less than 0.1 Hz, the time (t) it takes to get there
can be taken as the lock-in time. In Chapter 2, we will learn that any VCO has a certain residual FM. This means that
even under locked condition, the output frequency moves within certain boundaries. Medium-quality synthesizers
show a residual FM of 3 Hz, whereas a loop with dividers at the output and low division ratio can have a residual
FM as low as 0.1 Hz or better. This is, at times, also called incidental FM, and similar expressions have been found
in the literature.
In Table 1-2 we indicated that the exclusive-OR gate and the edge-triggered JK master/slave flip-flop have a
different operation mode than that of the tri-state phase/frequency comparator.
We will go into the details in Section 1-10, since the tri-state phase/frequency comparator does not require any
acquisition aid.
Let us take a look at a numerical example. We have a PLL with the following parameters:
These values were determined for the type 2 second-order loop with a program.
In Section 1-7 we will find that the type 2 third-order loop, although initially somewhat more difficult to treat
mathematically, will show better reference suppression, faster lockup time, and really is better as far as repro-
ducibility is concerned. This is due to the fact that there are always stray capacitors and some other elements in the
circuit, which can be incorporated in the type 2 third-order loop, whereas the type 2 second-order loop really does
not exist in its pure form.
Some of the dynamics of the type 2 second-order loop and of the type 2 third-order loop are dealt with in Section
1-10. For reasons of consistency, however, the transient behavior of the type 2 second-order loop has already been
treated, and the equivalent performance of the type 2 third-order loop will be discussed on the following pages.
We have stated several times previously that low-order loops really do not exist. The reasons for this are the intro-
duction of phase shift by the operational amplifier, stray capacitors, and other things in the loop.
The type 2 third-order loop is a very good approximation of what is actually happening and can easily be
developed from the type 2 second-order loop by adding one more RC filter at the output. Most likely, the operational
amplifier as part of the active filter has to drive a feed-through capacitor, and for reasons of spike decoupling or
additional filtering, one resistor is put in series.
Figure 1-9 shows a loop filter for a type 2 third-order loop. Just a reminder: this loop has two integrators, one
being the VCO and one being the operational amplifier and three time constants.
This filter can be redrawn as shown in Figure 1-10. The transfer function for this filter is
1 1 + s𝜏2
F(s) = − (1-111)
s𝜏1 1 + s𝜏3
𝜏1 = C1 R1 (1-112)
𝜏2 = R2 (C1 + C2 ) (1-113)
R2 T1 = C1 R1
T2 = R2 (C1 + C2)
T3 = C2 R2
1 1 + sT2
Transfer function F(s) = –
sT1 1 + sT3
Figure 1-9 Circuit diagram of loop filter for the third-order loop.
C3 R2
– R3
1 1 + s/ω′z 1 1
F(s) = –
C3 R1 s(1 + s/ωp) ωz = R2C3 jωp = R3C4
Figure 1-10 Circuit diagram of redrawn Figure 1-9. Note that this is the same type of loop filter as in the
type 2 second-order loop with an additional RC time constant.
𝜏3 = C2 R2 (1-114)
Let us now determine the transfer function for the type 2 third-order loop.
and for
H(s) = N = division ratio (1-116)
K𝜃 F(s)Ko
= K𝜃 F(s)Ko
s+ N
𝜃o (s) 1 + s𝜏2 K𝜃 Ko
B(s) = = (1-119)
𝜃i (s) s𝜏1 + s2 𝜏1 𝜏3 s + K𝜃 Ko 1+s𝜏2
N s𝜏1 +s2 𝜏1 𝜏2
B(s) = NK 𝜃 Ko (1 + s𝜏2 ) (1-120)
s3 N𝜏1 𝜏3 + s2 N𝜏1 + sK 𝜃 Ko 𝜏2 + K𝜃 Ko
polynominal P = s3 N𝜏1 𝜏3 + s2 N𝜏1 + sK 𝜃 Ko 𝜏2 + K𝜃 Ko (1-121)
a4 = 1 (1-123)
a3 = (1-124)
a2 = K𝜃 Ko (1-125)
N𝜏1 𝜏3
a1 = K𝜃 Ko a2 (1-126)
N𝜏1 𝜏3 = 𝜏2
The polynomial is of the order of 3, and we can use a calculator routine to find the roots b1 , b2 , and b3 ; finally,
s1 = 0 (1-127)
s2 = −b1 (1-128)
s3 = −b2 (1-129)
s4 = −b3 (1-130)
1 1
a4 s4 + a3 s3 + a2 s2 + a1 s a4 s(s + b1 )(s + b2 )(s + b3 )
( )
c1 c2 c3 c4 1
= (1-131)
s + b1 s + b2 s + b3 s a4
Now we have to determine Ci , for i = 1–4, and multiply the equation previously,
which is equal to
(numerator = 1)
(s + b1 )(s + b2 )(s + b3 )s
Rearranging yields
s3 (c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 )
+ s2 [c1 (b2 + b3 ) + c2 (b1 + b3 ) + c3 (b1 + b2 ) + c4 (b1 + b2 + b3 )]
+ s[c1 b2 b3 + c2 b1 b3 + c3 b1 b2 + c3 b1 b2 + c4 (b1 b2 + b1 b3 + b2 b3 )]
+ c4 b1 b2 b3
and since
c1 + c2 + c3 = 0 (1-132)
c1 (b2 + b3 ) + c2 (b1 + b3 ) + c3 (b1 + b2 ) = 0 (1-133)
c1 b2 b3 + c2 b1 b3 + c3 b1 b2 = (1-134)
N𝜏1 𝜏3
c3 = −c1 − c2 (1-135)
b3 − b1
c2 = −c1 (1-136)
b3 − b2
1 1
c1 = (1-137)
N𝜏1 𝜏3 (b3 − b1 )(b2 − b1 )
1 + s𝜏2 1∕N𝜏1 𝜏3
𝜃o (s) = NK 𝜃 Ko
s s3 + s2 + 𝜏2 K𝜃 Ko s + K𝜃 Ko
𝜏3 N𝜏1 𝜏3 N𝜏2 𝜏3
[ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )]
c1 c2 c3 c1 1 1 c2 1 1 c3 1 1
= NK 𝜃 Ko 𝜏2 + + + − + − + −
s + b1 s + b2 s + b3 b1 s s + b1 b2 s s + b2 b3 s s + b3
[ ]
(𝜏2 − 1∕b1 )c1 (𝜏2 − 1∕b2 )c2 (𝜏2 − 1∕b3 )c3 (c1 ∕b1 ) + (c2 ∕b2 ) + (c3 ∕b3 )
= NK 𝜃 Ko + + + (1-139)
s + b1 s + b2 s + b3 s
To plot the Bode diagram, the open-loop gain equation for A(j𝜔) determined and plotted in magnitude and
phase. We obtain ( )
K Ko 1 1 + j𝜔𝜏2
A(j𝜔) = − 𝜃
Nj𝜔 j𝜔𝜏1 1 + j𝜔𝜏3
( ) (1-141)
K Ko 1 + j𝜔𝜏2 1
= 𝜃 2
N𝜔 1 + j𝜔𝜏3 𝜏1
𝜔𝜏2 𝜔𝜏3
tan 𝜙 = − (1-144)
1 + 𝜔2 𝜏2 𝜏3 1 + 𝜔2 𝜏2 𝜏3
The magnitude is √
𝜏 1 + 𝜔2 𝜏22
|A(j𝜔)| = 9 √ (1-145)
1 + 𝜔2 𝜏32
|A(j𝜔)| = 1 (crossover point) (1-146)
We finally obtain √
1 + 𝜔2 𝜏22
𝜏1 = 𝜏9 (1-147)
1 + 𝜔2 𝜏32
A1 = 1 + 𝜔2 𝜏22 (1-148)
A2 = 1 + 𝜔2 𝜏32 (1-149)
assuming that
𝜔2 𝜏2 𝜏3 ≪ 1
Let us determine the natural loop frequency 𝜔o from the point of zero slope of the phase response,
=0 (1-151)
d𝜙 𝜏2 𝜏3
= − =0 (1-152)
d𝜔 1 + (𝜔𝜏2 )2 1 + (𝜔𝜏3 )2
and therefore √
𝜔o = (1-153)
𝜏2 𝜏3
If we set
tan 𝜙 = tan[(𝛼 − 𝛽) + 𝜋]
tan(𝛼 − 𝛽) + 0
= = tan(𝛼 − 𝛽) (1-157)
tan 𝛼 − tan 𝛽 𝜔𝜏2 − 𝜔𝜏3
tan(𝛼 − 𝛽) = = = tan 𝜙 (1-158)
1 + tan 𝛼 tan 𝛽 1 + 𝜔2 𝜏2 𝜏3
If we set √
𝜔 = 𝜔o = (1-159)
𝜏2 𝜏3
then √
(1∕ 𝜏2 𝜏3 )(𝜏2 − 𝜏3 ) 𝜏2 − 𝜏3
tan 𝜙o = = √ (1-160)
1=1 2 𝜏2 𝜏3
√ 1
𝜏2 𝜏3 = (1-161)
𝜔2o 𝜏2 𝜏3 = 1 (1-162)
𝜏2 = (1-163)
𝜔2o 𝜏3
(1∕𝜔2o 𝜏3 ) − 𝜏3 (1∕𝜔2o 𝜏3 ) − 𝜔o 𝜏3
tan 𝜙o = = (1-164)
2(1∕𝜔o ) 2
𝜏 3 is now determined independent of the other parameters, 𝜏 1 and 𝜏 2 , by setting the value for 𝜔o and the phase
margin 𝜙 to begin with. Once 𝜏 3 is determined, the values for 𝜏 1 and 𝜏 2 can be computed by inserting them in the
necessary equations.
These equations were somewhat lengthy, but they were spelled out in great detail to show the approach taken. A
computer program based on these equations is presented in Section A-3 and can be used for Bode diagram plotting.
It may be useful to compare the normalized output response of the different types of loops. Figure 1-11a shows
the step response for a phase margin of 10∘ and 45∘ and a type 2 third-order loop. Figure 1-11b shows the result
for a type 1 second-order loop similar to the normalized output response for a damping factor of 0.1 and 0.45.
Figure 1-11c shows the normalized output response for the same damping factors, 0.1 and 0.45.
These responses can be plotted in the Bode diagram. Figure 1-11d shows the integrated response F(s) of the
second- and third-order loops.
The closed-loop response of the type 2, second- and third-order loops is somewhat similar; but as Figure 1-11e
shows, we obtain a much better suspension from the type 2 third-order loop than from the type 2 second-order loop.
Phase margin = 10°
Normalized output response
0 10 20 30
Time (ms)
Figure 1-11a Normalized output response of a type 2 third-order loop with a phase margin of 10∘ and 45∘ .
Damping factor = 0.11
Normalized output response
Damping factor = 0.45
0 10 20 30
Time (ms)
Figure 1-11b Normalized output response of a type 1 second-order loop having a damping factor of 0.1 and 0.45.
0 10 20 30
Time (ms)
Figure 1-11c Normalized output response of a type 2 second-order loop with a damping factor of 0.1 and 0.05 for
Ωn = 0.631.
40 (a) (b)
(a) Second-order PLL, d.f. = 0.45
10 (d)
–10 (b)
–20 (d) (c)
1 10 100 1000 10,000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 1-11d Integrated response for various loops as a function of the phase margin.
Phase margin = 10°
Response (dB)
1 10 100 1000 10,000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 1-11e Closed-loop response of a type 2 third-order PLL having a phase margin of 10∘ and 45∘ .
If the phase margins of the damping factor chosen are inappropriate, we obtain an overshoot that translates into
discrete spurious noise at the appropriate offset from the carrier.
E = noise voltage with loop closed
we can write
E(s) = En (s)
1 + (open-loop gain)
1 + G(s)H(s)
= (1-168)
1 + A(s)
| E(𝜔) |
| | 1
| |= (1-169)
| En (𝜔) | K𝜃 Ko | 1+j𝜔𝜏2 |
| | | 1+j𝜔𝜏 | + 1
N𝜔2 𝜏1 | 3|
The type 2 third-order loop is really the most important but was not used that often in the past. This may
be a lack of understanding or not realizing that, by proper combination of the time constants, the unavoidable
feed-through capacitors and some series capacitors can be incorporated to obtain this type of loop. The advantages
of the third-order loop over the second-order loop are in the higher reference suppression for a given loop frequency,
or if a certain loop frequency has to be chosen because of lockup time, the reference suppression is higher than we
would find in the case of a type 2 second-order loop.
Let us take a case where we have the following parameters:
The resulting values for the loop filter are determined from the computer program:
R1 5600 Ω
R2 1105 Ω
C1 5.7E-7 F
C2 1.19E-7 F
Reference suppression 32 dB
Lockup time 3 ms
The same loop in a type 2 second-order system would show reference suppression of 20 dB for the same loop
bandwidth and 8-ms lockup time. These last two figures clearly indicate the advantage of the type 2 third-order loop.
Many applications require an even higher reference suppression. In the following analysis, we will deal with
higher-order loops that are capable of additional suppression. However, the lockup time and the phase stability now
may become a trade-off, as we will soon find out.
θi(s) θo(s)
Σ Kϕ T(s)
K(s) = (1-170)
s2 (1∕𝜔2n ) + s(2d∕𝜔n ) + 1
−(1 + s𝜏2 ) 1
T(s) =
s2 𝜏1 𝜏3 + s𝜏1 s2 (1∕𝜔2n ) + s(2d∕𝜔n ) + 1
1 + s𝜏2
= ( ) ( ) (1-171)
s 4 𝜏1 𝜏3 +
s3 𝜔1 2d𝜏3 + 𝜔1 + s2 𝜏1 𝜏3 𝜔2d + s𝜏1
𝜔2n n n n
We use the familiar block diagram, Figure 1-12, which shows the phase detector, the low-pass filter, the active
integrator [both condensed in T(s)], the VCO, and the divider. The forward gain now becomes (K𝜃 Ko /s)T(s), and
the open-loop gain is
K K T(s)
A(s) = 𝜃 o (1-172)
s N
𝜃o (s) (K𝜃 Ko ∕s) T(s) K𝜃 Ko T(s)
= = (1-174)
𝜃i (s) 1 + (K𝜃 Ko ∕Ns) T(s) s + K𝜃 Ko T(s)∕N
Rearranging yields
𝜃o (s) = 𝜃i (s)K𝜃 Ko (1-175)
S + K𝜃 Ko T(s)∕N
The output phase, which is the same as the VCO phase, is now assumed to be disturbed by a step of magnitude
Sv . The amount Sv would be in the maximum case N × 2𝜋, using phase detector operating ranges of ±2𝜋.
If this step is referred to the input of the phase detector, it has to be divided by N, and in Laplace notation, we
𝜃i (s) = v (1-176)
Sv Sv s S Sv
𝜃o (s) = − 2 = v − (1-178)
s s + UsT(s) s s + UT(s)
s5 a5 + s4 a4 + s3 a3 + s2 a2 + sa1 + ao
a5 = 1 (1-180)
2d𝜏3 𝜔n + 1
a4 = (1-181)
a3 = 𝜔2n + (1-182)
a2 = (1-183)
a1 = U𝜏2 (1-184)
𝜏1 𝜏3
ao = U (1-185)
𝜏1 𝜏3
The next task is to determine the roots Wi and rewrite the denominator polynomial in the form
Pdemoninator = (s − W5 ) (s − W4 ) (s − W3 ) (s − W2 ) (s − W1 ) (1-186)
Ks = Wi = ets (1-187)
demoninator without containing Wi
Ai j = Pi ↑ (j − 2)Q j (1-194)
i = 1, 2, 3, N2 (1-195)
j = 3, 4, 5, N2 + 1 (1-196)
Bi j = Pi − Pj (1-197)
i = 1, 2, 3, … , N2 (1-198)
j = 1, 2, 3, … , N2 (1-199)
it is apparent that
s4 Q6 + s3 Q5 + s2 Q4 + sQ3
Δ𝜃o (s) = (1-206)
s5 Q6 + s4 Q5 + s3 Q4 + s2 Q3 + sQ2 + Q1
Finally, we obtain the roots P1 to P5 in terms of Q1 to Q6 ; then the partial fraction expansion gives the residues:
What is the practical use of higher-order loops? Higher-order loops are really useful only in frequency syn-
thesizers if the reference frequency is substantially higher than the loop frequency. A typical example would be
a reference frequency of as high as 5 or 10 MHz down to as low as 25 kHz, which has to be suppressed more
than 90 dB. The phase shift introduced by the additional filtering, as can be seen by the computer program in the
Appendix B and the example shown here, can be allowed only if the cutoff frequency of the loop is small relative
to the additional poles of the filter. What is a typical example? Let us assume that we have a reference frequency
of 25 kHz, and our loop frequency is set at 1 or 2 kHz. The resulting reference suppression with the simple loop
filter would be approximately 20 times log(25 kHz/2 kHz), or roughly 20 dB. This is totally insufficient, of course.
The third-order loop, because of its deeper filtering, will increase this to roughly 33 dB, but this is still not
enough. The insertion of a steep filter, such as an active filter or an inductor-capacitor (LC) elliptic filter, with
poles at 25 kHz, will have very little phase shift at 2 kHz, the cutoff frequency of the loop filter, and a substantial
suppression of the reference becomes possible. However, these high-order systems are useful only if there is enough
difference between the reference frequency and the loop frequency. The higher the ratio between the two values,
the easier it becomes to design a high-order system.
To get high suppression and not too much phase shift and to be able to work close to the reference frequency,
special detectors are generally required. The phase shift introduced by using a sample/hold comparator is fairly
small, and it is possible to set the loop filter at about half of the reference. If properly designed, the dual sampler
combines good reference suppression with low noise. The phase shift can be adjusted and compensated. The draw-
back of the sample/hold comparator, as we will see in Chapter 4, is its limits as to what is the highest frequency of
If properly designed, the tri-state phase/frequency comparator, also discussed in Chapter 4, may have 60–70 dB
inherent reference suppression without the filter and may ease the requirement on the loop filter. Only techniques
that compensate the spikes at the output of the tri-state phase/frequency comparator, as will be described later,
will reduce the phase jitter and incidental FM introduced by this somewhat noisy discriminator. As the tri-state
comparator is somewhat noisier than the sample/hold, the particular loop with its cutoff frequency and its noise
requirements will determine which sample to use.
It may be useful to do some comparison between the different loops based on their performance. Figure 1-13a
shows a simple block diagram of a PLL loop with a 15-MHz reference oscillator and 300-MHz output frequency.
The division ratio is therefore 20. An active integrator with the time constant T1 , … , T4 and the open-loop gain A0
is selected.
The plot of Figure 1-13b shows the phase noise of the VCO, the phase noise of the reference oscillator of
15 MHz, and the resulting phase noise when the loop is closed. The overshot is due to the loop bandwidth and the
damping factor. In this case, the reduction of the loop and width would have reduced the phase noise as the VCO
had better noise properties than the closed loop.
The single-loop synthesizer has a number of restrictions. One immediate restriction is the fact that the step size is
the same as the reference frequency, unless special techniques are used, which are described in Chapter 3.
In addition, as we have frequency dividers that work “only” up to about 2 GHz, it becomes difficult, if not
impossible, to build a PLL at a much higher frequency unless some mixing techniques are used. These techniques
15 MHz × 0
300 MHz
Phase comparator Integrator 300 MHz VTO output
[Kp] [T0,T1,T2,T3,A0,] [KV, TV] [L(f) VTO]
Frequency divider
[N = 20]
(b) –80
SSB phase noise (bBc/Hz)
PLL output
Figure 1-13b Single sideband (SSB) phase noise in dBc/Hz for the 15-MHz crystal oscillator (solid line) 300 MHz Lc
VCO (solid line above) and PLL output of total system (curve).
are also sometimes referred to as heterodyning techniques. Figure 1-14 shows a single-loop synthesizer that has a
mixer incorporated, which heterodynes the VCO frequency down to a lower frequency at which we have dividers
available. The auxiliary frequency that is injected in the loop for down-conversion is generated from the reference
oscillator and may be a direct-digital synthesis (DDS). Today we can get a DDS system up to 6 GHz, to be driven at
12 GHz or higher. Theoretically we could omit the divide by N stage, but the penalty would be the internal spurious
of the DDS, so it is advisable to operate the DDS at less the 1/10 or less of the sampling frequency. For now we
are mostly concerned only with the question of loop stability as a function of the introduction of this mixer, and its
possible effects as far as unwanted sidebands are concerned.
Let us assume the numerical example shown in Figure 1-15. This synthesizer is intended for use in an amateur
transceiver operating from 144 to 148 MHz, a frequency range that is well within the capabilities of current dividers.
However, since we want to minimize power consumption, we find that it requires less power to generate an auxiliary
frequency of 140 MHz from our 5-MHz standard (synchronizing a 70-MHz crystal and doubling it). The output
frequency of this mixer then is 4–8 MHz, and this frequency range can be handled by a programmable divider in
CMOS. Between the mixer and the divider, we will insert a bandpass filter of 4-MHz bandwidth. The divider in
ϕ Ref.
Figure 1-14 Block diagram of a digital PLL using the heterodyne technique.
CMOS now has to operate between 4 and 8 MHz. For such amateur applications it is frequently required that the
same synthesizer be used to transmit and receive.
For transmit applications, frequency modulating the synthesizer is required, and the modulation can be inserted
in the loop filter, as the loop bandwidth probably is restricted to a few hundred hertz, while the step size will be
5 kHz, in accordance with the channels available. The modulation could also be done if the 140 MHz was generated
from a free-running 70-MHz crystal, which is then modulated.
At 70 MHz we will probably have to use a third- or fifth-overtone crystal, which cannot be pulled very well,
probably not enough to accommodate a maximum of 3-kHz deviation. More information on pulling of crystals is
presented in Chapter 4.
What does the insertion of the mixer do to our system? The division ratio without mixing would have been
28,800–29,600, or a ratio of 1:1.0278. After inserting the mixing stage, the division ratio now is 800–1600, and
the absolute ratio is 1:2.
The loop gain, assuming that the VCO gain is constant over the tuning range, is now changing by the amount
1:2. In some loops we will find that the introduction of such a mixer results in a much larger change of divi-
sion ratios, and if the frequencies are not selected properly, a change of 1:10 will occur. This will cause two
(1) If the multiplication changes too much, the sideband of the reference being multiplied at the output will
change substantially as a function of frequency setting, while the percentage change of the frequency at the
output is very small. Therefore, at the higher frequency, in our case 148 MHz, the noise sideband inside
the loop bandwidth will be twice as high as the 144 MHz. In a case where the loop gain changes more
dramatically, such as 1:10, the noise will change by this amount.
(2) If the loop gain changes with all other parameters remaining constant, this may cause a stability problem.
The net result is that, in the case of a type 2 second-order loop, our damping factor 𝜁 can range from 0.1
to 1, and the transient performance of the loop will vary substantially; therefore, stability will become an
issue. We have to find a method to compensate for the change of loop gain, and we will show a method of
dealing with this phenomenon in Section 1-10. Right now it is only important to know that it does occur
and that it can present a problem.
LP 140MHz 5 MHz
4. . .8 MHz filter
ϕ 5 kHz
Figure 1-15 Block diagram of a 144- to 148-MHz synthesizer using the heterodyne technique, resulting in an internal
IF of 4–8 MHz.
Ref. 1 1
ϕ Kv
N 1 + s/2πF
Kθ /s F(s)
Figure 1-16 Linearized equivalent circuit of a PLL with the heterodyne technique, including delay information intro-
duced by the IF filter.
The next effect the mixer produces is the consequence of phase shift of the IF filter following the mixer, in our
case a filter ranging from 4 to 8 MHz. As a result, we have to modify our block diagram of the loop, as shown in
Figure 1-16. The additional box represents the low-pass equivalent of the bandpass filter, and the delay of this filter
has to be determined. There are a number of good books available that provide the necessary computation aids for
these filters and information about the delay. One book, which is by Anatol I. Zverev [2], will be mentioned herein
several times and is really an absolute must for the library of any design engineer who handles radio frequency
(RF) and filter design.
The phase shift of the equivalent low-pass filter of the IF filter is
In some cases, we will have to use loops with conversions, where the resulting IF filter is very narrow. The use of
a crystal filter will introduce a group delay in addition to the phase shift. These delays have to be added to the block
diagram and added or subtracted from the actual phase. Since this can be done fairly easily and has a substantial
impact on the stability, it is recommended that the interested reader analyze such an example mathematically, where
it is assumed that the loop bandwidth is 2 kHz, the IF bandwidth is 100 kHz, and the loop bandwidth is increased
to 50 kHz. We also have to take into consideration the effect of the phase shift of the low-pass filter equivalent
of the bandpass filter. As the output signal from the mixer is passing the IF filter, which will be assumed to be
symmetrical, the amplitude of the carrier G1 (fm ) will change relative to the input signal. The losses of the filter
and the sidebands will be shifted in phase equal to the phase shift generated by the filter. As is known from the
literature, it is possible to convert the bandpass performance of this filter into an equivalent low-pass filter and deal
with it. These details and examples are beyond the scope of this book and should be studied in the literature, such
as in the book by Zverev already mentioned.
There are a number of unpleasant effects in addition to the one mentioned, such as ringing, as a result of
non-equalized group delay, and if the IF filter bandpass is not symmetrical relative to the carrier frequency,
AM-to-FM conversion occurs and has to be calculated. These special effects are an interesting topic, and the
reader not only should be made aware of them but is also encouraged to calculate some numerical examples. In the
rest of the book, we will assume that we know how to deal with these effects. The result of the calculations will
be that a higher phase margin than the 45∘ recommended for higher-order loops has to be allowed to compensate
for the additional delay. As a result of this higher phase margin, the settling time of the loop will become larger. In
analyzing loops and in determining what frequency arrangements to use, one has to be aware of these trade-offs
and optimize the loop by calculating a number of examples and finding the best solution by iteration.
The next effect we will analyze is the number of spurious signals introduced by the mixer. The double-balanced
mixer, the best for such application, is still a highly nonlinear device that generates harmonics of the two frequencies
applied, and those frequencies will mix with each other, resulting in a wide spectrum at the output. To keep the
number of unwanted frequencies at the output at an acceptable level, we should observe two design rules:
(1) To obtain an IF, the two input frequencies should be as high and as close together as possible; the lower
image is then used. A fairly simple low-pass filter at the output minimizes the possibility of feed-through
and unwanted products.
(2) The power ratio between the RF and the LO should meet certain requirements. A design engineer is well
advised to have about a 30-dB difference in level. Let us assume that the LO drive is +17 dB, a typical drive
level for a medium-level double-balanced mixer; the RF input should then be −13 dBm or less. A further
reduction in RF input may have the disadvantage of requiring too many amplifiers following at the output
of the mixer and therefore generating additional noise from the post-amplifiers.
In cases such as that of our previous example, where we are mixing a fixed frequency of 140 MHz with a 144-
to 148-MHz band, this requirement may be relaxed, and a drive level of 5 or 6 dBm may still be permissible. A
decision on this matter depends on the particular case, and the best way of solving it is to take measurements in an
actual circuit.
A spectrum analyzer connected at the output of the mixer operating at the range of interest with enough dynamic
range should provide the necessary information. If these theoretical guidelines are followed, the design should be
fairly trouble-free.
In Chapter 6 you will find several examples where double-balanced mixers are incorporated and IF frequen-
cies inside the synthesizer are being used. In many cases, we have provided level information, and the particular
synthesizers shown are spurious-free, at least 90 dB down relative to the carrier.
In order to understand the acquisition performance of the digital PLL, we must first look at the linearized model. As
mentioned previously, we have several ranges in which the loop can operate, and Figure 1-17 shows a plot of these
Normal operation
ranges. The closest range around the center is the normal operating range and also the capture range, frequently
called the lock-in range. Once a PLL has acquired lock, it maintains the locked condition within the hold-in range,
and the borderline between the hold-in range and instability is fairly narrow. From our previous calculation and
Laplace transform, applying
𝜃1 (s) = 2 (1-214)
to the input of the PLL, we can determine the maximum error using the final value theorem,
lim 𝜃 (t) = lim s 𝜃e (s) = (1-215)
t→∞ e s→0 Ko K𝜃 f (o)
With the assumption 𝜃 ≈ sin 𝜃, the maximum amount this can be is 1 and therefore
Δ𝜃H = ∞ (1-217)
We have just calculated the hold-in range of the analog linear PLL. It is apparent that the use of an active loop filter
guarantees a wider hold-in range.
Now let us go back and assume that the loop has not yet acquired lock. In the beginning we have two different
frequencies applied to the phase detector. It is important to understand that, as the loop will acquire lock, we have
Frequency detector
Figure 1-18 Block diagram of a PLL using a phase detector and frequency detector for acquisition aids in addition
to the sweeper circuit.
to deal with two different ranges. One is the area in which we acquire frequency lock, and only after frequency
lock has been accomplished can phase lock occur. There are several requirements necessary to make frequency
lock possible.
(1) The tuning range of the VCO has to be wide enough to cover the desired range of operation.
(2) The VCO itself has to be able to oscillate through this required range without disruption of oscillation, a
jump phenomenon frequently called “discontinuities.”
(3) The tuning diodes have to be operated in a range where they do not become conductive (see Chapter 4)
since leakage current from the diodes into the phase detector causes difficulty.
(4) Depending on the phase detector used, we either have a pull-in phenomenon, which we will discuss later,
or sweeping, where the generated beat note at the output will sweep the oscillator from one end of the range
to the other as an aid to acquire lock. In some instances, especially with pure phase detectors, an external
frequency lock device may be necessary.
Figure 1-18 shows the two popular techniques used to help obtain frequency lock. The first one is the use of
an additional frequency comparator, and an electronic device switches over from this to the phase detector. This
technique is also used in the Philips HEF4750/51 large-scale integration (LSI) PLL integrated circuits. To obtain
frequency lock, we first use a digital tri-state phase/frequency comparator that has a dead zone in the middle of
its operating range where it is locked, and the system then switches over to a sample/hold comparator offering
low-noise operation.
Another technique used in the past is an external sweeping device. Figure 1-19 shows the schematic of such an
arrangement. We find a phase detector that operates into an NPN transistor. The loop filter is at the output of the
phase detector, and the gain of the following dc amplifier is defined as the ratio of RL /RE .
A unijunction, or double-base transistor, is used to generate a sweeping signal. As the dc output voltage from
this circuit reaches a certain level, the unijunction transistor ignites and starts its sweeping action. The frequency
of oscillation of this circuit can be determined with the equation
f = (1-219)
RT CT log 2
Note that RT has to be derived from adding RT1 + RT2 + RT3 in the starting condition, whereby we can assume that
the amplifier draws no current. For the values taken here, we obtain a frequency of
f = = 118 Hz
(18 kΩ + 10 kΩ + 220 Ω)10−6 log 2
+12 V +12 V
10 kΩ R2 10 kΩ RT1
R1 18 kΩ
:N 0.1 330 Ω
100 μH
220 Ω
0.1 R2
R1 470 p RTS 2.7 kΩ
470 Ω
10 kΩ C1 RE UJT
1 μF
Ref. CT
RT CT log 2 1 kΩ 0.1
Figure 1-19 Schematic of the phase detector section of a PLL including a dc amplifier and a sweeping circuit.
We must now remember that there is a maximum frequency with which we can sweep the circuit to acquire
lock. This is called the pull-out range. Pull-out range, defined Δ𝜔PO , is determined by the equation
which is an approximation that can be applied in most cases. In our particular case with the unijunction transistor,
the maximum sweep rate for 𝜁 = 0.7 and 𝜔PO = 118 (2𝜋) results in 38 Hz for the loop frequency 𝜔n .
However, our system is currently not yet in lock; we still have to calculate the lock-in range. A similar formula
can be found as a function of the type of filter. For the simple RC filter with no phase compensation, as shown
previously, the lock-in range is
Δ𝜔L ≈ 𝜔n (1-221)
We are interested in determining how long it takes to acquire lock. The following relation gives a good approx-
imation of the lock-in time:
TL ≈ (1-223)
This is valid for all type 2 second-order linear PLLs. The calculation that we have just made referred to the
phase lock. It becomes apparent from these equations that for 𝜁 = 0.7, the lock-in range is only equal to or slightly
larger than the loop bandwidth. To move the VCO frequency within these limits, additional functions are required.
This area is called frequency lock. We are now dealing with the pull-in range.
The pull-in range is the first range we have to deal with, as the PLL is about to acquire frequency, and later, phase
lock. The explanation given here is somewhat backward, but it is easier to understand if one considers the ranges in
this sequence, as the equations indicate the limitations. Pull-in is probably best understood by remembering that the
system starts off with an offset in frequencies, and therefore a beat note appears at the output of the phase detector
and of the loop filter. In the schematic using the sweeping technique shown previously, the loop bandwidth remains
+15 V
5.6 kΩ
5.6 kΩ
22 μF
+ 8
4.7 kΩ 709
– 6
1 kΩ 5
0.68 μF
10 kΩ
741 100 μF
6 kΩ 6 kΩ
–15 V
Figure 1-20 Schematic of a loop filter/integrator where the time constant is changed with the help of antiparallel
diodes in the loop.
constant. Another way of helping the loop to acquire frequency lock is to widen the bandwidth of the loop filter,
enabling phase lock with a larger frequency offset.
Figure 1-20 shows the schematic of a dual-time-constant loop filter, which can be used to explain the pull-in
effect. Let us assume that initially we have a difference of several kilohertz between the two frequencies at the
phase detector and are currently not considering the effect of a frequency divider.
The beat note generated at the output of the phase detector is an ac voltage together with a dc component. We
also have to assume that in the initial condition the beat note is much larger in frequency than the bandwidth of the
loop filter. As the output voltage of the loop filter sweeps the oscillator to either a higher or lower frequency, we
have to see what the magnitude of the beat note as a function of sweeping is doing. It turns out that the difference
in frequency becomes smaller if the VCO is swept toward higher values and becomes larger if the VCO is swept
toward smaller frequency values. The output sweep frequency or beat note, therefore, is nonlinear and nonharmonic,
and the average frequency at the output is no longer zero. The loop filter acting as an integrator will average the
The mathematical model for this pull-in is somewhat complicated. The pull-in time, defined as the time required
for the average frequency error to decay from the initial condition to the locked limit, is
(Δ𝜔)2 𝜏2 (Δ𝜔)2
TP = = (1-224)
K 2
2𝜁 𝜔3n
This formula is valid only for the linear type 2 second-order loop. A model for the digital PLL will follow.
Example 1
Let us assume that our initial frequency offset is 1 MHz and that the loop bandwidth 𝜔n is 10 Hz. The time it
requires for the pull-in range is
(2𝜋 × 106 )2
TP = = 113.68 × 106 s
2𝜁 (2𝜋 × 10)3
or 3.6 years. If we use the system that automatically increases the loop bandwidth with the two antiparallel diodes
as previously shown, which results in a new loop bandwidth of 10 kHz prior to lock, the formula changes to
(2𝜋 × 106 )2
TP = = 0.113 s
2𝜁 (2𝜋 × 104 )3
The difference between both is dramatic, and with the simple trick of changing the loop bandwidth, we have
speeded up the pull-in substantially.
Immediately after frequency lock has occurred, the switching diodes are no longer conductive. The remaining
phase offset is handled by the lock-in function and the time it will now take to phase-lock the loop:
1 1
TL = = = 16 ms
𝜔n 10 (2𝜋)
The time required for phase lock, therefore, is much smaller than the time required for frequency lock, and the
total lock time would be 0.1296 s.
Lock-in performance of the digital PLL system that uses a tri-state digital phase/frequency comparator as shown
in Chapter 4 can no longer be calculated using the linearized model as is frequently done in the literature. The output
of the tri-state phase/frequency comparator behaves totally different from the linearized models.
We have to take a look at two different examples. First, we will look at a tri-state phase/frequency comparator
where the loop filter is placed after the summation stage, and Motorola CD4046 fits this description. When the
system is switched on, first the two pulses that are combined through the CMOS switches will jam the output
voltage up to the power supply voltage and the loop filter will delay this action, depending on the integration
time constant. The dc voltage to the VCO, therefore, will slowly rise, the VCO will be swept, and pull-in will be
It turns out that this particular example practically behaves as the linear analog phase detector version.
Now let us consider a phase/frequency comparator equal to the MC4044, which has two outputs, where pulses
are available to charge or discharge a capacitor.
If the loop filter combination shown in Figure 1-21 is used, whereby each output of the phase/frequency com-
parator is applied to one input of an operational amplifier provided that the amplifier is fast enough to follow the
input frequency, we now have to analyze the statistical average and determine from there what the output of the
operational amplifier is showing.
The following mathematical mode, to the best of our knowledge, is the only one that ever assessed this effect
correctly and was published by Roland Best in his book Theory and Application of Phase-Locked Loops [1]. The
following discussion is published here with Dr. Best’s permission.
w(t) = (t ≤ T2 ) (1-225)
+5 V
1 μF
10 n 2.74 kΩ
220 nF
511 560
– 220 Ω
LF 356
MC 1 μF
12040 220
10 nF
39 4.7 nF
2.74 kΩ
220 pF
511 100 pF
220 Ω
Figure 1-21 Schematic of an ECL phase/frequency comparator driving a high-frequency operational amplifier. The
outputs to the inverting and noninverting input of the operational amplifiers are pulses, which are charging and
discharging the loop capacitor of 220 nF. Note the additional output filter following the operational amplifier.
(1) f2 is smaller than f1 or T2 > T1 = 1/f1 , and the negative edge will occur: case 1, in the time interval 0 ≤ t ≤ T1 ;
case 2, in the time interval T1 ≤ t ≤ T2 .
(2) In the case of f1 being smaller than f2 , these conditions are reversed.
As the output signal of the phase/frequency comparator is a chain of pulses that are combined, the duty cycle
𝛿(t) will change. The average duty cycle 𝛿, according to probability theory, can be determined from
𝛿= w(t)𝛿(t)dt (1-227)
T1 2 T
t t
𝛿= w(t) dt + w(t) dt (1-228)
∫0 T1 ∫T1 2T1
δ(t) 1
t t
𝛿(t) = and
T1 2T1
T1 T1
1 1
𝛿= w(t) dt + w(t) dt + · · ·
∫0 T1 ∫1 2T1
+ w(t) dt
∫T1 nT 1
This can be converted into the final equation based on f1 > f2 , and we obtain
f2 ∑1 n
𝛿= n− + 1 (1-230)
2f1 i=1
i 2nf 2
with n = Int(f1 /f2 ) + 1. Figure 1-22 shows the duty cycle for any combinations of n𝜏 1 , and Figure 1-23 shows the
average duty cycle 𝛿 as a function of the frequency ratio f2 /f1 . The straight-line approximation in this curve can be
used to simplify the formula, as the lock-in will occur for the case f1 = f2 . We will then obtain for the average duty
f −f 𝜔 − 𝜔2
𝛿= 1 2 = 1 (1-231)
f1 𝜔1
vd = 𝛿VB = (𝜔 − 𝜔2 ) (1-232)
𝜔o 1
vd = Kd (𝜔1 − 𝜔2 ) (1-233)
We finally obtain the previously used gain constant of the phase comparator of this particular type in the
out-of-lock condition to be
′ V
Kd ≈ B (1-234)
δ 0
1 2 3 4 5
Linear approximation
Figure 1-23 Average duty cycle 𝛿 as a function of the frequency ratio f2 /f1 .
10 kHz RFC
100 kHz
1 MHz
In dealing with mixers, we have learned that one of the drawbacks of a heterodyne loop is that the open-loop
gain changes more dramatically as the division ratio required becomes much larger. A typical loop without
a heterodyne technique may have 30% or 40% variation of loop gain due to change of N, and we have seen
cases where the division factor N, as a result of heterodyne technique, has changed by 20:1. How do we
cope with this problem? The best way of handling this is either to use a coarse-steering technique with either
tuning diodes or switching diodes and allow a very narrow window in which the oscillator will operate or
change the loop filter dc control gain. Figure 1-25 shows an arrangement where, depending on the frequency
setting of the dividers, several CMOS switches change the dc loop gain following the loop filter and, therefore,
linearize the loop. The introduction of this amplifier after the loop filter has the drawback that the noise is no
longer limited by a following filter, or if such an RC low-pass filter is used after the amplifier, the technique
of analyzing high-order loops has to be used, and inside the loop bandwidth, we still find the additional noise
This approach is typically used in wideband loops where the output oscillator operates from 200 to 300 MHz,
as an example, and the reference frequency is between 100 kHz and several megahertz. The loop gain, because
of the small division ratio, is fairly high, while the loop gain variation due to some heterodyning may also be
very high. In an effort to linearize, either the operational amplifiers are offset with a dc control voltage, or the
loop filter is modified with additional capacitors in parallel, or a dc amplifier following the loop filter is used,
which changes the dc gain. In some instances, all three techniques are used simultaneously, and it becomes very
tricky to avoid additional noise being brought into the loop and to make all systems track without difficulty.
Figure 1-26 shows a combination of all these techniques. Table 1-4 shows the most important formulas for
digital PLLs. See also [3] and [4].
CMOS switches
Figure 1-26 Circuit diagram of the loop filter dc amplifier arrangement of a PLL, where the loop gain and dc offset
are controlled by CMOS switches to linearize and coarse steer the VCO.
Kv G(j𝜔) = (1-235)
j𝜔(j𝜔𝜏 + 1)
Table 1-4 Most important formulas for digital PLLs (second-order only)
1/T Kv ω
The straight-line approximation of the magnitude of this open-loop transfer function is plotted in Figure 1-27.
The magnitude of the response decreases at the rate of 6 dB/octave until the frequency is equal to the −3-dB
frequency of the low-pass filter (1/2); for higher frequencies the magnitude decreases at a rate of −12 dB/octave.
Several rules of thumb, developed by Bode for feedback amplifiers, are useful in selecting the loop parameters.
The first has to do with selecting the filter bandwidth 𝜔L = 1/𝜏. The approximation is: If the open-loop frequency
response crosses the 0-dB line with a slope of −6 dB/octave, the system is stable; if the slope is −12 dB/octave
or greater, the system is unstable. The second-order system under consideration is inherently stable, but the
model is an approximation to a higher-order system. If the open-loop second-order model crosses the 0-dB line
at −12 dB/octave, there is little room left for error. Additional phase shift from the VCO or phase detector could
cause the loop to go unstable.
To have the open-loop gain cross the 0-dB line at −6 dB/octave, it is necessary that 𝜔L > Kv . The larger
𝜔L is, the better will be the loop stability. From the filtering viewpoint, the smaller 𝜔L , the smaller the loop
bandwidth and the less noise that will reach the VCO. Kv should be as small as possible to minimize the
bandwidth. The larger the Kv , the smaller the steady-state error and the faster the loop response. Hence, in PLL
design, compromises among noise performance, loop stability, steady-state error, and transient performance
must be made.
Another rule of thumb that is helpful in PLL design is that the frequency 𝜔c at which the magnitude of the
open-loop transfer function is unity,
Kv F(j𝜔)
=1 (1-236)
is approximately the closed-loop 3-dB bandwidth. This relation is exact for the case where F(j𝜔) = constant.
If F(s) is a simple low-pass filter response and 𝜔L > Kv , the open-loop frequency response will be as shown in
Figure 1-28. In this case, the loop bandwidth is approximately equal to Kv .
If 𝜔L < Kv , the straight-line approximation will cross the 0-dB line with a slope of −12 dB/octave, which is not
good from the standpoint of loop stability. Thus the filter bandwidth should be greater than the open-loop crossover
frequency 𝜔c ; 𝜔c will be approximately equal to the closed-loop bandwidth. Therefore, the filter bandwidth, for
good loop stability, should be greater than the loop bandwidth for the simple type 1 system under discussion.
Another parameter that is useful in evaluating the response of second-order and higher systems is the phase
margin, which is defined as
180∘ + arg KG(j𝜔c ) (1-237)
That is, the phase margin is equal to 180∘ plus the phase shift of the open-loop gain (a negative number) at the
open-loop crossover frequency 𝜔c . The greater the phase margin, the more stable the system and the more phase
lag from parasitic effects that can be tolerated.
Example 2
Consider a PLL that has Kv = 10 rad/s and that contains a low-pass filter with a corner frequency of 20 rad/s. The
magnitude and phase of the open-loop transfer function are plotted in Figure 1-29. The system crossover frequency
is approximately 10 rad/s. At this frequency, the phase shift of the open-loop transfer function is −112.5∘ , so the
phase margin is 67.5∘ .
In this example, the complete phase plot was presented, but once one is familiar with phase plots, they no longer
need to be included. One can simply calculate the phase shift after determining the open-loop crossover frequency
from the magnitude plot.
Example 3
In Example 2, if the filter corner frequency had been 2 rad/s rather than 20 rad/s, what would have been the system
phase margin?
Solution: To determine the phase margin, first plot the magnitude of the open-loop gain and determine the
crossover frequency. The straight-line approximation of the magnitude is plotted in Figure 1-30. 𝜔c is found to be
Gain Phase
Figure 1-29 Magnitude and phase of the open-loop transfer function for Kv = 19 rad/s and 𝜔L = 20 rad/s.
which is too small for good loop stability. This is in agreement with the rule of thumb, which states that if the
magnitude of the open-loop response described crosses the 0-dB line with a slope of −12 dB/octave, the system is
unstable. In this example, the straight-line approximation for the gain decreases at −12 dB/octave, but the actual
response crosses the 0-dB line with a slope slightly more positive than −12 dB/octave: hence, the small phase
Although the most important frequency-domain design parameters are the closed-loop bandwidth 𝜔h and the
peak value MP of the closed-loop frequency response, no design techniques exist that allow easy specification of
B and MP . It is relatively easy to design for specified open-loop parameters 𝜔c and 𝜙m . There are approximations
that relate 𝜔c and 𝜙m to 𝜔n , MP , and 𝜁 , and thus to the system rise time and overshoot. Fortunately, the conditions
under which these approximations are valid are satisfied by most PLLs.
For the open-loop system (second-order loop),
Kv G(s) = (1-238)
s(s∕𝜔L + 1)
Used with unity feedback, the closed-loop transfer function is given by Eq. (1-28), with
𝜔2n = Kv 𝜔L (1-239)
and √
1 𝜔L
𝜁= (1-240)
2 Kv
can be calculated. This equation is plotted in Figure 1-31. The closed-loop system parameters of most importance
are adequate stability (which is related to phase margin), system bandwidth (which determines the speed of the
transient response), and system transient response (rise time and overshoot). For a low-pass transfer function,
the bandwidth 𝜔n is defined as the frequency at which the gain is equal to 0.707 of its dc value. The bandwidth of
the system represented by Eq. (1-28) is
𝜔h = 𝜔n (1 − 2𝜁 2 + 2 − 4𝜁 2 + 4𝜁 4 )1∕2 (1-243)
which can be calculated using Eqs. (1-35), (1-239), and (1-240). For the underdamped second-order system given
by Eq. (1-28) (𝜁 < 1), the peak value of the time response to a unit step input can be shown to be
Po = 1 + e−n 𝜁∕ 1−𝜁 2
Example 4
For the PLL with open-loop transfer function
s(s∕𝜔L + 1)
(Kv = 1000), determine the low-pass filter corner frequency 𝜔L so that the system peak overshoot in response to a
step input will be less than 20%.
Solution: Equation (1-242) or Figure 1-32 indicates that for Po < 1.2, the damping ratio 𝜁 must be greater than
0.45. For a 𝜁 of 0.45, the corresponding phase margin is found [using Eq. (1-242)] to be about 50.
Closed-loop damping ratio
10 30 50 70 90
Phase margin (deg)
The low-pass filter can contribute −40∘ phase lag 1 and the phase margin will be equal to 50%. Therefore, 𝜔L
must be greater than 𝜔c (if 𝜔L = 𝜔c , the phase margin would be 45∘ ), so 𝜔c is approximately 1000 rad/s = Kv .
Thus, arctan 1000/𝜔L = 40∘ or 𝜔L = 1192. (This is somewhat of an approximation, since adding the low-pass filter
will slightly reduce the crossover frequency.) The desired open-loop transfer function becomes
( ) = KG(s) (1-245)
s 1.10×103
Rise time
ωn t
The step response is plotted in Figure 1-33. The overshoot is 13% and the rise time is 2.1 ms. The overshoot is
considerably less than the specified maximum of 20% because of the straight-line approximations used to estimate
the gain and crossover frequency. Note that this second-order system is simple enough to be solved analytically
Kv G 1 1
= 2 =
1 + Kv G (s ∕1000𝜔L ) + (s∕1000) + 1 (s2 ∕𝜔2n ) + (2 𝜁 s∕𝜔n ) + 1
The straight-line approximations resulted in a 32% error in the calculation of the low-pass corner frequency and
the overshoot was 13% rather than 20% (for 𝜔L = 810, the rise time is 2.28 ms). The differences between the two
methods could have been reduced by accounting for the fact that the pole of the low-pass filter reduces the crossover
frequencies and thus increases the actual phase margin over that estimated with the straight-line approximation.
In some instances it is also necessary to specify the loop bandwidth. In order to control both the loop damping
and bandwidth, an amplifier can be added in series with the low-pass filter. If the filter is implemented using active
components, the additional gain can be obtained without any additional components.
Example 5
Consider Example 4 with the additional specification that the rise time in response to a unit step input be less than
1 ms. Since the overshoot is to be less than 20%, the phase margin must be approximately 50∘ . To design for the
rise-time specification, it is easiest to use the approximation
tr =
which is exact only for first-order systems but provides a good design guideline for higher-order systems. Thus,
𝜔c should be greater than 2.2/tr = 2.2 × 103 rad/s.
The previous discussion has shown that
𝜔c = K𝜃 Ko K = 1000K
Thus, for 𝜔c = 2.2 × 103 rad/s, an additional amplifier with a gain K = 2.2 needs to be added. With the
increased 𝜔c , 𝜔L will have to be increased from Example 4 in order to meet the phase margin specification. For
the second-order systems under discussion,
2𝜁 1
= (1-246)
𝜔n Kv
The damping 𝜁 is to be approximately 0.45 to meet the overshoot specification. It suffices to estimate the
closed-loop bandwidth by assuming that it is approximately equal to 𝜔n , which is also approximately equal to the
open-loop crossover frequency. Therefore, for 𝜁 = 0.45 and 1 ms rise time,
2.2 √
𝜔n = −3
= 2.2 × 10−3 = 2 𝜁Kv = Kv 𝜔L
2.2 × 103
Kv = = 2.44 × 103
2 × 0.45
(2.2 × 103 )2
𝜔L = = 1.98 × 103
2.44 × 103
An additional gain K required is
K = 2.44
2.44 × 103
Kv G(s) = ( )
s 1.98×103 + 1
Kv G 1
1 + Kv G s2 s
(2.2×102 )2
+ 2.33×103
A plot of the step response is shown in Figure 1-34. The peak overshoot is 10% and the rise time is 0.7 ms. The
two specifications are now met. In general, two adjustable parameters, such as loop gain and filter bandwidth, are
needed to independently specify overshoot and rise time.
An operational amplifier circuit to realize the low-pass filter with a gain of 2.4 is shown in Figure 1-35. Since
the feedback impedance is
Zf = (1-247)
Rf C f s + 1
Rf 1
= 2.44 and Rf Cf =
Rt 1.98 × 103
If the phase inversion resulting from this circuit is undesirable, phase inverting at the phase/frequency discrim-
inator can be performed.
θo 1.0
1 2 3
Time (ms)
Figure 1-34 Plot of the step response of a 10% overshoot and 0.7-ms rise time.
Vd +
1. Best, R.E. (2007). Phase Locked Loops: Design, Simulation, and Applications, 6e. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
2. Zverev, A.I. (1967). Handbook of Filter Synthesis. New York, NY: Wiley.
3. Staszewski, R.B. and Balsara, P.T. (2006). All-Digital Frequency Synthesizer in Deep-Submicron CMOS. ISBN:
4. Egan, W.F. (2007). Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock. New York, NY: Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-470-17871-3.
5. Gardner, F.M. (2005). Phaselock Techniques, 3e. New York, NY: Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-471-43063-6.
Some of the references listed in this section are not very recent but we found them very helpful.
The following search of the IEEE data base gives more than 5000 useful references with continuous updates: http://ieeexplore.
Abramovitch, D.Y. (1988). Analysis and Design of a Third-Order Phase-Locked Loop, 455–459. Milcom.
Analog Devices. Ultrahigh Speed Phase/Frequency Discriminator. Data Sheet AD9901.
Smith, J.M. (1987). Mathematical Modeling and Digital Simulation for Engineers and Scientists, 2e. New York, NY: Wiley.
Snyder, D.L. (1986). The State Variable Approach to Analog Communication Theory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
14 (1).
Truxal, J. (1955). Automatic Feedback Control System Synthesis, 38–41. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Vella, P. et al. (1991). Novel Synthesizer Cuts Size, Weight, and Noise Levels. Microwaves.
Viterbi, A. (1966). Principles of Coherent Communication. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Vlach, J. (1993). Computerized Approximation and Synthesis of Linear Networks, 106–112. New York, NY: Van Nostrand.
Waldauer, F.D. (1982). Feedback. New York, NY: Wiley.
Weaver, C.S. (1959). A new approach to the linear design and analysis of phase-locked loops. IRE Transactions on Space Elec-
tronics and Telemetry 5: 166–178.
Weisskopf, P.A. (1992). Subharmonic Sampling of Microwave Signal Processing Requirements. Microwaves 35: 239–247.
Wolaver, D.H. (1991). Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Wulich, D. (1988). Fast frequency synthesis by PLL using a continuous phase divider. Proceedings of the IEEE 76 (1): 85–86.
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The noise of a synthesizer, an oscillator, or other signal sources is an important parameter, which requires a
sophisticated framework to describe it appropriately. If the radio frequency (RF) spectrum is measured at the output
of an oscillator, a curve such as that of Figure 2-1 is observed. Rather than all of the power being concentrated at the
oscillator frequency, some is distributed in frequency bands on both sides of the oscillator frequency. In principle,
such sidebands are originated by phase or frequency fluctuations, and by amplitude fluctuations. A traditional spec-
trum analyzer cannot divide amplitude modulation (AM) from phase modulation (PM) or frequency modulation
(FM), and cannot identify the noise correctly. In this chapter, phase or frequency fluctuations are our main concern.
As noise is a form of stability, it is useful to characterize the frequency stability in the time domain in several
areas. Such areas are referred to as short-, medium-, and long-term stability or aging. The interpretation of what
is short, medium, or long is a matter of context and jargon of specific communities. We can agree that short-term
stability extends between a very small fraction of a second to 1 s, maybe under some considerations up to 1 min, and
the value for the stability between 1 s and 1 min will be about the same. For longer time, we talk about long-term
stability or aging. The aging is typically expressed in forms of how many parts in 10−10 or 10−11 per day the
frequency changes. This information is in the time domain. In the frequency domain, we find terms like “random
walk,” “flicker,” and “white,” which describe the slope of spectral density on a log–log scale. The Fourier frequency,
at times labeled fm or just f when there is no ambiguity, is at times called sideband frequency, offset frequency, or
modulation frequency. In this book, we will refer to it as Fourier frequency or offset frequency, interchangeably,
describing the phase fluctuations of an oscillator at a certain frequency off the center frequency. The most common
characterization of the phase noise of a source or of a component is the power spectral density (PSD) L( f ), or
equivalently S𝜃 ( f ), which we will study extensively in the following pages.
The clock signal is a highly pure sinusoidal signal that we can write as
[ ]
v(t) = V0 [1 + 𝛼 (t)] cos 2𝜋f0 t + 𝜃 (t) (2-1)
where V0 is the peak amplitude, f0 is the carrier frequency, 𝛼(t) is the random fractional amplitude, and 𝜃(t) is the
random phase. The amplitude noise (AM noise) and phase noise (PM noise) features of such signal are sketched in
* RBW 300 Hz
Att 30 dB * VBW 3 Hz M1 [1] 17.99 dBm
Ref 20.00 dBm SWT 45s M1 99.999998440 MHz
Wenzel Golden Citrine
100 MHz OCXO
10 dBm
0 dBm
–10 dBm
–20 dBm
–30 dBm
–40 dBm
–50 dBm
–60 dBm
–70 dBm
Figure 2-1 Example of the microwave spectrum of an oscillator. Courtesy of © Yannick Gruson, FEMTO-ST Institute, France.
Figure 2-2. In the presence of AM noise only, the peak amplitude changes at random by an amount equal to V0 𝛼(t),
while the phase is unperturbed, and consequently the zero crossings occur exactly when expected. Oppositely, a
signal affected by PM noise only has peak amplitude exactly equal to V0 , while the phase fluctuates at random,
and consequently the zero crossings fluctuate. Both AM and PM are present in all real signals, albeit not in equal
amount. The relevant notations and several basic concepts about PM noise and frequency stability presented in
this chapter are found in the milestone articles [2, 3]. However, the notation used in this book differs from the
standard notation for time and frequency in a small number of details needed to match the common language of
phase-locked loops (PLLs) and frequency synthesizers. The most relevant differences in the notation are listed on
Table 2-1.
Another, minor, difference is that the normalized quantities x(t) and y(t), and some specific parameters, for
example, the coefficient bn , kn , and hn found in the polynomial law discussed later, are written in Sans Serif
font instead of regular math font. In this way, we let the regular math-font alphabet free, and available for
general use.
A well-designed, high-quality oscillator exhibits high amplitude stability. For reference, we found that a short-
term stability of 10−6 is rather common in high-end RF oscillators, with flicker PSD [4]. The AM noise is generally
considered a special topic, discarded in system analysis and design. For our purposes, we assume that V0 is the
best estimation of the amplitude, so that 𝛼(t) is very small and has a mean close to zero. In formulas, ∣𝛼(t) ∣ ≪ 1
and ⟨𝛼(t)⟩ ≈ 0.
By contrast, we cannot assess a boundary for 𝜃(t) because real oscillators are subject to aging, drift, and sensi-
tivity to the environment. If we freeze the numerical value of f0 , these phenomena go in 𝜃(t), which can accumulate
a quite large number of cycles (2𝜋 rad). Thus, 𝜃(t) can be a divergent process.
The traditional analog phase detectors work in the range of ±𝜋, or ±𝜋/2 radians. When these detectors are used
for phase-noise measurements, it is often necessary that ∣𝜃(t) ∣ ≪ 1 for the duration of the test. Conversely, I/Q
detection enables the phase measurement in unbound range, giving a valid result even if 𝜃(t) accumulates a large
number of cycles. The unbound phase is often called unwrapped phase.
Amplitude fluctuation
v(t) V0α(t)
Phase fluctuation
Figure 2-2 Time-domain representation of (A) AM and (B) PM noise. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our
Carrier frequency f0 𝜈 0 or f0 Hz
Fourier frequency f or fm f Hz
Random phase 𝜃(t) 𝜙(t) or 𝜑(t) rad
PM noise PSD S𝜃 ( f ) S𝜙 ( f ) or S𝜑 ( f ) rad2 ∕Hz
L( f ) ( f ) 10 log L( f ) dBc∕Hz
L( f ) = 12 S𝜃 ( f ) by definition ( f ) = 12 S𝜑 ( f ) by definition
Random fractional-amplitude 𝛼(t) 𝛼(t), 𝜖(t) or 𝜀(t) Dimensionless
AM noise PSD S𝛼 ( f ) S𝛼 ( f ), S𝜖 ( f ), or S𝜀 ( f ) Hz−1
The quantity 𝜃(t) is not the one and only option to describe the oscillator fluctuations. Other physical quantities
are often preferred, depending on purposes and applications, and sometimes on personal preferences. The clock
signal carries a time reference. For this reason, it may be convenient to describe the PM noise as the time fluctuation,
or phase time (fluctuation)
x (t) = 𝜃 (t) (2-2)
which is 𝜃(t) converted into time and expressed in seconds. Of course, 𝜃(t) is allowed to exceed ±𝜋 radians, and
the number of cycles accumulated is accounted for in x (t).
For the layman, x (t) is the time error of a clock driven by our oscillator through an appropriate gearbox. The
quantity x (t) is independent of the carrier frequency, thus it is suitable to compare the timekeeping feature of
watches in terms of daily or monthly error.
It is well known in radio engineering that the angular modulation can be formulated in two fully equivalent
ways, as PM or as FM. In the same way, we can freeze 𝜃(t) and move the random fluctuation from 𝜃(t) to the
carrier frequency f0 by replacing ( )
f0 → f0 + Δf0 (t)
The quantity Δf0 is the random frequency fluctuation or error, expressed in Hz. Accordingly, 𝜃(t) is replaced with
2𝜋 ∫ (Δf0 )(t) dt. The subscript “0” can be dropped if there is no risk of confusion. The notation (Δf0 )(t) emphasizes
the fact that Δf is a single variable, function of time. The clock signal becomes
[ ]
v(t) = V0 [1 + 𝛼 (t)] cos 2𝜋f0 t + 2𝜋 (Δf )(t) dt (2-3)
The fractional frequency fluctuation or for short fractional frequency y (t) is another quantity often used to
describe the oscillator fluctuation, defined as
1 ( )
y (t) = Δf0 (t) (2-4)
Of course, y (t) is dimensionless. The main reason for y (t) is that it provides straightforward, fair comparison of
oscillators at different frequencies, with no conversion factor. Very common specifications, like “0.1 ppm aging
after one year” or “thermal drift of 10−9 ∕∘ C,” refer implicitly to the quantity y (t). It holds that
y (t) = x (t) (2-5)
The PSD S( f ) tells us how the power of a signal is distributed among frequencies, similarly to a prism, which split
the light in colors, or to a bank of filter which splits the input signal in bands (Figure 2-3). Taking the power in
strict physical sense, the physical dimension of the PSD is W/Hz. The generalized power is often used, which is
a squared quantity like a voltage, a current, or a phase. The physical dimension follows in a rather obvious way.
For example, the PSD of a voltage v(t), denoted with Sv ( f ), has the dimension of V2 /Hz. Textbooks often say that
there is a 1 Ω resistor implied in order to get a proper unit of power, but this is not necessary because the PSD is a
mathematical tool. The PSD of the random phase 𝜃(t), denoted with S𝜃 ( f ), has the dimension of rad2 /Hz.
Filter array
v(t) P1 = B1 Sv (ƒ1)
ƒ1, B1 Power
ƒ2, B2 P2 = B2 Sv (ƒ2)
Power Sv (f n )
Pn = Bn Sv (ƒn)
ƒn, Bn Power
Figure 2-3 Parallel spectrum analyzer. With the appropriate normalization, P1 /B1 , P2 /B2 … Pn /Bn , the output is the PSD of the
input signal. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola.
Engineers, physicists, and other experimentalists use the single-sided PSD, which is restricted to f > 0. There
are two important and straightforward properties associated with the PSD. The first is the Parseval theorem, which
states that the power of a signal x(t) calculated in the time domain and in the frequency domain is the same.
In formula
T ∞
P = lim |x(t)|2 dt = Sx ( f ) df (2-6)
T→∞ T ∫0 ∫0
The second property states that the power of the signal x(t) after bandpass filtering is calculated by integrating the
PSD over the filter bandwidth. Denoting the band limits with a and b, the power of the filtered signal is
P= Sx ( f ) df
A more rigorous version of the aforementioned is formulated with the transfer function |H( f )|2 of the filter as
P= Sx ( f ) |H ( f )|2 df (2-7)
General instruments calculate the PSD using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). This implies that the signal is
sampled at a given frequency, digitized, and truncated in time. Of course, the input is a stream of real numbers, so
the FFT has the usual symmetry properties. Using the uppercase X( f ) for the Fourier transform, the subscript T for
the truncation over the measurement time of duration T, and fs for the sampling frequency, the PSD is
2 |
X ( f )|
Sx ( f ) = for 0 < f < fs ∕2 (2-8)
T | T |
The factor of 2 is necessary for energy conservation. The energy of XT ( f ) is equally split between negative fre-
quencies and positive frequencies, and the energy associated to the negative frequencies of XT ( f ) is folded to the
positive frequencies in Sx ( f ). The multiplication by 1/T comes from the mathematical development of Sx ( f ), omit-
ted here. However, the need for such factor is quite evident from physical dimensions. Letting x(t) be a voltage, a
valid PSD must have the physical dimension of V2 /Hz. Since the Fourier transform X ( f ) = ∫−∞ x(t) e−j2𝜋ft dt has
2 2 2
the dimension of Vs, or equivalently V/Hz, the quantity |XT ( f )| has the dimension of V /Hz . The multiplication
by 1/T turns the unit into V2 /Hz.
It is a common practice to improve the confidence of the measure, or the readability of the PSD plot, by averaging
on a suitable number m of acquisitions. This is written as
⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩
1 |X ( f )|2
Sx ( f ) m
=2 | T | for 0 < f < fs ∕2 (2-9)
T m
In this notation, the angle parentheses ⟨ … ⟩ denote the average, and the subscript m the number of acquisitions.
The PSD has a resolution bandwidth (RBW), which results from the sampling frequency fs , from the measure-
ment time T, and from the window (tapering) function used in the FFT. The minimum RBW is 1/T, limited by
the time-frequency indetermination theorem. The latter is usually written as Δ𝜔Δt ≥ 2𝜋. Wider window functions
result in smaller frequency leakage and in better capability to identify correctly a dip between peaks, at the cost of
broader RBW. The RBW may change with frequency because the full span is usually obtained by joining pieces
sampled at different frequencies. The spectrum of a pure sinusoid of power P and frequency f1 is a narrow line,
ideally a Dirac delta function. However, a real instrument displays a line of bandwidth equal to the RBW, and PSD
S( f ) = at f = f1 , 0 elsewhere (2-10)
This can be misleading in the case of a smooth PSD affected by spurs. Oppositely, a regular RF and microwave
spectrum analyzer displays the power spectrum (PS), which is denoted with G( f ) and has the physical dimension
of a power (W), or of a generalized power (V2 , A2 , etc.). In the presence of noise of PSD equal to N( f ), such
instrument displays
G( f ) = N ( f ) × RBW (2-11)
Notice that the term power spectrum is sometimes used as an abridged form for power spectrum density, leading
to a confusion between PSD and PS. Of course, we recommend great attention in all cases where the context may
leave a doubt.
Power spectra and PSD are well established concepts. To the reader willing to know more, we recommend the
books by Blackman and Tukey, Percival and Walden, and Brigham.
Example 1 Power Spectral Density. Measuring a signal consisting of white noise plus spurs from the power
grid, we get the PSD shown on Figure 2-4. We want to know the power and the RMS voltage of all the components
of such signal. A straightforward calculation gives the results shown in Table 2-2. ◼
–100 –102
–110 –114
100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz
Figure 2-4 Example of PSD constituted of white noise and narrow spectral lines.
White noise Pn = 10−14 × 105 Hz = 10−9 V2 en = 31.6 μV
60 Hz P1 = 10−8 × 0.125 Hz = 1.25 × 10−9 V2 e1 = 35 μV
120 Hz P2 = 10−11.4 × 1.25 Hz = 5 × 10−12 V2 e2 = 2.2 μV
180 Hz P3 = 10−10.2 × 1.25 Hz = 7.9 × 10−12 V2 e3 = 8.9 μV
Total P = Pn + P1 + P2 + P3 = 2.26 × 10−9 V2 e = 47.6 μV
This type of noise is a form of blackbody radiation confined in an electrical line and originates from the ther-
mal agitation of free charges in conductors. It has been observed experimentally by Johnson [5] and explained
theoretically by Nyquist [6] in 1928.
The available PSD, that is, the power in 1 Hz bandwidth transferred from the resistor R at the temperature T to
the load of equal resistance R and ideally cold (T = 0 K), is given by the extended Planck law
hf [ ]
S( f ) = hf + W∕Hz (2-12)
ehf ∕kT − 1
where h = 6.626 × 10−34 Js, or equivalently W/Hz, is the Planck constant, and k = 1.381 × 10−23 J/K is the Boltz-
mann constant. The quantity hf is the photon energy, and kT is the thermal energy of the free electrical charges in
thermal equilibrium. The Planck law has a cutoff at the frequency
fth = ln(2) (2-13)
Beyond fth , the blackbody radiation rolls off because the average thermal energy kT is insufficient to produce
a photon of energy hf. The exponential shape of the roll off function reflects the statistical nature of the thermal
energy. For reference, fth occurs at 4.33 THz at room temperature, and at 60.6 GHz at the liquid helium temperature
(4.2 K). So, in almost all practical applications, it holds that hf ≪ In(2) kT, thus ehf/kT ≃ 1 + hf/kT. The Planck law
is approximated with white noise
[ ]
N = kT W∕Hz (2-14)
where the S( f ) is replaced with the symbol N, as often done with white noise.
The Planck law refers to the available power, in impedance matching conditions. If the conductor is left open,
the electromotive force across its ends has PSD
[ 2 ]
Sv ( f ) = 4kTR V ∕Hz (2-15)
is often used in electronics and radio engineering as a convenient approximation of the physical temperature found
in most practical cases. The corresponding thermal energy is a round number
At that temperature, the equivalent noise voltage kT0 /q is equal to 25 mV. In the jargon of semiconductors,
√ this
quantity is often denoted with VT . The thermal emf in 1 Hz bandwidth is denoted with en = 4kT∕R . Across a
R = 50 Ω resistor, we find /√ /√
en = 0.9 nV Hz, or − 181 dB V Hz
The thermal energy contributes to phase noise in two ways. The first and most important effect is the microwave
noise added to the carrier. The second, and generally minor, is a PM from the near-dc part of the thermal noise.
The shot noise in electrical circuits originates from the discrete nature of the electrical charge, which is an integer
multiple of the electron charge q = 1.602 × 10−19 C. Its discovery is generally credited to Schottky [7]. Shot noise
occurs in junctions, vacuum tubes, and other devices or physical experiments where electrons and holes appear
as individual particles. The electrical current in regular conductors, like wires and resistors, is a field, which does
not generate shot noise. The standard picture for the electrical current in vacuum is a stream of Φ electrons per
second emitted at random time, with no memory and no space correlation. The average current is ⟨I⟩ = Φq. Unlike
thermal noise, shot noise is only present when electrical current flows, and it is independent of temperature and of
the resistance of the electrical circuit. This type of noise is a Poisson process, which has uniform (white) PSD
The same formula holds in photodiodes, interpreting I = 𝜂P/hfopt as the photocurrent, where fopt is the frequency
of the light, and 𝜂 is the quantum efficiency, that is, the probability that a photon is captured and generates photo-
electron or a photo-electron-hole pair.
The bandwidth cannot be infinite. The shot noise rolls off at the cutoff frequency
1 ⟨I⟩
fsh = Φ= (2-18)
2 2q
The reason is that the generalized power SI ( f )fsh must be equal to the generalized dc power ⟨I2 ⟩, which is a
consequence of the Parseval theorem. An alternate interpretation relies on the sampling theorem, which states that
the maximum frequency is half the sampling frequency. The same holds for random sampling, just with a smooth
cutoff. In this picture, the electrons are electrical pulses playing the role of the random samples.
The shot noise equals the thermal noise at the critical current
⟨I⟩ = (2-19)
determined by 2q⟨I⟩R = kT. For reference, this critical current is of 250 μA at 290 K with R = 50 Ω, and the
associated power is of 3.1 μW (−25 dBm).
Like thermal noise, the shot noise contributes to phase noise as it adds to the carrier, and as a near-dc noise that
modulates the carrier.
The noise factor, or equivalently the noise figure (NF), is likely the most used, if not over-used, parameter to
characterize the noise of two-port components or systems, like amplifiers, frequency converters, radio receivers,
etc. However, often used interchangeably, one should prefer the term noise factor for the dimensionless quantity
F, and noise figure (NF) for F expressed in dB
The ambiguity of (2-21) is solved with the new definition proposed by the IRE [10], and adopted by the NIST
(at that time, NBS) [11]:
Definition (IRE):
The noise factor, at a specified input frequency, is defined as the ratio of (1) the total noise power per unit bandwidth
at a corresponding output frequency available at the output port when the noise temperature of the input termination is
standard (290 K) to (2) that portion of (1) engendered at the input frequency by the input termination.
It is worth mentioning that the IRE definition differs from the Friis definition only in the use of the reference
temperature T0 = 290 K. For this reason (2-21) is still found in the literature, with the reference temperature often
implied. Both definitions are smart in that the input circuit is taken in its actual configuration, making no assumption
on impedance matching and on best noise impedance, if different from the characteristic impedance.
The noise temperature, denoted with Te , is another widely used parameter to assess the noise, by analogy with
the thermal noise.
The case of a source (Figure 2-5A) is quite straightforward. We say that the source has equivalent noise tem-
perature Te at a specific frequency if the available noise power at its output in 1 Hz bandwidth is N = kTe , the same
of a resistor at temperature Te .
The case of a two-port device is similar, and illustrated on Figure 2-5B. The available output noise No is the
same for the two cases, (1) when the real device is connected to a noise-free source, and (2) when a noise-free, and
otherwise equal device is connected to a source at the temperature Te .
The noise temperature is related to the noise factor. Assuming impedance matching at the input, the device’s
noise contribution observed at the output is A2 kTe . Accordingly, the noise factor (IRE definition) can be written as
A2 kTe + A2 kT0
A2 kTe
F =1+ (2-22)
N = kTe N = kTe
T = Te
Noise-free Te
Ni = 0 No
T=0 Source Device
Equivalent Noise-free
Ni = kTe No
T = Te Source Device
Figure 2-5 Noise temperature. (A) Source and (B) two-port device.
10 5K
8 30 K
Figure 2-6 SNR degradation due to a two-port device of noise temperature Te for various values of temperature Ti of the input
source. From [12], © 2010–2017 Keysight Technologies. Used with permission, and adapted to the text.
As we mentioned, the SNR degradation produced by a two-port device depends on the input noise, hence on
the temperature of the source. Figure 2-6 shows an example. All the plots match Friis’ definition F = SNRi /SNRo ,
but only the plot Ti = 290 K matches the IRE definition.
The noise factor of an attenuator is an interesting case because of the physical insight it provides. We first assume
that the attenuator impedance-matched at both ends receives the thermal noise kTi from a resistor. The attenuator
“amplifies” the input noise by a factor of A2 < 1, as it does with any signal. The attenuator adds its own contribution,
which we will calculate. For this purpose, we set the temperature of both input resistor and attenuator to T0 . The
output noise is the sum of (1) the input noise attenuated, that is, N′ = kT0 A2 , and (2) the noise N′′ = A2 kTe from
the attenuator. Because the attenuator output is equivalent to a resistor at the temperature T0 , the total available
noise at the output is equal to N0 = kT0 . Thus, N ′′ = kT0 − N′ , and consequently N ′′ = kT0 (1 − A2 ). Referring
the attenuator noise to the input, we find Ne = N′′ /A2 = kT0 (1 − A2 )/A2 . Finally, the equivalent temperature N′′ /k is
Te = T0 (1 − A2 )/A2 . Using F = 1 + Te /T0 , we find F = 1/A2 . This proves the thumb rule that the noise factor of an
attenuator is equal to the power attenuation.
The noise factor and the noise temperature are simplified representations of the reality. More accurate noise
models, generally good enough for virtually all practical purposes, resort to the seminal paper by Rothe and Dahlke
[13] on the theory of linear four-poles. Following this approach, the noise is best described by adding a voltage
generator en and a current generator in at the device input, as shown on Figure 2-7. Such generators are described
in terms of their PSDs Se ( f ), Si ( f ), and Sie ( f ), or equivalently in terms of their variances ⟨∣ e2n ∣⟩, ⟨∣ i2n ∣⟩ and the
covariance ⟨in e2n ⟩ in 1 Hz bandwidth. The most relevant fact is that en and in define an impedance that generally
differs from the input impedance. Thus, the device has two “optimum” impedances, one for maximum power
transfer, which refers to the usual conjugate matching, and one for lowest noise. Consequently, the impedance of
the generator impacts on the noise factor, and low-noise design requires a tradeoff between gain and noise.
After doing the appropriate math, the noise factor is given by
| |2
( ) Rn |Γo − Γg |
| |
F Γg = Fo + 4 ( ) (2-23)
Z0 | |2 | |2
|1 + Γo | 1 − |Γg |
| | | |
where Fo is the minimum (optimum) noise factor, Rn is the noise resistance (the sensitivity of noise factor to source
resistance changes), Z0 is the nominal input, Γg is the reflection coefficient, and Γo is the value of Γg with which
Fo is achieved. The parameters Fo , Rn , and Γo describe the noise of the device, and Γg is a free design choice.
Represented on the Smith chart, the noise factor F(Γg ) looks like a set of equal-noise circles (see Figure 2-8 for an
ii en io
vi Correl in vi device vo Zl
1.1 dB
NF minimum
1.2 dB
1.6 dB
2.1 dB
3.1 dB
4.1 dB
Figure 2-8 Example of equal-noise circles of an amplifier, on the Smith chart. Edited from [12], © 2010–2017 Keysight Technolo-
gies. Used with permission, and adapted to the text.
Packaged amplifiers are often impedance-matched in a wide range of frequency, thus the noise factor is degraded
because impedance matching is often privileged versus noise matching, and also because of the loss of the input
circuit. Values of 1–4 dB are rather common. Conversely, the noise factor of a transistor can be quite low, yet at the
cost of uncomfortable impedance matching (see the example on Table 2-3).
When several stages are cascaded, the noise factor of the chain is given by the Friis formula [8]
F2 − 1 F3 − 1
F = F1 + + +… (2-24)
A21 A21 A22
Accordingly, the first stage of a chain should have a low noise factor, while the noise factor requirement of subse-
quent stages is relaxed. The ideas underneath the Friis formula are simple. The overall noise factor F is referred
to the input of the chain. The noise contribution of each amplifier is added as square voltage, power, or PSD, as
appropriate, because the amplifiers are separate devices, and their fluctuations are statistically independent. The
contribution F1 of the first stage is obvious.
( The
) second stage has no resistive load at the input, thus no kT0 . There
remains (F2 − 1)kT0 , which becomes F2 − 1 kT0 ∕A21 referred at the input of the chain, after dividing by the power
gain A21 of the first stage. Recursively, the noise (F3 − 1)kT0 of the third stage is divided by the power gain A21 A22 of
the two preceding stages.
The Friis formula is an approximation based on impedance matching. A more accurate model should account
for two main facts. First, impedance mismatch calls for a correction term that lowers the gains A2i , based on the
reflection coefficients between the i-th and the (i + 1)-th stage. Second, the noise factor F1 should account for the
source impedance, and likewise all the Fi + 1 should account for the output impedance of the preceding, i-th, stage.
The equivalent temperature of a device is usually measured with the Y method shown on Figure 2-9. The method
consists of switching two impedance-matched input sources, one at the temperature Th (hot) and the other at the
temperature Tl (cold). Asymptotically, if one can set Th → ∞ and Tl → 0, the temperature Th is the probe signal that
enables the measurement of the power gain A2 , and Tl gives the equivalent temperature Te after taking away the
gain A2 . In actual experimental conditions, the output noise power is
( )
Ph = A2 k Th + Te B
( )
Pl = A2 k Tc + Te B
where B is the bandwidth of a filter at the device output. The solution of the system is
Th − YTl
Te = (2-25)
Y −1
Th (high) Te B Ph (high)
R Pl (low)
Tl (low)
Figure 2-9 The Y method for the measurement of the equivalent noise temperature of a device.
Y= (2-26)
Th − YTl Ph T + Te
Te = with Y= = h >1 (2-27)
Y −1 Pl Tl + Te
The main virtue of the Y method is that the factor A2 /B cancels in the evaluation of Y. This simplifies the cali-
bration and results in improved accuracy because A generally suffers from flatness defect, while B is the equivalent
noise bandwidth, which results from integrating the transfer function.
It is worth mentioning that the equivalent noise temperature includes thermal noise in strict sense, the shot noise,
and any other noise process. For this reason, people with a background in optics may find this concept particularly
misleading. In fact, in optical systems there is no temperature and, in high SNR condition, the electrical noise at
the detector output is chiefly shot noise.
Flicker Noise
Flicker noise is characterized by the PSD proportional to 1/f, or close to 1/f, in a wide range of frequency. The
digression about whether flicker noise is fundamental or not, is more academic than pragmatic, and goes far beyond
our scopes. The most interesting fact about flicker is its ubiquity [14, 15]. After being discovered in carbon micro-
phones [16], it is found in geophysical phenomena, climatology, mechanics, optics, classical music, Internet traffic,
and in a variety of other domains [14], and of course electronics.
Flicker noise originates around dc. Flicker of phase and flicker of frequency are parametric noise types, gen-
erated by a near-dc process, which modulates the phase or the frequency of a signal. Flicker is of paramount
importance for us because it turns out to be a major limitation in the noise of synthesizers, and of oscillators
as well.
The generation of a clean microwave signal, free from spurs, interferences, and other unwanted signals is a blend
of engineering, experience, and art. We all are used to the presence of unwanted signals at 60 Hz (50 Hz in Europe)
and multiples, from the power grid. Such signals show up as spectral lines in phase noise, and as a hum sound in
audio-frequency. They get in microwave circuits in several different ways, like the ripple of supply lines, unequal
potential of different ground points, ground loops, and magnetic fields captured by loops and turned into emf.
These signals are added in the low-frequency part of phase lock, and transposed to the carrier as parametric noise.
Other interferences have similar behavior, like the ripple from switching power supplies, and the high-voltage
raster signals from cathode ray tubes. Unshielded ac magnetic fields affect the magnetic permeability of ferrite
cores, which modulate the phase of RF signals. Acoustic noise gets in microwave circuits via the sensitivity to
acceleration. Most of such noise comes from fans, from the mechanical vibration of transformers, and again from
unshielded magnetic fields via the ac attractive force on iron parts.
Disturbances from 50 to 60 Hz power grid usually extends up to approximately 1 kHz, becoming progressively
smaller as the number of harmonic decreases. Odd-order harmonics are generally stronger than even-order harmon-
ics. Acoustic noise is most present between 1 and 2 kHz, while switching power supplies and cathode-ray tubes
are typically in the 10–100 kHz region.
Quartz oscillators and other electro-mechanical oscillators are highly sensitive to acoustic noise. Some are also
sensitive to magnetic fields, mainly because of the presence of magnetic materials in packaging and springs. YIG
materials are highly sensitive to magnetic fields, but packaged YIG oscillators are generally well shielded.
Digital circuits can be an annoying source of spurs and disturbances because of the variety of effects. Radiation
occurs at the clock frequency, or at the bus frequency, which occurs from 100 MHz, or less, up to 1 GHz. High
peaks of current on supply lines or ground are driven by software in microprocessors and field programmable gate
arrays (FPGAs), which sometimes cause a large number of transistors to switch with random, pseudo-random, or
pseudo-periodical appearance. Spurs may be observed in a wide range of frequency from Hz to MHz. Impressively
large spurs may be observed in digital phase noise test equipment, if the user removes the post-processing filters
that hide the spurs. Digital circuits can also interfere with other parts of a system in another subtle way, via thermal
fluctuations. The problem arises from modern very large-scale integration (VLSI) integrated circuits, where high
dissipated power per unit of silicon surface is necessary to achieve the computing power. A dissipation of a few
watts is usual in FPGAs, direct digital synthesizers (DDSs), etc., in a small chip, and the surface is proportionally
hot. If not appropriately shielded, temperature fluctuations show up generally below 10 Hz with a steep spectrum,
of slope 1/f 5 or higher. Every circuit is a special case, and the literature provides little or no help.
To complete the picture, the electromagnetic interference between different part of a system is one of the earliest
known forms of spurious signals, and however sometimes difficult to model and predict precisely. The electromag-
netic interference impacts on systems as an additive disturbance, or through intermodulation in junctions.
Some classic reference books are available on this topic, by Goedbloed, Ott, Paul, and Perez.
The PSD of the random phase 𝜃(t), denoted with S𝜃 ( f ) [rad2 /Hz], is the obvious choice to characterize the phase
noise in the frequency domain. Its use already appeared as S𝜙 ( f ) in an article [17] presented at an NASA symposium
[18] intended to clarify spectral purity and related problems.
Similarly, the phase time fluctuation can be characterized in the frequency domain in terms of Sx ( f ), which
is PSD of x (t). Because it holds that x (t) = 𝜃 (t) ∕2𝜋f0 , the quantities S𝜃 ( f ) and Sx ( f ) are fully equivalent, and
related by
Sx ( f ) = S𝜃 ( f ) (2-28)
4𝜋 2 f02
L( f ) = S (f) (definition) (2-29)
2 𝜃
is the most widely used measure for phase noise. L( f ) is generally given in dBc/Hz using 10 log10 L( f ). Some
authors include 10 log10 in the definition of L( f ). According to (2-29),√ L( f ) √
and S𝜃 ( f ) are fully equivalent and
differ only in the unit of angle. The unit is the radian for S𝜃 ( f ), and 2 rad = 2 × 180∕𝜋 = 81.03∘ for L( f ).
If we started from the scratch now, we would use S𝜃 ( f ), and L( f ) would not exist. The reason is that S𝜃 ( f ) is
a proper SI quantity, L( f ) is not. The problem originates in the early attempts to measure the phase noise with a
spectrum analyzer. At that time, the phase noise was measured as
Power in 1 Hz bandwidth at a
frequency f off the carrier frequency f0
L( f ) = (obsolete definition) (2-30)
Carrier power
The true measurement of phase noise became common in the 1970s [19], when the double-balanced mixer
(DBM) was available as an off-the-shelf component, suitable to a wide range of carrier frequency.
Notice that the IEEE Standard 1139 replaces (2-30) with (2-29). This was done since the first edition published
in 1988 [20] and the second [21] and third edition [22] of this Standard, published in 1999 and 2009, respectively,
confirm this choice.
The obsolete definition (2-30) is conceptually incorrect and experimentally incorrect. Let us discuss why.
First and foremost, the sideband power originates any combination of amplitude noise and phase noise. The
obvious consequence is that (2-30) is a conceptually wrong representation of phase noise. For example, there is a
discrepancy of 3 dB in the actual phase fluctuation of two signals having the same spectrum, one affected by equal
amount of AM and PM noise, and the other having negligible AM noise.
Second, phase noise is measured with a phase detector. Consequently, “the SSB power in 1 Hz bandwidth” does
not match the operation of the instrument.
Third, phase noise is pure angular modulation, thus the total power is the same at any modulation index. The
random nature of noise does not change this fundamental property. The definition (2-30) can be used only for small
modulation, where most of the power is in the carrier, and the power associated to the sidebands is comparatively
small. Slow phenomena, like frequency random walk and drift, yields to large phase swing, exceeding 1 rad2 in
1 Hz bandwidth. In the presence of such phenomena, (2-30) gives nonsensical results. By contrast, the correct
definition (2-29) is perfectly suitable to large phase swing.
Finally, the obsolete definition (2-30) suffers from several pathologies. What happens with an odd signal affected
by strong AM noise, and small PM noise? What happens if a spur occurs only in the upper (or lower) sideband,
in the PM noise measurement range? In both cases the sideband-to-carrier ratio gives a nonsensical picture of the
phase fluctuations.
It is a common belief that L( f ), or equivalently S𝜃 ( f ), is a valid measure only for small angles. In reality, there
is no reason for such limitation, and L( f ) is valid even if 𝜃(t) accumulates a large number of cycles. In other words,
there is no reason to restrict L( f ) to values below 0 dBc/Hz. In optics, measuring lasers one may encounter values
of +40 or 60 dBc/Hz, which are theoretically and experimentally correct. Of course, the phase detector has to work
correctly in this regime.
Heuristic Derivation of L(f) and S𝜽 (f) in the Simple Case of Additive Noise
It is instructive to derive the quantities L( f ) and S𝜃 ( f ) for the simple case of white noise having PSD equal to N
[W/Hz] added to a sinusoidal signal of power P0 [W]. Before proceeding, we have to make clear that the case
described does not match the definition of L( f ) and S𝜃 ( f ), but approximates it for small N. The catch is that a
true random PM keeps the total power constant, while the added noise does not. With this caveat, our heuristic
derivation gives useful results.
Let us start with L( f ), with the help of Figure 2-10. In the standard notation for microwave circuits, a sinusoidal
signal v(t) = V0 cos(𝜔0 t + 𝜃) can be represented as the complex vector
V = V0 ej𝜃 (2-31)
The power of such signal is P0 = |V0 |2 /2R, thus the vector length is V0 = 2RP0 . Similarly, a narrow noise slot of
bandwidth B centered at f0 + fm can be represented as a vector
V = Vn ej2𝜋fm t (2-32)
of random amplitude Vn (t) rotating at the frequency fm and average absolute value Vn = 2RNB. Adding carrier
and sideband under the approximation of small noise-to-signal ratio, we get
2RNB √
𝜃 (t) = √ sin(2𝜋ft) = NB∕P0 sin(2𝜋ft) (2-33)
The RMS value of 𝜃(t) for B = 1 Hz is NB∕2P0 . Accordingly, it holds that
1 N
L( f ) = (2-34)
2 P0
The aforementioned formula can be rewritten in terms of equivalent noise temperature Te or of the noise factor F
( )
1 k Te + T 0 1 FkT
L( f ) = or L( f ) = (2-35)
2 P0 2 P0
ƒm ƒm
ƒ0 – ƒm ƒ0 ƒ0 + ƒm
θp = √NB/P0
ƒm θrms = √NB/2P0
√2P0 θp √2NB
Figure 2-10 Heuristic derivation of L( f ) in the case of additive white noise. The resistance R is not shown. Reprinted from [1],
CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
A similar procedure can be used to derive S𝜃 ( f ), with the help of Figure 2-11. While the carrier is the same as
earlier, now we have two symmetric narrow sideband slots of bandwidth B centered at f0 − fm and at f0 + fm
These sidebands have random amplitude VLSB (t) and VUSB (t). The power associated to each sideband is NB, equally
√ into AM and PM noise. Thus, the absolute value of the vectors that contribute to PM noise is VUSB = VLSB =
RNB. Combining carrier and sidebands under the approximation of small noise-to-signal ratio, we get
2 RNB ( )
𝜃 (t) = √ sin 2𝜋fm t (2-37)
2NB ( )
𝜃 (t) = sin 2𝜋fm t (2-38)
The RMS value of 𝜃(t) for B = 1 Hz is NB∕P0 . Thus
S𝜃 ( f ) = (2-39)
Using the equivalent noise temperature Te or the noise factor F, the aforementioned formula becomes
kTe FkT
S𝜃 ( f ) = or S𝜃 ( f ) = (2-40)
P0 P0
ƒm ƒm
ƒ0 – ƒm ƒ0 ƒ0 + ƒm
–ƒm ƒm
Carrier √2P0 θp
θp = 2 √NB/2P0 Sθ = N/P0
θrms = √NB/P0
αp = 2 √NB/2P0
αrms = √NB/P0
Carrier √2P0
Sα = N/P0
Figure 2-11 Heuristic derivation of S𝜃 ( f ) and of S𝛼 ( f ) in the case of additive white noise. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and
adapted to our notation.
The same development can be used to derive the amplitude noise. In this case, the vector representing the lower
side band (LSB) has opposite sign with respect to phase noise; hence the sum of the two sideband vectors is parallel
to the carrier. The result is
S𝛼 ( f ) = (2-41)
Using Figure 2-10 instead, we notice that the old definition of L( f ) based on the sideband-to-carrier ratio gives
both amplitude fluctuations and phase fluctuations, of equal amount. After our digression on the reason why the
definition of L( f ) has be changed to L( f ) = 12 S𝜃 ( f ), this unpleasant fact does not come as a surprise. Should the
reader have to face both PM and AM noise, we recommend the use of S𝜃 ( f ) and S𝛼 ( f ), or L𝜃 ( f ) and L𝛼 ( f ) with
obvious meaning. The notation M( f ) is sometimes encountered as the AM-noise counterpart of L( f ).
The smallest amount of white noise for a source characterized by a resistance at a temperature T is
S𝜃 ( f ) = S𝛼 ( f ) = (2-42)
Table 2-4 Scaling rules for a noise-free synthesizer delivering fout = (n/d)fin
Scaling the carrier frequency with an ideal noise-free synthesizer, which delivers an output frequency fo = (n/d)fi ,
the quantities associated to phase noise scale according to the rules listed in Table 2-4. We want to draw the attention
of the reader to the simple fact that the synthesizer scales up or down the input phase noise and the input frequency
noise in the same way. By contrast, the amplitude at the output of the ideal synthesizer is determined by the output
stage, rather being sensitive to the input amplitude.
Example 2 Noise Factor. A system has a noise factor of 1.8 dB and receives at the input a sinusoid of power
P0 = 100 μW (−10 dBm). The phase noise L( f ) is
Experience shows that in all oscillators the sideband noise increases greatly as we observe very close to the carrier.
Slowly tuning the oscillator to a different frequency, we are faced to the evidence that the noise sidebands are
attached to the carrier and follows the carrier frequency. This behavior is incompatible with the noise model we
have used in Section 2-1-4 to derive S𝜃 ( f ). How could the additive noise have a sharp peak centered exactly at
the carrier frequency, “know” when the oscillator is re-tuned or drifts, and track the carrier by shifting the peak
to the new frequency? No way. Our derivation related to Figures 2-10 and 2-11 is correct, but it does not explain
this behavior. The answer is that there are two types of phase noise, and of amplitude noise as well, called additive
noise and parametric noise. They already appeared in the seminal article [17], at that time called additive and
multiplicative noise. The basic mechanisms are represented in Figure 2-12. Understanding the difference between
these types of noise is of paramount importance to master phase noise. The additive noise is exactly what we
have explained in Section 2-1-4 when we derived S𝜃 ( f ) by adding carrier and sideband vectors. White, or nearly
white, noise is present in a wide radiofrequency and microwave spectrum, and it adds to the carrier. By contrast, the
parametric noise originates from a near-dc noise, which modulates the carrier phase, frequency or amplitude, or any
combination of. The noise spectrum of the near-dc process is transposed to the sidebands around the carrier with the
appropriate rules and symmetry. In this way, it is perfectly sound that a noise pattern with spurs in the microwave
spectrum is centered at the carrier, and it appears unchanged around the new frequency after tuning or drift.
Notice that the power conservation inherent in the angular modulation of any index or phase swing applies only
to parametric phase or frequency noise. By contrast, adding a white noise process results in higher total power.
Two-port components show a similar behavior, with the difference that they have no frequency drift because
the output frequency is rigidly determined by the input frequency.
The digression about additive and parametric noise and their difference deserves further attention, because the
term added noise is sometimes encountered in the specs of components and of test equipment. This term denotes the
Internal Internal
Output noise Output
ƒ0 ƒ ƒ0 ƒ
Figure 2-12 Additive and parametric noise. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
phase noise, and sometimes also the amplitude noise, that the component “adds” to the incoming carrier. The choice
of the term “added noise” is unfortunate because it is too easily mistaken for “additive noise,” while it refers to
both the additive noise and the parametric noise that the component “adds” to the incoming carrier.
A model that is found useful to describe the phase noise of oscillators and components is the polynomial law, often
also called power law [2, 23]
S𝜃 ( f ) = bn f n (2-43)
where the coefficients bn are the parameters that describe the corresponding noise process. Equivalently,
1 ∑
L( f ) = b fn (2-44)
2 n≤−4 n
The polynomial law for phase noise is shown in Figure 2-13 and Table 2-5. The latter is extended to the phase
time and fractional frequency fluctuations, detailed later. For the reader found in mathematics, the polynomial law
refers to a Laurent polynomial, which is the extension of the Taylor series to negative-exponent powers of the
running variable. In the oscillator phase noise, we find f 0 (constant), 1/f, 1/f 2 , etc., and each of such processes takes
a specific name. Some may be hidden underneath the neighboring terms.
We have studied the additive noise extensively in section “Heuristic Derivation of L( f ) and S𝜃 ( f ) in the Simple
Case of Additive Noise”. The additive noise is chiefly a white PM process, with at most some smooth irregu-
larities. The reason is that we observe a narrow region f0 ± fm of the microwave spectrum, centered at the carrier
frequency f0 .
Surprisingly for some, the white noise is not necessarily all of additive origin. An amount of white noise in a
modulation process can be present.
The flicker PM noise is a parametric noise process originated by near-dc flicker, whose PSD is proportional to
1/f, which modulates the phase of the microwave signal.
The white frequency noise, or white FM noise, is a parametric process originated by white noise that modulates
the frequency of an oscillator. This can be due for example to the thermal fluctuations of a resonator, to white noise
in the oscillator loop, or to the white noise of the signal at the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) input of the
oscillator. The phase noise PSD associated to a white FM noise process is proportional to 1/f 2 . The reason is
the following. As the phase is the integral of a frequency, its fluctuation 𝜃(t) can be expressed as the integral of
–10 dB/dec
–40 dB/dec 1/ƒ3 Phase flicker
Frequency 0 dB/dec
random walk White phase
log−log scale ƒ
Figure 2-13 The polynomial law for phase noise. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
Table 2-5 Main noise processes of the polynomial law for PM and FM noise
Noise type Phase noise, S𝜃 ( f ) Phase time, Sx ( f ) frequency, Sy ( f )
Law Unit Law Unit Law Unit
White PM b0 rad2 ∕Hz k0 s2 ∕Hz (s3 ) Hz
b−1 k−1 h−1
Flicker PM rad2 s2 Dimensionless
f f f
b−2 k−2
White FM rad2 Hz s2 Hz (s) h0 Hz−1
f2 f2
b−3 k−3
Flicker FM rad2 Hz2 s2 Hz2 (dimensionless) h1 f Hz−2
f3 f3
b−4 k−4
Frequency RW rad2 Hz3 s2 Hz3 (s−1 ) h2 f 2 Hz−3
f4 f4
the carrier fluctuation (Δf0 )(t) because 𝜃(t) = 2𝜋 ∫ (Δf0 )(t) dt. We exploit the property of the Fourier transform,
that the time-domain integral maps into a multiplication by 1/j2𝜋f, that is,
x(t) dt ↔ X(f ) (2-45)
∫ j2𝜋f
1 1
S𝜃 ( f ) = S ( f ) and equivalently L( f ) = 2 SΔf0 ( f ) (2-46)
f 2 Δf0 2f
and equivalently
1 1
S𝜃 ( f ) = S ( f ) and equivalently L( f ) = 2 SΔf0 ( f ) (2-47)
f 2 Δf0 2f
Of course, in the presence of white frequency noise, SΔf0 ( f ) is a constant versus frequency, while S𝜃 ( f ) and
L( f ) are proportional to 1/f 2 .
The flicker frequency noise, or flicker FM noise, is another type of noise very often found in oscillators, and
characterized by a phase noise PSD proportional to 1/f 3 . It originates from a flicker noise process, which modulates
the frequency of the oscillator. The same reasoning seen for the white PM noise yields the conclusion that S𝜃 ( f )
and L( f ) are proportional to 1/f 3 .
Textbooks of statistics teach us that random walk results from integrating a white noise process. But we have
seen that the integral operator maps into the multiplication by a factor of 1/f 2 in the PSD. As a consequence, in
the presence of a random walk of frequency, or frequency RW for short, S𝜃 ( f ) and L( f ) are proportional to 1/f 4 .
There are several physical reasons for the presence of frequency RW in oscillators, mainly related to the resonator’s
natural frequency changing with time, or affected by environmental parameters.
There is no a priori reason for the sum (2-43) to start from n = − 4, and further negative terms can be added
when needed. Oppositely, a “true” b1 f term is not allowed because it results in too large power, if not infinite power,
after integrating S𝜃 ( f ). A “+1” slope is often found in optical fiber links and other applications involving a control
loop. However, this behavior can only be local, that is, the left-hand side of a bump in the spectrum.
The frequency drift consists in a linear change of the oscillator frequency with time. In the presence of a drift
D of the fractional frequency, we can replace the oscillator frequency f0 as
where f00 is the oscillator frequency at an appropriate origin of time t = 0. The reason for the frequency drift in
oscillators is mainly related to the aging of the resonator.
The PSD is not a preferred tool to describe the drift because the curve is too steep for clear visual interpretation,
and because the phase 𝜃(t) grows rapidly and gets too large for the dynamic range of most instruments. Time-domain
techniques are more suitable. However, it is instructive to calculate S𝜃 ( f ) in the presence of a frequency drift.
We start from a frequency perturbation described by a Dirac 𝛿(t) distribution. The Laplace transform of 𝛿(t) is
equal to 1. The integral of the 𝛿(t) distribution is the Heaviside distribution u(t), and its Laplace transform is 1/s.
Further integrating, we get a linear ramp tu(t) starting at t = 0, that is, a drift. Its Laplace transform is 1/s2 . But the
phase is the integral of the frequency, thus the Laplace transform is 1/s3 . We can derive the PSD from the Laplace
transform, first by converting the Laplace transform into the Fourier transform (replace s → j2𝜋f), and then by
taking the absolute square value. In this way, we find S𝜃 ∝ 1/f 6 .
We recall that the phase time fluctuation is equivalent to the random phase after converting the unit from radians
to seconds, that is, x (t) = 𝜃 (t) ∕2𝜋f0 . As an obvious consequence, the polynomial law applies to Sx ( f )
Sx ( f ) = kn f n with kn = bn (2-49)
n≤−4 4𝜋 2 f02
The classification of noise from white PM to frequency RW applies to oscillators and to frequency sources
in general. By contrast, only white and flicker phase noises are possible in two-port components, otherwise the
input–output delay would diverge. Steeper terms of the polynomial law, for example, 1/f 4 or 1/f 5 , are often seen
on phase noise plots. However, deeper analysis shows that this behavior is the right-hand side of a large bump in
the spectrum due to environmental parameters or to other phenomena, and the full bump does not show up because
its left-hand side occurs at too low frequencies, outside the measurement span.
The mean square phase and delay accumulated by a device, in the frequency span from f1 to f2 , are given by
⟨ 2⟩ f2
𝜃 = S𝜃 ( f ) df (2-50)
∫f 1
⟨ 2⟩ f2
x = Sx ( f ) df (2-51)
∫f 1
√ √
It is clear that, for 1/f 2 , 1/f 3 , and slower processes, the quantities 𝜃rms = ⟨𝜃 2 ⟩ and xrms = ⟨x2 ⟩ can get quite
large as the lower boundary f1 is small. Conversely, and surprisingly, flicker PM gives rise to small phase and delay,
even if the PSD is integrated over a rather extreme frequency span. We will see this in the following example.
Example 3 Flicker Noise. A two-port device used at the carrier frequency f0 = 100 MHz shows a flicker of
−80 dBc/Hz extrapolated to 1 Hz (a rather poor value). Let us estimate the phase 𝜃 rms and the delay xrms .
For the purpose of convincing the reader that the flicker PM noise does not end in infinitely diverging phase and
delay, we make an arbitrary and rather extreme choice of the frequency span. First, we agree that the lifetime of the
device will not exceed 109 s (30 years), or we do not care about longer time. Accordingly, we take f1 = 10−9 Hz.
Second, we agree that the bandwidth of the phase fluctuations is at most equal to the carrier frequency, thus we take
f2 = 108 Hz. From the statement of the problem, we find b−1 = 2 × 10−80∕10 , and k−1 = 4𝜋−1 2f 2
= 5 × 10−26 . Thus,
⟨ 2⟩ f2
b−1 f2 108
𝜃 = df = b−1 ln = 2 × 10−8 ln −9 = 7.8 × 10−7 rad2
∫f 1 f f1 10
⟨ 2⟩ f2
k−1 f2 108
x = df = k−1 ln = 5 × 10−26 ln −9 = 2 × 10−24 s2
∫f 1 f f1 10
It is well known that the angular modulation can be expressed as a PM or as an FM, and that the two forms are
equivalent. The same holds random PM and FM. The phase fluctuation associated to a frequency fluctuation is
( ) 1 d𝜃 (t)
Δf0 (t) = (2-52)
2𝜋 dt
Using the property of the Fourier transform that the time-domain derivative operator maps into a multiplication by
SΔf0 ( f ) = f 2 S𝜃 ( f ) (2-54)
1 ( )
Alternatively, we can use the fractional frequency fluctuation y (t) = f0
Δf0 (t), and its PSD
Sy ( f ) = S𝜃 ( f ) (2-55)
Sy ( f ) = hn f n with hn = bn−2
n≤−2 f02
–20 dB/dec
random walk –10 dB/dec +20 dB/dec
Integrated flicket White phase
+10 dB/dec
Phase flicket
etc. 0 dB/dec
White frequency
1/ƒ ƒ1
log–log scale ƒ
Figure 2-14 Polynomial law for frequency noise. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola.
The quantities SΔf0 ( f ) and Sy ( f ) are seldom used in radio engineering. However, Sy ( f ) is an important step to
assess the relationship between phase noise and the time-domain variances Allan variance (AVAR), modified Allan
variance (MVAR), parabolic variance (PVAR), etc.
We have seen that the polynomial law fits the phase noise PSD in a large number of cases, that the polynomial law
extends to low frequencies, and that the higher negative-power terms, found on the left-hand side of the plot, reveal
the slow frequency fluctuations.
A question arises, can S𝜃 ( f ) be used to measure the long-term behavior of oscillators? Of course, S𝜃 ( f )
is a mathematical tool based on the measurement of the physical quantity 𝜃(t); thus any valid mathematical
manipulation yields correct results. However, S𝜃 ( f ) is not to a good tool for describing the long-term behavior, for
the following reasons.
First, it is difficult to fit the experimental plot and to extract precisely the coefficients because the terms bi f i
associated to drift and other slow phenomena have steep negative slope. The reader can try with the frequency
random walk b−4 ∕f 4 or with the frequency drift b−6 ∕f 6 .
Second, the measurement of a steep slope requires that the noise test set has a wide dynamic range. For example,
the term b−4 ∕f 4 rises by 40 dB over a factor of 10 in frequency.
Third, the measurement time T needed to get S𝜃 ( f ) with a resolution 𝛿f is governed by the time-frequency
indetermination theorem, which states that T 𝛿f ≥ 1, where T and 𝛿f are the RMS values. The equality holds for
Gaussian distributions. The theory underneath is found in many textbooks on the Fourier integral, among which we
prefer Papoulis, 1962. Actual instruments work with the acquisition time Ta , which is a finite and well identified
quantity. The acquisition time is associated to the window (taper) function used in the FFT analysis, the most
popular of which is the Hanning window. In practice, the resolution is governed by Ta 𝛿 f ≥ C1 , with C1 is in
most cases of at least 2–3. The lowest frequency of the FFT is f1 = 1/T. However, the first points may not be
plotted, or discarded, because of the poor resolution 𝛿f/f and because of artifacts related to the window function.
The consequence is that the minimum plotted frequency is ruled by Ta fmin ≥ C, with C of the order of 5–10. For
example, the acquisition of a single spectrum down to fmin = 10 mHz gives Ta = 600 s (C = 6). If we decide
to average on 12 spectra in order to get a comfortable confidence level, the measurement takes 2 h. By contrast,
the AVAR and the other wavelet variances, described later in this chapter, are way more efficient at estimating the
long-term behavior of oscillators in a short measurement time. Interestingly, all these variances are easily calculated
from a time series of phase data, the same used to calculate the PM noise PSD.
The oscillator signal, observed with an RF spectrum analyzer, looks like a rather narrow bell-shaped pattern, wob-
bling, wandering, and drifting. How does it relate to the PM noise PSD, which is seemingly unbounded at low
Fourier frequencies?
However naïve the question may seem, the problem underneath is surprisingly complex. All difficulties start
from the fact that the variance 𝜎𝜃2 does not exist for flicker (1/f) and for steeper processes (1/f 2 , 1/f 3 , etc.), and from
the fact that the variance of the truncated S𝜃 ( f ), high-passed at a frequency fH , diverges as fH → 0. Thus, the use of
a high-pass filter does not help.
The problem of the line shape is addressed in [24–26]. These references rely on a rather difficult the mathemat-
ical framework and provide a separate solution for each PM noise process. Reference [26] is particularly useful for
optics, where the line broadening phenomena are amplified by beating two laser beams down to RF. However, the
language used in these references may be unusual or difficult to microwave engineer. That said, we try to grab the
main physical facts.
First of all, the angular modulation does not affect the total electrical power, and the same happens with phase
noise. Consequently, the generalized PM power, given in rad2 , is allowed to be quite large, and even to diverge in
the long run, without violating the energy conservation principle. The pattern seen on the display of the spectrum
analyzer reveals the average electrical power. The averaging time is set by 1/RBW or by 1/VBW, which is longer
(RBW is the resolution bandwidth, and VBW is the video filter bandwidth).
Second, the electrical power is spread in sidebands, governed by the infinite series of Bessel functions Jn (𝛽),
where 𝛽 is the modulation index. The sidebands are separate entities at small 𝛽, but they collapse in a single line
at large 𝛽. Something happens in between.
Third, the spectrum analyzer has a limited RBW. In the traditional scanning spectrum analyzer, the transfer
function associated to the RBW is a Lorentzian line shape, determined by the intermediate frequency (IF) filter.
The displayed shape results from the convolution of the input spectrum and the IF frequency response. The behavior
of modern spectrum analyzers based on the FFT of a wide-band IF signal is rather similar, however more difficult
to understand in rigorous mathematical terms. For the sake of clarity, let us say that the RBW is associated to a
Lorentzian filter.
Now we apply the previous concepts to the oscillator signal.
When the oscillator delivers a pure and stable signal, the RF spectrum is a clean and sharp line, narrower than
the instrument RBW. The displayed spectrum is a Lorentzian pattern determined by IF filter. Such pattern wanders
and drifts slowly, following the oscillator frequency. The spectrum of white FM noise is a Lorentzian. Thus, if the
dominant oscillator noise is white FM, wider than the RBW, the analyzer displays a Lorentzian determined by the
oscillator FM noise. When flicker FM or FM random walk is dominant, the numerous random sidebands tend to
cluster in Gaussian shape. However, if the width of the Gaussian is still comparable to the Lorentzian RBW, there
results a Voigt distribution [27].
Until now, we have implicitly assumed that the frequency reference inside the spectrum analyzer is stable and
free from noise. Actually, the displayed pattern results from the PM noise of both the oscillator under test and the
analyzer’s internal oscillator, and the two contributions are indistinguishable.
We study the frequency fluctuations of a real oscillator around the nominal value, as a function of the measurement
time. Such fluctuations contain true random terms, plus other phenomena like drift and environmental effects.
However, the environmental effects are of systematic origin; they can only be described statistically for the part of
the environment that escapes from quantitative understanding. This goes under the term influence quantities in the
formal language of metrology.
Before tackling the analysis of frequency fluctuations, we have to study the basic operation of the frequency
counters, sometimes called frequency-to-digital converters. Other options are possible, chiefly time analyzers and
phase meters. These instruments are highly specialized and seldom found in general laboratories.
Modern frequency counters are rather complex, and their statistical properties may be difficult to understand.
Reference [28] reviews the high resolution counting techniques, and References [29, 30] provide insight in the
statistical processing techniques.
The Π counter is an instrument that measures frequency or period by counting a number of events occurring during
the gate time 𝜏. The classical frequency counter, shown in Figure 2-15, is the simplest example. The instrument
counts the integer number Nx of cycles of the input signal in the gate time 𝜏 generated by the reference clock. The
classical frequency counter is seldom used because of the poor resolution at low input frequency. If 𝜏 = 1 s, the
number Nx is equal to the frequency expressed in Hz, thus the measurement of the 50 Hz frequency of the European
power grid suffers from a quantization of 2%. For this reason, the classical frequency counter is generally replaced
with classical reciprocal counter. The roles of the clock signal and of the input signal are interchanged, and the
instrument measures the average period by counting the clock cycles in a suitable multiple of the input period that
approximates 𝜏. With a clock frequency of 10 MHz, the quantization is 10−7 in 1 s measurement time, regardless
of the input frequency. More sophisticated instruments can measure a fraction of a clock cycle by interpolating
between edges of the clock signal. Combining reciprocal counting and clock interpolation boosts the resolution up
to 10 digits and more, but the noise mechanism of the Π counter remains. In this type of instruments, the noise is
determined by the fluctuations found at the start and at the stop event that define the gate time 𝜏, and the fluctuations
occurring between start and stop do not contribute to the result. In practice, the time fluctuations originate from the
quantization noise, from the interpolator, and from the noise of the input trigger. With sophisticated interpolators,
the remaining noise from the input trigger is the dominant noise source. The contribution of the frequency reference
is not accounted here, and must be considered separately.
Since the input frequency fluctuates, it is useful to replace f0 with f0 + (Δf0 )(t). The average frequency is given
1 ( )
f0 = f + Δf0 (t) dt (2-56)
𝜏 ∫0 0
( )
Introducing the fractional frequency fluctuation y (t) = Δf0 (t) ∕f0 , we can replace the average (2-56) with the
weighted average
y= y (t) wΠ (t) dt (2-57)
1∕𝜏 0<t<𝜏
wΠ = (2-58)
0 elsewhere
ƒ0 A Binary
C counter
The name Π counter was chosen because the Greek letter Π recalls shape of wΠ (t), which is a rectangular pulse.
The value of our approach is that (2-57) also describes the other counters, just by replacing the weight function
wΠ (t) with another weight w(t) of our choice. Of course, it is necessary that
w(t) dt = 1 (2-59)
𝜎y2 = (2-60)
The factor of 2 comes from the fact that 𝜎x2 counts twice, start and stop being statistically independent events. It is
to be made clear that (2-60) is the classical variance, as opposite to the two-sample variances that we will introduce
Example 4 Frequency Counter. Consider the measurement of a 10 MHz oscillator with a gate time of
100 ms. The instrument has a quantization 𝛿t = 5 ns, and the trigger noise
√ is negligible in this case. √ The
time deviation (TDEV) associated to the quantization noise is 𝜎x = 𝛿t∕ 12 = 1.44 ns. The factor 1∕ 12
√ for the quantization uniformly distributed between ±𝛿t/2. Using (2-60) with 𝜏 = 100 ms, we find
( ) ( )
𝜎y = 2 × 2 × 10−9 s ∕ 10−1 s = 2.5 × 10−8 . The same reasoning applies to the noise in the input trigger, just
omitting the 1∕ 12 factor, which is characteristic of the quantization. ◼
Looking at Figure 2-16, there is a lot of information contained in the fluctuations occurring between the edges of
the gate function, which can be exploited to reduce the background noise of the instrument. This requires a different
type of hardware, capable of timing more transitions, ideally all the transitions between the two edges. With FPGA
technology, such hardware is affordable even in moderate-cost instruments.
The first method to reduce the instrument noise is the Λ counter, whose principle is shown in Figure 2-17.
The measurement process consists of averaging n highly overlapped measures of duration 𝜏, spaced by 𝜏 0 = 𝜏/n.
These n measures are the same as in the Π counter. The benefit of the Λ counter derives from the fact that most of
the random fluctuations come from the input trigger, which is a wideband stage. Therefore, the white PM noise is
dominant, and the samples of such noise, taken at t0 , t1 , t2 , etc., are statistically independent. Thus, the process of
averaging on n independent values reduces 𝜎y2 by a factor 1/n. This noise reduction comes at the cost of a longer
measurement time, 2𝜏 instead of 𝜏. Ideally, n is maximized by taking a measure at each cycle of the input signal,
x0 x1 x2 x3 Phase time x xN
(i.e., time jitter)
v(t) Time
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 tN Period T00
wΠ 0
Measurement time τ = NT
Figure 2-16 Theory of operation of the Π (classic) frequency counter. Reprinted from [29], with the permission of AIP Publishing.
x0 x1 x2 x3 Phase time x
(i.e., time jitter)
v(t) Time
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 tN–D tN tN+D
Meas. no.
w0 1/τ
0 i=0
w1 i=1
w2 i=2
wn–1 i=n–1
Delay τ0 = DT
Measurement time τ = NT = nDT
τ n–1
2 2
1 1
wΛ nτ nτ
nτ nτ
Figure 2-17 Theory of operation of the Λ frequency counter. Reprinted from [29], with the permission of AIP Publishing.
that is, with 𝜏 0 = 1/f0 . However, 𝜏 0 is limited by the data transfer inside the instrument and by the processing rate.
In commercial equipment, we find values between a millisecond and a fraction of a microsecond.
In the last example, the standard deviation is reduced from 2.5 × 10−8 to 2.5 × 10−9 if the instrument has a
minimum 𝜏 0 of 1 ms (n = 100), and to 2.5 × 10−10 if the minimum 𝜏 0 is of 10 μs (n = 104 ).
The following points deserve attention before doing statistics with frequency counters:
• Some commercial instruments use the Λ averaging without saying. Of course, the statistical properties are
totally different from the Π counter.
• The “gate time” shown on the front panel may be ambiguous. It can be identified either with 𝜏 or with the
total measurement time, which is 2𝜏 in our notation.
• The gate events can be contiguous, or exactly overlapped by one side of the triangle. The decimation rule is
a good reason to choose the overlapped option. Suppose we have a stream of data f1 , f2 , f3 , … overlapped
by one side. The rule
1 1 1
f1′ = f1 + f2 + f3
4 2 4
1 1 1
f2′ = f3 + f4 + f5
4 2 4
etc. gives a new data stream with the same type and overlap. The new n is twice the older, and 𝜏 is twice
longer. By contrast, if the triangles are just contiguous, there is no decimation rule preserving unchanged
statistical properties.
• Understanding the internal operation and the meaning of the gate time requires attention and some tests. It is
useful to observe the counter readout in the presence of a phase-modulated RF signal. We can get information
about the weight function by setting the modulation frequency for the readout to be constant, and for the
readout to have the maximum fluctuation.
A more formal description of the Λ counter is the following. We start from a time series of n highly-overlapped
measures fi , of the same type of the Π counter. Each measure is shifted by 𝜏 0 ≪ 𝜏 with respect to the previous one
i𝜏 +𝜏
fi = f0 + (Δf )(t) dt i=0 … n−1 (2-61)
𝜏 ∫i𝜏0
f = f (2-62)
n i=0 i
Replacing f0 + (Δf)(t) with the fractional frequency y (t), we write the weighted average
y= y (t) wΛ (t) dt (2-63)
Taking the limit for large n, thus for 𝜏 0 /𝜏 → 0, the staircase function shown on Figure 2-17 becomes a triangular
⎧t∕𝜏 2 0<t<𝜏
wΛ (t) = ⎨2∕𝜏 − t∕𝜏 2 𝜏 < t < 2𝜏 (2-64)
⎪0 elsewhere
It follows from our reasoning that the variance of the fractional frequency fluctuation is
1 2 𝜎x 2 𝜎x2
𝜎y2 = = 𝜏 (2-65)
n 𝜏2 0
This is the same as (2-60), but for a factor 1/n that accounts for the average on n measures.
As the reader may expect after our digression, the name Λ counter is due to the graphical analogy of the Greek
letter Λ with the triangular step function shown on Figure 2-17.
The total phase 𝜗(t) of the clock signal the ever-growing ramp described as
whose fluctuation is 𝜃(t) = 2𝜋 ∫ (Δf)(t) dt as the frequency fluctuates. The instantaneous frequency is
1 d𝜗(t)
f (t) = (2-67)
2𝜋 dt
The Ω counter measures the average frequency f using the linear regression on the time series 𝜗0 , 𝜗1 , 𝜗2 …
sampled at regular intervals spaced by 𝜏 0 , as shown in Figure 2-18. Denoting with ti the time when the sample 𝜗i
is taken, and with 𝜇 𝜗 and 𝜇 t the averages of 𝜗 and t in the measurement time 𝜏, we find
∑n−1 ( )( )
1 i=0 𝜗i − 𝜇𝜗 ti − 𝜇 t
f =
2𝜋 ∑n−1 ( )2 (2-68)
i=0 ti − 𝜇t
Noise-free phase
slope 2πƒ0
Time series ϑi
Linear regression
slope 2πƒ
Measurement time τ
Figure 2-18 Operation of the Ω frequency counter, which measures the average frequency using the linear regression on phase
data. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
Replacing f0 + (Δf)(t) with the fractional frequency y (t), we write the weighted average
y= y (t) wΩ (t) dt (2-69)
The mathematics underneath is a little more complex than in the case of the Π and Λ counters, and the details are
found in Reference [23]. The weight function has the “cap” parabolic shape
⎧ 6t [ t
⎪ 𝜏2 1 − 𝜏 , 0 < t < 𝜏
wΩ (t) = ⎨ (2-70)
⎪0, elsewhere
The name Ω has been chosen by the graphical analogy of wΩ (t) with the Greek letter Ω, in the continuity of the Π
and Λ counters. The theory indicates that the Ω counter exhibits the highest rejection of white PM noise, which is
exactly what we want to reduce the effect of the quantization and of the trigger noise.
The variance of the fractional frequency is
1 12 𝜎x 12 𝜎 2
𝜎y2 = = 𝜏0 3 x (2-71)
n 𝜏 2 𝜏
The performance of the frequency counters is described by the variance 𝜎y2 , that is, (2-60), (2-65), or (2-71). These
equations give the background noise of the instrument in the presence of white PM noise (input trigger and quan-
tization). The frequency reference is still not included.
We will learn in Section 2-2-2 that the measurement time 𝜏 is a more complex issue, and why the two-sample
variances are necessary. That said, the classical variance is perfectly suitable to describe the white phase noise. In the
meanwhile, we can draw some conclusions about the time required to test an oscillator, with obvious implications
on industrial production. It goes without saying that the instrument background noise must be smaller than the
noise of the oscillator under test. This sets a minimum measurement time needed to average out the instrument
First, the instrument noise is averaged out proportionally to 1/𝜏 2 in the Π counter, and proportionally to 1/𝜏 3 in
the Λ counter and in the Ω counter. Thus, the Π counter is clearly slower in all cases. The two other counters are
similar in speed, being governed by the 1/𝜏 3 law.
Second, a comparison between (2-65) and (2-71) gives the false impression that the Ω counter suffers from
more noise than the Λ counter, by a factor of six. The catch is that the Λ counter takes a time 2𝜏 to deliver a value,
while the Ω counter takes 𝜏. For fair comparison, we have to replace 𝜏 → 𝜏/2 in (2-65), so that the measurement
time is the same. This gives 𝜎y2 = 16 𝜏0 𝜎x2 ∕𝜏 3 for the Λ counter. The conclusion is that the Ω counter is superior to
the Λ counter, to the extent that, for the same measurement time, it exhibits lower noise by a factor of 3/4 (1.25 dB).
However modest this result may seem, it can be a great choice for large volume tests.
Most old frequency counters work in Π mode.
Major manufacturers sell Λ counters, often without saying. Eventually, Reference [29] originated from the
attempt to sort out inconsistent results when we measured some oscillators using an Agilent (now Keysight)
counter. We could interpret correctly these results only after setting the formal framework that describes the Π
and Λ counters, and after reverse engineering the counter we had. Lange Electronics manufactures a counter
specifically intended for the measurement of the two-sample variances, which can be programmed to operate
in Π and Λ mode. Pendulum (later acquired by Philips, to the best of our knowledge) was arguably the first
company to produce a counter using the linear regression [31]. The statistical properties of the Ω counters were
tackled independently in [30, 32, 33]. Recently, Carmel Instruments (formerly Brilliant Instruments) manufac-
tures some time analyzers implemented as PXI Express modules, advertised as capable to operate in Π, Λ, and
Ω modes.
Until now, we have implicitly used the experimental variance found in many textbooks, defined as
1 ∑( )2
𝜎y2 = yk − 𝜇 (2-72)
N − 1 k=1
where N is the number of samples fk , and 𝜇 = N1 k=1 yi is the average. The problem is that (2-72) is useful only for
certain types of fluctuations, and of course it works perfectly with the white PM noise we were really concerned
about. In such cases (2-72) converges to the “ideal” value called mathematical expectation, and the confidence
improves progressively as N increases.
The problem is that real oscillators suffer from frequency flicker, random walk, and drift, and other processes.
These processes make (2-72) depend on both N and 𝜏, and the mathematical expectation does not exist. That
something goes wrong with N and is clearly seen with linear drift (constant aging). Try yourself to calculate the
deviation 𝜎 in the case of a 100 MHz oscillator drifting by +1 mHz/s, measured with s gate time of 1 s. After taking
N = 10, 102 , 103 , etc., we agree that the experimental variance is not a good choice in this case.
The problem with 𝜏 is a little bit subtler. Let us take the distance from two points on a sheet of sandpaper
as a simple example. A human-sized ruler may indicate a distance quite close to 6 in., which we perceive as
“correct” at our scale, and that’s it. By contrast, a tiny insect experiences a much longer path of consisting of
high obstacles it can surmount only thanks to its incredible agility. What happens? The answer is that the dis-
tance depends on the size of the ruler used to measure it. Not surprisingly, something similar happens with the
oscillator fluctuations y (t) and the measurement time 𝜏. Still on the example of the 100 MHz oscillator drift-
ing at +1 mHz/s, try yourself to calculate 𝜎y2 as using (2-72) after switching the gate time to 0.1, 1, and 10 s.
The difference between results should convince the reader that (2-72) is to be replaced with a more appropriate
tool. Here the family of two-sample (Allan and Allan-like) variances gets on the stage. The key points are as
yk (𝜏) = y (t) dt (2-73)
This is the fractional frequency y we are familiar with, measured with a Π counter where the gate time has duration
𝜏 starting at t = (k − 1)𝜏 and ending at t = k𝜏. So, y1 (𝜏) is averaged between 0 and 𝜏, y2 (𝜏) is averaged between
𝜏 and 2𝜏, etc. It is important that the measures are exactly contiguous, with no dead time in between, otherwise
the final result will differ from the AVAR. This requirement is not a real limitation because the speed of nowadays
digital hardware is generally sufficient to avoid such dead time. Understanding what happens in the presence of a
dead time is a special topic for experts.
Having defined 𝜏, we solve the dependence on N by setting N = 2 in (2-72). Notice that N = 2 is the smallest
value that gives a valid variance. Rewriting (2-72) for N = 2
[ ]2 [ ]2
𝜎y2 (𝜏) = y2 (𝜏) − 𝜇 + y1 (𝜏) − 𝜇 (2-74)
( )
and expanding using 𝜇 = y2 + y1 ∕2, we find the two-sample variance
1[ ]2
𝜎y2 (𝜏) = y (𝜏) − y1 (𝜏) (2-75)
2 2
This variance is also called the Allan variance [2] or AVAR. The obvious notation Allan deviation (ADEV) is
often used for 𝜎y (𝜏). Equation (2-75) should be intended in the sense of the mathematical expectation, that is, the
ideal average on infinite values of 𝜎y2 (𝜏). In practice, we use a finite time series of M contiguous values of yk (𝜏),
[ ]2
k = 1 … M. Consequently the average on M − 1 values of yk+1 (𝜏) − yk (𝜏) gives
1 ∑[ M
𝜎y2 (𝜏) = y (𝜏) − yk (𝜏) (2-76)
2(M − 1) k=1 k+1
Equation (2-76) is the usual formula for the AVAR. Figure 2-19 shows the most common noise types, as they appear
on the AVAR plot.
