Climate Change Water en
Climate Change Water en
Climate Change Water en
bservational records and climate projections provide abundant evidence that freshwater resources
are vulnerable and have the potential to be strongly impacted by climate change, with wide-ranging
consequences for human societies and ecosystems.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Technical Paper Climate Change and Water draws
together and evaluates the information in IPCC Assessment and Special Reports concerning the impacts of
climate change on hydrological processes and regimes, and on freshwater resources – their availability, quality,
and water
use and management. It takes into account current and projected regional key vulnerabilities, prospects for
adaptation, and the relationships between climate change mitigation and water. Its objectives are:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up jointly by the World Meteorological
Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme to provide an authoritative international assessment
of scientific information on climate change. Climate Change and Water is one of six Technical Papers prepared
by the IPCC to date. It was prepared in response to a request from the World Climate Programme – Water and
the International Steering Committee of the Dialogue on Water and Climate.
Edited by
Jean Palutikof
Met Office Hadley Centre
United Kingdom
This is a Technical Paper of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change prepared in response to a decision
of the Panel. The material herein has undergone expert and government review, but has not been considered by
the Panel for possible acceptance or approval.
June 2008
This paper was prepared under the management of the IPCC Working Group II
Technical Support Unit
Please cite this Technical Paper as:
Bates, B.C., Z.W. Kundzewicz, S. Wu and J.P. Palutikof, Eds., 2008: Climate Change and Water. Technical
Paper of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC Secretariat, Geneva, 210 pp.
ISBN: 978-92-9169-123-4
Preface vii
Acknowledgments viii
Executive Summary 1
1. Introduction to climate change and water 5
1.1 Background 7
1.2 Scope 7
1.3 The context of the Technical Paper: socio-economic and environmental conditions 8
1.3.1 Observed changes 8
1.3.2 Projected changes 9
1.4 Outline 11
2. Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water 13
2.1 Observed changes in climate as they relate to water 15
2.1.1 Precipitation (including extremes) and water vapour 15
2.1.2 Snow and land ice 19
2.1.3 Sea level 20
2.1.4 Evapotranspiration 20
2.1.5 Soil moisture 21
2.1.6 Runoff and river discharge 21
2.1.7 Patterns of large-scale variability 22
2.2 Influences and feedbacks of hydrological changes on climate 23
2.2.1 Land surface effects 23
2.2.2 Feedbacks through changes in ocean circulation 24
2.2.3 Emissions and sinks affected by hydrological processes or biogeochemical feedbacks 24
2.3 Projected changes in climate as they relate to water 24
2.3.1 Precipitation (including extremes) and water vapour 25
2.3.2 Snow and land ice 27
2.3.3 Sea level 28
2.3.4 Evapotranspiration 29
2.3.5 Soil moisture 29
2.3.6 Runoff and river discharge 29
2.3.7 Patterns of large-scale variability 31
3. Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses 33
3.1 Observed climate change impacts 35
3.1.1 Observed effects due to changes in the cryosphere 35
3.1.2 Hydrology and water resources 35
3.2 Future changes in water availability and demand due to climate change 38
3.2.1 Climate-related drivers of freshwater systems in the future 38
3.2.2 Non-climatic drivers of freshwater systems in the future 43
3.2.3 Impacts of climate change on freshwater availability in the future 44
3.2.4 Impacts of climate change on freshwater demand in the future 44
3.2.5 Impacts of climate change on water stress in the future 45
3.2.6 Impacts of climate change on costs and other socio-economic aspects of freshwater 45
3.2.7 Freshwater areas and sectors highly vulnerable to climate change 47
3.2.8 Uncertainties in the projected impacts of climate change on freshwater systems 47
3.3 Water-related adaptation to climate change: an overview 48
4. Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors 53
4.1 Ecosystems and biodiversity 55
4.1.1 Context 55
4.1.2 Projected changes in hydrology and implications for global biodiversity 55
4.1.3 Impacts of changes in hydrology on major ecosystem types 55
4.2 Agriculture and food security, land use and forestry 59
4.2.1 Context 59
4.2.2 Observations 60
4.2.3 Projections 60
4.2.4 Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainable development 63
4.3 Human health 67
4.3.1 Context 67
4.3.2 Observations 69
4.3.3 Projections 69
4.3.4 Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainable development 69
4.4 Water supply and sanitation 69
4.4.1 Context 69
4.4.2 Observations 69
4.4.3 Projections 70
4.4.4 Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainable development 71
4.5 Settlements and infrastructure 73
4.5.1 Settlements 73
4.5.2 Infrastructure 73
4.5.3 Adaptation 74
4.6 Economy: insurance, tourism, industry, transportation 74
4.6.1 Context 74
4.6.2 Socio-economic costs, mitigation, adaptation, vulnerability, sustainable development 75
5. Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources 77
5.1 Africa 79
5.1.1 Context 79
5.1.2 Current observations 79
5.1.3 Projected changes 81
5.1.4 Adaptation and vulnerability 85
5.2 Asia 85
5.2.1 Context 85
5.2.2 Observed impacts of climate change on water 85
5.2.3 Projected impact of climate change on water and key vulnerabilities 87
5.2.4 Adaptation and vulnerability 88
5.3 Australia and New Zealand 90
5.3.1 Context 90
5.3.2 Observed changes 90
5.3.3 Projected changes 91
5.3.4 Adaptation and vulnerability 92
5.4 Europe 93
5.4.1 Context 93
5.4.2 Observed changes 93
5.4.3 Projected changes 93
5.4.4 Adaptation and vulnerability 95
5.5 Latin America 96
5.5.1 Context 96
5.5.2 Observed changes 96
5.5.3 Projected changes 98
5.5.4 Adaptation and vulnerability 100
5.6 North America 102
5.6.1 Context and observed changes 102
5.6.2 Projected change and consequences 102
5.6.3 Adaptation 104
5.7 Polar regions 106
5.7.1 Context 106
5.7.2 Observed changes 107
5.7.3 Projected changes 108
5.7.4 Adaptation and vulnerability 109
5.8 Small islands 109
5.8.1 Context 109
5.8.2 Observed climatic trends and projections in island regions 109
5.8.3 Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainability 111
6. Climate change mitigation measures and water 115
6.1 Introduction 117
6.2 Sector-specific mitigation 117
6.2.1 Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) 117
6.2.2 Bio-energy crops 117
6.2.3 Biomass electricity 119
6.2.4 Hydropower 119
6.2.5 Geothermal energy 119
6.2.6 Energy use in buildings 119
6.2.7 Land-use change and management 119
6.2.8 Cropland management (water) 120
6.2.9 Cropland management (reduced tillage) 120
6.2.10 Afforestation or reforestation 120
6.2.11 Avoided/reduced deforestation 121
6.2.12 Solid waste management; wastewater treatment 121
6.2.13 Unconventional oil 122
6.3 Effects of water management policies and measures on GHG emissions and mitigation 122
6.3.1 Hydro dams 122
6.3.2 Irrigation 122
6.3.3 Residue return 122
6.3.4 Drainage of cropland 123
6.3.5 Wastewater treatment 123
6.3.6 Desalinisation 124
6.3.7 Geothermal energy 124
6.4 Potential water resource conflicts between adaptation and mitigation 124
7. Implications for policy and sustainable development 125
7.1 Implication for policy by sector 127
7.2 The main water-related projected impacts by regions 128
7.3 Implications for climate mitigation policy 130
7.4 Implications for sustainable development 130
8. Gaps in knowledge and suggestions for further work 133
8.1 Observational needs 135
8.2 Understanding climate projections and their impacts 135
8.2.1 Understanding and projecting climate change 135
8.2.2 Water-related impacts 136
8.3 Adaptation and mitigation 136
References 139
Appendix I: Climate model descriptions 165
Appendix II: Glossary 167
Appendix III: Acronyms, chemical symbols, scientific units 183
Appendix IV: List of Authors 185
Appendix V: List of Reviewers 187
Appendix VI: Permissions to publish 191
Index 193
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) We owe a large debt of gratitude to the Lead Authors (listed
Technical Paper on Climate Change and Water is the sixth in the Paper) who gave of their time very generously and who
paper in the IPCC Technical Paper series and was produced in completed the Technical Paper according to schedule. We would
response to a proposal by the Secretariat of the World Climate like to thank Dr. Jean Palutikof, Head of the Technical Support
Programme – Water (WCP-Water) and the International Unit of IPCC Working Group II, for her skilful leadership through
Steering Committee of the Dialogue on Water and Climate the production of this Paper.
at the 19th Plenary Session of the IPCC which took place in
Geneva in April 2002. A consultative meeting on Climate
Change and Water was held in Geneva in November 2002 and
recommended the preparation of a Technical Paper on Climate
Change and Water instead of preparing a Special Report to
address this subject. Such a document was to be based primarily
on the findings of the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC, Rajendra K. Pachauri
but also earlier IPCC publications. The Panel also decided that Chairman of the IPCC
water should be treated as cross cutting theme in the Fourth
Assessment Report.
We thank the Working Group II Technical Support Unit, especially Norah Pritchard and Clair Hanson, for their hard
work in the preparation of this Technical Paper.
The Government of Canada kindly agreed to host the second Lead Author meeting, and we thank Terry Prowse for
undertaking the hard work of organisation in Victoria, British Columbia.
Maurice Roos, from the State of California Department of Water Resources, and Bill Girling, from Manitoba Hydro,
attended the second Lead Author meeting to provide advice and suggestions from a user perspective.
Marilyn Anderson prepared the Index and Nancy Boston copy edited the text.
Thanks go to all the authors, their families, institutions and governments, for making this paper possible.
Climate Change and Water
This Technical Paper was requested by IPCC Plenary in response to suggestions by the World Climate
Programme - Water, the Dialogue on Water and other organisations concerned with the provision of water.
It was prepared under the auspices of the IPCC Chair, Dr. R.K. Pachauri.
Lead Authors
Nigel Arnell (UK), Virginia Burkett (USA), Petra Döll (Germany), Daniel Gwary (Nigeria), Clair Hanson
(UK), BertJan Heij (The Netherlands), Blanca Elena Jiménez (Mexico), Georg Kaser (Austria), Akio Kitoh
(Japan), Sari Kovats (UK), Pushpam Kumar (UK), Christopher H.D. Magadza (Zimbabwe), Daniel Martino
(Uruguay), Luis José Mata (Germany/Venezuela), Mahmoud Medany (Egypt), Kathleen Miller (USA), Taikan
Oki (Japan), Balgis Osman (Sudan), Jean Palutikof (UK), Terry Prowse (Canada), Roger Pulwarty (USA/
Trinidad and Tobago), Jouni Räisänen (Finland), James Renwick (New Zealand), Francesco Nicola Tubiello
(USA/IIASA/Italy), Richard Wood (UK) and Zong-Ci Zhao (China)
Contributing Authors
Julie Arblaster (Australia), Richard Betts (UK), Aiguo Dai (USA), Christopher Milly (USA), Linda Mortsch
(Canada), Leonard Nurse (Barbados), Richard Payne (Australia), Iwona Pinskwar (Poland) and Tom Wilbanks
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Observational records and climate projections provide abundant evidence that freshwater resources
are vulnerable and have the potential to be strongly impacted by climate change, with wide-ranging
consequences for human societies and ecosystems.
Observed warming over several decades has been linked consequences for the risk of rain-generated floods. At the same
to changes in the large-scale hydrological cycle such as: time, the proportion of land surface in extreme drought at any
increasing atmospheric water vapour content; changing one time is projected to increase (likely), in addition to a tendency
precipitation patterns, intensity and extremes; reduced snow for drying in continental interiors during summer, especially in
cover and widespread melting of ice; and changes in soil the sub-tropics, low and mid-latitudes. [2.3.1, 3.2.1]
moisture and runoff. Precipitation changes show substantial
spatial and inter-decadal variability. Over the 20th century, Water supplies stored in glaciers and snow cover are
precipitation has mostly increased over land in high northern projected to decline in the course of the century, thus
latitudes, while decreases have dominated from 10°S to 30°N reducing water availability during warm and dry periods
since the 1970s. The frequency of heavy precipitation events (or (through a seasonal shift in streamflow, an increase in the
proportion of total rainfall from heavy falls) has increased over ratio of winter to annual flows, and reductions in low flows) in
most areas (likely1). Globally, the area of land classified as very regions supplied by melt water from major mountain ranges,
dry has more than doubled since the 1970s (likely). There have where more than one-sixth of the world’s population currently
been significant decreases in water storage in mountain glaciers live (high confidence). [2.1.2, 2.3.2, 2.3.6]
and Northern Hemisphere snow cover. Shifts in the amplitude
and timing of runoff in glacier- and snowmelt-fed rivers, and in Higher water temperatures and changes in extremes,
ice-related phenomena in rivers and lakes, have been observed including floods and droughts, are projected to affect water
(high confidence). [2.12] quality and exacerbate many forms of water pollution –
from sediments, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, pathogens,
Climate model simulations for the 21st century are consistent pesticides and salt, as well as thermal pollution, with possible
in projecting precipitation increases in high latitudes (very negative impacts on ecosystems, human health, and water system
likely) and parts of the tropics, and decreases in some sub- reliability and operating costs (high confidence). In addition,
tropical and lower mid-latitude regions (likely). Outside sea-level rise is projected to extend areas of salinisation of
these areas, the sign and magnitude of projected changes groundwater and estuaries, resulting in a decrease of freshwater
varies between models, leading to substantial uncertainty availability for humans and ecosystems in coastal areas.
in precipitation projections.3 Thus projections of future [, 4.4.3]
precipitation changes are more robust for some regions than for
others. Projections become less consistent between models as Globally, the negative impacts of future climate change on
spatial scales decrease. [2.3.1] freshwater systems are expected to outweigh the benefits
(high confidence). By the 2050s, the area of land subject to
By the middle of the 21st century, annual average river runoff increasing water stress due to climate change is projected to
and water availability are projected to increase as a result of be more than double that with decreasing water stress. Areas
climate change4 at high latitudes and in some wet tropical in which runoff is projected to decline face a clear reduction in
areas, and decrease over some dry regions at mid-latitudes the value of the services provided by water resources. Increased
and in the dry tropics.5 Many semi-arid and arid areas (e.g., the annual runoff in some areas is projected to lead to increased
Mediterranean Basin, western USA, southern Africa and north- total water supply. However, in many regions, this benefit is
eastern Brazil) are particularly exposed to the impacts of climate likely to be counterbalanced by the negative effects of increased
change and are projected to suffer a decrease of water resources precipitation variability and seasonal runoff shifts in water
due to climate change (high confidence). [2.3.6] supply, water quality and flood risks (high confidence). [3.2.5]
Increased precipitation intensity and variability are Changes in water quantity and quality due to climate change
projected to increase the risks of flooding and drought are expected to affect food availability, stability, access and
in many areas. The frequency of heavy precipitation events utilisation. This is expected to lead to decreased food security and
(or proportion of total rainfall from heavy falls) will be very increased vulnerability of poor rural farmers, especially in the arid
likely to increase over most areas during the 21st century, with and semi-arid tropics and Asian and African megadeltas. [4.2]
See Box 1.1.
Numbers inside square brackets relate to sections in the main body of the Technical Paper.
Projections considered are based on the range of non-mitigation scenarios developed by the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios
This statement excludes changes in non-climatic factors, such as irrigation.
These projections are based on an ensemble of climate models using the mid-range SRES A1B non-mitigation emissions scenario. Consideration
of the range of climate responses across SRES scenarios in the mid-21st century suggests that this conclusion is applicable across a wider range
of scenarios.
Executive Summary
Climate change affects the function and operation of considerable promise for water savings and the reallocation of
existing water infrastructure – including hydropower, water to highly valued uses. Supply-side strategies generally
structural flood defences, drainage and irrigation systems involve increases in storage capacity, abstraction from water
– as well as water management practices. Adverse effects courses, and water transfers. Integrated water resources
of climate change on freshwater systems aggravate the management provides an important framework to achieve
impacts of other stresses, such as population growth, changing adaptation measures across socio-economic, environmental and
economic activity, land-use change and urbanisation (very high administrative systems. To be effective, integrated approaches
confidence). Globally, water demand will grow in the coming must occur at the appropriate scales. [3.3]
decades, primarily due to population growth and increasing
affluence; regionally, large changes in irrigation water demand Mitigation measures can reduce the magnitude of impacts
as a result of climate change are expected (high confidence). of global warming on water resources, in turn reducing
[1.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6] adaptation needs. However, they can have considerable
negative side effects, such as increased water requirements
Current water management practices may not be robust for afforestation/reforestation activities or bio-energy crops,
enough to cope with the impacts of climate change on water if projects are not sustainably located, designed and managed.
supply reliability, flood risk, health, agriculture, energy and On the other hand, water management policy measures,
aquatic ecosystems. In many locations, water management e.g., hydrodams, can influence greenhouse gas emissions.
cannot satisfactorily cope even with current climate variability, Hydrodams are a source of renewable energy. Nevertheless, they
so that large flood and drought damages occur. As a first step, produce greenhouse gas emissions themselves. The magnitude
improved incorporation of information about current climate of these emissions depends on specific circumstance and mode
variability into water-related management would assist of operation. [Section 6]
adaptation to longer-term climate change impacts. Climatic and
non-climatic factors, such as growth of population and damage Water resources management clearly impacts on many
potential, would exacerbate problems in the future (very high other policy areas, e.g., energy, health, food security and nature
confidence). [3.3] conservation. Thus, the appraisal of adaptation and mitigation
options needs to be conducted across multiple water-dependent
Climate change challenges the traditional assumption sectors. Low-income countries and regions are likely to remain
that past hydrological experience provides a good guide to vulnerable over the medium term, with fewer options than high-
future conditions. The consequences of climate change may income countries for adapting to climate change. Therefore,
alter the reliability of current water management systems and adaptation strategies should be designed in the context of
water-related infrastructure. While quantitative projections of development, environment and health policies. [Section 7]
changes in precipitation, river flows and water levels at the
river-basin scale are uncertain, it is very likely that hydrological Several gaps in knowledge exist in terms of observations
characteristics will change in the future. Adaptation procedures and research needs related to climate change and water.
and risk management practices that incorporate projected Observational data and data access are prerequisites for adaptive
hydrological changes with related uncertainties are being management, yet many observational networks are shrinking.
developed in some countries and regions. [3.3] There is a need to improve understanding and modelling of
climate changes related to the hydrological cycle at scales
Adaptation options designed to ensure water supply relevant to decision making. Information about the water-
during average and drought conditions require integrated related impacts of climate change is inadequate – especially with
demand-side as well as supply-side strategies. The former respect to water quality, aquatic ecosystems and groundwater
improve water-use efficiency, e.g., by recycling water. An – including their socio-economic dimensions. Finally, current
expanded use of economic incentives, including metering and tools to facilitate integrated appraisals of adaptation and
pricing, to encourage water conservation and development of mitigation options across multiple water-dependent sectors are
water markets and implementation of virtual water trade, holds inadequate. [Section 8]
Introduction to climate change
and water
Section 1 Introduction to climate change and water
This Technical Paper deals only with freshwater. Sea-level rise The Technical Paper is addressed primarily to policymakers
is dealt with only insofar as it can lead to impacts on freshwater engaged in all areas relevant to freshwater resource management,
in the coastal zone; for example, salinisation of groundwater. climate change, strategic studies, spatial planning and socio-
Reflecting the focus of the literature, it deals mainly with climate economic development. However, it is also addressed to the
change through the 21st century whilst recognising that, even if scientific community working in the area of water and climate
greenhouse gas concentrations were to be stabilised, warming change, and to a broader audience, including NGOs and the
and sea-level rise would continue for centuries. [WGI SPM] media.
The importance of freshwater to our life support system is Since material on water and climate change is scattered
widely recognised, as can be seen clearly in the international throughout the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment and Synthesis Reports,
context (e.g., Agenda 21, World Water Fora, the Millennium it is useful to have a compact and integrated publication focused
Ecosystem Assessment and the World Water Development on water and climate change. The present Technical Paper also
Report). Freshwater is indispensable for all forms of life and refers to earlier IPCC Assessment and Special Reports, where
is needed, in large quantities, in almost all human activities. necessary. The added value of this Technical Paper lies in the
Climate, freshwater, biophysical and socio-economic systems distillation, prioritisation, synthesis and interpretation of those
are interconnected in complex ways, so a change in any one of materials.
‘Scoping Paper for a possible Technical Paper on Climate Change and Water’. Available at:
Introduction to climate change and water Section 1
Text in the Technical Paper carefully follows the text of the diet), economic policy (including water pricing), technology,
underlying IPCC Reports. It reflects the balance and objectivity lifestyle7 and society’s views about the value of freshwater
of those Reports and, where the text differs, this is with the ecosystems. In order to assess the relationship between climate
purpose of supporting and/or explaining further the Reports’ change and freshwater, it is necessary to consider how freshwater
conclusions. Every substantive paragraph is sourced back to an has been, and will be, affected by changes in these non-climatic
IPCC Report. The source is provided within square brackets, drivers. [WGII 3.3.2]
generally at the end of the paragraph (except where parts of
a paragraph are sourced from more than one IPCC document, 1.3.1 Observed changes
in which case the relevant IPCC source is located after the
appropriate entry). The following conventions have been used. In global-scale assessments, basins are defined as being water-
• The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) is the most frequently stressed8 if they have either a per capita water availability
cited IPCC publication and is represented by, for example, below 1,000 m3 per year (based on long-term average runoff)
[WGII 3.5], which refers to AR4 Working Group II Chapter or a ratio of withdrawals to long-term average annual runoff
3 Section 3.5. See IPCC (2007a, b, c, d). above 0.4. A water volume of 1,000 m3 per capita per year is
• Where material is taken from other IPCC sources, the typically more than is required for domestic, industrial and
following acronyms are used: TAR (Third Assessment agricultural water uses. Such water-stressed basins are located
Report: IPCC 2001a, b, c), RICC (Special Report on in northern Africa, the Mediterranean region, the Middle East,
Regional Impacts of Climate Change: Watson et al., 1997), the Near East, southern Asia, northern China, Australia, the
LULUCF (Special Report on Land Use, Land-Use Change USA, Mexico, north-eastern Brazil and the west coast of South
and Forestry: IPCC, 2000), SRES (Special Report on America (Figure 1.1). The estimates for the population living
Emissions Scenarios: Nakićenović and Swart, 2000), CCB in such water-stressed basins range between 1.4 billion and
(Technical Paper V – Climate Change and Biodiversity: 2.1 billion (Vörösmarty et al., 2000; Alcamo et al., 2003a, b;
Gitay et al., 2002) and CCS (Special Report on Carbon Oki et al., 2003; Arnell, 2004). [WGII 3.2]
Dioxide Capture and Storage: Metz et al., 2005). Thus,
[WGII TAR 5.8.3] refers to Section 5.8.3 of Chapter 5 in Water use, in particular that for irrigation, generally increases
the Working Group II Third Assessment Report. with temperature and decreases with precipitation; however,
• Additional sourcing acronyms include ES (Executive
there is no evidence for a climate-related long-term trend of
Summary), SPM (Summary for Policymakers), TS
water use in the past. This is due, in part, to the fact that water
(Technical Summary) and SYR (Synthesis Report), which
use is mainly driven by non-climatic factors, and is also due to
all refer to the AR4 unless otherwise indicated.
the poor quality of water-use data in general, and of time-series
References to original sources (journals, books and reports) are
data in particular. [WGII 3.2]
placed after the relevant sentence, within round brackets.
Water availability from surface water sources or shallow
1.3 The context of the Technical Paper: groundwater wells depends on the seasonality and interannual
socio-economic and environmental variability of streamflow, and a secured water supply is determined
by seasonal low flows. In snow-dominated basins, higher
conditions temperatures lead to reduced streamflow and thus decreased
water supply in summer (Barnett et al., 2005). [WGII 3.2]
This Technical Paper explores the relationships between climate
change and freshwater, as set out in IPCC Assessment and In water-stressed areas, people and ecosystems are particularly
Special Reports. These relationships do not exist in isolation, vulnerable to decreasing and more variable precipitation due to
but in the context of, and interacting with, socio-economic and climate change. Examples are given in Section 5.
environmental conditions. In this section, we describe the major
features of these conditions as they relate to freshwater, both In most countries, except for a few industrialised nations, water
observed and projected. use has increased over recent decades, due to population and
economic growth, changes in lifestyle, and expanded water
Many non-climatic drivers affect freshwater resources at all supply systems, with irrigation water use being by far the most
scales, including the global scale (UN, 2003). Water resources, important cause. Irrigation accounts for about 70% of total water
both in terms of quantity and quality, are critically influenced withdrawals worldwide and for more than 90% of consumptive
by human activity, including agriculture and land-use change, water use (i.e., the water volume that is not available for reuse
construction and management of reservoirs, pollutant emissions, downstream). [WGII 3.2] Irrigation generates about 40%
and water and wastewater treatment. Water use is linked primarily of total agricultural output (Fischer et al., 2006). The area of
to changes in population, food consumption (including type of global irrigated land has increased approximately linearly since
In this context use of water-hungry appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, lawn sprinklers etc.
Water stress is a concept describing how people are exposed to the risk of water shortage.
Section 1 Introduction to climate change and water
Figure 1.1: Examples of current vulnerabilities of freshwater resources and their management; in the background, a water
stress map based on WaterGAP (Alcamo et al., 2003a). See text for relation to climate change. [WGII Figure 3.2]
1960, at a rate of roughly 2% per annum, from 140 million ha in Among the scenarios that assume a world economy dominated
1961/63 to 270 million ha in 1997/99, representing about 18% by global trade and alliances (A1 and B1), global population
of today’s total cultivated land (Bruinsma, 2003). is expected to increase from today’s 6.6 billion and peak at
8.7 billion in 2050, while in the scenarios with less globalisation
Although the rates of regional population change differ widely and co-operation (A2 and B2), global population is expected to
from the global average, the rate of global population increase is increase until 2100, reaching 10.4 billion (B2) and 15 billion
already declining. Global water use is probably increasing due (A2) by the end of the century. In general, all SRES scenarios
to economic growth in developing countries, but there are no depict a society that is more affluent than today, with world gross
reliable data with respect to the rate of increase. [WGII 3.2, 5.3] domestic product (GDP) rising to 10–26 times today’s levels
by 2100. A narrowing of income differences between world
The quality of surface water and groundwater has generally regions is assumed in all SRES scenarios – with technology
declined in recent decades due principally to growth in representing a driving force as important as demographic
agricultural and industrial activities (UN, 2006). To counter change and economic development. [SRES SPM]
this problem, many countries (e.g., in the European Union and
Canada) have established or enforced effluent water standards Water resources
and have rehabilitated wastewater treatment facilities (GEO-3, Of particular interest for projections of water resources,
2003). [WGII 3.3.2, Table 8.1] with or without climate change, are possible changes in dam
construction and decommissioning, water supply infrastructure,
1.3.2 Projected changes wastewater treatment and reuse, desalination, pollutant
emissions and land use, particularly with regard to irrigation. General background Irrespective of climate change, new dams are expected to be
The four IPCC SRES (Special Report on Emissions Scenarios: built in developing countries for hydropower generation as
Nakićenović and Swart, 2000) storylines, which form the well as water supply, even though their number is likely to be
basis for many studies of projected climate change and water small compared to the existing 45,000 large dams. However,
resources, consider a range of plausible changes in population the impacts of a possible future increase in hydropower demand
and economic activity over the 21st century (see Figure 1.2). have not been taken into account (World Commission on Dams,
Introduction to climate change and water Section 1
Economic emphasis is likely to increase. Several of these pollutants are not removed
by current wastewater treatment technology. Modifications of
water quality may be caused by the impact of sea-level rise on
storm-water drainage operations and sewage disposal in coastal
areas. [WGII 3.2.2, 3.4.4]
Regional emphasis
and are very likely to increase in developing countries, thus
Global integration
Environmental emphasis
Among the most important drivers of water use are population
and economic development, but also changing societal views
on the value of water. The latter refers to the prioritisation of
Figure 1.2: Summary characteristics of the four SRES domestic and industrial water supply over irrigation water
storylines (based on Nakićenović and Swart, 2000). supply and the efficient use of water, including the extended
[WGII Figure 2.5] application of water-saving technologies and water pricing.
In all four Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios, per
capita domestic water use in 2050 is broadly similar in all world
regions, at around 100 m3/yr, i.e., the European average in 2000
(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005b). [WGII 3.3.2]
2000; Scudder, 2005). In developed countries, the number of
dams is very likely to remain stable, and some dams will be
The dominant non-climate-change-related drivers of future
decommissioned. With increased temporal runoff variability
irrigation water use are: the extent of irrigated area, crop
due to climate change, increased water storage behind dams
type, cropping intensity and irrigation water-use efficiency.
may be beneficial, especially where annual runoff does not
According to FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organization)
decrease significantly. Consideration of environmental flow
projections, developing countries, with 75% of the global
requirements may lead to further modification of reservoir
irrigated area, are likely to expand their irrigated areas by 0.6%
operations so that the human use of water resources might be
restricted. Efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals per year until 2030, while the cropping intensity of irrigated
(MDGs, see Table 7.1) should lead to improved water sources land is projected to increase from 1.27 to 1.41 crops per year and
and sanitation. In the future, wastewater reuse and desalination irrigation water-use efficiency will increase slightly (Bruinsma,
will possibly become important sources of water supply in semi- 2003). These estimates exclude climate change, which is
arid and arid regions. However, there are unresolved concerns not expected by Bruinsma to affect agriculture before 2030.
regarding their environmental impacts, including those related Most of the expansion is projected to occur in already water-
to the high energy use of desalination. Other options, such stressed areas such as southern Asia, northern China, the Near
as effective water pricing policies and cost-effective water East and northern Africa. However, a much smaller expansion
demand management strategies, need to be considered first. of irrigated area is assumed under all four scenarios of the
[WGII 3.3.2, 3.4.1, 3.7] Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, with global growth rates of
only 0–0.18% per year until 2050. After 2050, the irrigated area
An increase in wastewater treatment in both developed and is assumed to stabilise or slightly decline under all scenarios
developing countries is expected in the future, but point-source except ‘Global orchestration’ (similar to the IPCC SRES A1
discharges of nutrients, heavy metals and organic substances scenario) (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005a). In
are likely to increase in developing countries. In both developed another study, using a revised A2 population scenario and FAO
and developing countries, emissions of organic micro-pollutants long-term projections, increases in global irrigated land of over
(e.g., endocrine substances) to surface waters and groundwater 40% by 2080 are projected to occur mainly in southern Asia,
may increase, given that the production and consumption of Africa and Latin America, corresponding to an average increase
chemicals, with the exception of a few highly toxic substances, of 0.4% per year (Fischer et al., 2006). [WGII 3.3.2]
Section 1 Introduction to climate change and water
Box 1.1: Uncertainties in current knowledge: their treatment in the Technical Paper [SYR]
The IPCC Uncertainty Guidance Note9 defines a framework for the treatment of uncertainties across all Working Groups
and in this Technical Paper. This framework is broad because the Working Groups assess material from different disciplines
and cover a diversity of approaches to the treatment of uncertainty drawn from the literature. The nature of data, indicators
and analyses used in the natural sciences is generally different from that used in assessing technology development or in
the social sciences. WGI focuses on the former, WGIII on the latter, and WGII covers aspects of both.
Three different approaches are used to describe uncertainties, each with a distinct form of language. Choices among and
within these three approaches depend on both the nature of the information available and the authors’ expert judgement
of the correctness and completeness of current scientific understanding.
Where uncertainty is assessed qualitatively, it is characterised by providing a relative sense of the amount and quality
of evidence (that is, information from theory, observations or models, indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or
valid) and the degree of agreement (that is, the level of concurrence in the literature on a particular finding). This approach
is used by WGIII through a series of self-explanatory terms such as: high agreement, much evidence; high agreement,
medium evidence; medium agreement, medium evidence; etc.
Where uncertainty is assessed more quantitatively using expert judgement of the correctness of the underlying data,
models or analyses, then the following scale of confidence levels is used to express the assessed chance of a finding
being correct: very high confidence at least 9 out of 10; high confidence about 8 out of 10; medium confidence about 5 out
of 10; low confidence about 2 out of 10; and very low confidence less than 1 out of 10.
Where uncertainty in specific outcomes is assessed using expert judgement and statistical analysis of a body of evidence
(e.g., observations or model results), then the following likelihood ranges are used to express the assessed probability of
occurrence: virtually certain >99%; extremely likely >95%; very likely >90%; likely >66%; more likely than not >50%; about
as likely as not 33% to 66%; unlikely <33%; very unlikely <10%; extremely unlikely <5%; exceptionally unlikely <1%.
WGII has used a combination of confidence and likelihood assessments, and WGI has predominantly used likelihood
This Technical Paper follows the uncertainty assessment of the underlying Working Groups. Where synthesised findings
are based on information from more than one Working Group, the description of uncertainty used is consistent with that
for the components drawn from the respective Reports.
Observed and projected changes in
climate as they relate to water
Section 2 Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water
Water is involved in all components of the climate system and subsequent latent heat release above the surface. Hence,
(atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, land surface and absorbing aerosols may locally reduce evaporation and
biosphere). Therefore, climate change affects water through a precipitation. Many aerosol processes are omitted or included
number of mechanisms. This section discusses observations of in somewhat simple ways in climate models, and the local
recent changes in water-related variables, and projections of magnitude of their effects on precipitation is in some cases
future changes. poorly known. Despite the above uncertainties, a number
of statements can be made on the attribution of observed
hydrological changes, and these are included in the discussion
2.1 Observed changes in climate as they of individual variables in this section, based on the assessments
iiiiiiirelate to water in AR4. [WGI 3.3, 7.5.2, 8.2.1, 8.2.5, 9.5.4; WGII 3.1, 3.2]
The hydrological cycle is intimately linked with changes in 2.1.1 Precipitation (including extremes) and
atmospheric temperature and radiation balance. Warming of water vapour
the climate system in recent decades is unequivocal, as is now
evident from observations of increases in global average air Trends in land precipitation have been analysed using a number
and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, of data sets; notably the Global Historical Climatology Network
and rising global sea level. Net anthropogenic radiative forcing (GHCN: Peterson and Vose, 1997), but also the Precipitation
of the climate is estimated to be positive (warming effect), Reconstruction over Land (PREC/L: Chen et al., 2002), the
with a best estimate of 1.6 Wm−2 for 2005 (relative to 1750 Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP: Adler et al.,
pre-industrial values). The best-estimate linear trend in global 2003), the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC:
surface temperature from 1906 to 2005 is a warming of 0.74°C Beck et al., 2005) and the Climatic Research Unit (CRU:
(likely range 0.56 to 0.92°C), with a more rapid warming trend Mitchell and Jones, 2005). Precipitation over land generally
over the past 50 years. New analyses show warming rates in increased over the 20th century between 30°N and 85°N,
the lower- and mid-troposphere that are similar to rates at the but notable decreases have occurred in the past 30–40 years
surface. Attribution studies show that most of the observed from 10°S to 30°N (Figure 2.1). Salinity decreases in the
increase in global temperatures since the mid-20th century North Atlantic and south of 25°S suggest similar precipitation
is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic changes over the ocean. From 10°N to 30°N, precipitation
greenhouse gas concentrations. At the continental scale, it is increased markedly from 1900 to the 1950s, but declined after
likely that there has been significant anthropogenic warming about 1970. There are no strong hemispheric-scale trends over
over the past 50 years averaged over each of the continents Southern Hemisphere extra-tropical land masses. At the time
except Antarctica. For widespread regions, cold days, cold of writing, the attribution of changes in global precipitation is
nights and frost have become less frequent, while hot days, hot uncertain, since precipitation is strongly influenced by large-
nights and heatwaves have become more frequent over the past scale patterns of natural variability. [WGI]
50 years. [WGI SPM]
The linear trend for the global average from GHCN during
Climate warming observed over the past several decades is 1901–2005 is statistically insignificant (Figure 2.2). None of
consistently associated with changes in a number of components the trend estimates for 1951–2005 are significant, with many
of the hydrological cycle and hydrological systems such discrepancies between data sets, demonstrating the difficulty
as: changing precipitation patterns, intensity and extremes; of monitoring a quantity such as precipitation, which has large
widespread melting of snow and ice; increasing atmospheric variability in both space and time. Global changes are not linear
water vapour; increasing evaporation; and changes in soil in time, showing significant decadal variability, with a relatively
moisture and runoff. There is significant natural variability – on wet period from the 1950s to the 1970s, followed by a decline
interannual to decadal time-scales – in all components of the in precipitation. Global averages are dominated by tropical and
hydrological cycle, often masking long-term trends. There is sub-tropical precipitation. [WGI]
still substantial uncertainty in trends of hydrological variables
because of large regional differences, and because of limitations Spatial patterns of trends in annual precipitation are shown in
in the spatial and temporal coverage of monitoring networks Figure 2.3, using GHCN station data interpolated to a 5° × 5°
(Huntington, 2006). At present, documenting interannual latitude/longitude grid. Over much of North America and
variations and trends in precipitation over the oceans remains Eurasia, annual precipitation has increased during the 105 years
a challenge. [WGI 3.3] from 1901, consistent with Figure 2.1. The period since 1979
shows a more complex pattern, with regional drying evident
Understanding and attribution of observed changes also presents (e.g., south-west North America). Over most of Eurasia, the
a challenge. For hydrological variables such as runoff, non- number of grid-boxes showing increases in precipitation is
climate-related factors may play an important role locally (e.g., greater than the number showing decreases, for both periods.
changes in extraction). The climate response to forcing agents There is a tendency for inverse variations between northern
is also complex. For example, one effect of absorbing aerosols Europe and the Mediterranean, associated with changes in the
(e.g., black carbon) is to intercept heat in the aerosol layer North Atlantic Oscillation teleconnection (see also Section
which would otherwise reach the surface, driving evaporation 2.1.7). [WGI]
Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water Section 2
Section 2 Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water
Figure 2.3: Trend of annual precipitation amounts, 1901–2005 (upper, % per century) and 1979–2005 (lower, % per decade), as
a percentage of the 1961–1990 average, from GHCN station data. Grey areas have insufficient data to produce reliable trends.
[WGI Figure 3.13]
and modelling studies lead to an overall conclusion that an There is observational evidence for an increase in intense
increase in the frequency of heavy precipitation events (or in tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic since about 1970,
the proportion of total rainfall from heavy falls) is likely to have correlated with increases in tropical sea surface temperatures
occurred over most land areas over the late 20th century, and (SSTs). There are also suggestions of increased intense tropical
that this trend is more likely than not to include an anthropogenic cyclone activity in some other regions, but in these regions
contribution. The magnitude of the anthropogenic contribution concerns over data quality are greater. Multi-decadal variability
cannot be assessed at this stage. [WGI SPM, 9.5.4, 10.3.6, and the quality of the tropical cyclone records prior to routine
FAQ10.1] satellite observations in about 1970 complicate the detection of
Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water Section 2
Figure 2.4: Upper panel shows observed trends (% per decade) for 1951–2003 in the contribution to total annual
precipitation from very wet days (95th percentile and above). Middle panel shows, for global annual precipitation, the
change in the contribution of very wet days to the total (%, compared to the 1961–1990 average of 22.5%) (after Alexander
et al., 2006). Lower panel shows regions where disproportionate changes in heavy and very heavy precipitation were
documented as either an increase (+) or decrease (−) compared to the change in annual and/or seasonal precipitation
(updated from Groisman et al., 2005). [WGI Figure 3.39]
long-term trends in tropical cyclone activity. There is no clear and near-constant relative humidity. Total column water vapour
trend in the annual numbers of tropical cyclones. Anthropogenic has increased over the global oceans by 1.2 ± 0.3% per decade
factors have more likely than not contributed to observed from 1988 to 2004, in a pattern consistent with changes in sea
increases in intense tropical cyclone activity. However, the surface temperature. Many studies show increases in near-
apparent increase in the proportion of very intense storms since surface atmospheric moisture, but there are regional differences
1970 in some regions is much larger than simulated by current and differences between day and night. As with other
models for that period. [WGI SPM] components of the hydrological cycle, interannual to decadal-
scale variations are substantial, but a significant upward trend
The water vapour content of the troposphere has been observed has been observed over the global oceans and over some land
to increase in recent decades, consistent with observed warming areas in the Northern Hemisphere. Since observed warming
Section 2 Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water
Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water Section 2
Figure 2.6: Cumulative mean specific mass balances (a) and cumulative total mass balances (b) of glaciers and ice caps,
calculated for large regions (Dyurgerov and Meier, 2005). The mass balance of a glacier is the sum of all mass gains and
losses during a hydrological year. Mean specific mass balance is the total mass balance divided by the total surface area of all
glaciers and ice caps of a region, and it shows the strength of change in the respective region. Total mass balance is presented
as the contribution from each region to sea-level rise. [WGI 4.5.2, Figure 4.15]
Formation of lakes is occurring as glacier tongues retreat from the observational uncertainties. For the longer period 1961–
prominent Little Ice Age (LIA) moraines in several steep 2003, the sum of the climate contributions is estimated to be
mountain ranges, including the Himalayas, the Andes, and the smaller than the observed total sea-level rise; however, the
Alps. These lakes have a high potential for glacial lake outburst observing system was less reliable prior to 1993. For both
floods. [WGII, Table 1.2] periods, the estimated contributions from thermal expansion
and from glaciers/ice caps are larger than the contributions
2.1.3 Sea level from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. The large error
bars for Antarctica mean that it is uncertain whether Antarctica
Global mean sea level has been rising and there is high confidence has contributed positively or negatively to sea level. Increases
that the rate of rise has increased between the mid-19th and in sea level are consistent with warming, and modelling
the mid-20th centuries. The average rate was 1.7 ± 0.5 mm/ studies suggest that overall it is very likely that the response
yr for the 20th century, 1.8 ± 0.5 mm/yr for 1961–2003, and to anthropogenic forcing contributed to sea-level rise during
3.1 ± 0.7 mm/yr for 1993–2003. It is not known whether the the latter half of the 20th century; however, the observational
higher rate in 1993–2003 is due to decadal variability or to an uncertainties, combined with a lack of suitable studies, mean
increase in the longer-term trend. Spatially, the change is highly that it is difficult to quantify the anthropogenic contribution.
non-uniform; e.g., over the period 1993 to 2003, rates in some [WGI SPM, 5.5, 9.5.2]
regions were up to several times the global mean rise while, in
other regions, sea levels fell. [WGI 5.ES] Rising sea level potentially affects coastal regions, but
attribution is not always clear. Global increases in extreme high
There are uncertainties in the estimates of the contributions to water levels since 1975 are related to both mean sea-level rise
the long-term sea-level change. For the period 1993–2003, the and large-scale inter-decadal climate variability (Woodworth
contributions from thermal expansion (1.6 ± 0.5 mm/yr), mass and Blackman, 2004). [WGII 1.3.3]
loss from glaciers and ice caps (0.77 ± 0.22 mm/yr) and mass
loss from the Greenland (0.21 ± 0.07 mm/yr) and Antarctic 2.1.4 Evapotranspiration
(0.21 ± 0.35 mm/yr) ice sheets totalled 2.8 ± 0.7 mm/yr. For
this period, the sum of these climate contributions is consistent There are very limited direct measurements of actual
with the directly observed sea-level rise given above, within evapotranspiration over global land areas, while global
Section 2 Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water
analysis products10 are sensitive to the type of analysis and 2005; Semenov et al., 2006) and a major part of North America
can contain large errors, and thus are not suitable for trend (Robeson, 2002; Feng and Hu, 2004). [WGII]
analysis. Therefore, there is little literature on observed trends
in evapotranspiration, whether actual or potential. [WGI 3.3.3] 2.1.5 Soil moisture Pan evaporation Historical records of soil moisture content measured in situ
Decreasing trends during recent decades are found in sparse are available for only a few regions and are often very short
records of pan evaporation (measured evaporation from an open in duration. [WGI 3.3.4] Among more than 600 stations from
water surface in a pan, a proxy for potential evapotranspiration) a large variety of climates, Robock et al. (2000) identified an
over the USA (Peterson et al., 1995; Golubev et al., 2001; Hobbins increasing long-term trend in surface (top 1 m) soil moisture
et al., 2004), India (Chattopadhyay and Hulme, 1997), Australia content during summer for the stations with the longest records,
(Roderick and Farquhar, 2004), New Zealand (Roderick and mostly located in the former Soviet Union, China, and central
Farquhar, 2005), China (Liu et al., 2004; Qian et al., 2006b) USA. The longest records available, from the Ukraine, show
and Thailand (Tebakari et al., 2005). Pan measurements do not overall increases in surface soil moisture, although increases
represent actual evaporation (Brutsaert and Parlange, 1998), are less marked in recent decades (Robock et al., 2005). The
and trends may be caused by decreasing surface solar radiation initial approach to estimating soil moisture has been to calculate
(over the USA and parts of Europe and Russia) and decreased Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) values from observed
sunshine duration over China that may be related to increases precipitation and temperature. PDSI changes are discussed in
in air pollution and atmospheric aerosols and increases in cloud Section [WGI Box 3.1, 3.3.4]
cover. [WGI 3.3.3, Box 3.2]
2.1.6 Runoff and river discharge Actual evapotranspiration
The TAR reported that actual evapotranspiration increased A large number of studies have examined potential trends
during the second half of the 20th century over most dry in measures of river discharge during the 20th century, at
regions of the USA and Russia (Golubev et al., 2001), resulting scales ranging from catchment to global. Some have detected
from greater availability of surface moisture due to increased significant trends in some indicators of flow, and some have
precipitation and larger atmospheric moisture demand due demonstrated statistically significant links with trends in
to higher temperature. Using observations of precipitation, temperature or precipitation. Many studies, however, have
temperature, cloudiness-based surface solar radiation and a found no trends or have been unable to separate out the effects
comprehensive land surface model, Qian et al. (2006a) found of variations in temperature and precipitation from the effects
that global land evapotranspiration closely follows variations of human interventions in the catchment. The methodology
in land precipitation. Global precipitation values peaked in the used to search for trends can also influence results. For
early 1970s and then decreased somewhat, but reflect mainly example, different statistical tests can give different indications
tropical values, and precipitation has increased more generally of significance; different periods of record (particularly start
over land at higher latitudes. Changes in evapotranspiration and end dates) can suggest different rates of change; failing
depend not only on moisture supply but also on energy to allow for cross-correlation between catchments can lead
availability and surface wind. [WGI 3.3.3] to an overestimation of the numbers of catchments showing
significant change. Another limitation of trend analysis is the
Other factors affecting actual evapotranspiration include availability of consistent, quality-controlled data. Available
the direct effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on plant streamflow gauge records cover only about two-thirds of the
physiology. The literature on these direct effects, with respect global actively drained land area and often contain gaps and
to observed evapotranspiration trends, is non-existent, although vary in record length (Dai and Trenberth, 2002). Finally, human
effects on runoff have been seen. [WGI 9.5.4] interventions have affected flow regimes in many catchments.
