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Delft University of Technology

Deep Bayesian survival analysis of rail useful lifetime

Zeng, Cheng; Huang, Jinsong; Wang, Hongrui; Xie, Jiawei; Zhang, Yuting

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Engineering Structures

Citation (APA)
Zeng, C., Huang, J., Wang, H., Xie, J., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Deep Bayesian survival analysis of rail useful
lifetime. Engineering Structures, 295, [116822]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116822

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Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

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Deep Bayesian survival analysis of rail useful lifetime

Cheng Zeng a, Jinsong Huang a, *, Hongrui Wang b, Jiawei Xie a, Yuting Zhang a
Discipline of Civil, Surveying and Environmental Engineering, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Section of Railway Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft 2628CN, the Netherlands


Keywords: Reliable estimation of rail useful lifetime can provide valuable information for predictive maintenance in railway
Rail useful lifetime systems. However, in most cases, lifetime data is incomplete because not all pieces of rail experience failure by
Survival analysis the end of the study horizon, a problem known as censoring. Ignoring or otherwise mistreating the censored cases
Deep neural networks
might lead to false conclusions. Survival approach is particularly designed to handle censored data for analysing
Bayesian inference
the expected duration of time until one event occurs, which is rail failure in this paper. This paper proposes a
deep Bayesian survival approach named BNN-Surv to properly handle censored data for rail useful lifetime
modelling. The proposed BNN-Surv model applies the deep neural network in the survival approach to capture
the non-linear relationship between covariates and rail useful lifetime. To consider and quantify uncertainty in
the model, Monte Carlo dropout, regarded as the approximate Bayesian inference, is incorporated into the deep
neural network to provide the confidence interval of the estimated lifetime. The proposed approach is imple­
mented on a four-year dataset including track geometry monitoring data, track characteristics data, various types
of defect data, and maintenance and replacement (M&R) data collected from a section of railway tracks in
Australia. Through extensive evaluation, including Concordance index (C-index) and root mean square error
(RMSE) for evaluating model performance, as well as a proposed CW-index for evaluating uncertainty estima­
tions, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed. The results show that, compared with other
commonly used models, the proposed approach can achieve the best concordance index (C-index) of 0.80, and
the estimated rail useful lifetimes are closer to real lifetimes. In addition, the proposed approach can provide the
confidence interval of the estimated lifetime, with a correct coverage of 81% of the actual lifetime when the
confidence interval is 1.38, which is more useful than point estimates in decision-making and maintenance
planning of railroad systems.

1. Introduction deterioration model that describes the probability of rail having defects
at a particular period over a large region. Similar work was done by Zhao
All railway tracks would experience a certain degree of degradation et al. [2], in which a combined probabilistic-based model was proposed
over time. This degradation is particularly critical in Australia because to analyse the risk of derailment at a particular time. In addition, Jeong
numerous railway tracks carry heavy haul trains with axle loads up to and Gordon [3] constructed a risk assessment model to forecast the
40 t. After a certain period, fatigue and other failure mechanisms may occurrence of rail breaks between two consecutive inspections. A fuzzy
cause rail failures and ultimately end the useful lifetime of the rail, logic model was developed by Vesković et al. [4] for predicting the
resulting in high costs and intensive maintenance, and even derailment. frequency of rail break occurrence on some large sections of railway
Therefore, early estimating of the rail useful lifetime is important to plan tracks. All previously mentioned models are large region-based models.
maintenance, optimize costs, and proactively prevent rail failures. However, rail degradation varies in degree at different locations. A
Previous research on rail degradation and rail useful lifetime esti­ model that estimates rail useful lifetime for large regions may lose
mation can be grouped into two categories: 1) large region-based models generality and provide estimations with undesirable errors for rails at a
for statistical degradation determination. 2) segment-based models for specific location, which makes targeted predictive maintenance
predicting the location and time that rail failures are likely to occur. difficult.
Orringer [1] employed a stochastic process to develop a Recent research interests are towards building segment-based

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: jinsong.huang@newcastle.edu.au (J. Huang).

Received 28 March 2023; Received in revised form 29 June 2023; Accepted 25 August 2023
Available online 8 September 2023
0141-0296/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