[ with a gate]time 𝜏 0 and to combine 2 contiguous measurements
It is a common practice to use a counter
to get 𝜏 = 2 𝜏 0 . In this case, the terms yk+1 (𝜏) − yk (𝜏) used in (2-76) can be highly overlapped, and spaced
by 𝜏 0 . Strictly speaking, this is the overlapped Allan variance. For the same noise process, overlapped AVAR and
non-overlapped AVAR converge to the same value. The overlapped AVAR is always used because exhibits superior
confidence level for finite M.
σy2 (τ)
ch /τ2
1 1 2 2
(a Fli
lso ck
D τ drift
2 y
wh er p cy n
ite ha 4π2 ue
ph se h τ eq
as h0/2τ Fr
e) 6 −2 req
Wh lk f
fre i 2 ln(2) h−1 wa
Allan que te m
Flicker frequency Ra
Figure 2-19 Allan variance, plotted for the most common noise terms of the polynomial law. The constant c results from a cutoff
frequency fH , necessary to limit the bandwidth of white phase noise. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola.
Some confusion may arise with the notation 𝜎y2 (𝜏) because the number of samples is implied. A more rigorous
notation would be 𝜎y2 (N, 𝜏) for the N-sample variance, and consequently 𝜎y2 (2, 𝜏) for AVAR, but this notation is
seldom used. Notice that the AVAR is always represented as a function of 𝜏, while it is rather uncommon to find
𝜏 in the classical variance (our Section 2-2-1 is a necessary exception). Another confusion is around the corner,
between AVAR and other similar variances, some of which are described described below.
The modified Allan variance [34, 35], denoted with mod 𝜎y2 (𝜏) or MVAR, is similar to the AVAR and uses the
same formula (2-76), but the weight function used to calculate the average y is replaced with wΛ (t). In practice, a
Λ counter is used instead of the Π counter, or implement the Λ average in some other ways—the latter option is
let to the experts. Using the Λ counter, we should make sure that averaging is done correctly:
• The time 𝜏 is interpreted as in Figure 2-17. Accordingly, the measurement of a single yk (𝜏) takes a time 2𝜏.
• Two “contiguous” measures overlap by 𝜏. Thus, the (k + 1)-th measure starts exactly in the middle of the
k-th measure. In other words, the falling side of the k-th measure overlaps exactly to the rising side of the
(k + 1)-th measure. Consequently, the measurement of yk+1 (𝜏) − yk (𝜏) takes 3𝜏.
In the domain of oscillators, frequency synthesis, and telecomm, MVAR should be preferred to AVAR because
of its superior capability to divide the fast noise processes, namely, white PM and flicker PM. More details are
given in the review article [36].
The parabolic variance, denoted with “par 𝜎y2 (𝜏)” or PVAR, relies the same formula (2-76) already used for AVAR
and PVAR, but the stream of values yk (𝜏) results from Ω averaging (2-69), and the measures are exactly contiguous.
Consequently, replacing the Π counter with an Ω counter, we obtain PVAR.
We have seen that both the PSD of frequency noise and the two-sample variances are valid measures of the fre-
quency stability. The obvious question arises, about how to convert data between these two worlds. The question
is best answered after rewriting the general formula (2-75) for the two-sample variance as
[ ∞ ]2
𝜎y2 (𝜏) = y (t) w(t) dt (2-77)
where the weight function w(t) is either wA (t), wM (t), or wP (t), plotted in Figure 2-20. As one can expect, the
subscripts A, M, and P stand for Allan, modified Allan, and parabolic, respectively. Hence, the two-sample variance
can be seen as the filter described by
𝜎y2 (𝜏) = Sy ( f ) |H ( f )|2 df (2-78)
where the transfer function H( f ) is the Fourier transform of the impulse response h(t), which is equal to w(−t), and
the trivial subscripts A, M, and P apply. After some boring math, it can be proved that
|H ( f )|2 = 2 sin (𝜋𝜏f ) (2-79)
| A |
(𝜋𝜏f )2
τ 2τ 3τ
τ 2τ 3τ
(C) 3
wP (t) 2√2τ
τ 2τ 3τ
Figure 2-20 Weight function used in (A) AVAR, (B) MVAR, and (C) PVAR. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola.
|H ( f )|2 = 2 sin (𝜋𝜏f ) for 𝜏 ≫ 𝜏0 (2-80)
| M |
(𝜋𝜏f )4
[ ]2
2 sin2 (𝜋𝜏f ) − 𝜋𝜏f sin(2𝜋𝜏f )
|HP ( f )|2 = 9 for 𝜏 ≫ 𝜏0 (2-81)
2(𝜋𝜏f )6
Should the reader wish to calculate |H( f )|2 by hand, the exercise is simpler if w(−t) is shifted and centered at t = 0.
Of course, the phase introduced by this time shift has no effect on |H( f )|2 .
We can see in Figure 2-21 that |HA ( f )|2 , |HM ( f )|2 , and |HP ( f )|2 are bandpass filters with a bandwidth of approx-
imately one octave centered at f ≈ 0.4/𝜏 … 0.45/𝜏. Center frequency and bandwidth are not the same for the three
functions. For high frequency, |HA ( f )|2 rolls off as 1/f 2 . For this reason, an additional low-pass filter at a suitable
cutoff frequency fH is necessary if the fluctuations contain white and flicker phase noises. An interesting treatise
is given in [37]; however the language may be more difficult because this article is about an application in optical
fibers. Such filter is not necessary for MVAR and PVAR because |HM ( f )|2 and |HP ( f )|2 roll off as 1/f 4 . However, a
low-pass filter at the cutoff frequency 1/(2𝜏 0 ) is implied in MVAR and PVAR because these variances result from
sampling y (t) at the rate 1/𝜏 0 .
Equations (2-79)–(2-81) enable the conversion from Sy ( f ) to 𝜎y2 (𝜏) . The reverse conversion, from 𝜎y2 (𝜏) to
Sy ( f ), is not possible in the general case. The reason is that the frequency responses (Figure 2-21) have side lobes
at high frequency. Hence, a point on the 𝜎y (𝜏) plot represents the FM noise at the center of the bandpass, plus the
FM noise captured by these side lobes. The side lobes are smaller for MVAR and PVAR.
Table 2-6 provides all the formulas to convert from PM or FM noise PSD to the three variances described.
A few more questions arise. First, why are MVAR and PVAR used, after the original AVAR? Second, if these
alternate variances are more modern and efficient, why do they not have replaced the AVAR? And third, why do
all these variances give different values (Table 2-6) for the same noise process?
10–2 10–1 0.415 1 10
Frequency f / (Hz)
Figure 2-21 Frequency response associated to AVAR, MVAR, and PVAR. Reprinted with permission from [32].
y y y y y
y y y y
The formulas for MVAR and PVAR hold for 𝜏 ≫ 𝜏 0 , being 𝜏 0 the sampling interval.
MVAR and PVAR formular need 𝜏 > 1/fH , where fH < 1/2𝜏 0 is the cutoff frequency, and t0 is the sampling interval.
Source: Reproduced from the 2019 Enrico’s Chart of Phase Noise and Two-Sample Variances, http://rubiola.org, and adapted
to our notation. CC BY Rubiola.
The original AVAR was invented at NBS (the ancient name of NIST) to describe the stability of the atomic
clocks used in the time scale. Monitoring the long-term performance of clocks is of paramount importance in this
application. When a long data record is available (say, 6 years), we wish to plot 𝜎y (𝜏) for 𝜏 as large as possible, as
close as possible to half of the data record (3 years). AVAR is still the best we have for this purpose, and still the
standard tool used by National Laboratories to monitor their primary clocks. Additionally, AVAR has been studied
for longer time, and many technical publications are available. It is therefore not a surprise that the engineers and
practitioners tend to believe that the Allan deviation is what they should use.
The MVAR came in the 1980s from the field of optics as a better alternative to AVAR for the measurement
of fast phenomena. The main features of MVAR are the superior rejection of the instrument noise, related to the
Λ counter, and the power to resolve between flicker PM and white PM, which impossible with AVAR. For this
reason, MVAR is highly recommended for all applications we are concerned with, like telecom, oscillators, and
frequency synthesis. By contrast, MVAR is not a good choice to measure the long-term instability of atomic clocks.
The reason is that wM spans over 3𝜏, instead of 2𝜏 for wA . For example, with a data record of 6 years, the maximum
𝜏 without averaging is of 3 years for AVAR, and of 2 years for MVAR.
The Parabolic Variance, par 𝜎y2 (𝜏), or PVAR, is much less known because it has been proposed only in 2015.
Compared with MVAR, PVAR is superior in all cases and for all types of noise, to the extent that it enables the
measurement of noise processes with a shorter data record. Compared with AVAR, we notice that PVAR is a better
choice in most cases, but it is slightly less suitable to the measurement of the slowest phenomena, like frequency
random walk and drift of atomic clocks, where one wants the result with the shortest data record. PVAR is superior
to MVAR in all cases for the detection of random processes [32], thus we can expect that it will replace MVAR.
However, at the time of writing, PVAR is still not present in standards, in recommendations, and in software
packages. [ ]2
The three tools start from the same formula 𝜎y2 (𝜏) = y2 (𝜏) − y1 (𝜏) ∕2, but the averages y (𝜏) are different.
Thus, it is not a surprise that we end up with different statistical properties. We see in Table 2-6 that the response to
the linear drift is the same. This results from a choice of normalization (scale factor), which has historical roots. By
contrast, an engineer with a background in signal processing would have probably scaled MVAR E. Rubiola and
PVAR for equal response to white FM noise, which is the white noise of the quantity y (t). The different coefficients
found in Table 2-6 do not mean that one variance is better than another, no more than inches are a better or worse
unit than centimeters.
Example 5 Two-Sample Variances. The phase noise spectrum of a 100 MHz oscillator has the following noise
terms, extrapolated to 1 Hz. Calculate the two-sample deviations ADEV, modified (Allan) deviation (MDEV), and
parabolic deviation (PDEV). For ADEV, use fH = 500 Hz.
Let us start with the FM random walk, which rolls off as 1/f 4 , that is, −40 dB/decade. The value of −99 dBc/Hz
at 10 Hz is equivalent to −59 dBc/Hz extrapolated at 1 Hz. The corresponding term of S𝜃 ( f ) is b−4 ∕f 4 , with b−4 =
( )2
10(−59+3)∕10 = 2.5 × 10−6 rad2 /Hz3 . We convert S𝜃 ( f ) into Sy ( f ) using Sy ( f ) = f ∕f0 S𝜃 ( f ) . The FM random walk
( )2
of Sy ( f ) is h−2 ∕f 2 , with h−2 = b−4 ∕f02 = 2.5 × 10−6 ∕ 108 = 2.5 × 10−22 Hz−3 .
Then, we follow the same steps with the flicker FM (−30 dB/decade). We calculate the coefficient b−3 of S𝜃 ( f ),
and in turn the term h−1 of Sy ( f ) . And we repeat for all the other noise terms.
Finally, we use the formulas found in Table 2-6 to calculate the two-sample deviations.
2-3-1 Amplifiers
Amplifiers are the most ubiquitous element in a synthesizer and serve to different purposes. Amplification is nec-
essary in numerous parts of the circuits, for example, to raise the power after the loss associated to frequency
conversion, or after splitting a signal into several branches. Second, it is an absolute necessity to provide isolation
between the VCO and the following circuits (e.g., the divider chain or others) to minimize any feedback or noise
contribution because of periodic loading. Similarly, high isolation amplifier is necessary at the output of the refer-
ence oscillator. Then, power amplification must be provided at the output. Different design rules follow, depending
on whether the engineer designs with transistors, or at system level by assembling blocks. The latter approach
is privileged here. A wider treatise of phase noise in amplifiers is given in Ref. [38]. We restrict our attention to
amplifiers at room temperature, within a reasonable range. High-temperature and cryogenic electronics are highly
specialized topics, beyond our scope.
If we assume that we generate our signal in a noise-free environment, or at least start off with the theoretical
minimum of −174 dBm/Hz set by the thermal noise generated by a resistor at room temperature, the signal will be
degraded by the amplifier that follows. In virtually all cases, the amplifier can be described in terms of the noise
factor F. For reference, the noise factor of most microwave amplifiers is of 1–3 dB. A value of 0.4–0.5 dB is found
in some special narrowband amplifiers, while power amplifiers often have a noise factor of 6 dB and more.
The white phase noise of a signal of power P0 is
S𝜃 ( f ) = (2-82)
This is the term b0 of the power law we have seen in Section 2-1-4.
The white noise floor can be observed only beyond a cutoff offset frequency. Various noise sources must be taken
into consideration, affecting low offset frequencies. As mentioned previously, flicker noise is the major reason for
the noise degradation, and its contribution is device-dependent and can range from a few hundred hertz to 1 MHz. It
is caused by internal near-dc noise modulating the phase of the passing signal, and the input and output impedances
of the amplifier. References [39–41] provide a more detailed analysis and guidelines for bipolar transistors.
It has already been observed long time ago [42] that the amplifier’s flicker of phase, that is, the term b−1 of the
power law, is rather independent of the carrier power P0 in a relatively wide power range from very small signals to
moderate clipping, and it is also rather independent of carrier frequency in the amplifier bandwidth. Moreover, the
spread of values for amplifiers of similar technology and different manufacturers is surprisingly small. Figure 2-22
shows an example of amplifier PM noise, measured at different levels of input power.
The coefficient b−1 can be considered a characteristic parameter of the amplifier. We can take as a reference
the following values: −100 to −110 dB rad2 /Hz for microwave amplifiers, up to 20 GHz; −120 dB rad2 /Hz for
microwave amplifiers in SiGe technology (which unfortunately have a high noise factor, typically 5–8 dB); and
−130 to −140 dB rad2 /Hz for bipolar RF amplifiers, up to 1 GHz.
There is very little that one can do to reduce flicker PM noise. Some negative feedback at low frequency proved
to be useful, such as an emitter resistor with no bypass capacitor. Useful tips are negative feedback at RF to stabilize
the transconductance and a careful design of the amplifier for a low noise factor at low frequency. Kuleshow and
Boldyreva [43] suggest that there is a magic bias that reduces the 1/f noise in common-emitter amplifiers.
Figure 2-22 also shows what happens combining white and flicker PM noise. An interesting fact is that is that
the cutoff frequency fc , where white PM noise equals flicker PM noise, is proportional to P0 . This happens because
flicker PM noise is constant versus power, while white PM noise gets lower at higher power. Computer simulation
programs like SPICE may use fc as the noise parameter. This choice is unfortunate and misleading because the user
unaware of the mechanism may not understand the need to update fc after changing any parameter affecting P0 .
Cascading amplifiers yield a surprising result. The general rule, that the noise of the chain is essentially deter-
mined by the noise of the first stage, does not apply to flicker. Since the coefficient b−1 is in a first approximation
Ciao wireless amplifier 10 GHz
Input power
–30 dBm
–150 –20 dBm
Figure 2-22 Example of amplifier phase noise. Courtesy of © Vincent Giordano, FEMTO-ST Institute.
Example 6 Amplifier Noise. A clean noise-free 100 μW signal is amplified by two cascaded amplifiers detailed
in the table below. We calculate the phase noise PSD at the output, considering the A–B order (lower noise amplifier
first), and the B–A order.
FA − 1 1.41 − 1
FBA = FB + = 2.51 + = 2.55 (4.1 dB)
A2B 3.162
FBA kT0 2.55 × 1.38 × 10−23 × 290
S𝜃 ( f ) = = = 1.03 × 10−16
P0 10−4
that is, −159.9 dB rad2 /Hz, or −162.9 dBc/Hz. As expected, the noise of the two configurations is different, with
≈2 dB higher PM noise when the noisier amplifier comes first.
The flicker noise is the same for the two configurations (remember that b−1 has the physical dimension of rad2
because S𝜃 = b−1 ∕f must have the dimension of rad2 /Hz)
The noise factor F is generally well documented and describes the white noise rather precisely. Thus, the amplifier
with the lowest F also exhibits the lowest white PM noise according to S𝜃 = FkT/P0 . By contrast, flicker PM noise
is seldom mentioned in the specs, and even when it is present, the documentation is generally poor. Generally, we
find a plot, or at most a small number of plots referring to practical cases measured one sample at the company site.
No typical/max values are given, and no rule for extrapolation to different conditions. Thus, a discrepancy between
actual phase noise and the datasheet is not a surprise.
Figure 2-23 shows the flicker of the Analog Devices HMC-072 amplifier taken from the datasheet. This amplifier
was chosen because the phase noise is better documented than we find in similar devices. Designing a complex
oscillator intended to provide ultimate low phase noise at that frequency, we were looking for the lowest flicker.
We will see later in this chapter that the flicker of the sustaining amplifier impacts on the 1/f 3 noise (flicker of
frequency) of the oscillator. The 1/f noise found in the datasheet (Figure 2-23) is equivalent to −132 to −135 dBc/Hz
extrapolated to 1 Hz. The flicker we measured is in fair agreement, being −131 dBc/Hz at 1 Hz (Figure 2-24). The
measurement was done with a DBM saturated at both inputs, following the classical scheme of Figure 2-72. The
mixer is from Marki, and the line stretcher is from Arra.
Having said all that, we can get useful tips by combining physical insight with some other parameters apparently
not related to flicker PM noise. This is a good way to avoid numerous blind tests, but measurements are always
necessary when flicker PM noise is a critical parameter.
Figure 2-23 Phase noise of the Analog Devices HMC-C072 amplifier at f0 = 10 GHz at different power levels: (A) 10 dBm output,
(B) at the 1 dB compression point, and (C) at the maximum output power, in strong saturation regime. The spectra are from the
HMC-072 data sheet, © Analog Devices, reproduced with permission. Graphical adaptation is ours.
Analog Devices HMC-C072 amplifier
10 GHz, 0 dBm input
Sθ (ƒ) (dB rad 2/Hz)
Reference 1/ƒ,
–125 dB rad2/Hz at 1 Hz
Background noise
1 10 102 103 104 105 106
Figure 2-24 Phase noise of two Analog Devices HMC-072 amplifiers at f0 = 10 GHz, measured with a saturated double-balanced
mixer. Each amplifier receives 7 V bias and 0 dBm input power. Subtract 3 dB for the noise of one amplifier, and add 3 dB to convert
dB rad2 /Hz to dBc/Hz. Courtesy of © Yannick Gruson, FEMTO-ST Institute.
The most important fact about flicker PM noise is that it comes from up conversion of near-dc flicker, that is, the
1/f fluctuation of the bias current, internal capacitances, or other parameters. Because up conversion is a nonlinear
phenomenon, high linearity is a desired feature. High intercept power IP2 and IP3 and low harmonic distortion
are good signs for a potentially good low-flicker amplifier. These parameters must be interpreted together with the
amplifier topology. For example, a push–pull configuration cancels the second harmonics, thanks to symmetry, but
symmetry does not cancel the PM flicker because the near-dc processes inside the two transistors are independent.
Internal flickering in components is a microscopic phenomenon. The evidence of this is that the probability
density distribution of the internal voltage or current, and therefore of random phase, is Gaussian. This distribution
can only be originated by large number of small random fluctuation via the central limit theorem. Consequently,
we expect lower flicker from devices having larger volume of the gain region and not-too-sharp junctions. If we
design at transistor level, these considerations point to transistors with not-too-high gain 𝛽 (or hFE ) and not-too-high
transition frequency fT . Higher VCB max reveals that the collector–base junction is not too thin, thus the CBE capac-
itance is more stable versus the fluctuations of the bias current. Germanium transistors may exhibit low 1/f noise,
paradoxically for the same reason why are not as good as silicon transistors in more general terms: the base region
is thicker, the current gain is lower, etc. With modern technology, low 1/f noise is found in SiGe transistors [44].
Unfortunately, often this comes at the cost of higher noise factor.
Isolation Amplifiers
Isolation amplifiers are special devices optimized for high forward-to-reverse gain ratio, and intended to keep a
precision oscillator or a frequency standard free from interferences brought inside from its output. The typical
problem is that a resonator accumulates the incoming energy over a time equal to the relaxation time Q/𝜋f0 , and
it is not rare than even a power of picowatts or even femtowatts reaching the core of a precision oscillator impacts
on its stability and noise in unpredictable way, or phase lock it. Isolation amplifiers are also needed in frequency
distribution systems, where one input signal has to be delivered to multiple destinations. High output-to-input and
output-to-output isolation is the main feature, and also isolation from load change.
Figure 2-25 Isolation amplifier. The use of two or more common-base transistors results in enhanced output-to-
input isolation.
At microwave frequencies, the isolation of regular microwave amplifiers can be increased by using ferrite isola-
tors. One of these devices provides 20 dB typical isolation, and a few can be cascaded. In the radiofrequency region,
below some GHz, the isolators are not an option, being the ferrite too large and impractical. At these frequencies,
the grounded-base (or common-base) bipolar transistor is the most common choice. The idea is that the base region
is a shield, which breaks the capacitive coupling between emitter (input) and collector (output). The grounded-base
stage often goes with a common emitter stage to form a cascode amplifier. Increased isolation can be achieved with
two or more grounded-base amplifiers stacked on the collector of the first common-emitter stage [45], as shown
on Figure 2-25. A problem of this configuration is the higher supply voltage (20–30 V), uncomfortable for regular
electronic design. A differential pair is an alternate option, with the input on the base of the first transistor, and the
base of the second transistor connected to ground as the shield.
No matter whether the electrical circuit exploits circulators or grounded-base transistors, high isolation, say,
100 dB or more, requires that enclosure and shielding are accounted for. Preventing radiation and blocking the
signal propagating on the outer surface of shielded cables and enclosures is of paramount importance. In the high
frequency (HF)-very high frequency (VHF) region, a common-mode ferrite filter on the input and output coaxial
cables is often necessary.
Frequency division is one of the early applications of digital circuits. The reader can refer to the Egan article [46]
for a review based on available data about the classic TTL and emitter-coupled logic (ECL) families. There are two
basic types, asynchronous and synchronous dividers (Figure 2-26). The main difference is that in the asynchronous
divider the jitter of each flip-flop adds up as the signal propagates along the chain, while in the synchronous dividers
all the flip-flops switch simultaneously on the edges of the input clock. The output of an asynchronous divider can
be synchronized to the input clock with a D-type flip-flop.
ƒo = ƒi /8
÷2 ÷4
1 ƒo = ƒi /8
(A) (B)
1 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 5 1
–110 –70
B. A Digital 3: ECL D
–120 nalo ÷10 10 MHz ÷4 igit
a –80 50 al G
Residual noise (dBc/Hz)
30 ramet
Residual noise (dBc/Hz)
A. Dig 0 aA
MH ric ita M s
–130 z ÷4 50 l GaAs H
Digital 3: TTL
0 MH
–90 Dig ÷10 2 MHz
÷4 tal 3:
–140 –100 120 EC
–150 E. –110
÷1 igita C. Digital 3: ECL Digital 3: ECL
–160 10 l 3: ÷4 125 MHz
–120 ÷4 125 MHz
D. Digital 3: ECL Hz L
D. Digital 3: TTL Analo
–170 ÷4 120 MHz –130 g para
÷10 2 MHz ÷2 30 metric
Note: Frequency given is output
–180 –140
10 102 103 104 105 106 10 102 103 104 105 106
Offset frequency from carrier (Hz) Offset frequency from carrier (Hz)
Figure 2-27 Phase noise of some dividers as all data refer to the output frequency (A), and are scaled up to 10 GHz (B). Reprinted
with permission from [47].
In accordance with Figure 2-27, the practical noise limit is of the order of −170 dBc/Hz for the old TTL dividers
and −155 dBc/Hz for the ECL dividers. Yet, these values are not easy to achieve in practice. Small-scale integration
complementary MOS (CMOS) dividers, up to an input frequency of 10 MHz, are similar in phase noise to the TTL
devices. However, the close-in noise or noise between 1 and 10 Hz off the carrier is higher than that of TTL devices.
TTL devices require higher shielding and better power supply decoupling to prevent external crosstalk between the
various stages, which otherwise results in unwanted spurious and sidebands. Programmable logic devices offer new
design perspectives, but they are only usable up to 1 GHz. Commercial dividers up to 12–26 GHz input frequency
are available from Analog Devices, Hittite (now with Analog Devices), Keysight Technologies, Microsemi, ON
Semiconductor, Pasternack, and other manufacturers.
Most of these dividers have another unpleasant effect, in the form of internal crosstalk. Crosstalk is defined
as the amount of input signal appearing at the output. In high-performance synthesizers, it is necessary to use a
low-pass filter after the reference or the programmable divider and a pulse shaper to translate the resulting sine
wave back into a square wave for appropriate suppression of the crosstalk.
In a noise-free divider, the device divides the input phase by N for the same reason it divides by N the input
fi 𝜃i (t)
fo = and 𝜃o (t) = (2-84)
Naively, we may be inclined to extend this result to S𝜃 o ( f ) = S𝜃 i ( f ) ∕N 2 . Reality is more complex because aliasing
strikes on some types of signals, but not on others. Some relevant cases will be analyzed in the following text.
Let us start from white noise. In digital circuits, phase noise is sampled at the frequency 2f0 for the simple reason
that the phase fluctuations exist only during the rising and falling edges of the signal, while the pulse level has no
effect on the output. Thus, the bandwidth of phase noise is equal to f0 , which is half the sampling frequency. Some
circuits switch only on one active edge, either rising or falling. In such case the sampling process takes place at f0 ,
and the noise bandwidth is equal to f0 /2. We take f0 as the bandwidth, leaving to the reader the extension to f0 /2.
The easiest way to understand aliasing is to derive the spectrum from the time fluctuation x (t) and its mean
square value ⟨x2 ⟩. In principle, a noise-free divider transfers the time fluctuation from the input to the output. By
virtue of the Parseval identity, it holds that
⟨ 2⟩
x = Sx ( f ) B (2-85)
where the bandwidth B is equal to fi at the input, and to fo = fi /N at the output. The consequence is that
Thus, the bandwidth reduction by 1/N is compensated by increasing the noise PSD by the same factor N. The time
fluctuation can be converted into phase fluctuation using 𝜃 (t) = 2𝜋f0 x (t). This applies to the input frequency fi and
to the output frequency fo . There results
S𝜃 o ( f ) = S (f) (with aliasing) (2-87)
N 𝜃i
By contrast, aliasing produces no detectable effect on flicker noise because the aliases are attenuated by a factor
1/2fi , 1/3fi , etc. Thus, the output phase noise is described by
S𝜃 o ( f ) = S (f) (no aliasing) (2-89)
N2 𝜃 i
A further phenomenon occurs when an analog (sinusoidal) is sent to the input, instead of a clean digital signal
from the same logic family. The phase noise PSD in the input stage increases because of nonlinearity and other
Figure 2-28 shows the interplay of noise levels in a digital divider. The input PM noise increases by a few dB in
the first stage, and then it is scaled down by a factor of 1/N or 1/N2 , depending on the noise type. As an unpleasant
consequence, a ÷10 divider may scale down the input white PM noise by a mere 5–6 dB instead of the 20 dB of the
1/N2 rule.
Input 1/N 1/N2
White noise
The case of a signal with a pedestal (Figure 2-29) is so common in PLLs and frequency synthesizers, that it
deserves special attention. For this purpose, we can divide the input phase fluctuation 𝜃(t) into pedestal and floor,
denoted with the subscripts p and f. Additionally, pedestal and floor have different origins, thus they are statistically
independent. The pedestal is rather narrow as compared with the carrier, but it contains most of the mean square
fluctuation ⟨𝜃 2 ⟩. In most practical cases, N is not large enough to shrink the bandwidth of the pedestal (N < fi /fp ),
thus there is no aliasing. This is why S𝜃 ( f ) follows the 1/N2 rule. Further dividing, at some point the pedestal shrinks
to fi , aliasing takes place, and the scaling rule changes from 1/N to 1/N2 . By contrast, aliasing strikes on the floor,
which is wide and uniform, and S𝜃 ( f ) scales as 1/N. The latter result is of paramount importance in PLLs.
(A) (B)
SP(ƒ) Sθ(ƒm)
Pedestal Pedestal
Floor Floor
ƒ0 – ƒp ƒ ƒp ƒm
ƒ0 + ƒp
Figure 2-29 Carrier with a noise pedestal, seen with the regular spectrum analyzer (A) and (B) with a phase noise analyzer.
For the purpose of frequency synthesis, we identify two basic types of phase noise, called phase-type noise, or
𝜑-type noise for short, and time-type noise, or x-type noise. These types of noise, first introduced in [48], differ in
how the noise is scaled with the carrier frequency f0 .
The phase-type noise is characterized by the statistics of 𝜃 independent of f0 . Then, x follows the rule
𝜃 (t) 1
x (t) = and Sx ( f ) = S𝜃 ( f ) (2-90)
2𝜋f0 4𝜋 2 f02
This is the case of an input signal v(t) crossing a fluctuating threshold n(t). The time fluctuation is x (t) = n(t) ∕SR,
where SR is the slew rate. In the case of a sinusoidal signal of peak amplitude V0 , the slew rate is SR = 2𝜋V0 f0 .
Thus 𝜃(t) = n(t)/V0 , and consequently ⟨𝜃 2 ⟩ = ⟨n2 ⟩∕V02 . The PSD Sn ( f ) of the threshold fluctuation has a bandwidth
B equal to the full analog bandwidth at the device input, while S𝜃 ( f ) has a bandwidth equal to the input frequency
f0 . Thus,
⟨ 2⟩
n S (f)B
S𝜃 ( f ) = 2
= n 2 (2-91)
f0 V 0 f0 V 0
√ to guess about
√ a digital circuit with no specific information on hand, one can start from the following values:
Sn ( f ) = 10 nV∕ Hz for the analog white noise at the device input, and B = 4fmax , four times the maximum
switching frequency.
Oppositely, the time-type noise is characterized by the statistics of time fluctuation x independent of f0 , and 𝜃
given by
This is the case of the signals propagating inside an integrated circuit. Such signals have full amplitude and SR,
thus the delay and its fluctuations result from the sum of the contribution of all the individual gates or cells along
the path. Crosstalk is not considered in this simplified description, but it can be a major nuisance in practical cases.
The noise-scaling rule, either 1/N or 1/N2 , is not sufficient to describe the noise in a divider. The phase noise
cannot be reduced arbitrarily by dividing a high input frequency by a large N because at some point the scaled-down
phase noise hits the phase noise of the output stage. When this happens, the phase noise cannot be reduced by further
frequency division.
Figure 2-30 shows an example of a digital circuit when input frequency changes in a wide range. This example
is the clock line in an FPGA, including the input and output circuits. Since fo = fi , there is no 1/N or 1/N2 scaling.
On the right-hand side of the plot, where the phase noise is of the white type, we identify clearly the phase-type
with aliasing, ruled by S𝜃 ( f ) = Sn ( f ) B∕f0 V02 . Changing f0 in powers of 2, the change in the white PM noise is
close to the 3 dB expected. With V0 = 1 V√and B = 2.5 GHz (four times the maximum input frequency), we infer
that the threshold fluctuation is of 11 nV∕ Hz, rather independent of f0 . Focusing on flicker noise, we see that at
high f0 , 100 MHz and beyond, the noise is clearly of the time type. Converting S𝜃 ( f ) into Sx ( f ), we find that the
1/f coefficient k−1 of the polynomial law is rather constant versus f0 . The associated rms time fluctuation is 21 fs.
Finally, thermal effects appear at f < 10 mHz (not visible on Figure 2-30).
Unfortunately, the data sheets seldom provide more than one example of phase noise, thus it is difficult to
extract the noise parameters, and measurements are always necessary for critical applications. Figure 2-31 shows
an example of phase noise PSD measured on a microwave divider. A flicker of −110 dBc/Hz extrapolated to 1 Hz,
and a floor of −150 dBc/Hz can be expected from similar dividers.
The 𝚲 Divider
The Λ divider [49], shown in Figure 2-32, is a simple trick to circumvent the aliasing phenomenon inherent in
digital dividers. The output signal is a triangular wave obtained by adding N square waves shifted by an integer
number of half clock periods. In the triangular wave, the power associated n-th harmonics is proportional to 1/n4 ,
instead of 1/n2 for the square wave. No aliasing takes place because the output signal is sampled at 2fi , which is the
3.125 MHz
–110 6.25 MHz
12.5 MHz 12.5 MHz
6.25 MHz
3.125 MHz
10–2 10–1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106
ƒ (Hz)
Figure 2-30 Example of noise in a digital circuit (Cyclone III FPGA). For the sake of proving concepts, the FPGA is programmed to
replicate the input, so that we observe the input and output stages and the internal clock distribution. Reprinted with permission
from [48].
Sθ (ƒ) (dB rad 2/Hz)
1 10 102 103 104 105
ƒ (Hz)
Figure 2-31 Example of phase noise in a microwave divider. Courtesy of © V. Giordano, CNRS FEMTO-ST Institute, Besancon,
÷10 D
Shift register
In Out
Shift register
÷10 D
Figure 2-32 The Lambda divider. Reprinted with permission from [49]. © 2013 IEEE.
same sampling frequency of the input. Thus, the phase noise follows the rule S𝜃 o ( f ) = S𝜃 i ( f ) ∕N 2 . The triangular
wave can be easily cleaned by filtering out the harmonics. The name “Λ divider” derives from the similarity of
the Greek letter Λ with a triangle, and for the same reason the regular digital divider is called Π divider for the
similarity of the Greek letter Π to the pulse of a square wave. Reference [49] shows an example of ÷10 divider
exhibiting a phase noise of −165 dB rad2 /Hz (white) and −130 dB rad2 (flicker at 1 Hz), measured at the 10 MHz
output frequency.
Analog frequency dividers may be a good choice in some special cases, for example, for extremely low noise or
when the input frequency is too high and out of reach for digital technology. Unfortunately, these dividers are
complex to design, work in a narrow range of input frequency, and a quantitative understanding of phase noise is
The first of such divider is the injection locked oscillator, or ILO [50–52]. Figure 2-33 shows an example of
integrated implementation [53]. The idea is quite old and exploits the fact that the nonlinearity in the oscillator loop,
naturally, generates harmonics and beats notes. So, a signal injected in the oscillator, having frequency fi which is
sufficiently close to an integer multiple N of the oscillation frequency, pulls the oscillator to lock to fo = fi /N. This
mechanism is effective only in a frequency range, which depends on the amplitude. The ILO is broadly equivalent
to a PLL without the integration effect inherent in the VCO.
The second option is the regenerative frequency divider, or Miller divider [54, 55], shown in Figure 2-34. To
start, let us assume that a signal at the frequency fi /N is present at the mixer output. Such signal crosses the bandpass
filter tuned at fi /N, amplified, frequency-multiplied by N − 1, and sent back to the mixer. The mixer beats the input
fi with (N − 1)fo and regenerates fi /N at its output. The feedback equation, as seen at the mixer output, is
fi − (N − 1) fo = fo (2-93)
This gives fo = fi /N, as expected. Self-starting operation requires that regeneration starts from noise or from the
power-up transient. The challenge is to design a frequency multiplier with no threshold, still effective at very low
input power. With N = 2, self starting is rather easy to achieve because there is no multiplier. The mixer works
well at low power at one input (the feedback signal) if the other input (the divider input) is saturated. The phase
noise is limited by the amplifier, in the ideal case multiplied by a factor of 1/N2 inherent in the phase feedback
operation. The full noise theory and some practical examples are found in Ref. [56]. This reference also explains
an optimization method, which exploits the third harmonic generated by saturation in the mixer, to reduce the noise
of a divider by two.
The regenerative divider is broadly similar to the ILO. The relevant difference appears in the absence of the
input signal. The divider delivers no output, while the ILO oscillates at its own free-running frequency.
ƒi ƒo = ƒi /N ƒo = ƒi /N
(N – 1)ƒo
×(N – 1)
The third option is the parametric frequency divider [56, 57]. The idea is that the current flowing in the var-
actor contains two frequencies, fi and fo = fi /2. The varactor is a nonlinear capacitance, thus it beats signals with
high power efficiency because the capacitance has small energy loss in the charge–discharge cycle. Consider the
divider-by-two operation shown in Figure 2-35. The input circuit is an LC, which transfers the power to the varactor
at the frequency fi , and has high attenuation at fo . Similarly, the output circuit extracts the power at the frequency
fo = fi /2, and at fi it isolates the varactor from the output. Dividers by N > 2 make use of a series of idlers (resonators)
tuned at the sub-harmonics of the input frequency, so that multiple down-conversions in the varactor result in the
output frequency fi /N. The parametric divider has low phase noise because it can manage relatively high signal
level (20 dBm and more) and has low dissipation.
Example 7 PLL Synthesizer. The frequency synthesizer shown in Figure 2-36 is used to generate a 5-GHz
signal with 1 kHz resolution. A 1-kHz reference signal is obtained from a 5-MHz reference oscillator (M = 5000),
Input Output
(3/2)L (3/4)L
R0 R0
RF at √2 ƒout
Avg capacitance
5 MHz ƒout
Phase VCO
÷M Filter
detector 5 GHz
which is specified to have a single-sideband noise power of −140 dBc/Hz at f = 500 Hz off the carrier. If the loop
bandwidth is assumed to be approximately 1 kHz, the noise from the reference oscillator will not be reduced by
the low-pass filtering of the PLL. Although the divider by N will reduce the noise power by the factor 1/N2 , the
approximate loop transfer function is
[ ]
𝜃r Kv F (s) ∕s
𝜃o (s) = [ ] = N𝜃i (s)
1 + Kv F (s) ∕sN
for reference frequencies below the loop bandwidth of 1 kHz. The net effect is that the output phase noise is the
reference oscillator PM noise multiplied by N2 /M2 . Of course, we need N = 5 × 106 to scale the output 5 GHz
frequency down to the 1 kHz frequency for the phase detector. The output PM noise due to the reference oscillator,
at 500 Hz offset, is ( )2
5 × 106
L( f ) = −140 dBc∕Hz + 10 log10 = −80 dBc∕Hz
5 × 103
This example illustrates a problem inherent in PLL frequency synthesizers used to generate an output frequency
much higher than the reference oscillator frequency, with high resolution. Although the reference oscillator noise
power may be small, the same noise power appears on the output signal amplified by a large factor. Notice that the
phase detector (Section 2-3-5), not accounted here, may introduce even higher the phase noise. ◼
Generally, the long-term frequency stability available in an instrument comes from the internal 10 MHz quartz
oscillator, or from an external reference. The external frequency of 100 MHz is sometimes preferred in high-end
instruments, where the lowest phase noise is of paramount importance. In synthesizers there is a frequent require-
ment for internal signals at higher frequencies, having low phase noise and the stability of the main reference. We
have different options for frequency multiplication, which fall in two classes:
• A locked oscillator
⚬ A PLL with a divider in the feedback, or with harmonic sampling
⚬ An injection locked oscillator that exploits its internal nonlinearity to generate harmonics of the input
frequency and locks to one of it
• A dedicated frequency multiplier
⚬ Transistor, optionally in push–push or push–pull configuration
⚬ Step-recovery diodes or snap-off diodes
⚬ Varactors
⚬ Nonlinear delay lines (sometimes referred to as nonlinear transmission lines (NLTLs))
⚬ Diode (rectifier) networks.
The choice is a matter of frequency, target PM noise, electrical power constraints, and complexity. High-order
frequency multipliers are very difficult to build. It is often better to use a cascade of multipliers of lower order than
a single high-order multiplier. Applications requiring fixed or variable frequency yield different solutions.
The noise-free wide-band frequency multiplier ×N transfers the input time fluctuation to the output, xo (t) =
xi (t), thus it scales up the input PM noise according to
This is +20 dB per factor-of-ten. A reduction in the phase noise bandwidth applies in some cases, typically the
PLL multiplier and the injection locked oscillator, due to the narrower bandwidth of the loop.
The conversion efficiency is defined as the output-to-input power ratio
𝜂= (2-95)
This definition is most relevant for passive multipliers, where 𝜂 < 1, because the output power may limit the phase
noise. By contrast, the conversion efficiency makes little sense in active multipliers, where the power is provided
externally, and 𝜂 > 1 is allowed. Of course, the conversion efficiency is not a useful parameter to describe PLLs
and injection locked oscillators.
Designing a PLL multiplier, harmonic sampling is generally used for upper microwave frequencies, where there
are no convenient dividers. However, nowadays commercial microwave prescalers work up to at least 26 GHz.
Attempts to use tunnel diodes for this purpose, or parametric effects in tunnel diodes, show up in the literature
from time to time but they have failed to show reliable performance, due to complexity and component tolerances
in temperature.
A harmonic sampler is typically a balanced modulator that uses hot carrier diodes, driven from a pulse or comb
generator with extremely high harmonic contents. A typical application for such a circuit is in spectrum analyzers,
where the input frequency and the YIG oscillator can be locked together. A similar application is where a harmonic
comb is generated from a 1-MHz reference, and locking can occur every 1 MHz up to several GHz. These circuits
require a pre-tuning mechanism to make sure that the desired harmonic is selected, preventing false locking. This
type of multiplication is used in systems where the frequency of the VCO is changed frequently and low spurious
contents and high SNR are required.
For higher frequency ranges, IMPact ionization Avalanche transit-time (IMPATT) diodes or other exotic devices
can generate the necessary frequencies, and some of these multipliers are also built as injection locked oscillators.
An injection locked oscillator can be considered as a frequency multiplier within a certain pulling range, where the
oscillator locks up with the reference frequency. These are highly nonlinear phenomena, described in the literature
from time to time. Explanations and mathematical models are built primarily around experimental data, not always
reliable for extrapolation or new design. Low-frequency injection locking is a very convenient way of combining
extremely high stability in certain types of crystal oscillators, which are being used as a reference for extremely
low-noise crystal oscillators operating at the same frequency.
For single-frequency applications, we find synthesizer loops using high-frequency crystal oscillators at discrete
frequencies between 70 and 150 MHz, locked to a frequency standard with a narrow-band loop, so that the output
PM noise depends only on the VHF oscillator, rather than on the input frequency. These loops have bandwidth of
a few Hz or less, and therefore compensate only for temperature effects and aging.
The step recovery diode (SRD) generates a comb of sharp pulses at the transition between the on and the
off region, and in turn a comb spectrum extending to high harmonics. Such diodes may be useful to generate
frequencies up to tens of GHz and generally require a power of +20 dBm or higher. A problem with the SRD is the
relatively high phase noise, inherent in abrupt change of capacitance used to generate the sharp pulse. The typical
design of a high-order multiplier may include a low-noise pre-multiplier, followed by an SRD.
Example 8 Frequency Multiplication. The frequency multiplier from a stable 5 MHz oscillator to 9.18 GHz
for a Cs frequency standard1 can be implemented with a ×18 low-noise multiplier, followed by a ×102 SRD
multiplier. If the floor of the quartz oscillator is −152 dBc/Hz, a noise-free multiplier would rise such floor to
−127 dBc/Hz after multiplication ×18 (+25 dB), and to −87 dBc/Hz after further multiplication by 102 (+40 dB).
The −127 dBc/Hz at output of the ×18 multiplier sets relaxed specs for the PM noise of the ×102 SRD multiplier at
approximately −130 dBc/Hz (3 dB less than the PM noise at its input). Introducing the contribution of a low-noise
first stage, the result may differ by +1 … + 2 dB. This reinforces the conclusion that a low-noise pre-multiplier is
useful to relax the noise specs of a high-order second stage. ◼
For fixed-frequency applications, tuned frequency multipliers with transistors work well up to the order of a
GHz. Saturation should be avoided because the charge stored in the forward-biased CB junction slows down the
transistor and introduces phase noise. Class-C push–push configurations can be used to improve the efficiency by
reinforcing the even harmonics, and canceling the odd harmonics. Likewise, the push–pull configuration reinforces
the odd harmonics and cancels the even harmonics. The differential pair is an appealing option of a switch because
it generates a square wave with very sharp edges, making efficient use of the transistors bandwidth and keeping
the transistors in the linear region. Baugh [58] suggested the use of an inductor to turn the edges into sharp pulses
for efficient low-noise multiplication, but this idea is seldom seen in practical applications.
Varactors [57] are a good choice for high power efficiency and low noise because they exploit smooth nonlinear
capacitance. The efficiency of an ideal reactive nonlinear reactance, that is, loss-free varactor, is 𝜂 = 1, regardless
of the order of multiplication. In practice, 𝜂 is limited by the small series resistance of varactors. A problem with
the varactor multiplier is that it works at fixed frequency or in a rather narrow bandwidth. The design can be rather
complex because it requires resonant circuits at the input and at the output, and idlers at all intermediate harmonics
if N > 2. Complexity may limit N to a convenient maximum of 3–5. However, efficiency can be so high (up to
−2 … − 1 dB) that the varactor multiplier is an option for the output stage in small radio transmitters, instead of
an active multiplier.
The NLTL is another application of varactors suitable to high-order frequency multiplication [59]. It exhibits
low phase noise, and relatively wide input bandwidth (one octave). Such device is a ladder LC network with series
inductors, and the parallel capacitors replaced with varactors. The mechanism derives from studies on soliton
waves. The input signal is turned into a pulse comb, and progressively shrunk and sharpened as the signal propagates
through the line. Commercial devices are available, delivering multiplication up to ×100 at a maximum output
frequency up to tens of GHz. The typical input power is of +20 dBm, and in some cases up to +27 dBm. The loss
is of 10–40 dB depending on the order of multiplication, on power, and on other parameters. These components
are often difficult to use, and the phase noise is highly dependent on the input power [60]. Figure 2-37 shows the
The clock atomic transition is, by definition, 9.192631770 GHz for the unperturbed 133 Cs atom. An offset of the order of
1–2 Hz applies, due to the magnetic C-field needed to align the magnetic momentum of all atoms. Therefore, a high-resolution
frequency of ≈12.6 MHz must be added to the 9.18 GHz carrier. More modern schemes start from 9.2 GHz, and subtract a
high-resolution 7.4 MHz frequency.
ƒi 200 ƒo
100 MHz 250 MHz 9.4 GHz 9.4 GHz
input output
Take away 3 dB
for one chain
–70 (a)
Sθ (ƒ) (dB rad 2/Hz)
–100 ~ 5 dB
@ 9.4 GHz
1 10 102 103 104 105
ƒ (Hz)
Figure 2-37 Phase noise of a pair of multiplication chains from 100 MHz to 9.4 GHz [61]. The noise is shown for two different
values of the input power between +16 and +17 dBm. The phase noise spectrum is © 2009 IEEE, reprinted with permission
from [61].
phase noise of a pair of multiplication chains from 100 MHz to 9.4 GHz implemented with nonlinear delay lines.
This chain is a part of a miniature atomic clock. The multiplication ×94, inherently, increases the phase noise
by 39.5 dB (20 log10 (94) = 39.5). So, a floor of approximately −120 dBc/Hz at 9.4 GHz output is equivalent to
−160 dBc/Hz at the 100 MHz input. For frequency synthesis, the critical region is beyond about 100 Hz. A flicker
PM of −80 dBc/Hz at 1 Hz is extremely low for a 10 GHz signal and exceeds practical needs. For comparison, the
PM noise of the best 10 GHz cryogenic oscillators is of the order of −90 dBc/Hz, which gives a frequency stability
of 10−15 (ADEV at 1 s).
Schottky rectifiers are an appealing option for low-order multiplication (usually 2–3, but up to 7) because
low-noise packaged components are available, requiring only an external filter. Figure 2-38 shows some examples
of such multiplier. Theoretical efficiency is limited to
𝜂 ∝ 1∕N 2 (2-96)
but practical efficiency is lower. However, the low efficiency is partially compensated by the ×N2 increase in PM
noise, inherent in the frequency multiplication. In the end, these multipliers may be a good option as the first stages
of high-order multiplication. An example will be provided.
The Schottky diode multiplier deserves attention for special applications, where the thermal and long-term
stability of the phase is of paramount importance (timekeeping for space application and for radio navigation).
The multiplier can be implemented using only ×2 stages, frequency converters, low-pass filters, and notch filters.
The point is that bandpass filters are to be avoided because they suffer from a phase drift determined by the drift of
the internal components multiplied by the quality factor Q. Oppositely, low-pass filters and notch filters are immune
from this phenomenon if the main signal falls in a region where the frequency response is flat. Accordingly, a
multiplier ×4 from 100 MHz can be implemented with two ×2 stages followed by a low-pass at 250 and 500 MHz.
These filters are stable because the cutoff frequency of each is far from the carrier frequency. A multiplier ×5 starts
from the same ×4, followed by a DBM which adds 100 MHz. Since the mixer delivers 400 ± 100 MHz as the main
ƒo = 2ƒi
DC block
ƒi RF IF ƒo = 2ƒi
Input LO Output
Figure 2-38 Two examples of the Schottky diode multiplier: (A) half bridge, and (B) double balanced mixer. With the scheme (B),
frequency doubling (N = 2) is preferred.
products, a notch removes the unwanted 300 MHz, and a 550 MHz low-pass cleans the output. The notch filter may
suffer from thermal effects at 300 MHz, yielding minor changes in the spur rejection, but the phase of the 500 MHz
signal is stable.
Example 9 Frequency Multiplication. We analyze the frequency doubling of a low-noise 100 MHz oven-
controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO) using a Mini Circuits LK3000+ frequency doubler. The OCXO has a PM
noise floor of −175 dBc/Hz and output power P = + 14 dBm. The doubler has a loss of 10.5 dB. It is followed by
a 250 MHz low-pass filter (0.5 dB loss at 200 MHz) and an amplifier (noise factor F = 2 dB). Let’s evaluate the
phase noise.
First, the thermal noise at the oscillator output is kT/P = − 174 − 14 = − 188 dB rad2 /Hz, thus −191 dBc/Hz.
This is 16 dB lower than the oscillator floor, thus guessing 2 dB noise factor for the multiplier will not change the
result. Second, the power at the amplifier input is +3 dBm (+14 − 10.5 − 0.5 = 3). Hence, the PM noise of the
amplifier is FkT/P = + 2 − 174 − 3 = − 176 dB rad2 /Hz, thus −179 dBc/Hz. Third, the oscillator noise scaled up
to 200 MHz is −169 dBc/Hz (−175 + 6 = − 169), which is 10 dB higher than the amplifier noise. The conclusion is
that the noise is set by the S𝜃 o ( f ) = N 2 S𝜃 i ( f ) rule, and that the overall noise of the multiplier is negligible. Should
we want further multiplication, we start from −169 dBc/Hz instead of −175 dBc/Hz. Therefore, the second stage
will be more tolerant to the noise of the components, and it will be easier to keep with the ×N2 law. ◼
For extremely high frequencies, hundreds of GHz or some THz, it is necessary to start from a clean microwave
oscillator, optionally locked to a stable HF/VHF reference. Conversely, the direct multiplication of a HF oscillator
will probably fail because of an intrinsic property of frequency multiplication. PM is ruled by the Bessel J(𝛽)
functions, where 𝛽 is the modulation index. Thus, J0 for the carrier, J1 for the first-order sidebands, J2 for the
second-order sidebands, etc. The ×N2 scaling rule is an approximation that holds for small angle modulation, where
only carrier and first-order sidebands are considered. Since the total RF power is independent of the modulation
index, energy conservation requires that the sideband power comes at expenses of the carrier. When the modulation
index approaches 2.4, J0 (𝛽) nulls, and the carrier sinks abruptly in the noise pedestal. Unlike the simple case of
sinusoidal modulation, where the carrier re-appears at higher modulation index following the oscillating behavior
of J0 (𝛽), the carrier is lost because of the statistical nature of the many spectral component, which constitutes the
random PM. This phenomenon, called carrier collapse, challenged the early attempts to design high frequency
synthesizers starting from the stable 5 or 10 MHz OCXOs [62, 63].
Two technologies are in competition for THz frequency multipliers, the heterostructure barrier varactor, and the
Schottky diode [64]. The former is suited for the generation of odd harmonics due to internal symmetry. The latter
is the simplest devices, and indeed probably the best for high efficiency. For these reasons it will probably be the
preferred option for future applications. Anyway, the THz region is beyond our scope, and the reader should refer
to the literature.
The DDS is such an important block in modern frequency synthesis that deserves special attention. This section
describes the general principles and the phase noise of commercial components. Most of the material is based on
our earlier article [65]. The reader may learn more about the DDS from several references listed in the Suggested
Readings at the end of this chapter.
Theory of Operation
The principle of operation follows immediately from the block diagram shown on Figure 2-39. The register is
a m-bit D-type flip-flop called phase accumulator. The accumulator content at the discrete time k is the integer
number xk , which takes a value from 0 to 2m − 1. At each clock cycle, x is incremented by N modulo 2m . This
means that, when x reaches or exceeds 2m , the overflow is ignored and counting goes on from the reminder. In
( )
xk+1 = xk + N mod 2m (2-97)
The modulo-2m register is the hardware implementation of a finite field, which we find most convenient to repre-
sent as a set of 2m points equally spaced on the circle z = exp(j2𝜋x/2m ) in the complex plane (Figure 2-40). At each
point xk is associated the complex number zk that has absolute value equal to one and phase 𝜗k = arg(zk ) = 2𝜋xk /2m .
The accumulator content x describes a discrete sawtooth waveform, which is converted into a sinusoidal signal by
the look-up table (LUT) and the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that follows.
For the layman, the complex-plane representation of the phase accumulator is similar to a watch dial, with the
trivial difference that our “dial” has 2m points instead of 60 s, and the hand jumps forward (counterclockwise) by N
points at each tick of the clock signal, starting from the origin at “3 o’clock.” Far beyond our concerns, the circular
representation of a finite field is a serious branch of number theory, which has roots in the ancient Greek problem
of the cyclotomy, that is, dividing the circle into a given number of equal angles and constructing regular polygons.
m p n ƒo
ƒck Output
Clock m
N m m
Frequency word
z plane
2 p output states
2m – 2p z = exp(j2πx2m)
internal states
θk xk
Total D = 2 m states rad
resolution Δx = 2 m–p
fo = f , D = 2m (2-98)
D ck
Δfo = f (2-99)
D ck
The term numerically controlled oscillator (NCO) was originally used instead of DDS. In current jargon, the
term NCO refers to the scheme of Figure 2-39, without the output DAC. The NCO is found as a useful building block
in FPGAs and in advanced digital components. Oddly, some recent DACs have a built-in NCO. This is the case of
the AD9144 (quad DAC, 2.8 GS/s, 16 bit, with internal 48-bit NCO) and of the AD9161/9162 DAC (6 GHz RF syn-
thesis, 16 bit, 11 bit ENOB, internal 48-bit NCO). Modern DDS chips integrate complex functions like modulation,
sweep, amplitude, phase control, etc., which may not be implemented in the DACs with embedded NCO.
Our graphical and mathematical introduction describes a DDS free from noise and spurs. Practical DDSs have
a phase accumulator with m = 24–48 bits, an output DAC with 10–16 bits, and operate at clock frequency up to a
few GHz. Noise and spurs are a particularly complex topic. A simplified digression is given in the following text.
The quantization noise is easy to derive using the methods given in the seminal article [66]. A sinusoidal current
swinging over the full-scale range IFSR flowing through a resistor R results in a power
1 2
P= RI (2-100)
The quantization step of a n-bit converter is Iq = IFSR /2n . Assuming that the quantization results in a random error
with rectangular probability function uniformly distributed between ±Iq /2, the associated noise power is
1 2 1 RIFSR
𝜎q2 = RI q = 2n
12 12 2
3 2n
SQR = 2 (2-102)
Using a fraction a < 1 of the full-scale range, the SQR decreases by a factor a2 . The hypothesis that the quanti-
zation is random in amplitude fits well the observation. However, the SQR relates only to the total power of the
quantization error, not to the spectrum. Because the quantization applied to deterministic signals is not random, a
fraction of the quantization noise may be organized in harmonic distortion and spurs.
Analog components inside the DAC and at the output contribute a term 𝜎a2 . Thus, the total noise is 𝜎 2 = 𝜎q2 + 𝜎a2 .
Interestingly, the noise 𝜎a2 of actual components is close to the limits of the technology and also close to fundamental
limits. By contrast, the quantization noise 𝜎q2 can be reduced by increasing the number of bits, at least within certain
limits. Increasing the number of bits has moderate impact on complexity and cost. The critical number nc of bits,
where 𝜎q2 = 𝜎a2 , is of paramount importance in the design of converters, and also in designing with converters. It is
wise to have n > nc , so that the total noise is chiefly limited by 𝜎a2 . With 2–4 bits in excess, the quantization noise
is 12–24 dB smaller than the analog noise. This choice also results in significantly reduced distortion and spurs
because these artifacts originate from the non-random nature of the quantization.
The equivalent number of bit (ENOB) results from an attempt of simplification, describing total noise 𝜎 2 =
𝜎q + 𝜎a2 with a single parameter. So, the engineer uses the formula
𝜎2 = 2 ENOB
12 2
and that’s it. The catch is that the ENOB hides the difference between analog noise and quantization noise, and
their statistical proprieties. The ENOB is suitable to signals with sufficiently good random characteristics, like
audio communication. Conversely, synthesizers deliver highly coherent signals. In this case, the ENOB fails to
describe the quality of the output because the quantization noise yields artifacts, harmonics, and spurs, while the
analog noise does not.
Truncation Spurs
The output DAC has a finite number n of bits, which in turn determines the number p of address bits that gives
distinct values at the LUT output. Higher number of bits results in duplicated codes at the LUT output, and in no
improvement. The value p = n + 2 or p = n + 3 is often found. The full m-bit word of the accumulator represents the
exact instantaneous phase, given by xk + 1 = xk + N mod 2m . However, the voltage delivered to the output is deter-
mined only by the higher p bits. In other words, the accumulator defines 2m possible phases, or states (all the dots
on the circle of Figure 2-40), but only 2p distinct phases (the thick dots on the circle) can be delivered to the output.
The resolution Δx = 2m − p results in a round off phase error distributed from 0 to Δ𝜗, where Δ𝜗 = 2𝜋/2m − p rad.
Such error is of pseudo-random nature because it results from the fully deterministic operation of the accumulator
(the DAC analog noise is not counted here). Pseudo-randomness, as opposite as true randomness, originates spurs.
This can be understood by analyzing carefully the Accumulator and the Frequency Control Word (Figure 2-41).
Output phase Phase error
xH xL
m–1 m–p m–p–1 0
p bits b = m – p bits
m bits
m–1 m–p m–p–1 0
p bits b = m – p bits
m bits
For easier interpretation, it is useful to divide the accumulator into two sections, accumulator high (AH) and
accumulator low (AL), thus x = xH + xL . AH has the size of p bits and generates the output phase. AL has the size
of m − p bits and generates the truncation spurs. Similarly, we divide the frequency word (FW) in two parts, FWH
(the higher p bits), and FWL (the lower m − p bits. Notice that the most significant bit (MSB) of FW must be zero,
otherwise fo exceeds fck /2 and the output frequency results from aliasing.
An important case is FWH containing an odd number, and FWL containing all zeros
0xxxxxx1 0000000000000000
Accordingly, the value xk is incremented in steps equal to Δx starting from zero. Thus, at each clock cycle, xk jumps
to the next thick dots on the circle and AL contains all zeros. There is no phase truncation, and no truncation spurs.
The case of FWH containing at least one “1,” and FWL containing all zeros is an obvious extension. Now xk walks
through the thick dots in steps multiple of Δx, the step being determined by the position of the rightmost “1,” and
there is no truncation.
Another important case is FWL containing all zeros, but the MSB is equal to one
0xxxxxxx 1000000000000000
The accumulator content x increments in steps exactly equal to Δx/2, hence the truncation error is a square wave
of peak-to-peak amplitude Δx/2. This is the condition of maximum spurs. The maximum spur-to-carrier ratio is
2−2p , that is, −6.02 p dBc/Hz.
The accumulator content x is periodic. It starts from zero and it first returns to zero after a number of clock cycles
called Grand Repetition Period2 (GRP). The maximum GRP is equal to 2m clock periods, thus 2m /fck seconds, and
occurs when N is an odd number (the FW has the LSB equal one). The GRP can be rather long. For example, with
fck = 1 GHz and m = 48 bits, the GRP is 248 = 2.81 × 1014 clock periods, thus 2.81 × 105 s (3.25 days). If the FW
contains r trailing zeros
0xxxxxxx 0000000001000000
m−1 r 0
This is rather obvious because x is incremented in steps odd multiples of 2r , thus the lowest r bits of the accumulator
will always be zero. We can see this as a smaller DDS, where the accumulator has m − r bits.
The simplest way to understand the truncation spurs is to interpret AL as an accumulator, which behaves in the
same way as the full accumulator (Figure 2-41). In fact, the content xL increments in steps and overflows, exactly
as x does. The trivial difference, that the overflow of AL goes to AH while the overflow of AH is discarded, is not
relevant here.
Since AL has a number b = m − p of bits, its operation is described by the equation
is the content of the equivalent frequency word (EFW). NE results from the following reasoning. If the MSB of the
FWL is zero (NL < 2b − 1 ), NL is a valid FW, and NE = NL . By contrast, if the MSB is equal to one (NL ≥ 2b − 1 ), the
frequency exceeds half the clock frequency. The frequency observed is in the first Nyquist zone, determined by
NE = 2b − NL .
The accumulator content xL is periodic. It starts from zero and it first returns to zero when x falls on one of the
thick dots in the circle. This occurs after a number of clock cycles called Truncation Grand Period
The value xL describes a sawtooth (Figure 2-42) whose period is the Sawtooth Repetition Period
SRP = (2-109)
2 TheGRP is a period in a strict sense. However, the term GRR (grand repetition rate) is sometimes used, which is misleading
because the word “rate” refers to a frequency.
low Sawtooth
repetition period
Truncation grand period
Figure 2-42 (A) Phase error due to the truncation of the accumulator content, and (B) aliasing brings the harmonics of the
sawtooth to the first Nyquist zone.
The spectrum of the sawtooth waveform contains all the harmonics multiple of 1/SRP, with amplitude proportional
to the reciprocal of the order. The sawtooth is sampled, so all the harmonics exceeding fs /2 are remapped to the first
Nyquist zone. The number of samples of xL in the grand period is equal to TGP. Hence, the discrete transform has
TGP/2 = 2b − r − 1 frequencies. This completely describes the spectrum of the truncation spurs. Unfortunately, the
theory is of limited usefulness because the spurs spectrum depends on NL and changes abruptly changing the FW.
Our approach to the truncation spurs derives from Ref. [67]. Among the suggested readings, we recommend a
technical tutorial published by Analog devices, an article by Torosyan, the two seminal articles by Nicholas and
Samueli, and a book by Widrow and Kollar, the latter only to the reader willing to tackle an extensive mathematical
treatise on the quantization noise.
Other types of spurs arise from harmonic distortion in the output DAC and in the analog electronics that follows.
Of course, aliasing is always present, so all the harmonics exceeding fs /2 are remapped to the first Nyquist zone.
Phase Noise
Figure 2-43 shows a simplified noise model of a DDS, and highlights the two basic mechanisms. The noise of the
input clock is scaled down according to
( )2
S𝜃 o ( f ) = S𝜃 ck ( f ) (2-110)
× N/D Output
Sθ (ƒ) Input Output
Input noise-free
stage synthesizer
Input signal
Actual output
Output stage
log−log scale ƒ
Figure 2-43 Simplified noise model of a synthesizer. Reproduced with permission from [65]. © 2012 IEEE.
because the noise-free synthesizer transfer the time fluctuation x (t) from the input to the output. Unlike in frequency
dividers, aliasing has no practical effect on noise scaling because the output DAC samples always at the clock
frequency, regardless of the output frequency. The same rule applies to the noise of the input stage, and to the noise
of the clock distribution as well, both of the time type. This is rather obvious because the input frequency has a
fixed value, thus the time fluctuation at the input and all long the clock distribution does not depend on the output
frequency. The output stage adds its own noise. The latter is at first approximation of the phase type, defined by the
phase-fluctuation spectrum being independent of frequency. This behavior is similar to that of amplifiers and other
analog components. In conclusion, the phase noise follows the (N/D)2 law at high N (high output frequency) and
hits the limit set by the output stage at low N. The critical N, where output stage limits, depends on the noise type.
The aforementioned concepts need to be analyzed more in detail. The phase noise of a real DDS includes
We have already seen that the signal power is P = RI 2FSR ∕8, and that the noise power is
The noise bandwidth B is half the sampling frequency, thus B = fck /2. Starting with the provisional assumption that
the spectrum is white, the PSD is equal to 𝜎 2 /B. The phase noise PSD results from 𝜎q2 ∕P
4 1
S𝜃 q ( f ) = (2-112)
3 22n fck
The hypothesis of white noise is generally untrue in frequency synthesis because of truncation and nonlinearity. In
turn, the spurs sink power from noise, or from some portion of, and the noise floor can be lower than in (2-112).
Figure 2-44 shows an example.
Flicker noise is a separate issue. It originates from the DAC output and from the analog electronics that follows.
This type of noise is generally of the phase type, that is, S𝜃 ( f ) is rather constant versus the output frequency, and
described by the experimental parameter b−1
S𝜃 ( f ) = (flicker) (2-113)
–60 Simulation
AD9854, ck 300 MHz
Sθ (ƒ) (dB rad 2 /Hz) Carrier
–100 White-noise-only
quantization model
–120 Energy
reduction Spurs
ƒ (Hz)
105 106 107 108
Figure 2-44 A simulation shows the effect of spurs on the noise floor. Adapted version, reproduced with permission from [65].
© 2012 IEEE.
The jitter of the output sampling must be added to the model. It originates in the DAC switching mechanism
and in the DDS internal clock distribution from the input to the DAC. This noise is of the time type, thus the time
fluctuation Sx ( f ) is independent of f0 . Such fluctuation appears on the phase noise PSD as
Having on hand the phase noise spectrum taken at different values of fo , we can identify the parameters of the
phase-type and of the time-type noise processes, and use them to predict the phase noise in the general case.
The phase noise measured on commercial DDSs confirms our theoretical models, and also shows some unpredicted
facts, inevitable in practical implementations.
Figure 2-45 shows the phase noise of an AD9854 DDS driven with 180 MHz clock frequency, and measured
at various output frequencies. The phase noise results from a differential measurement, where the noise of the
180 MHz source cancels because the same source is also used as the reference for the phase meter.
First, we observe that the flicker b−1 scales down as 1∕fo2 , that is, 6 dB per factor of two. This is the signature
( )2
of the time-type noise, where Sx ( f ) = S𝜃 ( f ) ∕ 2𝜋fo is independent of f0 , as shown on Table 2-7. The phase noise
leaves the 1/fo law only at the lowest values of fo , where some phase-type noise shows up. The same happens with
white noise, yet the phase-type noise starts to be visible at higher fo .
In the region between 300 Hz and 30 kHz, the phase noise leaves the polynomial law, being higher than the 1/f
asymptote. Other experiments show that this is due to the residual noise in power-supply lines. So, this behavior may
be specific to our measurement rather than a property of the device. At very low Fourier frequencies, below 1 Hz,
the phase noise follows an unexpected 1/f 3 slope (−30 dB/decade). This is due to thermal effects. The evidence is
that stabilizing the chip temperature with different heat sinks and thermal masses clamped onto the chip surface
shifts the 1/f 3 corner to lower frequencies. In more recent DDSs, a similar thermal effect appears at lower Fourier
frequencies, or has not been detected. This makes us think that the thermal design in the newest components has
been significantly improved.
In our measurements, we combined the two outputs of the DAC using a balun (transformer) to get the highest
output power, and we used a low-noise RF amplifier at the balun output. Out of experience, we have identified two
b0 ≈ –162.5 dB
(DDS) output stages
10–1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
Fourier frequency (Hz)
Figure 2-45 Phase noise of the AD9854 DDS measured at different output frequencies. Reproduced with permission from [65].
© 2012 IEEE.
weak designs that result in unnecessarily higher white PM noise. The first is the use of single output of the DAC,
and the second is the use of a high-speed operational amplifier at the DDS output, instead of the RF amplifier. Trite
calculations using the noise parameters available in the data sheet give full account.
Most DDSs feature a digital amplitude control. In noise-critical application, the DDS should be operated close to
the full-scale range, using this control only for fine tuning. The reason is that the amplitude control generally scales
down the values at the LUT output, thus the DAC uses only a fraction of its dynamic range. At half amplitude one
bit is lost, and the phase noise gets 6 dB worse. A practical example is seen on Figure 2-46. Of course, amplitude
control acting on the reference of the DAC mitigates this problem.
Example 10 Hacking the AD9912 DDS. The phase noise spectrum of the AD9912 is shown in Figure 2-47.
We try to understand the noise parameters that describe this device. From this figure, we calculate the flicker
coefficients shown on Table 2-8. In this table, we use the coefficients of the polynomial law, bi for S𝜃 ( f ), and ki
for Sx ( f ). We take 150 MHz as the reference. From 150 to 50 MHz, S𝜃 ( f ) scales down in exact agreement to the
DDS units
Thermal effect? 512
1/P law 1024
–120 b 6 dB / factor-2
≈ 2048
Sθ (ƒ) (dB rad 2 /Hz)
b –1
Increasing 4095
≈ dB
–130 –1 amplitude
.5 128 b0 ≈ –135 dB
–140 256 b0 ≈ –141 dB
512 b0 ≈ –147 dB
–150 Flicker almost 1024
b0 ≈ –153 dB
constant, vs. P 2048
409 b0 ≈ –158 dB
–160 6
Likely limited by the b0 ≈ –162 dB
measurement system
10–1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
ƒ (Hz)
Figure 2-46 Phase noise of the AD9854 DDS measured at different output frequencies. Reproduced with permission from [65].
© 2012 IEEE.
b–1 = –94 dB
b–1 = –103.5 dB
b0 = –145 dB
150 MHz
–150 50 MHz
b–1 = –110.5 dB b0 = –154 dB
10 MHz
100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
ƒ (Hz)
Figure 2-47 Example of phase noise of a DDS (the units rad2 and rad2 /Hz in the polynomial-law coefficients are omitted). The
PM noise spectrum is from the AD9912 data sheet, © Analog Devices, reproduced with permission. Graphical adaptation and
comments are ours.
(fo /fref )2 law, and k−1 is the same. This is the signature of the time-type noise. Conversely, at 10 MHz the flicker is
7 dB higher than the (fo /fref )2 law. This happens because the scaled-down noise hits the noise of the output stage,
which is phase-type noise. At 10 MHz, we calculate
[ ] [ ] [ ]
b−1 phase type
= b−1 total − b−1 time type
[ ]
The time-type noise scaled down to 10 MHz is b−1 time type 1.78 × 10−12 rad2 . Thus,
[ ]
b−1 phase type
= 8.91 × 10−12 − 1.78 × 10−12 = 7.13 × 10−12 rad2
The evaluation of white PM noise is not trusted because we have only two values, thus we have no evidence of
time-type noise at fo . With this reservation, we can solve the system
[ ] ( )2 [ ]
b0 phase type
+ 2𝜋f1 k0 time type = 10−14.5 f1 = 50 MHz
[ ] ( )2 [ ]
b0 phase type
+ 2𝜋f2 k0 time type = 10−15.4 f2 = 10 MHz
[ ] [ ]
which gives b0 phase type = 2.83 × 10−16 and k0 time type = 2.83 × 10−16 , and an overall phase noise b0 = 2.92 ×
( )2
10−32 2𝜋fo + 2.83 × 10−16 rad2 ∕Hz. ◼
A small number of samples were measured at the Italian Institute of Metrology INRiM. The flicker noise of
one of these samples is shown on Table 2-9. The value measured is some 12 dB lower than the spectrum found in
the datasheet. Using the data of Table 2-9, the flicker phase noise is
( )2
b−1 = 2.5 × 10−29 2𝜋fo + 4.4 × 10−14 rad2
We have little doubt about the measurement made in a laboratory of primary metrology, repeated several times
in well controlled conditions, and reproducible over a small number of samples. Conversely, the datasheet says very
little about how the spectrum is measured. Whether an unfortunate error was made in the datasheet, or the difference
is due to samples from different batches, we cannot know. Nonetheless, the datasheet reports a conservative value,
and a lower noise measured on a sample came as a good surprise. The general practitioner relies on data sheets and
has seldom the time and equipment for independent measurements.
As we have seen with amplifiers, the documentation about flicker noise is usually rather poor, as compared with
our wishes. Occasional difficulties and frustrations, like in this example, are a part of the message we address to
the reader.
Table 2-9 Flicker noise of the AD9912 DDS, measured at the Italian Institute of Metrology INRiM
√ √
f0 (MHz) Scale factor (dB) b−1 (dB rad2 ) b−1 (rad) k−1 (dB s2 ) k−1 (s)
SSB mixer
ƒDDS ƒo
80 MHz 1.04–1.06
LSB GHz output
1 GHz
Example 11 An application of the AD9912 DDS. We synthesize a high resolution 1.04–1.06 GHz signal using
the scheme of Figure 2-48. The DDS has m = 48 bits, thus the resolution is Δfo = fck /248 = 7.1 μHz. Considering
the oscillator as an external source, the noise of this synthesizer originates in the mixer and in the DDS. We see
on Figure 2-47 that at 50 MHz the phase noise of the DDS is significantly higher than that of a mixer, and from
the previous example we expect that the change in the DDS phase noise is a matter of 2 dB in a ±10 MHz region
around 50 MHz. The expected phase noise is therefore
4.5 × 10−11
S𝜃 ( f ) = + 3.2 × 10−15 rad2 ∕Hz
An output frequency in the same range can be obtained multiplying the DDS output by M = 21. In this case,
the benefit of beating is lost. The resolution is Δfo = Mfck /248 = 149 μHz, and the phase noise by M2 , thus
S𝜃 ( f ) = 2 × 10−8 /f + 1.4 × 10−12 rad2 /Hz. ◼
The designer has different options for the phase detector, the DBM, transistor or field-effect transistor (FET) mixers,
the XOR gate, the SR flip-flop, and the phase/frequency detector (PFD), to mention the most known types. Relevant
parameters are frequency range, residual noise, and noise immunity. The detector noise is the most important
parameter for low-noise PLLs because phase comparison generally occurs at a suitable low frequency, and the
detector noise is scaled up according to the N2 law.
The SR flip-flop and the PFD have internal memory that stores the last phase transition. This makes these
detectors unsuitable to noisy signals, where multiple bounces occur at the lock point. Conversely, mixers and XOR
suffer very little from bouncing because the bounces are averaged out by the loop. The consequence is just a
reduction in the phase-to-voltage gain Kd . This discussion is useful for the detection of small signal in noise, while
all signals inside a synthesizer are clean enough for the noise immunity to have little or no importance, as compared
with the residual noise of the detector.
The DBM is considered the lowest-noise detector, and for this reason it is widely used in the measurement of
phase noise.
The PFD replaces the SR flip-flop in virtually all applications because it provides a valid output signal also in
unlock conditions, and because it mitigates the issue of metastable behavior when the S and R signals are nearly
simultaneous. The analysis of noise in the DBM is postponed to Section 2-2-6, where we study the measurement
of PM noise. Here, we analyze the PFD restricting or attention to phase noise.
The PFD is a digital circuit that receives clean digital signals at its inputs, thus we expect that the time-type noise
is dominant. Related to this, the parameter commonly found in the data sheets is the figure of merit (FOM), which
is the noise contribution of the PFD normalized to 1 Hz, and most often expressed in dBc/Hz.
The usual definition of the FOM refers to white PM noise in a PLL with a ÷N divider in the feedback path.
Denoting with fc the comparator input frequency and with fVCO the VCO frequency, N results from N = fVCO /fc .
The formula found in application notes is
[ ] ( ) ( )
FOMdBc∕Hz2 = L( f ) dBc∕Hz + 10 log10 fc − 20 log10 fVCO (2-115)
A value of −220 … − 230 dBc/Hz2 can be taken as the order of magnitude, but the direct comparison between com-
ponents is not easy because the FOM changes with technology and frequency range. Notice that some commercial
PFDs include a prescaler, and such prescaler may also work in fractional-N mode.
Removing the dB notation from (2-115), and using N = fVCO /fc in different ways, the white phase noise at the
output can be written in the following equivalent forms
L( f ) = FOM N 2 fc (2-116)
L( f ) = FOM NfVCO (2-117)
L( f ) = FOM (2-118)
The first two forms focus on the two obvious critical points, comparator, and VCO. The third form is subtler because
it reveals the aliasing at the input. References [68, 69] provide insight and useful details.
Gao and Klumperink [70] give an alternate definition of the FOM, which differs in that the power is added,
expressed in dBm. So, the FOM of a component taking 2 mW is 3 dB worse than that of an otherwise equal com-
ponent requiring only 1 mW. The Gao definition is not followed by the manufacturers.
Information about flicker noise in commercial PFDs is often absent or difficult to understand, if not confusing.
This reflects a quite general lack of documentation on this topic. The following formula is sometimes found in the
technical literature
[ ] [ ] ( )
L( f ) dBc∕Hz
= FOM1∕f dBc∕Hz2 + 20 log10 fVCO − 10 log10 ( f ) (2-119)
where the term −10 log10 ( f ) expresses the fact that L( f ) is proportional to 1/f. Removing the dB notation, (2-119)
2 1
L( f ) = fVCO FOM1∕f (2-120)
Example 12 Noise of a PLL with a PFD. We lock a 1 GHz VCO to a 100 MHz reference using a PFD, which
has an FOM of −220 dBc/Hz for white noise, and of −260 dBc for flicker, including the ÷10 internal prescaler.
Accordingly, phase detection takes place at 10 MHz. Let us evaluate the phase noise at the 1 GHz output and also
refer it to the 100 MHz input.
We prefer to convert the dBc into SI units. For white noise, we use b0 = FOM NfVCO , with FOM = 2 × 10−22 ,
N = 10, and fVCO = 109 Hz. Thus b0 = 2 × 10−12 rad2 /Hz, that is, −117 dB rad2 /Hz.
Finally, L( f ) = − 120 dBc/Hz at 1 GHz, and −140 dBc/Hz at 100 MHz, after scaling as 1/N2 .
For flicker noise, we use b−1 = FOMflicker fVCO with FOMflicker = 2 × 10−26 and fVCO = 109 Hz. Thus, b−1 =
2 × 10−8 rad2 , that is, −77 dB rad2 .
Finally, L( f ) = − 80 dBc/Hz referred to 1 Hz at the 1 GHz output, and −100 dBc/Hz referred to 1 Hz at the
100 MHz input. ◼
Example 13 Comparison of Some Multiplication Schemes. Let us consider some options to multiply a high
stability 10 MHz reference to 640 MHz by combining multiplication and cleanup PLL, which may include a divider.
The phase noise of the reference and of two possible auxiliary VCOs are summarized in Table 2-10, and we look
at the configurations shown on Figure 2-49. The reference has a stability 𝜎y = 8.3 × 10−13 (flicker floor). This
is easily seen with the formula 𝜎y2 (𝜏) = 2 ln(2) h−1 (holds for flicker of frequency), and h−1 = b−3 ∕f02 (converts
( )2
FM flicker from S𝜃 into Sy ) seen in Section 2-2-2. Thus b−3 = 10−103∕10 = 5 × 10−11 , h−1 = 5 × 10−11 ∕ 107 , and
𝜎y2 = 6.95 × 10−25 .
640 MHz
×5 640 MHz 640 MHz
640 MHz MHz
LPF 800
×2 128 640 640
Schottky ×2
640 MHz ×2 diodes
etc. MHz
LPF 25 ×2
MHz 2 MHz 80 MHz 640 MHz
In order to compare the options, we first scale the PM noise of our oscillators to 640, 80, 10, and 2 MHz carrier
frequency. These spectra are plotted in Figure 2-50. We start from the schemes A, B, and C, which do not involve
phase locking. The scheme A is rather generic, and we expect that the output spectrum is that of the 10 MHz OCXO
scaled up to 640 MHz. The output bandpass filter cannot be narrow enough to clean the spectrum, so the phase noise
will have a floor of the order of −120 dB rad2 /Hz, which spans over a wide band, hundreds of kHz. The scheme B
suffers from the same problem. The scheme C makes use of quartz filters to clean up the phase noise of the 10 MHz
OCXO after multiplication. The bandwidth of such filters can be of a few kHz. Besides complexity and cost, the
problem is that the filters turn mechanical vibration into PM noise spurs, and temperature drift into phase drift.
(A) (B)
Sθ(ƒm) Scaled to 640 MHz Sθ(ƒm) Scaled to 80 MHz
dB rad 2/Hz
dB rad 2/Hz
640 MHz SAW
10 MHz
10 MHz OCXO 10 MHz
640 MHz SAW M
ƒm ƒm
1 10 102 103 104 105 106 1 10 102 103 104 105 106
640 MHz SAW
(C) (D)
Sθ(ƒm) Sθ(ƒm)
Scaled to 10 MHz Scaled to 2 MHz
dB rad 2/Hz
dB rad 2/Hz
10 MHz
10 MHz
ƒm ƒm
1 10 102 103 104 105 106 1 10 102 103 104 105 106
128 MHz OCXO
640 MHz SAW 128 MHz OCXO
Figure 2-50 Phase noise of the oscillators of Table 2-5. The four spectra (A)–(D) represent the phase noise scaled to different
carrier frequencies from 640 to 2 MHz.
In most synthesizer applications, the slow phase drift due to temperature is probably not a problem. However, for
special applications and timekeeping, where the phase stability is important, the scheme B probably wins because
of its potentially high thermal stability. Unlike the bandpass filter, the phase of the low-pass filters is little affected
by the temperature fluctuations.
The schemes D, E, and F make use of phase locking. We see on Figure 2-50 that the preferred cutoff frequency
fc is of approximately 100 Hz, almost the same for the two VHF oscillators. After locking, the frequency flicker
and the long-term stability are determined by the reference, and the two VHF oscillators are nearly equivalent.
However, the 640 MHz SAW oscillator has lower white noise floor. With appropriate design, the PLL filter can
mitigate or reject the noise of the divider in the feedback path, and of the detector, at offset frequencies beyond fc .
This helps in the choice of the divider and phase detector.
The scheme D uses a 128 MHz oscillator phase locked to the 10 MHz reference. The problem is that the highest
frequency at the phase detector input (the greatest common divider of 10 and 128) is 2 MHz. After scaling to that
low carrier frequency, the PM noise of the 128 MHz oscillator is too low for a frequency divider to preserve it. In
conclusion, the output noise will be limited by the divider and by the phase detector.
In the scheme E, the 640 MHz SAW is phase locked at 80 MHz. Phase detector and frequency divider must have
a PM noise not greater than −130 dB rad2 /Hz at 130 Hz offset, which is not challenging. Comparing the schemes E
and F, E is simpler because it uses a digital divider ÷8 and a multiplier ×8, instead of a multiplier ×64. Otherwise,
the scheme F relaxes the specs for the phase detector. ◼
We have mentioned the effect of line frequency pickup several times so far, the most direct being ripple on the dc
supply voltage.
Power supplies can generally be built in one of two ways:
The safe approach is generally to use two cascaded regulator systems, starting with a monolithic regulator,
followed by a discrete post-regulation stage.
In traditional synthesizers, it is typical to find the following voltage requirements: +5 V, ±12 V, +9 V, and +24 V.
When using a power supply fed from a 117 or 230 V power line, generating these auxiliary voltages is fairly easy.
As the 5 V probably has the highest current draw, this will be kept totally separate from the other voltages. The
current consumption on the ±12 V is on the order of several hundred mA, and the 9 V is probably an auxiliary
voltage that can be generated in a post-regulator from the +12 V.
Modern VLSI digital circuits usually require lower voltages, typically 1.8 and 3.3 V, with rather high current.
These voltages can be produced locally by a switching power supply, from a 12 or 24 V line. To prevent spurs,
the switching power supply must be carefully shielded, and powered by a separate 12–24 V line, not shared with
analog electronics.
The +24 V requirement is generally of low power consumption and is required for the PFD stages and the tuning
diodes. If a dc amplifier translation stage is used following the phase/frequency comparators to drive the tuning
diode, such a high voltage is necessary.
The dynamic regulation found in a monolithic regulator is typically 60 or sometimes 70 dB, which reduces the
input ripple voltage to about 1 mV. This is insufficient for sensitive lines and a post-regulator of at least the same
amount must be added. Here, a discrete circuit is the proper choice.
There are numerous regulators on the market, but the one with the lowest noise is probably the old National
LM723. The typical output noise of this regulator is in the vicinity of a few microvolts. Figure 2-51 shows a
regulator for extremely low noise output. It is based on the fact that the current generating PNP transistor produces
much less noise than its emitter-follower equivalent.
In battery-operated synthesizers, especially if they operate from 12 V dc, it is somewhat difficult to generate the
higher voltage for the tuning diodes. One of the best approaches is to use a switching dc/dc converter stage that is
5 V ±5%
4.7 μF* 100 μA
200 k + OUT 3V
500 mA
402 k
249 Ω
*Optional, see 4.7 μF 30.1 k 49.9 k
information 3045 TA01a
Figure 2-51 Schematic diagram of an extremely low noise output regulator based the Linear Technology LT3045 voltage regu-
lator. Low noise is achieved by using a PNP transistor as the series regulator, with the output taken from on the collector. This
solution produces much less noise than its emitter-follower equivalent. Also, this type of circuit has a much smaller voltage drop
than the source follower. It operates quite well with voltage differences as low as 0.7 V. Reproduced with permission from the
LT3045 data sheet.
being driven from the reference oscillator at a rate of 10 kHz to 1 MHz. As the power consumption on the tuning
line is very small, no special power transistors are required, and regulators take care of interference suppression. As
these stages are being driven from a square wave generated from a regulated power supply, extremely high values
of regulation can be obtained, and the tuning voltage is therefore very clean and noise-free. Attempts to generate
the auxiliary voltage from asynchronous dc/dc converters have generally resulted in poor performance, and this
approach is not recommended.
Switching circuits are an appealing choice because of high efficiency and potentially low ripple. The reason is
the use of LC filters, made simple by the high operating frequency (generally a few hundreds of kHz). Isolation
is another unique feature of switching circuits, thanks to ferrite transformers. This makes easy to break ground
loops and to block the interferences conducted along power lines. The general performances of commercial mod-
ules, in terms of ripple and stability, can be improved by adding an external LC low-pass filter and a linear post
regulator. Shielding is the major difficulty for lowest ripple and noise, and also to prevent interferences to other
circuits. Low-noise power modules are now available, consisting of a flyback switching circuit followed by a linear
regulator. The LTM8068 is an interesting example. It features 2.8–40 V input range, 1.2–18 V output range after
the linear regulator, with 300 mA available current and 20 μV rms noise and 2-kV isolation in a 1-cm2 ball grid
array (BGA) package.
In electrical engineering, the oscillator is a circuit that delivers a periodic signal, sinusoidal, or square wave, with
suitable purity and stability, powered by a source of energy. Different jargon terms may be encountered, like
“self-oscillator” or “autonomous oscillator.” By contrast, physicists often use the term “oscillator” for the “damped
oscillator,” which is the resonator in our terminology.
The simplest form of oscillator consists of a resonator and a sustaining amplifier in closed loop, so that the
resonator sets the oscillation frequency f0 , and the sustaining amplifier compensates for the loss of the resonator.
A buffer is generally necessary, to amplify the output power and to isolate the oscillator from load perturbations.
Denoting the amplifier gain with A, and the resonator transfer function with B, stationary oscillation requires that
AB = 1 (2-121)
that is, |AB| = 1 and arg(AB) = 0. This is known as the Barkhausen condition. A gain compression mechanism
is necessary, which stabilizes the oscillation amplitude to a given level. Otherwise, even the smallest discrepancy
from unity gain results in exponentially increasing oscillation (AB > 1) or in exponentially decaying oscillation
(AB < 1).
The oscillator’s internal components introduce noise and fluctuations. Other types of fluctuation originate from
power supply, temperature, and other quantities. Understanding and modeling the oscillator is a complex issue
because of the multi-scale time range, from the period to the long time related to aging.
We focus on the Leeson model analyzed from the modern standpoint. The original article [71] proposed a
quasi-linear analysis, inherently limited to additive white noise. Adding very little complexity, we introduce the
perturbation and modulation analysis, which is perfectly suitable to parametric noise [72]. An extension to AM
noise is available in [73]. Our approach is probably the simplest and the most suitable to understand real oscilla-
tors because we analyze the oscillator as a system, as opposed to a detailed schematic. Of course, simplicity and
generality come at expenses of accuracy. A few alternate models are available in the literature. These models are
either specialized (e.g., the ring oscillator), or extremely complex (e.g., the Fokker–Planck equation). We provide
a list in the Suggested Readings, at the end of this chapter. For a perspective on different approaches and oscillator
models, we suggest starting from [74, 75].
The oscillator is seen as a system consisting of an amplifier and a resonator in closed loop, shown on Figure 2-52A.
The amplifier is operated at the compression point, where it stabilizes the amplitude. The phase noise is modeled as
a phase modulator at the amplifier input, driven by a generator which introduces white noise, flicker noise, spurs,
etc. The resonator is a bandpass filter exhibiting a sharp response which sets the oscillation frequency. The loop has
an input for the virtual signal that starts the oscillation. Actual oscillation starts from noise or from the switch-on
It is convenient to write the equations in terms of angular frequency 𝜔, and to use the regular frequency f
to represent the results. So, 𝜔 and f are used interchangeably implying that 𝜔 = 2𝜋f, and a quantity is uniquely
a subscript. For example, the natural frequency of an LC oscillator can be written as 𝜔n = 1∕ LC or
identified by √
as fn = 1∕2𝜋 LC, interchangeably. Without subscript, 𝜔 and f refer to the running variable in spectral analysis,
denoted with fm in other parts of this book.
Figure 2-52 General scheme of the oscillator loop (A) and its companion circuit (B) for phase noise. Reprinted/
adapted from [1], CC BY Rubiola.
For the sake of simplicity, we assume that the gain A is constant versus frequency, at least in the region around
the oscillation frequency. If the gain flatness defect is not negligible, we move it from A to B, so that A is constant.
Second, we assume that the resonator transfer function B is linear. Some resonators are nonlinear, and the resonant
frequency depends on the amplitude. In quartz resonators, this is called “isochronism defect.” Frequency may
depend on amplitude, and bi-stability is observed at high amplitudes [76, 77]. However, for the small amplitude
fluctuations found in real oscillators, B is sufficiently linear at the operating point.
Modeling parametric noise and spurs requires that a phase modulator is introduced in the loop, as shown in
Figure 2-52A because these types of noise cannot be represented as additive processes. The presence of such
phase modulator breaks the simplicity of the original Leeson model. We solve this difficulty by using the com-
panion circuit for phase noise shown on Figure 2-52B. The companion circuit relies on the following ideas and
• The startup transient is ended, and the oscillator is in its stationary condition.
• The gain compression, needed to stabilize the amplitude, has no effect on the phase.
• The phase amplifier has a gain equal to one, exact. This is consistent with the fact that time cannot be stretched
or compressed, thus the noise-free amplifier delivers an exact copy of the input phase with no error.
• The amplifier’s random phase is an additive process in this representation.
• The transfer function B𝜃 of the resonator is linear, and independent of the small fluctuations of amplitude.
The most important virtue of this companion scheme is that it is inherently linear because all the elements in
the loop are linear.
Our approach differs from the original Leeson model in that we use a modulation method or a perturbation
method, interchangeably and equivalently. More precisely, we introduce a phase perturbation 𝜃 a in the companion
loop. The quantity 𝜃 a is the phase fluctuation of either the amplifier or the resonator. Thus, the phase noise transfer
function is
H𝜃 (s) = (2-122)
Θa (s)
The uppercase stands for the Laplace transform (notice the difference between Θ and 𝜃), and the quantity s = 𝜎 + j𝜔
is the complex frequency. Replacing s → 2𝜋f and taking the square absolute value, we get
This approach is surprisingly similar to the analysis of the response of a PLL, already familiar to the reader.
Close to the resonance, the resonator can be approximated with a second-order linear differential equation
𝜔n 𝜔
v̈ o + v̇ o + 𝜔2n vo = n v̇ i (2-124)
( )
where 𝜔n is the natural angular frequency, Q is the quality factor in actual load conditions, and the term 𝜔n ∕Q v̇ i
is the( driving
) force. We have chosen this type of driving force because it is homogeneous with the dissipative
term 𝜔n ∕Q v̇ o , as it occurs in relevant cases like the series (parallel) RLC resonator driven by a voltage (current)
source. Using the Laplace transforms, we find the resonator response B(s) = Vo (s)/Vi (s)
𝜔n s
B(s) = ( ) (2-125)
Q s2 + 𝜔n ∕Q s + 𝜔2n
The square modulus |B( f )|2 , for Q ≫ 1, describes a Lorentzian line shape of width fn /Q centered at fn .
The homogeneous equation, which is (2-124) with the force v̇ i set to zero, describes the free decaying oscillation
( )
v(t) = cos 𝜔p t + 𝜙 e−t∕𝜏 (2-126)
𝜏= (2-128)
𝜔0 = 𝜔n = 𝜔p (2-129)
Our phase-noise equivalent circuit relies on the knowledge of the resonator’s response to the Dirac 𝛿(t) impulse
of phase, when the resonator is driven by a sinusoidal signal. This concept is illustrated in Figure 2-53. When the
resonator is driven with the input signal cos[𝜔0 t + 𝛿(t)], it responds with cos[𝜔0 t + b𝜃 (t)]. The function b𝜃 (t) is the
impulse response we need.
For most people, it is hard to figure out the meaning of a Dirac 𝛿(t) in the argument of a sinusoid. However,
the difficulty can be solved using a simple property of linear systems. The impulse response b𝜃 (t) is related to the
response k𝜃 (t) to the Heaviside (step) function u(t) by
cos[ω0t + θi(t)] cos[ω0t + θo(t)]
Q, ωn
cos(ω0t) t=0
Resonator cos[ω0t + εkθ(t)]
Q, ωn
cos(ω0t + ε)
Figure 2-53 The concept of phase-impulse response of a resonator (A) and its derivation (B) from the response to a small
Heaviside (step) of phase. Simulation is also straightforward. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
3 Thequantity 𝜔p is not a valid angular frequency because v(t) is not periodic in a strict sense, being progressively attenuated
by the term e−t/𝜏 .
Let us apply to the resonator a small phase step 𝜀u(t), 𝜀 ≪ 1, at the time t = 0 (Figure 2-53). The small value makes
the derivation of k𝜃 (t) simpler, but the result is general. The complete input signal is
( ) ( )
vi (t) = cos 𝜔0 t u(−t) + cos 𝜔0 t + 𝜀 u(t) (2-132)
Thus, at t = 0 the signal cos(𝜔0 t) is switched off by u(−t), and the signal cos(𝜔0 t + 𝜀) is switched on by u(t). The
resonator response results from
vo (t) = voff (t) + von (t)
( )
voff (t) = cos 𝜔0 t e−t∕𝜏 (2-134)
is the exponentially decaying response to cos(𝜔0 t), switched off at t = 0; and von (t) is the growing response to the
phase-shifted signal cos(𝜔0 t + 𝜀)u(t), switched on at t = 0. Calculating the term von (t) requires some manipulations
( )[ ]
von (t) = cos 𝜔0 t + 𝜀 1 − e−t∕𝜏 t>0
[ ( ) ( ) ][ ]
= cos 𝜔0 t cos(𝜀) − sin 𝜔0 t sin(𝜀) 1 − e−t∕𝜏
[ ( ) ( )] [ ]
≃ cos 𝜔0 t − 𝜀 sin 𝜔0 t 1 − e−t∕𝜏 𝜀≪1
Combining voff (t) and von (t), we get
( ) ( )[ ]
vo (t) = cos 𝜔0 t − 𝜀 sin 𝜔0 t 1 − e−t∕𝜏 𝜀≪1 (2-135)
This is a sinusoid of phase 𝜃 o (t) = 𝜀[1 − e−t/𝜏 ]. The step response is obtained by deleting 𝜀
[ ]
k𝜃 (t) = 1 − e−t∕𝜏 (2-136)
1 −t∕𝜏
b𝜃 (t) = e (2-137)
B𝜃 (s) = (2-138)
s + 1∕𝜏
This is a single-pole low-pass filter, like the RC low-pass filter. The cutoff frequency fL = 1/2𝜋𝜏 = f0 /2Q is called
Leeson frequency and is equal to the half the resonator bandwidth.
1.0 bθ (t/τ)
Time (t/τ)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Figure 2-54 Impulse-of-phase response of a resonator at the exact resonant frequency. The response is equivalent to that of a
first-order low-pass filter, like the RC network shown. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
We have all the pieces we need to calculate the phase-noise transfer function H𝜃 (s) of the complete oscillator
H𝜃 (s) = (2-139)
Θa (s)
H𝜃 (s) = (2-140)
1 + B(s)
s + 1∕𝜏
H𝜃 (s) = (2-141)
f 2 + fL2 fL2
|H ( f )| 2 = =1+ (2-142)
| 𝜃 | f2 f2
and finally
|H ( f )|2 = 1 + 0 1 (2-143)
| 𝜃 | 4Q2 f 2
This is the simple function plotted in Figure 2-55. The physical meaning, related to the phase-noise scheme of
Figure 2-52B, is surprisingly simple. At low offset frequency, f ≪ fL , the phase fluctuations are fed back to the
input of the phase amplifier, and integrated. Because time cannot be compressed or stretched, the phase amplifier
has a gain exactly equal to one. Thus, the loop is a perfect loss-free integrator, and H𝜃 (s) has a pole in the origin.
By contrast, at high offset frequencies, f ≫ fL , the resonator filters out the phase noise, preventing the fluctuations
to be fed back to the input. Thus, the random phase 𝜃 at the output is equal to the random phase 𝜃 a introduced in
the loop, and asymptotically |H𝜃 ( f )|2 = 1.
(A) (B)
Hθ(s) jω ∣Hθ(ƒ)∣2
Figure 2-55 Phase-noise transfer function of the complete oscillator: (A) complex plane, and (B) frequency response. Reprinted
from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
We have seen in Section 2-2-3 that the amplifier phase noise is described by the polynomial law restricted to two
terms, white and flicker
S𝜃 ( f ) = b0 + amplifier (2-144)
In turn, b0 is usually expressed as b0 = FkT0 ∕P0 , where F is the noise factor of the sustaining amplifier, kT0 is the
thermal energy, and Po is the power at the amplifier input; and b−1 is a parameter of the amplifier. Combining the
amplifier noise with |H( f )|2 , we get
[ ][ ]
FkT0 b−1 f02
S𝜃 ( f ) = + 1+ (2-145)
P0 f 4Q2 f 2
Additional noise contributions are still to be included, namely, the frequency fluctuations of the resonator’s
natural frequency, the FM noise brought in by the tuning diode, and the phase noise of the output buffer. These
noise perturbations are shown in Figure 2-56.
Resonator Varactor
Frequency fluctuation
Figure 2-56 The complete oscillator, including the frequency fluctuations of the resonator, and the phase noise of the output
buffer. The tuning diode can be in series, in parallel, or take other configurations, depending on the type of oscillator and resonator.
Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
in the phase noise plot. The coefficient b−3 can be derived from the floor of the resonator’s AVAR 𝜎y2 (𝜏), or from
the floor of the MVAR mod 𝜎y2 (𝜏), if known,
b−3 = 𝜎 2 (𝜏) AVAR floor (2-147)
2 ln(2) y
b−3 = f02 mod 𝜎y2 (𝜏) MVAR floor (2-148)
27 ln(3) − 32 ln(2)
The MVAR is preferred to the AVAR because its superior capability to identify the fast noise processes, white
and flicker PM, as we have seen in section “Comparison Between AVAR, MVAR, and PVAR”. However, the
(regular) AVAR is most often found in the technical documentation of oscillators. In practical cases, the b−3 ∕f 3
term due to the resonator fluctuations can be higher than the similar term from the sustaining amplifier (2-145).
This is the case, for example, of the high-stability 10 MHz OCXOs used as the frequency reference in electronic
Higher-order fluctuations of the resonator, like the frequency random walk b−4 ∕f 4 , and the drift are more difficult
to model in the phase noise spectrum, mainly because of the lack of data. Moreover, these perturbations depend on
the environment, on the temperature control, etc.
If the oscillator is electrically tunable, it turns the voltage noise at the VCO input into FM noise. In the case of
white noise across the tuning diode, the oscillator phase noise is
S𝜃 ( f ) = (2-149)
where en is the RMS voltage noise in 1 Hz bandwidth, and Ko is the VCO gain√ in (rad/s)/V. When the VCO input is
connected to a resistor R, the noise cannot be lower than the thermal noise 4kT0 R. In this condition, the oscillator
PM noise is
4kT0 RKo2
S𝜃 ( f ) = (2-151)
as explained in [78].
The contribution of the output buffer is an additional term like (2-144), yet with different noise factor, power, and
flicker parameter b−1 . In most practical cases, the white phase noise of the buffer is lower than that of the sustaining
amplifier because the carrier power is higher. By contrast, the phase flicker of the buffer is generally higher than
that of the sustaining amplifier. This happens for two reasons. First, the sustaining amplifier is in the loop, where
the 1/f noise is turned into 1/f 3 noise below fL , thus a wise engineer spends a larger budget in a low-noise sustaining
amplifier. Second, for proper isolation, the buffer consists of 2–3 cascaded stages, each of which contributes its
own flicker.
In synthesis, the oscillator phase noise is given by
[ ][ ]
FkT 0 b−1 f02 1
S𝜃 ( f ) = + 1+ sustaining amplifier
P0 f 4Q2 f 2
f02 1
+ 𝜎y2 (𝜏) resonator flicker
2 ln(2) f3
4kT 0 RK 2o
+ tuning diode white
FkT 0 b−1
+ + output buffer
Pbuf f
+ FM, RW and higher-order terms, and spurs
It is understood that symbols take their meaning from the context indicated on the right hand of the equation. For
example, F in the first line refers to the sustaining amplifier, while the same symbol F in the fourth line refers to
the output buffer.
Example 14 10.24 GHz DRO. We consider a 10.24 GHz dielectric resonator oscillator (DRO) where the res-
onator has a loaded quality factor Q = 1000. The sustaining amplifier has a noise factor of 4 dB, and a flicker noise
of −106 dBc/Hz extrapolated to 1 Hz. The power at the input of the sustaining amplifier is of −20 dBm. Let us
calculate the phase noise spectrum, accounting only for the oscillator loop.
From the statement of the problem, we calculate the Leeson frequency
f0 1.024 × 1010
fL = = = 5.12 MHz
2Q 2 × 1000
Using (2-145), we calculate the oscillator phase noise PSD shown on Figure 2-57. The phase-noise coefficients are
Example 15 10 MHz OCXO. We consider a 10 MHz OCXO where the resonator has a loaded quality factor
Q = 106 . The sustaining amplifier has a noise factor of 1 dB, and a flicker noise of −140 dBc/Hz extrapolated
to 1 Hz. The power at the input of the sustaining amplifier is −16 dBm. The buffer has a noise factor of 1 dB,
and a flicker noise of −135.2 dBc/Hz extrapolated to 1 Hz. The power at the input of the buffer is of −7 dBm.
The resonator has a stability of 3.2 × 10−13 (flicker term in the Allan deviation). Let us calculate the phase noise
We calculate the oscillator loop, the buffer, and the fluctuation of the resonator separately, and we add the results.
The single contributions and the full spectrum are shown in Figure 2-58.
From the statement of the problem, we calculate the Leeson frequency
f0 107
fL = = = 5 Hz
2Q 2 × 106
dB rad2/Hz
0 = 10.24 GHz,
Q = 1000
–60 ƒL = 5.12 MHz
–80 b0 = 10–15,
1/ƒ3 b–1 = 5 × 10–11
ƒc = 50 kHz
1/ƒ 1/ƒ2
–140 ga
ƒc ƒL
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 ƒm
Figure 2-57 Phase noise PSD of the 10.24 GHz DRO discussed in the example.
0 = 10 MHz,
Q = 106
xtal ƒL = 5 Hz
–100 3.2 × 10–13
P = 25 μW
F = 1 dB
–120 1/ƒ3 b–1 = 2 × 10–14
Buffer Bu er
P = 250 μW
–140 F = 1 dB
1/ƒ b–1 = 6 × 10–14
–160 Sustaining
amplifier Oscillator
(ideal xtal)
ƒL ƒc
1 10 102 103 104 105 ƒm
Figure 2-58 Phase noise PSD of the 10 MHz OCXO discussed in the example.
Using (2-145), we calculate the phase noise coefficients of the oscillator loop
b0 = 2 × 10−16
b−1 = 2 × 10−14
[ ]2
f02 107
b−2 = b =
2 0
× 2 × 10−16 = 5 × 10−15
4Q 2 × 106
[ ]2
f02 107
b−3 = b−1 = × 2 × 10−14 = 5 × 10−13
4Q2 2 × 106
The phase noise due to the fluctuation of the resonator’s natural frequency is
( 7 )2
f02 10 ( )2
b−3 = 𝜎y2 (𝜏) = × 3.2 × 10−13 = 7.4 × 10−12
2 ln(2) 1.386
Adding all these terms, the phase noise PSD of the complete oscillator is
We discuss the phase noise spectra of the two aforementioned examples with respect to the scheme of Figure 2-56,
extending some consideration to other types of oscillator.
First, we notice that in Figures 2-57 and 2-58 there is either 1/f or 1/f 2 noise, not both. This relates to the fact
that we have two distinct corners, where the exponent of f changes by 1 crossing fc , and by 2 crossing fL .
If fc < fL , we get the 1/f 2 slope term in the region between fc and fL , as in the DRO. This type of behavior
is typical of microwave oscillators, where f0 is of tens of GHz and Q generally not higher than a few thou-
sands, thus we expect fL of the order of a few MHz. With microwave oscillators, we often find fc between 10
and 100 kHz. A similar behavior is found in the internal VCOs of integrated circuits like FPGAs and DDSs.
Such oscillators have an integrated LC tank having Q ≈ 10 at f0 of a few hundred of MHz, thus fL of a few tens
of MHz.
Oppositely, if fc > fL , we get the 1/f term in the region between fL and fc , as in the OCXO. This is typical of
high-stability HF quartz oscillators, where technology suggests that Qf0 ≈ 1013 . Accordingly, we encounter typ-
ical Q ≈ 106 at 10 MHz, thus fL ≈ 5 Hz. The flicker noise of HF amplifiers is rather low, in some cases even
lower than −140 dBc/Hz extrapolated at 1 Hz. With a typical power of 10 … 100 μW, fc is of a few hundreds
of Hz.
The noise pattern of VHF quartz oscillators is different. For example, using the thumb rule Qf0 ≈ 1013 , we expect
Q ≈ 105 at 100 MHz, thus fL ≈ 500 Hz. Since these resonators can work at higher power than the HF resonators, fc
is proportionally lower. So, fL and fc may more or less overlap, or even give fL > fc .
With a good design, the white noise of the buffer should not degrade the oscillator noise. We expect this because
the Friis formula applies to white noise, and the power level is generally higher at the input of the buffer than at
the input of the sustaining amplifier.
By contrast, cascading several amplifiers, the b−1 coefficients add up in a way that is independent, or almost
independent of the carrier power. When fL < fc , the oscillator loop has a 1/f region clearly visible, due to the sustain-
ing amplifier (Figure 2-58). We expect that the 1/f noise at the oscillator output results from the contribution of the
sustaining amplifier and of the buffer, and that the latter is generally dominant. A first reason is that the loop turns
the 1/f noise of the sustaining amplifier into 1/f 3 noise, while the 1/f noise of the buffer remains of the 1/f type at the
output. In this respect, it is wise to put larger budget and design care in the sustaining amplifier. The second reason
is that the output buffer has larger number of stages, because it has to isolate the loop from the output. Observing a
1/f region in an oscillator, in the absence of specific information, we may guess that 1/4 comes from the sustaining
amplifier, and 3/4 from the buffer.
A further consequence of the buffer 1/f noise is that the corner between 1/f and 1/f 3 noise is no longer at fL .
Interpreting the spectra gets more challenging.
The 1/f 3 region results from the two contributions, the phase feedback in the oscillator (2-145) and the fluctu-
ation of the resonator’s natural frequency (2-147). These contributions are equal when
[ ] 4Q2 [ 2 ]
b−1 = 𝜎 (2-152)
sustaining amplifier 2 ln(2) y resonator FM flicker
[ ] 8 [ ]
b−1 sustaining amplifier
= 4Q2 mod 𝜎y2 resonator FM flicker (2-153)
27 ln(3) − 32 ln(2)
The phase feedback is usually dominant in microwaves and in LC oscillators, which have moderate Q. Oppositely,
the fluctuation of the resonator’s natural frequency in the case quartz resonators (Figure 2-58) and other extremely
high Q resonators.
The noise factor F and the Friis formula describe the noise of an amplifier impedance-matched to the resistive input
load at temperature T0 . The equivalent noise PSD at the amplifier input is FkT0 . This quantity is the sum of the
available thermal energy kT0 of the resistor, plus the contribution (F − 1)kT0 of the amplifier. If the amplifier input
is left open, is shorted to ground, or is connected to a noise-free load, the equivalent input noise is (F − 1)kT0 .
The Rohde oscillator (Figure 2-59B) provides a means to circumvent the thermal noise of the resonator and of
the sustaining amplifier by using the resonator also as an output filter. The series resonator consists of an inductance
L, a capacitance C, and a resistance Rs . The latter represents the mechanical loss of the quartz resonator. At the
resonance, the reactance 𝜔L and 1/𝜔C cancel one another, and the resonator is equivalent to the resistance Rs .
Out of the resonator bandwidth the reactance is dominant, either 1/𝜔C ≫ Rs or 𝜔L ≫ Rs , and the thermal noise is
no longer coupled to the surrounding electrical circuit. Likewise, the noise of the sustaining amplifier falls in the
The original scheme [79] derives from the Colpitts circuit, as shown in Figure 2-59. In the Colpitts oscillator, the
white noise floor is determined by the transistor. In the Colpitts–Rohde oscillator, the resonator has the double role
of the frequency reference and of the output filter. At the resonant frequency, the white phase noise is determined
by Rs , by R, and by the noise of the transistor. Out of the resonator bandwidth, asymptotically, the resonator is open
circuit, and the output noise is the thermal noise of the resistor R. Thus, the oscillator white phase noise PSD is
given by
Quartz resonator
Rs Rs
R < Rs
Figure 2-59 (A) The Colpitts oscillator and (B) the concept of the Rohde oscillator. The latter circumvents the thermal noise of
the quartz resonator by using the resonator as the output filter.
The scheme of Figure 2-59 should be regarded as a concept, rather than a working oscillator. A problem is that
R is in series to the resonator and reduces the resonator’s Q. Another problem is that any perturbation to the load
impacts on the frequency stability. Porting this idea to the complete circuit, we get the Rohde oscillator, shown in
Figure 2-60. The entire circuit works in current mode. The sustaining amplifier is a feedback circuit implementing
a negative resistance equal to −(Rs + RE ). It could be the Colpitts scheme or any other configuration suitable to
oscillate with the resonator connected to ground. Instead of being grounded, the quartz resonator is connected to
a grounded-base amplifier, which has low input impedance RE , thanks to local negative feedback. Neglecting the
base current, the collector current IC is equal to the current IR flowing in the resonator. The conclusion is that the
white phase noise is determined by the thermal noise of the collector resistance referred to the output carrier power
From the ideal scheme to practical implementation, we notice that the condition RE ≪ Rs , necessary to preserve
the resonator Q, can be obtained rather easily because RE can be of the order of 1 Ω. The buffer contributes some
white and flicker phase noise.
The main feature of the Rohde scheme is that it circumvents the thermal noise associated to the quartz internal
dissipation, represented as the resistance Rs . However, it cannot remove the phase-to-frequency noise conversion
Req = –(Rs + RE)
L C Rs
RE ≈ 0
mechanism inherent in the oscillator loop. Thus, the Rohde oscillator is an excellent solution for VHF quartz
oscillators, typically 100 or 125 MHz, where the lowest phase noise floor is the most desirable feature, and the fre-
quency stability is comparatively less important. When the highest frequency stability is of paramount importance,
the Rohde oscillator may not be the best choice. The problem is that fluctuation of the buffer input impedance,
however small, is converted into frequency noise.
Inspecting on phase noise spectra provides information on the oscillator inside. Of course, our conclusions are only
approximate, and mistakes are around the corner. Nonetheless, hacking oscillators from the phase noise spectra
turns out to be surprisingly useful.
We provide guidelines based on the Leeson model, mainly addressed to the readers already familiar with the
technology of oscillators and resonators.
The interplay between the Leeson frequency fL and the corner frequency fc of the sustaining amplifier defines
the two main types of PM noise, shown on Figure 2-61A and B. The type A, defined by fL < fc , is found with
high Q resonators at low carrier frequency (HF). The type B, defined by fL > fc , is generally found in microwave
oscillators and in low Q VHF and ultrahigh frequency (UHF) oscillators. As we have seen, the spectrum contains
either 1/f or 1/f 2 phase noise types, not both. The Rohde oscillator (Section 2-4-2) presents additional difficulty
in the interpretation, and for this reason it is not included in this analysis. The resonator is considered ideally
stable in Figure 2-61A and B, while Figure 2-61C and D shows the same spectra with the resonator’s 1/f frequency
fluctuation added, which is of the 1/f 3 type in the phase noise plot.
The analysis starts from the identification of the coefficients bi of the polynomial law. This is best done by hand
sliding old-fashion set squares on the usual log–log plot of L( f ), or on a comfortably large computer display by
shifting a line. Don’t forget the factor of two to convert L( f ) into S𝜃 ( f ). One of us (ER) is often seen at conferences
doing this exercise on the data sheets found at the exhibitor boots, sliding two credit cards on the L( f ) plots. With
little training, the human eye does a good approximation close to the least square fit, which is exactly what we
need. Rather than searching for the exact slope for the specific oscillator, we fit the spectrum with the canonical
slopes f 0 , 1/f, 1/f 2 , etc. Frequency random walk, of the 1/f 4 type and not shown in Figure 2-61, is almost always
found at low f.
We proceed from the right-hand side of the spectrum to the left, thus from high f to low f.
The spectrum of the type A/C is identified by the presence of 1/f 2 PM noise, and the absence of 1/f.
First, the white phase noise tells us about the power P0 at the input of the sustaining amplifier because the
white noise of the buffer is negligible. This approximation makes sense because the power at the buffer input is
generally higher than at the input of the sustaining amplifier. For the sake of simplification, we discard the effect of
impedance mismatching out of the resonator bandwidth, which would give a white RF noise between (F − 1)kT0
and FkT0 , and we take F = 1 dB as an approximation. Using the formula b0 = FkT0 /P0 , we calculate
FkT 0
P0 = (2-156)
The power dissipated by the resonator is probably a little higher, yet of the same order of magnitude.
Second, we evaluate the Leeson frequency fL as the intersection between the oscillator white phase noise b0 ,
and the oscillator white frequency noise b−2 ∕f 2 . There is no need to account for the buffer because both white and
1/f noise types are negligible. Thus
fL2 = (2-157)
(A) (B)
Sθ (ƒm) Sθ (ƒm)
3 3 Apparent
loop Oscillator loop
5 dB 5 dB
0 Sustaining
Sustaining Leeson
Buffer corner
ƒc ƒL ƒm ƒL ƒc ƒm
(C) (D)
Sθ (ƒm) Sθ (ƒm)
(Unlikely) 3
dominant Dominant
resonator resonator
Negligible fluctuations Negligible
resonator resonator
fluctuations fluctuations
Oscillator loop
Oscillator loop
Apparent corner
0 Sustaining
Sustaining Leeson
Buffer corner
ƒc ƒL ƒm ƒL ƒc ƒm
Figure 2-61 Basic types of oscillator PM noise spectra. (A) Low-Q fluctuation-free resonator, (B) high-Q fluctuation-
free resonator, (C) low-Q real resonator, and (D) high-Q real resonator.
and consequently
Q= (2-158)
Third, we estimate the corner frequency [fc ]SA of the sustaining amplifier, which occurs when b−3 ∕f 3 equals
b−2 ∕f 2
[ ] b
fc SA = −3 (2-159)
These oscillators are rather simple to understand because the high value of fL ends up in high value of b−3
(frequency flicker), which in practice exceeds the fluctuations of the resonator. Additionally, with this type of oscil-
lator we spend comparatively little attention to low Fourier frequencies, say 100 Hz and below, where higher-slope
phenomena show up.
L(ƒ) (dBc/Hz) DRO100, 10 GHz DRO
b–2 = 1.41×10–4
[b–1]SA = 10–12
–170 b0 = 1×10–17
ƒ (Hz)
103 104 105 106 107
Figure 2-62 Phase noise of the DRO100, 10 GHz DRO. The spectrum is from the DRO100 data sheet, © Synergy Microwave
Corp., reproduced with permission. Graphical adaptation and comments are ours.
Example 16 Synergy Microwave DRO100, 10 GHz DRO. By inspection on the phase noise plot shown in
Figure 2-62, we estimate
b0 = 10−17 rad2∕Hz,
b−1 ≈ 0 (hidden below other noise processes),
b−2 = 1.41 × 10−4 rad2 Hz, and
b−3 = 14.1 rad2 Hz2 .
First, we calculate P0 using F = 1 dB, thus FkT = 6.2 × 10−21 W/Hz at room temperature (300 K)
This is a reasonable value for a microwave DRO, optimized for low phase noise floor. The oscillator inside is not
known, and we cannot know if the trick of Section 2-4-2 is implemented or not. In the absence of insider infor-
mation, we are inclined to believe that the answer is “not” because the design of a low-impedance common-base
amplifier is rather difficult at these frequencies.
Assuming that the floor gives the power at the amplifier input, the corner at 3.75 MHz is the Leeson frequency.
Thus, we calculate
f 1010
Q= 0 = = 1330
2fL 2 × 3.75 × 106
The frequency flicker b−3 ∕f 3 crosses the white frequency b−2 ∕f 2 at the corner frequency
fc =
This is quite a good value for a microwave amplifier, indeed well in the range of high-tech devices.
Using the formulas of Table 2-6, the modified Allan deviation is
5.94 × 10−13
mod 𝜎y (𝜏) = √ + 3.63 × 10−10
It is important to interpret correctly this result. First, the 1∕ 𝜏 term equals the flicker floor at 𝜏 = 2.7 μs. This short
time is probably shorter than the√ sampling interval 𝜏 0 of actual instruments (section “The Allan Variance (AVAR)”).
The consequence is that the 1∕ 𝜏 term cannot be measured directly. Second, the estimation of mod 𝜎y (𝜏) from
S𝜃 ( f ) makes sense only for very short measurement time, more or less up to 𝜏 = 1 ms, which is the reciprocal of the
lowest frequency (1 kHz) on the left-hand side of Figure 2-62. Beyond, other terms may show up, like frequency
random walk, temperature fluctuations, and aging.
After this digression, it is clear that the white PM and the flicker PM terms are too low and out of range for
any practical measurement of mod 𝜎y (𝜏), thus it have been ( √ discarded.
) For the sake of exercise, let us do the math.
The white PM noise gives mod 𝜎y (𝜏) = 6.16 × 10−20 ∕ 𝜏 𝜏 . The flicker PM is not directly accessible, but it can
[ ]
be guessed by adding the noise of three buffer stages similar to the sustaining amplifier, thus b−1 = 4 b−1 SA =
4 × 10−12 rad2 , and finally mod 𝜎y (𝜏) = 5.94 × 10−13 ∕𝜏. The corner where the flicker PM noise equals the white
FM noise occurs at 𝜏 = 9.7 ns.
What happens if our guess is wrong, and the resonator is used to reduce the white noise as in Section 2-4-2?
Let us say that the unfiltered white noise is
S𝜃 ( f ) = b0 = 𝜆b0
and take 𝜆 = 4 (6 dB) as an example. Equivalently, we allow that the unfiltered phase noise is a floor a factor of 𝜆
higher than the floor shown in Figure 2-62. Under this new hypothesis, the power at the amplifier input is
P0 = = 260 μW (−5.8 dBm)
𝜆b 0
However unsatisfied with this spread of values, we observe that the hacking process still provides useful infor-
mation on the oscillator inside. We hope that the reader will dig in the literature and find his/her own way to improve
on our estimates. ◼
Example 17 Synergy Microwave DCMO 1027, 100–270 MHz VCO. We proceed exactly as before, from the
right-hand side of Figure 2-63 to the left-hand side, thus
L(ƒ) (dBc/Hz)
b–3 = 1.26
b–2 = 2.82 × 10–4
[b–1]SA = 1.26 × 10–13
b0 = 2.82 × 10–17 ƒ (Hz)
102 103 104 105 106 107
Figure 2-63 Phase noise of the Synergy Microwave DCMO 1027, 100–270 MHz VCO. The spectrum is from the DCMO 1027
data sheet, © Synergy Microwave Corp., reproduced with permission. Graphical adaptation and comments are ours.
With the same reservations, we assume that the floor indicates the power at the amplifier input, hence the corner at
3.16 MHz is the Leeson frequency. The phase noise is measured at f0 = 136.9 MHz. Thus, we calculate
f0 1.369 × 108
Q= = = 21.6
2fL 2 × 3.16 × 106
This is more or less what we expect in a LC oscillator with a wide tuning range.
The frequency flicker b−3 ∕f 3 crosses the white frequency b−2 ∕f 2 at the corner frequency fc = b−3 ∕b−2 =
4.5 kHz. This enables to calculate the flicker of phase of the sustaining amplifier
[ ] ( )
b−1 SA
= b0 fc = 2.82 × 10−17 × 4.5 × 103 = 1.26 × 10−13 rad2 −129 dB rad2
The flicker of a good VHF amplifier should be lower, but this value probably includes the flicker of the tuning
diodes. Notice that a tuning range of a factor of 2.7 requires a capacitance range of a factor of 2.72 = 7.3. The
burden of the tuning varactors is certainly higher because of the residual capacitance in the circuit.
Using the phase noise data we have, the modified Allan deviation is
6.1 × 10−11
mod 𝜎y (𝜏) = √ + 7.9 × 10−10
We have discarded white and flicker PM for the same reasons of the previous example, and the same consideration
about the meaning of the low value of mod 𝜎y (𝜏) applies here. ◼
With reference to Figure 2-61, the PM noise spectrum of the type B/D is identified by the presence of 1/f noise,
and by the absence of 1/f 2 noise.
First, we use the white phase noise to infer the power P0 at the input of the sustaining amplifier. As with the
A/C-type spectra, we assume that the white noise of the buffer is negligible because the power at the buffer input
is generally higher than at the input of the sustaining amplifier. Likewise, we discard the effect of impedance
mismatching out of the resonator bandwidth, and we take F = 1 dB as an approximation. Using the formula
b0 = FkT0 /P0 , we calculate
P0 = (2-160)
We expect that the power dissipated by the resonator is close to this value, maybe a little higher.
Let provisionally neglect the resonator’s frequency fluctuations, as in Figure 2-61B. Highlighted with a circle,
we see the “apparent corner” where the spectrum changes from 1/f to 1/f 3 . However related, this is not the Leeson
frequency. The reason is that the oscillator 1/f phase noise is due to both the sustaining amplifier and the output
buffer. We guess that 1/4 of such flicker is due to the sustaining amplifier, and 3/4 is due to the buffer
[ ] 1[ ]
b−1 = b (−6 dB) (2-161)
SA 4 −1 osc
This formula is used to estimate the 1/f noise of the sustaining amplifier. In terms of electrical circuit, we guess
that the buffer consists of three stages similar in noise to the sustaining amplifier. This is sound because the buffer
has to provide high isolation from the load circuit. [ ]
[ Next,
] still assuming that the resonator is free from fluctuations, the 1/f 3 noise is given by b−3 osc =
2 3
[b−1 ]SA fL ∕f . Hence, we estimate the Leeson[ frequency
] fL as the intersection between the sustaining amplifier
b−1 SA ∕f and the oscillator frequency flicker b−3 osc ∕f 3
[ ]
b−1 SA
fL2 = [ ] (2-162)
b−3 osc
The result is marked as fL on Figure 2-61A. The corner, highlighted with a circle, occurs below the oscillator noise,
thus it is not visible. Accordingly, we find a first estimate of resonator’s quality factor using fL = f0 /2Q
Q= (First estimate) (2-163)
[ ]
At this point, we have to introduce the frequency flicker of the resonator, b−3 [res ∕f]3 on the phase noise plot.
[ is ]shown as the thick dashed lines on Figure 2-61D. Understanding whether b−3 res is the dominant noise,
or b−1 SA fL2 ∕f 3 prevails, requires experience and skill. We may start to collect information from the datasheet
and from the literature, figuring out the stability (flicker of frequency floor on the Allan deviation plot) and the
possible Q.
If the oscillator stability is limited by the Leeson effect, (2-163) is consistent with the technology, and the
oscillator is fully described by Figure 2-61B.
Oppositely, HF oscillators (5–10 MHz) exhibiting ultimate stability are generally limited by the fluctuations
of the resonator. In this case, the Leeson effect is completely hidden. We can only do the academic exercise of
guessing Q from the technology, or from other sources of information, calculating fL , and identifying the 1/f 3 part
of the “oscillator loop” plot of Figure 2-61D.
Example 18 Rakon HSO 14 OCXO, 5 MHz. This oscillator is intended for space and scientific applications
that require ultimate stability, for example, the VCO to be locked to the 1.42 GHz atomic transition in a Hydrogen
maser. The phase noise spectrum is shown on Figure 2-64. By inspection on the plot, we estimate
The thick and irregular spectrum between 3 and 10 Hz may indicate that the correlation instrument has still not
reached the final value, thus the true b−1 may be lower than indicated.
First, we calculate P0 using F = 1 dB, thus FkT = 6.2 × 10−21 W/Hz at the oven temperature of 350 K (75–80 ∘ C).
FkT 6.2 × 10−21
P0 = = = 33 μW
b0 16 × 10−16
This is quite a plausible value for this type of oscillator, which is optimized for stability rather than for low phase
noise floor. The oscillator inside is not known. However, we believe that the trick of the Rohde oscillator is not
implemented, first because it is not necessary for the target applications of this oscillator, and second because even
the lowest instability introduced by the virtual ground would be detrimental to the stability at the ultimate level
[ Assuming
] that the sustaining amplifier contributes 1/4 of the oscillator flicker b−1 = 8 × 10−15 rad2 , we get
b−1 SA = 2 × 10−15 rad2 .