[WGI 3.3.4, 9.1, 9.5.1; WGII 1.3.2]
Annual amounts of evapotranspiration depend, in part, on the
length of the growing season. The AR4 presents evidence for At the global scale, there is evidence of a broadly coherent pattern
observed increases in growing season length. These increases, of change in annual runoff, with some regions experiencing an
associated with earlier last spring frost and delayed autumn increase in runoff (e.g., high latitudes and large parts of the
frost dates, are clearly apparent in temperate regions of Eurasia USA) and others (such as parts of West Africa, southern Europe
(Moonen et al., 2002; Menzel et al., 2003; Genovese et al., and southernmost South America) experiencing a decrease in
‘Analysis products’ refers to estimates of past climate variations produced by assimilating a range of observations into a weather forecasting or
climate model, in the way that is done routinely to initialise daily weather forecasts. Because operational weather analysis/forecasting systems
are developed over time, a number of ‘reanalysis’ exercises have been carried out in which the available observations are assimilated into a single
system, eliminating any spurious jumps or trends due to changes in the underlying system. An advantage of analysis systems is that they produce
global fields that include many quantities that are not directly observed. A potential disadvantage is that all fields are a mixture of observations
and models, and for regions/variables for which there are few observations, may represent largely the climatology of the underlying model.
Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water Section 2
runoff (Milly et al., 2005, and many catchment-scale studies). circulation is strongest. The strength of teleconnections, and the
Variations in flow from year to year are also influenced in many way in which they influence surface climate, also varies over
parts of the world by large-scale climatic patterns associated, long time-scales. [WGI 3.6.1]
for example, with ENSO, the NAO and the PNA pattern.11 One
study (Labat et al., 2004) claimed a 4% increase in global total The SOI describes the atmospheric component of the El
runoff per 1°C rise in temperature during the 20th century, with Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the most significant mode
regional variations around this trend, but debate around this of interannual variability of the global climate. ENSO has
conclusion (Labat et al., 2004; Legates et al., 2005) has focused global impacts on atmospheric circulation, precipitation and
on the effects of non-climatic drivers on runoff and the influence temperature (Trenberth and Caron, 2000). ENSO is associated
of a small number of data points on the results. Gedney et al. with an east–west shift in tropical Pacific precipitation, and with
(2006) attributed widespread increases in runoff during the modulation of the main tropical convergence zones. ENSO is
20th century largely to the suppression of evapotranspiration also associated with wave-like disturbances to the atmospheric
by increasing CO2 concentrations (which affect stomatal circulation outside the tropics, such as the Pacific–North
conductance), although other evidence for such a relationship American (PNA) and Pacific–South American (PSA) patterns,
is difficult to find and Section 2.1.4 presents evidence for an which have major regional climate effects. The strength
increase in evapotranspiration. [WGII 1.3.2] and frequency of ENSO events vary on the decadal scale, in
association with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO, also
Trends in runoff are not always consistent with changes in known as the Inter-decadal Pacific Oscillation or IPO), which
precipitation. This may be due to data limitations (in particular modulates the mean state of ocean surface temperatures and
the coverage of precipitation data), the effect of human the tropical atmospheric circulation on time-scales of 20 years
interventions such as reservoir impoundment (as is the case with and longer. The climate shift in 1976/77 (Trenberth, 1990) was
the major Eurasian rivers), or the competing effects of changes associated with changes in El Niño evolution (Trenberth and
in precipitation and temperature (as in Sweden: see Lindstrom Stepaniak, 2001) and a tendency towards more prolonged and
and Bergstrom, 2004). stronger El Niños. As yet there is no formally detectable change
in ENSO variability in observations. [WGI 3.6.2, 3.6.3]
There is, however, far more robust and widespread evidence
that the timing of river flows in many regions where winter Outside the tropics, variability of the atmospheric circulation
precipitation falls as snow has been significantly altered. Higher on time-scales of a month or longer is dominated by variations
temperatures mean that a greater proportion of the winter in the strength and locations of the jet streams and associated
precipitation falls as rain rather than snow, and the snowmelt storm tracks, characterised by the Northern and Southern
season begins earlier. Snowmelt in parts of New England shifted ‘Annular Modes’ (NAM and SAM, respectively: Quadrelli and
forward by 1 to 2 weeks between 1936 and 2000 (Hodgkins Wallace, 2004; Trenberth et al., 2005). The NAM is closely
et al., 2003), although this has had little discernible effect on related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), although
summer flows (Hodgkins et al., 2005). [WGII 1.3.2] the latter is most strongly associated with the Atlantic storm
track and with climate variations over Europe. The NAO is
2.1.7 Patterns of large-scale variability characterised by out-of-phase pressure anomalies between
temperate and high latitudes over the Atlantic sector. The
The climate system has a number of preferred patterns of NAO has its strongest signature in winter, when its positive
variability having a direct influence on elements of the (negative) phase exhibits an enhanced (diminished) Iceland
hydrological cycle. Regional climates may vary out of phase, Low and Azores High (Hurrell et al., 2003). The closely related
owing to the action of such ‘teleconnections’. Teleconnections NAM has a similar structure over the Atlantic, but is more
are often associated with droughts and floods, and with other longitudinally symmetrical. The NAO has a strong influence on
changes which have significant impacts on humans. A brief wintertime surface temperatures across much of the Northern
overview is given below of the key teleconnection patterns. A more Hemisphere, and on storminess and precipitation over Europe
complete discussion is given in Section 3.6 of the WGI AR4. and North Africa, with a poleward shift in precipitation in the
positive phase and an Equatorward shift in the negative phase.
A teleconnection is defined by a spatial pattern and a time- There is evidence of prolonged positive and negative NAO
series describing variations in its magnitude and phase. Spatial periods during the last few centuries (Cook et al., 2002; Jones
patterns may be defined over a grid or by indices based on et al., 2003a). In winter, a reversal occurred from the minimum
station observations. For example, the Southern Oscillation index values in the late 1960s to strongly positive NAO index
Index (SOI) is based solely on differences in mean sea-level values in the mid-1990s. Since then, NAO values have declined
pressure anomalies between Tahiti (eastern Pacific) and Darwin to near their long-term mean. Attribution studies suggest that
(western Pacific), yet it captures much of the variability of the trend over recent decades in the NAM is likely to be related
large-scale atmospheric circulation throughout the tropical in part to human activity. However, the response to natural and
Pacific. Teleconnection patterns tend to be most prominent in anthropogenic forcings that is simulated by climate models is
winter (especially in the Northern Hemisphere), when the mean smaller than the observed trend. [WGI 3.6.4, 9.ES]
Respectively, ENSO = El Niño–Southern Oscillation, NAO = North Atlantic Oscillation, PNA = Pacific–North American; see Section 2.1.7 and
Glossary for further explanation.
Section 2 Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water
The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) is associated with 2.2.1 Land surface effects
synchronous pressure variations of opposite sign in mid- and
high latitudes, reflecting changes in the main belt of sub-polar Surface water balances reflect the availability of both water
westerly winds. Enhanced Southern Ocean westerlies occur in and energy. In regions where water availability is high,
the positive phase of the SAM, which has become more common evapotranspiration is controlled by the properties of both
in recent decades, leading to more cyclones in the circumpolar the atmospheric boundary layer and surface vegetation cover.
trough (Sinclair et al., 1997), a poleward shift in precipitation, Changes in the surface water balance can feed back on the
and a greater contribution to Antarctic precipitation (Noone climate system by recycling water into the boundary layer
and Simmonds, 2002). The SAM also affects spatial patterns (instead of allowing it to run off or penetrate to deep soil levels).
of precipitation variability in Antarctica (Genthon et al., 2003) The sign and magnitude of such effects are often highly variable,
and southern South America (Silvestri and Vera, 2003). Model depending on the details of the local environment. Hence, while
simulations suggest that the recent trend in the SAM has been in some cases these feedbacks may be relatively small on a global
affected by increased greenhouse gas concentration and, in scale, they may become extremely important at smaller space-
particular, by stratospheric ozone depletion. [WGI 3.6.5, or time-scales, leading to regional/local changes in variability or] extremes. [WGI 7.2]
North Atlantic SSTs show about a 70-year variation during the The impacts of deforestation on climate illustrate this complexity.
instrumental period (and in proxy reconstructions), termed the Some studies indicate that deforestation could lead to reduced
Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO: Kerr, 2000). A warm daytime temperatures and increases in boundary layer cloud as a
phase occurred during 1930–1960 and cool phases during 1905– consequence of rising albedo, transpiration and latent heat loss.
1925 and 1970–1990 (Schlesinger and Ramankutty, 1994). The However, these effects are dependent on the properties of both
AMO appears to have returned to a warm phase beginning in the the replacement vegetation and the underlying soil/snow surface
mid-1990s. The AMO may be related to changes in the strength – and in some cases the opposite effects have been suggested. The
of the thermohaline circulation (Delworth and Mann, 2000; Latif, effects of deforestation on precipitation are likewise complex,
2001; Sutton and Hodson, 2003; Knight et al., 2005). The AMO with both negative and positive impacts being found, dependent
has been linked to multi-year precipitation anomalies over North on land surface and vegetation characteristics. [WGI 7.2, 7.5]
America, appears to modulate ENSO teleconnections (Enfield et
al., 2001; McCabe et al., 2004; Shabbar and Skinner, 2004) and A number of studies have suggested that, in semi-arid regions such
also plays a role in Atlantic hurricane formation (Goldenberg et as the Sahel, the presence of vegetation can enhance conditions
al., 2001). The AMO is believed to be a driver of multi-decadal for its own growth by recycling soil water into the atmosphere,
variations in Sahel drought, precipitation in the Caribbean, from where it can be precipitated again. This can result in the
summertime climate of both North America and Europe, sea-ice possibility of multiple equilibria for such regions, either with
concentration in the Greenland Sea, and sea-level pressure over or without precipitation and vegetation, and also suggests the
the southern USA, the North Atlantic and southern Europe (e.g., possibility of abrupt regime transitions, as may have happened
Venegas and Mysak, 2000; Goldenberg et al., 2001; Sutton and in the change from mid-Holocene to modern conditions. [WGI
Hodson, 2005; Trenberth and Shea, 2006). [WGI 3.6.6] Chapter 6, 7.2]
Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water Section 2
of this feedback varies substantially between models, recent a source of CO2, to increasing temperature depends strongly
studies suggest that the rate of spring snowmelt may provide on the amount of soil moisture. A new generation of climate
a good, observable estimate of this feedback strength, offering models, in which vegetation and the carbon cycle respond to
the prospect of reduced uncertainty in future predictions of the changing climate, has allowed some of these processes to
temperature change in snow-covered regions. [WGI 8.6] be explored for the first time. All models suggest that there is a
positive feedback of climate change on the global carbon cycle,
2.2.2 Feedbacks through changes in ocean resulting in a larger proportion of anthropogenic CO2 emissions
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicirculation remaining in the atmosphere in a warmer climate. However,
the magnitude of the overall feedback varies substantially
Freshwater input to the ocean changes the salinity, and hence between models; changes in net terrestrial primary productivity
the density, of sea water. Thus, changes in the hydrological are particularly uncertain, reflecting the underlying spread in
cycle can change the density-driven (‘thermohaline’) ocean projections of regional precipitation change. [WGI 7.3]
circulation, and thence feed back on climate. A particular
example is the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) in the A number of sources and sinks of methane are sensitive to
North Atlantic Ocean. This circulation has a substantial impact hydrological change, for example wetlands, permafrost,
on surface temperature, precipitation and sea level in regions rice agriculture (sources) and soil oxidation (sink). Other
around the North Atlantic and beyond. The Atlantic MOC is active chemical species such as ozone have also been shown
projected to weaken during the 21st century, and this weakening to be sensitive to climate, again typically through complex
is important in modulating the overall climate change response. biogeochemical mechanisms. Atmospheric aerosol budgets
In general, a weakening MOC is expected to moderate the are directly sensitive to precipitation (e.g., through damping of
rate of warming at northern mid-latitudes, but some studies terrestrial dust sources and the importance of wet deposition
suggest that it would also result in an increased rate of warming as a sink), and aerosols feed back onto precipitation by acting
in the Arctic. These responses also feed back on large-scale as condensation nuclei and so influencing the precipitation
precipitation through changes in evaporation from the low- and efficiency of clouds. The magnitude of these feedbacks remains
mid-latitude Atlantic. While in many models the largest driver uncertain, and they are generally included only in simple ways,
if at all, in the current generation of climate models. [WGI 7.4]
of MOC weakening is surface warming (rather than freshening),
in the deep water source regions, hydrological changes do play
an important role, and uncertainty in the freshwater input is a 2.3 Projected changes in climate as they
major contribution to the large inter-model spread in projections iiiiiiirelate to water
of MOC response. Observed changes in ocean salinity over
recent decades are suggestive of changes in freshwater input.
While nearly all atmosphere–ocean general circulation model A major advance in climate change projections, compared
with those considered under the TAR, is the large number of
(AOGCM) integrations show a weakening MOC in the 21st
simulations available from a broader range of climate models,
century, none shows an abrupt transition to a different state.
run for various emissions scenarios. Best-estimate projections
Such an event is considered very unlikely in the 21st century,
from models indicate that decadal average warming over each
but it is not possible to assess the likelihood of such events in
inhabited continent by 2030 is insensitive to the choice of SRES
the longer term. [WGI 10.3.4]
scenario and is very likely to be at least twice as large (around
0.2°C per decade) as the corresponding model-estimated natural
Changes in precipitation, evaporation and runoff, and their variability during the 20th century. Continued greenhouse gas
impact on the MOC, are explicitly modelled in current climate emissions at or above current rates under SRES non-mitigation
projections. However, few climate models include a detailed scenarios would cause further warming and induce many
representation of changes in the mass balance of the Greenland changes in the global climate system during the 21st century,
and Antarctic ice sheets, which represent a possible additional with these changes very likely to be larger than those observed
source of freshwater to the ocean. The few studies available to during the 20th century. Projected global average temperature
date that include detailed modelling of freshwater input from change for 2090–2099 (relative to 1980–1999), under the
Greenland do not suggest that this extra source will change the SRES illustrative marker scenarios, ranges from 1.8°C (best
broad conclusions presented above. [WGI 5.2, 8.7, 10.3, Box 10.1] estimate, likely range 1.1°C to 2.9°C) for scenario B1, to 4.0°C
(best estimate, likely range 2.4°C to 6.4°C) for scenario A1FI.
2.2.3 Emissions and sinks affected by Warming is projected to be greatest over land and at most high
hydrological processes or biogeochemical northern latitudes, and least over the Southern Ocean and parts
feedbacks of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is very likely that hot extremes
and heatwaves will continue to become more frequent.
Changes in the hydrological cycle can feed back on climate [WGI SPM, Chapter 10]
through changes in the atmospheric budgets of carbon dioxide,
methane and other radiatively-active chemical species, often Uncertainty in hydrological projections
regulated by the biosphere. The processes involved are complex; Uncertainties in projected changes in the hydrological system
for example the response of heterotrophic soil respiration, arise from internal variability of the climate system, uncertainty
Section 2 Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water
in future greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions, the translation scenarios of economic development, greenhouse gas emissions,
of these emissions into climate change by global climate models, climate modelling and hydrological modelling. However, there
and hydrological model uncertainty. By the late 21st century, has not yet been a study that assesses how different hydrological
under the A1B scenario, differences between climate model models react to the same climate change signal. [WGII 3.3.1]
precipitation projections are a larger source of uncertainty than Since the TAR, the uncertainty of climate model projections
internal variability. This also implies that, in many cases, the for freshwater assessments is often taken into account by using
modelled changes in annual mean precipitation exceed the multi-model ensembles. Formal probabilistic assessments are
(modelled) internal variability by this time. Projections become still rare. [WGII 3.3.1, 3.4]
less consistent between models as the spatial scale decreases.
[WGI] At high latitudes and in parts of the tropics, all Despite these uncertainties, some robust results are available. In
or nearly all models project an increase in precipitation, while in the sections that follow, uncertainties in projected changes are
some sub-tropical and lower mid-latitude regions precipitation discussed, based on the assessments in AR4.
decreases in all or nearly all models. Between these areas of
robust increase and decrease, even the sign of precipitation 2.3.1 Precipitation (including extremes) and
change is inconsistent across the current generation of models. water vapour
[WGI,] For other aspects of the hydrological
cycle, such as changes in evaporation, soil moisture and runoff, Mean precipitation
the relative spread in projections is similar to, or larger than, the Climate projections using multi-model ensembles show
changes in precipitation. [WGI] increases in globally averaged mean water vapour, evaporation
and precipitation over the 21st century. The models suggest
Further sources of uncertainty in hydrological projections that precipitation generally increases in the areas of regional
arise from the structure of current climate models. Some tropical precipitation maxima (such as the monsoon regimes,
examples of processes that are, at best, only simply represented and the tropical Pacific in particular) and at high latitudes, with
in climate models are given in Section 2.2. Current models general decreases in the sub-tropics. [WGI SPM, 10.ES, 10.3.1,
generally exclude some feedbacks from vegetation change to 10.3.2]
climate change. Most, although not all, of the simulations used
for deriving climate projections also exclude anthropogenic Increases in precipitation at high latitudes in both the winter
changes in land cover. The treatment of anthropogenic aerosol and summer seasons are highly consistent across models (see
forcing is relatively simple in most climate models. While some Figure 2.7). Precipitation increases over the tropical oceans and
models include a wide range of anthropogenic aerosol species, in some of the monsoon regimes, e.g., the south Asian monsoon
potentially important species, such as black carbon, are lacking in summer (June to August) and the Australian monsoon in
from most of the simulations used for the AR4 (see discussion summer (December to February), are notable and, while not
of the attribution of observed changes, in Section 2.1). More as consistent locally, considerable agreement is found at the
than half of the AR4 models also exclude the indirect effects broader scale in the tropics. There are widespread decreases
of aerosols on clouds. The resolution of current climate models in mid-latitude summer precipitation, except for increases in
also limits the proper representation of tropical cyclones and eastern Asia. Decreases in precipitation over many sub-tropical
heavy rainfall. [WGI 8.2.1, 8.2.2, 8.5.2, 8.5.3, 10.2.1] areas are evident in the multi-model ensemble mean, and
consistency in the sign of change among the models is often
Uncertainties arise from the incorporation of climate model high – particularly in some regions such as the tropical Central
results into freshwater studies for two reasons: the different American—Caribbean and the Mediterranean. [WGI 10.3.2]
spatial scales of global climate models and hydrological Further discussion of regional changes is presented in Section 5.
models, and biases in the long-term mean precipitation as
computed by global climate models for the current climate. The global distribution of the 2080–2099 change in annual mean
A number of methods have been used to address the scale precipitation for the SRES A1B scenario is shown in Figure 2.8,
differences, ranging from the simple interpolation of climate along with some other hydrological quantities from a 15-model
model results to dynamic or statistical downscaling methods, ensemble. Increases in annual precipitation exceeding 20%
but all such methods introduce uncertainties into the projection. occur in most high latitudes, as well as in eastern Africa, the
Biases in simulated mean precipitation are often addressed by northern part of central Asia and the equatorial Pacific Ocean.
adding modelled anomalies to the observed precipitation in Substantial decreases of up to 20% occur in the Mediterranean
order to obtain the driving dataset for hydrological models. and Caribbean regions and on the sub-tropical western coasts of
Therefore, changes in interannual or day-to-day variability each continent. Overall, precipitation over land increases some
of climate parameters are not taken into account in most 5%, while precipitation over oceans increases 4%. The net
hydrological impact studies. This leads to an underestimation change over land accounts for 24% of the global mean increase
of future floods, droughts and irrigation water requirements. in precipitation. [WGI 10.3.2]
[WGII 3.3.1]
In climate model projections for the 21st century, global mean
The uncertainties in climate change impacts on water resources, evaporation changes closely balance global precipitation
droughts and floods arise for various reasons, such as different change, but this relationship is not evident at the local scale
Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water Section 2
Figure 2.7: Fifteen-model mean changes in precipitation (unit: mm/day) for DJF (left) and JJA (right). Changes are given
for the SRES A1B scenario, for the period 2080–2099 relative to 1980–1999. Stippling denotes areas where the magnitude of
the multi-model ensemble mean exceeds the inter-model standard deviation. [WGI Figure 10.9]
because of changes in the atmospheric transport of water vapour. an increase in the percentage of land area experiencing drought
Annual average evaporation increases over much of the ocean, at any one time; for example, extreme drought increasing from
with spatial variations tending to relate to variations in surface 1% of present-day land area (by definition) to 30% by 2100
warming. Atmospheric moisture convergence increases over in the A2 scenario. Drier soil conditions can also contribute to
the equatorial oceans and over high latitudes. Over land, rainfall more severe heatwaves. [WGI 10.3.6]
changes tend to be balanced by both evaporation and runoff.
On global scales, the water vapour content of the atmosphere Also associated with the risk of drying is a projected increase
is projected to increase in response to warmer temperatures, in the risk of intense precipitation and flooding. Though
with relative humidity remaining roughly constant. These somewhat counter-intuitive, this is because precipitation is
water vapour increases provide a positive feedback on climate projected to be concentrated in more intense events, with longer
warming, since water vapour is a greenhouse gas. Associated periods of lower precipitation in between (see Section 2.1.1 for
with this is a change in the vertical profile of atmospheric further explanation). Therefore, intense and heavy episodic
temperature (‘lapse rate’), which partly offsets the positive rainfall events with high runoff amounts are interspersed with
feedback. Recent evidence from models and observations longer relatively dry periods with increased evapotranspiration,
strongly supports a combined water vapour/lapse rate feedback particularly in the sub-tropics. However, depending on the
on climate of a strength comparable with that found in climate threshold used to define such events, an increase in the
general circulation models. [WGI 8.6, 10.ES, 10.3.2] frequency of dry days does not necessarily mean a decrease in
the frequency of extreme high-rainfall events. Another aspect of Precipitation extremes these changes has been related to changes in mean precipitation,
It is very likely that heavy precipitation events will become with wet extremes becoming more severe in many areas where
more frequent. Intensity of precipitation events is projected to mean precipitation increases, and dry extremes becoming more
increase, particularly in tropical and high-latitude areas that severe where mean precipitation decreases. [WGI 10.3.6]
experience increases in mean precipitation. There is a tendency
for drying in mid-continental areas during summer, indicating Multi-model climate projections for the 21st century show
a greater risk of droughts in these regions. In most tropical and increases in both precipitation intensity and number of
mid- and high-latitude areas, extreme precipitation increases consecutive dry days in many regions (Figure 2.9). Precipitation
more than mean precipitation. [WGI 10.3.5, 10.3.6] intensity increases almost everywhere, but particularly at mid-
and high latitudes where mean precipitation also increases.
A long-standing result from global coupled models noted in the However, in Figure 2.9 (lower part), there are regions of
TAR was a projected increased likelihood of summer drying in increased runs of dry days between precipitation events in the
the mid-latitudes, with an associated increased risk of drought sub-tropics and lower mid-latitudes, but decreased runs of dry
(Figure 2.8). Fifteen recent AOGCM runs for a future warmer climate days at higher mid-latitudes and high latitudes where mean
indicate summer dryness in most parts of the northern sub-tropics and precipitation increases. [WGI]
mid-latitudes, but there is a large range in the amplitude of summer
dryness across models. Droughts associated with this summer Since there are areas of both increases and decreases in
drying could result in regional vegetation die-off and contribute to consecutive dry days between precipitation events in the
Section 2 Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water
Figure 2.8: Fifteen-model mean changes in (a) precipitation (%), (b) soil moisture content (%), (c) runoff (%), and (d)
evaporation (%). To indicate consistency of sign of change, regions are stippled where at least 80% of models agree on
the sign of the mean change. Changes are annual means for the scenario SRES A1B for the period 2080–2099 relative to
1980–1999. Soil moisture and runoff changes are shown at land points with valid data from at least ten models. [Based on
WGI Figure 10.12]
multi-model average (Figure 2.9), the global mean trends 2.3.2 Snow and land ice
are smaller and less consistent across models. A perturbed
physics ensemble with one model shows only limited areas of As the climate warms, snow cover is projected to contract
consistently increased frequency of wet days in July. In this and decrease, and glaciers and ice caps to lose mass, as a
ensemble there is a larger range of changes in precipitation consequence of the increase in summer melting being greater
extremes relative to the control ensemble mean (comparedwith than the increase in winter snowfall. Widespread increases in
the more consistent response of temperature extremes). This thaw depth over much of the permafrost regions are projected
indicates a less consistent response for precipitation extremes to occur in response to warming. [WGI SPM, 10.3.3]
in general, compared with temperature extremes. [WGI 10.3.6,
FAQ10.1] Changes in snow cover, frozen ground, lake and
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriver ice
Based on a range of models, it is likely that future tropical Snow cover is an integrated response to both temperature and
cyclones will become more intense, with larger peak wind precipitation, and it exhibits a strong negative correlation with
speeds and more heavy precipitation associated with ongoing air temperature in most areas with seasonal snow cover. Because
increases in tropical sea surface temperatures. There is less of this temperature association, simulations project widespread
confidence in projections of a global decrease in numbers of reductions in snow cover throughout the 21st century, despite
tropical cyclones. [WGI SPM] some projected increases at higher altitudes. For example,
Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water Section 2
2.3.3 Sea level scenarios except B1, the average rate of sea-level rise during
the 21st century is very likely to exceed the 1961–2003 average
Because our present understanding of some important effects rate (1.8 ± 0.5 mm/yr). Thermal expansion is the largest
driving sea-level rise is too limited, AR4 does not assess the component, contributing 70–75% of the central estimate in
likelihood, nor provide a best estimate or an upper bound for these projections for all scenarios. Glaciers, ice caps and the
sea-level rise. The projections do not include either uncertainties Greenland ice sheet are also projected to contribute positively
in climate–carbon cycle feedbacks or the full effects of changes to sea level. GCMs indicate that, overall, the Antarctic ice
in ice sheet flow; therefore the upper values of the ranges are sheet will receive increased snowfall without experiencing
not to be considered upper bounds for sea-level rise. Model- substantial surface melting, thus gaining mass and contributing
based projections of global mean sea-level rise between the negatively to sea level. Sea-level rise during the 21st century
late 20th century (1980–1999) and the end of this century is projected to have substantial geographical variability. [SYR
(2090–2099) are of the order of 0.18 to 0.59 m, based on the 3.2.1; WGI SPM, 10.6.5, TS 5.2] Partial loss of the Greenland
spread of AOGCM results and different SRES scenarios, but and/or Antarctic ice sheets could imply several metres of sea-
excluding the uncertainties noted above. In all the SRES marker level rise, major changes in coastlines and inundation of low-
Section 2 Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water
lying areas, with the greatest effects in river deltas and low- distribution of changes in soil moisture is therefore slightly
lying islands. Current modelling suggests that such changes are different from the distribution of changes in precipitation; higher
possible for Greenland over millennial time-scales, but because evaporation can more than offset increases in precipitation.
dynamic ice flow processes in both ice sheets are currently Models simulate the moisture in the upper few metres of the
poorly understood, more rapid sea-level rise on century time- land surface in varying ways, and evaluation of the soil moisture
scales cannot be excluded. [WGI SPM; WGII 19.3] content is still difficult. Projections of annual mean soil moisture
content (Figure 2.8b) commonly show decreases in the sub-
2.3.4 Evapotranspiration tropics and the Mediterranean region, but there are increases in
East Africa, central Asia and some other regions with increased
Evaporative demand, or ‘potential evaporation’, is projected to precipitation. Decreases also occur at high latitudes, where
increase almost everywhere. This is because the water-holding snow cover diminishes (Section 2.3.2). While the magnitude
capacity of the atmosphere increases with higher temperatures, of changes is often uncertain, there is consistency in the sign
but relative humidity is not projected to change markedly. of change in many of these regions. Similar patterns of change
Water vapour deficit in the atmosphere increases as a result, occur in seasonal results. [WGI]
as does the evaporation rate (Trenberth et al., 2003). [WGI
Figures 10.9, 10.12; WGII 3.2, 3.3.1] Actual evaporation over 2.3.6 Runoff and river discharge
open water is projected to increase, e.g., over much of the
ocean [WGI Figure 10.12] and lakes, with the spatial variations Changes in river flows, as well as lake and wetland levels, due
tending to relate to spatial variations in surface warming. [WGI to climate change depend primarily on changes in the volume, Figure 10.8] Changes in evapotranspiration over land and timing of precipitation and, crucially, whether precipitation
are controlled by changes in precipitation and radiative forcing, falls as snow or rain. Changes in evaporation also affect river
and the changes would, in turn, impact on the water balance of flows. Several hundred studies of the potential effects of climate
runoff, soil moisture, water in reservoirs, the groundwater table change on river flows have been published in scientific journals,
and the salinisation of shallow aquifers. [WGII 3.4.2] and many more studies have been presented in internal reports.
Studies are heavily focused towards Europe, North America
Carbon dioxide enrichment of the atmosphere has two potential and Australasia, with a small number of studies from Asia.
competing implications for evapotranspiration from vegetation. Virtually all studies use a catchment hydrological model driven
On the one hand, higher CO2 concentrations can reduce by scenarios based on climate model simulations, and almost all
transpiration because the stomata of leaves, through which are at the catchment scale. The few global-scale studies that have
transpiration from plants takes place, need to open less in order to been conducted using both runoff simulated directly by climate
take up the same amount of CO2 for photosynthesis (see Gedney models [WGI] and hydrological models run off-line
et al., 2006, although other evidence for such a relationship is [WGII 3.4] show that runoff increases in high latitudes and the
difficult to find). Conversely, higher CO2 concentrations can wet tropics, and decreases in mid-latitudes and some parts of
increase plant growth, resulting in increased leaf area, and the dry tropics. Figure 2.8c shows the ensemble mean runoff
thus increased transpiration. The relative magnitudes of these change under the A1B scenario. Runoff is notably reduced in
two effects vary between plant types and in response to other southern Europe and increased in south-east Asia and in high
influences, such as the availability of nutrients and the effects of latitudes, where there is consistency among models in the sign
changes in temperature and water availability. Accounting for of change (although less in the magnitude of change). The larger
the effects of CO2 enrichment on evapotranspiration requires the changes reach 20% or more of the simulated 1980–1999 values,
incorporation of a dynamic vegetation model. A small number of which range from 1 to 5 mm/day in wetter regions to below
models now do this (Rosenberg et al., 2003; Gerten et al., 2004; 0.2 mm/day in deserts. Flows in high-latitude rivers increase,
Gordon and Famiglietti, 2004; Betts et al., 2007), but usually at while those from major rivers in the Middle East, Europe
the global, rather than catchment, scale. Although studies with and Central America tend to decrease. [WGI] The
equilibrium vegetation models suggested that increased leaf magnitude of change, however, varies between climate models
area may offset stomatal closure (Betts et al., 1997; Kergoat and, in some regions such as southern Asia, runoff could either
et al., 2002), studies with dynamic global vegetation models increase or decrease. As indicated in Section 2.2.1, the effects
indicate that the effects of stomatal closure exceed those of of CO2 enrichment may lead to reduced evaporation, and hence
increasing leaf area. Taking into account CO2-induced changes either greater increases or smaller decreases in the volume of
in vegetation, global mean runoff under a 2×CO2 climate has runoff. [WGI 7.2]
been simulated to increase by approximately 5% as a result
of reduced evapotranspiration due to CO2 enrichment alone Figure 2.10 shows the change in annual runoff for 2090–2099
(Leipprand and Gerten, 2006; Betts et al., 2007). [WGII 3.4.1] compared with 1980–1999. Values represent the median of
12 climate models using the SRES A1B scenario. Hatching
2.3.5 Soil moisture and whitening are used to mark areas where models agree or
disagree, respectively, on the sign of change: note the large
Changes in soil moisture depend on changes in the volume and areas where the direction of change is uncertain. This global
timing not only of precipitation, but also of evaporation (which map of annual runoff illustrates large-scale changes and is not
may be affected by changes in vegetation). The geographical intended to be interpreted at small temporal (e.g., seasonal) and
Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water Section 2
spatial scales. In areas where rainfall and runoff are very low changes in temperature. Most studies in such regions project an
(e.g., desert areas), small changes in runoff can lead to large increase in the seasonality of flows, often with higher flows in
percentage changes. In some regions, the sign of projected the peak flow season and either lower flows during the low-flow
changes in runoff differs from recently observed trends (Section season or extended dry periods. [WGII 3.4.1]
2.1.6). In some areas with projected increases in runoff, different
seasonal effects are expected, such as increased wet-season Many rivers draining glaciated regions, particularly in the
runoff and decreased dry-season runoff. [WGII 3.4.1] Asian high mountain ranges and the South American Andes, are
sustained by glacier melt during warm and dry periods. Retreat
A very robust finding is that warming would lead to changes in of these glaciers due to global warming would lead to increased
the seasonality of river flows where much winter precipitation river flows in the short term, but the contribution of glacier melt
currently falls as snow, with spring flows decreasing because of would gradually fall over the next few decades. [WGII 3.4.1]
the reduced or earlier snowmelt, and winter flows increasing.
This has been found in the European Alps, Scandinavia and Changes in lake levels reflect changes in the seasonal distribution
around the Baltic, Russia, the Himalayas, and western, central of river inflows, precipitation and evaporation, in some cases
and eastern North America. The effect is greatest at lower integrated over many years. Lakes may therefore respond in
elevations, where snowfall is more marginal, and in many cases a very non-linear way to a linear change in inputs. Studies of
peak flows by the middle of the 21st century would occur at least the Great Lakes of North America and the Caspian Sea suggest
a month earlier. In regions with little or no snowfall, changes in changes in water levels of the order of several tens of centimetres,
runoff are much more dependent on changes in rainfall than on and sometimes metres, by the end of the century. [WGII 3.4.1]
Figure 2.10: Large-scale relative changes in annual runoff for the period 2090–2099, relative to 1980–1999. White areas are
where less than 66% of the ensemble of 12 models agree on the sign of change, and hatched areas are where more than 90%
of models agree on the sign of change (Milly et al., 2005). [Based on SYR Figure 3.5 and WGII Figure 3.4]
Section 2 Observed and projected changes in climate as they relate to water
2.3.7 Patterns of large-scale variability with a corresponding mean eastward shift in precipitation.
All models show continued El Niño–Southern Oscillation
Based on the global climate models assessed in AR4, sea-level (ENSO) interannual variability in the future, but large inter-
pressure is projected to increase over the sub-tropics and mid- model differences in projected changes in El Niño amplitude,
latitudes, and to decrease over high latitudes. These changes and the inherent multi-decadal time-scale variability of El
are associated with an expansion of the Hadley Circulation and Niño in the models, preclude a definitive projection of trends
positive trends in the Northern Annular Mode/North Atlantic in ENSO variability. [WGI TS,,]
Oscillation (NAM/NAO) and the Southern Annular Mode
(SAM). As a result of these changes, storm tracks are projected Interannual variability in monthly mean surface air
to move polewards, with consequent changes in wind, temperature is projected to decrease during the cold season
precipitation and temperature patterns outside the tropics, in the extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere and to increase at
continuing the broad pattern of observed trends over the last low latitudes and warm-season northern mid-latitudes. The
half-century. [WGI TS,,] former is probably due to the decrease in sea ice and snow
with increasing temperature. The summer decrease in soil
It is likely that future tropical cyclones will become more intense, moisture over the mid-latitude land surfaces contributes to
with larger peak wind speeds and heavier precipitation, associated the latter. Monthly mean precipitation variability is projected
with ongoing increases of tropical SSTs. [WGI SPM,] to increase in most areas, both in absolute value (standard
deviation) and in relative value (coefficient of variation).
SSTs in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific are projected However, the significance level of these projected variability
to warm more than those in the western equatorial Pacific, changes is low. [WGI]
Linking climate change and water
resources: impacts and responses
Section 3 Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses
Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses Section 3
Groundwater flow in shallow aquifers is part of the hydrological of ice cover and decreases in river- and lake-ice thickness are
cycle and is affected by climate variability and change through treated in Section 2.1.2 and Le Treut et al. (2007). Phytoplankton
recharge processes (Chen et al., 2002), as well as by human dynamics and primary productivity have also been altered in
interventions in many locations (Petheram et al., 2001). [WGII conjunction with changes in lake physics. [WGII, Figure] Groundwater levels of many aquifers around the world 1.2, Table 1.6] Since the 1960s, surface water temperatures
show a decreasing trend over the last few decades [WGII 3.2, have warmed by between 0.2 and 2.0°C in lakes and rivers
10.4.2], but this is generally due to groundwater pumping in Europe, North America and Asia. Along with warming
surpassing groundwater recharge rates, and not to a climate- surface waters, deep-water temperatures (which reflect long-
related decrease in groundwater recharge. There may be regions, term trends) of the large East African lakes (Edward, Albert,
such as south-western Australia, where increased groundwater Kivu, Victoria, Tanganyika and Malawi) have warmed by
withdrawals have been caused not only by increased water between 0.2 and 0.7°C since the early 1900s. Increased water
demand but also because of a climate-related decrease in temperature and longer ice-free seasons influence the thermal
recharge from surface water supplies (Government of Western stratification and internal hydrodynamics of lakes. In warmer
Australia, 2003). In the upper carbonate aquifer near Winnipeg, years, surface water temperatures are higher, evaporative water
Canada, shallow well hydrographs show no obvious trends, loss increases, summer stratification occurs earlier in the season,
but exhibit variations of 3–4 years correlated with changes in and thermoclines become shallower. In several lakes in Europe
annual temperature and precipitation (Ferguson and George, and North America, the stratified period has advanced by up to
2003). Owing to a lack of data and the very slow reaction of 20 days and lengthened by 2–3 weeks, with increased thermal
groundwater systems to changing recharge conditions, climate- stability. [WGII]
related changes in groundwater recharges have not been
observed. [WGII 1.3.2, 3.2] Chemistry
Increased stratification reduces water movement across the
At present, no globally consistent trend in lake levels has been thermocline, inhibiting the upwelling and mixing that provide
found. While some lake levels have risen in Mongolia and China essential nutrients to the food web. There have been decreases
(Xinjiang) in response to increased snow- and ice melt, other in nutrients in the surface water and corresponding increases
lake levels in China (Qinghai), Australia, Africa (Zimbabwe, in deep-water concentrations of European and East African
Zambia and Malawi), North America (North Dakota) and
lakes because of reduced upwelling due to greater thermal
Europe (central Italy) have declined due to the combined
stability. Many lakes and rivers have increased concentrations
effects of drought, warming and human activities. Within
of sulphates, base cations and silica, and greater alkalinity and
permafrost areas in the Arctic, recent warming has resulted in
conductivity related to increased weathering of silicates, calcium
the temporary formation of lakes due to the onset of melting,
and magnesium sulphates, or carbonates, in their catchment.
which then drain rapidly due to permafrost degradation (e.g.,
In contrast, when warmer temperatures enhanced vegetative
Smith et al., 2005). A similar effect has been reported for a lake
growth and soil development in some high-alpine ecosystems,
formed over an Arctic ice shelf (i.e., an epishelf lake12), which
alkalinity decreased because of increased organic acid inputs
disappeared when the ice shelf collapsed (Mueller et al., 2003).
(Karst-Riddoch et al., 2005). Glacial melting increased the
Permafrost and epishelf lakes are treated in detail by Le Treut
input of organochlorines (which had been atmospherically
et al. (2007). [WGII]
transported to and stored in the glacier) to a sub-alpine lake in Water quality Canada (Blais et al., 2001). [WGII]
A climate-related warming of lakes and rivers has been observed
over recent decades. [WGII 1.3.2] As a result, freshwater Increased temperature also affects in-lake chemical processes
ecosystems have shown changes in species composition, (Table 3.1; see also WGII Table SM1.3 for additional observed
organism abundance, productivity and phenological shifts changes in chemical water properties). There have been decreases
(including earlier fish migration). [WGII 1.3.4] Also due to in dissolved inorganic nitrogen from greater phytoplankton
warming, many lakes have exhibited prolonged stratification productivity (Sommaruga-Wograth et al., 1997; Rogora et al.,
with decreases in surface layer nutrient concentration [WGII 2003) and greater in-lake alkalinity generation and increases in
1.3.2], and prolonged depletion of oxygen in deeper layers. pH in soft-water lakes (Psenner and Schmidt, 1992). Decreased
[WGII Box 4.1] Due to strong anthropogenic impacts not solubility from higher temperatures significantly contributed to
related to climate change, there is no evidence for consistent 11–13% of the decrease in aluminium concentration (Vesely et
climate-related trends in other water quality parameters (e.g., al., 2003), whereas lakes that had warmer water temperatures
salinity, pathogens or nutrients) in lakes, rivers and groundwater. had increased mercury methylation and higher mercury levels
[WGII 3.2] in fish (Bodaly et al., 1993). A decrease in silicon content related
to regional warming has been documented in Lake Baikal,
Thermal structure of lakes Russia. River water-quality data from 27 rivers in Japan also
Higher water temperatures have been reported in lakes in suggest a deterioration in both chemical and biological features
response to warmer conditions (Table 3.1). Shorter periods due to increases in air temperature. [WGII]
A body of water, mostly fresh, trapped behind an ice shelf.
Section 3 Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses
Erosion and sedimentation heavy precipitation events has increased over most areas during
Water erosion has increased in many areas of the world, largely the late 20th century, and that it is more likely than not that
as a consequence of anthropogenic land-use change. Due to lack there has been a human contribution to this trend. [WGI Table
of data, there is no evidence for or against past climate-related SPM-2]
changes in erosion and sediment transport. [WGII 3.2]
Globally, the number of great inland flood catastrophes during Floods the last 10 years (1996–2005) is twice as large, per decade, as
A variety of climatic and non-climatic processes influence flood between 1950 and 1980, while related economic losses have
processes, resulting in river floods, flash floods, urban floods, increased by a factor of five (Kron and Berz, 2007). Dominant
sewer floods, glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs, see Box 5.4) drivers of the upward trend of flood damage are socio-economic
and coastal floods. These flood-producing processes include factors such as economic growth, increases in population and
intense and/or long-lasting precipitation, snowmelt, dam break, in the wealth concentrated in vulnerable areas, and land-use
reduced conveyance due to ice jams or landslides, or by storm. change. Floods have been the most reported natural disaster
Floods depend on precipitation intensity, volume, timing, events in many regions, affecting 140 million people per year
phase (rain or snow), antecedent conditions of rivers and their on average (WDR, 2003, 2004). In Bangladesh, during the 1998
drainage basins (e.g., presence of snow and ice, soil character flood, about 70% of the country’s area was inundated (compared
and status (frozen or not, saturated or unsaturated), wetness, to an average value of 20–25%) (Mirza, 2003; Clarke and King,
rate and timing of snow/ice melt, urbanisation, existence of 2004). [WGII 3.2]
dykes, dams and reservoirs). Human encroachment into flood
plains and lack of flood response plans increase the damage Since flood damages have grown more rapidly than population
potential. [WGII 3.4.3] The observed increase in precipitation or economic growth, other factors must be considered, including
intensity and other observed climate changes, e.g., an increase climate change (Mills, 2005). The weight of observational
in westerly weather patterns during winter over Europe, leading evidence indicates an ongoing acceleration of the water cycle
to very rainy low-pressure systems that often trigger floods (Huntington, 2006). [WGII 3.4.3] The frequency of heavy
(Kron and Berz, 2007), indicate that climate change might precipitation events has increased, consistent with both
already have had an impact on the intensity and frequency of warming and observed increases in atmospheric water vapour.
floods. [WGII 3.2] The Working Group I AR4 Summary for [WGI SPM, 3.8, 3.9] However, no ubiquitous increase is visible
Policymakers concluded that it is likely that the frequency of in documented trends in high river flows. Although Milly et al.
Table 3.1: Observed changes in runoff/streamflow, lake levels and floods/droughts. [WGII Table 1.3]
Runoff/streamflow Annual increase of 5%, winter increase of 25–90%, increase in 1935–1999 Arctic Drainage Basin: Ob, Lena,
winter base flow due to increased melt and thawing permafrost Yenisey, Mackenzie
1–2 week earlier peak streamflow due to earlier warming- 1936–2000 Western North America, New
driven snowmelt England, Canada, northern
Floods Increasing catastrophic floods of frequency (0.5–1%) due to Recent years Russian Arctic rivers
earlier break-up of river ice and heavy rain
Droughts 29% decrease in annual maximum daily streamflow due to 1847–1996 Southern Canada
temperature rise and increased evaporation with no change in
Due to dry and unusually warm summers related to warming 1998–2004 Western USA
of western tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans in recent years
Water temperature 0.1–1.5°C increase in lakes 40 years Europe, North America, Asia
(100 stations)
Water chemistry Decreased nutrients from increased stratification or longer 100 years North America, Europe, Eastern
growing period in lakes and rivers Europe, East Africa (8 stations)
Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses Section 3
(2002) identified an apparent increase in the frequency of ‘large’ Droughts affect rain-fed agricultural production as well as
floods (return period >100 years) across much of the globe water supply for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes.
from the analysis of data from large river basins, subsequent Some semi-arid and sub-humid regions, e.g., Australia. [WGII
studies have provided less widespread evidence. Kundzewicz 11.2.1], western USA and southern Canada [WGII 14.2.1], and
et al. (2005) found increases (in 27 locations) and decreases the Sahel (Nicholson, 2005), have suffered from more intense
(in 31 locations) and no trend in the remaining 137 of the 195 and multi-annual droughts. [WGII 3.2]
catchments examined worldwide. [WGII]
The 2003 heatwave in Europe, attributable to global warming Droughts (Schär et al., 2004), was accompanied by annual precipitation
The term drought may refer to a meteorological drought deficits up to 300 mm. This drought contributed to the estimated
(precipitation well below average), hydrological drought 30% reduction in gross primary production of terrestrial
(low river flows and low water levels in rivers, lakes and ecosystems over Europe (Ciais et al., 2005). Many major rivers
groundwater), agricultural drought (low soil moisture), and (e.g., the Po, Rhine, Loire and Danube) were at record low
environmental drought (a combination of the above). The socio- levels, resulting in disruption of inland navigation, irrigation
economic impacts of droughts may arise from the interaction and power plant cooling (Beniston and Diaz, 2004; Zebisch et
between natural conditions and human factors such as changes al., 2005). The extreme glacier melt in the Alps prevented even
in land use, land cover, and the demand for and use of water. lower flows of the Danube and Rhine Rivers (Fink et al., 2004).