models to predict where and when rail failures will occur. For example, estimations might lead to unreliable decisions and potentially severe
Dick et al. [5] proposed a multivariate statistical model to predict lo­ consequences, particularly in safety–critical industries like railway
cations where rail failures were most likely to occur in two years. transportation, which involves substantial risks to both economy and
Further, by utilizing machine learning techniques, Schafer and Barkan personal safety. As such, it is necessary to properly consider the un­
[6] proposed a neural network-based model to improve the performance certainties in deep neural network-based survival models. Bayesian deep
for predicting the locations of potential rail failure based on the same learning provides an appropriate way for measuring uncertainty
dataset used by Dick et al. [5]. Recently, Zhang et al. [7] used a tree- [23,24]. In 2016, Gal and Ghahramani [25] proposed a practical
based machine learning technique to estimate the risk of rail failures Bayesian deep learning method named Monte Carlo dropout, which is a
at a certain location. Ghofrani et al. [8] applied an ensemble-based stochastic regularization technique. In this method, the uncertainty in
machine learning model to analyse the risk of rail failures. As one can deep neural networks can be estimated and confidence interval of esti­
see, very few studies have explored the estimation of rail useful lifetime. mations can be provided [26,27]. This method has been successfully
The most related work was done by Bai et al. [9]. They built a predictive applied in various fields such as image segmentation [28], object
model based on Markov stochastic processes to estimate the rail useful detection [29,30], and active learning [31].
lifetime. The lifetime data used in the modelling were derived from This paper proposes a deep Bayesian survival approach, named BNN-
severely defective rails and broken rails events. However, in most of the Surv, to properly handle censored data for rail useful lifetime modelling.
rail segments, rail failures are not always observed. For example, some To capture the non-linear relationship between covariates and rail useful
rail segments did not experience a failure before the end of the study lifetime, a multi-layer neural network is used to represent the hazard
horizon, but they could potentially fail at a future date. Such cases are rate in survival model. To consider and quantify uncertainty, Monte
known as right censored. Ignoring or otherwise mistreating the censored Carlo dropout, regarded as the approximate Bayesian inference, is
cases might lead to false conclusions [10]. incorporated into the deep neural network-based survival model to
Survival approach is particularly designed to handle censored data provide the confidence interval of the hazard rate as well as estimated
for analysing the length of time until one event of interest occurs, such as rail useful lifetime. The proposed approach is demonstrated on a section
a patient’s death or mechanical system failure. In survival approach, the of railroads in Australia. Track geometry monitoring data, track char­
time to event is characterized by the survival model, which represents acteristics data, various types of defects data, and M&R data are used for
the probability that an individual is still alive at a certain time, or in this model development. Through extensive evaluation, including C-index
paper, a rail segment is still working safely. There are some popular and RMSE for evaluating model performance, as well as a proposed CW-
survival models such as Cox proportional hazards (Cox) model, log- index for evaluating uncertainty estimations, the effectiveness of the
logistic model, and Weibull accelerated failure time (Weibull) model. proposed approach is confirmed. The key contributions of this study are
All models attempt to represent the hazard rate (the probability of summarized as follows:
failure in a very small time interval) as a function of lifetime and
observed data, which are also statistically called covariates. Ghofrani 1) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to use deep neural
et al. [11] used a Weibull model to forecast the risk of service failures in network combined with Monte Carlo dropout as a survival approach.
railway tracks. Chi et al. [12] used Cox model, Weibull model, and log- It is verified that, compared to the classical survival approach,
logistic model to analyse the time to failure of the high-speed railway integrating deep neural network into the survival approach can
train wheelsets. Alemazkoor et al. [13] developed a mixed-survival achieve better performance and the estimated rail useful lifetimes
model to estimate wheel wear rates. Extensive research has demon­ are closer to the real values. In addition, incorporating Monte Carlo
strated the potential of survival approach in lifetime estimation for dropout can provide the confidence interval of the estimated rail
vehicle components in railway systems. However, no previous studies useful lifetime.
have exploited the potential of survival approach for rail useful lifetime 2) For the first time, the survival approach is used for rail useful lifetime
modelling. This lack of exploration is due to several reasons, all of which modelling. This allows the censored data collected by the railroads
pose major challenges. can be properly considered in the model development.
In classical survival models, it is assumed that the hazard rate is 3) The proposed model in this study can serve as a valuable tool for rail
linearly related to the covariates. However, in many applications, this useful lifetime modelling, which helps railroads to make informed
assumption might be too simplistic. Therefore, a more complex family of decisions and optimize predictive maintenance.
survival models is necessary to properly capture nonlinear relationships
in covariates. The fast developments in artificial intelligence have 2. Methodology
enabled researchers to utilize deep neural networks to build models that
offer improved accuracy and flexibility in modelling the relationship 2.1. Problem statement
between targeted tasks and covariates [14]. For example, Sresakoolchai
and Kaewunruen [15], Sresakoolchai and Kaewunruen [16], and Sre­ Given a set of covariates x and rail useful lifetimes T and labels E, this
sakoolchai et al. [17] used deep learning techniques to estimate the study aims to model the length of time until rail failure occurs. Specif­
condition of critical components of railway structure and vehicle, ically, the covariate is defined as a matrix of n × m, n being the number
achieving good prediction performance. In the case of survival of observations and m being the number of covariates, such as repre­
approach, deep neural networks are also deployed lately. Katzman et al. sentations of track conditions and track characteristics. Rail useful
[18] used neural networks to model the non-linear relationship between lifetime T denotes the time interval that the rail maintains its normal
covariates and the risk of a clinical event in the framework of survival condition until failure. Label E represents whether the rail useful lifetime
approach. Lee et al. [19] used neural networks to directly learn the is observed. If a failure has happened, the rail useful lifetime T is fully
distribution of patients’ survival times. Additionally, Giunchiglia et al. known, and the label is E = 1. If a failure has not happened, the rail
[20] proposed a parametric survival model that employed recurrent useful lifetime T is partially observed, i.e., only known that the rail does
neural networks for medical practice. not fail until the end of the study horizon. In such a case, the data is
The deep neural network-based survival models have gained undis­ labelled as E = 0 and is called censored data. The standard regression
puted success, especially the one developed by Katzman et al. [18], methods consider the censored data as a type of missing data and usually
which has shown its strength in many applications with good perfor­ discard them, which may introduce bias in the model. As such, to
mance [21,22]. However, these deep neural network-based survival adequately handle censored data, the use of the survival approach is
models provide only point estimates of the hazard rates and thus cannot crucial.
properly convey uncertainty in the estimations. Overly confident

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

2.2. Survival approach partial hazard is estimated through a multi-layer perceptron (MLP),
which comprises two fully connected layers. The parameterization of the
Survival approach [32] aims to model the distribution of rail useful partial hazard g(x) is rather straightforward by using the neural network
lifetime T with censored data consideration, where T can be described fnet (⋅) to replace linear function βT x as
by the probability density function f(t) and cumulative distribution
g(xi ) = fnet (w, xi ) (5)
function F(t). The probability that rail failure occurs before a certain
time t, can be written as
where w denotes the weights of the neural network. To train this neural
network, the loss function is set to be the average negative log partial
F(t) = P(T ≤ t) = f (τ)dτ (1)
likelihood, where the partial likelihood is similar to that is used in the
Cox model.
The opposite case, i.e., the probability that a rail failure does not ( )
occur at t is called survival probability S(t) ∏n
exp[βXi (ti ) ]
logL = log ∑ [ ]
S(t) = P(T > t) = S(t) = 1 − F(t) (2) i=1 j∈R(ti ) exp βXj (ti )
( )
∑ ∑
The survival probability in the survival approach is time-dependent = βXi (ti ) − log
[ ( )]
exp βXj tj (6)
and commonly described using the hazard rate h(t). The hazard rate h(t) i:Ei =1 j∈R(Ti )
represents the probability that a rail failure will occur in a very small-
( )
time interval, provided that the failure has not occurred before that 1 ∑ ∑ [ ( )]
particular time interval. Lloss = − βXi (ti ) − log exp βXj tj (7)
nE=1 i:Ei =1
One of the most commonly used survival models is the Cox model
j∈R(Ti )

