LP-II (Software Testing and Quality Assurance) : Mini Project 1
LP-II (Software Testing and Quality Assurance) : Mini Project 1
LP-II (Software Testing and Quality Assurance) : Mini Project 1
Mini Project 1
Mini Project 1: Create a Medical Healthcare System / relevant system by selecting relevant
system environment / platform and programming languages. Narrate concise Test Plan consisting
features to be tested and bug taxonomy. Prepare Test Cases inclusive of Test Procedures for
identified Test Scenarios. Perform selective Black-box and White-box testing covering Unit and
Integration test by using suitable Testing tools. Prepare Test Reports based on Test Pass / Fail
Criteria and judge the acceptance of application developed.
Our Project:
Laptop Shoppee: A desktop app used to order laptops , using Java, NetBeans, MySQL JDBC.
Testing done using JUnit and TestNG.
Test Environment: Laptop Shoppee Application will be loaded on devices with a MySQL database
server. Development done on NetBeans 8.2, JDK 1.8, JUnit4, TestNG. An Ubuntu 18.04
A. Features To Be Tested
1. Exploratory (Black Box Testing): The purpose of this test is to make sure critical defects
are removed before the next levels of testing can start.
2. Functional Test (White Box Testing): Functional testing will be performed to check the
functions of the application. The input is fed and the output from the application is
3. User Acceptance Test (Integration Testing): This test focuses on validating the business
logic. It allows the end user to complete one final review of the system prior to deployment.
Test Case ID Test Case Name Objective Description Expected Result
Unit Test 1 LoginTest To check the login Junit equals for AssertEquals true if
functionality of the test data and data exists, else false.
the application. the data in the user AssertFalse returns
database. true if data cannot be
Unit Test 2 Registration Test To check the Junit assertEquals SQL returns 1 if
registration for the test data insertion and Junit
functionality of and the successful assertEquals true.
the application. registration of user
in the database.
Unit Test 3 FailCalculation To check the false Run false JUnit Test case fails as
Test assertion for the assertEquals to assertion return false.
bill calculation test negative test
function. case.
Unit Test 4 Calculation Test To check the Run test to assert AssertionEquals true
correct /equal the equality of test and test case is passed.
assertion for the input and output
bill calculation with the actual
function. functions results.
Unit Test 5 Timeout Test To test the Run test with Junit Returns true if test
function for timeout executed within time
different timeouts. specifications. limit mentioned.
TestSuite1 Demo TestSuite Test Suite which Run all the tests Most of the test cases
runs all the test for (>85%) passed.
cases with the first iteration.
t and False
Timeout Tests.
TestSuite2 Final TestSuite Test Suite which Remove bugs in Reach up to 95-99%
runs all the test tests and re-run all accuracy in TestNG
cases in the tests in suite. Test report.
second round of
iteration after
removing bugs.
Black Box Test 1 Navigability To check manual Check usefulness Click action performs
navigation and functionality desired results,
through the of buttons and opening required
application navigations. JFrames.
Black Box Test 2 Error Messages To check for the Input wrong data Display of valid error
proper display of and check for the messages.
error messages. error messages
and pop ups
Black Box Test 3 User Access To provide secure User should not be Returns error message
Details data access. able to update or in JoptionPane pop up
delete other user’s if tried to access other
data. user data.
Black Box Test 4 GUI Testing To check the Check working of Swing components
working of radio button work as expected.
various Swing groups click
components. buttons and
display of lists.
Black Box Test 5 Integration User To run through the Application Application works
Acceptance whole should satisfactorily.
Testing project and check work without any
all the errors and glitches
B. Bug Taxonomy
• The entry criteria refers to the desirable conditions under which the test
execution may begin; only the migration of the code and fixes need to be
assessed at the end of each cycle. Completely functional Java NetBeans Project
with Database Connectivity.
• The exit criteria refers to the desirable conditions that need to be met in order
to proceed with the implementation. Test Report successfully captured with
atleast 85% test cases passed, and no major defect.
2. Test Cycles
• There will be two cycles for functional testing. Each cycle will execute all the
• The objective of the first cycle is to identify and backlog, critical defects, and
most of the
high level defects. It is expected to use some work-around in order to get all
the scripts.
• The objective of the second cycle is to identify remaining high and medium
defects, remove the work-around from the first cycle, correct gaps in the
scripts and obtain performance results.
• UAT Test will consist of one cycle.
• Assuming that all scripts are executed in each of the cycles described above,
additional testing may be done if there is a gap found in the scripts.
• Check the bug taxonomy, identify the reasons for failure. Focus on the
frequently occuring bugs and create tests for them.
Unit Testing
Test Suite – Running all Unit Tests together (White Box Testing)