Electro Pneumatic Trainer Embedded With Programmab

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Electro pneumatic trainer embedded with programmable integrated circuit (PIC)

microcontroller and graphical user interface platform for aviation industries training purposes

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2016 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 152 012065


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AEROTECH VI - Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (2016) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/152/1/012065

Electro pneumatic trainer embedded with programmable

integrated circuit (PIC) microcontroller and graphical user
interface platform for aviation industries training purposes

I Burhan1*, A A Azman2 and R Othman1

Aircraft Maintenance Department, Politeknik Banting Selangor, Selangor, Malaysia
Electrical Engineering Department, Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah,
Selangor, Malaysia


Abstract. An electro pneumatic trainer embedded with programmable integrated circuit (PIC)
microcontroller and Visual Basic (VB) platform is fabricated as a supporting tool to existing
teaching and learning process, and to achieve the objectives and learning outcomes towards
enhancing the student’s knowledge and hands-on skill, especially in electro pneumatic devices.
The existing learning process for electro pneumatic courses conducted in the classroom does
not emphasize on simulation and complex practical aspects. VB is used as the platform for
graphical user interface (GUI) while PIC as the interface circuit between the GUI and hardware
of electro pneumatic apparatus. Fabrication of electro pneumatic trainer interfacing between
PIC and VB has been designed and improved by involving multiple types of electro pneumatic
apparatus such as linear drive, air motor, semi rotary motor, double acting cylinder and single
acting cylinder. Newly fabricated electro pneumatic trainer microcontroller interface can be
programmed and re-programmed for numerous combination of tasks. Based on the survey to
175 student participants, 97% of the respondents agreed that the newly fabricated trainer is
user friendly, safe and attractive, and 96.8% of the respondents strongly agreed that there is
improvement in knowledge development and also hands-on skill in their learning process.
Furthermore, the Lab Practical Evaluation record has indicated that the respondents have
improved their academic performance (hands-on skills) by an average of 23.5%.

1. Introduction
Graphical User Interface (GUI) has become one of the potential tools in teaching and learning process,
especially in engineering discipline for better understanding of complexity in engineering processes.
The students have the opportunity to engage in active learning environment by conducting simulated
experiments, gathering results, collecting data, drawing conclusions and troubleshooting. Furthermore,
GUI or computer simulation can enhance the student’s active involvement in teaching and learning
process [1]. Computer simulations such as Electronics Workbench, LegoCAD and Car Builder help
trainees to understand events, processes and activities that can be replicated into real world problems.
Besides that, it engages the students with activities that are equal to the real-life hands-on laboratory
experiences effectively [2]. This contributes towards greater understanding and skill enhancement as
compared to typical teaching and learning process (chalk and talk).

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AEROTECH VI - Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (2016) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/152/1/012065

PIC that belongs to the microcontrollers family is manufactured by Microchip Technology Inc., the
leading microcontroller and analogue semiconductor manufacturer. Microcontroller is essentially a
microprocessor that is equipped with Input/Output (I/O) circuitry and built-in peripheral, allowing for
direct interface with real-world devices such as switch, pneumatic solenoid, motors, sensors and other
devices [3]. PIC simplifies the design of logic and control system, permitting the design of complex
behaviour to be embedded into a piece of electronics instruments. Meanwhile, an understanding on
embedded system is an area of study that requires more in-depth exposure so as to meet the global
industry’s needs [4, 5].
The role of control engineering discipline in the polytechnic education and aviation industries is
very significant. Competent aviation’s technician, semi-skill trained technician or technical manpower
is trained in programs offered at Electrical Engineering Department, Polytechnic Sultan Salahuddin
Abdul Aziz Shah (PSA) and Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Department, Polytechnic of Banting
Selangor (PBS). Students should receive hands-on experience with the support of simulation and real
devices. It is anticipated that there is better demand and wider job opportunities for technical graduates
who are exposed to, and understand electro pneumatic control and embedded principles [6]. Hence,
teaching and learning need to be supported with more advanced hands-on experiences and graphical
simulations in order to make the learning more interesting and helpful compared to typical classroom
The aviation industries involve huge number of electro pneumatic devices that are used in aircraft
system such as pneumatic actuator for moving the flight control surfaces, spoiler control, pneumatic
actuator for landing gear of small aircraft, de-icing boot for small and older aircraft, etc. The need to
produce competent aerospace/aircraft technician is vital for the future safety of aircraft manufacturer,
line maintenance and airline operators. Better understanding of knowledge and higher opportunities
for hands-on training for the aircraft technicians will help to minimize aircraft catastrophes caused by
human errors [7]. The booming aviation industries stress on production of skilled aviation technicians
or engineers with hands-on experience to meet the demands from aviation industries. Unfortunately,
not many education providers or institutions are well equipped to produce these competent aviation
technicians or engineers. As a matter of fact, there is also a lack of aviation institutions that could
produce quality, competent and experienced trainees to meet the industries’ needs [8]. As such, it is
hoped that these 'issues' could be resolved with the introduction and usage of enhanced teaching aids
such as the electro pneumatic trainer in the teaching and learning process of the students.
The development of this electro pneumatic trainer is focused on students studying Instrumentation
(DEJ 3143), Pneumatic System (DEA 4043) for Diploma in Electronics (Control) at PSA and also
Pneumatic and Hydraulic (DWM 4302) courses for Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance at PBS. It is also
useful for other related programs offered in the Malaysian polytechnics system [9]. The development
also helps to meet the demands from other aviation training institutions that produce competent and
skilled human resources needed by the aviation maintenance organisations as forecasted by relevant
bodies [10].