[33], which offers a semi-parametric description of the hazard rate in Note that the deep neural network employed in survival approach
continuous time. This model is based on the proportional hazards can vary in the number of hidden layers and units, depending on the
assumption, where the ratio of hazard rates between two observations is specific problem. The type of network can also be customized depending
constant and only depends on the covariate values x, as can be seen from on the structure of covariates. For example, Lee et al. [37] used recurrent
Eq. (3). neural networks to deal with longitudinal data and Li et al. [36] used
( ) attention-based neural networks to process time series for survival
h(t|xi ) = h0 (t)exp(g(xi )), g(xi ) = βT xi (3)
analysis. As the structure of covariates in this study is relatively basic
In Eq. (3), the hazard rate is divided into two components h0 (t) and and contains neither images nor time series, multiple fully connected
g(x). The non-parametric baseline hazard, represented by h0 (t), varies layers are therefore used as the deep neural network backbone.
over time and is consistent across all observations. Meanwhile, the
partial hazard, denoted by g(x), is time-invariant and varies with co­
2.4. Monte Carlo dropout as a Bayesian approximation
variate values. The partial hazard is expressed as a linear function of the
covariates, in which vector β represents the coefficients for the obser­
Although the deep neural network-based survival model is capable of
vation. The non-parametric baseline hazard is typically modelled with
modelling the useful lifetime, it does not offer a confidence interval for
the Breslow estimator, according to Lin [34]. The parametric component
each estimation. This implies that the uncertainty in the deep neural
g(x) is determined by maximizing the Cox partial likelihood L as follow:
network-based survival model cannot be considered. A useful way to
∏ h0 (ti )exp[g(xi ) ] ∏ exp[g(xi ) ] represent uncertainty is through Bayesian methods, which involve
L = ∑ [ ( )] = ∑ [ ( )] (4)
j∈R(ti ) h0 (ti )exp g xj j∈R(ti ) exp g xj
placing a prior distribution over model parameters and marginalizing
i:Ei =1 i:Ei =1
them given new observations to obtain an updated distribution [38,39].
where ti , Ei , and xi are the respective lifetime, label indicator, and In this case, approximate inference methods such as Markov Chain
covariates for the i th sample. The risk set R(ti ) is the set of samples that Monte Carlo (MCMC) and variational inference are required. But
are still at risk of rail failure at time ti . As can be observed in Eq. (4), the inferring the posterior distribution in the context of deep neural net­
partial likelihood considers probabilities only for those samples that works poses a great challenge due to the large number of model pa­
have experienced rail failure (E = 1) and does not explicitly consider rameters involved. Even MCMC method can be impractical because of
probabilities for those samples that are censored (E = 0). But the in­ slow convergence and immense computational costs. To address this
formation that censored data contained is preserved in the partial like­ issue, Monte Carlo (MC) dropout is introduced [25], which is one of the
lihood, i.e., a sample that is censored after the i th lifetime is part of the most popular approximate Bayesian inference methods in practice due
risk set used to compute Li even though this sample is censored later. to its simplicity and no loss of accuracy.
More description of censored data in survival approach can be found in For a set of training samples with covariates x = {x1 , .., xn }, corre­
Kleinbaum et al. [35]. sponding outputs y = {y1 , .., yn , and the weights of an L-layer neural
networks w = {w1 , .., wnode }Li=1 , the aim of Bayesian inference is to
2.3. Deep neural network-based survival approach determine the posterior distribution p(w|x, y ). Hence, the prediction of
an output y* for an unknown sample with covariate x* can be made
However, the relationship between covariates and partial hazard is through the posterior distribution over the space of weights given the
restricted to linear in Cox models, which is often not the case in many training samples:
practical scenarios [18,36]. Therefore, a more complex family of sur­ ∫
vival models is necessary to properly capture nonlinearity in the data, p(y* |x* , x, y ) = p(y* |x* , w )p(w|x, y )dw (8)
offering greater flexibility in modelling the relationship between cova­
riates and partial hazard. Deep neural network is a highly popular As the true posterior distribution is intractable in most cases, varia­
modelling technique and has been frequently utilized in literature owing tional inference (VI) is often applied to deal with this issue. The idea of
to its capability of fitting highly complex, nonlinear functions. In the VI is to approximate the true posterior distribution with the variational
case of survival approach, deep neural network is also deployed lately. distribution qθ (w) with parameters θ. This can be achieved by mini­
Among them, the model proposed by [18] is one of the most popular mizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence KL(qθ (w)‖p(w|x, y ) ),
deep neural network-based survival models, showing outstanding per­ which is a measure of the similarity between the two distributions. The
formance in many applications [21,22]. In Katzman et al. [18], the minimization objective for VI can be written as:

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

results of M times stochastic forward passes through the model during
LVI = − qθ (w)logp(y|x, w )dw + KL(qθ (w)‖p(w) ) (9)
the test process. As a result, the uncertainty within the model can be
where the integral term denotes the negative partial log-likelihood
function with respect to the expectation of the posterior distribution. 2.5. The proposed deep Bayesian survival model
The KL term serves to alleviate overfitting.
The minimization objective for a neural network with dropout Combining the aforementioned survival approach, deep neural
applied Ldropout can be expressed as network, and Monte Carlo dropout, a deep Bayesian survival model,
named BNN-Surv is designed for rail useful lifetime modelling as
1 ∑N ∑L
Ldropout = l(yi , ̂
yi) + λ ‖wi ‖22 (10) depicted in Fig. 1. The structure of the model follows a configurable
N i=1 i=1 feed-forward deep neural network structure: the input to the network is
the covariates x, consisting of monitoring data, track characteristics
where ̂y denotes the output of the neural network and l(⋅, ⋅) denotes the data, defects data, and M&R data, which are explained in section 3. The
loss function. network propagates the inputs through a number of hidden layers with
According to the derivation in Gal and Ghahramani [25], the integral weights w. To fully learn the nonlinear relationships in covariates,
term in Eq. (9) can be approximated through Monte Carlo integration multiple fully connected layers are constructed. The final layer is a
with respect to w because the Monte Carlo sampling process of param­ single node that performs a linear function of the learned hidden rep­
eters w from Bernoulli distribution is identical to performing dropout on resentations. The output of the last layer is the estimated partial hazard
the neural network layers. Meanwhile, the KL term in Eq. (9) corre­ g(x). The architecture facilitates the network in learning potentially non-
sponds to an L2 regularization term by some weight decay in dropout linear relationships between covariates and partial hazards. Further­
networks. Thus, Eq. (9) and Eq. (10) can be rewritten as: more, every fully connected layer is succeeded by an MC dropout layer,
∂ 1 ∂ which serves as an approximation of the variational Bayesian inference
L⌢dropout (θ) = L⌢VI (θ) (11) to provide uncertainty estimation.
∂θ N ∂θ
The pseudocode for training and testing the BNN-Surv is illustrated
Eq. (11) shows that optimizing the neural network with dropout
in Algorithm 1. Unlike using standard dropout, the specific operation of
operations is equivalent to performing approximate inference within a
MC dropout is to randomly drop some neuron weights during the
probabilistic framework for the model.
training and testing process. This can be seen as adding some Bernoulli
By replacing the posterior p(w|x, y ) with its variational approxima­
noises to the original neural network. Because some neurons are
tion qθ (w), the prediction of output y* for an unknown sample with randomly dropped during the testing process, different estimation re­
covariate x* can be further calculated as sults can be obtained for the same test data each time. After M estima­
∫ tions, the mean μ and standard deviation σ can be calculated for all the
1 ∑M
p(y* |x* , x, y ) = p(y* |x* , w )qθ (w)dw ≈ p(y* |x* , w
̂m ) (12) estimation results, and the final confidence interval can then be esti­
M m=1
mated. By doing this, approximate Bayesian inference is involved in the
Owing to the mathematical proofs in Gal and Ghahramani [25], the
predictive distribution of output can be approximated by collecting the

Fig. 1. The architecture of the proposed BNN-Surv model.

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

neural network. with each other and might provide redundant information. Therefore,
feature selection is performed based on the expert’s knowledge and
Algorithm 1. Training and testing phases of BNN-Surv. previous studies [40,41]. Table 1 shows the list and description of some
1: Input n samples as the training set, x is input covariates. selected track geometry monitoring data.
2: Initialize weights w in network fnet . In addition to the direct use of these monitoring data, some new
3: Output ̂ y is the partial hazard. numerical measurements can be extracted from geometry monitoring
4: Training phase:
data to better represent the condition of the tracks. TQI is one of these
5: For each epoch do
6: Turn on dropout and has been widely used to comprehensively quantify the quality of the
7: Performing stochastic calculations and track condition [42]. There are different types of TQI depending on local
y = fnet (w, xi )
̂ standards. Since the study is based on the Australian railroads, the TQI
8: Update weights w in the neural network fnet (⋅) calculation method recommended by the experts’ knowledge of
9: Restore the dropped neurons
⎛ ⎞ Australian Rail Track Corporation is used in this paper [43].
1 ∑⎝ ∑ [ ( )]
10: Compute the loss Lloss = − βXi (ti ) − log exp βXj tj ⎠ ( )
nE=1 i:E =1
i j∈R(T )
TQI = 0.5 × σ topleft + σtopright + σlineleft + σ lineright + σtwist + σxGauge (13)
11: Determine whether to stop the training process when the loss does not decrease. √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
12: End for √ Nl
√ 1 ∑ ( )2
13: Testing phase: σi = √ gij − gi (14)
14: For i = 1, ..., M do Nl − 1 j=1
15: Turn on dropout
16: Performing stochastic calculations and
( )
y i = fnet wdroppedi , xtesti 1 ∑ Ni
gi = gij
17: Restore the dropped neurons Ni j=1
18: End for
1 ∑M
19: μ = i=1 i
̂ where σi is the standard deviation of a single geometry measurement
M ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅

1 ∑M ( ) (unit: mm). gij is the value of the geometry measurement i at location j on
20: σ = y − μ
M i=1 i the railway tracks. Ni is the number of measurements i in the section of
21: Setting n times the standard deviation σ
22: Upper bound of the confidence interval for hazard function:
h(t)upper = h0 (t)exp(μ + n⋅σ)
Lower bound of the confidence interval for hazard function: 3.1.2. Track characteristics data
h(t)lower = h0 (t)exp(μ − n⋅σ) Given that the studied railway network consists of heavy haul lines, it
is essential to take into account the impact of tonnage on the rails. To
facilitate modelling, information on the annual tonnage, which refers to
3. Deep Bayesian survival analysis for rail useful lifetime the total weight of trains and freight passing each track section, is
modelling collected and analysed.
The insulated joint data needs to be considered when modelling the
3.1. Data structure rail useful lifetime because the nearby rails usually experience failure
more frequently according to the experience of patrol inspection staffs
The dataset available for the current study consists of track geometry and maintenance engineers. In this study, the count of insulated joints is
monitoring data, track characteristics data, various types of defects data, used.
as well as M&R data. The dataset is collected from a 150 km section of
railway tracks in Australia during the period from 2016 to 2021. 3.1.3. Defects data
According to the literature [42], the existing defects on tracks might
3.1.1. Track geometry monitoring data have effects on rail failures. So, it is natural to collect defect data for rail
Track geometry monitoring data is collected from the special track useful lifetime modelling. The defects data is acquired through patrol
geometry car at 1 m interval with corresponding locations. The track inspection, ultrasonic inspection, ground penetrating radar, and circuit
geometry data is collected in an almost constant time interval, every four signals with the date and location of occurrence, and defect type
months. Each time at every 1 m, there are more than 100 measurements, recorded. There are many types of defects recorded, such as transverse
such as curvature, twist, wear, and so on. Using all measurements would weld defects, formation failures, squats, and so on. Based on where the
result in a high dimensionality of covariates and might decrease the defects occur, the defects data is classified into three categories, which
computational efficiency. Besides, some measurements are correlated are rail defects, geometry defects, and formation defects. The details of
the classification are shown in Table 2.
Table 1
The description of some selected track geometry monitoring data.
Geometry monitoring Description
data Table 2
Top offset at left rail 5 m top chord with a 2 m/3m mid-point offset The classification of track geometry data.
Defect type Description
Line offset at left rail 10 m alignment chord with a centre mid-point offset.
(line_L) Rail defects Weld defect
Twist 2 m Measures the change in superelevation over a 2 m interval Surface damage
by calculating the difference between the current xsuper Squat and shelling
and xsuper delayed by 2 m. Rail head split
Gauge The measured distance between the rail gauge points, Rail head transverse crack
expressed as a variation from the standard gauge. Geometry defects Twist fault
Rail head loss The percentage reduction in the cross-sectional area of the Top fault
rail head compared to the selected template Gauge exceeds
Rail horizontal wear The sum of horizontal wear at the (inner) gauge point and Formation defects Mud pumping
horizontal wear at the outer (field face) gauge point. Formation failure
Rail vertical wear Vertical wear at a point 16 mm in from the gauge point. Ballast fouled

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

3.1.4. Maintenance and replacement data have exact lifetimes, whereas the rest samples are censored. Each sample
Maintenance and replacement (M&R) activities would change the represents a 1 km segment of track, with actual lifetime, label, and
condition of the tracks and directly affect the rail useful lifetime. Thus, covariates, where covariates include geometry monitoring data, track
M&R data needs to be considered in modelling. However, there are characteristics, defects data, and M&R data. Fig. 3 shows the distribu­
different types of M&R activities, and they have different degrees of tion of some of the covariates and their relationships with one another.
influence on the condition of tracks. For example, taking rail joint The histograms on the diagonal illustrate the distribution for each co­
replacement and re-railing can be regarded as resetting the rail to brand- variate, while the scatter plots on the upper and lower triangles show the
new condition, whereas, tamping and grinding are only partial and relationships between two covariates. It can be seen from the scatter
temporary repairs of the rail surface and formation. Thus, the M&R plots that there is no significant correlation between most of the
activities need to be classified based on the degrees of M&R and the covariates.
components being maintained. In this study, according to the rail
maintenance engineers’ knowledge, the M&R activities are classified 4. Implementation and results
into four categories including renewal M&R, surface M&R, geometry
M&R, and formation M&R. The details of classification are shown in In this section, the proposed BNN-Surv is applied to a real-life case
Table 3. from the railway tracks in Australia to validate its effectiveness. Typical
results obtained from the proposed survival approach are first analysed
and explained. Then, the proposed survival approach is evaluated
3.2. Survival data processing
through two metrics, i.e., concordance index (C-index) and root mean
square error (RMSE), and compared with three commonly used survival
Unlike classical classification and regression approaches, survival
models, i.e., Cox, Weibull model, random survival forest models. The
analysis requires a dataset including the following three pieces of in­
uncertainty estimation capability of the proposed approach is also dis­
formation: 1) observed covariates x, 2) useful lifetime T, and 3) label E
cussed through a proposed metric that balances coverage probability
whether the lifetime is fully observed or partially observed. Therefore, a
and interval width.
unique survival dataset needs to be constructed for model development.
The detailed processing procedures are as follows:
4.1. Performance metrics
1) Segment division: as this study attempts to perform a segment-based
useful lifetime modelling rather than in a large region, the continu­ To evaluate the estimation performance of the survival model, two
ously studied track sections are divided into adjacent segments. metrics are applied including concordance index and root mean square
According to the recommendation from Bai et al. [9], the length of error.
segment is set to 1 km.
2) Useful lifetime: the real rail useful lifetime is the time interval from 4.1.1. Concordance index (C-index)
rail starting time to the failure time. Fig. 2 shows the timeline of a The concordance index (C-index), as proposed by Harrell [32], is a
typical track segment. Since the actual time that the rail put into use widely used metric for assessing the quality and efficiency of a survival
was not accurately recorded, in this study, the first starting time is model. It is a ranking-related score that assesses how close the ranking
counted from the first time that the rail experiences a rail replace­ order of estimated lifetimes is to the ranking order of real lifetimes. The
ment (one of the maintenance activities). If rail failures occur ni C-index is founded upon the assumption that segment with longer life­
times in segment i, lifetime should be calculated as many as ni +1 time should be assigned a greater estimated lifetime than segment with
times for that segment. The (1, 2, …, ni ) th lifetime is the time interval shorter lifetime. The score ranges from 0 to 1, with a larger score indi­
from the time of rail replacement to the next rail failure that occurs. cating the better performance of the model. C-index is calculated as
The (ni + 1) th lifetime is not known, which is censoring. As one can 1∑ ∑
see, the real rail useful lifetime is determined based on the replace­ C − index = 1 (16)
n i:Ei =1j:Lreal <Lreal L(xi )<L(xj )
ment and rail failure records. The location and date of each actual i j