[ ]
By inspection on the plot, the flicker of frequency b−3 ∕f 3 crosses the sustaining amplifier flicker b−1 SA ∕f at
f ′ = 6 Hz. If we interpret this as the Leeson frequency, we find a quality factor Q ′ = f0 /2f ′ = 8.9 × 105 . This seems
too low for this class of oscillator. So, let us stick on the thumb rule f0 Q ≃ 1013 , thus Q = 2 × 106 .
L(ƒ) (dBc/Hz) Rakon HSO 14 OCXO, 5 MHz
[b–3]osc = 6.3 × 10–14
σy = 5.9 × 10–14
× 10 –1
[b– ]
1 o
[b– ]
–150.0 1 S
A = 2×
10 –15
[b0]osc = 1.6 × 10–16
ƒ (Hz)
10–1 100 101 102 103 104 105
Q = 2 × 106 => ƒL = 1.25 Hz
Figure 2-64 Phase noise spectrum of the Rakon HSO 14 OCXO measured with a Microsemi 5120A test set. The spectrum is
© 2019 Rakon France SAS, courtesy of Patrice Canzian and Vincent Candelier. Graphical adaptation and comments are ours.
Unlike in the previous examples, white and flicker PM (the 1∕𝜏 𝜏 and 1/𝜏 terms) provide useful information
because the corners where white PM crosses flicker PM and where flicker PM crosses flicker FM, are of 8.9 and
106 ms, respectively, which is still in the range of practical measurements. Random walk, temperature fluctuations,
and frequency drift are not visible on Figure 2-64. Such phenomena will inevitably show up, however, only for
𝜏 > 10 s, which is the reciprocal of the lowest frequency (0.1 Hz) available on the phase noise plot.
Given the applications this oscillator is intended for, rather specialized in the long-term performances, the Allan
deviation is preferred to the modified Allan deviation. Setting fH = 5 Hz, we find
9.6 × 10−15
𝜎y (𝜏) = + 5.9 × 10−14
We have already seen that the measurement of SSB noise referred to the carrier power has been abandoned long
time ago, replaced with the direct measurement of the phase fluctuations versus an appropriate reference. Some
general-purpose spectrum analyzers include the dedicated hardware that enables the measurement of the phase
noise associated to an input signal. However, these instruments are limited by the stability and by the noise of their
internal oscillator and synthesizer, and they are usable only for the measurement of some rather noisy oscillators.
Instead, dedicated instruments are the right choice.
Three basic ingredients are needed for the measurement of phase noise:
• Phase reference
• Phase detector
• Signal processing unit based on FFT and averaging.
The phase reference is an oscillator or a synthesizer, which provides a suitably pure signal. The phase detec-
tor converts the phase difference, input versus reference, into a voltage or other signal. The DBM—or diode
ring—saturated at both inputs is in most cases the preferred phase detector because of its low background noise.
Digital detectors, like the XOR gate and the PFD, are not suitable to general test equipment, mainly because of
their background noise. All these detectors require that the phase reference is at the same frequency of the input
signal. The DBM is not the only option for the phase detector. Other types of instruments are found, based on direct
digitization of the input signal, and on software defined radio (SDR) techniques. These digital techniques are more
flexible, overcome some of the problems of the saturated mixer, and enable to compare the phase of two signals
that are not at the same frequency. However, the noise of the ADCs is the major problem of such instruments.
Most modern instruments make use of two separate and equal channels that measure simultaneously the input
signal. The background noise is rejected thanks to an appropriate correlation-and-averaging algorithm which
relies on the hypothesis that the two channels are statistically independent. The use of correlation relaxes the noise
specifications for the reference oscillator and for the phase detector, at the cost of longer measurement time. The
measurement of noise below the background noise of a single channel is possible. As a consequence, correlation
and averaging allow the use of a synthesizer as the reference in each channel, which is generally noisier than a
dedicated low-noise oscillator. Without synthesizers, a specific low-noise reference oscillator is necessary for each
frequency of interest.
In this section, we will learn about this type of equipment, principles, background noise and other limitations,
and some tricks useful to extend the range of application.
The basic measurement scheme, shown on Figure 2-65, is straightforward. Unlike the regular use of the mixer, the
local oscillator (LO) and RF signals are synchronous (fLO = fRF = f0 ), close to the quadrature, and large enough to
saturate the input. In this condition, the difference fLO − fRF degenerates to a dc signal sensitive to the phase 𝜃
V = K𝜃 𝜃 (2-164)
The sum fLO + fRF falls at 2f0 , which is filtered out. The value of K𝜃 can be up to 0.3–0.7 V/rad in favorable conditions
(Figure 2-66). A low-noise amplifier (LNA) is needed at the mixer output to raise the small signal to a level suitable
to the FFT analyzer.
For an introduction the DBM, the reader can refer to the author’s earlier work [80], to an old but good white
paper from Watkins Johnson [81], and to the classic Maas book [82].
cos(ω0t + θ)
FFT analyzer
RF Cut 2ω0
V = Kθ θ
Figure 2-65 Basic phase noise measurement. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
Output voltage (V)
Phase difference
Figure 2-66 Phase-to-voltage conversion of a double-balanced mixer saturated at 15–20 dBm power at each input, plotted for
different values of the load resistance. Reproduced with permission from [80].
LO in RF in
IF out
Figure 2-67 Double-balanced mixer. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
The mixer is implemented with a diode ring and baluns, similar to the circuit shown on Figure 2-67. How-
ever, the actual implementation may be more complex. Baluns are present at both RF and LO input to match the
unbalanced-mode input to the diode ring, which is balanced. Two types of balun are often found. At microwaves
frequencies, multi-section microstrip lines are preferred, providing a typical bandwidth is of 1–3 octaves. Wider
bandwidth comes at the cost of larger physical size and higher loss. The HF-UHF implementation is based on
iron powder transformers that exhibit a bandwidth of up to three decades. A wider bandwidth, up to four decades,
is achieved with a smart transformer, where twisted pairs are wound on an iron powder core shaped in toroidal
form or in binocular form. Primary and secondary windings are coupled magnetically lower frequencies, while
capacitive or electromagnetic-line coupling takes over at high frequencies. The boundary between RF-type and
microwave-type implementation is in the region of 3 GHz, depending on design and manufacturing choices.
The Schottky diodes are preferred because of low threshold and fast switching time. High-level mixers, up
to 200 mW (+23 dBm) or more input power, are convenient because of the higher value of K𝜃 , and in turn the
lower background noise. These mixers differ from Figure 2-67 in the use of 2–3 diodes in series in each arm of
the ring. In each arm, an appropriate network distributes power and reverse bias equally between the diodes. By
contrast, the double-DBM (sometimes called triple balanced mixer) cannot be used as a phase detector because the
IF output cannot be dc coupled. Special mixers intended as phase detectors achieve higher gain by increasing the
IF impedance to 500 Ω typical.
Proper switching operation requires that the IF output current can circulate at both dc and 2f0 . The problem
arises in wideband mixers, where the circulation of the 2f0 current has to be ensured by the load at the IF output,
the reason being that the upper IF frequency falls in the LO/RF frequency range. In such cases, the low-pass filter
must have resistive or capacitive input impedance, not inductive impedance.
It has been reported that a series resonator at the IF output, tuned at 2f0 , is useful in that it maximizes the IF
current at 2f0 , and increases K𝜃 . Of course, this trick is reserved to special cases, where the experimentalist is
interested in a single value of f0 , or at most in a small set of frequencies, and has full access to the system inside.
The DBM is an appealing choice for a phase detector because of the low background noise, the wide range of
operating frequency, and the overall simplicity of the system. Most general-purpose DBMs are suitable as phase
detectors. In the absence of specific information, one can assume that best power is 3 dB above the nominal LO
power, and that the same power should be used for the LO input and for the RF input. One can also assume that
phase-detector bandwidth is 3/4 of the nominal bandwidth.
The narrow power range, typical of the DBM, can be annoying. The problem is that the input power must be
sufficient to saturate the mixer, but smaller than the absolute maximum rating level, with a safe margin. Unfortu-
nately, the gap between nominal and maximum power is not comfortable and leaves approximately ±5 dB around
a nominal power of 10–15 dBm. At lower power, the background noise increases. Further decreasing the power,
K𝜃 drops abruptly and the mixer is no longer usable.
The mixer inputs, strongly saturated, have highly nonlinear behavior and the input impedance changes with
frequency. Strong odd harmonics of the carrier frequency are reflected back, combining in rather unpredictable
way depending on cable length. For this reason, it is a good practice to introduce a 3-dB attenuator as close as
possible to the mixer inputs.
The basic scheme for the measurement of the PM noise of oscillators is shown on Figure 2-68. Taking the error
voltage V as the output of the mixer, the PLL is used as a high-pass filter. So, beyond a cutoff frequency fHP , the
error signal is asymptotically equal to V = K𝜃 (𝜃 DUT − 𝜃 REF ). Below the cutoff, the error signal is small, but the
phase noise can still be calculated using the equation of the PLL. It is useful to bring the reference oscillator as
close as possible to the device under test (DUT) frequency by adjusting the dc offset, so that the detector and the
control work close to 0 V. In this condition K𝜃 is the highest, and the measurement starts with the instrument in the
middle of the dynamic range.
In production and in industrial applications, it is generally possible to rely on a reference oscillator whose PM
noise can be neglected, being LREF ( f ) ≪ LDUT ( f ) with a sufficient margin.
In rare cases, we may have to test special low-noise oscillators, where no lower-noise reference is available. As
a first approximation, we can measure two equal oscillators, so that the noise of each is half (−3 dB) of the result
displayed by the test set. Dropping the hypothesis that the two oscillators are equal, the reliable measurement of a
single oscillator with the scheme of Figure 2-68 is a complex and time-consuming task because we need to compare
all the possible pairs in a set of at least three similar oscillators and to solve for the noise of each. However, the
cross-spectrum method provides a simple and practical solution, discussed later in this chapter.
Notice that in Figure 2-68 we have kept the reference oscillator outside the test set. This is often necessary
in a general-purpose instrument because a low-noise reference is needed, at the same frequency of the oscillator
under test. Neither a wideband VCO nor a synthesizer would feature the low noise needed to measure high purity
oscillators. Introducing a synthesizer for flexible operation requires the dual-channel scheme, which we will study
The PLL error function E(s) = 𝜃 e (s)/𝜃 i (s) is given by
E(s) = 1 − B(s) = (2-165)
1 + G(s) H (s)
Including the gain of the LNA in K𝜃 , the closed-loop error voltage K𝜃 E(s) is described by the transfer function
V (s)
T (s) = = K𝜃 [1 − B(s)] (2-166)
𝜃 (s)
V = Kθ θ
FFT analyzer
Figure 2-68 Phase noise measurement of an oscillator using the error signal of a PLL.
For the simplest loop, where G(s)H(s) = K𝜃 Ko /s, the function T(s) is a first order (single pole) high pass filter
K𝜃 s
T (s) = (2-167)
s + K𝜃 Ko
or equivalently
|T ( f )|2 = K𝜃2 2
f 2 + fHP
fHP = K K (2-169)
2𝜋 𝜃 o
In commercial test sets, fHP is generally chosen by an internal algorithm, and only advanced users can take
control on it. However, the implications of fHP deserve attention. Naively, one may be inclined to set fHP at a value
lower than the lowest analysis frequency. For example, being interested in L( f ) from 10 Hz to 100 kHz, we would
choose fHP = 1 … 2 Hz, so that |T ( f )|2 = K𝜃2 (constant) in the full span. However, a tighter loop is a better choice,
with fHP set approximately at the corner between the 1/f 2 noise, or the 1/f 3 noise, and the white region (Figure 2-69).
The instrument measures Sv ( f ), that is, the PSD of v, and calculates L( f ) as
1 Sv ( f )
L( f ) =
2 |T ( f )|2
Of course, this relies on the accurate measurement of |T( f )|2 in actual conditions, which can be accomplished by
modulating the VCO signal. A first advantage of this approach is the reduced burden for the FFT’s dynamic range.
This is quite obvious from Figure 2-69. The oscillator S𝜃 ( f ) has a wide dynamic range (plot A) because of the 1/f 3
and 1/f 4 behavior. By contrast, V requires a comparatively smaller dynamic range because its spectrum (plot B)
4 (A) Oscillator Sθ
(B) Sv
Figure 2-69 Tight PLL for the phase noise measurement of oscillators. An arbitrary constant is added to the plots for better
readability of the plot.
contains at most 1/f 2 components at low frequency. A second and more subtle advantage is that the tighter lock
overrides some uncontrolled effects of electromagnetic interferences and in turn provides more reliable results.
Electromagnetic interference is sometimes a source of erratic or wrong results, difficult to identify and fix.
RF/microwave leakage is to some extent inevitable, due to connectors, coaxial cables, power lines, grounding,
insufficient shielding, etc. The problem arises from the fact that the reference oscillator and the oscillator under
test are at the same frequency. The power leaking from one oscillator builds up as a significant energy in the second
oscillator, after integration over the relaxation time of the internal resonator. The resonator’s relaxation time may
be unexpectedly long, up to hundreds of milliseconds in the case of high stability 5–10 MHz OCXOs. Of course,
reciprocity makes the stray coupling bidirectional. Leakage may injection-lock the two oscillators to one another
or corrupt the transfer function T(s) if coupling is insufficient for locking. Interestingly, injection locking is a phase
sensitive phenomenon. With the same amount of power leakage, the oscillator may lock or not, depending on
the electrical length of the path. Should a phase noise spectrum be suspected of being corrupted by leakage, the
following tests are recommended:
• Opening the loop when the two oscillators are set as close as possible to the same frequency, they phase lock
to one another.
• In open loop condition as earlier, the beat note is not sinusoidal. Instead, it slows down or almost stops when
certain phase relationships are met. In this case, it is likely that the two oscillators try periodically to lock
to one another when the phase relationships are favorable, but coupling is insufficient and injection locking
• In the 1/f 3 or 1/f 4 region of S𝜃 ( f ), the slope tends to decrease or get flat toward low frequencies instead of
getting steeper.
• Changing the length of critical cables affects the low-frequency region S𝜃 ( f ). The critical cables are those
connecting the oscillator under test to the mixer, or the reference oscillator to the mixer.
• The shape of S𝜃 ( f ) changes after introducing a common mode filter—a ferrite ring or clamp—along a cable,
RF output, VCO input, or power supply.
If any of the previous symptoms show up, the experimentalist should be aware that the phase noise measurement
is unreliable. Investigate on the transfer function T(s) is recommended.
Recalling the scheme of Figure 2-68, we identify the following contributions to the instrument background noise:
• Mixer
• LNA between mixer and FFT analyzer
• Reference oscillator
• The dc reference, providing the tuning voltage
• Pollution from AM noise (CF section “The Effect of AM Noise”)
Let us start with the mixer and the LNA. They must be analyzed together. The typical background noise is shown
on Figure 2-70 and discussed in the following text. Lowest noise operation requires high driving power, at least
+10 dBm. The mixer adds little white PM noise because its noise factor is of some dB [83], but it has a low gain K𝜃 .
The consequence is that the white noise floor is set by the LNA after the mixer. The reader can refer to [84] for the
design of LNAs specifically intended for the lowest background noise in this type of applications. Unfortunately,
we do not have analytical expressions for K𝜃 and for the mixer noise factor. The flicker noise is an experimental
parameter, for both the mixer and the amplifier. We see on Figure 2-70 that the total noise is significantly higher
than the noise of a good amplifier divided by the mixer gain. The following examples show typical values of white
and flicker PM noise, and their origin.
Figure 2-70 Typical background noise of a mixer, including the low-noise amplifier that follows. Reprinted from [1], CC BY
Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
Example 19 Mixer and LNA white noise. Let us calculate the white PM noise background assuming that √ the
mixer has K𝜃 = 500 mV/rad driven at 40 mW (+16 dBm), and that the white noise of the LNA is en = 1.25 nV∕ Hz,
including the 50 Ω input load.
We first convert en into Sv ( f ) = e2n = 1.56 × 10−18 V2 ∕Hz, that is, −178 dB V2 /Hz. Going backward to the
input, the background noise is
( )
S𝜃 ( f ) = Sv ( f ) ∕K𝜃2 = 6.25 × 10−18 rad2 ∕Hz −172 dB rad2 ∕Hz
In this example, it takes a noise factor of 18 dB for the mixer noise to match the noise of the amplifier. Choosing
different components and parameters, the result does not change significantly. For example, the highest K𝜃 found
in a commercial instrument is of 1 V/rad, which requires +20 dBm input power. √
Notice that the value of√en of this example is quite optimistic because it includes the thermal noise 4kTR of
the input resistor, 0.9 nV∕ Hz with R = 50 Ω at room temperature. ◼
Example 20 Mixer and LNA flicker noise. We use the mixer of the previous example, K𝜃 = 500 mV/rad, and
the LNA designed for PM noise applications [84], which exhibits 1.6 nV flicker (−176 dB V2 ). Referring this value
to the input, we find
( ) ( )
S𝜃 ( f ) = Sv ( f ) ∕K𝜃2 = 2.5 × 10−18 ∕f ∕0.52 = 10−17 ∕f rad2 −170 dB rad2
This is 30 dB lower than the overall noise shown on Figure 2-70, which refers to the HF-UHF mixers. Such margin
may be reduced by 10 dB with better mixers, if any, and with a not-as-good amplifier. Anyway, the result yields
safely to the conclusion that the background noise is chiefly originated in the mixer. ◼
At low frequencies, the dominant phase noise in oscillators is 1/f 2 , 1/f 3 , and higher slope types, while mixer
and low-noise dc amplifier have only white and 1/f noise. In this region, the phase noise of the reference oscillator
is generally the most severe limitation to the measurement.
It is often necessary to provide a dc voltage at the VCO input to bring the oscillator at the nominal frequency,
as in Figure 2-68. The voltage noise of this source turns into FM noise at the oscillator output. Thus, white and
flicker noise show up as white and flicker FM noise, whose slope is 1/f 2 and 1/f 3 on the phase noise spectrum. In
principle, the contribution of the dc source should be made smaller than the oscillator noise. This is not always
possible, chiefly in the case of oscillators having low phase noise and high voltage-to-frequency gain. By contrast,
the control provides only the small correction needed to keep the oscillator locked during the measurement. For
this reason, in a good design the fluctuations coming from the control fall below other noise contributions. Having
seen unexpected experimental mistakes, we strongly recommend at least a quick check on the noise sent to the
VCO input.
The FFT analyzer is preceded by an LNA. Thus, an appropriate choice of the amplifier and of its gain makes
the noise of the analyzer negligible. That said, the noise of the analyzer deserves more attention in earlier FFT
analyzers, where the low-frequency decades were obtained by reducing the sampling frequency of the converter.
The problem comes from the quantization noise, whose variance is 𝜎 2 = VLSB 2
∕12. The Parseval identity states that
𝜎 2 = Sv ( f )fs /2, where Sv ( f ) is the white noise floor, and fs /2 is the bandwidth of the quantization noise, equal to half
the sampling frequency fs . Thus, the quantization noise is Sv ( f ) = VLSB ∕6fs . On the FFT analyzer, this is seen as a
staircase-shaped noise floor, increasing steadily toward the low-frequency decades, where the sampling frequency
is progressively lower. The problem is solved in modern analyzers. The input ADC runs always at full speed, and
the lower sampling rate is obtained by data decimation after digital low-pass filtering.
The mixer is unsuitable to low power signals because K𝜃 decreases. This impacts strongly on the white noise floor,
and flicker PM noise tends to increase at low power. Below a threshold power, K𝜃 drops suddenly, and the mixer is
no longer usable. However, asymmetric power driving is possible, with the LO input saturated, and the RF input in
the linear regime, say, at a power 10 dB lower than the LO nominal power, or even less. This may be convenient for
the measurement of oscillators and of two-port components, when only the reference signal has a power sufficient
to saturate the mixer.
In the asymmetric power driving, the mixer works as a synchronous detector. This mode is broadly similar to the
regular “superheterodyne receiver,” differing in that LO and RF frequency is the same, thus |fLO − fRF | degenerates
to dc. The LO signal is
( )
VLO (t) = Vsat sin 𝜔0 t (2-170)
where the peak voltage Vsat results from saturation. Using the approximation cos 𝜃 ≃ 1 and sin 𝜃 ≃ 𝜃 for small 𝜃,
the RF signal VRF (t) = V0 cos(𝜔0 t + 𝜃) becomes
( ) ( )
VRF (t) = V0 cos 𝜔0 t − 𝜃V0 sin 𝜔0 t (2-171)
V = V0 A𝜃 (2-172)
where A is the mixer loss written as a “gain.” For example, a loss of 6 dB translates into A = 0.5 because
10−6/20 = 0.5. From the definition of the phase-to-voltage gain K𝜃 = V/𝜃, we find
K 𝜃 = V0 A (2-173)
Example 21 We use a mixer that has a loss of 8 dB (A = 0.4) when the LO port is saturated at +18 dBm
(Vsat = 2.5 V across 50 Ω load). Sending a −12 dBm signal (V0 = 80 mV across 50 Ω load) to the RF port, in
quadrature with the LO signal, the phase-to-voltage gain is K𝜃 = 32 mV/rad. ◼
The heterodyne method (Figure 2-71) is a good option to extend the range of a phase noise test set to higher
frequencies by exploiting a low-frequency beat at fb = ∣ fi − fr ∣, with fb ≪ fi , and also fb ≪ fr . In a typical case, we
compare two microwave oscillators by bringing the beat down to the HF region. Of course, a suitable reference
oscillator must be available, and some auxiliary pieces of hardware. In open-loop conditions, the phase fluctuation
of the beat note is
𝜃b = 𝜃i − 𝜃r (2-174)
Interestingly, the scheme of Figure 2-71 takes benefit from a leverage effect, which relaxes the frequency-
stability specification for the VCO and for the synthesizer by a factor of fb /fi . This leverage effect is a direct
consequence of the fact that the beat mechanism stretches the time associated to a unit of phase (radian) by the
factor fi /fb . This is particularly useful in the 1/f 2 , 1/f 3 and steeper regions of L( f ). For the purpose of extending the
frequency range, the heterodyne scheme is preferred to a frequency divider because of the lower background noise.
ƒi General-purpose PM noise test set
FFT analyzer
RF ƒb
General-purpose PM noise test set
FFT analyzer
RF ƒb
ƒr LO LO
REF Synthesizer
Figure 2-71 Heterodyne (beat) method for the phase noise measurement of oscillators with a single VCO (A), and with an auxiliary
VCO (B). Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation. ER Slideshows, public domain material.
In the scheme of Figure 2-71A, the reference oscillator also drives the synthesizer. This may be imprac-
tical because commercial synthesizers accept only some round values of the reference frequency, typically
5–10–100 MHz. An alternate scheme is possible, shown in Figure 2-71B. In this case, the main reference oscillator
is free running, with no control, and the auxiliary reference is phase-locked to the beat note fb = ∣ fi − fr ∣. The
hardware is clearly simpler than on Figure 2-71A, and the benefit of the leverage effect is the same. Besides the
microwave practice, Figure 2-71B solves some difficult problems of PM noise measurements, beyond the scope
of this book. For example, the metal-semiconductor (Schottky) diode can be used to down convert from the THz
region to HF or VHF. Similarly, the fast PIN InGaAs photodetector is routinely used in metrology labs to beat
1550-nm telecom lasers down to microwaves.
In the case of two-port components, we opt for the differential measurement scheme shown in Figure 2-72. Once
the quadrature condition is set, the mixer delivers a voltage proportional to the instantaneous phase fluctuation of
the DUT. The oscillator PM noise is common mode, thus it is rejected. In spite of this, practical measurements
are way more difficult than Figure 2-72 lets us believe. The PLL scheme (Figure 2-68) is simple to use, to the
extent that the quadrature condition is set automatically and precisely by the feedback. By contrast, in Figure 2-72
the quadrature condition relies on an adjustable phase shifter manually set by the operator. The reference arm is
the preferred location for this phase shifter because it is independent of the DUT. A tuning range of 180∘ , with a
comfortable margin, is sufficient because any of the two quadrature points at ±90∘ can be used, with equivalent
results. Different types of phase shifters can be used, depending on frequency. Mechanical phase shifters (U-shaped
line stretchers) are appealing for their low noise, fine tuning capability, and wide frequency range. One of us (ER)
has used extensively the phase shifters manufactured by ARRA for research applications. A problem with the
line stretchers is the small delay range, related to the physical size. For reference, a range of 1 ns is equivalent to
30 cm change in the electrical length, thus of approximately 25 cm physical excursion. Of course, the range can be
extended with a set of electrical cables of known length, but the operation is tedious and time consuming. A 90∘
directional coupler terminated to varactors at two ports is an excellent phase shifter, provided the noise of such
varactors is low enough compared with the DUT. The frequency range is limited by the 90∘ coupler. For lower
noise, the varactors can be replaced with variable capacitors, but in this case the adjustment is difficult and time
consuming. A classic solution suitable to HF-VHF (Figure 2-73) is found in an article by Phillips [85].
In summary, experience suggests that it is almost impossible to combine the suitable range of phase with a wide
range of frequency. The reason is that electronics gives wideband control on delay, or narrowband control on phase.
The fact that delay and phase are related does not really help to get the >180∘ excursion we need.
The measurement of two-port components challenges the background noise of the instrument. This happens
because these components often exhibit very low noise and because the noise processes are of the same type of
those of the instrument, that is, white and flicker PM. For example, the flicker PM noise of an RF amplifier may be
of the same order of that of a DBM. The background noise is discussed in section “Background Noise, Spurs, and
Other Experimental Issues”.
The measurement of amplifiers is always tricky because it is necessary to match both input power and output
power to the instrument. A problem is that the mixer has a narrow power range. Another problem is that white
3 dB
cpl DUT
FFT analyzer
90° adjust
Figure 2-72 Phase noise measurement of a two-port component. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola.
3 dB
cpl DUT
FFT analyzer
Figure 2-74 Phase noise measurement of frequency dividers and multipliers, and other devices whose output frequency is not
equal to the input frequency. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola.
phase noise increases at low input power. In practice, it is often necessary to introduce appropriate attenuators at
both input and output of the amplifier, whose attenuation must be determined for each case.
Finally, frequency multipliers, dividers, and synthesizers are a special case because they deliver an output fre-
quency that is not equal to the input frequency. The scheme of Figure 2-74 solves the problem by using two equal
DUTs, so that the mixer receives the same frequency at the two inputs. Of course, this method gives the total noise
of the two DUTs, with no means to divide the noise contribution of each. We rely on the assumption that the phase
noise of the two DUTs is the same, and we take away 3 dB for the phase noise of one. This method may also be
useful in other cases, for example, in LNAs, where the enhanced sensitivity due to the presence of two DUTs helps
to get out of the background noise.
Figure 2-75 shows a method to measure the PM noise of an oscillator using a delay line as the frequency reference,
so that the signal at the mixer output is K𝜃 [𝜃(t) − 𝜃(t − 𝜏)]. The measurement is possible because the delay line
de-correlates the phase noise, under some conditions. This method is useful for fast phenomena, not for random
walk and drift. The dynamic range is limited by the amount of delay that can be introduced without excessive
attenuation and by the background noise of the mixer and of the following circuits. Lance et al. [86] used coaxial
cables, enhancing the sensitivity with the cross-spectrum method discussed later in Chapter 7. For long delay, up
to 10–20 μs, the optical fiber proved to be an efficient solution [87] because of the extremely low attenuation,
0.2 dB/km, or 0.04 dB/μs delay. The delay at microwave frequency is obtained by modulating and detecting the
intensity of a laser beam. Improved sensitivity is achieved with the cross-spectrum method, using two statistically
independent instruments, which measure simultaneously the same oscillator [88, 89].
The response of the system is defined as
| V ( f ) |2
|T ( f )|2 = || |
| (2-176)
| Θ( f ) |
3 dB
cpl delay τ
90° adjust
– V(s)
Figure 2-75 (A) Phase noise measurement of an oscillator using a delay line as the reference. (B) The phase-noise equivalent
circuit. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
where V( f ) and Θ( f ) are the Fourier transform of the output voltage, and of the oscillator random phase. This
transfer function is easy to derive analytically using the phase step method that we have seen in section “The
Resonator and Its Impulse Response” with the response of the resonator. We use the Laplace transforms V(s) and
Θ(s), where s = 𝜎 + j𝜔 is the complex variable. By inspection on Figure 2-75, the line delays the phase perturbation
and the impulse of phase by the same amount 𝜏. The output voltage is
and finally
|T ( f )|2 = 4K𝜃2 sin2 (2𝜋f 𝜏) (2-178)
1 1
L( f ) = S (f) (2-179)
2 4K 2 sin2 (2𝜋f 𝜏) v
3 dB
FFT analyzer
3 dB
FFT analyzer
s + 1/τ
Figure 2-76 Phase noise measurement of an oscillator using a resonator as the reference (A). The roles can be inverted (B), using
the oscillator as the reference for the measurement of a resonator. In this case, it is convenient to use two equal DUTs. (C) We
see the phase-noise equivalent circuit of the first scheme. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
In the second scheme the roles are interchanged, and the resonator is the device under test. In this case, it is
convenient to use two equal DUTs having the same resonant frequency and the same Q because in this case the
noise of the reference oscillator is rejected.
The third scheme, on the bottom of Figure 2-76, is the phase-noise equivalent circuit used to measure the
input oscillator versus the reference resonator. We use this scheme to derive the frequency transfer function
|T( f )|2 assuming that the resonator natural frequency fn is equal to the carrier frequency f0 . We follow the same
methods just used for the delay line, but the resonator’s phase response is B(s) = (1/𝜏)/(s + 1/𝜏), as seen in section
“The Resonator and Its Impulse Response”. There follows that
[ ]
1∕𝜏 s
T (s) = K𝜃 1 − = K𝜃 (2-180)
s + 1∕𝜏 s + 1∕𝜏
|T ( f )|2 = K𝜃2 (2-181)
f2 +
4𝜋 2 𝜏 2
Using the quality factor Q and the natural frequency fn = f0 of the resonator, the transfer function is better
rewritten as
|T ( f )|2 = K𝜃2 (2-182)
f2 + n2
Finally, the oscillator phase noise is
2 2
( 2)
1 1 f + fn ∕ 4Q
S𝜃 ( f ) = S (f) = 2 Sv ( f ) (2-183)
|T ( f )|2 v K𝜃 f2
At f → 0, the response of the instrument is poor, and dominated by the background noise. However, the measurement
does not suffer from the infinite series of singularities as in the case of the delay line. The resonator has its minimum
loss at fn = f0 . This enables to pump correctly the mixer at the two inputs.
The scheme of the dual-channel measurement, shown on Figure 2-77, consists of two equal branches that measure
the same oscillator using the PLL method. The main point is that the noise of the reference oscillators, of the
mixers, and of the LNAs can be rejected using correlation and averaging. This is possible because the devices
are physically separate, thus we can assume that their noise processes are statistically independent. By contrast,
the DUT is common to the two branches, thus it is fully correlated, and captured by the statistical process.
The cross-PSD relates to the Fourier transform of the correlation function. Thus, averaging
√ on m measures of
S𝜃 ( f ), the single-channel background noise is rejected by a factor of approximately 1∕ m. It is therefore possible
to measure a phase noise S𝜃 ( f ) lower than the background noise of a single branch.
Figure 2-78 shows what happens during the measurement process. The DUT noise (C) is lower than the back-
ground noise in single-channel mode (A), thus the measurement is possible only after rejecting the background. The
instrument displays the cross PSD averaged no m acquisitions.√ The cross PSD starts from the single-channel back-
ground (A) and is progressively reduced proportionally to 1∕ m. With small m, the single-channel background
is not sufficiently rejected, and the instrument displays the plot (B). When m is large enough, the single-channel
background is well rejected (D), and the instrument displays the DUT noise (C).
REF Synthesizer LNA
x = Kθ (θ – φ)
Dual-channel FFT
DUT cpl 3 dB
RF y = Kθ (θ – ψ)
REF Synthesizer LNA
Figure 2-77 Dual-channel phase-noise measurement system. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted to our notation.
Figure 2-78 Rejection of the background noise in the dual-channel phase noise measurement.
In this version of the PLL method, we have introduced a synthesizer between the reference oscillator and the
phase detector. The obvious benefit is that the system is flexible and suitable to a wide range of frequencies, with-
out need of a separate reference oscillator for each frequency of interest. The higher noise of the synthesizer, as
compared with an oscillator, can be tolerated, thanks to the noise rejection of the dual-channel scheme. Figure 2-79
shows a simpler version of the dual-channel system. It differs from the previous version in that there is only one
reference oscillator, driving both the synthesizers. The trick is that each synthesizer has an internal frequency refer-
ence, locked to the main reference. The appropriate cutoff frequency inside such synthesizers may be of the order of
0.1–1 Hz, depending on the interplay between the stability and phase noise spectra of the internal and external ref-
erences. Thus, for f beyond the cutoff, the two synthesizers are statistically independent, and their noise is rejected.
Below the cutoff, the entire measurement relies on the stability and on the spectral purity of the main reference.
After the heuristic reasoning, we explain the mathematics underneath the rejection of the single-channel noise.
A more detailed treatise of the cross-spectrum is available in [90].
Synthesizer LNA
Dual-channel FFT
cpl 3 dB
Synthesizer LNA
Figure 2-79 Alternate dual-channel phase-noise measurement system. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola.
With reference to Figure 2-77, the two signals at the input of the FFT analyzer are
where the gain K𝜃 is the same for the two channels and includes the trivial gain of the LNAs. The random phases 𝜑(t)
and 𝜓(t) account for the noise of the references, the mixers, and the LNAs. Accordingly, 𝜃(t) is the random phase
of the oscillator under test, with no additional terms. It is sound to assume that 𝜃(t), 𝜑(t), and 𝜓(t) are statistically
independent because they come from separate hardware. Only 𝜃(t) appears in both x(t) and y(t).
As usual, we denote the Fourier transform with the uppercase letters
Syx ( f ) = Y ( f ) X∗ ( f ) (2-188)
where T is the measurement time, the superscript “*” stands for complex conjugate, and the factor “2” fixes the
scale factor from the two-sided Fourier transform into to the one-sided PSD. Using a lighter notation where the
frequency is implied, the aforementioned formula is expanded as
2( ∗ )
Syx = K𝜃2 ΘΘ − ΘΦ∗ − ΨΘ∗ + ΨΦ∗ (2-189)
The dual-channel FFT analyzer measures the cross-spectrum ⟨Syx ( f )⟩m averaged on m data records of x(t) and y(t)
acquired simultaneously
⟨ ⟩ [ ]
Syx m
= K𝜃2 ⟨ΘΘ∗ ⟩m − ⟨ΘΦ∗ ⟩m − ⟨ΨΘ∗ ⟩m + ⟨ΨΦ∗ ⟩m (2-190)
A rather intuitive theorem states that if two random variables are statistically independent in the time domain,
their Fourier transforms are also statistically independent. Thus, we expect that ⟨ΘΦ* ⟩m → 0, ⟨ΨΘ* ⟩m → 0, and
⟨ΨΦ* ⟩m → 0 for large m. Consequently
⟨ ⟩ 2 ⟨ ⟩
Syx m
= K𝜃2 ⟨ΘΘ∗ ⟩m = K𝜃2 S𝜃 m (2-191)
The process takes a time mT, not counting the computing time.
It is useful to write the instrument readout as the estimation, denoted with the “hat” accent
1 ⟨ ⟩
Ŝ𝜃 ( f ) = 2 Syx ( f ) m (2-192)
The estimation is a powerful concept because the simple average is not the one and only option, and we can consider
other estimators.
The aforementioned reasoning gives account for the most interesting feature of the cross-spectrum method,
which is the possibility to measure S𝜃 ( f ) below the limit set by the single-channel background noise. However, it
takes infinite averaging for (2-192) to fully eliminate the background. For finite m, the terms ⟨ΘΦ* ⟩m , ⟨ΨΘ* ⟩m , and
⟨ΨΦ* ⟩m , are not completely averaged out, and set the measurement limit.
It is worth mentioning that S𝜃 ( f ) is a real and positive quantity because ΘΘ* is obviously real and positive. By
contrast, the Fourier transform is a complex quantity, thus ΘΦ* , ΨΘ* , and ΨΦ* are complex, and consequently
(2-192) is complex. In the mixed terms ΘΦ* , ΨΘ* , and ΨΦ* , the background noise is equally split between real
part and imaginary part. Therefore, (2-192) can be replaced with
⟨ { }⟩
Ŝ𝜃 ( f ) = 2 ℜ Syx ( f ) (2-193)
K𝜃 m
This results in higher sensitivity because the unnecessary part of the background noise is removed, at no cost in
terms of hardware and computation complexity. It can be proved that (2-193) is the optimum estimator for white
noise, that is, the estimator that converges to S𝜃 ( f ) with the lowest m, or equivalently in the shortest measurement
time. Assuming that the background noise is the same for the two channels, Sone-ch ( f ) = S𝜑 ( f ) = S𝜓 ( f ), the averaging
limit is
Sone-ch ( f )
S𝜃 ( f ) = √ averaging limit (2-194)
A problem with the estimator (2-193) is that negative values are incompatible with the logarithmic scale
(dB rad2 /Hz). The problem is explained on Figure 2-80, which shows the probability density function (PDF) of
Ŝ𝜃 ( f ) at a single frequency, that is, one bin of the FFT, for different values of m. The PDF is quite large at low
m, where the single-channel background noise is dominant. Being the background noise dominant at small m, a
significant amount of negative outcomes occur. Increasing m, the PDF shrinks and converges to the final value of
S𝜃 ( f ), and the negative occurrences get progressively rare.
Most commercial instruments use the estimator
1 |⟨ ⟩ |
Ŝ𝜃 ( f ) = 2 | Syx ( f ) m | (2-195)
K𝜃 | |
instead of (2-193). This guarantees that all values are positive, and suitable to the logarithmic scale. In this case,
the averaging limit is given by
Sone-ch ( f )
S𝜃 ( f ) = √ averaging limit (2-196)
PDF of
Large m
Negative outcomes
Small m
( )
̂ ( f ) = 1∕K 2 ⟨ℜ{S ( f )}⟩ at a single frequency f, that is, one bin of the FFT.
Figure 2-80 Probability density function (PDF) of S𝜃 𝜃 yx m
The consequence is that, for the same Sone-ch ( f ) and for the same averaging-limit target, the value of m set by
(2-195) is four times larger than that set by (2-193). Accordingly, the full measurement process takes four times
longer time.
We believe that the choice of (2-195) is mainly due to historical reasons. If we want to preserve the logarithmic
display, more efficient options are possible. A good choice consists of taking the real part as in (2-193), but replacing
all the negative outcomes of with the smallest positive number. With this choice, the estimator discards all the noise
associated to the imaginary part and reduces the bias.
The aforementioned digression is for a given number m of averaged spectra. Focusing on the measurement time
, taken for the m acquisitions, provides a totally different perspective on the noise rejection. Given the time T for
one acquisition, it holds that m = ∕T. This can be rewritten as m = Δf because the resolution (distance between
contiguous bins) of the FFT is Δf = 1/T. Measuring phase noise, we always represent the frequency on a log scale.
Hence, we like a logarithmic frequency resolution with Δf/f = C, a constant. This gives a constant number 𝜇 of
bins per decade, related to the resolution by
= eln(10)∕𝜇 − 1 (2-197)
1 Sone-ch ( f )
S𝜃 ( f ) = √ √ averaging limit (2-198)
(Δf ∕f ) f
The rejection law is shown on Figure 2-81. The 1∕ f term of (2-198) introduces a −5 dB/decade slope, which
adds to the background noise of the instrument. Thus, the flicker region is seen as a slope of −15 dB/decade, and
the white region is seen as a slope of −5 dB/decade. Of course, additional limitations apply, due to crosstalk and
to other hardware problems that introduce a correlation between the two channels.
The logarithmic resolution cannot be obtained directly from the FFT algorithm. Other specific algorithms exist
(see, e.g., [91]). A popular solution is the FFT implemented in segments, more or less one decade wide. The
resolution Δf is constant inside each segment, but proportionally narrower Δf is adopted in the lower-frequency
√ after decimating the time series. The corresponding pattern is a step function, which approximates the
1∕ f term of (2-198).
Figure 2-81 Rejection of the background noise in logarithmic resolution, with constant Δf/f over the full span and fixed mea-
surement time .
The DBM has been the preferred phase detector since the 1970s. More recently a new generation of digital instru-
ments appeared, when fast ADCs were available, capable of about 12 bit resolution at 50–100 MHz sampling rate.
This enables the direct digitization of an RF signal, and the extraction of the instantaneous amplitude and phase.
Figure 2-82 shows a rather general scheme of the instrument, consisting of two equal branches, which compare
the input and the external reference to the internal clock. Each branch implements a classical I/Q detection in FPGA
exploiting the stream of digitized data. In principle, the ADCs should operate close to the full speed because the
lowest background is achieved in his condition.
The classical sampling theorem states that the input frequency must be lower than the Nyquist frequency, that
is, f0 < fN = fck /2. However, the input frequency can be extended beyond fN by under sampling the input signal.
Numerous modern ADCs are intended for under sampling operation and for this purpose have an input-frequency
range significantly wider than fN . The input bands, called Nyquist zones, are selected by introducing an appropriate
antialiasing filter at the input, which is a low-pass for the first zone, and bandpass for the subsequent zones. Of
course, under sampling comes at the cost of higher background PM noise. In practice, the maximum frequency of
the first Nyquist zone is of 0.8 fN because the antialiasing filter has a roll-off region before achieving the appropriate
attenuation. A similar reasoning applies to the bandpass filter for the next Nyquist zone, which leaves a dark region
between zones set by the roll-off region of the filters. This can be fixed by shifting the sampling frequency.
The NCO provides two orthogonal phases of a sinusoid at the same frequency of the input, or of the external
reference. The digital down-conversion is free from the usual defects of analog I/Q detection, like orthogonality
error and gain asymmetry. The digital low-pass filters are necessary to remove everything beyond fN and to reduce
the sampling rate to a value suitable for further processing. The maximum baseband frequency is of 0.8 fN , again
Anti abs
aliasing Amplitude
sin cos (optional)
+ Phase
word (in)
Clock word (ref)
sin cos
atan × i r)
Anti abs
aliasing Amplitude
limited by the filter roll off. However, more stringent limitations may apply, due to the architecture of the instrument,
and to the processing speed.
The CORDIC algorithm [92, 93] is most often used to calculate the phase. Interestingly, the digital technology
enables the calculation of phase, and also of amplitude, with so high accuracy that it exceeds the general metro-
logical performance of the instrument. The phase of the reference signal is scaled according to the frequency ratio
fi /fr , so that it can be compared with the input phase. An alternate and elegant solution consists of converting the
phase of both input and reference to phase-time. The two-branch configuration is necessary to bring the external
reference (5–10–100 MHz, or arbitrary frequency) in the machine because the clock frequency takes fixed values
determined by design considerations.
The configuration of Figure 2-82 has three relevant features, advantageous versus the DBM scheme
• It operates at arbitrary frequencies, with no need for the input and the external reference to be at the same
• The oscillator under test and the reference are free running, with no need of phase or frequency lock.
• Measuring a two-port device, there is no need for a line stretcher or for a variable phase shifter to set the
quadrature condition.
These features enable the measurement of frequency dividers, multipliers, etc. in a straightforward way, without
need of comparing two equal DUTs.
The main problem of the scheme shown is the background noise, generally limited by the noise of the ADCs.
For reference, the noise of a selected 12–14 bit ADC at 100 MHz sampling frequency, operated at full range is
that is, −110 dB rad2 flicker, and −150 dB rad2 /Hz white floor. The flicker PM noise is a technical parameter of
the ADC, as we have seen with amplifiers. The white noise results from the quantization noise and from the clock
The quantization noise can be calculated as follows. At full range input Vpp = VFSR , the carrier power on a 1-Ω
resistance is
P= (2-201)
2 2
𝜎2 = = (2-202)
12 12 × 22n
N= = (2-203)
B 6 × 22n fs
S𝜃, q = (2-204)
3 × 22n fs
For example, a 14-bit ADC with ENOB = 12 bits, and sampling at 32 MS/s, has a quantization noise
S𝜃, q = ( ) = 2.5 × 10−15
3 × 224 × 32 × 106
Values of 0–3 dB and more are observed, depending on the operating conditions and on frequency. In fact, S𝜃, ck is
of the time type, while S𝜃, q is of the phase type.
Spurs and artifacts are another problem of digital systems. A first type of spurs results from sampling and digital
synthesis. The sampling process produces
Additionally, the NCO produces spurs at multiples of the grand repetition rate (GRR)
fspur = (2-207)
where fck s the NCO clock frequency, and 𝓃 is the number of bits of the NCO. However, the equivalent value of
𝓃 to be used here can be smaller than the actual number of bits in the NCO register, depending on the frequency
control word. Torosyan suggests that the equivalent 𝓃 is the number of bits of the frequency control word from
the MSB to the rightmost “1,” which of course depends on the output frequency. For example, a 24-bit NCO has
𝓃 = 24 bits when the control word is 01110101 11010111 11000001, and 𝓃 = 18 bits when the control word is
01110101 11010111 11000000. Details are found in [94] and [95]. Distortion produces spurs at high frequencies,
and aliasing brings them down to baseband. The digression we have seen with the DDS applies. At the state of the
knowledge, the spurs cannot be eliminated, so they are generally removed from the displayed data in order to give
the best representation of the DUT noise.
Because of the high noise of the ADCs, a cross-spectrum configuration is necessary to reduce the background
noise of the instrument. Two equal blocks like Figure 2-82 are used instead of the DBM and measure simultane-
ously the quantity 𝜃 = 𝜃 i − 𝜃 r . As a result of design choices, and probably also of marketing choices, commercial
instruments often use a single input for the external reference. Thus, the noise of the external reference cannot be
A small number of digital instruments are commercially available, listed in Table 2-11. Some of them will be
briefly discussed in the following pages.
Microsemi (formerly Symmetricom) manufactures three instruments for the measurement of phase noise and Allan
deviation. All these instruments are based on a scheme broadly similar to Figure 2-82. The background noise is
rejected thanks to the cross-spectrum method. Input and reference are symmetrical, so they can be chosen indepen-
dently in the range shown. Unfortunately, there is only one input for the external reference, thus it is impossible to
reject the noise of the reference as we did in Figure 2-77.
Figure 2-83 shows the block diagram of the 5120A [96], and Table 2-12 shows the background noise. This
instrument, probably the first implemented with fully digital architecture, has no capability to work beyond the
first Nyquist zone, thus the input frequency is limited to 30 MHz.
PhaseStation 53100A 1–200 MHz 1 mHz–1 MHz Performs L( f ), AM noise, and ADEV
Jackson Labs Requires a host PC for all measurements
Frequency θin
Split ADC convert and
phase detect
Synthesizer θin – θref
ADC convert and
phase detect θref Cross
Front panel
32 MHz Outputs
Frequency θin variance
ADC convert and
phase detect
+θ –θ
Synthesizer in ref
Split ADC convert and
phase detect θref
Figure 2-83 Block diagram of the Microsemi 5120A PM noise test set. Based on the documentation available from the Microsemi
web site.
1 Hz −145 −120
10 Hz −155 —
100 Hz −165 —
≥10 kHz −175 −170
The Microsemi 5125 is a more modern instrument, which works up to 400 MHz input frequency by exploiting
several Nyquist zones. Depending on the input frequency, it switches the antialiasing input filter and optimizes the
sampling frequency by choosing the value between 104 and 128 MHz. Of course, it uses the average cross-spectrum
method to reduce the noise of the ADCs. The background noise is shown on Table 2-13. Unfortunately, the 5125A
was discontinued in 2018.
The 3120A [97] is a low-cost solution, which derives from the TimePod designed by John Miles, and operates at
the fixed sampling frequency of 78 MHz. Since the instrument is a sophisticated analog-to-digital interface, which
relies on an external computer for control, data analysis, and display, it can have some additional features available
as software update. The most interesting of them, according to our taste, is the measurement of AM noise.
Besides flexibility and sensitivity, the strength of the Microsemi family is the minimalist look of the front
panel, however with a complete set of functions that focuses strictly on PM noise and AVAR analysis. A very
small set of function keys enables to choose the quantity to display (L( f ), ADEV, phase versus time, etc.) and to
set the vertical scale, while most parameters are set automatically. The capability to work with arbitrary input and
reference frequencies makes these instruments great for the measurement of DDSs, DACs, frequency dividers, and
frequency multipliers. With these instruments, we could measure the PM noise of some DACs over nine decades
of Fourier frequency, observing flicker PM noise with a clean 1/f slope over 7.5 decades.
Three features we miss on the 5120A/5125A family. The first is the measurement of AM noise. All the building
blocks are already there, thus we believe that this feature is only a matter of internal software and user interface.
The second is the option to use two external references instead of sending the same reference to two input DACs.
The obvious benefit is the rejection of the PM noise of the references. Based on the scheme of Figure 2-83, this
feature is expected to cost only a minimum change in the internal software, and one additional connector on the
front panel. The third feature is to allow some control on the software filters used to remove the spurs generated in
the analog-to-digital conversions. In some cases, the user is interested in a noise component of the oscillator under
test, which falls in the narrow spectral regions where the filters remove the spurs. When this happens, the results are
difficult to understand. This is an advanced topic, which was discussed in three workshops on the cross-spectrum
method [98–100] organized by one of us (ER).
The PhaseStation is a new instrument, whose production is starting at the time of writing (August 2019). Having
no first-hand experience, this section is based on the material provided by the design team.
The architecture (Figure 2-84) derives from the TimePod. The core of the instrument an analog-to-digital inter-
face with classical I/Q detection, which sends the baseband data to an external computer via upper side band
(USB) interface for further processing. The bandwidth of the I/Q data is of the order of 1 MHz. Compared with
the TimePod, there are significant differences. The passive power splitters (ferrite transformers) are replaced with
active devices. The 1–200 MHz range is analyzed in four Nyquist zones, set by switching the antialiasing filters
and the sampling frequency. The use of single-channel ADCs is an obvious choice for minimum crosstalk, because
the crosstalk limits the noise rejection in the cross-spectrum analysis. The converters are now Analog Devices
AD9265-125 because this component has a good thermal stability and reasonably low dissipation, in part related
to the not-too-high clock frequency. These thermal characteristics help in achieving the thermal stability instrument,
which is useful for the AVAR beyond 1 s measurement time.
The external computer runs the TimeLab app. TimeLab performs five conceptual tasks.
• Evaluation of amplitude, phase, and frequency from the I/Q data, with no loss of information. This feature is
necessary for the data analysis down to low frequency.
• Decimation of the amplitude, phase, and frequency data for multiresolution analysis. In fact, the frequency
span of AM and PM spectral analysis is of multiple decades, which must be segmented for proper operation
of the FFT algorithm. Therefore, the sampling frequency has to be progressively scaled down going toward
the lower decades.
• Calculation of the cross-spectrum, averaging on multiple acquisitions.
• Calculation of the ADEV, MDEV, Hadamard deviation (HDEV), and time deviation (TDEV).
• Plotting and storing the data.
The hardware of the PhaseStation contains a radical piece of innovation, however obvious it may seem: the
four NCOs and I/Q detectors are completely separated and independent machines. The four ADC inputs are all
accessible and can be fed by four signals of different amplitude and frequency. Albeit some limitations set by the
software may apply, let us see some fancy and useful examples of what the hardware can do.
The first example is the PM-noise measurement of a 500 MHz oscillator, which is out of the range of the
instrument. A frequency divider by four brings the frequency in the range (500/4 = 125 < 200 MHz), but does not
solve the problem because the result is corrupted by the noise of the divider. The use of two dividers is expected
to solve the problem. Removing some jumpers, we send the two “125 MHz” to channels 3 and 4, so that the
cross-spectrum rejects the divider noise because the two dividers are statistically independent.
The second example is the stability measurement of a 5 MHz OCXO, where we expect an ADEV of less than
10−13 at 𝜏 = 1 … 10 s (we have seen an example of such oscillator in section “High-Q (Type B/D) Oscillators”).
No OCXO is stable enough to be used as the reference, and we have no access to exotic and expensive sources,
like the Hydrogen maser or the cryogenic sapphire oscillator (150–300 k$). The solution consists of using two
reference OCXOs, sent to channels 1 and 2. The instability of such OCXOs can be a factor of 2–3 higher than that
of the OCXO under test because their fluctuations are independent and can be rejected.
A third example is the PM-noise measurement of a low-noise 100 MHz OCXO prototype. For technical reasons
the reference has to be at 100 MHz (the PM noise of the 5–10 MHz OCXO is too high), and we suspect that the
measure is corrupted by RF leakage. Let us proceed with two 100-MHz OCXOs used as the reference as in the
previous example, but we misalign them by random amounts (e.g., −170 Hz and +230 Hz, well in the typical
range of mechanical tuning). In this way the leakage is either eliminated owing to the high Q of the resonators, or
its effect occurs at clearly identified frequencies in the PM-noise spectrum.
The background noise of the PhaseStation is shown on Figure 2-85. This phase-noise spectrum is measured
connecting one oscillator to the two inputs with the all jumpers inserted in the normal place, thus the four ADCs
receive the same signal. Thus, the spectrum represents the PM noise of the machine, not including the noise of the
oscillator. The latter is common mode and cancels. The FFT is calculated in segments broadly approximating the
logarithmic resolution, which introduces a −5 dB/decade slope due to the reduction in the number of averages per
CH 2 OUT 1−200 MHz (SMA-F)
Labs Technologies, Inc. and Miles Design LLC, used with permission.
Phase noise
CH 4 OUT 1−200 MHz (SMA-F)
Front / rear Active RF splitters BP / LP filters ADCs FPGA TimeLab host software
panel jacks ADC clock synthesizer (Windows PC)
Figure 2-84 Block diagram of the PhaseStation 53100A, as it is expected to appear on the User Manual. Courtesy of Jackson
Optional internal references
–15 dB/dec reference line
5 MHz
10 MHz
L(ƒ) (dBc/Hz)
100 MHz
0.01 Hz 0.1 Hz 1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
Figure 2-85 Background phase noise of the PhaseStation 53100A. Courtesy of Jackson Labs Technologies, Inc. and Miles
Design LLC, used with permission. Graphical editing and comments are ours.
unit of time in the segments at low frequency. Accordingly, the flicker region is seen as a slope of −15 dB/decade, as
expected. Because the spectrum is quite irregular in the flicker region, the frequency segments cannot be identified,
and a longer measurement time may result in further reduction of the background noise. At 5 MHz the white noise
appears flat and regular. This makes us think that m is large enough for the average to hit the ultimate limit set by
the hardware. The same is less clear for the other plots, obtained with shorter measurement time.
The FSWP is a recent and highly innovative, sophisticated, and complex family of microwave phase noise analyzers
working from 1 MHz up to 8/26.5/50 GHz, using the cross-spectrum technique. These instruments provide a variety
of features, the AM and PM measurement of oscillators, the AM and PM measurement of two-port components
via an internal synthesizer, the analysis of pulsed signals, the measurement of noise factor, and the test of VCOs, to
mention the most important. Additionally, they can be used as a regular microwave spectrum analyzer, and also as
a dual-channel FFT analyzer up to 10 MHz. This section is based on the product documentation available online,
on the article [101], and on personal experience.
The scheme (Figure 2-86), however derived from the general principles stated earlier in this Chapter, looks
rather different. The input signal is split into two channels, down-converted to an appropriate IF using two sepa-
rate references, separate synthesizers, and separate mixers. The IF signal is digitized, at 100 MS/s on 16 bits, and
processed by a sophisticated FPGA module (Figure 2-87).
The LO signals are derived from two different reference oscillators, one of which is phase-locked to the other
with a bandwidth of less than 0.1 Hz. Consequently, the PM noise in the two channels de-correlates progressively
starting from 0.1 Hz, and the full benefit of the cross-spectrum method is achieved one decade beyond, thus at
Synth ADC
Ref 1
I/Q Q1
mixer ADC
Atten Split
Mixer ADC
Ref 2 Q2
Synth ADC
Figure 2-86 Basic scheme of the FSWP family of phase noise test sets. Based on the documentation available from the Rohde
& Schwarz web site, and on [99].
NCO detector
Q Equalizer Squelch
100 MS/s
from ADC
I/Q θ
Figure 2-87 Detail of the FPGA processing inside the FSWP family of phase noise test sets. Based on the documentation avail-
able from the Rohde & Schwarz web site, and on [99].
f ≥ 1 Hz. Two high-level I/Q mixers are used to down convert the input signal. The I/Q conversion is more complex
that a regular conversion. The advantage is that it is possible to fix the asymmetry error and the quadrature errors of
the mixer after digitizing the outputs, and in turn to attenuate the residual AM. With this trick, the receiver achieves
a typical AM rejection of 40 dB, instead of the 20 dB usually found in regular mixers. The I/Q down-conversion
does not increase the number of ADCs required with respect of the conceptual scheme of Figure 2-82. Thus, the
cross-spectrum measurement is done with a total of four ADCs, two per channel.
The value of the IF frequency results from a technical tradeoff. Beyond 1 MHz Fourier frequency, the IF is set
to zero (dc), where the mixer exhibits the highest gain and sensitivity. Beyond 1 MHz Fourier frequency, the IF is
set to an appropriate value above 1 MHz. The reason for this choice is that the oscillator under test is free running,
therefore a residual frequency offset Δf0 is inevitable. At low Fourier frequencies, the harmonics of Δf0 would fall
in the analysis band, and produce artifacts. Beyond 1 MHz Fourier frequency, the zero IF is allowed because the
harmonics of Δf0 fall in a region where they do not interfere with the measurement.
The phase detection is based on the CORDIC algorithm. The aforementioned Δf0 causes an increasing phase,
which wraps at the limits of ±𝜋, incompatible with the FFT processing. This is fixed with a feed-forward structure
that converts the PM signal into a non-wrapping FM signal. The 20 dB/decade slope introduced by the PM to FM
conversion is later removed by a digital filter. The noise of the two references and of the two channels is rejected
as explained in Section 2-5-2, using (2-195) as the estimator
1 ⟨ ⟩
Ŝ𝜃 ( f ) = 2 | Syx ( f ) m |
Accordingly, the single-channel noise is rejected by 5 log10 (m) dB. The frequency range is divided into
half-decade segments, so that the ratio RBW/f between the RBW and the center frequency of each FFT bin
is broadly constant. The sensitivity (background noise), versus carrier frequency f0 and Fourier frequency f, is
shown on Table 2-14 and Figure 2-88. The value shown includes the phase noise and the instability of the two
internal reference oscillators. Table 2-15 shows the improvement, by the number of averaged spectra. For offset
frequencies below 1 Hz, such improvement impact of correlation is limited by the coupling between the two
reference oscillators. The improvement achievable in this case ranges from 15 dB (nominal) at 0.1 Hz to 3 dB
(nominal) at 30 mHz. The low phase noise of the two internal synthesizers (Figure 2-89) is one of the main virtues
of the FSWP because this is the reference where the correlation engine starts improving.
We have explained at the beginning of this chapter that S𝜃 ( f ), and equivalently L( f ) defined correctly as
L( f ) = (1/2)S𝜃 ( f ), give a valid measurement the phase noise even in the presence of large-angle and multiple-cycle
swings, provided the phase detector work in this regime. This situation is often encountered at the highest
microwave frequencies, where the phase noise gets inevitably large because of frequency-stability limitations.
Figure 2-90 shows an example of measurement of 2, 20, and 40 GHz signals, where L( f ) greatly exceeds 0 dBc/Hz
in the left-hand part of the spectrum.
The capability of averaging out the single-channel noise is the strength and the weakness of the cross-spectrum
method. Nowadays digital electronics provides so large memory and computing power for cheap, that it is easy to
average over millions of cross-spectra. For example, the rejection of the single-channel noise given by (2-195) is
of 30 dB with m = 106 . This gives the false impression that it is sufficient to use larger m to increase the sensitivity
of the instrument. Common sense suggests that at some point other limitations apply.
Another common belief is that the background noise results always in a positive bias to the result. In other
words, most people believe that the plot of S𝜃 ( f ), or L( f ) seen on the display is always higher than the true phase
Table 2-14 Typical phase noise sensitivity with R&S®FSWP-B61 cross-correlation option
Start offset 1 Hz, correlation factor = 1, frequency reference internal, signal level ≥ 10 dBm
FSWP 100 MHz carrier 1 H measurement time
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
1 10 102 103 104 105 106
ƒ (Hz)
Figure 2-88 Background noise of the FSWP phase noise test set measured at 100 MHz carrier with 1 h averaging time. Repro-
duced with permission. © Synergy Microwave Corp.
Offset frequencies ≥ 1 Hz
Data are from the data sheet of the R&S®FSWP-B61 cross-correlation option.
L(ƒ) (dBc/Hz) Noise of the FSWP synth (typ.)
10 GHz
10 GHz 1 GHz
100 MHz
1 GHz
10 MHz
100 MHz
10 MHz
1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz ƒ 10 MHz
Figure 2-89 Typical phase noise of the FSWP internal synthesizer. Reproduced with permission. © Rohde & Schwarz.
–90 10 10 40 130 430 1300 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 18,000 1,000,000
100.0 mHz Frequency offset 1.0 MHz
Figure 2-90 Phase noise of some microwave signals measured with an FSWP phase noise analyzer.
noise of the DUT. This is wrong in the case of cross-spectrum measurements. The instrument may underestimate
the DUT noise.
We first show how correlated effects hit on the measurement, then we go through the concept of uncertainty,
and we discuss the physical phenomena. Some of the effects are so subtle that they escaped from the attention
of Manufacturers and Government Labs for a long time. Recently, the limitations of the cross-spectrum method
were addressed in three dedicated workshops [98–100] organized by one of us (ER). Unlike in regular conferences,
the material circulated only among the participants, and no proceedings were published. However, some relevant
material is published in the Refs. [102–104].
Let us introduce a disturbing signal represented as a phase 𝜉(t), which affects the two channels with arbitrary
coefficients 𝜍 x and 𝜍 y . Accordingly, we replace x(t) and y(t) with
[ ]
x(t) = K𝜃 𝜃 (t) − 𝜑(t) + 𝜍x 𝜉 (t) (2-208)
[ ]
y(t) = K𝜃 𝜃 (t) − 𝜓 (t) + 𝜍y 𝜉 (t) (2-209)
The quantities 𝜍 x 𝜉(t) and 𝜍 y 𝜉(t) can be any signal of unwanted origin impacting on the two channels. Since the
amount of 𝜍 x 𝜉(t) and 𝜍 y 𝜉(t) is unknown, these signals fall in the category of uncertainties. The hypothesis that the
two channels are equal has some practical limitations, which allow 𝜍 x and 𝜍 y to be different and to have different
sign. For example, in a DBM the thermal coefficient comes from internal-diode mismatch. Thus, two nominally
equal mixers will almost certainly have different thermal coefficient, and there is no reason for these coefficient to
have the same sign. Likewise, the offset sensitivity to power.
Looking at the aforementioned definition of x(t) and y(t), all signals are either statistically independent or cor-
related, and either desired or unwanted. The following scheme accounts for all possible cases.
and the cross PSD Syx = T
YX ∗ becomes
2( ∗ )
Syx = K𝜃2 ΘΘ − ΘΦ∗ + 𝜍x ΘΞ∗ − ΨΘ∗ + ΨΦ∗ − 𝜍x ΨΞ∗ + 𝜍y ΞΘ∗ − 𝜍y ΞΦ∗ + 𝜍ΞΞ∗ (2-212)
where 𝜍 = 𝜍 x 𝜍 y . When such signal is averaged on a large number of acquisitions, the cross terms ΘΦ* , ΘΞ* , ΨΘ* ,
ΨΦ* , ΨΞ* , ΞΘ* , and ΞΦ* null. There results
2( ∗ )
Syx = K𝜃2 ΘΘ + 𝜍ΞΞ∗ (2-213)
The instrument readout is based on an estimator. For example, choosing the estimator (2-192), that is, Ŝ
yx = ⟨Syx ⟩m ,
we get
2 2
Ŝ𝜃 = ⟨ΘΘ∗ ⟩m + ⟨ΞΞ∗ ⟩m (2-214)
and therefore
Interestingly, S𝜃 ( f ) and S𝜉 ( f ) are both positive because ΘΘ* = |Θ|2 and ΞΞ* = |Ξ|2 , but the sign of 𝜍 is arbitrary.
Therefore, the error 𝜍S𝜉 can be positive or negative. Measuring a very-low-noise DUT, or in other extreme cases,
a negative error term may prevail at some frequencies, where Ŝ𝜃 ( f ) < 0. Such outcome is a total nonsense. If we
choose the absolute-value estimator (2-195), that is, Ŝ yx = |⟨Syx ⟩m |, the result is always positive, with no warning.
Whoever is faced to serious measurements of any physical quantity will at some point come across the concepts
of uncertainty explained in the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) [105], the Guide to the Expression
of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) [106], and a bundle of related documents from the Joint Committee for
Guides in Metrology (JCGM). All these documents are available free of charge from the BIPM web site www
The approach described by the JCGM is formally correct, and also operational, and it is used routinely in
the laboratories of primary metrology. Unfortunately, this culture is still absent in the practice of phase noise
measurement, and learning it may require effort and patience. We will summarize the main points, and explain
their implications on cross-spectrum measurements.
The components of measurement uncertainty are grouped into two categories, called Type A and Type B,
depending on how the available data and information are combined to form the overall uncertainty.
The Type A evaluation of uncertainty is done by a statistical analysis of a time series of data obtained under
defined measurement conditions.
The Type B evaluation of uncertainty is determined by means other than a Type A evaluation. The evaluation
relies on authoritative published data, for example, from metrological institutes, on calibration certificates, on
environmental parameters like temperature and humidity, on available knowledge of aging, drift, etc., and also on
personal experience. Ensemble statistics applies to this type of evaluation, but the uncertainty cannot be reduced
by increasing the number of measurements or by increasing the measurement time.
We have seen in section “The Rejection of the Background Noise” that the single-channel background noise can
be reduced by increasing m. This type of noise is suited to the Type A analysis. Conversely, the signals 𝜍 x 𝜉(t) and
𝜍 y 𝜉(t) yield ΔS𝜃 = 𝜍S𝜉 . This falls in the Type B evaluation, and the uncertainty cannot be reduced with statistical
analysis on the time series.
A third concept found in the JCGM documents is the null measurement uncertainty. This concept applies to
the measurement of a quantity that cannot be negative (in some cases, cannot be positive), when the outcome of
the measurement is close to zero. The null measurement uncertainty is the smallest signal that the instrument can
detect with a given probability. If the error bar crosses zero, the instrument gives only the upper bound.
The reader may be used to a format like a measured value S𝜃 with uncertainty ΔS𝜃 , usually meaning that the
“true value” of S𝜃 falls in the interval S𝜃 ± ΔS𝜃 with a probability of 95%. What happens if the lower error bar
S𝜃 − ΔS𝜃 crosses zero in a region of f? Of course, a negative PM noise is not allowed for physical reasons. In this
case, the null measurement uncertainty applies. In proper metrological terms, the outcome of the experiment is that
we have measured zero phase noise, with zero uncertainty equal to ΔS𝜃 . The nonsense associated to the negative
outcomes of S𝜃 is no longer a problem.
In the case of the null measurement uncertainty, expressing the uncertainty in dB is often the result of a wrong
After learning about the null measurement uncertainty, whenever we come across measurements taking large
values of m, long measurement time, or too low phase noise spectra, we should try to understand better the uncer-
tainty. For reference, a measurement time in excess of a few minutes starting at f = 100 Hz is probably the maximum
that can be accepted without warning.
A power divider is necessary to split the DUT signal into the two channels. In most cases, the power divider is
a directional coupler internally terminated at one port (Figure 2-91). This choice provides low, uniform loss in a
+ a c = (a+b)/ 2 Phase x
Carrier Noise R0
Vg R = Ra
T = Ta Reference
Dark port
+ b d = (a+b)/ 2 Phase y
Noise R0
R = Rb
T = Tb Reference
Figure 2-91 A loss-free power splitter is a directional coupler terminated to one port. To the extent of our digression about the
thermal energy, the 90∘ version of the directional coupler is fully equivalent to that shown.
wide range of frequency, good isolation between the two outputs, and the good impedance matching at all ports.
The Y resistive power splitter is seldom used because of the inherent 6-dB loss and poor isolation. However, the
resistive power splitter is superior to the directional coupler in impedance matching and in loss flatness over extreme
frequency range.
The problem is that the thermal energy kT inherent in the splitter’s internal dissipation introduces a systematic
error, or bias, in the spectrum. The same type of error is found in the directional coupler and in the Y resistive
coupler, just with a different value of the bias. We explain what happens with the directional coupler, addressing
the reader to the Refs. [102, 104] the details of both.
Let us recall that the random voltage en across a resistor R at temperature T has mean square value ⟨e2n ⟩ = 4kTR
in 1 Hz bandwidth. We apply this signal to the inputs of a power splitter, as shown on Figure 2-91. The circuit
is impedance matched to R0 at all ports. We focus on the white PM noise region, where S𝜃 ( f ) is the lowest. The
oscillator under test delivers a power P0 , and its output resistor Ra has the equivalent temperature Ta that results
from S𝜃 = kTa /P0 . The dark port is terminated to the resistor Rb at the temperature Tb , the room temperature, or the
temperature inside the instrument. The two signals at the power-splitter output are
Vg e −e
c = √ + a√ b (2-217)
2 2 2 2
Vg e +e
d = √ + a√ b (2-218)
2 2 2 2
The term “2” at
√the denominators is necessary because of impedance matching at the left-hand side of the coupler,
and the term “ 2” is due to the energy conservation in the loss-free power splitter. The negative sign, represented
as a 180∘ phase shift on Figure 2-91, is necessary for energy conservation in a loss-free device. The explanation is
found in most microwave textbooks, for example [107], in the section about the Scatter Matrix. Now we expand
the cross PSD as we did earlier in this chapter:
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
2 2 Ea − Eb Ea + Eb 2 Ea Ea + Eb Eb
Sdc = YX ∗ = √ √ = (2-219)
2 2 2 2 8
Notice that the measurement time is temporarily denoted with because here T is the temperature. Using the PSD
of the thermal voltage Se = (2∕ ) EE∗ = 4kTR0 , we get
1 ( )
Sdc = k Ta − Tb R0 (2-220)
Interestingly, this technique has been known long time ago as a noise comparator tool [108], and in the early
time of radio astronomy [109]. For phase noise measurements, the trivial factor 1/2 cancels with half the input power
going in each output of the coupler. The relevant fact about (2-220) is that Sdc is proportional to k(Ta − Tb ), instead
of kTa . Obviously, the same happens with Syx after phase detection. If this error is not accounted for, the instrument
readout is
( )
k Ta − Tb kT
S𝜃 = instead of S𝜃 = a (2-221)
P0 P0
with a systematic error
ΔS𝜃 = − (2-222)
Example 22 A 125-MHz OCXO has output power of 13 dBm, and the white PM noise floor displayed by the
test set is of −186 dBc/Hz at f ≥ 10 kHz. We evaluate the error due to the thermal energy in the input coupler at the
internal instrument temperature of 40 ∘ C.
First, we convert the data into proper SI units. Thus, the dark port temperature is TC = 313 K, the carrier
power is P0 = 20 mW, and the white PM noise is S𝜃 = 5 × 10−19 rad2 /Hz. Using S𝜃 = kTread /P0 , we get
the equivalent temperature Tread = 724 K associated to the noise floor, from the instrument readout. Since
the measure is biased by the thermal energy as explained, the correct value is Teq = Tread + TC = 1038 K, hence
S𝜃 = kTeq /P0 = 7.16 × 10−19 rad2 /Hz. The bias error is 5 × 10−19 − 7.16 × 10−19 = − 2.16 × 10−19 rad2 /Hz, that is,
−1.5 dB referred to the instrument readout.
Notice that the fractional error gets larger as the displayed floor approaches kTC /P0 . With a displayed noise of
−190 dBc/Hz and 13 dBm power, the error exceeds 3 dB. ◼
The measurement of phase noise should be independent of amplitude noise. However, the saturated mixer suffers
from a residual sensitivity to AM noise through the sensitivity of the dc offset to power. In simple terms, when RF
and LO are in quadrature, a residual dc offset is present at the IF output. Such offset is due to the imperfect balance
of baluns and diodes, and it is affected by the power at both inputs. Hence, a power fluctuation (AM noise) ends
into a fluctuation of the dc offset, which adds to the regular signal K𝜃 𝜃. This concept is described quantitatively by
replacing V = K𝜃 𝜃 with
where the AM noise of the RF and LO inputs appears explicitly. Of course, looking at the mixer output it is
impossible to divide which part of V is due to phase noise and which is due to power fluctuations. Notice that KRF
and KLO can be unpredictably positive or negative, and change with power and frequency.
Our treatise is limited to the DBM. The ADCs used in digital phase detectors suffer from AM noise leakage into
the estimation of PM noise because of nonlinearity and other problems. This is an open issue, still not addressed
in the technical literature.
When the mixer is saturated correctly, we expect a rejection of AM of the order of 20 dB. This means that the
overall effect of K𝜃 /KLO and K𝜃 /KRF of the order of 10, a comfortable value in most cases, but poor or insufficient in
other cases. For example, microwave-photonic devices often have larger 1/f AM noise than 1/f PM noise. Likewise,
some quartz oscillators optimized for the lowest PM noise floor have larger AM noise.
In the cross-spectrum measurement, the effect of AM noise may lead to wrong or nonsensical results because
the DUT AM noise is not rejected and becomes comparatively large after averaging out the instrument background
noise. This idea is sketched on Figure 2-92. We apply the simple concept expressed by (2-223) to the scheme of
Figure 2-77 (or equivalently, to Figure 2-79), adapting the notation. The two signals at the input of the FFT analyzer
x = K𝜃 (𝜃 − 𝜑) + KA 𝛼A + KX 𝛼 (2-224)
y = K𝜃 (𝜃 − 𝜓) + KB 𝛼B + KY 𝛼 (2-225)
AM Channel X
Channel Y
ψ Correlated
Figure 2-92 The effect of AM noise on a cross-spectrum PM noise test system. Reprinted from [1], CC BY Rubiola, and adapted
to our notation.
where KA and KX are the offset sensitivity of the upper mixer to the amplitude 𝛼 A of the reference, and to the
amplitude 𝛼 of the DUT; KB and KY are the same sensitivities for the lower mixer. Applying the statistical reasoning
we are now familiar with, for large m we get
In fact, by inspection on the scheme, 𝛼, 𝛼 A , and 𝛼 B are statistically independent, and only 𝛼 is common to the
two channels. As before, 𝜃, 𝜑, and 𝜓 are statistically independent, and only 𝜃 is common to the two channels.
Consequently, the usual readout formula gives the wrong value
1 1 K K
S𝜃 ( f ) = Syx ( f ) instead of S𝜃 ( f ) = S ( f ) − Y 2 X S𝛼 ( f )
2 yx
K𝜃2 K𝜃 K𝜃
ΔS𝜃 ( f ) = − S𝛼 ( f ) (2-228)
is actually a Type-B uncertainty because S𝛼 ( f ), KX , and KY are not known. One may object that the error can
be easily fixed by measuring these quantities. At a closer sight, only S𝛼 ( f ) can be measured in a simple way.
Eventually, some commercial instruments already have the additional hardware for the measurement of AM noise.
Conversely, KX and KY depend on the carrier power and frequency, and on the experimental conditions. Thus, a
factory characterization is not an option. The direct measurement is not simple because it requires an amplitude
modulator in series to the DUT, and such modulator leaves a residual PM.
When the sensitivity to AM noise is really annoying, it is sometimes possible to find a working point where the
effect of AM is mitigated [110, 111]. The two main options are
In all cases, the working point must be found experimentally, by measuring the output in the presence of a small
and controlled AM in the same conditions of the PM noise measurement. Experience indicates that an optimum
point is more easily found in microwave mixers (microstrip balun) than in RF mixers (transformer balun) and that
it may not exist at all.
In the end, fixing ΔS𝜃 ( f ) makes the difference between an industrial measurement and a scientific experiment.
The bridge method, shown on Figure 2-93, enables the measurement of two-port components with the lowest
background noise, and the highest rejection of spurs and interferences.
After adjusting the phase and the amplitude in the bridge, the carrier is nulled in the Δ(t) signal. Thus, all the
carrier power goes to Σ(t) and is dissipated in the termination. However, the signal Δ(t) contains the noise sidebands
of the DUT, after the obvious loss of the directional coupler. The noise sidebands are amplified and down-converted
to dc by the mixer. The latter detects the DUT phase or amplitude, or any combination of, depending on the phase
of the LO signal.
The appealing features of this method rely on the following concepts.
• The bridge is implemented with passive components (directional couplers, attenuators, and phase shifters),
which exhibit low PM noise as compared with active components.
• The amplifier works in small-signal regime, where it is fully linear. We have seen earlier in this chapter
that the 1/f PM noise originates by up-conversion of the near-dc flicker, thus the noise sidebands introduced
Phase (detection)
Phase-noise test set
Bridge (interferometer) LO
FFT analyzer
P0 v(t)
3 dB 3 dB (t) RF IF
Phase & amplitude null
by the amplifier are approximately proportional the input power. In turn, PM noise is proportional to the
sideband-to-carrier ratio. Consequently, with high carrier suppression the 1/f PM noise is virtually absent.
• Microwave amplification raises the useful signal (the DUT noise) from the background before down-
conversion. This results in low interference from 50–60 Hz lines because the sensitivity of microwave circuits
to low-frequency magnetic fields is very low. Additionally, amplification helps to achieve low residual white
PM noise because the low-noise figure of the amplifier is more favorable than the relatively high conversion
loss of a saturated mixer.
• Unlike the traditional systems described earlier, the mixer operates in linear regime, with the LO input satu-
rated and PRF ≪ PLO . Thus flicker comes only from the LO, and its impact is reduced proportionally to the
microwave gain.
The method was first proposed by Sann in 1968 for the measurement of microwave amplifiers [112]. At that time,
the bridge was followed immediately by the mixer, with no microwave amplification. The amplifier was introduced
by Labaar in 1982, implementing an RF version of the method [113]. Further development had to wait until 1998,
when this method was used extensively at the University of Western Australia and at the Laboratoire de Physique
et Metrologie des Oscillateurs (now FEMTO-ST Institute) in France for rather extreme measurements [114, 115].
For example, the flicker frequency fluctuations of high-stability HF quartz resonators (𝜎y as low as a few parts in
10−14 ) can only be measured with this method [116]. A more sophisticated version uses the cross-spectrum method
at the output of the bridge [117]. With this scheme, we could measure the 1/f phase noise of VHF power splitters
(of the order of −170 dBc/Hz at f = 1 Hz, with 100 MHz carrier). The measurements reported are a challenge for
scientists. By contrast, for less demanding applications, still out of reach for commercial instruments, the bridge
method is not difficult for an experienced engineer or for a skilled amateur.
A2 R0 P0
K𝜃2 = (2-229)
where A2 is the power gain of the amplifier, R0 is he characteristic impedance, P0 is the DUT output power, and
𝓁 2 is the SSB loss of the mixer. This is easily proved taking a signal of carrier power is P0 with sinusoidal PM
where each sideband has power Ps . Combining the two sidebands, the mean square PM is ⟨𝜑2 ⟩ = 2Ps /P0 . Now
we follow the signal path on Figure 2-93, from the DUT to the mixer. Neglecting the loss of the second coupler
for monitoring, one sideband has power Ps /2 at the amplifier input, Ps A2 /2 at the amplifier output, and Ps A2 /2𝓁 2 at
the mixer output. Combining the two sidebands at the mixer output, we get a power 2Ps A2 /𝓁 2 , thus a mean square
voltage ⟨V2 ⟩ = 2 Ps A2 R0 /𝓁 2 . Finally, the gain results from K𝜃2 = ⟨V 2 ⟩∕⟨𝜑2 ⟩.
The background noise is
S𝜃 ( f ) = 2 background noise (2-230)
To prove this, we start from the random noise FkT at the amplifier input, hence A2 FkT at the amplifier output.
The PSD at the mixer output is 2A2 FkT/𝓁 2 , where the factor 2 comes from adding USB and LSB as statistically
independent signals. Thus, the voltage PSD is Sv = 2A2 FkTR/𝓁 2 , and the background results from S𝜃 = Sv ∕K𝜃2 .
Trivial losses in the bridge, and in the directional coupler used to monitor he carrier suppression, apply. They
impact on K𝜃 and on the background noise.
This kind of system has to be assembled for specific DUT. The best approach consists of assembling the bridge
first, and pre-adjusting it using a network analyzer. At microwave frequencies, the phase difference inside the
bridge is difficult to predict, but setting it is rather simple because commercially available line stretchers enable
precise phase adjustment in a comfortable range. For reference, a range of 100 ps is equivalent to one period at
10 GHz. Conversely, in the HF and VHF region the wavelength is too long for line stretchers, but the phase can
be predicted based on the components. In this case, phase match is achieved by try-and-error with cables, and
fine-tuned with a narrow-range variable phase shifter. Semirigid cables are preferred. Inspecting on the bridge with
a network analyzer, we observe a dip at an unpredictable frequency determined by the delay difference between
the two arms. The dip can be deepened by adjusting the attenuation and shifted to the frequency of interest by
adjusting the delay. Because we need only the absolute value of the transfer function, the network analyzer can be
replaced with a spectrum analyzer with tracking oscillator. Fairly high carrier suppression at the desired frequency
is usually obtained after a small number of iterations. Fine tuning should be done with the complete system, with
a spectrum analyzer at the monitor tap.
Best results are obtained with 20–45 dB RF/microwave gain. Higher gain results in higher K𝜃 and lower
50–60 Hz spurs, but it is more difficult to adjust the bridge for sufficiently low residual carrier at mixer input. For
full linear operation, the total integrated noise should be kept at least 30 dB lower than the 1-dB compression point
of the amplifier. Bandpass filtering at an intermediate stage of the amplifier may be useful.
The phase shifter at the LO input of the mixer must be set for the detection of PM noise. A low-index AM in the
DUT path is the best choice. Driving this modulator with an audio-frequency tone, we adjust the phase shifter to
null the corresponding spectral line on the FFT analyzer. A lock-in amplifier, if available, provides the best result.
Interestingly, the components in the dashed rectangle on the right-hand side of Figure 2-93 (mixer, dc LNA,
and FFT analyzer) are the basic ingredients of a traditional single-channel saturated-mixer phase noise analyzer. If
available, a commercial instrument should be used as a replacement, keeping the power at the RF port of the mixer
low as described. More than the hardware, the reader will appreciate the computer interface, the software, and the
ergonomics of the commercial instrument.
A Practical Example
Figure 2-94 shows an example intended for the measurement of phase noise in the 8–10 GHz band [115]. This
implementation relates to our early experiments. At that time, we focused on the lowest background noise, rather
than seeking for a decent compromise between complexity, manpower, and background noise. The bridge is imple-
mented with a Wilkinson power splitter, a multi-turn variable attenuator, a micrometric line stretcher, and a 4-port
hybrid junction. Unlike shown on Figure 2-93, the Σ port of the hybrid junction is re-used to pump the mixer, instead
of dissipating the power in a termination. This choice was made before collecting extensive experience, and is not
recommended. The problem is that adjusting the phase at the mixer LO input interacts with the bridge balance,
and consequently multiple interactions are needed to null the carrier and to achieve proper detection of PM noise
DC out
s cil
O ut Bandpass
Line Line
stretcher stretcher
Figure 2-94 Example of implementation intended for 8–10 GHz operation. Reprinted from [115], with the permission of AIP
Publishing. Comments are ours.
with minimum interference from AM noise. The amplifier has a gain of 42.5 dB in two stages, with a ≈30 MHz
bandpass between the first and the second stage, and a noise figure of 2 dB. Isolators here and there proved to be
useful. Accounting for gain and losses, we measured K𝜃 = 34.3 dB rad2 /Hz, fairly close to the calculated value of
33.9 dB rad2 /Hz. The background noise (Figure 2-95), measured at +14 dBm DUT power with a null DUT in the
bridge (short cable), is of −154 dB rad2 /Hz flicker extrapolated to 1 Hz, and −182 dB rad2 /Hz white.
We provide some typical examples of artifacts, spurs, and other problems often found in the measurement of phase
Figure 2-96 shows an example of phase noise spectrum of a two port device, measured with a saturated mixer.
Two nominally equal 2.3 GHz Al-N-Sapphire high-overtone bulk acoustic resonators (HBARs) are inserted, one in
each arm of the mixer, because this configuration rejects the noise of the master oscillator. The background noise
consists of flicker and white noise, −132 dB rad2 and −162 dB rad2 /Hz respectively, thus
This is in agreement with earlier discussions and examples in this chapter. Let us look closer at this spectrum.
In the region A, we see that the fractional frequency resolution, that is, the number of points per decade, is
significantly smaller than in the other regions. This is rather usual because the frequency resolution in this region is
limited by the measurement time. In the region B, we see spurs from the power grid at 50 Hz and multiples (these
experiments are done in Europe) on both DUT and background noise spectra. In most cases, these spurs are picked
up at the input of the LNA that follows the mixer. As usual, odd-order harmonics (50, 150, 250 … Hz) are quite
strong, while even-order harmonics (100, 200 … Hz) are barely noticeable. These spurs seem to end at 1 kHz,
leaving room to a bump in the small region C. At closer sight, this bump is the envelope of the power-grid spurs.
Sθ(ƒ) (dB rad2/Hz)
b– =
–160 1 –154
dB rad 2
b0 = –182 dB rad2/Hz
10 102 103 104
ƒ (Hz)
Figure 2-95 Background noise of the implementation shown on Figure 2-89, measured at +14 dBm DUT output power, and
9.13 GHz carrier frequency. Reprinted from [115], with the permission of AIP Publishing. Graphical editing and comments are
Sθ(ƒ) (dB rad 2/Hz)
Two DUTs
1 10 102 103 104 105
ƒ (Hz)
Figure 2-96 Example of phase noise spectrum (2.3 GHz AlN-Sapphire HBAR resonator). Reprinted from [118], with the permis-
sion of AIP Publishing. Comments are ours.
These spurs cannot be seen separately because the analyzer has not sufficient resolution in this region. Other spurs
show up in the region D, between 35 kHz and 80 kHz. This type of spurs is usually due to switching power circuits
in the experiment, or around in the room, conducted through cables. Common-mode filters (ferrites) often help to
reduce these spurs.
Figure 2-97 shows the phase noise of a 100 MHz OCXO, measured with the cross-spectrum method using satu-
rated DBM. At f ≤ 200 Hz, the plot is quite smooth, and we identify clearly the 1/f 4 and the 1/f 3 regions, typical of
Phase noise PSD (dBc/Hz) Pascall 100MHz
–80 level E OCXO
–110 A
–140 C
–160 D E
ƒ (Hz)
1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107
Figure 2-97 Phase noise spectrum of a 100 MHz oscillator. The spectrum is from DDC Electronics Ltd., a subsidiary of Data
Device Corporation (DDC). Graphical editing and comments are ours.
quartz oscillators. The white PM noise is also well identified, in the region between 100 kHz and 10 MHz. By con-
trast, the spectrum is quite irregular between 200 Hz and 100 kHz. There is something wrong in the measurement,
and we are unable to identify the 1/f or 1/f 2 terms of the polynomial law we expect.
Starting from the left-hand side of the plot, we see a small discontinuity in A, at the transition between two
decades. The most probable explanation is a change in the sampling frequency, affecting the white noise floor
of the ADC. However small in this case, a signature like this is often seen in PM noise spectra. In B we see a
bump, where the plot is quite irregular. The best interpretation we have is that the averaging process, necessary
in the cross-spectrum method, is still not converging. This may also reveal B-type (systematic) uncertainty. The
region C is weird because the plot is most irregular, and lower than the white PM floor. We have good reasons
to believe that there is some anti-correlated process polluting the measure in this region, probably due to AM
noise. The cross-spectrum may even be negative, and made positive by the absolute-value estimator. Of course,
this region of the PM noise spectrum cannot be trusted. The region D contains an artifact, which appears as a
notch. The narrowness recalls a spur, but spurs take the shape of a peak, not of a notch. The one and only credible
explanation for this pattern is the presence of a spur with negative correlation in the two branches. However narrow
and irrelevant it seems, this spur provides the evidence of anti-correlated artifacts, and reinforces the hypothesis
that something similar happens in the region C. The region E is the signature of a low-pass filter. This pattern is
the bandwidth limit of the system, which is in principle known, and should not be regarded as an artifact.
The last piece of our collection is the set of phase noise spectra shown on Figure 2-98. The device under test is
a 1-GHz source having unusually high level of third harmonic distortion, −6.9 dBc. This source is measured with
DBMs and the cross-spectrum method. The different curves are obtained by shifting the third harmonic from 0∘ to
360∘ in 30∘ steps. This plot is intended to alert the reader that large harmonic distortion and impedance mismatch
should always be avoided in PM noise measurement. Why this large spread of values occurs, up to 12 dB at 10 kHz,
and why the effect of the distortion is so irregular versus frequency, is not clear. The mixer is highly nonlinear, and
for this reason it cannot be impedance matched at the inputs. Impedance mismatch and back reflections are not the
same for first harmonic and for third harmonic. Furthermore, impedance mismatch affects the out-to-out isolation
of the input power splitter, and in turn introduces coupling between the two channels of the instruments. Of course,
1 GHz signal with –6.9 dBc 3rd harmonic distortion shifted in 30° steps
Slice on phase noise
measurements at 10kHz
–100 offset
L(ƒ) (dBc/Hz)
101 102 103 104 105 106 107
ƒ (Hz)
Figure 2-98 Phase noise of a 1-GHz oscillator having −6.9 dBc third harmonic distortion. The third harmonics is shifted from 0∘
to 360∘ in 30∘ steps. Reproduced with permission. © Synergy Microwave Corp.
none of these effects is under control, and erratic inconsistent results are around the corner. Experience suggests
that a 3-dB attenuator inserted on each input connector of the mixer improves the impedance matching and helps
significantly in avoiding inconsistencies. Introducing a low-pass filter at the input of the instrument is also a good
idea when the source under test has significant harmonic distortion. In the laboratory practice, even a small set of
filters covers most cases. A relatively new generation of filters is now commercially available, impedance matched
also in the stopband. The use of these filters is highly recommended.
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Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapters 1 and 2 have familiarized us with the phase-locked loop (PLL), the fundamental building block of all
modern frequency synthesizers. We now understand the various types and orders of loops, the performance of the
loop, and the evaluation of the loop. This chapter deals with special loops that are basically one-loop synthesizers.
These systems can be combined, as we will see later, in multi-loop synthesizers, or some of them can be used as
stand-alone systems.
The resolution or step size of the synthesizer, as we have learned, is equal to the reference frequency. There
is a conflict between speed and step size, and this chapter deals with ways of minimizing this conflict. First, we
will take a look at a system generating frequencies digitally with the help of logic circuitry and/or a computer. As
today’s technology provides us with fast microprocessors, these systems, using microprocessors and lookup tables,
are capable of ultrafine-resolution synthesizers.
Then, we take a look at multi-loop sampler loops, where the various samplers are used to speed up the response
of the very narrow loops commonly required in high-resolution systems. Loops with sequential phase shifters allow
increased resolution at the expense of absolute accuracy.
Next, we will see how a delay line can be used to improve noise performance. This is almost the reverse tech-
nique of what we saw in Chapter 2, where the delay line was used to measure the phase noise.
Finally, we acquaint ourselves with the fractional N PLL, a spin-off of the digiphase system.
This chapter deals with modern digital synthesis concepts and implementations. Rapid advances in digital electronic
circuitry, as well as digital-to-analog converters (DACs), have led to some very attractive solutions in frequency
synthesis based on a totally digital approach.
Fractional N implementations are essentially PLL solutions to which digital logic has been added to perform
certain useful functions. In particular, fractional N is an effective and economic way of increasing the frequency
resolution of PLL frequency synthesis, while maintaining an acceptable level of spurious sidebands. The approach
still suffers from some inherent constraints. The main ones are relatively long settling times, when the frequency
is switched and limited phase modulation (PM) bandwidth. Recent trends toward the use of a spread spectrum in
radar and communications are driving the need for faster switching and more PM of bandwidth in synthesizers.
We will examine the potential for increasing the speed of fractional N implementations before reviewing the
field of direct digital synthesis (DDS). An interesting question arises: Will DDS implementations be limited to those
applications requiring fast switching or will they find a natural place (dictated by economics) in general-purpose
frequency synthesis? It is hoped that this chapter will provide significant insight into this matter, as we discuss
DDS architectures and their advantages and drawbacks, modulation signal quality, and future prospects.
Particular attention is paid to the quality of the signal being synthesized. It is important that the minimum
requirements for the application be met. Digital synthesis has traditionally suffered from high spurious sidebands,
precluding its use in many radar and communications applications. It is important to set some realistic standards
for spurious sideband levels and to evaluate the potential for various competing approaches.
Contributions to this chapter were made by Albert W. Kovalick and Roland Hassun, of Hewlett-Packard Co.,
Palo Alto, California.
FOUT Coarse
Digital to
control Digital phase Phase
word accumulator detector
Clock reference
Output f0 VCO
A different fractional N configuration is shown in Figure 3-2. It was reported in 1976 [3]. In this approach, the
reference frequency is the overflow or MSB output of the phase accumulator. This signal is not periodic when a
non-integer value of binary control word is used. This corresponds to a fractional frequency condition in the tradi-
tional fractional N approach. The DAC is used for correction. The main differences between the two configurations
are that Figure 3-2 uses a fixed divider in the feedback and Figure 3-1 uses the accumulator output as the reference.
A higher VCO frequency is possible with the use of fixed dividers and a higher reference frequency is possible
with the use of the accumulator, as shown.
It is interesting to note that fractional N benefits from the same advances in digital and conversion technologies
have propelled DDS. The key factor is to increase the reference frequency to the phase detector. This has two
important benefits: improvement in phase noise and the ability to extend the bandwidth of the PLL, which leads to
faster switching.
After reading Section 3-2-2, it will become apparent that the method proposed in Ref. [3] is a combination
of DDS, frequency multiplication, and filtering by means of a PLL. There is no evidence of this approach being
implemented commercially to date.
clock = Fc Cutoff
≤ 0.4 Fc
control Δϕ(t) = Fo= FN
Sine N-Bits
Clock Address Register
fc table
Figure 3-3b Fundamental direct digital synthesis system [[4], Analog Devices MT-085].
DDS. The basic architecture is shown in Figure 3-3a. In this simplified model, a stable clock drives a
programmable-read-only-memory (PROM), which stores one or more integral number of cycles of a sinewave
(or other arbitrary waveform, for that matter). As the address counter steps through each memory location, the
corresponding digital amplitude of the signal at each location drives a DAC which in turn generates the analog
output signal. The spectral purity of the final analog output signal is determined primarily by the DAC. The phase
noise is basically that of the reference clock.
Because a DDS system is a sampled data system, all the issues involved in sampling must be considered:
quantization noise, aliasing, filtering, etc. For instance, the higher-order harmonics of the DAC output frequencies
fold back into the Nyquist bandwidth, making them unfilterable, whereas, the higher-order harmonics of the output
of PLL-based synthesizers can be filtered. There are other considerations that will be discussed shortly.
A fundamental problem with this simple DDS system is that the final output frequency can be changed only by
changing the reference clock frequency or by reprogramming the PROM, making it rather inflexible. A practical
DDS system implements this basic function in a much more flexible and efficient manner using digital hardware
called a numerically controlled oscillator (NCO). A block diagram of such a system is shown in Figure 3-3c.
n = 24 − 48 bits n
Frequency control truncation
M = Tuning word 12−19 bits N-bits
Amplitude (10−14)
fc System clock truncation
M • fC
fo =
The heart of the system is the phase accumulator whose contents are updated once each clock cycle. Each time
the phase accumulator is updated, the digital number, M, stored in the delta phase register is added to the number
in the phase accumulator register. Assume that the number in the delta phase register is 00 … 01 and that the initial
contents of the phase accumulator are 00 … 00. The phase accumulator is updated by 00 … 01 on each clock cycle.
If the accumulator is 32-bits wide, 232 clock cycles (over 4 billion) are required before the phase accumulator
returns to 00 … 00, and the cycle repeats.
The truncated output of the phase accumulator serves as the address to a sine (or cosine) lookup table. Each
address in the lookup table corresponds to a phase point on the sinewave from 0∘ to 360∘ . The lookup table contains
the corresponding digital amplitude information for one complete cycle of a sinewave. (Actually, only data for 90∘
is required because the quadrature data is contained in the two MSBs.) The lookup table therefore maps the phase
information from the phase accumulator into a digital amplitude word, which in turn drives the DAC. This is shown
graphically using the “phase wheel” in Figure 3-3d.
Consider the case for n = 32, and M = 1. The phase accumulator steps through each of 232 possible outputs
before it overflows and restarts. The corresponding output sinewave frequency is equal to the input clock frequency
divided by 232. If M = 2, then the phase accumulator register “rolls over” twice as fast, and the output frequency
is doubled. This can be generalized as follows.
For an n-bit phase accumulator (n generally ranges from 24 to 32 in most DDS systems), there are 2n possible
phase points. The digital word in the delta phase register, M, represents the amount the phase accumulator is
incremented each clock cycle. If fc is the clock frequency, then the frequency of the output sinewave is equal to
M ⋅ fc
f0 =
This equation is known as the DDS “tuning equation.” Note that the frequency resolution of the system is equal to
fc /2n. For n = 32, the resolution is greater than one part in 4 billion! In a practical DDS system, all the bits out of
the phase accumulator are not passed on to the lookup table, but are truncated, leaving only the first 13–15 MSBs.
This reduces the size of the lookup table and does not affect the frequency resolution. The phase truncation only
adds a small but acceptable amount of phase noise to the final output (see Figure 3-3e).
The resolution of the DAC is typically 2 to 4 bits less than the width of the lookup table. Even a perfect N-bit
DAC will add quantization noise to the output. Figure 3-3e shows the calculated output spectrum for a 32-bit phase
n Number of points = 2n
M = Jump size
8 256 • 10*log(28) = 24 dB
12 4096 • 10*log(212) = 36 dB
16 65,536 • 10*log(216) = 48 dB
20 1,048,576 • 10*log(220) = 60 dB
24 16,777,216 • 10*log(224) = 72 dB
28 268,435,456 • 10*log(228) = 84 dB
M • fC
fo = 32 4,294,967,296 • 10*log(232) = 96 dB
48 281,474,976,710,656 • 10*log(248) = 144 dB
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Normalized frequency – fout/fclk
Figure 3-3e Calculated output spectrum shows 90 dB spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) [4].
accumulator, 15-bit phase truncation. Figure 3-3f shows the two-tone spectral plot. The value of M was chosen so
that the output frequency was slightly offset from 0.25 times the clock frequency. Note that the spurs caused by the
phase truncation and the finite DAC resolution are all at least 90 dB below the full-scale output. This performance
far exceeds that of any commercially available 12-bit DAC and is adequate for most applications.
The basic DDS system described earlier is extremely flexible and has high resolution. The frequency can be
changed instantaneously with no phase discontinuity by simply changing the contents of the M-register. However,
practical DDS systems first require the execution of a serial or byte-loading sequence to get the new frequency word
into an internal buffer register, which precedes the parallel-output M-register. This is done to minimize package
pin count. After the new word is loaded into the buffer register, the parallel-output delta phase register is clocked,
thereby changing all the bits simultaneously. The number of clock cycles required to load the delta-phase buffer
Power (dBm)
147.5 148.5 149.5 150.5 151.5 152.5
Frequency (MHz) D001
IF = 150 MHz, Tone spacing = 1 MHz
Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo Fo
Fo Fc 2Fc 3Fc
Figure 3-4a Ideal DAC output with Fo , a sampled-and-held sine wave, at its output. Notice the (sin x)/x envelope
roll-off. As Fo moves up in frequency, an aliased component Fc − Fo moves down into the passband. More details
can be seen in Figure 3-4b.
register determines the maximum rate at which the output frequency can be changed. [[4] Based on Analog Devices
MT-085 Tutorial; used with permission.]
Figures 3-4a and 3-4b show the frequency spectrum of an ideal DAC output with a digitally sampled sine-wave
data stream at its input. Note that the desired signal, F0 (a single line in the frequency domain), is replicated around
all clock terms. Figure 3-5 shows the same signal in the time domain.
Note that the amplitude response of the DAC output (before filtering) follows a sin(x)/x response with zeros at
the clock frequency and multiples thereof. The exact equation for the normalized output amplitude, A(f0 ) is given
LPF (Nyquist)
sin o
3.92 dB fc
A(fo) =
fo fc
30 MHz 100 MHz
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
by ( )
sin fc
A(f0 ) = πf0
(c) 20
Magnitude (dB)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Δt = 1/Fclock
Δt t
strictly as a device to remove sampling energy, it is obvious why the output contains only the desired signal. It
is also instructive to view the LPF from the time domain. From this point, the LPF may be seen as the perfect
interpolator. It fills the space between time samples with a smooth curve to reconstruct perfectly the desired signal.
In general, the theory of sampled data is based on Nyquist’s sampling theorem. For complete coverage, see
Ref. [8].
Systems Concerns
If the desired signal, Fo (or the highest component in the desired signal if it is composed of many frequencies),
is greater in frequency than Fclock /2, then an aliased version of it will appear in the passband at Fclock − Fo (see
Figure 3-4a). Some aliasing will always occur when non-band-limited signals, like square waves, triangular waves,
or wideband FM waves, are desired. This is so because the desired signal has energy in it that extends beyond
Fclock /2. Careful signal design will always guarantee that the aliasing contribution is below some specified mini-
mum. In the case of a pure carrier, that is, a synthesizer without any modulation, aliasing is not a concern as long
as Fcarrier < Fclock /2.
Desired wave
Noise waveform
Another general concern is that of finite wordlength effects. The digital hardware block of Figure 3-3a outputs
a K-bit value each clock cycle. This word is typically formed through either roundoff or truncation (roundoff with
a bias). In any event, the desired signal must be quantized into at most 2K amplitude levels. Commercial DACs are
of fixed-point design ranging from about 6 to 20 bits.
The effect of truncation/roundoff error is quantization noise in the final output. Since each sample has an error
ranging from −LSB/2 to +LSB/2, a sequence of noisy values is created. Figure 3-6 shows how amplitude quan-
tization noise is formed. This noise may be made as small as desired by selecting the value K. It is a fact of life,
however, that as K increases the DAC must be clocked slower. This is the big trade-off in designing digital synthe-
sizers. Another strategy is to contour the effects of the noise. This may be accomplished with the aid of a dither
source. Reference [9] gives a complete analysis of this scheme.
Now that the basics have been covered, let’s investigate each of the three ways to generate synthesized wave-
forms. Hybrid combinations are possible too.
Y (n–2)
Y (n) to DAC
2 cos ωt coefficient
Y (n–1)
Figure 3-7 Hardware implementation required to compute Y(n). This hardware fills the hardware block in Figure 3-3a.
Figure 3-7 shows the hardware implementation required to compute Y(n). This hardware fills the hardware
block in Figure 3-3a.
The beauty of this realization is seen in its simplicity. For certain applications it performs as required. For
example, for slow rate tones, which may be computed with floating point hardware (or computed in a software
loop), this method is ideal. This method has been used successfully with a variety of digital signal processing
(DSP) chips.
However, the realization of Figure 3-7 in fixed point hardware will not produce a pure sine wave. In most cases,
due to recursion, limit-cycle noise will build up. The resulting signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) may be unacceptable.
Limit cycles are the nemeses of DSP designs that use recursion. Typically, infinite impulse response (IIR) type filters
exhibit limit-cycle noise (see Jackson’s classic paper [10]). The resulting Y(n) output will have small amounts of
undesired amplitude modulation (AM) and PM due to noise contribution.
Modulating the recursion oscillator is a painful chore. If the synthesizer is to have FM or PM, the 2 cos 𝜔t
coefficient must be computed for each modulation data point. For this reason, other structures should be considered
when modulation is needed. Note, too, that the output frequency of Y(n) is determined by the fixed coefficient term
2 cos 𝜔t. Representing the coefficient with a finite wordlength means that the computed sinusoidal frequency may
not be exactly what is required.
In general, this method is used infrequently for hardware synthesizers. It shows more promise as a method to
generate sine waves using software. It is relatively inflexible regarding FM and PM modulation.
where dt = 1∕Fclock
d𝜙 = phase increment per clock cycle
(x) K
+ REG sin x To DAC
Phase Amplitude
increment = dϕ
The register output is a quantized version of the pure ramp, 𝜔t. The adder is binary and modulo (2M ). By
definition, 2M = 2π radians. So, the adder overflow is exactly at the 2π position. Any overflow remainder phase
will foldover into the next cycle of the output sinusoid. This overflow phase is exactly the required amount. For
example, if the register is holding a value 350∘ at clock N and if d𝜙 is 36∘ (Fsig = Fclock /10), the register will contain
350 + 36 Mod(360) degrees at clock N + 1. So, at clock N + 1, the register contains 26∘ as desired.
There are four main design variables that affect performance:
Let’s consider the contribution of each term to the final output performance.
The phase accumulator width M determines the frequency resolution of the synthesizer; that is, Fres = Fclock /2M .
So, for M = 30 and Fclock = 227 = 134.27 MHz, the resolution is exactly 0.125 Hz. Using a binary-coded decimal
(BCD) adder instead of a binary adder would yield a different Fres . The advantage of a BCD adder is that Fclock
may be a clean power of 10 (e.g., 100 MHz) and the resulting Fres is also a “nice” frequency. The choice of a BCD
adder will cause the entire system design to be affected. When using a binary adder, the clock needs to be a power
of 2 if Fres is to be a “nice” frequency. If Fclock is not a power of 2, then certain cardinal frequencies cannot by
synthesized. For example, if M = 30 and Fclock = 100 MHz, then Fres = 0.093132 Hz. In this case, commonplace
frequencies such as 1, 5, or 10 MHz cannot be generated exactly. As usual, the choice must be made depending on
end requirements.
The bit width input to the PAC is L. Ideally, L = M. This is impractical if M is large. In practice, L = K + 2 is
a good choice. Let us see why. The L bits represent the truncated phases of the carrier. However, phase truncation
causes quantization noise. Also, amplitude quantization noise is present due to K, the DAC width, as mentioned
So, both K and L contribute to the total quantization noise. It would help us to know the SNR of each process
so that the K/L trade-off will become clearer. First, let us derive the phase noise SNR assuming that K = ∞. In this
way there is only phase truncation noise in the output.
power in sin(𝜔t)
SNR = (3-7)
power in cos(𝜔t) × N(t)
The normalized power in sin (𝜔t) and cos (𝜔t) is 0.5 W (Rload = 1 Ω). So
power in N(t)
Assuming a uniform distribution of error states in N(t), the noise power can be derived to be
where Q = 2π/2L is the smallest phase step size. So SNR = 12/Q2 or SNRdB = 10 1og(12/Q2 )
The noise energy falls between 0 and Fclock . If we assume that only 40% of the noise bandwidth is preserved at
the output of the LPF, then the SNR is enhanced by 4 dB. So, the SNRdBfil = 6.02L − 1.17 dB. As an example, if
L = 12, the SNRdBfil = 71.1 dB.
For sufficiently long noise sequences, the spectral distribution is nearly evenly spread across the passband. The
SNR value is the total power in all the noise spectra and not the height of the individual noise lines. If the noise
sequence is very long, the noise will be distributed in many lines very close together and low in level. The sum of
all the noise lines will always equal the SNR value.
Next, we derive the SNR for a finite DAC width, K. In this derivation we may assume that L = ∞ and only K
is of finite length. For a sinusoid the quantized signal may be expressed as
where N(t) is the quantization noise due to amplitude truncation. The power in sin (𝜔t) is 1/2 normalized into a 1-Ω
Now, assuming that the noise states in N(t) are uniformly distributed, the noise power is [11]
SNR = (3-12)
SNR = 0.5∕(4∕22K )∕12 = (3∕2)(22K ) (3-13)
SNRdB = 6.02K + 1.8 dB (amplitude quantization noise) (3-14)
Using the reasoning of the previous derivation, the SNR at the LPF output is enhanced by 4 dB. So, the final SNR
SNRdBfil = 6.02K + 4.8 dB (3-15)
Now if both K and L are of finite length, the total noise comes from a contribution from each noise term. A
good design practice is to make one noise source subordinate. As may be seen from the SNR results, for equal
values of K and L, the phase noise is about 7 dB higher than the amplitude noise. Typical DAC bit widths are 8, 10,
and 12 bits for fast DACs. So, if K = 12, the phase noise would be subordinate if L were chosen to be 14. Also, a
value of L = 14 is a reasonable choice for practical hardware design. A value of L > 14 would not improve system
performance measurably since the amplitude quantization noise would always predominate. So, L = K + 2 is a
reasonable design guideline.
Finally, the designer has a choice of Fclock . Due to the Nyquist sampling theorem and practical LPF filter design
considerations, the maximum useful output frequency is 0.4 Fclock . The choice will often depend on the DAC speed
and the rate at which one can economically generate the required sampled digital data.
Other Considerations
The design of the PAC poses some interesting design challenges. A brute force method uses a ROM (or RAM) with
2L addresses and an output width of K bits. With L = 14, a 16K × 12 bit lookup (K = 12) table would be needed.
An alternative to straight lookup is a structure that uses piecewise interpolation and quadrant logic to form the sin
x output. One design uses 32 segments per quadrant to form the output. It uses only 640 bits of coefficient ROM
(see Ref. [12]).
Piecewise methods are frequently based on the partitioning of the PAC phase term. One method splits the input
phase into upper and lower pieces. Let us call these terms the bottom (B) and top (T). In this case,
where the top bits are shifted by J bits from the LSB position. So
For small B,
cos(B) = 1 and sin(B) = B (3-18)
sin (phase) = B cos(2J T) + sin (2J T) (3-19)
Let us look at an example with K = 12 bits. If the top term, T, is only 6 bits wide then the ROM storage needed
is 128 words. This is so since you must store 654 points of sin (2J T) and 64 points of cos(2J T). Also, B is 6 bits,
so the required multiplication is 6 × 12. For T = B − 6 bits, the error using this approximation is less than 0.015%,
which is better than the required 12-bit resolution. Implementing this architecture yields good results when the
synthesizer must be compact and composed of only a few very large scale integration (VLSI)-type chips.
Incidentally, the piecewise approximation method of sine generation surprisingly is spectrally clean. For only
two segments from 0∘ to 90∘ , the total harmonic distortion is only 2.3% (see Refs. [13, 14]).
Another scheme to increase the sample rate is through parallelism. Using multiple channels of computation/PAC
yields very favorable results [15].
The phase accumulator structure is flexible and lends itself to modification for implementing AM, FM, and PM.
For an example of a commercial product, see the Hewlett-Packard 8791 synthesizer.
The AM may be added with a real-time hardware multiplier after the PAC. The PM is easily implemented
by adding the Pm(t) term to the phase accumulator register output. Likewise, the Fi (t) term is formed with the
inclusion of an FM adder block. The output of this adder is the input to the phase accumulator. So, with minor
architectural adjustments, real-time modulation is available. The hardware must be designed so that a new point
on Y(n) is computed each clock cycle.
From where will the Am(t), Pm(t), and Fm(t) data come? In general, the data come from two sources. One is
a real-time user-suppled input. Here, the user must be able to supply high-speed digital data to the synthesizer.
Another source of modulation data is the RAM. In this case the AM, PM, and FM data are stored in different
dedicated RAMs. The RAMs are addressed and the data are combined to produce Y(n).
Adding modulation to the phase accumulator structure provides a very flexible synthesizer. For signals that may
be described by their AM, PM, or FM components, this method provides a completely deterministic approach to
signal synthesis.
RAM-Based Synthesis
The third architecture to be discussed is RAM-based synthesis. Figure 3-9 shows a block diagram of such a syn-
thesizer. The major blocks are:
HPIB bus
development 16-bit
station Fast port
In essence, the method uses a sampled image of the desired final waveform. This image is stored in the waveform
RAM. The sequencer scans the desired waveform samples and these samples, in turn, are sent to the DAC for
conversion to the analog domain.
The theory of sampled data referred to and discussed in the section on the Phase Accumulator Method is the
basis for understanding this method as well.
Before the components are discussed, let us consider an analogy to the RAM-based synthesizer, namely, the
compact disc (CD) player.
The CD player has a rotating platter that contains the music as sampled data. In the RAM-based synthesizer, a
memory contains the sampled data to be played back.
In a CD player, the data are sampled at a 44.1-kHz rate. In a memory-based synthesizer, the rate is selected by
the user and is usually much higher.
CD players feature two 16-bit DACs, one per channel. The synthesizer has one DAC per output channel as well.
For speed reasons, the DAC width is more likely to be in the 8- to 12-bit range.
Most CD players have a sequencer that lets you play back the tracks in any order. A memory-based synthesizer
has a memory sequencer that allows playing back the “tracks” in any order.
An example of a RAM-based synthesizer is the HP8770A waveform synthesizer (see Ref. [7]).
parallel RAM array and multiplex the individual RAMs to form a very high speed data path. The size of the RAM
is a major design variable, as we will see.
The RAM is useless unless it is addressed by a sequencer. In the simplest sense, a sequencer scans a wave
segment of data in the RAM. A wave segment is defined as a block of sampled waveform data. The simplest
sequencer is an address counter with stop and start address parameters. A more sophisticated sequencer has a
mini-program that directs the addressing. In this type, several levels of looping are allowed. In many waveforms
there are wave segments that are repeated often. These segments may be scanned by the sequencer to form a
complex final output. In effect, the sequencer allows for the RAM data to be compressed.
A simple example will shed some light on the method. It is desired to synthesize an NSTC color bar test pattern.
This pattern has redundancy. Many horizontal lines have the same color. A brute force RAM lookup would require
about 525,000 points with a 14,317,816-Hz clock (this is exactly four times the color burst frequency). Careful
analysis of the signal reveals that there are many wave segments that repeat. By loading the RAM with only the
nonredundant data, the RAM size need only be 20K addresses. So, the sequencer has given us a data compression
ratio of about 26:1.
Another component in a RAM-based synthesizer is the waveform development environment. The user needs a
methodology to compose the desired waveform. For simple waves, like pure carriers or simple AM carriers, the
user may choose to write dedicated software routines to calculate the sampled data. A more general solution is to
provide the user with a waveform design language. Using this language, the user may create any waveform within
the limits of creativity, the synthesizer’s bandwidth, and amplitude resolution. An example of this is the waveform
generation language (WGL) that is a companion product of the HP8770A waveform synthesizer [5].
Flow = (3-22)
sequence length
This tone would be a single cycle in Q points, assuming that the sequence length is Q points. In general, the
single-tone output may be described by
Note that 2π(P/Q)I is just another equivalent way to write 𝜔t with 𝜔 = 2π(P/Q) and I the time index. The Q
points of Y(n) are stored in the RAM.
So, if Fclock is 100 MHz and a 28-MHz tone is desired, then Fout = (100 MHz) (P/Q). By inspection with P = 7
and Q = 25, an Fout of 28 MHz would be realized. This tone would only have 25/7 or about 3.5 points per cycle.
This is fine as long as the LPF is designed to remove the sampling energy at frequencies greater than and equal to
100 − 28 MHz.
By adjusting P/Q, many different tones may be generated. For this example, the user observes an analog output
with the tone at exactly 28 MHz (actually the only error would be due to Fclock not being exactly at the desired
frequency). In the tone, each cycle would be identical to all the others. However, the data feeding the DAC are
composed of seven cycles of the desired tone before the sequence repeats. Each cycle has exactly the same fre-
quency. The difference is that each cycle has a different distribution of sample points compared with any of the
other six cycles. Try computing sin [2π(7/25)I] for all 25 points to see this effect for yourself.
As an aside, well-designed waveforms exhibit closure; that is, the last point in the sampled data is immediately
followed by the first point in the RAM stored sequence. This allows the address counter to return to the first point in
the sequence immediately after the last, and the final output has no discontinuity. If either P or Q is not an integer,
closure will not be maintained. In this case, the spectrum will be salted with unwanted spurious signals. Again, try
an example for yourself using a simple software loop and you will see that closure will not be obtained.
Given that the problem is to find P and Q for any desired Fout , some interesting results surface. It turns out that
for some maximum value of Q (Qmax ), there is a solution set of P/Q such that there is no better fit to the desired tone.
It is true that there will usually be an error in the resulting frequency, but it may be made very small by choosing
Qmax large enough.
The analysis is complicated by the fact that P and Q may only be whole numbers. To make matters worse, many
combinations of P/Q yield identical frequencies. For example, for P = 21 and Q = 75, we obtain the same 28-MHz
tone as with P = 7 and Q = 25. Only for P and Q relatively prime (no common factors) is Fout obtained with a
minimum value of Q. Naturally, we want Q to be small since it conserves memory space.
The problem of finding P and Q is the same one mathematicians face when asked to find the best rational
approximation to a fraction number like 0.dddddddd. With the help of Euler’s method of continued fractions, P
and Q may be found given the desired fraction (P/Q) of Fclock that is to be synthesized. For an excellent study in
this area, refer to Ref. [16].
Some results of solving for P and Q may be summarized.
The frequency resolution of a RAM-based synthesizer is not a constant. In fact, there is no simple expression
that you may use to find the exact resolution versus frequency. However, a typical or expected resolution may be
expressed as
Fres = Fclock (2π2 ∕3Q3max ) (3-25)
This odd expression may be derived by finding how many pairs of relatively prime P/Q fractions (with P/Q < 1)
are available given an upper limit on Q of Gmax . In this analysis, Euler’s totient function is used to find the sum of
the pairs. On average, a unique tone will be found at a spacing of Fres . For Qmax > 32, Fres as computed is accurate
to <1%.
Fortunately, Fres drops as the square of Qmax . Let us consider an example. For Gmax = 1024 points and
Fclock = 10 MHz,
Fres = (10 MHz (19.74))∕(3 × 1,048, 576) = 62 Hz (3-26)
This means that there are about 162,000 unique frequencies spanning dc to 10 MHz spaced approximately by 62 Hz.
The available frequencies higher than 0.4 Fclock are not used, but this does not affect the resolution.
With Qmax = 4096 points,
Fres = 62∕16 = 4 Hz (3-27)
There is no guarantee, however, that you will get the desired frequency within Fres . But it is highly likely.
Figure 3-10 shows a plot of the percentage error in Fdesired for a 4K RAM size. The worst-case error expected is
100/size. For this case, worst case = 0.024%. Examining the figure, we find almost no errors that are worst case. In
fact, 95% of all desired tones fall within 0.004% of desired frequency and 75% are within 0.0005% of Fdesired . The
Y axis is the percentage of all possible frequencies (using P/Q) that fall within any given error bin. A curious side
effect of the P/Q relationship is that 61% of all possible P/Q values are relatively prime, assuming that Pmax = Qmax .
It should be mentioned, however, that if Q is fixed and only P is a variable, then Fres = Fclock /Q and is much
larger than if Q is also a variable.
Worst case, 0.024%
Another way to analyze the frequency resolution is given in Ref. [7]. The method utilizes partial derivatives to
solve for Fres .
RAM-based synthesis is well suited for the generation of arbitrary time functions. Any desired waveform of
finite length may be sampled and stored in the RAM. Generating a carrier with AM, PM, or FM is just as easy
as generating a pure carrier with no modulation. Depending on user needs, this method may be employed with
success for generating a large class of waveforms.
Applications fall into several broad categories. At the low end, there are some simple single-tone, low-frequency
oscillators. With just a few chips such an oscillator can be built. At the high end, a group of synthesizers classified as
signal simulators exist. These units can generate very complex signal scenarios with independent AM, PM, FM, and
frequency hopping. Such systems find application in radar, multiple satellite signal generation, and communication
channel simulation, for example.
RAM-based systems may be used to simulate, read, and serve waveforms from a disc drive read head. This
technique provides very flexible waveforms for disc drive testing and development (see Ref. [17]).
For communications systems that use I/Q modulation techniques, two synthesizers may be paired to gener-
ate synchronously the I and Q components. With this method, for example, two 50-MHz bandwidth synthesizers
may be used to modulate an I/Q modulator and the resulting bandwidth is 100 MHz. In this application, the I
and Q channels must be matched in amplitude and phase to better than 0.01 dB and 0.35∘ , respectively, for good
With this design requirement, the prudent choice is a digital synthesizer. Achieving this match with two analog
instruments is almost impossible (see Ref. [18]).
New applications are being discovered every day. By applying DSP techniques to signal problems, designers
are discovering the joy of digital synthesis. Increasingly, what used to be done awkwardly with analog methods
may now be done with finesse using digital methods.
Summary of Methods
Three architectures for digital synthesizers have been discussed. The major design elements of each method have
been analyzed. In brief, now, here are some reasons to choose one architecture over another.
• Recursion Method. Simple to implement. Needs floating point multiply to achieve excellent frequency reso-
lution and low limit-cycle noise. Difficult to modulate. Good for software simulation of single tones.
• Phase Accumulator. Practical synthesizer using fixed point hardware. Easy to achieve constant, useful Fres
values. Modulation may be implemented with additional hardware. Allows for real-time modulation of a
carrier with user data. Very flexible, long scenario lengths attained. Amount of hardware required depends
on the modulation capabilities needed. The system can become large when AM, PM, and FM are required.
• RAM-Based Method. Stored sample image lookup. Non-uniform frequency resolution is typical. Any desired
waveform may be generated. Scenario time is a direct function of the amount of RAM available and how the
sequencer is programmed. No real-time modulation allowed (AM would be easy, however). All waveforms
must be precomputed. This may be time-consuming depending on the application. A waveform generation
software package will often be needed for all but the simplest signals.
In conclusion, the choice is really between the last two methods for flexible, hardware synthesizers. Each has
its advantages/disadvantages depending on the application. As more designers become aware of the advantages of
digital synthesis, new applications will emerge.
There are a number of companies producing DDS synthesizers. As an example, Figure 3-11 shows the datasheet
of AD9914 of Analog Devices and Figure 3-12 show the AS9912. This DDS offers 14 bit resolution resulting in
4 μHz resolution.
DDS synthesizers produced by Analog Devices can serve as examples of the capabilities offered by such
devices. These chips and boards are available in different operating ranges and frequency ranges. A good tar-
geted use of these digital direct synthesizers is application in synthesized signal generators, high frequency (HF)
radios, and ultra high frequency (UHF) applications.
Figures 3-13 and 3-14 show examples of an HF synthesizer, using a DDS for fine resolution. The 20-MHz
temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) is used as the frequency standard for the DDS synthesizer.
Its output frequency, which operates from 1 to 2 MHz, is then up-converted from 21/22 MHz. The output is then
divided by 4 and fed into a phase detector. A second loop, operating from 147 to 410 MHz in 1-MHz steps, is also
divided by 4 and serves as the auxiliary frequency to mix down the output frequencies into a range of approximately
5 MHz.
Nonlinear Transition Effects in the DAC This occurs entirely during the transition from one state to the other. The
spurs created by this mechanism are determined in the frequency by the same formula that governs quantization
spurs, Fspur = MFclock + −NFsignal . The difference is that values of M and N are fairly low. M is usually less than
3 and N is less than 10. If the nonlinear effects are very pronounced, these values could increase. For the values
mentioned, the spurs generated are well above those created by the ideal quantization process. It is not unusual
to find spurs around −30 dBc when a high conversion rate is attempted. A good deglitching circuit (sample/hold
or simple sampler) can reduce these spurs by up to 30–40 dB. The deglitcher, of course, introduces its own set of
spurs, but these are lower and tend to be limited to values of M < 2 and N < 5. A good way to evaluate this effect is
to generate signals at frequencies close, but not equal, to fractions of the clock. At approximately 1/3 of the clock
1.0− 21.0− 108 MHz
2 MHz 2.0 MHz 22.0 MHz Bandpass Loop
Low-pass VCO
filter filter
20 MHz
digital Fine frequency 5.25−
0.01 Hz 5.25−
synthesizer Bandpass 5.5 MHz
5.5 MHz ϕ
10 MHz 36.75−
102.5 MHz
÷2 ÷4
410 MHz
1 MHz Loop
÷20 ϕ VCO
1.0− 21.0− 1200 MHz
2.0 MHz 22 MHz
Low-pass Bandpass Loop
filter filter filter
20 MHz
÷4 ÷4
synthesizer Bandpass
5.25− filter
5.5 MHz
÷2 294.5 MHz
20 MHz
frequency, one would observe on a spectrum analyzer in proximity to the signal frequency, spurs caused by M = 1
and N = 2 among others that satisfy the equation stated earlier. One should repeat this process for 1/4, 1/5, 1/6 of
the clock frequency until the level of the spurs drops below the level of interest (see Ref. [19]).
Data Skew If the data are presented to the DAC with some skew in time, this causes the various switches in the
DAC to turn on at slightly different instances. This causes a transition period that has a signal that is dependent on
the data being supplied. The effect leads to results that are identical to those mentioned in the previous paragraph
and can be examined in the same way. A reduction in the data skew, by reclocking the data in a high-speed register,
for example, can contribute significantly to alleviate this effect.
Implementation Effects This primarily relates to spur-generating mechanisms that are not inherent in the arith-
metic or conversion process, but show up on the output signal nevertheless. One such mechanism is clock and
clock subharmonic leakage and mixing in the DAC. Thus, if a strong Fclock /2 component were present in the
system, it could give rise to a spur at Fclock /2 − Fsignal . In general, this can lead to spurs at frequencies given by
(M/K)Fclock + −NFsignal . where K = 1, 2, 4, 8, because it is likely to encounter power of two subharmonics of the
clock in the digital processing system.
Two-Tone Intermodulation Distortion This is a measure of the dynamic linearity of the signal-generating process.
Two equilevel tones at frequencies F1 and F2 give rise to spectral lines at MF1 − NF2 that are undesired. The ratio
of the undesired tones to the desired ones in dBc is a figure of merit for the signal generator. Note that quantization
gives rise to intermodulation distortion, but this is usually at a level well below that caused by the DAC or the
output amplifier for a 12-bit system.
Output Transfer Function Characteristics Any departure from flat amplitude and linear phase as a function of
frequency introduces an error in the signal being created. This is especially apparent when the carrier is being mod-
ulated. Thus, anti-aliasing filters must be especially precise in these characteristics to reduce the signal distortion
arising from this effect. It is possible to compensate for nonideal effects by predistorting the desired signal with
just the right amount of amplitude/phase offset to undo the ill effects of the LPF nonlinearities (see Ref. [20] for
further details).