Excessive water withdrawals can exacerbate the impact of [WGII 12.6.1]
drought. [WGII 3.4.3]
Droughts have become more common, especially in the tropics 3.2 Future changes in water availability
and sub-tropics, since the 1970s. The Working Group I AR4 iiiiiiiand demand due to climate change
Summary for Policymakers concluded that it is likely that the
area affected by drought has increased since the 1970s, and it
is more likely than not that there is a human contribution to this 3.2.1 Climate-related drivers of freshwater
trend. [WGI Table SPM-2] Decreased land precipitation and iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisystems in the future
increased temperatures, which enhance evapotranspiration and
reduce soil moisture, are important factors that have contributed The most dominant climate drivers for water availability are
to more regions experiencing droughts, as measured by the precipitation, temperature and evaporative demand (determined
Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) (Dai et al., 2004b). by net radiation at the ground, atmospheric humidity and wind
[WGII 3.3.4] speed, and temperature). Temperature is particularly important
in snow-dominated basins and in coastal areas, the latter due to
The regions where droughts have occurred seem to be determined the impact of temperature on sea level (steric sea-level rise due
largely by changes in sea surface temperatures, especially in to thermal expansion of water). [WGII 3.3.1]
the tropics, through associated changes in the atmospheric
circulation and precipitation. In the western USA, diminishing Projected changes in these components of the water balance are
snow pack and subsequent reductions in soil moisture also described in Section 2.3. In short, the total annual river runoff
appear to be factors. In Australia and Europe, direct links to over the whole land surface is projected to increase, even
global warming have been inferred through the extreme nature though there are regions with significant increase and significant
of high temperatures and heatwaves accompanying recent decrease in runoff. However, increased runoff cannot be fully
droughts. [WGI 3.ES, 3.3.4] utilised unless there is adequate infrastructure to capture and
store the extra water. Over the oceans, a net increase in the term
Using the PDSI, Dai et al. (2004b) found a large drying trend ‘evaporation minus precipitation’ is projected.
over Northern Hemisphere land since the mid-1950s, with
widespread drying over much of Eurasia, northern Africa, Groundwater
Canada and Alaska (Figure 3.1). In the Southern Hemisphere, Climate change affects groundwater recharge rates (i.e., the
land surfaces were wet in the 1970s and relatively dry in the renewable groundwater resources) and depths of groundwater
1960s and 1990s, and there was a drying trend from 1974 to tables. However, knowledge of current recharge and levels in
1998, although trends over the entire 1948 to 2002 period were both developed and developing countries is poor; and there has
small. Decreases in land precipitation in recent decades are the been very little research on the future impact of climate change
main cause for the drying trends, although large surface warming on groundwater, or groundwater–surface water interactions. At
during the last 2–3 decades is likely to have contributed to the high latitudes, thawing of permafrost causes changes in both
drying. Globally, very dry areas (defined as land areas with a the level and quality of groundwater, due to increased coupling
PDSI of less than −3.0) more than doubled (from ~12% to 30%) with surface waters. [WGII 15.4.1] As many groundwaters
since the 1970s, with a large jump in the early 1980s due to an both change into and are recharged from surface water,
ENSO-related precipitation decrease over land, and subsequent impacts of surface water flow regimes are expected to affect
increases primarily due to surface warming (Dai et al., 2004b). groundwater. Increased precipitation variability may decrease
[WGI 3.3.4] groundwater recharge in humid areas because more frequent
Section 3 Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses
Figure 3.1: The most important spatial pattern (the first component of a principal components analysis; top) of the monthly
Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) for 1900 to 2002. The PDSI is a prominent index of drought and measures the cumulative
deficit (relative to local mean conditions) in surface land moisture by incorporating previous precipitation and estimates of
moisture drawn into the atmosphere (based on atmospheric temperatures) into a hydrological accounting system.13 The lower
panel shows how the sign and strength of this pattern has changed since 1900. When the values shown in the lower plot are
positive (or negative), the red and orange areas in the upper map are drier (or wetter) and the blue and green areas are wetter
(or drier) than average. The smooth black curve shows decadal variations. The time-series approximately corresponds to a
trend, and this pattern and its variations account for 67% of the linear trend of PDSI from 1900 to 2002 over the global land
area. It therefore features widespread increasing African drought, especially in the Sahel, for instance. Note also the wetter
areas, especially in eastern North and South America and northern Eurasia (after Dai et al., 2004b). [WGI FAQ 3.2]
Note that the PDSI does not realistically model drought in regions where precipitation is held in the snowpack, for example, in polar regions.
Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses Section 3
heavy precipitation events may result in the infiltration capacity SRES A2 scenario: Döll and Flörke, 2005). For all four climate
of the soil being exceeded more often. In semi-arid and arid change scenarios investigated (the ECHAM4 and HadCM3
areas, however, increased precipitation variability may increase GCMs with the SRES A2 and B2 emissions scenarios14),
groundwater recharge, because only high-intensity rainfalls are groundwater recharge was computed to decrease by the 2050s
able to infiltrate fast enough before evaporating, and alluvial by more than 70% in north-eastern Brazil, south-western Africa
aquifers are recharged mainly by inundations due to floods. and the southern rim of the Mediterranean Sea. However, as
[WGII 3.4.2] this study did not take account of an expected increase in the
variability of daily precipitation, the decrease might be somewhat
According to the results of a global hydrological model (see overestimated. Where the depth of the water table increases and
Figure 3.2), groundwater recharge, when averaged globally, groundwater recharge declines, wetlands dependent on aquifers
increases less than total runoff (by 2% as compared with 9% are jeopardised and the base flow runoff in rivers during dry
until the 2050s for the ECHAM4 climate change response to the seasons is reduced. Regions in which groundwater recharge is
Figure 3.2: Simulated impact of climate change on long-term average annual diffuse groundwater recharge. Percentage
changes in 30-year average groundwater recharge between the present day (1961–1990) and the 2050s (2041–2070), as
computed by the global hydrological model WGHM, applying four different climate change scenarios (based on the ECHAM4
and HadCM3 climate models and the SRES A2 and B2 emissions scenarios) (Döll and Flörke, 2005). [WGII Figure 3.5]
See Appendix I for model descriptions.
Section 3 Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses
computed to increase by more than 30% by the 2050s include In a multi-model analysis, Palmer and Räisänen (2002)
the Sahel, the Near East, northern China, Siberia and the western projected a considerable increase in the risk of a very wet
USA. In areas where water tables are already high, increased winter over much of central and northern Europe, this being
recharge might cause problems in towns and agricultural areas due to an increase in intense precipitation associated with
through soil salinisation and waterlogged soils. [WGII 3.4.2] mid-latitude storms. The probability of total boreal winter
precipitation exceeding two standard deviations above normal
The few studies of climate change impacts on groundwater was projected to increase considerably (five- to seven-fold)
for individual aquifers show very site-specific and climate- for a CO2-doubling over large areas of Europe, with likely
model-specific results (e.g., Eckhardt and Ulbrich, 2003, for consequences for winter flood hazard. An increase in the risk
a low mountain range catchment in Central Europe; Brouyere of a very wet monsoon season in Asia was also projected
et al., 2004, for a chalk aquifer in Belgium). For example, in (Palmer and Räisänen, 2002). According to Milly et al.
the Ogallala Aquifer region, projected natural groundwater (2002), for 15 out of 16 large basins worldwide, the control
recharge decreases more than 20% in all simulations with 100-year peak volumes of monthly river flow are projected to
warming of 2.5°C or greater (Rosenberg et al., 1999). [WGII be exceeded more frequently for a CO2-quadrupling. In some
14.4] As a result of climate change, in many aquifers of the areas, what is given as a 100-year flood now (in the control
world the spring recharge shifts towards winter and summer run), is projected to occur much more frequently, even every
recharge declines. [WGII 3.4.2] 2–5 years, albeit with a large uncertainty in these projections.
In many temperate regions, the contribution of snowmelt to Floods spring floods is likely to decline (Zhang et al., 2005). [WGII
As discussed in Section 2.3.1, heavy precipitation events 3.4.3]
are projected to become more frequent over most regions
throughout the 21st century. This would affect the risk of flash Based on climate models, the area flooded in Bangladesh
flooding and urban flooding. [WGI 10.3.5, 10.3.6; WGII 3.4.3] is projected to increase by at least 23–29% with a global
Some potential impacts are shown in Table 3.2. temperature rise of 2°C (Mirza, 2003). [WGII 3.4.3]
Table 3.2: Examples of possible impacts of climate change due to changes in extreme precipitation-related weather and climate
events, based on projections to the mid- to late 21st century. These do not take into account any changes or developments in
adaptive capacity. The likelihood estimates in column 2 relate to the phenomena listed in column 1. The direction of trend and
likelihood of phenomena are for IPCC SRES projections of climate change. [WGI Table SPM-2; WGII Table SPM-2]
Phenomenona and Likelihood of future
direction trends based on Examples of major projected impacts by sector
of trend projections for
21st century using
SRES scenarios
Agriculture, forestry Water resources Human health Industry, settlements
and ecosystems [3.4] [8.2] and society [7.4]
[4.4, 5.4]
Heavy Very likely Damage to crops; soil Adverse effects on Increased risk of Disruption of
precipitation erosion; inability to quality of surface deaths, injuries settlements, commerce,
events: frequency cultivate land due to and groundwater; and infectious, transport and societies
increases over waterlogging of soils contamination of respiratory and due to flooding;
most areas water supply; water skin diseases pressures on urban and
scarcity may be rural infrastructures;
relieved loss of property
Area affected by Likely Land degradation, More widespread Increased risk Water shortages for
drought increases lower yields/crop water stress of food and settlements, industry
damage and failure; water shortage; and societies; reduced
increased livestock increased risk hydropower generation
deaths; increased of malnutrition; potentials; potential for
risk of wildfire increased risk of population migration
water- and food-
borne diseases
Intense tropical Likely Damage to crops; Power outages Increased risk of Disruption by flood and
cyclone activity windthrow (uprooting) causing disruption of deaths, injuries, high winds; withdrawal
increases of trees; damage to public water supply water- and food- of risk coverage in
coral reefs borne diseases; vulnerable areas
post-traumatic by private insurers;
stress disorders potential for population
migrations; loss of
See Working Group I Fourth Assessment Table 3.7 for further details regarding definitions.
Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses Section 3
Warming-induced reduction of firn15 cover on glaciers causes regions. [WGI 10.ES] In a single-model study of global drought
enhanced and immediate runoff of melt water and can lead to frequency, the proportion of the land surface experiencing
flooding of glacial-fed rivers. [WGII 3.4.3] extreme drought at any one time, the frequency of extreme
drought events, and the mean drought duration, were projected
There is a degree of uncertainty in estimates of future changes to increase by 10- to 30-fold, two-fold, and six-fold, respectively,
in flood frequency across the UK. Depending on which climate by the 2090s, for the SRES A2 scenario (Burke et al., 2006).
model is used, and on the importance of snowmelt contribution [WGI 10.3.6; WGII 3.4.3] A decrease in summer precipitation in
and catchment characteristics and location, the impact of climate southern and central Europe, accompanied by rising temperatures
change on the flood regime (magnitude and frequency) can be (which enhance evaporative demand), would inevitably lead
positive or negative, highlighting the uncertainty still remaining to both reduced summer soil moisture (cf. Douville et al.,
in climate change impacts (Reynard et al., 2004). [WGII 3.4.3] 2002; Christensen et al., 2007) and more frequent and intense
droughts. [WGII 3.4.3] As shown in Figure 3.3, by the 2070s, a Droughts 100-year drought16 of today’s magnitude is projected to return,
It is likely that the area affected by drought will increase. [WGI on average, more frequently than every 10 years in parts of
SPM] There is a tendency for drying of mid-continental areas Spain and Portugal, western France, Poland’s Vistula Basin and
during summer, indicating a greater risk of droughts in these western Turkey (Lehner et al., 2005). [WGII 3.4.3]
Figure 3.3: Change in the future recurrence of 100-year droughts, based on comparisons between climate and water use in
1961–1990 (Lehner et al., 2005). [WGII Figure 3.6]
Firn: aged snow (still permeable) that is at an intermediate stage towards becoming glacial ice (impermeable).
Every year, the chance of exceedence of the 100-year flood is 1%, while the chance of exceedence of the 10-year flood is 10%.
Section 3 Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses
Some impacts of increased drought area are shown in Table In semi-arid and arid areas, climate change is likely to
3.2. Snowmelt is projected to become earlier and less abundant increase salinisation of shallow groundwater due to increased
in the melt period, and this may increase the risk of droughts evapotranspiration. [WGII 3.4.2] As streamflow is projected
in snowmelt-fed basins in the low-flow season – summer and to decrease in many semi-arid areas, the salinity of rivers and
autumn. An increase in drought risk is projected for regions estuaries will increase. [WGII 3.4.4] For example, salinity levels
which depend heavily on glacial melt water for their main in the headwaters of the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia
dry-season water supply (Barnett et al., 2005). In the Andes, are expected to increase by 13–19% by 2050 (Pittock, 2003).
glacial melt water supports river flow and water supply for In general, decreased groundwater recharge, which reduces
tens of millions of people during the long dry season. Many mobilisation of underground salt, may balance the effect of
small glaciers, e.g., in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru (cf. Ramírez decreased dilution of salts in rivers and estuaries. [WGII 11.4]
et al., 2001; Box 5.5), are expected to disappear within the
next few decades. Water supply in areas fed by glacial and In coastal areas, rising sea levels may have negative effects
snow melt water from the Hindu Kush and Himalayas, on on storm-water drainage and sewage disposal [WGII 3.4.4]
which hundreds of millions of people in China, Pakistan and and increase the potential for the intrusion of saline water into
India depend, will be adversely affected (Barnett et al., 2005). fresh groundwater in coastal aquifers, thus adversely affecting
[WGII 3.4.3] groundwater resources. [WGII 3.4.2] For two small and flat
coral islands off the coast of India, the thickness of freshwater Water quality lenses was computed to decrease from 25 m to 10 m and from
Higher water temperatures, increased precipitation intensity, 36 m to 28 m, respectively, for a sea-level rise of only 0.1 m
and longer periods of low flows are projected to exacerbate (Bobba et al., 2000). Any decrease in groundwater recharge
many forms of water pollution, including sediments, nutrients, will exacerbate the effect of sea-level rise. In inland aquifers,
dissolved organic carbon, pathogens, pesticides, salt and a decrease in groundwater recharge can lead to saltwater
thermal pollution. This will promote algal blooms (Hall et intrusion from neighbouring saline aquifers (Chen et al., 2004).
al., 2002; Kumagai et al., 2003), and increase the bacterial [WGII 3.4.2]
and fungal content (Environment Canada, 2001). This will, in
turn, impact ecosystems, human health, and the reliability and Water erosion and sedimentation
operating costs of water systems. [WGII 3.ES] All studies on soil erosion show that the expected increase in
rainfall intensity would lead to greater rates of erosion. [WGII
Rising temperatures are likely to lower water quality in lakes 3.4.5] In addition, the shift of winter precipitation from less
through increased thermal stability and altered mixing patterns, erosive snow to more erosive rainfall due to increasing winter
resulting in reduced oxygen concentrations and an increased temperatures enhances erosion, with this leading, for example,
release of phosphorus from the sediments. For example, already to negative water quality impacts in agricultural areas.
high phosphorus concentrations during summer in a bay of [WGII 3.4.5, 14.4.1]
Lake Ontario could double with a 3–4°C increase in water
temperature (Nicholls, 1999). However, rising temperatures The melting of permafrost induces an erodible state in soil which
can also improve water quality during winter/spring due to was previously non-erodible. [WGII 3.4.5] Further indirect
earlier ice break-up and consequent higher oxygen levels and impacts of climate change on erosion are related to soil and
reduced winter fish-kill. [WGII 4.4.8, 14.4.1] vegetation changes caused by climate change and associated
adaptation actions. [WGII 3.4.5] The very few studies on
More intense rainfall will lead to an increase in suspended the impact of climate change on sediment transport suggest
solids (turbidity) in lakes and reservoirs due to soil fluvial
transport enhancement due to increased erosion, particularly in
erosion (Leemans and Kleidon, 2002), and pollutants will be
areas with increased runoff. [WGII 3.4.5]
introduced (Mimikou et al., 2000; Neff et al., 2000; Bouraoui
et al., 2004). The projected increase in precipitation intensity
3.2.2 Non-climatic drivers of freshwater systems
is expected to lead to a deterioration of water quality, as it
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin the future
results in the enhanced transport of pathogens and other
dissolved pollutants (e.g., pesticides) to surface waters and
Many non-climatic drivers affect freshwater resources at the
groundwater; and in increased erosion, which in turn leads to
the mobilisation of adsorbed pollutants such as phosphorus global scale (UN, 2003). Both the quantity and quality of water
and heavy metals. In addition, more frequent heavy rainfall resources are influenced by land-use change, construction and
events will overload the capacity of sewer systems and water management of reservoirs, pollutant emissions and water
and wastewater treatment plants more often. [WGII 3.4.4] and wastewater treatment. Water use is driven by changes
An increased occurrence of low flows will lead to decreased in population, food consumption, economy (including water
contaminant dilution capacity, and thus higher pollutant pricing), technology, lifestyle and societal views regarding
concentrations, including pathogens. [WGII 3.4.4, 14.4.1] In the value of freshwater ecosystems. The vulnerability of
areas with overall decreased runoff (e.g., in many semi-arid freshwater systems to climate change also depends on national
areas), water quality deterioration will be even worse. and international water management. It can be expected that
Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses Section 3
the paradigm of ‘integrated water resources management’ Increased precipitation intensity may result in periods of
(IWRM)17 will be followed increasingly around the world increased turbidity and nutrient and pathogen loadings to
(UN, 2002; World Bank, 2004a; World Water Council, 2006), surface water sources. The water utility serving New York City
and that such a movement has the potential to position water has identified heavy precipitation events as one of its major
issues, both as a resource and an ecosystem, at the centre of the climate-change-related concerns because such events can raise
policy-making arena. This is likely to decrease the vulnerability turbidity levels in some of the city’s main reservoirs up to 100
of freshwater systems to climate change. Consideration of times the legal limit for source quality at the utility’s intake,
environmental flow requirements may lead to the modification requiring substantial additional treatment and monitoring costs
of reservoir operations so that human use of these water (Miller and Yates, 2006). [WGII 3.5.1]
resources might be restricted. [WGII 3.3.2]
3.2.4 Impacts of climate change on freshwater
3.2.3 Impacts of climate change on freshwater demand in the future
availability in the future
Higher temperatures and increased variability of precipitation
With respect to water supply, it is very likely that the costs of would, in general, lead to increased irrigation water demand,
climate change will outweigh the benefits globally. One reason is even if the total precipitation during the growing season
that precipitation variability is very likely to increase, and more remains the same. The impact of climate change on optimal
frequent floods and droughts are anticipated, as discussed in growing periods, and on yield-maximising irrigation water
Sections 2.1.6 and 2.3.1. The risk of droughts in snowmelt-fed use, has been modelled assuming no change in either irrigated
basins in the low-flow season will increase, as discussed in Section area and/or climate variability (Döll, 2002; Döll et al., 2003).
3.2.1. The impacts of floods and droughts could be tempered by Applying the IPCC SRES A2 and B2 scenarios as interpreted
appropriate infrastructure investments and by changes in water by two climate models, it was projected that the net irrigation
and land-use management, but the implementation of such requirements of China and India, the countries with the largest
measures will entail costs (US Global Change Research Program, irrigated areas worldwide, would change by +2% to +15% in
2000). Water infrastructure, usage patterns and institutions have the case of China, and by −6% to +5% in the case of India,
developed in the context of current conditions. Any substantial by 2020, depending on emissions scenarios and climate model
change in the frequency of floods and droughts, or in the quantity (Döll, 2002; Döll et al., 2003). Different climate models project
and quality or seasonal timing of water availability, will require different worldwide changes in net irrigation requirements,
adjustments that may be costly, not only in monetary terms but with estimated increases ranging from 1–3% by the 2020s and
also in terms of societal and ecological impacts, including the 2–7% by the 2070s. The largest global-scale increases in net
need to manage potential conflicts between different interest
irrigation requirements result from a climate scenario based on
groups (Miller et al., 1997). [WGII 3.5]
the B2 emissions scenario. [WGII 3.5.1]
Hydrological changes may have impacts that are positive in
In a study of maize irrigation in Illinois under profit-maximising
some aspects and negative in others. For example, increased
conditions, it was found that a 25% decrease in annual
annual runoff may produce benefits for a variety of both instream
precipitation had the same effect on irrigation profitability
and out-of-stream water users by increasing renewable water
as a 15% decrease combined with a doubling of the standard
resources, but may simultaneously generate harm by increasing
deviation of daily precipitation (Eheart and Tornil, 1999). This
flood risk. In recent decades, a trend to wetter conditions in parts
of southern South America has increased the area inundated study also showed that profit-maximising irrigation water use
by floods, but has also improved crop yields in the Pampas responds more strongly to changes in precipitation than does
region of Argentina, and has provided new commercial fishing yield-maximising water use, and that a doubling of atmospheric
opportunities (Magrin et al., 2005). [WGII 13.2.4] Increased CO2 has only a small effect. [WGII 3.5.1]
runoff could also damage areas with a shallow water table. In such
areas, a water-table rise disturbs agricultural use and damages The increase in household water demand (for example through
buildings in urban areas. In Russia, for example, the current an increase in garden watering) and industrial water demand, due
annual damage caused by shallow water tables is estimated to be to climate change, is likely to be rather small, e.g., less than 5%
US$5–6 billion (Kharkina, 2004) and is likely to increase in the by the 2050s at selected locations (Mote et al., 1999; Downing
future. In addition, an increase in annual runoff may not lead to et al., 2003). An indirect, but small, secondary effect would be
a beneficial increase in readily available water resources, if that increased electricity demand for the cooling of buildings, which
additional runoff is concentrated during the high-flow season. would tend to increase water withdrawals for the cooling of
[WGII 3.5] thermal power plants. A statistical analysis of water use in New
The prevailing concept for water management which, however, has not been defined unambiguously. IWRM is based on four principles that
iiiwere formulated by the International Conference on Water and the Environment in Dublin, 1992: (1) freshwater is a finite and vulnerable
iiiresource, essential to sustain life, development and the environment; (2) water development and management should be based on a participatory
iiiapproach, involving users, planners and policymakers at all levels; (3) women play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding
iiiof water; (4) water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognised as an economic good.
Section 3 Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses
York City showed that daily per capita water use on days above productivity, and industrial production) increases (Alcamo et
25°C increases by 11 litres/°C (roughly 2% of current daily per al., 2007). Income growth sometimes has a larger impact than
capita use) (Protopapas et al., 2000). [WGII 3.5.1] population growth on increasing water use and water stress
(when expressed as the water withdrawal: water resources
3.2.5 Impacts of climate change on water stress ratio). Water stress is modelled to decrease by the 2050s over
in the future 20–29% of the global land area and to increase over 62–76%
of the global land area (considering two climate models and
Global estimates of the number of people living in areas with the SRES scenarios A2 and B2). The greater availability of
water stress differ significantly between studies (Vörösmarty water due to increased precipitation is the principal cause of
et al., 2000; Alcamo et al., 2003a, b, 2007; Oki et al., 2003; decreasing water stress, while growing water withdrawals
Arnell, 2004). Nevertheless, climate change is only one of are the principal cause of increasing water stress. Growth of
many factors that influence future water stress; demographic, domestic water use, as stimulated by income growth, was found
socio-economic and technological changes possibly play more to be dominant (Alcamo et al., 2007). [WGII 3.5.1]
important roles at most time horizons and in most regions.
In the 2050s, differences in the population projections of the 3.2.6 Impacts of climate change on costs and
four IPCC SRES scenarios would have a greater impact on other socio-economic aspects of freshwater
the number of people living in water-stressed river basins than
the differences in the climate scenarios (Arnell, 2004). The The amount of water available for withdrawal is a function of
number of people living in water-stressed river basins would runoff, groundwater recharge, aquifer conditions (e.g., degree of
increase significantly (Table 3.3). The change in the number of confinement, depth, thickness and boundaries), water quality and
people expected to be under water stress after the 2050s greatly water supply infrastructure (e.g., reservoirs, pumping wells and
depends on the SRES scenario adopted. A substantial increase distribution networks). Safe access to drinking water depends
is projected under the A2 scenario, while the rate of increase more on the level of water supply infrastructure than on the
is lower under the A1 and B1 scenarios because of the global quantity of runoff. However, the goal of improved safe access to
increase in renewable freshwater resources and a slight decrease drinking water will be harder to achieve in regions where runoff
in population (Oki and Kanae, 2006). It should be noted that, and/or groundwater recharge decreases as a result of climate
using the per capita water availability indicator, climate change change. In addition, climate change leads to additional costs
would appear to reduce overall water stress at the global level. for the water supply sector, e.g., due to changing water levels
This is because increases in runoff are concentrated heavily in affecting water supply infrastructure, which might hamper the
the most populous parts of the world, mainly in eastern and extension of water supply services to more people. This leads,
south-eastern Asia. However, given that this increased runoff in turn, to higher socio-economic impacts and follow-up costs,
occurs mainly during high-flow seasons (Arnell, 2004), it may especially in areas where the prevalence of water stress has also
not alleviate dry-season problems if the extra water is not stored; increased as a result of climate change. [WGII 3.5.1]
and would not ease water stress in other regions of the world.
Changes in seasonal patterns and an increasing probability Climate change-induced changes in both the seasonal runoff
of extreme events may offset the effects of increased annual regime and interannual runoff variability can be as important
available freshwater resources and demographic changes. for water availability as changes in the long-term average
[WGII 3.5.1] annual runoff (US Global Change Research Program, 2000).
People living in snowmelt-fed basins experiencing decreasing
If water stress is assessed not only as a function of population and
snow storage in winter may be negatively affected by decreased
climate change but also of changing water use, the importance
river flows in the summer and autumn (Barnett et al., 2005). The
of non-climatic drivers (income, water-use efficiency, water
Rhine, for example, might suffer from a reduction of summer
low flows of 5–12% by the 2050s, which will negatively affect
Table 3.3: Impact of population growth and climate change water supply, particularly for thermal power plants (Middelkoop
on the number of people living in water-stressed river basins et al., 2001). Studies for the Elbe River Basin showed that actual
(defined as per capita renewable water resources of less than
evapotranspiration is projected to increase by 2050 (Krysanova
1,000 m3/yr) around 2050. [WGII Table 3.2]
and Wechsung, 2002), while river flow, groundwater recharge,
Estimated population in water-stressed
river basins in the year 2050 (billions)
crop yield and diffuse source pollution are likely to decrease
(Krysanova et al., 2005). [WGII 3.5.1]
Arnell (2004) Alcamo et al. (2007)
1995: Baseline 1.4 1.6 In western China, earlier spring snowmelt and declining
2050: A2 emissions 4.4–5.7 6.4–6.9 glaciers are likely to reduce water availability for irrigated
scenario agriculture. Investment and operation costs for the additional
2050: B2 emissions 2.8–4.0 4.9–5.2 wells and reservoirs which are required to guarantee a reliable
scenario water supply under climate change have been estimated for
Estimates are based on emissions scenarios for several climate model runs. The China. This cost is low in basins where the current water stress
range is due to the various climate models and model runs that were used to is low (e.g., Changjiang) and high where water stress is high
translate emissions into climate scenarios
Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses Section 3
(e.g., Huanghe River) (Kirshen et al., 2005a). Furthermore, the the exposure of people to natural hazards due to the lack of social
impact of climate change on water supply cost will increase in infrastructure, since the explanatory power of the model including
the future, not only because of stronger climate change, but also population and wealth is 82%, while adding precipitation increases
due to increasing demands. [WGII 3.5.1] this to 89%. [WGII 3.5.2]
For an aquifer in Texas, the net income of farmers is projected Another study examined the potential flood damage impacts of
to decrease by 16–30% by the 2030s and by 30–45% by the changes in extreme precipitation events by using the Canadian
2090s due to decreased irrigation water supply and increased Climate Center model and the IS92a scenario for the metro Boston
irrigation water demand. Net benefit in total due to water use area in the north-eastern USA (Kirshen et al., 2005b). This study
(dominated by municipal and industrial use) is projected to found that, without adaptation investments, both the number of
decrease by less than 2% over the same period (Chen et al., properties damaged by floods and the overall cost of flood damage
2001). [WGII 3.5.1] would double by 2100, relative to what might be expected if
there was no climate change. It also found that flood-related
If freshwater supply has to be replaced by desalinated water transportation delays would become an increasingly significant
due to climate change, then the cost of climate change includes nuisance over the course of this century. The study concluded that
the average cost of desalination, which is currently around the likely economic magnitude of these damages is sufficiently
US$1.00/m3 for seawater and US$0.60/m3 for brackish water high to justify large expenditures on adaptation strategies such as
(Zhou and Tol, 2005). The cost for freshwater chlorination is universal flood-proofing in floodplains. [WGII 3.5.2]
approximately US$0.02/m3. In densely populated coastal areas
of Egypt, China, Bangladesh, India and south-east Asia (FAO, These findings are also supported by a scenario study on the
2003), desalination costs may be prohibitive. In these areas, damages from river and coastal flooding in England and Wales
particularly in Egypt, research in new desalination technology in the 2080s, which combined four emissions scenarios with four
is required to reduce the costs, especially with the use of non- scenarios of socio-economic change in an SRES-like framework
conventional energy sources that are associated with lower (Hall et al., 2005). In all scenarios, flood damages are projected
greenhouse-gas emissions. In addition, the desalination of to increase unless current flood management policies, practices
brackish water can improve the economics of such projects (see and infrastructure are changed. By the 2080s, annual damage is
Section 4.4.4). [WGII 3.5.1] projected to be £5 billion in a B1-type world, as compared with
£1 billion today, while with approximately the same climate
Future flood damages will depend greatly on settlement change, damage is only £1.5 billion in a B2-type world. Both the
patterns, land-use decisions, the quality of flood forecasting, B1 and B2 scenarios give approximately similar results if these
warning and response systems, and the value of structures and numbers are normalised with respect to gross domestic product. In
other property located in vulnerable areas (Mileti, 1999; Pielke an A1-type world, the annual damage would amount to £15 billion
and Downton, 2000; Changnon, 2005), as well as on climatic by the 2050s and £21 billion by the 2080s (Evans et al., 2004; Hall
changes per se, such as changes in the frequency of tropical et al., 2005). [WGII 3.5.2]
cyclones (Schiermeier, 2006). [WGII 3.5.2]
Increased flood periods in the future would disrupt navigation
The impact of climate change on flood damages can be more often, and low flow conditions that restrict the loading of
projected, based on modelled changes in the recurrence interval ships may increase. For example, restrictions on loading in the
of current 20- or 100-year floods and in conjunction with Rhine River may increase from 19 days under current climate
flood damages from current events as determined from stage- conditions to 26–34 days in the 2050s (Middelkoop et al., 2001).
discharge relations and detailed property data. With such a [WGII 3.5.1]
methodology, the average annual direct flood damage for three
Australian drainage basins was projected to increase four- to Climate-change is likely to alter river discharge, resulting in
ten-fold under doubled CO2 conditions (Schreider et al., 2000). important impacts on water availability for instream usage,
[WGII 3.5.2] particularly hydropower generation. Hydropower impacts for
Europe have been estimated using a macro-scale hydrological
Choi and Fisher (2003) estimated the expected change in flood model. The results indicate that by the 2070s the electricity
damages for selected US regions under two climate change production potential of hydropower plants existing at the end of
scenarios in which mean annual precipitation increased by the 20th century will increase (assuming IS92a emissions) by
13.5% and 21.5%, respectively, with the standard deviation of 15–30% in Scandinavia and northern Russia, where currently
annual precipitation either remaining unchanged or increasing between 19% (Finland) and almost 100% (Norway) of electricity
proportionally to the mean. Using a structural econometric is produced by hydropower (Lehner et al., 2005). Decreases of
(regression) model based on a time-series of flood damage and 20–50% and more are found for Portugal, Spain, Ukraine and
with population, a wealth indicator and annual precipitation as Bulgaria, where currently between 10% (Ukraine, Bulgaria)
predictors, the mean and standard deviation of flood damage and 39% of the electricity is produced by hydropower (Lehner
are projected to increase by more than 140% if the mean and et al., 2005). For the whole of Europe (with a 20% hydropower
standard deviation of annual precipitation increase by 13.5%. fraction), hydropower potential is projected to decrease by 7–12%
This estimate suggests that flood losses are related primarily to by the 2070s. [WGII 3.5.1]
Section 3 Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses
In North America, potential reductions in the outflow of the world, where freshwater-related climate change impacts are a
Great Lakes could result in significant economic losses as a threat to the sustainable development of the affected regions.
result of reduced hydropower generation both at Niagara and ‘Sustainable’ water resources management is generally sought
on the St. Lawrence River (Lofgren et al., 2002). For a CGCM1 to be achieved by integrated water resources management
model projection with 2°C global warming, Ontario’s Niagara (IWRM: see Footnote 17 for a definition). However, the precise
and St. Lawrence hydropower generation would decline by 25– interpretation of this term varies considerably. All definitions
35%, resulting in annual losses of Canadian $240–350 million broadly include the concept of maintaining and enhancing the
at 2002 prices (Buttle et al., 2004). With the HadCM218 climate environment, and particularly the water environment, taking into
model, however, a small gain in hydropower potential (+3%) account competing users, instream ecosystems and wetlands.
was found, worth approximately Canadian $25 million per They also consider the wider environmental implications of
year. Another study that examined a range of climate model water management policies such as the implications of water
scenarios found that a 2°C global warming could reduce management policies on land management and, conversely,
hydropower generating capacity on the St. Lawrence River by the implications of land management policies on the water
1–17% (LOSLR, 2006). [WGII 3.5.1] environment. Water governance is an important component of
managing water to achieve sustainable water resources for a
3.2.7 Freshwater areas and sectors highly range of political, socio-economic and administrative systems
vulnerable to climate change (GWP, 2002; Eakin and Lemos, 2006). [WGII 3.7]
In many regions of the globe, climate change impacts on 3.2.8 Uncertainties in the projected impacts of
freshwater resources may affect sustainable development and climate change on freshwater systems
put at risk, for example, the reduction of poverty and child
mortality. Even with optimal water management, it is very Uncertainties in climate change impacts on water resources are
likely that negative impacts on sustainable development cannot mainly due to the uncertainty in precipitation inputs and less
be avoided. Figure 3.4 shows some key cases around the due to the uncertainties in greenhouse gas emissions (Döll et al.,
Figure 3.4: Illustrative map of future climate change impacts related to freshwater which threaten the sustainable development
of the affected regions. 1: Bobba et al. (2000), 2: Barnett et al. (2004), 3: Döll and Flörke (2005), 4: Mirza et al. (2003), 5:
Lehner et al. (2005), 6: Kistemann et al. (2002), 7: Porter and Semenov (2005). Background map, see Figure 2.10: Ensemble
mean change in annual runoff (%) between present (1980–1999) and 2090–2099 for the SRES A1B emissions scenario (based
on Milly et al., 2005). Areas with blue (red) colours indicate the increase (decrease) of annual runoff. [Based on WGII Figure
3.8 and SYR Figure 3.5]
See Appendix I for model descriptions.
Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses Section 3
2003; Arnell, 2004), in climate sensitivities (Prudhomme et al., to compare different sources of uncertainty affecting water
2003), or in hydrological models themselves (Kaspar, 2003). A resource projections. [WGII 3.3.1]
further source of uncertainty regarding the projected impacts
of climate change on freshwater systems is the nature, extent, Efforts to quantify the economic impacts of climate-related
and relative success of those initiatives and measures already changes in water resources are hampered by a lack of data
planned as interventions. The impacts illustrated in Figure 3.4 and by the fact that the estimates are highly sensitive to both
would be realised differently depending on any adaptation the estimation methods and the different assumptions used
measures taken. The feedbacks from adaptation measures regarding allocation of changes in water availability across
to climate change are not fully considered in current future various types of water uses, e.g., between agricultural, urban or
predictions, such as the longer growing season of crops and instream uses (Changnon, 2005; Schlenker et al., 2005; Young,
more regulations on river flow, with increased reservoir storage. 2005). [WGII 3.5]
The comparison of different sources of uncertainty in flood
statistics in two UK catchments (Kay et al., 2006a) led to the 3.3 Water-related adaptation to climate
conclusion that the largest source of uncertainty was the GCM
structure, followed by the emissions scenarios and hydrological change: an overview
modelling. Similar conclusions were made by Prudhomme and
Davies (2006) in regard to mean monthly flows and low-flow Water managers have long dealt with changing demands for water
statistics in Great Britain. [WGII 3.3.1] resources. To date, water managers have typically assumed that
the natural resource base is reasonably constant over the medium
Multi-model probabilistic approaches are preferable to using the term and, therefore, that past hydrological experience provides
output of only one climate model, when assessing uncertainty a good guide to future conditions. Climate change challenges
in the impact of climate change on water resources. Since the these conventional assumptions and may alter the reliability
TAR, several hydrological impact studies have used multi-model of water management systems. [WGII 3.6.1] Management
climate inputs (e.g., Arnell (2004) at the global scale and Jasper responses to climate change include the development of new
et al. (2004) at a river-basin scale), but studies incorporating approaches to system assessment and design, and non-structural
probabilistic assessments are rare. [WGII 3.3.1] methods through such mechanisms as the European Union Water
Framework Directive. [WGII 12.2.2]
In many impacts studies, time-series of observed climate values
are adjusted by using the computed change in climate variables to Table 3.4 summarises some supply-side and demand-side
obtain scenarios that are consistent with present-day conditions. adaptation options, designed to ensure supplies during average
These adjustments aim to minimise the impacts of the error and drought conditions. Supply-side options generally involve
in climate modelling of the GCMs under the assumption that increases in storage capacity or abstraction from water courses
the biases in climate modelling are of similar magnitude for and therefore may have adverse environmental consequences.
current and future time horizons. This is particularly important Demand-side options may lack practical effectiveness because
for precipitation projections, where differences between the they rely on the cumulative actions of individuals. Some options
observed values and those computed by climate models are may be inconsistent with mitigation measures because they
substantial. [WGII 3.3.1] involve high energy consumption, e.g., desalination, pumping.
Changes in interannual or daily variability of climate variables A distinction is frequently made between autonomous and
are often not taken into account in hydrological impact studies. planned adaptations. Autonomous adaptations are those that
This leads to an underestimation of future floods and droughts do not constitute a conscious response to climate stimuli, but
as well as water availability and irrigation water requirements. result from changes to meet altered demands, objectives and
[WGII 3.3.1] Selections of indicators and threshold values to expectations which, whilst not deliberately designed to cope
quantify the impact of climate change on freshwater resources with climate change, may lessen the consequences of that
are also sources of uncertainty. change. Such adaptations are widespread in the water sector,
although with varying degrees of effectiveness in coping with
So as to overcome the mismatch of spatial grid scales between climate change (see Table 3.5). [WGII 3.6.1] In Latin America,
GCM and hydrological processes, techniques have been some autonomous adaptation practices have been put in place,
developed that downscale GCM outputs to a finer spatial including the use of managing trans-basin diversions and the
(and temporal) resolution. [WGI TAR Chapter 10] The main optimisation of water use. [WGII] In Africa, local
assumption of these techniques is that the statistical relationships communities and farmers have developed adaptation schemes to
identified for current climate will remain valid under changes in forecast rainfall using accumulated experience. Farmers in the
future conditions. Downscaling techniques may allow modellers Sahel also use traditional water harvesting systems to supplement
to incorporate daily variability in future changes (e.g., Diaz- irrigation practices. [WGII, 9.5.1, Table 9.2]
Nieto and Wilby, 2005) and to apply a probabilistic framework
to produce information on future river flows for water resource Planned adaptations are the result of deliberate policy decisions
planning (Wilby and Harris, 2006). These approaches help and specifically take climate change and variability into account,
Section 3 Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses
Table 3.4: Some adaptation options for water supply and demand (the list is not exhaustive). [WGII Table 3.5]
Supply-side Demand-side
Increasing storage capacity by building reservoirs and Reduction in water demand for irrigation by changing the cropping calendar, crop
dams mix, irrigation method, and area planted
Desalination of sea water Reduction in water demand for irrigation by importing agricultural products, i.e.,
virtual water
Expansion of rain-water storage Promotion of indigenous practices for sustainable water use
Removal of invasive non-native vegetation from riparian Expanded use of water markets to reallocate water to highly valued uses
Water transfer Expanded use of economic incentives including metering and pricing to encourage
water conservation
and have so far been implemented infrequently. Water managers It is possible to define five different types of limits on adaptation
in a few countries, including the Netherlands, Australia, the to the effects of climate change. [WGII 17.4.2]
UK, Germany, the USA and Bangladesh, have begun to address (a) Physical or ecological: it may not be possible to prevent adverse
directly the implications of climate change as part of their effects of climate change through either technical means or
standard flood and water supply management practices. [WGII institutional changes. For example, it may be impossible to
3.2, 3.6.5, 17.2.2] These adaptations have generally taken the adapt where rivers dry up completely. [WGII 3.6.4]
form of alterations to methods and procedures, such as design (b) Technical, political or social: for example, it may be
standards and the calculation of climate change allowances. difficult to find acceptable sites for new reservoirs, or for
For example, such adaptations have been implemented for water users to consume less. [WGII 3.6.4]
flood preparedness in the UK and the Netherlands (Klijn et
(c) Economic: an adaptation strategy may simply be too costly
al., 2001; Richardson, 2002), for water supply in the UK
in relation to the benefits achieved by its implementation.
(Arnell and Delaney, 2006), and for water planning in general
in Bangladesh. [WGII 3.6.5, 17.2.2] Examples of ‘concrete’ (d) Cultural and institutional: these may include the
actions in the water sector to adapt specifically and solely to a institutional context within which water management
changing climate are very rare. This is partly because climate operates, the low priority given to water management,
change may be only one of many drivers affecting strategies lack of co-ordination between agencies, tensions between
and investment plans (and it may not be the most important different scales, ineffective governance, and uncertainty
one over the short-term planning horizon), and partly due to over future climate change (Ivey et al., 2004; Naess et
uncertainty in projections of future hydrological changes. al., 2005; Crabbe and Robin, 2006); all act as institutional
constraints on adaptation. [WGII 3.6.4]
Adaptation to changes in water availability and quality will (e) Cognitive and informational: for example, water managers
have to be made, not only by water management agencies but may not recognise the challenge of climate change, or may
also by individual users of the water environment. These will give it low priority compared with other challenges. A key
include industry, farmers (especially irrigators) and individual informational barrier is the lack of access to methodologies
consumers. Although there is much experience with adaptation to cope consistently and rigorously with climate change.
to changing demand and legislation, little is known about how [WGII]
such organisations and individuals will be able to adapt to a
changing climate. Climate change poses a conceptual challenge to water managers
by introducing uncertainty in future hydrological conditions.
Table 3.5 outlines some of the adaptation measures, both It may also be very difficult to detect an underlying trend
planned and autonomous, currently in use across the world, as (Wilby, 2006), meaning that adaptation decisions may have
presented in the regional chapters in the WGII AR4. The table to be made before it is clear how hydrological regimes may
is not exhaustive, and many individual measures can be used in actually be changing. Water management in the face of climate
many locations. change therefore needs to adopt a scenario-based approach
(Beuhler, 2003; Simonovic and Li, 2003). This is being used
There is high confidence that adaptation can reduce vulnerability, in practice in countries such as the UK (Arnell and Delaney,
especially in the short term. [WGII 17.2, 18.1, 18.5, 20.3, 20.8] 2006) and Australia (Dessai et al., 2005). However, there are
However, adaptive capacity is intimately connected to social two problems. First, there are often large differences in impact
and economic development, but it is not evenly distributed between scenarios, requiring that analyses be based on several
across and within societies. The poor, elderly, female, sick, and scenarios. Second, water managers in some countries demand
indigenous populations typically have less capacity. [WGII 7.1, information on the likelihood of defined outcomes occurring
7.2, 7.4, 17.3] in order to make risk-based decisions (e.g., Jones and Page,
Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses Section 3
Section 3 Linking climate change and water resources: impacts and responses
2001). Techniques are therefore being developed to construct capturing society’s views, reshaping planning processes, co-
probability distributions of specified outcomes, requiring that ordinating land and water resources management, recognising
assumptions be made about the probability distributions of water quantity and quality linkages, conjunctive use of surface
the key drivers of impact uncertainty (e.g., Wilby and Harris, water and groundwater, protecting and restoring natural
2006). [WGII 3.6.4] systems, and including consideration of climate change. In
addition, integrated strategies explicitly address impediments
A second approach to coping with uncertainty, referred to as to the flow of information. A fully integrated approach is not
‘adaptive management’ (Stakhiv, 1998), involves the increased always needed but, rather, the appropriate scale for integration
use of water management measures that are relatively robust to will depend on the extent to which it facilitates effective
uncertainty. Such tools include measures to reduce the demand action in response to specific needs (Moench et al., 2003). In
for water and have been advocated as a means of minimising particular, an integrated approach to water management could
the exposure of a system to climate change (e.g., in California: help to resolve conflicts between competing water users.
Beuhler, 2003). Similarly, some resilient strategies for flood In several places in the western USA, water managers and
management, e.g., allowing rivers to flood temporarily, various interest groups have been experimenting with methods
and reducing exposure to flood damage, are more robust to to promote consensus-based decision making. These efforts
uncertainty than traditional flood protection measures (Klijn et include local watershed initiatives and state-led or federally-
al., 2004; Olsen, 2006). [WGII 3.6.4] sponsored efforts to incorporate stakeholder involvement
in planning processes (e.g., US Department of the Interior,
3.3.1 Integrated water resources management 2005). Such initiatives can facilitate negotiations between
competing interest groups to achieve mutually satisfactory
Integrated water resources management (IWRM: see Footnote problem solving that considers a wide range of factors. In the
17) should be an instrument to explore adaptation measures case of large watersheds, such as the Colorado River Basin,
to climate change, but so far it is in its infancy. Successful these factors cross several time- and space-scales (Table 3.6).
integrated water management strategies include, among others: [WGII 3.6.1, Box 14.2]
Table 3.6: Cross-scale issues in the integrated water management of the Colorado River Basin (Pulwarty and Melis, 2001).
[WGII Table 3.4]
Temporal scale Issue
Indeterminate Flow necessary to protect endangered species
Long-term Inter-basin allocation and allocation among basin states
Decadal Upper basin delivery obligation
Year Lake Powell fill obligations to achieve equalisation with Lake Mead storage
Seasonal Peak heating and cooling months
Daily to monthly Flood control operations
Hourly Western Area Power Administration’s power generation
Spatial scale
Global Climate influences, Grand Canyon National Park
Regional Prior appropriation (e.g., Upper Colorado River Commission)
State Different agreements on water marketing for within and out-of-state water districts
Municipal and communities Watering schedules, treatment, domestic use
Climate change and water resources
in systems and sectors
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors Section 4
climatic conditions, they may disappear entirely. The Aral in northern Europe, while decreased water availability in the
Sea, for example, has been significantly reduced by increased south could have the opposite effect (Álvarez Cobelas et al.,
abstractions of irrigation water upstream; and Qinghai Lake in 2005). [WGII 12.4.6]
China has shrunk following a fall in catchment precipitation.
