Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: by J.R. Elliott and C.T. Lira

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Introductory Chemical


By J.R. Elliott and C.T. Lira

The fundamental property relation
Piston+Cylinder ⇒ Closed system ⇒ dU=(Q+W)dt
For the heat exchange: Qdt=TdS (macroscopic definition)
For the work Wdt = -PdV (W = Fdx)
⇒dU =TdS - PdV This is the fundamental property relationship.

H = U + PV ⇒ dH = dU + d(PV) = dU + PdV + VdP

Substitution of the fundamental property relationship:
⇒ dH = (TdS - PdV) + PdV + VdP
⇒ dH = TdS + VdP
dA = -SdT - PdV
dG = -SdT + VdP
We can integrate these expressions to find that
A ≡ U - TS Helmholtz free energy
G ≡ H - TS Gibbs free energy

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Example. Enthalpy of H2O above its saturation pressure
Determine the enthalpy of H2O at 20°C and 100 MPa. Note that values of pressure this
high do not appear in the steam tables.
Solution The expression for a change in enthalpy should remind us that shaft work for an
adiabatic, reversible process (dS=0) is ∆H =∫ VdP. But,

VL ≈ constant = 1.003 cm3/g ⇒ ∆H=1.003(100-.00234)8.314/8.314=100.30 J/g.

⇒ H=83.96 + 100.30 = 184.25 J/g.
NOTE: W=∆H = 100 J/g ~ P (MPa)

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Maxwell's Relations
By recognizing that any variable is a function of any two other variables,
U = U(S,V) ⇒ dU = (∂U/∂S)V dS + (∂U/∂V)S dV
But the fundamental property relationship says:
dU = T dS - PdV
∂ 2U ( S ,V )  ∂  ∂U ( S ,V )    ∂  ∂U ( S ,V )   ∂ 2U ( S ,V )
=    =     =
∂S∂V  ∂S ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂V∂S
  V  S V  V  S V  S
∂ 2U ( S ,V )  ∂   ∂  ∂ 2U ( S ,V )
=  ( − P)  =  (T )  =
∂S∂V  ∂S V  ∂V S ∂V∂S
dH = (∂H/∂S) dS + (∂H/∂P)S dP = TdS + VdP
∂2H ∂ 2 H  ∂  ∂H    ∂  ∂H    ∂V   ∂T 
= =    =       =  
∂S∂P ∂P∂S  ∂S  ∂P  S  p  ∂P  ∂S  p  S ⇒  ∂S  p  ∂P  S
dU = TdS - PdV ⇒ -(∂P/∂S)V = (∂T/∂V)S
dH = TdS + VdP ⇒ (∂V/∂S)p = (∂T/∂P)S MAXWELL'S
dA = -SdT - PdV ⇒ (∂P/∂T)V = (∂S/∂V)T RELATIONS
dG = -SdT + VdP ⇒ -(∂V/∂T)p = (∂S/∂P)T

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Example. Entropy change vs. T at constant P
Evaluate (∂S/∂T)p in terms of Cp , Cv , T, P, and V
Recall, dH = TdS + VdP
If P is constant, then dP=0. Dividing through by dT,
 ∂H   ∂S   ∂H 
  = T   Cp ≡  
 ∂T  p  ∂T  p But, the definition of Cp is:  ∂T  p
 ∂S  Cp
Therefore,  ∂T  =
p T

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Example . Entropy change as a function of T and P
Derive a general relation for entropy changes of any fluid with respect to temperature and
pressure in terms of Cp, Cv, P, V, T and their derivatives.
dS = (∂S/∂T)p dT + (∂S/∂P)T dP but (∂S/∂T)p = Cp/T as derived above,
and Maxwell's Relations show that (∂S/∂P)T = -(∂V/∂T)P .

⇒ dS(T,P)p = Cp dT/T - (∂V/∂T)p dP (eqn. 5.35, a useful, general equation)


dS(T,V) = Cv dT/T + (∂P/∂T)V dV (eq 5.36)

dH(T,P) = Cp dT + [V-T(∂V/∂T)P]dP (eq 5.37)

dU(T,V) = Cv dT + [T(∂P/∂T)V -P]dV (eq 5.38)

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II. Generalized Fluid Properties
What is so important about the variables Cp, Cv, P, V, T?
As a sample application, we can assume the ideal gas equation of state.
V = RT/P ⇒ (∂V/∂T)P = R/P. Substitution ⇒ ∆S = Cp ln(T2/T1) - Rln(P2/P1)

Applying ∆S = 0 ⇒ ln(T2/T1) = R/Cp ln(P2/P1)⇒ (T2/T1) = (P2/P1) (Cp-Cv)/Cp

1−1 / γ −1/ γ 1/ γ
T2 P2V2  P2  V2  P2   P1 
= =  ⇒ =  = 
1 1  P1  V1  P1   P2 

Once again, we arrive at this familiar relation, but this time, it is easy to recognize the
necessary changes for applications to real gases. That is, we must simply replace the
PVT relation by a more realistic equation of state.

e.g. V = RT/(P+C) which we may refer to as the “bogus” equation of state.

⇒ (∂V/∂T)P = R/(P+C)
Substitution ⇒ ∆S = Cp ln(T2/T1) - Rln[(P2+C)/(P1+C)]
Applying ∆S = 0 ⇒ ln(T2/T1) = R/Cp ln[(P2+C)/(P1+C)]⇒
(T2/T1) = [(P2+C)/(P1+C)] R/Cp

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II. Generalized Fluid Properties
Triple Product Rule (a.k.a. Chain Rule)
Suppose: F = F(A,B)
then dF = (∂F/∂A)B dA + (∂F/∂B)A dB.
Consider what happens when dF = O (ie. at constant F). Then,
 ∂F   ∂A 
−  − 
 ∂ F   ∂ A  ∂ F  ∂
  A  ∂ B A  ∂F B
0=    +  ⇒  = =
 ∂A  B  ∂B  F  ∂B  A  ∂B  F  ∂F   ∂B 
   
 ∂A  B  ∂F  A
But, because C is some fourth property and F is constant.
 ∂A 
 

 A  ∂ C  F  ∂A   ∂C 
  = =   
 ∂B  F  ∂B   ∂C  F  ∂B  F
 
 ∂ C F
Now the negative sign has disappeared. Did you notice the difference?

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II. Generalized Fluid Properties
Example. Application of the triple product relation.
Evaluate (∂S/∂V) in terms of Cp, Cv , T, P, and V. Your answer may include absolute
values of S if it not associated with a derivative.
Solution: This problem illustrates a typical situation where the triple product rule is
necessary because the free energy is held constant. It is easiest to express changes in the
free energies as changes in other variables.
Applying the triple product rule: (∂S/∂V)A = -(∂A/∂V)S /(∂A/∂S)V
dA = -PdV-SdT ⇒ (∂A/∂V)S = -P-S(∂T/∂V)S and (∂A/∂S)V = 0 - S(∂T/∂S)V
T  ∂P   ∂T  T
5.35 ⇒ (∂T/∂V)S = Cv ∂T−   and   =
 V  ∂S V Cv
 ∂S  − PCv  ∂P 
⇒  = + 
 ∂V  A ST  ∂T V

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