Humidity/Moisture: Fiber Name Diameter Length Cotton Wool Silk Viscose Nylon
Humidity/Moisture: Fiber Name Diameter Length Cotton Wool Silk Viscose Nylon
Humidity/Moisture: Fiber Name Diameter Length Cotton Wool Silk Viscose Nylon
2. Mechanical Properties: Some fibers, such as wool and viscose, lose strength when
they absorb water and some, such as cotton, flax, hemp and jute, increase in strength.
Furthermore the extensibility, that is the extension at a given load, can increase for
some fibers when they are wet.
3. Electrical Properties: The moisture content of fibers also has an important effect on
their electrical properties. The main change is to their electrical resistance. The
resistance decreases with increasing moisture content.
1.3. Moisture regain (MR) & Moisture content (MC) & their relationship
Moisture Regain: Moisture regain is the weight of water in a material expressed as a
percentage of the oven dry weight.
Moisture Regain, R = 100
Moisture Content: Moisture content is the weight of water expressed as a percentage of the
total weight.
Moisture content, M = 100
D+ W
The following lists are some examples of MR and MC value of textile fibers-
It can also define as the ratio of the actual vapor pressure to the saturated vapor pressure at
ActualVapor Pr essure
the same temperature expressed as a percentage i.e. RH % = X 100 .
SaturatedVapor Pr essure
Absolute humidity: The absolute humidity is defined as the weight of water present in unit
volume of moist air measured in grams per cubic meter.
Ans: We know,
Cons tan tXTemperatureDiff
RH % = 98 − X 100
3 X (70 − 60)
= 98 − X 100%
Example: If the moisture content of 10 gm textile material is 10% then what will be its
moisture regain?
Answer: We know,
Example: The oven dry weight of 200 grain jute yarn is 180 grain. Determine its Moisture
regain and Moisture content.
We know,
Weight of water, W =Actual wt- oven dry weight = (200-180) grain =20 grain
W 20
R= 100 = 100 = 11.11%
D 180
W 20
M= 100 = 100 = 10%
D+ W 180 + 20
100 + R 1
Correct invoice weight = C
Where, C = Oven dry weight, R1 = Commercial Moisture regain
If the material contains grease, oil other impurities then the formula used for calculating CIW
can be given as Where, A2 = Grease or other, B2 = oil or other
100 + R 2 + A 2 + B2
Correct invoice weight = C
Example: Determine the CIW of 5 gm Cotton.
Ans: We know,