Job Description: Job Description Is A List of Jobs Duties, Responsibilities, Reporting
Job Description: Job Description Is A List of Jobs Duties, Responsibilities, Reporting
Job Description: Job Description Is A List of Jobs Duties, Responsibilities, Reporting
analysis has two parts. One is job description, and the other is job specification.
Job description: Job description is a list of jobs duties, responsibilities, reporting
relationships, working conditions and supervisory responsibilities. It’s a one product of a job
Job description is a simply concisely written record explaining the contents-duties,
responsibilities, and requirements involved in a particular job. It tells us what is to be done,
how is it to be done and why. It means duties, responsibilities, and requirements related to a
particular job.
Job specification: Job specification is a list of job’s human requirements that is, the requisite
education, skills, personality and so on. It’s another product of a job analysis.
Job specification is a statement that contains, mental physical and other demands required of
a person to perform the specific job successfully. Ex: Walton company wants to recruit
skilled labour for the electronics industry. Marketing executive must have high stress level.
Through job specifications we try to identify:
i. Details of the various qualifications
ii. Skills, knowledge, abilities, physical characteristics and other relevant
personal characteristics.
Job description
1. Job title: Job titles are executive director, general manager accounts, general manager
marketing, general manager human resource, general manager finance, general
manager operations, general manager technical and so on. Specific position means, I
should give the name of that particular position. Sometimes we mention it for
managerial or non-managerial position. It also includes entry, mid or senior level. It
also includes salary grade. Ex: UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank mentions is for national
position or international position, is it a tenure position or non-tenure position or
contractual position.
2. Location: Here we have to mention the job location. Is it in Dhaka or out of Dhaka.
Job location helps an employee to identify his desired location. Sometimes employees
don't want to work out of Dhaka. So, it is wise to mention it on the circular.
3. Specific operations and tasks involved: If it is marketing, we have to right down so
that where he or she supposed to go and meet the distributors wholesaler or retailer. It
will help him to identify his specific work and tasks.
4. Materials and equipment's, the worker uses: Materials and equipment's for
manufacturing industry is one type, for service industry another type. Ex: Someone is
working at garments, so what are the equipment’s he or she supposed to use. Driver
have to know how to change parts, repair on emergency and so on.
5. Supervision given or received: Is it a supervisory position or not. Is it a policy maker
position or follower position, decision making position or decision follower position.
Ex: Executive is a decision follower position. On the contrary, CEO is a decision-
making position.
6. Nature of operations: Here, we need to mention is it a chemical factory, shoe factory,
tobacco company, cement factory and so on. What would be the operations there can
be identified through nature of business. Ex: Bond Foods Limited is a food company.
7. Working conditions: Working conditions means minimum working hour and time. It
also includes the deadline to complete the given task. Ex: Office time is 9am to 7pm.
8. Hazards and hardship involved: How much hazard is involved needed to be mention
here. Ex: Sales, marketing, cashier these positions contain more hazards. Territory
manager has to ride the bike or car for long time, here hardship involved.
These are the lists above here. It's not conclusive & it can be more & more.
Job specification: Job specification is human related, or person related. It is the human
requirements. All this are generic for all positions or all levels.
1. Education: Here, we need to mention minimum education for the particular position.
But not to mention only one education background. Ex: From BBA background one
can apply for HR position, from BBA(Hons) one can apply too. It has to be broad
descriptive. It helps us to get the right people.
2. Experience: Here we need to mention at least experience and we should justify. Ex: I
mentioned 5 years’ experience needed for a particular position. Here, I have to justify
or discuss why 5 years, why not 4 years would be applicable.
3. Training: Here, if we want any training requirements then we have to mention it. It
will help us to find skilled employee. It will also help the employee to find out, are
they eligible for the vacant position or not.
4. Judgment: Manager position require judgmental capability. A manager must have
judgment capability neither he can't make decision on right time. Example: In a
restaurant, server or waiter wants privilege leave for seven days, the shift manager
have to verify with his judgmental capability then he will take decision does the
waiter will get leave or not.
5. Initiative: An employee has to be initiative. Ex: Hotel Paris is a well-known hotel.
They are recruiting hotel staffs who will serve food to the guests and will be
responsible to give full support. Here, the staff have to be initiative in order to satisfy
the customer.
6. Physical demands: In cement industry we require unskilled, semiskilled, skilled
labors. What would be the physical demand such as height, weight, length and so on.
Marketing executive has to ride bike, he should have physical fitness. A driver have to
ride car, he should have physical fitness.
7. Mental capabilities: An employee have to be mentally fit to perform his duty.
Nowadays most of the companies ask mentally fit certificate from the employees. An
accounts officer has to be mentally fit, driver have to be mental fit, a doctor who does
operation have to be mentally fit. Ex: In Bond Foods Limited we ask employees to
submit medical certificate mentioning his physical and mental condition.
8. Social skills including impulsive communication skills, uncommon sense demands,
such as sight, smell, hearing.
As a HR Manager, I don't want to recruit wrong person. that is why I need to mention job
description and job specification clearly and descriptively.
Job analysis process: In order to do the job analysis there are 6 steps for any position.
Step 1 - Determine purpose of job analysis: Some data collection techniques like interviewing
the employee who are good for writing job descriptions. other techniques like the position
analysis questionary will describe later, provide numerical ratings for each job, this can be
used to compare jobs for compensation purposes.
Step 2 - Review organization chart: Reviewing relevant background information about the
job such as organization charts and process charts. It is important to understand the jobs
context. example - organization charts show the organization wide division of work, and
while the job fits in the overall organization. On the contrary, our process chart provides a
detailed picture of the workflow.
Step 3 - Select representative jobs for analysis: Here with a job to analyze, the manager then
generally selects a sample of positions to focus on. For instances, to analyze an assembler’s
job, it is usually unnecessary to analyze the jobs of all the firms 200 assembly workers
instead a sample of 10 jobs will do.
Step 4 - Analyze jobs using data gathering methods: The actual job analysis involves greeting
each job holder, briefly explaining the job analysis process, and the participants roles in this
process spending about 10 - 15 minutes interviewing the employee to get agreement on a
basic summary of the job. It also includes identifying the jobs broad areas of responsibility
such as calling on potential clients and then interactively identifying specific duties or tasks
within each area using one of the methods.
Step 5 - Check information for accuracy: Verify the job analysis in formation with the worker
performing the job and with his or her immediate supervisor. This will help to confirm that
the information is factually correct and complete and help to gain their acceptance.
Step 6 - Write job description and job specification for use in HR activities: The job
description lists, the duties, activities and responsibilities of the job, as well as it's important
features such as working conditions. the job specification summarizes the personal qualities,
traits, skills end background required for getting the job done.
So, the above six steps help us to do job analysis perfectly and effectively.