[WGII TAR 4.3.7] Freshwater wetlands
The high degree of variability in the structure of wetland systems
The duration of ice cover in lakes and rivers at mid- to high is due mainly to their individual hydrology, varying from
latitudes has decreased by approximately two weeks during the peatland bogs in high-latitude boreal forests, through tropical
past century in the Northern Hemisphere. [WGI TAR SPM] monsoonal wetlands (e.g., the Kakadu wetlands, Australia), to
Increases in summer water temperature can increase anoxia high-altitude wetlands in the Tibetan and Andean mountains.
in stratified lakes, increase the rate of phosphorus releases Climate change will have its most pronounced effects on
from lake-bottom sediments, and cause algal blooms that inland freshwater wetlands through altered precipitation and
restructure the aquatic food web. [WGII 4.4.8] A unit increase more frequent or intense disturbance events (droughts, storms,
in temperature in tropical lakes causes a proportionately higher floods). Relatively small increases in precipitation variability
density differential as compared with colder temperate lakes. can significantly affect wetland plants and animals at different
Thus, projected tropical temperatures [WGI Chapters 10 and stages of their life cycle (Keddy, 2000). [WGII 4.4.8] Generally,
11] will lead to strong thermal stratification, causing anoxia climatic warming is expected to start a drying trend in wetland
in deep layers of lakes and nutrient depletion in shallow lake ecosystems. This largely indirect influence of climate change,
waters. Reduced oxygen concentrations will generally reduce leading to alterations in the water level, would be the main
aquatic species diversity, especially in cases where water quality agent in wetland ecosystem change and would overshadow the
is impaired by eutrophication. [CCB 4.4] impacts of rising temperature and longer growing seasons in
boreal and sub-Arctic peatlands (Gorham, 1991). Monsoonal
Reduced oxygen concentrations tend to alter biotic assemblages, areas are more likely to be affected by more intense rain events
biogeochemistry and the overall productivity of lakes and over shorter rainy seasons, exacerbating flooding and erosion in
streams. The thermal optima for many mid- to high-latitude catchments and the wetlands themselves. [WGII TAR 5.8.3]
cold-water taxa are lower than 20°C. Species extinctions are
expected when warm summer temperatures and anoxia eliminate Most wetland processes are dependent on catchment-level
hydrology, which can be altered by changes in land use as well
deep cold-water refugia. In the southern Great Plains of the
as surface water resource management practices. [WGII TAR
USA, water temperatures are already approaching lethal limits
5.ES] Recharge of local and regional groundwater systems, the
for many native stream fish. Organic matter decomposition
position of the wetland relative to the local topography, and the
rates increase with temperature, thereby shortening the period
gradient of larger regional groundwater systems are also critical
over which detritus is available to aquatic invertebrates. [CCB
factors in determining the variability and stability of moisture
6.2] Invasive alien species represent a major threat to native
storage in wetlands in climatic zones where precipitation does not
biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. [WGII 4.2.2] The rise in
greatly exceed evaporation (Winter and Woo, 1990). Changes in
global temperature will tend to extend polewards the ranges of
recharge external to the wetland may be as important to the fate
many invasive aquatic plants, such as Eichhornia and Salvinia.
of the wetland under changing climatic conditions, as are the
[RICC 2.3.6]
changes in direct precipitation and evaporation on the wetland
itself (Woo et al., 1993). [WGII TAR] Thus, it may be
Effects of warming on riverine systems may be strongest in very difficult, if not impossible, to adapt to the consequences
humid regions, where flows are less variable and biological of projected changes in water availability. [WGII TAR 5.8.4]
interactions control the abundance of organisms. Drying of Due, in part, to their limited capacity for adaptation, wetlands
stream-beds and lakes for extended periods could reduce are considered to be among the ecosystems most vulnerable to
ecosystem productivity because of the restriction on aquatic climate change. [WGII 4.4.8]
habitat, combined with lowered water quality via increased
oxygen deficits and pollutant concentrations. In semi-arid Wetlands are often biodiversity hotspots. Many have world
parts of the world, reductions in seasonal streamflow and conservation status (Ramsar sites, World Heritage sites). Their
complete drying up of lakes (such as in the Sahel of Africa) loss could lead to significant extinctions, especially among
can have profound effects on ecosystem services, including the amphibians and aquatic reptiles. [WGII 4.4.8] The TAR
maintenance of biodiversity. [CCB 6.7] identified Arctic and sub-Arctic ombrotrophic (‘cloud-fed’)
bogs and depressional wetlands with small catchments as the
Currently, species richness is highest in freshwater systems most vulnerable aquatic systems to climate change. [WGII TAR
in central Europe and decreases to the north and south due 5.8.5] The more recent AR4, however, suggests a very high
to periodic droughts and salinisation (Declerck et al. 2005). degree of vulnerability for many additional wetland types, such
Ensemble GCM runs for the IPCC AR4 indicate a south–north as monsoonal wetlands in India and Australia, boreal peatlands,
contrast in precipitation, with increases in the north and decreases North America’s prairie pothole wetlands and African Great
in the south. [WGI] An increase in projected runoff and Lake wetlands. [WGII 4.4.8, 4.4.10] The seasonal migration
lower risk of drought could benefit the fauna of aquatic systems patterns and routes of many wetland species will have to change;
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
otherwise some species will be threatened with extinction. change and hydrological modifications have had downstream
[WGII 4.4.8] For key habitats, small-scale restoration may be impacts, in addition to localised influences, including human
possible, if sufficient water is available. [WGII TAR 5.8.4] development on the coast. Erosion has increased the sediment
load reaching the coast; for example, suspended loads in the
Due to changes in hydrology associated with atmospheric Huanghe (Yellow) River have increased 2–10 times over the
warming, the area of wetland habitat has increased in some past 2,000 years (Jiongxin, 2003). In contrast, damming and
regions. In the Arctic region, thawing of permafrost is giving channelisation have greatly reduced the supply of sediments
rise to new wetlands. [WGII 1.3] Thermokarst features, which to the coast on other rivers through the retention of sediment
result from the melting of ground ice in a region underlain in dams (Syvistki et al., 2005), and this effect will probably
by permafrost, can displace Arctic biota through either over- dominate during the 21st century. [WGII 6.4]
saturation or drying (Hinzman et al., 2005; Walsh et al., 2005).
Extensive thermokarst development has been discovered in Climate model ensemble runs by Milly et al. (2005) indicate
North America near Council, Alaska (Yoshikawa and Hinzman, that climate change during the next 50–100 years will increase
2003) and in central Yakutia (Gavriliev and Efremov, 2003). discharges to coastal waters in the Arctic, in northern Argentina
[WGI] Initially, permafrost thaw forms depressions and southern Brazil, parts of the Indian sub-continent and
for new wetlands and ponds that are interconnected by new China, while reduced discharges to coastal waters are suggested
drainage features. As the permafrost thaws further, surface in southern Argentina and Chile, western Australia, western and
waters drain into groundwater systems, leading to losses in southern Africa, and in the Mediterranean Basin. [WGII 6.3.2;
freshwater habitat. [WGII] Warming may have already see Figure 2.10 in this volume] If river discharge decreases, the
caused the loss of wetland area as lakes on the Yukon Delta salinity of coastal estuaries and wetlands is expected to increase
expanded during the past century (Coleman and Huh, 2004). and the amount of sediments and nutrients delivered to the
[WGII 15.6.2] coast to decrease. In coastal areas where streamflow decreases,
salinity will tend to advance upstream, thereby altering the
Small increases in the variability in precipitation regimes can zonation of plant and animal species as well as the availability
significantly affect wetland plants and animals (Keddy, 2000; of freshwater for human use. The increased salinity of coastal
Burkett and Kusler, 2000). Biodiversity in seasonal wetlands, waters since 1950 has contributed to the decline of cabbage
such as vernal pools, can be strongly impacted by changes in palm forests in Florida (Williams et al., 1999) and bald cypress
precipitation and soil moisture (Bauder, 2005). In monsoonal forests in Louisiana (Krauss et al., 2000). Increasing salinity
regions, prolonged dry periods promote terrestrialisation of has also played a role in the expansion of mangroves into
wetlands, as witnessed in Keoladeo National Park (Chauhan adjacent marshes in the Florida Everglades (Ross et al., 2000)
and Gopal, 2001). [WGII 4.4.8] and throughout south-eastern Australia during the past 50 years
(Saintilan and Williams, 1999). [WGII] Saltwater Coasts and estuaries intrusion as a result of a combination of sea-level rise, decreases
Changes in the timing and volume of freshwater runoff will in river flows and increased drought frequency are expected to
affect salinity, sediment and nutrient availability, and moisture alter estuarine-dependent coastal fisheries during this century in
regimes in coastal ecosystems. Climate change can affect parts of Africa, Australia and Asia. [WGII, 9.4.4, 10.4.1,
each of these variables by altering precipitation and locally 11.4.2]
driven runoff or, more importantly, runoff from watersheds
that drain into the coastal zone. [WGII] Hydrology Deltaic coasts are particularly vulnerable to changes in runoff
has a strong influence on the distribution of coastal wetland and sediment transport, which affect the ability of a delta to
plant communities, which typically grade inland from salt, to cope with the physical impacts of climatic change. In Asia,
brackish, to freshwater species. [WGII] where human activities have led to increased sediment loads
of major rivers in the past, the construction of upstream dams
The effects of sea-level rise on coastal landforms vary is now depleting the supply of sediments to many deltas, with
among coastal regions because the rate of sea-level rise is increased coastal erosion becoming a widespread consequence
not spatially uniform [WGI 5.5.2] and because some coastal (Li et al., 2004; Syvitski et al., 2005; Ericson et al., 2006).
regions experience uplift or subsidence due to processes that [WGII 6.2.3, 6.4.1] In the subsiding Mississippi River deltaic
are independent of climate change. Such processes include plain of south-east Louisiana, sediment starvation due to human
groundwater withdrawals, oil and gas extraction, and isostacy intervention in deltaic processes and concurrent increases in the
(adjustment of the Earth’s surface on geological timescales salinity and water levels of coastal marshes occurred so rapidly
to changes in surface mass; e.g., due to changes in ice sheet that 1,565 km2 of intertidal coastal marshes and adjacent coastal
mass following the last deglaciation). In addition to changes in lowlands were converted to open water between 1978 and 2000
elevation along the coast, factors arising inland can influence (Barras et al., 2003). [WGII 6.4.1]
the net effect of sea-level rise on coastal ecosystems. The
natural ecosystems within watersheds have been fragmented Some of the greatest potential impacts of climate change
and the downstream flow of water, sediment and nutrients to on estuaries may result from changes in physical mixing
the coast has been disrupted (Nilsson et al., 2005). Land-use characteristics caused by changes in freshwater runoff (Scavia
Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors Section 4
et al., 2002). Freshwater inflows into estuaries influence water Changing runoff from glacier melt has significant effects
residence time, nutrient delivery, vertical stratification, salinity, on ecosystem services. Biota of small-watershed streams
and control of phytoplankton growth rates (Moore et al., sustained by glacial melt are highly vulnerable to extirpation.
1997). Changes in river discharges into shallow near-shore [WGII 1.3.1, 3.2, 3.4.3]
marine environments will lead to changes in turbidity, salinity,
stratification and nutrient availability (Justic et al., 2005). Forests, savannas and grasslands
[WGII] The availability of water is a key factor in the restructuring of
forest and grassland systems as the climate warms. Climate Mountain ecosystems change is known to alter the likelihood of increased wildfire
The zonation of ecosystems along mountain gradients is size and frequency, while also inducing stress in trees, which
mediated by temperature and soil moisture. Recent studies indirectly exacerbates the effects of these disturbances. Many
(Williams et al., 2003; Pounds and Puschendorf, 2004; forest ecosystems in the tropics, high latitudes and high
Andreone et al., 2005; Pounds et al., 2006) have shown the altitudes are becoming increasingly susceptible to drought and
disproportionate risk of extinctions in mountain ecosystems associated changes in fire, pests and diseases. [WGII Chapter
and, in particular, among endemic species. [WGII 4.4.7] Many 4, 5.1.2, 13.4] It has been estimated that up to 40% of the
species of amphibians, small mammals, fish, birds and plants Amazonian forests could be affected by even slight decreases
are highly vulnerable to the ongoing and projected changes in precipitation (Rowell and Moore, 2000). Multi-model GCM
in climate that alter their highly specialised mountain niche. simulations of precipitation changes over South America
[WGII, 4.4.7, 9.4.5] during the next 100 years show a substantial (20% or more)
decrease in June, July and August precipitation in the Amazon
In many snowmelt-dominated watersheds, temperature Basin, but a slight increase (approximately 5%) in December,
increase has shifted the magnitude and timing of hydrological
January and February. [WGI] These projected changes
events. A trend towards earlier peak spring streamflow and
in precipitation, coupled with increased temperature, portend a
increased winter base flows has been observed in North
replacement of some Amazonian forests by ecosystems that have
America and Eurasia. [WGII 1.3.2] A greater fraction of
more resistance to the multiple stresses caused by temperature
annual precipitation is falling as rain rather than snow at
increase, droughts and fires. [WGII 13.4.2]
74% of the weather stations studied in the western mountains
of the USA between 1949 and 2004 (Knowles et al., 2006).
Increases in drought conditions in several regions (Europe,
Since the 1970s, winter snow depth and spring snow cover
parts of Latin America) during the growing season are
have decreased in Canada, particularly in the west, where air
projected to accompany increasing summer temperatures and
temperatures have consistently increased (Brown and Braaten,
precipitation declines, with widespread effects on forest net
1998). Spring and summer snow cover is decreasing in the
ecosystem productivity. Effects of drought on forests include
western USA (Groisman et al., 2004). The April 1st snow water
mortality due to disease, drought stress and pests; a reduction
equivalent (SWE) has decreased by 15–30% since 1950 in the
in resilience; and biotic feedbacks that vary from site to site.
western mountains of North America, particularly at lower
[WGII 4.4.5] In some regions, forests are projected to replace
elevations in spring, primarily due to warming rather than to
other vegetation types, such as tundra and grasslands, and the
changes in precipitation (Mote et al., 2005). Streamflow peaks
in the snowmelt-dominated western mountains of the USA availability of water can be just as important as temperature and
occurred 1–4 weeks earlier in 2002 than in 1948 (Stewart et CO2-enrichment effects on photosynthesis. [WGII 4.4.3, 4.4.5]
al., 2005). [WGII 14.2.1]
Numerous studies have evaluated the direct CO2 fertilisation
The duration and depth of snow cover, often correlated with impact and warming effects on dominant forest and grassland
mean temperature and precipitation (Keller et al., 2005; types. Studies involving a wide range of woody and herbaceous
Monson et al., 2006), is a key factor in many alpine ecosystems species suggest that enhancements in photosynthesis due
(Körner, 1999). Missing snow cover exposes plants and animals to projected CO2 enrichment will be dependent upon water
to frost, and influences water supply in spring (Keller et al., availability. [WGII 4.4.3] Higher-order effects of CO2
2005). If animal movements are disrupted by changing snow enrichment in forests and savannas can have important
patterns, as has been found in Colorado (Inouye et al., 2000), feedbacks on water resources. For example, atmospheric CO2
increased wildlife mortality may result through a mismatch enrichment can have adverse effects on the nutritional value of
between wildlife and environment. [WGII 4.4.7] For each 1°C litter in streams (Tuchman et al., 2003), and soil water balance
of temperature increase, the duration of snow cover is expected can be strongly influenced by elevated CO2 in most grassland
to decline by several weeks at mid-elevations in the European types. [WGII 4.4.10] Grassland and savanna productivity is
Alps. It is virtually certain that European mountain flora will highly sensitive to precipitation variability. In assessments of
undergo major changes in response to climate change, with tall-grass prairie productivity, for example, increased rainfall
changes in snow-cover duration being a more important driver variability was more significant than rainfall amount, with a
than the direct effects of temperature on animal metabolism. 50% increase in dry-spell duration causing a 10% reduction in
[WGII 12.4.3] net primary productivity (Fay et al., 2003a). [WGII 4.4.3]
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
Forest ecosystems are differentially sensitive to climatic change However, the large-scale implications of CO2–water
(e.g., Kirschbaum and Fischlin, 1996; Sala et al., 2000; Gitay et interactions (i.e., at canopy, field and regional level) are highly
al., 2001), with temperature-limited biomes being sensitive to uncertain. In general, it is recognised that the positive effects of
impacts of warming, and water-limited biomes being sensitive elevated CO2 on plant water relations are expected to be offset
to increasing levels of drought. Some, such as fire-dependent by increased evaporative demand under warmer temperatures.
ecosystems, may change rapidly in response to climate and [WGII TAR]
other environmental changes (Scheffer et al., 2001; Sankaran et
al., 2005). [WGII 4.1, 4.4.5] Many recent studies confirm and extend TAR findings that
temperature and precipitation changes in future decades will
Forest ecosystems, and the biodiversity associated with them, modify, and often limit, direct CO2 effects on plants. For
may be particularly at risk in Africa, due to a combination of instance, high temperatures during flowering may lower CO2
socio-economic pressures, and land-use and climate-change effects by reducing grain number, size and quality (Thomas et
factors. [WGII 4.2] By 2100, negative impacts across about al., 2003; Baker et al., 2004; Caldwell et al., 2005). Likewise,
25% of Africa (especially southern and western Africa) may increased water demand under warming may reduce the expected
cause a decline in both water quality and ecosystem goods positive CO2 effects. Rain-fed wheat grown at 450 ppm CO2
and services. [WGII 4.ES, 4.4.8] Indeed, changes in a variety shows grain yield increases up to 0.8°C warming, but yields then
of ecosystems are already being detected and documented, decline beyond 1.5°C warming; additional irrigation is needed
particularly in southern Africa. [WGII] to counterbalance these negative effects. [WGII]
4.2.2 Observations Finally, plant physiologists and crop modellers alike recognise
that the effects of elevated CO2, measured in experimental Climate impacts and water settings and implemented in models, may overestimate actual
Although agriculture and forestry are known to be highly field and farm-level responses. This is due to many limiting
dependent on climate, evidence of observed changes related to factors that typically operate at the field level, such as pests,
regional climate changes, and specifically to water, is difficult weeds, competition for resources, soil water and air quality.
to find. Agriculture and forestry are also strongly influenced These critical factors are poorly investigated in large-scale
by non-climate factors, especially management practices and experimental settings, and are thus not well integrated into the
technological changes (Easterling, 2003) on local and regional leading plant growth models. Understanding the key dynamics
scales, as well as market prices and policies related to subsidies. characterising the interactions of elevated CO2 with climate,
[WGII 1.3.6] soil and water quality, pests, weeds and diseases, climate
variability and ecosystem vulnerability remains a priority for
Although responses to recent climate change are difficult to understanding the future impacts of climate change on managed
identify in human systems, due to multiple non-climate driving systems. [WGII 5.4.1, 5.8.2]
forces and the existence of adaptation, effects have been
detected in forestry and a few agricultural systems. Changes in 4.2.3 Projections
several aspects of the human health system have been related
to recent warming. Adaptation to recent warming is beginning Changes in water demand and availability under climate change
to be systematically documented. In comparison with other will significantly affect agricultural activities and food security,
factors, recent warming has been of limited consequence in forestry and fisheries in the 21st century. On the one hand,
agriculture and forestry. A significant advance in phenology, changes in evaporation:precipitation ratios will modify plant
however, has been observed for agriculture and forestry in water demand with respect to a baseline with no climate change.
large parts of the Northern Hemisphere, with limited responses On the other hand, modified patterns of precipitation and storage
in crop management. The lengthening of the growing season cycles at the watershed scale will change the seasonal, annual
has contributed to an observed increase in forest productivity and interannual availability of water for terrestrial and aquatic
in many regions, while warmer and drier conditions are partly agro-ecosystems (FAO, 2003). Climate changes increase
responsible for reduced forest productivity and increased forest irrigation demand in the majority of world regions due to a
fires in North America and the Mediterranean Basin. Both combination of decreased rainfall and increased evaporation
agriculture and forestry have shown vulnerability to recent trends arising from increased temperatures. [WGII 5.8.1]
in heatwaves, droughts and floods. [WGII 1.3.6, 1.3.9, 5.2]
It is expected that projected changes in the frequency and Atmospheric CO2 and water dynamics severity of extreme climate events, such as increased frequency
The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on plant function may of heat stress, droughts and flooding, will have significant
have important implications for water resources, since leaf- consequences on food, forestry (and the risk of forest fires) and
level water-use efficiency increases due to increased stomatal other agro-ecosystem production, over and above the impacts
resistance as compared to current concentrations. For C3 of changes in mean variables alone. [WGII 5.ES] In particular,
plant species (including most food crops), the CO2 effect may more than 90% of simulations predict increased droughts in the
be relatively greater for crops that are under moisture stress, sub-tropics by the end of the 21st century [WGI SPM], while
compared to well-irrigated crops. [WGII TAR] increased extremes in precipitation are projected in the major
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
Finally, it may be important to recognise that production Increases in the frequency of climate extremes may lower crop
systems and water resources will be critically shaped in the yields beyond the impacts of mean climate change. Simulation
coming decades by the concurrent interactions of socio- studies since the TAR have considered specific aspects of
economic and climate drivers. For instance, increased demand increased climate variability within climate change scenarios.
for irrigation water in agriculture will depend both on changed Rosenzweig et al. (2002) computed that, under scenarios of
climatic conditions and on increased demand for food by a increased heavy precipitation, production losses due to excessive
growing population; in addition, water availability for forest soil moisture (already significant today) would double in the
productivity will depend on both climatic drivers and critical USA to US$3 billion/yr in 2030. In Bangladesh, the risk of crop
anthropogenic impacts, particularly deforestation in tropical losses is projected to increase due to higher flood frequency
zones. In the Amazon Basin, for instance, a combination of under climate change. Finally, climate change impact studies
deforestation and increased fragmentation may trigger severe that incorporate higher rainfall intensity indicate an increased
droughts over and above the climate signal, leading to increased risk of soil erosion; in arid and semi-arid regions, high rainfall
fire danger. [WGII] intensity may be associated with a higher possibility of
Figure 4.1: (a) Current suitability for rain-fed crops (excluding forest ecosystems) (after Fischer et al., 2002b). SI = suitability
index [WGII Figure 5.1a]; (b) ensemble mean percentage projected change in annual mean runoff between the present
(1980–1999) and 2090–2099. [Based on SYR Figure 3.5]
Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors Section 4
salinisation, due to increased loss of water past the crop root Locally, irrigated agriculture may face new problems linked to
zone. [WGII] the spatial and temporal distribution of streamflow. For instance,
at low latitudes, especially in south-east Asia, early snowmelt
Impacts of climate change on irrigation water requirements may cause spring flooding and lead to a summer irrigation water
may be large. A few new studies have further quantified the shortage. [WGII 5.8.2]
impacts of climate change on regional and global irrigation
requirements, irrespective of the positive effects of elevated Pastures and livestock
CO2 on crop water-use efficiency. Döll (2002), in considering Many of the world’s rangelands are in semi-arid areas and
the direct impacts of climate change on crop evaporative susceptible to water deficits; any further decline in water
demand, but without any CO2 effects, estimated an increase in resources will greatly impact carrying capacity. As a result,
net crop irrigation requirements (i.e., net of transpiration losses) increased climate variability and droughts may lead to livestock
of between 5% and 8% globally by 2070, with larger regional loss. Specifically, the impact on animal productivity due to
signals (e.g., +15%) in south-east Asia. [WGII] increased variability in weather patterns is likely to be far
greater than effects associated with changes in average climatic
Fischer et al. (2006), in a study that included positive CO2 effects conditions. The most frequent catastrophic losses arising
on crop water-use efficiency, computed increases in global net from a lack of prior conditioning to weather events occur in
irrigation requirements of 20% by 2080, with larger impacts confined cattle feedlots, with economic losses from reduced
in developed versus developing regions, due to both increased cattle performance exceeding those associated with cattle death
evaporative demands and longer growing seasons under losses by several-fold. [WGII]
climate change. Fischer et al. (2006) and Arnell et al. (2004)
also projected increases in water stress (measured as the ratio Many of the world’s rangelands are affected by El Niño–
of irrigation withdrawals to renewable water resources) in the Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Under ENSO-related
Middle East and south-east Asia. Recent regional studies have drought events, in dry regions there are risks of positive
likewise underlined critical climate change/water dynamics in feedback between the degradation of both soils and vegetation
key irrigated areas, such as northern Africa (increased irrigation and reductions in rainfall, with consequences in terms of loss
requirements; Abou-Hadid et al., 2003) and China (decreased of both pastoral and farming lands. [WGII] However,
requirements; Tao et al., 2003a). [WGII] while WGI TAR indicated an increased likelihood of ENSO
frequency under climate change, the WGI AR4 did not find
At the national scale, some integrative studies exist. In the correlations between ENSO and climate change. [WGI TAR
USA, two modelling studies on adaptation of the agricultural SPM; WGI]
sector to climate change (i.e., shifts between irrigated and rain-
fed production) foresee a decrease in both irrigated areas and A survey of experimental data worldwide suggested that mild
withdrawals beyond 2030 under various climate scenarios warming generally increases grassland productivity, with the
(Reilly et al., 2003; Thomson et al., 2005a). This is related to a strongest positive responses at high latitudes, and that the
declining yield gap between irrigated and rain-fed agriculture productivity and composition of plant species in rangelands are
caused either by yield reductions of irrigated crops due to highly correlated with precipitation. In addition, recent findings
higher temperatures, or by yield increases of rain-fed crops due (see Figure 4.1) projected declines in rainfall in some major
to higher precipitation. These studies did not take into account grassland and rangeland areas (e.g., South America, southern
the increasing variability of daily precipitation and, as such, and northern Africa, western Asia, Australia and southern
rain-fed yields are probably overestimated. [WGII 3.5.1] Europe). [WGII]
For developing countries, a 14% increase in irrigation water Elevated atmospheric CO2 can reduce soil water depletion in
withdrawal by 2030 was foreseen in an FAO study that did different native and semi-native temperate and Mediterranean
not consider the impacts of climate change (Bruinsma, 2003). grassland. However, in conjunction with climate change,
However, the four Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios increased variability in rainfall and warmer temperatures may
project much smaller increases in irrigation withdrawal at the create more severe soil moisture limitations, and hence reduced
global scale, as they assume that the area under irrigation will productivity, offsetting the beneficial effects of CO2. Other
only increase by between 0% and 6% by 2030; and between 0% impacts on livestock occur directly through the increase in
and 10% by 2050. [WGII 3.5.1] thermal heat load. [WGII]
The overwhelming water use increases are likely to occur in the Fisheries
domestic and industrial sectors, with withdrawals increasing Negative impacts of climate change on aquaculture and
by between 14% and 83% by 2050 (Millennium Ecosystem freshwater fisheries include: stress due to increased temperature
Assessment, 2005a, b). This is based on the idea that the value and oxygen demand and decreased pH; uncertain future
of water will be much higher for domestic and industrial uses, water quality and volume; extreme weather events; increased
which is particularly true under conditions of water stress. frequency of disease and toxic events; sea-level rise and
[WGII 3.5.1] conflicts of interest with coastal defence needs; and uncertain
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
Box 4.1: Climate change and the fisheries of the lower Mekong – an example of multiple
stresses due to human activity on a megadelta fisheries system. [WGII Box 5.3]
Fisheries are central to the lives of the people, particularly the rural poor, who live in the lower Mekong countries. Two-
thirds of the basin’s 60 million people are in some way active in fisheries, which represent about 10% of the GDP of
Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR). There are approximately 1,000 species of fish commonly
found in the river, with many more marine vagrants, making it one of the most prolific and diverse faunas in the world
(MRC, 2003). Recent estimates of the annual catch from capture fisheries alone exceed 2.5 million tonnes (Hortle and
Bush, 2003), with the delta contributing over 30% of this.
Direct effects of climate change will occur due to changing patterns of precipitation, snowmelt and rising sea level, which
will affect hydrology and water quality. Indirect effects will result from changing vegetation patterns that may alter the
food chain and increase soil erosion. It is likely that human impacts on the fisheries (caused by population growth, flood
mitigation, increased water abstractions, changes in land use, and over-fishing) will be greater than the effects of climate,
but the pressures are strongly interrelated.
An analysis of the impact of climate change scenarios on the flow of the Mekong (Hoanh et al., 2004) estimated increased
maximum monthly flows of 35–41% in the basin and 16–19% in the delta (the lower value is for years 2010–2038 and
the higher value for years 2070–2099, compared with 1961–1990 levels). Minimum monthly flows were estimated to
decrease by 17–24% in the basin and 26–29% in the delta. Increased flooding would positively affect fisheries yields, but
a reduction in dry season habitat may reduce the recruitment of some species. However, planned water-management
interventions, primarily dams, are expected to have the opposite effects on hydrology, namely marginally decreasing wet-
season flows and considerably increasing dry-season flows (World Bank, 2004b).
Models indicate that even a modest sea-level rise of 20 cm would cause contour lines of water levels in the Mekong
delta to shift 25 km inland during the flood season and saltwater to move further upstream (although confined within
canals) during the dry season (Wassmann et al., 2004). Inland movement of saltwater would significantly alter the species
composition of fisheries, but may not be detrimental for overall fisheries yields.
future supplies of fishmeal and oils from capture fisheries. A Several simulation studies suggest the possibility of relative
case study of the multiple stresses that may affect fisheries in benefits of adaptation in the land sector with low to moderate
developing countries is included in Box 4.1. [WGII] warming, although several response strategies may place
extra stress on water and other environmental resources as
Positive impacts include increased growth rates and food warming increases. Autonomous adaptation actions are defined
conversion efficiencies; increased length of growing season; as responses that will be implemented by individual farmers,
range expansion; and the use of new areas due to decreased ice rural communities and/or farmers’ organisations, depending
cover. [WGII] on perceived or real climate change in the coming decades,
and without intervention and/or co-ordination by regional and
4.2.4 Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainable national governments and international agreements. To this
development end, maladaptation, e.g., pressure to cultivate marginal land, or
to adopt unsustainable cultivation practices as yields drop, may
Water management is a critical component that needs to adapt increase land degradation and endanger the biodiversity of both
in the face of both climate and socio-economic pressures in wild and domestic species, possibly jeopardising future ability
the coming decades. Changes in water use will be driven by to respond to increasing climate risk later in the century. Planned
the combined effects of: changes in water availability, changes adaptation, therefore, including changes in policies, institutions
in water demand from land, as well as from other competing and dedicated infrastructure, will be needed to facilitate and
sectors including urban, and changes in water management. maximise long-term benefits of adaptation responses to climate
change. [WGII 5.5]
Practices that increase the productivity of irrigation water use
– defined as crop output per unit water use – may provide Autonomous adaptation
significant adaptation potential for all land production systems Options for autonomous adaptation are largely extensions or
under future climate change. At the same time, improvements intensifications of existing risk management and production
in irrigation efficiency are critical to ensure the availability of enhancement activities, and are therefore already available
water both for food production and for competing human and to farmers and communities. These include, with respect to
environmental needs. [WGII 3.5.1] water:
Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors Section 4
• adoption of varieties/species with increased resistance to systems, altered rotation of pastures, modification of times of
heat shock and drought; grazing, alteration of forage and animal species/breeds, altered
• modification of irrigation techniques, including amount, integration within mixed livestock/crop systems, including
timing or technology; the use of adapted forage crops, care to ensure adequate water
• adoption of water-efficient technologies to ‘harvest’ water, supplies, and the use of supplementary feeds and concentrates.
conserve soil moisture (e.g. crop residue retention), and Pastoralist coping strategies in semi-arid and arid Kenya and
reduce siltation and saltwater intrusion; southern Ethiopia are discussed in Box 4.2. [WGII 5.4.7]
• improved water management to prevent waterlogging,
erosion and leaching; Adaptation strategies for forestry may include changes in
• modification of crop calendars, i.e., timing or location of management intensity, species mix, rotation periods, adjusting
cropping activities; to altered wood size and quality, and adjusting fire management
• implementation of seasonal climate forecasting. systems. [WGII 5.5.1]
Additional adaptation strategies may involve land-use changes
that take advantage of modified agro-climatic conditions. With respect to marine ecosystems, with the exception of
[WGII 5.5.1] aquaculture and some freshwater fisheries, the exploitation
of natural fish populations precludes the kind of management
A few simulation studies show the importance of irrigation water adaptations to climate change suggested for the crop, livestock
as an adaptation technique to reduce climate change impacts. In and forest sectors. Adaptation options thus centre on altering
general, however, projections suggest that the greatest relative catch size and effort. The scope for autonomous adaptation
benefit from adaptation is to be gained under conditions of low is increasingly restricted as new regulations governing the
to moderate warming, and that adaptation practices that involve exploitation of fisheries and marine ecosystems come into
increased irrigation water use may in fact place additional force. [WGII 5.5.1]
stress on water and environmental resources as warming and
evaporative demand increase. [WGII 5.8.1] If widely adopted, adaptation strategies in production systems
have substantial potential to offset negative climate change
Many adaptation strategies in key production sectors other impacts and take advantage of positive ones. However, there
than crop agriculture have also been explored, although, has been little evaluation of how effective and widely adopted
without a direct focus on water issues. Adaptation strategies these adaptations may be, given the complex nature of decision
that may nonetheless affect water use include, for livestock making; the diversity of responses across regions; time lags
African pastoralism has evolved in adaptation to harsh environments with very high spatial and temporal variability of
rainfall (Ellis, 1995). Several recent studies (Ndikumana et al., 2000; Hendy and Morton, 2001; Oba, 2001; McPeak
and Barrett, 2001; Morton, 2006) have focused on the coping strategies used by pastoralists during recent droughts in
northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia, and the longer-term adaptations that underlie them.
• Mobility remains the most important pastoralist adaptation to spatial and temporal variations in rainfall, and in
drought years many communities make use of fall-back grazing areas unused in ‘normal’ dry seasons because of
distance, land tenure constraints, animal disease problems or conflict. However, encroachment on and individuation
of communal grazing lands, and the desire to settle in order to access human services and food aid, have severely
limited pastoral mobility.
• Pastoralists engage in herd accumulation, and most evidence now suggests that this is a rational form of insurance
against drought.
• A small proportion of pastoralists now hold some of their wealth in bank accounts, and others use informal savings
and credit mechanisms through shop-keepers.
• Pastoralists also use supplementary feed for livestock, purchased or lopped from trees, as a coping strategy; they
intensify animal disease management through indigenous and scientific techniques; they pay for access to water
from powered boreholes.
• Livelihood diversification away from pastoralism in this region predominantly takes the form of shifts into low-income
or environmentally unsustainable occupations such as charcoal production, rather than an adaptive strategy to
reduce ex ante vulnerability.
• A number of intra-community mechanisms distribute both livestock products and the use of live animals to the
destitute, but these appear to be breaking down because of the high levels of covariate risk within communities.
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
in implementation; and possible economic, institutional and breeding and biotechnology for improved resistance to climate
cultural barriers to change. For example, the realisable adaptive stresses such as drought and flooding in crop, forage, livestock,
capacity of poor subsistence farming/herding communities is forest and fisheries species (Box 4.3).
generally considered to be very low. Likewise, large areas of
forests receive minimal direct human management, limiting
adaptation opportunities. Even in more intensively managed Box 4.3: Will biotechnology assist
forests, where adaptation activities may be more feasible, long agricultural and forest adaptation?
time lags between planting and harvesting may complicate the [WGII Box 5.6]
adoption of effective adaptation strategies. [WGII 5.1.1]
Biotechnology and conventional breeding may help Planned adaptation develop new cultivars with enhanced traits better suited
Planned adaptation solutions should focus on developing new to adapt to climate change conditions. These include
infrastructure, policies, and institutions that support, facilitate, drought and temperature stress resistance; resistance to
co-ordinate and maximise the benefits of new management pests and disease, salinity and waterlogging. Additional
and land-use arrangements. This can be achieved in general opportunities for new cultivars include changes in
through improved governance, including addressing climate phenology or enhanced responses to elevated CO2. With
change in development programmes; increasing investment in respect to water, a number of studies have documented
irrigation infrastructure and efficient water-use technologies; genetic modifications to major crop species (e.g., maize
ensuring appropriate transport and storage infrastructure; and soybeans) that increased their water-deficit tolerance
revising land tenure arrangements (including attention to well- (as reviewed by Drennen et al., 1993; Kishor et al., 1995;
defined property rights); and establishing accessible, efficiently Pilon-Smits et al., 1995; Cheikh et al., 2000), although
functioning markets for products and inputs (including this may not extend to the wider range of crop plants.
water pricing schemes) and for financial services (including In general, too little is currently known about how the
insurance). [WGII 5.5] desired traits achieved by genetic modification perform
in real farming and forestry applications (Sinclair and
Planned adaptation and policy co-ordination across multiple Purcell, 2005).
institutions may be necessary to facilitate adaptation to climate
change, in particular where falling yields create pressure to
cultivate marginal land or adopt unsustainable cultivation Food security and vulnerability
practices, increasing both land degradation and the use of All four dimensions of food security: namely, food availability
resources, including water. [WGII 5.4.7] (production and trade), access to food, stability of food
supplies, and food utilisation (the actual processes involved
A number of global-, national- and basin-scale adaptation in the preparation and consumption of food), are likely to be
assessments show that, in general, semi-arid and arid basins affected by climate change. Importantly, food security will
are most vulnerable with respect to water stress. If precipitation depend not only on climate and socio-economic impacts on
decreases, then demand for irrigation water would make it food production, but also (and critically so) on changes to trade
impossible to satisfy all other demands. Projected streamflow flows, stocks, and food aid policy. In particular, climate change
changes in the Sacramento-Joaquin and Colorado River Basins will result in mixed and geographically varying impacts on
indicate that present-day water demand cannot be fulfilled by food production and, thus, access to food. Tropical developing
2020, even with adaptive management practices. Increased countries, many of which have poor land and water resources
irrigation usage would reduce both runoff and downstream flow and already face serious food insecurity, may be particularly
(Eheart and Tornil, 1999). [WGII 3.5.1] vulnerable to climate change. [WGII 5.6.5]
Policies aimed at rewarding improvements in irrigation Changes in the frequency and intensity of droughts and flooding
efficiency, either through market mechanisms or increased will affect the stability of, and access to, critical food supplies.
regulations and improved governance, are an important tool for Rainfall deficits can dramatically reduce both crop yields and
enhancing adaptation capacity at a regional scale. Unintended livestock numbers in the semi-arid tropics. Food insecurity and
consequences may be increased consumptive water use loss of livelihood would be further exacerbated by the loss of
upstream, resulting in downstream users being deprived of both cultivated land and coastal fish nurseries as a result of
water that would otherwise have re-entered the stream as return inundation and coastal erosion in low-lying areas. [WGII 5.6.5]
flow (Huffaker, 2005). [WGII 3.5.1]
Climate change may also affect food utilisation through impacts
In addition to techniques already available to farmers and on environmental resources, with important additional health
land managers today, new technical options need to be made consequences. [WGII Chapter 8] For example, decreased water
available through dedicated research and development efforts, availability in already water-scarce regions, particularly in the sub-
to be planned and implemented now, in order to augment tropics, has direct negative implications for both food processing
overall capacity to respond to climate change in future decades. and consumption. Conversely, the increased risk of flooding of
Technological options for enhanced R&D include traditional human settlements in coastal areas from both rising sea levels and
Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors Section 4
increased heavy precipitation may increase food contamination and especially for maize and soybean production (Brklacich et al.,
disease, reducing consumption patterns. [WGII 5.6.5] 1997). [WGII TAR] In Mexico, production losses may
be dominated by droughts, as agro-ecological zones suitable for Water quality issues maize cultivation decrease (Conde et al., 1997). [WGII TAR
In developing countries, the microbiological quality of water] Drought is an important issue throughout Australia
is poor because of the lack of sanitation, lack of proper for social, political, geographical and environmental reasons. A
treatment methods, and poor health conditions (Lipp et al., change in climate towards drier conditions as a result of lower
2001; Jiménez, 2003; Maya et al., 2003; WHO, 2004). Climate rainfall and higher evaporative demand would trigger more
change may impose additional stresses on water quality, frequent or longer drought declarations under current Australian
especially in developing countries (Magadza, 2000; Kashyap,
drought policy schemes. [WGII TAR 12.5.6]
2004; Pachauri, 2004). As yet there are no studies focusing on
micro-organism life cycles relevant to developing countries
Water resources are a key vulnerability in Africa for household,
under climate change, including a much-needed focus on the
effects of poorly treated wastewater use for irrigation and its agricultural and industrial uses. In shared river basins, regional
links to endemic outbreaks of helminthiasis (WHO/UNICEF, co-operation protocols are needed to minimise both adverse
2000). [WGII 3.4.4] impacts and the potential for conflicts. For instance, the surface
area of Lake Chad varies from 20,000 km2 during the dry
About 10% of the world’s population consumes crops irrigated season to 50,000 km2 during the wet season. While precise
with untreated or poorly treated wastewater, mostly in boundaries have been established between Chad, Nigeria,
developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This Cameroon and Niger, sectors of these boundaries that are
number is projected to grow with population and food demand. located in the rivers that drain into Lake Chad have never been
[WGII 8.2.5] Increased use of properly treated wastewater for determined, and additional complications arise as a result of
irrigation is therefore a strategy to combat both water scarcity both flooding and water recession. Similar problems on the
and some related health problems. [WGII 3.4.4] Kovango River between Botswana and Namibia led to military
confrontation. [WGII TAR] Rural communities, sustainable development and
water conflicts Growing water scarcity, increasing population, degradation
Transboundary water co-operation is recognised as an effective of shared freshwater ecosystems and competing demands for
policy and management tool to improve water management shrinking natural resources distributed over such a huge area
across large regions sharing common resources. Climate change
involving so many countries have the potential for creating
and increased water demand in future decades will represent an
bilateral and multilateral conflicts. In semi-arid Africa,
added challenge to such framework agreements, increasing the
pastoralism is the main economic activity, with pastoral
potential for conflict at the local level. For instance, unilateral
measures for adapting to climate-change-related water communities including transnational migrants in search of
shortages can lead to increased competition for water resources. new seasonal grazing. In drought situations, such pastoralists
Furthermore, shifts in land productivity may lead to a range may come into conflict with settled agrarian systems.
of new or modified agricultural systems, necessary to maintain [WGII TAR]
production, including intensification practices. The latter, in
turn, can lead to additional environmental pressures, resulting Asia dominates world aquaculture, with China alone producing
in loss of habitat and reduced biodiversity, siltation, soil erosion about 70% of all farmed fish, shrimp and shellfish (FAO, 2006).
and soil degradation. [WGII 5.7] Fish, an important source of food protein, is critical to food
security in many countries of Asia, particularly among poor
Impacts on trade, economic, and environmental development and communities in coastal areas. Fish farming requires land and
land use may also be expected from measures implemented to water, two resources that are already in short supply in many
substitute fossil fuels through biofuels, such as by the European countries in Asia. Water diversion for shrimp ponds has lowered
Biomass Action Plan. Large-scale biofuel production raises groundwater levels noticeably in coastal areas of Thailand.
questions on several issues including fertiliser and pesticide [WGII TAR]
requirements, nutrient cycling, energy balance, biodiversity
impacts, hydrology and erosion, conflicts with food production,
At least 14 major international river watersheds exist in Asia.
and the level of financial subsidies required. In fact, the emerging
Watershed management is challenging in countries with high
challenges of future decades include finding balance in the
population density, which are often responsible for the use of
competition for land and raw materials for the food, forestry
and energy sectors, e.g., devising solutions that ensure food and even the most fragile and unsuitable areas in the watersheds
local rural development rights while maximising energy and for cultivation, residential, and other intensive activities. As a
climate mitigation needs. [LULUCF 4.5.1] result, in many countries, in particular Bangladesh, Nepal, the
Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam, many watersheds suffer
In North America, drought may increase in continental interiors badly from deforestation, indiscriminate land conversion,
and production areas may shift northwards (Mills, 1994), excessive soil erosion and declining land productivity. In the
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
absence of appropriate adaptation strategies, these watersheds to climate change. Populations with high rates of disease and
are highly vulnerable to climate change. [WGII TAR] disability cope less successfully with stresses of all kinds,
including those related to climate change. [WGII 8.1.1] Mitigation
Adaptation responses and mitigation actions may occur The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF Joint
simultaneously in the agricultural and forestry sector; their Monitoring Programme currently estimates that 1.1 billion
efficacy will depend on the patterns of realised climate change people (17% of the global population) lack access to water
in the coming decades. The associated interactions between resources, where access is defined as the availability of at least
these factors (climate change, adaptation and mitigation) will 20 litres of water per person per day from an improved water
source within a distance of 1 km. An improved water source is
frequently involve water resources. [WGIII 8.5, Table 8.9]
one that provides ‘safe’ water, such as a household connection
or a bore hole. Nearly two-thirds of the people without access
Adaptation and mitigation strategies may either exhibit
are in Asia. In sub-Saharan Africa, 42% of the population is
synergies, where both actions reinforce each other, or be without access to improved water. The WHO estimates that
mutually counter-productive. With respect to water, examples the total burden of disease due to inadequate water supply,
of adaptation strategies that reduce mitigation options largely and poor sanitation and hygiene, is 1.7 million deaths per year.
involve irrigation, in relation to the energy costs of delivering Health outcomes related to water supply and sanitation are a
water and the additional greenhouse gas emissions that may focal point of concern for climate change in many countries.
be associated with modified cultivation practices. Using In vulnerable regions, the concentration of risks from both
renewables for water extraction and delivery could, however, food and water insecurity can make the impact of any weather
eliminate such conflict. Likewise, some mitigation strategies extreme (for example, flood and drought) particularly severe
may have negative adaptation consequences, such as increasing for the households affected. [WGII 9.2.2]
dependence on energy crops, which may compete for water
resources, reduce biodiversity, and thus increase vulnerability Changes in climate extremes have the potential to cause severe
to climatic extremes. [WGIII 12.1.4, 12.1.4] impacts on human health. Flooding is expected to become more
severe with climate change, and this will have implications for
On the other hand, many carbon-sequestration practices human health. Vulnerability to flooding is reduced when the
involving reduced tillage, increased crop cover and use of infrastructure is in place to remove solid waste, manage waste
improved rotation systems, in essence constitute – and were water, and supply potable water. [WGII 8.2.2]
in fact originally developed as – ‘good-practice’ agro-forestry,
leading to production systems that are more resilient to climate Lack of water for hygiene is currently responsible for a significant
variability, thus providing good adaptation in the face of burden of disease worldwide. A small and unquantified
increased pressure on water and soil resources (Rosenzweig proportion of this burden can be attributed to climate variability
or climate extremes. ‘Water scarcity’ is associated with multiple
and Tubiello, 2007). [WGII 5.4.2; WGIII 8.5]
adverse health outcomes, including diseases associated with
water contaminated with faecal and other hazardous substances
4.3 Human health (e.g., parasites).
Population health has improved remarkably over the last Implications for drinking-water quality
50 years, but substantial inequalities in health persist within The relationship between rainfall, river flow and contamination
and between countries. The Millennium Development Goal of the water supply is highly complex, as discussed below both
(MDG) of reducing the mortality rate in children aged under for piped water supplies and for direct contact with surface
5 years old by two-thirds by 2015 is unlikely to be reached in waters. If river flows are reduced as a consequence of less
some developing countries. Poor health increases vulnerability rainfall, then their ability to dilute effluent is also reduced
and reduces the capacity of individuals and groups to adapt – leading to increased pathogen or chemical loading. This
Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors Section 4
could represent an increase in human exposures or, in places flooding is generally low in high-income countries, populations
with piped water supplies, an increased challenge to water with poor infrastructure and high burdens of infectious disease
treatment plants. During the dry summer of 2003, low flows in often experience increased rates of diarrhoeal diseases after
the Netherlands resulted in apparent changes in water quality flood events. There is increasing evidence of the impact that
(Senhorst and Zwolsman, 2005). The marked seasonality of climate-related disasters have on mental health, with people
cholera outbreaks in the Amazon was associated with low river who have suffered the effects of floods experiencing long-term
flow in the dry season (Gerolomo and Penna, 1999), probably anxiety and depression. [WGII 8.2.2, 16.4.5]
due to high pathogen concentrations in pools. [WGII 8.2.5]
Flooding and heavy rainfall may lead to contamination
Drainage and storm water management is important in low- of water with chemicals, heavy metals or other hazardous
income urban communities, as blocked drains can cause substances, either from storage or from chemicals already in
flooding and increased transmission of vector-borne diseases the environment (e.g., pesticides). Increases in both population
(Parkinson and Butler, 2005). Cities with combined sewer density and industrial development in areas subject to natural
overflows can experience increased sewage contamination disasters increase both the probability of future disasters and
during flood events. [WGII 8.2.5] the potential for mass human exposure to hazardous materials
during these events. [WGII 8.2.2]
In high-income countries, rainfall and runoff events may
increase the total microbial load in watercourses and drinking- Drought and infectious disease
water reservoirs, although the linkage to cases of human disease For a few infectious diseases, there is an established rainfall
is less certain because the concentration of contaminants is association that is not related to the consumption of drinking-
diluted. The seasonal contamination of surface water in early water (quality or quantity) or arthropod vectors. The spatial
spring in North America and Europe may explain some of the distribution, intensity and seasonality of meningococcal
seasonality in sporadic cases of water-borne diseases such (epidemic) meningitis in the Sahelian region of Africa is
as cryptosporidiosis and campylobacteriosis. A significant related to climatic and environmental factors, particularly
proportion of notified water-borne disease outbreaks are drought, although the causal mechanism is not well understood.
related to heavy precipitation events, often in conjunction with The geographical distribution of meningitis has expanded
treatment failures. [WGII 14.2.5, 8.2.5] in West Africa in recent years, which may be attributable to
environmental change driven both by land-use changes and by
Freshwater harmful algal blooms (HABs) produce toxins that regional climate change. [WGII]
can cause human diseases. The occurrence of such blooms in
surface waters (rives and lakes) may increase due to higher Dust storms
temperatures. However, the threat to human health is very low, Windblown dust originating in desert regions of Africa, the
as direct contact with blooms is generally restricted. There Arabian Peninsula, Mongolia, central Asia and China can
is a low risk of contamination of water supplies with algal affect air quality and population health in distant areas. When
toxins but the implications for human health are uncertain. compared with non-dust weather conditions, dust can carry
[WGII 8.2.4, 3.4.4] large concentrations of respirable particles; trace elements
that can affect human health; fungal spores; and bacteria.
