Bleeder Screw Repair Instructions
Bleeder Screw Repair Instructions
Bleeder Screw Repair Instructions
5 Screw insert into tapped hole (CAUTION: over tightening could ruin the seal between bleeder screw and insert).
6 Check for good liquid seal.
1 Using existing hole in bleeder screw for pilot, drill 1/4" diameter hole completely through existing bleeder.
Increase hole to 7/16" (or as recommended on tap shank) making sure to drill hole as straight as possible. (It
may be necessary to increase hole size by 1/8" increments to reach the 7/16" diameter hole, making sure final
2 drilling is completely through old bleeder.)
3 Tap hole using a 1/4" = N.P.T. tap, at least 1/2" deep full thread.
Check to make sure bleeder hole is clear and free of any foreign material. Lubricate threads with 9440
assembly fluid and install ASSEMBLED BLEEDER REPAIR FITTING. Tighten repair fitting to 30-35 foot pounds
4 torque.
Reassemble caliper. Be sure to check for possible leakage after installation and under pressure around
5 threads. If any leakage should occur, loosen repair fitting and re-torque fitting to 35 pounds
6 NOTE: Minimum stock around hole after drilling should be at least 1/8".
1 Using existing hole in bleeder screw for pilot, drill 3/16" diameter hole completely through existing bleeder.
Increase hole to 21/64" (or as recommended on tap shank) making sure to drill hole as straight as possible. (It
may be necessary to increase hole size by 1/8" increments to reach the 21/64" diameter hole, making sure final
2 drilling is completely through old bleeder.)
3 Tap hole using a 1/8" - N.P.T. tap, at least 1/2" deep full thread.
Check to make sure bleeder hole is clear and free of any foreign material. Lubricate threads with assembly fluid
Reassemble caliper. Be sure to check for possible leakage after installation and under pressure 9440 around
threads. If any leakage should occur, loosen repair fitting and re-torque fitting to 35 pounds. fitting and re-
5 torque fitting to 35 pounds.
6 NOTE: Minimum stock around hole after drilling should be at least 1/8".