Phase Noise This is caused by the fact that there is jitter in the phase of the signal that is being created. The
zero crossings for a sine wave are not distributed uniformly in time; they exhibit some randomness. This leads to a
broadening of the spectrum of the otherwise infinitesimally wide spectral line of a sine wave with no phase noise.
A figure of merit for phase noise is the ratio of the power or voltage in spectral range 1 Hz wide to that of the carrier
itself. A detailed treatment of phase noise can be found in Ref. [21].
There is only one source of phase noise in DDS as opposed to multiple sources for PLL synthesis. That source
is the phase noise on the clock signal. In general, any PM on the clock signal is transmitted to the output signal
by the ratio Fsignal /Fclock . This means that there is a 20-dB reduction in the PM of a signal that is at 1/10 the clock
frequency compared with the PM that exists on the clock signal.
The problem of cleaning up the phase noise in DDS is therefore simply that of cleaning up the clock signal.
It should be noted, however, that when discreet spurs become very numerous, their effect becomes indistinguish-
able from that of phase noise for practical applications. The following two pictures show the obtainable quality.
Figure 3-15 shows the two-tone intermodulation in the HP8770A undesired tones 74 dB down with respect to the
two tones at +5 dBm. Figure 3-16 shows the HP8770A signal generator with a carrier frequency of 37 MHz. The
spurious signals are 72 dB down. The internal clock rate for this is 125 MHz.
In many DDS applications, the spectral purity of a DAC output is of primary concern. Unfortunately, the mea-
surement prediction and analysis of this performance is complicated by a number of interacting factors.
Even an ideal N-bit DAC will produce harmonics in a DDS system. The amplitude of these harmonics is highly
dependent upon the ratio of the output frequency to the clock frequency. This is because the spectral content of√the
DAC quantization noise varies as this ratio varies, even though its theoretical rms value remains equal to q/ 12
(where q is the weight of the LSB). The assumption that the quantization noise appears as white noise and is
spread uniformly over the Nyquist bandwidth is simply not true in a DDS system (it is more apt to be a true
10 dB/sample
Marker Δ
–122.2 kHz
–74.40 dB
Figure 3-15 Two-tone intermodulation in the HP8770A undesired tones 74 dB down with respect to the two tones
at +5 dBm.
Marker Δ
485 kHz
–71.30 dB
VID average 100
Figure 3-16 HP8770A signal generator with a carrier frequency of 37 MHz. The spurious signals are 72 dB down.
The internal clock rate for this is 125 MHz.
assumption in an analog/digital converter (ADC)-based system, because the ADC adds a certain amount of noise
to the signal which tends to “dither” or randomize the quantization error. However, a certain amount of correlation
still exists). For instance, if the DAC output frequency is set to an exact submultiple of the clock frequency, then
the quantization noise will be concentrated at multiples of the output frequency; that is, it is highly dependent. If
the output frequency is slightly offset, however, the quantization noise will become more random, thereby giving
an improvement in the effective spurious free dynamic range (SFDR).
This is illustrated in Figure 3-17, where a 4096 (4K) point fast Fourier transform (FFT) is calculated based on
digitally generated data from an ideal 12-bit DAC. In the left-hand diagram (A), the ratio between the clock fre-
quency and the output frequency was chosen to be exactly 40, yielding an SFDR of about 77 dBc. In the right-hand
diagram, the ratio was slightly offset, and the effective SFDR is now increased to 94 dBc. In this ideal case, we
observed a change in SFDR of 17 dB just by slightly changing the frequency ratio.
The best SFDR can therefore be obtained by the careful selection of the clock and output frequencies. However,
in some applications, this may not be possible. In ADC-based systems, adding a small amount of random noise to
the input tends to randomize the quantization errors and reduce this effect. The same thing can be done in a DDS
system as shown in Figure 3-18 (see Refs. [10–12]). The pseudo-random digital noise generator output is added to
(A) (B)
0 0
–25 –25
–50 –50
SFDR = 77 dBc + –75
SFDR = 94 dBc
–100 –100 2 3 4 5 3
–125 2 –125
4 6
–150 –150
–175 –175
–200 –200
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz)
Figure 3-17 Effect of radio of clock to output frequency on theoretical 12-bit DAC SFDR using 4096 point FFT. (A)
fout = 2.0000 MHz, fs = 80.0000 MHz, (B) fout = 2.0111 MHz, fs = 80.0000 MHz [4].
OSK shift DDS
keying DAC-RSET
Amplitude (A)
2 A Acos (ωt + θ)
Digital Phase (θ) Aout
Drhold ramp DAC
Data θ 12-bit
generator route Frequency (ω) Aout
Drover and ω Asin (ωt + θ)
3 Internal Clock
PS[2:0] programming
registers SYSCLK
I/O_update Ref_CLK
4 Power-
F0 To F3 Multichip
down synchronization
the DDS sine amplitude word before being loaded into the DAC. The amplitude of the digital noise is set to about
1/ LSB. This accomplishes the randomization process at the expense of a slight increase in the overall output noise
floor. In most DDS applications, however, there is enough flexibility in selecting the various frequency ratios so
that dithering is not required.
Figure 3-18 is a block diagram of the very powerful AD9914, which is used for much higher frequencies.
The detailed block diagram of the AD9914 requires some comments. The desired output frequency is delivered
from the 12-bit DAC where 212 = 4096 is the resolution. The actual frequency is generated in the DDS portion
on the left. It mentions sine and cosine functions. However, the entire left block can be setup to generate arbitrary
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
–160 SMA
10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Frequency offset (Hz)
Figure 3-19 Absolute phase noise of the REF CLK source driving AD9914 Rohde and Schwarz SMA100 signal
generator at 3.5 GHz buffered by series ADCLK925, Analog Devices AD9914 3.5 GSPS Direct Digital Synthesizer
with 12-Bit DAC Data Sheet].
1 CLRWR –90
–150 TH 0dB
LoopBW1 kHz
As to the clock generation, which should be as high as possible, but not higher than 3.5 GHz, the built-in PLL
on the lower right side of the block diagram, labeled as REF_CLK can be used to generate such a frequency.
However, much better performance is obtained from an ultra-stable clock synthesizer, like the R&S SMA100B
(see Figure 3-19).
• 13.5 GHz Dual Loop Synthesizer (see Figure 3-20). First loop: internal 800 MHz surface acoustic wave
(SAW) oscillator locked to 10 MHz, PLL IC is HMC698 Integer N. Second loop: 13.5 GHz dielectric res-
onator oscillator (DRO) locked to 800 MHz SAW, PLL IC is RFDIV3 IC.
• KSFLOD1280-12-1280 (see Figure 3-21). Single loop phase locked DRO, 1280 MHz reference. 12.8 GHz
DRO locked to 1280 MHz, PLL IC is RFDIV3.
• FSFLO13G00-100-1 (see Figure 3-22). Single loop phase locked VCO, 100 MHz reference. 100 MHz mul-
tiplied by 8, 13 GHz is locked to 800 MHz. PLL IC is RFDIV3.
1.000 KHz –115.13 dBc/Hz
–125.94 dBc/Hz
10.000 KHz
100.000 KHz –124.37 dBc/Hz
–142.80 dBc/Hz A
1.000 KHz
10.000 KHz –163.37 dBc/Hz
1 CLRWR –90
4 View –120
–150 TH 0dB
LoopBW1 kHz
Figure 3-21 Single loop phase locked DRO, 1280 MHz reference.
1 CLRWR –90
–150 TH 0dB
LoopBW1 kHz
Figure 3-22 Single loop fractional-N phase locked 13 GHz VCO with 100 MHz reference.
• KSFLO27R1-12-100 (see Figure 3-23). Single loop phase locked VCO, 100 MHz reference. Comparison
frequency is 100 MHz; PLL IC is HMC703 fractional-N synthesizer. VCO output at 13.55 GHz, followed by
a doubler.
• FXLNS-1000 (see Figure 3-24). Phase locked SAW oscillator at 1 GHz. The trick used in here is that both
a mixer and a PLL IC are used to control the SAW oscillator. The PLL IC (ADF4106) is used to provide
frequency lock, and the mixer is used to clean up the phase noise.
The circuits we have just studied, if absolutely ideal components without drift and tolerances were available, would
theoretically enable us to come up with infinite resolution. However, the introduction of this circuit will result in
some switching noise, probably spikes, and the LPF of the phase/frequency comparator will cure part of it. However,
it is a discontinuous arrangement, and we will now take a look at a system that allows continuous adjustment based
on a principle that we have used earlier.
When measuring the phase noise of a frequency synthesizer, for all practical purposes we can assume that the
delay time 𝜏 d is a constant over time and change of environment, which, of course, is an assumption. We can, by
making the phase shifter variable, measure a certain offset from the carrier.
The voltage that is obtained from the mixer was connected to the oscilloscope or the wave analyzer. By integrat-
ing this voltage and feeding it through an amplifier back to the VCO, we can close the loop. This arrangement is a
–90 –90
–100 –100
–110 –110
–120 –120
–130 –130
–140 –140 TH 0dB
–150 –150
LoopBW3 kHz
Figure 3-23 Single loop fractional-N phase locked VCO with 100 MHz reference.
noise feedback system. Figure 3-25 shows a circuit in which a PAL delay line and a variable phase shifter are used to
stabilize an oscillator if the proper bandwidth and phase offset are chosen. The close-in noise sideband performance
of the oscillator can drastically be improved. This circuit has actually been used in some German ham equipment
and in the Fluke synthesized signal generator Models 6070A and 6071A. In the case of the Fluke model, a SAW
delay line is used, and, as shown in Figure 3-26, by using a subsynthesizer system, a 240- to 520-MHz oscillator
is improved by this technique, and the subsynthesizer from 0.8 to 1.2 MHz provides increased resolution down to
1 Hz.
The ultimate resolution of this system is determined by the subsynthesizer, which, as discussed earlier, might
be a direct digital synthesizer.
The special loops we have seen so far showed an increase in resolution with the trade-off of losing
The very new topics for delay-line use are the opto-electric synthesizers; see Appendix F on Opto-electronic
The fractional division N synthesizer offers, theoretically, unlimited resolution and extremely fast settling time.
We will learn more about this in Section 3-4.
Conventional single-loop synthesizers use frequency dividers where the division ratio N is an integer value between
1 and several hundred thousand, and the step size is equal to the reference frequency. Because of the loop filter
TH 0dB
0.1 𝜇F
100 47 100
0.1 𝜇F C2 0.1 𝜇F
120 pF 11 12 1 3 4
0.1 𝜇F
C3 TBA 120
120 pF 270 14
13 6 10 100 pF 4–6
C4 390 1 kΩ MHz
0.1 𝜇F
11 9 7 BC238
14 8 10 kΩ
Main discriminator-
– stabilized
Reference Low-pass
frequency voltage-controlled
+ oscillator
(240−520 MHz)
(0.8−1.2 MHz)
Scale-of-N (260)
Phase detector –
Tracking VCO
(240−320 MHz)
Figure 3-26 Block diagram of the Model 6070A delay-line-stabilized Fluke synthesizer.
requirements, the decrease of reference frequency automatically means an increase of settling time. It would be
unrealistic to assume that a synthesizer with lower than 100-Hz reference can be built, because the large division
ratio in the loop would reduce the loop gain so much that tracking would be very poor, and the settling time would
be several seconds.
If it were possible to build a frequency synthesizer with a 100-kHz reference and fine resolution, this would be
ideal because the VCO noise from 2 or 3 kHz off the carrier could determine the noise sideband, while the phase
noise of frequencies from basically no offset from the carrier to 3 kHz off the carrier would be determined by the
loop gain, the division ratio, and the reference. Because of the higher reference frequency, the division ratio would
be kept smaller. Traditionally, this conflicting requirement resulted in multiloop synthesizers.
An alternative would be for N to take on fractional values. The output frequency could then be changed in
fractional increments of the reference frequency. Although a digital divider cannot provide a fractional division
ratio, ways can be found to accomplish the same task effectively. The most frequently used method is to divide the
output frequency by N + 1 every M cycles and to divide by N the rest of the time. The effective division ratio is
then N + 1/M, and the average output frequency is given by
( )
fo = N + f (3-28)
M r
This expression shows that f0 can be varied in fractional increments of the reference frequency by varying M.
The technique is equivalent to constructing a fractional divider, but the fractional part of the division is actually
implemented using a phase accumulator. The phase accumulator approach is illustrated by the following example.
1.01 MHz
÷N = 10
Reference Phase
(0.1 MHz) Output
1 Part of this description is based on the Hewlett-Packard 3335A signal generator and reproduced with permission.
proportional to the period between the two low-to-high transitions. In the phase-locked condition of a divide-by-N
loop, this period remains constant. In the open-loop example, where the VCO contains a fractional component,
the period between low-to-high transitions continuously increases, resulting in an increasing phase detector output
When analyzing the open-loop divide-by-N loop, it is of interest to view the operation in terms of reference
periods. A reference period is defined as the time required for the reference signal to complete one cycle. Each
reference period, the reference signal goes through one cycle while the VCO, which is operating 10.1 times as
fast, goes through 10.1 cycles. We can say the VCO has advanced one-tenth of a cycle of phase on the integer
part N × fref (fref = reference frequency) in one reference period. In two reference periods, the VCO has gone 20.2
cycles or advanced two-tenths of a cycle of phase on N × fref . When the VCO operates with a fractional offset (F),
it continually advances phase on N × fref each reference period. From the example of Figure 3-25, in 10 reference
periods, the VCO signal will have gone 101 cycles, or advanced one cycle of phase (360∘ ) with respect to N × fref .
Table 3-1 illustrates the phase relationship of N × fref and NF.
While the VCO signal advances phase on N × fref , the divide-by-N VCO signal applied to the phase detector
advances phase on the reference frequency.
In a divide-by-N loop, the VCO is phase locked to a reference signal and operates at a multiple N of the refer-
ence frequency (N × fref ). In an NF loop, the VCO operates at an integer-plus-fractional multiple of the reference
frequency (N × fref + F = NF). As previously illustrated in Figure 3-25, assume again that the VCO operates at
1.01 MHz, the reference is 0.1 MHz, and N equals 10. Each time the reference signal goes through one cycle, the
VCO goes through 10.1 cycles. After 10 reference cycles (10 reference periods), the VCO has gone 101 cycles. The
VCO has advanced one full cycle of phase (360∘ ) on N × fref . If a VCO cycle is removed from the VCO pulse train
applied to the divide-by-N block at the point a full VCO cycle has advanced, the phase advancement on the average
is canceled and the average frequency applied to the divide-by-N block is N × fref or, in this example, 1 MHz.
Because of the continual removal of a VCO cycle (removal of one cycle of phase) at each point the VCO
advances one cycle on N × fref , the phase detector output becomes a sawtooth waveform (see Figure 3-28). The
waveform increases linearly due to the advancing phase of the VCO until the VCO has advanced one cycle of
VCO phase (360∘ ). At this point a cycle is removed from the VCO pulse train, canceling the previous advancement
of a cycle of phase. The phase detector responds to this sudden one-cycle (360∘ ) phase loss by returning to its
initial output. The sequence is repetitive, generating the sawtooth waveform. The maximum amplitude reached
represents one cycle of VCO phase. As the VCO frequency is increased, the time interval for the VCO to go
through one cycle of phase is less. Therefore, the maximum phase detector amplitude is decreased. The phase
detector maximum amplitude is inversely proportional to the VCO frequency.
The necessity to remove one VCO cycle from the VCO output each time the output advances one cycle of
phase N × fref requires that we use a pulse remover block in the divide-by-N loop block diagram (see Figure 3-29).
If a VCO pulse is removed each time the VCO advances one cycle of phase, the average frequency applied to the
divide-by-N block is N × fref and the average frequency applied to the phase detector is fref . The relationship of the
phase detector sawtooth output and the pulse trains is illustrated in Figure 3-30. A method of determining when the
V t
r ou val
to o
tec rem Amplitude is inversely proportional
Point of one e de lse to VCO frequency (corresponds to
as p u
VCO pulse Ph hout one cycle of VCO phase)
wi t
1.01 MHz
Reference Phase
Output (tune voltage)
0.1 MHz detector
VCO has advanced one cycle of phase is required. Such information can then be used to trigger the pulse remover
block and a VCO cycle removed at the appropriate time.
The fractional part of the VCO frequency determines the time required for the VCO to advance one cycle
of phase N × fref . The time required is the period of the fractional offset frequency and corresponds to a certain
number of reference periods. If the fractional part of the VCO is stored in a register added to a second register each
reference period, the second register will contain a running total that represents the VCO phase advancement at any
point in time. For this reason the second register is called a phase register and the entire configuration is called an
accumulator (see Figure 3-31). The phase register will reach unity after the same reference period during, which
the VCO has advanced one full cycle of phase. (Recall the preceding example: in one reference period the VCO
has gone 10.1 cycles, in two reference periods the VCO has gone 20.2 cycles, and so on. The summing register will
contain 0.1 after one reference period, 0.2 after the second, and so on.) When unity is reached, the phase register
VCO output
1.01 MHz
One cycle removed
Pulse remover
output 1.01 MHz
(1 MHz avg.)
Phase detector
Figure 3-30 Phase detector sawtooth output with respect to pulse remover output.
Fraction reg.
Phase reg. +
fraction reg.
Phase reg.
overflows and transmits an overflow signal. This signal occurs at the time the VCO has advanced one cycle of
phase on N × fref and is applied to the pulse remover block as a pulse remove signal.
If the VCO operates with an offset frequency not evenly divisible into 1 (such as 0.03), a fractional overflow can
result when the phase register reaches unity. For example, if the VCO operates at 1.03 MHz instead of 1.01 MHz,
after one reference period it has gone 10.3 cycles, 20.6 after two, 30.9 after three, and 41.2 after the fourth reference
period. Prior to the fourth reference period, the phase register has accumulated 0.9. The fourth reference period 0.3
is added to the 0.9 from the phase register and results in 1.2. This causes an overflow as the pulse remove signal and
the fractional overflow of 0.2 is loaded into the phase register and the next sequence phase begins to accumulate
from 0.2 instead of zero.
Up to this point, the discussion has developed the NF loop to include the pulse remove command section.
Figure 3-32 is a block diagram of the NF loop with the pulse remove command section. This structure provides
a means of automatically removing a VCO cycle whenever the VCO advances one full cycle of phase on the
frequency N × fref .
The open-loop phase detector output of Figure 3-29 is a sawtooth waveform superimposed on a dc voltage. Only
the dc voltage of this output is of interest. A VCO requires a dc tune voltage to maintain a stable output signal. A
sawtooth ac signal superimposed on the dc VCO tune voltage would cause VCO frequency modulation (FM). The
ac component must be canceled or removed, leaving the dc component to tune the VCO to the proper frequency.
We know that the VCO output advances a fraction of a cycle of phase on N × fref each reference period. The
fraction of a cycle of phase that the VCO is advanced at any one reference period is represented by the fractional
sum in the phase register. (Recall that the phase register is incremented by the fractional VCO output each reference
period.) For the example of Figure 3-29, the contents of the phase register when viewed with respect to time can
be represented as a staircase resetting to zero once unity is reached (see Figure 3-33). The staircase approximates a
sawtooth waveform (see dashed lines). The “front edge” of each step represents the phase detector output for that
reference period. (Recall that the phase detector does not generate a ramp but samples the VCO with respect to the
reference each reference period.)
If the contents of the summing register are applied to a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter, the D/A converter
output will follow the steps of the summing register and approximate a sawtooth output. Inverting the D/A converter
1.01 MHz
Carry overflow
(pulse remove)
Adder ÷N = 10
Reference Phase
0.1 MHz detector
Tune voltage containing
an ac component
0 10 20
Reference periods
output and summing it with the phase detector output essentially cancels the ac component (sawtooth) of the phase
detector output. This leaves the dc component required as a VCO control signal.
Two requirements exist for the waveform generated by the D/A converter to approximate the phase detector
sawtooth output.
The amplitude is inversely proportional to the frequency of the VCO and changes whenever the VCO frequency
is changed. To demonstrate the amplitude dependency on the VCO frequency, refer to Figure 3-34.
In the figure a reference of 0.1 MHz is used (horizontal axis plotted in reference periods) and plots of the
phase detector output for VCO frequencies of 1.01 MHz and 2.01 MHz are shown. Note that each VCO frequency
example contains a 0.01-MHz offset or fractional frequency. In terms of reference periods (10 μs), the period of
the 0.01-MHz offset is 10 reference periods. At this point the offset frequency has completed one cycle and added
a cycle of phase to the VCO signal. Since the period of 2 MHz is half the interval of 1 MHz, the phase detector
output representing one cycle of phase at 2 MHz is half the amplitude of the output, representing one cycle of
1 MHz phase. When the VCO cycle is removed, a 360∘ phase loss is detected by the phase detector and it responds
by returning to its initial output, causing the high-to-low transition of the sawtooth. If the offset or fractional part of
the VCO frequency is changed, the period of the sawtooth changes for these two periods are the same. The sawtooth
is inversely proportional to = freq.
Δt Δt
10 20 30 Ref. periods
Figure 3-34 Phase detector output for two VCO frequencies with the same offset.
Vt t
÷N = 10
Vt t
0.1 MHz Phase
0 t
Adder register
From Fraction
controller register 4 BCD digits
generated by the D/A converter must change amplitude and period as the phase detector output changes and must
be superimposed on zero volts dc. It can then be inverted and summed with the phase detector output to remove
the sawtooth from the tune voltage applied to the VCO.
A general block diagram of an NF loop is shown in Figure 3-35. The basic elements of a divide-by-N loop are
present: the VCO, divide-by-N counter, phase detector, and LPF. In addition to these, a fraction register, adder,
and phase register provide the “bookkeeping system,” recording the phase advancement from reference period
to reference period. This system is known as a phase interpolator, and in conjunction with a DAC the system is
referred to as an analog phase interpolator (API). During each reference period it generates an analog voltage equal
and opposite in polarity to the phase advancement voltage generated by the phase detector. The voltage applied
to the LPF is then the net VCO tune voltage. Since the “bookkeeping system” must update each reference period
(the phase detector output changes each reference period after the VCO/N and reference signal comparison), the
system receives its add command (update command) at a VCO/N rate.
The NF loop is a modified divide-by-N loop. It contains all the basic elements of the divide-by-N loop with the
addition of several other sections. Figure 3-36 illustrates the additions made to the “loop.” These additions are a
N.F. loop
VCO Tune voltage
Pulse remove command (÷3)
÷2 or ÷3
Tens CLK
to API
Sequence commands
and clock enable signals
to API
100 kHz Phase
reference detector Int.
4 (1 BCD digit)
Fraction register
register Tens CLK
16 enable
(4 BCD
Tens digits)
Tens CLK
4 4 API
CLK enable 4 API
enable counters
Analog phase interpolator (API)
sequencer, an N counter that can be changed to an (N + 1) counter, and an integrator and sample/hold, which are
used to develop the tune voltage. Compare this diagram with Figure 3-33.
The NF loop operates according to an established sequence of events that occur once each reference period.
The sequence is initiated at a rate equal to the VCO/N signal. This is accomplished by initiating each sequence of
events with the N counter output. The sequencer generates a number of enable and command signals, which are
summarized here.
(1) API Tens Clock Enable Signals. These signals enable the Tens Clock to update the data in the API registers
(bookkeeping system).
(2) API Counter Tens Clock Enable. This signal enables the Tens Clock to clock the four API counters, which
are preset each reference period by the four most significant digits of the phase register, which keeps a
running total of the phase advancement.
(3) Bias Command. This signal turns on the four API current sources to establish a current reference point.
(4) Phase Command. This signal is the Bias command reclocked to the Tens Clock and again reclocked to the
NF loop VCO. It is compared with the reference each reference period by the phase detector.
(5) Sample Command. This signal initiates the sampling of the integrator output each reference period. Once
the integrator has settled following the summation of the phase detector and API signals, the integrator
voltage is transferred to the holding capacitor.
The rate of events is determined by the Tens Clock, which is the NF loop VCO divided by 10. The sequence of
events is initiated once each reference period, but once initiated, the events occur at a rate determined by the VCO
Figure 3-37 illustrates the loop by a heavy line and separates between digital and analog halves of the loop.
The basic structure is shown in Figure 3-38. The major sections of the loop structure are input, decode and data
registers, divide-by-N with pulse remove, sequencer, phase detector, API, integrator, sample-and-hold, and VCO.
The input decode section interfaces the loop with the data transmitted by the controller. These data include the
loop frequency and instructions that set up the operating modes of the data registers in the phase interpolator. Data
register operation is controlled by a steering section.
The data registers comprise the bookkeeping scheme of the phase interpolator. There are three data registers:
Only one of the frequency registers is active at a time. The frequency register will always contain the current
frequency of operation and these data will be circulated (output connected to input and the data shifted until the
starting state is reached) once each reference period. The other frequency register contains the previous frequency
of operation and rests idle but enabled to accept new data when a new output is programmed.
The data steering logic controls the operating modes of the f1 and f2 frequency registers. The Load Data com-
mand enables the idle frequency register to be clocked by the controller line Load Data Clock (LDC) to enter a new
frequency. During this time the operation of the loop is not interrupted because the circulating frequency register
continues operation while data are being loaded. Once the data are entered, the Set Freq command interchanges
the functions of the f1 and f2 registers and the new data now circulate to operate the loop at the new frequency.
Frequency data in the f1 or f2 register consist of 16 BCD digits, which are loaded least significant digit first.
The 12 least significant digits represent the fractional portion of the frequency, and the next three digits contain
the integer or N portion of the frequency. This accounts for 15 of the 16 digits in the f1 or f2 register. The sixteenth
digit, which is the last digit loaded, is not required and therefore is always loaded as a zero. During circulation of
the data in the f1 or f2 register, this digit is truncated and does not affect the operation of the loop.
During each reference period the divide-by-N counter initiates a sequence of events by triggering the sequencer.
Part of the sequence is the enabling of the f1 or f2 register clock, the phase register clock, and the N register clock.
+ 15 V
node Tune
Phase f1
Phase Bias
NF1, 2, 4, 8, bump register Adder To Σ
register Bias/MPI current VCO + 20
FIV & FDC Set freq loop
Latch MUX summing node
from Decode Steering
API current Bias Holding
controller f2
Load data source control cap
API current
Tens counters
CLK source
R/F reg CLK –15 V
÷ N counter Bias
Tens CLK Sample control
÷ N latches
N CLK enable
sequencer enable
Pulse remove
enable API reset Tens CLK
100 kHz ref voltage
Controller Input Data API
data decode registers counters
The phase register is clocked for the first 12 digits circulated by the f1 or f2 register, the N register for the next three.
When the 16th digit is circulated by the f1 or f2 register, neither phase register nor N register is clocked; therefore,
this digit has no effect on the loop operation. As a result of the sequence of clocking the registers and N register,
the phase register quantity has been increased by the fractional component of the f1 or f2 register. The N register
contains the three N number digits used to preset the divide-by-N counter.
The phase register serves two purposes:
• Records the total phase advancement of the VCO with respect to each reference period.
• Causes the adder to overflow in the reference period during which the VCO has advanced a full cycle of
The record of total phase advancement is used each reference period to drive the API section. The four most
significant digits of the 12 digits in the phase register are used to preset four API counters. When these counters are
clocked by the API clock, they generate an output pulse inversely proportional to the preset number and drive the
API section, which develops a signal that counteracts the changing phase detector signal, resulting in an unchanging
tune voltage. The overflow of the adder indicates the reference period in which the NF loop VCO has advanced a
full cycle of VCO phase. The overflow decode triggers the units counter during the pulse remove enable interval
of the loop sequence to divide by 3 for one output pulse of the first stage. Since this stage has been providing an
output for every two input pulses (divide by 2), it effectively has removed a VCO cycle by dividing by 3 for one
output pulse. The cycle of phase the NF loop VCO has advanced has been removed and the phase relationship of
the NF loop VCO and N times the reference is reset.
The API section consists of two parts:
All API current sources are turned on by the Bias command each reference period. The four most significant
digits of the phase register preset the API counters, which control when each of the four API current sources turn
off. The smaller the phase register digits, the longer the API current sources are on.
The phase detector compares the sequencer output “Bias” with a 100-kHz reference signal. The Bias signal is
first reclocked to Tens Clock (VCO/10) and then to the NF loop VCO signal itself. If the NF loop VCO is operating
with a fractional component, the reclocked Bias signal applied to the phase detector gains phase each reference
+15 V
summing node
1 Sample/hold
Bias/API summing node Tune
+15 V Bias +15 V capacitor
2 3
Phase detector
pulse control
–15 V
–15 V
period with respect to the reference signal. The output applied to the integrator is an increasing voltage. The purpose
of the API section is to negate the effects of the increase in the phase detector output.
The method used to generate the NF loop VCO tune voltage is similar to that used in the divide-by-N loop.
Currents are integrated and the integrated voltage is transferred to a holding capacitor.
A block diagram of the currents integrated by the NF loop in a phase-locked condition is shown in
Figure 3-39. Figure 3-40 illustrates the integrator waveform, showing the contributions of the different currents.
A constant-current source, I (Bias), supplies current at all times to the Bias/API summing node. The Bias
command from the sequencer goes high each reference period to connect this node to the integrator summing
node. Following the Bias command, the phase register data cause the API current source to draw current from
Figure 3-40 Integrator waveform showing the contributions of the different currents.
the Bias/API summing node and therefore keep this current from being integrated. The amount of API current is
determined by the magnitude of the phase register number. Once the Bias event has occurred and the Bias/API
summing node is disconnected from the integrator summing node, the phase detector pulse occurs and draws
current out of the integrator summing node. When the loop is phase locked, the current entering the integrator
node from the Bias/API current sources is equal to the current drawn out by the phase detector current source and
the integrated voltage remains constant. After integrating the two currents, the voltage is transferred to a holding
capacitor and becomes the tune voltage.
The sequence of events is as follows:
(1) The Bias/API summing node is connected to the integrator and the Bias current is integrated.
(2) The API current source is connected to the Bias/API summing node, decreasing the amount of Bias current
(3) The Bias/API summing node is disconnected and the phase detector is connected to the integrator. The
phase detector current is integrated.
(4) After the phase detector current has been integrated and the voltage has settled, the voltage is transferred
to a holding capacitor. This voltage is the NF loop VCO tune voltage.
Note: When phase locked, the Bias/API current is equal to the phase detector current. The API current tracks
the increasing phase detector current, canceling the fractional component of VCO phase.
Refer again to Figure 3-35. Assume that the loop operates without a fractional component (data in the phase
register remain constant). The loop can be viewed as just a divide-by-N loop with an elaborate method of developing
the tune voltage. The data in the phase register are constant; therefore, the API current sources are sinking the same
amount of current from the Bias/API summing node each reference period. Since the current entering the integrator
from the Bias/API summing node is always a constant value, the phase detector changes the tune voltage just as
it does in the divide-by-N loop. A change in the phase relationship causes the phase detector pulse to change in
duration, which changes the amount of current the phase detector source draws from the integrator. The result is a
change in the integrated voltage after this reference period, and therefore the tune voltage has been changed. The
direction of change is such that the NF loop VCO is pulled back into a phase-locked condition.
The Sample command from the sequencer transfers the integrated voltage to the holding capacitor at the appro-
priate period of the integrator output. This period occurs after the Bias/API summing interval and the phase detector
interval have occurred and the integrator output has returned to an unchanging value. This value is the tune voltage.
The increase-frequency current source is shown on the simplified block diagram of Figure 3-35. This current
source is also connected to the integrator summing node and is responsible for rapidly changing the tune voltage
if a large increase in frequency is programmed; the phase detector connects this current source to the integrator in
place of the phase detector current source. Instead of sinking current from the integrator, the current source drives
current into the integrating node to add to the current already supplied by the Bias/API interval. This causes the tune
voltage to change the NF loop VCO frequency rapidly. Once the newly programmed frequency has been reached,
the phase detector again begins operation using the phase detector current source.
The NF loop VCO signal is divided by 20 to aid spur attenuation and reduce phase noise. The division by 20
results in an improvement of 26 dB in the noise sideband and phase noise.
While this system allows extremely high resolution, the synthesizer, so to speak, consists of two loops, one
being a 100-kHz loop with the lockup time probably 8–20 cycles of reference or 800 μs to 2 ms, depending on the
loop filter.
The fractional portion of the loop theoretically would lock up within one cycle of reference or 10 μs. However,
because of active LPFs and speed requirements for the D/A converter, the actual lockup time is somewhat of a
compromise between these values and should be in the vicinity of 1–2 ms and, therefore, about the same as the
100 kHz loop.
Modern integrated circuits having frequency synthesizers on one chip can be used to build such systems. The
Philips Semiconductor SA 7025 low-voltage 1-GHz Fractional-N Synthesizer works on the principle just outlined
and is ideal for use in cellular telephones.
The noise sideband performance of this synthesizer depends highly on the accuracy of the D/A converter and
its ability to remove the reference noise sideband. Reference [22] discusses a method used in the Racal receiver
for which Racal has applied for a patent, and this phase detector output has a zero-running average area. This is
effective in reducing the low frequencies produced when the output is near a multiple of the reference and when
many corrections are made during each period of the phase detector output (see Refs. [18–38].)
31. Digital FS with random jittering for reducing discrete spectral spurs
C. E. Wheatley
United States Patent, Patent No. 4410954, October 1983
32. Digital FS
Leland Jackson
United States Patent, Patent No. 3735269, May 1973
33. Spurless fractional divider direct digital synthesizer and method
V. S. Reinhardt, Hughes Aircraft
United States Patent, Patent No. 4815018
1. Rohde, U. (1983). Digital PLL Frequency Synthesis Theory & Design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
2. Hassun, R. (1984). The common denominators of fractional N. Microwaves & RF.
3. Bjerede, B.E. and Fischer, G.D. (1976). A new phase accumulator approach to frequency synthesis. In: Proceedings of IEEE
NAECON, 928–932.
4. Fundamentals of Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS), Document MT-085, Rev. 0, Analog Devices, Norwood, MA, October 2008.
5. Kikuchi, D.K., Miranda, R.F., and Thysell, P.A. (1988). A waveform generation language for arbitrary waveform synthesis.
Hewlett-Packard Journal 39: 94–96.
6. Stanley, W.D. (1975). Digital Signal Processing, 51–54. Reston, VA: Reston Publishing.
7. Hassun, R. and Kovalick, A. (1988). An arbitrary waveform synthesizer for DC to 50 MHz, vol. 39, 69–77. Hewlett-Packard
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Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Modern communications systems need oscillators as part of the design. In most cases these oscillators are part of a
synthesizer and they are voltage-controlled, meaning that the frequency is determined by tuning diodes, frequently
called varactors. The applied dc voltage varies the frequency. For high-performance circuits the Colpitts oscillator
is most frequently selected [1–30]. A large part of this work is taken from our books [5, 31] and reproduced with
The Colpitts oscillator comes in three flavors. Figure 4-1a shows the conventional circuit configuration. This type
of circuit is based on a design developed by Edwin Henry Colpitts, known for his invention of this oscillator and
hence carries his name [1]. It uses a capacitive voltage divider and an inductor. In reality, this simple circuit is not
used but rather a derivation of this. This is shown in Figure 4-1b. The advantage of this circuit is that the values for
C1 and C2 are fixed and the frequency change occurs by changing C3 . If the frequency of Figure 4-1a needs to be
changed, a better choice is to vary the inductor L.
Colpitts colleague Ralph Hartley invented an inductive coupling oscillator [2]. The advantage of such an oscil-
lator having capacitors C1 and C2 replaced with a tap of the inductor has been used together with helical resonators.
The frequency tuning is achieved purely capacitively. To minimize loading, the transistor of choice here is an field
effect transistor (FET), which has very high input impedance and provides minimum loading to the circuit. The
disadvantage is that this circuit, using junction FETs, is limited to about 400 MHz. The transition frequency fT is
about 500 MHz. FETs can also be used in the Colpitts oscillator as shown in Figure 4-1a, because of relatively
lower loading than the bipolar transistor. The drawback of Figure 4-1a is the heavy loading of the tuned circuit by
the transistor. The circuit shown in Figure 4-1b is frequently referred to as the Clapp–Gouriet circuit [3].
At any frequencies, both GaAs FETs and complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) FETs are not
a good choice because of their high flicker noise contribution.
For the circuit of Figure 4-1b, it is theoretically possible to have L and C3 in resonance in which case the
oscillator will cease to work. It is important to note here that the same circuit is used also for crystal oscillators;
here the inductor L is replaced by the crystal. The crystal is a series combination of LS , RS , and CS with Q = 𝜔L/R.
In practice, the product of crystal Q and frequency is a constant. For 5 MHz, a typical Q of 2.5 × 106 is possible,
C1 e
C1 e
resulting in a product of 12.5 × 1012 . If this is scaled to a crystal oscillator operating at 100 MHz, the Q would be
125,000. Manufacturers typically guarantee values greater than 100,000.
Again, this crystal oscillator also falls into the category of Colpitts oscillator. A third variation is shown in
Figure 4-1c. Here, we have a parallel-tuned circuit that is coupled loosely to the transistor. This circuit is found
when building oscillators using ceramic resonators (CROs). Figure 4-2 shows such a design.
This chapter summarizes the various methods of oscillator analysis and presents a step-by-step design proce-
dure, showing the simulated, measured, and calculated results for phase noise and other important parameters, and
concludes with a discussion on the effect of tuning diodes.
C1 e
Vin Zin
Iin Ib
C1 βIb RL
Figure 4-3b Equivalent sub-oscillator circuit for the calculation of the negative resistance.
Cc Lp
C1 Cp
Figure 4-3c Colpitts oscillator with base lead inductances and package capacitance.
Considering, Y11
= hie
Vin (1 + 𝛽)XC1 XC2 + hie (XC1 + XC2 )
Zin = = (4-1c)
Iin XC1 + hie
( )
(C +C )
− 𝜔2 C C + j𝜔1C C2 Y1
( )
1 2 1 2 11
Zin = (4-1d)
1 1
+ j𝜔 C
11 1
The input impedance (Zin ) of this Colpitts oscillator circuit, including the parasitics, is given as [4, 5]
[ ] [ ]
Y21 1 (C1 + CP +C2 ) 𝜔Y21 LP Y21
Zin |pacakage =− −j − (4-2)
𝜔 (C1 + Cp )C2 (1 + 𝜔2 Y21
2 2 2
Lp ) 𝜔 (C1 + CP )C2 (1 + 𝜔 Y21 Lp ) 𝜔 (C1 + CP )C2
2 2 2
The resonator losses are expressed by the RS1 . Now splitting the Zin of the Colpitts oscillator into real and
imaginary parts, including parasitics, we obtain
RNEQ = (4-3)
(1 + 𝜔2 Y21
2 2
Lp )
⎧⎡ [ ][ ]⎫
⎤ 𝜔2 Y21 LP
1 ⎪⎢ 1 ⎥−
Y21 ⎪
CEQ ⎨ ⎬
= (4-4)
⎢ (C1 +CP )C2 ⎥
⎪⎣ (C1 +C2 +CP ) ⎦ (1 + 𝜔 2 Y 2 L2 )
21 P
𝜔 (C 1 + C P )C 2 ⎪
⎩ ⎭
RN = − (4-5)
𝜔2 C1 C2
RN = negative resistance without lead inductance and package capacitance
RNEQ = negative resistance with base-lead inductance and package capacitance
CEQ = equivalent capacitance with base-lead inductance and package capacitance
The method shown earlier is called one-port oscillator design [6]. Figure 4-4 shows the general schematic
diagram of a one-port negative-resistance model. The negative real part of Zin is used to compensate the losses of
the parallel tuned circuit.
Active circuit determining
ZIN(A,ƒ) Zr (ƒ)
G = compressed power gain of the loop amplifier
F = noise factor of the loop amplifier
K = Boltzmann′ s constant
T = temperature in K
P0 = carrier power level (in watts) at the output of the loop amplifier
F0 = carrier frequency in Hz
fm = carrier offset frequency in Hz
QL = 𝜋F0 𝜏g = loaded Q of the resonator in the feedback loop
𝛼R and 𝛼E = flicker noise constants for the resonator and loop amplifier, respectively
Typical oscillator
FkT f
Δθ2 1+ c
Ps av fm L
Pin Psig
For fm <
1 1 ωo FkT fc
L (fm) = 1+
2 ωm
2 2Qload Ps av fm
ωo We ωo We
Qload =
Pdiss, total Pin + Pres + Psig
Reactive power
Total dissipated power
Maximum energy in C or L : We = C V2
1 FkT ωo
2 Pin 1 Psig ωc
L (ωm) = + + 1+
8 Ps av ωm2 ωo We Quni ωo We ωm
Figure 4-5 Diagram for a feedback oscillator illustrating the principles involved and showing the key components
considered in the phase noise calculation and its contribution.
= ΓG (4-6)
′ S12 S21 ΓL S − DΓL
S11 = S11 + = 11 (4-7)
1 − S22 ΓL 1 − S22 ΓL
1 1 − S22 ΓL
= = ΓG (4-8)
S11 S11 − DΓL
= ΓG (4-14)
where S11 and S22 are the input and output reflection coefficients, respectively.
The discussion earlier means that the oscillation condition is also satisfied at port 2; which proves the simul-
taneous oscillation condition at both ports. Thus, if either port is oscillating, the other port must be oscillating as
well. A load may appear at either or both ports, but normally the load is in ΓL , the output termination.
It is helpful to use the common-source based amplifier to compute the oscillator output power. For oscillators,
the objective is to maximize (Pout − Pin ) of the amplifier, which is the useful power to the load. An empirical
expression for the common-source amplifier output power found by Johnson [29] is
( )
Pout = Psat 1 − exp (4-15)
Where Psat is the saturated output power of the amplifier and G is the tuned small-signal common-source transducer
gain of the amplifier, which is identical to |S21 |2 . Since the objective is to maximize (Pout − Pin ), where Pout and Pin
are the output and input power of the amplifier,
=1 (4-17)
𝜕Pout GPin
= Gexp − =1 (4-18)
𝜕Pin Psat
exp =G (4-19)
Pin ln G
= (4-20)
Psat G
For maximum oscillator power the maximum efficient gain from (4-20) and (4-21) is
GMEmax = (4-25)
ln G
The RF gain GMEmax is a considerably smaller value compared with G, the small-signal gain [7–12].
Designing oscillators based on S-parameters in a linear mode has been quoted by many authors using first
approximation for large signals, as shown in [8]. The problem with this published approach is that it uses a GaAs
FET, where only the transconductance gm has a major influence. S11 changes very little under large-signal condi-
tions, as does S22 . Reliable large-signal S-parameters for bipolar transistors and FETs are difficult to get.
Time Domain-Based Analysis of Transistor Nonlinearities A correction for the frequency dependent parameters
will follow, based on “simulation” for larger drive level.
The voltage v(t) across the base–emitter junction consists of a dc component and a driven signal voltage
V1 cos (wt). It can be expressed as
v(t) = Vdc + V1 cos (wt) (4-26)
As the driven voltage V1 cos (wt) increases and develops enough amplitude across the base–emitter junction,
the resulting current is a periodic series of pulses whose amplitude depends on the nonlinear characteristics of the
device and is given as
ie (t) = Is e kT (4-27)
qV dc qV 1 cos(wt)
ie (t) = Is e kT e kT (4-28)
qV dc
ie (t) = Is e kT ex cos(wt) (4-29)
Vdc = VdcQ − ln I0 (x) (4-39)
[ ]
In (x)
ie (t) = Idc 1+2 cos (nwt) (4-40)
I0 (x)
VdcQ and Idc are the operating dc bias voltage and the dc value of the emitter current, respectively. Furthermore,
the Fourier transform of ie (t), a current pulse or series of pulses in the time domain, yields a number of frequency
harmonics common in oscillator circuit designs using nonlinear devices. [ ]
I (x)
The peak amplitude of the harmonic content of the output current is defined as IN(x) .
The dc offset voltage is calculated analytically in terms of the drive level, as shown in Table 4-1. This data
provides insight into the nonlinearities involved in oscillator design.
It may be of interest to see the start-up condition of an oscillator; the transient response is shown in Figure 4-6.
Table 4-1 For T = 300 K, data are generated at a different drive levels
Drive level Drive voltage Offset coefficient dc offset Fundamental current Second harmonic
([ ] )
kT kT
[x] q
∗ x mV ln[I0 (x)] q
[ln I0 (x)] mV 2[I1 (x)/I0 (x)] [I2 (x)/I1 (x)]
V(Port3) (mV)
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00
Time (ns)
Figure 4-6 Example of the transient simulation of a ceramic resonator-based high-Q oscillator showing the dc-offset
as listed in column 4, Table 4-1. (The voltage displayed is taken from the emitter.)
than −60 dB suppressed relative to the carrier. Based on past experience for its good linearity, the BFG520 also
has low distortion and low noise. The key parameters are:
• VCEO = 15 V
• Ic = 70 mA
• Ptot = 300 mW
• Noise Figure Fmin at 350 MHz is less than 1 dB
• At 5 mA the associated gain is more than 17 dB
No saturation voltage assumed! This results in slight variation between calculated, simulated, and measured
values of Pout .
V 2.37
I1 = out = ≅ 11.85 mA (4-42)
200 200
I1 11.85
Ie = Idc = = = 6.13 mA (4-43)
1.932 1.932
Step 2: Biasing
The transistor uses a 12 V power supply and an 825 Ω emitter resistor at ∼6 mA, resulting in ∼5 V drop, so the
transistor can afford a large voltage swing between base and ground. This reduces flicker noise (resistive feedback)
10 μH
V:12 3.9 nF
200−50 0hms 220 nF
R2 res R1 trf
n1 n2 cap
2.27 koh Vb
220 pF
1.7 μH
Q=120 .V cap C0
Lb blp P1
3.3pF osc
ptr bfg520
cap C
22 pH
L e
8.2 pF
21 nH
CP Q=220 1oh
8.2 pF
825 oh
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Spectrum (GHz)
Figure 4-7 Design of 350 MHz Colpitts oscillator optimized for phase noise.
and distortion. The base voltage divider, for reasons pertaining to temperature stability uses a higher than normal
dc current, is isolated from the base using a RF choke. Frequently, in designs, this circuit trick is not used.
[ ]
Vb = Ie Re + + Vbe = 5.96 V (4-44)
𝛽 is assumed to be around 100 and Vbe is approximately 0.8 V. Bias resistors R1 and R2 are given as
R2 R
Vb = Vcc = 5.96 V ⇒ 1 ≈ 1 (4-45)
R1 + R2 R2
R1 = 2270 Ω (4-46)
R2 = 2290 Ω (4-47)
Vcc = 12 V (4-48)
I1 || 1.932Idc 11.85 mA
Y21 = | = = ≅ 12 mS (4-49)
V1 |fundamental-freq 1000 mV 1000 mV
This is the dc transconductance, meaning the frequency dependence has not been considered.
An analysis of the transistor shows that the small signal transconductance at 6 mA (dc) is about 6 × 39 ≈ 240 mS.
At 350 MHz, this reduces itself to 200 mS down from 240 mS. This is valid only if the transistor does not have any
emitter feedback. In the case of the Colpitts oscillator, we have an emitter resistor that reduces the transconductance;
therefore, we have to multiply Y21 with ( )
(1∕gm ) + Re
( ) ≅ 1.1 mS
+ 825
which is an acceptable approximation, as the exact value of x is about 20 (see simulation results, Figure 4-10)
[26, pg. 177].
Based on Kirchhoff’s law, the following set of equations can be used to determine the feedback factor “n.”
Y21L = 1.1 mS (dc transconductance—no high frequency effects included) Where 𝛼 = 0.99.
Large-signal transconductance as a function of drive level based on Bessel function calculations are given in
Table 4-2.
0.00 1
0.50 0.970
1.00 0.893
2.00 0.698
3.00 0.540
4.00 0.432
5.00 0.357
6.00 0.304
7.00 0.264
8.00 0.233
9.00 0.209
10.00 0.190
15.00 0.129
20.00 0.0975
25.00 0.075
(a) Y2
Y1 C1
Figure 4-8a Oscillator circuit with the passive components Y1 , Y2 , and Y3.
The oscillator circuit with passive component parameters is shown in Figure 4-8a.
G2 = loss parameter/load conductance of the resonator connected parallel to the resonator component C1 , C2 ,
and L, respectively.
Y3 = G3 + jB3 ⇒G3 + j𝜔 C2 (4-51c)
Vce C1 n−1
= = (4-51e)
Vcb C1 + C2 n
The conductance G2 is already in parallel with the current source so it remains unchanged. The factor “n”
represents the ratio of the collector–base voltage to the emitter–base voltage at the oscillator resonant frequency.
G1 → (4-51f)
Y21 → 21 ⇒ 2m (4-51g)
n2 n
[ ]
n−1 2
G3 → G3 (4-51h)
G2 remains constant.
(b) Emitter
Figure 4-8b Equivalent oscillator circuit for the analysis of the transformed conductance seen by the current source.
The transformed conductance is proportional to the square of the voltage ratios given in Eqs. (4-51d) and (4-51e),
producing a total conductance as seen by the current source at resonance as
Gm + G1 [ n − 1 ]2
Gtotal = G2 + + G3 (4-51i)
n2 n
For sustained oscillation, the closed loop gain at resonance is given as
( )
⎡ Vbe Y21 𝛼 ⎤
⎢ nGtotal ⎥
⎢ Vbe ⎥ = 1 ⇒ nGtotal = Y21 𝛼 (4-51j)
⎢ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
Y21 1 Y21
= ⇒ >1 (4-51k)
nGtotal 𝛼 nGtotal
𝛼 is assumed to be 0.99 and variation in the value of 𝛼 does not influence the previous expression greatly. Rear-
ranging the device conductance and circuit conductance, the general oscillator equation, after multiplying (4-51i)
with n on both sides, is written as
[ ( ) ]
Y +G n−1 2
nGtotal = n G2 + 21 2 1 + G3 (4-51l)
n n
[ ( ) ] [ −(1 − n𝛼) ] [ ]
Y +G n−1 2 G1 ( n − 1 )2
Y21 𝛼 = n G2 + 21 2 1 + G3 ⇒ Y 21 = G 2 + + G 3 (4-51m)
n n n2 n2 n
n2 (G2 + G3 ) − n(2G3 + Y21 𝛼) + (G1 + G3 + Y21 ) = 0 (4-51n)
(2G3 + Y21 𝛼) ± (2G3 + Y21 𝛼)2 − 4(G2 + G3 )(G1 + G3 + Y21 )
n= (4-51o)
2(G2 + G3 )
(2G3 + Y21 𝛼) (2G3 + Y21 𝛼)2 − 4(G2 + G3 )(G1 + G3 + Y21 )
n1 = + (4-51p)
2(G2 + G3 ) 2(G2 + G3 )
(2G3 + Y21 𝛼) (2G3 + Y21 𝛼)2 − 4(G2 + G3 )(G1 + G3 + Y21 )
n2 = − (4-51q)
2(G2 + G3 ) 2(G2 + G3 )
From the quadratic equation earlier, the value of the factor n can be calculated, and thereby an estimation of the
capacitance can be done a priori.
To ensure higher loop gain, n1 is selected from nmax [n1 , n2 ]. Once the value of n is fixed, then the ratio of the
capacitance is calculated as
C2 1
= (4-51r)
C1 + C2 n
C1 C
C2 = ⇒ 1 =n−1 (4-51s)
n−1 C2
If G3 and G1 are zero, then the quadratic equation (4-51n) reduces to
n2 G2 − nY 21 𝛼 + Y21 = 0 (4-51t)
[ 2
n n 1
Y21 ≅ G ⇒ Y21 = (4-51u)
1−n 2 1 − n RP
Y21 RP n
= (4-51v)
n 1−n
1 Y21 RP
RP = , → Loop Gain (4-51w)
G2 n
Y21 RP
Loop Gain →1 (4-51x)
Drive Level and Noise The plot in Figure 4-9 [5] shows the impact of the normalized drive level “x” on the phase
noise. The exact values have to be assessed for individual circuits, but the general trend follows the plot shown.
In Figure 4-10, x = 1 is the linear case (Class-A operation) and the values above x = 15 produce narrow pulses.
Class-A operation gives higher output power but is not optimized for phase noise. However, at higher drive levels,
the transistor is “on” for shorter duration, thus less loading and better phase noise, but at the cost of lower power
output. If the transistor is overdriven at the base, the collector current folds back (dips) and the actual current gain
falls to values of 1.4 in our case (from Figure 4-10).
For the uncompressed current gain (Y21 /Y11 ) ≈ (C2 /C1 ) ≈ 270 pF/10 pF, the circuit will actually oscillate but does
not have acceptable phase noise (low value of x, n = 28, where n = (C1 /C2 ) + 1).
By changing the capacitors C1 /C2 to 33 pF/10 pF, n = 4.3, the phase noise performance is optimized, as shown
in Figure 4-11. This circuit is a series-tuned oscillator and now we move on to a high Q (from Q = 220 to Q = 450)
circuit, where the resonator is loosely coupled to the transistor. The tuned circuit consists of a 22 nH inductor and
8.2 pF capacitor. The following shows the design calculation for the parallel tuned circuit as found in ceramic
resonator-based oscillators.
The quality factor of the inductor is assumed 60 at 350 MHz, a low Q case. The value of inductor is obtained as
[ ]
R 3649 1 C1 C 2
QT = P ⇒ L = , where RP is calculated using Gm (x) = 1+ 2 (4-57)
𝜔0 L 60 × 𝜔0 RP C 2 C1
L= ≈ 27 nH (4-58)
60 × 2𝜋 × 350 × E6
√ [ ]
1 1 1
𝜔= + (4-59)
L C1 C2
[ ]
1 1 1 C + C2
𝜔 =
+ = 1 (4-60)
L C1 C2 LC1 C2
x = Drive-level
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
–125.00 x=3
x = 10
x = 15
x = 20
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
Figure 4-9 Example for the single sideband phase noise as a function of the normalized drive level x for a high-Q
1 GHz oscillator.
X = 15
60.00 X = 2−14
Ic(_lib1) (mA)
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Time (ns)
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
–100.00 3
C1/C2 = 33 pF/10 pF for optimized phase noise
(series tuned circuit)
1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06
FDev (Hz)
X1 = 1.00E01 Hz X2 = 8.11E01 Hz X3 = 1.18E03 Hz X4 = 8.70E04 Hz
Y1 = –68.11 dBc/Hz Y2 = –86.32 dBc/Hz Y3 = –109.57 dBc/Hz Y4 = –146.94 dBc/Hz
Figure 4-11 Optimization of phase noise for the series tuned circuit.
C2 = ≈ 14 pF (4-61)
𝜔2 × 17E − 9
C1 ≈ C2 ≈ 14 pF (4-62)
Taking into consideration the actual parasitics and RF parameters of the transistor, the optimized values are
C1 = 12 pF and C2 = 8.2 pF.
⎧⎡ ⎡ ⎤⎤ [ ⎫
⎪⎢ Kf IbAF 2 ][ ]⎪
⎪ ⎢ 2
4qI c gm + 𝜔 gm ⎥⎥ 𝜔02
[C + C ]2 ⎪
L(𝜔) = 10 log ⎨⎢4kTR + ⎢ ( ) ⎥⎥ + 21 2 42 ⎬ (4-65)
⎪⎢⎢ ⎢ 2 2 ⎥⎥ 4𝜔 Vcc C1 C2 𝜔0 L2 ⎪
2 2 2 Q2
⎢ 𝜔0 C1 𝜔20 (𝛽 + )2 C22 + g2m C22 ⎥⎥
⎪⎣ ⎣ ⎦⎦ ⎪
⎩ 1
where [ + ] [ ]p
Y21 C1
𝛽+ = +
Y11 C2
[ ]
C1 q
gm = [Y21 ]
Using a Mathcad calculation, we obtain the results shown in Figure 4-12, [5, eq. 8-109], which compares well
with the measured data.
CP = 8.2 pF
L = 21 nH
C1 = 22 pF
C2 = 8.2 pF
Cc = 3.3 pF
These improved the phase noise from −122 to −125 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. This is a result of trial-and-error,
as we do not know all the parasitics. Figure 4-14a shows the simulated phase noise plot, and Figure 4-14b shows
further improvement after optimizing the circuit for phase noise.
If we replace the parallel tuned circuit with a ceramic resonator, at this frequency range, 𝜀r will be 88, the L/C
ratio will be 0.048 nH/pF versus 2.44 nH/pF in case of discrete components used in our case, and the simulated
phase noise is 105 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset.
Note: This is due to the fact that the characteristic impedance of a ceramic resonator is much lower, than the
discrete case.
1 D
Z0 = 60 Ω √ ln
𝜀r d
4·q·Ic·gm12 + ·gm12
ω0i ω02 1 (C 1
+ C2) 2
foi Lωi
1 –5.227
10 –35.222 –20
100 –65.165 –40
1×103 –94.633
–143.272 –80
1×105 –163.529 Lωi –100
1×106 –183.555
1 10 100 1×103 1×104 1×105 1×106 1×107
where D = the outer diameter and d = the inner diameter of the ceramic resonator [12, pg. 754]. The prediction
agrees well with the measured phase noise [12, Fig. (5-37)].
Figure 4-15 shows the plots of the collector and base currents Ic and Ib for the optimized case:
CP = 8.2 pF
L = 21 nH (Q = 60 at 350 MHz)
Cc = 3.3 pF
C1 = 12 pF
C2 = 8.2 pF
TH 0dB
Figure 4-13 Measured phase noise result for a 350 MHz oscillator.
(a) 0.00
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E00 1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06
FDev (Hz)
X1 = 9.33E00 Hz X2 = 1.00E02 Hz X3 = 1.07E03 Hz X4 = 1.00E04 Hz X5 = 9.33E04 Hz
Y1 = –37.37 dBc/Hz Y2 = –68.15 dBc/Hz Y3 = –97.93 dBc/Hz Y4 = –122.10 dBc/Hz Y5 = –142.55 dBc/Hz
Figure 4-14a Simulated phase noise for the 350 MHz parallel-tuned Colpitts configuration.
(b) –25.00
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06
FDev (Hz)
X1 = 1.00E01 Hz X2 = 1.02E02 Hz X3 = 1.05E03 Hz X4 = 1.07E04 Hz X5 = 9.77E04 Hz
Y1 = –43.57 dBc/Hz Y2 = –73.56 dBc/Hz Y3 = –101.50 dBc/Hz Y4 = –124.58 dBc/Hz Y5 = –144.18 dBc/Hz
Figure 4-14b Optimized simulated phase noise for the 350 MHz parallel-tuned Colpitts configuration.
15.00 20.00 3
Ib(–lib1) (mA)
Ic(–lib1) (mA)
–15.00 –5.00
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Time (ns)
X1 = 2.46 ns X2 = 3.26 ns X3 = 2.68 ns
Y1 = 12.27 mA Y2 = –12.6 mA Y3 = 19.05 mA
From the plot in Figure 4-15, we can determine that the ratio of large signal (Y21 /Y11 ) = 𝛽 = 1.4. The next critical
parameter, shown in Figure 4-16, is for the normalized drive level (x)V1 /(kT/q).
From Figure 4-16, the RMS value of Vbe is used to determine the approximate drive level. Since Vbe = V1 ,
500 mVRMS
drive level (x) ≈ ≈ 20 (4-66)
26 mV
1.00 1
Vbe(–lib1) (V)
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Time (ns)
X1 = 2.69 ns X2 = 4.16 ns
Y1 = 0.96 V Y2 = –0.44 V
1.00E00 1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
A table of normalized transconductance as a function of the drive level, including the large values, is given in
Table 4-2 [5].
Figures 4-17–4-19 show the phase noise variation with variation in Q (L = 22 nH) in the LC resonator.
The output power, collector current, and base voltage (Vb ) and (Vbe ) plots are also shown for the same
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E00 1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
Figure 4-18 Results of series and parallel tuned circuits for same value of inductor Q.
Top trace Cc = 3.3 pF, C1 = 20 pF, C2 = 20 pF, Q(L = 89 nH) = 450
Lower trace Cc = 1 pF, C1 = 20 pF, C2 = 20 pF, Q(L = 270 nH) = 450
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E00 1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
Figure 4-19 Results of series and parallel tuned circuits for higher value of inductor Q.
rb' Cb'c
V1 gb'e rce
ibn ro
Source icn
gb'e gmV1
Figure 4-21 Hybrid-𝜋 configuration of the grounded bipolar transistor with noise sources [5].
where Ib , Ic , and Icob are average dc currents over the Δf noise bandwidth.
The noise power spectral densities due to these noise sources are
S(icn ) = = 2qI c = 2KTgm (4-72)
i2bn 2KTgm
S(ibn ) = = 2qI b = (4-73)
Δf 𝛽
S(ifn ) = (4-74)
v2bn ′
S(vbn ) = = 4KTrb (4-75)
S(vsn ) = = 4KTRs (4-76)
where rb′ and Rs are base and source resistance, respectively, and Zs is the complex source impedance.
Figure 4-22 shows the feedback arrangement for the Colpitts oscillator with the noise sources.
The transistor is acting like a gain block. The feedback network includes the load conductance, and a small part
of the output signal goes to the input of the bipolar transistor through the resonant circuit. The ABCD chain matrix
will be used for the analysis.
Figure 4-23 shows the linear representation of the Colpitts oscillator with the input white noise source in (𝜔).
This is not consistent with Figure 4-22, but useful because all non-active components are now in the feedback
The input noise power spectral density can be given as
| 2|
|in |
Sin = | | (4-77)
| 2| ∑ | 2 | | 2 | | 2 | | 2 |
| in | = |ini | = |in1 | + |in2 | + |in3 | + · · · + 2Cii [ini i•n(i+1) ] (4-78)
| | | | | | | | | |
b' c'
ibn Cb'e
gb'e gmV1 ro icn
C1 C2 RE
Figure 4-22 Feedback arrangement for the Colpitts oscillator with the noise sources [5].
I1 I2
in V1 [ABCD] gmV1 V2
Feedback network
Figure 4-23 Linear representation of feedback Colpitts oscillator with input white noise source in (𝜔) [5].
[ ] [ ] [ ]
V1 A B V2
= = (4-80)
I1 C D −I2
V1 = AV 2 − BI 2 (4-81)
I1 = CV 2 − DI 2 (4-82)
[ ]
V1 A
Zin = = (4-83)
I1 I2=0 C
I 1 = in (4-84)
I2 = −gm V1 (4-85)
The equivalent input noise voltage due to the input noise current, I1 = in , is
[ ] [ ] [ ]
V1 A(𝜔) A(𝜔)
vn (𝜔) = I1 Zin = I1 = I1 = in (4-86)
I1 I2=0 C(𝜔) C(𝜔)
The input noise voltage vn (𝜔) will produce two narrowband (1 Hz) uncorrelated components in the frequency
domain located at 𝜔 − 𝜔0 and 𝜔 + 𝜔0 as [vn (𝜔)]𝜔=𝜔0 −Δ𝜔 and [vn (𝜔)]𝜔=𝜔0 +Δ𝜔 .
In presence of the two uncorrelated components of the input noise voltage, [vn (𝜔)]𝜔=𝜔0 −Δ𝜔 and [vn (𝜔)]𝜔=𝜔0 +Δ𝜔 ,
the peak carrier signal of amplitude Vc at frequency 𝜔 = 𝜔0 is modulated with an input phase noise signal SΔ𝜙 (𝜔).
The input phase noise spectral density at an offset of Δ𝜔 is
| | | |
|[vn (𝜔)]2𝜔=𝜔0 −Δ𝜔 | + |[vn (𝜔)]2𝜔=𝜔0 +Δ𝜔 |
SΔ𝜙 (Δ𝜔) = | | | | (4-87)
| 2 |
|Vc (𝜔)|
| |
| |
2 |[vn (𝜔)] |2
SΔ𝜙 (Δ𝜔) ≅ | | (4-88)
| 2 |
|Vc (𝜔)|
| |
| | | || |
2 |[vn (𝜔)]2 | |[i (𝜔)]2 | |A2 (𝜔)|
SΔ𝜙 (Δ𝜔) = | | = 2| n || | (4-89)
| 2 | | 2 | ||C2 (𝜔)||
|Vc (𝜔)| |Vc (𝜔)| |
| | | | |
| 2|
|in | = Sin Δf (4-90)
| |
| 2|
|in | = Sin (4-91)
| |Δf =1 Hz
| 2 |
Sin ||A (𝜔)||
SΔ𝜙 (Δ𝜔) = 2 (4-92)
| 2 | ||C2 (𝜔)||
|Vc (𝜔)| |
| | |
where Sin and SΔ𝜙 are the input noise power and phase noise spectral density, respectively.
Based on [33, 34], [ ( )2 ]
1 𝜔0
SΔ𝜙out (𝜔) = SΔ𝜙 (𝜔) 1 + 2 (4-93)
in (𝜔 ) 2QL
𝜔 | d𝜙 |
QL (𝜔 = 𝜔0 ) = 0 || || (4-94)
2 | d𝜔 |𝜔=𝜔0
𝜔0 | d𝜙 |
QL (𝜔 = 𝜔0 ) = | | (4-100)
2 || d𝜔 ||𝜔=𝜔0
[ ]
𝜔0 || 1 dCImag (𝜔) ||
QL (𝜔 = 𝜔0 ) = | | (4-101)
2 || CReal (𝜔0 ) d𝜔 |
|𝜔=𝜔 0
⎡ ⎡ ⎤ ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎢ CReal (𝜔0 ) ⎥ ⎥
SΔ𝜙out (Δ𝜔) = SΔ𝜙 (Δ𝜔) ⎢1 + ( )
2 ) ⎢ dCImag (𝜔) ⎥ ⎥ (4-102)
⎢ (Δ𝜔 ⎢ ⎥ ⎥
⎣ ⎣ d𝜔 ⎦𝜔=𝜔0 ⎦
| 2 |
|A (𝜔)|
SΔ𝜙 (Δ𝜔) = 2 | | (4-103)
| 2 | ||C2 (𝜔)||
|Vc (𝜔)| |
| | |
| 2 | ⎡ ⎡ ⎤ ⎤
Sin |A (𝜔0 )| ⎢ ⎢ CReal (𝜔0 ) ⎥ ⎥
| | 1
SΔ𝜙out (Δ𝜔) = 2
| 2 | ||C2 (𝜔 )|| ⎢1 + 2) ⎢ ( dCImag (𝜔) ) ⎥ ⎥ (4-104)
|Vc (𝜔0 )| | ⎢ (Δ𝜔 ⎢ ⎥ ⎥
0 |
| | ⎣ ⎣ d𝜔 ⎦𝜔=𝜔0 ⎦
Individual Contribution of all Four Noise Sources The following contribute to the noise of the oscillator:
If we now use the oscillator circuit with a noisy resonator, we can calculate the total noise of the oscillator as
shown in Figure 4-24.
rb vbn [ABCD]
VO CC B b' C
ibn 2-port icn
C1 Vbe
Rp L C E C
Figure 4-24 The oscillator circuit with 2-port [ABCD] matrix, consistent with the approach of Figure 4-21.
+ H1(jw) Y1(jw)
Noise –
+ H(jw) Y(jw)
Noise –
Noise Shaping Function of the Resonator For phase noise analysis, the oscillator is considered as a feedback
system and a noise source is present in the input as shown in the Figure 4-25.
Oscillator output phase noise is a function of
• The amount of the source noise present at the input of the oscillator circuit
• The amount the feedback system rejects or amplifies various noise components
Y(j𝜔) H(j𝜔)
[TF(j𝜔)]closed-loop = = (4-105)
X(j𝜔) 1 + H(j𝜔)
[H(j𝜔)]𝜔=𝜔0 = −1 (4-106)
ƒ ƒ0 ƒ ƒ0 ƒ
From the noise transfer function, it appears that the noise component at 𝜔 = Δ𝜔 + 𝜔0 is multiplied by the term
[ ]
Δ𝜔 dH(j𝜔)
| |2
| Y(j𝜔 + jΔ𝜔) |2 | −1 |
| | =| | (4-110)
| X(j𝜔 + jΔ𝜔) | | |
| | | Δ𝜔 dH(j𝜔) |
| d𝜔 |
⎡ ⎤
| Y(j𝜔 + jΔ𝜔) |2 ⎢ 1
| | ⎢ {[ }⎥
| X(j𝜔 + jΔ𝜔) | = ⎢ ] [ ] ⎥
| | dA(j𝜔)
2 2
⎢ (Δ𝜔)2 + d𝜑d𝜔(j𝜔) ⎥
⎣ d𝜔 ⎦𝜔=Δ𝜔+𝜔
⎡ ⎤
| Y(j𝜔 + jΔ𝜔) |2 ⎢ 1
[ 𝜔 ]2
| | =⎢ { } ⎥ = 0
| X(j𝜔 + jΔ𝜔) | ⎢ [ ]2 [ ]2 ⎥
| | dA(j𝜔) d𝜑 (j𝜔) 4Q 2 Δ𝜔
⎢ (Δ𝜔)2 + d𝜔 ⎥ L
⎣ d𝜔 ⎦𝜔=Δ𝜔+𝜔
[ ]
𝜔0 d𝜙
For the LC resonator dA(j𝜔)
at resonance (𝜔 → 𝜔0 ) becomes zero and QL = 2 d𝜔
Non-unity Gain For the non-unity gain feedback case where H(j𝜔) = H1 (j𝜔)H2 (j𝜔), it follows that
[ ] [ ]
Y(j𝜔 + jΔ𝜔) −1
≈ (4-116)
X(j𝜔 + jΔ𝜔) 𝜔=Δ𝜔+𝜔0 Δ𝜔 dH(j𝜔)
Y1 (j𝜔) H1 (j𝜔0 )
= (4-117)
X(j𝜔) 1 + H(j𝜔0 )
Noise Transfer Function and Spectral Densities The noise transfer function for the relevant sources is described
in this section.
Noise transfer function of the thermal loss resistance of the resonator:
[ ][
1 1 𝜔0 ]
NFTinr (𝜔0 ) = → (4-121)
2 2𝜔0 Ceff Δ𝜔
in(ω) RP
Rsc Rsl
C1 C2
Ceff = C + (4-126)
C1 + C2
Vo (𝜔0 ) = nV be (𝜔0 ) (4-127)
NFTin (𝜔0 ), NFTVbn (𝜔0 ), NFTibn (𝜔0 ), and NFTicn (𝜔0 ) are the noise transfer functions as explained.
The various noise sources of the oscillator circuit whereby the flicker noise current is added to the base current
and their noise spectral density is ff b are as follows:
[NSD]inr = 4KT
→ noise spectral density of the thermal noise current from the loss resistance of the resonator
[NSD]Vbn = 4KTrb → noise spectral density of the thermal noise voltage from the base resistance
[NSD]ibn = 2qIb → noise spectral density of the shot noise current from the base current
[NSD]ifn = fm
→ Noise spectral density due to 1/f-flicker noise
[NSD]icn = 2qIc → noise spectral density of the shot noise current from the collector current.
where PN(𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) is the phase noise at the offset frequency Δ𝜔 from the carrier frequency 𝜔0 and [NSD]noise-source
is the noise spectral density of the noise sources. The phase noise contribution is
{ [ ][ ]}2
PNinr (𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) = 4KT
[NFTinr (𝜔0 )]2 = 4KT
2𝜔0 Ceff Δ𝜔
→ phase noise contribution from the resonator
{ [ ] [ ] [ ]}2
C +C 𝜔0
PNVbn (𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) = 4KTrb [NFTVbn (𝜔0 )]2 = 4KTrb 12 1C 2 2Q 1
→ phase noise contribution from the
base resistance.
{ [ ] [ ] [ ]}2
C2 𝜔0
PNibn (𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) = 2qI b [NFTibn (𝜔0 )]2 = 2qI b 12 C +C 1
𝜔0 QCeff Δ𝜔
→ phase noise contribution from the
1 2
base current.
{ [ ] [ ][ ]}2
C2 𝜔0
PNifn (𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) = ff b [NFibn (𝜔0 )]2 = fm
2 C1 +C2
2𝜔0 QCeff Δ𝜔
→ phase noise contribution from the
flicker noise of the transistor.
{ [ ] [ ][ ]}2
C1 𝜔0
PNicn (𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) = 2qI c [NFTicn (𝜔0 )]2 = 2qI c 1
2 C1 +C2
2𝜔0 QCeff Δ𝜔
→ phase noise contribution from the
collector current.
The total effect of all the four noise sources can be expressed as
PN(𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) = [PNinr (𝜔0 + 𝜔)] + [PNVbn (𝜔0 + 𝜔)] + [PNibn (𝜔0 + 𝜔)] + [PNicn (𝜔0 + 𝜔)] (4-134)
{ [ ][ } { [ ] [ ][ }
4KT 1 1 𝜔0 ] 2 1 C1 + C2 1 𝜔0 ] 2
PN(𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) = + 4KTrb
RP 2 2𝜔0 Ceff Δ𝜔 2 C2 2Q Δ𝜔
[ ] { [ ] [ ] } { [ ][ ][ }
2𝜋Kf IbAF C2 [𝜔 ] 2 C1 𝜔0 ] 2
1 1 0 1 1
+ 2qI b + + 2qI c
Δ𝜔 2 C1 + C2 2Q𝜔0 Ceff Δ𝜔 2 C1 + C2 2𝜔0 QCeff Δ𝜔
Kf = flicker noise constant
AF = flicker noise exponent
C1 C2
Ceff = C + (4-136)
C1 + C2
Note: The effect of the loading of the Q of the resonator is calculated by the noise transfer function multiplied
with the noise sources.
The phase noise contribution from the different noise sources for the parallel tuned Colpitts oscillator circuit at
Δ𝜔 = 10 kHz 2𝜋 from the oscillator frequency 𝜔0 = 100 MHz 2𝜋 will next be computed. Circuit parameters are as
PNinr (𝜔0 + 100 Hz) = − 162 dBc/Hz PNinr (𝜔0 + 10 kHz) = − 202 dBc/Hz
PNVbn (𝜔0 + 100 Hz) = − 176 dBc/Hz PNVbn (𝜔0 + 10 kHz) = − 216 dBc/Hz
PN(ibn + ifn) (𝜔0 + 100 Hz) = − 140 dBc/Hz PN(ibn + ifn) (𝜔0 + 10 kHz) = − 200 dBc/Hz
PN(icn) (𝜔0 + 100 Hz) = − 148 dBc/Hz PN(icn) (𝜔0 + 10 kHz) = − 189 dBc/Hz
Note: The noise contribution from the resonator at this offset is the same as the flicker noise
contribution from the transistor.
It appears that the flicker noise and the noise from the resonator are the limiting factors for the overall phase
noise performance of the oscillator circuit.
The dependence of the phase noise performance due to different noise sources present in the oscillator
circuits is
PNinr (𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) ∝ (4-137)
{ [ ]}2
1 C
PNVbn (𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) ∝ = rb 1+ 1 (4-138)
Q C2
{ [ ]}2
1 C2
PNibn (𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) ∝ Ib (4-139)
QCeff C1 + C2
{ [ ]}2
1 C1
PNicn (𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) ∝ = Ic (4-140)
QCeff C1 + C2
Once the resonator Q is known (parallel loss resistance is fixed), then the only option left is to select a device
having a low flicker noise. The base resistance, current, and collector current add little to the performance! Finally,
optimization of the phase noise can be done by proper selection of the feedback capacitor under the constraints of
the loop gain so that it maintains oscillation.
The value of “n” is defined as (1 + C1 /C2 ). Table 4-3 shows the resulting phase noise of a 100 MHz crystal
Interesting enough, the far-out noise is not affected, but the close-in noise is. The reason for this is that the
larger the C1 becomes, the more it short-circuits the transistor noise, to the point where the feedback is no longer is
large enough for oscillation. There is a limit for how large “n” can be made as one has to consider tolerances in the
components and also the temperature-dependence; 7, seems to be a reasonable value, for this particular transistor.
The value of n would have to be recalculated for different transistor and frequency of oscillation.
Figure 4-28 illustrates the negative impedance calculation. The capacitance ratio based on an open loop gain of
6 and calculations of Y21 (0.225) and the dc (100 mV) offset based on the Bessel function is 6.
The simulation confirms that oscillation occurs at the correct frequency and the phase noise, as shown in
Figures 4-29 and 4-30, is attractive.
n = Rp × Y21/LG; large signal loop gain = 5
Idc = 15 mA
100 nF
n = 144 × 0.255/ 5 = 7.3
Frequency pulling c
ind ptr
cap b
100 pF 2SC5662
5 pF
12.665 mH
120 pF e
12 pF
Crystal equivalent circuit
0.2 fF
20 pF
18 pF
Class-A common-emitter amplifiers are usually very sensitive to stray impedance in the emitter circuit. Any
small inductance in series with the emitter will cause instability; for this reason, the emitter needs to be grounded as
directly as possible and bias components in the emitter are generally undesirable. In the schematic in Figure 4-31,
Q1 is the RF amplifier and Q2 provides its base current required for constant voltage difference across Rc . This
constant voltage difference then ensures constant collector current.
Diode D1 provides some measure of temperature compensation. Rb should be high in order not to affect base
impedance, but not so high to cause Q2 to saturate over temperature and 𝛽 1 variation. Neglecting the base current
of Q2 , the design equations are
R1 (A+ − Vd )
Ic = (4-141)
Rc (R1 + R2 )
V c = A+ − Ic Rc (4-142)
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E00 1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06
FDev (Hz)
Figure 4-29 Simulated phase noise plot of the circuit in Figure 4-28.
Figure 4-30 Measured phase noise plot of a 100 MHz crystal oscillator.
A+ A+
Bias R1 RC
Assuming that we are designing the bias circuit to provide a certain device bias current Ic and collector voltage
Vc , select a convenient supply voltage A+ > Vc . The component values are then supplied by the following equations.
A+ − Vc
Rc = (4-143)
A+ − Vc
R1 = (4-144)
Vc − Vd
R2 = (4-145)
Vc − Vd − 0.2
Rb < 𝛽min (4-146)
Ic = desired collector current of Q1 (A)
Vc = desired collector voltage of Q1 (V)
Vd = diode, or base–emitter voltage drop, nominally 0.7 (V)
A+ = chosen supply voltage (V)
Ri = resistor values as shown in Figure 4-30 (Ω)
Id = bias current through R1 , R2 , and D1 (A)
𝛽 min = minimum beta of Q1
The bias circuit shown has to be carefully bypassed at both high and low frequencies. There is one inversion
from base to collector of Q1 , and another inversion may be introduced by Lc matching components and stray
capacitances, resulting in positive feedback around the loop at low frequencies. Low equivalent series resistance
(ESR) electrolytic or tantalum capacitors from the collector of Q2 to ground is usually adequate to ensure stability.
cap lnd
res lnd cap cap b
p1 dlod
res ptr
n1 cap
Figure 4-32 1000 MHz ceramic resonator oscillator.
The ceramic resonator is coupled loosely to the transistor with a capacitor of 0.9 pF. The resonator has a parallel
capacitor of 0.6 pF, which reduces the manufacturing tolerances of the resonator. The tuning diode assembly, two
diodes in parallel, is coupled to the resonator with 0.8 pF. The reason for using two diodes was that there was not
one single diode available with the necessary capacitance and Q. Figure 4-32 shows the schematic of the oscillator.
It has been pointed out that the best operating condition will be the case where the most negative resistance
occurs at the point of resonance to achieve the best phase noise performance. This is shown in Figure 4-33.
The purple-colored curve starting below zero shows the imaginary current that resonates at 1000 MHz, while the
green-colored curve shows the negative resistance. The maximum negative peak occurs at exactly 1000 MHz, as it
should be.
Figure 4-34 shows the measured phase noise of this oscillator. The measurements were performed with the
Aeroflex Euro Test system. At 1 kHz the phase noise is approximately 95 dBc/Hz and at 10 kHz it is approximately
124 dBc/Hz. This is a 30 dB/decade slope, which is triggered by the flicker corner frequency of the transistor. From
10 to 100 kHz, the slope is 20 dB/decade with a phase noise of −145.2 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz. At 1 MHz off the carrier,
it is −160 dBc/Hz.
Because of the narrow tuning range and the loose coupling of the tuning diode, the noise contribution of the
diode is negligible.
This circuit has been designed using the synthesis procedure and also has been analyzed with the harmonic-
balance simulator Microwave Harmonica from Ansoft Corporation. Figure 4-35 shows the predicted performance
of the phase noise. The actual circuit arrangement is shown in Figure 4-36. The ceramic resonator can be spotted
The parallel tuned circuit shows better phase noise performance, as seen in Figure 4-19, due to the fact that the
rate of change of reactance in a parallel tuned circuit is significantly larger than in a simple series tuned oscillator.
Y1 (mA)
0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.02
Freq (GHz)
Figure 4-33 Plot of the real and imaginary oscillator currents as a function of frequency.
–90.0 1
–140.0 3
1k 10 k 100 k 1M
Figure 4-34 Measured phase noise of the 1000 MHz ceramic resonator oscillator.
PN2<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07 1.00E08
FDev (Hz)
X1 = 1.00E03 Hz X2 = 1.00E06 Hz
Y1 = –96.30 dBc/Hz Y2 = –160.67 dBc/Hz
Figure 4-35 Predicted phase noise of the CRO at 1 GHz shown in Figure 4-33.
Figure 4-36 Photograph of the 1 GHZ CRO of the schematic shown in Figure 4-32.
4100 MHz_Oscillator
res res
tee trl tee
n1 n2 n1 n2
vla n3 n3
cap vla
tee trl
n1 tee n2
cap cap
tee tee
n1 n2 n1 n2
n3 n3 P1
vla vla
cap lnd b
trl cros
n1 n3
The dc stabilization circuit uses the same technique as shown in Figure 4-32. This time the RF power is taken from
the collector and uses a 10 dB attenuator to minimize frequency pulling. The ground connections for the capacitors
are done using via holes. A via hole is the electrical equivalent of a small inductor.
The phase noise of this oscillator was simulated using the values of the synthesis program. Figure 4-38 shows
the predicted phase noise.
The output power of this oscillator is 6.8 dBm. This oscillator was built and measured. Figure 4-39 shows the
printed circuit board of the oscillator.
Because of the pad-like microstrips, the simulation needs to be done very carefully, and the soldering of the
component is also very critical. This frequency range makes the assembly very difficult because it is not high
enough for an RFIC and still needs to be done on a printed circuit board. The measured phase noise is shown in
Figure 4-40. It agrees well with the predicted phase noise. At 100 kHz the difference is about 3 dB. The same is
valid at 10 kHz. At 1 kHz there is a larger difference. The flicker corner frequency of the actual device is different
than the simulation.
Phase noise @100 KHz = –116 dBc/Hz
Oscillator frequency = 4100 MHz
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07 1.00E08 1.00E09
FDev (Hz)
X1 = 1.00E05 Hz
Y1 = –116.17 dBc/Hz
Figure 4-39 Printed circuit board of the 4.1 GHz oscillator shown in Figure 4-38.
–60.0 1
1k 10 k 100 k 1M
center inductor becomes an RF choke. The output is taken from the source. An additional external dc decoupling
capacitor will be needed because of the dc coupling. The transistor and the circuit were constructed using the
TriQuint GaAs Foundry and the transistor was optimized for the dc current. Figure 4-42 shows the predicted phase
noise of this oscillator.
The measured values were 100 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz and 120 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offsets. There is a deviation of
about 2 dB compared to simulation.
It is interesting to examine the load line of this oscillator, which is shown in Figure 4-43. This circuit is operated
in a fairly linear range.
Figure 4-44 shows the layout of the 2 GHz GaAs FET Oscillator. Its output power is 1.8 dBm.
P: .5mm
d:50μm vla 100pf
P: .3mm
W1:w50 W1:w50 fet
recl W2:w50 W2:w50
W3:15μm W3:w50
trl trl tee trl tee trl q1
n1 n2 n1 n2
P: .1mm
bi:50μm s:8μm S
P: .3mm
H:100μm ER:11.9
d:50μm vla d:50μm vla
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07 1.00E08 1.00E09
FDev (Hz)
X1 = 1.00E05 Hz X2 = 1.00E06 Hz X3 = 1.00E07 Hz
Y1 = –98.04 dBc/Hz Y2 = –122.22 dBc/Hz Y3 = –142.68 dBc/Hz
Figure 4-42 Predicted phase noise of the oscillator shown in Figure 4-41.
Id(q1) (mA)
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Vds(q1) (V)
Figure 4-43 Trace of the dc-IV and the load line for the GaAs FET oscillator.
Figure 4-44 Layout of the 2 GHz GaAs FET oscillator.
77 GHz_Modified_BFP620_Oscillator
cap V:5.0
c 0.05pf P1
cap b
name: BFP620F_Scaled
Vce=2V, Ic=15mA
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07 1.00E08 1.00E09 1.00E10
FDev (Hz)
X1 = 1.00E06 Hz
Y1 = –100.43 dBc/Hz
Figure 4-46 Predicted phase noise of the oscillator shown in Figure 45.
( )
with published data. Here n = 1 + 1 C1 = 3 (the low Q case as described earlier). The literature shows that such
values are obtainable [36–45].
tee tee trl
n1 n2
n1 n2
n3 n3
n3 n3 p2
trl cros trl tee trl
n1 n3 n1 n2
n4 n3
n1 bend
n1 n2
n2 n3 n3
n1 n2 n1 n2
dlod n4
vla vla
tee trl
n1 n2
n3 p1
Figure 4-47 Schematic of the oscillator used to demonstrate the multiple-coupled resonator.
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
Resonator1 Resonator2
[Zr] [Zr]
Active device
RP L C [Zr] RP L C [Zr]
Resonator 1 Resonator 2
Coupled Resonator The Q factor of the resonator can be increased by introducing the coupling factor 𝛽, which
is defined as the ratio of the series coupling capacitor to the resonator capacitor. Figure 4-50 shows two iden-
tical resonators with series coupling where Zr and Zc are the resonators and the coupling network impedance,
The effective coupled impedance of the Figure 4-48 is given by
[ ]
Vo Zr (𝜔) Zr2 (𝜔)
Zeff (𝜔) = = Z (𝜔)
= (4-147)
Iin 2 + Zc (𝜔) Zc (𝜔) + 2Zr (𝜔)
[ ] [ 2 ]
1 Zc (𝜔) 2 Yr (𝜔)
Yeff (𝜔) = = + = + 2Yr (𝜔 (4-148a)
Zeff (𝜔) Zr2 (𝜔) Zr (𝜔) Yc (𝜔)
For Zc (𝜔) ≫ Zr (𝜔), and assuming the Q factor of Zr (𝜔) is sufficiently large, the denominator of Eq. (4-147) may
be considered constant over the frequencies within the bandwidth of Zr (𝜔). The coupling admittance is defined by
Yc (𝜔) = j𝜔 Cc .
The resonator admittance is given by
[ ] [ ]−1
1 1 j𝜔 LRP
Yr (𝜔) = + + j𝜔 C = (4-148b)
RP j𝜔 L RP (1 − 𝜔2 LC) + j𝜔 L
At resonance the real part of Yeff (𝜔) is reduced to zero, and the resonance frequency can be derived as
[ ]
2 2R (1 − 𝜔2 LC)
Re[Yeff (𝜔)]𝜔=𝜔 = − P = 0 ⇒ 𝜔20 LC(1 + 𝛽) = 1 (4-151)
0 RP 𝜔2 LR2p 𝛽 C 𝜔=𝜔0
[𝜔0 ]𝜑=90∘ = √ (4-152)
LC(1 + 𝛽)
[ ]
R2P 𝛽 2 C + (1 + 𝛽)L
[Yeff (𝜔)]𝜔=𝜔 = −j (4-153)
0 𝛽(1 + 𝛽)𝜔LR2P C
[ ] ⎡ ⎤ [ ]
𝛽(1 + 𝛽)𝜔LR2P C ⎢ 𝛽R2P 𝜔C ⎥ Q0 𝛽RP
Zeff (𝜔)]𝜔=𝜔 = j = j⎢ 2 2 ⎥⇒j (4-154)
0 R2P 𝛽 2 C + (1 + 𝛽)L R 𝛽 C
⎢ P ⎥ 1 + Q2 𝛽 2
+ 1
⎣ (1+𝛽)L ⎦
Q0 = 𝜔 CRP =
From (4-152), the effective quality factor of the coupled resonator is given by [46–48]
[ ]
𝜔0 𝜕𝜑 2Q0 (1 + 𝛽 )
[Qeff-coupled (𝜔)]𝜔=𝜔0 = ⇒ (4-155)
2 𝜕𝜔 (1 + Q20 𝛽 2 )
[ ]
2Q0 (1 + 𝛽)
[Qeff-coupled (𝜔0 )]𝛽≪1 = ≈ 2Q0 (4-156)
(1 + Q20 𝛽 2 )
Weakly coupled resonators (𝛽 ≪ 1) will produce high attenuation due the large value of Zc , so a trade-off
between doubling the Q factor and the permissible attenuation is required for the best phase noise performance.
For octave-band tunability, the coupling factor 𝛽 is dynamically adjusted over the tuning range for low-noise
Optimum Phase Noise with Respect to the Loaded Q The amount of loading on a resonator is critical for
optimum phase noise in voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs). A very lightly loaded resonator will have a higher
Q factor but will pass less power through it, whereas a heavily loaded resonator will have a very low Q factor
but will pass more power through it. From Figure 4-51, the equivalent loading is Rreso in parallel with the series
combination of 1/gm and RL , and this will represent the loading factor in the oscillator circuit.
From [5, Eq. (7-26)], the phase noise is given as
{[ ]( ) }
f0 2 f FkT 2kTRK0
( fm ) = 10 log 1+ 1+ c + (4-157)
(2fm QL )2 (1 − m)2 fm 2P0 fm2
gbe Lb
where m = Q0
From [5, Eq. (10-317)], the minimum phase noise can be found by differentiating Eq. (4-158) and equating to
zero as 𝜕m [£(fm )]m=mopt = 0
[ {[ ]( ) }]
d f0 2 fc FkT 2kTRK20
10 log 1+ 1+ + = 0 ⇒ mopt ≈ 0.5 (4-159)
dm (2fm Q0 )2 m2 (1 − m)2 fm 2P0 fm2
Figure 4-52 shows the plot of the relative phase noise versus the ratio between loaded and unloaded Q factor of
the resonator [5, pp-332].
F1 > F2
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
F1(noise factor) F2(noise factor)
–134 mopt = 0.5
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 4-52 Relative phase noise versus the ratio of loaded and unloaded Q of the resonator for noise factor F1
and F2 , (F1 > F2 ) [5].
This implies that for low-noise wideband application, the value of m should be dynamically controlled over
the tuning range, and it should lie in the vicinity of mopt for ultra-low phase noise performance over the frequency
band [49].
Push–Push Configuration Figure 4-53 shows the two identical oscillator circuits coupled through the arbitrary
coupling network under push–push configuration.
The evaluation of pushing factor of the push–push configuration is carried out by considering uncorrelated noise
voltage perturbation, Δvn1 and Δvn2 , associated with the two identical oscillator circuits as shown in Figure 4-53.
From [50–52], due to the symmetry of the push–push oscillator topology, two modes (common and differential
mode) exist and the corresponding pushing factor is calculated in terms of the common mode (CM) and differential
mode (DM) pushing-factor.
The frequency noise spectral density for the push–push topology can be given by
[ ]
Δfn2 = ([Δfn ]CM + [Δfn ]DM )2 (4-160)
[ ] [ ] [ ]
Δfn2 = [KPF ]2CM Δv2n + [KPF ]2DM Δv2n + 2[KPF ]CM [KPF ]DM ([Δvn ]CM ∗ [Δvn ]DM ) (4-161)
push–push DM DM
where [KPF ]CM and [KPF ]DM are common and differential mode pushing factors, and [Δvn ]CM and [Δvn ]DM are the
common and differential mode noise perturbations, respectively.
Cp Cp Cd
Rp Lp Gd Cd . [Y] Rp Lp .
+ +
Δvn [Ye] [Ye] Δvn
– –
+ –
Figure 4-53 Two identical oscillator circuits coupled through the arbitrary coupling network under push–push
The effect of the differential noise perturbation, due to the symmetry for the push–push topology, gives insignif-
icant variation of the oscillating frequency, so [KPF ]DM → 0.
The common mode input noise perturbation of the circuit can be given as
[ ]2
Δvn1 + Δvn2 ( )
[Δv2n ]CM = = [Δv2n1 ] + [Δv2n2 ] + [Δvn1 ∗ Δvn2 ] (4-162)
2 4
Since the input noise voltage perturbation Δvn1 and Δvn2 associated with the two identical active devices are
uncorrelated to each other, [Δvn1 ∗ Δvn2 ] = 0. Considering the active device (transistor) for the two identical
oscillator circuits in push–push topology operates under the same working condition, their input noise voltage
perturbation can be described by the same statistic and given as [Δv2n1 ] = [Δv2n2 ].
Equation (4-162) can be rewritten as
[ ]2 [ ]
Δvn1 + Δvn2 [Δv2n ]
[ΔVn2 ]CM = = (4-163)
2 2
From (4-161), [ ]
[Δv2n ]
[Δfn2 ]push–push = [KPF ]2CM [Δv2n ]CM = [KPF ]2CM (4-164)
From (4-165), there is a 3 dB improvement in the phase noise with respect to the individual oscillator oscillating
at half the frequency of the push–push frequency, and the analysis agrees with the general equation of the N-coupled
oscillator [5, Eq. (10-206)].
The improvement of the phase noise of the push–push topology, referring to one individual oscillator that oscil-
lates at fundamental frequency f0 , can be expressed as
{ [Δf ] }
n push–push (f =f0 )
20 log √
[ ( fm )]push–push ( f =f0 ) 2fm
= { [Δfn ] ( )} (4-166)
[ ( fm )]fundamental (f =2 f0 ) fundamental f =2 0
2 2
20 log √
where f0 /2 is the fundamental frequency of the sub-circuit of the oscillator in push–push topology.
From (4-167), push–push topology gives 9 dB improvement in the phase noise compared with the fundamental
frequency of the individual oscillator oscillating at f0 , twice the designed oscillating frequency of f0 /2.
The aforementioned relative noise analysis gives a theoretical basis of the noise prediction as [53]:
• Fundamental Oscillator. 12 dB degradation of the phase noise with respect to the fundamental oscillator
oscillating at f0 , twice the designed oscillating frequency f0 /2.
• Frequency Multiplier/Doubler. 6 dB degradation of the phase noise with respect to the fundamental oscillator
oscillating at f0 , twice the designed oscillating frequency of f0 /2.
• Push–Push Topology (f = 2f0 ∕2). 9 dB improvement of the phase noise with respect to the fundamental
oscillator oscillating at f0 , twice the designed oscillating frequency of f0 /2.
Validation Figure 4-54 shows the schematic of the push–push oscillator that has two identical oscillators; it con-
sists of two individual oscillators that are oscillating at half the push–push frequency f0 /2. The individual oscillator,
corresponding to the half-resonator, oscillates at f0 /2 (1000 MHz) and is used as a starting point to verify the afore-
mentioned noise analysis with respect to the frequency multiplier and push–push configuration.
Figure 4-55 shows the phase noise plot of the individual oscillator operating at a fundamental frequency
of f0 /2 (1000 MHz) and f0 (2000 MHz), working as a frequency doubler (frequency multiplier) at 2000 MHz and a
push–push configuration at 2000 MHz.
As discussed above, the phase noise of the fundamental oscillator operating at double the oscillating frequency
of 2000 MHz is worsening by 12 dB/octave, with respect to the fundamental oscillator oscillating at a frequency of
1000 MHz.
The simulated graph is based on the unchanged parameters of the active device and the passive components
with respect to the two-frequency f0 /2 and f0 . It is not an easy task to design the same oscillator operating at f0 /2
and f0 and maintain the same operating parameters of the active device, coupling coefficient, drive level, quality
factor, etc.
For the case of the frequency doubler, the phase noise is degraded by 6 dB with respect to the fundamental
frequency as shown in Figure 4-55.
The relative improvement of the phase noise of the push–push configuration, with respect to the fundamental
frequency of the oscillator composed of push–push topology, is 9 dB. This is shown in Figure 4-55 and agrees with
the theoretically predicted result [53].
P:P2 P:P2
W:W1 W:W1
trl trl
Phase−coupling network
P:P3 P:P3
res W:W3 res W:W3 res
trl trl
Rc R Rc
bias bias
Series coupled−ceramic−resonator c
+ blp blp +
– –
cap cap W:W4 cap cap b
b n1 n1 n1 n1 Q2
Q1 two trl two
C1 C2 C2 C1
1/2−Resonator 1/2−Resonator
e e
res res
Tuning network
lnd lnd
Lv Lv
Filter(fo) bias
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06
FDev (Hz)
Figure 4-55 Phase noise plot of fundamental oscillator at f0 /2, f0 , frequency doubler at f0 , and push–push oscillator
at f0.
Figure 4-56 shows the measured phase noise of a phase-locked loop (PLL) system that uses, Case 1: a reference
of 640 MHz surface acoustic wave (SAW) oscillator, shown by the light grey trace and Case 2: 7680 MHz shown
by the black trace, using a 1:1 PLL loop against a 7600 MHz signal generator.
If we increase the operating frequencies of these VCOs in a synthesized signal generator, the resulting phase
noise is shown in Figure 4-57. Above 6 GHz the output frequency is generated by up-multiplication.
Figure 4-58 shows some typical phase noise values for modern synthesized signal generators over a range of
operating frequencies. Note: This applies to LC oscillators and not to yttrium–iron–garnet (YIG) oscillators.
where I is the load current amplitude and w is the resonance frequency. Zout is current and frequency dependent
output impedance, whereas ZL is only a function of frequency.
–150 TH 0dB
LoopBW 3 kHz
TH 0dB
LoopBW 10 kHz
Figure 4-57 Phase noise over 20% tuning range (free-running oscillator).
According to the optimum criterion, the negative real part of the output impedance Zout has to be maximized
and the possible optimal values of feedback reactance under which the negative value Rout is maximized by setting
𝜕 Re[Zout ] 𝜕 Re[Zout ]
= 0 and =0 (4-168g)
𝜕X1 𝜕X2
𝜕[Rout ] 𝜕[Rout ]
⇒ = 0 and =0 (4-168h)
𝜕X1 𝜕X2
The optimal values X1∗ and X2∗ , based on the aforementioned condition, can be expressed in terms of a 2-port
parameter of the active device (BJT/FET) as
[ ] [ ][ ]
X12 + X21 R − R12 R12 + R21
X1∗ = −X11 + + 21 − R11 − R1 (4-168i)
2 X21 − X12 2
[ ] [ ]
X12 + X21 (R21 − R12 )(2R2 + R12 + R21 )
X2 = − − (4-168j)
2 2(X21 − X12 )
40 GHz
–40 20 GHz
–50 10 GHz
SSB phase noise in dBc (1 Hz)
6 GHz
–60 3 GHz
–70 1 GHz
100 MHz
1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure 4-58 Some typical phase noise values for modern synthesized signal generators ranging from 100 MHz to
40 GHz.
By substituting values of X1∗ and X2∗ into aforementioned equation, the optimal real and imaginary parts of the
output impedance Zout can be expressed as
Zout = R∗out +X ∗out (4-168k)
[ 2]
(2R2 + R21 + R12 )2 + (X21 − X12 )
(168k)R∗out = R2 + R22 − (4-168l)
4(R11 + R2 + R1 )
[ ]
R − R
Xout = X2∗ + X22 − 21 12
[R∗out −R2 − R22 ] (4-168m)
X21 − X12
where [ ] [ ]
X12 + X21 (R21 − R12 )(2R2 + R12 + R21 )
X2∗ = − − (4-168n)
2 2(X21 − X12 )
Thus, in the steady-state operation mode of the oscillator, amplitude and phase balance conditions can be
written as
R∗out + RL = 0 (4-168o)
Xout + XL∗ = 0 (4-168p)
The output power of the oscillator can be expressed in terms of load current and load impedance as
1 2
Pout = I Re[ZL ] (4-168q)
where I and V are the corresponding load current and voltage across the output, respectively.
[ ]
Z11 + Z1 + Z2
I= V (4-168r)
Z22 (Z11 + Z1 + Z2 ) − Z21 (Z12 + Z2 )
The expression of the phase noise for the series feedback oscillator, following the approach for the Colpitts
oscillator, is
[ ]
| | 4qI c g2m (t)
|L | SSB = 4KTR + 4 2 2
| | 𝜔0 𝛽 Cce (C2 + Cbe − L1 C2 Cbe 𝜔20 )2 + g2m 𝜔20 (C2 + Cbe − L1 C2 Cbe 𝜔20 )2
[ ] ( ( )( ))2
𝜔20 ⎡ [(C2 + Cbe − L1 C2 Cbe 𝜔20 ) + Cce ] ⎤
× ⎢ 1 + 1−
1 ⎥ (4-168s)
4(Δ𝜔)2 Vcc ⎢ Q2L 𝜔20 L1 Cce [(C2 + Cbe − L1 C2 Cbe 𝜔20 )] ⎥
⎣ ⎦
The important message that can be derived from this calculation is the fact that the parasitics now dominate the
design. The negative resistance, which used to be proportional to 1/𝜔2 now, is 1/𝜔4 . The rule of thumb is to use a
large device for lower frequencies and operate it at medium dc currents. This in the millimeter-wave area would be
fatal. The large device would have excessive parasitic elements such as inductors and capacitors, and the optimum
design is no longer possible since the parasitics would be larger than the values required for optimum performance.
These parasitics are the major reason why at millimeter-wave and wide tuning ranges the phase noise is not as good
as what a narrowband Colpitts oscillator would provide.
Example Implementation
A 3000 MHz oscillator is designed based on the aforementioned analytical series feedback approach and is also
validated with the simulated results. Figure 4-59 shows the series feedback oscillator.
For the oscillation condition, the base-to-ground inductance and the emitter-to-ground capacitance are required.
The 12 nH inductor acts a choke. The output is tuned and terminated into 50 Ω.
Large-signal Z-parameters measured data (Ic = 20 mA, Vce = 2 V) @ 3000 MHz are given as
Series−feedback oscillator
res lnd ptr
bf p520
54 12nh
V: –2v
The simulated response of the oscillator circuit, having resonance at 2980 MHz or 1% error, is a good starting
value for tuning and optimization for optimum phase noise and output power. The best phase noise at a given power
output is basically dependent upon the ratio and absolute value of the feedback capacitor, which in turn depends
upon the optimum drive-level. The detailed analysis for designing the best phase noise, based on a unified approach,
is discussed in the next section. Figure 4-60 shows the real and imaginary currents for oscillating conditions for
optimum output power. In this case, the operating Q is very low, as can be seen from the shallow curve at which
the imaginary current crosses the zero line, while the real current is still negative. To optimize this circuit for phase
noise, the imaginary curve should go through the zero line at the point of steepest ascent, while maintaining a
negative real current. The low Q resonator guarantees that the most output power is available, and the resonator is
heavily loaded.
Calculated phase noise using the Modified Leeson equation [54, pg. 302, eq (7.25)],
⎡⎛ ⎞ ( ) ⎤
⎢⎜ ( fo)2 ⎟ fc FkT 2 kTRKo2 ⎥
Li :=10 log ⎢⎜1 + ( )2 ⎟ ⋅ 1 + 0.25( fm )1.5 ⋅ 2Psav + ( fm )2 ⎥ (4-170)
⎢⎜ (2 fm Q ) 2 1− QL ⎟ 1 i ⎥
⎣⎝ 1 L QO ⎠ ⎦
Y1 (mA)
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 4-60 The real and imaginary currents of the 3 GHz series-type oscillator. The very shallow curve should be
mi –100 fmi mi
100 –36.88
1×103 –71.814
–150 –105.122
1×106 –166.882
100 1×103 1×104 1×105 1×106 1×107 1×107
Figure 4-61a Practical example—design of a 10 GHz YIG oscillator using Eq. (4-170).
lnd 10 GHz YIG oscillator
n: .1
cap cap
trl trl
Z:50 Z:50
10pF 10μF pl
E:45 P:170nll
_I lb1
res 3700
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
Figure 4-61c Simulated phase noise of the YIG oscillator in Figure 4-61a.
Figure 4-61d Measured phase noise of 12 GHz YIG oscillator using the design method shown earlier.
using a push–pull technology with two outputs. The design choices are SiGe transistors or BiCMOS transistors.
The submicron devices in 0.35 micron technology and smaller are ideally suited for this frequency application.
The 0.25 and smaller technology is more costly but does not provide a significant advantage. As will be seen, the
critical phase noise is determined by the Q of the inductor and other elements of the resonator and by the flicker
noise from the device.
Figure 4-62 shows the circuit of the 2400 MHz integrated CMOS oscillator 0.35 μm in cross-coupled
(push–pull) configuration [55–73].
The circuit earlier uses a cross-coupled CMOS-NMOS pair as an oscillator. The advantage compared with an
all NMOS structure is that it generates a large symmetrical signal swing and balances out the pull-up and pull-down
signals, resulting in a better noise. This type of topology rejects the common mode noise and substrate noise.
Figure 4-63 shows the starting condition, which requires a negative resistance and a cancellation of the reac-
tances at the frequency of oscillation. The currents shown in Figure 4-63 indicate that this condition is met.
It is important to notice that the condition of zero reactance does not quite occur at the point of most negative
current. Since the circuit is totally symmetrical, only the condition C1 = C2 can be met. C1 and C2 refer to the gate
source capacitance of the field-effect transistors. As outlined previously, this is not necessarily the best condition
for phase noise.
Figures 4-64 and 4-65 show the predicted phase and RF output power, including harmonic contents.
Design Equations
Figure 4-66 shows a cross-coupled PMOS and a cross-coupled NMOS pair using CMOS devices. According to
the literature, PMOS transistors offer lower 1/f and thermal noise while NMOS transistors exhibit a higher fT and
a higher transconductance for the same operating point.
bias osc
fet ptr fet
Pmos2 Pmos1
D D 1pF P1
fet fet
S lnd S
cap 10pF cap
10pF 10pF
Y1 (mA)
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00
Freq (GHz)
Figure 4-63 The real and imaginary currents that cause the negative resistance for oscillation.
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07 1.00E08
FDev (Hz)
Figure 4-64 Predicted phase noise of the 2400 MHz MOSFET oscillator.
MOS oscillator
2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
Spectrum (GHz)
Figure 4-66 Determining the transconductance of the differential circuit of the cross-coupled PMOS and NMOS
Kp = transconductance parameter
𝜇 pmos = carrier mobility of the PMOS device
𝜇 nmos = carrier mobility of the NMOS device
Cox = unit capacitance of the gate oxide
Kp = 𝜇 Cox (4-176)
where μ is the carrier mobility and Cox is the unit capacitance of the gate oxide.
The unit capacitance of the gate oxide is given as
[ ]
wi l i
Cox = 𝜀ox (4-177)
𝜀ox = permittivity of the oxide
tox = thickness of the oxide layer between spiral and substrate
wi = width of the spiral line
li = length of the spiral line.
The size of the device determines the transconductance of the transistor, and the large-signal transconductance
needs to be large enough to sustain oscillation and compensate the losses of the resonator.
The expression of the ratio of the channel width (gate) and channel length (gate) is
w (2SGP )2 (g )2
= → m (4-181)
L 2Kp Ids 2Kp Ids
where w is the width of the channel (gate) and L is the length of the channel (gate) of the device.
Figure 4-67a,b shows the equivalent cross-coupled oscillator resonant circuit and the corresponding equivalent
resistances at resonance condition.
The total equivalent parallel resistor at resonance frequency is
RT = (4-182)
2 − RP (gm-NMOS +gm-PMOS )
QL = P (4-183)
where gm-NMOS and gm - PMOS are the corresponding large-signal transconductances of the NMOS and PMOS device,
For a symmetrical output signal, the large-signal transconductance of the NMOS and PMOS transistors have to
be ideally equal as gm - NMOS = gm - PMOS = gm and the equivalent resistance at resonance condition is
RT = [ ] (4-184)
− gm
Cc Lresonator
(a) (b)
Figure 4-67 (A) The equivalent cross-coupled oscillator resonator circuit. (B) The equivalent resistances at reso-
nance condition.
The differential negative resistance generated by the cross-coupled NMOS and PMOS transistors-pair compen-
sates the parallel loss resistance RP of the resonator circuit.
For the start-up condition and guaranteed sustained oscillation condition, the value of RT must be negative and
1 1
RT = [ ] < 0 ⇒ gm > (4-185)
− gm RP
From the loop gain criteria using a stability factor of 2 (loop gain = 2), the gain is adjusted to 1 by self-adjusting
the conducting angle of the circuit), the start-up condition is
→2 (4-186)
GP = (4-187)
S = stability factor
RP = equivalent parallel loss resistance of the resonator
Design Calculations
The equivalent parallel loss resistance of the resonator is given as
Q = 10
Lind = 1.1 nH
GP = ⇒ 6.577 mS
f0 = √ (4-193)
2𝜋 Lresonator-tank Cresonator-tank
Cresonator-tank = [CNMOS + CPMOS + CL +C] (4-194)
CNMOS = 4Cgd-nmos + Cgs-nmos + Cdb-nmos (4-195)
For the cross-coupled configuration CNMOS - Pair is the series combination of the two CNMOS and is given as
1 1
CNMOS-Pair = 2Cgd-nmos + Cgs-nmos + Cdb-nmos (4-197)
2 2
Similarly, CPMOS-Pair is the series combination of the two CPMOS and is given as
1 1
CPMOS-Pair = 2Cgd-pmos + Cgs-pmos + Cdb-pmos (4-198)
2 2
Cresonator-tank = [C + CPMOS + CL +C] (4-199)
CL = 10 pF (load capacitance)
C = 1/2 resonator-parallel capacitance
1 1
f0 = √ = √ = 2400 MHz (4-200)
2𝜋 Lresonator-tank Cresonator-tank 2𝜋 1.1E − 9∗ 3.3E − 12
Phase Noise
The phase noise of CMOS oscillators has been subject to endless discussions. The main contributors still are the
resonant circuit with a low Q and the flicker frequency contribution from the device. We take the following equations
and adapt them to the CMOS device.
{ [ ][ ]}2
PNinr (𝜔0 + 𝜔) = 4KT
[NFTinr (𝜔0 )]2 = 4KT
2𝜔0 Ceff Δ𝜔
→ phase noise contribution from the resonator.
{ [ ][ ] [ ]}2
C +C 𝜔0
PNVbn (𝜔0 + 𝜔) = 4KTrb [NFTVbn (𝜔0 )]2 = 4KTrb 12 1C 2 1
2jQ Δ𝜔
→ phase noise contribution from the
2 0
gate resistance.
{ [ ][ ] [ ]}2
C2 𝜔0
PNibn (𝜔0 + 𝜔) = 2qI b [NFTibn (𝜔0 )]2 = 2qI b 12 C +C 1
𝜔0 Ceff Δ𝜔
→ phase noise contribution from the gate
1 2
{ [ ][ ] [ ]}2
C2 𝜔0
PNibn (𝜔0 + 𝜔) = ff b [NFibn (𝜔0 )]2 = Δ𝜔 1
2 C1 +C2
j2𝜔0 Q0 Ceff Δ𝜔
→ phase noise contribution from the
flicker noise of the transistor.
{ [ ][ ] [ ]}2
C1 𝜔0
PNicn (𝜔0 + 𝜔) = 2qI c [NFTicn (𝜔0 )]2 = 2qI c 12 C +C 1
2𝜔0 Ceff Δ𝜔
→ phase noise contribution from the
1 2
drain current.
Rp = 190 Ω
f0 = 2.4 GHz
L = 1.1 nH
CO = 2 pF
C1 = C2 = 0.2 pF
Ig = 100 μA
Id = 14 mA
AF = 2
KF = 5E−5
q = 1.6E−19
T = 290∘ K
2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
Spectrum (GHz)
These calculations show that the phase noise contribution from the tuned circuit dominates and sets the value
at −117.78 dBc/Hz.
The circuit was analyzed using Microwave Harmonica/Ansoft Designer, using a lossy circuit with a Q0 of 10
and using the SPICE-type parameters which were obtained from the manufacturer.
The output power measured single-ended was −7 dBm. Figure 4-68a shows the simulated output power and
harmonic contents. The accuracy of the prediction is within 1 dB.
Figure 4-68b shows the predicted phase noise from Designer and the phase noise prediction from the set of
equations shown earlier. It should be pointed out that close-in the flicker noise contribution dominates, in the
medium range, the resonator Q dominates, and for high currents, the drain current adds significant noise.
Figure 4-68d shows photograph of a Motorola CMOS based oscillator, which was used in some part of the
This approach has shown a very good agreement between the simulations and calculations as demonstrated.
The publications that cover this topic have analyzed various other contributions, both from the transistor and the
tuning mechanism. When FETs are used as varactors, the average Q is in the vicinity of 30, which means that the
low-Q inductor still is responsible for the overall phase noise. The three areas of improvement are the power supply
voltage, the Q, and the device selection. So far, the power supply voltage has not been addressed. However, latest
designs operating at 1.5 V show a poorer noise performance. Their distinct trade-offs and the application dictate if
such degradation is allowable.
1/f Noise
The electrical properties of surfaces or boundary layers are influenced energetically by states, which are subject to
statistical fluctuations and, therefore, lead to the flicker noise or 1/f noise for the current flow. 1/f noise is observable
at low frequencies and generally decreases with increasing frequency f according to the 1/f law until it is covered
by frequency independent mechanisms, like thermal noise or shot noise. An example case follows.
Phase noise plot
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07 1.00E08
FDev (Hz)
Colpitts, 2.5V, 9mA
–80 LC-tank, 2V, 8mA
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
–110 Colpitts
–150 LC-tank
Figure 4-68c Measured phase noise of a CMOS LC and Colpitts oscillator at 2.9 Ghz [74].
Figure 4-68d Photograph of a Motorola CMOS based oscillator. Courtesy Motorola, David Lovelace.
The noise for a conducting diode is bias-dependent and is expressed in terms of AF and KF.
⟨i2Dn ⟩AC = 2qI dc B + KF B
The AF is generally in range of 1–3 (a dimensionless quantity) and is a bias-dependent curve fitting term,
typically 2.
The KF value ranges from 10−12 to 10−6 and defines the flicker corner frequency [75].
One of the important characteristics for device evaluation and selection is 1/f noise, which is a function of
the active device characteristics and a major contributor to phase noise, especially in applications such as VCOs
[5, 20]. In an oscillator, 1/f noise that is present in transistors at low frequencies is up-converted and added to the
phase noise around the carrier signal. Hence, proper characterization of 1/f noise and its effects on phase noise are
important topics. In addition, 1/f noise is not solely an active device phenomenon. Passive devices such as carbon
resistors, quartz resonators, SAW devices, and ceramic capacitors are among devices that show presence of this
phenomenon when used as part of low-noise electronic systems. Generally, 1/f noise is present in most physical
systems and many electronic components [19, 22, 23].
Flicker noise in BJTs is also known as 1/f noise because of the 1/f slope characteristics of the noise spectra.
This noise is caused mainly by traps associated with contamination and crystal defects in the emitter–base depletion
layer. These traps capture and release carriers in a random fashion. The time constants associated with the process
produce a noise signal at low frequencies. The flicker noise spectral density is given by
KF = flicker noise constant
AF = flicker noise exponent
IB = dc base current
Fc = flicker noise corner frequency
The measured flicker corner frequency, Fmeas , is determined by noting the intersection of the 1/f noise spec-
trum and the white noise spectrum. This intersection is where the measured flicker noise power and the white
noise power are equal. To determine Fbn , the intrinsic base flicker noise corner requires solving the following
equation [20, 21].
Fbn = Fmeas [1 + 1∕𝛽 + 2Vth Gin ∕IB] (4-202)
Fbn = intrinsic base flicker noise corner
Fmeas = measured flicker corner
𝛽 = collector–base current gain
Vth = thermal voltage = kT/q
Gin = external input conductance
IB = dc base biasing current
The equation for the intrinsic base flicker corner modifies the measured flicker corner to account for the input
conductance, base current, and dc current gain of the device. The formula for Fbn is valid provided the measured
output noise characteristics are dominated by the base flicker and base shot noise sources.
Changing the KF and AF factors affects the phase noise, as can be seen from the plots in Figure 4-69.
Y-intercept of the 1/f spectra increases proportionally to KF. The Y-intercept of the 1/f spectra decreases more
rapidly with increase in AF (see Figure 4-70). The following discussion of the tuning diodes results in a noise
contribution similar to this flicker mechanism.
1.00E00 1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
X1 = 1.00E03 Hz X2 = 1.00E04 Hz X3 = 1.00E05 Hz X4 = 1.00E06 Hz X5 = 7.20E06 Hz
Y1 = –89.20 dBc/Hz Y2 = –118.57 dBc/Hz Y3 = –144.87 dBc/Hz Y4 = –166.49 dBc/Hz Y5 = –175.17 dBc/Hz
1.00E00 1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
X1 = 1.00E03 Hz X2 = 1.00E04 Hz X3 = 1.00E05 Hz X4 = 1.00E06 Hz X5 = 7.20E06 Hz
Y1 = –89.20 dBc/Hz Y2 = –118.57 dBc/Hz Y3 = –144.87 dBc/Hz Y4 = –166.49 dBc/Hz Y5 = –175.17 dBc/Hz
RF choke
CP = 0 +
Ctot ∞
It is possible to define an equivalent noise Raeq that, inserted in Nyquist’s Johnson noise equation,
Vn = 4kT o RΔf (4-203)
where kTo = 4.2 × 10−21 at about 300 K, R is the equivalent noise resistor, and Δf is the bandwidth, determines
an open-circuit noise voltage across the tuning diode. Practical values of Raeq for carefully selected tuning diodes
√ now determine the noise voltage, Vn = 4 × 4.2 × 10 × 10,000, the
are in the vicinity of 200 Ω to 50 kΩ. If we
resulting voltage value is 1.296 × 10 V Hz.
This noise voltage generated from the tuning diode is now multiplied with the VCO gain Ko , resulting in the
rms frequency deviation
(Δfrms ) = Ko × (1.296 × 10−8 V) in 1-Hz bandwidth (4-204)
1 MHz/V
10 kHz/V
–120 C
–140 B
No tuning diode
1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 25 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz
8 Decades
𝜃d = rad in 1-Hz bandwidth (4-206)
For fm = 25 kHz (typical spacing for adjacent-channel measurements for FM mobile radios), the
𝜃 c = 7.32 × 10−8 . This can be converted now into the single sideband (SSB) signal-to-noise ratio:
(fm ) = 20log10 = −149 dBc∕Hz (4-207)
For the typical oscillator gain of 10 MHz/V found in wireless applications, the resulting phase noise will be
20 dB worse [10 log(10 MHz ÷ 100 kHz). However, the best tuning diodes, like the BB104, have an Rn of 200 Ω
instead of 10 kΩ, which again changes the picture. Therefore, with kTo = 4.2 × 10−21 the resulting noise voltage
will be √ √
Vn = 4 × 4.2 × 10−21 × 200 = 1.833 × 10−9 V Hz (4-208)
The equivalent peak phase deviation for a gain of 10 MHz/V in a 1-Hz bandwidth is then
1 × 107 2
𝜃d = (1.833 × 10−9 ) rad (4-209)
𝜃d = rad in 1-Hz bandwidth (4-210)
(fm ) = 20log10 = −126 dBc∕Hz (4-211)
Figure 4-71 shows the influence of the tuning diode on the phase noise. For the purpose of discussion, the
equivalent noise resistance is assumed 1 kΩ, and three sensitivity curves are shown. For a tuning sensitivity of more
than 100 kHz/V, the varactor noise dominates. As the tuning sensitivity increases, the influence of the oscillator
noise itself disappears.
⎧⎡ ⎤ ( ) ⎫
⎪⎢ fo2 ⎥ fc (F ⋅ kT) 2 ⋅ kT ⋅ R ⋅ ko2 ⎪
= 10 log ⎨⎢1 + ( )2 ⎥ ⋅ 1 + fm ⋅ 2 ⋅ Po𝜔 + 2
, 10⎬
⎪⎢ ⎥ fm ⎪
⎩⎣ (2 ⋅ fm ⋅ Ql)2 ⋅ 1 − Ql
Qo ⎦ ⎭
And some parameter fitting, we obtain a similar plot (see Figure 4-75). Of course, the Q of the resonator is “not
award winning”!
core V
÷1/2/4/8/16/ Output
32/64 stage
Output R
stage R
–50 –80
–90 DIV4
–70 DIV8
–100 DIV16
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
–130 –140
–170 –170
1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Frequency offset from carrier (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4-74 (a) Open-loop VCO phase noise, 3.4 GHz. (b) Closed-loop phase noise, fundamental VCO, and dividers;
VCO = 3.4 GHz, bandwidth = 40 kHz.
noise power = = 4kT 0 B (W∕Hz)
for B = 1 Hz, noise power = 4kT 0
In order to reduce this noise, the only option is to lower the temperature, since noise power is directly propor-
tional to temperature. The Johnson noise sets the theoretical noise floor.
• The available noise power does not depend on the value of the resistor but it is a function of temperature
T. The noise temperature can thus be used as a quantity to describe the noise behavior of a general lossy
one-port network. For high frequencies and/or low temperature, a quantum mechanical correction factor has
to be incorporated for the validation of equations. This correction term results from Planck’s radiation law,
which applies to blackbody radiation.
Pav = kT ⋅ Δf
[ ( ( ) )]
hf / hf
Pav = kTΔf ⋅ p(f , T); with p (f , T) = e kT −1
where h = 6.626 ⋅ 10−34 J∕s, Planck′ s constant
• Schottky/Shot Noise. The Schottky noise occurs in conducting PN junctions (semiconductor devices) where
electrons are freely moving. The root mean square (RMS) noise current is given by
where q is the charge of the electron, P is the noise power, and Idc is the dc bias current. Z is the termination
load (can be complex).
Since the origin of this noise generated is totally different, they are independent of each other.
• Flicker Noise. The electrical properties of surfaces or boundary layers are influenced energetically by states,
which are subject to statistical fluctuations and therefore, lead to the flicker noise or 1/f noise for the current
flow. 1/f noise is observable at low frequencies and generally decreases with increasing frequency f according
to the 1/f-law until it is covered by frequency independent mechanisms, like thermal noise or shot noise. As an
example, the noise for a conducting diode is bias-dependent and is expressed in terms of AF and KF.
⟨i2Dn ⟩AC = 2qI DC B + KF B
The AF is generally in range of 1–3 (a dimensionless quantity) and is a bias-dependent curve fitting term,
typically 2. The KF value is ranging from 1E−12 to 1E−6 and defines the flicker corner frequency.
• Transit Time and Recombination Noise. When the transit time of the carriers crossing the potential barrier is
comparable with the periodic signal, some carriers diffuse back and this causes noise. This is typically seen
in the collector area of NPN transistor. The electron and hole movements are responsible for this noise. The
physics for this noise has not been fully established.
• Avalanche Noise. When a reverse bias is applied to semiconductor junction, the normally small depletion
region expands rapidly. The free holes and electrons then collide with the atoms in depletion region, thus
ionizing them and produce spiked current called the avalanche current. The spectral density of avalanche
noise is mostly flat. At higher frequencies the junction capacitor with lead inductance acts as a low-pass filter
(LPF). Zener diodes are used as voltage reference sources and the avalanche noise needs to be reduced by
large value bypass capacitors.
4-2-8 Summary
With a systematic approach to the Colpitts oscillator, this chapter provides information for an optimized design
and the resulting phase noise performance. Starting with the explanation about the Colpitts oscillator, invented in
1918, we have discussed a linear analysis based the on Y-parameters, followed by S-parameter approach, which is
applicable to practically all oscillators and then move into the important time-domain analysis. This allows a very
reliable design, where the simulated, calculated, and measured results agree well. This detailed analysis gives a
thorough insight into the design approach and results of a Colpitts oscillator. Finally, the noise contribution of the
tuning diodes is added. The interested reader, having access to CAD tools, can run some experiments by varying
the component values.
At this point we would also like to thank our reviewers for their valuable suggestions to optimize this chapter.
In order to tune the oscillator within the required range, so-called tuning diodes are used. These diodes are often
called varactors or voltage sensitive diodes. By way of approximation, we can use the equation
C= (4-212)
(VR + VD )n
wherein all constants and all parameters determined by the manufacturing process are contained in K. The exponent
is a measure of the slope of the capacitance/voltage characteristic and is 0.5 for alloyed diodes, 0.33 for single
diffused diodes, and (on average) 0.75 for tuner diodes with a hyper abrupt PN junction [54, 76]. Figure 4-76
shows the capacitance/voltage characteristics of an alloyed, a diffused, and a tuner diode.
Ctot (VD + VR)
Ctot (3 V)
n = 0.5
n = 0.33
1 2 3 4 5 7 10
Figure 4-76 Capacitance/voltage characteristic for an alloyed capacitance diode (n = 0.33), a diffused capacitance
diode (n = 0.5), and a wide-range tuner diode (BB141).
At VR = 1 V, Ctot 40 pF 18 pF 500 pF
At VR = 25 V, Ctot 6 pF 2 pF 33 pF
Useful capacitance ratio, Ctot (1 V)/Ctot (25 V) 6 9 15
An equation was subsequently developed that, although purely formal, describes the practical characteristic
better than Eq. (4-212): ( )m
C = C0 (4-213)
A + VR
wherein C0 is the capacitance at VR = 0, and A is a constant whose dimension is a volt. The exponent m is much
less dependent on voltage than the exponent n in Eq. (4-212).
The operating range of a capacitance diode or its useful capacitance ratio
Cmax C (V )
= tot Rmin (4-214)
Cmin Ctot (VRmax )
is limited by the fact that the diode must not be driven by the alternating voltage superimposed on the tuning voltage
either into the forward mode or the breakdown mode. Otherwise, rectification would take place, which would shift
the bias of the diode and considerably affect its figure of merit.
There are several manufacturers of tuning diodes, including Motorola, Siemens, and Philips. Table 4-4 contains
information for three typical tuning diodes as they might be considered useful for our applications.
L CP +
CS ∞
Figure 4-77 Parallel resonant circuit with tuner diode and bias resistor parallel to the series capacitor.
CP +
Ctot ∞
Figure 4-78 Parallel resonant circuit with tuner diode and bias resistor parallel to the diode.
L CP +
Ctot ∞
If in this equation the diode capacitance is replaced by the resonant circuit frequency 𝜔, we obtain
( )2
𝜔2 LCS
Rc = R B (4-216)
1 − 𝜔2 LCP
The resistive loss Rc , caused by the bias resistor RB , is seen to be highly frequency dependent, and this may result
in the bandwidth of the tuned circuit being dependent on frequency if the capacitance of the series capacitor CS is
not chosen sufficiently high.
