Meal Plan For Anti Aging and Weight Loss v0.2
Meal Plan For Anti Aging and Weight Loss v0.2
Meal Plan For Anti Aging and Weight Loss v0.2
Do you want to lose weight and look younger at the same time?
This plan has an anti-aging effect by combining a daily fast with eating superfoods.
I list out 3 options in this article: a beginner option, an intermediate option, and an advanced
option. Pick one and get started today.
You can pick any option you want. Any and all have massive benefits to both weight loss and
I would love for you to get to the intermediate or advanced options, as they incorporate short-
term fasting (which has many health benefits, especially for weight loss and anti-aging).
However, do not feel you must do the advanced option in order to achieve results. ALL options
will give you amazing results.
1. Increasing your antioxidant and nutrient intake via superfoods (either via superfood keto
coffee and/or superfood smoothies). This is going to help you in countless ways.
2. Reducing your carb intake by replacing some of your carbs with healthy fats. This is
going to reduce your hunger / appetite and also train your metabolism to more
efficiently use fat as an energy source instead of just carbs. This will result in a better fat
burning metabolism.
3. Reducing your calories
This option may take 2-3 weeks to adjust to … especially if you are used to eating frequently. As
you get used to this meal plan, start eating your breakfast later and your supper earlier. This will
squeeze all the calories you eat into a shorter time period – which has weight loss and aging
benefits. In addition, it will help prepare you for the Intermediate Option if you choose to
advance to that option.
Eat 3 x P er D ay MEAL PLAN
The later you eat breakfast and earlier you eat dinner, the better. This will squeeze your meals together more, creating
a longer fasting period between your dinner and breakfast the following morning. Longer fasting periods have
benefits to both anti-aging and weight loss.
This is a good option to choose if you struggle with skipping meals. The more you squeeze your meals together, the
easier it will become to advance to the Intermediate Option.
Zero calorie drinks (e.g. water, coffee, tea, etc.) are allowed and recommended at any time.
N ote: You may pick 1 day where this meal is open (you can eat what you want).
This allows flexibility if you have a weekday outing with work, family, or friends.
In this option, you will be eating only twice per day during the week instead of three times. By doing
so, you end up doing a short-term fast of ~18 hours for each of these days.
As an example, let’s say you choose to eat your two meals at noon and 6pm. This means that all your
calories for the day are being consumed within a 6-hour window. The other 18 hours, you are fasting.
The shorter the window, the longer your body will be in a fasting state, and the more benefits you will
In the advanced option (discussed later), we are going to pick a couple days where we expand the
fasting time period from 18 hours to 24 – 36 hours.
You may struggle with skipping a meal for the first 2-3 weeks because your metabolism is used to
getting all its energy from the food you eat. When you skip a meal, you force your metabolism to get
its energy from your stored fat.
If your metabolism isn’t used using stored fat as an energy source, then for the first couple weeks – it’s
going to get mad at you for not having food to use as its energy source. We call these first few weeks
the “fat adaptation period”. Your metabolism will make you feel “hangry” and may lower your energy
levels. This feeling will eventually go away. We are going to force your metabolism to re-learn how to
use your stored fat as an energy source.
Once your metabolism figured out how to use your own stored fat as an energy source, intermittent
fasting becomes easy. This is the point where we call your body, “fat adapted”.
I will eat 2 times per day, but some days I’ll have some nuts in-between my meals if I get hungry.
Focus on eating in a 6-8 hour window. You have to find out what works for you.
Example 1: I used to eat my first meal for lunch around noon and then ate my second meal at 6 pm
after work. (This is where the original 6-hour window came from)
• I drink a cup of black coffee at 7:30 AM. I exercise for 30 minutes at 8 AM.
• I eat my first meal with another cup of coffee. This meal is a superfood smoothie and ½ cup
of raw nuts. Sometimes I save the raw nuts for later and eat them around noon. If I need a
pick me up I will add a Superfood Keto Coffee or tea here.
• I eat my last meal around 4 PM. I find that eating my second meal earlier helps me sleep
better at night.
I will say this again, you have to find what works for you! The success is in your Daily Routine so
make sure your Daily Routine is something you enjoy and works for you.
Eat 2 x P er D ay MEAL PLAN
In this option, skip 1 meal per day during the weekday … so you will only eat twice per day Monday - Friday.
You can skip any meal you want, but I find that it’s easier to follow if you are consistent and most people prefer skipping
Skipping meals creates longer fasting periods than the Beginners Option, which has benefits to both anti-aging and
weight loss.
Note: You may pick 1 day where this meal is open (you can eat what you want).
This allows flexibility if you have a weekday outing with work, family, or friends.
The intermediate option contained intermediate fasting periods of 18 hours, 4 days per week
(Monday – Thursday). In this advanced option, we are going to add 1-2 days per week of a
longer fasting period of 24 – 36 hours.
Like the other options, you may struggle for the first couple weeks while you adjust, but it’s gets
very easy once you are adjusted.