replacement and rail failure event were provided by the Australia

Railway Track Corporation. where L(x) denotes the estimated useful lifetime and Lreal denotes the
3) Event indicator: when the lifetime is associated with a rail failure, the real observed lifetime. Eq. (16) counts the times a model estimates
( )
event indicator is set to 1. If no rail failure is observed until the end of L(xi ) < L xj when observed Lreal
i < Lreal
j holds true over the total number
the study horizon, the event indicator is set to 0. of comparable cases, which is represented by n.
4) Mapping covariates: all the aforementioned datasets explained in
section 3.1 are mapped to the corresponding segment and lifetime. 4.1.2. Root mean square error (RMSE)
The covariates that are used in this study are summarized in Table 4. Another commonly used metric to evaluate the survival model is root
mean square error (RMSE), which indicates the discrepancy between the
Based on historical records, 526 samples are created, 194 of which estimated and real values.
N √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
Table 3
1∑ N
1∑ [ ]2
RMSE = RMSEi = Li − Lreal i (17)
The classification of M&R activities. n i=1 n i=1
M&R category Description
where Li denotes the estimated useful lifetime and Lreal
i denotes the real
Renewal M&R Rail joint replacement
useful lifetime. RMSE reflects the deviation degree of the estimated and
Rail defect removal
Renewal the real useful lifetime. So, the lower the RMSE, the better the
Rerailing modelling.
Surface M&R Grinding
Geometry M&R Track reconditioning
Undercutting 4.2. Model structural selection
Formation M&R Tamping
Ballast cleaning Before performing the evaluation, it is necessary to determine the
Drainage works
network structural parameters that produce the best results. In this

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

Fig. 2. Timeline of a typical track segment.

power of 2 as the number of nodes is that the complexity of efficient

Table 4
algorithms is usually measured on the order of log base 2 [46]. Fig. 4 (b)
Details on the description of the survival covariates.
shows the results of different numbers of nodes in hidden layers. It can
No. Covariates Description be seen from Fig. 4 (b) that as the number of nodes increases, C-index
1 Rail head loss The latest rail head loss before the end of lifetime. gradually increases whereas Std decreases and there is an inflection
2 Rail horizontal The latest rail horizontal wear before the end of point when the number of nodes is 32. After reaching the inflection
wear lifetime. point, there is a decrease in the C-index. When the number of nodes
3 Rail vertical wear The latest rail vertical wear before the end of lifetime.
4 Curvature The latest curvature before the end of lifetime.
reaches 128, the C-index begins to rise again. But it can be seen from
5 TQI The latest TQI before the end of lifetime. Fig. 4 (b) that the increase in the number of nodes does not get a sig­
6 Tonnage The annual tonnage on the segment nificant performance improvement. Thus, considering the computa­
7 Insulated joint Number of insulated joints exist in the segment tional efficiency, the number of nodes in hidden layers is set to 32.
8 Rail break Number of rail breaks occurred before the start of
9 Rail defects Number of rail defects reported before the end of 4.2.3. Learning rate
lifetime. The value for learning rate can affect the updating speed of param­
10 Geometry defects Number of geometry defects reported before the end of eters during neural network training. In this paper, the values of
lifetime. learning rate for tunning are selected as 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1,
11 Formation defects Number of formation defects reported before the end of
which are commonly used in neural networks [45]. Fig. 4 (c) shows the
12 Renewal M&R Number of renewal M&R reported before the start of results of different learning rates. It can be seen from Fig. 4 (c) that as the
lifetime. learning rate increases, C-index gradually increases whereas Std de­
13 Surface M&R Number of surface M&R reported before the end of creases, and there is an inflection point when the learning rate is 0.001.
After the inflection point, as the learning rate increases, C-index grad­
14 Geometry M&R Number of geometry M&R reported before the end of
lifetime. ually decreases whereas Std increases. Thus, it can be concluded that
15 Formation M&R Number of formation M&R reported before the end of 0.001 is the optimal learning rate.
lifetime. The network structure determined above has incorporated the MC
dropout layer, which can provide confidence interval for the model
output when the dropout is activated during test process. To evaluate the
study, grid search tuning is used to optimize the network structural
effect of MC dropout on model performance, a competing model is
parameters of the model. The network structural parameters include
constructed, i.e., ‘proposed model without MC dropout’. The effect of
number of hidden layers, number of nodes in hidden layers, and learning
the MC dropout on the model performance is measured with the C-index.
rate. The tunning experiments are conducted on the dataset via 5-fold
The comparative results show that the proposed model without MC
cross-validation. The mean of C-index and standard deviation (Std) of
dropout acquires the C-index of 0.769, while the proposed model with
the five runs are used to measure the model’s performance.
MC dropout can achieve the C-index of 0.802 under the same circum­
stance. This indicates that adding MC dropout not only can provide
4.2.1. Number of hidden layers
uncertainty estimation but also improve performance.
The number of hidden layers plays a vital role in the performance of
In general, the model is trained via stochastic gradient descent along
neural networks. However, increasing the number of hidden layers
with Adam optimizer and Eq. (7) as the loss function. The BNN-Surv
might not always guarantee performance improvement, which depends
model is both smooth and differentiable, thereby allowing for the
on the complexity of the problems that are being solved [44]. According
model’s parameters to be learned through standard backpropagation.
to the previous studies [8,40,41,45], the values for the number of hidden
layers for tunning are selected between 1 and 5 with the ReLU as acti­
vation function. Fig. 4 (a) shows the results of different numbers of 4.3. Model implementation
hidden layers, where the left vertical axis indicates the mean of C-index
and the right vertical axis indicates the Std of five runs. It can be seen To train and evaluate the BNN-Surv model in this study, the dataset is
from Fig. 4 (a) that as the number of hidden layers increases, C-index randomly divided into two sets: the training set, which comprises 80% of
gradually increases whereas Std decreases, and there is an inflection the data, and the testing set, which comprises the remaining 20%. Once
point when the number of hidden layers is 3. After the inflection point, the BNN-Surv model has been trained, each test is repeated 500 times
as the number of hidden layers increases, C-index gradually decreases with the MC dropout on. In this way, the distribution of partial hazard
whereas Std increases. It can be concluded that the number of hidden g(x) for each sample in the testing set can be estimated as shown in
layers set to 3 gives optimal results. Fig. 5, where each colour represents a different sample.
According to Eq. (3), the survival curve (graphic representation of
4.2.2. Number of nodes in hidden layers the survival probability S(t)) with confidence interval can be derived for
The values for the number of nodes for tunning are selected as 8, 16, each sample. Fig. 6 shows the typical survival curves for two different
32, 64, 128, and 256 with other parameters fixed. The reason for using a samples. The x-axis is the lifetime in day. The y-axis is the survival
probability, in which 1.0 means 100% survival at a certain time and 0.0

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

Fig. 3. Statistical distributions of some of the covariates and their relationships with one another. No. 1 is rail head loss; No. 2 is rail horizontal wear; No. 3 is rail
vertical wear; No. 5 is TQI; No. 6 is tonnage; No. 9 is rail defects; No. 15 is formation M&R.

