Vasquez and Beggs

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4/13/2021 Vasquez and Beggs

Home > Theory and Equations > Fluid Properties > Oil > Oil Correlations > Vasquez and Beggs (Generally Applicable)

Vasquez and Beggs (Generally Applicable)

Vasquez and Beggs is a generally applicable correlation containing equations for solution gas oil ratio (Rs), oil formation
volume factor (Bo), and oil compressibility (co). The correlation was developed from data obtained from over 600
laboratory PVT analyses gathered from fields all over the world. The data used in the development of the correlation
covers a wide range of pressures, temperatures, and oil properties. The correlation divides the data into two groups, one
for an oil gravity (go) over 30 API and one at and below 30 API.

Bubble Point Pressure


Coefficient go <= 30°API go > 30°API

C1 0.0362 0.0178

C2 1.0937 1.1870

C3 25.7240 23.9310

Solution Gas Oil Ratio

The coefficients C1, C2, and C3 are the same as for the bubble point pressure equation above.

Oil Formation Volume Factor

Gas Saturated

Where: 1/2
4/13/2021 Vasquez and Beggs
Coefficient go <= 30°API go > 30°API

C1 4.677x10-4 4.670x10-4

C2 1.751x10-5 1.100x10-5

C3 -1.811x10-8 1.377x10-9


Oil Compressibility
Gas Saturated

The derivatives dBo / dRs and dRs / dP were taken from the Vasquez and Beggs correlation.


1. "Correlations for Fluid Physical Property Prediction", M.E. Vasquez and H.D. Beggs, JPT 968 - 70, June 1980.

Copyright © 2012 Fekete Associates Inc. 2/2

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