• A daily fast
• A longer fast, 1-2 days per week
• Superfood Smoothies
• Superfood Keto Coffee
The meal plan for this option is displayed in the image below. You can also print this article by
printing the print icon at the top of this article.
I will eat 2 times per day, but some days I’ll have some nuts in-between my meals if I get hungry.
Focus on eating in a 6-8 hour window. You have to find out what works for you.
Example 1: I used to eat my first meal for lunch around noon and then ate my second meal at 6 pm
after work. (This is where the original 6-hour window came from)
• I drink a cup of black coffee at 7:30 AM. I exercise for 30 minutes at 8 AM.
• I eat my first meal with another cup of coffee. This meal is a superfood smoothie and ½
cup of raw nuts. Sometimes I save the raw nuts for later and eat them around noon. If I
need a pick me up I will add a Superfood Keto Coffee or tea here.
• I eat my last meal around 4 PM. I find that eating my second meal earlier helps me sleep
better at night.
I will say this again, you have to find what works for you! The success is in your Daily Routine so
make sure your Daily Routine is something you enjoy and works for you.
Lo n ger Fastin g P erio ds MEAL PLAN
In the advanced option, you are going to pick any 1-2 days per week to only eat once. For the other 5-6 days, you will
follow the below schedule. This will create longer fasting periods of 24-36 hours, 1-2 times per week.
You are allowed only 2 of these meals per day. I think of this as my
You choose which meal below to skip. transition day to get back
Meal 1: into a healthy rhythm.
2. Eggs with Avocado – this will keep you in a ketogenic state You can either do what
3. Fresh Juice with ¼ to ½ cup of raw nuts you do on Monday –
4. Kombucha Tea with chia seeds Thursday or do something
Open. You else. I like to have brunch
Meal 2: may eat what with a veggie and bacon
you want. omelet. Then I like to
Drink a 12 – 24oz Superfood Smoothie have an early dinner that is
something moderately
If you are still hungry, eat ¼ cup of nuts. You can also try adding more protein healthy. It must be foods
to your superfood smoothie to help keep you full longer. that are unprocessed.
Meal 3:
N ote: You may pick 1 day where this meal is open (you can eat what you want).
This allows flexibility if you have a weekday outing with work, family, or friends.
Do you want to better understand how the ketogenic diet works? We have 2 articles to help you
become an expert in keto:
Other Points
• It is beneficial to skip meals
• If you are not hungry, don’t eat.
• Drinking tea on an empty stomach is easier to do than drinking straight black coffee on an
empty stomach.
I also have you drinking superfood smoothies. They are the best low calorie, high nutrition
meals. They are also raw fruits and vegetables, which increase your energy level.
Many times on Saturday and Sunday, I like to have eggs, avocado and coffee for my first meal for
more variety. Since they are all low carbs, it keeps me in a ketogenic state until my second meal.
Avoid processed foods and non-vegetable carbs at this meal. Berries are ok for desert.
Open Days
If your weight is not going down, you may need to stop doing open meals.
Try to simply have one free meal on Saturday (instead of having all our Saturday meals be open).
Or have a free meal every few weeks instead of every week.
1. Superfoods slow aging feeding your cells and protecting against cellular oxidation
2. Fasting slows aging by protecting your genes
“Fat Adaptation”
Intermittent fasting can take a couple weeks to get used to. The first couple weeks can be
difficult because your body isn’t “fat adapted”.
“Fat Adapted” is a state where your body is able to adapt to burning your own fat for energy
when it doesn’t have food readily available to burn.
Most people who are not used to short-term fasting are not “fat adapted”. This means that when
they burn up all the calories from the food they eat, their bodies have a difficult time switching
their energy source to stored fat. Because of this, their body’s will crave food – a state many
people call “hangry” (a play on words meaning you’re so hungry, you’re angry).
Your first couple weeks of intermittent fasting could involve being “hangry”. This is normal
because your body is struggling to switch its energy source over to your fat. But during this
couple weeks, you are training your body’s metabolism to do this. After your body learns how to
use your own fat for energy, you will no longer experience being “hangry” – and your body is
now “fat adapted”.
This is the state we want you in. You have to trust me when I say that the “hangry” state will wear
off after a couple of weeks and you will be so grateful to have a fat adapted body that no longer
gets hangry when your belly is empty, but instead starts burning your own fat!
Lastly – be smart. If you are feeling light headed, sick, faint, etc. … stop and slow down. Your fat
adaption training process is just going to be more difficult, so ease your way in.
If you have not mastered the basic option, the intermediate option may be too difficult for yout.
So go back to the basic and master it. When the basic option is very easy for you, only then
should you try to advance to the intermediate option.
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Superfood Smoothies
In order to make superfood smoothies, you will need a blender, fresh/frozen fruits and
vegetables (depending on the recipes you choose), each bag of superfood mix, and a canister
of smoothie protein.
For the superfood mixes and protein, we have both a startup and refill bundle that contain this.
The startup bundle contains a recipe book where the refill bundle does not. Pick either of these:
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