In areas with poor water supply infrastructure, the transmission [WGII]
of enteric pathogens peaks during the rainy season. In addition,
higher temperatures were found to be associated with increased Vector-borne diseases
episodes of diarrhoeal disease (Checkley et al., 2000; Singh et Climate influences the spatial distribution, intensity of
al., 2001; Vasilev, 2003; Lama et al., 2004). The underlying transmission, and seasonality of diseases transmitted by
incidence of these diseases is associated with poor hygiene and vectors (e.g., malaria) and diseases that have water snails as an
lack of access to safe water. [WGII 8.2.5] intermediate host (e.g., schistosomiasis). [WGII 8.2.8] During
droughts, mosquito activity is reduced but, if transmission Disasters, including wind storms and floods drops significantly, the population of non-immune individuals
The previous sections have described how climate change will may increase. In the long term, the incidence of mosquito-borne
affect the risk of water-related disasters, including glacial lake diseases such as malaria decreases because mosquito abundance
outburst floods (GLOFs), increased storm surge intensity, and is reduced, although epidemics may still occur when suitable
changes in flood risk (see Section 3.2) including flash flooding climate conditions occur. [WGII]
and urban flooding, with some reductions in risk of spring
snowmelt floods. [WGII 3.4.3] Floods have a considerable The distribution of schistosomiasis, a water-related parasitic
impact on health both in terms of number of deaths and disease disease with aquatic snails as intermediate hosts, is influenced
burden, and also in terms of damage to the health infrastructure. by climate factors in some locations, For example, the
[WGII 8.2.2] While the risk of infectious disease following observed change in the distribution of schistosomiasis in China
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
over the past decade may in part reflect the recent warming The potential adverse health effects of any adaptation strategy
trend. Irrigation schemes have also been shown to increase should be evaluated before that strategy is implemented.
the incidence of schistosomiasis, when appropriate control For example, a micro-dam and irrigation programmes have
measures are not implemented. [WGII] been shown to increase local malaria mortality. [WGII 8.6.4]
Measures to combat water scarcity, such as the reuse of
4.3.2 Observations untreated or partially treated wastewater for irrigation, also
have implications for human health. Irrigation is currently an
There is a wide range of driving forces that can affect and important determinant of the spread of infectious diseases such
modify the impact of climate change on human health outcomes. as malaria and schistosomiasis (Sutherst, 2004). Strict water-
Because of the complexity of the association between climate quality guidelines for wastewater irrigation are designed to
factors and disease, it is often not possible to attribute changes prevent health risks from pathogenic organisms, and to guarantee
in specific disease patterns to observed climate changes. crop quality (Steenvoorden and Endreny, 2004). Some diseases,
Furthermore, health data series of sufficient quality and length such as helminthiasis, are transmitted by consuming crops
are rarely available for such studies. There are no published irrigated with polluted water or wastewater and, in the rural
studies of water-related impacts on health that describe patterns and peri-urban areas of most low-income countries, the use of
of disease that are robustly attributed to observed climate change. sewage and wastewater for irrigation, a common practice, is a
However, there are several reports of adaptive responses in the source of faecal–oral disease transmission. At present, at least
water sector designed to reduce the impacts of climate change. one-tenth of the world’s population consumes crops irrigated
[WGII Chapter 7] with wastewater. However, increasing water scarcity and food
demand, coupled with poor sanitation, will facilitate the use of
Observed trends in water-related disasters (floods, wind low-quality water. If such problems are to be controlled, then
storms) and the role of climate change are discussed elsewhere. programmes of wastewater treatment and planned wastewater
[WGII 1.3] reuse need to be developed. [WGII 8.6.4, 3.4.4]
4.3.3 Projections
4.4 Water supply and sanitation
Climate change is expected to have a range of adverse effects
on populations where the water and sanitation infrastructure is The observed effects of climate change on water resource
inadequate to meet local needs. Access to safe water remains an quantity and quality have been discussed in detail in Sections 4.2
extremely important global health issue. More than two billion and 4.3. This section summarises the main points and describes
people live in the dry regions of the world, and these people their implications for water supply and sanitation services.
suffer more than others from malnutrition, infant mortality
and diseases related to contaminated or insufficient water. 4.4.1 Context
Water scarcity constitutes a serious constraint to sustainable
development (Rockstrom, 2003). [WGII 8.2.5,] Statistics on present-day access to safe water have already been
provided in Section 4.3.1. Access to safe water is now regarded
4.3.4 Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainable as a universal human right. However, the world is facing
development increasing problems in providing water services, particularly in
developing countries. There are several reasons for this, which
Weak public health systems and limited access to primary health are not necessarily linked to climate change. A lack of available
care contribute both to high levels of vulnerability and to low water, a higher and more uneven water demand resulting
adaptive capacity for hundreds of millions of people. [WGII from population growth in concentrated areas, an increase in
8.6] Fundamental constraints exist in low-income countries, urbanisation, more intense use of water to improve general
where population health will depend upon improvements in well-being, and the challenge to improve water governance, are
the health, water, agriculture, transport, energy and housing variables that already pose a tremendous challenge to providing
sectors. Poverty and weak governance are the most serious satisfactory water services. In this context, climate change
obstacles to effective adaptation. Despite economic growth, simply represents an additional burden for water utilities, or
low-income countries are likely to remain vulnerable over the any other organisation providing water services, in meeting
medium term, with fewer options than high-income countries customers’ needs. It is difficult to identify climate change
for adapting to climate change. Therefore, if adaptation effects at a local level, but the observed effects combined with
strategies are to be effective, they should be designed in the projections provide a useful basis to prepare for the future.
context of the development, environment and health policies in
place in the target area. Many options that can be used to reduce 4.4.2 Observations
future vulnerability are of value in adapting to current climate,
and can also be used to achieve other environmental and social Table 4.1 summarises possible linkages between climate change
objectives. [WGII 8.6.3] and water services.
Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors Section 4
Table 4.1: Observed effects of climate change and its observed/possible impacts on water services. [WGII Chapter 3]
Increase in atmospheric • Reduction in water availability in basins fed by glaciers that are shrinking, as observed in some cities along the
temperature Andes in South America (Ames, 1998; Kaser and Osmaston, 2002)
Increase in surface water • Reductions in dissolved oxygen content, mixing patterns, and self purification capacity
temperature • Increase in algal blooms
Shifts in precipitation • Changes in water availability due to changes in precipitation and other related phenomena (e.g., groundwater
patterns recharge, evapotranspiration)
Increase in interannual • Increases the difficulty of flood control and reservoir utilisation during the flooding season
precipitation variability
More frequent and • Floods affect water quality and water infrastructure integrity, and increase fluvial erosion, which introduces
intense extreme events different kinds of pollutants to water resources
• Droughts affect water availability and water quality
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
can raise turbidity levels in some of the city’s main reservoirs west coast of South America. Those particularly at risk will be
by up to 100 times the legal limit for source quality at the populations living in megacities, rural areas strongly dependent
utility’s intakes, requiring substantial additional treatment and on groundwater, small islands, and in glacier- or snowmelt-
monitoring costs (Miller and Yates, 2006). [WGII 3.5.1] fed basins (more than one-sixth of the world’s population
live in snowmelt basins). Problems will be more critical in
Increased runoff. In some regions, more water will be available economically depressed areas, where water stress will be
which, considering the present global water situation, will enhanced by socio-economic factors (Alcamo and Henrichs,
be generally beneficial. Nevertheless, provisions need to be 2002; Ragab and Prudhomme, 2002). [WGII 3.3.2, 3.5.1]
made to use this to the world’s advantage. For example, while
increased runoff in eastern and southern Asia is expected as a 4.4.4 Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainable
result of climate change, water shortages in these areas may not development
be addressed, given a lack of resources for investing in the new
storage capacity required to capture the additional water and to Given the problems envisaged above, it is important for water
enable its use during the dry season. [WGII 3.5.1] utilities located in regions at risk to plan accordingly. Most
water supply systems are well able to cope with the relatively
Higher precipitation in cities may affect the performance small changes in mean temperature and precipitation that are
of sewer systems; uncontrolled surcharges may introduce projected to occur in the decades ahead, except at the margin
microbial and chemical pollutants to water resources that are where a change in the mean requires a change in the system
difficult to handle through the use of conventional drinking- design or the technology used; e.g., where reduced precipitation
water treatment processes. Several studies have shown that the makes additional reservoirs necessary (Harman et al., 2005),
transmission of enteric pathogens resistant to chlorination, such or leads to saline intrusion into the lower reaches of a river, or
as Cryptosporidium, is high during the rainy season (Nchito requires new water treatment systems to remove salts. A recent
et al., 1998; Kang et al., 2001). This is a situation that could example of adaptation is in southern Africa (Ruosteenoja et
be magnified in developing countries, where health levels al. 2003), where the city of Beira in Mozambique is already
are lower and the pathogen content in wastewater is higher extending its 50 km pumping main a further 5 km inland to be
(Jiménez, 2003). In addition, extreme precipitation leading to certain of fresh water. [WGII]
floods puts water infrastructure at risk. During floods, water and
wastewater treatment facilities are often out of service, leaving Water services are usually provided using engineered systems.
the population with no sanitary protection. [WGII 3.2, 3.4.4, These systems are designed using safety factors and have a life
8.2.5] expectancy of 20–50 years (for storage reservoirs it can be even
longer). Reviews of the resilience of water supplies and the
Water quality impairment as result of higher temperatures. performance of water infrastructure have typically been done by
Warmer temperatures, combined with higher phosphorus using observed conditions alone. The use of climate projections
concentrations in lakes and reservoirs, promote algal blooms should also be considered, especially in cases involving systems
that impair water quality through undesirable colour, odour and that deal with floods and droughts.
taste, and possible toxicity to humans, livestock and wildlife.
Dealing with such polluted water has a high cost with the Decrease in water availability. Except for a few industrialised
available technology, even for water utilities from developed countries, water use is increasing around the world due to
countries (Environment Canada, 2001). Higher water population and economic growth, lifestyle changes and
temperatures will also enhance the transfer of volatile and semi- expanded water supply systems. [WGII 3.3] It is important to
volatile pollutants (ammonia, mercury, PCBs (polychlorinated implement efficient water-use programmes in regions where
biphenyls), dioxins, pesticides) from water and wastewater to water availability is likely to decrease, as large investments
the atmosphere. [WGII 3.4.4] might be required to ensure adequate supplies, either by
building new storage reservoirs or by using alternative water
Increased salinisation. The salinisation of water supplies from sources. Reductions in water use can delay, or even eliminate,
coastal aquifers due to sea-level rise is an important issue, as the need for additional infrastructure. One of the quickest ways
around one-quarter of the world’s population live in coastal to increase water availability is through minimising water losses
regions that are generally water-scarce and undergoing rapid in urban networks and in irrigation systems. Other alternatives
population growth (Small and Nicholls, 2003; Millennium for reducing the need for new water supplies include rainwater
Ecosystem Assessment, 2005b). Salinisation can also affect harvesting as well as controlled reuse. [WGII 3.5, 3.6]
inland aquifers due to a reduction in groundwater recharge
(Chen et al., 2004). [WGII 3.2, 3.4.2] Lower water quality caused by flow variations. The protection
of water resources is an important, cost-effective strategy for
The populations that will be most affected by climate change facing future problems concerning water quality. While this
with respect to water services are those located in the already is a common practice for some countries, new and innovative
water-stressed basins of Africa, the Mediterranean region, the approaches to water quality management are required around
Near East, southern Asia, northern China, Australia, the USA, the world. One such approach is the implementation of water
central and northern Mexico, north-eastern Brazil and the safety plans (WSP) to perform a comprehensive assessment
Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors Section 4
and management of risks from the catchment to consumer, as distribution of gains and losses across different sectors of
proposed by the WHO (2005). Also, the design and operation society. Institutional settings need to find better ways to allocate
of water and wastewater treatment plants should be reviewed water, using principles – such as equity and efficiency – that
periodically, particularly in vulnerable areas, to ensure or may be politically difficult to implement in practice. These
increase their reliability and their ability to cope with uncertain settings also need to consider the management of international
flow variations. basins and surface and groundwater basins. [WGII 3.5.1]
Desalinisation. Water treatment methods are an option for To confront the additional stress induced by climate change,
dealing with increasing salt content in places at risk, such as public participation in water planning will be necessary,
highly urbanised coastal areas relying on aquifers sensitive to particularly in regard to changing views on the value of water,
saline intrusion. At present, available technologies are based the importance and role that water reuse will play in the future,
mostly on membranes and are more costly than conventional and the contribution that society is willing to make to the
methods for the treatment of freshwater supplies. The mitigation of water-related impacts.
desalination cost for seawater is estimated at around US$1/m3,
for brackish water it is US$0.60/m3 (Zhou and Tol, 2005), and To implement policy based on the principles of integrated
freshwater chlorination costs US$0.02/m3. Fortunately the cost water management, better co-ordination between different
of desalinisation has been falling, although it still has a high governmental entities should be sought, and institutional
energy demand. Desalinisation costs need to be compared with and legal frameworks should be reviewed to facilitate the
the costs of extending pipelines and eventually relocating water implementation of adaptation measures. Climate change will
treatment works in order to have access to freshwater. As a rough be felt by all stakeholders involved in the water management
working rule, the cost of construction of the abstraction and process, including users. Therefore, all should be aware of its
treatment works and the pumping main for an urban settlement’s possible impacts on the system in order to take appropriate
water supply is about half the cost of the entire system. [WGII decisions and be prepared to pay the costs involved. In the case
7.5] However, in the densely populated coastal areas of Egypt, of wastewater disposal norms, for example, the overall strategy
China, Bangladesh, India and south-east Asia, desalination used will possibly need to be reviewed, as long as it is based
costs may still be prohibitive. [WGII 3.5.1] If the use of on the self-purification capacity of surface water, which will be
desalination increases in the future, environmental side-effects reduced by higher temperatures. [WGII 3.4.4]
such as impingement on and entrainment of marine organisms
by seawater desalination plants, and the safe disposal of highly Developed countries. In developed countries, drinking-water
concentrated brines that can also contain other chemicals, will receives extensive treatment before it is supplied to the consumer
need to be addressed. [WGII 3.3.2] and the wastewater treatment level is high. Such benefits, as
well as proper water source protection, need to be maintained
More and different approaches for coping with wastewater. For under future climatic change, even if additional cost is to be
sewers and wastewater treatment plants, strategies for coping incurred, for instance by including additional water treatment
with higher and more variable flows will be needed. These requirements. For small communities or rural areas, measures
should include new approaches such as the use of decentralised to be considered may include water source protection as a better
systems, the construction of separate sewers, the treatment of cost–benefit option.
combined sewer overflows (i.e., the mixture of wastewater
and runoff in cities), and injecting rainwater into the subsoil. Developing countries. Unfortunately, some countries may not
Given the high cost involved in increasing the capacity of have sufficient economic resources to face the challenges posed
urban wastewater treatment plants, appropriately financed by climate change. Poor countries already need additional
schemes should be put in place to consider local conditions. For resources to overcome problems with inadequate infrastructure,
rural areas, sanitation coverage is generally too low, and local and thus they will be more vulnerable to projected impacts
action plans need to be formulated using low-cost technologies, on water quantity and quality, unless low-cost options and
depending on the locality and involving the community. [WGII affordable finance options are available.]
Because several of the already identified adaptation and
Better administration of water resources. As well as considering mitigation options are simply not viable, it is expected that
the adaptation measures already discussed, integrated water developing countries may have to adapt by using unsustainable
management, including climate change as an additional practices such as increasing groundwater over-exploitation
variable, should be considered as an efficient tool. Reduced, or reusing a greater amount of untreated wastewater. These
increased or a greater variability in water availability will ‘solutions’ are attractive because they can easily be implemented
lead to conflicts between water users (agriculture, industries, at an individual, personal, level. Therefore, low-cost and safe
ecosystems and settlements). The institutions governing water options which do not necessarily imply conventional solutions
allocation will play a major role in determining the overall need to be developed, particularly to provide water services for
social impact of a change in water availability, as well as the poor communities that do not even have formal water utilities in
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
many instances. Unfortunately, there are few studies available designed for the climate conditions projected to prevail in the
on this issue. [WGII 3.4.3, 8.6.4] future. [WGII 3.4.3, 3.5,]
In summary, climate change can have positive and negative 4.5.1 Settlements
impacts on water services. It is important, therefore, to
be aware of its consequences at a local level and to plan Many human settlements currently lack access to adequate,
accordingly. At the present time, only some water utilities in safe water supplies. The World Health Organization estimates
a few countries, including the Netherlands, the UK, Canada that 1.1 billion people worldwide do not have access to safe
and the USA, have begun to consider the implications of drinking water, and 2.4 billion are without access to adequate
climate change in the context of flood control and water sanitation (WHO/UNICEF, 2000). Poor urban households
supply management. [WGII 3.6] frequently do not have networked water supply access, and
thus are especially vulnerable to rising costs for drinking water
(UN-HABITAT, 2003; UNCHS, 2003, 2006; UNDP, 2006).
4.5 Settlements and infrastructure For example, in Jakarta, some households without regular
water service reportedly spend up to 25% of their income
on water and, during the hot summer of 1998 in Amman,
Changes in water availability, water quality, precipitation
Jordan, refugee-camp residents who were not connected to the
characteristics, and the likelihood and magnitude of flooding
municipal water system paid much higher rates for water than
events are expected to play a major role in driving the impacts other households (Faruqui et al., 2001). The impacts of climate
of climate change on human settlements and infrastructure change on water availability and source water quality are very
(Shepherd et al., 2002; Klein et al., 2003; London Climate likely to make it increasingly difficult to address these problems,
Change Partnership, 2004; Sherbinin et al., 2006). These impacts especially in areas where water stress is projected to increase
will vary regionally. In addition, impacts will depend greatly on due to declining runoff coupled with increasing population.
the geophysical setting, level of socio-economic development, [WGII 3.5.1] Rapidly growing settlements in semi-arid areas of
water allocation institutions, nature of the local economic developing countries, particularly poor communities that have
base, infrastructure characteristics and other stressors. These limited adaptive capacity, are especially vulnerable to declines
include pollution, ecosystem degradation, land subsidence in water availability and associated increases in the costs of
(due either to loss of permafrost, natural isostatic processes, securing reliable supplies (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,
or human activities such as groundwater use) and population 2005b). [WGII 7.4]
growth (UNWWAP, 2003, 2006; Faruqui et al., 2001; UNDP,
2006). Globally, locations most at risk of freshwater supply In both developed and developing countries, the expected
problems due to climate change are small islands, arid and continuation of rapid population growth in coastal cities will
semi-arid developing countries, regions whose freshwater is increase human exposure to flooding and related storm damages
supplied by rivers fed by glacial melt or seasonal snowmelt, from hurricanes and other coastal storms. [WGII] That
and countries with a high proportion of coastal lowlands and very development is contributing to the loss of deltaic wetlands
coastal megacities, particularly in the Asia–Pacific region that could buffer the storm impacts. [WGII] In addition,
(Alcamo and Henrichs, 2002; Ragab and Prudhomme, 2002). much of the growth is occurring in relatively water-scarce
[WGII 6.4.2, 20.3] coastal areas, thus exacerbating imbalances between water
demand and availability (Small and Nicholls, 2003; Millennium
Growing population density in high-risk locations, such as Ecosystem Assessment, 2005b).
coastal and riverine areas, is very likely to increase vulnerability
to the water-related impacts of climate change, including flood 4.5.2 Infrastructure
and storm damages and water quality degradation as a result
of saline intrusion. [WGII 6.4.2,] Settlements whose Transportation networks
economies are closely linked to a climate-sensitive water- Flooding due to sea-level rise and increases in the intensity of
dependent activity, such as irrigated agriculture, water-related extreme weather events (such as storms and hurricanes) pose
tourism and snow skiing, are likely to be especially vulnerable threats to transportation networks in some areas. These include
to the water resource impacts of climate change (Elsasser and localised street-flooding, flooding of subway systems, and flood
Burki, 2002; Hayhoe et al., 2004). [WGII 7.4.3, 12.4.9] and landslide-related damages to bridges, roads and railways.
For example, in London, which has the world’s oldest subway
Infrastructure associated with settlements includes buildings, system, more intense rainfall events are predicted to increase the
transportation networks, coastal facilities, water supply and risk of flooding in the Underground and highways. This would
wastewater infrastructure, and energy facilities. Infrastructure necessitate improvements in the drainage systems of these
impacts include both direct damages, for example as a result networks (Arkell and Darch, 2006). Similarly, recent research
of flood events or structural instabilities caused by rainfall on the surface transportation system of the Boston Metropolitan
erosion or changes in the water table, as well as impacts on Area has predicted that increased flooding will cause increased
the performance, cost and adequacy of facilities that were not trip delays and cancellations, which will result in lost work-
Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors Section 4
days, sales and production (Suarez et al., 2005). However, those climate change simulations for the Batoka Gorge hydro-electric
costs would be small in comparison to flood-related damages scheme on the Zambezi River projected a significant reduction
to Boston’s transportation infrastructure (Kirshen et al., 2006). in river flows (e.g., a decline in mean monthly flow from
[WGII] An example of present-day vulnerability that 3.21×109 m3 to 2.07×109 m3) and declining power production
could be exacerbated by increased precipitation intensity is (e.g., a decrease in mean monthly production from 780 GWh
the fact that India’s Konkan Railway annually suffers roughly to 613 GWh) (Harrison and Whittington, 2002). A reduction in
US$1 million in damages due to landslides during the rainy hydro-electric power is also anticipated elsewhere, where and
season (Shukla et al., 2005). [WGII] when river flows are expected to decline (e.g., Whittington and
Gundry, 1998; Magadza, 2000). In some other areas, hydro- Built environment electric generation is projected to increase. For example,
Flooding, landslides and severe storms (such as hurricanes) estimates for the 2070s, under the IS92a emissions scenario,
pose the greatest risks for damages to buildings in both indicate that the electricity production potential of hydropower
developed and developing countries, because housing and other plants existing at the end of the 20th century would increase by
assets are increasingly located in coastal areas, on slopes, in 15–30% in Scandinavia and northern Russia, where between
ravines and other risk-prone sites (Bigio, 2003; UN-Habitat, 19% (Finland) and almost 100% (Norway) of the electricity
2003). Informal settlements within urban areas of developing- is produced by hydropower (Lehner et al., 2005). [WGII 3.5]
country cities are especially vulnerable, as they tend to be built Other energy infrastructure, such as power transmission lines,
on relatively hazardous sites that are susceptible to floods, offshore drilling rigs and pipelines, may be vulnerable to damage
landslides and other climate-related disasters (Cross, 2001; from flooding and more intense storm events. [WGII 7.5] In
UN-Habitat, 2003). [WGII] addition, problems with cooling water availability (because of
reduced quantity or higher water temperature) could disrupt
Other impacts on buildings include the potential for accelerated energy supplies by adversely affecting energy production in
weathering due to increased precipitation intensity and storm thermal and nuclear power plants (EEA, 2005).
frequency (e.g., Graves and Phillipson, 2000), and increased
structural damage due to water table decline and subsidence 4.5.3 Adaptation
(e.g., Sanders and Phillipson, 2003), or due to the impacts of a
rising water table (Kharkina, 2004). [WGII 3.5] The impacts of changes in the frequency of floods and droughts
or in the quantity, quality or seasonal timing of water availability
Another area of concern is the future performance of storm- could be tempered by appropriate infrastructure investments,
water drainage systems. In regions affected by increasingly and by changes in water and land-use management. Co-
intense storms, the capacity of these systems will need to be ordinated planning may be valuable because there are many
increased to prevent local flooding and the resulting damages to points at which impacts on the different infrastructures interact.
buildings and other infrastructure (UK Water Industry Research, For instance, the failure of flood defences can interrupt power
2004). [WGII 7.6.4] supplies, which in turn puts water and wastewater pumping
stations out of action. Coastal infrastructure
Infrastructure in low-lying coastal areas is vulnerable to damage Improved incorporation of current climate variability into water-
from sea-level rise, flooding, hurricanes and other storms. The related management would make adaptation to future climate
stock of coastal infrastructure at risk is increasing rapidly as a change easier (very high confidence). [WGII 3.6] For example,
result of the continuing growth of coastal cities and expanding managing current flood risks by maintaining green areas and
tourism in areas such as the Caribbean (e.g., Hareau et al., 1999; natural buffers around streams in urban settings would also help
Lewsey et al., 2004; Kumar, 2006). In some areas, damage to reduce the adverse impacts of future heavier storm runoff.
costs due to an increase in sea level have been estimated, and However, any of these responses will entail costs, not only in
are often substantial. For example, in Poland, estimated damage monetary terms but also in terms of societal impacts, including
costs due to a possible rise in sea level of 1 metre by 2100 are the need to manage potential conflicts between different interest
US$30 billion, due to impacts on urban areas, sewers, ports and groups. [WGII 3.5]
other infrastructure (Zeidler, 1997). The same study estimated
that a projected 1 metre rise in sea level in Vietnam would
subject 17 million people to flooding and cause damages of up 4.6 Economy: insurance, tourism,
to US$17 billion, with substantial impacts penetrating inland iiiiiiiindustry, transportation
beyond the coastal zone. [WGII 6.3, 6.4, 6.5]
Section 4 Climate change and water resources in systems and sectors
but extreme climate events and other abrupt changes tend to climate-sensitive areas (such as floodplains) (Ruth et al., 2004)
affect human systems more severely than gradual change, partly and those dependent on climate-sensitive commodities such as
because they offer less time for adaptation. [WGII 7.1.3] food-processing plants. [WGII]
Global losses reveal rapidly rising costs due to extreme weather- The specific insurance risk coverage currently available
related events since the 1970s. One study has found that, while within a country will have been shaped by the impact of past
the dominant signal remains that of the significant increases in catastrophes. Because of the high concentration of losses due to
the values of exposure at risk, once losses are normalised for catastrophic floods, private-sector flood insurance is generally
exposure, there still remains an underlying rising trend. For restricted (or even unavailable) so that, in several countries,
specific regions and perils, including the most extreme floods governments have developed alternative state-backed flood
on some of the largest rivers, there is evidence for an increase insurance schemes (Swiss Re, 1998). [WGII]
in occurrence. [WGII]
For the finance sector, climate-change-related risks are
To demonstrate the large impact of climate variability on increasingly considered for specific ‘susceptible’ sectors such as
insurance losses, flooding is responsible for 10% of weather- hydro-electric projects, irrigation and agriculture, and tourism
related insurance losses globally. Drought also has an impact:
(UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2002). [WGII]
data from the UK show a lagged relationship between the cost
of insurance claims related to subsidence and (low) summer
Effects of climate change on tourism include changes in the
rainfall. However, in developing countries, losses due to
availability of water, which could be positive or negative (Braun
extreme events are measured more in terms of human life
et al., 1999; Uyarra et al., 2005). Warmer climates open up the
than they are in terms of insurance. For example, the Sahelian
drought, despite its high severity, had only a small impact possibility of extending exotic environments (such as palm
on the formal financial sector, due to the low penetration of trees in western Europe), which could be considered by some
insurance. [WGII TAR 8.2.3] tourists as positive but could lead to a spatial extension and
amplification of water- and vector-borne diseases. Droughts
4.6.2 Socio-economic costs, mitigation, and the extension of arid environments (and the effects of
adaptation, vulnerability, sustainable extreme weather events) might discourage tourists, although
development it is not entirely clear what they consider to be unacceptable.
[WGII] Areas dependent on the availability of snow
Of all the possible water-related impacts on transportation, (e.g., for winter tourism) are among those most vulnerable to
the greatest cost is that of flooding. The cost of delays and global warming. [WGII 11.4.9, 12.4.9, 14.4.7]
lost trips is relatively small compared with damage to the
infrastructure and to other property (Kirshen et al., 2006). In Transportation of bulk freight by inland waterways, such as
the last 10 years, there have been four cases when flooding of the Rhine, can be disrupted during floods and droughts (Parry,
urban underground rail systems has caused damages of more 2000). [WGII]
than €10 million (US$13 million) and numerous cases of lesser
damage (Compton et al., 2002). [WGII] Insurance spreads risk and assists with adaptation, while
managing insurance funds has implications for mitigation.
Industrial sectors are generally thought to be less vulnerable to [WGII 18.5] Adaptation costs and benefits have been assessed
the impacts of climate change than such sectors as agriculture. in a more limited manner for transportation infrastructure (e.g.,
Among the major exceptions are industrial facilities located in Dore and Burton, 2001). [WGII 17.2.3]
Analysing regional aspects of
climate change and water resources
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
See Appendix I for model descriptions.
Djibouti, Cape Verde, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi, Somalia, Egypt and South Africa.
Mauritius, Lesotho, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Uganda and Madagascar.
Only five countries in Africa currently (1990 data) have water access volume less than 1,000 m3/person/yr. These are Rwanda, Burundi,
Kenya, Cape Verde and Djibouti.
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
dry conditions were experienced from the 1970s to the 1990s, rainfall has been observed since the end of the 1960s, with a
after a wetter period in the 1950s and 1960s. The rainfall deficit decrease of 20–40% in the period 1968–1990 as compared with
was mainly related to a reduction in the number of significant the 30 years between 1931 and 1960 (Nicholson et al., 2000;
rainfall events occurring during the peak monsoon period (July Chappell and Agnew, 2004; Dai et al., 2004a). The influence of
to September) and during the first rainy season south of about the ENSO decadal variations has also been recognised in south-
9°N. The decreasing rainfall and devastating droughts in the west Africa, influenced in part by the North Atlantic Oscillation
Sahel region during the last three decades of the 20th century (NAO) (Nicholson and Selato, 2000). [WGII 9.2.1]
(Figure 5.2) are among the largest climate changes anywhere.
Sahel rainfall reached a minimum after the 1982/83 El Niño Energy
event. [WGI 3.7.4] Modelling studies suggest that Sahel rainfall The electricity supply in the majority of African States is derived
has been influenced more by large-scale climate variations from hydro-electric power. There are few available studies that
(possibly linked to changes in anthropogenic aerosols), than by examine the impacts of climate change on energy use in Africa
local land-use change. [WGI 9.5.4] (Warren et al., 2006). [WGII 9.4.2] Nevertheless, the continent
is characterised by a high dependency on fuelwood as a major Water resources source of energy in rural areas – representing about 70% of total
About 25% of the contemporary African population experiences energy consumption in the continent. Any impact of climate
water stress, while 69% live under conditions of relative water change on biomass production would, in turn, impact on the
abundance (Vörösmarty et al., 2005). However, this relative availability of wood-fuel energy. Access to energy is severely
abundance does not take into account other factors such as the constrained in sub-Saharan Africa, with an estimated 51% of
extent to which that water is potable and accessible, and the urban populations and only 8% of rural populations having
availability of sanitation. Despite considerable improvements access to electricity. This can be compared with the 99% of
in access in the 1990s, only about 62% of Africans had access urban populations and 80% of rural populations that have
to improved water supplies in the year 2000 (WHO/UNICEF, access in northern Africa. Further challenges from urbanisation,
2000). [WGII 9.2.1] rising energy demands and volatile oil prices further compound
energy issues in Africa. [WGII]
One-third of the people in Africa live in drought-prone areas
and are vulnerable to the impacts of droughts (World Water Health
Forum, 2000), which have contributed to migration, cultural Malaria
separation, population dislocation and the collapse of ancient The spatial distribution, intensity of transmission, and
cultures. Droughts have mainly affected the Sahel, the Horn seasonality of malaria is influenced by climate in sub-Saharan
of Africa and southern Africa, particularly since the end of the Africa; socio-economic development has had only limited
1960s, with severe impacts on food security and, ultimately, impact on curtailing disease distribution (Hay et al., 2002a;
the occurrence of famine. In West Africa, a decline in annual Craig et al., 2004). [WGII]
Figure 5.2: Time-series of Sahel (10°N–20°N, 18°W–20°E) regional rainfall (April–October) from 1920 to 2003 derived
from gridding normalised station anomalies and then averaging using area weighting (adapted from Dai et al., 2004a).
Positive values (shaded bars) indicate conditions wetter than the long-term mean and negative values (unfilled bars) indicate
conditions drier than the long-term mean. The smooth black curve shows decadal variations. [WGI Figure 3.37]
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
Rainfall can be a limiting factor for mosquito populations and die due to persistent diarrhoea or malnutrition. Several studies
there is some evidence of reductions in transmission associated have shown that transmission of enteric pathogens is higher
with decadal decreases in rainfall. Evidence of the predictability during the rainy season (Nchito et al., 1998; Kang et al., 2001).
of unusually high or low malaria anomalies from both sea [WGII 8.2.5,]
surface temperature (Thomson et al., 2005b) and multi-model
ensemble seasonal climate forecasts in Botswana (Thomson Agricultural sector
et al., 2006) supports the practical and routine use of seasonal The agricultural sector is a critical mainstay of local livelihoods
forecasts for malaria control in southern Africa (DaSilva et al., and national GDP in some countries in Africa. Agriculture
2004). [WGII] contributions to GDP vary across countries, but assessments
suggest an average contribution of 21% (ranging from 10% to
The effects of observed climate change on the geographical 70%) (Mendelsohn et al., 2000b). Even where the contribution
distribution of malaria and its transmission intensity in highland of agriculture to GDP is low, the sector may still support the
regions remains controversial. Analyses of time-series data in livelihoods of very large sections of the population, so that
some sites in East Africa indicate that malaria incidence has any reduction in output will have impacts on poverty and food
increased in the apparent absence of climate trends (Hay et al., security. This sector is particularly sensitive to climate, including
2002a, b; Shanks et al., 2002). The suggested driving forces periods of climate variability. In many parts of Africa, farmers
behind the resurgence of malaria include drug resistance of and pastoralists also have to contend with other extreme natural
the malaria parasite and a decrease in vector control activities. resource challenges and constraints such as poor soil fertility,
However, the validity of this conclusion has been questioned pests, crop diseases and a lack of access to inputs and improved
because it may have resulted from inappropriate use of the seeds. These challenges are usually aggravated by periods of
climatic data (Patz, 2002). Analysis of updated temperature data prolonged droughts and floods (Mendelsohn et al., 2000a, b;
for these regions has found a significant warming trend since Stige et al., 2006). [WGII]
the end of the 1970s, with the magnitude of the change affecting
transmission potential (Pascual et al., 2006). In southern Africa, Ecosystems and biodiversity
long-term trends for malaria were not significantly associated Ecosystems and their biodiversity contribute significantly
with climate, although seasonal changes in case numbers were to human well-being in Africa. [WGII Chapter 9] The rich
significantly associated with a number of climatic variables biodiversity in Africa, which occurs principally outside formally
(Craig et al., 2004). Drug resistance and HIV infection were conserved areas, is under threat from climate variability and
associated with long-term malaria trends in the same area (Craig change and other stresses (e.g., Box 5.1). Africa’s social and
et al., 2004). [WGII] economic development is constrained by climate change,
habitat loss, over-harvesting of selected species, the spread of
A number of further studies have reported associations between alien species, and activities such as hunting and deforestation,
interannual variability in temperature and malaria transmission which threaten to undermine the integrity of the continent’s
in the African highlands. An analysis of de-trended time-series rich but fragile ecosystems (UNEP/GRID-Arendal, 2002).
malaria data in Madagascar indicated that minimum temperature Approximately half of the sub-humid and semi-arid parts of the
at the start of the transmission season, corresponding to the southern African region, for example, are at moderate to high
months when the human–vector contact is greatest, accounts for risk of desertification. In West Africa, the long-term decline in
most of the variability between years (Bouma, 2003). In highland rainfall from the 1970s to the 1990s has caused a 25–35 km shift
areas of Kenya, malaria admissions have been associated with southward in the Sahel, Sudan and Guinean ecological zones in
rainfall and unusually high maximum temperatures 3–4 months the second half of the 20th century (Gonzalez, 2001). This has
previously (Githeko and Ndegwa, 2001). An analysis of malaria resulted in the loss of grassland and acacia, loss of flora/fauna,
morbidity data for the period from the late 1980s until the early and shifting sand dunes in the Sahel; effects that are already being
1990s from 50 sites across Ethiopia found that epidemics were observed (ECF and Potsdam Institute, 2004). [WGII]
associated with high minimum temperatures in the preceding
months (Abeku et al., 2003). An analysis of data from seven 5.1.3 Projected changes
highland sites in East Africa reported that short-term climate
variability played a more important role than long-term trends in Water resources
initiating malaria epidemics (Zhou et al., 2004, 2005), although Increased populations in Africa are expected to experience
the method used to test this hypothesis has been challenged water stress before 2025, i.e., in less than two decades
(Hay et al., 2005). [WGII] from the publication of this report, mainly due to increased
water demand. [WGII 9.4.1] Climate change is expected to
Other water-related diseases exacerbate this condition. In some assessments, the population
While infectious diseases such as cholera are being eradicated at risk of increased water stress in Africa, for the full range
in other parts of the world, they are re-emerging in Africa. Child of SRES scenarios, is projected to be 75–250 million and
mortality due to diarrhoea in low-income countries, especially 350–600 million people by the 2020s and 2050s, respectively
in sub-Saharan Africa, remains high despite improvements in (Arnell, 2004). However, the impact of climate change on water
care and the use of oral rehydration therapy (Kosek et al., resources across the continent is not uniform. An analysis of
2003). Children may survive the acute illness but may later six climate models (Arnell, 2004) shows a likely increase in the
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
Box 5.1: Environmental changes on Mt. Kilimanjaro. [Adapted from WGII Box 9.1]
There is evidence that climate change is modifying natural mountain ecosystems on Mt. Kilimanjaro. For example, as a
result of dry climatic conditions, the increased frequency and intensity of fires on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro led to a
downward shift of the upper forest line by several hundreds of metres during the 20th century (Figure 5.3, Table 5.1). The
resulting decrease in cloud-forest cover by 150 km2 since 1976 has had a major impact on the capturing of fog as well as
on the temporary storage of rain, and thus on the water balance of the mountain (Hemp, 2005).
Figure 5.3: Land cover changes induced by complex land use and climate interactions on Kilimanjaro (Hemp, 2005).
Reprinted by permission from Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Table 5.1: Land cover changes in the upper regions of Kilimanjaro (Hemp, 2005).
Vegetation type Area 1976 (km2) Area 2000 (km2) Change (%)
number of people who could experience water stress by 2055 A study of the impacts of a 1°C temperature increase in one
in northern and southern Africa (Figure 5.4). In contrast, more watershed in the Maghreb region projects a runoff deficit of
people in eastern and western Africa will be likely to experience some 10% (Agoumi, 2003), assuming precipitation levels
a reduction rather than an increase in water stress (Arnell, remain constant. [WGII 9.4.1, 3.2, 3.4.2]
2006a). [WGII 3.2, Figure 3.2, Figure 3.4, 9.4.1, Figure 9.3] Energy
Groundwater is most commonly the primary source of drinking Although not many energy studies have been undertaken for
water in Africa, particularly in rural areas which rely on low-cost Africa, a study of hydro-electric power generation conducted
dug wells and boreholes. Its recharge is projected to decrease in the Zambezi Basin, taken in conjunction with projections
with decreased precipitation and runoff, resulting in increased of future runoff, indicate that hydropower generation would
water stress in those areas where groundwater supplements be negatively affected by climate change, particularly in river
dry season water demands for agriculture and household use. basins that are situated in sub-humid regions (Riebsame et al.,
[WGII 3.4.2, Figure 3.5] 1995; Salewicz, 1995). [WGII TAR 10.2.11, Table 10.1]
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
Figure 5.4: Number of people (millions) living in watersheds exposed to an increase in water stress, compared to 1961–1990
(Arnell, 2006b). Water-stressed watersheds have runoff less than 1,000 m3/capita/yr, and populations are exposed to an
increase in water stress when runoff reduces significantly, due to climate change. Scenarios are derived from HadCM3
and the red, green and blue lines relate to different population projections; note that projected hydrological changes vary
substantially between different climate models in some regions. The steps in the function occur as more watersheds experience
a significant decrease in runoff. [WGII Figure 9.3] Health been examined (e.g., Thornton et al., 2006). A recent study
A considerable number of studies have linked climate change based on three scenarios indicates that crop net revenues would
with health issues in the continent. For example, results from be likely to fall by as much as 90% by 2100, with small-scale
the Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa project (MARA/ARMA) farms being the most affected. However, there is the possibility
indicate changes in the distribution of climate-suitable areas for that adaptation could reduce these negative effects (Benhin,
malaria by 2020, 2050 and 2080 (Thomas et al., 2004). By 2050, 2006). [WGII 9.4.4]
and continuing into 2080, a large part of the western Sahel and
much of southern-central Africa is shown to be likely to become A case study of climate change, water availability and agriculture
unsuitable for malaria transmission. Other assessments (e.g., in Egypt is provided in Box 5.2.
Hartmann et al., 2002), using sixteen climate change scenarios,
show that, by 2100, changes in temperature and precipitation Not all changes in climate and climate variability would,
could alter the geographical distribution of malaria in Zimbabwe, however, be negative for agriculture. The growing seasons in
with previously unsuitable areas of dense human population certain areas, such as around the Ethiopian highlands, may
becoming suitable for transmission. [WGII 9.4.3] lengthen under climate change. A combination of increased
temperatures and rainfall changes may lead to the extension of
Relatively few assessments of the possible future changes in the growing season, for example in some of the highland areas
animal health arising from climate variability and change (Thornton et al., 2006). As a result of a reduction in frost in the
have been undertaken. Changes in disease distribution, range, highland zones of Mt. Kenya and Mt. Kilimanjaro, for example,
prevalence, incidence and seasonality can be expected. However, it may be possible to grow more temperate crops, e.g., apples,
there is low certainty about the degree of change. Rift Valley pears, barley, wheat, etc. (Parry et al., 2004). [WGII 9.4.4]
Fever epidemics, evident during the 1997/98 El Niño event
in East Africa and associated with flooding, could increase in Fisheries are another important source of revenue, employment,
regions subject to increases in flooding (Section The and protein. In coastal regions that have major lagoons or lake
number of extremely wet seasons in East Africa is projected systems, changes in freshwater flows, and more intrusion of
to increase. Finally, heat stress and drought are likely to have saltwaters into the lagoons, would affect species that are the
a further negative impact on animal health and the production basis of inland fisheries or aquaculture (Cury and Shannon,
of dairy products (this has already been observed in the USA; 2004). [WGII 9.4.4]
see Warren et al., 2006). [WGI Table 11.1, 11.2.3; WGII 9.4.3,] The impact of climate change on livestock in Africa has been
examined (Seo and Mendelsohn, 2006). Decreased precipitation Agriculture of 14% would be likely to reduce large farm livestock income by
Impacts of climate change on growing periods and on about 9% (−US$5 billion) due to a reduction in both the stock
agricultural systems and possible livelihood implications have numbers and the net revenue per animal owned. [WGII 9.4.4]
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
Box 5.2: Climate, water availability and agriculture in Egypt. [WGII Box 9.2]
Egypt is one of the African countries that could be vulnerable to water stress under climate change. The water used in
2000 was estimated at about 70 km3 which is already far in excess of the available resources (Gueye et al., 2005). A
major challenge is to close the rapidly increasing gap between the limited water availability and the escalating demand for
water from various economic sectors. The rate of water utilisation has already reached its maximum for Egypt, and climate
change will exacerbate this vulnerability.
Agriculture consumes about 85% of the annual total water resource and plays a significant role in the Egyptian national
economy, contributing about 20% of GDP. More than 70% of the cultivated area depends on low-efficiency surface
irrigation systems, which cause high water losses, a decline in land productivity, waterlogging and salinity problems (El-
Gindy et al., 2001). Moreover, unsustainable agricultural practices and improper irrigation management affect the quality
of the country’s water resources. Reductions in irrigation water quality have, in their turn, harmful effects on irrigated soils
and crops.
Institutional water bodies in Egypt are working to achieve the following targets by 2017 through the National Improvement
Plan (EPIQ, 2002; ICID, 2005):
• improving water sanitation coverage for urban and rural areas,
• wastewater management,
• optimising the use of water resources by improving irrigation efficiency and agriculture drainage-water reuse. Biodiversity
Box 5.3: Projected extinctions in the Kruger
Soil moisture reduction due to precipitation changes could
National Park, South Africa. [WGII Table 4.1]
affect natural systems in several ways. There are projections
of significant extinctions in both plant and animals species.