(a) Number of hidden layers (b) Number of nodes in hidden (c) Learning rate
Fig. 4. C-index and Std of different (a) Number of hidden layers, (b) Number of nodes in hidden layers, and (c) Learning rate.

means 0% survival at a certain time. From Fig. 6, one can estimate the dependent hazard rates, rather than the exact lifetime values. Estima­
probability that the rail still works safely at any certain time. tion of rail useful lifetime helps railroads to take timely maintenance to
As can be seen in Fig. 6, the outputs of survival model are the time- avoid catastrophic failure. Given the outputs of survival model, the
dependent survival probabilities that are computed through the time- useful lifetime can be estimated as

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

Fig. 5. The distribution of survival model’s outputs (partial hazard g(x)) for the testing set. Each colour represents a different sample.

Fig. 6. The survival curves of two different samples.

Li = argmin{Si (t) 〈Sthreshold } (18)


where Si (t) denotes the estimated survival probabilities over time t.

Sthreshold is a threshold survival probability defining a risky operating
situation. Typically, median or mean lifetime is used to represent the
potential lifetime of components based on the assumption that compo­
nents tend to fail when the survival probabilities are less than 0.5 [22].
Thus, in this study, the Sthreshold is set to be 0.5. For the two samples in
Fig. 6, the survival probability of 0.5 corresponds to 445 days and 365
days, which are the estimated useful lifetimes. The real useful lifetimes
of these two samples are with 476 days and 338 days, represented by
vertical dash lines. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the estimated lifetimes
are very close to the real lifetimes.

4.4. Model evaluation

The C-index results for 500 times with the MC dropout activated are
displayed in Fig. 7. It is observed that the C-index of the BNN-Surv model
is roughly around 0.8 by a variance of 0.02. According to Steck et al.
Fig. 7. The distribution of C-index results for 500 times with the MC
[47], a C-index value ranging from 0.6 to 0.7 typically indicates a well-
dropout on.
fitted model, whereas a value closer to 0.5 indicates that the model does
not predict the target value better than random chance. The C-index

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

results obtained by BNN-Surv indicate the proposed model has an

excellent ability in ranking a sample’s useful lifetime.
To demonstrate the superiority of the proposed BNN-Surv, three
commonly used survival models in the field of transportation systems
are applied for comparisons. Two of them are classical survival models
including Cox and Weibull models, while the other one is a machine
learning-based survival model, i.e., random survival forest model (RF-
Surv) [48]. In addition, to verify the advantages of considering censored
data in rail useful lifetime modelling, two data conditions are con­
structed to compare the performance considering censored data and not
considering censored data. In this way, 8 survival models are created by
combing two data conditions and four survival approaches. As the BNN-
Surv approach generates the distribution of C-index results, the mean
value of C-index results is used for comparison with other models.
Table 5 compares the performances of the different models, with the
highest C-index highlighted in bold. From Table 5, it can be observed
that the BNN-Surv model proposed in this study outperforms the other
three survival models regarding two data conditions, which achieves the
highest C-index of 0.8. The results demonstrate the BNN-Surv model’s
Fig. 8. The distribution of RMSE results for 500 times with the MC dropout on.
superior performance in modelling rail useful lifetime, possibly owing to
significant non-linearities in the covariates, which can be better
captured by a neural network as opposed to a linear model. Moreover, as (almost 3 years). One possible reason is that the collected replacement
the results are shown in Table 5, the Cox, Weibull, RF-Surv, and BNN- data of some segments are inadequate and do not reflect the track
Surv models without considering censored data achieve the C-index of condition well, thus causing a large bias in estimating the lifetimes of
0.64, 0.67, 0.65, and 0.69 respectively. When censored data is consid­ these samples. In this case, future efforts will focus on collecting the real-
ered in the modelling, the C-index of Cox model is improved to 0.71, time monitoring data and integrating it into the model, which is ex­
Weibull model is improved to 0.74, RF-Surv model is improved to 0.78, pected to better reflect the rail condition and further improve the
and BNN-Surv is improved to 0.80, showing noticeable improvement. performance.
This indicates that ignoring or otherwise mistreating the censored data Previous study [9] proposed a predictive model based on Markov
might lead to undesirable results. stochastic process to estimate the rail useful lifetime. In their paper, the
In general, the proposed BNN-Surv achieves a C-index of 0.8, indi­ difference between the estimated rail useful lifetime and real lifetime is
cating that the estimated useful lifetime ranking of most samples is used as the performance metric. The average difference achieved by Bai
consistent with the real one. The correct ordering of useful lifetime is of et al. [9] was 180 days. Whereas the proposed approach (BNN-Surv) in
great importance for practical predictive maintenance. Based on the this paper achieves an average difference of 151 days. This shows that
ranking results, asset managers can develop more economical and tar­ the proposed approach in this study performs better.
geted maintenance plans.
To get an intuition of how accurate the useful lifetime estimation is 4.5. Uncertainty estimation
by the proposed survival model, RMSE is used to measure the degree of
error between the estimated lifetimes and the real values. The distri­ As aforementioned in section 4.4, accurate prediction of useful life­
bution of RMSE results is shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen from Fig. 8 that time is extremely difficult, almost every sample has a difference between
the mean value of the distribution is about 189 days, while the standard the estimated and real useful lifetime. By taking the uncertainty of
deviation of the distribution is 22 days. model into account, the BNN-Surv can provide the confidence interval of
In addition, the estimated lifetimes obtained by BNN-Surv are used to the estimated lifetime, which is more appropriate than point estimation.
compare with the other three commonly used survival models, Cox, It is obvious that enlarging the width of the confidence interval allows
Weibull, and RF-Surv models. As the BNN-Surv approach generates the the estimation interval to cover more of the target lifetime, but it also
distribution of results, the average results of 500 times are used for accompanies by an increase in uncertainty. Therefore, it is necessary to
comparison. Also, the samples only to be uncensored are chosen for find a metric to balance the coverage probability and the width of the
comparison because they have real lifetimes. confidence interval. Based on the evaluation metric used in Li et al. [49],
Comparison results are shown in Fig. 9. The subplot shows the a new metric is proposed in this study to evaluate the estimation per­
RMSEs for the four models. It can be seen from the subplots in Fig. 9 that formance and find the optimal interval width, called CW-index:
BNN-Surv achieves the lowest RMSE of 189, which can demonstrate the CW - index = sigmoid(C + W) (19)
proposed model’s effectiveness. Compared to the other three models, the
estimated lifetimes obtained by BNN-Surv are closer to real values. 1 ∑N