2. Execution of existing electro pneumatic course

Learning is best conducted when teaching and learning is focused on simulation, hands-on experiences
with real instrument, machines or in automation system [11]. During the establishment of Sultan
Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic in 1997 and Banting Polytechnics in 2012, there was no
suitable device prepared for teaching and learning. The students had to relate to the theory they learned
in the classroom with experimental activities by using the individual electro pneumatic apparatus only.
The apparatus need to be wired individually in order to trigger the operation of the devices as shown in
Figure 1. For instance, students need to connect the air supply to the air motor in order to operate the
motor and disconnect the air supply to stop the air motor operation. The existing method involves high
risk because students have to deal with the 240 VAC motor switches frequently to manually operate
the air motor. No wiring connection is available between two or more apparatus such as semi rotary
motor and air motor, and this needs to be tested individually and manually. Furthermore, there is no

AEROTECH VI - Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (2016) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/152/1/012065

graphical simulation available before the students can conduct the hands-on lesson during the teaching
and learning process. Besides that, aviation industries also require more skilled personnel with hands-
on experience dealing with real devices [12]. Nowadays, the aviation industries require more skilled
workers that can operate real devices. In order to achieve this aviation industry demand, educational
sector needs to be aware and come out with more practical courses that can equip the students with
more hands-on skills.

Figure 1. Manually execution of individual electro pneumatic apparatus

This electro pneumatic trainer is embedded with PIC and VB, and it is fabricated based on the
problems encountered by lecturers and students at the Electrical Engineering Department, Sultan
Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic and Banting Polytechnic, and also the aviation industrial
needs. Studying electro pneumatic courses is best when applied with simulation and hands-on work.
Facilities at Electrical Engineering Department are unable to meet the practical requirement outlined in
the educational syllabus. With regard to this, lecturers often face problems in complying with syllabus
requirement and meeting industrial needs. The existing approach also does not enhance the students'
apparatus wiring and programming skills. The use of VB and PIC in teaching is considered vital as
currently, there is limited equipment that can be used by students for gaining knowledge and hands-on
skills [13]. Most trainers in the market can hardly meet the requirement of the syllabus. Moreover, the
existing technique only applies a minimum hands-on wiring skill and students are assessed at low level
of competency. There is a great need to reform the teaching methods and assessment tools, laboratory
equipment and experiments, in enhancing students’ hands-on skills and practical ability, laying a good
foundation for their future job, and improving their social competitiveness and the quality of personnel
training [14]. In light of this deficiency, this innovation is designed and fabricated to meet the overall
objective in enhancing knowledge and hands-on skill for electro pneumatic courses and introducing
various types of output apparatus to a trainer.