In the Kruger National Park, South Africa, and for a
Over 5,000 plant species could be impacted by climate change,
global mean temperature increase 2.5–3.0°C above
mainly due to the loss of suitable habitats. By 2050, the Fynbos 1990 levels:
Biome (Ericaceae-dominated ecosystem of South Africa, which • 24–59% of mammals,
is an IUCN ‘hotspot’) is projected to lose 51–61% of its extent • 28–40% of birds,
due to decreased winter precipitation. The succulent Karoo • 13–70% of butterflies,
Biome, which includes 2,800 plant species at increased risk of • 18–80% of other invertebrates, and
extinction, is projected to expand south-eastwards, and about 2% • 21–45% of reptiles would be committed to
of the family Proteaceae are projected to become extinct. These extinction.
plants are closely associated with birds that have specialised In total, 66% of animal species would potentially be lost.
on feeding on them. Some mammal species, such as the zebra
and nyala, which have been shown to be vulnerable to drought-
induced changes in food availability, are widely projected to
suffer losses. In some wildlife management areas, such as the Many bird species are migrants from Europe and the Palaeo-
Kruger and Hwange National Parks, wildlife populations are Arctic region. Some species use the southern Sahel as a stopover
already dependant on water supplies supplemented by borehole stage before crossing the Sahara Desert. Drought-induced food
water (Box 5.3). [WGII 4.4, 9.4.5, Table 9.1] shortage in the region would impair the migration success of
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
such birds. As noted, the precipitation models for the Sahel are research on hydrology, drainage and climate change is required.
equivocal. [WGII 9.3.1] If the wet scenarios materialise, then the Future access to water in rural areas, drawn from low-order
biodiversity of the sub-Saharan/Sahel region is in no imminent surface water streams, also needs to be addressed by countries
danger from water-stress-related impacts. On the other hand, the sharing river basins (e.g., de Wit and Stankiewicz, 2006).
drier scenario would, on balance, lead to extensive extinctions, [WGII 9.4.1]
especially as competition between natural systems and human
needs would intensify. [WGII 9.4.5] Adaptive capacity and adaptation related to water resources are
considered very important to the African continent. Historically,
Simulation results for raptors in southern Africa, using migration in the face of drought and floods has been identified
precipitation as the key environmental factor, suggest significant as one of the adaptation options. Migration has also been found
range reductions as their current ranges become drier. [WGII to present a source of income for those migrants, who are
4.4.3] In all, it is expected that about 25–40% of sub-Saharan employed as seasonal labour. Other practices that contribute
African animal species in conservation areas would be to adaptation include traditional and modern water-harvesting
endangered. [WGII 9.4.5] techniques, water conservation and storage, and planting of
drought-resistant and early-maturing crops. The importance of
5.1.4 Adaptation and vulnerability building on traditional knowledge related to water harvesting
and use has been highlighted as one of the most important
Recent studies in Africa highlight the vulnerability of local adaptation requirements (Osman-Elasha et al., 2006), indicating
groups that depend primarily on natural resources for their the need for its incorporation into climate change policies to
livelihoods, indicating that their resource base – already ensure the development of effective adaptation strategies that
severely stressed and degraded by overuse – is expected to are cost-effective, participatory and sustainable. [WGII 9.5.1,
be further impacted by climate change (Leary et al., 2006). Table 17.1]
[WGII 17.1]
Very little information exists regarding the cost of impacts and
Climate change and variability have the potential to impose adaptation to climate change for water resources in Africa.
additonal pressures on water availability, accessibility, supply However, an initial assessment in South Africa of adaptation
and demand in Africa. [WGII 9.4.1] It is estimated that around costs in the Berg River Basin shows that the costs of not adapting
25% (200 million) of Africa’s population currently experiences to climate change can be much greater than those that may arise
water stress, with more countries expected to face high future if flexible and efficient approaches are included in management
risk (see Section [WGII 9.ES] Moreover, it has been options (see Stern, 2007). [WGII 9.5.2]
envisioned that, even without climate change, several countries,
particularly in northern Africa, would reach the threshold level
of their economically usable land-based water resources before 5.2 Asia
2025. [WGII 9.4.1] Frequent natural disasters, such as droughts
and floods, have largely constrained agricultural development in 5.2.1 Context
Africa, which is heavily dependent on rainfall, leading to food
insecurity in addition to a range of macro- and microstructural Asia is a region where water distribution is uneven and large
problems. [WGII 9.5.2] areas are under water stress. Among the forty-three countries of
Asia, twenty have renewable annual per capita water resources
ENSO has a significant influence on rainfall at interannual in excess of 3,000 m3, eleven are between 1,000 and 3,000 m3,
scales in Africa and may influence future climate variability. and six are below 1,000 m3 (there are no data from the remaining
[WGI 3.7.4, 3.6.4, 11.2] However, a number of barriers hamper six countries) (FAO, 2004a, b, c). [WGII Table 10.1] From west
effective adaptation to variations in ENSO including: spatial China and Mongolia to west Asia, there are large areas of arid
and temporal uncertainties associated with forecasts of regional and semi-arid lands. [WGII 10.2] Even in humid and sub-humid
climate; the low level of awareness among decision makers areas of Asia, water scarcity/stress is one of the constraints for
of the local and regional impacts of El Niño; limited national sustainable development. On the other hand, Asia has a very
capacities in climate monitoring and forecasting; and lack of high population that is growing at a fast rate, low development
co-ordination in the formulation of responses (Glantz, 2001). levels and weak coping capacity. Climate change is expected
[WGII 17.2.2] to exacerbate the water scarcity situation in Asia, together with
multiple socio-economic stresses. [WGII 10.2]
Regarding the impacts of climate variability and change on
groundwater, little information is available, despite many 5.2.2 Observed impacts of climate change on water
countries (especially in northern Africa) being dependent on
such water sources. [WGII 9.2.1] Freshwater resources
Inter-seasonal, interannual, and spatial variability in rainfall
Previous assessments of water impacts have not adequately has been observed during the past few decades across all of
covered the multiple future water uses and future water stress Asia. Decreasing trends in annual mean rainfall were observed
(e.g., Agoumi, 2003; Conway, 2005), and so more detailed in Russia, north-east and north China, the coastal belts and
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
Precipitation decline and droughts in most delta regions of Consequences of enhanced snow and glacier melt, as well
Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and China have resulted in drying as rising snow lines, would be unfavourable for downstream
of wetlands and severe degradation of ecosystems. The recurrent agriculture in several countries of south and central Asia. The
droughts from 1999 to 2001, as well as construction of upstream volume and rate of snowmelt in spring is projected to accelerate
reservoirs and improper use of groundwater, have led to drying in north-western China and western Mongolia and the thawing
of the Momoge Wetland located in the Songnen Plain in north- time could advance, which will increase some water sources
eastern China (Pan et al., 2003). [WGII]
and may lead to flood in spring, but significant shortages in
water availability for livestock are projected by the end of this
5.2.3 Projected impact of climate change on
century (Batima et al., 2004, 2005). [WGII 10.4.2, 10.6]
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwater and key vulnerabilities
It is expected that, in the medium term, climate-change-driven Freshwater resources
enhanced snow- or glacier melt will lead to floods. Such
Changes in seasonality and amount of water flow from river
floods quite often are caused by rising river water levels due to
systems are expected, due to climate change. In some parts of
blockage of the channel by drifting ice. [WGII 10.4.2, 10.6]
Russia, climate change could significantly alter the variability
of river runoff such that extremely low runoff events might
A projected increase in surface air temperature in north-western
occur much more frequently in the crop growing regions of the
south-west (Peterson et al., 2002). Surface water availability China is, by linear extrapolation of observed changes, expected
from major rivers such as the Euphrates and Tigris might be to result in a 27% decline in glacier area, a 10–15% decline in
affected by alteration of river flow. In Lebanon, the annual net frozen soil area, an increase in flood and debris flow, and more
usable water resource would decrease by 15% in response to a severe water shortages by 2050 compared with 1961–1990
GCM-estimated average rise in temperature of 1.2°C under a (Qin, 2002). The duration of seasonal snow cover in alpine
doubled-CO2 climate, while the flows in rivers would increase areas – namely the Tibet Plateau, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia
in winter and decrease in spring (Bou-Zeid and El-Fadel, 2002). – is expected to shorten, leading to a decline in volume and
The maximum monthly flow of the Mekong is projected to resulting in severe spring droughts. Between 20% and 40%
increase by 35–41% in the basin and by 16–19% in the delta, reductions in runoff per capita in Ningxia, Xinjiang and Qinghai
with the lower value estimated for the years 2010–2038 and Provinces are likely by the end of the 21st century (Tao et al.,
the higher value for the years 2070–2099, compared with 2005). However, pressure on water resources due to increasing
1961–1990 levels. In contrast, the minimum monthly flows are population and socio-economic development is likely to grow.
estimated to decline by 17–24% in the basin and 26–29% in the Higashi et al. (2006) project that the future flood risk in Tokyo
delta (Hoanh et al., 2004) [WGII Box 5.3], suggesting that there (Japan) between 2050 and 2300 under the SRES A1B scenario
could be increased flooding risks during the wet season and is likely to be 1.1 to 1.2 times higher than the present condition.
an increased possibility of water shortages in the dry season. [WGII]
The gross per capita water availability in India is projected
Flooding could increase the habitat of brackish-water fisheries to decline from about 1,820 m3/yr in 2001 to as little as
but could also seriously affect the aquaculture industry and 1,140 m3/yr in 2050, as a result of population growth (Gupta
infrastructure, particularly in heavily populated megadeltas. and Deshpande, 2004). Another study indicates that India will
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
reach a state of water stress before 2025, when the availability The vulnerability of a society is influenced by its development
is projected to fall below 1,000 m3 per capita (CWC, 2001). path, physical exposures, the distribution of resources, prior
These changes are due to climatic and demographic factors. stresses, and social and government institutions. All societies
The relative contribution of these factors is not known. The have inherent abilities to deal with certain variations in climate,
projected decrease in winter precipitation over the Indian sub- yet adaptive capacities are unevenly distributed, both across
continent would imply less storage and greater water stress countries and within societies. The poor and marginalised
during the lean monsoon period. Intense rain occurring over have historically been most at risk, and are most vulnerable to
fewer days, which implies increased frequency of floods during the impacts of climate change. Recent analyses in Asia show
the monsoon, may also result in reduced groundwater recharge that marginalised, primary-resource-dependent livelihood
potential. Expansion of areas under severe water stress will groups are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts
be one of the most pressing environmental problems in South if their natural resource base is severely stressed and degraded
and South-East Asia in the foreseeable future, as the number by overuse, or if their governance systems are not capable of
of people living under severe water stress is likely to increase responding effectively (Leary et al., 2006). [WGII 17.1] There
substantially in absolute terms. It is estimated that, under the is growing evidence that adaptation is occurring in response
full range of SRES scenarios, from 120 million to 1.2 billion, to observed and anticipated climate change. For example,
and from 185 million to 981 million people will experience climate change forms part of the design consideration in
increased water stress by the 2020s and the 2050s, respectively infrastructure projects such as coastal defence in the Maldives
(Arnell, 2004). The decline in annual flow of the Red River by and prevention of glacial lake outburst flooding in Nepal (see
13–19% and that of the Mekong River by 16–24% by the end of Box 5.4). [WGII 17.2, 17.5, 16.5]
the 21st century is projected, and would contribute to increasing
water stress (ADB, 1994). [WGII 10.4.2] In some parts of Asia, the conversion of cropland to forest
(grassland), restoration and re-establishment of vegetation, Energy improvement of the tree and herb varieties, and selection and
Changes in runoff could have a significant effect on the power cultivation of new drought-resistant varieties could be effective
output of hydropower-generating countries such as Tajikistan, measures to prevent water scarcity due to climate change. Water-
which is the third largest hydro-electricity producer in the world saving schemes for irrigation could be used to avert the water
(World Bank, 2002). [WGII 10.4.2] scarcity in regions already under water stress (Wang, 2003). In
north Asia, recycling and reuse of municipal wastewater (Frolov Agriculture et al., 2004) and increasing efficiency of water use for irrigation
Agricultural irrigation demand in arid and semi-arid regions of and other purposes (Alcamo et al., 2004) will be likely to help
Asia is estimated to increase by at least 10% for an increase in avert water scarcity. [WGII 10.5.2]
temperature of 1°C (Fischer et al., 2002a; Liu, 2002). Based on a
study by Tao et al. (2003b), rain-fed crops in the plains of north There are many adaptation measures that could be applied in
and north-east China could face water-related challenges in future various parts of Asia to minimise the impacts of climate change
decades due to increases in water demand and soil-moisture on water resources, several of which address the existing
deficit associated with projected declines in precipitation. Note, inefficiency in the use of water:
however, that more than two-thirds of the models ensembled in • modernisation of existing irrigation schemes and demand
Figures 2.8 and 2.10 show an increase in precipitation and runoff management aimed at optimising physical and economic
for this region. In north China, irrigation from surface water efficiency in the use of water resources and recycled water
and groundwater sources is projected to meet only 70% of the in water-stressed countries;
water requirement for agricultural production, due to the effects • public investment policies that improve access to available
of climate change and increasing demand (Liu et al., 2001; Qin, water resources, encourage integrated water management
2002). [WGII 10.4.1] Enhanced variability in hydrological and respect for the environment, and promote better
characteristics will be likely to continue to affect grain supplies practices for the sensible use of water in agriculture;
and food security in many nations of Asia. [WGII] • the use of water to meet non-potable water demands. After
treatment, recycled water can also be used to create or
5.2.4 Adaptation and vulnerability enhance wetlands and riparian habitats. [WGII 10.5.2]
There are different current water vulnerabilities in Asian Effective adaptation and adaptive capacity, particularly in
countries. Some countries which are not currently facing high developing Asian countries, will continue to be limited by
risk are expected to face a future risk of water stress, with various various ecological, social and economic, technical, institutional
capacities for adaptation. Coastal areas, especially heavily and political constraints. Water recycling is a sustainable
populated megadelta regions in south, east and south-east Asia, approach towards adaptation to climate change and can be
are expected to be at greatest risk of increased river and coastal cost-effective in the long term. However, the treatment of
flooding. In southern and eastern Asia, the interaction of climate wastewater for reuse that is now being practised in Singapore,
change impacts with rapid economic and population growth, and the installation of distribution systems, can initially be
and migration from rural to urban areas, is expected to affect expensive compared to water supply alternatives such as the
development. [WGII 10.2.4, 10.4, 10.6] use of imported water or groundwater. Nevertheless, they are
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
The Tsho Rolpa is a glacial lake located at an altitude of about 4,580 m in Nepal. Glacier shrinkage increased the size of
the Tsho Rolpa from 0.23 km2 in 1957/58 to 1.65 km2 in 1997 (Figure 5.6). The 90–100 million m3 of water contained by
the lake at this time were only held back by a moraine dam – a hazard that required urgent action to reduce the risk of a
catastrophic glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF).
Figure 5.6: Changes in the area of the Tsho Rolpa over time.
If the dam were breached, one-third or more of the water could flood downstream. Among other considerations, this
posed a major risk to the Khimti hydropower plant, which was under construction downstream. These concerns spurred
the Government of Nepal, with the support of international donors, to initiate a project in 1998 to lower the level of the lake
through drainage. An expert group recommended that, to reduce the risk of a GLOF, the lake should be lowered three
metres by cutting a channel in the moraine. A gate was constructed to allow for controlled release of water. Meanwhile,
an early-warning system was established in nineteen villages downstream in case a Tsho Rolpa GLOF should occur
despite these efforts. Local villagers were actively involved in the design of the system, and safety drills are carried out
periodically. In 2002, the four-year construction project was completed at a cost of US$3.2 million. Clearly, reducing GLOF
risks involves substantial costs and is time-consuming, as complete prevention of a GLOF would require further drainage
to lower the lake level.
The case of Tsho Rolpa has to be seen in a broader context. The frequency of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in
the Himalayas of Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet has increased from 0.38 events/yr in the 1950s to 0.54 events/yr in the 1990s.
Sources: Mool et al. (2001), OECD (2003), Shrestha and Shrestha (2004).
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
potentially important adaptation options in many countries of Increases in water demand have placed stress on supply
Asia. Reduction of water wastage and leakage could be practised capacity for irrigation, cities, industry and environmental
in order to cushion decreases in water supply due to declines in flows. Increased demand since the 1980s in New Zealand has
precipitation and increases in temperature. The use of market- been due to agricultural intensification (Woods and Howard-
oriented approaches to reduce wasteful water use could also be Williams, 2004). The irrigated area of New Zealand has
effective in reducing adverse climate change impacts on water increased by around 55% each decade since the 1960s (Lincoln
resources. In rivers such as the Mekong, where wet-season Environmental, 2000). From 1985 to 1996, Australian water
discharge is projected to increase and the dry-season flows demand increased by 65% (NLWRA, 2001). In Australia,
projected to decrease, planned water management interventions dryland salinity, alteration of river flows, over-allocation
such as dams and reservoirs could marginally decrease wet- and inefficient use of water resources, land clearing, the
season flows and substantially increase dry-season flows. intensification of agriculture and fragmentation of ecosystems
[WGII 10.5.2, 10.5.7] are major sources of environmental stress (SOE, 2001; Cullen,
2002). In the context of projected climate change, water
supply is one of the most vulnerable sectors in Australia
5.3 Australia and New Zealand and is expected to be a major issue in parts of New Zealand.
[WGII 11.ES, 11.2.4, 11.7]
5.3.1 Context
5.3.2 Observed changes
Although Australia and New Zealand are very different
hydrologically and geologically, both are already experiencing The winter-rainfall-dominated region of south-west Western
water supply impacts from recent climate change, due to Australia has experienced a substantial decline in the May–July
natural variability and to human activity. The strongest regional rainfall since the mid-20th century. The effects of the decline on
driver of natural climate variability is the El Niño–Southern natural runoff have been severe, as evidenced by a 50% drop in
Oscillation cycle (Section 2.1.7). Since 2002, virtually all of annual inflows to reservoirs supplying the city of Perth (Figure
the eastern states and the south-west region of Australia have 5.7). Similar pressures have been imposed on local groundwater
moved into drought. This drought is at least comparable to resources and wetlands. This has been accompanied by a 20%
the so-called ‘Federation droughts’ of 1895 and 1902, and has increase in domestic usage in 20 years, and a population growth
generated considerable debate about climate change and its of 1.7% per year (IOCI, 2002). Although no formal attribution
impact on water resources, and sustainable water management. studies were available at the time of the AR4, climate simulations
[WGII 11.2.1, 11.2.4] indicated that at least some of the observed drying was related
Figure 5.7: Annual inflow to Perth Water Supply System from 1911 to 2006. Horizontal lines show averages. Source: (courtesy of the Water Corporation of Western Australia).
[WGII Figure 11.3]
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
to the enhanced greenhouse effect (IOCI, 2002). In recent years, Zealand, increased westerly wind speed is very likely to
an intense multi-year drought has emerged in eastern and other enhance wind generation and spillover precipitation into major
parts of southern Australia. For example, the total inflow to the South Island hydro-catchments, and to increase winter rain in
Murray River over the five years prior to 2006 was the lowest the Waikato catchment (Ministry for the Environment, 2004).
five-year sequence on record. [WGII 11.6] Warming is virtually certain to increase melting of snow, the
ratio of rainfall to snowfall, and river flows in winter and early
5.3.3 Projected changes spring. This is very likely to assist hydro-electric generation at
the time of peak energy demand for heating. [WGII 11.4.10] Water
Ongoing water security problems are very likely to increase Health
by 2030 in southern and eastern Australia, and parts of eastern There are likely to be alterations in the geographical range and
New Zealand that are distant from major rivers. [WGII 11.ES] seasonality of some mosquito-borne infectious diseases, e.g.,
The Murray-Darling Basin is Australia’s largest river basin, Ross River disease, dengue and malaria. Fewer, but heavier,
accounting for about 70% of irrigated crops and pastures rainfall events are likely to affect mosquito breeding and increase
(MDBC, 2006). For the SRES A1 and B1 emission scenarios the variability in annual rates of Ross River disease, particularly
and a wide range of GCMs, annual streamflow in the Basin is in temperate and semi-arid areas (Woodruff et al., 2002, 2006).
projected to fall 10–25% by 2050 and 16–48% by 2100, with Dengue is a substantial threat in Australia; the climate of the
salinity changes of −8 to +19% and −25 to +72%, respectively far north already supports Aedes aegypti (the major mosquito
(Beare and Heaney, 2002). [WGII Table 11.5] Runoff in twenty- vector of the dengue virus), and outbreaks of dengue have
nine Victorian catchments is projected to decline by 0–45% occurred with increasing frequency and magnitude in far-
(Jones and Durack, 2005). For the A2 scenario, projections northern Australia over the past decade. Malaria is unlikely to
indicate a 6–8% decline in annual runoff in most of eastern establish unless there is a dramatic deterioration in the public
Australia, and 14% decline in south-west Australia, in the period health response (McMichael et al., 2003). [WGII 11.4.11]
2021–2050 relative to 1961–1990 (Chiew et al., 2003). A risk
assessment for the city of Melbourne using ten climate models Eutrophication is a major water-quality problem (Davis, 1997;
(driven by the SRES B1, A1B and A1F scenarios) indicated SOE, 2001). Toxic algal blooms are likely to appear more
average streamflow declines of 3–11% by 2020 and 7–35% by frequently and be present for longer due to climate change.
2050; however, planned demand-side and supply-side actions They can pose a threat to human health for both recreation and
may alleviate water shortages through to 2020 (Howe et al., consumptive water use, and can kill fish and livestock (Falconer,
2005). Little is known about future impacts on groundwater in 1997). Simple, resource-neutral, adaptive management
Australia. [WGII 11.4.1] strategies, such as flushing flows, can substantially reduce their
occurrence and duration in nutrient-rich, thermally stratified
In New Zealand, proportionately more runoff is very likely from water bodies (Viney et al., 2003). [WGII 11.4.1]
South Island rivers in winter, and less in summer (Woods and
Howard-Williams, 2004). This is very likely to provide more Agriculture
water for hydro-electric generation during the winter peak Large shifts in the geographical distribution of agriculture
demand period, and reduce dependence on hydro-storage lakes and its services are very likely. Farming of marginal land in
to transfer generation capacity into the next winter. However, drier regions is likely to become unsustainable due to water
industries dependent on irrigation (e.g., dairy, grain production, shortages, new biosecurity hazards, environmental degradation
horticulture) are likely to experience negative effects due to and social disruption. [WGII 11.7] Cropping and other
lower water availability in spring and summer, their time of agricultural industries reliant on irrigation are likely to be
peak demand. Increased drought frequency is very likely in threatened where irrigation water availability is reduced. For
eastern areas, with potential losses in agricultural production maize in New Zealand, a reduction in growth duration reduces
from unirrigated land (Mullan et al., 2005). The effects of crop water requirements, providing closer synchronisation of
climate change on flood and drought frequency are virtually development with seasonal climatic conditions (Sorensen et al.,
certain to be modulated by phases of the ENSO and IPO 2000). The distribution of viticulture in both countries is likely
(McKerchar and Henderson, 2003). The groundwater aquifer to change depending upon suitability compared to high-yield
for Auckland City has spare capacity to accommodate recharge pasture and silviculture, and upon irrigation water availability
under all the scenarios examined (Namjou et al., 2006). Base and cost (Hood et al., 2002; Miller and Veltman, 2004; Jenkins,
flows in principal streams and springs are very unlikely to 2006). [WGII 11.4.3]
be compromised unless many dry years occur in succession.
[WGII] Biodiversity
Impacts on the structure, function and species composition of Energy many natural ecosystems are likely to be significant by 2020,
In Australia and New Zealand, climate change could affect and are virtually certain to exacerbate existing stresses such
energy production in regions where climate-induced reductions as invasive species and habitat loss (e.g., for migratory birds),
in water supplies lead to reductions in feed water for hydropower increase the probability of species extinctions, degrade many
turbines and cooling water for thermal power plants. In New natural systems and cause a reduction in ecosystem services for
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
water supply. The impact of climate change on water resources seawater desalination) (see Table 5.2) [WGII Table 11.2, 11.6],
will also interact with other stressors such as invasive species both countries have taken notable steps in building adaptive
and habitat fragmentation. Saltwater intrusion as a result of capacity by increasing support for research and knowledge,
sea-level rise, decreases in river flows, and increased drought expanding assessments of the risks of climate change for
frequency are very likely to alter species composition of decision makers, infusing climate change into policies and
freshwater habitats, with consequent impacts on estuarine and plans, promoting awareness, and dealing more effectively with
coastal fisheries (Bunn and Arthington, 2002; Hall and Burns, climate issues. However, there remain environmental, economic,
2002; Herron et al., 2002; Schallenberg et al., 2003). [WGII informational, social, attitudinal and political barriers to the
11.ES, 11.4.2] implementation of adaptation. [WGII 11.5]
5.3.4 Adaptation and vulnerability In urban catchments, storm and recycled water could be used
to augment supply, although existing institutional arrangements
Planned adaptation can greatly reduce vulnerability, and and technical systems for water distribution constrain
opportunities lie in the inclusion of risks due to climate change implementation. Moreover, there is community resistance to
on the demand as well as the supply side (Allen Consulting the use of recycled water for human consumption (e.g., in such
Group, 2005). In major cities such as Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, cities as Toowoomba in Queensland, and Goulburn in New South
Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra and Auckland, concerns about Wales). Installation of rainwater tanks is another adaptation
population pressures, ongoing drought in southern and eastern response and is now actively pursued through incentive policies
Australia, and the impact of climate change are leading water and rebates. For rural activities, more flexible arrangements for
planners to consider a range of adaptation options. While some allocation are required, via the expansion of water markets,
adaptation has already occurred in response to observed climate where trading can increase water-use efficiency (Beare and
change (e.g., ongoing water restrictions, water recycling, Heaney, 2002). Substantial progress is being made in this
Table 5.2: Examples of government adaptation strategies to cope with water shortages in Australia. [WGII Table 11.2] Note that the
investment figures were accurate at the time the Fourth Assessment went to press in 2007, and do not reflect later developments.
Government Strategy Investment Source
Australia Drought aid payments to rural communities US$0.7 billion from 2001 to 2006 DAFF, 2006b
Australia National Water Initiative, supported by the US$1.5 billion from 2004 to 2009 DAFF, 2006a
Australian Water Fund
Australia Murray-Darling Basin Water Agreement US$0.4 billion from 2004 to 2009 DPMC, 2004
Victoria New pipeline from Bendigo to Ballarat, water US$153 million by 2015 Premier of Victoria,
recycling, interconnections between dams, 2006
reducing channel seepage, conservation
Victoria Wimmera Mallee pipeline replacing open US$376 million by 2010 Vic DSE, 2006
irrigation channels
NSW NSW Water Savings Fund supports projects US$98 million for Round 3, plus more than DEUS, 2006
which save or recycle water in Sydney US$25 million to 68 other projects
Queensland (Qld) Qld Water Plan 2005 to 2010 to improve Includes US$182 million for water infrastructure Queensland
water-use efficiency and quality, recycling, in south-east Qld, and US$302 million to other Government, 2005
drought preparedness, new water pricing infrastructure programmes
South Australia Water Proofing Adelaide project is a blueprint N/A Government of South
for the management, conservation and Australia, 2005
development of Adelaide’s water resources
to 2025
Western State Water Strategy (2003) and State Water US$500 million spent by WA Water Corporation Government of
Australia (WA) Plan (proposed) from 1996 to 2006, plus US$290 million for the Western Australia,
WA Water Corporation doubled supply from Perth desalination plant 2003, 2006; Water
1996 to 2006 Corporation, 2006
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
regard. Under the National Water Initiative, states, territories is projected to decrease, causing higher water stress. Northern
and the Australian Government are now committed to pursuing countries are also vulnerable to climate change, although in
best-practice water pricing and institutional arrangements to the initial stages of warming there may be some benefits in
achieve consistency in water charging. [WGII 11.5] terms of, for example, increased crop yields and forest growth.
[WGII 12.2.3, SPM]
When climate change impacts are combined with other
non-climate trends, there are some serious implications for Key environmental pressures relate to biodiversity, landscape,
sustainability in both Australia and New Zealand. In some river soil and land degradation, forest degradation, natural hazards,
catchments, where increasing urban and rural water demand water management, and recreational environments. Most
has already exceeded sustainable levels of supply, ongoing and ecosystems in Europe are managed or semi-managed; they are
proposed adaptation strategies [WGII 11.2.5] are likely to buy often fragmented and under stress from pollution and other
some time. Continued rates of coastal development are likely human impacts. [WGII TAR]
to require tighter planning and regulation if such developments
are to remain sustainable. [WGII 11.7] 5.4.2 Observed changes
The sensitivity of Europe to climate change has a distinct north– Water
south gradient, with many studies indicating that southern Generally, for all scenarios, projected mean annual precipitation
Europe will be the more severely affected (EEA, 2004). increases in northern Europe and decreases further south.
The already hot and semi-arid climate of southern Europe However, the change in precipitation varies substantially from
is expected to become still warmer and drier, threatening its season to season and across regions in response to changes in
waterways, hydropower, agricultural production and timber large-scale circulation and water vapour loading. Räisänen et
harvests. In central and eastern Europe, summer precipitation al. (2004) project that summer precipitation would decrease
Table 5.3: Attribution of recent changes in natural and managed ecosystems to recent temperature and precipitation trends.
[Selected from WGII Table 12.1]
Region Observed change Reference
Terrestrial ecosystems
Fennoscandian mountains Disappearance of some types of wetlands (palsa mires) Klanderud and Birks, 2003; Luoto et al.,
and sub-Arctic in Lapland; increased species richness and frequency at 2004
altitudinal margin of plant life
Parts of northern Increased crop stress during hotter drier summers; increased Viner et al., 2006
Europe risk to crops from hail
Russia Decrease in thickness and areal extent of permafrost and Frauenfeld et al., 2004; Mazhitova et al.,
damages to infrastructure 2004
Alps Decrease in seasonal snow cover (at lower elevations) Laternser and Schneebeli, 2003; Martin and
Etchevers, 2005
Europe Decrease in glacier volume and area (except some glaciers in Hoelzle et al., 2003
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
substantially (in some areas up to 70% in the SRES A2 scenario) in Summer low flow is projected to decrease by up to 50% in
southern and central Europe, and to a smaller degree up to central central Europe (Eckhardt and Ulbrich, 2003), and by up to
Scandinavia. Giorgi et al. (2004) identified enhanced anticyclonic 80% in some rivers in southern Europe (Santos et al., 2002).
circulation in summer over the north-eastern Atlantic, which [WGII 12.4.1]
induces a ridge over western Europe and a trough over eastern
Europe. This blocking structure deflects storms northward, The regions most prone to an increase in drought risk are the
causing a substantial and widespread decrease of precipitation Mediterranean and some parts of central and eastern Europe,
(up to 30–45%) over the Mediterranean Basin as well as western where the highest increase in irrigation water demand is
and central Europe. [WGI Table 11.1; WGII] projected (Döll, 2002; Donevska and Dodeva, 2004). This
calls for developing sustainable land-use planning. Irrigation
It is projected that climate change will have a range of impacts on requirements are likely to become substantial in countries (e.g.,
water resources (Table 5.3). Annual runoff increases are projected in Ireland) where it now hardly exists (Holden et al., 2003).
in Atlantic- and northern Europe (Werritty, 2001; Andréasson et It is likely that, due to both climate change and increasing
al., 2004), and decreases in central, Mediterranean and eastern water withdrawals, the area affected by severe water stress
Europe (Chang et al., 2002; Etchevers et al., 2002; Menzel and (withdrawal/availability higher than 40%) will increase and
Bürger, 2002; Iglesias et al., 2005). Annual average runoff is lead to increasing competition for available water resources
projected to increase in northern Europe (north of 47°N) by (Alcamo et al., 2003b; Schröter et al., 2005). [WGII 12.4.1]
approximately 5–15% up to the 2020s and by 9–22% up to the
2070s, for the A2 and B2 scenarios and climate scenarios from Future risk of floods and droughts (see Table 5.4). Flood risk
two different climate models (Alcamo et al., 2007). Meanwhile, is projected to increase throughout the continent. The regions
in southern Europe (south of 47°N), runoff is projected to most prone to a rise in flood frequencies are eastern Europe,
decrease by 0–23% up to the 2020s and by 6–36% up to the then northern Europe, the Atlantic coast and central Europe,
2070s (for the same set of assumptions). Groundwater recharge while projections for southern and south-eastern Europe show
is likely to be reduced in central and eastern Europe (Eitzinger significant increases in drought frequencies. In some regions,
et al., 2003), with a larger reduction in valleys (Krüger et al., both the risks of floods and droughts are projected to increase
2002) and lowlands, e.g., in the Hungarian steppes: (Somlyódy, simultaneously. [WGII Table 12.4]
2002). [WGII 12.4.1, Figure 12.1]
Christensen and Christensen (2003), Giorgi et al. (2004),
Flow seasonality increases, with higher flows in the peak flow Kjellström (2004) and Kundzewicz et al. (2006) all found a
season and either lower flows during the low-flow season or substantial increase in the intensity of daily precipitation events.
extended dry periods (Arnell, 2003, 2004). [WGII 3.4.1] Studies This holds even for areas with a decrease in mean precipitation,
show an increase in winter flows and decrease in summer flows such as central Europe and the Mediterranean. The impact of
in the Rhine (Middelkoop and Kwadijk, 2001), Slovakian rivers this change over the Mediterranean region during summer is
(Szolgay et al., 2004), the Volga, and central and eastern Europe not clear due to the strong convective rainfall component and its
(Oltchev et al., 2002). Initially, glacier retreat is projected to great spatial variability (Llasat, 2001). [WGII]
enhance the summer flow in the rivers of the Alps. However,
when glaciers shrink, summer flow is projected to be reduced The combined effects of higher temperatures and reduced
(Hock et al., 2005) by up to 50% (Zierl and Bugmann, 2005). mean summer precipitation would enhance the occurrence of
Table 5.4: Impact of climate change on drought and flood occurrence in Europe for various time slices and under various
scenarios based on the ECHAM4 and HadCM3 models. [WGII Table 12.2]
Time slice Water availability and droughts Floods
2020s Increase in annual runoff in northern Europe by up to 15% and Increasing risk of winter flood in northern Europe and of flash
decrease in the South by up to 23%a flood in all of Europe
Decrease in summer flowd Risk of snowmelt flood shifts from spring to winterc
2050s Decrease in annual runoff by up to 20–30% in south-eastern
2070s Increase in annual runoff in the North by up to 30% and decrease Today’s 100-year floods are projected to occur more frequently
by up to 36% in the Southa in northern and north-eastern Europe (Sweden, Finland, N.
Russia), in Ireland, in central and E. Europe (Poland, Alpine
Decrease in summer low flow by up to 80%b, d
rivers), in Atlantic parts of S. Europe (Spain, Portugal); less
Decreasing drought risk in N. Europe, increasing drought risk in frequently in large parts of S. Europec
W. and S. Europe. By the 2070s, today’s 100-year droughts are
projected to return, on average, every 10 (or fewer) years in parts
of Spain and Portugal, western France, the Vistula Basin in Poland,
and western Turkeyc
Alcamo et al., 2007; b Arnell, 2004, c Lehner et al., 2006, d Santos et al., 2002.
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
heatwaves and droughts. Schär et al. (2004) conclude that the et al., 2004; Beniston et al., 2007) is projected to increase yield
future European summer climate would experience a pronounced variability (Jones et al., 2003b) and to reduce average yield (Trnka
increase in year-to-year variability and thus a higher incidence et al., 2004). In particular, in the European Mediterranean region,
of heatwaves and droughts. The Mediterranean and even much increases in the frequency of extreme climate events during
of eastern Europe may experience an increase in dry periods by specific crop development stages (e.g., heat stress during the
the late 21st century (Polemio and Casarano, 2004). According flowering period, rainy days during sowing dates), together with
to Good et al. (2006), the longest yearly dry spell would increase higher rainfall intensity and longer dry spells, is likely to reduce
by as much as 50%, especially over France and central Europe. the yield of summer crops (e.g., sunflower). [WGII]
However, there is some recent evidence (Lenderink et al., 2007)
that some of these projections for droughts and heatwaves Biodiversity
may be slightly overestimated due to the parameterisation of Many systems, such as the permafrost areas in the Arctic
soil moisture in regional climate models. Decreased summer and ephemeral (short-lived) aquatic ecosystems in the
precipitation in southern Europe, accompanied by rising Mediterranean, are projected to disappear. [WGII 12.4.3]
temperatures, which enhances evaporative demand, would
inevitably lead to reduced summer soil moisture (cf. Douville Loss of permafrost in the Arctic (ACIA, 2004) will be likely
et al., 2002) and more frequent and more intense droughts. to cause a reduction in some types of wetlands in the current
[WGII 3.4.3, 12.3.1] permafrost zone (Ivanov and Maximov, 2003). A consequence
of warming could be a higher risk of algal blooms and increased
Studies indicate a decrease in peak snowmelt floods by the growth of toxic cyanobacteria in lakes (Moss et al., 2003; Straile
2080s in parts of the UK (Kay et al., 2006b), but the impact et al., 2003; Briers et al., 2004; Eisenreich, 2005). Higher
of climate change on flood regime can be both positive or precipitation and reduced frost may enhance nutrient loss from
negative, highlighting the uncertainty still remaining in climate cultivated fields and result in higher nutrient loadings (Bouraoui
change impacts (Reynard et al., 2004). Palmer and Räisänen et al., 2004; Kaste et al., 2004; Eisenreich, 2005), leading to
(2002) analysed the modelled differences in winter precipitation intensive eutrophication of lakes and wetlands (Jeppesen et al.,
between the control run and an ensemble with transient increase 2003). Higher temperatures will also reduce dissolved oxygen
in CO2 and calculated around the time of CO2 doubling. Over saturation levels and increase the risk of oxygen depletion
Europe, a considerable increase in the risk of a very wet winter (Sand-Jensen and Pedersen, 2005). [WGII 12.4.5]
was found. The probability of total boreal winter precipitation
exceeding two standard deviations above normal was found to Higher temperatures are likely to lead to increased species
increase considerably (even five- to seven-fold) over large areas richness in freshwater ecosystems in northern Europe and
of Europe, with likely consequences on winter flood hazard. decreases in parts of south-western Europe (Gutiérrez Teira,
[WGII 3.4.3] 2003). [WGII 12.4.6]
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
their popularity is dampened, respectively, by health concerns and 2002), the Amazon drought (2005), destructive hail
in using wastewater (Geres, 2004), and the high energy costs of storms in Bolivia (2002) and in Buenos Aires (2006),
desalination (Iglesias et al., 2005). Some planned demand-side Cyclone Catarina in the South Atlantic (2004), and the
strategies are also feasible (AEMA, 2002), such as household, record hurricane season of 2005 in the Caribbean region).
industrial and agricultural water conservation, reducing leaky The occurrence of climate-related disasters increased by
municipal and irrigation water systems (Donevska and Dodeva, 2.4 times between the periods 1970–1999 and 2000–2005,
2004; Geres, 2004), and water pricing (Iglesias et al., 2005). continuing the trend observed during the 1990s. Only
Irrigation water demand may be reduced by introducing crops 19% of the events between 2000 and 2005 have been
that are more suited to a changing climate. An example of a economically quantified, representing losses of nearly
unique European approach to adapting to water stress is that US$20 billion (Nagy et al., 2006). [WGII 13.2.2]
regional- and watershed-level strategies to adapt to climate • Stress on water availability: droughts related to La Niña
change are being incorporated into plans for integrated water created severe restrictions for the water supply and
management (Kabat et al., 2002; Cosgrove et al., 2004; irrigation demands in central western Argentina and in
Kashyap, 2004), while national strategies are being designed to central Chile. Droughts related to El Niño reduced the flow
fit into existing governance structures (Donevska and Dodeva, of the Cauca River in Colombia. [WGII 13.2.2]
2004). [WGII 12.5.1] • Increases in precipitation were observed in southern Brazil,
Paraguay, Uruguay, north-east Argentina (Pampas), and
Adaptation procedures and risk management practices for parts of Bolivia, north-west Peru, Ecuador and north-west
the water sector are being developed in some countries and Mexico. The higher precipitation provoked a 10% increase
regions (e.g., the Netherlands, the UK and Germany) that in flood frequency in the Amazon River at Obidos; a 50%
recognise the uncertainty of projected hydrological changes. increase in streamflow in the rivers of Uruguay, Parana
[WGII 3.ES, 3.2, 3.6] and Paraguay; and more floods in the Mamore Basin in
Bolivian Amazonia. An increase in intense rainfall events
and consecutive dry days was also observed over the
5.5 Latin America region. Conversely, a declining trend in precipitation was
observed in Chile, south-western Argentina, north-eastern
5.5.1 Context Brazil, southern Peru and western Central America (e.g.,
Nicaragua). [WGII]
Population growth continues, with consequences for food • A sea-level rise rate of 2–3 mm/yr during the last 10–
demand. Because the economies of most Latin American 20 years in south-eastern South America. [WGII]
countries depend on agricultural productivity, regional variation • Glaciers in the tropical Andes of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador
in crop yields is a very relevant issue. Latin America has a large and Colombia have decreased in area by amounts similar
variety of climate as result of its geographical configuration. to global changes since the end of the Little Ice Age (see
The region also has large arid and semi-arid areas. The climatic Figure 5.9). The smallest glaciers have been affected the
spectrum ranges from cold, icy high elevations to temperate most (see Box 5.5). The reasons for these changes are
and tropical climate. Glaciers have generally receded in not the same as those in mid- and high latitudes, being
the past decades, and some very small glaciers have already related to complex and spatially varying combinations of
disappeared. higher temperatures and changes in atmospheric moisture
content. [WGI 4.5.3]
The Amazon, the Parana-Plata and Orinoco together carry into
the Atlantic Ocean more than 30% of the renewable freshwater of Further indications of observed trends in hydrological variables
the world. However, these water resources are poorly distributed, are given in Table 5.5 and Figure 5.8.
and extensive zones have very limited water availability (Mata
et al., 2001). There are stresses on water availability and quality Energy
where low precipitation or higher temperatures occur. Droughts Hydropower is the main electrical energy source for most
that are statistically linked to ENSO events generate rigorous countries in Latin America, and is vulnerable to large-scale
restrictions on the water resources of many areas in Latin and persistent rainfall anomalies due to El Niño and La
America. Niña, as observed in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Chile,
Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. A combination of increased
5.5.2 Observed changes energy demand and droughts caused a virtual breakdown of
hydro-electricity in most of Brazil in 2001 and contributed Water to a reduction in GDP (Kane, 2002). Glacier retreat is also
Over the past three decades, Latin America has been subject affecting hydropower generation, as observed in the cities of
to climate-related impacts, some of them linked with ENSO La Paz and Lima. [WGII 13.2.2, 13.2.4]
• Increases in climate extremes such as floods, droughts and Health
landslides (e.g., heavy precipitation in Venezuela (1999 There are linkages between climate-related extreme events
and 2005); the flooding in the Argentinean Pampas (2000 and health in Latin America. Droughts favour epidemics in
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
Table 5.5: Some recent trends in hydrological variables. [WGII Table 13.1, Table 13.2, Table 13.3]
Current trends in precipitation (WGII Table 13.2)
Selected hydrological extremes and their impacts, 2004–2006 (WGII Table 13.1)
Heavy rains Colombia: 70 deaths, 86 injured, 6 disappeared and 140,000 flood victims
Sep. 2005 (NOAA, 2005).
Heavy rains Venezuela: heavy precipitation (mainly on central coast and in Andean mountains), severe floods and heavy landslides.
Feb. 2005 Losses of US$52 million; 63 deaths and 175,000 injuries (UCV, 2005; DNPC, 2005/2006).
Droughts Argentina – Chaco: losses estimated at US$360 million; 120,000 cattle lost, 10,000 evacuees in 2004 (SRA, 2005). Also
2004–2006 in Bolivia and Paraguay: 2004/05.
Brazil – Amazonia: severe drought affected central and south-western Amazonia, probably associated with warm sea
surface temperatures in the tropical North Atlantic (
Brazil – Rio Grande do Sul: reductions of 65% and 56% in soybean and maize production (
In English:
Glacier retreat trends (WGII Table 13.3)
Glaciers/Period Changes/Impacts
22% reduction in glacier total area (cf. Figure 5.9); reduction of 12% in freshwater in the coastal zone (where 60% of the
last 35 years country’s population live). Estimated water loss almost 7,000 × 106 m3
Peruc Reduction up to 80% of glacier surface from very small glaciers; loss of 188 × 106 m 3 in water reserves during the last
last 30 years 50 years.
Colombiad 82% reduction in glaciers; under the current climate trends, Colombia’s glaciers are expected to disappear completely
1990–2000 within the next 100 years.
Ecuadore There has been a gradual decline in glacier length; reduction of water supply for irrigation, clean water supply for the city
1956–1998 of Quito.
Boliviaf Projected glacier shrinkage in Bolivia indicates adverse consequences for water supply and hydropower generation for
since mid-1990s the city of La Paz. Also see Box 5.5.
Vásquez, 2004; b Mark and Seltzer, 2003; c NC-Perú, 2001; d NC-Colombia, 2001; e NC-Ecuador, 2000; f Francou et al., 2003.
Colombia and Guyana, while floods engender epidemics in the Agriculture
dry northern coastal region of Peru (Gagnon et al., 2002). Annual As a result of high rainfall and humidity caused by El Niño,
variations in dengue/dengue haemorrhagic fever in Honduras several fungal diseases in maize, potato, wheat and bean are
and Nicaragua appear to be related to climate-driven fluctuations observed in Peru. Some positive impacts are reported for the
in vector densities (temperature, humidity, solar radiation Argentinean Pampas region, where increases in precipitation
and rainfall) (Patz et al., 2005). Flooding produced outbreaks led to increases in crop yields close to 38% in soybean, 18%
of leptospirosis in Brazil, particularly in densely populated in maize, 13% in wheat, and 12% in sunflower. In the same
areas without adequate drainage (Ko et al., 1999; Kupek et al., way, pasture productivity increased by 7% in Argentina and
2000). The distribution of schistosomiasis is probably linked to Uruguay. [WGII 13.2.2, 13.2.4]
climatic factors. Concerning diseases transmitted by rodents,
there is good evidence that some increases in occurrence are Biodiversity
observed during/after heavy rainfall and flooding because of There are few studies assessing the effects of climate change on
altered patterns of human–pathogen–rodent contact. In some biodiversity, and in all of them it is difficult to differentiate the
coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico, an increase in sea surface effects caused by climate change from those arising from other
temperature and precipitation has been associated with an factors. Tropical forests of Latin America, particularly those of
increase in dengue transmission cycles (Hurtado-Díaz et al., Amazonia, are increasingly susceptible to fire occurrences due
2006). [WGII 13.2.2,] to increased El Niño-related droughts and to land-use change
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
Figure 5.8: Trends in annual rainfall in (a) South America (1960–2000). An increase is shown by a plus sign, a decrease
by a circle; bold values indicate significance at P ≤ 0.05 (reproduced from Haylock et al. (2006) with permission from
the American Meteorological Society). (b) Central America and northern South America (1961–2003). Large red triangles
indicate positive significant trends, small red triangles indicate positive non-significant trends, large blue triangles indicate
negative significant trends, and small blue triangles indicate negative non-significant trends (reproduced from Aguilar et al.
(2005) with permission from the American Geophysical Union. [WGII Figure 13.1]
(deforestation, selective logging and forest fragmentation). The number of people living in already water-stressed
[WGII 13.2.2] watersheds (i.e., having supplies less than 1,000 m3/capita/yr)
in the absence of climate change is estimated at 22.2 million
In relation to biodiversity, populations of toads and frogs (in 1995). Under the SRES scenarios, this number is estimated
in cloud forests were found to be affected after years of low to increase to between 12 and 81 million in the 2020s and to
precipitation. In Central and South America, links between between 79 and 178 million in the 2050s (Arnell, 2004). These
higher temperatures and frog extinctions caused by a skin estimates do not take into account the number of people moving
disease (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) were found. One out of water stress, which is shown in Table 5.6. The current
study considering data from 1977–2001 showed that coral vulnerabilities observed in many regions of Latin American
cover on Caribbean reefs decreased by 17% on average in the countries will be increased by the joint negative effect of
year following a hurricane, with no evidence of recovery for at growing demands due to an increasing population rate for
least eight post-impact years. [WGII 13.2.2] water supply and irrigation, and the expected drier conditions
in many basins. Therefore, taking into account the number of
5.5.3 Projected changes people experiencing decreased water stress, there is still a net
increase in the number of people becoming water-stressed. Water and climate [WGII 13.4.3]
With medium confidence, the projected mean warming for Latin
America for 2100, according to different climate models, ranges Energy
from 1ºC to 4ºC for the B2 emissions scenario and from 2ºC to Expected further glacier retreat is projected to impact the
6ºC for the A2 scenario. Most GCM projections indicate larger generation of hydro-electricity in countries such as Colombia
(positive or negative) rainfall anomalies for the tropical region and Peru (UNMSM, 2004). Some small tropical glaciers have
and smaller ones for the extra-tropical part of South America. already disappeared, and others are likely to do so within
In addition, extreme dry seasons are projected to become more the next few decades, with potential effects on hydropower
frequent in Central America, for all seasons. Beyond these generation (Ramírez et al., 2001). [WGI 4.5.3; WGII 13.2.4]
results there is relatively little agreement between models on
changes in the frequency of extreme seasons for precipitation. Health
For daily precipitation extremes, one study based on two Around 262 million people, representing 31% of the Latin
AOGCMs suggests an increase in the number of wet days over American population, live in malaria risk areas (i.e., tropical and
parts of south-eastern South America and central Amazonia, sub-tropical regions) (PAHO, 2003). Based on SRES emissions
and weaker daily precipitation extremes over the coast of north- scenarios and socio-economic scenarios, some projections
east Brazil. [WGI Table 11.1, 11.6; WGII 13.ES, 13.3.1] indicate decreases in the length of the transmission season of
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
A general glacier shrinkage in the tropical Andes has been observed and, as in other mountain ranges, the smallest
glaciers are more strongly affected [WGI 4.5.3], with many of them having already disappeared during the last century. As
for the largely glacier-covered mountain ranges such as the Cordillera Blanca in Peru and the Cordillera Real in Bolivia,
total glacier area has shrunk by about one-third of the Little Ice Age extent (Figure 5.9).