However, the RMSEs achieved by the four models are not very desirable, C= ξ (I(xi ), yi ) (20)
N i=1 i
and for some samples, there is a significant difference between the
estimated and real lifetimes. For example, for sample #8, the real life­ {
1yi ∈ I(xi )
time is 1200 days, while the estimated lifetimes by all three models are ξi (I(xi ), yi ) = (21)
below 300 days, which results in a difference larger than 900 days 0 otherwise

1 ∑N
( )
Table 5 W= exp I l (xi ) − I u (xi ) (22)
C-index for considering censored data and not considering censored data based
N i=1
on Cox, Weibull, RF-Surv, and BNN-Surv models.
where C denotes the coverage probability, calculating the number of
Data condition Cox Weibull RF-Surv BNN-Surv
target lifetimes covered by the estimation interval and W denotes the
Not considering censored data 0.64 0.67 0.65 0.69 normalized averaged width. The number of samples to be estimated is
Considering censored data 0.71 0.74 0.78 0.80
denoted by N and the envelope of the estimation interval is denoted by

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

Fig. 9. Comparisons between the real lifetimes and estimated lifetimes obtained from the Cox, Weibull, RF-Surv, and BNN-Surv models.

1. Thus, the larger the CW-index, the better the uncertainty estimation
Fig. 10 shows the results of CW-index, coverage probability, and
normalized averaged width at different confidence intervals. The
coverage probability and CW-index are significantly affected by changes
in the confidence interval. Specifically, the CW-index first increases and
then decreases as the confidence interval increases. This pattern can be
explained by the fact that the value of CW-index is predominantly
governed by C when the confidence interval is small, and by W when the
confidence interval is large. As can be seen in Fig. 10, the highest value
of CW-index is achieved when the confidence interval falls between 1.2
and 1.4. Thus, for the subsequent analysis, a confidence interval of 1.38
is adopted, which equates to an estimation interval equal to the mean
plus/minus 1.38 times the standard deviation.
The estimation results by BNN-Surv are shown in Fig. 11. The
shadow area denotes the estimated useful lifetimes with a confidence
interval of 1.38 from MC dropout uncertainty estimation. Points within
the lower and upper envelopes of the interval possess varying proba­
bilities of occurrence, where those closer to the mean of interval having
Fig. 10. The results of CW-index, coverage probability, and normalized aver­
higher probabilities and those farther away having lower probabilities.
aged width under different confidence intervals. Furthermore, two subplots display the distribution of useful lifetime
estimations for two samples (i.e., sample #3 and sample #30), where the
star symbol denotes the real lifetime, for comparison with the proba­
I(xi ). The upper and lower bounds of the estimation interval are denoted
bility distribution obtained from the BNN-Surv model.
by Iu (xi ) and Il (xi ), respectively. A sigmoid function is applied to the sum
As can be seen from Fig. 11, the average lifetimes generated by the
of C and W to ensure that the CW-index is a score within the range of 0 to
BNN-Surv model are very close to the real lifetimes. 81% of the real

Fig. 11. The estimation results of rail useful lifetime by using BNN-Surv based on the confidence interval of 1.38.

C. Zeng et al. Engineering Structures 295 (2023) 116822

lifetimes are within the envelope of the estimation interval. On a closer Data curation, Investigation. Yuting Zhang: Conceptualization,
examination of the subplots, it is found that the distribution of estimated Investigation.
lifetimes follows an approximately normal distribution. The real useful
lifetimes of sample #3 and sample #30 are bounded by confidence in­
Declaration of Competing Interest
tervals. All of these results indicate that the BNN-Surv provides a more
conservative and safer estimation compared to the point estimation.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Even with some level of uncertainty, such conservative estimations are
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
deemed acceptable in the railway transportation industry due to their
the work reported in this paper.
significant implications for the economy and personal safety.

Data availability
5. Conclusion

The authors do not have permission to share data.

This paper proposes a deep Bayesian survival approach named BNN-
Surv to properly handle censored data for rail useful lifetime modelling.
The proposed BNN-Surv model uses a deep neural network as the hazard Acknowledgment
rate to capture the non-linear relationship between covariates and useful
lifetime. To consider and quantify uncertainty in the model, Monte Carlo This study was supported by the Australian Government through the
dropout, regarded as the approximate Bayesian inference, is incorpo­ Australian Research Council’s (ARC) Linkage Projects funding scheme
rated into the deep neural network to provide the confidence interval of (project LP160101254).
the estimated useful lifetime. The proposed approach is implemented on
a four-year dataset including track geometry monitoring data, track References
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