3. Overall system process and design requirement for electro pneumatic trainer
At preliminary stage, it is required to come up with the overall process and design requirement for the
electro pneumatic trainer. Figure 2(a) shows the flow chart of the overall system process meanwhile
Figure 2(b) shows the designed requirementand the sequence step for the start-up and troubleshooting
process for the electro pneumatic trainer. There are some criteria that need to be considered prior to the
overall design requirement – attractive design (to attract the students' attention during the teaching and
learning session), effective (more integration of output components compared to the availability of the
trainer in market) and user friendly (easy for installation and use by instructor and trainees during the
teaching and learning and hands-on session). This consideration will be looked into in driving the
designing stage prior to the actual execution and fabrication of the trainer.
First stage is the fabrication of PICs interface circuit, which provides analogue and digital series of
input and output that can be used to control the electro pneumatic trainer. The block diagram of PIC
circuits as interface to control the electro pneumatic apparatus is shown in Figure 3. It consists of PIC
module, input section, output section and power supply. The input section is controlled through GUI
programming (VB platform) while output section consists of one unit of air motor, one unit of single
acting cylinder, one unit of double acting cylinder, one unit of semi rotary air motor and one unit of
linear drive. The microprocessor used in this circuit fabrication is 40-pin PIC16F877A.

AEROTECH VI - Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (2016) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/152/1/012065

Design requirement

Identified Problems in
teaching and learning
Observe and make sure all
connections are in correct
Proposed of the Electro order.
Pneumatic Trainer - Supply cable
- Pneumatic tubing
- USB connection
Determined the actuator for -five (5) output
outputs (based on (Double acting cylinder, single
curriculum/syllabus needs) acting cylinder, air motor, semi
rotary motor, linear drive.)
Switch on the Connect to
Determined the suitable Electro Pneumatic 240VAC
Graphical User Interface Visual basic (VB) Trainer supply
(GUI) for simulation

Open the VB display

Determined the suitable PIC (16F877A) (control panel)

Design requirement
(refer to design requirement
flow chart)
Activation of No
Electro Pneumatic
Development and fabrication Trainer system from
of the trainer VB platform

Product testing

Evaluation (b)


Teaching and learning




Figure 2. (a) Flow chart for the overall system process, (b) design requirement and sequence of
trainer usage

AEROTECH VI - Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (2016) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/152/1/012065

Air motor Single Double Semi Linear Output

5V Relay acting acting rotary air drive
cylinder cylinder motor
5V Relay 5V Relay
5V Relay
5V Relay

Controller PIC Visual Basic Input

Interface MODULE Programming section
section 16F877A

Figure 3. Block diagram for PIC control of electro pneumatic apparatus

4. Building the electro pneumatic trainer

Power supply distribution for electro pneumatic trainer is as shown in Figure 4. From the 240VAC
power supply to power-up the air compressor unit, the wiring is then reduced to 12 VDC for electro
pneumatic apparatus and lastly 5 VDC for PIC interface board and relay unit. The fabrication process
of this electro pneumatic trainer is divided into three main stages: arrangement of electro pneumatic
apparatus, PIC module (interface) and GUI (VB programming) as shown in Figure 5Figure.

240 VAC, 3 pin plug

3 core cable


Relay 5VDC
UNIT 240VAC/ 12 &
PIC Circuits
Apparatus 12VDC ± 5 VDC ±5VDC


Figure 4. Power supply distribution for electro pneumatic trainer


1st. stage: Electro pneumatic apparatus

(real world segment) 2nd. stage: PIC module (control
3rd. stage: VB (GUIsegment)
interface segment)
Figure 5. Stages of electro pneumatic trainer fabrications

C code was used in programming the PIC through MPLAB since it is the assembly (or assembler)
language (ASM). Figure 6(a) shows the compiled code for programming the electro pneumatic trainer
while Figure 6(b) shows schematic diagram for PIC interface circuit. USB cable was used to download
the HEX code generated by compiler from computer to PIC microchip when the programming process
completed. Visual Basic 6.0 was used as the graphical user interface (GUI) input to trigger the output
(electro pneumatic apparatus). If the user clicks ‘ON’ (HOLD) switch for a single acting cylinder, the

AEROTECH VI - Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (2016) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/152/1/012065

actual single acting cylinder apparatus will expand and when releasing ‘ON’ (HOLD) switch the actual
single acting cylinder will return to its original position. Same operation goes on when each of the
‘buttons’ acting as switches on VB display is clicked as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 6. (a) Programming code of PIC 16F877 using MPLAB platform, (b) Schematic diagram of
PIC interface board

Output (Electro Pneumatic Apparatus)

Input (VB Display)

Figure 7. VB (input) display controlling the electro pneumatic (output) apparatus

5. Implementation and measurement stages

In order to measure the enhancement of knowledge, hands-on skills, and layout of the newly fabricated
electro pneumatic trainer, a questionnaire will be distributed to selected respondents. The criteria for
selection of respondents are based on the requirement to undergo for related electro pneumatic courses,
they have electrical engineering background and they have had direct hands-on experience with the
newly fabricated Electro Pneumatic Trainer. Four classes from the Electrical Engineering Department,
DJK 3A, 3B, 3C and 3D that have completed the Instrumentation (DEJ 3143) lab course were selected
as respondents. Before the questionnaires were distributed to the respondents, they need to accomplish
the required hands-on practical. They need to complete existing hands-on practical (manual connection
of individually apparatus) and continued with using the newly fabricated electro pneumatic trainer.
Table 1 1 shows a total of 175 respondents were involved in the questionnaire for July 2015 session
cohort of students.

