(Acne Vulgaris) : How Does Acne Occur? Whiteheads
(Acne Vulgaris) : How Does Acne Occur? Whiteheads
(Acne Vulgaris) : How Does Acne Occur? Whiteheads
(Acne vulgaris)
Acne is a skin disorder caused by changes in oil glands and hair follicles that
occur during puberty. Most teenagers get some blackheads and pimples
and some develop more severe, widespread acne. Acne can be effectively
controlled with skin cleansers and medicines.
The common type of acne is called levels of sex hormones increase sebum
acne vulgaris. It develops mainly on production and the shedding of skin
the face, neck, chest, shoulders and cells in the hair follicle. The increased
upper back. Skin lesions can be non- amount of sebum and cells can plug the
inflamed (whiteheads and blackheads), follicle which then swells as more sebum
or inflamed (red or pus-filled pimples, is produced. The plugged follicle is called
nodules, and cysts). Acne may be a comedo. Bacteria can then multiply in
mild, moderate or severe and lesions the blocked hair follicle and
sometimes cause scarring. cause inflammation.
• Some skin care and hair care products • Benzoyl peroxide and azelaic acid
creams, gels and lotions – reduce
increase the amount of oil on the
comedo formation and skin bacteria.
skin (e.g., oil-based makeup, hair oils,
suntan oils) • Zinc supplements – may help
some people.
To find your nearest Self Care pharmacy go to the pharmacy finder at www.psa.org.au
Prescription medicines
and treatments Important
• Read and follow instructions for acne
• Antibiotics – creams, gels products carefully.
(e.g., clindamycin, erythromycin) and • Improvement may not be seen for four
tablets,capsules (e.g., doxycycline, to eight weeks with some treatments.
erythromycin, minocycline) – reduce • Consult a pharmacist or doctor if any
skin bacteria and inflammation. acne treatment stings or irritates
• Retinoids – creams and gels your skin.
(e.g., adapalene, isotretinoin, • Consult a doctor if non-prescription
tazarotene, tretinoin) reduce comedo acne treatments have been used for
formation and inflammation. some time with no improvement.
Isotretinoin capsules (e.g., Oratane, • Some acne preparations can make the
Roaccutane) reduce sebum skin more sensitive to the sun. Use an
oil-free, SPF30+ sunscreen every day.
production, comedo formation,
inflammation and cyst formation, but • Some acne medicines (e.g., retinoids)
should not be used shortly before or
are reserved for severe acne, due to
during pregnancy. Ask a doctor or
the risk of serious side effects. pharmacist for advice.
• Hormones (e.g., some oral
contraceptive pills) – can reduce
water-based makeup, moisturisers
sebum production and may help
and sunscreen. Avoid strongly
some women.
perfumed products.
• Phototherapy (e.g., laser and light
• Thoroughly remove makeup at the
treatments) – may help some people.
end of the day.
Self care • Keep hair clean and away from face
• Gently cleanse the affected areas and neck.
twice a day and after exercise. • Eat regular, healthy meals, including
A specific acne cleanser or a gentle, plenty of fruit, vegetables and grain
non-soap cleanser may be used. It is foods. Limit foods high in fat, sugar
important to use a cleanser that is not or salt.
oily, does not block skin pores and • Exercise at a moderate level for at
does not irritate skin. Follow cleanser least 30 minutes on all or most days
instructions. Use lukewarm water. of the week.
Pat dry with a soft towel.
• Drink enough water every day to
• Do not pop, squeeze, rub or pick satisfy your thirst and to keep your
at acne. urine ‘light-coloured’ (unless a doctor
• Oil-based creams and cosmetics can advises not to).
make acne worse. Use oil-free, • Don’t smoke.
To find your nearest Self Care pharmacy go to the pharmacy finder at www.psa.org.au
For more information Related fact cards
Oral Contraceptives
Australasian College of Sense in the Sun (website only
Dermatologists – ask your pharmacist)
Website: www.dermcoll.asn.au
New Zealand Dermatological
Society Inc
Website: www.dermnetnz.org
Healthdirect Australia
Phone: 1800 022 222
Website: www.healthinsite.gov.au
Consumer Medicine Information (CMI)
Your pharmacist can advise on
CMI leaflets.
National Prescribing Service (NPS)
Medicines Information
Phone: 1300 MEDICINE (1300 633 424)
Website: www.nps.org.au
The Poisons Information Centre
In case of poisoning phone 13 11 26
from anywhere in Australia.