Figure 4-78 shows that the tuning voltage can also be applied directly and in parallel to the tuner diode. For the
parallel loss resistance transformed into the circuit, we have the expression
( )2
Rc = RB 1 + tot (4-217)
and [ ]2
𝜔2 LCS
R c = RB (4-218)
𝜔 L(CS + CP ) − 1
The influence of the bias resistor RB in this case is larger than in the circuit of Figure 4-77, provided that
This is usually the case because the largest possible capacitance will be preferred for the series capacitor CS ,
and the smallest for the shunt capacitance CP . The circuit of Figure 4-77 is therefore normally preferred to that of
Figure 4-78. An exception would be the case in which the resonant circuit is meant to be additionally damped by
means of the bias resistor at higher frequencies.
In the circuit of Figure 4-79, the resonant circuit is tuned by two tuner diodes, which are connected in parallel
via the coil for tuning purposes, but series-connected in opposition for high frequency signals. This arrangement
has the advantage that the capacitance shift caused by the ac modulation takes effect in opposite directions in these
diodes and therefore cancels itself. The bias resistor RB , which applies the tuning voltage to the tuner diodes, is
transformed into the circuit at a constant ratio throughout the whole tuning range. Given two identical, loss-free
tuner diodes, we obtain the expression
Rc = 4RB (4-219)
∗ 1
C = Ctot (4-220)
1 + Ctot ∕CS
The Q-factor of the effective tuning capacitance, taking into account the Q-factor of the tuner diode, increases
to ( )
∗ C
Q = Q 1 + tot (4-221)
wherein Cmax and Cmin are the maximum and minimum capacitances of the tuner diode.
On the other hand, the advantage is gained that, due to capacitive potential division, the amplitude of the alter-
nating voltage applied to the tuner diode is reduced to
∗ 1
v =̂
̂ v (4-223)
1 + Ctot ∕C
so that the lower value of the tuning voltage can be smaller, and this results in a higher maximum capacitance Cmax
of the tuner diode and a higher useful capacitance ratio. The influence exerted by the series capacitor, then, can
actually be kept lower than Eq. (4-221) would suggest.
The parallel capacitance CP that appears in Figures 4-77–4-79 is always present, since wiring capacitances are
inevitable and every coil has its self-capacitance. By treating the capacitance CP , assumed to be loss-free, as a shunt
capacitance, the total tuning capacitance rises in value and, if CS is assumed to be large enough to be disregarded,
we obtain ( )
∗ C
C = Ctot 1 + P (4-224)
The Q-factor of the effective tuning capacitance, derived from the Q-factor of the tuner diode, is
( )
∗ C
Q =Q 1+ P (4-225)
or, in other words, it rises with the magnitude of the parallel capacitance. The useful capacitance ratio is
reduced: ∗
Cmax C 1 + CP ∕Cmax
∗ = max (4-226)
Cmin Cmin 1 + CP ∕Cmin
In view of the fact that even a comparatively small shunt capacitance reduces the capacitance ratio considerably,
it is necessary to ensure low wiring and coil capacitances in the layout stage.
Tuning Range The frequency range over which a parallel resonant circuit (according to Figure 4-77) can be
tuned by means of the tuner diode depends on the useful capacitance ratio of the diode and on the parallel and
series capacitances present in the circuit. The ratio is
fmax √
√ 1 + C (1+Cmax ∕C )
= √ P max S
fmin C
1 + C (C ∕C max+C ∕C )
P max min max S
In many cases the series capacitor can be chosen large enough for its effect to be negligible. In that case,
Eq. (4-69) is simplified as follows: √
fmax 1 + Cmax ∕CP
= (4-228)
fmin 1 + Cmin ∕CP
From this equation, the diagram shown in Figure 4-80 is computed. With the aid of this diagram, the tuning
diode parameters required for tuning a resonant circuit over a stipulated frequency range (i.e., the maximum capac-
itance and the capacitance ratio) can be determined. Whenever the series capacitance CS cannot be disregarded,
the effective capacitance ratio is reduced according to Eq. (4-222).
When several tuned circuits are used on the same frequency, diodes have to be selected for perfect tracking.
5 2.2
1.5 1.5
1.2 1.3
1 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 20
Figure 4-80 Diagram for determining the capacitance ratio and maximum capacitance.
R26 C4
2N2222 R3
22 330
R1 2N2907A D
10 kΩ L1 R25 C1 L12
A 4 × BB109G G T9
10 kΩ BF247A
R4 330
R2 5.6 μH 3
GL1 L15 C6 S
4.7 kΩ GL2 GL3 GL4 GL5
4.7 kΩ 68
BB109B 5.5 μH GL30 OUT
R31 C7 BA182
R24 L2 47 L18
3.3 μH
330 C2 C3
R23 5.6 μH 4 0.9-9
330 L 470
3 5.6 μH
T6 4 × BB109G
R28 C28
T3 2N2907A
2N2222 R12
R5 330
10 kΩ L7 C21 L14 D
C R19 4 × BB109G T7
10 kΩ BF247A
R13 330
R11 5.6 μH 3
L10 GL19 GL20 C26 S
47 kΩ 4.7 kΩ GL21 GL22 GL23 L17
1 mH 47
BB1098 5.6 μH GL32
C31 BA182
R29 C27
2.7 nF R18 L8 R36
330 47
L20 4.7 kΩ
330 3.3 μH
5.6 μH Cn C23
L9 6 0.9-9
330 95-104.9999 MHz 470
L11 5.6 μH
GL24 GL25 GL26 GL27
1 mH
C34 C32 C33
4 4 × BB109G L21
100 μF 220 nF 1 μF R16 1 mH
R14 R15 Preadj.
10 1 kΩ
10 kΩ
Synch. L22
+12 V
Figure 4-81 Oscillator and switching section of the Rohde & Schwarz ESH2/ESH3 test receiver.
+12 V
+ 100
10 μF
5.6 kΩ 1000 10 MHz range
2N918 40-70 MHz Ι ΙΙ
100 mV
4.7 8 22 300 nH
2.2 μH 100 kΩ 240 nH 0.01 μF
47 100 kΩ Digital-
390 MV104 5.6 kΩ converter
5.6 kΩ 0.01
100 kΩ A
MV104 MV104 10 kΩ
0.1 1 MHz ranges
Fine tuning
ΔF = 1 MHz
Figure 4-82 A 40–70 MHz VCO with two coarse-steering ranges and fine-tuning range of 1 MHz.
• The fine tuning is achieved with a tuning diode that has a much larger capacitance than that of the coupling
capacitor to the circuit. The advantage of this technique is that the fixed capacitor and the tuning diode form
a voltage divider whereby the voltage across the tuning diode decreases as the capacitance increases. For
larger values of the capacitance of the tuning diode, the Q changes and the gain K0 increases. Because of the
voltage division, the noise contribution and loading effect of the diode are reduced.
• In the coarse-tuning circuit, several tuning diodes are used in parallel. The advantage of this circuit is a
change in LC ratio by using a higher C and storing more energy in the tuned circuit. There are no high-Q
diodes available with such large capacitance values, and therefore preference is given to using several
diodes in parallel rather than one tuning diode with a large capacitance, normally used only for AM tuner
We have mentioned previously that, despite this, the coarse-tuning circuit will introduce noise outside the loop
bandwidth, where it cannot be corrected. It is therefore preferable to incorporate switching diodes for segmenting
ranges at the expense of switching current drain.
Figure 4-82 shows a circuit using a combined technique of tuning diodes for fine- and medium-resolution tuning
and coarse tuning with switching diodes. The physics and technique of using switching diodes are explained in the
next section.
The diode switches described here differ somewhat from the switching diodes used in computer and pulse tech-
nology. In normal diodes, the signal itself triggers the switching operation—current does or does not pass through
the switching diode in dependence on the signal level. Diode switches allow an alternating current to be switched
on or off by application of a direct voltage or a direct current. The diode switches BA243, BA244, and the later
version BA238 by ITT or the Motorola MPN 3401 series were developed especially for such a purpose. However,
diodes can also be employed to advantage for switching audio signals.
L1 L1
L2 S L2
∞ ∞
L1 L2
L1 C
∞ ∞
Figure 4-83 Comparison of mechanically and electronically tuned and switched resonant circuits.
220 mV
1 nF
C86 3.9 nF T20
C90 BFT66 R152
C87 15 L61
GL10 GL11 GL12 GL13 GL14 GL15
C59 3.9 nF C76 C81
BA244 BA244 BA244 BA244 BA244 BA244 L57 R150
6.8 10 R153
50 n 15 56
1 kΩ
C63 L60
1 10 μH
L50 L51 L52 L53 L54 C70 L55 C74 L56 C77 C82 L58 10 μH
10 μH 10 μH 10 μH 10 μH 10 μH 6.8 10 μH 18 10 μH 10 18 10 μH
C61 C65 C66 C67 C69 C72
1 10 10 10 10 10 R151
BB139 680
C60 C62 C64 C68 C71 C73 C78 C75 C83 C84
1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF 1 nF
Range select
+4 V AFC AGC ~ 3 V 14 V
Figure 4-84 Schematic of the VCD from the Rohde & Schwarz EK070 receiver.
The advantage of using one oscillator for the entire frequency range lies in the fact that the switching speed
is not slowed by the settling time of an oscillator circuit being activated and showing the familiar initial drift
The gain of the oscillator Ko now changes due to the parallel capacitance switched into the tuning diodes, and
the loop therefore requires some gain adjustments.
While the aforementioned circuit uses external AGC, which is frequently used with bipolar transistors,
Figure 4-85 shows a similar circuit operating from 42 to 72 MHz using field-effect transistors and switching
Those previously shown circuits switch capacitors rather than inductors. Figure 4-86 shows a circuit that is being
used in the HP signal generator type 8962. High-Q inductors are being switched in and out rather than capacitors,
thereby avoiding the gain variation of the oscillator to a large degree.
This oscillator also uses a differential amplifier feedback circuit, and the advantage of this circuit is that the
signal-to-noise ratio is further improved. Details on differential limiter low-noise design can be found in the liter-
ature [77].
10 𝜇H
1 2 3 4 5
Frequency presetting
Figure 4-85 VCO operating from 42 to 72 MHz with coarse tuning by switching diodes and high-isolation output stage.
300 pF
C−4V =
9.2 pF
2 pF 3 pF
PIN 5082−3188
2N5397 2N5397
Q2 Q1
R1−R8; 16.2 Ω
C1 C2
R5 R5 R6 R4 R7 R1 R8
4700 pF
4700 pF
L3 Q1 R9
4700 pF Q1 L1 L2
100 Ω 31.6 Ω
12T 15T
R14 10 Ω
R12 Q1 R13 1854–0071
100 Ω 15T 162 Ω
R16 R18 R19
1 kΩ V1 V2 42.2 kΩ 42.2 kΩ 42.2 kΩ C5
1 kΩ 1 kΩ R17 26.1 kΩ 47 pF
1854−0071 R15
Q4 10 kΩ
56.2 kΩ
C4 1 kΩ
133 Ω R20 22 μF V3
–10 V c d c b a VT
–8 to −38 V
Figure 4-86 Schematic of the HP8662A VCD operating from 260 to 520 MHz.
100 MHz L2 L3 C4
1700 MHz
Coupling coil
L1 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10
6.8 μF
C2 G11
250 BXY13D
270 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
Frequency standards are the heart of the synthesizer, as they control the accuracy of the frequency (if we are dealing
with a coherent synthesizer) and, within the loop bandwidth, the noise sideband performance of the synthesizer.
There are several frequency standards available, and basically, they can be put into three categories:
While it must be noted that at least one manufacturer in the United States is selling a commercial hydrogen
maser [78], the maser has not achieved widespread usage. Cesium frequency standards are used as primary stan-
dards where extremely accurate stability is needed for long periods of time. Crystal oscillators are currently the
most popular choice for reference standards in frequency synthesizers. The short-term stability and noise floor of
the crystal oscillator are typically equal to or better than the rubidium standard, and considerably better than the
cesium standard. Depending on a number of factors, such as price, performance, size, and power, we find frequency
standards ranging from simple crystal oscillators to very high-stability double-oven crystal oscillators to ultrastable
cesium beam standards.
1.0 Scope. This is a general description of the type of oscillator, whether it be a TCXO, OCXO, DCXO, rubidium, or cesium.
2.0 Reference Documents. Any reference documents such as test methods or military specifications are listed here. Such
examples might be MIL-0-55310 [5] (which is an excellent reference for specifying crystal oscillators).
3.0 Electrical Requirements.
3.1 Nominal Frequency.
3.2 Frequency Stability. This is considered over operating temperature range.
3.3 Aging. This should be specified on a per day, per month, or per year basis. Depending on the test method, it is possible to
obtain greatly different aging results for the same oscillator.
3.4 Power Supply Voltages and Tolerances.
3.5 Frequency Change. This results from power supply variations.
3.6 Power Supply Currents or Power. Note that the peak heater current as well as steady-state currents should be specified.
3.7 Output Power and Signal Type. If a sine wave is desired, the power into 50 Ω is normally specified. If digital output is
desired, the type (TTL, CMOS, etc.), duty cycle, and fanout should be specified.
3.8 Load Stability. This is normally specified as the amount of frequency change allowed when the load VSWR is varied
over some range, say, 2:1.
3.9 Phase Noise and/or Allan Variance. If the application requires operation during vibration, the phase noise in vibration
should be specified as well.
3.10 Electrical or Mechanical Tuning Range. Sufficient tuning must be allowed to accommodate for anticipated frequency
3.11 Acceleration Sensitivity. This is a specification of the frequency change due to acceleration. It is often specified in terms
of a two-G tipover test, where the oscillator is physically turned over and the resulting frequency change measured.
The units are most commonly specified in terms of parts per G.
3.12 Magnetic Field Sensitivity. The sensitivity to magnetic fields can be specified in terms of spurious signals induced by a
time-varying field.
3.13 Radiation Hardness. Since the frequency of an oscillator may change significantly upon exposure to radiation, it is
important to specify this parameter for applications where exposure to radiation may be encountered, such as a space
4.0 Environmental Requirements. This section includes factors such as operating temperature range, shock, vibration, and
any other factors as necessary.
5.0 Quality Assurance Requirements. Any special screening, parts, or other quality assurance requirements should be
specified. Since these requirements can add considerable cost to the unit, proper specification of these requirements is
essential to maintaining reasonable costs with good performance.
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
oscillator. The entire assembly is hermetically sealed. Table 4-7 shows typical specifications for a precision analog
TCXO. Note that the floor of the TCXO is much better, but close-in noise performance is not as good. In general,
the floor of TCXOs can be almost as good as high-stability ovenized oscillators, but the close-in phase noise and
short-term stability are very poor relative to an oven. This is because the need to pull the oscillator frequency of a
TCXO mandates a low resonator Q relative to an ovenized oscillator.
The TCXO uses a 3.333-MHz fundamental crystal that is multiplied to the output frequency. This approach
produces better aging and compensation. A 10-MHz monolithic crystal filter is used to reduce subharmonics to
−70 dBc and lower the noise floor to less than −160 dBc. This is achieved with a crystal power dissipation of
approximately 50 μW.
By using digital compensation rather than analog compensation, the ambient stability can be reduced to less
than ±0.1 ppm [79, 80]. If the frequency is later adjusted for aging, however, the compensation may be altered
[81, 82]. Considering these and other subtle effects such as hysteresis in the frequency/temperature characteristics
of the crystal, it is very difficult to make a digitally compensated oscillator that is stable and repeatable to better
than ±0.05 ppm under all conditions. CXOs also often have a noise spur in the output spectrum at the clock rate
of the temperature correction circuitry, although the new techniques of digital compensation may eliminate this
problem [83].
If it is expected that the frequency will be adjusted to correct for aging, the customer would be wise to measure
the frequency stability over temperature at extremes of the frequency adjust trimmer, and while varying temperature
from cold to hot and hot to cold. It is generally found that the compensation varies considerably [82]. Figure 4-88
+3 ppm –3 ppm
Δf × 106 (ppm)
–3 ppm +3 ppm
–60 –30 0 30 60 90
Temperature (°C)
Figure 4-88 Effect of varying frequency adjustment on ambient stability of a typical TCXO. The frequency scale is
normalized so that all curves intersect at +25 ∘ C.
Figure 4-89 Specifications for double oven controlled 5 MHz crystal oscillator. Performance based on published
data from Morion Inc.
1 Hz –75
10 Hz –107
100 Hz –140
1 kHz –165
10 kHz –176
100 kHz –178
Figure 4-90 Specifications for 100 MHz oven controlled crystal oscillator. Performance based on published data
from Morion Inc.
shows the frequency stability of a typical TCXO as the frequency is varied ±3 ppm to compensate for aging.
It must be noted though that the new compensation techniques mentioned earlier may allow DCXOs consistently
to maintain a stability of around ±0.05 ppm [83], while maintaining good short-term stability.
Typical performance data is given in Figures 4-89 and 4-90.
In multiloop synthesizers, the heterodyne principle is used, and various frequencies are combined with mixers.
For frequency synthesizer applications, only double-balanced mixers should be used. They fall into the following
π π
0 0 0 0
2 2
π π
2 0 0 2 0 π
categories and are considered a component. Active mixers typically do not show enough suppression of unwanted
frequencies as can be obtained in passive double-balanced mixers.
Double-balanced mixers are manufactured by several companies. Some specialize in high-performance mixers
at very high costs, others in large-volume inexpensive devices. It is advisable to contact the manufacturer before
deciding on a particular mixer, as technology changes and new mixer combinations are being introduced. Most
manufacturers supply detailed application reports and information about their mixers. Therefore, these details do
not have to be covered here.
Table 4-8 is of interest as it shows the typical spurious response of a high-level double-balanced mixer and
information about unwanted products to be gathered.
Important: Make absolutely sure that the mixer sees a 50 Ω resistive load; this is achieved either by diplexer,
resistive padding, or the use of feedback amplifiers that have 50 Ω input impedance or grounded gate FET amplifiers
using devices such as the CP643.
50 Ω C B
0° 0°
0° LO JH-131
D A 0° 90°
RF 90° 0° hybird
JH-14 T-1000
90° hybrid B D
MD-143 50 Ω
0° 180°
0° 0°
180° 0° 0° 180°
0° 0° 0° 0°
0° 180°
0° 0°
Harmonics of fRF
8 fRF 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
7 fRF 100 97 102 95 100 100 100 90 100
6 fRF 100 92 97 95 100 100 95 100 100
5 fRF 90 84 86 72 92 70 95 70 92
4 fRF 90 84 97 86 97 90 100 90 92
3 fRF 75 63 66 72 72 58 86 58 80
2 fRF 70 72 72 70 82 62 75 75 100
1 fRF 60 0 35 15 37 37 45 40 50
60 60 70 72 72 62 70 70
1fLO 2fLO 3fLO 4fLO 5fLO 6fLO 7fLO 8fLO
RF harmonic referenced to RF input signal; LO harmonic referenced to LO input signal.
Spurious responses caused by internal harmonic generation and mixing of the input signals are shown.
The mixing products are referenced in dB below the desired fLO ± fRF output or 0 level at fIF . This
performance can typically be attained with fLO and fRP at approximately 100 MHz, fLO at +17 dBm,
and fRP at −0 dBm using broadband resistive terminations at all ports.
In Chapter 1 we looked at the phase-locked loop as the fundamental building block of any synthesizer that uses
its principle, and we decided to use two classifications—analog and digital loops. The main criterion was the
phase/frequency comparator. The phase/frequency comparator can be divided into two types:
• Phase detectors
• Phase/frequency comparators
This means that the phase comparator has limited means to compare two signals and accepts only phase, not
frequency, information. In this case, particular measures have to be taken to pull the VCO into the locking range.
The phase comparators require special locking help, and we dealt with this previously. Here, we are analyzing only
the performance.
The phase detectors we will treat are the diode ring, the exclusive-OR gate, and the sample/hold comparator.
The digital phase/frequency comparator (the exclusive-OR gate, because of the waveforms, is a digital device, and
the sample/hold comparator, because of its special signal processing, can also be considered in this category) comes
in several versions. Here our main interest will be in the tri-state or sequential phase/frequency comparator.
where K is the mixer gain. One of the primary functions of the LPF is to eliminate the second harmonic term
before it reaches the VCO. The second harmonic will be assumed to be filtered out and only the first term will be
considered, so
𝜃e = i r K cos 𝜙 (4-230)
when the error signal is zero, 𝜙 = 𝜋/2. Thus, the error signal is proportional to phase differences from 90∘ . For
small changes in phase Δ𝜙,
𝜋 A A [ (
𝜃e ≃ + Δ𝜙 = i r K cos + Δ𝜙
2 2 2
Ai Ar
= K sin Δ𝜙 (4-231)
𝜃e = K𝜃 (𝜃i − 𝜃o ) (4-233)
Ai Ar K
K𝜃 = (4-234)
The phase detector scale factor K𝜃 depends on the input signal amplitudes; the device can be considered linear
only for constant-amplitude input signals and for small deviations in phase. For larger deviations in phase,
𝜃e = K𝜃 sin Δ𝜙 (4-235)
C6 + 15 μH
25 μF
C7 C15 100
0.01 10 μF
T1 R26
R6 CR5
1:1:1 10 kΩ
1 8 120 kΩ Q2
BFW11 R20 CR10
CR2 6 R3 +9.5–10 V +11 V VCO
BAX13 4.7 kΩ R29
1.5 kΩ BAX13
R7 11.7 V 3.3 kΩ
Q1 4 5
A BSW33 120 kΩ C16
100 MHz from C5 R18 CR11
B C8 220 R22 D
programmable C
4.7 kΩ 4.7 kΩ
divider 470 BAX13 C22
1:1:1 0.0
+13 V 0.01
R4 CR1 4 1
R5 C17 R19 R30
820 BAX13 C9
T2 1 μF 56 kΩ 1 kΩ
8 6 5 ≈ 2.2 V
+24 V
+24 V
+6.9 V 150 μH
R9 R11 C23 C24
+24 V Q4 27 kΩ 47 kΩ 10 μF 0.1
0V 0V BSW33
0.4 μs C10 Q5
R8 +2.5 V BSW33
–1 V 2 μs R12
+3 V 47 kΩ 3.3 kΩ
1000 +1.8 V Q6
A B + BSW33
CR3 C11 R13
R10 R32
BAX13 10 μF
1.5 kΩ 5.6 kΩ
3.3 kΩ
30 V R23
2.7 kΩ
0.01 C25
20 V 0.1 V 0.01
≈ 2.2 V Dc check 100 kHz TTL
5–7 V reference
Figure 4-94 Phase detector circuit and loop filter for the Rohde & Schwarz EK47 receiver.
δe = π
Q Vd = 0
Duty cycle δ = 50%
δe = 0
Q δ = 0% Vd = negative
δe = π
Q δ = 100% Vd = positive
Unsymmetrical waveform
Same duty cycle
π π π δe
2 2
Figure 4-95 Performance of the exclusive-OR phase detector relative to different waveforms at the input.
40 MHz
1 MHz ref.
Figure 4-96 Block diagram of a 40-MHz single-loop synthesizer using an exclusive-OR gate as phase detector.
The exclusive-OR gate phase/frequency discriminator should really be used only in cases where the reference
and VCO frequency are fairly high and very close together. Figure 4-96 shows a typical application where the
exclusive-OR gate is recommended. A 40-MHz crystal oscillator is divided down by 10 and by 4 and provides
1 MHz of output. The reference oscillator is divided down to 1 MHz. Since the crystal oscillator at most will be 1
or 2 kHz off the reference frequency, it is well within the capture range of the exclusive-OR gate, and if both duty
cycles are equal and 50%, the circuit can be made stable with a fairly simple RC LPF. This is a type 1 second-order
phase-locked loop and will follow the equations in Chapter 1. As the loop bandwidth can be made as narrow as
10 Hz, it will probably compensate only for temperature drift and aging of the crystal relative to the frequency
Example Implementation
Let us assume that we have a crystal that can be pulled 2 kHz with 10 V, and that our phase detector operates from
0 to 5 V. The product K = K0 K𝜃 /N then equals 100 Hz. The 3-dB bandwidth of this simple synthesizer without any
loop filter added would result in a loop bandwidth of 100 Hz. An additional filter would be required to reduce the
loop bandwidth down to 10 Hz. In Chapter 1 we learned that there is a beat frequency generated at the output of
the phase detector, and the 10 Hz LPF will attenuate the output voltage at the beat frequency.
Let us assume that our initial condition is that the 40 MHz crystal is aligned to be within 1 Hz of final frequency
and that the loop is closed. For most receivers, a proportionally controlled crystal oscillator is used that has a
warm-up time of 1 or 2 min for the internal standard to reach final frequency. As a result, the initial offset at the
output can be 2000 or 200 Hz at the phase/frequency comparator. In this case, our formula for the pull-in range
Tp = (4-236)
2𝜁 𝜔3n
Δ𝜔 = 2000 × 2𝜋
𝜁 = 0.7
𝜔n = 10 × 2𝜋
Tp = = 454 s
However, as the final error after 1 min or 90 s approaches 1 Hz, the pull-in time Tp becomes 4.49 ms.
Most oven-controlled frequency standards have a type 2 second-order servo control system, and therefore the
frequency of the frequency standard will go through the desired value and become higher, and then it will settle at
the final frequency. Because of this, the frequency standard, so to speak, sweeps the 40 MHz crystal, and therefore
the locking is made much faster than 454 s, even under the assumption that the initial frequency error was 2000 Hz
because of aging or drift.
where 𝜃 r (t) can be assumed to be a periodic train of constant-amplitude pulses of amplitude Ar , width p, and period
T. Since 𝜃 r (t) is periodic, it can be expanded in a Fourier series as
𝜃r (t) = Cn cos n𝜔0 t (4-238)
2 Ar
Cn = cos n𝜔0 t dt
T ∫−P∕2 2
[( ) ]
A n𝜔 P 1 Ar
=2 r sin 0 − (n ≠ 0) → P (n ≈ 0) (4-239)
T 2 n𝜔0 T
θe (t)
(a) (b)
θ (t) θp(t)
0 t 0 TT + p T t
(a) (b)
Ar ∑ Ar
n𝜔 P∕2
𝜃r (t) = P+ 2 sin 0 cos n𝜔0 t (4-240)
T n=1
T n𝜔0
Ai Ar 𝜔 P∕2
𝜃e (t)dc = sin 0 (− sin 𝜃i ) (4-243)
T 𝜔0
For small 𝜃 i , the error signal is proportional to the phase difference 𝜃 i . Therefore, the linear time-varying switch
is able to serve as a phase detector. It differs from the mixer in that the dc output is zero when sin𝜃 i = 0, that is, when
the oscillator and reference signal are in phase. The mixer type of phase detector is nulled when the two signals are
in phase quadrature. Also, when the loop is in lock (𝜔i = 𝜔0 ), the mixer output contains a dc term and the second
harmonic, whereas the sampled output contains a dc term plus all harmonics of the input frequency. Therefore, the
LPF requirements for the sampling type of phase detector are more stringent than those for the sinusoidal mixer.
Fortunately, there are filters that can easily be implemented for the sampling PD. The most commonly used is
the zero-order data hold (ZODH) or “boxcar generator.” The ZODH is a device that converts the pulse of width P
to constant-amplitude pulses of width T, as shown in Figure 4-99.
Continuous signal θ (t)
0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T t
0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T t
The output of the ZODH 𝜃 0 (t) between the sampling instants ti and ti+1 is
where 𝜃 e (t) is the value of 𝜃 e (t) at the sampling time ti . Although the exact analysis of the finite-pulse-width sampler
and ZODH combination is complex, the frequency response can be approximated closely if the sampling process
is replaced by an “ideal sampler” whose output is a train of impulses. That is, the sampled signal 𝜃 * (t) is a train of
amplitude-modulated impulses
𝜃 (t) = 𝜃i (t)𝛿T (t) (4-245)
𝛿T (t) = 𝛿(t − nT) (4-246)
where 𝛿(t − nT) represents an impulse of unit area occurring at time t = nT. Since 𝛿 T (t) is periodic, it can be
expressed by the Fourier series
𝛿T (t) = Cn e−j n 𝜔0 t (4-247)
𝜔0 = (4-248)
1 1
Cn = 𝛿 (t)e−j n 𝜔0 t dt = (4-249)
T ∫−T∕2 T T
That is, the frequency spectrum of impulse train of period T contains a dc term plus the fundamental frequency
and all harmonics, all with an amplitude of 1/T.
1 ∑ jn𝜔0 t
𝛿T (t) = e 𝜔= (4-250)
T n=−∞ T
and since
ej n 𝜔0 t + e−j n 𝜔0 t = 2 cos n𝜔0 t (4-251)
𝛿T (t) = + cos n𝜔0 t (4-252)
T T n=1
∗ 1
𝜃 (t) = 𝜃i (t) + cos n𝜔0 t (4-253)
T T n=1
This equation is similar to the result obtained in Eq. (4-242) for the more realistic finite-pulse-width model of
the sampler. The difference is that for the finite-pulse-width model, the harmonics are attenuated by the factor
1 − e−sT
u(t) − u(t − T) = (4-255)
which is a digital LPF with a linear phase response, as illustrated in Figure 4-100. An important feature of this
filter is that it has zero gain at the sampling frequency and at all harmonics thereof. As Eq. (4-242) or (4-254)
shows, when the input and sampling frequencies are equal, the output of the sampler contains a dc term and all
harmonics of the sampling frequency. Since the ZODH has zero gain at these frequencies, the unwanted harmonics
are completely removed by the filter. This is one of the primary reasons for the widespread application of samplers
in phase-locked loops. The ZODH has a phase lag that increases linearly with frequency. This negative phase shift
can seriously degrade loop stability.
Whenever the only frequency-sensitive components in the PLL are the VCO and the sampler plus ZODH, the
loop stability and frequency response are readily analyzed. When the loop is in frequency lock, the system can be
represented as shown in the block diagram of Figure 4-101. The open-loop transfer function is
2 Kv e sin (𝜔 T∕2)
G(j𝜔) = (4-258)
T j𝜔 𝜔 T∕2
𝜋 𝜔c T
𝜙=− − (4-259)
2 2
| Gz(jω) |
arg Gz(jω)
ϕi + –sT Kθ
Σ Kθ 2 sin ω T/2
e 2
– T ω T/2 s
(𝜔c T∕2)2
Kv = =1
sin (𝜔c T∕2)
(𝜋∕2 − 𝜙m )2
= (4-262)
sin (𝜋∕2 − 𝜙m )
Equation (4-262) describes the relation between phase margin 𝜙m and loop gain Kv . The plot of Kv as a function
of 𝜙m given in Figure 4-102 shows that for each value of 𝜙m , there is a single value of Kv . For a Kv = (𝜋/2)2 , the
phase margin is 0∘ . As Kv is decreased, the phase margin increases and reaches 90∘ for Kv = 0.
The effect on loop performance of changes in the sampling rate T can be determined in the same manner. Since
at the crossover frequency 𝜔c the magnitude of the open-loop gain is unity,
If Kv remains constant and the sampling rate T is changed, 𝜔c must change such that 𝜔c T = constant. That is, if
the sampling rate is decreased (T increases), the crossover frequency must decrease so that 𝜔c T remains constant.
Therefore, changing the sampling rate of the system has no effect on the system phase margin or system stability;
it affects only the loop bandwidth.
π 2
0 π/2 ϕm
Example Implementation
Calculate the value of Kv required for a 45∘ phase margin in a PLL whose open-loop transfer function is given by
Eq. (4-258).
Solution. In order to have a 45∘ phase margin, the phase lag of the sample/hold comparator must be 45∘ at the
crossover frequency. Therefore,
𝜔c T 𝜋
= (4-263)
2 4
and the crossover frequency must be
𝜔c = (4-264)
Since the magnitude of the open-loop gain is unity at the crossover frequency, Kv is determined from
sin (𝜋∕4)
Kv =1 (4-265)
or ( )2 √
Kv 2 (4-266)
The sample/hold comparator, however, has a somewhat limited frequency range. In frequency synthesizer applica-
tions, it is not very likely that it will be used below a few hundred hertz, and the upper limit is determined by the
speed of the following circuit and the crosstalk. Crosstalk depends on the isolation of the CMOS switch.
Let us take a look at a practical circuit using the sample/hold comparator. It is typically used in a cascaded form,
which means that there are two samplers. The reason for this is the fact that one gets better reference suppression.
Figure 4-103 shows a dual sample/hold comparator with the additional filtering circuits. The 10 kHz output from
the divider, depending on the division ratio, is 200–500 ns wide, and a special circuit acts as a pulse stretcher to
increase the width of these pulses to 2 μs.
+14 V
T-Notch filter
All values 1%
+14 V
2× 2×
470 0.1 56 kΩ 10 kΩ
BCY59 1/2
16.95 kΩ 16.95 kΩ 1.59 kΩ 1.59 kΩ – CD4016 56 1/2
8007 – kΩ CD4016
To VCO 13 11 10 kHz
470 470 0.1 0.1 + 8007 IN4448 reference
9 8 1
1 kΩ + CD4009
4 kΩ 10
15 kΩ 12 180
8.48 kΩ 795 6 0.01 47 kΩ
2 μsec
68 kΩ 27
2 μsec
12 27 8
13 10
11 9
CD4011 CD4011
68 kΩ 14 12
CD4009 T = 200−500 ns
5 56 2
4 3
6 4
R2 R2 R4 R4
C1 C1 C3 C3
R1 C2 R3 C4
1 1 1 1
F1 = = F2 = 2F1 = =
2π C1 R2 2π C2 R1 2π C3 R4 2π C4 R3
R2 = 2R : C = 2C1 R4 = 2R3 : C4 = 2C3
1 2
The two CD4009s decouple the circuit. Two CD4016s are being used as CMOS switches. The first CD4009
generates the ramp, and the two 8007 operational amplifiers again provide the necessary decoupling and high input
In the output of the second 8007, we have a T-notch filter, which is a minimal phase shift filter with about 40 dB
of suppression of the reference. In this particular circuit two T-notch filters are being used to suppress the funda-
mental and first harmonic frequency. Later in this chapter it will be shown that at times the active second-order LPF
is a good replacement for the T-notch filter because it attenuates all harmonics rather than two discrete frequencies
and requires fewer low-tolerance components.
Figure 4-104 shows the T-notch filter with the design formulas.
The highest recommended frequency of operation for the phase/frequency comparator is approximately 5 kHz.
At frequencies above this, the CMOS switches are not fast enough. The high impedance and parasitic capacitance
produce crosstalk, and only 60 dB of attenuation is possible.
While sample/hold comparators will typically operate from 12 to 24 V, the minimum crosstalk voltage that deter-
mines the resolution and the reference suppression is about 10 μV. The attenuation possible with the sample/hold
comparator is therefore about 110 dB. This is a highly theoretical value and in practice depends on the relationship
of reference frequency and desired cutoff frequency. In many cases, the loop bandwidth is set to one-half of the
reference frequency, and then delays and stray effects become very critical.
Q = up
V2 Q = down
If the system using the JK flip-flop is not in lock and there is a large difference between frequencies Fl and F2 at
the input, the output is not going to be zero but will be positive or negative relative to one-half the supply voltage.
This is an advantage and indicates that this system is frequency sensitive. We therefore call it a phase/frequency
comparator because of its capability to detect both phase and frequency offsets. In its locking performance and
pull-in performance, it is similar to the exclusive-OR gate.
For better understanding, let us look at a few cases where the system is in lock. It should be noted that whereas
the exclusive-OR gate was sensitive to the duty cycle of the input signals, the JK flip-flop responds only to the
edges, and therefore the phase/frequency comparator can be used for unsymmetrical waveforms. Let us assume
first that the input signals 1 and 2 have the same frequency. Figure 4-106 shows what happens if the phase error
is about 0, 𝜋, and 2𝜋. In those cases, the duty cycle at the output is about 0%, 50%, or 100%, respectively. The
narrow output pulses may cause spikes on the power supply line and lines in the vicinity, and certain precautions
have to be taken to filter them.
The output voltage V is the average of the signal Q and is a linear function of the phase error.
Now let us take a look at several cases where the system is not in lock. Figure 4-107 shows the case where
frequency 1 is substantially higher than frequency 2.
As a result, the output duty cycle is close to 100%, and the VCO frequency is being pulled up to higher fre-
quencies. If the frequency at input 2 is much higher than that at input 1, the opposite is true. This proves that this
device is sensitive to frequency changes.
In cases where both frequencies are about the same, as shown in Figure 4-108, the crossover area is not clearly
defined. The first picture shows the case where frequency 2 is 10% higher than frequency 1, and the duty cycle is
changing periodically between 0% and 100%. Therefore, the ac voltages look like a sawtooth, with a rate equal
to the difference of both frequencies. The same holds true if the two inputs are reversed. In the case where both
frequencies are identical, the JK flip-flop behaves the same way as an exclusive-OR gate. From this discussion it
can be concluded that, while this phase/frequency comparator was included to explain how it works, it is not a very
desirable device because of the uncertainty of its behavior close to lock.
δ 0
δe = π
δe = 50%
δ 100%
Figure 4-106 Performance of the JK phase/frequency comparator for different input signals.
Unfortunately, the tri-state system is complex and shows a number of unusual phenomena. Such a digital tri-state
comparator is shown in Figure 4-109 using two D flip-flops and a NAND gate. The Q2 output signal is filtered
with the LPF. The operation of this logic circuit is readily analyzed using the state transition diagram shown in
Figure 4-110. The D flip-flop outputs go high on the leading edge of their respective clock inputs and remain high
until they are reset. The rest signal occurs when both inputs are high. When both signals are in phase and of the same
frequency, both outputs will remain low, and no signal will be applied to the operational amplifier. When the two
signal frequencies are the same, the dc output voltage transfer characteristic will be as shown in Figure 4-111. If the
two signal frequencies are not the same, the output voltage will depend on both the relative frequency difference
and the phase difference.
The timing diagram of Figure 4-112 illustrates the case in which f2 = 3f1 . In part (a) of the figure, the leading
edge of f1 occurs just after that of f2 , so that Q2 is high 50% of the time, and the average value of the PD output is
50%. In part (b) of the figure, the leading edge of f1 occurs just before that of f2 , so Q2 is high almost all the time
and the average output voltage is approximately V. The output voltage averaged over all phase differences is then
67% for f2 = 3f1 . In general, it can be said that the average output (averaged over all phase differences) is given by
Vave = 1 − V (4-267)
ω1 ≫ ω2
δ → 100% (a)
ω1 ≪ ω2
Figure 4-107 Phase detector output for two input frequencies that are substantially different.
ω1 ≈ 1.1 ω2 ω1 ≈ 0.9 ω2
V1 V1
V2 V2
Vd Vd
(a) (b)
Figure 4-108 Performance of the phase detector for small frequency errors.
Q1 Q2
f1 in CLK CLK f2 in
Figure 4-109 Phase detector with two D flip-flops and an NAND gate. This type of phase detector will be called a
tri-state comparator.
4 C 2 3 I 5
00 C 01 10 I 00
8 6 7
10 11 01
10 C 12 11 I 9
11 C 10 01 I 11
State 1/2
I 0−1 Transition
number on signal input
C 0−1 Transition
on comparator
Local state Logic state of
of signal comparator
input (pin 14) input (pin 3)
provided that f2 is greater than f1 . This expression is plotted in Figure 4-113 together with the cases in which f1 is
greater than f2 .
The digital network used in this realization is only one of a large number of logic circuits that could be used.
Many IC manufacturers produce a quad-D circuit, which functions much like the dual D flip-flop; the main differ-
ence is that when the frequency of one signal is more than twice that of the other signal, the corresponding output
will be high all of the time. Therefore, a larger voltage is applied to the VCO and the loop response is faster. An
example of a quad-D circuit is shown in Figure 4-114.
Figure 4-112 Output waveforms of the tri-state frequency comparators for different input frequencies.
Vave 0.5 V
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Q1a Q2a Vo
f1 Input f2 Input
Q1b Q2b
High D D High
The CD4046 PLL IC, a popular digital tri-state phase/frequency comparator, is shown in Figure 4-115. It con-
tains an additional phase comparator, an exclusive-OR gate that can be used as a lock indicator. In addition, two
field-effect transistors are used to sum the two outputs. A slightly faster version in transistor–transistor logic (TTL)
techniques is the Motorola MC4044.
The fastest version in emitter-coupled logic (ECL) is the MC12040, also made by Motorola, shown in
Figure 4-116. Sometimes it is convenient to build the phase/frequency comparator in discrete technique to add
additional features. Figure 4-117 shows an example.
This particular tri-state phase/frequency comparator has a peculiarity that was first mentioned by Egan and
Clark [84]. When actually building a phase-locked loop with this phase/frequency comparator or the CD4046 type
by going through the normal mathematical design routine, it will become apparent that the expected performance
and the actual results are not the same, notably:
(1) The flip-flops are not absolutely alike, and as a result of this, the output in the crossover region is not zero.
(2) If there is very little or no correction voltage required, the gain of the phase detector will drop substantially.
Input amplifier
14 1
Phase pulses
Signal out
R p
Phase comparator
II out
Phase comparator II
3 Phase comparator
I out
Comparator Phase comparator I
Let us assume the ideal situation where the output of the phase/frequency comparator feeding the charge pump
does not have to correct any error, the system is drift free, and there are no leakage currents. The holding capacitor
of the charge pump would maintain constant voltage, and, as there is no drift, no correction voltage is necessary.
The flip-flops, however, introduce a certain amount of jitter, and a certain amount of jitter is also introduced by
the frequency dividers, both the reference divider and the programmable divider. This jitter results in an uncertainty
regarding the zero crossings, and extremely narrow pulses will appear at the output of the summation amplifier used
in the CD4046.
Under the ideal assumption that there are no corrections required and those pulses would not exist, the reference
suppression would be infinite, as there is no output and, therefore, the reference suppression, disregarding the effect
of the loop filter, depends only on how well this condition is met.
The change of gain seems somewhat surprising, but as we think of it, if there is no correction and no update,
there is also no gain. It is impossible to meet this condition, which is fortunate, but with regard to the temperature
stability and aging effect of some devices, we may have some difficulties as far as predicting the actual performance.
Vcc1 = Pin 1
Vcc2 = Pin 14
Vcc3 = Pin 7
There are several remedies to this problem. A simple version is to introduce a controlled amount of leakage.
While the electrolytic capacitor required in the charge pump will have a leakage current, it is better to use a leakage
current that is independent of temperature and aging. This can be accomplished by putting a 1-MΩ resistor from
the output of the CD4046 to ground. The phase/frequency comparator then has to deliver an output current, and this
output current is determined by a resistor that can be independent of temperature and other effects. As a result of
this, the duty cycle of the output pulses of the phase/frequency comparator will change and the pulses will become
wider. As these pulses contain more energy, the reference suppression will suffer.
It is theoretically possible to put one side of the 1 MΩ resistor, instead of to ground, to the wiper of a poten-
tiometer and set the voltage in such a manner that this offset is compensated, but again, because the phase will shift
theoretically, one has to adjust the potentiometer according to the actual phase error. This is not a very convenient
A somewhat better method was proposed by Fairchild, but the hardware was never realized. It was proposed to
insert a gate in one of the output arms of the phase/frequency comparator, before the signal is fed to the summation
amplifier, and a periodic current disturbance is introduced. This disturbance has the same rate as the reference fre-
quency and is of extremely small duration, so that the output contains only fairly high harmonics of reference, which
is easily filtered as it contains very little energy. This periodic disturbance offsets the output of the phase/frequency
comparator and therefore has an effect similar to that of a leakage resistor. The advantage of this method, however,
MPS2369 4
100 kHz 8
3 2 9
5 1
10 kΩ 1
12 10 2
11 3
+9 V DC
R54 11
270 +9 V DC (B) 13
C49 C50 C51 C52 9
47 μF 0.01 0.01 0.01
11 4 6
12 5
10 kΩ
4700 8
N input
is that this is done at a fairly high frequency and does not introduce low-frequency noise generated by the 1 MΩ
Figure 4-118 shows the circuit that accomplishes this, and Figure 4-119 shows the effect on the output pulses.
The charge pump output exhibits a short negative-going pulse followed immediately by a short positive-going
pulse. This can also be called an antibacklash feature, and it prevents operating in the dead zone. This zone
is not really a dead zone because of the leakage currents in the tuning diode. The duration and proximity
of these pulses are such that they cause no net change to the charge of the integrator. Figure 4-120 shows
the response of a phase/frequency detector near loop lock, including the dead zone; this may not be true
for ECL.
Frequency phase comparator
From (pump up)
reference Current sink
divider (pump down)
400-ns pulse
decoded from reference divider
(antibacklash circuit)
Ideal response
Figure 4-120 Response of frequency/phase detector near loop lock resulting in a dead zone.
Let us start with the operational amplifiers required for the loop filters. Although we will be dealing with
loop filters, specifically active loop filters, in great detail, we should touch on the requirement for operational
amplifiers. As in some cases the reference frequency will be as high as several megahertz, in order to maintain a
wide loop bandwidth, the operational amplifier has to be able to track the frequencies involved. The slew rate of the
operational amplifier, which determines how many volts per microsecond the operational amplifier can follow, is
one figure of merit that has to be taken into consideration, and it is interesting that most operational amplifiers that
do not have fixed internal frequency compensation are fairly poor in slew rate. In addition, the more familiar cutoff
frequency of the operational amplifier indicates the 3 dB drop in gain in the open-loop configuration. The open-loop
configuration, however, is not used, as the loop filter will reduce the passband, and there are only a few cases in
which the input frequency would come close to the cutoff frequency of the operational amplifier. As operational
amplifiers are introduced very frequently, it is somewhat dangerous to indicate a particular type. However, it was
found that the CA3160 is a good choice for low frequencies (CA3130, CA3100).
The tri-state phase/frequency comparator has two outputs that are being fed together in a circuit that we call a
summation amplifier. The high and low pulses generated by the digital portion are being fed simultaneously to two
ports, and the amplifier then has to combine the two pulses into a single output. The simplest way of accomplishing
this it to take an operational amplifier in which the two inputs are connected to the inverting and noninverting input
and the biasing is provided with identical resistors to avoid any offset problems. Many application reports, such as
the Motorola MC145156, recommend this circuit.
The drawback is that, as the pulses become faster in frequency, the operational amplifier will be unable to follow,
and a discrete amplifier has to be built. There are several choices for discrete loop amplifiers, whose main purposes
are as follows:
(1) To be able to follow the input pulses up to several hundred kilohertz or even several megahertz (good choices
include the CA3100, 9906, and 9909).
(2) To have very little or no dc drift.
(3) To not introduce any significant noise.
(4) To be as symmetrical as possible and therefore to avoid any leakage of reference at the output.
(5) To avoid a dead zone (the dead zone was mentioned previously).
Figure 4-121 shows a dc amplifier that takes the two outputs from the phase/frequency comparator type 4044,
made by Motorola, and then operates into the loop filter. This is a fairly complex arrangement, and Figure 4-122
+28 V
10 nF +5 V
C45 R45
+ C42 10 nF
3.83 kΩ
6.8 μF 2.2 nF
7 2 R42 R40 13
B6 562 562
6 3
LF256H MC4044
R43 R41
3 2
4 562 562
R44 C43 1 7
3.83 kΩ 2.2 nF C41
C48 C47 GL8 C44
10 nF + 22 μF BZX79 6.8 μF
2.2 μH
–15 V
Figure 4-121 Schematic of the phase/frequency comparator MC4344 and an active loop filter using both inverting
and noninverting input for stabilization. The first RC network is for transient suppression.
shows a circuit with basically the same performance that operates from an ECL phase/frequency comparator, which
by definition has less dc output voltage. Figure 4-123 shows a phase/frequency comparator with the discrete oper-
ational amplifier containing several diodes for temperature compensation, as well as voltage shifts.
When analyzing operational amplifiers, it becomes apparent that those having very little output saturation
voltage (i.e., CMOS outputs) cannot tolerate a high supply voltage. The discrete amplifier can be operated up
to 30–40 V.
It was indicated, however, that most tuning diodes become noisy, and the operating voltage should be restricted
to less than 30 V. In addition, when using such a high voltage, one will find that the voltage gain of the diode
becomes so small that the loop gain has to be adjusted to avoid sluggish performance at the top of the band.
Several combinations of these circuits are possible, and depending on the transistors or new integrated circuits,
these loop amplifiers may change from time to time. The additional dc gain has to be taken into consideration
as the simple amplifier that is used in monolithic devices, such as the CD4046, has unity gain, and the more
complex circuits, such as those earlier, have gain that can be adjusted by selecting component values. In the case
of the temperature-compensated amplifier, the two resistors in series with the emitters determine the open-loop
gain. In order to provide sufficient frequency response, very fast switching transistors should be used and matched
where possible.
We will now take a look at RF applications, the first one being the requirement to drive frequency dividers from
a sine-wave source.
Phase detector
Current sources
+15 V2
CR1 r +15 V2
2.37 V Q1 C25
R15 R14 332
+15 V2
1.37 kΩ 24.3
–5.2 V1
–5.2 V1 R9
C22 261 C39
0.01 2500 pF
+15 V2
3 R36
11 –5.2 V1
1.65 kΩ 0.01 R37
D U 10
6 TP1 R34
R R38
Q6 R35 Q7
4 52.3 52.3
U 10
V R11
261 R39 R40 C37
Phase C35
detector 237 10
0.1 100 pF
7 unit –5.2 V1
–5.2 V1 Q9
R41 Q8 R42
24.3 24.3
0.01 R43 R44 R45 R46
1 14
80.6 10 10 80.6
R47 24.3
Q10 332
1.37 kΩ
–15 V –15 V
Figure 4-122 Phase/frequency comparator and discrete summation amplifier for low-noise operation. The loop filter
is not shown.
+24 V
+12 V
VCO filter
13 2
U1 D1
3 1
N V CD4044 R Ref.
14 V 7
+15 V CC G
Figure 4-123 Discrete summation amplifier recommended for use with the CD4044 up to 1 MHz.
+12 V
2.2 kΩ
3.3 kΩ
3.3 kΩ 180 3.3 kΩ
0.1 μF 0.1 μF
reverse isolation. Because of the high-impedance nature of these devices, they will work well only in conjunction
with an impedance transformation circuit as shown in Figure 4-125. In the frequency range 30–120 MHz, this
circuit has enough reverse isolation (at least 60 dB) and is capable of driving stages such as high-level mixers
requiring +23 dBm of drive. For wider frequency ranges, Figure 4-126 shows a multistage amplifier that will meet
this requirement.
Another solution is offered in Figure 4-127. It shows the combination of a discrete transistor type 2N5179
driving a power splitter, sometimes called a hybrid coupler, and a wideband monolithic amplifier type 733, which
is manufactured by several companies, including Motorola and Fairchild.
The 2N5179 transistor has a very low reverse feedback, and the hybrid coupler is capable of up to 40 dB isola-
tion. Although in many cases designers use two different amplifiers, the use of a hybrid coupler should be preferred,
as it is a passive device with no power consumption and a long life expectancy.
The 733 amplifier is a unique device that allows programming internal gain. By setting the appropriate bypass
capacitor, different gain can be chosen, and this amplifier can even be used in a linear mode exhibiting good
intermodulation distortion.
As it is an internal push–pull configuration, the use of balanced output terminals is recommended. Several
monolithic amplifiers are available as isolation stages, and amplifiers such as the CA3028 or similar can be used
in a differential mode and AGC can be applied.
We previously learned that the proper termination of the mixer is absolutely essential. The feedback amplifier
shown in Figure 4-128 will provide extremely low noise and perfect matching. This is an example of several
feedback amplifiers that can be constructed, and this combination seems to be the best. It is based on Patent No.
3891934 issued to David Norton. This type of lossless feedback amplifier consists of a three-winding transformer
connected to a common-base transistor in such a manner as to provide gain and impedance matching.
This circuit can be analyzed under the simplifying assumptions that the common-base transistor has a zero
input impedance, an infinite output impedance, and unity current gain, while the transformer is considered to be
0 dBm
+ 17 dBm
R41 C46
22 4.7 nF R46
C41 1
C43 R42 T11
0.1 μF C44
R38 330 2.2 kΩ BFW16A
100 μF
270 kΩ
0.82 μH +12 V
C36 2 1
3 4
R37 R39 R40 C37
100 kΩ 360 kΩ 270 4.7 nF
Figure 4-125 High-power output stage with isolation amplifier delivering about +17 dBm. The circuit works well up
to 100 MHz.
ideal. With these assumptions it can easily be shown that a two-way impedance match to Zo will be obtained if the
transformer turns ratio is chosen such that n = m2 − m − 1.
With this choice, the power gain is m2 , the load impedance presented to the collector is (n + m) Zo , and the
source impedance presented to the emitter is 2Zo . Turn ratios for m equal to 2, 3, and 4 yield gains of 6, 9.5, and
12 dB and load impedances of 3, 8, and 15Zo , respectively.
It is seen that, similar to a conventional common-base amplifier, the gain of the stage is determined by the
ratio of the load impedance, Z1 , to the input impedance, Zin . In this case the gain is given by Z1 /Zin + 1, whereas
it is just Z1 /Zin in the conventional configuration. The significant difference is that the transformer-coupled device
provides a two-way impedance match, which is obtained by coupling the load impedance to the input, and the
source impedance to the output by transformer action.
The dynamic range considerations for this device are similar to those of the directional coupler circuit, but with
some important differences. First, the operation of the circuit depends on the completely mismatched conditions
presented by the transistor to the circuit (i.e., the emitter presents a short circuit and the collector an open circuit).
Hence, there is no requirement to introduce resistive elements for impedance matching as in the directional coupler
C230 200 μH C234 C231
10 nF 15 μF + 10 nF
C236 R236
R233 470 R250
15 kΩ 1 μF + R241 R243 1.2 kΩ
2.7 kΩ 180 R254
R237 10 nF R251 68
82 250
R234 L241
330 +9.8 V +10 V
22 C240 L251
L231 R242 C242 R252
10 nF
+7.5 V 82 3 180
R230 C235 +1.3 V C238 +2.7 V C250 +3.2 V 150 nF
56 10 nF 5 10 nF 46
T23 T24
10 nF BFY90 BFW16 +2.5 V
R231 +2.0 V
100 C241 C251
C239 C243
0.27 8 8
L230 R238 R240 56 R253 C253
37 550 270 47
R235 R239 R245 R255
R232 R244
1.8 kΩ 15 22 27
circuit. Therefore, a noise figure advantage is obtained with this circuit. Second, the source impedance of 2Zo
presented to the emitter tends to give optimum noise figure performance with low collector currents, which also
favors lower noise figures. Finally, in spite of the small currents involved, relatively large output powers can be
provided because of the high load impedance, which goes along with the higher-gain versions.
The main disadvantage of the circuit is that the high load impedance tends to limit the bandwidth. Nevertheless,
sufficient bandwidth can be achieved to provide broadband IF gain with noise figures competitive with those that
could be obtained previously only in very narrowband units.
As this is a very convenient circuit, let us look at the actual working design shown in Figure 4-129. Both
transistors are made by Siemens.
The antiparallel diodes at the input can be omitted. The core material used in the transformers depends on the
frequency range. Siemens ferrite material type B62152-A8-X17, U17 for frequencies from 100 MHz up and K30
material for frequencies below, should be used.
Figure 4-130 shows the winding arrangement for the transformer. This amplifier has the following
4.7 μH
R1 R7 R10
2.7 kΩ 4700
120 3.3 kΩ
R3 8
1.5 kΩ R6 R8
C1 C 15 15
1 B
7 C4
1000 TS1 1000
2N5179 E C9
TR1 1000 TR2
R2 C3 C7 R13
1 8 Out 1 6
1 kΩ 4700 7
1000 R11 R14
R4 R5 733
220 10 120 56
2 5
C8 R12 C10
R9 C6 4700 3.3 kΩ 1000
120 10
Out 2 3
BU 1 2 1
Figure 4-127 Wideband amplifier with two outputs and high reverse isolation operating up to 100 MHz. TR1 is a
3 dB coupler.
+6 V 270 +12 V
21.5 mA
10 μH 12 V
1 nF 1 nF
1 μH
Z = 50 Ω TR1 m TR2 m
Z = 50 Ω
R n 27 pF R n
33 pF
1 μH
T1 T2
1 nF 1 nF
4 × HP2800
1 kΩ 1 kΩ
1 kΩ 1 kΩ
Input +12 V
Emitter Collector
• Input impedance 50 ± 2 Ω.
• Bandwidth 70–570 MHz (can be made to work at lower frequencies with the higher-permeability core).
• Dynamic range 102 dB determined from the fact that two signals, separated in frequency of 3.17 mV at
the input of the amplifier, result in two intermodulation-distortion products of 25.4 nV. The noise figure of
1.3 dB at 2.4 kHz bandwidth results in the same noise voltage of 25.4 nV. If the noise floor of −138.8 dBm
equivalent to the 25.4 nV is subtracted from the −36.96 dBm or the 3.17 mV, which generates the two
intermodulation-distortion products, the difference is approximately 102 dB.
• Power supply 12 V, 21 mA.
D D 10pF +
.V –
fet fet
res VG1 V:3
NMOS1 2000 NMOS2
D VD3 P2
fet V
lnd NMOS
cap G B
P1 10pF
single tone Nout mnolse
nHarm:5 vds:5
Freq:step 3GHz 5GHz 50MHz vbs:0
For most modern generators a wideband medium gain amplifier is needed that also has a low IMP product. A dis-
tributed amplifier is a good solution. Figure 4-133 shows the schematic diagram of an example implementation.
Predicted performance is charted in Figure 4-134a–Figure 4-13d.
Advanced technologies have provided implementers with a wide array of amplifier features and choices
for various applications. The TriQuint TGA2216 is an example of a modern high frequency power
3.98 3.99 4.00 4.01 4.02
Spectrum (GHz)
amplifier.2 The TGA2216 is a wideband cascode amplifier fabricated on a 0.25 μm GaN on SiC process.
The cascode configuration offers exceptional wideband performance as well as supporting 48 V operation.
The TGA2216 operates from 0.1 to 3.0 GHz and provides up to 12 W of saturated output power with 14 dB
of large-signal gain and greater than 40% power-added efficiency. The broadband performance supports both
2 This
section is based on: “Triquint TGGA2216, 0.1 – 3.0 GHz 12 W GaN Power Amplifier,” Rev. A, Triquint, Hillsboro,
OR, 2015.
02/24/19 11:52:53 damp3tp Y1
Ansoft Corporation - Harmonica ® v8.71 dBm(PO2<H1+H0+H0>)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ansoft\Serenade872\examples\nonlin\damp3tp\damp3tp.ckt
damp3tp Y1
0.00 damp3tp Y1
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00
Power (dBm)
Figure 4-134b The light grey trace represents the output signal, the dark grey trace is the third order signal, and
the black trace is the fifth-order signal product.
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00
Freq (GHz)
radar and communication applications across defense and commercial markets as well as electronic warfare. The
TGA2216 is fully matched to 50 Ω at both RF ports allowing for simple system integration. dc blocks are required
on both RF ports and the drain voltage must be injected through an off-chip bias-tee on the RF output port. An
example application of the TGA2216 is shown in Figure 4-135.
Plots of typical performance of the TGA2216 are documented in Figure 4-136.
A physical implementation of the power amplifier is shown in Figure 4-137.
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
Freq (GHz)
Figure 4-134d The black trace is the 50 Ω noise figure, and the dark grey trace is the minimum noise figure of the
3 stage distributed amplifier.
1000 pF C2 C3 1000 pF
C13 C16
1000 pF 1000 pF
RF In L1 RF Out
330 nH
VD = 48 V,
1000 pF C1 C4 1000 pF IDQ = 360 mA
10 Ω
1000 pH
R1 R2 VG1 = –2.3 V VG2 = 21.7 V R3 R4
0.01 μF
10 Ω 10 Ω Typical Typical 10 Ω 10 Ω
C5 C6 C7 C8
10 μF 0.01 μF 0.01 μF 10 μF
40 50
Pout (dBm)
PAE (%)
38 45
Vd = 40 V
36 40 Vd = 40 V
Vd = 45 V
Vd = 45 V
34 Vd = 48 V 35 Vd = 48 V
Vd = 50 V IDQ = 360 mA Vd = 50 V IDQ = 360 mA
32 30
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
Output power versus frequency versus input power PAE versus frequency versus input power
44 60
Temp. = +25° C Vd = 48V, IDQ = 360 mA Vd = 48V, IDQ = 360 mA Temp. = +25° C
42 55
40 50
Pout (dBm)
PAE (%)
38 45
36 24 dBm 40 24 dBm
25 dBm 25 dBm
34 26 dBm 35 26 dBm
27 dBm 27 dBm
32 30
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz)
IM3 versus output power versus IDQ IM5 versus output power versus IDQ
0 0
Vd = 48 V, 2.0 GHz, 1 MHz tone spacing Vd = 48 V, 2.0 GHz, 1 MHz tone spacing
–10 –15
–20 –30
IM5 (dBc)
IM3 (dBc)
–30 –45
–40 –60
–50 –75
–60 IDQ = 120 mA –90 IDQ = 120 mA
IDQ = 240 mA IDQ = 240 mA
–70 –105
Temp. = +25° C IDQ = 360 mA Temp. = +25° C IDQ = 360 mA
–80 –120
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Output power per tone (dBm) Output power per tone (dBm)
2nd harmonic versus output power versus frequency 3rd harmonic versus output power versus frequency
0 0
Temp. = +25° C Vd = 48 V, IDQ = 360 mA Temp. = +25° C Vd = 48 V, IDQ = 360 mA
–10 –10
2f0 output power (dBc)
–20 –20
–30 –30
–40 –40
–50 0.5 GHz –50 0.5 GHz
1.0 GHz 1.0 GHz
–60 –60
2.0 GHz 2.0 GHz
–70 3.0 GHz –70 3.0 GHz
–80 –80
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Output power per tone (dBm) Output power per tone (dBm)
(1) The use of harmonic sampling. Here, the reference generates extremely narrow high harmonic contents,
pulses that are being fed together with the VCO frequency to the phase detector. In addition, a coarse
steering circuit pretunes the oscillator so that the oscillator frequency is very close to the required harmonic
of the comb generator.
(2) The input frequency is divided to the reference frequency. The same is correct for the reference frequency,
as the reference oscillator may be much higher than the desired reference frequency or step size. In most
cases, the reference frequency is at 5 or 10 MHz, sometimes even as high as 100 MHz, while the comparison
frequency applied to the phase/frequency comparator may lie between 1 MHz and 1 kHz.
The reference divider for most cases requires only a simple asynchronous counter, whereas the programmable
divider chain requires synchronous and resettable counters.
While the simplest counter or divider is a flip-flop dividing by 2, modern design uses dividers of high integration.
Originally, the dividers were built in RTL logic, then TTL logic, then Schottky clamped, and then CMOS integrated
circuits were developed.
In parallel, the ECL technology was expanded up in frequency, and we now have dividers that operate well
above 1000 MHz. Power consumption of these devices naturally is very high, while the CMOS technology was
developed to reduce power consumption. TTL devices are probably the least expensive but very noisy, and we
will find that most synthesizers go from ECL to CMOS directly, avoiding TTL as much as possible. The more
advanced frequency dividers have the ECL to TTL or CMOS translators built in. TTL circuitry is probably used
only to support the dual-modulus counters, as you will see later.
The following types of counters are typically offered in CMOS:
Similar dividers are available in ECL and TTL. Special devices in ECL are bi/quinary counters and swallow
Figure 4-138 shows a speed/power characteristic of major logic lines. It is apparent that CMOS is indicated
only in quiescent dissipation. The reason for this is the fact that the power consumption is a function of actual input
frequency. Depending on the particular device and the manufacturing process, it is very possible that TTL dividers
at 10 MHz require less power than a similar CMOS device. However, the additional interface circuit may justify
the use of CMOS rather than involving three different logic families.
The simplest divider is a flip-flop. The flip-flop divides by 2, and input frequency ranges up to 2300 MHz
are handled. Several of these flip-flops can be cascaded, and the drawback of this circuit is the resulting division
N = 2n , where n is the number of stages. The figures referred to below show configurations where flip-flops are
being cascaded to provide dividers with random division rates. This is accomplished by feedback loops.
A typical application of this technique is used in the familiar 7490 divide-by-10 counter, which is an asyn-
chronous decade counter. Figure 4-139 shows the internal arrangement. It consists of four master/slave flip-flops.
The asynchronous dividers are slow, as the input signal triggers the first flip-flop, which then triggers the second
flip-flop, and so on. In the synchronous divider, the clock is fed to all the clock inputs simultaneously, and, therefore,
the delay is avoided.
Gate power (mW)
MECL 10,000
10 100
Frequency (MHz)
Decade counter
Input A
Input BD
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(a) Counting up to 8
0 1 2 3
(b) Counting up to 3
0 1 2 3
Clock A
(c) Counting up to 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(d) Counting up to 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(e) Counting up to 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(f) Counting up to 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(g) Counting up to 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(h) Counting up to 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Decimal 2 4 2 1
8 4 2 1 value
Clock D C B A
O O O O 0
O O O L 1 0 O O O O
O O L O 2 1 O O O L
O O L L 3 2 O O L O
O L O O 4 3 O O L L
O L O L 5 4 O L O O
O L L O 6 5 L O L L
O L 7 6 L L O O
L O O O 8 7 L L O L
L O O L 9 8 L L L O
9 L L L L
(j) Truth table to convert 1248 BCD to decimal
(k) Synchronous 1248 BCD counter
Several applications require up-/down-counters. The reason for this is that for programmed division ratio, the
decoding of the circuit becomes easy. The series 74192/74193 counters provide this facility.
Both the 74192 and 74193 are synchronous reversible (up/down) counters with four master/slave flip-flop stages.
Inputs include the separate up/down count, load preset, overriding clear, and individual preset data input to each
stage. The 74192 BCD counter is capable of counting either up from zero to BCD nine or down from BCD nine to
zero. The 74193 is a four-stage binary counter operating in exactly the same manner, except that it can count up to
binary fifteen from zero and down from binary fifteen to zero.
The state of the counter outputs depends on the number of count (clock) input pulses received on either the
count-up or count-down input. The counter is advanced to its next appropriate state on the positive transitions of
the count pulses, while the unused count input is held high. To count in the up direction, the count-up input is
pulsed, and to count down, the count-down input is pulsed. The count direction is changed by taking both count
inputs high before entering the count signal on the other count input.
In addition to changing the counter state in the normal counting mode, when the counter outputs respond to the
incoming pulses, the counter state can easily be taken to any desired state within its range. This is achieved using
the fully presettable facilities of the counter. The desired new count state is entered in parallel on the preset data
inputs, and the load preset input is taken low, enabling the preset data to be presented to the outputs. The signals on
the outputs then agree with those on the preset data inputs independent of any further clock information received
while the load preset input is low. This preset state is stored in the counter when the load preset input goes high.
Further count input pulses then clock the counter to its next appropriate state.
To reset all outputs to zero, the clear input is taken high. The overriding clear is independent of load and count
These counters can be cascaded without additional logic. When the counter overflows, the carry output produces
a pulse of width equal to that of the count-up input pulse. Similarly, the borrow output pulse width equals that of
the count-down input pulse when the counter underflows.
All inputs have input clamping diodes to reduce line termination effects and outputs are of standard 74 series
Typical clear, load, and count sequences for the 74192 Decade Counter
Illustrated below is the following sequence:
1. Clear all outputs to zero.
2. Preset to BCD seven.
3. Count up to eight, nine, carry, zero, one, and two.
4. Count down to one, zero, borrow, nine, eight, and seven.
0 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 0 9 8 7
Clear Preset Count up Count down
1. Clear overrides all other inputs.
2. When counting up, count-down input must be high;
when counting down, count-up input must be high.
Figure 4-141 shows the various signals in the clear, load, and count sequences for the 74192. Figure 4-142
shows the same for the 74193. Figure 4-143 is a logic diagram for the 74192 and Figure 4-144 is a logic diagram
for the 74193.
The 7496 is a similar powerful divider that provides:
Typical clear, load, and count sequences for the 74192 Binary Counter
Illustrated below is the following sequence:
1. Clear outputs to zero.
2. Preset to binary thirteen.
3. Count up to fourteen, fifteen, carry, zero, one and two.
4. Count down to one, zero, borrow, fifteen, fourteen and thirteen.
Sequences for
74193 Counter
Sequence 0 13 14 15 0 1 2 1 0 15 14 13
Clear Preset Count up Count down
1. Clear overrides all other inputs.
2. When counting up, count-down input must be high, when counting down,
count-up input must be high.
Figure 4-145 shows the block diagram. The 7496 consists of five RS master/slave flip-flops connected to form
a 5-bit shift register. The clock, clear, and serial inputs are buffered by four inverters. The preset inputs A to E are
connected to the flip-flop preset inputs via five two-input NAND gates. The second input of each gate is connected
to the common preset input, which when at logical 1 enables all preset inputs. A logical 1 on these inputs sets the
flip-flops to the logical 1 state. A logical 1 on the clear input sets all flip-flops to the logical 0 state simultaneously.
Right shift in the register occurs on the positive edge of the clock pulse. The serial input data must be present prior
to the clock edge. All inputs have clamping diodes and outputs are standard 74 series configuration. The registers
may be cascaded to provide any length of register.
There are basically two forms of parallel input shift registers: the preset parallel input type such as the 7494
and 7496 and the clocked parallel input type such as the 7495.
The inputs of the preset type are connected to the flip-flop preset inputs via appropriate gating. The application
of a logical 1 voltage to the input sets the flip-flop to logical 1 state, but the application of a logical 0 voltage then
has no effect. To set flip-flops to logical 0 state, the clear input must be used.
Logic diagram for 74192 decade counter:
Preset Preset Preset Preset
data A data B data C data D
input input input input
Count output
The inputs of the clocked type are connected to the RS flip-flop inputs via appropriate gating. The application
of a logical 1 voltage at the input prior to clocking sets the flip-flops to a logical 1 state. Similarly, the application
of a logical 0 voltage at the input sets the flip-flops to a logical 0 state. Hence, the clocked parallel register is
most suitable for applications where the parallel data are applied for a predetermined time, as is the case for the
accumulator of a multiplier. The preset parallel input register is more suitable for applications where the input data
arrive randomly or are present for a very short time, as can be the case in some types of analog-to-digital conversion
The various counters mentioned earlier, available in CMOS and TTL, are spin-offs that may be advantageous
for certain applications. It is important to consult the data books of the various manufacturers to determine
which divider is the best for a particular application. What this means is that the divider that has the highest
flexibility may also be the most expensive, and in some cases, not all capabilities are required simultaneously.
In order to select the right device, a price/performance analysis has to be done. As a result of price/performance
analysis, as we have mentioned earlier, choosing CMOS devices and avoiding TTL may be the most judicious
Although these divider changes have to remain programmable, the simultaneous availability of parallel and
serial loading may not be a requirement. In some designs, however, serial loading may ease the concept; micro-
processor applications, for instance, will make the design much easier and require fewer wires if serial loading
is used.
Several modern integrated circuits are offered that have all the required dividers on one chip. This may be
a convenience for a particular design, but only in cases where the integrated circuit is specifically designed for
the application will the integrated circuit have sufficient flexibility. Generally, there is a trade-off between high
integration and flexibility. As the number of available pins on the integrated circuit and decoding format limits the
number of different tasks, some particular design efforts may require the use of discrete integrated circuits rather
than LSI circuits.
Logic diagram
Program Program
counter counter
decoder decoder
d2 d′2
Borrow Data SI OFB2′ Borrow Data
latch subtractor latch subtractor SI′
MTTL E4 10 D Q1 D Q2 D Q3 MECL
Toggle to
flip- MTTL
flop trans-
MECL E2 13
MECL E1 11
12 3 2 1 14 15 5 4 7
Qn Qn + 1 C Q3 Q3 Q4 Q4 + – MTTL
0 1 out
1 0
Figure 4-146 Block diagram of the Motorola MC1202 universal dual-modulus counter. (Courtesy of Motorola Semi-
conductor Products, Inc.)
The most popular swallow counters are the 95H90 (350 MHz) and 11C90 (520 MHz) made by Fairchild, and
the Plessey SP8692 (200 MHz, 14 mA, 5/6), SP8691 (200 MHz, 14 mA, 8/9), SP8690 (200 MHz, 14 mA, 10/11),
and SP8786 (1300 MHz, 85 mA, 20/22). The division ratio of a swallow counter is controlled by two inputs. The
counter will divide by 10 when either input is in the high state and by 11 when both inputs are in the low state.
This 10/11 division ratio enables one to build fully programmable dividers to 500 MHz. The switch counting
principle means that high frequency prescaling occurs without any reduction in comparison frequency. The disad-
vantage of this technique is that a fully programmable divider is required to control the 10/11 division ratio and that
a minimum limit is set on the possible division ratio, although this is not a serious problem in practice. Figure 4-147
uses a division ratio of P/(P + 1), which is set to 10/11. The A counter counts the units, and the B counter counts
the tens.
Consider the system shown in Figure 4-147. If the P/(P + 1) is a 10/11 divider, the A counter counts the units
and the M counter counts the tens. The mode of operation depends on the type of programmable counter used, but
the system might operate as follows. If the number loaded into A is greater than zero, then the P/(P + 1) divider is
set to divide by P + 1 at the start of the cycle. The output from the P/(P + 1) divider clocks both A and M. When
A is full, it ceases counting and sets the P/(P + 1) divider into the P mode. Only M is then clocked, and when it is
full, it resets both A and M and the cycle repeats.
The divider chain therefore divides by
fout = (MP + A)fref (4-269)
If A is incremented by one, the output frequency changes by fref . In other words, the channel spacing is equal
to fref . This is the channel spacing that would be obtained with a fully programmable divider operating at the same
frequency as the P/(P + 1) divider.
For this system to work, the A counter must underflow before the M counter does; otherwise, P/(P + 1) will
remain permanently in the P + 1 mode. Thus, there is a minimum system division ratio, Mmin , below which the
P/(P + 1) system will not function. To find that minimum ratio, consider the following.
Phase F(s) VCO f out
P, P, + 1
Programmable Programmable
counter counter
÷M ÷A
The A counter must be capable of counting all numbers up to and including P − 1 if every division ratio is to be
possible, or
Amax = P − 1 (4-270)
The divider chain divides by MP + A; therefore, the minimum system division ratio is
Using a 10/11 ratio, the minimum practical division ratio of the system is 100.
In the system shown in Figure 4-147, the fully programmable counter, A, must be quite fast. With a 350-MHz
clock to the 10/11 divider, only about 23 ns is available for counter A to control the 10/11 divider. For cost reasons
it would be desirable to use a TTL fully programmable counter, but when the delays through the ECL-to-TTL
translators have been taken into account, very little time remains for the fully programmable counter. The 10/11
function can be extended easily, however, to give a +N(N + 1) counter with a longer control time for a given
input frequency, as shown in Figures 4-149 and 4-150. Using the 20/21 system shown in Figure 4-148, the time
available to control 20/21 is typically 87 ns at 200 MHz and 44 ns at 350 MHz. The time available to control the
40/41 (Figure 4-149) is approximately 180 ns at 200 MHz and 95 ns at 350 MHz.
This frequency-division technique can, of course, be extended to give 80/81, which would allow the control
to be implemented with CMOS, but which would increase the minimum division ratio to 6400 (802 ). This ratio
is too large for many synthesizer applications, but it can be reduced to 3200 by making the counter an 80/81/82.
Similarly, a 40/41 can be extended to 40/41/42, as shown in Figure 4-150 to reduce the minimum division ratio
from 1600 to 800. The available time to control the 40/41/42 is a full 40 clock pulses (i.e., 200 ns with a 200-MHz
input clock or 110 ns at 350 MHz). The principle of operation is as follows:
Q C J-K F/F Output
Clock MC1013
SP8640 MC1213
PE1 PE2 Output
Control 1.5 kΩ
Figure 4-148 Level shifting information for connecting the various ECL2 and ECL3 stages.
Clock 10 ÷ 11 1/2 MC1032/ 1/2 MC1032/
SP8640 1232 1232 Q
1.5 kΩ
Figure 4-149 Level shifter diagram to drive from ECL2 and ECL3 levels.
Clock Output
10 ÷ 11 F/F Q F/F Q
1/2 MC 1010/1210
1/2 MC 1010/1210
1 Q 1/2 MC 1015/ C
Q 1/2 MC 1015/ C
The programmable dividers, as well as decoders, can be built in discrete CMOS technology. A programmable
divider is the CD4018. They can be used as divide-by-N counters and will operate at a maximum clock frequency
of 5 MHz. Therefore, we will use the 95H90 Fairchild divide-by-10/11 counter. [Note that the device is called a
P/(P + 1) counter rather than a prescaler.] It was mentioned earlier that there are several different dividers available
in ECL technology, and this particular circuit was later used in the design of the Plessey 8940 to reduce power
consumption. However, this change does not affect the operating principle. The three programmable dividers permit
a division ratio from 002 to 999. The dividers are being programmed via five lines using the Johnson code, where
a 00001 equals 0 in decade count, 00011 is equivalent to 1, and so on. As the counter always returns to the zero
position, the input must be arranged so that the 9 is equivalent to a 0 count in the counter, position 8 is equivalent
to a 1 count, position 7 to a 2 count, and so on. In this case, the counter gets the command to divide by 10, which
means that the following counter gets one-tenth of the input. At the same time, the outputs Q1 to Q5 of the divider
can be decoded, and it can be checked whether the end pulse has reached the divider and one cycle is finished.
This information will be used to reset the counter to its original condition. In the case of the three-digit counter,
counter 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz
10 kHz
21.5–49.99 MHz
10/11 Clock
Reset 10 kHz
Figure 4-151 Simplified block diagram of the four-stage counter using swallow counter principle and programmable
J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 PE J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 PE J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 PE
CD4019 CD4018 CD4018
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
Clock freq. ÷N
1/2 CD4013
9 0 1 1 1 1 1 9 0 1 1 1 1 1 9 0 1 1 1 1 1
8 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 1 0 1 1 1 1
7 2 0 0 1 1 1 7 2 0 0 1 1 1 7 2 0 0 1 1 1
6 3 0 0 0 1 1 6 3 0 0 0 1 1 6 3 0 0 0 1 1
5 4 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 1
4 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 0 0 0 0 0
3 6 1 0 0 0 0 3 6 1 0 0 0 0 3 6 1 0 0 0 0
2 7 1 1 0 0 0 2 7 1 1 0 0 0 2 7 1 1 0 0 0
1 8 1 1 1 0 0 1 8 1 1 1 0 0 1 8 1 1 1 0 0
0 9 1 1 1 1 0 0 9 1 1 1 1 0 0 9 1 1 1 1 0
Figure 4-152 Schematic of the CMOS divider section and its truth table.
one cycle is finished after all three stages deliver the pulses simultaneously, which are decoded and form the output
and reset pulse. Figure 4-152 shows the CMOS divider chain including the truth table. The programmable inputs
J1 through J5 are tied to Vdd via 100 kΩ resistors. If the switch is closed, logic 1 applies. The complete divider is
being reset via PE after one cycle is complete and the output flip-flop goes to logic 1. Since each of the dividers
contains five flip-flops, Q5 outputs are available, which, connected with D, allow the determination of the division.
Division by 584
Let us assume that Q4 and Q5 of the 1-MHz divider decode t. Also, the 100-kHz and 10-kHz dividers have reached
their final count. Point B of the decoder is at zero, and the 1-MHz divider now supplies the pulses as shown in
Figure 4-153. It becomes apparent that two pulses of the cycle are lost because of the delay in gate 3 and flip-flop
A. If the 1-MHz divider is decoded in such a way that it provides an output two pulse counts earlier, the delay is
1 st pulse counted
End of cycle
H, Z–10 MHz, 1 MHz count finished
E1 E2 ÷
0 0 11
0 1 10
1 0 10
1 1 10
Hold Reset
Control 100 kHz
counter counter
3 7
73 Imp.
10/11 11 11 11 10
Example Implementation Let us assume that a two-digit counter is constructed using the 95H90 with a control
counter following a CMOS divider. If a division ratio of 73 is required, the 10/11 counter will divide three times
by 11; then the control counter is full and the 10/11 counter is set to divide by 10. The programmable divider must
take four more sequences, during which it divides by 10. As a result, the output pulse occurs after 73 input pulses.
Figure 4-155 shows a block diagram with the timing. The control counter is responsible for the 1-MHz digit, and
the programmable counter is responsible for the 10-MHz digit.
A limitation of this system is that there is a clearly defined minimum division ratio at which the system will no
longer function. More critical is the fact that there is a time delay in the 10/11 division path. The delay must not
be more than 1/(10/fin ), typically 6 ns, determined by the ECL/CMOS level shifters, the CMOS logic, and back
through the CMOS/ECL level shifters. This means that 6 ns prior to the critical pulse, it has to be known whether
division by 10 or 11 is required. Only 5/fin − 6 ns time is available between two pulses. This can be seen from the
pulse diagram, Figure 4-156, showing the switching time of the 95H90. Thus, there are limits for the delay.
Clock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Clock ÷ 10 5/f – 6 ns
Clock ÷ 11
Figure 4-157 shows the complete schematic of the divider chain. Before we analyze this circuit in further detail,
let us note that the 10/11 counter is shown in the last portion of the figure; the 2N2907 is used as a level shifter
from ECL to CMOS and drives the counter chain.
The first CD4018 is the control counter. The swallow counter therefore consists of the 10/11 counter, the control
counter, the flip-flop (CD4013), the ECL-to-CMOS level shifter transistor, and the CMOS-to-ECL level shifter
being clamped by the two diodes. The gates shown in the circuit are used for decoding purposes, and this function
will be discussed when we go into the details of the programmable counter that uses the three CD4018s on the
right of the figure. Let us go back to our delays.
(1) There is a limit for the delay. The control counter has to determine the division ratio, divide 10 or 11. It has
to be remembered that the prescaler has to be clamped to 10 and the logic that is doing this attains additional
(2) There is a delay from the flip-flop CD4013 via PE and Q4 of the control counter to the logic to reset to
divide by 11 at the end of the cycle.
According to the data sheet, the CD4018 has a propagation delay for PE–Q4 and clock–Q4 of 125 ns at 10 V.
To compensate for the delay from clock to Q4 , it is sufficient to decode the output pulse one count before it
actually occurs.
To compensate for the delay in the output flip-flop and PE–Q4 , a different circuit is required. It is not possible
to take the reset pulse for the divide by 10 from the Q output of FFN to the 95H90; instead, it has to go through the
control counter. In the case where a straight division by 10 is possible, the 10/11 counter must be prevented from
dividing by 11. This decision can be made only by the control counter, with the disadvantage that the additional
circuit adds additional delay. In a test circuit, it was found that despite the attempted presetting of the control
counter, the timing was still not correct. The width of the PE pulse is a function of the clock frequency, and the
delays are constant. As a result of this, there are crossovers between the two areas, which prevent proper functioning
of the circuit.
Since this is a technological problem, it has to be taken into consideration in the decoding circuit. To understand
this better, let us analyze the divider cycle. Let us assume that the divider of the whole system is set at 3754, which
means that the output pulse has to occur after 3751 pulses at the input. Regarding the 10/11 counter, the following
Figure 4-158 shows the complete cycle. The critical time intervals and positions a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, and i are
(a) In this moment, the control counter has to have told the 10/11 counter to switch the division ratio.
(b) Two pulses before final count, decoding is activated.
(c) The D input of the flip-flop A receives information “Logic High.”
(d) The next clock pulse (e) triggers flip-flop A.
(e) This information appears much later at the control counter.
(f) It is now too late to be fed into the 10/11; the same applies for the changing for h and i.
Vdd Vdd Vdd Vdd
14 V
100 kΩ 100 kΩ 100 kΩ
J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5
C CD4018 C CD4018 CD4018 CD4018
4.7 μH 10 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q4 Q5
100 CD4011
Fin 2N2907
21.5-49.99 MHz 100 nF 100 nF Q
CP 95H90 CD4001 CD4011
Vdd E 2 E1 Q
1N4448 330 1N4448 1 kΩ 1/2 CD4013
2.5 kΩ 1N4151
BFX65 100 nF
1 kΩ
1 kΩ
15 kΩ
1 kΩ 1 kΩ
CD4011 Q Q
Fout 10 kHz
1/2 CD4013
Figure 4-157 Schematic of the 21.5–49.99 MHz divider used for determining the design of delay compensation and look-ahead schematic.
End of cycle
Clock b c 1 2 3 4 5
Q-FFA (PE) d
f h
UK g i
a a
Figure 4-158 Timing diagram for an entire cycle, showing the effects of the various delays.
Analysis During the entire cycle, we divide N times by 11 and it does not matter when in time this happens. It
is important only how often the division by 11 occurs. Let us assume that the 10/11 divider receives the “change
to” information only after the second pulse, and the control counter follows. This only means that the entire pulse
chain is shifted by one count. The final result remains the same. We then get
1x ÷ 10 10
4x ÷ 11 44
295x ÷ 10 2950
70x ÷ 10 700
5x ÷ 10 50
As the 10/11 counter is still set to divide by 10, it will divide by 10 first and then switch over. To do this, a
second flip-flop B is required, as well as an NAND latch and two edge detectors FD1 and FD2, which provide only
negative pulses at positive edges.
Function The rising signal at Q is fed to FD1; at the output of FD1 a very narrow pulse is generated that switches
the NAND latch and FFB is set to zero via the S input. The Q output of FFB changes the divide ratio of the 10/11
counter using some gates in line. These gates are necessary to support the control counter. As the control counter
is being decoded to 1 before its final count, it is not possible to determine the division ratio 1x ÷ 11. In this case,
the output is taken directly from the control counter, connected with Q of FFA and applied to the input E1 .
Figure 4-159 shows the minimum configuration, consisting of the swallow counter (10/11 counter, 95H90 con-
trol counter, FFB, latch, FD1, FD2) and the programmable divider chain with its decoder and FFA.
In case there is no requirement to divide by 11, we can take the output from the control counter and apply it
directly to the second input of the 10/11 counter. This blocks any switching into the other mode. This can be seen
÷10 Clock
RF Clock Q
95H90 FFB FD 2 Decoder
E2 E1
Latch FD 1 FFA
1 Y
Q Q 10 kHz
from the truth table of the 10/11 counter that was listed earlier. For all other division ratios after the initial division
by 11, the 10/11 counter has to be switched to divide by 10. One pulse before the control counter is full, it will
supply a logic high to the D input of FFB. With the next clock pulse, this information appears at Q via the gates
to the input E2 . At the same time, FD2 resets the latch and is holding FFB, and therefore the control counter, via
the input S. Now this cycle is repeated. To further help understanding, the following figures will give more insight.
Figure 4-160 shows how the divider chain is set to divide by 10 after the control counter is full; Figure 4-161 shows
division 1x ÷ 11; Figure 4-162 shows constant division by 10. This circuit was built as indicated by the previously
shown complete schematic, and the result confirmed the theoretical discussions. The pulse diagram in Figure 4-163
explains this. The 10-kHz digit (swallow counter) is set 3x ÷ 11. The clock pulses are numbered, and the delays are
indicated (ns). The critical positions are marked a, b, c, d, and e (see Figure 4-163).
(a) Because of crosstalk on the printed circuit board, a pulse stretching of the output of FFA became apparent.
Two diodes were used to force input D of FFA immediately after the output pulse Q appears at logic 0. This
guarantees that FFA is reset to the next cycle.
÷10 Clock
Hf Clock
95H90 FFB FD 2 Decoder
E2 E1 Q S
Latch FD 1 FFA
Q 10 kHz
Figure 4-160 Programming of the divider chain to divide by 10 after the control counter is finished.
÷10 Clock
Hf Clock
95H90 FFB FD 2 Decoder
E2 E1 S
Latch FD 1 FFA
Q 10 kHz
PE Programmable PE
÷10 Clock
Hf Clock
95H90 FFB FD 2 Decoder
E2 E1 S
Latch FD 1 FFA
Q 10 kHz
(b) Start of the cycle; this can also be seen, as pulse counts start with 1. The clock pulse is shown from
−2 to +5.
(c) Maximum time delay is rest.
(d) Maximum time limit for switching divide by 11 to divide by 10.
(e) Maximum time safety margin.
We can deduce from this that the second cycle pulse is being considered as the first pulse to the control counter,
while the programmable divider chain reacts to the first clock count of the cycle. Depending on the timing, FFB–Q
the swallow counter will divide 2 to 9x ÷ 11. To divide by 11 only once, a different arrangement is used that sees
to it that the changeover command for the divide by 10/11 does not occur at the same time as the other reset pulses
occur. This is because the pulse is being fed from FFA–Q to E2 independent of FFB. A several-nanosecond time
delay is available, and the actual circuit operated up to 55 MHz without difficulties.
Clock –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5
120 a b c d
70 70
30 30
70 70
30 e 30 e
Figure 4-163 Pulse diagram for reset and switchover area for the 3x ÷ 11 of the entire system.
(1) Since the entire circuit operates from 14 V and the ECL divider can only be operated from 5.2 V, additional
circuitry to provide a voltage drop of 8.8 V, using transistors BFX65 and 2N3054, was used. In a practical
battery-operated device, this two-transistor circuit would be replaced by something like the IF and/or RF
stages of the receiver to conserve energy, instead of using a voltage regulator, which dissipates energy.
(2) The input of the 95H90 has to be biased with the two resistors. The voltage is set in such a way that 50 mV
rms is sufficient to drive the divider at 50 MHz.
(3) There is a voltage difference between the ECL and CMOS dividers, as the ECL operates at 5.2 V and the
CMOS at 14 V. The transistor 2N2907 performs the necessary level shift. In order to interface the CMOS to
the ECL voltage, a configuration was chosen to avoid a transistor circuit for inputs E1 and E2 . Two diodes
clamp the high-level signals to the Vee level of the 95H90.
(4) Because of the peculiarities of the divider, the 9-equivalent had to be programmed, and nonstandard encoder
switches had to be used. This can be avoided by connecting the main contact of the switch to +Vdd.
Finally, the complete circuit was temperature cycled. At 80 ∘ C, the current was 145 mA, and the maximum
frequency was 50 MHz. At −20 ∘ C, the current was 128 mA, and the cutoff frequency was 54.5 MHz.
Although this system today could be constructed simply by a few integrated circuits, or even one, the circuit
discussed has the advantage that one is forced to go through this detailed analysis, and a better understanding is
possible. Some of the other circuits we use later are much easier to deal with. In Chapter 6, a somewhat simpler
circuit is analyzed using the same principles.
Earlier, we became acquainted with some loop filters, and therefore this may be a repeat of some of the things
already treated. As a convenient reference, the four most important filter types are described in the following text.
F(s) = (4-273)
R + 1∕sC
|F(j𝜔)| = √ (4-275)
1 + 𝜔2 R2 C2
sCR2 + 1
F(s) (4-277)
sC(R1 + R2 ) + 1
ei C eo
ei(t) eo(t)
C1 R2
1 1 + s/ωz 1 1
GLF = – , ωz = , ωp =
R1 C1 s(1 + s/ωp) R2 (C1 + C2) R2 C2
Vi –A Vo
A ∞
T1 = C 1 R 1 (4-279)
T2 = R2 (C1 + C2 ) (4-280)
T3 = C 2 R 2 (4-281)
Sometimes higher orders occur because of some additional LPF requirement. Figure 4-166 can be redrawn in
the form of Figure 4-167, which is electrically equivalent provided that V0 is unloaded.
The correlations are
1 1 + s∕𝜔z
GLF1 = − (4-283)
R1 C1 s(1 + s∕𝜔p )
𝜔z = (4-284)
R2 (C1 + C2 )
𝜔p = (4-285)
R2 C 2
C3 R4
1 1 + s/ω′z 1
G′LF = – , ωz = , ωp = 1
R3 C3 s(1 + s/ω′p) R4 C3 R5 C4
R3 R5
Vi –A Vo
A ∞ C4
Figure 4-167 The additional RC output filtering converts this into a type 2 third-order loop filter.
1 1 + s∕𝜔z
GLF2 = − (4-286)
R3 C3 s(1 + s∕𝜔p )
𝜔z = (4-287)
R4 C 3
𝜔p = (4-288)
R5 C 4
Using these equations, one schematic can be transformed into the other.
In a type 2 fifth-order loop, an active LPF was added. The following sections give some insight into the math-
ematics of the active LPF, which then becomes part of the loop filter.
V o = V − i1 R − i 2 R − i 1 R (4-289)
V o = V − i1 R − i 2 R − i 2 (4-290)
V o = i1 (4-291)
i1 = Vo pC2 (4-292)
i2 C1
V i1 + i2 i1 C2
We finally obtain
Vo 1
= 2 (4-304)
V po C1N C2N + 2po C2N + 1
To solve this equation, we find the binomial expression for the denominator,
1 1
= (4-305)
p2o C1N C2N + 2po CN + 1 (p − P1 )(p − P2 )
1 1 1
= = 2 (4-306)
(p − P1 )(p − P2 ) (p + a ± jb)2 p + 2ap + a2 + a2
p2o C1N C2N + 2po C2N + 1 = p2o + 2apo + a2 + b2 (4-307)
2v − 1 2v − 1
Pv = − sin 𝜋 sinh 𝜙 + j cos 𝜋 cosh 𝜙 (4-314)
2n 2n
The ripple is inversely proportional to the damping factor. With d = 1∕ 2, the ripple is zero (i.e., Butter-
worth response). Smaller d values render increased ripple and increased stopband attenuation. What remains to be
determined is 𝜔n , of which a good starting value is five times the required loop cutoff frequency. Modifying
d= (4-318)
and 𝜔n in the overall open-loop transfer function while Bode plotting will render the required phase and gain
margins for stable loop performance. A phase margin of >30∘ to <70∘ for |A(p) = 1| and a gain margin of −10 dB
for a phase value of 180∘ should be sought.
The overall open-loop transfer function is followed by including the damping factor d and the natural pole
frequency 𝜔n :
∗ 𝜔2n
A = (4-319)
−𝜔2 + 2dp𝜔n + 𝜔2n
and therefore, the open-loop gain of a type 2 fifth-order loop as an example would become
𝜔2n Ko K𝜃 −pT 2 − 1
A(p) = (4-320)
NT 1 𝜔2 p[2d𝜔n + T3 (𝜔2n − 𝜔)] + (𝜔2n − 𝜔2 − 2dT 3 𝜔n 𝜔2 )
TP16 +12 V
221 + C34 R27
C37 R22
L10 L9 L8 1.8 10 kΩ
12.86 mH 12.45 mH 13.8 mH 7 R24
2.2 kΩ kΩ 2
B22 6 R31 R30 6 2.7 kΩ
– C45 C42 C39 741S
R34 7 1 kΩ 3
1 kΩ +
1558 B21
1.1 kΩ 5 V 4
+ 2.2 nF 3.3 nF 680
R35 R33 1N4561M R23
C46 C43 C40 C38
10 10 kΩ 10 kΩ
27 nF 39 nF 39 nF 33 nF
V R28
2.7 V
C48 C47
221 C36
33 nF 10 nF
+ 45 μF
–12 V
–12 V
3 C63
TP1 10 nF
𝜃 30.0
C1 0.7085
C2 0.0389
L2 1.3566
C3 1.6029
C4 0.1604
L4 1.4917
C5 1.6792
C6 0.1016
L6 1.5876
C7 1.4569
ΩS 2.0000
Amin 105.37
𝜎0 0.2036327
𝜎1 0.0364992
𝜎3 0.1103824
𝜎5 0.1756643
Ω1 0.9936072
Ω2 4.3544
Ω3 0.8183516
Ω4 2.0445
Ω5 0.4701232
Ω6 2.4903
The 741 operational amplifier driving the filter theoretically would have zero impedance, but since this is not
permissible, the proper filter source resistor R30 has to be added. Similarly, R31 serves as output termination since
pin 6 of B22 is essentially at ac ground potential.
The particular filter chosen here is of the order of 7. Table 4-9 shows the values that can be taken from Anatol
Zverev’s Handbook of Filter Synthesis, page 287 [86]. Similar elliptical filters are found in Rudolf Saal’s Handbook
of Filter Design (AEG Telefunken, West Germany). A description of how to design filters is given in the book and
is not repeated here.
–100 –80 dB
Noise from ΣΔ
–150 modulator
Figure 4-170 The filter frequency response/phase noise analysis graph shows the required attenuation for the ref-
erence frequency of 50 MHz and the noise generated by the sigma-delta converter (three steps) as a function of
the offset frequency. It becomes apparent that the sigma-delta converter noise dominates above 80 kHz unless
The power spectral response of the phase noise for the three-stage sigma-delta modulator is calculated from
[ ( )]2(n−1)
(2𝜋)2 𝜋f
L(f ) = ⋅ 2 sin rad2 ∕Hz (4-321)
12 ⋅ fref fref
where n is the number of the stage of the cascaded sigma-delta modulator [87]. Eq. (4-321) shows that the phase
noise resulting from the fractional controller is attenuated to negligible levels close to the center frequency, and
further from the center frequency, the phase noise is increased rapidly and must be filtered out prior to the tuning
input of the VCO to prevent unacceptable degradation of spectral purity. A loop filter must be used to filter the
noise in the PLL loop. Figure 4-170 showed the plot of the phase noise versus the offset frequency from the center
frequency. A fractional-N synthesizer with a three-stage sigma-delta modulator as shown in Figure 4-171 has been
built. The synthesizer consists of a phase/frequency detector, an active LPF, a VCO, a dual-modulus prescaler, a
three-stage sigma-delta modulator, and a buffer. Figure 4-172 shows the inner workings of the chip in greater detail.
50 MHz VCO
Dual-modulus prescaler
Frequency 800–1000 Buffer Output
& programmable divider
reference MHz
data input
m bits a+b D
a+b D
a+b D
3-Stage ΣΔ converter
After designing, building, and predicting the phase noise performance of this synthesizer, it becomes clear
that the measuring the phase noise of such a system becomes tricky. Standard measurement techniques that use a
reference synthesizer would not provide enough resolution because there are no synthesized signal generators on
the market sufficiently good enough to measure such low values of phase noise. Therefore, we had to build a comb
generator that would take the output of the oscillator and multiply this up 10–20 times.
The difference between oscillators and microwave oscillators has to do with the fact that microwave oscillators do
not rely on lumped elements but rather on distributed ones. Also, certain types of oscillator circuits just cannot be
implemented. A good example is that while we can design and build a wideband transformer for the purpose of
phase inversion, there is no equivalent to this for microwave applications. This is also true for specialty oscillators
such as eight oscillators, where the actual resonant portion is a three-dimensional (3-D) structure. Other types
of millimeter-wave oscillators use SAW devices, ceramic resonators, and dielectric resonators (DRs). In certain
applications, such as wireless data transmission, the low-cost design requires printed circuit production and a
similar approach is true for monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) oscillators up to millimeter-wave
application. Here the resonator is part of the layout and generally the phase noise is determined both by the low Q
of the resonator and the low Q of the tuning diodes.
In designing microwave oscillators based on the linear approach (has only educational merit), we continue to
look for the negative impedance generated by the transistor, which will overcome the losses and therefore provide
oscillation. The two major differences between RF oscillators and microwave oscillators are the following:
We will use different types of resonators, however; their Q will be less than those of crystal oscillators.
The conditions for oscillation can be expressed as
k<1 (4-322)
ΓG S11 = 1 (4-323)
ΓL S22 = 1 (4-324)
The stability factor should be less than unity for any possibility of oscillation. If this condition is not satisfied,
either the common terminal should be changed or positive feedback should be added. Next, the passive terminations
ΓG and ΓL must be added to resonate the input and output ports at the frequency of oscillation. This is satisfied by
either Eq. (4-322) or (4-324). It will be shown that if Eq. (4-232) is satisfied, Eq. (4-324) must be satisfied, and
vice versa. In other words, if the oscillator is oscillating at one port, it must be simultaneously oscillating at the
other port. Normally, a major fraction of the power is delivered only to one port, since only one load is connected.
′ ′
Since |ΓG | and ΓL are less than unity, Eqs. (4-323) and (4-324 imply that |S11 | > 1 and |S22 | > 1.
The conditions for oscillation can be seen from Figure 4-173, where an input generator has been connected to
a two-port. Using the following representation,
a1 = bG + ΓL ΓG a1 (4-325)
and defining
ΓL = S11 (4-326)
′ b1
S11 = (4-327)
Generator Two-port RL
we find
bG = a1 (1 − ΓL1 ΓG )
b1 ′
= ′
(1 − S11 ΓG ) (4-328)
b1 S11
= ′
bG 1 − S11 ΓG
Thus, the wave reflected from the two-port is dependent on ΓG and ΓL . If Eq. (4-232) is satisfied, bG must be
zero, which implies that the two-port is oscillating. Since ΓG is normally less than or equal to unity, this requires
that |S11 | be greater than or equal to unity.
The oscillator designer must simply guarantee a stability factor less than unity and resonate the input port
by satisfying Eq. (4-323), which implies that Eq. (4-324) has also been satisfied. Another way of expressing the
resonance condition of Eq. (4-323) is the following:
Rin + RG = 0 (4-330)
Xin + XG = 0 (4-331)
RG + jX G − Z0
ΓG =
RG + jX G + Z0
−Rin − Z0 − jX in
= (4-333)
−Rin + Z0 − jX in
which proves the equivalence of Eq. (4-232) to Eqs. (4-330) and (4-331).
Before proceeding with the oscillator design procedures, some typical oscillator specifications are given in
Table 4-11 for the major types of oscillators. The high-Q or cavity-tuned oscillators usually have better spectral
purity than do the low-Q VCOs, which have faster tuning speeds. The FM noise is usually measured at about
100 kHz from the carrier in units of dBc, which means decibels below the carrier level, in a specified bandwidth of
1 Hz. If the measurement bandwidth is 1 kHz, the specification changes by 103 .
In selecting a transistor to meet the specifications, the amplifier transistors with the same frequency and power
performance are usually suitable. Lower close-in noise can be achieved from silicon bipolar transistors compared
with GaAs MESFETs because of the 1/f noise difference.
R = –1
0.5 1.0
Γ = 1.2 ∠150°
Y*in / Y0 –5
Γ = –3.16
–0.2 0 0.2 0.5 2 5 –2 Γ = 3.18
Γ = –1.0
Z*out / Z0 Yin / Y0
Γ = 1.0
R = –1
charts, with |Γ| ≥ 1, to analyze circuits with |Γ| ≥ 1. The proof of this concept can be shown by expressing the
reflection coefficient of a one-port by
Z − Z0
S11 = s (4-334)
Zs + Z0
1 Z + Z0 Z − Z0
= s = 1 (4-335)
S11 Zs − Z0 Z1 + Z0
where Z1 = − Zs , which gives a negative resistance on Smith chart coordinates. For example, using the case in
Figure 4-174, we have
For resonance,
R G + RL = 0 (4-337)
X G + XL = 0 (4-338)
For the parallel-resonant condition, the negative conductance of the active device must exceed the load conductance
GL at start-up of oscillation by about 20%. The parallel-resonant oscillator is simply the dual of the series-resonant
case. For start-up of oscillation,
|GG | > 1.2GL (4-339)
For resonance,
GG + GL = 0 (4-340)
BG + BL = 0 (4-341)
To design the oscillator for series resonance, the reflection coefficient of the active transistor is moved to an
angle of 180∘ (i.e., the left-hand real axis of the compressed Smith chart). Keeping in mind Eq. (4-322) for the input
resonating port, we see that a nearly lossless reactance will resonate the transistor. For the example in Figure 4-175a,
b, we have
The large-signal drive of the transistor will reduce to about 1.0 150∘ . For parallel-resonant oscillator design,
the reflection coefficient of the active transistor is moved to an angle of 0∘ (i.e., the right-hand real axis of the
compressed Smith chart). Alternatively, the reflection coefficient associated with impedance can be inverted to
an admittance point, and the admittance can be moved to an angle of 180∘ (i.e., the left-hand real axis of the
compressed Smith chart).
′ S12 S21 ΓL S − DΓL
S11 = S11 + = 11 (4-343)
1 − S22 ΓL 1 − S22 ΓL
1 1 − S22 ΓL
= = ΓG (4-344)
S11 S11 − DΓL
′ S12 S21 ΓG S − DΓG
S22 = S22 + = 22 (4-346)
1 − S11 ΓΓ 1 − S11 ΓG
1 1 − S11 ΓG
= (4-347)
S22 S22 − DΓG
Resonator Oscillator Interstage Amplifier Load Decouples resonator from load variations
M1 transistor M2 transistor match RL Similar devices for Q1 and Q2
Q1 Q2 M3 PoutQ2 > PoutQ1.
which means that the oscillation condition is also satisfied at port 2; this completes the proof. Thus, if either port
is oscillating, the other port must be oscillating as well. A load may appear at either or both ports, but normally
the load is in ΓL , the output termination. This result can be generalized to an n-port oscillator by showing that the
oscillator is simultaneously oscillating at each port:
′ ′ ′ ′
Γ1 S11 = Γ2 S22 = Γ3 S33 = · · · = Γn Snn (4-349)
Before concluding this section on two-port oscillator design, the buffered oscillator shown in Figure 4-176 must
be considered. This design approach is used to provide the following:
(1) A reduction in loading-pulling, which is the change in oscillator frequency when the load reflection coef-
ficient changes.
(2) A load impedance that is more suitable to wideband applications, Eq. (4-322).
(3) A higher output power from a working design, although the higher output power can also be achieved by
using a larger oscillator transistor.
Buffered oscillator designs are quite common in wideband YIG applications, where changes in the load
impedance must not change the generator frequency.
Two-port oscillator design may be summarized as follows:
(1) Select a transistor with sufficient gain and output power capability for the frequency of operation. This may
be based on oscillator data sheets, amplifier performance, or S-parameter calculation.
(2) Select a topology that gives k < 1 at the operating frequency. Add feedback if k < 1 has not been achieved.
(3) Select an output load matching circuit that gives |S11 | > 1 over the desired frequency range. In the simplest
case this could be a 50 Ω load.
′ ′
(4) Resonate the input port with a lossless termination so that ΓG S11 = 1. The value of S22 greater than unity
with the input properly resonated.
In all cases, the transistor delivers power to a load and the input of the transistor. Practical considerations of
readability and dc biasing will determine the best design.
For both bipolar and FET oscillators, a common topology is common-base or common-gate, since a
common-lead inductance can be used to raise S22 to a large value, usually greater than unity even with a 50 Ω
generator resistor. However, it is not necessary for the transistor S22 to be greater than unity, since the 50 Ω
generator is not present in the oscillator design. The requirement for oscillation is k < 1; then resonating the input
with a lossless termination will provide that |S11 | > 1.
A simple example will clarify the design procedure. A common-base bipolar transistor (HP2001) was selected to
design a fixed-tuned oscillator at 2 GHz. The common-base S parameters and stability factor are given in Table 4-12.
Using the load circuit in Figure 4-177, we see that the reflection coefficients are
ΓL = 0.62 30∘
S11 = 1.18 173∘
LB = 0 LB = 0.5 nH
100 kΩ
bipolar λ/8
100 kΩ 50 kΩ
C = 20 pF LB = λ/8 load
0.5 nH
1 ΓL = 0.62 ∠30° 2
Thus, a resonating capacitance of G = 20 pF resonates the input port. In a YIG-tuned oscillator, this reactive
element could be provided by the high-Q YIG element. For a dielectric resonator oscillator (DRO), the puck would
be placed to give ΓG ≈ 1.0 −173∘ .
′ ′
Another two-port design procedure is to resonate the ΓG port and calculate S22 , until |S22 | > 1, then design the
load port to satisfy. This design procedure is summarized in Figure 4-178.
One word of caution: At these high frequencies a good modeling is necessary, meaning that where possible
the lumped elements have to be replaced by distributed elements. An example is given in Figure 4-179. Predicted
performance characteristics are shown in Figures 4-180a–4-180c.
An example using this procedure at 4 GHz is given in Figure 4-181 using an AT 41400 silicon bipolar chip in
the common-base configuration with a convenient value of base and emitter inductance of 0.5 nH. The feedback
parameter is the base inductance, which can be varied if needed.
The two-port common-base S-parameters were used to give
k = −0.805
S11 = 1.212 137.7∘
Since a lossless capacitor at 4 GHz of 2.06 pF gives ΓG = 1 − 0 −137.7∘ , this input termination is used to calculate
S22 , giving S22 = 0.637 44.5∘ . This circuit will not oscillate into any passive load. Varying the emitter capacitor
′ ′
about 20 on the Smith chart to 1.28 pF gives S22 = 1.16 −5.5∘ , which will oscillate into a load of ΓL = 0.861 5.5∘ .
Change to No
CB/CC or Calculate Change
add feedback S'22 ΓG
S'22 > 1
output match
5 GHz GaAsFET_Osc
p1 20pF D
fet ms
W:25 μm
_l ib1
wf : 25 μms : 25 μm
wt : 25 μmw : 25 μm
lnd S V:4
l : 75 μmn : 4
label : sub
10nH osc
gap : 25 μm
W:25 μm 1000
_l ib3
res P:65 μm +
d : 3mll vla bias
P:9500 μm
W:65 μm
_l ib2
W:125 μm
t:150 μm
l:74 μm
t:1500 μm
vla w:60 μm
l:75 μm
d:3mll vla
d:3mll FREQ
Id(_lib1) (mA)
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00
Vds(_lib1) (V)
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05
FDev (Hz)
the oscillator must have an output reflection coefficient of greater than 100, thus presenting a negative resistance
between −49 and −50 Ω. The computer file for analyzing this design is given in Table 4-13, where the variables are
the puck resistance, the −50 Ω microstripline length, and the base feedback inductance. The final design is given
in Figure 4-185, where the 10 μH coils are present for the dc bias connections that need to be added to the design.
It is important to check the stability of this circuit with the DR removed. The input −50 Ω termination will usually
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00
Spectrum (GHz)
0.5 nH
0.5 nH
(3) ΓL = 0.861∠5.5°
(1) S11 XR = 1.212∠137.7° (C = 1.28 pF)
k = –0.805
(2) C = 2.06 pF; S11 OSC = 0.637∠44.5°
C = 1.28 pF; S11 OSC = 1.161∠–5.5°
1.28 pF 0.24 pF 50 Ω
0.5 nH
ΓL = 0.86∠5.5°
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50
Spectrum (GHz)
guarantee unconditional stability at all frequencies. The phase noise of this oscillator is very low at −117 dBc/Hz
at 10-kHz frequency offset.
For simple oscillators with no isolating stage, one can expect a certain amount of pulling. Figure 4-186 shows
the tuning parameters as the load varies from 50 Ω. The load CL = R + jX influences the required input capacitance
CE and the base inductor LB . The numbers in the graph are the resonant portion of the load impedance and the ratio
Ic(_lib2) (mA)
0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00
Time (ps)
S22 100
X/R determines the Q line. It is obvious that such a circuit is quite interactive. As to the model for the DR, the valid
relationship is shown in Figure 4-187.
In Section 4-12 on microwave resonators, we will look at a more physical model.
Finally, Table 4-14 describes the same DRO in the familiar Spice format. This particular Compact Software Inc.
Spice model uses transmission elements Tl and T2 and the resonant frequency of the oscillator is determined by
both the DR and its position relative to the transmission line. In the equivalent circuit of the transistor, no values
for a base-spreading resistor have been assumed. This modeling is done for demonstration purposes and does not
relate to an actual transistor. A more practical circuit will follow.
Q1 : S
4 . 8057–176.14 2.5990 74.77.0316 56.54 .4306 –22.94
50 Ω 50 Ω ηH
1 λ/4 2 3 4 5 7
6 10 μH
50 Ω 50 Ω
10 μH
S22 100
Variables: R (coupling of puck) = 955 Ω
l (placement of puck) = 224.2 mils
(εL= 10, h = 25 mils)
LB (base inductance) = 0.34 nH
LE = 0.5 nH
3.0 LB
50 5
2.5 50
100 100 100
2.0 250
CE (pF)
1.5 500 Q = 1, series C
1.0 Q=0
Q = 1, series L
Figure 4-186 Tuning parameters for a 4-GHz oscillator versus load impedance as the load varies from 50 Ω.
fres =
β= R R
2π√LC 2Zo ωL
1 1 1
+ =
QL QU Qext
Qext = (series resonator)
Qext = (parallel resonator)
For microwave applications, designers are rapidly moving away from lumped to distributed elements. In Section
4-11, we looked at the case of a transmission line-based oscillator, which by itself has a low Q and was shown
only for descriptive and design purposes. In similar fashion, we looked at the simplified description of a DR-based
From a practical design point of view, most relevant applications are SAW resonators, DRs, and YIG oscillators.
These are the three types of resonators we will cover in this section.
4Rs 4 4Lm
Lm = 2.8 pF 94 nH
4Rs = 180 Ω
Cm C0
C0 = 1.8E – 4 pF
Rs 4
4Lm = 15 mH
–0.00 0.00
–1.00 –6.00
–3.00 –18.00
–4.00 –24.00
–5.00 –30.00
306.2 306.4002
Frequency (0.020 MHz/division)
Figure 4-192 shows the field distribution and interaction between the microstrip and the DR. The two resulting
applications, BandStop and BandPass filters, are displayed. Modeling this type of resonator is done by describing
the resonator in the form of its physical dimensions.
Table 4-15 shows the physical dimensions of the DR in Super-Compact/Microwave Harmonica format.
A practical example of a 6-GHz DR-based oscillator is shown in Figure 4-193a–4-193c, and its predicted phase
noise is shown in Figure 4-194.
For calibration purposes, it may be useful to plot the phase noise of different oscillators, including YIG oscil-
lators, as shown in Figure 4-195, but normalized to a center frequency of 6 GHz. Another way of plotting this is
to show the phase noise of silicon bipolar transistors versus FETs at 10 kHz offset from the carrier, as shown in
Figure 4-196a and 4-196b. This plot does not incorporate for heterojunction bipolar transistors because they are
not yet readily or commercially available.
As an example implementation, a 6.6 GHz DRO is shown in schematic form in Figure 4-197. Predicted perfor-
mance is charted in Figure 4-198a and 4-198b.
For more detailed information on DROs, please refer to Appendix E.
+12 V RF out
10 pF Y1
47 pF
3.9 pF W2
5.2 V
Q101 3
1 +15V (F1) 10 kΩ
47 pF 47 pF
2150 Ω
5110 Ω
PN1⟨HI⟩ (dBc/Hz)
10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1 10–0
Frequency (MHz)
Figure 4-191 Phase noise as determined by the initial start-up values and after optimization.
g d
s g d
Khanna (1982)
97 dBc/Hz (10 kHz), s
Abe et al. (1979)
8.5 GHz 86 dBc/Hz (10 kHz), 6 GHz
Saito et al. (1979)
94 dBc/Hz (10 kHz), 6 GHz
g s
g s
d d
Sone (1978) NEC s
91 dBc/Hz (10 kHz), 6 GHz
DRM 1 2 D = 6.12e-3 HD-2.45e-3 ER = 38 HT = 1.5e-3 S = .5e-3; + W = 1.1e-3 L = 4e-3 SRD = 1e-4
trf 2 0 0 3 N = 1
pug: 2P0R 1 3
SUB: MS er = 2.4 h = 0.380e-3 met1 = cu 3.175e-6 and = 0.0001
Hd D
Hs εs S L
Usually L = Substrate
S εs
Usually L =
z Metal enclosure
(dielectric puck)
Figure 4-193c Field distribution and interaction between the microstrip and the DRO.
material composition, size, and applied field, can be achieved from 500 MHz to 50 GHz. An unloaded Q greater
than 1000 is usually achieved with typical YIG material.
Figure 4-199 shows the mechanical drawing of a YIG oscillator assembly. The drawing is somewhat simplified,
and the actual construction is actually more difficult to do. Its actual circuit diagram is shown in Figure 4-200.
An example implementation of 10 GHz YIG oscillator is shown in Figure 4-201. Predicted performance is
charted in Figures 4-202a and 4-202b.
+ –
PN1⟨HI⟩ (dBc/Hz)
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4-195 Predicted phase noise of the 6-GHz DRO pictured in Figure 4-193a–4-193c.
Note: Results normalized to a center
–40 frequency of 6 GHz
–60 VCOs
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure 4-196a Phase noise comparison of different YIG and varactor tuned oscillators.
Frequency (GHz)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
–80.0 FET average
Figure 4-196b Phase noise at 10 kHz off the carrier of silicon bipolar transistors versus FETs.
6.6GHz DRO
lnd ptr
cap cap
trl drms trl
Z:50 d:9mm ht:2mm Z:50
F:6.67Ghz es: label:sub
hd:4.06mm s:0.72mm
_l ib1
hs: sdr:4.18mm
NOUT res
res 2700
Ns1⟨h1⟩ bias
Freq:? 6500MHz 6800MHz ?
ms V:9
H:0.38e–3 ER:2.1
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06
FDev (Hz)
5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00
Spectrum (GHz)
Qv = (4-350)
fc0 = (4-351)
YIG sphere
Main Main
coil coil
RF output
Heater dc
Overlapping power power
Mu – metal cans YIG sphere Cross section
Figure 4-199 The yttrium–iron–garnet (YIG) sphere serves as the resonator in the sweep oscillators used in many
spectrum analyzers.
M1 Rload
S′11 ΓL
Figure 4-200 Actual circuit diagram for YIG-tuned oscillator depicted in Figure 4-199.
The tuning range of the varactor will be determined by the capacitance ratio Cmax /Cmin , which can be 12 or
higher for hyper-abrupt varactors. Since R is a function of bias, the maximum cutoff frequency occurs at a bias
near breakdown, where both R and Cv have minimum values. Tuning diodes or GaAs varactors for microwave
and millimeter-wave applications are frequently obtained by using a GaAs FET and connecting source and drain
together. Figure 4-203 shows the dynamic capacitance and dynamic resistors as a function of tuning voltage. In
using a transistor instead of a diode, the parameters become more complicated. Figure 4-204 shows the capacitance,
cap cap
trl trl
Z:50 Z:50
10pF 10pF
E:45 P:170mil
NOUT res
res 3700
Freq:? 9500MHz 11000MHz ? V:9
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
Spectrum (GHz)
Dynamic capacitance
1.6 20
Dynamic resistance
1.2 15
0.8 10
0.4 5
0.0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 2 4 6 8
Figure 4-203 Dynamic capacitance and dynamic resistors as a function of tuning voltage for GaAs varactor.
equivalent resistor, and Q, as well as the magnitude of S11 , as a function of reverse voltage. This is due to the
breakdown effects of the GaAs FET.
Previously, we had discussed in great detail the tuning diode applications. The major differences between these
applications and microwave applications have to do with the resulting low Q and different technology. This is the
reason why discussions of both applications were separated.
Figure 4-205 shows an example 5.5–6.6 GHz oscillator using the BFP405 device. Predicted phase noise is given
in Figure 4-206.
Capacitance (pF) and S11 1.0 102
0.0 100
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Reverse bias (V)
Figure 4-204 Varactor parameters: capacitance, equivalent resistor, and Q, as well as the magnitude of S11 , as a
function of reverse voltage.
res lnd
10nH cap
NOUT .NOI lb:50uA 15pF
blp c Oscillator
bias blp
+ blpnolse Freq:? 3000MHz 7000MHz ?
– cap b
Ns1⟨H1⟩ trl
V:10 d:0.4mm vla W:1mm
_lib1 e
dlod dlod
trl trl trl trl
W:3mm W:3mm W:0.8mm W:0.8mm d:0.4mm vla
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07 1.00E08 1.00E09
FDev (Hz)
for this resonator is VCOs ranging from not much more than 200 MHz up to about 3 or 4 GHz. At these high fre-
quencies, the mechanical dimensions of the resonator become too tiny to offer any advantage. One of the principal
requirements is that the physical length is considerably larger than the diameter. If the frequency increases, this
can no longer be maintained.
2(Z0 )2
Rp =
R∗ l
∗ 2𝜋𝜀0 𝜀r 𝜀r
C = = 55.61 × 10−12 (4-352)
loge (D∕d) loge (D∕d)
and 𝜇r 𝜇0 ( ) ( )
∗ D D
L = = loge = 2 × 10−7 loge (4-353)
2𝜋 d d
( )
1 D
Z0 = 60 Ω √ loge (4-354)
𝜀r d
1 L 2.5 ±0.1
6 ± 0.1
0.5 6 ± 0.1
L d
C∗ l
Cp = = 49.7 pF (4-355)
Lp = 8L∗ l = 2.52 nH (4-356)
Rp = 2.5 kΩ (4-357)
Manufacturers supply these resonators on a prefabricated basis. Figure 4-207 shows the standard round/square
packaging available and the typical dimensions for a ceramic resonator.
The available material has a dielectric constant of 88 and is recommended for use in the 400–1500 MHz range.
The next higher frequency range (800 MHz to 2.5 GHz) uses an 𝜀 of 38, while the top range (1–4.5 GHz) uses an 𝜀
of 21. Given the fact that ceramic resonators are prefabricated and have standard outside dimensions, the following
quick calculation applies:
Figure 4-208 shows the schematic of such an oscillator. Figure 4-209a–4-209c gives the simulated performance
of the circuit.
Freq: ?0.2Ghz 2Ghz?
Fdev:ESTP 1E3 10E6 1000
res cap
20pF P2
cap b
DI:2.5mm ER:38 .3pF
D0:6.mm P: 11.56mm
_l ib2 e
blp lnd
kf:1e–10 cap
vce:5.1V nols:blpnolse
CRO 100pF
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
Figure 4-209a Simulated phase noise of an NPN bipolar 1-GHz ceramic resonator-based oscillator.
1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00
Spectrum (GHz)
Vbe(_lib2) (V)
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Time (ns)
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77. Rohde, U.L. (1978). Mathematical analysis and design of an ultra stable low noise 100 MHz crystal oscillator with differential
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78. (1989). Precision Time and Frequency Handbook, 7ee. Irvine, CA: Ball, Efratom Division.
79. Frerking, M.E. (1978). Crystal Oscillator Design and Temperature Compensation. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
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81. Clark, R.L. (1985). Reducing TCXO error after aging adjustment. Proceedings of the 39th AFCS, pp. 166–170.
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83. Benjaminson, A. (1982). A microprocessor compensated crystal oscillator using a dual-mode resonator. Frequency Control
84. Egan, W. and Clark, E. (1978). Test your charge-pump phase detectors. Electronic Design 26 (12): 134–137.
85. Rohde, U.L. (1976). Modern Design of Frequency Synthesizers. Ham Radio.
86. Zverev, A.I. (1967). Handbook of Filter Synthesis. New York: Wiley.
87. He, X. (2007). Low phase noise CMOS PLL frequency synthesizer analysis and design. Dissertation submitted to the Faculty
of the Graduate School of the University of Maryland. College Park in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy.
88. Rohde, U.L. (1993). All about phase noise in oscillators. QEX, December 1993, January 1994, and February 1994.
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Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
By now, we have accumulated a large amount of knowledge about single-loop synthesizers. In Chapter 1 a loop
with a mixer was described, which probably represents the most simple dual-loop synthesizer.
Adding an auxiliary frequency is the first step toward building a two-loop synthesizer, with this auxiliary
frequency generated by another loop rather than by multiplying the reference frequency to mix down the
voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) frequency to a lower frequency range for convenience of being able to
use lower dividers. The frequency resolution is then equal to the reference frequency unless special techniques
are used.
We have heard already about the fractional division N synthesizer, and we have seen the sequential phase shifter
that enabled us to get additional resolution. In addition, the pure digital frequency synthesizer was explained where
the waveform is generated with the aid of a lookup table. Multiloop synthesizers use a combination of these tech-
Modern frequency synthesizers no longer use designs where each decade uses phase-locked loops that operate
at the same frequency with the output divided by 10. These mix-and-divide systems, or triple mix systems with
cancellation of drift, are seldom used, as they require an enormous amount of filtering, shielding, and power con-
sumption. However, to be able to decide which building blocks to use, some of them have to be discussed here,
and we will start with direct frequency synthesis showing various degrees of resolution.
1 4 2
fo f f + f
3 o 3 o 3 o 2 f
÷3 Bandpass
filter 3 o
Figure 5-1 Direct frequency generation using the mix-and-divide principle. It requires excessive filtering.
fin + f1 fin + f + f2 + f*
fin fin + f*
Bandpass Bandpass 10
filter filter
f1 f2 + f0*
Figure 5-2 Direct frequency synthesizer using a mix-and-divide technique to obtain identical modules for high
selected so that
fin + f1 + f2 = 10 fin (5-1)
fout = fin + (5-2)
The double-mix-divide module has increased the input frequency by the switch-selectable frequency increment
f * /10. These double-mix-divide modules can be cascaded to form a frequency synthesizer with any degree of
resolution. The double-mix-divide modular approach has the additional advantage that the frequencies f1 , f2 , and
fin can be the same in each module, so that all modules can contain identical components.
A direct frequency synthesizer with three digits of resolution is shown in Figure 5-3. Each decade switch selects
one of 10 frequencies f2 + f * . In this example the output of the third module is taken before the decade divider. For
example, it is possible to generate the frequencies between 10 and 19.99 MHz (in 10-kHz increments), using the
three-module synthesizer, by selecting
fin = 1 MHz
f1 = 4 MHz
f2 = 5 MHz
fin + f1 + f2 = 10 fin
Since f * occurs in 1-MHz increments, f1∗ ∕100 will provide the desired 10-kHz frequency increments.
f1* f2*
fo = 10 fin + + + f3 *
fin Double-mix- Double-mix- Double-mix- 102 10
divide module divide module divide module
#1 #2 #3
f2 + f* f2 + f2* f2 + f3*
Ten crystal
f2 + f*
but the additional frequency is used in practice to provide additional frequency separation at the mixer output. This
frequency separation eases the bandpass filter requirements. For example, if f2 is eliminated, f1 + fin must equal
10fin or 10 MHz. If an f1∗ of 1 MHz is selected, the output of the first mixer will consist of the two frequencies 9 and
11 MHz. The lower of these closely spaced frequencies must be removed by the filter. The filter required would be
extremely complex. If, instead, a 5-MHz signal f2 is also used so that fin + f1 + f2 = 10 MHz, the two frequencies
at the first mixer output will (for an f1∗ of 1 MHz) be 1 and 11 MHz. In this case the two frequencies will be much
easier to separate with a bandpass filter. The auxiliary frequencies f1 and f2 can only be selected in each design
after considering all possible frequency products at the mixer output.