Table 1. Total number of respondents

Course Name Programme Name Class No. of Students
DJK 3A 43
Instrumentation Diploma in Electrical Engineering DJK 3B 45
(DEJ3143) (Control) DJK 3C 45
DJK 3D 42

AEROTECH VI - Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (2016) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/152/1/012065

Table 2 displays the summary of the distributed questionnaire. It was separated into two different
sections: Section A is to measure the hardware and simulation section of the electro pneumatic trainer
whereas Section B is to gauge the knowledge and also hands-on skill of the respondents. Section A
includes three main questions regarding the attractiveness, safety and user friendliness while Section B
includes eight questions, mainly on understanding, hands-on skill improvement, critical thinking and

Table 2. Summary of finding for execution of electro pneumatic trainer

Frequency Yes No
No. Items
Yes No (%) (%)

Section A: Hardware and VB development for Electro Pneumatic Trainer

1 It is easy to use the trainer during hands-on because 170 5 97.1 2.9
it is user friendly.
2 Are safety features emphasized in the newly 171 4 97.7 2.3
developed trainer?
3 Various apparatus of electro pneumatic on this 169 6 96.6 3.4
trainer attracts me to study about Control System.
Average (%) 97.1 2.9

Section B: Knowledge and Hands-on skill

1 My understandingson control of electro pneumatic 169 6 96.6 3.4
apparatus (input and output devices) isenhanced.
2 It is easy to understand the connection from input to 172 3 98.3 1.7
3 Using this trainer can enhance the understanding on 168 7 96.0 4.0
electro pneumatic courses.
4 My wiring skill in connecting the electro pneumatic 170 5 97.1 2.9
apparatus is improved.
5 Hands-on experience by using this trainer can 165 10 94.3 5.7
provide some ideas for my Final Year Project
6 Using this trainer can enhance my hands-on skills 170 5 97.1 2.9
7 My interest in learning about electro pneumatic is 169 6 96.6 3.4
enhanced when using this trainer.
8 It is easy to understand the theoretical part when 172 3 98.3 1.7
using this trainer.
Average (%) 96.8 3.2

From the questionnaires, it shows that majority of the respondents are satisfied with the hardware
fabrication and simulation development for electro pneumatic trainer. About 97% of the respondents
agreed that it is user friendly, attractive and safe during the execution of the hands-on practical. The
electro pneumatic trainer is considered attractive as more students give attention during the teaching
and learning process, and also during the hands-on session (Section A: Item 3: 96.6%). It is also more
effective because additional integration of various output components is embedded in this trainer as to
uphold the curriculum requisite (i.e. five different output components). Furthermore, it is also user
friendly because it is easily installed and operated by the instructor and students during the teaching
and learning, and hands-on session as indicated in the survey.
Meanwhile, 96.8% of the total respondents agreed that the newly fabricated trainer enhanced their
knowledge and hands-on skill in learning electro pneumatic courses. This indicates a good preparation

AEROTECH VI - Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (2016) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/152/1/012065

for the students before entering real-work environment. 94% of the respondents also agreed that it
would enhance their critical thinking in early preparation for their final year project (FYP).
The overall cost for the development of this Electro Pneumatic Trainer was MYR 350 per trainer
and this includes fabrication of the interface module and input module (VB platform) only. There are
some recycled components that were used in this development such as the output module (i.e. double
acting cylinder, single acting cylinder, air motor, semi rotary motor and linear drive) and the air
compressor machine. This is cost effective in enhancing the teaching and learning process since the
institution only needs to invest a very minimum amount for the production of this trainer. If the
training institution wants to produce the same computer simulation and hands-on training apparatus,
they need to purchase the software and hardware with an average cost between MYR 10,000 to MYR
25,000 as market price. Luckily, with the implementation of this newly developed electro pneumatic
trainer, the cost is already reduced by using available expertise and materials. Table 3 and Table 4
compare the respondents’ outcome based (students’ performance) on identical practical’s tasks that has
been assigned using the manually connected electro pneumatic apparatus method as well as using the
newly developed Electro Pneumatic Trainer.

