Spreadsheet Reflection
Spreadsheet Reflection
Spreadsheet Reflection
MCD Spreadsheet
What I Learned: This project is very convenient because it can help with grading and
organizing class data. I learned that I could select specific cells that I want in my graph. I just
click on one cell and then click shift to click on the cells I want. I then go to “insert” and insert
any graph I want. There are options such as a bar graph, line, pie and many more. I can put the
graph anywhere in my spreadsheet. I also learned that I could name each spreadsheet. I have not
used Excel much throughout my life, so I only learned the basics, but I did learn some tips. It
seems like an obvious thing to do but I learned that I can have more than on spreadsheet at the
same time and name each of them. When I first read the assignment I thought I had to turn in
three different Excel spreadsheets but I learned I can do them all at once.
Standard: Computational Thinker (5b) collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital
tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and
Application of Sills: I can apply this in my future classroom for many reasons. The first one is
to do surveys. I can have students take surveys of their learning style and the activities they learn
best from. I can use this to better understand my students and teach them in the most effective
way. I can also collect data from assignments to document who does best on what and who needs
work on what. I can get averages of what the class needs work on. This is very convenient
because it will make it easier for me to identify where the issues are and come up with solutions