Direct synthesis can produce fast frequency switching, almost arbitrarily fine frequency resolution, low phase
noise, and the highest-frequency operation of any of the methods. Direct frequency synthesis requires considerably
more hardware (oscillators, mixers, and bandpass filters) than the two other synthesis techniques to be described.
The hardware requirements result in direct synthesizers being larger and more expensive. Another disadvantage
of the direct synthesis technique is that unwanted frequencies (spurious) can appear at the output. The wider the
frequency range, the more likely that spurious components will appear in the output. These disadvantages are offset
by the versatility, speed, and flexibility of direct synthesis.
10 k–23.99999 kHz
0–0.5 ±75
1.5–2.1 0–30 81.4 MHz 1.4 MHz ±150
2.1–2.9 ±750
2.9–4.1 ±1500 1.4 MHz
4.1–5.7 ±3000
5.7–7.9 80 +300 m + 3400
7.9–11.1 –300 m + 3400
11.1–15.4 81.4–11.4 MHz
21.5–30.0 81.4 MHz–111.4 MHz
0.3–3.4 kHz
70–80 MHz 10.7–10.8 MHz 69.2–69.3 MHz 1.4 MHz ±1.9
100 1
1 2
2.783–2.80 62 MHz
13 ± 3
N 70,000 8
G 10–16 kHz
1 80,000 1
1.4125 MHz
12.2–42.1 1
G K 4
ϕ 10 MHz
5.65 MHz
1 122–421 G
100 100 M
1 1 1 113
ϕ ϕ
50 kHz
100 kHz
Figure 5-4 Block diagram of the frequency synthesizer of the Rohde & Schwarz EK070 shortwave receiver.
feedthrough of the higher frequencies in the mixer. A programmable divider divides this frequency band down to
the reference frequency of 100 kHz, switching the output loop in 100-kHz increments.
The master standard is multiplied up to 80 MHz by using a phase-locked loop (PLL) at 80 MHz to generate the
auxiliary frequency, which, together with the fine-resolution synthesizer portion on the left, is used to generate the
69.255–69.35499 MHz window.
The fine resolution is achieved by operating a single-loop synthesizer from 64.501 to 74.5 MHz in 1-kHz steps
and then dividing it by 100. The division by 100 gives a step size of 10 Hz, while good switching speed is offered
by operating at 1 kHz reference. The output of about 700 kHz is mixed with the 10-MHz frequency standard to a
10.645–10.745-MHz IF. A crystal filter can be used to take out all unwanted frequencies, and this 10.7-MHz signal,
together with the 80 MHz generated from the 10-MHz standard, then results in the auxiliary frequency to be mixed
into the output loop.
This system has several advantages. The output loop is extremely fast, and the division ratio inside the loop
is fairly small. The mixer inside the loop reduces the division ratio from approximately 1104 to about 421 at
the most, and therefore the noise generated because of the multiplication is kept small relative to a single-loop
approach. However, the divider ratio is now 4:1; without the mixing, the ratio would have been 11:8. Therefore,
the loop has to cope with higher gain variations, and the loop filter has to incorporate a mechanism that changed
the loop gain corresponding somewhat with the gain variation.
We have learned that the VCO, when switching diodes are used to add capacitance, has a lower loop gain at the
lower frequency, where more capacitance is added than at the higher frequency. This provides a simple method to
adjust the gain variation inside the loop. With a 100-kHz reference, a loop bandwidth of 2 or 3 kHz will provide
enough suppression of reference, and a settling time in the vicinity of several milliseconds is achievable.
The fine-resolution loop that provides the 10-Hz increments now limits the switching time. Most likely, the
loop filter will be in the vicinity of 10 Hz or 1% of reference, which will provide 40 dB of reference suppression.
The division by 100 at the output increases the reference suppression by another 100, so that the reference at the
output is suppressed by at least 80 dB. The use of special inductor-capacitor (LC) filters can easily increase this to
100 dB.
The noise sideband of the 70–80 MHz oscillator depends mainly on the VCO. Even a very simple LC
oscillator should provide 120 dB/Hz 20 kHz off the carrier, and the additional 40-dB improvement based on
the division by 100 will theoretically increase the noise to 160 dB. This is not very likely, and the noise floor
is now determined by the noise floor of the dividers, the mixers, and post-amplifiers and will be in the vicinity
of 150 dB.
The output loop operating with about 2 kHz of bandwidth will, outside the loop bandwidth, reproduce the noise
performance of the oscillator. We have learned a great deal about low-noise oscillators in this book, and it would
be considered standard practice to divide the output loop into at least three oscillators of 10-MHz range so that
relative bandwidth Δ f/f is about 10% or less.
The radio frequency (RF) has to pass an 81.4-MHz crystal filter ±6 kHz wide and then is mixed down to the
second IF of 1.4 MHz. The second LO is derived from the same 80 MHz that is used inside the synthesizer loop.
This avoids another PLL because of the clever combination of frequencies.
The IF of 1.4 MHz offers the choice of different band filters, as can be seen from the block diagram, and in
continuous wave (CW) and single-sideband modes, a beat frequency oscillator (BFO) is required. In addition, this
receiver offers, as a novel approach, a recorder output where the IF frequency is mixed to a frequency band from
10 to 16 kHz. As a result of this, additional synthesizers are required. For reasons of short-term stability and noise,
the BFO synthesizer is operated at twice the frequency and the output is divided by 2 to obtain the final frequency.
A similar approach is used to generate the 468 kHz required to obtain the 10–16 kHz of output.
Let us assume that the frequency resolution of this synthesizer has to be increased by a factor of 10. What
would be the easiest approach? The easiest approach would be to take advantage of the HEF4750 and HEF4751
synthesizer integrated circuits (ICs) made by Philips.
The fractional offset portion of this single-loop synthesizer would allow a 100-Hz step size with the 1-kHz
reference, and therefore the same switching speed would be maintained. The division by 100 is sufficient to sup-
press any possible reference problems if the loop filter is changed. This simple change would allow the required
A much higher resolution would be gained by substituting the 64.5–74.5 MHz single-loop synthesizer with a
high-resolution fractional division synthesizer, which then could give almost any arbitrary resolution. In doing so,
it would be possible to increase the reference frequency to the 100 kHz used in the output loop, and as a result,
the entire switching speed of the synthesizer would be a few milliseconds while at 1 kHz reference, and the 10-Hz
loop filter would currently dictate a switching time of about 100 ms. This approach, because of the high division
ratio at the output, guarantees the necessary cleanliness. The multiloop synthesizers require a certain amount of
hand-holding as far as the construction is concerned. It is highly desirable to provide adequate shielding. Figure 5-5
shows the mechanical construction of an output loop similar to the one described. The metal can on the left contains
the VCO. All voltages are fed to the VCO via feed-through capacitors. On the top right side of the printed circuit
(PC) board, one can see the crystal filter marked 20.095 MHz. In this case, the 40–70 MHz oscillator is being mixed
down to a 50–20 MHz IF, and the crystal filter shown on the PC board assembly is used to clean up the output from
the fine-resolution synthesizer. Although this picture was taken from a lab model rather than a production unit, it
indicates that it has to be built extremely carefully to give any meaningful results. Note the solid copper surface
of the PC board, with all the wire connections underneath the PC board in printed form. Shielding is the next
important thing for good reference suppression, and very frequently the design goal will not be met if the shielding
is not optimized.
It is advisable to separate RF and logic circuits as much as possible. Figure 5-5 shows the separation between
microwave and lower frequency operation. The PC board (Figure 5-6) is a combination of printed circuit board
and carefully selected enclosures. In the top right corner several microstrip coupled lines can be seen which acts as
a bypass filter. Figure 5-7 shows another part of the SMA100B. All circuits rely heavily on via connections. This
provides a good RF ground on the back and top side of the PC board.
Figure 5-5 Photograph of a building block of the R&S SMA100B: it contains both RF and microwave circuitry.
Figure 5-6 Photograph of a part of the SMA100B. Top right corner shows the four microstrip based bandpass filters.
The shielding chambers can be easily identified.
Figure 5-7 Photograph of another assembly module of the SMA100B. The shielded chambers are easily detected.
During our various discussions, it has become apparent that the single-loop synthesizer really is somewhat limited
in its application. Unless the fractional division N principle or other methods are used, it is really not possi-
ble to build a clean frequency synthesizer at a high frequency output, say, 100–150 MHz, in small increments
such as 100 Hz or even 1 kHz with good switching time, reference suppression, and other important parame-
ters. This is probably most easily understood when we analyze various systems. Let us start with a single-loop
synthesizer operating from 260.7 to 460.7 MHz, as may be used for a receiver (see Figure 5-8). These are the
These are the six most important requirements that have to be analyzed and kept track of in a system. The
single-loop synthesizer is not really a system but a single phase-locked loop with a number of inherent limitations.
The frequency range is determined by the VCO. The phase noise of the loop outside the loop bandwidth is
determined by the influence of the tuning diodes and the question of whether or not the oscillator is coarse-tuned
and whether or not several oscillators are used to cover the range. Table 5-1 shows the noise typically found in a
free-running oscillator in this area of operation.
Figure 5-9 shows a graph that compares the noise sideband of several different oscillators. It becomes apparent
from this that similar designs have quite different noise performance if the design is not carefully analyzed and
the purpose of the synthesizer is not fully understood from the beginning. Both the 41–71 MHz VCO and the
Rohde & Schwarz SMDU signal generator use free-running oscillators. The 41–71 MHz VCO is divided into three
subranges, and the SMDU uses mechanical tuning, while the maximum electronic tuning is about 1 MHz. This
explains the difference in the noise performance, and, in addition, the higher slope of the SMDU indicates also
the higher Q of the circuit. The Schomandl ND100M is a frequency synthesizer constructed from many loops, and
there is improvement in noise due to division inside the loops, as we will see later in the chapter.
260.7–460.7 MHz
ϕ1 ϕ2 HEF4750
10 kHz 1 kHz
5 MHz
Figure 5-8 Single-loop synthesizer operating from 260.7 to 460.7 MHz in 1-kHz steps.
−55 10 Hz
−75 100 Hz
−95 1000 Hz
−120 10 kHz
−140 100 kHz
−160 1 MHz
Two crystal oscillators are shown: the 5-MHz one-stage crystal oscillator shows fairly high noise below 10 Hz
compared with the 5-MHz two-stage crystal oscillator. The phase noise discussions in Chapters 1 and 4 have
explained the reason for the different performance.
Let us assume for a moment that our one-loop synthesizer, as shown in Figure 5-8, uses a 5-MHz two-stage
crystal oscillator and a tuned-cavity oscillator ranging from 260.7 to 460.7 MHz.
Because of the high Q of the cavity, the VCO noise of this oscillator will be substantially better than that of the
41–71 MHz VCO shown in Figure 5-9.
In order to multiply the 1-kHz reference up to an average frequency of 300 MHz, a division ratio of 300,000 or
a multiplication of 300,000 is required. Assuming that a −160-dB/Hz reference signal is present at the output of
the reference divider chain at 1 kHz, we can calculate the noise at 300 MHz from this multiplication. The multi-
plication of 300,000 is equivalent to 109.54 dB, and if we subtract this from 160 dB, the noise floor, the resulting
signal-to-noise ratio is 50.46 dB/Hz, 1 kHz off the carrier.
However, if a 1-kHz reference is used, the loop filter has to be narrower than 1 kHz in order to get, say, 70-dB
reference suppression.
100 m
120 M
O l
140 FT
Figure 5-9 Measured noise sideband performance of a 41–71 MHz VCO, Rohde & Schwarz SMDU signal generator,
Schomandl ND100M frequency synthesizer, frequency and time services (FTS) BS5400 modulator, and single- and
double-stage 5-MHz crystal oscillators.
It can be assumed that a carefully built tri-state phase/frequency comparator will have 40-dB reference suppres-
sion by itself, while at least an additional 30 dB of reference suppression has to be provided by the loop filter.
This roughly leads to a natural loop frequency of the PLL in the vicinity of 50 Hz. The reference noise removed
more than 50 Hz from the carrier is then reproduced in the output, and we have to reduce our calculation and
take 50 Hz rather than 1 kHz off the 5-MHz reference. For 50 Hz our frequency standard shows a noise side-
band of −140 dB/Hz, and we have to do the same calculation and deduct 109.54 dB from 140 dB, resulting in a
signal-to-noise ratio of 30.46 dB. This signal-to-noise ratio is now less than the VCO would have had by itself,
which means that we are actually making the VCO noisier than it would be by itself.
In order to have less influence from the loop, it would theoretically be better to use a wider-loop bandwidth to
take advantage of the lower noise of the VCO, since the multiplication inside the loop is so tremendous. However,
the reference suppression will then suffer.
Taking a 50-Hz loop bandwidth into consideration, lockup time will be in the vicinity of 60–100 ms, and we are
not going to meet our target as far as switching time is concerned. We learned in Chapter 1 that the type 2 third-order
loop provides faster lock and higher reference suppression than the type 2 second-order loop. Much-higher-order
loops, such as fifth order or higher, have an advantage only if the reference frequency is much higher than the loop
bandwidth, as the additional phase shift that is being introduced if both frequencies get too close will make the
loop unstable; then the simple type 3 second-order loop is better.
Another way to overcome this problem is to use a sample/hold comparator, where the phase shift seems to be
LP generator
50 MHz
Figure 5-10 A 260.7–460.7 MHz dual-loop approach with a comb generated to obtain a low IF for the
The fractional division N principle with the zero averaging detector allows an extension of resolution. This
method was explained previously and will not be treated again here.
The noise sideband performance outside the loop bandwidth is determined by the VCO, and the switching time
by the loop filter. In order to increase the switching speed and improve the noise performance of the oscillator, let us
use a design as shown in Figure 5-10. Here we split the range 260.7–460.7 MHz into a number of 50-MHz subbands
by selecting the appropriate harmonic of a 50-MHz comb spectrum generated by the 5-MHz frequency standard
with the help of a times-10 multiplier and a comb generator (using snap-off or metal–semiconductor field-effect
transistor [MESFET] varactors).
Let us take the same 300-MHz center frequency and use a 350-MHz comb line to beat the 300 MHz down to
an IF of 50 MHz. By doing this, we have decreased the division ratio inside the loop by 10 or 20 dB, and by using
10 discrete oscillators covering the range 260.7–460.7 MHz, we have decreased the noise sideband performance
of the VCO by 20 dB. In doing so we have achieved both goals, increasing the close-in noise performance as well
as the noise outside the loop bandwidth at the expense of additional circuits.
The additional circuits incorporate the following:
• A large number of VCOs (can be simulated by the coarse switching range in increments of 50 MHz).
• Designing a 5–50 MHz multiplier and a comb generator to mix frequency ranges down to a lower IF.
• Developing circuitry selecting the appropriate harmonic of the comb and steering the VCO to prevent lockup
against the wrong comb harmonic.
260.7–460.7 MHz
200–210 MHz
LP 240–40 MHz 200 MHz
10 MHz
ϕ ϕ
1 MHz 1.0 kHz
5 MHz
Figure 5-11 Dual-loop frequency synthesizer operating from 260.7 to 460.7 MHz with 100-Hz resolution.
Figure 5-11 shows another way of achieving this. The dual-loop synthesizer now takes advantage of a high-gain
loop using a reference frequency of 1 MHz; omitting the influence of the mixing for a moment, the multiplication
in the coarse loop is now only 300 or the reduction in noise relative to the 5-MHz reference is about 50 dB.
As the noise floor-out is about 160 dB/Hz for the particular crystal oscillator, the noise floor is increased to
−110 dB/Hz and we now can choose our loop filter to cross over with the VCO noise at this point. From the table
we used to determine the noise performance of our ultra-high frequency (UHF) VCO, the 100-dB noise of the VCO
can be measured at 5 kHz off the carrier.
It will therefore be reasonable to use a filter of 5-kHz bandwidth, as the VCO above this cutoff has less noise
than the noise generated by the multiplication inside the loop.
Our reference frequency of 1 MHz would be suppressed by more than 60 dB from a filter having 1-kHz loop
bandwidth, not taking the reference suppression of a tri-state and/or sample/hold comparator into consideration.
It is barely possible to build a 1-MHz sample/hold discriminator with low leakage, and the best possible choice
will be a combination of some discrete flip-flops optimized in layout forming a flip-flop phase/frequency compara-
tor. A reference suppression of 30–40 dB can be expected here, which adds to a total of 100 dB. The lockup time
in this case will be in the vicinity of 1 ms, depending on the type of loop filter.
In Section 1-10 we learned that it is possible to use a dual-time-constant filter, where the frequency acquisition
is speeded up by a factor of 20, and therefore the settling time is determined by phase lock rather than by frequency
lock. The auxiliary synthesizer mixed into the loop is now responsible for the final resolution.
In our example, we have used an auxiliary synthesizer that has a 10-kHz reference rather than 1 kHz, and its
output is also divided by 100. As a result of this, the switching speed of the auxiliary loop is now 10 times higher
than the switching speed of our initial one-loop design, taking the same reference suppression into consideration,
and the output noise from the VCO, even using the initial crude design where one VCO had to cover the entire
frequency range, now permits 20-dB-better phase noise. Figure 5-12 shows the resulting phase noise (A + B) for
the two frequency synthesizers as shown in Figures 5-8 and 5-11.
If finer frequency resolution is required and the digibase system, for which Hewlett-Packard and Racal seem to
have patents, has to be avoided or if a microwave frequency synthesizer has to be designed, the number of loops
has to be increased.
The introduction of the mixer, however, causes two problems:
(1) The required filter is designed with a variable divider. The mixer does not have constant delay and the
change in delay can introduce loop stability problems. This filter must be optimized for flat delay inside the
passband characteristic.
(2) The mixer has a large number of spurious products, as we learned in Chapter 4.
100 Hz 1000 Hz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
Figure 5-12 Noise sideband performance of synthesizer in Figures 5-8 and 5-11.
Besides the question of proper drive and termination, proper bandpass filters at the output of the mixer are
important, and a proper choice of frequencies is similarly important. The phase/frequency detector by itself is
a highly nonlinear device capable of mixing actions, which may cause problems when such output is fed into
the programmable divider. The programmable divider has only a limited suppression of its input frequency, and
therefore the phase comparator will receive not only the output frequency but also, with some limited suppression,
unwanted mixer products. It is therefore vital to incorporate a low-pass filter at the output of the divider chain,
unless a slow divider chain such as a complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) is used. We have found
that combinations of swallow counters in emitter-coupled logic (ECL) with CMOS dividers do not suffer from this
difficulty, whereas ECL/transistor-transistor logic (TTL) divider chains definitely require the additional low-pass
filter. Similar difficulties have occurred in the past where the input signal from the fine-resolution loop, after being
divided down by 10, was mixed into the main loop. It is absolutely necessary to incorporate a filter between the
divide-by-10 stage and the mixer and to drive the mixer with a sine wave rather than a square wave.
The next important question is which of the two inputs of the mixer, the LO and RF portion, is being driven by
the VCO output. This will determine the spurious response. In our particular case, where we suspect some spurious
output to be generated because of the mixer action, it is advisable to use the fine-resolution loop as the LO and
have the UHF VCO be at the RF input level.
Because of the losses inside the mixer, a post-amplifier will be required that can be included in the bandpass
filter driving the programmable counter for the output loop.
Another way to reduce output noise, avoid spurious response at the output, and use a triple-loop synthesizer to
achieve high resolution is shown in Figure 5-13. The output loop uses three VCOs covering the range from 75 to
105 MHz in 10-MHz increments. Each range has about 10% variations, where Δf/f equals 10 MHz/85 MHz as the
first range.
A second set of VCOs of identical design is locked in a single-loop synthesizer in increments of 100 kHz, and
therefore, the programmable divider requires a division ratio between 750 and 1050. The fine resolution is achieved.
Let us take a look at the noise. The highest frequency, 105.1 MHz, dictates a multiplication of 1051 or reduces
the noise relative to the reference at 100 kHz by 60.43 dB.
Let us assume that the VCO noise at 1 kHz is about −100 dB/Hz and about −130 dB/Hz at 10 kHz. If the
100-kHz reference noise is −160 dB/Hz (determined by the reference divider noise rather than the standard), the
reference noise multiplied up would reduce the signal-to-noise ratio to about −100 dB/Hz, equivalent to the 1-kHz
noise of the VCO. It is therefore advisable to set the loop bandwidth of the synthesizer at 1 kHz. Inside the loop
bandwidth, the noise will now stay approximately −100 dB/Hz at 1 kHz, deteriorating to −60 dB/Hz at about 1 Hz
75–105.1 MHz
50–60 MHz
75.5–105.6 MHz
ϕ LP
1 kHz
ϕ 100 kHz
–100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
Figure 5-14 Noise sideband performance of the step loop of synthesizer in Figure 5-13.
off the carrier. Outside the loop bandwidth, the VCO determines the noise, and Figure 5-14 shows the resulting
noise of this section of the synthesizer. We will call this the coarse-tuning loop or step loop, as we step through
the entire frequency range in increments of 100 kHz. If those oscillator sections were totally identical and mixed
against each other, the resulting difference frequency would be zero.
We can, however, use a third loop, a single-loop synthesizer as the fine-resolution loop, and therefore compare
the output of the mixing of the two loops with the fine-resolution loop.
The fine-resolution loop uses a 50–60 MHz VCO inside a 1-kHz reference loop.
If this loop is divided by 100 at the output, the resulting output frequency is 500–600 kHz in increments of
10-Hz steps.
The triple-loop synthesizer has several unique features:
(1) There is no divider at the output loop, and therefore the noise present at the phase comparator is not multi-
plied at the output.
(2) The output noise is equal to the geometric average of the noises between the fine-resolution loop and the
step loop.
(3) The noise of the output loop is determined outside the loop bandwidth by the performance of the VCO
and inside the loop bandwidth by the 500–600 kHz reference, which is improved by 40 dB because of the
division and the step loop, which has a low-noise performance because of the low division ratio, where N
remains less than 1100.
The 100-kHz loop can be designed in such a way that the loop filter, together with the phase/frequency discrim-
inator, achieves more than 90-dB suppression with enough safety margin for stability, and the switching time is in
the vicinity of 1 ms.
(4) The settling time of the fine-resolution loop can be made much faster due to the fact that the output frequency
is divided by 100, and therefore, the reference suppression is increased by an additional 40 dB.
Let us assume that the required reference suppression of the 1-kHz reference is 100 dB. We know that the
division by 100 at the output reduces the reference by 40 dB, so we have to achieve an additional 60 dB between
the loop filter and the phase/frequency comparator.
A tri-state phase/frequency comparator enables us to obtain at least 40 dB of reference suppression, so that the
output filter only has to supply an additional 20 dB. As a result of this, the loop filter can be set to a loop bandwidth
of approximately 100 Hz. In practice, however, one would drop the requirement of the reference suppression of
100 dB, setting it at 90 dB, and then a loop bandwidth of 300 Hz is sufficient. In doing this, a settling time in the
vicinity of 6 ms is achievable, providing a total system’s settling time in this vicinity, as the output loop and the
step loop are much faster.
(5) There is, however, a potential hazard. As both VCOs operate very close at such a high frequency, care has
to be taken that one VCO always remains higher than the other to avoid an image problem. Such an image
problem would definitely allow false lock, and therefore make the loop unstable, and would give the wrong
output frequency. To avoid this, the output loop is receiving coarse-steering information from the step loop,
and the step loop by itself is coarse set by a 100-kHz, 1-MHz, and 10-MHz activated D/A converter.
An additional auxiliary circuit is provided, which assures that the one frequency always remains higher than
the other, and a set of operational amplifiers, together with a frequency detector, takes care of this problem.
At first, this type of circuit may appear difficult, but this principle allows the design of an extremely low-noise
synthesizer together with a substantial reduction in spurious signal inside the loop, as two large frequencies are
mixed against each other down to a low IF, which in our case is 500–600 kHz. Other combinations may have some
advantages from certain design points but definitely have more spurious outputs and have worse noise performance.
Table 5-2 shows the performance of this multi-loop synthesizer.
Low-noise microwave synthesizers, although they operate above 1 GHz, consist of a number of different building
blocks. These blocks are either analog or digital in nature. The digital interfaces such as microprocessors will
not be addressed here but are necessary to perform some of the number crunching involved in controlling the
internal synthesizer auxiliary stages. Synthesizer building blocks are comprised of oscillators, dividers, and various
loops, such as translation loops. We will first look at a number of block diagrams and then proceed from the
more traditional approach toward the very latest technology. Despite progress made in the various disciplines,
fundamental performance as far as phase noise is concerned is still determined by the loop and its components
(such as transistors and tuned circuits). The achievable figure of merit, or Q, depends solely on mechanical size
and materials used. We do not believe that we will see the development of any additional high-Q resonators, that
is, crystals, dielectric resonators, surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators, ceramic resonators, yttrium iron garnet
(YIG) oscillators, and LC oscillators.
For microwave applications, the YIG oscillator (while temperamental in nature) combines the best tunability,
linearity, and widest frequency range. The electronic equipment used to provide coarse and fine steering, however,
is complex and costly. Modern computer-aided design (CAD) tools will permit us to look at the loop response for
phase noise, gain (stability), and lock-in time.
We will examine critical stages of various oscillator types, as available, and look at CAD applications versus
actual measurements and different technological application for clean signals.
Moving toward the millimeter-wave range, 40 GHz and higher, we will show an monolithic microwave inte-
grated circuit (MMIC) oscillator used for “smart” ammunition purposes. It turns out that even these applications
require low-noise high-performance synthesizers. Finally, we will present a quick look at the transient response of
oscillators for the purpose of examining the actual time it takes the oscillator to settle, which is a limiting factor
generally not considered by designers.
1310–1410 MHz
LP ×5 6.55–7.056 Hz
20–40 MHz ϕ
10-Hz steps
20–40 MHz
1280–1380 MHz
Ref. ×2 ×10
Figure 5-15 Block diagram of a microwave frequency synthesizer using an internal IF of 20–40 MHz. G1 and G2 are
cavity oscillators. If a wider frequency range is required, YIG oscillators may be used to replace those oscillators
and the ×5 multiplier in the output may not be necessary.
fairly narrow bandwidth requirement, the actual output loop can be mixed down to a low IF, in this case 20–40 MHz,
and then the fine resolution can be obtained here. A ×5 multiplier at the output then brings the signal up to the
desired value. The actual tuning range is about 8% and if both G1 and G2 are cavity-tuned oscillators with very
high Q, the resulting phase noise is quite good. Figure 5-16 shows the noise sideband performance of the model
CV3595 microwave down-converter measured at 7 GHz and Figure 5-17 shows the actual block diagram of the
total system.
This early type of microwave synthesizer, while achieving quite good phase noise, has a large number of build-
ing blocks and is both bulky and expensive. On the other hand, if the output is divided down (for comparison
purposes) into a very high frequency (VHF) like 150 MHz, the phase noise can be reduced by 33.4 dB. In two-way
communications a spacing of 30 kHz off the carrier is always a critical number and the resulting phase noise would
be roughly 148 dB. Compared with modern signal generators, this is not an extremely high performance, but even
today’s state of the art in this frequency range is approximately 150 dB and the 2-dB variance is not significant.
The major drawback of this design, of course, lies in the fact that it only shows a very narrow frequency, which for
general applications is not very useful.
This method can be extended as shown in Figure 5-18 [2]. The phase noise analysis, however, shows that
the resulting phase noise is in a similar category, which is obvious since the division ratios are fairly high. The
resulting phase noise depends strongly on the quality of the oscillators labeled VTO1 and VT02, and because of
the fixed divide-by-10 ratio, the phase noise is worsened by 20 dB (multiplied inside the loop). The fact that the
oscillator VT02 is divided by a fairly large number also means that one should keep the loop bandwidth fairly
Single-sideband S/N ratio (dB)
in 1-Hz bandwidth
10 Hz 30 Hz 100 Hz 300 Hz 1 kHz 3 kHz 10 kHz 30 kHz 100 kHz 300 kHz 1 MHz
Figure 5-16 Noise sideband performance of model CV3594 microwave down-converter measured at 7000 MHz.
narrow, otherwise the phase noise is multiplied up into the VCO. The drawbacks of a narrow loop bandwidth are
that the switching speed is slow and the VCO is subject to microphonic effects.
When building a 20–30 MHz oscillator, there are no particular high-Q resonators available and such an LC
oscillator will have a general operating QL ≤ 200. This is small compared with the Q of ceramic resonator oscillators
(CROs) or dielectric resonator oscillators (DROs), which would be used in a different frequency scheme. The same
applies to VTO1 as well, since its output is multiplied inside the loop. The sample in Ref. [2] uses approximately
1 GHz for the VTO1. This is an ideal frequency for using a CRO.
A different approach, which results in overall better performance, is shown in Figure 5-19. Figure 5-19 shows
the block diagram of the YIG oscillator-based first local oscillator (LO) of a spectrum analyzer with very low
phase noise. While the basic approach of the synthesizer is similar to the previous two examples, there are some
exceptions to the rule. First, in order to have a very low phase noise oscillator, a 200-MHz CRO is used as input
for the multiplier.
At a frequency of 200 MHz, an operating QL of 600 is obtainable for such an oscillator and because of the
pulling range of <5%, there is very little noise contribution from the tuning diode. By mixing the oscillator down
to an IF of 3.84–11.54 MHz, using a 200-MHz VXCO-based reference frequency, the actual division ratio is 1.
Therefore, the added phase noise caused by a divider chain is avoided. The phase noise of the 200-MHz oscillator
itself is determined by the operating QL and by the output power of the transistor oscillator. At these frequencies,
one has the option to use either field effect transistors (FETs) or low phase noise bipolar transistors (BIPTs).
Device and oscillator topology will be addressed later. Fine resolution for this oscillator is achieved by a fractional
division N dual-loop system, whereby both the divide by N and divide by M use both integer and fractional values.
This particular principle has two distinct advantages. One is that despite the fairly low division ratio one obtains
fine resolution, and the second is that the actual spurs that occur are at least 500 kHz away. Since their location is
predetermined, notch filters can remove those discrete spurs while maintaining the widest possible loop bandwidth.
This method does not require all the complicated housekeeping mathematics required by the full fractional division
N. The 50–95 MHz oscillator can be made quite clean and the divide-by-N stage, which feeds the phase detector,
has an extremely low phase noise floor, in the vicinity of −170 dBc/Hz operating with several hundred kHz loop
bandwidth. The divide-by-M loop, which controls the 50–95 MHz oscillator, is also very clean and its phase noise
depends on the actual oscillator.
In many cases, it is desirable not only to have fixed frequencies but also to have the ability to have very fast
sweeps. The 5–20 MHz signal required for the phase detector can be generated either from a very fast fractional
divide-by-N synthesizer or from a double-loop fine-resolution synthesizer, as shown in the block diagram. The
7.2–7.8 GHz 700 ± 62.5 MHz
7.25–7.75 GHz Output
–45 dBm 637.5–762.5 MHz
50 Ω 6.55–7.05 GHz 0 dBm
700 ± 20 MHz
50–90 MHz
0 dBm
×5 Gain adj
MHz 9 5 MHz
1.31–1.41 GHz 1.28–1.38 GHz L01 Lock
5 MHz Fine synthesizer
Cavity 8 Summation
Input Distribution Coarse synthesizer
osc Lock osc
+3 to +10 dBm L01
20–40 MHz 128–138 MHz
selection Logic
Power Prime
supply power
Alarm Remote
fmw = 8–
18 GHz
fa fá
200 to
÷N´ VTO1 ~ ~300 MHz fmw – fá
± fe
÷10 ~ YTO
÷N ϕ
÷2000–2999 ~ VTO2
10 kHz
decision to use either the fractional divide-by-N synthesizer or a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) will be discussed
5421.4–10621.4 MHz
To first mixer Multi loop sweep
(5) 10–20 MHz 38.75–77.5 MHz
YIG oscillator (5) 10–20 MHz
10–20 MHz
1.25 MHz L = 3.875, 4,
Φ A 1
Summing step ... 7.75
4 oscillator
oscillator L
Main coil FM coil
5–20 MHz
Multi 40– 1
Single loop 1.25–
plier 80 MHz
YIG pretune D/A U/I sweep 2.5
MHz 38.75–
77.5 MHz
8 1.25–
N oscillator 1
3.84– 2.5 MHz 10 MHz
11.54 MHz N = 6.25, reference
211.54 MHz N
6.5, …, 17 frequency
Sweep oscillator 5–20 MHz
1 205–220 MHz
50– 0.1 Hz steps
3.84–11.54 M oscillator 97.5 MHz
200 MHz
MHz 50–95 MHz 5–20 N, F =
M MHz 50.00000, …,
divider 200.099999
M 200 MHz
N, F
M = 2.5, frequency 1
2.625, …, 1
20 MHz
Phase inter-
ϕ polation
10 MHz 100
100 kHz
20 MHz reference
1 ϕ
reference frequency
frequency 100 kHz
Figure 5-19 Interaction of the frequency-determining modules of the first local oscillator of a microwave spectrum
Figure 5-20 Predicted worst-case single-sideband phase noise of a YIG oscillator operating at 7 GHz.
Figure 5-21 Predicted worst-case open- and closed-loop phase noise of a YIG oscillator with loop filter frequency
of 4 MHz.
high-performance synthesizers, one needs not only frequency but also phase stability, and therefore, the change of
load must not change any output phase relationship.
A typical case is where the frequency divider is driven by a reference frequency as a time-dependent loading,
and therefore, the phase will jump as a function of the toggle occurring at the input of the integrated circuit. To
prevent these effects, one has to design very special isolation stages.
In a similar fashion, one has difficulties with the YIG oscillator relative to the comb generator. The tuning sen-
sitivity of the main coil is extremely high and complex circuitry is required to properly position the YIG oscillator
prior to when the frequency/phase lock will occur.
(dBc/Hz) –40
Figure 5-22 Predicted worst-case open- and closed-loop phase noise of a YIG oscillator with 1-MHz loop band-
90 90
70 70
50 50
30 30
10 10
0 0
–10 Phase
–30 –30
–50 –50
–70 –70
–90 –90
Figure 5-23 Bode plot of the fifth-order PLL system for a microwave synthesizer. The theoretical reference suppres-
sion is better than 90 dB.
Figure 5-28 shows the block diagram of this pretuning circuit for the YIG oscillator. By analyzing the circuit,
it becomes apparent that the level of effort to do this properly is quite high. There are also provisions for the
modulating the system, and therefore, there are also inputs for frequency modulation (FM). Figure 5-29 shows the
YIG’s synchronization in greater detail.
0.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (μs)
Figure 5-24 Look-in function of the fifth-order PLL. Note that the phase lock time is approximately 13.3 μs.
Phase (°)
0.0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70
Time (μs)
Figure 5-25 Lock-in function of the fifth-order PLL. Note that the phase margin has been reduced to 33∘ from the
ideal 45∘ . This results in a much longer settling time of 62 μs.
(dBc/Hz) –60
Figure 5-26 Predicted worst-case phase noise as achieved by the fine-resolution system (open-and closed-loop).
2 1
100 MHz
Cal. output
Reference 1 module
100 MHz
20 MHz
1 2 M synthesizer
Summing loop
10 MHz
10 MHz Sweep synthesizer
10 MHz
Φ IF counter
Span tuning D
Coarse span signal
Span FM
correction YIG
S&H oscillator
FM offset
Start correction
Figure 5-28 Coarse/fine steering of the YIG oscillator including sweeping capability.
D1 1st LO
5.421–10.621 GHz
Amp 2 Amp 3 Amp 4
Divider 2
YIG oscillator
Amp 1
5.421–10.621 GHz Gain
Divider 1 control D3
Microwave section
Amp 5 Amp 6
N synthesizer Comb RF
Preamp. IF amp.
203.5–211.5 MHz generator BP LP
D4 M1
Σ-Synthesizer Φ
5–25 MHz
Phase Integrator
10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5-30 VCXO short-term frequency stability for 200 μW crystal dissipation.
Figure 5-31 shows the actual circuit diagram. The oscillator’s configuration is similar to what is referred to as a
Butler oscillator in common literature. This means the frequency-selective device is located between two emitters
and the tuned circuit is in the collector of one of the transistors.
The PNP transistors type 2N5160 are 2-W plus devices with an ft above 1 GHz. By having a two-stage crystal
oscillator, the feedback loop can be made high enough so dissipation in the crystal remains reasonable.
Figure 5-32 shows the circuit of the 100-MHz voltage-controlled crystal oscillator. Modern CAD tools like
harmonic balance simulators allow accurate phase noise predictions for any type of oscillator and can also handle
Figure 5-33 depicts a screen capture of the simulator used for predicting the phase noise. The simulator shows
the circuit file including the nonlinear parameters for the bipolar transistor and, after performing the harmonic
balance simulation, shows the harmonic contents of the oscillator signal in the frequency domain and in the time
domain (distorted waveform rather than sinusoidal curve). Finally, it also shows the single-sideband (SSB) phase
noise. Our experience with these types of circuits has been that accuracy is within 1 or 2 dB compared with the
measured data. By allowing the component’s values to vary and by varying the dc bias point, one can optimize the
circuit for the best phase noise.
Figure 5-34 shows that the close-in phase noise of the free-running oscillator was improved by 32 dB. By
introducing negative resistance feedback, we change the feedback loop gain and therefore the loading of the tuned
circuit. The “cleanup” of the close-in phase noise is done at the expense of the far-out noise. This oscillator example
shows that for frequencies greater than 20 MHz away, the noise source is now marked to 160 dBc/Hz compared
with 168 dBc/Hz. However, this is still far better than needed for practical application.
+15 V
2.2k V235
10-MHz VCXO 3
BC 337–
C231 2
R220 40
475 1 R242
47 μ
22.1 L252.1
L231 BI.1
10 μ
220 μ C241 R239 Sheet 2
R231 R232 2.2 μ 10
Figure 5-31 Low phase noise crystal oscillator for 10-MHz generation will be locked against the master standard.
Now we turn to VCOs. Figure 5-37 shows a cavity-based low phase noise oscillator with a decoupling stage.
Its performance is similar to the HP8640 signal generator or the Rohde & Schwarz SMDU. The phase noise at
400 MHz, 25 kHz off the carrier, is generally 145–148 dBc/Hz. A hybrid for the very-high-Q resonator oscillator
and LC oscillator is the CRO. This type of oscillator uses a ceramic resonator that is electric quarter-wavelength
and uses dielectric material for an 𝜀r of 38–88.
The advantage of this type of oscillator is that it combines small mechanical size with high Q and low cost.
Figure 5-38 shows the schematic of such a CRO. In modeling this circuit, the CRO should be modeled with a cable
for high dielectric constant.
Figure 5-39 shows the measured phase noise of the oscillator shown in Figure 5-38.
Figure 5-40 shows the predicted phase noise of the 1-GHz ceramic resonator VCO without the tuning diode, and
Figure 5-41 shows the predicted phase noise of the 1-GHz ceramic resonator VCO with the tuning diode attached.
Note the good agreement between the measured and predicted phase noise.
For lower frequency application and wider tuning range, a different approach is necessary. The previous example
has shown that the tuning diode adds a lot to the phase noise and, therefore, the pulling range should be kept
minimal. Figure 5-40 shows a narrowband VCO that has been optimized for low phase noise operation at 200 MHz.
18 n
2.2 μ
4.75 k 3
BCY 591X L21
C29 2.2 μ
10 μ X400
A B C X40
220 3
C31 2 L31
470 R37
221 115 nH
V35 C25 150
R38 C35 5082–2800 2
475 470
R23 R26 1 V22
10 k 34.8
BB 620 V23
3 BB620 L22
R25 L30 1 V21 2 L32 2 0.68 μ 1
P20 NE 115 nH
47.5 85632 B21
R24 2 1 2 1
4.75 k
C23 C24 C22
R20 100 MHz
10 μ 270 220 BI. 1
47 7 L23
–12 V
R22 R19 C30 2.2 μ
475 1k
C36 C37 O30
15 47 470
8Ω 0214
In order to maintain very low phase noise, the decoupling is done by taking energy off the tuned circuit with
magnetic coupling and making the output part of the resonator circuit. This improves the phase noise and the
harmonic content.
Figure 5-42 depicts the schematic of a 205–225 MHz very low phase noise oscillator system. It uses FETs for
low flicker noise contribution and multiple-diode arrangement to reduce the diode noise.
Figure 5-43 shows the bipolar equivalent of this circuit operating in the vicinity of 200 MHz. In instances
where a much wider tuning range like 1:2 is required, a single circuit with multiple parallel diodes of high voltage
gain must be used, as shown in Figure 5-44. The diode clamping circuit marked V9 is responsible for preventing
the RF voltage from exceeding certain values and from allowing the gate source area of the U310 to become
Figure 5-33 Screen capture of the simulator used for predicting the phase noise.
10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1 10–0 10–1 10–2
fdev (MHz)
Figure 5-34 Phase noise before and after automatic optimization, which improved close-in phase noise by 32 dB.
(dBc/Hz) –60
1 10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5-35 Measured phase noise spectrum for 675-MHz SAW delay line VCO.
(f) (dBc/Hz)
1 10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5-36 Measured phase noise spectrum for one L-band (982-MHz) dielectric resonator oscillator.
Isolation Stage
As previously mentioned, the success of low phase noise operation depends highly on preventing any load changes
resulting in phase jumps. Figure 5-45 shows a combination of a power splitter and low feedback buffer stage. The
neutralization of this circuit makes it possible to minimize loading effects on different channels.
Harmonic Generators
Figure 5-46 shows a harmonic generation circuit. The BFW16 transistor drives the snap-off diode and the output
filter in tune selects the appropriate output frequency. Such a filter can be made tunable and can track the appropriate
desired harmonic. The multiplier circuit is extremely critical because any noise from additional unwanted nonlinear
effects will deteriorate the performance.
The harmonic multiplier diodes have flicker noise, and there must be a good compromise between the flicker
noise contribution and efficiency.
1.3 μ
C159 150 R80
L32 150 8
1μ L33 C67
+15 V
V28 R99
4.2 n
220 BB485 R98 51.1
L34 V31 L44*
V27 422
NEC 02135 W4 NEC 02135
C63 R79 C68 C74*
196 3.3 C73*
L30* R76 R78 L43*
220 100
L41* V32*
2N2907 10 μ
C265 R81 R85
C266 47 μ 200 10.3
C69 56.2 C72
C70 V 10
38 R84
L31 22 10 n
BL1 9.44 V 274
R82 R83
470 +15 V
22.1 K 12.1 K
X222 X122
1 L117
C161 C162
150 150
100 pF
7.5 kΩ 1.7 pF
0.22 μH 62 Ω
22 pF +5 V
0.1 μH
BFR93A 1000 pF
2.2 pF 1.5 pF
1.96 kΩ
1.2 pF
5.6 +5 V
2.7 pF 68 kΩ
pF 10 kΩ
~3 dBm
Figure 5-38 Typical test circuit for use in a ceramic resonator. These resonators are available in the 500-MHz to
2-GHz range. For higher frequencies, dielectric resonators are recommended.
(f) (dBc/Hz)
10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M 40M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5-39 Measured phase noise of the oscillator shown in Figure 5-38.
(f) (dBc/Hz)
102 103 104 105 106 107
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5-40 Predicted phase noise of the 1-GHz ceramic resonator VCO without the tuning diode.
Millimeter-Wave Oscillators
At frequencies above 20 GHz, the bipolar technology runs out of steam. One is faced with two options: (1) using a
frequency doubler, which requires additional volume and power, or (2) using GaAs FETs. Depending on the appli-
cation, either of the two options may be chosen; however, at this point, we would like to highlight the performance
of millimeter-wave oscillators built with GaAs FETs. Figure 5-47 shows a Texas Instrument VCO.
This arrangement uses two tuning diodes to increase the tuning range. This basic approach can be extended to
frequencies as high as 100 GHz. The initial implementation of the oscillator was pushed up in frequency and its
(f) (dBc/Hz)
102 103 104 105 106 107
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5-41 Predicted phase noise of the 1-GHz ceramic resonator VCO with the tuning diode attached. Note the
good agreement between the measured and predicted phase noise.
layout is shown in Figure 5-48. It is obvious that in this case the tuning diodes also exert a major influence on the
phase noise, and a number of studies have been done to improve the performance of those diodes.
Figure 5-48 shows the first GaAs based VCO, using bent (curved) transmission line that was successfully ana-
lyzed for phase noise validation. This effort was part of the Raytheon/TI joint venture performed by Compact
In most cases these diodes are built by using an FET and connecting the gate and drain together. A nonlinear
junction is then used as a tuning diode.
Figure 5-49 shows a 39-GHz oscillator design that uses a symmetrical ring type of arrangement as a test vehicle.
This oscillator was developed under MIMIC activities by General Electric (now Martin Marietta/Sanders). Please
note that two of the transmission lines have extensions for possible laser trimmings. Again, the highest reported
approach for this is about 100 GHz on the fundamental sources. Consistent with previous statements, one can use
modern CAD tools to predict the output power and the phase noise of such a circuit (Figures 5-50 and 5-51).
R2 C47 1.2 μ
4.3 μ X42
47.5 22 k
1n 1
2 V1 L50
OSZ. 1
4.3 n
R3 BCY 79 1X 205–234, MHz
3 R50 R57 C50 L51 C59
1.43 n R56
R4 C41
C3 43.5 R5 L2 2 1
220 10.3 14.1 220 0.1 μ 10 R55 R57
n 2 1 R41 L47 R51 4.64 4.46
V2 22 k 1.5 μ 75 R53
16.0 3
C432.2 μ
L14 L40 R42
1C4 C5
X40 2.2 μ 1 R43 200
1.1 μ C6
11 C7 C40 V40 3
12 SFK 91 2 C44 1 4
2 1 470
100 R44 2.3 740
14 L6 L38 32.1
13 L7 V11 R7 C31
C28 +15 V X31
C8 R32 X31
5 L4 L5*
R30 R31 361 L32 1 2 3
C32 R40 R42
C9 L30
V3 V4 V5 V6 R33 C30 430 13.3 11.3
470 2.3 n 1
V7 V8 V9 V10 267 2.2 k V30 OSZ.-VERST. R41
1.5 μ BFR 91 10.9
R6 2
1k R34 C33
11.2 2
R1 10.2
+15 V C231
R8 OSZ. 2 10 n
1μ 1 214.5–225 MHz 5.1 n
R9 –15 V 1
V13 –20 V 1 L160
2 BCY 79 CK 34 μ
3 C168 C170
R10 L161 C232
C11 42.5 R11 L10 30 μ 3.4 n
L152 L153
V14 1 n
2 1 321 1.5 μ
1.2 μ 1.2 μ
U310 1 2
L8* L9 C169 C171 C222 C228
3C12 C13 X78
1.5 μ 27 10 n 10 n 1.3 n 1.3 n
C15 R16 3 R16 R36
15 8
33.2 4.7 μ
16 1 21 X221
C26 R222
18 2 L34 1 C17 4.3 μ R15 47.5
430 100 V22 1 2 X220
17 L15 V12 R12 V28 C223 R221
2 R17
C16 200 332
1 4.3 L12 RA344 1.5 μ C19
+20 V
1.5 μ L13* L17 C220 1n C224
L13 100
1.5 μ V15 V16 V17 V18 R224
1 2
V19 V20 V21 V22 L220 R220 6 R224 10 k
N220 332
SCSS 3 –15 V
C221 V25 5
R13 1.5 n C225 5 4 R226
2.3 32.3 k
C222 V26 C230
1n V220 4.3 μ
C22 L22 R227
LB 0.35 4578 C24 BFR 79/ +20 V C229
10 m 10 μ 10 μ INTEGRATOR C13 220 n
C23 C25
10 μ 10 μ
Figure 5-42 Schematic of 205–225 MHz very low phase noise oscillator system. It uses FETs for low flicker noise
contribution and multiple-diode arrangement to reduce the diode noise.
C 108
1n 1
L 102 L 103
0.33 μ 0.33 μ
240–247 kHz
C 107
5 T 102
1n 2N3866
C 102
Q8–10 L 101
L 104 4.8 n C 106
C 103 GL 102
T 101
BFT 66
1 HPA5042-2200
C 104
R 102
+ + L 106 220
+ + L 107
C 105
C 109 C 110
+ +
1n 1n
+ +
R 101
4 L 105
3 2
(C 113) (C 112)
1n 1n
Figure 5-43 Bipolar implementation of the low phase noise 205–225 MHz oscillator. Note that the tuning range is
much smaller and set from 240 to 247 MHz.
C3 R7
1μ 2K
R6 C7
R8 R10 10 n
287 47.5 1K
C2 4.7 μ 1
V12 2
BCY 79
500Z-2000 R11
IX 3
V10 R9
V3 909
V1 L500 U310 100
BB909 1 2/D
3 X
1/S 1 2 3 4
V2 V4 G L10 C4
L2 909 3 C1
V11 2.2 n
3.9 μ BB
1n R15 U310
V7 909 10 K
V5 4 R1 R3
BB909 243 2/D
C9 16.2
3 1/S
V6 BB 27 4.7 n
L3 R16 R17 16.2
4.7 μ 4.75 K 475
B X95.A
10 n
10 μ
10 n
Figure 5-44 Very wideband low phase noise oscillator for frequency range 40–80 MHz. The design takes advantage
of the multiple-diode arrangement and clamping diode V9 for good signal purity.
+15 V
C134 22 μ
+ 5.6 263 μ L161
R163 2.2 K
L133 2 1n
2.74 K
C132 + C133 C135 X
33 33 131 C162
1 1 2 4
C163 1n
121 3.3 μ
X132 L162
C131 1μ
L163 R170
12 1μ C169 11.2
3 3
C137 R164 C164 R173 V161 334
BFW R171
2 16 A
L132 R131 5.6 39.2 330 2 332 332
22.1 263 n R168 C167
1 22.1 5.1
C136 C138 X
33 33 133 R166
1 L131 1 C139 1 2 3 4 121
158 L164
1.75 μ
C140 +
2 3 X134 C165 L168
1.2 6.8
X136 X161
1 2 3 4
5.6 +15 V
260 n
C149 + C143 C145
68 33
Figure 5-45 Distribution amplifier system that combines the input power splitter and a feedback amplifier with
100 μ
R15 R14
+15 V
150 1K
L10 R16 R18
1μ 8 36
V3 R
8K 448 R20 22 C24 C25 C26
270 330
V1 C8 8
BFW 16 L3 22 C20 R21
15 L5* L6*
R2 C1 121 10
27 100 C7 C14 C15 C16 C17
L1* V4
5.6 R11 L4
120 120 22 22 5082-0833 R
422 L7 L8 L9
C2 R12 R24 23
R1 R3 18 100 101 422
100 100 L15
1K R13 R25
110 100
220 n
V2 X112
2N2907 X111
C3 C4
47 μ 10 μ
+15 V
R10 R9 L106 L107
C151 L111
150 1.2 μ
Figure 5-46 Comb generator and post-selection filter for reference oscillator. Note that the biasing of the step
recovery diode or snap-off diode is very important for good phase noise performance.
initial current surge occurs that gets the oscillator started. Figure 5-56 depicts the initial current surge occurring
52 ns after switch-on time.
5-3-6 Summary
We have shown both the multiloop approaches and the contribution from dependent building blocks as they affect
the overall performance of millimeter-wave synthesizers. Table 5-3 gives a list of the key elements.
Figure 5-57 shows the SSB of a 10-GHz oscillator made by Rohde & Schwarz.
RF output
varactor bias Drain bias
Gate bias
Gate varactor
Figure 5-48 Layout of the oscillator shown in Figure 5-47 (Texas Instruments 8132 VCO).
Figure 5-49 A 39 GHz oscillator design that uses a symmetrical ring type of arrangement.
1000 pF 0.6 mm
3 mm
10 Ω
12.7 mm
3 mm
100 pF
output MGF1302
16.0 mm
Finally, Figure 5-58 shows the measured phase noise of a 47.104-GHz frequency source as advertised by Fujitsu
These types of microwave circuits are being used in both signal generators, such as the Rohde & Schwarz
SMP22, now replaced with the SMA100B as shown in Figure 5-59, and in the Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzer
Series FSEA-30, replaced by R&S FSW as shown in Figure 5-60.
3.77 GHz
3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 5-53 Calculation of S11 , as a function of frequency. Note that the resonant frequency occurs at roughly
3.77 GHz.
FFT (V10) (dB)
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 5-54 Output power of DRO with a BJT. BJT, bipolar junction transistor.
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00
Time (μs)
Figure 5-55 Start-up condition of the DRO with a U310 junction gate field-effect transistor (JFET)
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00
Time (μs)
• Basic PLL principles for digital and analog loops including use of delay line stabilizers and variable reference frequency
• Fractional division N with high-resolution counters and accumulators (using gate arrays)
• Direct digital synthesizers having arbitrary resolution and picosecond access time
• Selection of low noise summing loops with high bandwidth and fast response
• Availability of computer program for evaluating SSB noise for different VCOs (SONATA available through Compact
Software, Inc., PLL DESIGNKIT also available through Compact Software, Inc.)
• Selection of low-noise transistors: bipolar transistors (N-junction FETs) and bipolar heterojunction transistors (GaAs FETs)
• Crystal oscillator—designed for low aging
• Use of buffer oscillator at 10 and 100 MHz for auxiliary frequencies (voltage-controlled crystal oscillators [VCXOs] and
• Choice of lowest possible phase noise design for all VCOs (modern low-gain YIG oscillators)
• Buffer amplifiers selected for highest isolation and low amplitude modulation (AM)-to-phase modulation (PM) conversion
• Adaptive loop bandwidth for fast locking and low noise operation
• Selection of low noise dividers with low spike operation
• All op amps in loops must be of low noise design
• Choice of harmonic sampling over division due to 1/f noise
• Use of analog phase/frequency detectors
Single-sideband noise (dBc)
2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8
10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
frequencies are a combination of mixing the SAW frequencies with a very clean 135 MHz signal, which contains
the FM components. The SAW oscillators are stabilized against a 45 MHz reference. Please note that 135 MHz is
the third harmonic of 45 MHz.
A fractional N division synthesizer with a window of 45–90 MHz is then used as a fine-resolution synthesizer
to generate the output frequency from dividers and higher frequencies from a frequency doubler. While the block
diagram looks fairly simple, a great deal of care must be taken to generate clean signals and the spurious-free
fo = 47.104 GHz
–20 Po = +7.4 dBm
10 100 1K 10K 100K
Offset frequency (Hz)
requirements for its reference oscillator are very high. The arrangement shown allows the use of a very wide loop
bandwidth, as can be shown in Figure 5-64. The noise pedestal between 80 kHz and 6 MHz indicates that the loop
bandwidth is somewhere below 100 kHz and the phase noise of 20 kHz of better than 140 dB is quite good. This is
possible because there is no multiplication within the loop and the close-in phase noise between 10 Hz and 10 kHz
is typically that of a high-Q oscillator rather than that of a synthesizer. However, for a low-cost instrument this is
quite acceptable.
Much higher performance at much higher costs is achieved from the multiloop approach found in the Rohde &
Schwarz SMHU85 signal generator, which covers 100 kHz–4.320 GHz. The following provides an overview of its
multiloop architecture. Figure 5-65 shows the RF oscillator assembly, which is housed in module A11. It consists
of three oscillators covering the range from 1000 to 2160 MHz in three ranges. To achieve the output frequency of
4.320 GHz, an additional frequency doubler is used. The output phase-locked loop takes advantage of the separate
Figure 5-60 Basic features of the Rohde & Schwarz signal generator SMP100B.
oscillators, which receive pre tuning and are locked against the appropriate harmonic of the 40–41.575 MHz refer-
ence loop. The module underneath labeled A1 shows a block diagram, which explains the generation of the various
reference frequencies. Three crystal oscillators, operating at 10, 40, and 130 MHz, are used to produce extremely
clean, low phase noise signals, which are used in the auxiliary loops. The 10-MHz crystal oscillator is the inter-
nal reference, which can also be replaced by an external frequency standard. However, both the 103 MHz and the
40 MHz crystal oscillator are phase locked against the master standard. The modulation required for modern signal
generators is fed into the input of module A8 (called step synthesis FM), which handles both frequency and phase
modulation. The AM modulation is applied to the output module. The step synthesizer, which generates output
between 23.125 and 29.375 MHz, uses the 40 MHz from the reference generator and also provides an FM output
that goes back into the reference portion. The reference frequency output labeled X94 generates a 300-MHz mod-
ulated output, which is fed into the summing loop synthesizer, as seen in Figure 5-66. The fine-resolution signal of
down to 1-Hz step size is obtained in module A7 (FRN synthesizer) of Figure 5-67, which internally operates from
38 to 58 MHz and also gets a 40-MHz reference from the reference portion. It is divided down into the frequency
range from 3 to 3.625 MHz. This frequency output is then fed into the summing loop portion A10 (Figure 5-66) and
each successive stage has approximately a 10× higher input frequency but achieves this by a mixing scheme rather
than a multiplying scheme. The microprocessor system is extremely busy, finding all the right combinations; the
phase noise of the RFO reference between 40 and 41.575 MHz within the loop bandwidth determines the output
phase noise of the system. Figure 5-68 shows the measured phase noise of the SMHU synthesizer.
–50 10 GHz
6 GHz
–60 3 GHz
1 GHz
–70 100 MHz
10 MHz
1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz
Offset frequency
Figure 5-61 Measured SSB phase noise performance of R&S SMA100B with SMAB-B711 (N) option.
528.75 MHz...
SAW 1075.5 MHz
Figure 5-63 Mixing schemes using various oscillator frequency images ranging between 607.5 and 967.5 MHz for
the HP8642 generator.
SSB phase noise (dBc/Hz)
10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure 5-64 Noise pedestal between 80 kHz and 6 MHz indicates the loop bandwidth is somewhere below 100 kHz
and the phase noise of 20 kHz of better than 140 dB is quite good.
As we are always interested in higher frequencies, Figure 5-69 shows the SSB phase noise of the 10-GHz
synthesizer SMP made by Rohde & Schwarz.
Finally, Figure 5-70 shows the measured phase noise of a 47.104 GHz frequency source as advertised by Fujitsu
Technology is changing at a fast pace, and it may be dangerous to go into great detail about microprocessor appli-
cations using specific devices, as constant improvements require the manufacturers to come out with new types of
microprocessors. However, there are certain fundamentals that are independent of the particular manufacturer or
(1) Modern frequency synthesizers have a certain intelligence. This is accomplished by incorporating a number
of routines in the system. The most frequently used is a scanning routine where a start frequency, a stop
150 153
154 1000 ... 2160 156
40 ... 41, 575 MHz Sampling 500 ... 2160 MHz
φ detector Σ 3X
W101 X101 X111 W111
152 151 Output
Out of lock F module
detector F/2 (8L2 E3)
F F F/M F/16
F/32 φ F r
frequency, and a frequency increment or step size can be defined. In addition, modern signal generators
can be programmed in output power (dBm), output voltage (μV, mV, V), or dB above 1 μV. Different users
of signal generators will use different specifications in their system, and to avoid conversion tables and
possible errors in translating one figure into the other, the built-in intelligence of the signal generator via
the microprocessor is capable of converting one value into another, or receiving commands in different
(2) Frequency synthesizers found in signal generators are typically multiloop synthesizers. In Section 1-10 we
have seen that, depending on a change of loop gain and change of frequency range, certain compensations
have to be done within the loop, causing the loop to go out of lock for a certain time. If the out-of-lock sensor
used in all superior circuits gives an error command to the microprocessor responsible for the housekeeping,
the microprocessor will then either wait until lock is achieved, or, if this is not done within a reasonable
time determined by the program, it will alert the user that the frequency synthesizer is out of lock. This
so-called built-in self-check, sometimes referred to as BITE (for Built-in Test Equipment), refers to the
housekeeping capability of a microprocessor whereby, under software control, certain routines are made
Summing loops
20 ... 32, 8 MHz 320 ... 332, 8 MHz 148
Z Sideband F
φ G2x φ G
X71 select F/8 X10*
141 142 143 144 145 146
X81 X94
23, 125 ... 29, 375 MHz
A8 REF300
Stepsynthesis/FM 125 300 MHz
23 ... 128 W94
FM REF 126 29 MHz
40 MHz F
φ G XBR 16
W82 X82 F/4
F/2.H 129 W83
F 40 MHz F
FM out
F 127
Tuning 40 MHz X83
F F Pulse
φ G
F/4 processing – ∫
Pre- modulation
emphasis attenuator
Figure 5-66 Reference frequency output labeled X94 generates a 300-MHz modulated output, which is fed into the
summing loop synthesizer.
available to verify the system operation. This can occur immediately after switching on the instrument or
by pressing a check button that activates the relevant circuitry.
(3) A number of loops may be used with what is called offset, which means that the actual command value
given to the loop does not correspond to the value shown on the display. Therefore, the microprocessor
has to perform certain arithmetic, offsetting certain frequencies. Again, this can be called housekeeping
and is an essential part of the system. In addition to this, some loops are being mixed, and by determining
which sideband is to be chosen from this mixing process, different output frequencies can be made available
using the same oscillators. The microprocessor can keep track of the system’s requirements, such as which
A7 117
FRN-synthesis 119 120 121
48 ... 58 MHz FRN
F F F 3 ... 3.625 MHz
φ G
F/8 F/M F/16 X71 W71
F/H.F 124
24 V
Figure 5-67 FRN synthesizer labeled module A7 operates from 38 to 58 MHz and also gets a 40-MHz reference
from the reference point.
10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5-68 Measured phase noise of the SMHU synthesizer at 800 MHz.
Single-sideband noise ( –70
2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8
10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
f0 = 47.104 GHz
–20 P0 = +7.4 dBm
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
10 100 1K 10K 100K
oscillator range has to be operated, which actual programming has to be done with the various loops, what
output filters have to be activated, what modulation capabilities have to be considered, and so on.
(4) Advanced technology allows construction of synthesizers with large-scale integrated circuits. Because of
the high complexity, several commands are required by the frequency divider. Supplied in parallel, the
number of lines would be excessive. It is therefore a simplification to address the frequency dividers in
serial format rather than parallel, and the microprocessor again has to keep track of the proper format.
What does this lead to? The various details we have just listed are most likely to be found in a modern frequency
synthesizer and are all necessary at the same time. A microprocessor is essentially a serial device. This means that
it performs one task after the other following a certain set of instructions. The programmed microprocessor sends
certain commands to the read-only memory (ROMs) and IO ports, which have latch circuits in them. Therefore,
certain information can be initiated and held in latches. Updating is done by changing the contents of the latches and
counters. It is apparent that once housekeeping, arithmetic, verifications, and switching exceed a certain amount,
the microprocessor will be extremely busy.
Microprocessors and microcontrollers are available through well-established companies, such as Intel and
Motorola to name the most dominant ones. Customarily, one uses microprocessors for instrumentation control.
The main reason for this is the incorporation of high-powered devices in the hardware, where one obtains a PC
as part of the instrumentation. For some applications, fairly simple calculations have to be performed; however,
the very moment graphics become involved, the execution speed requirements change drastically. While this topic
is not a subject of this book, it should be pointed out that a computer-like display requiring fast graphic and high
throughput has become the industry standard for complicated test equipment. Over the years, 16-bit processors
have been replaced by 32-bit, and in many cases, the actual calculation is done internally in 64-bits. Also, as higher
integration occurs, the math coprocessors have become part of the “chip” and in fact are frequently referred to as
floating-point calculation devices.
Consistent with experience in computers, where one uses a keyboard processor, graphics processor, memory
manager, and central processing unit (CPU), modern communications test equipment with many synthesizers will
also divide activities. The typical interface between the user and the instrument, such as a signal generator, is
either keyboard entry from the front panel or parallel addressing via a parallel bus such as the IEEE 488. Chip
manufacturers continue to develop dedicated chips to ease programming for these parallel and serial interfaces.
Today’s synthesizers are based on the Windows operating system, currently up to Windows 10. This combines a
very nice user interface as well as sufficient computational power using multiple processors. Specifically, as we
will look into hybrid synthesizers, the mathematical housekeeping will be very important.
Modern short-wave transceivers use the most advanced digital implementation both in the RF/IF section as well as
in the synthesizer. These generally allow simplification of the frequency selection. In the case of this example, we
will look at a short-wave transceiver (Model XK2100 by Rohde & Schwarz) that operates from 10 kHz to 1.5 MHz
in receive and 1.5–30 MHz in transmit. The first IF is 40.025 MHz and the second IF is 25 kHz using a digital
signal processing (DSP) implementation. Therefore, the transceiver is a dual conversion system that requires a
first oscillator, commonly referred to as a local oscillator (LO), which generates frequencies between 40.025 and
70.025 MHz in small steps such as 1 Hz. Also, an additional auxiliary frequency of 40 MHz is required to translate
the first IF down to the 25-kHz second IF. Figure 5-71 shows the block diagram of the RF input down to the second
IF and backward for transmit.
The synthesizer as shown in Figure 5-72 consists of various loops. The internal reference of 10 MHz or an
external reference of 1, 5, or 10 MHz is used to generate the first auxiliary frequency of 40 MHz. A VCO operat-
ing at 40 MHz is locked against the 1-MHz reference. Outputs from its programmable divider are used to obtain
auxiliary frequencies such as 2 MHz, 5 MHz, and 100 kHz. The main RF synthesizer consists of two loops and a
fine-resolution synthesizer. The output signal of VCO III, operating from 40.025 to 70.025 MHz, is mixed with the
output signal of VCO II, resulting in an internal synthesizer IF of 39.8–69.8 MHz. The interface controller marked
“SERBUS-interface” provides frequency information to the SERVDEV unit, which is clocked by the 5-MHz ref-
erence and obtains the frequency information sent from the front panel. As part of the DDS, the sinus lookup table
generates a fine-resolution signal for 10-kHz steps down to 1-Hz steps and provides this to Phase Detector III. At
the same time, a D/A converter scheme is used for coarse presteering of both VCO II and VCO III. This two-loop
synthesizer with an embedded DDS minimizes the division ratio. The loop around VCO II is stepped in 100-kHz
An example of a frequency calculation is presented next. The receive or transmit frequency set to 12.34567 MHz
requires a local oscillator frequency of 52.37067 MHz. The division factor for PLL II (VCO II) must be
123 + 398 = 521. VCO II therefore operates at 51.2 MHz. The DDS generates a frequency of 45.67 + 225 kHz or
270.67 kHz. This occurs at the output frequency of VCO II of 52.1 + 0.277067 MHz or the required 52.37067 MHz.
In Chapter 6, we will look at a more advanced concept of a hybrid synthesizer.
Direct V107
V106 V64 V108
Overld Tx
Preamp 2 MHz
test V65
Signal path:
Receive operation HFTx1
Transmit operation
(test) N11-D
S1 Z121 U132
T2 8000 Hz Rx AGCHF N14-B
N134-A 25 KHz
N131-A Σ
90° IFRX
Lowpass T3 2nd IF=
filter V87 V88 25 kHz
25 KHz
U133 V134
Tx N14-D
V111 RxIF
V112 D13 90° Tx Rx Preamp
1 MHz
B1 D22-A D21-A
5 MHz
10 MHz 1 1 MHz
10 MHz
N 1 MHz
N41-A V42-B V38
ϕ1 VCO1 40 MHz to
HF unit
Lock 1 MHz
1 5 MHz 1 MHz 4 D41-A
5 2 1 D41-B
100 kHz 1
D16 V61-B V4
39.8–69.8 MHz
control V6
D10-A U1 V56
1:A 1 V57
D16 10
1:N 11
D15 N91-A V14
D14 D31-A, D32-A D33-A D91-A N91-B V15
5 MHz 12 bit
CLK Frequency LOCK 40.025–
225–325 kHz 70.025 MHz
Coarse alignment
SERBUS interface CM
Some of the tricky questions that must be addressed are the issue of switching speed, the combination of spurious
products and shielding, and power consumption. In the hybrid synthesizer’s case, seen in Chapter 6, we will see that
instead of using the possible 0.007 Hz resolution, we will verify it to 1 Hz steps. The resolution is much finer than
the customary 1 Hz and the microprocessor must now reduce the resolution and ensure the proper steps are selected.
In this case, the DDS operating from 225 to 325 kHz is simply added to the auxiliary frequencies and therefore
no offset calculation or compensation for multiplications has to be made. The penalty, however, is an overall more
complex scheme. As new integrated circuits appear, some of these trade-offs will have to be reconsidered. We
need to be reminded that in a mixing scheme, such as this, many noise sources are adding up and each mixer
produces spurious signals. The choice of whether or not to use a DDS or fractional division N synthesizer is mostly
determined by cost, power consumption, and shielding. In applications involving high-performance FM, there is
some merit to modulating the division ratio, and this may result in a fractional division synthesis preference. Also,
in many instances, established in-house technologies, short development times, and the ability to bring the product
quickly to market determine its selection.
Digital modulation of an RF carrier is the allocation of physically existing RF waveforms to the single elements
of an alphabet of logical symbols where the number of allowed waveforms is equal to the number of logical
elements of the alphabet (Figure 5-73). The most common alphabet is the binary one with the two logical symbols
“0” and “1,” but we will also deal with quaternary, octernary, and hexadecimal alphabets or more generally with
M-ary alphabets comprising many more elements when discussing the signal generation with signal generators and
dedicated software packages. The waveforms representing these symbols differ from each other by their parameters
amplitude a(t), their frequency f(t), and their phase 𝜑(t).
A modulator, therefore, is nothing more than a device by which this allocation is performed (Figure 5-74). From
a coder it receives the logical symbols and emits at its output the corresponding waveforms si (t). The waveform
generation may be done by using a set of distinct generators (i.e., two oscillators to generate two signals with
different frequencies in the case of binary frequency shift keying), by classical amplitude or frequency modulators
or by more sophisticated equipment such as I/Q-modulators for M-ary modulations.
On their way across the RF channel from the transmitter to the receiver, these waveforms are distorted by noise
and other disturbing properties of the RF channel.
The task of the receiver is to interpret the received waveforms ri (t) and to reallocate the proper logical sym-
bols to them. For this purpose, it is not necessary to reconstruct the original waveforms from the distorted ones
(Figure 5-75a). The important thing is to find out which symbol has most probably been sent when a certain signal
ri (t) has been received a process that is known as maximum likelihood estimation (Figure 5-75b).
For meaningful receiver tests therefore, waveforms have to be generated that mimic real, distorted signals to
prove the ability of a receiver to tolerate waveform distortions to a certain extent.
RF out
Figure 5-73 At base, digital modulation involves frequency-shifting a baseband digital signal to RF. In practice, the
process is more complicated than this because of bandwidth constraints on the resulting RF signal [1].
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????
11 2 8 13 ?? ?? ?? ??
S0 (t) r0 (t)
S2 (t) r2 (t)
Modulator RF channel Receiver
Si (t) ri (t)
Generate with
Analyze with
spectrum analyzer signal generator
Quantization and Baseband- I/Q-
digitalization channel coding modulation
Interferers channel
Figure 5-75b Block diagram for a system generating interference, noise, and fading.
and is defined by its amplitude a(t), its carrier frequency fc (t), and its phase 𝜙. All the three parameters are time
variant and may be altered to generate different waveforms to represent logical symbols. If the occupied bandwidth
of this modulated carrier is narrow, compared with the carrier frequency fc , we call this signal the RF-bandpass
signal (Figure 5-76).
As any frequency variation causes a phase variation and vice versa a phase variation always causes a frequency
variation, we can replace any frequency modulation by a corresponding phase modulation. Therefore, we simplify
the above equation to
s(t) = a(t) cos[2𝜋fc t + 𝜙(t)] (5-6)
that is, we consider the carrier frequency as a constant and concentrate all frequency and phase variations into the
parameter 𝜙(t).
For our purposes another representation is more suitable, we’ll have to look up some trigonometric identities
and our formula processor finds that
which we call the I/Q representation of the RF-signal. I/Q means that we have an I (in phase) signal, namely,
cos[𝜙(t)]a(t) cos(2𝜋fc t), and a Q (quadrature) signal, namely − sin[𝜙(t)]a(t) sin(2𝜋fc t). These equations help us a
lot in understanding an I/Q modulator. Because of the phase difference of 90∘ between the two carrier components,
these are said to be orthogonal to each other.
All the information about the (modulated) carrier with the carrier frequency fc is contained in the terms
RF-bandpass signal
Q-Component of bandpass signal
Figure 5-76 The bandpass signal and the I/Q representation of a carrier [1].
and, lazy as we are, we therefore disregard the terms cos(2𝜋fc t) and − sin(2𝜋fc t) for further considerations and
denote the above signals cI (t) and cQ (t) as the components of the complex baseband waveform or baseband signal.
This leads us immediately to the vector representation of the signal, where we consider the two components
cI (t) and cQ (t) of the complex baseband signal as the time-variant components of a time variant vector with the
vector length a(t) and the angle to the I-axis 𝜙(t). We also get
a(t) = c2I (t) + c2Q (t) (5-10)
( )
𝜙(t) = arctan (5-11)
I component I component
of bandpass signal of baseband signal Vector representation
signal CQ(t)
Q component Q component
of bandpass signal of baseband signal
Figure 5-79 shows another example where, for a given modulation (minimum-shift keying [MSK] or Gaussian
minimum shift keying [GMSK]), the instantaneous phase and then the corresponding co-sinusoid and sinusoid,
that modulates the two carrier components, is calculated from the data signal.
Digital designs of the modulator also exist, in which the IF-carrier generation, the time-variant phase shift,
the multiplication with the baseband signals, and the sum of the components are calculated in a digital signal
processor, the output of which is D/A-converted and upconverted to the output frequency in the classical way. A
further possibility is the generation of the modulated carrier with DDS, as it is used in the Rohde & Schwarz SME
signal generator.
Calculate A
Calculate sin φ and
φ cos φ D
• For binary amplitude and phase shift keying (amplitude-shift keying [ASK] and BPSK), the data signal
itself represented as a unipolar (ASK) or bipolar (BPSK) non-return-to-zero (NRZ) signal is the baseband
waveform cI (t); the component cQ (t) does not exist.
• For M-ary phase shift keying and M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation, N bits are combined to form new
symbols that are elements of an alphabet with M = 2N elements. In the simplest case, every symbol is allocated
an I and a Q amplitude during the symbol duration, which is N times the bit duration. The modulating signals
cI (t) and cQ (t) are then staircase functions, and the modulated carrier has a time-varying envelope with the
instantaneous amplitude a(t) (Figure 5-80). Because the steps of the envelope cause unwanted side lobes of
the RF spectrum, the baseband signals are filtered to smooth the shape of the RF envelope and reduce the
occupied bandwidth of the modulated RF signal.
• Nonlinear modulations (frequency-shift keying, minimum shift keying, and Gaussian minimum shift keying).
Data: 0011000010000100111001111010
1010 1000 0010 0000
Figure 5-80 Constellation diagram, and baseband and RF signals of 16 QAM [1].
data Pre - mod Frequency RF
4-PAM output
stream filter modulator
t t
10 11 01 00 10 11 01 00
• Despite M-ary frequency shift keying (FSK) could be performed using I/Q modulator, for this type of mod-
ulation much simpler equipment such as a VCO is used as a frequency modulator. Figure 5-81 shows an
example of quaternary frequency shift keying (4FSK), which also is known as pulse-amplitude modulation
(4PAM)/FM. This term indicates that every two bits are combined to make a dibit that is mapped into a base-
band pulse with an amplitude taking on one of four possible levels. The pulse than is shaped by a base band
filter before being fed to the frequency modulator.
If more precise modulations are required (e.g., MSK and GMSK, which also turn out to be frequency modu-
lations), first the instantaneous phase of the modulated RF carrier is calculated from the data. The corresponding
sine and cosine values that form the modulating baseband signals cI (t) and cQ (t) are determined from a look-up
table. This operation is the reason for the fact that frequency modulation is called a nonlinear modulation.
A demonstration follows of how to make sequential waveforms (see Figure 5-82).
It is the task of any transmission process to occupy as little bandwidth as possible. The absolute lower limit in
the baseband is half the symbol rate of the baseband signal, where for M-ary modulation the symbol rate rSymbol is
Waveform 1
Output signal
Segment switching via:
Waveform 3 ®
• R&S AFQ user interface
• IEC/IEEE bus
• External trigger line
t f
t f0 f
t f0 f
Figure 5-83 Occupied bandwidth in the baseband and the RF range [1].
equal to the bit rate divided by ld (M). This lower limit is only theoretical as ideal rectangular filters, which cannot
be realized were necessary. Therefore, in practice, a minimum baseband bandwidth of about 0.75rSymbol has to be
taken into account.
With linear modulation, the occupied bandwidth in the RF-range is twice the occupied baseband bandwidth.
This follows from the lag theorem, according to which the double-sided spectrum of a time function is shifted from
f = 0 to the frequency f = fc when the time function is multiplied with cos(2𝜋fc t) (see Figure 5-83).
Expressing this with formulas, we find:
c(t) C( f ) (5-12)
Therefore, if the baseband spectrum is limited by a low-pass filter, the RF spectrum is limited as if it was filtered
by an RF bandpass filter with twice the bandwidth of the baseband filter.
The following are some interesting examples (see Figure 5-84a). These different waveforms are needed to
characterize the system.
The waveform shown in Figure 5-84b is a very complex signal and beyond the capabilities of standard signal
generators. That’s where the vector signal generator comes into the picture (Figure 5-84c).
One of the best synthesized generators for vector signals is the SMW200A Vector Signal Analyzer, two chan-
nels. A less expensive version is the SMBV100B. This is a single channel generator with 500 MHz bandwidth.
Figure 5-84a A Wi-Fi wideband signal including a discrete carrier (URL-Munich paper).
than to build one at 12 GHz. The block diagram shown in Figure 5-85 can use a mostly DDS-based synthesizer.
This would require a clock frequency of 12 GHz. This is the current state-of-the-art possible in development stage.
The digital implementation requires the baseband generator, which can be part of the IC and the I/Q modulator.
So far, I/Q modulators up to a bandwidth of 2 GHz and more have been implemented. Figure 5-86 shows a block
diagram of such an implementation. To compensate frequency and temperature dependence and drift, a complicated
compensation circuit has to be in place.
Figure 5-87a shows some block diagrams of signal generators that have been implemented.
The DDS on the lower part of Figure 5-87b is triggered by a clock generator derived from a 1000 MHz PLL.
The DDS output, which allows both arbitrary resolution as well as complex waveforms, becomes the reference fre-
quency for the PLL on its right side. Provisions for either a YIG oscillator or a VCO can be made. The switches allow
choosing a suitable output frequency. This comparatively simple approach avoids the difficulties of a multi-loop
This approach only works well if a PLL system is available that accepts a 1 GHz reference frequency. So far,
most PLLs avoid frequencies above 100 MHz, as the phase-frequency discriminators are not fast enough.
On the 6 GHz Output Unit, we pass the signal through several amplifiers to achieve the desired power levels.
The signal is then feed through a variable attenuator for AM modulation and level control. Most devices offer also a
Figure 5-84b Example of multicarrier CW, with different carrier powers and some carriers switched off in the half of
the spectrum.
pulse modulator which completely mutes the RF signal. The optional I/Q modulator gives the possibility for digital
modulation. At the end of the signal path, we find different low pass filters for reducing the harmonic distortion
and a level detector for the automatic level control (ALC) (see Figure 5-87c).
Figure 5-84c Four carrier W-CDMA test mode 1. W-CDMA, wideband code division multiple access.
Output unit
6 GHz
DC-offset I
t1 G1
I +
Lo π /2 + φ +
cos(Ωt + φ)
RF - Amplitude smoothing
Q +
t2 G2
DC-offset Q
IQ output unit
6 GHz
SYN_6 GHz RF_6 GHz
to the PLL overshoot and the same done with the AD9914 and the R&S SPREF reference synthesizer). In about
1 MHz the phase noise is limited by the digital-to-analog converter (DAC). At frequencies close to the carrier,
the AD9914 wins, but far out the DAC limits the phase noise to about −145 dBc/Hz. The DRO (top curve) has a
much better far off phase noise (∼ −165 dBc/Hz). To a degree this is also limited by its buffer/isolation amplifier
(Figures 5-89b and 5-89c).
The SPREF is a custom-made ultra-high performance reference generator, producing from 100 MHz to 12 GHz.
A frequently used frequency in synthesizers is 640 MHz. The SPREF is based on an extremely low noise 100 MHz
crystal oscillator, typically the Wenzel Golden Citrine. As the output frequencies are related to 100 MHz, a 600 MHz
output frequency is close enough to use this instrument for auxiliary frequencies in a synthesizer. This synthesizer
is optimized for best phase noise performance up to 12 GHz.
We would like to again acknowledge the contributions of Texas Instruments, General Electric (Martin Mari-
etta/Sanders), Rohde & Schwarz, and other industry sources, which assisted in compiling the overview of
Section 5-3.
1 .. 100 MHz 1
1 GHz
1 GHz
Optional YTO
LO_6 GHz
M 1
IQ_Mixer Pulse RF_20GHz
3 GHz
R&S SPREF Single ADCLK925 3 GHz AD9914 ~1089 MHz ~1089 MHz RFDIV3 12.800001 GHz
or Balun
Ended Clock buffer Differential DDS Differential Single ended PLDRO Single ended
Figure 5-89a Experimental evaluation of a DRO based frequency reference and a DAC based frequency synthesizer.
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Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The previous chapters have dealt with the design principles of frequency synthesizers and the effect that parameters
have on the loop performance. It is impossible to show all details relevant to the design of frequency synthesizers,
especially regarding the selection of components, printed circuit (PC) board layouts, and which principle to use
over another, as sometimes they are equally good and the choice is very difficult. Engineers typically want to
reinvent everything themselves. This is not a very economical way to do research, and inasmuch as one relies on
literature, it is also good to take a look at proven designs. A nonworking novel approach is more difficult to digest
than looking at a reliable and working approach and trying to improve this and also to understand why it has been
done the way it has been done.
In this chapter we will look at a high-performance hybrid synthesizer as a combination of most of the technolo-
gies we have analyzed thus far.
Frequency agile synthesizers can now be built easily, essentially by using off-the-shelf available integrated
circuits. If very fine resolution is required, one ends up with either a multiloop synthesizer or a combination
of a phase-locked loop (PLL) synthesizer and a fine-resolution loop. The two commonly used choices for fine
resolution are fractional division N synthesizers and direct digital synthesizers (DDSs). Fractional division N syn-
thesizers, as previously described, are usually found in test equipment and offer some distinct advantages due to
their predictability of spurious sidebands. Also, they can be frequency modulated by a fast change of the division
ratio. Conventional analog cancellation circuits, which are responsible for suppressing the unwanted sidebands, are
both temperature and component sensitive. Therefore, a digital version of this is needed. For most communication
circuits, where high-resolution synthesizers are required, the direct digital frequency synthesizers are attractive
because all necessary components are located on the chip and a custom-tailored synthesizer using both a PLL and
DDSs can easily be put together.
To demonstrate the ease of application, we would like to show a high-performance hybrid synthesizer that uses a
unique combination of generally available techniques. Such an implementation, for which a patent had been issued
to Qualcomm in the United States, had been done initially in 1979 in the Rohde & Schwarz XPC Synthesizer. The
interpolation synthesizer portion of the overall approach, shown in detail, has two chips. However, if the application
is less cost sensitive, this can be replaced by a higher integrated version.
+5 V
1 20
REFout REFin
2 LD Din 19
3 18
ϕR CLK Microprocessor
Optional loop
error signals 4 17
(See note 1) +V 5 16 General-purpose
digital output
7 14
8 13
RX Test 2 NC
9 12
NC Test 1 VCC Q1
10 11 (See note 2)
Low-pass fin fin
filter +5 V
1000 pF
UHF output
NC = No connection Buffer
Figure 6-1 Example application. Notes: (1) When used, the 𝜙R and 𝜙V outputs are fed to an external combiner/loop
filter. (2) Transistor Q1 is required only if the standby feature is needed. Q1 permits the bipolar section of the device
to be shut down via use of the general-purpose digital pin, OUTPUT B. If the standby feature is not needed, tie
pin 12 directly to the power supply. (3) For optimum performance, bypass the VCC , VDD , and VPD pins to GND
(ground) with low-inductance capacitors. (4) The R counter is programmed for a divide value = REFin /fR . Typically,
fR is the tuning resolution required for the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). Also, the VCO frequency divided
by fR − NT = N × 64 + A; this determines the values (N, A) that must be programmed into the N and A counters,
Figure 6-1 shows an application example using the Motorola Series MC1451XX. Because of their low power
consumption and silent operation mode capability, these synthesizers allow the design of very powerful
single-loop synthesizers. The required interface is fairly simple to handle and, of course, makes intensive use of
On the other hand, the required quasi-arbitrary resolution is obtained from the DDS. These DDSs are available
through several sources and of various types, such as the Analog Devices model AD7008, and have a built-in
digital/analog (D/A) converter to provide the necessary output.
Phase n n
accumulator -
n bits
converter -
m bits
Low-pass RF out
Figure 6-2 shows the functional block diagram of a DDS system. In analyzing both the resolution and
signal-to-noise ratio (or rather signal to spurious performance) of the DDS, one has to know the resolution and
input frequencies. As an example, if the input frequency is approximately 35 MHz and the implementation is for a
32-bit device, the frequency resolution compared with the input frequency is 35E6 ÷ 232 = 35E6 ÷ 4.294967296E9
or 0.00815 Hz ≈ 0.01 Hz. Given the fact that modern shortwave radios with a first intermediate frequency (IF) of
about 75 MHz will have an oscillator between 75 and 105 MHz, the resolution at the output range is more than
adequate. In practice, one would use the microprocessor to round it to the next increment of 1 Hz relative to the
output frequency.
As to the spurious response, the worst-case spurious response is approximately 20 log = 2R , where R is the res-
olution of the D/A converter. For an 8-bit A/D converter, this would mean approximately 48 dB down (worst case),
as the output loop would have an analog filter to suppress close-in spurious noise. In our application, we will use an
8-bit external D/A converter. However, devices such as the Analog Devices AD7008 DDS modulator have a 10-bit
resolution, as shown in Figure 6-3. Ten bits of resolution can translate into 20 log 210 or 60 dB of suppression. The
actual spurious response would be much better. The current production designs for communication applications,
such as shortwave transceivers, despite the fact that they are resorting to a combination of PLLs and DDSs, still
end up somewhat complicated.
Figure 6-4 shows the necessary components of a single PLL system, which are hidden in the chip approach
outlined in Figure 6-1. Figure 6-5 shows the combination of a standard PLL and a DDS, as implemented in the
ICOM IC 736 HF/6m transceiver. This approach uses the DDS in a frequency range between 500 kHz and 1 MHz.
This frequency gets converted up to either 60 MHz at the shortwave band or 90 MHz at the 6-m ham band. The
Figure 6-3 Functional block diagram of the Analog Devices AD7008 DDS modulator.
LD out
swallow +10/11
counter prescaler VCO IN
VCO divider
Digital interface
16-Bit parallel or
8-Bit bus interface
Figure 6-4 Block diagram of a single-loop PLL synthesizer showing all the necessary components for microwave
and RF application.
VCO1 0.030000–7.999999
VCO2 8.000000–14.999999
VCO1–5 VCO3 15.000000–21.999999
IC3 TC7508F
VCO4 22.000000–33.000000
1/30 REF = 250 kHz VCO5 45.000000–60.000000 HF 59.0415–
DIV ILD FREQ = RX FREQ + 69.0115 102.0115 MHz
IC5b Q11 Q12 50 M 114.0115–
μPC4570G2 2SC4215 2SC4215 129.0115 MHz
Figure 6-5 Synthesizer used in the ICOM IC 736, 6-m transceiver. The IC 736 combines both the DDS and PLL
resulting frequency is used as an auxiliary frequency to convert the frequency of the first local oscillator (LO)
(69.0415– 102.0115 MHz) down to the synthesizer IF between 8.5 and 41.5 MHz. There is an additional divide-by-2
stage in the loop, which therefore requires a reference frequency of 250 kHz instead of 500 kHz. This is done to
extend the operating range of the synthesizer chip, including its prescaler’s capability of operating at much higher
frequencies, although it does not have such a hybrid DDS incorporated (Figure 6-6). While this approach obtains a
fairly small division ratio, it is still a four-loop synthesizer. One loop is the DDS itself. The second is the translator
loop that mixes the DDS up to 60 MHz. The third is the main loop responsible for the desired output frequency. The
fourth loop, so to speak, is the generation of the auxiliary frequencies of 60 and 90 MHz, which are derived from
the 30-MHz frequency standard. For reasons of good phase noise, it employs a total of five VCOs. The fact that
the division ratio varies between 80 and 17 also indicates that the loop gain will change considerably (Figure 6-7).
The 10.7-MHz signal from the crystal filter now goes to the single chip MC145170 shown in Figure 6-8, which
contains all the necessary dividers and the phase/frequency discriminator. The operational amplifier is driven from
a 28-V source and the negative supply of the OPA27 is connected to a voltage doubler, which receives its ac voltage
from the synthesizer IC. This trick allows extension of the operating automatic gain control (AGC) voltage. The
resistive filter following the op-amp is a spike suppression filter. The actual VCO consists of an arrangement of
2 × 6 tuning diodes BB805. The inductor is 92 nH and consists of four turns, with the taps on turns 2 and 3. The
oscillator also has a clamping circuit as opposed to a diode, similar to a grid leakage current detector. This circuit
provides the cleanest output from a phase noise point of view.
Amp U1 U9 U10 Q11
BF199 signal Dividers motorola ICL7611 VCO
or conditioner
U2 74AS109 MC145170 Loop U310
2N5179 74AS30
FREF IN filter
+2 +2 PLL Q10Amp
MHz) 18.63625
MHz N = 45,500 ± Δ BF199
R = 7280 Q8
37.2725 MHz Amp
Microprocessor U11 2N5179
Control BFO out
(455 kHz)
SDA4112 Q4
U3 U4 FL1 U6 OPA27 VCO
Harris Philips Nikko U5 U310
REF HSP45102 TDA8702 10M15CN
Microprocessor DDS DAC PLL
Q6 BF996
10.7 MHz N = 750 ... 1050 75–105 MHz
±5 kHz R = 107 LO out
Microprocessor (75–
control 105 MHz)
Q5 Q7
Amp Amp
BF996 BFR93
Figure 6-6 Hybrid synthesizer with output frequency of about 455 kHz, which provides the 75–105 MHz at approx-
imately 0.01-Hz resolution. This synthesizer uses a combination of a standard PLL and DDS.
The output from this VCO is then applied to a distribution amplifier system as shown in Figure 6-9. One
dual-gate metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) provides the output for the PLL IC and
the other dual-gate MOSFET drives a feedback stage, which, in turn, supplies 17 dBm output power for the first
mixer. Both the BFO and LO synthesizer have their own regulator.
Finally, the BFO synthesizer, as shown in Figure 6-10, follows the same principal pattern since the voltage
swing for the tuning diode can be much smaller: it operates off 10 V. Also, the BFO oscillator is much simpler
in that its output gets divided down to 455 kHz, which is done by using a fixed divide-by-256 divider. Both the
synthesizer chips and the DDS are driven by an appropriate microprocessor. The microprocessor system is then
responsible for all the housekeeping activities.
The synthesizer uses a type 2 third-order loop, which is sufficient in both reference suppression and switching
speed. In order to accomplish this, we have to look at both the free-running phase noise and the phase noise under
closed-loop conditions. For the calculation of the open loop, we assume an equivalent noise resistor of Rn for the
tuning diode of about 3 kΩ and a large signal-to-noise figure of the transistor of 10 dB. The definition of Rn was
explained earlier. We will calculate the noise at 100-MHz frequency and assume a loaded resonator Q of 120.
The flicker frequency noise, because of using an N-junction field effect transistor (FET), is assumed to be 50 Hz.
The resulting phase noise is −134 dBc/Hz. Since the VCO gain is 1 MHz per volt, it can be shown that the noise
contribution is mostly from the tuning diode. A change in the Q value will have no contribution because the flicker
noise of the tuning diode gets modulated on the oscillator. The phase noise for the free-running oscillator is around
U2B 74AS109
+5 V
to Pin 1,
PR 10 U9
Q (Fig 9)
12 via 0.1 μF
13 9
+5 V
0.0047 μF
3.3 k +2
U2A 74AS109
0.1 μF 2 820 +5 V
14 5
1.5 k 5 2 6
0.001 μF +5 V VCC PR Q
74.545 MHz 3
Q1 8 4
10 2N5179 CK
2t 180 6 U1 3 7
74AS30 K CLR Q
4t 6.8 k
1 μF 12
3.3 k +5 V
1.5 k
+5 V U3 +5 V
DDS 0.1 μF 1 μF
0.1 μF HSP45102 47 FL1
16 V 10.7 MHz
8 22 16 Nikko
VDD VDD 10M15CN 6t
16 6 7 VCCD VCCA
Q11 7 15t
9 5 8 15 k
Q10 6 7t
10 SFTE 4 9 0.1 μF
Q9 5 VOUT 22 pF 22 pF
3 10 14
11 MSO Q8 4 3t
+5 V
18 Q7 2 4
12 1 3 15
Q6 2
20 28 11 Ref
PO Q5 1
27 12 CL +
3×1k 1 μF
26 6 5 2 16 V
13 Q3
SD 25
14 Q2
17 Q1 U4
GND TDA8702 Except as indicated, decimal values of
capacitance are in microfarads (μF);
Microprocessor 7 15 21 others are in picofarads (pF);
control resistances are in ohms; k = 1000.
NC = No connection
Figure 6-7 Portion of the hybrid synthesizer’s detailed schematic. It takes 74.55 MHz from the second LO and drives
the beat frequency oscillator (BFO), PLL, and DDS systems.
+10 V
+28 V 5.6 V
+5 LO Lock +5 V 500 mW 4.7 k
U5 D5
10 μF
LO PLL 0.1 μF 50 V 0.001 μF
12 k 10 μF/16 V +
MC145170 220
16 10 μF
10 k
68 pF 12 V
Fin 560 pF VDD U6 D6 +
(Drain of Q6 FIN Lock 4 0.01 μF LO Log
4 0.047 D3 U310 0.001 μF
Fig 9) 10 k Filter Amp L3
LO PLL 22 nF PDO +
7 OPA 27 1 μH L4 56 pF Q4
13 2 6
10.7 MHz 1 OSC L5
± 5 kHz 2 – 4.7 k 92 Out
(Fig 7)
2.7 M OUT + 3 1k 470 pF nH (75 to 105
D4 470 pF
5 47 k + MHz)
D IN 10 μF 0.1 μF 330
6 16 V L6 L7 to Fig 9
Microprocessor Enable
1 μH 1 μH
control 7 10 μF
CLK 8.2 k
Q2 50 V +10 V
3×1k VSS REF0
2N3904 330
12 3 +5 LO
U5 pins not D3 = 6xBB805 +
10 μF
shown are D4 = 6xBB805
0.027 μF 16 V 1 2.7 k
unused μF
2.2 μF
Q3 50 V
Figure 6-8 Single-loop PLL synthesizer of the main loop LO and the 75–105 MHz VCO.
0.0047 μF
0.047 μF 100
+10 V
1.5 k
L8 6t
6t T2
56 k
0.047 μF Q5 3t 0.0047
470 μF
Amp 10 k 0.0015 μF
3.3 pF 2.2 k
10 k 470
2.2 k
Out 0.047 μF
(Fig 8) U7 Regulator
75 to 105 LM2931AZ
MHz D7 Reg
In Out +5 LO
Fin + +
10 μF GND 10 μF
(to Pin 1
Q6 16 V 16 V
of U5,
3.3 pF BF996 Fig 8,
Amp via U8 regulator
0.047 μF 0.022 μF LM2931AZ
D8 Reg
100 0.047 μF In Out +5 BFO
10 k + +
10 μF GND 10 μF
22 k
16 V 16 V
Figure 6-9 Isolation and driver for the first LO. Each synthesizer stage is driven by a separate regulated power
0.1 μF
+5 BFO Lock
U9 +5 BFO
0.1 μF +10 V
LO PLL 0.01 μF
18 k
16 100
0.1 μF
47 k
U10 ICL7611
13 0.018 μF
Lock Filter Amp
0.1 μF
11 6.8 k 2
U2B output 0.1 μF PDO – 7 1 μH 10 pF 10 pF Q11
1 6 2.2 k U310
MHz) 2 +
(Fig 6) OSCOUT 3 4 0.0033 μF VCO
2.7 M 3t 560 k
D9 18 pF 330 115.2 to
5 47 k 10 μF
D IN 117.76
16 V 1t
μP 6
7 470 pF
3×1k V +10 V
SS 0.001 μF 10 k
12 +5 V 0.1 μF
68 k
10 k Q9 Q10
BFO ON 2N3906 2N5179
Switch Amp 39 pF
+10 V
0.1 μF 22 k
1 μF
12 V 47 k 0.001 μF
Q8 3
BC239 7
Amp 2
47 0.1 μF 0.001 μF BYP
BFO output
(455 kHz ± 5 kHz) 47 k
MOD GND 0.1 μF
0.001 μF 5 4
2.2 k
Figure 6-10 Single-loop BFO synthesizer. Note the output frequency is divided by 256 down to 455 kHz.
134 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz off the carrier. Table 6-1 shows all the values used to calculate the single sideband (SSB)
phase noise of the oscillator. This was done with Compact Software’s PLL Design Kit.
The next step to consider is the difference between switching time and phase noise. Also, because of the
up-multiplication of the phase noise into the loop, the loop frequency has to be carefully selected. As a first example,
we set the natural loop frequency at 1 kHz; this results in a phase noise deterioration from 107 dBc/Hz down to
about 90 dBc/Hz. Figure 6-11 shows the comparison between open- and closed-loop phase noise prediction. Note
the overshoot around 1 kHz off the carrier. Also, because of the many dividers of the loop, the phase noise below
10 Hz increases dramatically. In order to improve the single-loop synthesizer, one has to allow for a loop band-
width at around 300 Hz. Why is this important in practical use? It is important because the continuous wave (CW)
operation of a commercial receiver would be poorer in signal-to-noise ratio than with a different filter bandwidth.
A re-run of the same analysis with a 300-Hz bandwidth shows a significant reduction of the phase noise com-
pared with the previous example. Figure 6-12 shows the comparison between the open- and closed-loop phase
noise predictions. Note the overshoot around 300 Hz off the carrier. This results in much less deterioration of the
free-running oscillator.
The values for the active element have been computed using Compact Software’s PLL Design Kit and
Figure 6-13 shows the Bode diagram for the one-loop synthesizer.
Open loop
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
Closed loop
1 10 100 1000 10 K 100 K 1M 10 M
Frequency offset from carrier (Hz)
Figure 6-11 Comparison between open- and closed noise prediction. Note the overshoot of around 1 kHz off the
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
Closed loop
1 10 100 1000 10 K 100 K 1M 10 M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 6-12 Comparison between open- and closed-loop noise predictions. Note the overshoot around 300 Hz off
the carrier.
Figure 6-13 Bode diagram of a type 2 third-order loop. It is used in the main loop of our hybrid synthesizer. The
predicted reference suppression is 90 dB.
Figure 6-14 Spur analysis of the hybrid synthesizer in which there are no close-in discrete spurs within ±2 kHz.
Figures 6-14 and 6-15 show the spectral analysis plots of the first LO loop, at a speed of ±2.5 kHz. We have
not found any discrete spurs close in. There are two spurs located at approximately ±32 kHz, which seem to come
from radiation and not directly from the DDS. We can then calculate the transient response, which is approximately
5 ms. (This is the time it takes the synthesizer to lock.)
Figure 6-15 Spur analysis of the main loop synthesizer in the 100-kHz regime. Note that there are two discrete
spurs approximately ±32 kHz and 78.5 dB down. These are due to the DDS contribution and other pick-ups.
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
1 10 100 1K 10 K 100 K
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 6-16 SSB phase noise of the hybrid frequency synthesizers, which is the topic of this discussion.
The measured phase noise for the system in Figure 6-16 shows quite good agreement with the prediction
outside the loop bandwidth. It shows a hump between 200 and 300 Hz at about 75 dBc/Hz and a phase noise of
approximately 105 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz. The reason the phase noise values on the left side between 1 and 300 Hz differ
from the measurement has to do with the fact that the designer does not have enough insight into all the noise con-
tributions, including the one provided by the DDS system. The simulation is optimistic by approximately 10 dB,
but for practical operating points, the phase noise at distances of 500 Hz off the carrier are still quite acceptable
and can be tweaked by changing the phase of the filter. At 1 kHz off the carrier, the simulation is off by about 5 dB,
meaning that the simulation is slightly too optimistic. At 10 kHz, the simulation is too pessimistic. At 20 kHz, the
simulation agrees with the measurement, and further out, the measurement was limited by the test equipment. The
Figure 6-17 Phase noise of the English-made Lowe model HF150 single-loop synthesizer as it drives the first mixer.
Its phase noise is significantly higher than the approach demonstrated here. Note that the discrete spurs below
100 Hz are small compared with previous measurements.
measured area between 1 and 10 Hz is questionable because of the 50-dB jump in one decade. This area is referred
to as random walk. The area between 10 and 100 Hz still has 40-dB decay, which is also on the high side, while the
area between 100 Hz and 10 kHz seems reasonable. It is useful to compare this with another synthesizer approach.
We look at the Lowe HF150 receiver’s phase noise in Figure 6-17. It is significantly worse in all areas and also
uses only a single VCO design. Figure 6-18 shows a Rohde & Schwarz multiloop synthesizer model SMK. Its
measured phase noise is not that far from the synthesizer approach used in the hybrid synthesizer detailed here.
After “polishing” the loop filter, Figure 6-19 shows the synthesizer phase noise of our hybrid frequency syn-
thesizer. For those interested in the transient response of the synthesizer, Figure 6-20 shows the switching time
of the synthesizer. After 5.11 ms we can estimate a locking error of less than 1∘ . There is also no ringing on the
response curve. Finally, since the “power supply” is an important issue, Figure 6-21 shows a dc voltage supply for
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
1 10 100 1K 10 K 100 K
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 6-18 Measured SSB phase noise of the Rohde & Schwarz high-performance multiloop synthesizer model
SMK. Note: In all cases, the reference oscillator was the Hewlett-Packard HP8662. Therefore, measurements above
20 kHz off the carrier were limited by the test setup. The actual phase noise further out may be better.
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
1 10 100 1K 10 K 100 K
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 6-19 Measured phase noise of our hybrid synthesizer. The combination of the filters was optimized to reduce
the overshoot, as shown in Figure 6-15. This “correction” has changed the far-out phase noise somewhat, and due
to the higher VCO gain, the diodes are slightly more noisy.
Phase (degrees)
Figure 6-20 Switching time of the synthesizer. After 5.11 ms, phase/frequency error can be estimated to be less
than 1∘ .
the synthesizer including the generation of the 28 V. It is based on an ITT TV IC, which generates a stabilized,
regulated, and temperature-compensated voltage.
In designing this hybrid synthesizer, a combination of two technologies has made it possible to design and build
a high-performance synthesizer that meets today’s requirement for purity and acceptable switching speed. The
switching speed can be increased by a factor of 10–30 by going to a type 2 fifth-order loop at the expense of more
47 K 22 K LH393
+5 ref
500 μH 56 K 500 μH
2.7 M 2N2905A
+5 V
220 μF 10 k
10 MΩ
+5 ref
2 10 kΩ
6 10 K
REF 02 +5 ref
4 4
9.1 μ Ω BC557
1 3 +28 V
4 22 K
2 3
+5 INT 10 μF
10 μF
2 BC546
+ 100 K
ref 22 μF
LH358 10 K
10 μF 22 K
10 K 10 K
50 K
+9 V
10 μF
LH350 2.7 K 22 K
Figure 6-21 The dc power supply voltage for the synthesizer, including generation of the 28 V. It is based on an ITT
TV IC, which generates a stabilized, regulated, and temperature-compensated voltage.
Definition: √
−1 = i or j i2 = −1 j2 = −1
i or j is also used to indicate reactive components in electrical circuits; i is used in nonelectrical work. A complex
number such as
p = x+jy (A-1)
p = 4+j5
can be shown in the complex plane as in Figure A-1. This is called the rectangular form. The magnitude M, as well
as the direction or angle 𝜃, can be computed from
M= x2 + y2 (A-2)
or √
M= 16 + 25 = 6.40
𝜃 = arctan (A-3)
𝜃 = arctan = 51.34∘
This is called the polar form. The conversion from one form to the other is achieved by
x = M cos 𝜃 (A-4)
0 1 2 3 x=4 5 x
Figure A-1 Complex plane showing a complex number as the sum of two components.
y = M sin 𝜃 (A-5)
p = M(cos 𝜃 + j sin 𝜃) (A-6)
p = M(cos 𝜃 + j sin 𝜃)
𝜃3 𝜃5 𝜃7
sin 𝜃 = 𝜃 − + − + · · · |x| < ∞, x = radians (A-8)
3! 5! 7!
𝜃2 𝜃4 𝜃6
cos 𝜃 = 1 − + − + · · · |x| < ∞, x = radians (A-9)
2! 4! 6!
Using Euler’s theorem, it can be shown that adding the power series together results in the expansion series for e𝜃 .
Some other useful conversion equations are
y exp(j𝜃) − exp(−j𝜃)
sin 𝜃 = √ = = Im{exp[j(𝜃)]} (A-10)
x2 + y2 2j
x exp(j𝜃) + exp(−j𝜃)
cos 𝜃 = √ = = Re{exp[j(𝜃)]} (A-11)
x2 + y2 2
The FORTRAN computer language allows the use of complex mathematics, whereas the BASIC language does
not permit such easy conversions.
Table A-1 lists operations that are useful in dealing with complex mathematics.
was pictured as a point located x units to the right and y units up from the zero point. Any complex number
whose real and imaginary parts are given can be located as a point in the xy-plane. It has become conventional in
mathematics to call the variables x and y and call z the resulting complex number. As this book deals mainly with
engineering problems rather than mathematics, we have substituted p for z.
Any complex number z consists of a real part x and an imaginary part y and occupies a definite point in the
complex plane. The particular plane used to plot z values will therefore be called the z-plane or complex impedance
plane. If we had chosen to stay with the previously used p, we could have called this the p-plane.
As we have more values of x and y as they are connected together with a mathematical function, we will see
that any line in the z plane is actually a chain of connective points. If the function F(x,y) is known, the graph of the
function can be presented.
In generating maps, several methods of projection are used, some of which are to show the real distance
between any given points and some of which are chosen to give the correct surface of an area. Depending on
the projection used, the resulting image looks different while still providing the same basic information. If one
is not familiar with a particular area because of the difference in projection methods, it will seem that there
is no similarity, and the same area can look so different that it is hard to think of the two projections as being
the same.
Apparently, it is desirable to have more than one particular projection or plane. We can now use this assumption
in mathematics, and we will create an additional plane, the s-plane. The s-plane will be drawn with vertical and
horizontal lines in the same way as is done for the z-plane, but the coordinates of the point locations will be given
as 𝜎 units to the right or left and 𝜔 units up or down from the zero reference. In mathematics, the letters u and v
are used at times, but since we want to solve engineering problems rather than mathematics, and since this is only
a question of whether or not one agrees to a certain abbreviation, we will use the term “s-plane” and stay with
the nomenclature, since this technique will be used for the Laplace transformation, where it is used this way. We
therefore define
s = 𝜎 +j𝜔 (A-12)
we can transform one plane to the other once we know the particular function.
Let us try a simple example. If
s= (A-14)
1 x−jy
s= = (A-15)
x+jy (x + j y)(x − j y)
s = 𝜎 +j𝜔 = (A-16)
x2 + y2
Rectangular to Polar
100 R = SQR(A*A + B*B) Note: X,Y are positional parameters
X – A
110 S=0 Y - B
A/B → Input
120 IF R = 0 Then 170 R/S → Output → A/B
130 S = ACS(A/R)
140 IF B < 0 Then 170
150 B = S
160 Go to 180
170 B = –S
180 A = R
190 Return
Polar to Rectangular
100 A = R*COS(S) Note: R,S are positional parameters
110 B = R*SIN(S)
120 R = A R – R
130 S = B S - S
140 Return
100 A3 = Al * A2 – Bl * B2 Arrays A(l,2)B(l,2)C(l,2)
110 B3 = Al * B2 + A2 * B1
120 Return Note: A, B, C are positional parameters
A(l,1)- Al R
A(l,2) - Bl I rectangular
B(l,1) - A2 R
B(l,2) - B2 I rectangular
C(1,1) - A3 Real Product rectangular
C(l,2) - B3 Imag
100 B3 = A2 * A2 + B2 * B2 Arrays A(l,2)B(l,2)C(l,2)
110 IF B3 <>Then 140
120 Print "Error - Denominator = O"
130 End Note: A, B, C are positional parameters
140 A3 =(Al * A2 + Bl * B2)/B3
150 B3 = (A 2 *B1 - Al * B2)/B3 A(l,1) - Al) Both inputs rectangular
160 Return A(l,2) - Bl
B(l,l) - A2
B(l,2) - B2
C(l,1) - A3 Output rectangular
C(l,2) - B3
Complex Number Raised to a Complex Power
100 A = Al Arrays A(l,2) B(l,2) C(l,2)
110 B = Bl
120 GOSUB 240 Note: A, B, C are positional parameters
130 IF R = 0 Then 210
140 R = LOG(R) A(l,1) - Al) both inputs rectangular
150 Zl = A2 * R - B2 * S A(l,2) - Bl
160 Z2 = A2 * S + B2 * R B(l,1) - A2
170 Zl = Exp(Zl) B(l,2) - B2
180 A3 = Zl * COS(Z2)
190 B3 = Zl * SIN(Z2) C(l,1) - A3} output rectangular
200 Return C(l,2) - B3
210 A3 = 0
220 B3 = 0
230 Return
240 R = SQR(A * A + B & B)
250 S = 0
260 IF R = 0 Then 300
270 S = ACS(A/R)
280 IF > B = > 0 Then 300
290 S = -S
300 Return
Logarithm of a Complex Number to a Complex Base
100 GOSUB 190 Arrays A(l,2) B(l,2)
110 IF Rl < > 0 or R2 < > 0 Then 140
120 Print "Error - Complex No. = 0"
130 End Note: A, B, X, Y are positional parameters
140 Rl = LOG(Rl)
150 R2 = LOG(R2) A(l,1) - Al X - R3
160 R3 = Rl/R2 A(l,2) - Bl Y- S3
170 S3 = Sl - S2 B(l,1) - A2
180 Return B(l,2) - B2
190 Rl = SQR(Al * Al + Bl * B1)
200 R2 = SQR(A2 * A2 + B2 * B2) Both inputs: rectangular
210 Sl = 0 Output: polar
220 S2 = 0
230 IF Rl = 0 or R2 = 0 Then 290
240 Sl = ACS(Al/Rl)
250 S2 = ACS(A2/R2)
260 IF Bl = >0 or B2 = >0 Then 290
270 Sl = -Sl
280 S2 = -S2
290 Return
100 B2 = Exp(-Al) Arrays A(l,2) B(l,2)
110 A2 = -0.5 * COS(Bl) * (B2 - 1/82
120 B2 = 0.5 * SIN(Bl) * (B2 + 1/82)
130 Return Note: A, B are positional parameters
A(l,l} - Al
A(l,2) - Bl
B(l,1) - A2
B(l,2) - B2
100 B2 = Esp (Al) Arrays A(l,2) B(l,2)
110 A2 = 0.5 * COS(Bl} * (l/82 + B2)
120 B2 = -0.5 * SIN(B1) * (1/B2 - 82)
130 Return Note: A, B are positional parameters
A(l,1) - Al
A(l,2) - Bl
B(l,l) - A2
B(l,2) - B2
100 Zl = Exp(2 * Al) Arrays A(l,2) B(l,2)
110 Z2 = 1/Zl
120 B2 = (Zl + 22) * 0.5 + COS(2 * B1)
130 IF ABS(B2) > l.0E-12 Then 160
140 Print "Error - TANH is infi-
150 End Note: A, B are positional parameters
160 A2 = (Zl - 22)4 * 0.5/B2
170 B2 = SIN(2 * Bl)/B2 A(l,l) - Al Input
180 Return A(l,2) - Bl rectangular
B(l,l} - A2 Output
B(l,2) - B2 rectangular
Arc sinh
100 A2 = (1 - B1) * (1 - Bl) + Al * Al Arrays A(l,2) B(l,2)
110 B2 = SQR(A2 + 4 * B1)
120 A2 = SQR(A2) Note: A, B are positional parameters
130 21 = 0.5 * (A2 + B2)
140 22 = 0.5*(A2 - B2) A(l,1) - Al
150 B2 = -ASN(Z2) A(l,2) - Bl
160 A2 = WG(Z1 + SQR(ABS(Z1 * Zl - 1))) B(l,1) - A2
170 Return B(l,2) - B2
Arc cosh
100 GOSUB 150 Arrays A(l,2) B(l,2)
110 Z2 = A2
120 A2 = -B2 Note: A, B are positional parameters
130 B2 = Z2
140 Return A(l,1) - Al
150 A2 =(Al + l) * (Al + 1) + Bl * B1 A(l,2) - Bl
160 B2 = SQR(A2 - 4*Al) B(l,l} - A2
170 A2 = SQR(A2) B(l,2) - B2
180 Zl = 0.5 * (A2 + B2)
190 Z2 = 0.5 * (A2 - B2)
200 A2 = ACS(Z2)
210 B2 = - LOG(Zl + SQR(ABS(Zl * Z4 - 1)))
220 Return
Arc tanh
100 A2 = Al* Al + Bl * Bl Arrays A(l,2) B(l,2)
110 IF A2 < > 1 Then 170
120 IF ABS(Al) < >Then 150 Note: A, B are positional parameters
130 Print "Error -ARCTANH not defined for Com- A(l,1) - Al
plex No. =1 or -1"
A(l,2) - B1
140 End B(1,1) - A2
150 B2 = PI/4 B(l,2) - B2
160 Go to 180
170 B2 = 0.5 * ATN(2 * B1/(1 - A2))
180 A2 = -0.25 * LOG((A2 – 2 * Al + 1)/ (A2 + 2 * Al + 1))
190 Return
x −y
𝜎= 𝜔= 2 (A-17)
x2 + y2 x + y2
This transform was fairly simple and straightforward and for any given pair of values for x and y we can find
the corresponding 𝜎 and 𝜔 values.
An example using an inductor-capacitor (LC) oscillator is given in the following text.
F(s) = (A-18)
sCR + 1
The magnitude of the frequency response is
|F(j 𝜔)| = √ (A-19)
(1 + 𝜔2 R2 C2 )
For the type 2 second-order loop with an active filter, RC lag network shown in Figure A-3 is commonly used.
Its frequency response is
1 + j 𝜔 R2 C
F(j 𝜔) = (A-21)
1 + j 𝜔 C(R1 + R2 )
1 + 𝜔2 R22 C2
|F(j 𝜔)|2 = (A-22)
1 + 𝜔2 C2 (R1 + R2 )2
The phase is
𝜃(𝜔) = arctan(𝜔 R2 C) − arctan[𝜔 C(R1 + R2 )] (A-23)
–6 dB/octave
log ω
log ω
ϕ(ω) (°)
Figure A-4 Phase and frequency response of the lag filter in Figure A-3.
The general transfer characteristics of the networks we are dealing with are defined as
F(s) = (A-24)
and F (s) is the ratio of two polynomials in s. In an expanded form this reads
am sm + am−1 sm−1 + · · · + a0
F(s) = (A-25)
bn sn + bn−1 sn−1 + · · · + b0
V ∼ L
–Rn R
m < n is a practical network. A polynomial may be factored and expressed as a product of binomials.
am (s − zm )(s − zm−1 ) · · · (s − z1 )
F(s) = (A-26)
bn (s − pn )(s − pn−1 ) · · · (s − p1 )
Roots of the numerator are called zeros, whereas roots of the denominator are called poles. A zero occurs at
a frequency where no power is transmitted through the complex network; a pole occurs at a frequency where no
power is absorbed by the network. There are m zeros and n poles. The network is said to be of nth order; the order
is equal to the number of poles, which is the same as the degree of the denominator.
Now let us try an example. Figure A-5 shows a tuned parallel circuit consisting of the capacitor C, the inductance
L, the loss resistor R, and the negative resistor Rn , which is generated by an amplifier as dealt with in Chapter 4.
The equation for this can be written
1 + sCR + s2 LC
I=V (A-27)
R − Rn + s(L − CRRn ) − s2 Rn CL
The denominator provides us with the characteristic equation, which will be set to zero.
and √
1 R
𝜔0 = − + 𝜎2 (A-31)
(3) 𝜎 < 1; in this case we have oscillation that will grow in amplitude until some saturation or limiting effect
occurs in the device that produces the negative resistance. Circuits of this kind are called negative resistance
Let us return now to the general transfer characteristic of the system and determine the stability from the Bode
diagram as a graphical method rather than from the characteristic equation of the system under closed-loop condi-
tions, because in complicated systems this will become very difficult. In Chapter 1 we analyzed higher-order loops.
However, we will now think what the transfer characteristic of a network in the form of a polynomial expression
can be. For phase-locked-loop circuits, this function would describe an nth-order phase-locked loop (PLL).
To review: roots of the numerator are called zeros and roots of the denominator are called poles. There are m
zeros and n poles. The network is said to be of nth order. The order is equal to the number of poles, which is the
same as the degree of the denominator. What does this mean for phase-locked-loop circuits? Phase-locked-loop
circuits are generally categorized into systems of a certain type and of a certain order. The type of phase-locked
loop indicates the number of integrators, and as we have seen before, a type 1 first-order loop is a loop in which the
filter is omitted and the loop therefore has only one integrator, the voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). For good
tracking, a large dc gain is needed and as the type 1 first-order loop has no filter, the bandwidth also must be large.
It is apparent that narrow bandwidth and good tracking are incompatible for first-order loops—the principal reason
why they are not used very often.
This network has only one pole. If we use a phase-locked loop with an active integrator, we now cascade two
integrators, the VCO and the active integrator, and the loop automatically becomes a type 2 loop. Depending on the
filter, we will have a type 2 second-order, third-order, or up to nth-order system. The consequences of the higher
order are explained in Section A-3, where we deal with stability and use the Bode diagram to analyze the stability.
On very rare occasions, loops with three integrators have been built, but since they find no application in frequency
synthesizers, they are not dealt with here.
In Chapter 1, in dealing with the question of stability, the Bode diagram was used. It is an aid to determining loop
stability by plotting the amplitude and phase characteristic of the transfer function of a system and applying several
There are several ways in which stability can be analyzed. The Nyquist stability analysis requires a fairly large
amount of calculation, and as most of the information available about phase-locked loops is based on an approxi-
mation, it is difficult to obtain all the necessary information.
Considerable information about the behavior of a phase lock can be obtained by determining the location of
poles in the closed-loop response. These poles change their locations as the loop gain changes. The path that the
pole traces in its migrations in the s-plane is known as the root-locus plot. This method again requires substantial
mathematical effort because the roots of the denominator have to be determined with a computer. We will see that
applying the Bode diagram is a fairly easy and convenient way of forecasting the stability of a loop by analyzing
the open-loop gain.
First let us take a look at Figure A-6, which contains all the necessary loop components.
The loop, according to this block diagram, consists of the VCO, a dc amplifier with gain K2 , two lag filters
called F3 and F4 , which are determining 𝜏 1 and 𝜏 2 , and the two cutoff frequencies F6 and F7 . F6 refers to the cutoff
frequency of the operational amplifier used for the active filter, and F7 is the 3-dB bandwidth that is generated by
possible series resistors and bypass capacitors in the system. These various frequencies allow the simulation of
influences as they actually occur. In addition, we saw in Chapter 1 that it is possible to use elliptic LC filters for
high attenuation, and we also dealt with them in Sections A-4–A-7. The Cauer or elliptic low-pass filter can be
described by providing the poles and zeros, the order, and the cutoff frequency of the filter. M refers to the order, F5
refers to the cutoff frequency, and 𝜔 and 𝜎 refer to the transfer function of the filter. In order to be able to describe
a complex system, we will allow for a mixer, and we also have the divider and the phase detector included.
In our first example, we are trying to simulate a first-order loop. The first-order loop has no active integrator
and the loop bandwidth is determined by K0 K𝜃 /N; all other values, F1 and F7 are set so high that they will have no
influence. Therefore, our next drawing, Figure A-7, shows the ideal first-order open-loop frequency response. The
phase is −90∘ and constant as a function of frequency, the gain marked V on the plot has a slope of −6 dB/octave,
Division ratio N = 100 K2 K0
Oscillator–voltage–gain K0 = .100 kHz/V
Phase-discr. Voltage gain K1 = 1 V/rad
Dc–loop gain K2 = 1
Efficiency of sampler E = 0.99 LAG MIX
Ref. Frequency F1 = 10,000 kHz F3, F4
Loop frequencies LAG 1 F3 = 10,000 kHz
F4 = 10,000 kHz
Loop frequencies LAG 2 F6 = 10,000 kHz
F7 = 10,000 kHz
Cauer–lowpass filter ord. M=1 F6,F7 N
cut–off–freq. F5 = 10,000 kHz
Zeros of the Hurwitz-polynoms
| Omega | | Sigma |
ω(1) = 0.000000000000 σ(1) = 1.000000000000
M, F5 F1, K1, E
Figure A-6 Block diagram of a universal phase-locked loop system used in the computer program for high-order
phase-locked loops.
and our open-loop bandwidth is 1 kHz. Note that the frequency display on the x-axis is logarithmic, and the gain
is expressed in decibels. This is an ideal situation, and there is no question of stability, as there is only 90∘ phase
shift. The very moment we add a simple filter to the first-order loop, it becomes a type 1 second-order loop, which
refers to one integrator and a simple RC network. As long as the following requirements are fulfilled, there is no
problem with stability.
Referring to Figure A-7:
(1) The open-loop gain A(s) as plotted must fall below 0 dB before the phase shift reaches 180∘ . A typical gain
margin of +10 dB is desirable for −180∘ .
(2) A phase shift of less than 180∘ must be provided at the gain crossover frequency for A(s). This is called
phase margin. A typical phase margin of 45∘ is desirable.
It is possible that a loop is conditionally stable and violates the Bode criteria. However, once it meets the Bode
criteria, the loop is unconditionally stable. As the type 1 first-order loop phase stays at −90∘ , it will always remain
stable. The type 1 second-order loop has only one element for phase shifting, as seen in Figure A-8, and the phase
margin at A(s) = 0 is sufficient. The gain margin at −180∘ phase is about 35 dB. Therefore, the type 1 second-order
loop, as plotted, is unconditionally stable.
Next, we look at a type 1 second-order loop that has phase compensation. In the block diagram of the loop,
we made allowance to indicate the phase shift introduced by various components. Rather than use the simple RC
network, we now use a lag filter corresponding to the two time constants 𝜏 1 and 𝜏 2 . The cutoff frequency determined
by F3 is set below the open-loop bandwidth of 10 kHz, and it is evident that the phase is being compensated by the
introduction of the time constant calculated from F4 . This lag filter therefore increases the phase margin. At the
point of 0-dB gain, we have sufficient phase margin, and even at −40-dB gain, the phase is still at about −130∘ .
This is equal to a phase margin of about 50∘ (see Figure A-9).
Next, we take into consideration the finite cutoff frequency of the operational amplifier. Figure A-10 shows the
Bode diagram in which the operational amplifier, used as a dc amplifier (gain K2 = 1), introduces considerable
phase shift. The system is still stable, and for −180∘ phase, the gain is about −20 dB, resulting in a 20-dB gain
margin. At 0 dB, about 45∘ phase margin is available. The operational amplifier is responsible for a 180∘ phase
B = 1 kHz
–90 60 dB
–120 40 dB
–150 20 dB
–180 0dB
B 10B
–210 –20 dB
–240 –40 dB
Figure A-7 Bode plot of a first-order loop; P is for phase V is for gain.
We will now look at the influence of more parameters and will plot a type 2 second-order loop. Figure A-11
shows a type 2 high-order loop with an open-loop bandwidth of 200 kHz using the lag filter with the two cutoff
frequencies F3 and F4 (note that F4 is smaller than F3 ). F6 describes the cutoff frequency of the operational amplifier
used for the active filter.
The gain curve marked V starts off with 12 dB/octave due to two integrators and then, because of the effect of
the lag filter, decays with 6 dB/octave. The phase margin at 0 dB gain is about 30∘ , and the gain margin at −180∘
of phase is about 7 or 8 dB. This is a stable loop.
Next, we make allowance for the low-pass filter action of the RC network generated by bypass capacitors, cutoff
frequency F7 . This loop, by choosing the right F3 and F4 values, is stable as the phase margin at 0 dB gain is 60∘
and the gain margin at −180∘ of phase is about 40 dB (see Figure A-12).
Finally, let us take a look at Figure A-13, which shows the open-loop performance of a type 2 nth-order loop that
contains allowance for the phase shift of the operational amplifier RC filtering and shows the effect of a first-order
elliptic filter. This loop is no longer stable, as the gain does not fall to 0 dB while the phase is still less than −180∘ .
It is very convenient to use a computer to generate these plots because once all the parameters are known, the Bode
diagram instantaneously reveals whether a loop is stable and what parameters have to be changed to obtain the
necessary phase and gain margins.
The following three traces (Figures A-14–A-16) show some in-house tools, which were generated in May 2000.
Similar tools are now offered by Analog Devices, found at https://www.analog.com/adisimpll.html, and also by
Texas Instruments and others.
B = 10 kHz
–90 60dB
–120 40dB
–150 20dB
–180 0 dB
B 10B P
–210 –20dB
–240 F3 –40dB
B = 10 kHz
–90 60 dB
–120 40 dB
–150 20 dB
–180 0dB
B 10 B
–210 –20 dB
F3 F4 V
–240 –40 dB
Figure A-9 Type 1 second-order loop taking the phase shift of an operational amplifier into consideration.
B = 10 kHz
–90 60 dB
–120 40 dB
–150 20 dB
–180 0 dB
B 10 B
–210 –20dB
–240 F3 F6 F4 V –40dB
Figure A-10 Type 1 second-order loop with the time constants expressed in frequencies F3 and F4 , as well as the
additional phase shift caused by an operational amplifier.
B = 200 kHz
–90 60dB
–120 40dB
–150 20dB
–180 0dB
B 10B
–210 –20dB
–240 F4 F3 F5 –40dB
Figure A-11 Type 2 second-order loop showing the influence of the operational amplifier (F6 ).
B = 200 kHz
–90 60dB
–120 40dB
–150 20dB
–180 0dB
B 10 B
–210 –20dB
–240 F4 F3 F5 –40dB
Figure A-12 Type 2 second-order loop in which the two cutoff frequencies F3 and F4 , the phase shift and cutoff
frequencies of the operational amplifier F6 , and an additional RC network (F7 ) are incorporated.