The Chacaltaya Glacier in Bolivia (16°S) is a typical example of a disintegrating, and most probably disappearing, small
glacier. Its area in 1940 was 0.22 km2, and this has currently (in 2005) reduced to less than 0.01 km2 (Figure 5.10) (Ramírez
et al., 2001; Francou et al., 2003; Berger et al., 2005). Over the period 1992 to 2005, the glacier suffered a loss of 90% of
its surface area, and 97% of its volume of ice (Berger et al., 2005). A linear extrapolation from these observed numbers
indicates that it may disappear completely before 2010 (Coudrain et al., 2005). Although, in the tropics, glacier mass balance
responds sensitively to changes in precipitation and humidity [WGI 4.5.3], the shrinkage of Chacaltaya is consistent with an
ascent of the 0°C isotherm of about 50 m/decade in the tropical Andes since the 1980s (Vuille et al., 2003).
With a mean altitude of 5,260 m above sea level, the glacier was the highest skiing station in the world until a few years
ago. The ongoing shrinkage of the glacier during the 1990s has led to its near disappearance, and as a consequence
Bolivia has lost its only ski resort (Figure 5.10).
Figure 5.10: Areal extent of Chacaltaya Glacier, Bolivia, from 1940 to 2005. By 2005, the glacier had separated into
three distinct small bodies. The position of the ski hut, which did not exist in 1940, is indicated with a red cross. The ski
lift had a length of about 800 m in 1940 and about 600 m in 1996 (shown by a continuous line in 1940 and a broken line
in all other panels) and was normally installed during the precipitation season. After 2004, skiing was no longer possible.
Photo credits: Francou and Vincent (2006) and Jordan (1991). [WGII Figure 1.1]
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
Table 5.6: Increase in the numbers of people living in water- 5.5.4 Adaptation and vulnerability
stressed watersheds in Latin America (million) based on the
HadCM3 GCM (Arnell, 2004). [WGII Table 13.6] Past and current adaptation
The lack of adequate adaptation strategies to cope with the hazards
2025 2055
1995 and risks of floods and droughts in Latin American countries
and GCM
is due to low gross national product (GNP), the increasing
change change change change population settling in vulnerable areas (prone to flooding,
landslides or drought), and the absence of the appropriate
A1 22.2 35.7 21.0 54.0 60.0
political, institutional and technological frameworks (Solanes
A2 22.2 55.9 37.0–66.0 149.3 60.0–150.0 and Jouravlev, 2006). Nevertheless, some communities and
cities have organised themselves, becoming active in disaster
B1 22.2 35.7 22.0 54.0 74.0 prevention (Fay et al., 2003b). Many poor inhabitants have been
encouraged to relocate from flood-prone areas to safer places.
47.3 7.0–77.0 59.4 62.0
With the assistance of IRDB and IDFB loans, they built new
B2 22.2
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
Box 5.6: Adaptation capacity of the South American highlands pre-Colombian communities.
[WGII Box 13.2]
The subsistence of indigenous civilisations in the Americas relied on the resources cropped under the prevailing climate
conditions around their settlements. In the highlands of today’s Latin America, one of the most critical limitations affecting
development was, and currently is, the irregular distribution of water. This situation is the result of the particularities of
atmospheric processes and extremes, the rapid runoff in the deep valleys, and the changing soil conditions. Glacier melt
was, and still is, a reliable source of water during dry seasons. However, the streams run into the valleys within bounded
water courses, bringing water only to certain locations. Since the rainfall seasonality is strong, runoff from glaciers is the
major dependable source of water during the dry season. Consequently, the pre-Colombian communities developed
different adaptive actions to satisfy their requirements. Today, the problem of achieving the necessary balance between
water availability and demand is practically the same, although the scale might be different.
Under such limitations, from today’s Mexico to northern Chile and Argentina, the pre-Colombian civilisations developed
the necessary capacity to adapt to the local environmental conditions. Such capacity involved their ability to solve some
hydraulic problems and foresee climate variations and seasonal rain periods. On the engineering side, their developments
included the use of captured rainwater for cropping, filtration and storage; and the construction of surface and underground
irrigation channels, including devices to measure the quantity of water stored (Figure 5.11) (Treacy, 1994; Wright and
Valencia Zegarra, 2000; Caran and Nelly, 2006). They were also able to interconnect river basins from the Pacific and
Atlantic watersheds, in the Cumbe valley and in Cajamarca (Burger, 1992).
Figure 5.11: Nasca (southern coast of Peru) system of water cropping for underground aqueducts and feeding the phreatic layers.
Other capacities were developed to foresee climatic variations and seasonal rain periods, to organise their sowing
schedules, and to programme their yields (Orlove et al., 2000). These efforts enabled the subsistence of communities
which, at the peak of the Inca civilisation, included some 10 million people in what is today Peru and Ecuador.
Their engineering capacities also enabled the rectification of river courses, as in the case of the Urubamba River, and the
building of bridges, either hanging ones or with pillars cast in the river bed. They also used running water for leisure and
worship purposes, as seen today in the ‘Baño del Inca’ (the spa of the Incas), fed from geothermal sources, and the ruins
of a musical garden at Tampumacchay in the vicinity of Cusco (Cortazar, 1968). The priests of the Chavin culture used
running water flowing within tubes bored into the structure of the temples in order to produce a sound like the roar of a
jaguar; the jaguar being one of their deities (Burger, 1992). Water was also used to cut stone blocks for construction. As
seen in Ollantaytambo, on the way to Machu Picchu, these stones were cut in regular geometric shapes by leaking water
into cleverly made interstices and freezing it during the Altiplano night, at below-zero temperatures. They also acquired
the capacity to forecast climate variations, such as those from El Niño (Canziani and Mata, 2004), enabling the most
convenient and opportune organisation of their foodstuff production. In short, they developed pioneering efforts to adapt
to adverse local conditions and define sustainable development paths.
Today, under the vagaries of weather and climate, exacerbated by the increasing greenhouse effect and the shrinkage
of the glaciers (Carey, 2005; Bradley et al., 2006), it would be extremely useful to revisit and update such adaptation
measures. Education and training of present community members on the knowledge and technical abilities of their
ancestors would be a way forward. ECLAC’s procedures for the management of sustainable development (Dourojeanni,
2000), when considering the need to manage the extreme climate conditions in the highlands, refer back to the pre-
Colombian irrigation strategies.
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
Problems in education and public health services are Table 5.7: Observed changes in North American
fundamental barriers to adaptation; for example, in the case of water resources during the past century ( = increase,
extreme events (e.g., floods or droughts) mainly in poor rural = decrease).
areas (Villagrán de León et al., 2003). [WGII 13.5]
Water resource change Examples from AR4
5.6.1 Context and observed change Proportion of precipitation Western Canada and prairies,
iiiiifalling as snow US West
Climate change will constrain North America’s already over- [WGII 14.2, WGI 4.2]
allocated water resources, thereby increasing competition among Duration and extent of snow Most of North America
agricultural, municipal industrial, and ecological uses (very high iiiiicover [WGI 4.2]
confidence). Some of the most important societal and ecological Annual precipitation Most of North America
impacts of climate change that are anticipated in this region stem [WGI 3.3]
from changes in surface and groundwater hydrology. Table 5.7 Mountain snow water Western North America
outlines the changes observed in North America during the past iiiiiequivalent [WGI 4.2]
century, which illustrate the wide range of effects of a warming Annual precipitation Central Rockies, south-western
climate on water resources. [WGII 14.ES] USA, Canadian prairies and
eastern Arctic [WGII 14.2]
As the rate of warming accelerates during the coming decades, Frequency of heavy Most of USA
changes can be anticipated in the timing, volume, quality iiiiiprecipitation events [WGII 14.2]
and spatial distribution of freshwater available for human
Runoff and streamflow Colorado and Columbia River
settlements, agriculture and industrial users in most regions of Basins [WGII 14.2]
North America. While some of the water resource changes listed
above hold true for much of North America, 20th-century trends Widespread thawing of Most of northern Canada and
iiiiipermafrost Alaska [WGII 14.4, 15.7]
suggest a high degree of regional variability in the impacts of
climate change on runoff, streamflow and groundwater recharge. Water temperature of lakes Most of North America
Variations in wealth and geography also contribute to an uneven
iiiii(0.1–1.5°C) [WGII 1.3]
distribution of likely impacts, vulnerabilities, and capacities to Streamflow Most of the eastern USA
adapt in both Canada and the USA. [WGII 14.ES, 14.1] [WGII 14.2]
Glacial shrinkage US western mountains, Alaska
5.6.2 Projected change and consequences and Canada [WGI 4.ES, 4.5]
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
With climate change, availability of groundwater is likely to crop, switchgrass, to compete effectively with traditional crops
be influenced by three key factors: withdrawals (reflecting in the central USA (based on the RegCM2 model and doubled
development, demand, and availability of other sources), CO2 concentration) (Brown et al., 2000). [WGII 14.4.8]
evapotranspiration (increases with temperature) and recharge
(determined by temperature, timing and amount of precipitation, Health
and surface water interactions). Simulated annual groundwater Water-borne disease outbreaks from all causes are distinctly
base flows and aquifer levels respond to temperature, seasonal in North America, clustered in key watersheds, and
precipitation and pumping – decreasing in scenarios that are associated with heavy precipitation (in the USA: Curriero et al.,
drier or have higher pumping and increasing in scenarios that 2001) or with extreme precipitation and warmer temperatures
are wetter. In some cases there are base flow shifts; increasing (in Canada: Thomas et al., 2006). Heavy runoff after severe
in winter and decreasing in spring and early summer. [WGII rainfall can also contaminate recreational waters and increase
14.4.1] Increased evapotranspiration or groundwater pumping the risk of human illness (Schuster et al., 2005) through
in semi-arid and arid regions of North America may lead to higher bacterial counts. This association is often strongest
salinisation of shallow aquifers. [WGII 3.4] In addition, climate at beaches close to rivers (Dwight et al., 2002). Water-borne
change is likely to increase the occurrence of saltwater intrusion diseases and degraded water quality are very likely to increase
into coastal aquifers as sea level rises. [WGII 3.4.2] with more heavy precipitation. Food-borne diseases also
show some relationship with temperature trends. In Alberta, Energy ambient temperature is strongly, but non-linearly, associated
Hydropower production is known to be sensitive to total runoff, with the occurrence of enteric pathogens (Fleury et al., 2006).
to its timing, and to reservoir levels. During the 1990s, for [WGII 14.ES, 14.2.5]
example, Great Lakes levels fell as a result of a lengthy drought,
and in 1999 hydropower production was down significantly An increase in intense tropical cyclone activity is likely. [WGI
both at Niagara and Sault St. Marie (CCME, 2003). [WGII SPM] Storm surge flooding is already a problem along the Gulf
4.2] For a 2–3°C warming in the Columbia River Basin and of Mexico and South Atlantic coasts of North America. The
British Columbia Hydro service areas, the hydro-electric death toll from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 is estimated at 1,800
supply under worst-case water conditions for winter peak [WGII 6.4.2], with some deaths and many cases of diarrhoeal
demand will be likely to increase (high confidence). Similarly, illness associated with contamination of water supplies (CDC,
Colorado River hydropower yields will be likely to decrease 2005; Manuel, 2006). [WGII 8.2.2; see also Section 4.5
significantly (Christensen et al., 2004), as will Great Lakes regarding riverine flooding]
hydropower (Moulton and Cuthbert, 2000; Lofgren et al.,
2002; Mirza, 2004). Lower Great Lake water levels could lead Agriculture
to large economic losses (Canadian $437–660 million/yr), with Research since the TAR supports the conclusion that moderate
increased water levels leading to small gains (Canadian $28– climate change will be likely to increase yields of North American
42 million/yr) (Buttle et al., 2004; Ouranos, 2004). Northern rain-fed agriculture, but with smaller increases and more spatial
Québec hydropower production would be likely to benefit variability than in earlier estimates (high confidence) (Reilly,
from greater precipitation and more open water conditions, but 2002). Many crops that are currently near climate thresholds,
hydro plants in southern Québec would be likely to be affected however, are projected to suffer decreases in yields, quality, or
by lower water levels. Consequences of changes in seasonal both, with even modest warming (medium confidence) (Hayhoe
distribution of flows and in the timing of ice formation are et al., 2004; White et al., 2006). [WGII 14.4.4]
uncertain (Ouranos, 2004). [WGII 3.5, 14.4.8]
The vulnerability of North American agriculture to climatic
Solar resources could be affected by future changes in change is multidimensional and is determined by interactions
cloudiness, which could slightly increase the potential for between pre-existing conditions, indirect stresses stemming
solar energy in North America south of 60°N (based on many from climate change (e.g., changes in pest competition, water
models and the A1B emissions scenario for 2080–2099 versus availability), and the sector’s capacity to cope with multiple,
1980–1999). [WGI Figure 10.10] Pan et al. (2004), however, interacting factors, including economic competition from
projected the opposite; that increased cloudiness will decrease other regions as well as improvements in crop cultivars and
the potential output of photovoltaics by 0–20% (based on the farm management (Parson et al., 2003). Water availability is
HadCM2 and RegCM224 models with an idealised scenario of the major factor limiting agriculture in south-east Arizona, but
CO2 increase). [WGII 14.4.8] Bioenergy potential is climate- farmers in the region perceive that technologies and adaptations
sensitive through direct impacts on crop growth and availability such as crop insurance have recently decreased vulnerability
of irrigation water. Bioenergy crops are projected to compete (Vasquez-Leon et al., 2003). Areas with marginal financial
successfully for agricultural acreage at a price of US$33/106 and resource endowments (e.g., the US northern plains) are
g, or about US$1.83/109 joules (Walsh et al., 2003). Warming especially vulnerable to climate change (Antle et al., 2004).
and precipitation increases are expected to allow the bioenergy Unsustainable land-use practices will tend to increase the
See Appendix I for model descriptions.
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
vulnerability of agriculture in the US Great Plains to climate Ecological sustainability of fish and fisheries productivity are
change (Polsky and Easterling, 2001). [WGII 14.4.4; see also closely tied to water supply and water temperature. It is likely
Section 4.2.2] Heavily utilised groundwater-based systems in that cold-water fisheries will be negatively affected by climate
the south-west USA are likely to experience additional stress change; warm-water fisheries will generally gain; and the results
from climate change that leads to decreased recharge (high for cool-water fisheries will be mixed, with gains in the northern
confidence), thereby impacting agricultural productivity. and losses in the southern portions of their ranges. Salmonids,
[WGII 14.4.1] which prefer cold, clear water, are likely to experience the
most negative impacts (Gallagher and Wood, 2003). Arctic
Decreases in snow cover and more winter rain on bare soil freshwater fisheries are likely to be most affected, as they will
are likely to lengthen the erosion season and enhance erosion, experience the greatest warming (Wrona et al., 2005). In Lake
increasing the potential for water quality impacts in agricultural Erie, larval recruitment of river-spawning walleye will depend
areas. Soil management practices (e.g., crop residue, no-till) in on temperature and flow changes, but lake-spawning stocks will
the North American grainbelt may not provide sufficient erosion be likely to decline due to the effects of warming and lower lake
protection against future intense precipitation and associated levels (Jones et al., 2006). The ranges of warm-water species
runoff (Hatfield and Pruger, 2004; Nearing et al., 2004). will tend to shift northwards or to higher altitudes (Clark et al.,
[WGII 14.4.1] 2001; Mohseni et al., 2003) in response to changes in water
temperature. [WGII 14.4] Biodiversity
A wide range of species and biomes could be affected by the Case studies of climate change impacts in large
projected changes in rainfall, soil moisture, surface water levels iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwatersheds in North America
and streamflow in North America during the coming decades. Boxes 5.7 and 5.8 describe two cases that illustrate the potential
impacts and management challenges posed by climate change
The lowering of lake and pond water levels, for example, can lead in ‘water-scarce’ and ‘water-rich’ environments in western
to reproductive failure in amphibians and fish, and differential North America: the Colorado and the Columbia River Basins,
responses among species can alter aquatic community respectively.
composition and nutrient flows. Changes in rainfall patterns
and drought regimes can facilitate other types of ecosystem 5.6.3 Adaptation
disturbances, including fire (Smith et al., 2000) and biological
invasion (Zavaleta and Hulvey, 2004). [WGII 14.4.2] Landward Although North America has considerable capacity to adapt
replacement of grassy freshwater marshes by more salt-tolerant to the water-related aspects of climate change, actual practice
mangroves, e.g., in the south-eastern Florida Everglades since has not always protected people and property from the adverse
the 1940s, has been attributed to the combined effects of sea-
impacts of floods, droughts, storms and other extreme weather
level rise and water management, resulting in lowered water
events. Especially vulnerable groups include indigenous peoples
tables (Ross et al., 2000). [WGII] Changes in freshwater
and those who are socially or economically disadvantaged.
runoff to the coast can alter salinity, turbidity and other aspects
Traditions and institutions in North America have encouraged a
of water quality that determine the productivity and distribution
decentralised response framework where adaptation tends to be
of plant and animal communities. [WGII 6.4]
reactive, unevenly distributed, and focused on coping with rather
than preventing problems. Examples of adaptive behaviour
At high latitudes, several models simulate increased net
influenced exclusively or predominantly by projections of
primary productivity of North American ecosystems as a
result of expansion of forests into the tundra, plus longer climate change and its effects on water resources are largely
growing seasons (Berthelot et al., 2002), depending largely absent from the literature. [WGII 14.5.2] A key prerequisite
on whether there is sufficient enhancement of precipitation to for sustainability in North America is ‘mainstreaming’ climate
offset increased evapotranspiration in a warmer climate. Forest issues into decision making. [WGII 14.7]
growth appears to be slowly accelerating in regions where tree
growth has historically been limited by low temperatures and The vulnerability of North America depends on the
short growing seasons. Growth is slowing, however, in areas effectiveness of adaptation and the distribution of coping
subject to drought. Radial growth of white spruce on dry south- capacity; both of which are currently uneven and have not
facing slopes in Alaska has decreased over the last 90 years, always protected vulnerable groups from the adverse impacts
due to increased drought stress (Barber et al., 2000). Modelling of climate variability and extreme weather events. [WGII 14.7]
experiments by Bachelet et al. (2001) project the areal extent of The USA and Canada are developed economies with extensive
drought-limited ecosystems to increase 11% per 1ºC warming infrastructure and mature institutions, with important regional
in the continental USA. [WGII 14.4] In North America’s Prairie and socio-economic variation (NAST, 2000; Lemmen and
Pothole region, models have projected an increase in drought Warren, 2004). These capabilities have led to adaptation and
with a 3°C regional temperature increase and varying changes in coping strategies across a wide range of historical conditions,
precipitation, leading to large losses of wetlands and to declines with both successes and failures. Most studies on adaptive
in the populations of waterfowl breeding there (Johnson et al., strategies consider implementation based on past experiences
2005). [WGII 4.4.10] (Paavola and Adger, 2002). [WGII 14.5]
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
Box 5.7: Drought and climatic changes in the Colorado River Basin.
The Colorado River supplies much of the water needs of seven US states, two Mexican states, and thirty-four Native
American tribes (Pulwarty et al., 2005). These represent a population of 25 million inhabitants with a projection of 38 million
by the year 2020. Over the past 100 years the total area affected by severe or extreme climatological drought in the USA
has averaged around 14% each year with this percentage having been as high as 65% in 1934.
The westward expansion of population and economic activities, and concurrent responses to drought events, have resulted
in significant structural adaptations, including hundreds of reservoirs, irrigation projects and groundwater withdrawals,
being developed in semi-arid environments. As widely documented, the allocation of Colorado River water to basin states
occurred during the wettest period in over 400 years (i.e., 1905–1925). Recently, the western USA has experienced
sustained drought, with 30–40% of the region under severe drought since 1999, and with the lowest 5-year period of
Colorado River flow on record occurring from 2000 to 2004. At the same time, the states of the south-west USA are
experiencing some of the most rapid growth in the country, with attendant social, economic and environmental demands
on water resources, accompanied by associated legal conflicts (Pulwarty et al., 2005).
Only a small portion of the full Colorado Basin area (about 15%) supplies most (85%) of its flow. Estimates show that,
with increased climatic warming and evaporation, concurrent runoff decreases would reach 30% during the 21st century
(Milly et al., 2005). Under such conditions, together with projected withdrawals, the requirements of the Colorado River
Compact may only be met 60–75% of the time by 2025 (Christensen et al., 2004). Some studies estimate that, by 2050,
the average moisture conditions in the south-western USA could equal the conditions observed in the 1950s. These
changes could occur as a consequence of increased temperatures (through increased sublimation, evaporation and soil
moisture reduction), even if precipitation levels remain fairly constant. Some researchers argue that these assessments,
because of model choice, may actually underestimate future declines.
Most scenarios of Colorado River flow at Lees Ferry (which separates the upper from the lower basin) indicate that, within
20 years, discharge may be insufficient to meet current consumptive water resource demands. The recent experience
illustrates that ‘critical’ conditions already exist in the basin (Pulwarty et al., 2005). Climate variability and change, together
with increasing development pressures, will result in drought impacts that are beyond the institutional experience in the
region and will exacerbate conflicts among water users.
North American agriculture has been exposed to many severe altitudes and in equipment to compensate for declining
weather events during the past decade. More variable weather, snow cover (Elsasser et al., 2003; Census Bureau, 2004;
coupled with out-migration from rural areas and economic Scott, 2005; Jones and Scott, 2006; Scott and Jones, 2006).
stresses, has increased the vulnerability of the agricultural [WGII 14.2.4]
sector overall, raising concerns about its future capacity to cope • New York has reduced total water consumption by 27%
with a more variable climate (Senate of Canada, 2003; Wheaton and per capita consumption by 34% since the early 1980s
et al., 2005). North American agriculture is, however, dynamic. (City of New York, 2005). [WGII 14.2.4]
Adaptation to multiple stresses and opportunities, including • In the Los Angeles area, incentive and information
changes in markets and weather, is a normal process for the programmes of local water districts encourage water
sector. Crop and enterprise diversification, as well as soil and conservation (MWD, 2005). [WGII Box 14.3]
water conservation, are often used to reduce weather-related • With highly detailed information on weather conditions,
risks (Wall and Smit, 2005). [WGII 14.2.4] farmers are adjusting crop and variety selection, irrigation
strategies and pesticide applications (Smit and Wall, 2003).
Many cities in North America have initiated ‘no regrets’ actions [WGII 14.2.4]
based on historical experience (MWD, 2005). [WGII Box • The City of Peterborough, Canada, experienced two 100-
14.3] Businesses in Canada and the USA are also investing in year flood events within 3 years; it responded by flushing
adaptations relevant to changes in water resources, though few the drainage systems and replacing the trunk sewer systems
of these appear to be based on future climate change projections. to meet more extreme 5-year flood criteria (Hunt, 2005).
[WGII 14.5.1] Examples of these types of adaptations include [WGII 14.5.1]
the following. • Recent droughts in six major US cities, including New
• Insurance companies are investing in research to prevent York and Los Angeles, led to adaptive measures involving
future hazard damage to insured property, and to adjust investments in water conservation systems and new water
pricing models (Munich Re, 2004; Mills and Lecompte, supply/distribution facilities (Changnon and Changnon,
2006). [WGII 14.2.4] 2000). [WGII 14.5.1]
• Ski resort operators are investing in lifts to reach higher • To cope with a 15% increase in heavy precipitation,
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
Box 5.8: Climate change adds challenges to managing the Columbia River Basin.
[WGII Box 14.2]
Current management of water in the Columbia River basin involves balancing complex, often competing, demands for
hydropower, navigation, flood control, irrigation, municipal uses, and maintenance of several populations of threatened
and endangered species (e.g., salmon). Current and projected needs for these uses over-commit existing supplies.
Water management in the basin operates in a complex institutional setting, involving two sovereign nations (Columbia
River Treaty, ratified in 1964), aboriginal populations with defined treaty rights (‘Boldt decision’ in U.S. vs. Washington in
1974), and numerous federal, state, provincial and local government agencies (Miles et al., 2000; Hamlet, 2003). Pollution
(mainly non-point source) is an important issue in many tributaries. The first-in-time first-in-right provisions of western
water law in the U.S. portion of the basin complicate management and reduce water available to junior water users (Gray,
1999; Scott et al., 2004). Complexities extend to different jurisdictional responsibilities when flows are high and when they
are low, or when protected species are in tributaries, the main stem or ocean (Miles et al., 2000; Mote et al., 2003).
With climate change, projected annual Columbia River flow changes relatively little, but seasonal flows shift markedly
toward larger winter and spring flows and smaller summer and autumn flows (Hamlet and Lettenmaier, 1999; Mote et al.,
1999). These changes in flows will be likely to coincide with increased water demand, principally from regional growth
but also induced by climate change. Loss of water availability in summer would exacerbate conflicts, already apparent
in low-flow years, over water (Miles et al. 2000). Climate change is also projected to impact urban water supplies within
the basin. For example, a 2°C warming projected for the 2040s would increase demand for water in Portland, Oregon, by
5.7 million m3/yr with an additional demand of 20.8 million m3/yr due to population growth, while decreasing supply by 4.9
million m3/yr (Mote et al., 2003). Long-lead climate forecasts are increasingly considered in the management of the river
but in a limited way (Hamlet et al., 2002; Lettenmaier and Hamlet, 2003; Gamble et al., 2004; Payne et al., 2004). Each of
43 sub-basins of the system has its own sub-basin management plan for fish and wildlife, none of which comprehensively
addresses reduced summertime flows under climate change (ISRP/ISAB, 2004).
The challenges of managing water in the Columbia River basin are likely to expand with climate change due to changes
in snowpack and seasonal flows (Miles et al., 2000; Parson et al., 2001; Cohen et al., 2003). The ability of managers to
meet operating goals (reliability) is likely to drop substantially under climate change (as projected by the HadCM2 and
ECHAM4/OPYC3 AOGCMs under the IPCC IS92a emissions scenario for the 2020s and 2090s) (Hamlet and Lettenmaier,
1999). Reliability losses are projected to reach 25% by the end of the 21st century (Mote et al., 1999) and interact with
operational rule requirements. For example, ‘fishfirst’ rules would reduce firm power reliability by 10% under the present
climate and by 17% in years during the warm phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Adaptive measures have the
potential to moderate the impact of the decrease in April snowpack but could lead to 10 to 20% losses of firm hydropower
and lower than current summer flows for fish (Payne et al., 2004). Integration of climate change adaptation into regional
planning processes is in the early stages of development (Cohen et al., 2006).
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
(Lena, Ob, Mackenzie and Yenisey), megadeltas (Lena and effects of major lakes and reservoirs (e.g., Gibson et al., 2006;
Mackenzie), large lakes (e.g., Great Bear), extensive glaciers Peters et al., 2006). [WGI 9.5.4; WGII]
and ice caps, and expanses of wetlands. Owing to a relatively
small population (4 million: Bogoyavlenskiy and Siggner, 2004) The effects of precipitation on runoff are difficult to ascertain,
and severe climate, water-resource-dependent industries such largely because of the deficiencies and sparseness of the Arctic
as agriculture and forestry are quite small-scale, whereas there precipitation network, but it is believed to have risen slowly
are numerous commercial and subsistence fisheries. Although by approximately 1% per decade (McBean et al., 2005; Walsh
some nomadic peoples are still significant in some Arctic et al., 2005). Changes in the magnitude of winter discharge
countries, populations are becoming increasingly concentrated on major Arctic rivers have also been observed and linked to
in larger communities (two-thirds of the population now live in increased warming and winter precipitation in the case of the
settlements with more than 5,000 inhabitants) although most Lena River (Yang et al., 2002; Berezovskaya et al., 2005) but,
of these are located near, and dependent on, transportation although also previously thought to be climate-induced, simply
on major water routes. Relocation to larger communities has to hydro-electric regulation on the Ob and Yenisei Rivers (Yang
led to increased access to, for example, treated water supplies et al., 2004a, b). Changes have also occurred in the timing of
and modern sewage disposal (Hild and Stordhal, 2004). [WGI the spring freshet, the dominant flow event on Arctic rivers, but
10.6.4; WGII 15.2.1] these have not been spatially consistent over the last 60 years,
with adjacent Siberian rivers showing both advancing (Lena:
A significant proportion of the Arctic’s water resources originate Yang et al., 2002) and delaying (Yenisei: Yang et al., 2004b)
in the headwater basins of the large rivers that carry flow trends. Floating freshwater ice also controls the seasonal
through the northern regions to the Arctic Ocean. The flows of dynamics of Arctic rivers and lakes, particularly flooding
these rivers have been the focus of significant hydro-electric regimes, and although there has been no reported change in
development and remain some of the world’s largest untapped ice-induced flood frequency or magnitude, ice-cover duration
hydropower potential (e.g., Shiklomanov et al., 2000; Prowse has decreased in much of the sub-Arctic (Walsh et al., 2005).
et al., 2004). Given the role of these rivers in transporting heat, [WGII 15.2.1,]
sediment, nutrients, contaminants and biota into the north,
climate-induced changes at lower latitudes exert a strong effect Significant changes to permafrost have occurred in the Arctic in
on the Arctic. Moreover, it is changes in the combined flow the last half-century (Walsh et al., 2005) and, given the role of
of all Arctic catchments that have been identified as being so frozen ground in controlling flow pathways, thawing permafrost
important to the freshwater budget of the Arctic Ocean, sea-ice could be influencing seasonal precipitation-runoff responses
(Serreze et al., 2003; Berezovskaya et al., 2005; Zhang et al.,
production and, ultimately, potential effects on thermohaline
2005). Permafrost thaw, and the related increase in substrate
circulation and global climate. [WGI 10.3.4; WGII 15.4.1]
permeability, has also been suspected of producing changes
in lake abundance in some regions of Siberia during a three-
5.7.2 Observed changes
decade period at the end of the 20th century (Smith et al., 2005;
see Figure 5.12). At higher latitudes, initial thaw is thought to
The most significant observed change to Arctic water resources
have increased surface ponding and lake abundance whereas, at
has been the increase since the 1930s in the combined flow
lower latitudes, lake abundance has declined as more extensive
from the six largest Eurasian Rivers (approximately 7%: and deeper thaw has permitted ponded water to drain away to
Peterson et al., 2002). Increased runoff to the Arctic Ocean the sub-surface flow systems. In broader areas of the Arctic, the
from circumpolar glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland ice biological composition of lake and pond aquatic communities
sheet has also been noted to have occurred in the late 20th has been shown to respond to shifts in increasing mean annual
century and to be comparable to the increase in combined and summer air temperatures and related changes in thermal
river inflow from the largest pan-Arctic rivers (Dyurgerov stratification/stability and ice-cover duration (Korhola et al.
and Carter, 2004). Changes in mass balance of ice masses is 2002; Ruhland et al., 2003; Pienitz et al., 2004; Smol et al.,
related to a complex response to changes in precipitation and 2005; Prowse et al., 2006). [WGI Chapter 4; WGII]
temperature, resulting in opposing regional trends such as are
found between the margins and some interior portions of the Freshwater aquatic ecosystems of the Antarctic have also
Greenland ice sheet (Abdalati and Steffen, 2001; Johannessen been shown to be highly responsive to variations in climate,
et al., 2005; Walsh et al., 2005). In the case of flow increases particularly to air temperature, although trends in such have
on the Eurasian rivers, potential controlling factors, such varied across the continent. Productivity of lakes in the Dry
as ice melt from permafrost, forest-fire effects and dam Valleys, for example, has been observed to decline with
storage variations, have been eliminated as being responsible decreasing air temperature (e.g., Doran et al., 2002). By contrast,
(McClelland et al., 2004), and one modelling study suggests rising air temperatures on the maritime sub-Antarctic Signy
that anthropogenic climate forcing factors have played a role. Island have produced some of the fastest and most amplified
Evaluating the effects of climate and other factors on the responses in lake temperature yet documented in the Southern
largest Arctic-flowing river in North America, the Mackenzie Hemisphere (Quayle et al., 2002). Moreover, warming effects on
River, has proven particularly difficult because of the large snow and ice cover have produced a diverse array of ecosystem
dampening effects on flow created by natural storage-release disruptions (Quayle et al., 2003). [WGII]
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
transport equipment and to northern communities; alterations 1. All Small Island States National Communications25
in surface and groundwater availability to communities and emphasise the urgency for adaptation action and the
industry; loss of containment security of mine wastes in financial resources to support such action.
northern lakes underlain by permafrost; and increased flow and
2. Freshwater is seen as a critical issue in all Small Island
ice hazards to instream drilling platforms and hydro-electric
States, both in terms of water quality and quantity.
reservoirs (World Commission on Dams, 2000; Prowse et al,
2004; Instanes et al., 2005). Although the future electricity 3. Many Small Island States, including all of the
production of the entire Arctic has not been assessed, it has Small Island Developing States (SIDS), see the
been estimated for an IS92a emissions scenario that the need for greater integrated watershed planning and
hydropower potential for plants existing at the end of the 20th management.
century will increase by 15–30% in Scandinavia and northern [WGII TAR Chapter 17]
Russia. [WGI 3.5.1; WGII]
Water is a multi-sectoral resource that links to all facets of life
5.7.4 Adaptation and vulnerability and livelihood, including security. Reliability of water supply
is viewed as a critical problem on many islands at present
A large amount of the overall vulnerability of Arctic freshwater and one whose urgency will increase in the future. There is
resources to climate change relates to the abrupt changes strong evidence that, under most climate change scenarios,
associated with solid-to-liquid water-phase changes that will water resources in small islands are likely to be seriously
occur in many of the cryospheric hydrological systems. Arctic compromised (very high confidence). Most small islands have
freshwater ecosystems have historically been able to adapt to a limited water supply, and water resources in these islands
large variations in climate, but over protracted periods (e.g., are especially vulnerable to future changes and distribution of
Ruhland et al., 2003). The rapid rates of change over the rainfall. The range of adaptive measures considered, and the
coming century, however, are projected to exceed the ability priorities assigned, are closely linked to each country’s key
of some biota to adapt (Wrona et al., 2006), and to result in socio-economic sectors, its key environmental concerns, and
more negative than positive impacts on freshwater ecosystems areas most at risk of climate change impacts such as sea-level
(Wrona et al., 2005). [WGII] rise. [WGII 16.ES, 16.5.2]
more rapid pace than the global mean (McBean et al., 2005). climate change, with all SRES scenarios projecting reduced
[WGII] rainfall in summer across the region. It is unlikely that demand
would be met during low rainfall periods. Increased rainfall
Trends in extreme daily rainfall and temperature across the in the Northern Hemisphere winter is unlikely to compensate,
South Pacific for the period 1961–2003 show increases in the due to a combination of lack of storage and high runoff during
annual number of hot days and warm nights, with decreases in storms. [WGII 16.3.1]
the annual number of cool days and cold nights, particularly
in years after the onset of El Niño, with extreme rainfall Table 5.8: Projected change in precipitation over small
trends generally less spatially coherent than those of extreme islands, by region (%). Ranges are derived from seven
temperature (Manton et al., 2001; Griffiths et al., 2003). In the AOGCMs run under the SRES B1, B2, A2 and A1FI scenarios.
Caribbean, the percentage of days with very warm temperature [WGII Table 16.2]
minima or maxima increased strongly since the 1950s, while the Regions 2010–2039 2040–2069 2070–2099
percentage of days with cold temperatures decreased (Petersen Mediterranean -35.6 to +55.1 -52.6 to +38.3 -61.0 to +6.2
et al., 2002). [WGII] Caribbean -14.2 to +13.7 -36.3 to +34.2 -49.3 to +28.9
For the Caribbean, a 1.5–2°C increase in global air temperature is Indian Ocean -5.4 to +6.0 -6.9 to +12.4 -9.8 to +14.7
projected to affect the region through [WGII TAR Chapter 17]: Northern Pacific -6.3 to +9.1 -19.2 to +21.3 -2.7 to +25.8
• increases in evaporation losses, Southern Pacific -3. 9 to + 3.4 -8.23 to +6.7 -14.0 to +14.6
• decreased precipitation (continuation of a trend of rainfall
decline observed in some parts of the region),
• reduced length of the rainy season – down 7–8% by 2050, In the Pacific, a 10% reduction in average rainfall (by 2050)
• increased length of the dry season – up 6–8% by 2050, would lead to a 20% reduction in the size of the freshwater lens
• increased frequency of heavy rains – up 20% by 2050, on Tarawa Atoll, Kiribati. Reduced rainfall coupled with sea-
• increased erosion and contamination of coastal areas. level rise would compound the risks to water supply reliability.
[WGII 16.4.1]
Variations in tropical and extra-tropical cyclones, hurricanes
and typhoons in many small-island regions are dominated by Many small islands have begun to invest in the implementation
ENSO and decadal variability. These result in a redistribution of adaptation strategies, including desalination, to offset
of tropical storms and their tracks such that increases in one current and projected water shortages. However, the impacts
basin are often compensated by decreases in other basins. For of desalination plants themselves on environmental amenities
example, during an El Niño event, the incidence of hurricanes and the need to fully address environmental water requirements
typically decreases in the Atlantic and far-western Pacific and have not been fully considered. [WGII 16.4.1]
Australasian regions, while it increases in the central, north
and south Pacific, and especially in the western North Pacific Given the high visibility and impacts of hurricanes, droughts
typhoon region. There is observational evidence for an increase have received less attention by researchers and planners,
in intense tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic since although these may lead to increased withdrawals and potential
about 1970, correlated with increases in tropical SSTs. There for saltwater intrusion into near-shore aquifers. In the Bahamas,
are also suggestions of increases in intense tropical cyclone for instance, freshwater lenses are the only exploitable
activity in other regions where concerns over data quality are groundwater resources. These lenses are affected periodically
greater. Multi-decadal variability and the quality of records by saline intrusions caused by over-pumping and excess
prior to about 1970 complicate the detection of long-term evapotranspiration. Groundwater in most cases is slow-moving
trends. Estimates of the potential destructiveness of tropical and, as a result, serious reductions in groundwater reserves
cyclones suggest a substantial upward trend since the mid- are slow to recover and may not be reversible; variability in
1970s. [WGI TS, 3.8.3; WGII] annual volumes of available water is generally not as extreme
as for surface water resources; and water quality degradation
Analyses of sea-level records having at least 25 years of hourly and pollution have long-term effects and cannot quickly be
data from stations installed around the Pacific Basin show remedied. [WGII 16.4.1]
an overall average mean relative sea-level rise of 0.7 mm/yr
(Mitchell et al., 2001). Focusing only on the island stations with Some Island States such as Malta (MRAE, 2004) emphasise
more than 50 years of data (only four locations), the average potential economic sectors that will require adaptation,
rate of sea-level rise (relative to the Earth’s crust) is 1.6 mm/yr. including power generation, transport and waste management;
[WGI 5.5.2] whereas agriculture and human health figure prominently in
communications from the Comoros (GDE, 2002), Vanuatu Water (Republic of Vanuatu, 1999) and St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Table 5.8, based on seven GCMs and for a range of SRES (NEAB, 2000). In these cases, sea-level rise is not seen as the
emissions scenarios, compares projected precipitation changes most critical issue, although it is in the low-lying atoll states
over small islands by region. In the Caribbean, many islands such as Kiribati, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands and the Maldives.
are expected to experience increased water stress as a result of [WGII 16.4.2]
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Energy Both the terrestrial ecosystems of larger islands and coastal
Access to reliable and affordable energy is a vital element in ecosystems of most islands have been subjected to increasing
most small islands, where the high cost of energy is regarded degradation and destruction in recent decades. For instance,
as a barrier to the goal of attaining sustainable development. analysis of coral reef surveys over three decades has revealed that
Some islands, such as Dominica in the Caribbean, rely on coral cover across reefs in the Caribbean has declined by 80%
hydropower for a significant part of their energy supply. in just 30 years, largely as a result of pollution, sedimentation,
Research and development into energy efficiency and options marine diseases and over-fishing (Gardner et al., 2003). Runoff
appropriate to small islands, such as solar and wind, could from land areas, together with direct input of freshwater through
help in both adaptation and mitigation strategies, while heavy rain events, can have significant impacts on reef quality
enhancing the prospect of achieving sustainable growth. and susceptibility to disease. [WGII 16.4.4]
[WGII 16.4.6, 16.4.7]
5.8.3 Adaptation, vulnerability and sustainability Health
Many small islands lie in tropical or sub-tropical zones with Sustainable development is often stated as an objective of
weather conducive to the transmission of diseases such as management strategies for small islands. Relatively little
malaria, dengue, filariasis, schistosomiasis and food- and work has explicitly considered what sustainable development
water-borne diseases. The rates of occurrence of many of means for islands in the context of climate change (Kerr,
these diseases are increasing in small islands for a number of 2005). It has long been known that the problems of small scale
reasons, including poor public health practices, inadequate and isolation, of specialised economies, and of the opposing
infrastructure, poor waste-management practices, increasing forces of globalisation and localisation, may mean that current
global travel, and changing climatic conditions (WHO, 2003). development in small islands becomes unsustainable in the long
In the Caribbean, the incidence of dengue fever increases during term. [WGII 16.6]
warm years of ENSO cycles (Rawlins et al., 2005). Because
the greatest risk of dengue transmission is during annual wet Danger is associated with the narrowing of adaptation options
seasons, vector control programmes should target these periods to expected impacts of climate change, under the uncertainty
in order to reduce disease burdens. The incidence of diarrhoeal of potential climate-driven physical impacts. Table 5.9
diseases is associated with annual average temperature (Singh summarises the results of several scenario-based impact studies
et al., 2001) [WGII 8.2, 8.4], and negatively associated with for island environments from the present through to 2100, i.e.,
water availability in the Pacific (Singh et al., 2001). Therefore, some impacts are already occurring. It provides the context for
increasing temperatures and decreasing water availability due other potential climate impacts that might exacerbate water-
to climate change may increase burdens of diarrhoeal and other related stresses. Thresholds may originate from social as well
infectious diseases in some Small Island States. [WGII 16.4.5] as environmental processes. Furthermore, the challenge is to
understand the adaptation strategies that have been adopted in Agriculture the past and the benefits and limits of these for future planning
Projected impacts of climate change include extended periods and implementation. [WGII 16.5]
of drought and, on the other hand, loss of soil fertility and
degradation as a result of increased precipitation, both of which While there has been considerable progress in regional
will negatively impact on agriculture and food security. In its projections of sea level since the TAR, such projections have
study on the economic and social implications of climate change not been fully utilised in small islands because of the greater
and variability for selected Pacific islands, the World Bank uncertainty attached to their local manifestations, as opposed
(2000) found that, in the absence of adaptation, a high island to global projections. Reliable and credible projections based
such as Viti Levu, Fiji, could experience damages of US$23– on outputs at finer resolution, together with local data, are
52 million per year by 2050, (equivalent to 2–3% of Fiji’s GDP needed to inform the development of reliable climate change
in 2002), while a group of low islands such as Tarawa, Kiribati, scenarios for small islands. These approaches could lead to
could face damages of more than US$8–16 million a year improved vulnerability assessments and the identification of
(equivalent to 17–18% of Kiribati’s GDP in 2002) under SRES more appropriate adaptation options at the scale of islands and
A2 and B2. On many Caribbean islands, reliance on agricultural across time-scales of climatic impacts. [WGII 16.7.1]
imports, which themselves include water used for production in
the countries of origin, constitute up to 50% of food supply. Vulnerability studies conducted for selected small islands
[WGII 16.4.3] (Nurse et al., 2001) show that the costs of infrastructure and
settlement protection represent a significant proportion of Biodiversity GDP, often well beyond the financial means of most Small
Burke et al. (2002) and Burke and Maidens (2004) indicate Island States; a problem not always shared by the islands of
that about 50% of the reefs in south-east Asia and 45% in the continental countries. More recent studies have identified major
Caribbean are classed in the high to very high risk category (see areas of adaptation, including water resources and watershed
also Graham et al, 2006). There are, however, significant local and management, reef conservation, agricultural and forest
regional differences in the scale and type of threats to coral reefs management, conservation of biodiversity, energy security,
in both continental and small island situations. [WGII 16.4.4] increased development of renewable energy and optimised
Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources Section 5
Table 5.9: Range of future impacts and vulnerabilities in small islands. [WGII Box 16.1]
Region* and System at Scenario and
Changed parameters Impacts and vulnerability
risk Reference
1. Iceland and isolated SRES A1 and B2 Projected rise in • The imbalance of species loss and replacement leads to an initial
Arctic islands of Svalbard ACIA (2005) temperature loss in diversity. Northward expansion of dwarf-shrub and tree-
and the Faroe Islands: dominated vegetation into areas rich in rare endemic species
Marine ecosystem and results in their loss.
plant species • Large reduction in, or even a complete collapse of, the Icelandic
capelin stock leads to considerable negative impacts on most
commercial fish stocks, whales and seabirds.
2. High-latitude islands Scenario I/II: Changes in soil • Scenario I: Species most affected by warming are restricted to the
(Faroe Islands): Plant temperature temperature, snow uppermost parts of mountains. For other species, the effect will
species increase/ decrease cover and growing mainly be upward migration.
by 2°C degree days • Scenario II: Species affected by cooling are those at lower
Fosaa et al. (2004) altitudes.
3. Sub-Antarctic Marion Own scenarios Projected changes • Changes will directly affect the indigenous biota. An even greater
Islands: Ecosystem Smith (2002) in temperature and threat is that a warmer climate will increase the ease with which
precipitation the islands can be invaded by alien species.
4. Mediterranean Basin five SRES A1FI and B1 Alien plant invasion • Climate change impacts are negligible in many simulated marine
islands: Ecosystems Gritti et al. (2006) under climatic and ecosystems.
disturbance scenarios • Invasion into island ecosystems becomes an increasing problem.
In the longer term, ecosystems will be dominated by exotic plants
irrespective of disturbance rates.
5. Mediterranean: Migratory None Temperature increase, • Some fitness components of pied flycatchers suffer from
birds (pied flycatchers (GLM/STATISTICA changes in water levels climate change in two of the southernmost European breeding
– Ficedula hypoleuca) model) and vegetation index populations, with adverse effects on the reproductive output of
Sanz et al. (2003) pied flycatchers.
6. Pacific and None Increase in moisture, • Pacific islands at risk of invasion by Siam weed.
Mediterranean: Siam (CLIMEX model) cold, heat and dry • Mediterranean semi-arid and temperate climates predicted to be
weed (Chromolaena Kriticos et al. (2005) stress unsuitable for invasion.
