11-Rural Economics EM
11-Rural Economics EM
11-Rural Economics EM
10 Rural Economics
2 To bring into the light the problems of rural villages and to familiarise the
initiatives undertaken.
begging, rack picking and road side 1. People Related Problems: The
slumming. problems related to individuals
4. Development of agriculture and and their standard of living consist
allied activities are necessary for of illiteracy, lack of technical
providing gainful employment in knowhow, low level of confidence,
rural areas and improving overall dependence on sentiments and
food production. beliefs etc.
5. The evils of brain-drain and rural- 2. Agriculture Related Problems:
urban migration can be reduced if The problems related to agriculture
rural areas are developed. include 1.Lack of expected
awareness, knowledge, skill
6. In order to better utilise the unused
and attitude, 2.Unavailability of
and under-utilised resources, there is
inputs, 3.Poor marketing facility,
a need to develop the rural economy.
4.Insufficient extension staff and
7. Rural development should minimise services, 5.Multidimensional tasks
the gap between rural and urban to extension personnel, 6.Small
areas in terms of the provision of size of land holding, 7.Sub-division
infrastructural facilities. It was and fragmentation of landholdings,
called as PURA by former President 8.Absence of infrastructure to work
Abdul Kalam. and stay in rural areas, 9.Primitive
8. In order to improve the nation’s technology and low adoption of
status in the global arena in terms of modern technologies 10. Reduced
the economic indicators like Human public investment and absence of
Development Index (HDI), Women role for farmers in fixing the prices
Empowerment Index (WEI), Gender for their own products..
Disparity Index (GDI), Physical
Quality of Life Index (PQLI) and Gross
National Happiness Index (GNHI)
should be given due attention. Agricultural
related Infrastructure
10.5 problems related
Micro Finance
In 2009-10, the number of new SHGs
Micro finance, also known as micro credit, having credit-linked with banks
is a financial service that offers loans, was 1.59 million and a bank loan of
savings and insurance to entrepreneurs Rs.14,453 Crores was disbursed to
and small business owners who do not these SHGs. Further, the number
have access to traditional sources of of SHGs which maintained savings
capital, like banks or investors. The goal of accounts with banks at the end of
micro financing is to provide individuals March 2010 was 6.95 million.
with money to invest in themselves or
their business. Microfinance is available
through micro finance institutions, which of 6 months, they lend small amounts
range from small nonprofit organizations to their members for interest. Based on
to larger banks. In India, Non Government their performance, they are linked with
Organizations (NGOs) play a pivotal role in the bank for further assistance under
the development of micro finance service. SHG Bank Linked Programme (SBLP)
Microfinance industry in India have grown started in 1992. It is a holistic programme
vastly in the last two decades. In 2009, the of micro-enterprises covering all aspects
total number of micro finance institutions of self-employment, organization of the
in India was around 150 (Tripathi, 2014). rural poor into self Help groups and
their capacity building, planning of
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) activity clusters, infrastructure build up,
technology, credit and marketing.
The main objective of this programme is to
bring the beneficiaries above the poverty
line by providing income generating
assets to them through bank credit and
government subsidy. NABARD estimates
masses of the Indian poor continue to especially the vulnerable groups. NRHM
fight hopeless and constantly losing the seeks to provide equitable, affordable and
battle for survival and health. Indian quality health care to the rural population,
rural people are suffering with various especially the vulnerable groups.
epidemics such as small pox, cholera, NRHM focuses on Reproductive,
malaria, typhoid, dengue, chicken guniya, Maternal, Newborn, Child Health and
etc. This is mainly due to lack of medical Adolescent (RMNCH+A) Services.
facilities, deep ignorance and poverty. The emphasis here is on strategies for
Indian Constitution clearly lays down improving maternal and child health
that “States shall regard the rising of the through a continuum of care and the life
level of nutrition and standard of living cycle approach.
of its people and improvement of public
health as among its primary duties”.
To meet this constitutional directive. 10.11
Several programmes for nutrition have
Rural Infrastructure
been implemented. These include
Supplementary Feeding Programmes
including Mid Term Meal Programme, Rural Housing
Nutrition Education through Printed House is one of the basic needs of every
Media and Television and Compulsory family. Provision of better housing facilities
Fortification of Common Salt within increases the productivity of labour. The
Iodine. Still in terms of health standard, housing problem is getting aggravated due to
Sri Lanka is better than India, and in india, rapid adoptation of nuclear families. Housing
Kerala is better than Tamil Nadu. does not mean provision of house alone but
also proper water supply, good sanitation,
proper disposal of sewage etc. The problem
National Rural Health Mission of housing can be tackled by the development
The National Rural Health Mission of low cost technology in house construction,
(NRHM) was launched on 12th April provision of adequate housing finance and
2005, to provide accessible, affordable and provision of land sites to landless workers in
quality health care to the rural population, rural areas.
Rural Economics 218
As per the NSSO data, 38 per cent of the farmers to bring their produce to the
the households lived in with one room while urban markets and to have access to distant
another 36 per cent lived with two rooms. markets and other services.
Slater Villages: Gilbert Slater, the first Conclusion
professor of economics at Madras
University, published his book, Crucial steps to strengthening the rural
Some South Indian Villages, in 1918 economy are already being taken through
following a survey of some villages various policies. These steps include
like Vadamalaipuram (Ramnad), investments in areas ranging from health,
Gangaikondan (Tirunelveli), information technology, education,
Palakkuurichi (Tanjore) and Dusi infrastructure and small business. The
(North Arcot) in Tamil Nadu by his Administration is committed to building
students. It was subsequently done by on these unprecedented measures in the
different groups of researchers in the months and years to come. PURA (Provision
1930s, 1950s, 1960s, and two of the of Urban facilities for Rural Areas) needs
villages only in the early 21st century. to be given due emphasis, without which
The resurveys became an important Indian villages cannot prosper.
historical record. They provided a
baseline for several later revisits to Glossary
his villages, and have inspired many
successors. Much of our knowledge Rural Economics Application of
of rural change depends on Economic Principles
these studies. in rural areas.
Population Number of persons
Density living per sq.km
or per sq. mile.
1. Efforts need to be made to raise farm Unemployment Situation of people
and non-farm rural real incomes. with willingness
2. Investment in basic infra-structure and ability to work
and social services need to be but not getting
increased. employed.
1. Which is considered as the basic unit 3. Identify the feature of rural economy.
for rural areas? a. Dependence on agriculture
a. Panchayat b. High population density
b. Village c. Low level of population
c. Town d. Low level of inequality
d. Municipality
4. What percentage of the total
2. Which feature is identified with rural population live in rural area, as per
areas? 2011 censes?
a. Low population density a. 40
b. High population density b. 50
c. Low natural resources c. 60
d. Low human resources d. 70