B = 18 kHz
–90 60dB
–120 40dB
–150 20dB
–180 0dB
B 10 B
–210 –20 dB
Figure A-13a Type 2 nth-order loop in which several elements are incorporated. This is an unstable loop.
Figure A-13b Phase-noise plot calculated with the modified Leeson equation.
Figure A-13c Calculation of the open loop gain of the PLL system.
The following is a numerical analysis is provided by Analog Devices and is reproduced with permission.
The Laplace transformation is a convenient mathematical way to analyze and synthesize electronic circuitry with
much less effort and far more accuracy than the conventional method by solving differential equations. The Laplace
transformation is based on a method described by Pierre-Simon de Laplace, the French mathematician who devel-
oped the foundation of potential theory and made important contributions to celestial mechanics and probability
theory. The word “transformation” in this case means that functions in time are converted to functions in frequency,
and vice versa. Let us look at Figure A-14.
Figure A-14 shows a square wave generated by a suitable generator. We all know that square waves contain
harmonics up to very high orders and that the Fourier analysis can be used to synthesize the square waveform. The
Laplace transformation allows the direct transformation of the square wave into the Fourier spectrum. This method
is used in engineering to analyze the performance of an electrical circuit where an electrical short pulse, a single
event, or a periodic event that is not merely a sine or cosine function excites this circuit. Therefore, the Laplace
transformation is used as a final method of solving differential equations and will provide an algebraic method of
obtaining a particular solution of a differential equation from stated initial conditions. Since this is often what is
desired in practice, the Laplace transformation is preferred for the solution of differential equations for electronic
Let us assume that f(t) is a given function like the one shown in Figure A-15 and is defined for all t ≥ 0. This
function f(t) is multiplied by e−st and integrated with respect to t from 0 to infinity. Provided that the resulting
integral exists, we can write
F(s) = e−st f (t)dt (A-32)
ω 3ω 5ω ω
The function F(s) is called the Laplace transform of the original function F(s) and will be written
F(s) = ℒ (f ) = e−st f (t)dt (A-33)
Let us assume that we start with the Laplace transform and want to get the resulting time function. Mathemat-
ically this would be done with the inverse Laplace transformation and will be denoted by ℒ −1 {F(s)}. We shall
f (t) = ℒ −1 [F(s)] (A-34)
f(t) f(s)
y = eαt
t α s
f (t) = 1 for t ≥ 0
∞ c
ℒ (f ) = te−st dt = lim te−st dt
∫0 c→∞ ∫0
We will use the ramp function as well as the step function in analyzing the loop performance of initial distur-
bance. In using actual Laplace transformation, the linearity theorem is important.
and [ t ]
ℒ f (𝜏)d𝜏 = ℒ [f (t)] (A-40)
∫0 s
Table A-2 shows some functions f(t) and their Laplace transforms.
After the initial start condition, we are interested in determining the final value.
Let us now use our knowledge and the integration table for one particular case, the active integrator.
V2 (s) = V (s) (A-43)
st 1
We assume that the capacitor at t = 0 has no charge. The step function v1 (t) rises to the value v0 and
V1 (s) = (A-44)
−v0 1
V2 (s) = (A-45)
𝜏 s2
F(s) f(t)
df (t)
(1) sF(s) − f(0)
F(s) f (−1) (0) t
(2) + ∫0 f (t)dt
s s
(3) F(s)c−s𝜏 f(t − 𝜏)
(4) kF(s) kf(t)
(5) F1 (s)F2 (s) f1 (t)f2 (t)
(6) F1 (s)F2 (s) f1 (t)f2 (t)
(7) 0 0
(8) u(t)
(9) 1 𝛿(t)
(10) t
1 t2
s3 2
1 tn−1
(12) n>0
sn (n − 1)!
(13) e𝛼t
1 1 1
s(s − 𝛼) 𝛼 e𝛼t − 1
1 1
(15) (1 − e𝛼t )
s(s + 𝛼) 𝛼
1 tn − 1
(16) n>0
(s − 𝛼)n (n − 1)!e𝛼t
1 1
(17) sin 𝛼t
s2 + 𝛼 2 𝛼
(18) cos 𝛼t
s2 + 𝛼 2
1 1
(19) (1 − cos 𝛼t)
s(s2 + 𝛼 2 ) 𝛼2
1 1
(20) sinh 𝛼t
s2 − 𝛼 2 𝛼
(21) cosh 𝛼t
s2 − 𝛼 2
1 1
(22) (cosh 𝛼t − 1)
s(s2 − 𝛼 2 ) 𝛼2
1 e𝛽t − e𝛼t
(s − 𝛼)(s − 𝛽) 𝛽−𝛼
s 𝛽e𝛽t − 𝛼e𝛼t
(s − 𝛼)(s − 𝛽) 𝛽−𝛼
1 𝛽e𝛼t − 𝛼e𝛽t 1
(25) +
s(s − 𝛼)(s − 𝛽) 𝛼𝛽(𝛼 − 𝛽)√ 𝛼𝛽
e−𝜍𝜔 nt sin 1 − 𝜍 2 𝜔n
(26) √
s2 + 2s𝜍𝜔n + 𝜔2n 1 − 𝜍 2 𝜔n
[ ]
s √ 𝜍 √
(27) cos 1 − 𝜍 𝜔n t − √
2 sin 1 − 𝜍 𝜔n t e−𝜍𝜔n t
s2 + 2s𝜍𝜔n + 𝜔2n 1 − 𝜍2
[ ( ) ]
√ √
1 1 𝜍
(28) 1 − cos 1 − 𝜍 𝜔n t + √
2 sin 1 − 𝜍 𝜔n t e
2 −𝜍𝜔n t
s(s2 + 2s𝜍𝜔n + 𝜔2n ) 𝜔2n 1 − 𝜍2
e − [1 + (𝛼 − 𝛽)t]e𝛽t
(a − 𝛼)(s − 𝛽)2 (𝛼 − 𝛽)2
F(s) f(t)
i(t) i(t)
t t
θ1 (s)
Vd (s) Vf (s)
θ2 (s) Kd F (s)
𝜔o = Ko v(t) (A-50)
𝜃O = KO v(t)dt (A-51)
There are three building blocks for which we define the following functions:
(3) VCO:
𝜃2 (s) = 𝜃1 (s) − 𝜃e (s) = Ko (A-55)
𝜃2 (s) = 𝜃1 (s) (A-56)
s2 + sK o K𝜃 (𝜏2 ∕𝜏1 ) + (Ko K𝜃 ∕𝜏1 )
( )
Ko K𝜃 1∕2
𝜔n = (A-57)
( )
𝜏 Ko K𝜃 1∕2
𝜁= 2 (A-58)
2 𝜏1
𝜃e (s) = 𝜃1 (s) (A-59)
s2 + 2s𝜍𝜔n + 𝜔2n
we obtain
𝜃e (s) = (A-61)
s2 + 2s𝜁 𝜔n + 𝜔2n
s2 Δ𝜙
lim 𝜃e (t) = lim s𝜃e (s) = = Δ𝜙 (A-62)
t→0 s→∞ s2 + 2s𝜁 𝜔n + 𝜔2n
This means that the initial phase error is equal to the step in phase Δ𝜙.
Using the final value theorem, we find
s2 Δ𝜙
lim 𝜃e (t) = lim s𝜃e (s) = =0 (A-63)
t→∞ s→0 s2 + 2s𝜁 𝜔n + 𝜔2n
This means that, if we wait long enough, the phase error will be zero. The final remaining task is to look up the
equation earlier in our table of Laplace transform functions, and we find the required transform in No. 27:
f (t) = 𝜃e (t)
[ ]
√ 𝜁 √
= Δ𝜙 cos 1− 𝜁 2 𝜔n t −√ sin 1− 𝜁 2 𝜔n t e−𝜁𝜔n t (A-64)
1 − 𝜁2
(1) We have learned that one way of reducing the noise is to keep as much energy storage √ in the capacitor as
possible. We can assign for any tuned circuit an equivalent transmission impedance Co = L∕C. This would
indicate that the larger the C, the lower the transmission impedance. In addition, such a circuit is less sensitive
to circuit board capacitance and should provide better performance.
(2) We have learned that the noise outside the loop bandwidth of an oscillator is determined by the Q of the LC
network—the highest possible Q that can be obtained in an LC circuit when the losses are minimized. High-Q
tuned circuits can be built with transmission lines, and quarter-wavelength transmission lines are specifically
used for this purpose. The easiest way of accomplishing this is to take a mechanical cavity that is adjusted to
odd numbers of quarter-wavelengths, whereby any material inside the cavity has to be taken into consideration.
The wavelengths of a quarter-wave transmission line can be determined from 𝜆o = 300/fo . If the frequency is
inserted in megahertz, the resulting wavelength is in meters. In the event that a dielectric material is used, as
in the case of coaxial cable as a cavity oscillator, the wavelengths electrically and mechanically differ:
𝜆 = √o (A-65)
For Teflon, 𝜀𝜏 = 2.
This second principle is used in the Hewlett-Packard HP8940 signal generator, where a cavity is mechanically
tuned. This cavity has a high Q of about 600–800, and therefore the noise sideband is very low.
Let us design such an oscillator.
where dz is the amount by which the cavity is reduced in size relative to quarter-wavelength. The highest frequency
of our oscillator is 450 MHz, and therefore 𝜆o = 66.6 cm. Quarter-wavelength is 𝜆o /4 = 16.66 cm. For reasons of
available mechanical space, we have decided to make the transmission line quarter-wavelength cable 5 cm long.
L = O − dz = 16.66 − 5 = 11.66
1 2𝜋dz
C= tan (A-67)
𝜔Z 𝜆0
1 2𝜋 × 11.66
C1 = 6
2𝜋 × 450 × 10 × 50 66.6
= 7.736 × 10−12 × tan 1.1 (rad)
= 7.736 × 10−12 × 1.9649
= 13.899 × 10−12 = 13.899 pF
Electrically, the transmission line, which is now operating as a quarter-wavelength resonator, is an inductance that
requires an external capacitor of about 14 pF to be in resonance for 450 MHz. For 250 MHz we will get a new value
for the capacitance. First, we determine 𝜆. 𝜆o = 1.2 m and 𝜆o /4 = 30 cm. Because the mechanical length of our
quarter-wavelength is 5 cm,
L = O − dz = 30−5 = 25cm
We now compute
1 2𝜋 × 25
C2 = tan
2𝜋 × 250 × 106 × 50 120
C1 = 12.732 × 10−12 tan 1.309
= 12.732 × 1012 × 3.7321 = 47.156 pF
These are the two values required for the oscillator to cover the frequency range. If one compares these two
capacitance values with values obtained with conventional high-Q inductors, it is apparent that those values are
substantially larger. This is due to the fact that we have chosen a 50-Ω transmission line. The use of a low-impedance
transmission line has several advantages.
(1) It can be shown mathematically that the optimum Q of a coaxial transmission line occurs at about 70 Ω. All
higher impedances exhibit more losses and lower Q.
(2) If a rigid line or its equivalent mechanical arrangement is used, the low-impedance version transmission
line and is therefore electrically much more stable will have fewer microphonic effects due to mechanical
vibration than a high-impedance transmission line and is therefore electrically much more stable.
Figure A-18 shows an analysis of this done on a digital computer. We find that, as the impedance increases,
the external shunt capacitance goes down in value. In this figure, the computer has plotted the curves from 50 to
300 Ω, and the necessary capacitance can be read from this drawing as a function of frequency and characteristic
impedance. For a 300-Ω transmission line and 500 MHz, an external capacitance of about 2.5 pF is required. Most
likely, circuit board and other stray capacitances will be around that magnitude. For a 100-Ω oscillator, about 7 pF
is required. It is evident that the oscillator we have just calculated, which requires about 14 pF, is a better choice.
Another interesting relationship is the required capacitance as a function of increase of resonator length.
Figure A-19 shows a diagram in which the capacitance is plotted as a function of frequency and resonator length
with a 50-Ω transmission line. If we use a 10-cm resonator, we need about 3.5 pF at 500 MHz and about 25 pF at
250 MHz. Again, this gives some interesting insight into the mechanism. Conventional LC circuits theoretically
could be built using such low inductances. However, the stray field of this unconfined resonator would result in
losses, consequently lowering the magnetic Q of the circuit. A similar principle is used in helical resonators, and
the Rohde & Schwarz SMDU signal generator uses this principle. There is really no difference between the two
approaches. In the case of Hewlett-Packard, the quarter-wave transmission line is mechanically adjusted in its
length. As a result of this, a mechanically more elaborate system is required, whereas in the Rohde & Schwarz
SMDU signal generator the helical resonator is loaded with a very large, low microphonic air-variable capacitor
of large diameter. Both arrangements are electrically excellent. The air-variable capacitor has the advantage that
there is no mechanical abrasion, and therefore the lifetime will be longer. The cavity, on the other hand, provides
a somewhat more linear frequency versus tuning curve.
Figure A-20 shows the schematic of such an oscillator. It becomes apparent that a switching technique is used
to coarse steer the oscillator within certain ranges. Since we have learned that the tuning diodes will introduce more
noise than fixed capacitors switched in by diodes that are not sensitive to noise pickup and other radiation effects,
this technique is used. Let us take a look at the possible resolution. The minimum additional capacitor that can be
added is 1 pF. At 450 MHz, 1 pF will result in the following detuning:
f1 13.951 450
= =
f2 14.951 434.69
1.0E –10
Z = 50 Ω
1.0E – 11
100 Ω
150 Ω
200 Ω
250 Ω
300 Ω
1.0E – 12
2.5E + 8 3.0E + 8 3.5E + 8 4.0E+8 4.5E+8 5.0E+8
Figure A-18 Capacitance required to tune a quarter-wavelength resonator oscillator from 250 to 500 MHz as a
function of the impedance of the quarter-wavelength.
1.0E – 10
l = 5 cm
1.0E – 11 6 cm
7 cm
8 cm
9 cm
10 cm
1.0E – 12
2.5E+ 8 3.0E + 8 3.5E+ 8 4.0E+8 4.5E+8 5.0E+8
Figure A-19 Rigid cable used as a quarter-wave resonator at various lengths showing the external capacitance
value required to tune it from 250 to 500 MHz as a function of length.
or a change of 15.3 MHz. At the low end of 225 MHz, this will result in
f1 47.517 250
= =
f2 48.517 247.47
100 kΩ
100 kΩ
100 kΩ
10 10 10 10 10 LM
kΩ kΩ kΩ kΩ kΩ 723
1p 2p 4p 8p 16p
12 V
10 kΩ
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 2 pF
2–8 pF
2 pF
8 pF
220 kΩ
Figure A-20 Schematic of a quarter-wavelength oscillator, including switching diodes. With the availability of very
low noise bipolar transistors such as the BFP 620/640, a much improved design is now possible. The design will be
shown later.
= 1.06
Our starting value at the low end is 47.517 pF, which has to be reduced to 44.827 for a 15-MHz shift. The
difference is about 2.7 pF. Therefore, following the first 1-pF capacitor, we must be able to switch in 2 pF, resulting
in a total of 3 pF, which is a close approximation to the required 2.7 pF for the required 15-MHz step. We now
follow this binary system, and therefore our next capacitances are 4, 8, and 16 pF.
Our binary switch requires a 5-bit data command. If we add all the capacitors together, we obtain a total capac-
itance of 31 pF. Since the initial starting capacitance at 500 MHz was set to be about 14 pF, which is found by
the feedback network as well as the stray capacitance and a coarse-tuning capacitor, the additional 30 pF, if all five
capacitors are switched in, will result in 43 pF. We have to take into consideration the fact that these capacitors have
some tolerances and therefore, by selecting the proper values with slightly larger amounts, we can easily make the
total 33 pF to obtain the 47.5 pF required. This oscillator exhibits superior performance relative to the normal LC
Some authors have found it useful to build a 𝜆/2 oscillator, which then has twice the mechanical length we have
currently used, and this may be helpful at higher frequencies. In addition, because of the transmission properties of
a half-wavelength cable, a capacitor used at the output of the cable is transformed into an inductor. The drawback
of this method, however, is that the resonant impedance for constant Q at the transistor varies as a function of
frequency, whereby for higher frequencies where the gain is lower, the impedance gets lower.
This is opposite to the quarter-wavelength system and, in our opinion, less desirable.
The tuning diode in the quarter-wave oscillator is responsible for the fine tuning and will cover about 20 MHz
of range. At 250 MHz, this is less than 10%, and as we have seen previously, the noise influence under these
circumstances is extremely small.
As this oscillator is highly useful, in Section A-6 we will analyze the feedback circuit to determine the amplitude
stabilization and harmonic contents with the aid of some nonlinear analysis. Figure A-21 shows a picture of the
Rohde & Schwarz SMDU oscillator.
In Chapter 4 we mentioned briefly that the oscillator amplitude stabilizes due to some nonlinear performance of the
transistor. There are various mechanisms involved and, depending on the circuit, several of them are simultaneously
responsible for the performance of an oscillator. Under most circumstances, the transistor is operated in an area
where the dc bias voltages are substantially larger than the ac voltages. Therefore, the theory describing the tran-
sistor performance under these conditions is called small-signal theory. In a transistor oscillator, however, we are
dealing with a feedback circuit that applies positive feedback. The energy that is being generated by the initial
switch-on of the circuit is being fed back to the input of the circuit, amplified, and returned to the input again
until oscillation starts. The oscillation would theoretically increase in value indefinitely unless some limiting or
stabilization occurs. In transistor circuits, we have two basic phenomena responsible for limiting the amplitude of
A third phenomenon would be external automatic gain control (AGC), but it will not be considered here.
The oscillators we discuss here are self-limiting oscillators.
The self-limiting process, which by generating a dc offset bias moves the operating point into a region of less
gain, is generally noisy. For very low noise oscillators, this operation is not recommended. After dealing with the
quarter-wavelength oscillator in the preceding section, we will deal here only with the negative resistance oscillator,
in which, through a mechanism explained in Chapter 4, a negative resistance is generated due to feedback and
is used to start oscillation with the passive device. Here we look at what is happening inside the transistor that
is responsible for amplitude stabilization, and we will thus be in a position to make a prediction regarding the
available energy and the harmonic contents.
Figure A-22 shows the quarter-wavelength oscillator redrawn in such a way that the source electrode is now
at ground potential while the gate and drain electrode are electrically hot. The reason for doing this is because
we will look at the gate-to-source transfer characteristic and use its nonlinearities as a tool to describe what is
happening. The same analysis can be applied to a transistor circuit, provided that the resistors used for dc bias are
small enough not to cause any dc offset. The field-effect transistor characteristic follows a square law and therefore
can be expressed as ( )
v 2
i2 = IDSS 1 − 1 (A-68)
For any other device, we have to take the necessary transfer characteristic into consideration, and this could
theoretically be done by changing the square law into nth order. The voltage v1 will be in the form
v1 = Vb + V1 cos 𝜔 t (A-69)
This is the voltage that is being generated due to the selectivity of the tuned circuit at which there is a resonant
frequency. Inserting this into the above equation and using
V x = Vp − Vb (A-70)
we obtain
i2 = (Vx2 − 2Vx V1 cos 𝜔 t + V12 cos2 𝜔 t) (A-71)
+12 V
Once we know the peak value of i2 , we can expand this into a Fourier series. In this case a Fourier series
expansion for i2 has only three terms; that is,
Because of the square-law characteristic, I1 is a linear function of V1 and we can define a large-signal average
transconductance Gm :
Gm = 1 = −2 DSS Vx (A-76)
V1 Vp2
In the case of the square-law characteristic, we find the interesting property that the small-signal transconduc-
tance gm at any particular point is equal to the large-signal average transconductance Gm at the same point. The
second harmonic distortion in the output current is given by
I2 V V g
= 1 = 1 mo (A-77)
I1 4Vx 4Vp gm
The transconductance Gm can be defined in such a way that it indicates the gain for a particular frequency
relative to the fundamental, which means that there is a certain Gm for the fundamental frequency and one for the
second harmonic, and in the general case, a Gmn for the nth-order harmonic. In the more general form, we rewrite
our equation
id = Cn (−Vb + V1 cos x)n (A-78)
As this will exist only during the period from −𝛼 to +𝛼, the equation
−𝛼 < x < +𝛼
i2 = 0
x = ±𝛼
cos 𝛼 =
We can rewrite our equation for the drain current or collector current of a transistor:
or 𝛼
2Cn V1n
I1 = (cos x − cos 𝛼)n cos x dx (A-83)
𝜋 ∫0
I1 = C 1 V1 B1 (A-85)
I1 = C2 V12 B2 (A-87)
𝛼 = arc (A-88)
For simplifications, let us go back to the case of our square-law device, where our transconductance is
I1 I
Gm = = −2 DSS Vx (A-89)
V1 Vp2
Vp is the pinch-off voltage of the field-effect transistor, Vb is the bias voltage that is measured between source and
ground, and V1 is the peak value of the voltage of the fundamental frequency. Figure A-23 shows the effect where
the sine wave is driving the transfer characteristic, and the resulting output currents are narrow pulses. Based on
the duration, the mutual conductance gm becomes a fraction of the dc transconductance Gm , and therefore the gain
is reduced. For small conduction angles In /Id , the mutual conductance can take very small values, and therefore the
gain gets very small; this is the cause for stabilizing the amplitude in the oscillator. We note that the gain is being
reduced as the amplitude causing the small conduction angle is increased.
Fourier analysis indicates that, for a small harmonic distortion, the radio frequency (RF) voltage at the source or
gate (depending on where it is grounded) has to be less than 80 mV. Now we can design the oscillator performance.
Let us assume that the saturation voltage of the active device is 2 V, battery voltage applied to the transistor is
12 V, and the transistor starts at a dc current of 10 mA with a source resistor of 200 Ω. This results in a voltage drop
of 1 V at the source and √2 V in the device; therefore, 9 V is available. It can be assumed that the maximum voltage
at the drain will be 9 × 2. The capacitor voltage divider from drain to voltage now depends on the gain. If we
assume an In /Id of 0.15 for about 50∘ conduction angle, 2𝛼, and the dc conductance of the transistor at the starting
dc operating point is 20 mA/V, the resulting transconductance is 3 mA/V.
Next, we need the output impedance provided by the quarter-wave resonator:
RL = Q (250 MHz)
RL = 600 −12
= 8127 Ω
2𝜋 × 47 × 10 × 250 × 106
Vx N
p Ip
α b b ωt = 0 v1
2α 2α
V1 Vb + V1 cos ωt
Figure A-23 Current tips as a function of narrow conduction angles in a square-wave transfer characteristic.
= A(voltage gain) = gm RL = 3 × 10−3 × 8.127 × 103
A = 24.38
Vin = = 328 mV
This would mean that the capacitance ratio of the feedback capacitors C1 and C2 would be 1:24.38. In practice,
we will find that this is incorrect, and we need a 1:4 or 1:5 ratio. The reason for this is that the equations we have
used so far are not accurate enough to represent the actual dc shifts and harmonic occurrences. As mentioned in
Sections A-4-1 and A-5, a certain amount of experimentation is required to obtain the proper value. To determine
the actual ratio, it is recommended that one obtain from the transistor manufacturer the device with the lowest gain
and build an oscillator testing it over the necessary temperature range. As the gain of the transistor changes as a
function of temperature (gain increases as temperature decreases for field-effect transistors and acts in reverse for
bipolar transistors), a voltage divider has to be chosen that is, on the one hand, high enough to prevent the device
from going into saturation, which will cause noise, and, on the other hand, small enough to allow oscillation under
worst-case conditions.
The simulation using a bipolar transistor-type BFP 620 uses as lossless cable as a resonator very loosely coupled
to the transistor (see Figure A-24). Predicted performance is shown in Figures A-25–A-28.
( )
Figure A-25 Predicted phase noise; the noise break point is at about 1 kHz.
) )
( )
( )
The quarter-wavelength resonator-based oscillator (described previously), while covering a large frequency range,
is subject to switching noise while moving from one frequency range to another. The circuit shown in Figure A-29
is a high-performance VCO in which the transmission line is part of the layout. While the circuit is not too different
from previously described circuits, a constant-current generator is used in the emitter of the oscillator’s transistor.
This feedback, along with flicker noise feedback obtained by the 27-Ω resistor labeled R444, results in overall
smaller phase noise than one would obtain in a conventional oscillator, eliminating the constant-current generator
V436 by using a fixed resistor. The other transistors, V438 and V440, only serve as dc switches and are part of the
power supply circuit. In the selection of this particular oscillator transistor, a high-dissipation device was used and
is also operating at fairly high currents. However, the maximum current of the device is significantly higher and
therefore, compared to this maximum value, the operating value is still smaller.
To minimize the noise in the tuning diodes, the series loss resistors are kept to 3.3 Ω, which reduces the Q
of the inductors to the point where one does not observe spurious resistant frequencies and has a minimal noise
contribution of its own.
Figure A-30 shows the measured phase noise for this oscillator.
A voltage-controlled “push–push” oscillator using a hair pin resonator was described by Yabucki et al. [1].
Figure A-31 shows the layout of the stepped impedance hair pin resonator with parallel coupled lines. To calculate
such a structure, one needs to use a circuit simulator with electromagnetic models such as Super-Compact or an
electromagnetic simulator such as Microwave Explorer, both made by Compact Software, Inc., Paterson, NJ.
3R32 8 38 ... 40 mA
220NH ST 8 L432 VCE = 6 V
Include V433 220NH ST 8
in layout V431 C436 1
88535–8 2P9 MIN 8
3 V434
C432 C438 2
6PB P 8 4P3 MIN 8 4 C442
27R 8 GHZ
7P8 MIN 8
V430 V432 C444
88535–8 88535–8 C440 100P 8 RFout
2P3 MIN 8
L434 1K82 8
220NH ST 8 R452
R446 121R 8
1K21 L L436
R444 220NH ST 8
C448 3R32 8 3
1K L R454
10 P L V436
2 1K21 8
R438 R448
3R32 L 1K L V438
82R5 L
C446 3 1
R455 R457
100 P L
1K5 L 10K L
1 3 2
C455 R456
100P L 4K75 L
2 V440
–15 V Vtune
Figure A-29 Very low phase noise VCO for high-performance synthesizer application operating at 800 MHz.
( )
Figure A-30 Simulated phase noise of the oscillator show in Figure A-24.
Zs, θs
Figure A-31 Layout of the stepped impedance hair pin resonator with parallel coupled lines.
Figure A-32 shows the frequency response of the resonator as a function of mode capacitor and Figure A-33
shows the voltage distribution of the hair pin resonator. One can build a push–push oscillator using this symmetrical
resonator. This oscillator has certain similarities to a tuning fork oscillator using ceramic material described by
Lothar Rohde around 1940 when he designed the world’s first portable time/frequency standard. In the case of the
time standard, the material chosen had a ±0 temperature coefficient and therefore did not require a proportional
oven for maintaining constant temperature. In the case of the printed symmetrical hair pin resonator, the Q of the
resonator depends solely on the chip material on which the circuit is assembled.
A push–push oscillator consists of two identical oscillators with one common resonator, where the two sides are
180∘ out of phase. This is applicable to the hair pin resonator and the authors [1] have shown that such an arrange-
ment has 40-dB suppression of the second harmonic. While the third harmonic is only suppressed by about 10 dB,
this is specifically due to the fact that the oscillator shows higher modes. When comparing the phase noise of a sig-
nal versus a push-push configuration (as shown in Figure A-34), an improvement of about 10 dB can be realized. A
C = 2 pF C = 1 pF
C = 3 pF C = 0.5 pF
Im [Zi] (Ω)
1 2
Frequency (GHz)
[1] [2]
θp θp
θs/2 θs/2
–(θp + θs/2) –θs/2 θs/2 θp + θs/2
Phase noise
1K 10K 100K 1M 10M
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure A-34 Comparison between single sideband (SSB) phase noise of the conventional and push–push oscilla-
+12V R2N2222A
or stripline
Tune 10 K 10 K
R1 C1 C1 R1
Figure A-35 Push–push VCO, based on the original [1] but modified and improved by James A. Crawford [2].
push–push arrangement helps to cancel noise from external devices; since the oscillators are also interface locked
to each other, the overall performance is improved.
The actual circuit diagram is shown in Figure A-35. It is based on the original publication [1] as improved by
James A. Crawford [2]. As shown in the original, the push–push arrangement has reduced the phase noise by at
least 10 dB.
There are other circuits, such as feedback circuits, available, which reduce the phase noise by 10 dB or more.
This is an important area where we expect to see more interesting contributions.
1. Yabucki, H. et al. (1991/1992). VCOs for mobile communications. Applied Microwave, Winter.
2. Crawford, J.A. (1994). Frequency Synthesizer Design Handbook. Boston, MA: Artech House.
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The harmonic balance method, used in calculating phase noise in nonlinear circuits, has some magic to it for most
of us. Here is a look at our magic-lady (Figure B-1).
The amplifier shown in Figure B-2 was the world’s first validation of the Compact Software Harmonic Bal-
ance Simulator, being able to correctly calculate the noise and gain of this 10 GHz amplifier. It uses measured
Spice parameters. The success of the harmonic balance method was written up amongst others in Communications
Quarterly, shown in Figure B-3, covering both amplifiers and oscillators.
We want to look at the contribution of active devices like field effect transistors (FETs) and BIPs as well as a
novel algorithm for the computation of near-carrier noise in free-running microwave oscillators by the nonlinear
harmonic-balance (HB) technique [1].
The application of the HB methodology to nonlinear noise analysis is very effective, because frequency-domain
analysis is well suited for describing the mechanism of noise generation in nonlinear circuits. This topic has received
the interest of several research teams; however, until the first edition of this book, a rigorous treatment of noise
analysis in autonomous circuits had not appeared in the technical literature.
The usual approach, relying on a simple noise model of the active device and the frequency-conversion analysis,
is not sufficient to describe the complex physical behavior of a noisy oscillator. Instead, we apply the following
• A complete bias-dependent noise model for bipolar transistors and FETs is developed.
• The frequency-conversion approach is reviewed, and its limitations are pointed out.
• It is shown how the analysis procedure can be extended to include the case of autonomous circuits.
• The capabilities of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated by means of some application examples.
The qualitative picture of noise generation in oscillators is well known. As previously outlined, Lesson had devel-
oped a linear model, [ ( )2 ] ( )
1 1 𝜔o FkT fc
(f⌣ ) = 1 + 1 +
m 2 𝜔2m 2Qload Psav fm
which requires the following input parameters: (1) RF output power, (2) large signal noise figure, (3) loaded Q, and
(4) flicker component. The harmonic-balance method is used to calculate the RF output power of the oscillator and
at the same time calculate the loading of the tuned circuit as a function of the large-signal condition. The flicker
frequency (flicker frequency corner) is a device-dependent parameter that has to be entered. A more complete
expression is as follows:
Figure B-2 Schematic of the X-band GaAs monolithic low noise amplifier (Texas Instruments).
Figure B-4 shows the traditional Gummel–Poon [1] model for bipolar transistors. For microwave applications, the
model has to be transformed into a T-equivalent circuit, as shown in Figure B-5.
To be compatible, the equivalent circuit had to be updated by adding the appropriate resistor RCE to it. For
the bipolar transistor, a convenient starting solution to determine the intrinsic values of Rbb , Re , and Ce is a set of
equations that calculate the four noise parameters Fmin , Γopt , and Rn .
( )
Rb + Ropt f2 1
Fmin = a + 1+ 2 (B-1)
re fb 𝛼0
{ ( ) }1∕2
f2 re (2Rb + Re )
Ropt = R2b − 2
Xopt + 1+ 2 (B-2)
fb 𝛼0 a
Base Collector
where [( )( ) ]
f2 f2 1
a= 1+ 2 1 + 2 − 𝛼0 (B-3)
fb fe 𝛼0
( ) ( ( )2 { ( )2 ( )2 [ ( ) ( )]2 })
1 Re Rb f f 1 f f
R n = Rb A − + A+ 1 − 𝛼0 + + + − (B-4)
𝛽0 2 Re fb fe 𝛽0 fb fe
where ( )2
1+ fb
and fb denotes the cutoff frequency of the common base current gain 𝛼( f). The aforementioned provides a conve-
nient set of equations for representing the low-frequency noise performance of a bipolar transistor. Unlike Fukui’s
formula, the new expression does not involve the unity current gain frequency fT .
These equations are based on Refs. [2, 3] and have been modified by us to reflect the modern geometry. These
results have been published in the IEEE-MTT Transactions [4]. Further information can be found in Ref. [5]. Based
on actual noise measurements, they predict the starting values for the base spreading resistor Rbb and the input
capacitor Ce in schematic, while the emitter diffusion resistor can be calculated directly from the dc bias point.
These values have better accuracy than the traditional Gummel–Poon parameter extraction for the large-signal
bipolar model. A typical set of parameters for a microwave resistor is shown in Table B-1. These are the results of
Co Ro
Lb Rb2 Rb1 Rc1 Rc2 Lc
n1 n2
Base A(f )∙ie Collector
Re Ce Rce
Cbe Cce
Re1 Ie
Figure B-5 Small-signal T-model derived from linear hybrid 𝜋 model. Note the additional resistor RCE , which is
necessary for modeling reasons.
a parameter extraction method using different dc bias points and ensuring that the noise measurements agree with
the predictions. Subsequently, by invoking the transformation from the hybrid 𝜋 to the T model, one obtains the dc
or small-signal equivalent circuit for the transistor under the bias point chosen. The calculation of the four noise
parameters, which is now based on the various dc bias points, generates a table that can be used for interpolation
and can be translated into the equivalent noise correlation matrix.
Figure B-6 shows the measured and modeled noise based on the parameter extraction.
A similar approach is possible with GaAs FETs. Figure B-7 shows the linear equivalent circuit for GaAs FETs,
and Figure B-8 shows the large-signal equivalent circuit for which we have used the Materka model. An important
feature is that the large-signal model using small-signal conditions generates the same set of S-parameters from
the equivalent small-signal circuit.
Noise performance of microwave circuits is one of the major concerns of circuit design engineers. It is an impor-
tant determining factor of receiver system sensitivity and dynamic range. Since the noise correlation matrix has
been introduced, noise analysis of microwave linear circuits has been available and implemented in general-purpose
computer-aided design (CAD) tools. However, in the practical world, most microwave circuits need to be analyzed
using nonlinear analysis techniques.
This section illustrates how the noise performance of general mixer circuits can be simulated by using the
harmonic-balance technique implemented in Microwave Harmonica v4.0, a workstation product made by Compact
Software, Inc.
Noise in a microwave FET is produced by sources intrinsic to the device. If the equivalent noisy circuit of an
intrinsic FET device is represented as in Figure B-9, the correlations of the gate and drain noise current sources are
𝜔2 c2gs
⟨|Ig |2 ⟩ = 4KB TΔf R (B-6)
⟨Ig Ic∗ ⟩ = 4KB TΔfj𝜔gs PRC (B-7)
⎡ 𝜔2 Cgs √ ⎤
2 ⎢ R −j𝜔Cgs PRC⎥
Cdc (𝜔) = KB Td𝜔 ⎢ gm √ ⎥ (B-8)
𝜋 ⎢j𝜔C ⎥
⎣ gs PRC gm P ⎦
The gate and drain noise parameters R and P and the correlation coefficient C are related to the physical noise
sources acting in the channel and are thus functions of the device structure and bias point. These noise parameters at
Figure B-6 Measured and modeled noise based on the parameter extraction.
Lg Rg Cdg Rd Ld
n1 n2
Gate Drain
G(f) Vc
Cgs Ri Cds
Figure B-7 Linear equivalent circuit of FET, which can be derived from Figure B-8, the large-signal equivalent circuit.
Gate Drain
Cgs Vj Cgd
Source Source
Figure B-8 Intrinsic Curtice–Ettenberg model for the MESFET. Other useful models are the Materka–Kacprzak
model for the MESFET (best for millimeter-wave applications), the Statz model, and the Triquint’s own model (TOM).
vg Cg
a certain bias point can be calculated explicitly from measured device noise parameters using a noise de-embedding
procedure. That is, by defining measured noise parameters, Fmin , Rn , and Γopt , and using the Super-Compact noise
de-embedding procedure, the noise correlation matrix of an FET device can be determined.
The next step is to develop a bias-dependent model. This is necessary because one has to develop an analysis
program that can handle the noise effect in conjunction with a general-purpose harmonic-balance simulator. The
method to be used is concerned with an extension of the usual linearization adopted to apply the piecewise linear
balance technique. For our purposes, the nonlinear subnetwork is a collection of intrinsic FET chips with all (linear)
parasitic elements included in the linear subnetwork. These linear components are the time-averaged values as a
function of the local oscillator (LO) pumping and the dc bias. It is therefore necessary to develop a bias-dependent
model that can be used to obtain the necessary foundry coefficients. Using the noise correlation technique, they
have been based on a de-embedding technique using measurements of the four noise parameters at a test frequency
like 10 GHz. This de-embedding technique is the subject of another paper [6], while the general treatment of this
had already been published [7].
This method is accurate enough that measured data and predicted data agree quite well. Table B-2 shows the
corresponding correlation between the two. In the case of the bipolar transistor, the novel approach in generating
the starting values for the Gummel–Poon model is using small-signal noise data as seed values first and then refin-
ing the values for different bias points. This is somewhat easier because the bipolar transistor in the Gummel–Poon
approach is a physics-based model, while the Materka model is the result of a curve fit and has no physical
Table B-3 shows the R, P, and C values of a MESFET as a function of bias, which are a result of calculation
and measurement.
Table B-2 Corresponding correlation between the Gummel–Poon model predictions and the
measurements of the chip: Vc = 10 V at 4 mA.
Frequency (GHz) Fmin (dB) CSBIP MGopt (mag) CSBIP PGopt (∘ ) CSBIP Run (Ω) CSBIP
Frequency (GHz) Fmin (dB) HPBIP MGopt (mag) HPBIP PGopt (∘ ) HPBIP Run (Ω) HPBIP
P values
Ids /Idss
0.85 2.742 2.850 2.860 2.851 2.846 2.857
0.70 2.181 2.482 2.556 2.569 2.571 2.581
0.50 1.576 1.939 2.051 2.078 2.083 2.089
0.30 1.307 1.460 1.527 1.541 1.540 1.541
0.15 1.358 1.263 1.254 1.246 1.240 1.242
0.05 1.358 1.390 1.339 1.321 1.317 1.327
0.25 V 0.70 V 1.10 V 1.50 V 2.10 V 2.70 V Vds
R values
Ids /Idss
0.85 0.122 0.173 0.152 0.175 0.259 0.238
0.70 0.131 0.193 0.180 0.211 0.306 0.294
0.50 0.146 0.194 0.178 0.210 0.302 0.299
0.30 0.192 0.215 0.200 0.231 0.315 0.332
0.15 0.236 0.265 0.274 0.315 0.400 0.450
0.05 0.236 0.283 0.328 0.380 0.464 0.538
0.25 V 0.70 V 1.10 V 1.50 V 2.10 V 2.70 V Vds
C values
Ids /Idss
0.85 0.211 0.430 0.537 0.592 0.621 0.650
0.70 0.217 0.441 0.552 0.608 0.639 0.668
0.50 0.230 0.456 0.570 0.628 0.661 0.691
0.30 0.253 0.485 0.603 0.665 0.700 0.732
0.15 0.279 0.535 0.665 0.735 0.775 0.810
0.05 0.279 0.612 0.768 0.852 0.901 0.943
0.25 V 0.70 V 1.10 V 1.50 V 2.10 V 2.70 V Vds
In generating large-signal models, a set of starting values is required. In the case of bipolar transistors, we use the
values that are supported by the noise calculation. The standard parameter extraction programs, like in the HP TCAP
program or the IC-CAP, are insufficient to obtain some of the microwave properties. In particular, the intrinsic
delay times and, in the case of the bipolar transistors, the base-spreading resistor parameter extraction do not show
enough sensitivity. We have seen variations of 5:1. In some cases, the standard large-signal parameter extraction
program has provided a base-spreading resistor of 50 Ω, while the noise modeling approach has calculated 10 Ω
with the correct value being 8 Ω. As an example, Rn = 0.2 transforms into 0.2 × 50 = 10 Ω. The equivalent circuit
generation of the FET parameters, particularly the parasitics, is summarized in Ref. [7]. The intrinsic value of the
devices, however, can be obtained by the method shown.
P(Ids ) = a′ + bI 0.5 ′
ds + c Ifs (B-10)
where P represents any of the small-signal equivalent circuit parameters and the desired expansion coefficients.
Here Vgs , Vp , and Ids denote the gate-source bias voltage, the pinch-off voltage, and the drain-source bias current,
respectively. Since the parameter P is temperature dependent, the expansion coefficients also are a function of
temperature, albeit mild ones and most probably negligible. This has been verified, however, by analysis of the
data taken on a group of devices.
Note that Eq. (B-10) is in reality a quadratic polynomial in the square root of Ids . This form follows directly from
Eq. (B-9) because of the nearly quadratic dependence of drain current on gate-source bias that we have observed
with many devices. We shall show samples of this dependence for a small pinch-off device (Vp = 1.8 V).
Idn 0.8
–1.0 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 –0.0 0.2
Vgs / |Vp|
Cgs (pF)
–1.0 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2
Vgs / |Vp|
Figure B-10 Linear dependence of (A) normalized drain current and (B) gate-source capacitance on gate-source
bias voltage.
Figure B-10 illustrates the quadratic dependence of Ids on Vgs and the linear dependence of Cgs on Vgs . The fits are
“perfect,” as evidenced by the fact that the coefficients of the quadratic terms are zero. Figure B-11 shows, however,
that in some cases quadratic terms are necessary. Although we have found that gm usually can be fitted with a linear
function for small pinch-off devices (this example being an exception), a quadratic term is usually necessary for
large pinch-off devices (V on the order of 3–6 V). A quadratic term is always required for gds , however, regardless
of pinch-off voltages. Some of the other model parameters such as the delay times usually require a quadratic term,
although a linear approximation will probably suffice because of the insensitivity of the device performance to this
In a mixer or oscillator, the active device is not only dc biased but also pumped by the LO. At the dc bias point
of the device, the nonlinear noise sidebands are uncorrelated and are dependent on the bias point. When the device
is pumped by the LO, the nonlinear noise sidebands are modulated accordingly and are partially correlated because
each sideband is a combination of the original uncorrelated dc sidebands. During mixing, each sideband generates
a correlated component in the vicinity of the intermediate frequency (IF). To determine the correct nonlinear noise
power contribution, the correlation of the sidebands must be considered in the analysis. Similarly, contributions to
the noise power at the IF load are made by the thermal noise generated by the linear network through frequency
conversion in the mixer. The thermal noise is not dependent on the LO excitation and, because it is uncorrelated,
its noise power contribution is additive.
gm (mS) 30
–1.0 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2 0.0 0.2
Vgs / |Vp|
x= Ids/Idss
gds (mS)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Figure B-11 Quadratic dependence of transconductance on gate-source voltage (A) and drain-source conductance
on the square root of the normalized drain current (B).
In the evaluation of a two-port, it is important to know the amount of noise added to a signal passing through a
Sin S
→ Network → out (B-11)
Nin Nout
An important parameter for expressing this characteristic is the noise factor (or noise figure).
Sin ∕Nin
Noise factor = F =
Sout ∕Nout
Noise figure = NF = 10 log(F) (B-12)
Gate Drain
Cgs Vj Cgd
Source Source
The noise figure of cascaded networks can be calculated by the following approximations shown in Figure B-12.
The approximation assumes a 50-Ω resistive termination. The correct and frequently overlooked method for this,
of course, is the noise correlation matrix.
F2 − 1 F3 − 1 F −1
F = F1 + + + 4 +··· (B-13)
G1 G1 G2 G1 G2 G3
The sources of the internal noise in a general circuit are described next.
Cn (𝜔) = K T𝛿𝜔[Y(𝜔) + Y ∗ (𝜔)] (B-14)
𝜋 B
A noise network can be treated as a noiseless network with equivalent noise current source at each external port.
The correlation of the noise current sources of a linear network is related to the Y matrix of this network. This
is shown in Figure B-13.
The intrinsic noise sources of an active device (e.g., metal–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MESFET),
bipolar junction transistor (BJT)) are at the input and the output as shown in Figure B-14. The intrinsic noise
model can be expressed by four measured parameters:
Figure B-13 Noiseless circuit noise sources at the input and output.
Ig Noiseless Id
Figure B-14 Noiseless FET with noise sources at the input and output.
From these four parameters, the Van der Ziel noise model can be derived as
⎡ 𝜔2 Cgs
2 √ ⎤
2 ⎢ R −j𝜔Cgs PRC⎥
Cn (𝜔) = KB T𝛿𝜔 ⎢ gm √ ⎥ (B-15)
𝜋 ⎢j𝜔C ⎥
⎣ gs PRC g m P ⎦
This conversion, shown in Figure B-14 for all active devices, has been implemented in both Super-Compact and
Microwave Harmonica.
In addition, we have to add the flicker noise of an active device (1/f noise), as displayed in Figure B-15.
We now look at the noise model of the active device when pumped by an LO. The noise sources and equivalent
circuit model parameters are modulated by the LO. This is indicated in Figure B-16.
The noise correlation matrix of the device is modulated by the LO. This means
1/f slope
fc f
Figure B-15 The major parameter used to describe the flicker noise is fc (corner frequency).
Figure B-16 The voltages and currents of devices are determined by harmonic-balance calculations.
In addition, the flicker noise is modulated by the drain current using the following equation:
⟨ 2⟩ |I |𝛽
|If | = 2KB T𝛿𝜔Q D𝛼 (B-17)
If we consider an oscillator as a mixer driven by a noisy source, we have to consider the noise contribution of the
external sources (LO). The source noise is given by the single sideband (SSB) RF spectrum, and the amplitude.
Noise or frequency fluctuation is a set of frequency deviations from the carrier. This is frequently referred to as the
spectrodensity of a signal, as shown in Figure B-17.
In order to calculate the noise figure of a mixer circuit, we need to calculate the total internal noise of the circuit at
the IF frequency.
Noise Analysis Step 1. Do the harmonic-balance analysis to determine the steady state of the mixer. Figure B-18
shows the arrangement. The harmonic-balance calculation determines the Fourier coefficients of voltages and
currents of the circuit. Any receiver configuration (e.g., low-noise amplifiers (LNAs), IF amplifier, etc.) may be
Noise Analysis Step 2. Calculate the transfer functions of the sideband signals to the IF band signal. The noise at each
sideband frequency contributes to the noise at the IF through frequency conversion, as shown in Figure B-19.
The block diagram, Figure B-20, is a summary of the IF noise contributions in a general nonlinear mixer circuit.
Please note the large number of contributing elements that make up the total noise at the output.
The calculation of dN is performed by Eq. (B-20), where the intermediate steps are given in Ref. [8].
⟨|Vl (fd )|2 ⟩ + ⟨|Vu (fd )|2 ⟩ − 2Re{⟨Vi∗ (fd )Vu∗ (fd )⟩ exp(2j Φ0 )}
⟨|𝛿Φ|2 (fd )⟩ = (B-18)
|V0 |2
⟨|Vl (fd )| ⟩ + ⟨|Vu (fd )| ⟩ + 2Re{⟨Vi∗ (fd )Vu∗ (fd )⟩ exp(2jΦ0 )}
2 2
⟨|𝛿A|2 (fd )⟩ = 2 (B-19)
|V0 |2
dN(𝜔IF ) = RIF T0p CL (𝜔IF + p𝜔0 )T0p
[ ]
∑ ∑
= +RIF T0p Hp−s Cdc (𝜔IF + s𝜔0 )Hs−q T0q
p,q s
[ ]
∑ ⟨|Vu (𝜔IF )|2 ⟩ ⟨Vu (𝜔IF )Vl∗ (𝜔IF )⟩ s∗
= +RIF Yps Yq (B-20)
⟨Vu∗ (𝜔IF )Vl (𝜔IF )⟩ ⟨|Vl (𝜔IF )|2 ⟩
∼ IF
T0 T2
LO Periodic
excitator steady-state
LO signal Frequency
noise source conversion
The noise sources at sideband and baseband frequencies contribute to near-carrier noise through frequency
conversion. The noise contribution is significant at deviations far from the carrier, as shown in Figure B-22.
In Eq. (B-20), the T0x terms are the sideband-to-IF conversion matrices; Hx terms are the spectral modulation
components of the device; p, q, r, and s are sideband spectral indices; RIF is the IF load; Y is a conversion admittance
matrix between the LO noisy source and the IF load at the IF frequency; and 𝜔IF is a small frequency deviation in
the neighborhood of the baseband frequency. The first term represents the noise contribution of the linear network,
the second term is the noise contribution from the modulated nonlinear devices, and the third term is the noise
contribution of the noisy LO.
The effect of the LO frequency ( fo ) and its noise can be determined through perturbation analysis. The noise sources
modulate the carrier frequency. Flicker noise is the predominant noise source. The arrangement in Figure B-21
looks similar to the mixer of Figure B-18. The near-carrier noise is proportional to the flicker, thermal, and device
shot noise power and is inversely proportional to Q2 of the oscillator. As shown in the block diagram, the noise
contains the flicker components and the noise calculated via the correlation matrix.
The physical effects of random fluctuations taking place in the circuit are different depending on their spectral
allocation with respect to the carrier:
The main purpose of this chapter is to show that the same results can be quantitatively derived from the nonlinear
HB equations of the autonomous circuit and how the general nonlinear approach uses a nonlinear BIP or FET model
for the noise calculation.
fo fo ± δ fo
N(1/f, Cn)
Figure B-21 Oscillator signal modulated by noise sources including flicker noise.
fo 2fo 3fo f
Figure B-22 Noise sources at different frequencies contribute to the near-carrier noise.
Port n+1
linear subnetwork
Port 1 Port n
u1(t) un (t)
j1(t) jn(t)
Port 1 Port n
nonlinear subnetwork
A general noise nonlinear network can be described by the circuit in Figure B-23. The circuit shown is then
divided into linear and nonlinear subnetworks, represented as noise-free multiports. The noise generation is
accounted for by connecting a set of noise voltage and noise current sources at the ports of the linear subnetwork.
For the frequency-conversion noise analysis, we now make the following assumptions: The circuit supports a
large-signal time-periodic steady state of fundamental frequency 𝜔0 (carrier). Noise signals are small perturbations
superimposed on the steady state, represented by families of pseudo-sinusoids located at the sidebands of the
carrier harmonics. Therefore, the noise performance of the circuit is determined by the exchange of power among
the sidebands of the unperturbed steady state through frequency conversion in the nonlinear subnet-work. Due
to the perturbative assumption, the nonlinear subnetwork can be replaced by a multifrequency linear multiport
described by a conversion matrix. The flow of noise signals can be computed by means of conventional linear
circuit techniques.
The frequency-conversion approach is not sufficient to predict the noise performance of an autonomous circuit.
The spectral density of the output noise power and, consequently, the PM noise computed by conversion analysis
are proportional to the available power of the noise sources.
In the presence of both thermal and flicker noise sources, PM noise increases as 𝜔−1 for 𝜔 → 0 tends to a finite
limit for 𝜔 → ∞. While the frequency-conversion analysis correctly predicts the far-from-carrier noise behavior of
an oscillator and, in particular, the oscillator noise floor, it does not provide results consistent with physical obser-
vations at low deviations from the carrier. The inconsistency is removed by the perturbation analysis of autonomous
B-7-1 Assumptions
The circuit supports a large-signal time-periodic autonomous regime. The circuit is perturbed by a set of small
sources located at the carrier harmonics and at the sidebands at a deviation 𝜔 from carrier harmonics.
Now we can find the results of the perturbation of the HB equations. The perturbation of the circuit state
(𝛿XB , 𝛿XH ) is given by the uncoupled sets of equations:
𝛿X = JB (𝜔) (B-21)
𝛿X = JH (𝜔) (B-22)
EB , EH = Vectors of HB errors
XB , XH = Vectors of state-variable (SV) harmonics (since the circuit is
autonomous, one of the entries of XH is replaced by the
fundamental frequency 𝜔0 )
JB , JH = Vectors of forcing terms where the subscripts B and H denote
sidebands and carrier harmonics, respectively
Nk (𝜔), N−k (𝜔) = Noise power spectral densities at the upper and lower sidebands of the kth carrier harmonic
Ck (𝜔) = Normalized correlation coefficient of the upper and lower sidebands of the kth carrier harmonic
R = Load resistance
IkSS = kth harmonic of the steady-state current through the load
The numerical approach is important in understanding that the oscillator phase noise is composed of two parts:
(1) The near-carrier noise consists of contributions from the perturbation of the oscillating frequency caused
by the noise sources at each sideband frequency. This part is the major noise source at the near-carrier
(2) The far-carrier noise consists of contributions from each sideband noise source through sideband-to-
sideband transfer functions. As can be seen in Figure B-24, this part is similar to the mixer noise calculation
and is the major noise source at frequencies far away from the carrier.
Near-carrier noise
Far-carrier noise
Figure B-24 Oscillator phase noise consisting of near- and far-carrier noise.
Vg Vd
PM noise
40 Conversion contribution
Modulation contribution
–40 AM noise
Figure B-26 Conversion contribution and modulation contribution have been calculated and plotted.
Noise sources considered in the analysis include channel noise and flicker noise. Flicker noise is modeled by a
voltage source connected in series to the gate terminal. The dc spectral density of this source is 3.25 × 10−9 𝜔V2 /Hz.
The various noise contributions such as AM noise, PM noise, conversion contribution, and modulation contri-
bution have been calculated and plotted, as shown in Figure B-26.
+10 V
1 μF
100 Ω
32 pF
1 μF
pF 15
1H 10 μH
1.2 pF
pF 470
50 Ω
(f) (dBc/Hz)
1K 10 K 100 K 1M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-27b Simulated phase noise of the oscillator shown in Figure B-24.
Figure B-28 Measured phase noise for this frequency standard by Hewlett-Packard.
1000 pF
5.6 pF 1.2 pF 10 kΩ
68 kΩ 5V
2.7 pF
∼3 dBm
di = 2.5 mm
do = 6 mm
I = 11.56 mm
εN = 38
The ceramic resonator has been modeled using the model “cable”; then the Spice type parameters of the
BFR93A transistor data are shown at the beginning of the nonlinear program. The statement at the end of the
last line “nois” = B noise indicates that the bias-dependent noise model of the bipolar transistor has been acti-
vated. In the data section, the bias-dependent flicker noise for the transistor (bnoise) and the bias-dependent noise
of the tuning diode (dnoise) are defined. The center of the netlist shows the element values that are consistent
(f ) (dBc/Hz)
10 100 1K 10 K 100 K 1M 10 M 40 M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-30 Measured phase noise of the oscillator shown in Figure B-29.
pn1 <h1> (dBc/Hz)
102 103 104 105 106 107
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-31 Predicted phase noise of the 1-GHz ceramic resonator VCO without the tuning diode.
with the previous shown circuit diagram. This noise analysis approach is unique because it takes all factors into
consideration and therefore is referred to as the “exact” solution.
102 103 104 105 106 107
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-32 Predicted phase noise of the 1-GHz ceramic resonator VCO with the tuning diode attached. Please
note the good agreement between the measured and predicted phase noise.
Δ = 14.060–14.153 MHz
Oscillator +7 V U3
120 LM317L
NPO IN914 MPF102 Out
Q4 In
REG +12 V
* D
Band 27 1 μF ADJ
T 0.1
edge C10 22 k S 35 V
NPO * 17
0.1 100
220 33 240 T3 = 5 dBm
NPO NPO (A) Output to mixer
5% 1.1 k 0.01
RFC 2 5% (Fig 3, U1, PIN 8)
50 C9* 27 Z = 50 Ω
Tuning NPO
100 k Q5
* –Not mounted on U3 40673
circuit board Z2 G2 D
Out In
GND (B) 100 k
0.01 47 k 0.01
1.1 k and 240-Ω
Resistors not used
Except as indicated, decimal
values of capacitance are in
microfarads (μF); others are
in picofarads (pF); resistances
are in ohms; k = 1000
T = Tantalum
Figure B-33 A 20-m VFO circuit from the 1993 ARRL Handbook. VFO, variable frequency oscillator.
Figure B-34 shows the measured phase noise of an oscillator of this type and Figures B-35 and B-36 show the
simulated phase noise of the type of oscillator shown in Figure B-33, with and without a clipping diode. Please
note the degradation of the phase noise if the diode is used.
(f ) (dBc/Hz) –60
1 10 100 1K 10 K 100 K
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-34 Measured phase noise of a 10-MHz oscillator of the type shown in Figure B-33.
With diode
PN1 <H1> (dBc/Hz)
101 102 103 104 105 106
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-35 Simulated phase noise of this type of oscillator with a clipping diode attached.
An experimenter found that by removing the diode it did not change or degrade the stability. Additionally, the
clipping diode did degrade the phase noise close-in. We have developed a VCO, however, that clips the negative
peaks, in the sense that it prevents the oscillator from shutting off. This VCO, as shown in Figure B-37, was
incorporated in a scheme with a digital direct synthesizer.
The phase noise of the combined system was significantly improved. The phase noise of the oscillator shown
in Figure B-38, which has only one VCO for the total range from 75 to 105 MHz, when compared with the phase
noise of a very recent design like the synthesizer in the TS950, has a 10-dB better S/N ratio at 10 kHz (and further
away). This is shown in Figure B-39.
Previous authors have tried to build similar wideband oscillators with varying degrees of success. The VCO
shown in Figure B-40 violates several rules of designing a good VCO. First, resistor R2 of 68 kΩ, together with
C2, provides a time constant that gets close to the audio frequency range. This may result in a super-regenerative
receiver, which, of course, is counterproductive. Second, the diode from gate to ground working as a clipping diode
also generates more noise. This was outlined earlier. Finally, the feedback selected between the two tuning diodes
Without diode
101 102 103 104 105 106
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-36 Simulated phase noise of this type of oscillator without a clipping diode attached.
From filter
C122 V135
VCO 74 –105 MHz 2U2 HSMS2800-L 470P L
+10 V
C121 R122 C129
X120 1
X120 2
X120 3
X120 4
4M7 L R121 311R L R123 1N2 L R129
332R L
12 × 88809 221R L 200R L
1 2
C120 C126 C127 1NL
56PT.W. 4 3 1 22U 1NL R127
V127 V121
V128 V122
V129 V123
V130 V124
V131 V125
V126 V120
10M L
–10 V
Figure B-37 Wideband VCO with a large number of tuning diodes to improve phase noise. Note that the diode is
biased in reverse and does not follow the positive clipping as published by other authors.
(f) (dBc/Hz)
1 10 100 1K 10 K 100 K
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-38 Phase noise of the multidiode VCO in a phase-locked loop (PLL) system.
(f) (dBc/Hz)
1 10 100 1K 10 K 100 K
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-39 Phase noise of the TS950, which is 10 dB worse than the multidiode system.
reduces the operating Q of the resonator to unreasonably small values. If this particular circuit is favored, then
the tuning diode D2 should be made out of several (3–5) diodes in parallel. It is therefore not surprising that the
measured phase noise shown in Figure B-41 is significantly below state of the art.
C7 43 μH C9
1500 pF C8 15 pF
1500 pF L6
R2 R9 1 μH
C6 60 K 5.6 KΩ C5
pF RF out
FB 100 pF C3 PB 1500 pF
Q1 Q2
2N5397 D3 330 pF 2N2857
5711 D1 L1
6523 R5 22
5.1 KΩ
330 pF R7 C4
L3 540 1500 pF
4.7 μH 6520 4.7 μH
R3 R1
100 100 L1 = 9 turns, #22 wire
9/ " diameter
Figure B-40 41 MHz VCO that violates several rules of good design.
(f) (dBc/Hz)
1K 10 K 100 K 1M
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-41 Phase noise of a 41-MHz oscillator that is significantly below state of the art.
them up to 39 GHz, we would get better performance. VCOs like this are being used as part of PLL systems that
“clean up” some of the noise.
Figure B-44 shows the “clean-up” from a PLL and at the same time shows the phase noise of the same oscil-
lator in free-running mode. The operating conditions were 10-MHz reference and 100-kHz loop bandwidth. The
“clean-up” is dramatic if one considers the multiplication factor up to 39 GHz. The crystal oscillator’s reference is
the best low noise crystal type 10811A made by Hewlett-Packard.
RF output
varactor bias
Drain bias
Gate bias
(f ) (dBc/Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
Figure B-44 “Clean-up” from a PLL, also showing the phase noise of the same oscillator in a free-running mode.
Phase DR
Directional Directional
coupler coupler
3 dB
Figure B-45 Advanced system rather than an oscillator where a DRO is stabilized by a discriminator.
Figure B-46 Computed output voltage of the frequency discriminator shown in Figure B-45.
0 PM noise
Conversion contribution
–40 Modulation contribution
AM noise
Open loop
–20 Computed
–40 Closed loop
–60 Measured
1.E+ 1 1.E +2 1.E +3 1.E +4 1.E +5
Overall PM noise
–20 DRO + diodes contribution
–40 DRO contribution
1.E+ 0 1.E+ 1 1.E + 2 1.E+3 1.E+4 1.E +5
Corner frequency:
20 1 kHz
100 kHz
0 1 MHz
–20 10 MHz
–40 Open loop
1.E+0 1.E +1 1.E+ 2 1.E + 3 1.E+ 4 1.E+5
Figure B-48 provides a comparison between the open-loop and closed-loop PM noise. An improvement of
about 15 dB is obtained up to frequency deviations of about 2 kHz. In the figure, measured data are also reported.
Computed and experimental results are in very good agreement.
Figure B-49 shows the contribution of different noise sources to the output PM noise.
Finally, Figure B-50 shows the dependence of PM noise on the corner frequency of the detector diodes. (All
previous results correspond to corner frequencies of 100 kHz for both the detector diodes and the feedback ampli-
This combined mathematical and experimental discussion has shown that the new approach implemented in Com-
pact Software’s Microwave Harmonica and Scope workstation products provides a fast and accurate method for
phase noise analysis. The results can be viewed on the workstation as shown in Figure B-51. This workstation
approach is the result of a 2-year cooperative effort between Professor Vittorio and his group at the University
of Bologna and the engineering staff of Compact Software, Inc. An additional benefit is that this approach also
Circuit File Editor: oscn7.ckt Graph
File Edit Setup Results Utilities Keys File Edit Tools Attributes Options Help
ABORT * Microwave Harmonica (um) v4.0 Phase Noise of Crystal Oscillator Sep–10–93
* File: oscn7.ckt Version 4.0 12:05:22
PARSE * Analysis of a NPN bipolar crystal oscillator –25 MYBIP
Y: PN2<H1>
PH2<H1> [25.0 dBc/Hz/Div] (dBc/Hz)
Tambient: 25cel
SRX 11 8 R = .1 L = .4uH C = 32pF ; pulling f0
OSC DSN RES 2 3 R = 100
SRC 2 4 R = .1 C = 1nF
SRL 5 0 L = 3uH R = 470
RES 5 55 R = 15 –175
Graph 10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1 10–0
tone2 (MHz)
File Edit Tools Attributes Options Help
Microwave Harmonica (tm) Phase Plane Sep–10–93 File Edit Tools Attributes Options Help
Version 4.0 12:04:14
Microwave Harmonica (tm) v4.0 RE_14 Sep–10–93
MYBIP Version 4.0 12:07:04
Current = 0 10.0 Y dbm (PO2)
MYBIP dbm (PO2)
1 (BIP_NPN) (mAmp)
Current = 0.0001 0.0
dbm (PO2) (dBm)
10.0 Current = 0.0002 –10.0
Current = 0.0003 –20.0
Current = 0.0004 –30.0
–10.0 MYBIP
Small Y I (BIP_NPN)
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 R (BIP_NPN)
Signal Current = 0.0005 –40.0
V (BIP_NPN) (Volt) 0.0 20.0
Harmon MYBIP
Y I (BIP_NPN) Spectrum (0.0 Hz/D(u) (MHz)
Balance R (BIP_NPN)
handles mixer noise. A future enhancement will be the ability to optimize a circuit for output power and phase
noise. References [8–13] refer to recent work done in this area.
1. Antognefti, T. and Massobdo, G. (1988). Semi-conductor Device Modeling with SPICE, 91. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
2. Hawkins, R.J. (1977). Limitations of Nielsen’s and related noise equations applied to microwave bipolar transistors, and a
new expression for the frequency and current dependent noise figure. Solid State Electronics 20: 191–196.
3. Hus, T.-H. and Snapp, C.P. (1978). Low noise microwave bipolar transistor sub-half-micrometer Emitter width. IEEE Trans-
actions on Electron Devices 25: 723–730.
4. Pucel, R.A. and Rohde, U.L. (1993). An accurate expression for the noise resistance Rn of a bipolar transistor for use with
the Hawkins noise model. IEEE Microwave Guided Wave Letters 3 (2): 35–37.
5. Vendelin, G., Pavio, A.M., and Rohde, U.L. (1990). Microwave Circuit Design. New York: Wiley.
6. Pucel, R.A., Struble, W., Hallgren, R., and Rohde, U.L. (1992). A general noise de-embedding procedure for packaged
two-port linear active devices. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 40: 2013–2025.
7. Rohde, U.L. (1991). Improved noise modeling of GaAs FETS, parts I and II: using an enhanced equivalent circuit technique.
Microwave Journal: 87–101. (November) and 87–95 (December), respectively.
8. Rizzoli, V., Mastri, F., and Cecchefti, C. (1989). Computer-aided noise analysis of MESFET and HEMT mixers. IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 37: 1401–1410.
9. Rizzoli, V. and Lippadni, A. (1985). Computer-aided noise analysis of linear multiport networks of arbitrary topology. IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 33: 1507–1512.
10. Rizzoli, V., Mastri, F., and Masofti, D. (1992). General-purpose noise analysis of forced nonlinear microwave circuits. Mil-
itary Microwave: 293–298.
11. Chang, C.R. (1992). Mixer noise analysis using the enhanced microwave harmonics. Compact Software Transmission Line
News 6 (2): 4–9.
12. Rizzoli, V., Mastri, F., and Masotti, D. (1993). A general purpose harmonic balance approach to the computation of
near-carrier noise in free-running microwave oscillators. In: MTT-S, 309–312.
13. Tayrani, R., Gerber, J.E., Daniel, T. et al. (1993). A new and reliable approach to direct parameter extraction for MESFETs
and HEMTs. European Microwave Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Phase modulation capability DATA PORT
The AD9914 is a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) featuring a parallel input/output port. The AD9914 also supports a user
12-bit DAC. The AD9914 uses advanced DDS technology, coupled defined linear sweep mode of operation for generating linear
with an internal high speed, high performance DAC to form a swept waveforms of frequency, phase, or amplitude. A high
digitally programmable, complete high frequency synthesizer speed, 32-bit parallel data input port is included, enabling high
capable of generating a frequency-agile analog output sinusoidal data rates for polar modulation schemes and fast reprogramming
waveform at up to 1.4 GHz. The AD9914 enables fast frequency of the phase, frequency, and amplitude tuning words.
hopping and fine tuning resolution (64-bit capable using
The AD9914 is specified to operate over the extended industrial
programmable modulus mode). The AD9914 also offers fast temperature range (see the Absolute Maximum Ratings section).
phase and amplitude hopping capability. The frequency tuning
and control words are loaded into the AD9914 via a serial or
Rev. F | Page 3 of 45
Figure 4. Wideband SFDR at 171.5 MHz Figure 7. Narrow-Band SFDR at 171.5 MHz,
SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
Figure 5. Wideband SFDR at 427.5 MHz Figure 8. Narrow-Band SFDR at 427.5 MHz,
SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
Figure 6. Wideband SFDR at 696.5 MHz, Figure 9. Narrow-Band SFDR at 696.5 MHz,
SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
Rev. F | Page 12 of 45
Figure 10. Wideband SFDR at 1396.5 MHz, Figure 13. Narrow-Band SFDR at 1396.5 MHz,
SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
Figure 11. Wideband SFDR vs. Normalized fOUT, Figure 14. Absolute Phase Noise of REF CLK Source Driving AD9914
SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz Rohde & Schwarz SMA100 Signal Generator at 3.5 GHz Buffered by Series
Figure 12. Wideband SFDR vs. Normalized fOUT, Figure 15. Absolute Phase Noise Curves of DDS Output
SYSCLK = 2.5 GHz to 3.5 GHz at 3.5 GHz Operation
Rev. F | Page 13 of 45
Figure 16. Absolute Phase Noise Curves of Normalized REF CLK Figure 19. Absolute Phase Noise Curves of DDS Output Using
Source to DDS Output at 1396 MHz (SYSCLK = 3.5 GHz) Internal PLL at 2.5 GHz Operation
Figure 17. Residual Phase Noise Curves Figure 20. Residual PN vs. Absolute PN Measurement
Curves at 1396 MHz
Figure 18. Power Supply Current vs. SYSCLK Figure 21. Residual Phase Noise vs. Normalized Absolute
REF CLK Source Phase Noise at 1396 MHz
Rev. F | Page 14 of 45
Figure 22. SYNC_OUT (fSYSCLK/384) Figure 24. Measured Rising Linear Frequency Sweep
Figure 23. DAC Calibration Time vs. SYSCLK Rate. See the DAC Figure 25. Measured Falling Linear Frequency Sweep
Calibration Output Section for Formula.
Rev. F | Page 15 of 45
The AD9914 has five modes of operation. DIGITAL RAMP MODULATION MODE
Single tone In digital ramp modulation mode, the modulated DDS signal
Profile modulation control parameter is supplied directly from the digital ramp
Digital ramp modulation (linear sweep) generator (DRG). The ramp generation parameters are
Parallel data port modulation controlled through the serial or parallel input/output port.
Programmable modulus mode
The ramp generation parameters allow the user to control both
The modes define the data source supplies the DDS with the the rising and falling slopes of the ramp. The upper and lower
signal control parameters: frequency, phase, or amplitude. The boundaries of the ramp,the step size and step rate of the rising
partitioning of the data into different combinations of frequency, portion of the ramp, and the step size and step rate of the falling
phase, and amplitude is established based on the mode and/or portion of the ramp are all programmable.
specific control bits and function pins. The ramp is digitally generated with 32-bit output resolution.
Although the various modes are described independently, they can The 32-bit output of the DRG can be programmed to affect
be enabled simultaneously. This provides an unprecedented level frequency, phase, or amplitude. When programmed for frequency,
of flexibility for generating complex modulation schemes. However, all 32 bits are used. However, when programmed for phase or
to avoid multiple data sources from driving the same DDS signal amplitude, only the 16 MSBs or 12 MSBs, respectively, are used.
control parameter, the device has a built-in priority protocol. The ramp direction (rising or falling) is externally controlled by
In single tone mode, the DDS signal control parameters come the DRCTL pin. An additional pin (DRHOLD) allows the user
directly from the profile programming registers. In digital ramp to suspend the ramp generator in the present state. Note that
modulation mode, the DDS signal control parameters are delivered amplitude control must also be enabled using the OSK enable
by a digital ramp generator. In parallel data port modulation mode, bit in Register CFR1.
the DDS signal control parameters are driven directly into the PARALLEL DATA PORT MODULATION MODE
parallel port.
In parallel data port modulation mode, the modulated DDS signal
The various modulation modes generally operate on only one of control parameter(s) are supplied directly from the 32-bit parallel
the DDS signal control parameters (two in the case of the polar data port. The function pins define how the 32-bit data-word is
modulation format via the parallel data port). The unmodulated applied to the DDS signal control parameters. Formatting of the
DDS signal control parameters are stored in programming registers 32-bit data-word is unsigned binary, regardless of the destination.
and automatically routed to the DDS based on the selected mode.
Parallel Data Clock (SYNC_CLK)
A separate output shift keying (OSK) function is also available.
The AD9914 generates a clock signal on the SYNC_CLK pin
This function employs a separate digital linear ramp generator
that runs at 1/24 of the DAC sample rate (the sample rate of the
that affects only the amplitude parameter of the DDS. The OSK
parallel data port). SYNC_CLK serves as a data clock for the
function has priority over the other data sources that can drive
parallel port.
the DDS amplitude parameter. As such, no other data source
can drive the DDS amplitude when the OSK function is enabled. PROGRAMMABLE MODULUS MODE
SINGLE TONE MODE In programmable modulus mode, the DRG is used as an
auxiliary accumulator to alter the frequency equation of the
In single tone mode, the DDS signal control parameters are
DDS core, making it possible to implement fractions that are
supplied directly from the profile programming registers. A
not restricted to a power of 2 in the denominator. A standard
profile is an independent register that contains the DDS signal
DDS is restricted to powers of 2 as a denominator because the
control parameters. Eight profile registers are available. Note
phase accumulator is a set of bits as wide as the frequency
that the profile pins must select the desired register.
tuning word (FTW).
PROFILE MODULATION MODE When in programmable modulus mode, however, the
Each profile is independently accessible. For FSK, PSK, or ASK frequency equation is:
modulation, use the three external profile pins (PS[2:0]) to select
f0 = (fS)(FTW + A/B)/232
the desired profile. A change in the state of the profile pins with
the next rising edge on SYNC_CLK updates the DDS with the Where f0/fS < ½, 0 ≤ FTW < 231, 2 ≤ B ≤ 232 – 1, and A < B.
parameters specified by the selected profile. Therefore, the profile
This equation implies a modulus of B × 232 (rather than 232, in
change must meet the setup and hold times to the SYNC_CLK the case of a standard DDS). Furthermore, because B is
rising edge. Note that amplitude control must also be enabled programmable, the result is a DDS with a programmable
using the OSK enable bit in the CFR1 register (0x00[8]). modulus.
Rev. F | Page 17 of 45
for FTW ≥ 231 When the AD9914 is programmed to modulate any of the DDS
signal control parameters, the maximum modulation sample
rate is 1/24 fSYSCLK. This means that the modulation signal exhibits
images at multiples of 1/24 fSYSCLK. The impact of these images
must be considered when using the device as a modulator.
Rev. F | Page 19 of 45
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Figure 1.
Rev. F
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rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
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Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2007–2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
+25°C –80
–75 –40°C
+85°C –90
–80 –100
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Figure 3. Wideband SFDR vs. Output Frequency at −40°C, +25°C, and +85°C, Figure 6. Wideband SFDR at 98.6 MHz,
SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
–50 10
SFDR: –61dBc
–55 FREQ. SPAN: 500MHz
–20 VIDEO BW: 10kHz
SFDR (dBc)
–75 –80
–80 –100
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Figure 4. Variation of Wideband SFDR vs. Frequency over DAC Power Supply Figure 7. Wideband SFDR at 201.1 MHz,
Voltage, SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
10 10
0 0
SFDR: –79dBc SFDR: –59dBc
–10 –10
–20 VIDEO BW: 10kHz –20 VIDEO BW: 10kHz
–30 –30
–40 –40
–50 –50
–60 –60
–70 –70
–80 –80
–90 –90
–100 –100
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Figure 5. Wideband SFDR at 20.1 MHz, Figure 8. Wideband SFDR at 398.7 MHz,
SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
Rev. F | Page 11 of 40
10 –80
0 SFDR: –95dBc 99MHz: 413fs
FREQ. SPAN: 500kHz –90
399MHz: 222fs
–20 VIDEO BW: 1kHz –100
–50 –120
–80 –140
–100 99MHz
–110 –160
19.85 19.95 20.05 20.15 20.25 20.35 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100 M
Figure 9. Narrow-Band SFDR at 20.1 MHz, Figure 12. Absolute Phase Noise Using HSTL Driver,
SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
10 –80
CARRIER: 201.1MHz RMS JITTER (12kHz TO 20MHz):
0 SFDR: –91dBc 99MHz: 0.98ps
FREQ. SPAN: 500kHz –90
399MHz: 0.99ps
–20 VIDEO BW: 1kHz –100
–50 –120
–130 399MHz
–80 –140
–90 99MHz
–110 –160
200.85 200.95 201.05 201.15 201.25 201.35 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100 M
Figure 10. Narrow-Band SFDR at 201.1 MHz, Figure 13. Absolute Phase Noise Using HSTL Driver,
SYSCLK = 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Driven by Rohde & Schwarz
SMA100 Signal Generator at 83.33 MHz)
10 –80
CARRIER: 398.7MHz RMS JITTER (12kHz TO 20MHz):
0 SFDR: –86dBc 99MHz: 1.41ps
FREQ. SPAN: 500kHz –90
–10 399MHz: 1.46ps
–20 VIDEO BW: 1kHz –100
–50 –120
–70 399MHz
–80 –140
–90 99MHz
–110 –160
398.45 398.55 398.65 398.75 398.85 398.95 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Figure 11. Narrow-Band SFDR at 398.7 MHz, Figure 14. Absolute Phase Noise Using HSTL Driver,
SYSCLK = 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Driven by Rohde & Schwarz
SMA100 Signal Generator at 25 MHz)
Rev. F | Page 12 of 40
–100 800
600MHz: 585fs 3.3V
800MHz: 406fs 700
–130 300
–150 0
100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000
Figure 15. Absolute Phase Noise Using HSTL Driver, Figure 18. Power Dissipation vs. System Clock Frequency
SYSCLK = 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed), (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed), fOUT = fSYSCLK/5, HSTL Driver On,
HSTL Output Doubler Enabled CMOS Driver On, SpurKiller Off
–110 800
RMS JITTER (100Hz TO 20MHz):
150MHz: 308fs
50MHz: 737fs 700
–140 TOTAL
300 3.3V
150MHz 1.8V
–150 50MHz
–160 0
100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 0 100 200 300 400
Figure 16. Absolute Phase Noise Using CMOS Driver at 3.3 V, Figure 19. Power Dissipation vs. Output Frequency
SYSCLK = 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 1 GHz (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed), HSTL Driver On,
DDS Run at 200 MSPS for 10 MHz Plot CMOS Driver On, SpurKiller Off
–110 10
50MHz: 790fs 0 SFDR W/O SPURKILLER: –63.7dBc
–120 500MHz
50MHz –70
–150 –80
10MHz –90
–160 –100
100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 0 100 200 300 400 500
Figure 17. Absolute Phase Noise Using CMOS Driver at 1.8 V, Figure 20. SFDR Comparison With and Without SpurKiller,
SYSCLK = 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) SYSCLK = 1 GHz,fOUT = 400 MHz
Rev. F | Page 13 of 40
–115 –115
RMS JITTER (100Hz TO 20MHz): RMS JITTER (100Hz TO 100MHz): 83fs
50MHz: 62fs
200MHz: 37fs
–125 –125
400MHz: 31fs
–145 –145
–155 –155
–175 –175
100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Figure 21. Absolute Phase Noise of Unfiltered DAC Output, Figure 24. Absolute Phase Noise of Unfiltered DAC Output, f OUT = 258.3 MHz,
fOUT = 50 MHz, 200 MHz, and 400 MHz, SYSCLK Driven by SYSCLK Driven by a 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
a 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
–115 –115
RMS JITTER (100Hz TO 20MHz): 69fs RMS JITTER (100Hz TO 100MHz): 82fs
–125 –125
–135 –135
–145 –145
–155 –155
–165 –165
–175 –175
100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Figure 25. Absolute Phase Noise of Unfiltered DAC Output, fOUT = 311.6 MHz,
Figure 22. Absolute Phase Noise of Unfiltered DAC Output, fOUT = 63 MHz,
SYSCLK Driven by a 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
SYSCLK Driven by a 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed)
–115 –110
RMS JITTER (100Hz TO 40MHz): 61fs RMS JITTER (100Hz TO 100MHz): 22fs
–125 –120
–135 –130
–145 –140
–155 –150
–165 –160
–175 –170
100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Figure 23. Absolute Phase Noise of Unfiltered DAC Output, fOUT = 171 MHz, Figure 26. Absolute Phase Noise of 1 GHz Reference Used for Performance
SYSCLK Driven by a 1 GHz Wenzel Oscillator (SYSCLK PLL Bypassed) Plots; Wenzel Components Used: 100 MHz Oscillator, LNBA-13-24 Amp,
LNOM 100-5 Multiplier, LNDD 500-14 Diode Doubler
Rev. F | Page 14 of 40
650 0.6
550 0
–0.2 tRISE (20% 80%) = 104ps
tFALL (80% 20%) = 107ps
500 V p-p = 1.17V DIFF.
NOM SKEW 25°C, 1.8V SUPPLY –0.4 DUTY CYCLE = 50%
450 –0.6
0 200 400 600 800 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Figure 27. HSTL Output Driver Single-Ended Peak-to-Peak Amplitude vs. Figure 30. Typical HSTL Output Waveform, Nominal Conditions,
Toggle Rate (100 Ω Across Differential Pair) DC-Coupled, Differential Probe Across 100 Ω load
2.5 1.8
2.0 1.4
1.5 1.0
0 –0.2
0 10 20 30 40 0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 28. CMOS Output Driver Peak-to-Peak Amplitude vs. Toggle Rate Figure 31. Typical CMOS Output Driver Waveform (@ 1.8 V),
(AVDD3 = 1.8 V) with 20 pF Load Nominal Conditions, Estimated Capacitance = 5 pF
0 –0.2
0 50 100 150 0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 29. CMOS Output Driver Peak-to-Peak Amplitude vs. Toggle Rate Figure 32. CMOS Output Driver Waveform (@ 3.3 V),
(AVDD3 = 3.3 V) with 20 pF Load Nominal Conditions, Estimated Capacitance = 5 pF
Rev. F | Page 15 of 40
OVERVIEW The output circuitry includes HSTL and CMOS output buffers,
as well as a frequency doubler for applications that need
The AD9912 is a high performance, low noise, 14-bit DDS frequencies above the Nyquist level of the DDS.
clock synthesizer with integrated comparators for applications
desiring an agile, finely tuned square or sinusoidal output signal. The AD9912 also offers preprogrammed frequency profiles that
A digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) is implemented using a allow the user to generate frequencies without programming
direct digital synthesizer (DDS) with an integrated output DAC, the part. The individual functional blocks are described in the
clocked by the system clock. following sections.
Rev. F | Page 17 of 40
48 14
Figure 40. DDS Block Diagram
The input to the DDS is a 48-bit FTW that provides the accu- is internally connected to a virtual voltage reference of 1.2 V
mulator with a seed value. On each cycle of fS, the accumulator nominal, so the reference current can be calculated by
adds the value of the FTW to the running total of its output.
For example, given an FTW = 5, the accumulator increments 1.2
the count by 5 sec on each fS cycle. Over time, the accumulator RDAC_REF
reaches the upper end of its capacity (248 in this case) and then
rolls over, retaining the excess. The average rate at which the Note that the recommended value of IDAC_REF is 120 μA, which
accumulator rolls over establishes the frequency of the output leads to a recommended value for RDAC_REF of 10 kΩ.
sinusoid. The following equation defines the average rollover
The scale factor consists of a 10-bit binary number (FSC)
rate of the accumulator and establishes the output frequency
programmed into the DAC full-scale current register in the
(fDDS) of the DDS:
I/O register map. The full-scale DAC output current (IDAC_FS)
is given by
248 IDAC_FS = IDAC_REF 72 +
Solving this equation for FTW yields
sing the recommended value of RDAC_REF, the full-scale DAC
output current can be set with 10-bit granularity over a range of
FTW = round 248 approximately 8.6 mA to 31.7 mA. 20 mA is the default value.
For example, given that fS = 1 GHz and fDDS = 19.44 MHz, then
FTW = 5,471,873,547,255 (0x04FA05143BF7). IFS/2
IFS /2
Rev. F | Page 18 of 40
–100 f
fs/2 fs 3fs /2 2fs 5fs /2
Because the DAC constitutes a sampled system, its output must FDBK_IN INPUTS
be filtered so that the analog waveform accurately represents the
The FDBK_IN pins serve as the input to the comparators and
tdigital samples supplied to the DAC input. The unfiltered DAC
output drivers of the AD9912. Typically, these pins are used to
output contains the (typically) desired baseband signal, which
receive the signal generated by the DDS after it has been band-
extends from dc to the Nyquist frequency (fS/2). It also contains
limited by the external reconstruction filter.
images of the baseband signal that theoretically extend to infinity.
Notice that the odd images (shown in Figure 42) are mirror A diagram of the FDBK_IN input pins is provided in Figure 43,
images of the baseband signal. Furthermore, the entire DAC which includes some of the internal components used to bias
output spectrum is affected by a sin(x)/x response, which is the input circuitry. Note that the FDBK_IN input pins are
caused by the sample-and-hold nature of the DAC output signal. internally biased to a dc level of ~1 V. Care should be taken to
ensure that any external connections do not disturb the dc bias
For applications using the fundamental frequency of the DAC because this may significantly degrade performance.
output, the response of the reconstruction filter should preserve
the baseband signal (Image 0), while completely rejecting all TO S-DIVIDER
~1pF 15k AND CLOCK
other images. However, a practical filter implementation OUTPUT SECTION
typically exhibits a relatively flat pass band that covers the
~1pF 15k
desired output frequency plus 20%, rolls off as steeply as
possible, and then maintains signi cant (though not complete) FDBK_INB
rejection of the remaining images. Depending on how close
~1V ~2pF
unwanted spurs are to the desired signal, a third-, fifth-, or
seventh-order elliptic low-pass filter is common.
Figure 43. Differential FDBK_IN Inputs
Some applications operate off an image above the Nyquist
frequency, and those applications use a band-pass filter instead
of a low-pass filter.
The design of the reconstruction filter has a significant impact
on the overall signal performance. Therefore, good filter design
and implementation techniques are important for obtaining the
best possible jitter results.
Rev. F | Page 19 of 40
Although the worst spurs tend to be harmonic in origin, the fact The procedure for tuning the spur reduction is as follows:
that the DAC is part of a sampled system results in the possibility 1. Determine which offending harmonic spur to reduce and
of spurs appearing in the output spectrum that are not harmoni- its amplitude. Enter that harmonic number into Bit 0 to
cally related to the fundamental. For example, if the DAC is Bit 3 of Register 0x0500/Register 0x0505.
sampled at 1 GHz and generates an output sinusoid of 170 MHz,
2. Turn off the fundamental by setting Bit 7 of Register 0x0013
the fifth harmonic would normally be at 850 MHz. However,
and enable the SpurKiller channel by setting Bit 7 of
because of the sampling process, this spur appears at 150 MHz,
Register 0x0500/Register 0x0505.
only 20 MHz away from the fundamental. Therefore, when
attempting to reduce DAC spurs it is important to know the 3. Adjust the amplitude of the SpurKiller channel so that it
actual location of the harmonic spur in the DAC output matches the amplitude of the offending spur.
spectrum based on the DAC sample rate so that its harmonic 4. Turn the fundamental on by clearing Bit 7 of Register 0x0013.
number can be reduced. 5. Adjust the phase of the SpurKiller channel so that
The mechanics of performing harmonic spur reduction is shown maximum interference is achieved.
in Figure 48. It essentially consists of two additional DDS cores Note that the SpurKiller setting is sensitive to the loading of the
operating in parallel with the original DDS. This enables the user DAC output pins, and that a DDS reset is required if a SpurKiller
to reduce two different harmonic spurs from the second to the channel is turned off. The DDS can be reset by setting Bit 0 of
15th with nine bits of phase offset control (±π) and eight bits of Register 0x0012, and resetting the part is not necessary.
amplitude control.
The performance improvement offered by this technique varies
The dynamic range of the cancellation signal is further aug- widely and depends on the conditions used. Given this extreme
mented by a gain bit associated with each channel. When this variability, it is impossible to dene a meaningful specification
bit is set, the magnitude of the cancellation signal is doubled by to guarantee SpurKiller performance. Current data indicate that
employing a 1-bit left-shift of the data. However, the shift a 6 dB to 8 dB improvement is possible for a given output
operation reduces the granularity of the cancellation signal frequency using a common setting over process, temperature,
magnitude. The full-scale amplitude of a cancellation spur is and voltage. There are frequencies, however, where a common
approximately −60 dBc when the gain bit is a Logic 0 and setting can result in much greater improvement. Manually
approximately −54 dBc when the gain bit is a Logic 1. adjusting the SpurKiller settings on individual parts can result
in more than 30 dB of spurious performance improvement.
FREQUENCY 14 48 19 19 14
(FTW) 1 (14-BIT)
9 0
Rev. F | Page 23 of 40
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The design of monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC)-based synthesizers is limited to companies
equipped with GaAs foundries, but the synthesizers are interesting in the sense of seeing where the frequency
limitations lie. As previously outlined, the millimeter-wave oscillators generally have a low Q and therefore are
fairly noisy. This means they either have to be cleaned up by a wide loop bandwidth or special precautions must
be taken to make them high performance.
Figure D-1 shows the component diagram of such a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). This particular
VCO has been selected on the basis of common source, common gate, and common drain as outlined in
Figure D-2.
8 pF
FET Output
50 Ω
VCONT 0.014 pF
50 Ω
8 pF
1 3 S D 5
2 4 6
BW = 250 Hz
100 1K 10 K 100 K 1M 10 M
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure D-3 VCO output single-sideband (SSB) phase noise (fosc = 15.0 GHz).
Figure D-3 shows the measured phase noise of such a VCO at 18 GHz using a characteristic MMIC chip. In
order to obtain the appropriate frequency division, a parametric type of frequency divider must be used, as shown
in Figure D-4. The dividers can be characterized as either regenerative, dynamic, or static devices. The dynamic
frequency divider refers to a “flip-flop” type of frequency divider using a delay line between the input and output and
is built on a heterojunction bipolar approach. These types of divider have been built up to 26 GHz. The regenerative
frequency dividers are built on the popular principle shown in Figure D-5. A modification of this principle using a
double-balanced mixer can also be used as a frequency doubler. This Ku band frequency synthesizer is contained
in two GaAs monolithic chips, as shown in Figure D-6.
Some of these integrated circuits can be obtained as discrete components. Figure D-7 shows a high-gain stage
model MGF7201 GaAs monolithic microwave IC. At 14 GHz it exhibits 20-dB gain and approximately 20-dBm
output power.
Figure D-8 shows a photograph of the MMIC synthesizer.
7.5-GHz 15-GHz
Output Input
fin ± fout fin – fout fout
fin Low-pass Amp.
12–14 GHz
Ref. Osc.
Figure D-6 Ku-band frequency synthesizer integrated in two GaAs monolithic chips.
2 5
It is recommended to connect dc block capacitors to input
and output terminal ( 2 and 5 ) in order to prevent failure
to surge
Derksen, R.H. et al. (1985). Monolithic integration of a 5.3 GHz regenerative frequency divider using a standard bipolar technol-
ogy. Electron Letters 21: 1037–1039.
Derksen, R.H. et al. (1988). 7.3 GHz dynamic frequency dividers monolithically integrated in a standard bipolar technology.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 36 (3): 537–541.
Fensen, J.F. et al. (1987). 26 GHz GaAs room-temperature dynamic divider circuit. In: IEEE GaAsIC Symposium Digest,
201–204. New York, NY: IEEE.
Honjo, K. et al. (1986). Novel design approach for X-band GaAs monolithic analog 1/4 frequency divider. IEEE Transactions
on Microwave Theory and Techniques 34 (4): 436–441.
Ichino, H. et al. (1988). Super self-aligned process technology (SST) and its applications. In: IEEE Bipolar Circuits and Tech-
niques Meeting Digest, 15–18. New York, NY: IEEE.
Kanazawa, K. et al. (1988). A 15 GHz single-stage GaAs dual-gate FET monolithic analog frequency divider with reduced input
threshold power. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 36 (12): 1908–1912.
Mizutani, T. et al. (1987). A high-speed static frequency divider employing n† Ge Gate AIGaAs MISFET. In: IEEE Proceedings,
IEDM, 603–606. New York, NY: IEEE.
Morizuka, K. et al. (1988). AIGaAs/GaAs HBTs fabricated by a self-alignment technology using polyimide for electrode sepa-
ration. IEEE Electron Device Letters 9 (11): 598–600.
Ohira, T. et al. (1985). 14 GHz band GaAs monolithic analogue frequency divider. Electron Letters 21: 1057–1058.
Ohira, T. et al. (1987). Development of key monolithic circuits to Ka-band full MMIC receivers. In: IEEE 1987 Microwave and
Millimeter-wave Monolithic Circuits Symposium, 69–74. New York, NY: IEEE.
Ohira, T. et al. (1987). MMIC 14 GHz VCO and miller frequency divider for low-noise local oscillators. IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques 35 (7): 657–662.
Ohira, T. et al. (1989). A compact full MMIC module for Ku-band phase-locked oscillators. IEEE Transactions on Microwave
Theory and Techniques 37 (4): 723–728.
Ohira, T. et al. (1989). A Ku-band MMIC PLL frequency synthesizer. In: 1989 IEEE MTT-S Digest, 1047–1050. New York, NY:
Osafune, K. et al. (1987). An ultra-high speed GaAs prescaler using a dynamic frequency divider. IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques 35 (1): 9–13.
Riddle, A.N., Avantek, Inc., and Trew, R.J. (1987). A new measurement system for oscillator noise characterization. In: 1987
IEEE MTT-S Digest, 509–512. New York, NY: IEEE.
Saito, S. Low Power and Fast Switching Synthesizers for Mobile Roads. NTT Radio Communication Systems Labs.
Shigaki, M. et al. (1988). High-speed GaAs dynamic frequency divider using a double-loop structure and differential amplifiers.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 36 (4): 772–774.
Stubbs, M.G. et al. (1986). A single stage monolithic regenerative 1/2 analog frequency divider. In: IEEE GaAs IC Symposium
Digest, 199–201.
Suzuki, M. et al. (1985). A 9 GHz frequency divider using Si bipolar super self-aligned process technology. IEEE Electron Device
Letters 6: 181–183.
Takahashi, M. et al. (1988). A 9.5 GHz commercially available 1/4 GaAs dynamic prescaler. IEEE Transactions on Microwave
Theory and Techniques 36 (12): 1913–1919.
Wang, K.C. et al. (1987). A 20 GHz frequency divider implemented with heterojunction bipolar transistors. IEEE Electron Device
Letters 8 (9): 383–385.
Weger, P. et al. (1987). Static 7 GHz frequency divider IC based on a 2 𝜇m Si bipolar technology. Electronic Letters 23: 192–193.
Weger, P. et al. (1989). A Si bipolar 15 GHz static frequency divider and 100 gB/s multiplexer. In: IEEE International Solid-State
Circuits Conference Digest, 222–223. New York, NY: IEEE.
Yamasaki, T. and Nagata, E. (1989). Microwave Synthesizer for Terrestrial and Satellite Communications. NEC Corporation.
Yamauchi, Y. et al. (1987). 22 GHz 1/4 frequency divider using AIGaAs/GaAs HBTs. Electronic Letters 23 (17): 881–882.
Yamauchi, Y. et al. (1988). AIGaAs HBT dynamic frequency divider constructed of a single D-type flip-flop. Electron Letters 24
(17): 1109–1110.
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
1 1 1 1 •
= + = (1 + k) (E-2)
QL Qu Qext Qu
1 Thomas Hüllen (Part 1); Ulrich L. Rohde and Ajay K. Poddar (Part 2).
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
10 log(I (fm) 1 Hz) –120
100 1 × 103 1 × 104 1 × 105 1 × 106 1 × 107 1 ×1 08
As we will see later, a QL of 1 k at 10 GHz is not easily achieved, even with a DR arrangement offering Qu
values of 4 k and above.
Nonlinear noise effects like the increase of noise figure with increasing input power are not included in this
simple estimation and tend to deteriorate the phase noise further.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Frequency (GHz)
Figure E-2 S21 magnitude simulated (upper group of traces) and measured (lower group of traces) versus frequency
for different bias conditions [1].
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Frequency (GHz)
Figure E-3 S21 magnitude of the improved model simulated (upper group of traces) versus measured (lower group
of traces) [1].
of the pads and in conjunction with the recently introduced SMD-ports in ADS2011/Momentum should guarantee
a high accuracy for EM co-simulation at least at the fundamental of a quasi-stationary (harmonic balance—HB)
simulation below and around 10 GHz.
However, since the validity of most of these lumped component models does not exceed 18 GHz, the accuracy
of the simulation might suffer since the harmonics of an oscillator operating at frequencies above 6 GHz might
not be predicted very well. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid excessive harmonic content at places where
lumped passives are used, if possible.
Another potential problem in conjunction with the SMD-ports used in harmonic-balance simulations may arise
if the attached two ports are not strictly symmetrical, which seems to be the case for some of the Modelithics
models. This problem has been communicated to Modelithics, strongly supported by Agilent, but up to release 9.6
has not been resolved completely. In such cases the use of internal calibrated single ports is recommended.
Substrate Considerations
Low-loss high frequency circuit material with low thermal expansion coefficients (lateral and z-axis), such as
RO4350B, is recommended. However, since the reported permittivity values differ depending on measurement
method and substrate height, we rely on the most recent measurement-based data from Modelithics who have
gained high reputation in accurate device modeling. For 10 mil RO4350, they report a mean relative permittivity
of 4.0 instead of the Rogers recommendation of 3.66.
E Field [V_per_m
0 5 10 (mm)
Figure E-4a HFSS TE01𝛿 E-field vector-plot (normalized), generated from an Eigenmode solution of a DR assembly
within a conductive cavity [1].
H Field [A_per_m Z
1.0000e +003
6.1054e +002
3.7276e +002
2.2758e +002
1.3895e +002
8.4834e +001
5.1795e +001
3.1623e +001
1.9307e +001
1.1788e +001
7.1969e +000
4.3940e +000
2.6827e +000
1.6379e +000
1.0000e +000
0 4.5 9 (mm)
Figure E-4c H field vector plot of the TE01𝛿 resonant mode in Y–Z plane (logarithmic scaling) [1].
feedback variant discussed below, matching between the resonator and core may be applied. Since we did not pursue
this topology in depth yet, this paper will focus on the following approach, which seemed to be more promising in
terms of low phase noise after a few trials with the less complex reflection type.
+ –
Transmission line Z0, L0
Line Resonator
DR Matching
spacing position
Oscillator core
resonator). The two lines do not require a resistive termination. In order to achieve a high QL , it is rather preferable
to use reactive terminations instead; that is, open stubs the lengths of which constitute two additional degrees of
freedom. In addition to that matching structures, interfacing the oscillator core input and output is required to
maximize the loaded Q and at the same time establish the necessary round trip phase shift of 2𝜋 •n (integer n) at the
target frequency (see Figure E-6).
The topology shown earlier includes at least 6 degrees of freedom plus the additional parameters of the
matching networks not defined yet. For simplicity, in order to preserve the symmetry of the resonator layout
(as in Figures E-4a and E-4b), the characteristic impedances of the resonator lines are chosen to be equal (e.g.,
Z0 = Z1 = 50 Ω). An appropriate quarter-wave transformer between the oscillator-core and post-amplifier may be
required in order to achieve optimum performance.
Since the available layout area is limited in most cases, it is desirable to have fixed positions for the resonator
as well as for the core terminals. Therefore, a combination of stub matching-elements and meander lines is used to
realize arbitrary matching and phase shift while maintaining the mechanical length of the structures.
E-1-4 Small Signal Design Approach for the Parallel Feedback Type DRO
A design strategy using the Agilent/EEsoft ADS is as follows:
(1) The upper matching section between resonator and gain element is split to create a fixed (e.g., 50 Ω)
impedance level between them to allow for arbitrary phase shift to be inserted (meandered if necessary)
without changing the outer impedances. Additionally, this allows access to an open-loop S-parameter sim-
ulation and optimization. In order to simplify the process further, the matching process is treated separately
and variable reference impedances are used instead at the oscillator-core input and the resonator-element
output, respectively.
(2) The lower section is a cascade of a stub matching element and a 180∘ meander line allowing for
adjustment of the mechanical length while maintaining the reflection coefficient of the oscillator core’s
(3) In ADS, a layout component is created with ports interfacing the resonator and the gain element. In order
to speed up the optimization process, microstrip library elements are used and a synchronized schematic
(i.e., analytical) model created. This allows for a coarse optimization to be conducted using the analyti-
cal representation and a subsequent fine optimization using EM co-simulation. This may save significant
computational effort provided that the differences between the two representations are rather small, which
unfortunately is not granted depending on the actual situation and frequency (see Figure E-7).
(4) The resonator S-parameters are taken from the results of a 4-port modal 3D-EM simulation. The reference
positions of the four ports need to exactly match the corresponding positions in the layout component. The
effect of the two tuning varactors has been modeled by voltage dependent lumped boundary conditions at
their respective places the tuning voltage being an additional parameter of the HFSS-model (see Figures E-8a
and E-8b).
180° meander
Resonator_LayoutComp_3 Single-stub
emModel matching
L1 = 2.03 mm {0} element
L2 = 5.39 mm {0}
L3 = 4.66 mm {0}
L4 = 4.0 mm
L5 = 2.56 mm {0}
Figure E-7 Layout component with resonator interface and matching structures [1].
Port 2
1 X
0 4.5 9 (mm)
Figure E-8a Four-port 3D resonator model with port references (shown for port 1) deembedded to the actual inter-
face positions [1].
m1 m2 cang_deg(S(2,1))
Setup1 : Sweep
cang_deg(S(2,1)) (°)
–25.00 –0.00
–50.00 –100.00
9.00 9.25 9.50 9.75 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.00
Frequency (GHz)
Figure E-8b S11 magnitude, S21 magnitude, and phase of the 4-port model above for a tuning voltage of 7 V [1].
(5) The oscillator core consists of a BFP740 transistor in common-emitter configuration and a bias-stabilization
circuitry. Again, planar EM co-simulation is utilized in conjunction with substrate and pad scalable lumped
component models from Modelithics as well as calibrated internal ports for them (see Figure E-9).
(6) A broadband S-parameter analysis of the oscillator core is recommended in order to identify potential insta-
bility issues and available and associated gain properties around 10 GHz (see Figures E-10a and E-10b).
Since the regions of instability are rather small and very close to unity magnitude, it is unlikely to encounter
instability since lossy matching and phase shifting elements are likely to force the terminations inside the stable
region anyway. Therefore, we decide to continue without additional stabilization measures (see Figures E-11a and
(7) The complete setup allows for an open-loop 2-port S-parameter simulation the reference impedances of
which being additional variables of the problem. Since the S-parameter data for the resonator does not
reflect DC properties, ideal DC-blocks must be added if necessary while in reality an open circuit is present
at 0 Hz.
(8) For the coarse optimization the random or hybrid optimizer is utilized. There is a set of four main goals:
|S11 | < R, |S22 | < R, |S21 | > Gmin and QL ≥ 1 k at or closely around the target frequency F0 . Appropriate values
for the limits are 20 × log(R) = −20 dB and 20 × log(Gmin ) = 6 dB. QL is derived from the frequency of
maximum gain and the corresponding 3 dB-bandwidth DF according to QL = F0 /ΔF . Since the target value
for the open-loop gain is associated with the coupling coefficient of the resonator, a higher gain may increase
its value, which is still below unity; that is, subcritical. In practice it was not possible to increase it much
further without diminishing the other goals. On the other hand, a higher gain would increase the overdrive
level of the oscillator with a severe impact on large signal noise figure and input reflection of the gain
Port 1 SiGe-HBT
Port 2
Port 3
to buffer amplifier
terminated with
50 Ω
Figure E-9 Oscillator core model including bias stabilization circuitry consisting of the layout component for EM
co-simulation and models for the gain element, the bias-stabilization transistors, and additional lumped components
Stability factor, K
Geometric stability factors
mu_source and mu_load
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency (GHz)
Figure E-10a Unconditional stability is not completely satisfied, as illustrated here. (If either mu_source or mu_load
is >1, the circuit is unconditionally stable.) [1]
A phase goal is expendable since arbitrary phase shift may be inserted afterwards. As we will see later, the small
signal phase shift is decreased significantly at higher drive levels. A large signal S-parameter simulation will yield
an estimation for the additional phase shift necessary in order to arrive at 0∘ unwrapped phase for 0 dB large signal
gain at F0 . Fine adjustment of the phase noise versus phase shift will be done at a later stage. Direct optimization
versus phase noise is not recommended at this stage because potential HB convergence problems during the process
for certain sets of parameters may cause the optimizer to fail.
(9) For the fine optimization, the gradient optimizer is engaged using the same set of goals but this time
invoking the EM view (-model) for the matching layout component instead of the analytical models (see
Figures E-12a–E-12c).
Load_stabcir[m1, ..
–0 –5.0
Figure E-10b Source and load stability circles at the most critical frequency (9 GHz) [1].
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency (GHz)
Figure E-11a Gain characteristics of the oscillator core. Note that the maximum available gain is invalid within the
region of potential instability between 7 and 13 GHz [1].
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Frequency (GHz)
Figure E-11b Noise figure and minimum noise figure versus frequency [1].
4-port S- subcircuit
parameter data Matching smart
element components
parameter list
Figure E-12a ADS open-loop (small signal) S-parameter simulation and optimization setup [1].
(10) When the optimization process is accomplished, the resulting reference impedances then need to be matched
to a common (e.g., 50 Ω) real impedance. This is accomplished in two steps: First, two Single-Stub smart
components are inserted to quickly design an electrical (ideal) transmission-line model for each matching
element using the ADS-Filter/Matching Design-Guide and then a physical equivalent is created using the
ADS-LineCalc or similar tools. The physical model potentially needs some refinement in order to work
properly (see Figures E-13a and E-13b).
(11) Now that the small signal open-loop response and matching are well at their target values, we need to
estimate the necessary additional phase shift at large signal excitation and near unity gain at the frequency
of maximum gain in the small signal scenario (see Figures E-14a and E-14b).
MLIN Subst = “MSub1”
Subst = “MSub1”
MLEF Subst = “MSub1”
Subst = “MSub1”
Subst = “MSub1”
TL1 Subst = “MSub1”
Subst = “MSub1”
TL3 Meander_Line TL8
Subst = “MSub1” X1 MTEE_ADS Subst = “MSub1”
MSub TL5
Subst = “MSub1”
(12) The result obtained earlier indicates an additional phase shift of −116∘ , in this case to be inserted between
the two ports to arrive at the required phase shift of 0∘ . In order to save board space, we use an additional
meander line of equivalent electrical length to establish the required phase shift. The surrounding box length
of the meander should be set such as to meet the fixed layout positions of the oscillator-core, if relevant (see
Figure E-15).
(13) As the reflection coefficients and the source impedance for minimum large signal noise figure of the active
device do more or less vary with increasing drive level, some correction mainly to the matching element at
the oscillator core’s input may be required in order to establish optimal conditions with respect to minimum
phase noise (see Figures E-16a and E-16b).
0. H
Unwrap(phase(S(2,1))) (H)
m1 –80
Freq = 10.000 GHz m6
S(1,1) = 0.3564/58.6777 Freq = 10.00 GHz
m1 50 –100 m7
Impedance = 57.7007 + j40.2479 0.2 Unwrap(phase(S(2,1))) = –121.136
S(1,1) (H)
10 –120
–10 –160 m7
–0.2 Freq = 9.998 GHz
0 .
Unwrap(phase(S(2,1))) = –109.476
QL Fres
893.09 10.003 G
Frequency (9.950–10.05 GHz)
Frequency (GHz)
m3 Forward transmission (dB)
Freq = 10.003 GHz 10 m3 Output reflection coefficient
dB(S(2,1)) = 8.4708 m8 H
Max 8
6 m4 m5 H
m4 4
Ind offset = –5.600E6
dB(S(2,1)) (H)
Offset Mode ON 0
m5 –20
Ind offset = 5.700E6 –4 –10
Target dep offset = –3.000 m2
Actual dep offset = –3.047 –6 –0.2 .0
Offset Mode ON
Frequency (GHz)
Figure E-12c Open-loop S-parameters following coarse optimization using schematic and EM-view [1].
W = 0.5 mm
L1 = 1 mm {–0}
L2 = 4.26 mm {0}
L3 = 3.29 mm {0}
Figure E-13a Physical replacement for the smart matching components in Figure E-12a [1].
From the plots we can derive a Leeson-frequency fL of about 4 MHz corresponding to QL = 1250—slightly
higher than the simulated value—and a flicker corner of fc = 35 kHz, slightly higher (worse) than the original
assumption. Only the phase noise data for device #78 does not match the theory close to the carrier for some
unknown reason.
As the results of the harmonic balance solution allow access to every individual node voltage and branch current,
we are able to estimate some additional quantities of the oscillator:
• Power into the resonator at the port location (see Figure E-7) Pres_in = 7.1 mW
• Power out of the resonator at the port location Pres_out = 2.3 mW
• Power dissipated in resonator including cavity, tuning etc. Pres = 4.8 mW
• Coupling coefficient at the interface plane k = 0.48 (subcritical coupling)
• Electromagnetic energy stored in resonator (with Qu taken from HFSS result) Wem = 235 pWs
• Reactive power inside the resonator Qem = 14.8 VA
• Power dissipated in matching and phase shift circuitry Pext = 3.2 mW
• Power into gain element Pin = 0.66 mW (=−1.8 dBm)
• Power into buffer amplifier Pba = 3.3 mW (=5.2 dBm)
• Total power out of the oscillator core Ptot = 12.0 mW (=10.8 dBm)
E-1-7 Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank Mr. Guido Naruhn for his accurate work on preparation of the housing details as
well as assembly of the prototypes, and Mr. Uwe Hinneck on setting-up operation and tuning of the prototypes as
well as doing the environmental tests.
S-Parameters versus frequency
m1 140
80 m6
–10 60 m7
–0.2 .0 Freq = 9.998 GHz
–5 40 Unwrap(phase(S(2,1))) = 89.985
Loaded resonator Q 20
Fres 0
1.0202 k 9.9984 G
Frequency (GHz)
m3 Forward transmission (dB)
Freq = 9.9984 GHz 10 m3 Output reflection coefficient
dB(S(2,1)) = 7.9746
Max m4 m5
Ind offset = –4.900E6
Target dep offset = –3.000 50
Actual dep offset = –3.024 –5 10
Offset Mode ON m2
m5 –10 –20
Ind offset = 5.700E6 –10
dep offset = –3.000
Offset Mode ON –15 –0.2 .0
Figure E-13b Final optimization result with EM-models for the Single-Stub matching elements replacing the smart matching components. Note that another
180∘ meander line has already been added to the lower section to compensate for the physical lengths of the matching elements [1].
Num = 1 SingleStub_Mtch_phys
Z = 50 Ω emModel
P = polar(dbmlow(Pm),0) X3
Freq = F0 W = 0.5 mm
L1 = 1 mm {–0}
L2 = 4.26 mm {0}
L3 = 3.29 mm {0}
DC_Block DC_Block
DC_Block1 DC_Block2
L_feed = 0 mm
Vcc = 5 V
Meander_Line Term DC_Block Pad Buffer_Amp
em Model Term2 DC_Block3 PAD1 Amp1
SingleStub_Mtch_phys Num = 2 NetType = Pi
X4 W = 5e–001 mm Z = 50 Ω Loss = 6 dB
W = 0.5 mm H = 2.54e–001 mm
L1 = 3.07 mm {0}Lph = 4.8 mm R
L2 = 1 mm {–0} L0 = 1 mm R1
SNP L3 = 3.67 mm {0}L1 = 0.65 mm
SNP1 R = 50 Ω
W = 5e–001 mm
H = 2.54e–001 mm
Lph = 5.74 mm
L0 = 1 mm
L1 = 1.40 mm
L1 = 2.03 mm {0}
L2 = 5.39 mm {0}
L3 = 4.68 mm {0} LSSP
L4 = 4.0 mm
L5 = 2.60 mm {0}
LSSP Display template
Freq [1] = F0
Order [1] = 5 “S_Params_Quad_dB_Smith”
LSSP_FreqAtPort[1] = F0
LSSP_FreqAtPort[2] = F0
110 6
PortPower[1] = 3.000
plot_vs(phase(S(2,1)), PortPower(1)) = 115.655
100 plot_vs(dB(S(2,1)), PortPower(1)) = –0.096 3
90 0
80 –3
–16 –14 –12 –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
Figure E-14b Large signal forward transmission at resonance frequency versus input-power. The marker is set to
near unity-gain. The corresponding phase shift is about 116∘ [1].
Figure E-15 Resonator matching section with delay line added and meander lines adjusted to achieve equal lateral
reference positions for the interface ports to the oscillator core [1].
100. 1.00k 10.0k 100.k 1.00M 10.0M 100.M
Noise frequency (Hz)
Figure E-16a Amplitude and phase noise before and after minor optimization of the input matching component.
From the intersection of the 20 and 0 dB/decade tangent, a QL of approximately 1 k can be derived, assuming that
the Leeson formula does adequately reflect the situation [1].
Spectra and waveforms at oscillation frequency = 9.99836 GHz
vot, V
vrt, V
–90 –1.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220
Frequency (GHz) Time psec
Figure E-16b Corresponding spectra and time-domain waveforms of the voltages at the output of the buffer ampli-
fier and at the oscillator core output [1].
1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000
fc fL
Frequency offset (kHz)
Figure E-18b Internal view of the DRO without the resonator cavity and DR. The DR bottom tuning screw is slightly
elevated [1].
20 𝜙3,2 25 3,5
39,15 2 3 4
7 33,6 2
1. Rohde, U.L. (1997). Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers, 86–90. Wiley & Sons.
2. Kajfez, D. and Guillon, P. (1986). Dielectric Resonators. Dedham, MA: Artech House.
Bischoff, J. and Schwoch, D. (2004). Entwurf eines ultra-rauscharmen Mikrowellenoszillators mit dielektrischem Resonator im
S-Band. Diploma thesis. University of Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany. (Author’s note: Good overview of the topic and
its prerequisites; available only in German.)
Subramanian, A. (2008). A low phase noise K-band oscillator utilizing an embedded dielectric resonator on multilayer high
frequency laminates. Master thesis. University of Central Florida. (Author’s note: Similar to Bischoff and Schwoch but this
time in English, including a good summary of achievements in the field of DROs and related topics.)
Bernard, O. and Croston, R. (2000). Simulate and build a Ku-band DRO. Microwaves & RF. (Author’s note: Another design
example with inferior results.).
E-2-1 Abstract
With the aid of a Metamaterial-Möbius coupling mechanism, these fundamental-frequency DROs operate through
X-band with low phase noise and superior figure of merit (FOM). Manipulating and tailoring the EM wave cou-
pling properties, several interesting properties of Metamaterial-Möbius Strips (MMS) envisage, such as reduction
in the size for a given operating frequency and suppression of spurious resonance modes, thereby improving the
FOM of tunable oscillator. FOM can be a limiting factor in modern communications systems, especially those
that rely on power efficient low phase noise signal source. Phase noise can increase the bit error rate (BER) of
a telecommunications link, degrade the stability of beams in particle accelerators, and degrade the sensitivity of
radar systems. Phase noise is an oscillator parameter that grows in importance with the complexity of modern com-
munications modulation formats. Fortunately, work on Metamaterial-Möbius coupling inspired DROs by us has
resulted in a line of compact surface-mount DROs with extremely low phase-noise levels at fundamental-frequency
outputs through 8 GHz and higher, suitable for use in commercial, industrial, and military applications.
E-2-2 Introduction
These new DROs rely on planar resonators based on MMS, which are simple examples of anholonomy. Therefore,
it was possible to maintain the phase noise in a much smaller package compared with the previous example. The
geometrical phenomenon of anholonomy depends on the failure of a quantity to recover its original value, when
the parameters on which it depends are varied around a closed circuit [3–5]. Metamaterials are engineered peri-
odic composites that have negative refractive-index characteristics not available in natural materials [6–9]. Such
composite materials, in typical topological arrangements can achieve values of negative permeability (−𝜇) and
negative permittivity (−𝜀) [10]. In general, the refractive index of a medium can be characterized by four possi-
ble sign combinations for the permeability–permittivity pair (𝜇𝜖) and can be described [8, 11–18] by means of
Eqs. (E-2–E-5). √ √
n = (+𝜀)(+𝜇) = + 𝜇𝜀 → (DPS ∶ double + ve material) (E-3)
√ √
n= (−𝜀)(+𝜇) = j 𝜇𝜀 → (ENG ∶ epsilon − ve material) (E-4)
√ √
n= (−𝜀)(−𝜇) = − 𝜇𝜀 → (DNG ∶ double − ve material) (E-5)
√ √
n= (+𝜀)(−𝜇) = j 𝜇𝜀 → (MNG ∶ mu − ve material) (E-6)
where 𝜀o = 8.85 × 10−12 and 𝜇 0 = 4𝜋 × 10−7 , and n = the refractive index of the medium.
Equation (E-2) is valid for double positive substrate (DPS) materials, with permittivity and permeability both
positive; Eq. (E-3) is valid for epsilon negative (ENG) substrate materials, with negative permittivity and positive
permeability; Eq. (E-4) is for double negative (DNG) substrate materials, with permittivity and permeability both
having negative values; and Eq. (E-5) is for mu negative (MNG) substrate materials, where the permeability is
negative but the permittivity has positive values.
The DNG materials described in Eq. (E-4) are typically defined as artificial materials and commonly referred to
as “metamaterials” in the technical literature. In addition, they are called left-handed materials (LHMs), negative
index materials (NIMs), and backward-wave materials (BWMs) [19]. The unusual characteristics of metamaterials,
such as backward-wave propagation, exhibit group velocity characteristics in a direction opposite to that of its
phase velocity, causing strong localization and enhancement of fields. This can result in significant enhancement
of a resonator’s quality factor (Q), if losses can be minimized [20].
The realization of true DNG material (metamaterial) is questionable. In general, it is difficult to build a material
or medium simultaneous with negative permittivity and negative permeability for broad operating frequency ranges
from a set of arbitrary passive structure unit cells arranged in predetermined order. This may lead to a violation of
energy conservation principle at the intersecting plane between a right-handed material (RHM) and LHM media
because of the generation of energy.
An attempt to build the DNG material or medium—based on the fact that for a specific orientation and arrange-
ment of the passive structure, the values of permittivity and permeability diminish as the frequency increases—has
been applied to demonstrate virtual negative permittivity and permeability at specific frequencies, but it lacks valid-
ity for broadband operation. In reality, it is easier to demonstrate independently negative permeability or negative
permittivity, but achieving both negative characteristics in a DNG material can be difficult.
Printed multi-coupled slow-wave resonators exhibit improved Q-factor characteristics and are commonly
employed in low phase noise oscillator applications [21]. For example, improvement in the Q-factor of a slow-wave
resonator (𝜆/4 coplanar strip line) can be realized by forming an open-circuit load where the incident and reflected
EM waves move entirely in-phase with each other. In reality, such open-circuit conditions are difficult to maintain
over a desired frequency band.
V(0) = Vmax
V(1) = 0
Figure E-19 A typical simplified representation of differential transmission line based SR [20].
In addition, the implementation of a 𝜆/4 coplanar strip-line circuit on a substrate can increase the overall size of
the circuit. Insertion of additional floating metal shields may help alleviate some of the problems with slow-wave
circuit designs [21–25].But negative-permeability-based planar split-ring-resonator (SRR) structures and comple-
mentary split-ring-resonator (CSRR) structures can enable compact on-chip implementations of these circuits, with
promising and cost-effective solutions for metamaterial oscillator and filter applications [9, 26–28].
In the proper arrangement, planar SRR and CSRR structures can achieve independently negative perme-
ability and negative permittivity at the resonance needed to create optimum coupling for a disc resonator in a
high-performance DRO. These structures can be characterized as magnetic and electric dipoles excited by the
magnetic (H) and electric (E) fields along the ring axis [9].
Interestingly, a single-negative property (𝜀 or 𝜇) supported by an SRR or CSRR structure can yield a sharp
stopband in the vicinity of the resonant frequency, enabling storage of EM energy into an SRR or CSRR structure
through an evanescent-mode coupling mechanism, resulting in high Q. It should be noted that the Q multiplier
effect does not violate the law of conservation of energy since the evanescent mode in SRR stores energy but does
not transport energy [21].
Figure E-19 shows a typical differential transmission-line-loaded, SRR-based metamaterial resonator oscillator.
For a differential (push-pull) oscillator, the incident wave energy injected by the cross-coupled inverters propagates
in forward waves along the transmission line toward the circuit’s short point; the energy is reflected at the SRR load,
and the reverse wave has a superposition of the incident wave and leads to a resonance when in phase. Stronger
wave reflection means less loss and higher resonator Q [20].
When working with artificial composite materials, the negative permeability response can be manipulated by
including electrically small resonant shapes, such as split rings. Figure E-20 depicts a typical SRR structure for the
realization of tunable 𝜇 (𝜇 < 0) and 𝜀 (𝜀 < 0) characteristics for applications in tunable oscillator circuits [17, 18].
Möbius strips offer unique characteristics, including self-phase-injection properties along the mutually coupled
surface of the strips, enabling enhanced Q for a given size of printed transmission-line resonator. The oscillator’s
loaded QL is described by Eqs. (E-6) and (E-7).
𝜔0 | d𝜑(𝜔) | 𝜔 | d𝜑(𝜔) |
QL = | | = 0 𝜏d ; 𝜏d = || | (E-7)
2 || d𝜔 ||𝜔=𝜔0 2 |
| d𝜔 |𝜔=𝜔0
d𝜑(𝜔) || 𝜑(𝜔0 + Δ𝜔) − 𝜑(𝜔0 − Δ𝜔)
𝜏d = | = (E-8)
d𝜔 |𝜔=𝜔0 2Δ𝜔
where 𝜑(𝜔) is the phase of the oscillator’s open-loop transfer function at a steady state and 𝜏 d is the group delay
of the metamaterial Möbius strips resonator [2].
c l
H r
+10 k
+8 H
Dielectric (ε)
+2 0
ω0 ωp
–2 ω0 ωp
–4 Frequency
0 2 4 6 8 10 ε < 0 when ω0 < ω < ωp
(A) (B)
Figure E-20 A typical SRR structure exhibits the tunable characteristics for permeability (A) for 𝜇 (𝜇 < 0) near reso-
nance condition and (B) for permittivity 𝜀 (𝜀 < 0) near resonance condition [17, 18].
Cc Lc
(A) (B)
Figure E-21 A typical Metamaterial based Möbius strips resonator: (A) layout and (B) electrical equivalent
lumped-element model circuit [11].
Figure E-21 shows a typical metamaterial-based Möbius-strip resonator and its equivalent lumped-element
model circuits. From Eqs. (E-6) and (E-7), by introducing mode injection into metamaterial Möbius strips,
phase-dispersion, loss, and group delay can be optimized.
Figure E-22 shows the typical arrangement of varactor-tuned metamaterial resonator utilizing SRR. Utilizing
varactor diodes can improve the tuning range but maintaining the effective negative index properties of the resonator
network is a challenging task. As shown in the figure, coupled SRR is being realized for improving the effective
negative index characteristics without degrading the quality factor. Figure E-23 shows the coupled SRRs for the
realization of Möbius coupling for enhancing evanescent mode energy based on energy harvesting techniques
(transformation of unwanted modes and dissipated energy into Metamaterial-Mobius Resonator (MMR) cavity.
Figure E-24 shows the typical DRO for the understanding of the DR placement on the PCB. It can be noticed
that typically the DR is in a disk configuration, attached through spacer made of low dielectric material. As shown
Top layer
Bottom layer: Printed thin line
Figure E-22 A typical varactor-tuned metamaterial resonator comprised of coupled split-rings resonator (SRR) net-
work [1, 12].
Split ring
(A) (B)
Figure E-23 A typical printed coupled line structure: (A) transverse coupled metamaterial resonator using SRR and
thin printed line, and (B) Möbius Strips [1, 11, 12, 13].
Figure E-24 DRO circuit using a dielectric resonator in a disk configuration [1].
Stacked SRR
Printed transmission line (Z0, l)
50 Ω
Reflection magnitude
Reflection phase
+ –
Coupled with
stacked SRR
Figure E-25 A typical DRO circuit: (A) series feedback (reflection type), and (B) parallel feedback (transmission type)
Noise feedback
DC-bias NW
Tuning-diode Mobius B SiGe HBT C
network stacked SRR dual-emitter
Figure E-26 Block diagram of the Mobius stacked SRR K-band oscillator [1, 12].
Specifications Phase noise
Frequency 8 GHz –60
Tuning voltage 1 – 10 VDC –70
Bias voltage +8 VDC 25 mA (Max.)
Output power +1 dBm (Min.)
Tuning sensitivity 1.5 MHz/V (Typ.)
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
Figure E-27 Specification and phase noise plot for the model SDR0800-8 oscillator [12].
in the figure, with the help of a screw mounted on the DR, the frequency can be tuned for narrow band applications.
However, DR placement using spacer/puck for optimum coupling and mechanical screw for tuning is sensitive to
frequency drift under vibration. For applications where g-sensitivity is a critical issue, the DRO inherently exhibits
poor phase noise performance in presence of vibration and acceleration. Figure E-25 shows the typical schematic
of DRO using disc in conjunction with stacked SRR for the realization of Metamaterial-Möbius inspired SRR for
frequency shaping resonant module, yielding stable oscillator circuits for applications as local oscillators (LO) [21].
For applications requiring compact size DROs, Metamaterial-Mobius DROs have been developed in SMD hous-
ings measuring just 0.75 × 0.75 in square packages. These oscillators can be extended to any number of fixed
frequencies, typically from 3 to 18 GHz, without long lead times required to produce the sources. Figure E-26
shows a block diagram of a K-band oscillator.
Figure E-27 depicts the specification and phase noise plot for a model SDR0800-8, operating at 8 GHz in SMD
housings measuring just 0.75 × 0.75 in square packages. These oscillators should be powered by a clean DC bias
voltage; otherwise an external regulator should be employed to minimize variations in supply voltage. A DRO
factory set for an output frequency of 10 GHz, for example, can be mechanically adjusted by about ±50 MHz.
An electrical tuning port provides an adjustment range of ±1 MHz with tuning voltages of +1 to +15 VDC to
compensate for frequency drift in phase-locked systems. The supply-current is typically 30 mA and the temperature
range is specified from −25 to +70 ∘ C.
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Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Afshin S. Daryoush
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia,
PA 19104, USA
where the noise sideband is expressed as SΦ (f ) = |ΔΦ|2 = P n . Note in this expression the effect of flicker phase
is neglected and Pn corresponds to noise power in a 1 Hz bandwidth and Psignal is the oscillator output power. It is
quite common for convenience to use the logarithmic value of single sideband residual phase noise in dBc/Hz as:
Ideal power
Δf =
fosc Bandpass
Ideal bandpass Realistic power spectra
filter response with phase noise
Figure F-1 Block diagram of feedback oscillator using the gain element and bandpass resonator. The power spec-
trum is controlled by the selectivity of the bandpass resonator [83].