Table 3. Respondents’ marks using manually connected electro pneumatic devices

Lab Practical Assessment Item For DEJ3143: Instrumentations
Using Manually Connected Electro Pneumatic Apparatus
Tubing Solenoid valve
CLASS Discussion Conclusion Reports Total
connection connection skill
(20%) (20%) (10%) (100 %)
(25%) (25%)
DJK3A 15 15 13 15 9 67
DJK 3B 14 15 12 15 9 65
DJK 3C 15 16 13 16 9 69
DJK3D 15 16 14 16 8 69
Average 14.75 15.5 13 15.5 8.75 67.5

Table 4. Respondents’ marks using newly developed electro pneumatic trainer

Lab Practical Assessment Item For DEJ3143: Instrumentations
Using Electro Pneumatic Trainer (Simulation And Hardware)
Tubing valve Improvement
Class Discussion Conclusion Reports Total
connection connection (%)
(20%) (20%) (10%) (100%)
(25%) skill
DJK 3A 23 22 18 18 9 90 23
DJK 3B 23 23 18 17 9 90 25
DJK 3C 24 23 19 18 9 93 24
DJK 3D 23 22 18 19 9 91 22
Average 23.25 22.5 18.25 18 9 91 23.5

In order to measure the academic performance (practical’s skills)in teaching and learning process,
the four selected classes were asked to conduct the existing electro pneumatic practical by observing
manually operating of electro pneumatic apparatus for Instrumentation (DEJ 3143) laboratory course.
In measuring the students’ practical skills, the students were first assessed based on typical tubing and
solenoid valve connection between individual electro pneumatic devices and relays, and manually
tested the operation of the apparatus one by one. Once finished, they were required to submit a report

AEROTECH VI - Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 152 (2016) 012065 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/152/1/012065

based on manually tested practical. Next, the students were given the newly electro pneumatic trainer
and were asked to carry out the connection of power supply, which was the connection of 240VAC
from bench supply to electro pneumatic trainer, powered for air compressor, connection of solenoids
valve toward all apparatus by using the banana plug cable on electro pneumatic trainers, and opened
VB graphic on computer. Students had to observe and relate the VB graphical command with actual
acting of the devices (i.e. operation of air motor, expand and retreat of solenoid cylinder, turning of
180osemi rotary motor and movement of linear drive) and once again they were required to submit a
written report. On average, respondents scored 67.5% when using the manually connected electro
pneumatic apparatus as compared to 91% when using the newly developed electro pneumatic trainer.
This shows that there is an improvement in the overall students' performance at an average of 23.5%
on their marks when using the electro pneumatic trainer. Table 3 also shows that the score on their
practical skills, which was connecting the air tubing and solenoid valve, also increased at an average of
8.5% and 7.0%, respectively. Since items for reports, conclusion and discussion (refer Table 3 and
Table 4) are not relevant for assessing their practicals skills, the findings will not be discussed in this
paper. The practical skills were assessed based on standard rubric for Laboratory Practical Evaluation
that has been standardized throughout the Electrical Engineering department.

6. Conclusion
The newly developed electro pneumatic trainer helps the students to achieve the objective and learning
outcomes by enhancing the teaching and learning (cognitive), and psychomotor skill aspect through
circuit installation, testing and troubleshooting. The development of electro pneumatic trainer also has
been designed to expose the students by showing more apparatus related to electro pneumatic control
in which five different output apparatus can be controlled using the VB platform. This is supported by
questionnaires distributed to 175 respondents in which 97% of them agreed that the newly fabricated
trainer is user friendly, safe and attractive. In addition, 96.8% respondents strongly agreed that there is
improvement in knowledge development and hands-on skill in their learning process. Furthermore,
through the Lab Practical Evaluation record, it is evident that the students improved their academic
performance by an average of 23.5%. It also showed a high satisfaction among the respondents in
perceptions and an increase of academic performance with regard to the usage of the newly fabricated
electro pneumatic trainer.

The authors wish to express our thanks to the management of Electrical Engineering Department,
Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Polytechnic and also Aircraft Maintenance Department, Banting
Selangor Polytechnic for allowing us to use their materials and tools for development, fabrication and
implementation of this research.

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