Tape Reference Project - Airam Sobremonte-3824409
Tape Reference Project - Airam Sobremonte-3824409
Tape Reference Project - Airam Sobremonte-3824409
Athlete's Position
: Illustrations
Airam Sobremonte
** Dorsiflex Position on foot **Dorsiflex Position on foot
Step One: Anchors ** Try not to suffocate the 5th phalange
1. 2 proximal anchor 2-3 fingers above the Step One: Anchors
malleoli (ankle bone) 1. 2 proximal anchor above the malleoli (ankle
2. 2 distal anchor around the arch of the foot. bone)
Step Two: Stirrups 2. 1 Distal anchor relatively close to the toes.
3. Start medially at the proximal anchor, making Step Two: Stirrup (1 only)
its way down under the heel, and up towards the 3. Starting medially at the proximal anchor right
lateral side of the proximal anchor. behind the ankle bone, making its way down under
Step Three: Horseshoe the heel, and upwards the lateral side of the
4.On the dorsal of the foot, start medially at the proximal anchor.
distal anchor, around the calcaneus, and towards Step Three: 5 Strip Support
the lateral side of the distal anchor. 4. Firstly place a straight tape on the centre on
Step Four: Alternation of Stirrups and Horseshoe the plantar side.
5. Alternate step two and three two more times 5. Make an "X" in the arch of the foot
while fanning out. There must me a total of 3 6. Add two straight strips on top of the "X".
stirrups and 3 horseshoe. Step Four: Re-stirrup
Step Five: Heel Locks Step Five: Re-anchor both proximal and distal
6. Apply 2 medial and lateral locks in angle of 45 anchor.
degrees, creating a figure 8.
Step Six: Hollywood strips ( fill in any exposed
Step Seven: Re-anchor both proximal and distal
** HE: Slightly Flexed + HF: Slightly Extended ** HE Thumb: support strips located on palmer of ** Heel lift; Athlete should slightly bend their knees
Step One: Anchors hands. HF: support strips located on dorsal of the while standing.
1. 2 Proximal anchors around the wrist (slightly hand. Step One: Anchors
above) Step One: Anchors 1. 2 Proximal anchors below quadriceps muscle
2. 1 Distal anchor on the palm (pinch tape when it 1. 2 Proximal anchors around the wrist belly.
reaches the thumb) 2. 1 Distal anchor around the proximal phalanx 2. 2 Distal anchors at the tibial tuberosity/below
Step Two: 5 Support Strips ** Make sure the joint is able to move. knee.
3. For HF wrist: Dorsal side HE wrist: Plantar side Step Two: Support Strips Step Two: 5 Support Strips
Step Three: Thumb Wrap 3. Support strips from proximal anchor to distal 3. Apply five support strips on lateral or medial
4. Starting at the distal anchor where the 5 anchor. Continually fan out across dorsal surface of side in between the proximal and distal anchors.
support strips are located, tape towards the thumb the hand. **Must be located where the knee joint is
(pinch tape for it is the sensitive area) and Step Three: Breast Cancer Strips Step Three: 2 Sets (each 2 sets for top and
diagonally across the other side of the wrist. Wrap 4. 2 breast cancer strips where loops are opposite bottom)of patella "X" around the patella
around the wrist once and diagonally end to the from support strips. ** DO NOT COVER KNEE CAP/PATELLA
starting point. Step Four: Re-anchor both distal and proximal Step Four: 2 Sets of Detonation Strips
Step Four: Thumb Hoods anchors. 4. Start at the anterior side of the proximal
5. Apply where the 1st metacarpal phalangeal anchor, around the posterior side of the knee, and
joint, covering the gap between the thumb wrap ** Proximal anchor only use full width tape ending it at the anterior side of the distal anchor.
and the 5 support strips. Finish off at the proximal Alternate from left and right sides.
anchor. Step Five: Re-anchor both proximal and distal
Step Five: Re-anchor Thumb Wrap anchors.
Step Six: Re-anchor both proximal and distal