SC cut quartz crystal
AT cut quartz crystal
1016 + Super-conductor +
f ×Q (Hz)
+ +
106 107 108 109 1010 1011
Frequency (GHz)
Figure F-2 Comparison of Q factors for acoustic and electromagnetic based resonators. Acoustic resonators are
based on Quartz crystal, SAW (surface acoustic wave), and BAW (bulk acoustic wave). Electromagnetic resonators
are based on DR (dielectric resonator) and super-conductors [2].
but bulk acoustic wave (BAW) and surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonators have demonstrated lossy behavior
at microwave frequency. Electromagnetic resonators could be realized based on metallic structures, which are
inherently large and lossy. To overcome these limitations, dielectric resonators (DRs) realized using high rela-
tive dielectric constant are small in size and super-conductor-based resonators exhibit a higher Q factor due to
significant reduction in the Ohmic loss.
Figure F-2 that is adopted from Ref. [2] compares the performance of electromagnetic and acoustic resonators
in terms of f × Q figure of merit (i.e. f, resonant frequency of the resonator times the resonator quality factor, Q)
as a function of frequency. A line is also depicted in the figure that represents roll-off rate of 10 dB/decade versus
Table F-1 Comparison of phase noise and thermal stability of microwave oscillators realized using
different resonator technologies in terms of loaded quality factor, Qc and oscillator frequency, fosc .
Resonator technology fosc QC Phase noise (dBc/Hz) (ppm/∘ C)
frequency for f × Q figure of merit (i.e. 20 dB/decade drop in Q versus frequency), which provides insight on how
Q factor of resonators technologically change at higher frequencies. The highest figure of merit at microwave
and millimeter wave frequencies is attained in super-conductor based resonators; however, cryogenic coolers are
required. On the other hand, resonators based on fiber optic delay line are potentially small size and low loss, when
the fiber optic transducer losses are maintained at a low level [3].
Table F-1 compares the performance of various microwave oscillators realized using acoustic and electromag-
netic resonators in terms of close-in to carrier phase noise in dBc/Hz. Naturally resonators based on metallic
structures are more sensitive to temperature variation as compared with dielectric based structures. In fact, dielec-
tric resonators based on ceramics [4] have demonstrated passive compensation of physical and dielectric change
with temperature, which results in high temperature stability. However, dielectric loss at higher microwave frequen-
cies limits achieving high unloaded quality factor Qu , while micro-phonics makes these resonators undesirable at
high-g vibration.
The long-term frequency stability of the oscillator is primarily dictated by temperature sensitivity of the resonant
circuit. Table F-1 also compares temperature sensitivity of microwave oscillators in terms of temperature stability
measure in ppm/∘ C. The temperature stability of an oscillator is directly related to changes in physical dimension
and dielectric constant of the high quality factor resonator as the temperature changes.
The electronic oscillators generate low phase noise signal up to a few GHz, but suffers phase noise degradation
at higher frequencies, which is principally due to low quality factor (Q) resonator. The conventional approach for
high frequency signal generation is based on frequency multiplier technique, but this technique suffers from higher
phase noise due to AM-PM noise conversion [2]. There are different types of resonators used in electronic oscillator
circuits such as printed coupled transmission line (TL) resonators using SAW resonators, DR, ceramic coaxial
resonators, yttrium iron garnet (YIG) resonators, and sapphire-loaded cavity resonators (SLC). These resonators
have their unique characteristics and limitations, operate typically from 500 MHz to 20 GHz; however their quality
factor degrade as operating frequency increases and at best limited to f Q < 1014 . SLC based oscillator offers low
phase noise signal generation, but has limited tuning and requires precise low temperature cooling system, which
makes them expansive. The recent emerging technologies focus on metamaterial resonator based oscillator for
microwave and millimeter wave applications.
The novel approach for generating low phase noise synthesized signal source trades phase noise with tuning,
therefore not suited for wideband applications. The optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) has advantages of high quality
factor due to long storage delay using low loss optical fiber, potential for high frequency operation due to inher-
ently broadband of electro-optic (EO) and opto-electronic transducers, and great immunity to electromagnetic
−73 @ 10 kHz
Lasers DFB [130] 64
−90 @ 100 kHz
Two independent sources Solid-state laser 1 −100 @ 10 kHz
Er:Yb [131] 30 −90 @ 10 kHz
Master/slave lasers [133] Nd:YAG [132] 50 −100 @ 100 kHz
Dual-mode laser [134] 57 −77 @ 10 kHz
Laser (nonlinear) [86] 37 −75 @ 5 kHz
Photo-HBT oscillator [135] 10 −108 @ 10 kHz
Opto-electronic oscillator [6] 10 −143 @ 10 kHz
RF amplifier
Ga VRF (t)
RF bandpass
filter DC biasing
Fiber delay
Optical EO Optical
detector Coupled modulator source
optical signal
Figure F-3 Block diagram of opto-electronic oscillator used as the basis of stable microwave source. Note the
frequency tuning is achieved in this architecture by adjusting the center frequency, fosc , of the narrow bandpass
filter [83].
source wavelength of 𝜆 as 𝜏 = nL/c, where c is speed of light in free space (i.e. c ≈ 300 km kHz). Therefore, the
shortest length causing the start of oscillation at 10 GHz is about a 1-cm-long fiber. In practice, fiber lengths are
selected to be very large integer multiples of this minimum length of 1 cm long in order to meet high stability
However as result of this long fiber length, the oscillation frequency could be satisfied in a large number of
frequencies that are clustered around a peak oscillation at fosc with mode separation frequency of Δfm = 1/𝜏. Note
that a narrow band microwave filter with bandwidth better than 100 kHz is required at 10 GHz to select one of these
side-modes when mode competition is taking place. Various dual loop systems have been reported in literature
[16–19] to limit the number of possible modes. Nonetheless, a narrowband microwave filter at frequency of fosc
could limit the number of side-modes around the oscillation frequency. In particular, a better frequency selectivity
of this OEO is achieved when a narrower microwave filter at fosc is selected. An optical filtering approach could
also be employed for achieving narrow-band microwave filtering [20].
The phase noise of an OEO with 4 km fiber delay is shown in Figure F-4. At 6 kHz offset, the achieved
phase noise is −163 dBc/Hz; however, the offset frequency span does not include beyond 10 kHz, where a
large number of side-mode oscillations at approximately every 50 kHz will also exists. These side-modes of
fm = m(2𝜋𝜏)−1 contribute to aperture jitter degradation and only forced oscillation techniques suppress these
side-modes. Nonetheless, the superior performance results from an extremely low-loss energy storage system
when realized using a long optical fiber combined with efficient electrical–optical–optical conversion in fiber
optic delay line, its corresponding low-noise figure delay line, and low amplitude modulation–phase modula-
tion (AM–PM) noise conversion of RF amplifiers. The optical fiber by itself is also virtually free of any RF
frequency-dependent losses, resulting in the same long storage time and high spectral purity signals for both low
and high radio-frequency oscillation.
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
10 100 1,000 10,000
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-4 Experimental result of and OEO with 4 km loop reported by D. Eliyahu et al. in [125]. Even though an
excellent clean close-in to carrier is attained for a 4 km long OEO, but a number of side-modes are generated that
contribute to timing jitter of this RF source [83].
Optical source
and EDFA
Optical modulation
Electrical amplification,
and, filtering
Figure F-5 Photograph of experimental setup employed for characterization of OEO using a topology shown in
Figure F-3 [83].
and V𝜋 ≈ 4 V. The output of the EO modulator is delayed using a fiber optic (FO) delay line and then detected
by a high power photodetector (DSC 50S). Two versions of optical fibers—standard single mode optical fiber
(Corning SMF-28) and solid-core photonic crystal fiber (PCF) that are fabricated at Laboratoire de Physique des
Lasers, Atomes et Molécules, UMR 8523, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille (UST-Lille)—were
considered in the OEO experiments. The detected electrical signal is filtered by a 10 GHz narrow-band microwave
S21 (dB)
9.990 9.995 10.000 10.005 10.010 10.015
Frequency (GHz)
Figure F-6 Measured open loop insertion gain of the opto-electronic oscillator used in the experimental setup shown
in Figures F-3 and F-5 that indicates the filter bandwidth of 10 GHz filter [83, 84, 122].
filter (Filtek: BP26/10000-10-4), and amplified by an electrical power amplifier (CIAO: 1011-541). The open loop
gain of the fiber optic delay link as a narrow bandpass filter is measured using an automatic network analyzer and
is depicted in Figure F-5, where a linear gain of at least 2 dB is observed at about 10 GHz. A 3 dB bandwidth is
about 1 MHz (Figure F-6).
When the amplified signal is fed back to the RF driving port of the electro-optic modulator, while meeting the
Barkhausen oscillation criterion, the OEO oscillates at a frequency close to the center frequency of the narrow-band
microwave filter. The high selectivity of our bandpass RF filter allows for selecting only one oscillation mode,
among the many supported by the loop, and therefore generates a high spectral purity microwave signal at 10 GHz.
Figure F-7 depicts the measured averaged optical power as a function of the DC bias applied to the EO modulator.
Note the highest power at the sidebands of double sideband (DSB) modulation format does not occur at quadrature
operation points of 0.6 and 4.6 V, but rather at the pinch-off point of 6.5 V. This phenomenon is explained by the
20 0.4
Optical carrier Optical carrier sideband
Carrier sideband power (mW)
Optical carrier power (mW)
15 0.3
10 0.2
5 0.1
0 0
0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0
DC bias voltage (V)
Figure F-7 Measured optical output power of the OEO at the optical carrier and sideband frequencies versus DC
bias applied to the EO modulator [123, 124].
fact that the optical carrier is the dominant term in DSB modulation, which causes saturation of the photodiode.
As the optical power of carrier signal is reduced, a higher optical power is obtained for the sidebands, leading to
DSB-SC (suppressed-carrier) operation mode. RF power level of 25 dBm is predicted using a theoretical model in
[21], which matches quite well with our measurement results. This level is limited by the saturation power level of
the RF power amplifier.
Both short and long term frequency stability are employed as measures of the spectral purity and frequency drift
of oscillators. In the following sections experimental evaluation of this OEO are evaluated in terms of frequency
stability. The short term stability is presented in terms of residual phase noise, whereas the long-term stability is
evaluated in terms of the temperature sensitivity of the oscillator.
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
1000 10,000 100,000
f (Hz)
Figure F-8 Comparison of measured close-in to carrier phase noise attained for 10 GHz OEO using 1 km of SMF-28
fiber with FC/PC and FC/APC optical connectors [83, 84, 122].
Obviously as the insertion loss increases the Qu decreases, and the close-in to carrier phase noise is degraded
from −125 to −90 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset carrier. This result may appear to be discouraging, but the primary advan-
tage of SC-PCF is its higher temperature stability over standard fibers as will be demonstrated in Section F-2-3.
Moreover, this relatively poor residual phase noise could be significantly improved as technology matures and a
lower loss PCF fiber becomes available. In fact, we anticipate that the loaded Q of delay line using SC-PCF will
increase to the same levels as experienced by standard optical fibers (such as Corning SMF-28) as the optical
attenuation decreases in our PCFs.
which is because of fiber dispersion (DC = 16.6 ps/nm km in Corning SMF-28) experienced in a fiber length of LSMF
due to wavelength tuning of Δ𝜆 in a loop delay of 𝜏 LOOP . The measured normalized frequency shift is ≈3.05 ppm/nm
with a predicted range of 3.25 ppm/nm. This feature could be exploited to build a tunable OEO with applications
to frequency synthesizers. However, it is attractive to develop low thermal sensitivity optical delay lines by using
combinations of air and glass fibers, such as photonic bandgap engineered fibers depicted in Figure F-9. This
special fiber is based on an ordered nano-structured material [23] whose interesting characteristics are an adjustable
dispersion coefficient. The PCF is made using the stack-and-draw fabrication technique, in which silica tubes are
drawn down to form meter-length capillaries, which are then stacked by hand to form the required close-packed
Solid-core PCF (SC-PCF) is obtained by adding a rod in the center of the stack. In hollow-core PCF (HC-PCF),
seven capillaries were omitted from the center of the stack to form the core in the final fiber, and the entire stack
was jacketed before being drawn down to fiber. The core diameter d and the pitch Λ of the SC-PCF are about
3.2 and 6.7 μm respectively as shown in Figure F-9a. The resulting core diameter is about 9.7 μm that proves to
exhibit a good coupling efficiency with standard telecommunication fibers. For the HC-PCF fiber, the spacing
between the holes in the cladding (Λ) is 3.2 μm and the hole diameter is about 2.9 μm, as shown in Figure F-9b.
These parameters have been chosen in order to have a transmission windows centered at 1550 nm. The expected
attenuation of SC-PCF is as low as 20 dB/km, whereas the HC-PCF is of order of 50 dB/km. Even though the
current optical attenuation suffers from significant optical attenuations due to optical mode mismatch and poor
quality of ordered structure, but these challenges are expected to be resolved over time. The advantages of the
OEO systems using such fiber delay lines are explored next.
(a) (b)
Figure F-9 Structure of a solid-core photonic crystal fibers used in the OEO experiment with cladding diameter
of 125 μm. (a) SC-PCF with core diameter ≈9.7 μm, hole diameter ≈3.2 μm, and holes center to center separation
≈6.7 μm; (b) close-up view of HC-PCF with hollow-core diameter ≈9.7 μm, hole diameter ≈2.9 μm, and holes center
to center separation ≈3.2 μm [83, 84, 122].
Fiber mandrel in
heating chamber
(PCF fiber)
Figure F-10 Experimental set up for thermal sensitivity evaluation of the SC-PCF based OEO [83, 84, 122].
25 2.5
Frequency variation – Δf/f (ppm)
(°C) around 20 °C
15 1.5
10 1.0
10 min
5 0.5
0 0
0 4 8 12 16
Time (h) Frequency data Temperature data
Figure F-11 Measured temperature stability (lower trace) of 10 GHz OEO using SMF-28 fiber, as temperature (upper
trace) is varied [83, 84, 122].
chamber employed for OEO thermal sensitivity measurements and performance comparison of the SMF-28 against
the SC-PCF. Temperature of the fiber under test (FUT) can be modified from ambient (25 ∘ C) to 220 ∘ C in a heating
chamber (MEMMERT with ventilation option – DIN 12-880-KI).
Long-term temperature sensitivity of the OEO is measured and the results are depicted in Figure F-11, where
the highest variation during the first range of 6h is |Δfosc /(fosc • ΔT)| ≈ 10 ppm ∘ C. Note that short-term stability
for 10 min during the thermally stabilized range of time is |Δfosc /fosc | = 0.0511 ppm as depicted in the inset of
Figure F-11. As reported in [24], the temperature sensitivity of the index refraction is much higher than the tem-
perature sensitivity of the fiber length. A correction coefficient had to be calculated before extracting the index
variation (Δn/n • ΔT) of each fiber by accounting for the extra propagation delay due the other optical and electrical
components (𝜏 FIX ) and the propagation delay of the FUT (𝜏 FUT ) in the oscillation loop. The revised (F-2) is:
k = (1 + 𝜏FIX ∕𝜏FUT )−1 (F-5)
We first employed a 12.55-m length of SMF-28 and measured the temperature sensitivity of this fiber as a
baseline measurement. Although the loss of SMF-28 is negligible compared to SC-PCF, to keep the same operation
condition and equivalent global time delay the additional optical and electrical amplifiers are kept in the loop, since
those are required for oscillation condition for OEO experiments at 10 GHz utilizing SC-PCF. Comparison of the
measured thermal sensitivity of oscillation frequency for the 10 GHz OEO and the calculated index of refraction
for SMF-28 and SC-PCF is tabulated in Table F-3, where a factor of three reduction in temperature sensitivity of
index of refraction is observed for SC-PCF fibers. Therefore, to achieve the required thermal stability of the OEO,
the temperature control requirement is markedly less stringent when SC-PCF is employed in place of the standard
Even though the SC-PCF provides about a factor of three reductions in temperature sensitivity, but it is not
still sufficient. Eliyahu et al. [6] showed active thermal stabilization of the OEO, where its frequency stability
was improved from −8.3 to −0.1ppm/∘ C with short term frequency stability of 0.02 ppm. Also, the mode hopping
effect, resulting from center frequency drift of the non-stabilized RF filter, was eliminated. Locking the OEO to
an external 100 MHz oscillator through a PLL circuit and frequency control device in the OEO loop improved the
long-term frequency stability to that of the reference oscillator and at the same time maintained its low phase noise.
where subscript “s” stands for standard fiber and “p” for PCF. Note since the slope of index of refraction variation
in standard fiber is negative with respect to temperature, a passive compensation is achieved for a positive slope for
effective index of refraction of HC-PCF. The estimated optical power distribution in the HC-PCF is predicted to
be at least 98% using our analytical modeling [25] (i.e. fill factor inside silica fiber is expressed as K = 0.02). From
the published literature, the reported negative slope for index of refraction of air is Δnair /nair ΔT ≈ − 0.89 ppm/ ∘ C
[26] as compared to a positive change in silica of order Δnsilica /nsilica ΔT ≈ 9.7 ppm/ ∘ C [27]. The estimated effective
index of refraction of HC-PBG is neff ≈ Knsilica + (1 − K)nair = 1.00915. The expected change in index of refraction
of HC-PCF fiber due to temperature then can then be approximated as:
Δneff ∕ΔT = KΔnsilica ∕ΔT + (1 − K)Δnair ∕ΔT = −0.587neff = −0.592 ppm∕∘ C (F-7)
This anticipated negative change in index of refraction of HC-PCF fibers could be used for passive temperature
compensation as represented in Eq. (F-6). More specifically in the OEO realized using the standard silica based
fibers, the oscillation frequency shifts to a lower frequency due to temperature increase at the rate of 9.7 ppm/∘ C.
However for an HC-PCF fiber based OEO, the oscillation frequency shifts to a higher frequency due to rate of
−0.592 ppm/∘ C.
X: 1e+004
–120 Y: –124.9
103 104 105
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-12 Measured (single data point) is fitted to Leeson’s close-in to carrier phase noise model of OEO using
equal lengths of standard fiber and using composite fiber using HC-PCF [83, 84, 122].
ns Ls np Lp 1
𝜏= + = (F-8)
c c f
when used in Eq. (F-8) can be reduced to the frequency variation due to temperature in a composite fiber structure
as a function of the refractive index of each type of fiber that is given in [28] as
( ) ( )
Δf ns Ls Δns np Lp Δnp
=− − (F-9)
f ΔT ns Ls + np Lp ns ΔT ns Ls + np Lp np ΔT
Length variations being almost three orders of magnitude smaller than the refractive index variation [29] are
neglected in the Eq. (F-9) and ns , np , and Ls , Lp stand for the refractive index and lengths of the silica based and
photonic crystal based fibers respectively. The measured temperature sensitivity of different fibers is as summarized
in the Table F-5. The positive refractive index variation slope of silica based fiber and the negative refractive index
Composite Q
Figure F-13 Representation of composite fiber with individual characteristics in terms of Q for each section of the
structure [83, 84, 122].
variation slope of HC-PCFs together help in passive temperature compensation as described earlier. The required
length ratio is then found from Eq. (F-10) is to be:
Lp Ans
=− (F-10)
Ls Bnp
Δn Δn
where A = n ΔTs and B = n ΔTp . Using the specifications of the commercially available PCF fiber HC–1550–04
s p
from NKT photonics, the aforementioned length ratio has been determined to be approximately around 38:1. This
length ratio of the composite structure would ensure greater temperature stability, but would degrade the phase
noise performance in comparison to a single standard fiber as presented in the analysis in the following text.
The basic definition of quality factor “Q” is given as:
Energy Stored
Q = 𝜔0 (F-11)
Power Loss
When the optical fiber is recognized to be similar to a transmission delay line, its Q could be expressed as [30]:
Q= (F-12)
where 𝛽 is the phase propagation constant and 𝛼 is the attenuation in the fiber. The composite fiber structure is
depicted in Figure F-13. The Q associated with a combination of fibers as shown in Figure F-13 can be expressed
as: ( )
𝛽s Ls + 𝛽p Lp
Qtotal = (F-13)
2𝛼s Ls + 2𝛼p Lp
From earlier, it is evident that the high attenuation level of HC-PCFs is the limiting factor in the improvement of
Q and hence it contributes to the significant degradation of phase noise of the OEO reported in Table F-5.
With respect to the other nonlinear optical fiber amplification processes (e.g. the stimulated Brillouin amplifier,
erbium doped fiber amplifier), the Raman amplification (RA) is the most attractive technique due to its benefits like
flat gain over broad bandwidths, improved noise performance and reduced nonlinear penalty allowing for longer
fiber lengths, and closer channel spacing. Raman amplification results from the nonlinear scattering process in
optical fibers wherein a part of the pump optical energy at a higher optical frequency is transferred to the sig-
nal operating at a lower frequency signal. The optical gain spectrum is peaked, when optical signal is spectrally
coinciding with the Stokes lines of 13.2 THz lower than the pump frequency.
In our approach, Raman amplifier gain is designed to compensate for losses associated with the PCF in the
composite fiber such that the signal output power remains very close to the input optical power. Therefore, the
overall loss/gain of the fiber would be approaching 0 dB as expressed as:
Ps (L) − Ps (0)
𝛼Effective =
where Ps (L) and Ps (0) are the signal power levels at length of L and 0 km respectively. The pump laser source is
judiciously selected with the optical signal source wavelength and it can be either forward (along the direction of
signal) or reverse direction (opposite to the direction of the signal) propagating, but reverse pumping is preferred
over forward pumping because the Pin Photodiode based optical receivers would not suffer from a higher shot
noise and nonlinear limitations of the forward propagating systems. The location of the pump source would be at
the beginning of the PCF fiber in forward pumping so that the signal and pump wavelengths enter the fiber at the
same point and travel in the same direction and at the end of the fiber for reverse pumping so that the signal and
pump wavelengths enter the fiber at its two ends and travel in the opposite directions.
To achieve effective loss/gain of 0 dB over a fiber length in a practical OEO, pump power levels have to be
appropriately selected for the fiber length of choice. For example for an extremely long length of fiber delay lines
of 80 km length in a standard optical fibers with 0.33 dB/km attenuation (e.g. Corning SMF-28 fiber), a pump
power of 20 dBm (22 dBm) is required for 5 dBm (10 dBm) input signal power. Table F-6 depicts the comparison
of the quality factor of standard SMF-28 fiber with the composite fiber before and after Raman amplification in
the composite fiber. On the other hand, the required laser pump power is around 35 dBm for a 1 km length of
commercial HC-PCF fiber with 15 dB/km attenuation (e.g. NKT Photonics HC-1550-04) for signal power level
of 5 dBm. As technology of HC-PCF has advanced and now commercial products are readily available (though
at a very high cost) with attenuation levels of 15 dB/km compared to 2 dB/m of circa 2005, we anticipate that
attenuation levels could be reduced from 15 dB/km gradually to 1 dB/km in the next few years. Therefore, for two
practical signal powers of 5 and 10 dBm prediction of the required pump power and associated maximum length
are depicted in Figure F-14, as an effective optical attenuation 0.33 dB/km is attained in the composite fiber while
the optical attenuation of HC-PCF fiber is reduced from 10 dB/km in gradual steps to values of 5, 3, and eventually
to 1 dB/km.
In Table F-6 performance comparison of OEO in terms of effective Q and close-in to carrier phase noise at
10 kHz offset are made for cases of with (shaded column) and without (unshaded columns) RA. Note passive tem-
perature compensation is attained with HC-PCF fiber length of 38:1 to SMF-28; moreover, the achieved maximum
length of composite fiber increases from 1.23 to 3 km as attenuation of the HC-PCF fibers are reduced from 15
to 10 dB/km for the same pump power of 35 dBm. Moreover, the optimum length can be increased to 10 km for a
pump power of only 30 dBm. The calculated effective optical attenuation of the composite fiber with RA are about
0.1 for the 3 dB/km, 0.16 for 10 dB/km, and even approaching 0.14 dB/km for commercially available HC-PCF
(NKT Photonics HC-1550-04) with loss of 15 dB/km. Values of the effective Q are calculated using Eq. (F-13) for
composite fibers and compared relative to Q of standard fiber, Qs . Note that with RA there is a Q enhancement for
the composite fiber, while without RA a loss dominated by HC-PCF causes a significant reduction the effective
Q. The resulting achieved close-in to carrier phase noise at two offset frequencies of 1 and 10 kHz from 10 GHz
carrier are also rendered in Table F-6. A significant reduction in phase noise in composite fibers with RA with
an effective loss of 0.1 dB/km and 10 kHz/C drift is estimated due to the enhancement of about 7 dB compared to
OEO with SMF-28 fiber.
Table F-6 Effective Q and phase noise comparison between SMF-28 and composite fibers before and after Raman amplifier.
Effective attenuation
Fiber delay attenuation of composite Phase noise Phase noise Phase noise Phase noise
length (km)/ of HC-PCF fiber with RA Phase noise Phase noise (dBc/Hz) (dBc/Hz) (dBc/Hz) (dBc/Hz)
Pump power without RA (𝛼 p in dB/Km, Relative Q Relative Q degradation degradation @ 1 kHz @ 1 kHz @ 10 kHz @ 10 kHz
(dBm) (𝛼 p in dB/Km) 𝛼 s = 0.33 dB/k) without RA with RA without RA with RA without RA with RA without RA with RA
36 α = 5 dB/km 36
α = 10 dB/km
α = 10 dB/km
effective fiber loss = 0dB/km
34 34
32 32
30 30
28 28
26 26
24 24
22 22
20 20
18 18
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Length of fiber (km) Length of fiber (km)
(a) (b)
Figure F-14 Minimum optical pump power versus optical fiber lengths to overcome excessive loss in the composite fiber using HC-PCF with optical attenuation
of 1, 3, 5, and 10 dB/km for signal power levels of 5 and 10 dBm [83, 84, 122].
Short and long term stability of high frequency oscillators are important for high-speed data transmission. Forced
oscillation has been a technique where oscillation frequency could be stabilized using concept of injection locking
(IL) [31, 32] and PLL [33–35], as the concept of PLL has been the focus of this book. Distribution of a highly sta-
ble with low phase noise external frequency reference is employed to force oscillators to lock to clean phase noise
characteristics of the frequency reference. Among them first the indirect optical injection locking [36, 37] has been
applied to distribute microwave [38] and millimeter wave oscillators [39–44] for optical control of large phased
array antennas for radar and communications [44–48]. The analytical modeling of injection-locked oscillators have
been developed based on parametric oscillation [49–53] to achieve low phase noise from various frequency refer-
ences. The combination of both injection locking and phase lock loop functions are proposed as an injection-locked
phase locked loop (ILPLL) based forced stabilization process and its superior performance is experimentally
demonstrated [54]. A number of different oscillator topologies [55–57] are used for efficient front-end operations
for low phase noise/frequency stability [57], low free-running phase noise oscillator that is combined with mixing
conversion gain with high dynamic range, while prime power and space saving is also achieved [55, 56]. In fact,
it is feasible to combine operation of mixing combined with oscillation and phase shifting [47] as a very elegant
solution for electronically scanned phased array antennas for communication and remote sensing applications.
A new category of oscillators is based on long optical delay lines to provide high frequency stability [58] and
is known as OEO [59]. This structure has been widely employed for implementing high frequency RF oscillators
because of their high spectral purity [60] and it has been extended to operation of 50 GHz [8]. One of the challenges
encountered with OEO is temperature sensitivity of the long fiber optic delay lines [61], which can be improved
on by employing passive temperature compensation using special hollow-core PCFs (HC-PhC) [62] that results in
both short term and long term frequency stability [28]. The broadband behavior of fiber optic delay lines provides
frequency tuning of OEO with a large number of potential oscillation frequencies. Narrow-band filters are the core
part of an OEO operation, which it determines the oscillation frequency by employing extremely narrow band
fixed frequency filters [61]. To achieve broadband frequency tuned OEO, YIG filter structures [29] are integrated
in the optical delay line based OEO [63], as also reported earlier with field effect transistor (FET) based tunable
oscillators [29]. Even though the OEO could exhibit higher quality factor with longer fiber delay lines, but the
multiple side-modes exists around the oscillation frequency, as 5 km of fiber corresponds to side-mode oscillations
of every 40 kHz, which is not feasible to be removed even using narrowband electronic filters. A coarse tuning
of wideband YIG [29] filter combined with a fine tuning narrowband wavelength-tuned optical transversal filter
[64–67] using short delay lines or chirped fiber Bragg grating (CFBG) [68] provides high resolution frequency
selectivity, but nonetheless a number of side-modes still persists. However, forced oscillation techniques could
help to reduce the oscillation side-modes [68].
Benefits of ILPLL [54] in electronic systems are enumerated in [69] due to improvement in close-in to carrier
phase noise, reduction in pull-in time, and enhanced locking range and tracking range over the standard IL or PLL
and reduced prime power and space saving over a multiplier chain. These benefits could be equally achieved in
oscillators without using an external frequency reference using a concept of self-IL [2, 70–72] or self-PLL [73–75]
for improvement in phase noise at both close-in and far-away from carrier, while oscillation side-modes are also
suppressed using multiple loops with non-harmonic delays. In addition, the concept of self-injection locked (SIL)
and self phase locked loop (SPLL) are combined as self-forced oscillation techniques are employed for further
improvement in close-in to carrier phase noise, while maintaining a low thermal sensitivity of OEO using composite
fibers. The forced oscillation are really extension of standard oscillator stabilizations that are known as injection
locking, phase locking, and combination of injection- and phase-locked loop techniques. The phase noise modeling
of each technique is covered in the following sections.
modeling of ILPLL oscillators [48, 51, 52]. As part of the modeling, let yi and yo be the injecting signal and the
output signal of the oscillator in the free-running case, respectively:
Defining 𝜙i (t) = 𝜔t + 𝜃 i (t), 𝜙o (t) = 𝜔t + 𝜃 o (t), and using Eqs. (F-14) and (F-15) with the famous Adler’s
equation [31], then phase dynamics of IL can be written as
where B = 𝜌𝜔3dB . Eq. (F-17) is of the same form of the phase dynamics for the first-order type I PLL. Performing
the Laplace transform of the aforementioned time domain variable, Eq. (F-17) can be expressed in s-domain as
The block diagram representing Eq. (F-19) is depicted in Figure F-15a. We can see that IL resembles a negative
feedback control loop that contains an integrator. The integrator is usually a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO),
which is suitable for integration of PLL function. The loop behavior in the presence of noise sources is system-
atically presented in Figure F-15b, where the major noise contributors in IL are n1 (s) at the injection point that
contains injecting signal noise and residual noise of the system, and n2 (s), which is the oscillator phase noise.
Assuming the noises are a small perturbation to the steady oscillation, thus linearity still holds in the IL system.
Then we can find the oscillator output due to noise using superposition principle. We first use standard loop analysis
to find out the output 𝜃 o1 due to input noise n1 only as
n1(s) n2(s)
–θ0(s) –θ0(s)
– –
(a) (b)
Figure F-15 Conceptual block diagram representation of IL using control theory representation; (a) without noise
sources present; (b) with noise sources of n1 (s) and n2 (s) added in the loop [83, 84, 122].
The power spectral density of the output phase 𝜃 o of offset angular frequency 𝜔 becomes
S𝜃o (𝜔) = |H𝜃 (j𝜔)|2 Sn1 (𝜔) + |1 − H𝜃 (j𝜔)|2 Sn2 (𝜔) (F-24)
where Sn1 (𝜔) and Sn2 (𝜔) are the power spectral densities of n1 and n2 respectively.
Σ B/s
e–sτd θo(s) –θo(s)
Figure F-16 Conceptual block diagram of SIL using control theory representation with a self-feedback after a delay
of 𝜏 d with coupling factor of 𝜌 integrated to system [83, 84, 122].
B s
𝜃o = 𝜃o1 + 𝜃o2 = n + n (F-27)
s + B(1 − es𝜏 d) 1 s + B(1 − es𝜏d ) 2
Ssil (𝜔) = |Ha (j𝜔)|2 Sn1 (𝜔) + |Hb (j𝜔)|2 Sn2 (𝜔) (F-28)
B s
where Ha (s) = s+B(1−e s𝜏d ) and Hb (s) = s+B(1−es𝜏d )
Note that the transfer functions H(s) has resonant peaks that are related to the harmonic of frequencies s = j𝜔,
where e−js𝜏d = 1. Sn1 (𝜔) is the residual noise at offset frequency of f:
( )
kTBF fc
Sn1 (f ) = +1 (F-29)
2Ps f
while Sn2 (𝜔) is expressed using Leeson’s equation [1] at offset frequency of fm
[ ( ) ( ) ]
kTBF 1 fo2 fc 1 fo2 f
Sn2 (f ) = + 2 + c +1 (F-30)
2Ps f3 4Q2L f 4Q2L f
where k = 1.38 × 10−23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant; T = 290 ∘ K is the room temperature in Kelvin; B = 1 Hz is
the noise bandwidth being considered; F is the system noise figure; Ps is the carrier power level; fo is the oscil-
lation frequency; fc = 1 MHz is the flicker noise corner frequency; QL is the loaded Q of the oscillator resonator.
For oscillator phase noise Sn2 (𝜔), a roll-off rate of 30 dB/decade is expected when fm < fc and 20 dB/decade for
fm > fc . A higher QL provides lower single side band (SSB) phase noise in the region where fm > fc . Advantage of
opto-electronic oscillators is that QL could be enhanced by increasing the fiber delay length.
An opto-electronic oscillator with fiber delay line of 1 km is considered for achieving high loaded quality factor.
Phase noise of OEO with SIL is simulated and depicted in Figure F-17, where the phase noise of a standard OEO
and SIL OEO are depicted with various feedback delays for 𝜌 = 0.0316. The phase noise of this standard OEO is
shown in black dashed curve; other colored curves show the phase noise of SIL OEO with different optical delays
in the feedback loop. The simulated phase noise is the lowest in the case of 8 km delay. Phase noise performance
for OEO with 8 km SIL delay remains the same under injection strengths of 0.00316, 0.01, and 0.0316. The spikes
that appear in Figure F-17 are the poles associated with the transfer functions of different delays, and they may not
represent the actual location and level of the spurious signals.
Standard OEO
–40 3 km
5 km
–60 8 km
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
103 104 105 106 107 108
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-17 Simulated phase noise of a standard OEO realized using a 1 km long fiber delay without (Black: stan-
dard OEO) and with SIL (Light gray: standard OEO with 3 km SIL; Dark gray: standard OEO with 5 km SIL; Gray:
standard OEO with 8 km SIL). The SIL is accomplished for injection ratio of 𝜌 = 0.0316 for different fiber delay
lengths. (PS = 16 dBm, fiber optic link NF = 60 dB, PN = −114 dBm) [83, 84, 122].
Standard OEO analyzer
Amp Metallic
Figure F-18 System block diagram of 1 km long standard OEO with SIL using various fiber delay lengths. Optical
attenuation provided by block of “Atten.” assures a negative feedback using the longer delay and the 10 dB optical
attenuation results in 𝜌 ≈ 0.06 [83, 84, 122].
OEO + SIL 3 km
OEO + SIL 5 km
OEO + SIL 8 km
Phase noise (dBc/Hz) –60
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-19 Experimental measurement results of SSB phase noise of a standard OEO (Black: standard 1 km
OEO) with various SIL lengths (Light gray: 3 km; Dark gray: 5 km; Gray: 8 km) and spurious signal levels (Black dia-
mond: 196,627 Hz, −40 dBc; Light gray diamond: 199,645 Hz, −60 dBc; Dark gray: Diamond: 200,485 Hz, −63 dBc;
Gray diamond: 201,002 Hz, −69 dBc). The OEO electrical characteristics are PS = 16 dBm, PN = −114 dBm, and
NF = 60 dB [83, 84, 122].
RF gain is sufficient to compensate for the loss in the 1 km loop, but not the second delay; hence optoelectronic
oscillation will take place in the 1 km loop and not at the longer delay. Because of the optical attenuator, the longer
delay will not get enough gain to oscillate thus it forms a SIL to the OEO. Phase noise for SIL OEO is shown in
Figure F-19 for various long delays. Delays of 3, 5 and 8 km are selected, and the lowest phase noise is achieved
using an 8 km delay as predicted at levels of −96 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset (13 dB lower than standard OEO) and
−118 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset (9 dB lower than standard OEO). The spurious level of −69 dBc for 8 km delay is
also the lowest that is 29 dB lower than standard OEO.
Then the relationship between the VCO output frequency and u2 becomes
d(𝜔t + 𝜙o (t))
= 𝜔 + Ko u2 (F-35)
d𝜙o (t)
= Ko u2 = Ko Kd f (t) ∗ cos(𝜙i (t) − 𝜙o (t)) (F-36)
𝜙o (s) G
H(s) = = (F-38)
𝜙i (t) 1+G
K K F(s)
where G = o ds
From the system transfer function, we can represent the PLL system in frequency domain as shown in
Figure F-20. Assuming the noise is a small perturbation to the steady state solution, thus the linearity still holds,
then we can derive the overall output noise using superposition principle. Let’s first find out the output noise 𝜙n1
due to the input noise n1 . Using basic loop analysis, we have
Similarly, we can find the output noise 𝜙n2 due to the VCO noise n2 as follows
n1(s) n2(s)
u1 u2 ϕno(s)
Σ Kd F(s) Ko/s
Figure F-20 Control theory representation of conventional PLL [83, 84, 122].
𝜙n1 (s) = −G𝜙n1 (s) + e−s𝜏d G𝜙n1 (s) + Gn1 (s) (F-46)
Output noise 𝜙n2 due to VCO noise n2 can be found in a similar fashion as
𝜙n2 (s) = n (s) (F-48)
1 + G(1 − e−s𝜏d ) 2
G 1
𝜙no (s) = 𝜙n1 (s) + 𝜙n2 (s) = n (s) + n (s) (F-49)
1 + G(1 − e−s𝜏d ) 1 1 + G(1 − e−s𝜏d ) 2
Sspll (𝜔m ) = |Ha (s)|2 Sn1 (𝜔m ) + |Hb (s)|2 Sn2 (𝜔m ) (F-50)
|Ha (s)|2 =
1 + G(1 − e−s𝜏d )
|Hb (s)|2 =
1 + G(1 − e−s𝜏d )
Simulation results of SPLL OEO using Eq. (F-50) is shown in Figure F-22. The black dashed curve is measured
phase noise of an OEO with 100 m delay in the free-running case. Colored curves represent phase noise of OEO
with SPLL for different delays. From the simulation results, phase noise decreases as the delay in SPLL increases.
Simulation is also performed to investigate the impact of different filter components. In the simulation, SPLL delay
is fixed at 5 km while different “Mixer Filter” boards are used. We can see from Figure F-23 that board #3 provides
best phase noise reduction due to its large filter bandwidth. It should also be noted that when constructing SPLL,
loop stability is of practical concern. A combination of large filter bandwidth and a long fiber delay may result in
an unstable loop as the long fiber delay will introduce additional poles (side-modes) in the system (Figure F-24).
n1(s) n2(s)
e–sτdϕo(s) u1 u2 ϕo(s)
Σ Kd F(s) Ko/s
e–sτd –θo(s)
OEO 100
–40 SPLL 1000
SPLL 3000
–60 SPLL 5000
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-22 Simulated phase noise of SPLL with Circuit 1 (medium loop BW) for different delays using RoF Link 2.
Kd = 0.01 V/rad and Ko = 2𝜋 × 200 kHz/V [83, 84, 122].
OEO 100
–40 Circuit 1
Circuit 2
–60 Circuit 3
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-23 Simulated phase noise of SPLL with 5 km delay for different “Mixer+LPFA” boards using RoF Link 2.
Kd = 0.01 V/rad and Ko = 2𝜋 × 200 kHz/V [83, 84, 122].
3 dB SPLL control
Amp 1 PD MZM
RF driving
LO = 12 dBm
3 dB Mixer
5-port BPF Amp 2
coupler LPFA
–10 dB
RF = 13 dBm
PD Amp 3 Amp 4
Figure F-24 Experiment setup of SPLL OEO based on MZM [83, 84, 122].
100 m OEO free run
–60 SPLL 1000 m
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
SPLL 3000 m
–80 SPLL 5000 m
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-25 Measured phase noise of SPLL with Circuit 1 (medium loop BW) for different delays using RoF Link 2.
The loop parameters are Kd = 0.01 V/rad and Ko = 2𝜋 × 200 kHz/V. Black curve: phase noise of free-running 100 m
OEO; Gray curve: phase noise of SPLL with 1000 m delay; Dark gray curve: phase noise of SPLL with 3000 m delay;
Light gray curve: phase noise of SPLL with 5000 m delay [83, 84, 122].
for this standard OEO is shown in the black curve in Figure F-25. The measured phase noise is −69 and −96 dBc/Hz
at 1 and 10 kHz offset, respectively.
Experimental phase noise of SPLL OEO with MZM control is shown in Figure F-25. The phase noise reduces
with the delay in SPLL increases as expected from the analytical modeling. Best result is obtained using a 5 km
delay in SPLL, and the noise level is reduced by 20 dB reaching −89 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset and by 23 dB reaching
OEO 100 m
–40 SPLL 5000 m simulated
SPLL 5000 m measured
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-26 Comparison of SPLL phase noise between measured and simulated. RoF Link 2 is used and the loop
parameters are Kd = 0.01 V/rad and Ko = 2𝜋 × 200 kHz/V [83, 84, 122].
−119 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. Figure F-26 shows the excellent agreement between simulation (gray curve) and
measured (dark gray curve) results of SPLL OEO using MZM control for 5 km delay.
d𝜙o (t)
= B[𝜙i (t) − 𝜙o (t)]
d𝜙o (t)
= G[𝜙i (t) − 𝜙o (t)]
where B = 𝜌𝜔3dB and G = Kd Kv f(t), and Kd is the phase detector sensitivity in V/rad; Kv is the VCO tuning sensitivity
in rad/V; f(t) is the impulse response of the loop filter. Assume linearity still holds when the system is in locked
state, the ILPLL phase dynamics can be obtained by adding IL and PLL phase dynamics as
d𝜙o (t)
= B[𝜙i (t) − 𝜙o (t)] + G[𝜙i (t) − 𝜙o (t)] (F-51)
We can find the phase dynamics of ILPLL in the presence of noise in a similar fashion as we did in cases of IL and
d[𝜙o (t) + n0 (t)]
= B[𝜙i (t) + ni (t) − 𝜙o (t)] + G[𝜙i (t) + ni (t) − 𝜙o (t)] (F-52)
Convert the Eq. (F-52) to Laplace domain, then the output phase of SILPLL due to noise can be found as
B+G s
𝜙o = −s𝜏 ni − −s𝜏 no (F-53)
s + B(1 − e−s𝜏di ) + G(1 − e dp ) s + B(1 − e−s𝜏di ) + G(1 − e dp )
3 dB SPLL control
Amp 1 PD MZM
RF driving
LO = 12 dBm
5-port 3 dB Mixer
Amp 2
BPF coupler LPFA
–10 dB
RF =
13 dBm
PD Amp 3 Amp 4
Figure F-27 Block diagram for SILPLL OEO [83, 84, 122].
Relation of 𝜙i (t) = e−s𝜏d 𝜙o (t) is used to find the Eq. (F-53). Then the power spectrum for phase of SILPLL becomes
| |2 | |2
| B+G | | s |
S𝜙o = | | S − | |S (F-54)
| s + B(1 − e−s𝜏di ) + G(1 − e dp ) | i | s + B(1 − e−s𝜏di ) + G(1 − e dp ) | no
−s𝜏 n −s𝜏
| | | |
The technique of SILPLL is applied to a standard OEO for phase noise reduction, and the experimental results
are presented. The block diagram of SILPLL OEO is shown in Figure F-27, where a standard OEO with 100 m
fiber delay is shown within the black dashed box. A portion of the optical signal of the OEO is coupled out and is
being delay by a longer fiber of 5 km.
The delayed optical signal is converted to electrical signal by a photodetector, half of the photodetector output is
sent back to the standard OEO directly to form an SIL path (shown in a light gray curve); another half is amplified
and is sent to the “Mixer+LPFA” board for comparison against the non-delayed signal to generate an error signal
for frequency adjustment of the OEO by changing the MZM bias voltage. The SPLL portion is shown in dark gray
in Figure F-27. The measured SILPLL phase noise with 5 km delay is shown in dark gray curve of Figure F-28.
The achieved phase noise is −96 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset and is −120 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset, which demonstrates
a reduction of 27 and 24 dB at 1 and 10 kHz offset, respectively. Simulated phase noise of SILPLL using Eq. (F-54)
is also provided as gray curve in Figure F-28, which agrees well with the measurement.
Phase noise of OEO with different frequency stabilization techniques are plotted in Figure F-29, the spot noise
at 1 and 10 kHz are also tabulated in Table F-7. From the measured results, the distinction between different tech-
nologies are insignificant even though SILPLL is expected to achieve lower phase noise than SIL in the close-in
to carrier offset region while maintaining same noise level of SIL in the far-out offsets. A reason for the limitation
is due to the high noise level of the system and related to the PLL operation. The input power at the mixer RF port
is limited, which results in a low sensitivity (estimated to be 0.01 V/rad) of the phase detector function. Also, the
tuning sensitivity of OEO using MZM control is limited to 200 kHz/V at 5 V. These parameters result in a PLL
loop BW of about 80 kHz, which is not sufficient to provide significant phase noise reduction.
OEO free
–60 SILPLL 5 km (25 µs) simulated
SILPLL 5 km (25 µs) measured
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-28 SILPLL OEO phase noise for 5 km delay. Parameters for SPLL portion: Kd = 0.01 V/rad,
Ko = 2𝜋 × 200 kHz/V and Board #1 is used. Gray curve is simulated; dark gray is measured [83, 84, 122].
100 m OEO free run
–60 SPLL 5000 m
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
SIL 5000 m
–80 SILPLL 5000 m
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-29 Comparison for OEO with different frequency stabilization techniques [83, 84, 122].
Table F-7 Comparison of SSB phase noise for free-running OEO and
SPLL OEO with band pass filter (BPF) Control.
The self-injection locking phase locking of OEO as a SILDPLL is depicted in Figure F-30, where a wavelength
tunable fiber laser (TWL-C-HP-M) is used to provide wavelength control of light propagating in the OEO. The
signal transmits through optical fiber to create the long fiber optic delay line. A narrow band filter is the core of
reducing the number of supported modes in OEO. The classic OEO design employs a fixed frequency narrowband
microwave filter (e.g. high Q aluminum cavity filter (HP X532B) [74], whispering gallery mode resonator [77],
and micro-disk resonator [78]) and suffer from mechanical and thermal stability. Moreover, its fixed resonance
frequency makes the design not suitable for frequency synthesis. A combination of electrically coarse tuned YIG
filter (Tektronix 183-60) and optical fine-tuned optical transversal filter [66, 67] are introduced in this section to
replace the role of fixed frequency high Q aluminum cavity filter [79]. A very high frequency selectivity in a small
size is demonstrated using CFBG [80] in place of long fiber delay based narrowband optical transversal filter.
In addition to the highly tuned and narrowband RF filtering using optical wavelength control of the fiber laser
source, SILPLL [81] is employed to provide reduction of phase noise in both close-in and far away to the carrier
frequency, while enhancing the oscillation side mode suppression [82]. The block diagram of Figure F-30 simul-
taneously depicts both SIL and DSPLL [83, 84]; there are two paths for modulated signal after Mach-Zehnder
modulator (MZM): one transmits the main loop of OEO and the other loop is split into two using as 3 and 8 km
dual phase locking signal. The combined phase locking signal is then inputted to a custom designed “Mixer+LPFA”
board [85]. A double-balanced mixer is integrated on this board with a low-pass filter amplifier (using Op-Amp
circuits) to work as phase detector and low-pass portion of the PLL. The phase error of the OEO main loop is
compared with the delayed version of oscillation signal from a dual non-harmonically related fiber delay lines as
a self-phase locking loop and the phase error signal is fed back to the bias port of MZM for phase correction of
oscillation signal. Self-injection locking signal takes the advantage of phase lock loop path and share the same 3 km
fiber of the SPLL path to force oscillation frequency and improve the phase locked tracking and pull-in time. The
high resolution and wavelength sensitive tuning is due to fine tuning of an optical transversal filter using a CFBG as
dispersive component for narrowband filtering. A 19′′ rack mountable frequency synthesizer at X-and K-band are
fabricated, which demonstrates potential for self-contained portable box for long term reliability testing. X-Band
operation is achieved by distinct operation at the quadrature bias point (V𝜋 /2) of MZM, while changing bias to and
1 km
Fiber Constant 50%/50%
laser DD-MZM gain
EDFA coupler
3 km 50%/50%
50%/50% coupler
Spectrum coupler
control system AMP3 30 m
DC bias analyzer
Bias-T 5 km
DC bias Power
Bias-T supply DC bias
Figure F-30 Block diagram of experimentally demonstrated SILDPLL OEO system as a frequency synthesizer by
employing electrically coarse tuned YIG and optically fine-tuned transversal filter using 30 m of SMF-28 or a CFBG
[83, 84, 122].
highly nonlinear V𝜋 results in second harmonic generation at K-band. The performance of frequency synthesizers
covering 8–12 GHz (X-band) and 16–24 GHz (K-band) are discussed next.
100 m OEO free running
–70 –55.5dBc 500 m OEO free running
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
–100 –57.5dBc –60.3dBc
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-31 Comparison of free-running 10 GHz OEO SSB phase noise performance using different delay lengths
100, 500, and 1000 m. A large number of side modes are seen in close-in to carrier for a longer fiber lengths. The
closest side-mode levels in reference to carrier are indicated in the figure [83, 84, 122].
–70 8 GHz OEO with SIL 3 km + DSPLL 3 km/8 km
10 GHz OEO with SIL 3 km + DSPLL 3 km/8 km
–80 12 GHz OEO with SIL 3 km + DSPLL 3 km/8 km
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
–110 –120 dBc
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-32 Comparison of measured SSB phase noise of the forced SILPLL (3 km SIL and DSPLL of 3 and 8 km)
1000 m OEO at X-band [83, 84, 122].
0 Bias current 411 mA
Bias current 412 mA
Bias current 413 mA
–20 Bias current 414 mA
Power level (dBm)
Figure F-33 Synthesizer output frequency versus YIG filter current tuning [83, 84, 122].
1× 2
1 3 dB Power 4
coupler 3 combiner
Figure F-34 First order optical transversal filter using 3 dB couplers and CFBG [83, 84, 122].
where 𝜏 d is the delay difference at fiber laser wavelength. It’s related to delay of the CFBG at wavelength 𝜆o.
Parameter 𝜏 D is due to wavelength dispersion characteristics of the CFBG and is expressed as:
𝜏D = (Δ𝜆) (F-56)
In Eq. (F-56), D is the dispersion parameter of CFBG in unit of ps/nm, while Δ𝜆 is difference between the optical
source wavelength and the original wavelength 𝜆o. The tuning performance of transversal optical filter cascaded
with a commercially available YIG filter (Tektronix 183-60) is depicted in Figure F-35. Two possible dispersive
CFBG structures were explored, as depicted in Figure F-36. First shown in a anodized black box is a commercial
fiber Bragg grating module (Motorola DCM-20A/SCA) with the dispersion D is −150 ps/nm and delay 𝜏 d of about
20 ns. This delay creates 40 MHz null to null pass band, which is too wide compared with high Q transversal filter
needed; therefore, a 30 m of SMF-28 fiber was added to reduce passband filter and achieve a null to null bandwidth
to around 4.5 MHz. Meanwhile, because of power imbalance introduced by CFBG, RF attenuator, and amplifier is
required to balance output signal level in the two photodetected arms. A fine tuning sensitivity of 10 kHz/pm [70]
is measured using pico-meter resolution of the fiber laser (TWL-C-HP-M). The wavelength tuning range is 40 nm,
which results in an overall tuning range reaches up to 400 MHz. This fine-tuning range is much larger than 30 m
SMF-28 transversal filter tuning range (1 MHz maximum) as reported in [80]; moreover, this optical transversal
filter easily covers the tuning gap that exist due to the coarse tuning of 25 MHz/mA using YIG filter.
0 Fiber laser wavelength 1550.001 nm
Fiber laser wavelength 1550.002 nm
Fiber laser wavelength 1550.003 nm
Power level (dBm)
10.04000 10.04001 10.04002 10.04003
Frequency (GHz)
Figure F-35 The frequency synthesizer output frequency versus optical wavelength tuning using a commercial
CFBG (Motorola DCM-20A/SCA) module [83, 84, 122].
CFBG module
Figure F-36 Physical size comparison of the Motorola CFBG as dispersion compensation module (anodized black
box) with dispersive delay time of −150 ps/nm, while a custom-designed chirped fiber Bragg grating with delay of
40 ps/nm that is placed on top of this anodized box [83, 84, 122].
In order to further reduce the size for CFBG part that can fits space requirement for use in a 19′′ rack-mountable
SILPLL OEO box, a small size (cf. Figure F-36) custom fabricated CFBG (courtesy of Professor Jianping Yao from
University of Ottawa) is employed to replace the large size commercial CFBG module. The CFBG is designed with
40 ps/nm dispersion coefficient and 10 nm effective reflection bandwidth at about 1550 nm. CFBG is still connected
with 30 m SMF-28 fiber to ensure enough delay for approximately 4.5 MHz null to null bandwidth. This new optical
transversal filter achieves a tuning sensitivity of 2.6 kHz/pm (cf. Figure F-37) using pico-meter wavelength tuning
of the fiber laser, which is four times higher sensitivity than the Motorola module. Meantime, with designed 10 nm
effective tuning range, the total tuning frequency will be 26 MHz, which is also enough to cover the YIG filter
coarse tuning gap of 25 MHz. In this way, the new CFBG system takes fully advantage of the tuning ability and its
tuning performance is depicted in Figure F-37.
The phase noise performance is an important measurement to quantify spectral power density of OEO based
synthesizer system. However, the timing jitters is a more relevant measure to quantify clock performance. Both
parameters are related and calculated from the measured close-in to carrier phase noise from Rohde and Schwarz
0 Fiber laser wavelength 1550.004 nm
10.0900000 10.0900026 10.0900052 10.0900078
Frequency (GHz)
Figure F-37 The frequency synthesizer output frequency versus optical wavelength tuning using a custom designed
CFBG from University of Ottawa [83, 84, 122].
(FSWP-26) RF phase noise analyzer measurement system. In the commercial CFBG module from Motorola that
is used for dispersion compensation, both close in to the carrier and far to the carrier phase noise get reduction
is obtained with the forced SILDPLL technique. The measured phase noise is −115 dBc/Hz at offset frequency
1 kHz and −137 dBc/Hz at offset frequency 10 kHz, as depicted in Figure. F-38. The side mode peak is also suc-
cessfully suppressed using narrow band filtering of dual loop phase locked and injection-locked system for this
OEO. When the custom designed CFBG is employed, the phase noise performance is somewhat similar to the
Motorola module, while space saving is achieved. The measured phase noise is −115 dBc/Hz at offset frequency
1 kHz and −138 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz with a similar side mode levels, as depicted in Figure F-39.
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-38 X-Band synthesizer phase noise performance based on the Motorola CFBG module at different fre-
quencies of 8, 10, 12 GHz. Note side-mode levels of −125 dBc at 60 kHz and −110 dBc at 450 kHz [83, 84, 122].
–70 8 GHz OEO with SIL 3 km + DSPLL 3 km/8 km
10 GHz OEO with SIL 3 km + DSPLL 3 km/8 km
12 GHz OEO with SIL 3 km + DSPLL 3 km/8 km
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
–100 –113 dBc
–128 dBc
103 104 105 106 107
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-39 X-Band synthesizer phase noise performance based on the custom designed CFBG at different fre-
quencies of 8, 10, 12 GHz. Note side-mode levels of −128 dBc at 60 kHz and −113 dBc at 450 kHz [83, 84, 122].
Table F-8 Calculated timing jitter results (integrating from 300 Hz to 10 MHz) for different forced OEO
Baseline OEO Timing jitter (fs) SILDPLL OEO Timing jitter (fs)
Forced OEO with Motorola module Timing jitter (fs) Forced OEO with custom CFBG Timing jitter (fs)
The close-in to carrier phase noise and associated timing jitters (integrating from 300 Hz to 10 MHz) for different
operation of OEO are calculated and summarized in Table F-8. Forced OEO system using 1000 m fiber delay line
shows significant decrease in both phase noise and timing jitters compared with baseline OEO condition and the
best condition using the custom CFBG provides 5.170 fs timing jitters at 12 GHz output.
Figure F-40 The placement of custom fiber mandrills and commercially available computer controlled DC power
supply (Agilent E3631A) and fiber mandrills [83, 84, 122].
Laser driver
Figure F-41 The placement of fiber laser source and its driver from Optilab limited liability capability (LLC)
(TWL-C-HP-M) and a commercial YIG filter (Teledyne) [83, 84, 122].
Figure F-42 The placement of RF and fiber optic components on the third level of frequency synthesizer box
[83, 84, 122].
finishing RF/optical components placement is shown on Figure F-43. The overall height of the circuits is limited
within the range of the box size. The last step is to secure the commercially available EDFA outside the OEO box
after completing the OEO box assembly. Its final realization is shown on Figure F-44. The EDFA shares the screws
with top coverage of OEO box for stabilization, so there will be very good connection between itself and OEO.
The computer control program is then developed using LabVIEW 2018. Figure F-45 is the front panel of the
computer control program. The program controls the wavelength output of fiber laser and current bias of the YIG
filter to realize narrowband frequency selection. For a desired operation frequency of the synthesizer, users only
need to type their needs in the position of gray circle. Then, the program will iteratively change the current bias of
the YIG filter and wavelength of the fiber laser using a pre-loaded look-up table, corresponding to coarse and fine
tuning respectively, to rapidly reach (<15 s) to the desired frequency. A portion of time dedicated for frequency
acquisition is related to iterative process till a proper YIG filter bias current and fiber laser wavelength is attained
for extremely narrowband bandpass characteristics of the cascaded YIG filter and optical transversal filter. This
settling time can be further reduced using custom power supply and controllers.
Fiber mandrill
Power supply
Figure F-43 Front view of different levels of OEO synthesizer box depicting commercially available power supply
(Agilent E3631A) and custom fiber mandrills of 5 and 1 km long along with laser driver and modular components
[83, 84, 122].
Figure F-44 Overview of the completed SILPLL OEO based source as a highly stable K-band frequency synthesizer
[83, 84, 122].
Figure F-45 Front panel of the K-band synthesizer LabVIEW control [83, 84, 122].
K-Band synthesizer @ 16 GHz
–90 K-Band synthesizer @ 18 GHz
103 104 105 106
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-46 Measured phase noise of K-band OEO in a 19′′ rack-mountable box [83, 84, 122].
The measured phase noise of the OEO system is depicted in Figure F-46, where the synthesizer outputs are
measured at a frequency step of 2 GHz-starting from 16 to 24 GHz for whole K-band operation. The measured
phase noise level is −105 dBc/Hz at offset frequency of 1 kHz and −130 dBc/Hz at offset frequency of 10 kHz.
The long-term stability condition of the 19′′ rack-mountable box is also evaluated, where a 4.5 kHz synthesized
frequency shift is recorded over one hour. The estimated rms timing jitters of this synthesizer is under 10 fs, which
can be even further reduced using self-injection locked triple phase-lock loop (SILTPLL) [87, 88]. Part of this phase
noise is due to 1/f noise characteristics of amplifier used. This performance could be improved using Si-Ge based
hetrojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) amplifiers in place of GaAs based p-HEMT [89, 90] and proper selection
of operation condition of transistor amplifiers [91].
Computer control of this K-band frequency synthesizer is also demonstrated by generating appropriate frequen-
cies for a number of practical applications. In Figure F-47 a linear frequency modulation is produced for practical
FM-CW radar applications using LabVIEW. The program is designed to have frequency starting from 17 GHz with
six linear steps of frequency increase to 19 GHz and then dropping at the same rate back to 17 GHz. In Figure F-48,
a pseudo-random frequency hopped pattern is generated to depict broadband frequency shift for frequency hopped
communication systems. The pattern selected to demonstrate complete frequency hopped results is designed to
Frequency (Hz)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tuning step
Figure F-47 Linear frequency sweep output using LabVIEW based computer control program. White dots are
selected frequencies and gray lines shows the generated pattern linearly modulated frequencies of FM-CW pattern
[83, 84, 122].
Frequency (Hz)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60
Tuning step
Figure F-48 Complete frequency hopped results showing “DREXEL” using 60 running steps. White dots are hopped
frequencies and gray lines shows the generated pattern for a more clarified code [83, 84, 122].
Table F-9 Performance of X-band and K-band frequency synthesizers using novel concept of SILPLL OEO.
show the wording for “DREXEL” after 61 running steps. This final output demonstrates frequency synthesizer
tuning while maintaining the demonstrated low close-in to carrier phase noise with a computer controlled out-
put frequency selection. The summary of results for the X- and K-band OEO frequency synthesizers is listed in
Table F-9.
A modular performance is attractive due to individual component optimization, however, this solution is not
cost effective. Even though the new revised solution provides significantly size reduction; however, because of the
limits of optical fiber mandrills and complex electrical circuits, there is no further reduction is to reach unless an
integrated solution is pursued. Meantime, the frequency limits of RF modular components also affect performance
above 60 GHz frequency. An ideal realization of high frequency synthesizer beyond 24 GHz will rely on realization
of opto-electronics on Si-photonics as an integrated design.
First approach integrated OEO is based on design implementation using hybrid integrated SILPLL system [91]
using EO-polymer based optical modulators. To avoid the bias dependent characteristics of MZM, an optical phase
modulation (PM) based design [92] is considered using Si-photonics technique, which is compatible with Si-Ge
Bi-CMOS high-speed integrated electronics processes. The detail structure of the proposed phase modulator with
1 cm interaction length design topology is shown in Figure F-49. CPO-1/PMMI guest–host system (20 wt%) is
used as the optical core material, and it has a refractive index of no = 1.63 and a conservative EO coefficient of
re0 = 70 pm/V at 1550 nm. Norland Optical Adhesive 65 (NOA65) is selected as cladding material with a refractive
index of n = 1.51, a loss tangent of tan 𝛿 = 2.2 × 10−2 . The geometrical dimensions are calculated by high frequency
structure simulator (HFSS) and optical beam propagation methods (Opti BPM) to achieve 50 Ω characteristic
impedance for the in-plane common mode sense (CMS) electrodes [92]. Design requirements are for bandwidth
of at least 20 GHz.
To enhance the modulation efficiency, a slowlight 1D PhC structure with lattice constant of 470 nm consisting of
a base material of PMMI with a substrate width 47 nm of air gaps is placed close to the optical core as a superstrate
shown in Figure F-49. The dispersive characteristic of the propagating light inside the optical core is affected by
the slowlight effect, as depicted in Figure F-50. Such effect is maximized when the PhC layer touches the optical
core, but the optical loss is significant as a side-effect. Moreover, the dispersive effect gets stronger as the PhC
layer thickens at the cost of increased optical loss.
A combination of hbuffer of 0.6 μm and hPhC of 0.2 μm thus represents a compromise between thickness of the
buffer layer and height of the PhC layer, and the modulator figure of merit V𝜋 × L and optical loss are then simu-
lated in an optical commercial simulator, OptiBPM by approximately 3 dB/cm and 3 V cm, respectively. Compare
to a V𝜋 × L of 7.2 V cm for a PM without PhC layer, the half-voltage magnitude is over 100% improved. The
detail structure of the proposed phase modulator with 1 cm interaction length design topology uses CPO-1/PMMI
guest-host system (20 wt%) is used as the optical core material, and it has a refractive index of no = 1.63 and a
conservative EO coefficient of re0 = 70 pm/V at 1550 nm. Norland Optical Adhesive 65 (NOA65) is selected as
cladding material with a refractive index of n = 1.51, a loss tangent of tan 𝛿 = 2.2 × 10−2 [23]. The geometrical
dimensions are calculated to achieve 50 Ω characteristic impedance for the in-plane CMS electrodes [92].
Light out
PhC layer hPhC RF access 2
t hbuffer
Electrode – + t
RF access 1
Light in X Z
Figure F-49 Conceptual overview of electro-optic PM with integrated 1D PhC that is driven by in-plane CMS
electrodes. The parameters shown are t = 1.6 μm, WCMS = 94 μm, gCMS = 10 μm, hg = 40 μm, tbottom = 0.2 μm,
hPhC = 0.6 μm, and hbuffer = 0.2 μm [83, 84, 122].
55 5
λ2 3
λ1 2 3
1520 1540 1560 1580
λ (nm) 2 Air
a(1–f ) PMMI a
–0.5 1 Air
1400 1600 1800 2000
λ (nm)
Figure F-50 Photonic band structure and group index versus wavelength for lattice constant a = 470 nm and filling
fraction f = 0.1. The other parameters are 𝜆1 = 1530 nm, 𝜆2 = 1570 nm and Δ𝜆 = 40 nm [83, 84, 122].
isolator OEO
fiber laser PC
Figure F-51 Block diagram of PM based SILPLL K-band OEO synthesizers in light gray dashed box with Sagnac
loop in black dashed box and optical/RF paths in dark gray/gray, SPLL/SIL in dark gray/light gray [83, 84, 122].
The realization of SILPLL based OEO is based on a Sagnac loop, as shown in Figure F-51, where the input
light coming from the tunable laser source is fed into an optical coupler (OC) and equally divided into clock-
wise (CW) and coherent continuous wave (CCW) paths around the loop. Both CW and CCW signals propa-
gate through the PM and then travel around the other half of the loop, where only CCW propagating signal
is phase shifted by non-reciprocal phase shifter (NRPS) because of the polarization controller (PC). Our simu-
lated phase noise performance is better than −148 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset using SILPLL technique, as depicted
in Table F-10.
Table F-10 SSB phase noise of Sagnac loop based SILPLL OEO at 20 GHz for
various PM with different values of V𝝅 and IL.
Further direction of developing a compact size OEO at RF oscillator relies on chip level integration of dual
mode lasers [93, 94], using lasers with external cavity [95, 96], and Si-photonics based integrated semiconduc-
tor laser [97]. There are two major methods for semiconductor laser based structures of using beatnotes of two
symmetric lasers output [98, 99] while another utilize inter-modal operation of multi-mode lasers [100–103]. The
former method usually targets at hundreds of GHz range benefiting from high optical frequency [98]. Meantime,
its linewidth is very poor, which is around tens of megahertz [98, 99]. On the other hand, second method using
inter-modal output of multi-mode semiconductor laser usually targets efficiently at tens of GHz frequency range.
Its performance using different locking methods are reported in [100–108] with maximum output frequency less
than 40 GHz. However, in these publications, the performance of semiconductor laser inter-modal RF oscillation
all depends on the purity of the external RF reference, as the RF free-running inter-modal oscillation signal has
poor frequency stability.
Figure F-52 Block diagram of inter-modal laser based RF synthesizer on a microchip structure [83, 84, 122].
Figure F-53 Fabricated DBR based multi-mode multi-section semiconductor laser on InP chip using SmartPhoton-
ics foundry (https://smartphotonics.nl) [83, 84, 122].
Figure F-54 Testing environment of the DBR based multi-mode multi-section semiconductor laser [83, 84, 122].
Table F-11 Multi-mode laser output wavelength and related power level.
1 1550.648 −30.1
2 1550.747 −21.3
3 1550.847 −12.3
4 1550.950 −19.5
5 1551.050 −36.2
Free running
Span = 400 kHz
RBW = 50 Hz
VBW = 50 Hz
Power (dBm)
11.54940 11.54945 11.54950 11.54955 11.54960 11.54965 11.54970 11.54975 11.54980
Frequency (GHz)
Figure F-55 Free-running performance of inter-modal RF output: center frequency of 11.5496 GHz with output
power of −10.59 dBm, frequency span of 400 kHz, resolution bandwidth (RBW) of 50 Hz and video bandwidth (VBW)
of 50 Hz [83, 84, 122].
laser operation. The measured optical output power for the fundamental mode is around −12 dBm at 1550.85 nm,
when SOA injection current is 80 mA. The mode gap between each mode is around 11.5 GHz, which matches well
with estimated effective cavity length of 13.065 mm. Free-running measurement of inter-modal output around
11.5 GHz is depicted in Figure F-55. The detected RF output power is about −10.59 dBm at 11.5496 GHz for SOA
bias current of 80 mA and 0.0 V bias voltages applied to PM and EAM sections. The spectral purity of intermodal
oscillation is studied here and key performance is close-in to carrier phase noise and its related timing jitters. Mea-
sured close-in to carrier phase noise is depicted in Figure F-56, where a poor phase noise of −5 dBc/Hz at offset
1 kHz and −30 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset is recorded for the free-running inter-modal oscillation frequency. The max
hold operation for 10 min on this signal shows up to 30 MHz center frequency shift. The estimated timing jitter of
this oscillator is 266.1 ps for 1 kHz–1 MHz offset carrier frequencies.
The inter-modal RF frequency is tuned, when different DC injection voltage is applied to the PM section (cf.
Figure F-53). The applied bias of −5.0 to +1.0 V to the PM section changes the index of refraction in the optical
waveguide portion, causes a phase shift of 20–17.5∘ /mm respectively, and changes the effective laser cavity length
of the multi-section laser. The achieved phase shift and eventual change in the cavity length causes shift in the
inert-modal oscillation frequency (i.e. adjusting mode gap) within multi-mode laser operation. Besides the static
Free running
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
Figure F-56 Close-in to carrier phase noise over 1 kHz–1 MHz offset carrier frequency. A time averaging of 10 is
used [83, 84, 122].
optical performance measurements, phase section tuning sensitivity is then measured for various PM biasing condi-
tions. Table F-12 summarizes the precise inter-modal results related to PM bias, which is over 800 MHz at X-band
with an average frequency tuning sensitivity of around 150 MHz/V. This achieved tuning range and sensitivity is
among the best reported compared to other techniques and is significantly larger than conventional RF VCO tuning
sensitivity [113].
5 km
Att PC
Figure F-57 Block diagram of self-injection locking system [83, 84, 122].
a PC after optical delay line in order to provide high efficiency optical injection signal to the optical waveguide.
The inter-modal RF oscillation is measured using RF phase noise analyzer (Rohde-Schwarz FSWP-26).
Phase noise performance comparison of free-running intermodal oscillation with SIL under various injected
optical levels are presented in Figure F-58a, where significant reduction in phase noise is observed with Pinj /Po = 0.3
ratio (i.e. SIL power of −10 dBm after optical attenuator, the coupling loss of lensed fiber to waveguide is 6 dB). It
provides the best phase noise performance among other situations with level of −40 dBc/Hz (i.e. 35 dB reduction
with free running) at 1 kHz offset and −80 dBc/Hz (50 dB reductions with free running) at 10 kHz. On the other
hand, phase noise performances of forced SIL are also compared in Figure F-58b in order to quantify the best optical
delay length. Nonetheless, 5 km delay lines provides the best phase noise performance using optimized power
injection power ratio among several different delay lines. Meantime, the best achieved timing jitter is 5.17 ps which
is 50 times better than free-running case for offset frequencies of 1 kHz–1 MHz. From Figure F-58a, side-modes at
harmonics of 40 kHz are distinctly visible, which are due to 25 μs delay time of injection loop, which contributes to
timing jitters of RF reference. A similar side-mode peaks are also seen in Figure F-58b, which is related to round
trip time delay of various fiber delay lengths of 1–7 km. These side-modes introduce degradation in timing jitters
and are to be reduced using either dual feedback loop of dual self-injection locking (DSIL) [74] or combination
of SILPLL [107]. Moreover, single or multiple delayed self-phase lock loop of SPLL technique [112] reduce the
phase noise further and at the same time reduce the side mode peak observed in SIL case.
The core component of PLL function is an integrated low-pass filter and mixer board for phase error detection
between instantaneous signal and a reference (either external or a delayed version of instantaneous signal). The
design concept and related description is reported in [112]. The phase detector is realized using an X-band mixer
combined with a low-pass filter amplifier (i.e. Mixer+LPFA board of Figure F-59). A 50 MHz loop bandwidth PLL
board is redesigned accordingly in this paper because the nature variation of the inter-modal output is between 30
and 35 MHz at fixed temperature of 20 ∘ C. Therefore, the loop bandwidth of operational amplifier on PLL board
needs to cover whole potential frequency variation in order to maintain phase locking status. The design of phase
detection board is optimized based on phase locking performance using an external frequency reference (Giga-
tronics GT 9000 frequency synthesizer). The block diagram of phase locking function is depicted in Figure F-59.
The RF synthesizer works as the reference source to lock laser inter-modal output with the help of PLL board. If
any phase error is detected between reference signal and inter-modal oscillation, a frequency tuning voltage signal
is fed back to the PM section to lock the free-running oscillation frequency to the reference signal. The frequency
locking range is recorded in Table F-13 for 50 MHz loop bandwidth. The external phase locking circuit lost locking
status when frequency difference is 53 MHz, which is out of the loop bandwidth range; effectively this PLL board
can successfully provide phase locking, if the instantaneous RF frequency variation is within 50 MHz.
The phase noise performance of external phase locking is provided in Figure F-60. The PLL locked RF signal
quality get significant improvement compared with free-running and its phase noise in close in to the carrier is
forced to follow the external reference characteristics. Its related phase noise is −85 dBc/Hz at 1 and 10 kHz offset,
which is phase locked by forced PLL using external microwave reference signal. This phase noise performance
is unchanged no matter what reference signal frequency is used as long as it is within 50 MHz locking range.
Moreover, the stability performance is significantly improved as well. The frequency shift is reduced from 30 MHz
to less than 5 kHz during 10 min period.
After evaluating optimum operation of PLL functions, performance of injection locking and phase locking
combination is further studied in order to combine them together. One of important benefits of combining IL and
0 0
–10 –10
–20 –20
–30 –30
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
–40 –40
–50 –50
–60 –60
–70 –70
–80 –80
–90 –90
–100 –100
–110 –110
103 104 105 106 103 104 105 106
Offset frequency (Hz) Offset frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
Figure F-58 Phase noise performance comparison of self-injection locking with free-running inter-modal oscillation, (a) different injection power levels, (b) different
fiber delay line lengths [83, 84, 122].
Laser RF Spectrum
analyzer PD
Low-pass AMP
Mixer RF
PLL Board
Figure F-59 External phase locking setup using external frequency reference from RF synthesizer by detection of
phase error is detected and used to control PM section of multi-section laser [83, 84, 122].
Table F-13 PLL board locking range testing using external RF synthesizer source.
PLL is its added benefit in pull-in time [114]. The pull-in time is used to describe how long it takes for signal
with initial frequency error with reference to reach a steady status of zero frequency error; this figure of merit
is measured using external reference synthesizer signal. Related expression for PLL and ILPLL pull-in time is
provided in Eqs. (F-57) and (F-58) [114], where Δ𝜔0 is frequency difference between inter-modal output and
reference signal, 𝜔n is nature frequency, Δ𝜔i is locking range, and K is open loop gain. Meantime, according
to [114], higher loop gain will also bring better phase noise performance. Open loop gain as high as 92 dB will
introduce 10 dB phase noise reduction when comparing with 72 dB loop gain case.
(Δ𝜔0 )2
𝜔n 2 K
Δ𝜔0 2 − (Δ𝜔i )2
𝜔n 2 Δ𝜔i
Comparison of the measured and simulated results is depicted in Figure F-61 for different PM offset biasing.
From Figure F-61, ILPLL will provide at least 20 times faster pull-in time compared with PLL only. In addition,
a smaller negative offset reverse bias voltage of PM (i.e. a larger absolute value) provides a faster pull-in time
compared with larger negative offset voltage (i.e. a smaller absolute value).
Optimized performance of PLL and ILPLL in term of locking range, pull-in time is used for combination of
SIL and SPLL as developed in Figure F-62. The SIL part is still kept the same while SPLL [112] part is realized
by multiple delay lines to function as the reference signal in order to remove the need of external synthesizer ref-
erence in PLL structure. The high Q and energy storage characteristic of long optical delay line provides a delayed
–10 Free running
External reference
PLL locked signal
–30 PLL locked simulation
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
103 104 105 108
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-60 Phase noise performance using external phase locking circuit (RF frequency of 11.54 GHz, RF output
power of 5.39 dBm) [83, 84, 122].
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Initial frequency error (MHz)
Figure F-61 Simulation and measurement results of pull-in time of PLL and ILPLL using the external frequency
reference [83, 84, 122].
reference for self-stabilization of instantaneous inter-modal oscillation. The delayed and non-delayed signals are
simultaneously compared using the optimized phase detector (i.e. Mixer+LPFA board of Figure F-62). Any instan-
taneous phase error is then detected and the low frequency component is filtered as a frequency tuning signal and
feedback to PM of the semiconductor laser. This phase comparison of delayed and instantaneous signal pulls back
the frequency deviation to original oscillation frequency (i.e. delayed signal as reference), which is the process
of PLL. Since the natural variation of free-running laser inter-modal RF output is within 30 MHz at 20 ∘ C, the
PLL board loop bandwidth of 50 MHz is sufficient in order to completely cover any potential shift. Large phase
5 km
Coupler Coupler Coupler
EDFA Coupler
500 m 3 km
Circulator 1 km
RF spectrum
analyzer PD
DC offset
amplifier PD
Figure F-62 Block diagram of inter-modal oscillation stabilization using a combination of self-injection locking (SIL)
and triple self-phase locking (TSPLL) [83, 84, 122].
tuning sensitivity of PM (an average sensitivity of 150 MHz/V), the low frequency feedback scan range is then set
at a maximum voltage swing of −1.0 to +1.0 V, which is sufficient to correct maximum 30 MHz frequency drift.
Finally, the output of PLL board becomes a constant DC voltage when inter-modal oscillator is phase locked.
Different offset bias conditions of PM section are also compared using optimized self-injection locking
5 km and triple self-phase locking (TSPLL) 500 m, 1 km, and 3 km to test its related phase noise performance.
Triple non-harmonically related delay loop [88] suppresses most effectively peaks of side modes generated
by self-injection locking. In fact, all the significant side mode peaks are effectively suppressed (from −30 to
−90 dBc) compared with self-injection locking case because of multiple loops. Moreover, shorter SPLL delay line
will contribute to fast phase locking speed [114]. From the measurement results in Figure F-63, PM bias of 0 V
provides the best phase noise results of −58 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset and −98 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset by avoiding
any DC bias for PM. The phase noise performance comparing with free-running case shows reduction of 53 dB at
1 kHz offset and 68 dB at 10 kHz offset that also matches well with simulation prediction in Figure F-63. In the
best scenario, the achieved timing jitter is 0.448 ps, which is 600 times better than free-running conditions.
Demand for highly stable oscillators at RF domain could be potentially addressed using optical technology. In
particular, phase noise characteristics of opto-electronic oscillators have demonstrated a better performance than
the electrical oscillators at frequencies above 10 GHz. In addition to the improved short term stability by reducing
close-in to carrier phase noise, the long term frequency drift due to thermal variation of optical fiber index of
refraction could be reduced using exotic PCFs. In fact, a composite combination of PCF with HC-PCF combined
with standard SMF-28 fiber could reach passive temperature compensation. However, the high attenuation of PCF
is currently a major drawback that results in reduced quality factor of the composite fiber. Nonetheless, nonlinear
SRS of optical fiber could be used to compensate optical losses of HC-PCF to reach the close-in to carrier phase
noise achieved using SMF-28 without the high thermal sensitivity of about 10 ppm/∘ C. Finally, forced fiber optic
oscillation techniques of SIL, SPLL, and SILPLL are used to reduce the close-in to carrier phase noise, while
reducing the side-mode suppression. This technique has been employed to develop frequency synthesizers at X-
and K-band using commercially available components.
Many technological advances in opto-electronic systems will undoubtedly advance performance of the next
generation of OEO. For example, integrated photonics using monolithically integrated opto-electronic solution
SIL 5 km + STPLL 500 m /1 km / 3 km (PM bias = 5 V)
SIL 5 km + STPLL 500 m /1 km / 3 km (PM bias = 3 V)
–20 SIL 5 km + STPLL 500 m /1 km / 3 km (PM bias = 0 V)
Phase noise (dBc/Hz)
103 104 105 106
Offset frequency (Hz)
Figure F-63 Phase noise performance of SILPLL based inter-modal RF output and comparison to simulated results
under different PM bias while free-running is depicted for comparison (RF = 11.54 GHz, RF power = 3.59 dBm) [83,
84, 122].
on Si chips provides practical low cost and small size solutions. Electro-optic polymer based phase modulators
or multi-mode lasers are possible techniques meeting this low-cost and small-size solution. In particular custom
designed phase modulators using EO polymer with Sagnac Loop based phase modulator–intensity modulator
(PM–IM) interferometers that its phase modulation sensitivity are enhanced using 1D PhC. The advantage of
realizing integrated OEO using Si-photonics techniques are integration of SiGe Bi-CMOS with low optical loss
components, as an integrated opto-electronics. Another alternative is heterogeneously integrated Si-photonics by
fusing InP multi-mode lasers on opto-electronic integrated circuits. Multimode laser with intermodal RF oscilla-
tion frequency is employed to realize small size OEO, where self-forced oscillation could be made. In addition to
SILPLL of RF oscillation in multi-mode lasers, self-mode locking could be also used to improve performance of
RF signal and introduce frequency tuning [115, 116]. Moreover, the large external fiber optic delay lines could be
replaced by high Q factor ring [117] and WGM resonators [118] to make a small chip size integration feasible.
The work presented here is as result of technical know-how of nonlinear microwave photonic devices, circuits,
and systems that are established with work of many of my graduate students and colleagues in various academic
and industrial institutions [85, 119, 120]. Without their contribution, this appendix would not have existed. In
particular, I would like to acknowledge contribution of Dr. Xiangdong Zhang, Dr. Tsang-Der Ni, Dr. Xuesong
Zhou, Dr. Jui-Yao Lin, and Dr. Harris “Chip” Moyer in analytical and experimental investigations of both RF
and opto-electronic ILPLL using an external reference at Drexel University in 1990–1996. These concepts of
forced-oscillations later expanded to monolithically integrated multi-section semiconductor laser diodes in col-
laboration with Dr. Hiroyo Ogawa and Kenji Sato during my sabbatical leave in 1996–1997 at NTT-Wireless
Communications Laboratory in Yokosuka, Japan. Forced operation using both injection-locking and mode-locking
of multi-section semiconductor laser were experimentally evaluated in months of November–February 1997 as part
of my sabbatical leave studies; this nonlinear process was physically understood and better explained through the
PhD work of Dr. Joong-Hee Lee in 1999.
The concepts of SILPLL for both self-seeded VCO and OEO in modular and compact InP based semiconductor
laser were first proposed through my experimental and analytical work during my sabbatical leave at both Universite
Sciences et Technologie-Lille in collaboration with Prof. Didier Decoster, Prof. Hongwu Li, Dr. Gérard Bouwmans,
and Dr. Myriam Kaba, and Thales’s Research and Technology (TRT) in association with Dr. Nakita Vodjdani, Dr.
Frederic Van Djik, and Dr. Jean Chazales in 2004 and 2005. It took another six years that these ideas were fully
A more comprehensive analytical and experimental work was established as part of my long standing research
collaboration with Prof. Ulrich L. Rohde and Dr. Ajay K. Poddar from Synergy Microwave Corp. for more than
20 years. Particularly, the concepts of PLL (Phase Locked Loop) [34, 35], IL (Injection-Locking) [Ref. 121,
Ch-10, pp. 247–340], and forced oscillation of multi-mode systems were advanced over time during these fruit-
ful research collaborations, lead to award of three-patent applications (US9088369B2-[83], US9094133B2-[84],
US62/702,970-[122]) and numerous papers, published in international conferences and journals. With their tech-
nical expertise additional contributions in terms of novel device designs and experimental verifications of SILPLL
are achieved during PhD studies of my students Dr. Li Zhang, Dr. Tianchi Sun, and to be further refined with work
of my current PhD student, Mr. Kai Wei. Details about this financially supported project by Synergy Microwave,
specifically guided by Prof. Rohde and Dr. Poddar toward meeting the goal of commercialization, which can be
found in the three-papers in the Microwave Journal (Optoelectronic Oscillators: Recent and Emerging Trends,
October 2018; Computer-Controlled K-Band Frequency Synthesizer Using Self-Injection Locked Phase-Locked
Optoelectronic Oscillator: Part 1, August 2019; and Computer-Controlled K-Band Frequency Synthesizer Using
Self-Injection-Locked Phase-Locked Optoelectronic Oscillator: Part 2, September 2019) [61, 123, 124] and other
referenced materials. The reported state-of-the-art technology is protected by multiple patents assigned to Synergy
Microwave; available for licensing with mutually agreed terms and conditions.
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Noise analysis of autonomous circuits (oscillators) could not be understood for many years. The modern approach,
where the oscillator noise is properly analyzed as a random phase modulation, is generally credited to David B.
Leeson [1].
The Leeson approach starts with the low-pass (baseband) equivalent of the resonator, which is a single-pole
low-pass characterized by the time constant equal to the resonator’s relaxation time. In the model, the resonator
is linear. Practical resonators are satisfactorily linear, and the deviation from linearity has no noticeable effect on
noise for the small perturbations present in actual oscillators. Amplifier linearity versus nonlinearity is a more
complex issue that has generated a lot of confusion. We all know that gain compression is necessary to stabilize
the amplitude. Therefore, the (RF) amplifier has to be described as a nonlinear device. By contrast, working out
the baseband model of the amplifier in polar coordinates, and focusing on phase and amplitude fluctuation, all
the nonlinearity goes in the amplitude, and the phase is linear. This is sound because the nonlinearity compresses
or stretches the amplitude, not the time. Accordingly, a linear amplifier in the phase-equivalent circuit is correct.
Phase noise turns into additive noise, and the difficulty of parametric modulation in the loop is gone. This is the
mathematical beauty of the Leeson model. However, the orthogonal decomposition in amplitude and phase holds
for high Q. With low-Q resonators, one has to use the Floquet vectors and quite a more complex formalism.
Unlike a common belief, the Leeson model actually uses a cyclostationary description of the noise. This fact,
not said in the original article, is implicit in the description of the system in terms of phase fluctuations.
The strength and the weakness of the Leeson model is that it describes the oscillator as a system. Hence, amplifier
and resonator are blocks described in terms of their parameters. We can predict the phase noise fairly well without
knowing what is inside the blocks. With a pinch of imagination, we can work out the phase noise of the balance
wheel inside a mechanical watch. By contrast, the Leeson model requires the a priori knowledge of the parameters
in the actual operating conditions, based on the analysis of the circuit.
The conclusion is that the engineer designing at component level cannot use the Leeson model until the design
is finished. Therefore, other analysis tools are required to start with.
A complete computation of power, loaded Q, and large-signal noise factor (often confused with the noise figure)
is found in [2, pp. 131–137]. The introduction of the nodal noise analysis in a proper way was published by Hill-
brand and Russer [3]. The Lee–Hajimiri noise analysis is interesting but not very practical. It is quoted very often
in the literature, but its use is not practically shown [2, pp. 137–139, 4–6].
If we combine the Leeson formula with the tuning diode contribution, the following equation allows us to
calculate the noise of the oscillator completely [2, p. 129]. The voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) term was
added by Rohde [2, p. 131] and the flicker term was added by Scherer [7]:
{[ ]( ) }
fo2 fc FkT 2kTRK2o
L(fm ) = 10 log 1+ 1+ + [dBc∕Hz] (G-1)
(2fm Qo )2 m2 (1 − m)2 fm 2P fm2
L(fm ) = the phase noise (“10 log()” is omitted in Chapter 2)
fm = frequency offset (Fourier frequency)
fo = oscillation frequency
fc = flicker corner frequency
QL = loaded Q of the tuned circuit
Qo = unloaded Q of the tuned circuit
m = QL /Qo
F = noise factor
kT = 4.1 × 10–21 , thermal energy at 300 K (room temperature)
P = average power at oscillator output
R = equivalent noise resistance of tuning diode (typically 50 Ω–10 kΩ)
Ko = oscillator voltage gain
Equation (G-1) is basically the extension of (2-144) adding the noise of the tuning diode. Another difference is
that (G-1) uses fc as the flicker parameter, instead of using b–1 .
Kaertner’s paper [8] used a nice time domain approach and includes, probably for the first time, the noise
correlation in oscillator design. At his time the now available harmonic balance (HB) method was not invented. A
very good description is found in the works by Rizzoli [9–11]. While not easy to read and highly mathematical,
Kaertner’s calculation produced very real results.
After the linearity, another element of confusion is generated by the definition of L(f). The latter is given in
dBc/Hz, which recalls the definition based on the sideband power, while this definition has been superseded by
L(f ) = 12 S𝜙 (f ). These definitions match for small phase swing, and under other conditions not discussed here.
The problem is that oscillators always end up with large phase swing. In this condition, S𝜙 (f) is correct, the
carrier-to-sideband power ratio is not. Sadly, numerous people do not trust L(f) close to 0 dBc/Hz and above, and
do not trust the 1/f 2 and 1/f 3 terms infinitely growing at low frequency, as correctly predicted by the Leeson model.
They believe that this gives rise to a singularity, where the electrical power is infinity.
The introduction of the “piece wise linear” HB method, which for the first time ever, was developed by Prof.
Vittorio Rizzoli and team, was the perfect body to include the noise correlation method. The famous nonlinear time
domain-based circuit analysis program SPICE lacks a rigorous noise correlation analysis, and the HB programs are
a hybrid of linear (frequency) and nonlinear (time domain) computations [12, 13]. Rowan Gilmore worked during
the “Compact Software” time. Both publications by Rizzoli and Gilmore were leading on the topic.
Rohde’s team at Compact Software and the Rizzoli team were struggling a bit to validate the results, and it
was complicated to get reliable measured data and maintain accuracy and speed. The Compact Software approach
and the Rizzoli team were always fighting with this topic. Shortcuts and approximation had to be avoided in some
algorithms because they easily produce the wrong answer. At the end, a very fast double precision multidimensional
matrix inversion program was the solution. The use of FORTRAN gave the most stable results. This HB approach
is also able to deal with hysteresis.
The first and most challenging circuit analysis of a low noise Texas Instruments-developed amplifier circuit
was published. The details of which can be found in Appendix B [14, pp. 376–379]. For the first time ever and in
Figure G-1 Schematic of the X-band GaAs monolithic low noise amplifier (Texas Instruments) [see Appendix B].
cooperation with Robert (Bob) Pucell (Raytheon) and Tony Pavio (TI), Rohde demonstrated very accurate results
using SPICE type data for GaAs field effect transistors (FETs). They were hard to come by. The team ended up
using a modified Materka model [15–19]. The actual circuit was published in The Microwave Journal [20]. So far,
it was demonstrated that the noise analysis can be done based solely on the available accurate SPICE parameters
of GaAs-FET and its family members. See Figure G-1.
The large-signal circuit analysis that was really needed was the one of the oscillator. To implement the proper
FET [15–19] and bipolar (BIP) [20–22] models and its derivatives was quite a task. The internal noise modeling
was based on the noise correlation matrix [2] and the results were published by W. Anzill et al. [23]. Since 1987
the Microwave Harmonica program by Compact Software was already proven to be reliable [see [20]]. The next
step of course was to match the measured results of practical circuits. Hewlett Packard had the first and reliable
phase noise system, and Dieter Scherer was the lead engineer at the time to educate us all.
For a systematic approach, even without a simulator, as shown in [24], it is useful to have large-signal
S-parameters. They are defined in [2, p. 63]. As to the large-signal parameters of bipolar transistors, which at
Kaertner’s time had not been derived, they are best obtained from measurements. More about the topic is found in
[24]. The proper de-embedding procedure needed has been shown in [19]. It translates the external measurements
to the actual chip. Actual measurements require an appropriate test fixture and a Network Analyzer is necessary
with variable output power (Figures G-2 and G-3). Figures G-4–G-7 provide an example of actual large-signal
S parameters in a transistor. Large-signal operation of a transistor is different form the customary low-noise
application, and produce different results [18–22].
Figure G-3 Rohde & Schwarz 3 GHz network analyzer to measure the large-signal S-parameters at different drive
Now, we analyze the circuit used by Kaertner as the basis of his brilliant paper [8, 23]. The schematic
(Figure G-8) and the values shown in the following text are based on this publication. Kaertner calculated the
phase noise (Figure 7 of his paper, not reproduced here), pointing out correctly that the flicker contribution is not
Kaertner made one simplification which in actual circuit theory is deadly: L2 was assumed to have infinite Q.
Because the circuit will actually load the tank, this is permissible. With an infinite Q and with C2 = 940 pF, it will
oscillate. However, once a likely Q is used (say, 100), the value of C2 has to be reduced to 100 pF for the oscillator
to work. This means that feedback has to be increased to compensate for the higher loss. It is also advisable to
reduce C4 to 100 pF as it is not possible to make a capacitor without parasitic inductance. The same applies to
the 10 μH inductor, which is probably resonant at the operating frequency, and 1 μH seems to be a better choice.
Figure G-8 shows the circuit used to analyze the phase noise with Compact Software “Microwave Harmonica.”
This is the Kaertner circuit, adapted as described.
The simulation results, including the AF and KF values (Figure G-9), tracks the Kaertner’s phase-noise spec-
trum. The influence of AF and KF is clearly seen at 1 kHz.
–5 dBm
Im (S11)
+5 dBm
–0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Real (S11)
+5 dBm
Im (S12)
0 dBm
–10 dBm
0.04 –5 dBm
–15 dBm
–20 dBm
0.00 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.20
Real (S12)
–15 dBm
Im (S21)
–10 dBm
–5 dBm
0 dBm
+5 dBm
–20.00 –15.00 –10.00 –5.00 0.00 5.00
Real (S21)
–0.2 1
0 dBm
Im (S22)
–5 dBm
–10 dBm
–15 dBm
–20 dBm
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
X1 = 0.5 Real (S22)
Y1 = –0.2
110 000
10 μH
L: 30 nH
10 pF
100 pH +
cap –
150 pH blp
bfr 35ap
100 pF
9.9 mA cap
500 pF
PN1<H1> (dBc/Hz)
1.00E–1 1.00E00 1.00E01 1.00E02 1.00E03 1.00E04 1.00E05 1.00E06 1.00E07
FDev (Hz)
Figure G-9 Simulated phase noise of the Kaertner oscillator (Figure G-8).
The “Microwave Harmonica” software predicts the output power and the harmonic contents, shown in
Figure G-10. The output power is about 16 dBm and the harmonic suppression is about 20 dB. This indicates a
good operating Q of the resonant circuit.
A different approach comes from Hajimiri and Lee [5]. The HL model includes the harmonics, which
brings multiple noise bands to the neighbors of the carrier frequency 𝜔0 , and in turn contribute to phase noise
(Figure G-11). The HL model shows that the oscillator’s phase-noise 1/f3 corner frequency can be significantly
lower than the device’s flicker corner frequency; provided that the oscillation signals at the output of the oscillator
circuits is odd-symmetric. It is worth mentioning that the HL model, correctly, uses a cyclostationary model of the
electronics and derives the phase noise as an angular fluctuation.
dBm (PO1)
0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60
Spectrum (GHz)
X1 = 0.29 GHz
Y1 = 16.06
i n2
Δf 1
f Δω Δω Δω
c0 ω0 2ω0 3ω0 ω
c2 c3
Δω ω
Sv (ω)
ω0 ω
Figure G-11 Conversion process from noise Sn (𝜔) to phase-noise S𝜙 (f). Noise components from harmonically
related frequencies are up-/down-converted to around carrier phase noise, Leeson’s model fails to address this
phenomenon [5]. Used with permission of IEEE.
1. Leeson, D.B. (1966). A simple model of feedback oscillator noise spectrum. Proceedings of the IEEE 54 (2): 329–330.
2. Rohde, U.L., Poddar, A.K., and Böck, G. The Design of Modern Microwave Oscillators for Wireless Applications: Theory
and Optimization, 131–137.
3. Hillbrand, H. and Russer, P. (1976). An efficient method for computer aided noise analysis of linear amplifier networks.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 23 (4): 235–238.
4. Lee, A.H. and Hajimiri, A. (2002). Linearity, time variation, and oscillator phase noise. In: RF and Microwave Oscillator
Design (ed. M. Odyniec). Artech House.
5. Hajimiri, A. and Lee, T. (1998). A general theory of phase noise in electrical oscillators. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
33 (2): 179–194.
6. Ham, D. and Hajimiri, A. (2001). Concepts and methods in optimization of integrated LC VCOs. IEEE Journal of Solid-State
7. Scherer, D. (1983). Design principles and test methods for low phase noise RF and microwave sources. RF and Microwave
Measurement Symposium and Exhibition, Hewlett-Packard.
8. Kaertner, F.X. (1989). Determination of the correlation spectrum of oscillators with low noise. IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques 37 (1): 90–101.
9. Rizzoli, V., Mastri, F., and Cecchefti, C. (1989). Computer-aided noise analysis of MESFET and HEMT mixers. IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 37: 1401–1410.
10. Rizzoli, V. and Lippadni, A. (1985). Computer-aided noise analysis of linear multiport networks of arbitrary topology. IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 33: 1507–1512.
11. Rizzoli, V., Mastri, F., and Masotti, D. (1992). General-purpose noise analysis of forced nonlinear microwave circuits. In:
Military Microwave.
12. Gilmore, R.J. and Steer, M.B. (1991). Nonlinear circuit analysis using the method of harmonic balance—a review of the art.
Part I. Introductory concepts. International Journal of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computer-Aided Engineering 1 (1):
13. Gilmore, R.J. and Steer, M.B. Nonlinear circuit analysis using the method of harmonic balance—a review of the art. Part II.
Advanced concepts. International Journal of 367T.
14. Rohde, U.L. and Newkirk, D.P. (2000). RF/Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Application. Wiley.
15. Pucel, R.A., Haus, H.A., and Statz, H. (1975). Signal and noise properties of gallium arsenide microwave field-effect tran-
sistors. In: Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, vol. 38. Academic Press.
16. Rohde, U.L. (1990). New nonlinear noise model for MESFETS including MM-wave application. First International Work-
shop of the West German IEEE MTT/AP Joint Chapter on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits
(INMMC’90) Digest (3–5 October). Duisburg, Germany: Duisburg University.
17. Rohde, U.L. (1991). Improved noise modeling of GaAs FETS: using an enhanced equivalent circuit technique. Microwave
Journal: 87–101. (November) and 87–95 (December).
18. Rudolph, M., Doerner, R., Beilenhoff, K., and Heymann, P. (1990). Scalable GaIn/GaAs HBT large-signal model. IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 48: 2370–2376.
19. Pucel, R.A., Struble, W., Hallgren, R., and Rohde, U.L. (1992). A general noise de-embedding procedure for packaged
two-port linear active devices. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 40 (11): 2013–2024.
20. Rohde, U.L., Pavio, A.M., and Pucel, R.A. (1988). Accurate noise simulation of microwave amplifiers using CAD.
Microwave Journal 31 (12): 130–141.
21. Pucel, R.A. and Rohde, U.L. (1993). An exact expression for the noise resistance Rn of a bipolar transistor for use with the
hawkins noise model. IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 3 (2): 35–37.
22. McAndrew, C.C., Seitchik, J.A., Bowers, D.F. et al. (1996). VBIC95, the vertical bipolar inter-company model. IEEE Journal
of Solid-State Circuits 31 (10): 1476–1483.
23. Anzill, W., Kaertner, F.X., and Russer, P. (1992). Simulation of the single-sideband phase noise of oscillators. Second Inter-
national Workshop of Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits.
24. Rohde, U.L. and Apte, A. (2016). Everything you always wanted to know about Colpitts oscillators. IEEE Microwave Mag-
azine 17 (8): 59–76.
25. Rohde, U.L. (1993). Parameter extraction for large signal noise models and simulation of noise in large signal circuits like
mixers and oscillators. 23rd European Microwave Conference, Madrid, Spain (6–9 September).
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Modern radio communication systems regularly employ frequency-hopping methods to better suppress interference
or prevent fading. Since such a frequency hop influences data throughput, the time for it is limited. Quick frequency
settling is thus one of the key characteristics.
Up to now, complex test setups have been necessary to determine the settling time of a frequency hop. However,
the time pressure on communications systems developers requires an easy and efficient measurement method.
This appendix describes different techniques for this measurement. The R&S®FSWP phase noise analyzer per-
forms frequency and phase settling time measurements using a modern wideband concept, and results are obtained
easily and conveniently with integrated transient analysis capability.
1 This appendix is adapted from: Kay-Uwe Sander, “Frequency and Phase settling time measurements on PLL circuits,” Rohde
& Schwarz Application Note 1EF102-1E, Rohde & Schwarz, Munich, Germany, June 2018. Used with permission.
Reference- detector
Loop filter
VCO RF-signal
Frequency Divider
data /N
Trigger Trigger events Time
(A) (B)
Figure H-1 Frequency-hopping synthesizer: (A) simplified block diagram, (B) trigger event waveform. Courtesy R &
DUT Frequency
(transmitter) disciminator
Q memory Q data
Trace RF power
detector trace
Level demodulator
Amplitude Trace Inter- Lowpass Carrier
I2 + Q2 arithmetic polation power
AC coupling Trace
frequency FM trace
Frequency demodulator offset detector
I data Lowpass
arctan(Q / I) Trace Inter-
d / dt frequency
Q data arithmetic polation
Phase Frequency
AC coupling Trace
phase offset detector PM trace
Phase demodulator
Phase AC coupling Trace Inter- Lowpass
arctan(Q / I) frequency offset
offset arithmetic polation
measurement. The filtered I/Q samples are stored in memory for further processing. Internal or external trigger
signals can be used to control the storage process, and thus optimally adjust the available storage length to the
measurement task. The processor in the signal analyzer includes software that handles the entire demodulation
process. All calculations are based on the same I/Q data set stored in the measurement data memory.
Figure H-4 shows how the saved measurement data is processed to calculate frequency or phase information.
The digital (I/Q) samples contain information about all signals that occur within the recorded spectral range. These
samples can be used to calculate the input signal frequency versus time during acquisition time. The outputs of the
digital demodulators supply information about frequency, phase, and amplitude versus time. The signal analyzer
represents amplitude, phase, and frequency versus time in the form of a measurement trace, and all normal functions
such as MaxHold, MinHold, and Averaging are available.
Frequency settling measurements can usually be set up in such a way that the instrument is actuated by a trigger
signal that also starts the frequency hop in the device under test (DUT). Recording of measurement data is started
either directly by the trigger event or, when pre- or post-triggers are used, at an optimized, definable point in time
before or after the trigger event occurs.
The strength of this architecture thus lies in the analysis of narrowband signals. It is less suited, however, for
frequency-agile applications or for measurements over very large frequency ranges.
Modern phase noise analyzers not only are able to measure phase noise with excellent performance but also offer
a transient analysis function that enables them to measure frequency and phase settling time.
The R&S®FSWP phase noise analyzer uses a signal analyzer concept based on digital signal processing tech-
niques. The functional units used for the phase noise measurement allow frequency and phase demodulation and
show frequency or phase variations over time. The advantage of this new design lies in the direct sampling of the
IF and the digital conversion to the baseband (digital I/Q signals). The baseband data thus obtained allows mea-
surements with maximum precision. The digital implementation of the demodulators makes modulation errors and
drift negligible. The only sources of error that remain are the characteristics of the analog signal path in front of
the ADC.
The use of a frequency divider that is available as part of the phase noise analyzer hardware increases the
frequency transient measurement to a much wider bandwidth and thus captures signal transients with up to 8 GHz
wide frequency hops.
In addition, the R&S®FSWP offers a real-time frequency demodulator and triggers circuit to identify the tran-
sition across a defined trigger frequency to start the measurement. This is a helpful feature for frequency hopping
or phase settling time measurements, as a trigger signal that marks the frequency change is often not available from
the device under test.
Q(t) I(t) + jQ(t)
π f0
t t t
The signals from the I and Q digitizers are next equalized and fed to a digital down converter that provides an
I/Q data stream for subsequent signal processing. The digital down converter provides precise I and Q signals that
are not corrupted by common I/Q demodulator impairments such as I/Q imbalance and quadrature errors.
To achieve data rate decimation and reduce the data volume, the sampling output signal is digitally filtered
based on the defined bandwidth, thus reducing the sampling rate. The bandwidth determines the time resolution of
the subsequent frequency settling measurement. Unnecessary oversampling should be avoided, as this significantly
increases noise during the measurement and increases the time required for calculations. Internal or external trigger
signals can be used to control the measurement process, and thus optimally adjust the available measurement time
to the task.
The block diagram of Figure H-6 shows the processing of I/Q measurement data to calculate frequency and
phase information. The digital (I/Q) samples are converted into phase and amplitude versus time data, in the next
step the frequency information is derived from the phase data.
While the phase noise analyzer normally uses an fast Fourier transform (FFT) to convert the level and frequency
information into the phase noise and amplitude noise results, the raw frequency and phase data versus time can be
used in the transient mode in the form of a measurement trace to measure frequency and phase settling.
The analog I/Q-mixer together with the 100 Ms/s ADC limits the analyzer’s bandwidth to 40 MHz to fulfill to
the Nyquist theorem.
Wideband 1
Narrow 0°
Reference- detector
Loop filter
frequency Trigger
/N RF-signal
In the wideband transient mode (span setting >40 MHz), the input signal frequency range from 256 MHz to
8 GHz is divided by 256 in a first step, and the output signal from the divider (1–31.25 MHz) is then sampled and
converted to perform the digital I/Q signal processing as in the narrowband mode.
The previous sections describe the fundamentals of frequency hopping and the requirements for practical mea-
surements on these signals. This section describes the use of the R&S®FSWP phase noise analyzer to perform
measurements on frequency hopping signals and show the capabilities in RF test scenarios.
Frequency (Hz)
Nominal Setting
hop frequency Tolerance
Time (s)
Hop begin
In the example shown in Figure H-10, the oscillator generates wideband frequency hops with 200 and 800 MHz
hop width. The phase noise analyzer is set to the wideband mode (with 2 GHz span on the screen) and monitors
the full frequency range from 256 MHz to 8 GHz and triggers when the signal frequency passes the trigger level
that is set to 5800 MHz. Markers permit readings of measured values at any time position. All measurement values
are also available via remote operation.
In the next example (Figure H-11), the same signal is measured in the narrowband mode to get a more detailed
view about the frequency settling process. In this case, the frequency trigger is set close to the highest frequency
of 6200 MHz (see the marker position in the previous measurement).
The specification for this DUT defines a maximum settling time of 2 μs. Limit lines are used to observe these
limits. The phase noise analyzer automatically monitors compliance with the limit values and outputs them as
PASS/FAIL indication. The loop bandwidth of the PLL circuit is one of the main parts that define the settling
time. To visualize the influence of the PLL loop bandwidth, the device under test was modified to create different
frequency settling results. Settling time is illustrated in the traces shown in Figure H-11; one trace shows a slow
but smooth setting with a small overshoot, while the other using a higher bandwidth settles much faster. The
R&S®FSWP offers the possibility to check the measured data against a predefined limit line. In the above plot the
limit verification indicates that the oscillator passes its requirement and reaches the target frequency after about
2 μs, and then settles into the target frequency after about 10 μs.
Figure H-10 Frequency trigger with the R&S®FSWP phase noise analyzer.
Figure H-11 Frequency settling time measurement with active limit verification.
Another important parameter of the settling time for a frequency hopping PLL is the phase settling of the RF
signal. This is especially true for RF communication systems that use phase modulation, as the settling of the phase
has a direct impact on the modulation quality.
In Figure H-12, the DUT is programmed to hop to a target frequency of 6000 MHz. The phase noise analyzer
measures the frequency versus time in the upper screen, while the phase versus time is displayed in the lower screen.
The frequency settling process seems to be almost finished within 10 μs; the phase gives a more detailed view that
can reveal behavior that is not visible with any other type of view. As long as the frequency is not completely settled,
the RF phase vector will rotate and the phase versus time display covers the full range from –180∘ to +180∘ . This
effect is very typical for PLL circuits with large capacitors in the loop filter that need to be charged for the fully
phase locked position of the oscillator.
The effect of this phase rotation may have an influence on the earliest point in time when the data transmission
can reliably start. In a quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) design, the symbol points are spaced 90∘ apart, and
there is a tolerance of no more one-half the distance between any two quadrature points or 45∘ . It is important to
know about the presence of the phase drift that can only be seen in the phase-versus-time analysis.
Since the phase noise analyzer starts to capture the incoming signal at a random point in time after the trigger
event, the phase of the sampled signal may vary from measurement to measurement. To get a stable phase settling
time measurement, a point in time needs to be defined that represents zero phase deviation in the result. On a phase
settling measurement, this will usually be the point when the phase settling is expected to be finalized. This allows
a direct measurement of the phase deviation relative to this point using a marker on the displayed trace data.
synthesizer might differ significantly over different hops or time. It is therefore often important to monitor many
hops and overlay the time-correlated views of the frequency settling in one screen.
The R&S®FSWP offers a special trace mode called persistence that allows overlying indefinite amounts of
measurement traces in one screen. In this mode, the actual measured trace is written in deep color saturation, while
older traces fade out from the screen with a defined persistence time.
The screen shot in Figure H-13 shows an example of the persistence trace measuring the frequency settling of
a synthesizer. The measurement triggers on the real-time frequency trigger to start and capture the settling of the
frequency. The trigger uses a trigger offset of 25 μs to monitor the time before the frequency settles to the final
In the aforementioned example we see that there are events where the frequency is ringing heavily before settling
to the final value. In the normal trace mode, it would be very hard to identify these bumps as the user would have
to stop the measurement manually once such a result is visible on the screen. Persistence mode keeps these events
on the screen for a defined amount of time before they fade out.
The persistence view is extremely helpful to find intermittent problems or rare events of a frequency settling
measurement, as it makes short glitches visible even if subsequent trigger events would overwrite them in the
normal clear/write trace mode.
Frequency settling time measurements were very complex with some traditional methods. For example, the reso-
lution filter must be calibrated if it is to be used as a demodulator. The measurement range is significantly limited,
and accuracy is very difficult to assess.
The new generation of phase noise analyzers (like the R&S®FSWP) performs the measurement of settling pro-
cedures with less effort and provides rapid results. In addition to measuring frequency-settling time, modern phase
noise analyzers also record phase settling time—a very important measurement for phase-modulated transmission
methods and one that is extremely difficult to perform using conventional methods.
Because of the digital architecture, no calibration is required; the measurement is carried out immediately, with
extremely high accuracy and resolution. Modern phase noise analyzers help developers to obtain more measure-
ment data quicker, thus allowing them to complete their tasks faster.
Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers: Theory and Design, Second Edition.
Ulrich L. Rohde, Enrico Rubiola, and Jerry C. Whitaker.
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A development, 617
Acquisition Gummel–Poon bipolar transistor model, 609, 611, 615, 616
active filter, 45 intrinsic FET device, 612, 615
coarse steering, 52–55 linear equivalent circuit, 612, 614
dc amplifier and sweeping circuit, 46, 47 Materka model, 612, 615
frequency lock, 46, 47 measured and modeled noise, 612, 614
loop filter/integrator, 48 MESFET, 615, 616
loop stability, 54–62 small-and large-signal parameters, 611, 614
operating ranges, 44–45 T-equivalent circuit, 609, 612
passive filter, 45 Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), 503, 512
pull-in performance, 49–52 Bit error rate (BER), 692
pull-in range, 48–49 Bode diagram
pull-in time, 48 first-order loop, 569, 570
pull-out range, 47, 48 loop components, 568, 569
requirements, 46 loop performance with added circuitry, 582
Active integrator, 585, 587 open loop gain of PLL system, 581
Additive noise, 82–83 phase-noise plot calculated with the modified Leeson
Agilent counter, 94 equation, 581
Allan deviation (ADEV), 95 type 1 second-order loop, 569, 578, 579
Allan variance (AVAR), 95–96 type 2 nth-order loop, 569, 580
Amplifiers, phase noise type 2 second-order loop, 569, 579, 580
isolation amplifiers, 103–104 Bridge (interferometric) method
low PM noise amplifier, 102–103 appealing features, 187–188
white and flicker phase noise, 100–102 building own system, 189
Analog Devices AD9854 DDS oscillator, 124–126 implementation intended for 8–10 GHz operation, 189–190
Analog Devices AD9912 DDS oscillator, 125–128 phase-to-voltage gain and background noise, 188–189
block diagram, 655
operation modes, 661–664 C
performance characteristics, 656–660 Capture time, 7
Analog Devices AD9914 DDS oscillator Carmel Instruments, 94
functional block diagram, 646, 647, 653, 654 Carrier collapse, 116
operation modes, 652 Ceramic resonator oscillators (CROs), 260, 261, 455, 457–64
performance characteristics, 648–651 bipolar implementation, 498, 505
Analog frequency dividers, 110–112 measured phase noise, 497, 502
Analog phase interpolator (API), 246, 250–251 predicted phase noise, 497, 502–503
Avalanche noise, 339 test circuit, 497, 501
Charge pump phase locked loop (PLL), 4
B close in phase noise, 575
Backward-wave materials (BWMs), 693 filter design constants, 571
Barkhausen condition, 133 frequency jump lock time, 576
Beat frequency oscillator (BFO), 475, 548, 550, 551 linear model, 572
Bias-dependent noise model negative frequency jump waveform, 576
Charge pump phase locked loop (PLL) (Continued) RC lag filter, 566
open loop response bode plot, 572 simple RC network, 565
output spectrum 100 kHz span, 575 tuned circuit with negative resistor, 567
output spectrum 200 kHz reference spurs, 575 Complex variable functions, 559–561
positive frequency jump waveform, 575 CORDIC algorithm, 172
2nd order passive filter, 572 Cross-spectrum method, 180, 182
Circumventing the resonator’s thermal noise, 144–146 AM noise effect, 186–187
Clapp–Gouriet circuit, 259–261 disturbing signal, 182–183
Clockwise (CW) path, 743 dual-channel phase-noise measurement system, 166
Closed-loop transfer function, 8 DUT noise, 166, 167, 173, 182, 188
Coarse-tuning loop, 483 measurement uncertainty, 183–184
Coherent continuous wave (CCW) path, 743 rejection of the background noise, 167–170
Colpitts oscillator thermal energy in input power divider, 184–185
advantage, 259 Crystal oscillators, 352–354
ceramic resonators, 260, 261
Clapp–Gouriet circuit, 259–261 D
conventional circuit configuration, 259, 260 Data registers, 248, 250
IC applications, 336–337 Dedicated frequency multiplier, 113
linear approach Device under test (DUT) noise, 166, 167, 173, 182, 188
base lead inductances and package capacitance, 262 Dielectric resonator oscillators (DROs), 444–446, 448–452,
feedback oscillator, 264 487, 511
impedance analysis, 260, 261 discriminator stabilized, 639–641
input impedance, 262 equivalent circuit, 439, 443
KVL, 260 experimental evaluation, 535, 539
negative resistance, 260, 262 frequency function, 503, 512
one-port oscillator design, 263 high-Q case Microstrip, 628–629
resonator oscillator’s phase noise spectrum, 263 initial current surge, switch-on time, 508, 513
right transistor selection, 268–269 Metamaterial-Möbius coupling mechanism
S-parameters, 265–268 in disk configuration, 696
semiconductors and circuits, noise in, 337–339 double negative materials, 693
series feedback oscillator figure of merit, 692
configuration, 314 Mobius stacked SRR K-band oscillator, 697
implementation, 318–322 permeability–permittivity pair, 693
output impedance, 314–317 Q-factor, 693
phase noise, 318 SDR0800-8 oscillator, 698, 699
Z-parameters, 315 series and parallel feedback, 697
350 MHz oscillator SRR and CSRR structures, 694, 695
BFG520, 269 output power, 503, 512
biasing, 269–271 start-up condition, 503, 513
coupling capacitor, 276 super-compact file, 442–443
large-signal transconductance, 271–276 ultra-low phase noise (see Ultra-low phase noise DRO)
parameters, 269 Differentiation, 585
phase noise, 276–282 Digital acquisition time, 7
2400 MHz MOSFET-based push–pull oscillator Digital frequency dividers, 104–106
AM-to-PM conversion, 333–336 Digital instruments
design calculations, 327–329 CORDIC algorithm, 172
design equations, 322, 325–327 Jackson Labs PhaseStation 53100A, 176–178
1/f noise, 330, 332–334 microsemi family of phase noise and Allan deviation tester,
phase noise, 329–332 173–175
validation (see Validation circuits) Nyquist zones, 171
Colpitts–Rohde oscillator, 144, 145 quantization noise power, 172
Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS), 322, Rohde & Schwarz FSWP phase noise analyzers, 178–180
323, 328 Digital loops
Complementary split-ring-resonator (CSRR) structures, 694 input and output waveforms, 8–9
Complete oscillator, 139–141 with mixers, 40–44
Complex planes, 561, 565 phase/frequency comparator, 7
lag filter, phase and frequency response, 566 sample/hold comparator, 7–8
Digital phase-noise analyzers, 174 amplifiers and other two-port components measurement,
Digital recursion oscillator, 210–211 162–163
Digital-to-analog converters (DACs), 52, 53, 206–208 asymmetric driving for low-power signals, 160
Digital tri-state comparators background noise, spurs, and other experimental issues,
antibacklash feature, 377, 378 158
CD4046 PLL IC, 374, 375 discriminator method, 163–166
D flip-flops and NAND gate, 370, 371 heterodyne measurement of oscillators, 161–162
logic diagram, 370, 372 mixer and flicker white noise, 159–160
Motorola MC12040, 374, 376 mixer and LNA white noise, 159
output pulses, 377, 378 PLL error function, 156
output voltage as function of frequency ratio, 372, 373 tight PLL for phase noise measurement, 157
output waveforms, 370, 373 Double-balanced mixers, 355, 357
quad-D circuit, 372, 374 “Double-mix-divide” approach, 471–472
response of frequency/phase detector near loop lock, 377,
379 E
version of, 374, 377 Edge-triggered JK master/slave flip-flops, 4, 368–371
Digital waveform synthesizers, 220 Eigenmode, 671, 674, 675
AD9914 of Analog Devices, 220–228 Equivalent number of bit (ENOB), 119
AS9912, 220, 229 Euler’s theorem, 560
block diagram, 203–205 Exclusive-OR gate, 4, 358, 360–362
digital recursion oscillator, 210–211
frequency spectrum, 207–208 F
HF synthesizer, 220, 230 Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 69, 84–86, 96, 164, 166, 168,
L-band frequencies, 220, 230 183, 232, 267, 775
phase accumulator, 205–206, 211–215 Field effect transistors (FETs), 259, 487, 498, 504
RAM-based synthesis, 215–219 Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), 78
samples/cycle sine wave, 208, 209 Fifth-order loop transient response, 36–40
systems concerns, 209–210 Figure of merit (FOM), 129, 130, 533, 692
Diode switches Filter
electronic band selection, 346–349 active
frequency multiplication, 347, 350 first order, 23
Direct digital synthesis (DDS), 78 transfer function, 25–26
dual loop synthesizer, 234–235
first order, 23–24
fractional division N synthesizers (see Fractional division
transfer function, 26–27
N synthesizers)
Final value theorem, 585
phase comparators, delay line, 236–239
Finite-pulse-width model, 365
phase locked SAW oscillator, 236, 238
Flicker frequency noise, 85
phase modulation, 201
Flicker noise, 77, 83, 86, 338
phase noise, 122–128
Fluke model, 237, 239
signal quality
Forced oscillation
data skew, 231 benefits, 718
implementation effects, 231 injection locked oscillator, 718–720
nonlinear transition effects, 229, 231 phase locked loop, 723–724
output transfer function characteristics, 231 SIL, 720–723
phase noise, 231–235 SILPLL (see Self-injection locked phase locked loop
quantization effects, 220 (SILPLL) oscillator)
two-tone intermodulation distortion, 231 SPLL, 725–728
signal to quantization ratio, 118–119 4100 MHz oscillator, 297, 300–302
single loop phase locked DRO, 235 Fractional division N synthesizers, 237
single loop phase locked VCO, 235–237 advantages and drawbacks, 240
theory of operation, 117–118 average output frequency, 239
truncation spurs, 119–122 block diagram, 202–203, 248–249
waveform synthesizers (see Digital waveform synthesizers) divide-by-N loop, pulse remover block, 241–242
Direct frequency synthesis, 471–473 patents, 253–255
Distributed Bragg reflector (DBR), 744, 745 phase-locked loop (see NF loop)
Double-balanced mixer instruments Fractional frequency fluctuation, 68, 83, 86, 89, 90, 92
low-Fourier-frequency part of the phase noise PSD, 87 Y21 /Y11 large-signal condition, 280
noise contribution from power supplies, 132–133 2400 MHz MOSFET-based push–pull oscillator,
noise factor, 72–76, 82 329–332
noise figure, 72 two-tone intermodulation, 231–232
noise temperature, 72–74, 76–77 Phase noise scaling, 106–107
oscillator hacking Phase-noise transfer function, 138–139
high-Q (type B/D) oscillators, 151–152 Phase register, 242–245, 248, 250
moderate/low-Q (type A/C) oscillators, 146–147 Phase-type noise, 108
Rakon HSO 14 OCXO, 5 MHz, 152–153 Π frequency counter, 89–90
synergy microwave DCMO 1027, 100–270 MHz VCO, Polar form, 559
149–151 Poles, 567
synergy microwave DRO100, 10 GHz DRO, 148–149 Polynomial law
parametric noise, 82–83 flicker frequency noise, 85
phase/frequency detector noise, 129–132 flicker PM noise, 83
phase noise spectrum frequency drift, 85
1-GHz oscillator, 193 for PM and FM noise, 84
100 MHz oscillator, 192 random walk of frequency, 85
two port device, 190, 191 white frequency noise, 83
polynomial law Power spectral density (PSD), 68–70
flicker frequency noise, 85 Power spectrum (PS), 69, 70
flicker PM noise, 83 Printed circuit board (PCB), 685
frequency drift, 85 Probability density function (PDF), 169
for PM and FM noise, 84 Programmable dividers
random walk of frequency, 85 asynchronous counters, 393–395
white frequency noise, 83 implementation, 405–406
power spectral density, 68–70 look-ahead
quantities S𝜃 (f), Sx (f), L(f), and S𝛼 (f), 78–79 block diagram, 411
REF CLK source, 234–235 CMOS divider chain, 412
RF spectrum of oscillator signal, 87–88 delays, 414–420
self-oscillator/autonomous oscillator, 133 division by 584, 413
Shot (Schottky) noise, 71–72 10/11 counter, 413–414
sideband, computation swallow counters/dual-modulus counters, 407–410
bias-dependent noise model, 609–617 synchronous up-/down-counters, 394, 396–400
discriminator stabilized DRO, 639–641 application, 403
frequency-conversion approach, 625–628 block diagram, 402, 404
harmonic balance serenade program, 607, 608 logic diagram, 401, 403, 404
high-Q case Microstrip DRO, 628–629 timing table, 401, 402
low phase noise FET oscillator, 632–637 Pull-in range, 7
millimeter-wave applications, 636–639 Push–push VCO, 605
model derivation, 617–619
noise figure of mixer circuits, 622–624
noise generation in oscillators, 608–609 Quarter-wavelength oscillator, 590–594
noisy circuits, general concept, 619–622 Quartz oscillators, 77, 112, 114, 143, 144, 146, 186, 192
numerical approach, 628
1-GHz ceramic resonator VCO, 630–632 R
oscillator noise analysis, 624–625 Radio frequency (RF), 475, 515, 519 see also Optoelectronic
10 MHz crystal oscillator, 629–631 oscillator (OEO)
workstation, 641, 642 Raman amplification (RA), 714–717
spurs, 77–78, 190–192 RAM-based synthesis
Thermal (Johnson) noise, 71 applications, 219
350 MHz Colpitts oscillator block diagram, 215–216
discrete components, 277 components, 216–217
drive level, 280, 281 design variables, 217–219
inductor Q variation, 281–282 Ramp, 584
Mathcad calculation, 277, 278 Random frequency fluctuation/error, 68
mathematical expression, 276 Random walk, 85, 554–555
parallel-tuned Colpitts configuration, 278–280 Rectangular form, 559
Ultra-low phase noise DRO (Continued) 77 GHz SiGe oscillator, 302, 305–306
resonator cavity and DR, 691 2000 MHz GaAs FET-based oscillator, 300, 302–304
resonator layout component, 683 Varactor resonators, 452–453, 455–457
resonator matching section, 688 Very large-scale integration (VLSI) integrated circuits, 78
source and load stability circles, 681 Very low phase noise VCO for 800 MHz
S-parameters versus frequency, 686 frequency response, 604
spectra and time-domain waveforms, 689 high-performance VCO, 602
10 GHz DRO, 692 phase noise of signal vs. push–push oscillators, 604
unconditional stability, 680 push–push VCO, 605
Unwrapped phase, 66, 680 simulated phase noise, 603
stepped impedance hair pin resonator with parallel coupled
V lines, 603
Validation circuits, 282–283 voltage distribution of the hair pin resonator, 604
4100 MHz oscillator, 297, 300–302 Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 2–3, 309
900–1800 MHz half-butterfly resonator-based oscillator circuit configurations, 665, 666
coupled resonator, 308–309 circuit diagram, 665
layout information, 306, 307 fractional N configuration, 202–203, 242–244
multiple-coupled resonator, 306 frequency, 245–246
phase noise, 306, 307 single-sideband phase noise, 666
push–push configuration, 311–317
Q factor, 309–311
100 MHz crystal oscillator, 283–293 White and flicker phase noise, 100–102
feedback arrangement, 284, 285 White frequency noise, 83
input noise power, 286–287 Wideband high-gain amplifiers
input noise voltage, 286 differential limiters, 382, 383
linear representation, 284, 285 implementations, 387–393
noise power spectral densities, 284, 290–295 isolation amplifiers, 382–387
noise shaping function, 288–289 summation amplifier, 378–382
noise sources, 287–288
noise transfer function, 290–295 Y
noisy bipolar transistor, 283 Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) oscillator, 319–322, 448–449,
non-unity gain, 290 453–455, 486
phase noise spectral density, 286–287 block diagram, 492, 495
1000 MHz CRO coarse/fine steering, 492, 495
circuit arrangement, 297, 299 coarse tuning, 733
component values, 296 free-running high-Q YIG oscillator, 489, 491
diode, 294 single-sideband phase noise, 489, 491–492
emitter and the capacitive feedback, 293, 294
phase noise, 297–298 Z
real and imaginary oscillator, 297, 298 Zero-order data hold (ZODH), 363–365
RF amplifier, 294, 296 Zeros, 567
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