7. Pacific small islands: SRES A2 and B2 Changes in • Accelerated coastal erosion, saline intrusion into freshwater
Coastal erosion, water World Bank (2000) temperature and lenses and increased flooding from the sea cause large effects
resources and human rainfall, and sea-level on human settlements.
settlement rise • Less rainfall coupled with accelerated sea-level rise compound
the threat to water resources; a 10% reduction in average rainfall
by 2050 is likely to correspond to a 20% reduction in the size of
the freshwater lens on Tarawa Atoll, Kiribati.
8. American Samoa; 15 Sea-level rise Projected rise • 50% loss of mangrove area in American Samoa; 12% reduction in
other Pacific islands: 0.88 m to 2100 in sea level mangrove area in 15 other Pacific islands.
Mangroves Gilman et al. (2006)
9. Caribbean (Bonaire, SRES A1, A1FI, B1, Projected rise in sea • On average, up to 38% (±24% SD) of the total current beach could
Netherlands Antilles): A2, B2 level be lost with a 0.5 m rise in sea level, with lower narrower beaches
Beach erosion and sea Fish et al. (2005) being the most vulnerable, reducing turtle nesting habitat by one-
turtle nesting habitats third.
10. Caribbean (Bonaire, None Changes to marine • The beach-based tourism industry in Barbados and the marine-
iiBarbados): Tourism Uyarra et al. (2005) wildlife, health, diving-based ecotourism industry in Bonaire are both negatively
terrestrial features and affected by climate change through beach erosion in Barbados
sea conditions and coral bleaching in Bonaire.
Section 5 Analysing regional aspects of climate change and water resources
energy consumption. A framework which considers current and • considering how commercial agriculture, forestry and
future community vulnerability and involves methodologies fisheries, as well as subsistence agriculture, artisanal fishing
integrating climate science, social science and communication, and food security, will be impacted by the combination of
provides the basis for building adaptive capacity. [WGII Box climate change and non-climate-related forces;
16.7] This approach requires community members to identify • expanding knowledge of climate-sensitive diseases in
climate conditions relevant to them, and to assess present and small islands through national and regional research – not
potential adaptive strategies. One such methodology was tested in only for vector-borne diseases but for skin, respiratory and
Samoa, and results from one village (Saoluafata: see Sutherland water-borne diseases;
et al., 2005). In this case, local residents identified several • given the diversity of ‘island types’ and locations,
adaptive measures including building a seawall, a water-drainage identifying the most vulnerable systems and sectors,
system, water tanks, a ban on tree clearing, some relocation, and according to island types.
renovation to existing infrastructure. [WGII 16.5]
In contrast to the other regions in this assessment, there is
The IPCC AR4 has identified several key areas and gaps that are also an absence of reliable demographic and socio-economic
under-represented in contemporary research on the impacts of scenarios and projections for small islands. The result is that
climate change on small islands. [WGII 16.7] These include: future changes in socio-economic conditions on small islands
• the role of coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, coral have not been well presented in the existing assessments. For
reefs and beaches in providing natural defences against example, without either adaptation or mitigation, the impacts
sea-level rise and storms; of sea-level rise, more intense storms and other climate
• establishing the response of terrestrial upland and inland change [WGII 6.3.2] will be substantial, suggesting that some
ecosystems to changes in mean temperature and rainfall islands and low-lying areas may become unliveable by 2100.
and in temperature and rainfall extremes; [WGII 16.5]
Climate change mitigation measures
and water
Section 6 Climate change mitigation measures and water
The relationship between climate change mitigation measures 6.2.2 Bio-energy crops (2)
and water is a reciprocal one. Mitigation measures can influence
water resources and their management, and it is important to Bio-energy produces mitigation benefits by displacing fossil-
realise this when developing and evaluating mitigation options. fuel use. [LULUCF 4.5.1] However, large-scale bio-fuel
On the other hand, water management policies and measures production raises questions on several issues including fertiliser
can have an influence on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and pesticide requirements, nutrient cycling, energy balances,
and, thus, on the respective sectoral mitigation measures; biodiversity impacts, hydrology and erosion, conflicts with
interventions in the water system might be counter-productive food production, and the level of financial subsidies required.
when evaluated in terms of climate change mitigation. [LULUCF 4.5.1] The energy production and GHG mitigation
potentials of dedicated energy crops depends on the availability
The issue of mitigation is addressed in the IPCC WGIII AR4 of land, which must also meet demands for food as well as for
(Mitigation), where the following seven sectors were discussed: nature protection, sustainable management of soils and water
energy supply, transportation and its infrastructure, residential reserves, and other sustainability criteria. Various studies
and commercial buildings, industry, agriculture, forestry, and have arrived at differing figures for the potential contribution
waste management. Since water issues were not the focus of of biomass to future global energy supplies, ranging from
that volume, only general interrelations with climate change below 100 EJ/yr to above 400 EJ/yr in 2050 (Hoogwijk, 2004;
mitigation were mentioned, most of them being qualitative. Hoogwijk et al., 2005; Sims et al., 2006). Smeets et al. (2007)
However, other IPCC reports, such as the TAR, also contain indicate that the ultimate technical potential for energy cropping
information on this issue. on current agricultural land, with projected technological
progress in agriculture and livestock, could deliver over 800 EJ/
Sector-specific mitigation measures can have various effects on yr without jeopardising the world’s food supply. Differences
water, which are explained in the sections below (see also Table between studies are largely attributable to uncertainty in land
6.1). Numbers in parentheses in the titles of the sub-sections availability, energy crop yields, and assumptions about changes
correspond to the practices or sector-specific mitigation options in agricultural efficiency. Those with the largest projected
described in Table 6.1. potential assume that not only degraded/surplus lands are used,
but also land currently used for food production, including
pasture land (as did Smeets et al., 2007). [WGIII]
6.2 Sector-specific mitigation
Agricultural practices for mitigation of GHGs could, in some
6.2.1 Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) cases, intensify water use, thereby reducing streamflow or
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(refer to (1) in Table 6.1) groundwater reserves (Unkovich, 2003; Dias de Oliveira et al.,
2005). For instance, high-productivity, evergreen, deep-rooted
Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) is a process bio-energy plantations generally have a higher water use than the
consisting of the separation of CO2 from industrial and energy- land cover they replace (Berndes and Börjesson, 2002; Jackson
related sources, transport to a storage location and long-term et al., 2005). Some practices may affect water quality through
isolation from the atmosphere. The injection of CO2 into the enhanced leaching of pesticides and nutrients (Machado and
pore space and fractures of a permeable formation can displace Silva, 2001; Freibauer et al., 2004). [WGIII 8.8]
in situ fluid, or the CO2 may dissolve in or mix with the
fluid or react with the mineral grains, or there may be some Agricultural mitigation practices that divert products to
combination of these processes. As CO2 migrates through the alternative uses (e.g., bio-energy crops) may induce the
formation, some of it will dissolve into the formation water. conversion of forests to cropland elsewhere. Conversely,
Once CO2 is dissolved in the formation fluid, it is transported increasing productivity on existing croplands may ‘spare’ some
by the regional groundwater flow. Leakage of CO2 from leaking forest or grasslands (West and Marland, 2003; Balmford et al.,
injection wells, abandoned wells, and leakage across faults 2005; Mooney et al., 2005). The net effect of such trade-offs on
and ineffective confining layers could potentially degrade the biodiversity and other ecosystem services has not yet been fully
quality of groundwater; and the release of CO2 back into the quantified (Huston and Marland, 2003; Green et al., 2005).
atmosphere could also create local health and safety concerns. [WGIII 8.8]
If bio-energy plantations are appropriately located, designed
It is important to note that, at this point, there is no complete and managed, they may reduce nutrient leaching and soil
insight into the practicality, consequences or unintended erosion and generate additional environmental services such
consequences of this carbon sequestration concept. Avoiding as soil carbon accumulation, improved soil fertility, and the
or mitigating the impacts will require careful site selection, removal of cadmium and other heavy metals from soils or
effective regulatory oversight, an appropriate monitoring wastes. They may also increase nutrient recirculation, aid in the
Climate change mitigation measures and water Section 6
Table 6.1: Influence of sector-specific mitigation options (or their consequences) on water quality, quantity and level. Positive
effects on water are indicated with [+]; negative effects with [−]; and uncertain effects with [?]. Numbers in round brackets
refer to the Notes, and also to the sub-section numbers in Section 6.2.
(1) Carbon capture and storage (CCS) underground poses potential risks to groundwater quality; deep-sea storage (below 3,000 m water depth and a few hundred metres
of sediment) seems to be the safest option.
(2) Expanding bio-energy crops and forests may cause negative impacts such as increased water demand, contamination of underground water and promotion of land-
use changes, leading to indirect effects on water resources; and/or positive impacts through reduced nutrient leaching, soil erosion, runoff and downstream siltation.
(3) Biomass electricity: in general, a higher contribution of renewable energy (as compared to fossil-fuel power plants) means a reduction of the discharge of cooling
iiiiiiiiiwater to the surface water.
(4) Environmental impact and multiple benefits of hydropower need to be taken into account for any given development; they could be either positive or negative.
(5) Geothermal energy use might result in pollution, subsidence and, in some cases, a claim on available water resources.
(6) Energy use in the building sector can be reduced by different approaches and measures, with positive and negative impacts.
(7) Land-use change and management can influence surface water and groundwater quality (e.g., through enhanced or reduced leaching of nutrients and pesticides) and
the (local) hydrological cycle (e.g., a higher water use).
(8) Agricultural practices for mitigation can have both positive and negative effects on conservation of water and on its quality.
(9) Reduced tillage promotes increased water-use efficiency.
(10) Afforestation generally improves groundwater quality and reduces soil erosion. It influences both catchment and regional hydrological cycles (a smoothed hydrograph,
thus reducing runoff and flooding). It generally gives better watershed protection, but at the expense of surface water yield and aquifer recharge, which may be critical
in semi-arid and arid regions.
(11) Stopping/slowing deforestation and forest degradation conserve water resources and prevent flooding, reduce run-off, control erosion and reduce siltation of rivers.
(12) The various waste management and wastewater control and treatment technologies can both reduce GHG emissions and have positive effects on the environment,
but they may cause water pollution in case of improperly designed or managed facilities.
(13) As conventional oil supplies become scarce and extraction costs increase, unconventional liquid fuels will become more economically attractive, but this is offset by
greater environmental costs (a high water demand; sanitation costs).
Section 6 Climate change mitigation measures and water
treatment of nutrient-rich wastewater and sludge, and provide Small (<10 MW) and micro (<1 MW) hydropower systems,
habitats for biodiversity in the agricultural landscape (Berndes usually run-of-river schemes, have provided electricity to many
and Börjesson, 2002; Berndes et al., 2004; Börjesson and rural communities in developing countries such as Nepal. Their
Berndes, 2006). [WGIII 8.8] In the case of forest plantations present generation output is uncertain, with predictions ranging
for obtaining bio-fuels, negative environmental impacts are from 4 TWh/yr to 9% of total hydropower output at 250 TWh/
avoidable through good project design. Environmental benefits yr. The global technical potential of small and micro-hydro is
include, among others, reduced soil degradation, water runoff, around 150–200 GW, with many unexploited resource sites
and downstream siltation and capture of polluting agricultural available. [WGIII]
runoff. [LULUCF Fact Sheet 4.21]
The many benefits of hydro-electricity, including irrigation and
6.2.3 Biomass electricity (3) water supply resource creation, rapid response to grid demand
fluctuations due to peaks or intermittent renewables, recreational
Non-hydro renewable energy supply technologies, particularly lakes, and flood control, as well as the negative aspects, need to
solar, wind, geothermal and biomass, are currently small be evaluated for any given development. [WGIII]
overall contributors to global heat and electricity supply, but
are increasing most rapidly, albeit from a low base. Growth of 6.2.5 Geothermal energy (5)
biomass electricity is restricted due to cost, as well as social and
environmental barriers. [WGIII 4.ES] For the particular case Geothermal resources have long been used for direct heat
of biomass electricity, any volumes of biomass needed above extraction for district urban heating, industrial processing,
those available from agricultural and forest residues [WGIII domestic water and space heating, leisure and balneotherapy
Chapters 8 and 9] will need to be purpose-grown, so could be applications. [WGIII]
constrained by land and water availability. There is considerable
uncertainty, but there should be sufficient production possible Geothermal fields of natural steam are rare, most being a
in all regions to meet the additional generation from bio-energy mixture of steam and hot water requiring single or double flash
of 432 TWh/yr by 2030, as projected in this analysis. [WGIII systems to separate out the hot water, which can then be used
4.4.4] In general, the substitution of fossil fuels by biomass in in binary plants or for direct heating. Re-injection of the fluids
electricity generation will reduce the amount of cooling water maintains a constant pressure in the reservoir, hence increasing
discharged to surface water streams. the field’s life and reducing concerns about environmental
impacts. [WGIII]
6.2.4 Hydropower (4)
Sustainability concerns relating to land subsidence, heat
Renewable energy systems such as hydro-electricity can extraction rates exceeding natural replenishment (Bromley
contribute to the security of energy supply and protection of the and Currie, 2003), chemical pollution of waterways (e.g., with
environment . However, construction of hydro-electric power arsenic), and associated CO2 emissions have resulted in some
plants may also cause ecological impacts on existing river geothermal power plant permits being declined. This could be
ecosystems and fisheries, induced by changes in flow regime partly overcome by re-injection techniques. Deeper drilling
(the hydrograph) and evaporative water losses (in the case of technology could help to develop widely abundant hot dry rocks
dam-based power-houses). Also social disruption may be an where water is injected into artificially fractured rocks and heat
impact. Finally, water availability for shipping (water depth) extracted as steam. However, at the same time, this means a
may cause problems. Positive effects are flow regulation, flood claim on available water resources. [WGIII]
control, and availability of water for irrigation during dry
seasons. Furthermore, hydropower does not require water for 6.2.6 Energy use in buildings (6)
cooling (as in the case of thermal power plants) or, as in the
case of bio-fuels, for growth. About 75% of water reservoirs Evaporative cooling, as a mitigation measure, means substantial
in the world were built for irrigation, flood control and urban savings in annual cooling energy use for residences. However,
water supply schemes, and many could have small hydropower this type of cooling places an extra pressure on available water
generation retrofits added without additional environmental resources. Cooling energy use in buildings can be reduced by
impacts. [WGIII 4.3.3] different measures, for example reducing the cooling load by
building shape and orientation. Reducing this energy means,
Large (>10 MW) hydro-electricity systems accounted for over in the case of using water for cooling, a lower water demand.
2,800 TWh of consumer energy in 2004 and provided 16% of [WGIII 6.4.4]
global electricity (90% of renewable electricity). Hydro projects
under construction could increase the share of hydro-electricity 6.2.7 Land-use change and management (7)
by about 4.5% on completion and new projects could be
deployed to provide a further 6,000 TWh/yr or more of electricity According to IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF,
economically, mainly in developing countries. Repowering there are six possible broad land-use categories: forest land,
existing plants with more powerful and efficient turbine designs cropland, grassland, wetlands, settlements, and other. Changes
can be cost-effective whatever the plant scale. [WGIII] in land use (e.g., conversion of cropland to grassland) may
Climate change mitigation measures and water Section 6
result in net changes in carbon stocks and in different impacts 6.2.8 Cropland management (water) (8)
on water resources. For land-use changes other than land
converted to forest (as discussed in Section 6.2.10), previous Agricultural practices which promote the mitigation of
IPCC documents contain very few references to their impacts greenhouse gases can have both negative and positive effects
on water resources. Wetland restoration, one of the main on the conservation of water, and on its quality. Where the
mitigation practices in agriculture [WGIII], results measures promote water-use efficiency (e.g., reduced tillage),
in the improvement of water quality and decreased flooding. they provide potential benefits. But in some cases, the practices
[LULUCF Table 4.10] Set-aside, another mitigation practice could intensify water use, thereby reducing streamflow or
identified by WGIII, may have positive impacts on both water groundwater reserves (Unkovich, 2003; Dias de Oliveira et
conservation and water quality. [WGIII Table 8.12] al., 2005). Rice management has generally positive impacts on
water quality through a reduction in the amount of chemical
Land management practices implemented for climate change pollutants in drainage water. [WGIII Table 8.12]
mitigation may also have different impacts on water resources.
Many of the practices advocated for soil carbon conservation – 6.2.9 Cropland management (reduced tillage) (9)
reduced tillage, more vegetative cover, greater use of perennial
crops – also prevent erosion, yielding possible benefits for Conservation tillage is a generic term that includes a wide
improved water and air quality (Cole et al., 1993). These range of tillage practices, including chisel plough, ridge till,
practices may also have other potential adverse effects, at least strip till, mulch till and no till (CTIC, 1998). Adoption of
in some regions or conditions. Possible effects include enhanced conservation tillage has numerous ancillary benefits. Important
contamination of groundwater with nutrients or pesticides via among these benefits are the control of water and wind erosion,
leaching under reduced tillage (Cole et al., 1993; Isensee and water conservation, increased water-holding capacity, reduced
Sadeghi, 1996). These possible negative effects, however, compaction, increased soil resilience to chemical inputs,
have not been widely confirmed or quantified, and the extent increased soil and air quality, enhanced soil biodiversity,
to which they may offset the environmental benefits of carbon reduced energy use, improved water quality, reduced siltation
sequestration is uncertain. [WGIII TAR 4.4.2] of reservoirs and waterways, and possible double-cropping.
In some areas (e.g., Australia), increased leaching from
The group of practices known as agriculture intensification (Lal greater water retention with conservation tillage can cause
et al., 1999; Bationo et al., 2000; Resck et al., 2000; Swarup downslope salinisation. [LULUCF Fact Sheet 4.3] Important
et al., 2000), including those that enhance production and the secondary benefits of conservation tillage adoption include soil
input of plant-derived residues to soil (crop rotations, reduced erosion reduction, improvements in water quality, increased
bare fallow, cover crops, high-yielding varieties, integrated fuel efficiency, and increases in crop productivity. [LULUCF
pest management, adequate fertilisation, organic amendments,] Tillage/residue management has positive impacts on
irrigation, water-table management, site-specific management, water conservation. [WGIII Table 8.12]
and others), has numerous ancillary benefits, the most important
of which is the increase and maintenance of food production. 6.2.10 Afforestation or reforestation (10)
Environmental benefits can include erosion control, water
conservation, improved water quality, and reduced siltation of Forests, generally, are expected to use more water (the sum
reservoirs and waterways. Soil and water quality is adversely of transpiration and evaporation of water intercepted by tree
affected by the indiscriminate use of agriculture inputs and canopies) than crops, grass, or natural short vegetation. This
irrigation water. [LULUCF Fact Sheet 4.1] effect, occurring in lands that are subjected to afforestation or
reforestation, may be related to increased interception loss,
Nutrient management to achieve efficient use of fertilisers especially where the canopy is wet for a large proportion of the
has positive impacts on water quality. [WGIII Table 8.12] In year (Calder, 1990) or, in drier regions, to the development of
addition, practices that reduce N2O emission often improve the more massive root systems, which allow water extraction and
efficiency of nitrogen use from these and other sources (e.g., use during prolonged dry seasons. [LULUCF]
manures), thereby also reducing GHG emissions from fertiliser
manufacture and avoiding deleterious effects on water and air Interception losses are greatest from forests that have large leaf
quality from nitrogen pollutants (Dalal et al., 2003; Paustian areas throughout the year. Thus, such losses tend to be greater
et al., 2004; Oenema et al., 2005; Olesen et al., 2006). [WGIII for evergreen forests than for deciduous forests (Hibbert, 1967;
8.8] Schulze, 1982) and may be expected to be larger for fast-growing
forests with high rates of carbon storage than for slow-growing
Agro-forestry systems (plantation of trees in cropland) can forests. Consequently, afforestation with fast-growing conifers
provide multiple benefits including energy to rural communities on non-forest land commonly decreases the flow of water from
with synergies between sustainable development and GHG catchments and can cause water shortages during droughts
mitigation. [LULUCF 4.5.1] However, agro-forestry may have (Hibbert, 1967; Swank and Douglass, 1974). Vincent (1995),
negative impacts on water conservation. [WGIII Table 8.12] for example, found that establishing high-water-demanding
Section 6 Climate change mitigation measures and water
species of pines to restore degraded Thai watersheds markedly 6.2.11 Avoided/reduced deforestation (11)
reduced dry season streamflows relative to the original
deciduous forests. Although forests lower average flows, they Stopping or slowing deforestation and forest degradation (loss
may reduce peak flows and increase flows during dry seasons of carbon density) and sustainable management of forests may
because forested lands tend to have better infiltration capacity significantly contribute to avoided emissions, may conserve
and a high capacity to retain water (Jones and Grant, 1996). water resources and prevent flooding, reduce runoff, control
Forests also play an important role in improving water quality. erosion, reduce siltation of rivers, and protect fisheries and
[LULUCF] investments in hydro-electric power facilities; and at the same
time preserve biodiversity (Parrotta, 2002). [WGIII 9.7.2]
In many regions of the world where forests grow above shallow
saline water tables, decreased water use following deforestation Preserving forests conserves water resources and prevents
can cause water tables to rise, bringing salt to the surface (Morris flooding. For example, the flood damage in Central America
and Thomson, 1983). In such situations, high water use by trees following Hurricane Mitch was apparently enhanced by the
(e.g., through afforestation or reforestation) can be of benefit loss of forest cover. By reducing runoff, forests control erosion
(Schofield, 1992). [LULUCF] and salinity. Consequently, maintaining forest cover can
reduce siltation of rivers, protecting fisheries and investment
In the dry tropics, forest plantations often use more water than in hydro-electric power facilities (Chomitz and Kumari, 1996).
short vegetation because trees can access water at greater depth [WGIII TAR 4.4.1]
and evaporate more intercepted water. Newly planted forests
can use more water (by transpiration and interception) than Deforestation and degradation of upland catchments can
the annual rainfall, by mining stored water (Greenwood et al., disrupt hydrological systems, replacing year-round water flows
1985). Extensive afforestation or reforestation in the dry tropics in downstream areas with flood and drought regimes (Myers,
can therefore have a serious impact on supplies of groundwater 1997). Although there are often synergies between increased
and river flows. It is less clear, however, whether replacing carbon storage through afforestation, reforestation and
natural forests with plantations, even with exotic species, deforestation (ARD) activities and other desirable associated
increases water use in the tropics when there is no change impacts, no general rules can be applied; impacts must be
in rooting depth or stomatal behaviour of the tree species. In assessed individually for each specific case. Associated impacts
the dry zone of India, water use by Eucalyptus plantations is can often be significant, and the overall desirability of specific
similar to that of indigenous dry deciduous forest: both forest
ARD activities can be greatly affected by their associated
types essentially utilise all the annual rainfall (Calder, 1992).
impacts. [LULUCF 3.6.2]
6.2.12 Solid waste management; wastewater
Afforestation and reforestation, like forest protection, may also
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitreatment (12)
have beneficial hydrological effects. After afforestation in wet
areas, the amount of direct runoff initially decreases rapidly,
Controlled landfill (with or without gas recovery and utilisation)
then gradually becomes constant, and baseflow increases
controls and reduces GHG emissions but may have negative
slowly as stand age increases towards maturity (Fukushima,
impacts on water quality in the case of improperly managed sites.
1987; Kobayashi, 1987), suggesting that reforestation and
This also holds for aerobic biological treatment (composting)
afforestation help to reduce flooding and enhance water
conservation. In water-limited areas, afforestation, especially and anaerobic biological treatment (anaerobic digestion).
plantations of species with high water demand, can cause a Recycling, reuse and waste minimisation can be negative for
significant reduction in streamflow, affecting the inhabitants of waste scavenging from open dump sites, with water pollution
the basin (Le Maitre and Versfeld, 1997), and reducing water as a potential consequence. [WGIII Table 10.7]
flow to other ecosystems and rivers, thus affecting aquifers
and recharge (Jackson et al., 2005). In addition, some possible When efficiently applied, wastewater transport and treatment
changes in soil properties are largely driven by changes in technologies reduce or eliminate GHG generation and
hydrology. The hydrological benefits of afforestation may need emissions. In addition, wastewater management promotes water
to be evaluated individually for each site. [WGIII TAR 4.4.1] conservation by preventing pollution from untreated discharges
to surface water, groundwater, soils, and coastal zones, thus
Positive socio-economic benefits, such as wealth or job reducing the volume of pollutants, and requiring a smaller
creation, must be balanced by the loss of welfare resulting from volume of water to be treated. [WGIII 10.4.6]
reductions in available water, grazing, natural resources, and
agricultural land. Afforestation of previously eroded or otherwise Treated wastewater can either be reused or discharged, but reuse
degraded land may have a net positive environmental impact; in is the most desirable option for agricultural and horticultural
catchments where the water yield is large or is not heavily used, irrigation, fish aquaculture, artificial recharge of aquifers, or
streamflow reduction may not be critical. [LULUCF] industrial applications. [WGIII 10.4.6]
Climate change mitigation measures and water Section 6
6.2.13 Unconventional oil (13) The emission of greenhouse gases from reservoirs due to rotting
vegetation and carbon inflows from the catchment is a recently
As conventional oil supplies become scarce and extraction identified ecosystem impact of dams. This challenges the
costs increase, unconventional liquid fuels will become more conventional wisdom that hydropower produces only positive
economically attractive, although this is offset by greater atmospheric effects (e.g., reductions in emissions of CO2 and
environmental costs (Williams et al., 2006). Mining and nitrous oxides), when compared with conventional power
upgrading of oil shale and oil sands requires the availability of generation sources (World Commission on Dams, 2000).
abundant water. Technologies for recovering tar sands include
open cast (surface) mining, where the deposits are shallow Lifecycle assessments of hydropower projects available at
enough, or injection of steam into wells in situ to reduce the the time of the AR4 showed low overall net greenhouse gas
viscosity of the oil prior to extraction. The mining process uses emissions. Given that measuring the incremental anthropogenic-
about four litres of water to produce one litre of oil but produces related emissions from freshwater reservoirs remains uncertain,
a refinable product. The in situ process uses about two litres the UNFCCC Executive Board has excluded large hydro projects
of water to one litre of oil, but the very heavy product needs with significant water storage from its Clean Development
cleaning and diluting (usually with naphtha) at the refinery or Mechanism (CDM). [WGIII]
needs to be sent to an upgrader to yield syncrude at an energy
efficiency of around 75% (NEB, 2006). The energy efficiency 6.3.2 Irrigation (2)
of oil sand upgrading is around 75%. Mining of oil sands leaves
behind large quantities of pollutants and areas of disturbed land. About 18% of the world’s croplands now receive supplementary
[WGIII] water through irrigation (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,
2005a, b). Expanding this area (where water reserves allow), or
6.3 Effects of water management policies using more effective irrigation measures, can enhance carbon
iiiiiiiand measures on GHG emissions and storage in soils through enhanced yields and residue returns
(Follett, 2001; Lal, 2004). However, some of these gains may be
iiiiiiimitigation offset by carbon dioxide from energy used to deliver the water
(Schlesinger, 1999; Mosier et al., 2005) or from N2O emissions
As shown in the previous section, climate change mitigation from higher moisture and fertiliser nitrogen inputs (Liebig et
practices in various sectors may have an impact on water al., 2005), though the latter effect has not been widely measured
resources. Conversely, water management policies and [WGIII]. The expansion of wetland rice area may also
measures can have an influence on GHG emissions associated cause increased methane emissions from soils (Yan et al., 2003).
with different sectors, and thus on their respective mitigation [WGIII]
measures (Table 6.2).
6.3.3 Residue return (3)
6.3.1 Hydro dams (1)
Weed competition for water is an important cause of crop
About 75% of water reservoirs in the world were built for failure or decreases in crop yields worldwide. Advances in weed
irrigation, flood control and urban water supply schemes. control methods and farm machinery now allow many crops
Greenhouse gas emissions vary with reservoir location, power to be grown with minimal tillage (reduced tillage) or without
density (power capacity per area flooded), flow rate, and tillage (no-till). These practices, which result in the maintenance
whether the plant is dam-based or run-of-river type. Recently, of crop residues on the soil surface, thus avoiding water losses
the greenhouse gas footprint of hydropower reservoirs has by evaporation, are now being used increasingly throughout the
been questioned. Some reservoirs have been shown to absorb world (e.g., Cerri et al., 2004). Since soil disturbance tends to
carbon dioxide at their surface, but most emit small amounts stimulate soil carbon losses through enhanced decomposition
of GHGs as water conveys carbon in the natural carbon cycle. and erosion (Madari et al., 2005), reduced- or no-till agriculture
High emissions of methane have been recorded at shallow, often results in soil carbon gain, though not always (West
plateau-type tropical reservoirs where the natural carbon cycle and Post, 2002; Alvarez, 2005; Gregorich et al., 2005; Ogle
is most productive, while deep-water reservoirs exhibit lower et al., 2005). Adopting reduced- or no-till may also affect
emissions. Methane from natural floodplains and wetlands emissions of N2O, but the net effects are inconsistent and not
may be suppressed if they are inundated by a new reservoir, well quantified globally (Cassman et al., 2003; Smith and
since methane is oxidised as it rises through the water column. Conen, 2004; Helgason et al., 2005; Li et al., 2005). The effect
Methane formation in freshwater involves by-product carbon of reduced tillage on N2O emissions may depend on soil and
compounds (phenolic and humic acids) that effectively climatic conditions: in some areas reduced tillage promotes
sequester the carbon involved. For shallow tropical reservoirs, N2O emissions; elsewhere it may reduce emissions or have
further research is needed to establish the extent to which these no measurable influence (Marland et al., 2001). Furthermore,
may increase methane emissions. [WGIII] no-tillage systems can reduce carbon dioxide emissions from
Section 6 Climate change mitigation measures and water
Table 6.2: Influence of water management on sectoral GHG emissions. Increased GHG emissions are indicated with [−],
(because this implies a negative impact) and reduced GHG emissions with [+]. Numbers in round brackets refer to the Notes,
and also to the sub-section numbers in Section 6.3.
Chemical/ Temperature Average demand Soil moisture Surface water Ground water
Energy Geothermal Hydro dams(1) [+/-] Hydro dams
energy(7) [+] Irrigation(2) [-] (1)
Geothermal energy(7) [+]
Desalinisation(6) [-]
Waste Wastewater
treatment(5) [+/-]
(1) Hydropower does not require fossil fuel and is an important source of renewable energy. However, recently the GHG footprint of hydropower reservoirs has been
questioned. In particular, methane is a problem.
(2) Applying more effective irrigation measures can enhance carbon storage in soils through enhanced yields and residue returns, but some of these gains may be offset
by CO2 emissions from the energy used to deliver the water. Irrigation may also induce additional CH4 and N2O emissions, depending on case-specific
(3) Residue returned to the field, to improve water-holding capacity, will sequester carbon through both increased crop productivity and reduced soil respiration.
(4) Drainage of agricultural lands in humid regions can promote productivity (and hence soil carbon) and perhaps also suppress N2O emissions by improving aeration.
Any nitrogen lost through drainage, however, may be susceptible to loss as N2O.
(5) Depending on the design and management of facilities (wastewater treatment and treatment purification technologies), more or less CH4 and N2O emissions – the major
GHG emissions from wastewater – can be emitted during all stages from source to disposal; however, in practice, most emissions occur upstream of treatment.
(6) Desalinisation requires the use of energy, and thus generates GHG emissions.
(7) Using geothermal energy for heating purposes does not generate GHG emissions, as is the case with other methods of energy production.
energy use (Marland et al., 2003; Koga et al., 2006). Systems The methane emissions from wastewater alone are expected
that retain crop residues also tend to increase soil carbon because to increase by almost 50% between 1990 and 2020, especially
these residues are the precursors for soil organic matter, the in the rapidly developing countries of eastern and southern
main store of carbon in soil. Avoiding the burning of residues Asia. Estimates of global N2O emissions from wastewater are
(e.g., mechanising the harvest of sugarcane, eliminating the incomplete and based only on human sewage treatment, but
need for pre-harvest burning; Cerri et al., 2004), also avoids these indicate an increase of 25% between 1990 and 2020. It
emissions of aerosols and GHGs generated from fire, although is important to emphasise, however, that these are business-
carbon dioxide emissions from fuel use may increase. [WGIII as-usual scenarios, and actual emissions could be much lower] if additional measures were put in place. Future reductions in
emissions from the waste sector will partially depend on the
6.3.4 Drainage of cropland (4) post-2012 availability of Kyoto mechanisms such as the CDM.
[WGIII 10.3.1]
Drainage of croplands in humid regions can promote productivity
(and hence soil carbon) and perhaps also suppress N2O emissions In developing countries, due to rapid population growth and
by improving aeration (Monteny et al., 2006). Any nitrogen lost urbanisation without concurrent development of wastewater
through drainage, however, may be susceptible to loss as N2O infrastructure, CH4 and N2O emissions from wastewater are
(Reay et al., 2003). [WGIII] generally higher than in developed countries. This can be seen
by examining the 1990 estimated methane and N2O emissions
6.3.5 Wastewater treatment (5) and projected trends to 2020 from wastewater and human
sewage. [WGIII 10.3.3]
For landfill CH4, the largest GHG emission source from the
waste sector, emissions continue several decades after waste Although current GHG emissions from wastewater are lower
disposal, and thus estimation of emission trends requires models than emissions from waste, it is recognised that there are
which include temporal trends. CH4 is also emitted during substantial emissions that are not quantified by current estimates,
wastewater transport, sewage treatment processes, and leakage especially from septic tanks, latrines, and uncontrolled discharges
from anaerobic digestion of waste or wastewater sludges. in developing countries. Decentralised ‘natural’ treatment
The major sources of N2O are human sewage and wastewater processes and septic tanks in developing countries may result
treatment. [WGIII 10.3.1] in relatively large emissions of methane and N2O, particularly
Climate change mitigation measures and water Section 6
Implications for policy and
sustainable development
Section 7 Implications for policy and sustainable development
Climate change poses a major conceptual challenge to water • Drought-affected areas are likely to increase; and extreme
managers, water resource users (e.g., in agriculture) as well precipitation events, which are very likely to increase in
as to policymakers in general, as it is no longer appropriate frequency and intensity, will augment flood risk. Up to
to assume that past climatic and hydrological conditions will 20% of the world’s population live in river basins that are
continue into the future. Water resources management clearly likely to be affected by increased flood hazard by the 2080s
impacts on many other policy areas (e.g., energy, health, food in the course of climate change. [WGII 3.4.3]
security, nature conservation). Thus, the appraisal of adaptation • Semi-arid and arid areas are particularly exposed to the
and mitigation options needs to be conducted across multiple impacts of climate change on freshwater. Many of these
water-dependent sectors. areas (e.g., the Mediterranean Basin, western USA,
southern Africa, north-eastern Brazil, southern and eastern
Substantial changes have been observed over recent decades Australia) will suffer a decrease in water resources due to
in many water-related variables, but clear formal attribution climate change. [WGII Box TS.5, 3.4, 3.7] Efforts to offset
of the observed changes to natural or anthropogenic causes declining surface water availability due to increasing
is not generally possible at present. Projections of future precipitation variability will be hampered by the fact that
precipitation, soil moisture and runoff at regional scales are groundwater recharge is projected to decrease considerably
subject to substantial uncertainty. In many regions, models in some water-stressed regions [WGII 3.4.2], exacerbated
do not agree on the sign of projected change. However, some by the increased water demand. [WGII 3.5.1]
robust patterns are found across climate model projections. • Higher water temperatures, increased precipitation
Increases in precipitation (and river flow) are very likely at high intensity and longer periods of low flows exacerbate many
latitudes and in some wet tropics (including populous areas in forms of water pollution, with impacts on ecosystems,
east and south-east Asia), and decreases are very likely over human health, and water system reliability and operating
much of the mid-latitudes and dry tropics [WGII Figure 3.4]. costs. [WGII 3.2, 3.4.4, 3.4.5]
Interpretation and quantification of uncertainties has recently • Areas in which runoff is projected to decline will face
improved, and new methods (e.g., ensemble-based approaches) a reduction in the value of services provided by water
are being developed for their characterisation [WGII 3.4, resources. The beneficial impacts of increased annual
3.5]. Nevertheless, quantitative projections of changes in runoff in some other areas will be tempered by the negative
precipitation, river flows and water levels at the river-basin effects of increased precipitation variability and seasonal
scale remain uncertain, so that planning decisions involving runoff shifts on water supply, water quality and flood risks.
climate change must be made in the context of this uncertainty. [WGII 3.4, 3.5]
[WGII TS, 3.3.1, 3.4] • At the global level, the negative impacts of climate change
on freshwater systems outweigh the benefits. [WGII 3.4,
Effective adaptation to climate change occurs across temporal 3.5]
and spatial scales, including incorporation of lessons from • Adverse effects of climate on freshwater systems
responses to climate variability into longer-term vulnerability aggravate the impacts of other stresses, such as population
reduction efforts and within governance mechanisms from growth, land-use change and urbanisation. [WGII 3.3.2,
communities and watersheds to international agreements. 3.5] Globally, water demand will grow in the coming
Continued investment in adaptation in response to historical decades, primarily due to population growth and increased
experience alone, rather than projected future conditions affluence. [WGII 3.5.1]
that will include both variability and change, is likely to • Climate change affects the function and operation of existing
increase the vulnerability of many sectors to climate change. water infrastructure as well as water management practices.
[WGII TS, 14.5] Current water management practices are very likely to be
inadequate to reduce the negative impacts of climate change
on water-supply reliability, flood risk, health, energy and
7.1 Implications for policy by sector aquatic ecosystems. [WGII TS, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6]
• Adaptation procedures and risk management practices for
Water resource management the water sector are being developed in some countries
• Catchments that are dominated by seasonal snow cover and regions (e.g., the Caribbean, Canada, Australia, the
already experience earlier peak flows in spring, and this Netherlands, the UK, the USA and Germany) that recognise
shift is expected to continue under a warmer climate. At the uncertainty of projected hydrological changes, but
lower altitudes, winter precipitation will increasingly evaluation criteria on effectiveness need to be developed.
be in the form of rainfall instead of snowfall. In many [WGII 3.6]
mountain areas, e.g., in the tropical Andes and many
Asian mountains, where glaciers provide the main runoff Ecosystems
during pronounced dry seasons, water volumes stored in • The resilience of many ecosystems and their ability
glaciers and snow cover are projected to decline. Runoff to adapt naturally is likely to be exceeded by 2100 by
during warm and dry seasons is enhanced while glaciers an unprecedented combination of change in climate,
are shrinking, but will dramatically drop after they have associated disturbances (e.g., flooding, drought, wildfire)
disappeared. [WGII 3.4.1] and other global change drivers (e.g., land-use change,
Implications for policy and sustainable development Section 7
Section 7 Implications for policy and sustainable development
change. Mixed rain-fed and highland perennial systems in • Production from agriculture and forestry by 2030 is
the Great Lakes region and in other parts of East Africa projected to decline over much of southern and eastern
will also be severely affected. [WGII 9.4.4, Box TS.6] Australia, and over parts of eastern New Zealand, due
• Current water stress in Africa is likely to be increased by to, among other things, increased drought. However, in
climate change, but water governance and water-basin New Zealand, initial benefits are projected in western and
management must also be considered in future assessments southern areas and close to major rivers, with increased
of water stress in Africa. Increases in runoff in East Africa rainfall. [WGII 11.4]
(and increased risk of flood events) and decreases in
runoff (and increased risk of drought) in other areas (e.g., Europe
southern Africa) are projected by the 2050s. [WGII 9.4.1, • The probability of an extreme winter precipitation
9.4.2, 9.4.8] exceeding two standard deviations above normal is
• Any changes in the primary production of large lakes expected to increase by up to a factor of five in parts of the
will have important impacts on local food supplies. Lake UK and northern Europe by the 2080s with a doubling of
Tanganyika currently provides 25–40% of animal protein CO2. [WGII 12.3.1]
intake for the surrounding populations, and climate • By the 2070s, annual runoff is projected to increase in
change is likely to reduce primary production and possible northern Europe, and decrease by up to 36% in southern
fish yields by roughly 30% [WGII 9.4.5, 3.4.7, 5.4.5]. Europe, with summer low flows reduced by up to 80%
The interaction of poor human management decisions, under the IS92a scenario. [WGII 12.4.1, T12.2]
including over-fishing, is likely to further reduce fish yields • The percentage of river-basin area in the severe water
from lakes. [WGII 9.2.2, Box TS.6] stress category (withdrawal:availability ratio greater than
0.4) is expected to increase from 19% today to 34–36% by
Asia the 2070s. [WGII 12.4.1]
• The per capita availability of freshwater in India is expected • The number of additional people living in water-stressed
to drop from around 1,820 m3 currently to below 1,000 m3 watersheds in 17 countries in western Europe is likely
by 2025 in response to the combined effects of population to increase by 16–44 million (HadCM3 climate model
growth and climate change. [WGII] results) by the 2080s. [WGII 12.4.1]
• More intense rain and more frequent flash floods during • By the 2070s, hydropower potential for the whole of
the monsoon would result in a higher proportion of runoff Europe is expected to decline by 6%, with strong regional
and a reduction in the proportion reaching the groundwater. variations from a 20–50% decrease in the Mediterranean
[WGII 10.4.2] region to a 15–30% increase in northern and eastern
• Agricultural irrigation demand in arid and semi-arid Europe. [WGII 12.4.8]
regions of east Asia is expected to increase by 10% for an • Small mountain glaciers in different regions will disappear,
increase in temperature of 1°C. [WGII 10.4.1] while larger glaciers will suffer a volume reduction
• Coastal areas, especially heavily populated Asian between 30% and 70% by 2050 under a range of emissions
megadelta regions, will be at greatest risk due to increased scenarios, with concomitant reductions in discharge in
flooding from the sea and, in some megadeltas, flooding spring and summer. [WGII 12.4.3]
from rivers. [WGII 6.4, 10.4.3]
• Changes in snow and glacier melt, as well as rising Latin America
snowlines in the Himalayas, will affect seasonal • Any future reductions in rainfall in arid and semi-arid
variation in runoff, causing water shortages during dry regions of Argentina, Chile and Brazil are likely to lead to
summer months. One-quarter of China’s population and severe water shortages. [WGII 13.4.3]
hundreds of millions in India will be affected (Stern, • Due to climate change and population growth, the number
2007). [WGII 3.4.1,] of people living in water-stressed watersheds is projected
to reach 37–66 million by the 2020s (compared to an
Australia and New Zealand estimate of 56 million without climate change) for the
• Ongoing water security problems are very likely to increase SRES A2 scenario. [WGII 13.4.3]
in southern and eastern Australia (e.g., a 0–45% decline in • Areas in Latin America with severe water stress include
runoff in Victoria by 2030 and a 10–25% reduction in river eastern Central America, the plains, Motagua Valley and
flow in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin by 2050) and, Pacific slopes of Guatemala, eastern and western regions
in New Zealand, in Northland and some eastern regions. of El Salvador, the central valley and Pacific region of
[WGII 11.4.1] Costa Rica, the northern, central and western intermontane
• Risks to major infrastructure are likely to increase due regions of Honduras, and the peninsula of Azuero in
to climate change. Design criteria for extreme events Panama). In these areas, water supply and hydro-electricity
are very likely to be exceeded more frequently by 2030. generation could be seriously affected by climate change.
Risks include failure of floodplain levees and urban [WGII 13.4.3]
drainage systems, and flooding of coastal towns near • Glacier shrinkage is expected to increase dry-season
rivers. [WGII 11.ES, 11.4.5, 11.4.7] water shortages under a warming climate, with adverse
Implications for policy and sustainable development Section 7
consequences for water availability and hydropower • A reduction in average rainfall would lead to a reduction
generation in Bolivia, Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. in the size of the freshwater lens. In the Pacific, a 10%
Flood risk is expected to grow during the wet season. reduction in average rainfall (by 2050) would lead to a
[WGII 13.2.4, 13.4.3] 20% reduction in the size of the freshwater lens on Tarawa
Atoll, Kiribati. Reduced rainfall, coupled with increased
North America withdrawals, sea-level rise and attendant salt-water
• Projected warming in the western mountains by the mid- intrusion, would compound this threat. [WGII 16.4.1]
21st century is very likely to cause large decreases in • Several small-island countries (e.g., Barbados, Maldives,
snowpack, earlier snowmelt, more winter rain events, Seychelles and Tuvalu) have begun to invest in the
increased peak winter flows and flooding, and reduced implementation of adaptation strategies, including
summer flows. [WGII 14.4.1] desalination, to offset current and projected water
• Reduced water supplies coupled with increases in demand shortages. [WGII 16.4.1]
are likely to exacerbate competition for over-allocated
water resources. [WGII 14.2.1, Box 14.2]
• Moderate climate change in the early decades of the
7.3 Implications for climate mitigation
century is projected to increase aggregate yields of rain- iiiiiiipolicy
fed agriculture by 5–20%, but with important variability
among regions. Major challenges are projected for crops Implementing important mitigation options such as
that are near the warm end of their suitable range or which afforestation, hydropower and bio-fuels may have positive and
depend on highly utilised water resources. [WGII 14.4.4] negative impacts on freshwater resources, depending on site-
• Vulnerability to climate change is likely to be concentrated specific situations. Therefore, site-specific joint evaluation and
in specific groups and regions, including indigenous optimisation of (the effectiveness of) mitigation measures and
peoples and others dependent on narrow resource bases, water-related impacts are needed.
and the poor and elderly in cities. [WGII 14.2.6, 14.4.6]
Expansion of irrigated areas and dam-based hydro-electric
Polar regions power generation can lead to reduced effectiveness of associated
• Northern Hemisphere permafrost extent is likely to decrease mitigation potential. In the case of irrigation, CO2 emissions
by 20–35% by 2050. The depth of seasonal thawing is due to energy consumption for pumping water and to methane
projected to increase by 15–25% in most areas by 2050, and emissions in rice fields may partly offset any mitigation effects.
by 50% or more in northernmost locations under the full range Freshwater reservoirs for hydropower generation may produce
of SRES scenarios. [WGII 15.3.4] In the Arctic, disruption some greenhouse gas emissions, so that an overall case-specific
of ecosystems is projected as a result. [WGII 15.4.1] evaluation of the ultimate greenhouse gas budget is needed.
• Further reductions in lake and river ice cover are expected, [WGIII,]
affecting thermal structures, the quality/quantity of
under-ice habitats and, in the Arctic, the timing and
severity of ice jamming and related flooding. Freshwater 7.4 Implications for sustainable
warming is expected to influence the productivity iiiiiiidevelopment
and distribution of aquatic species, especially fish,
leading to changes in fish stock, and reductions in Low-income countries and regions are expected to remain
those species that prefer colder waters. [WGII 15.4.1] vulnerable over the medium term, with fewer options than high-
• Increases in the frequency and severity of flooding, erosion income countries for adapting to climate change. Therefore,
and destruction of permafrost threaten Arctic communities, adaptation strategies should be designed in the context of
industrial infrastructure and water supply. [WGII 15.4.6] development, environment and health policies. Many of the
options that can be used to reduce future vulnerability are of
Small islands value in adapting to current climate and can be used to achieve
• There is strong evidence that, under most climate change other environmental and social objectives.
scenarios, water resources in small islands are likely to be
seriously compromised [WGII 16.ES]. Most small islands In many regions of the globe, climate change impacts on
have a limited water supply, and water resources in these freshwater resources may affect sustainable development
islands are especially vulnerable to future changes and and put at risk the reduction of poverty and child mortality
distribution of rainfall. Many islands in the Caribbean are (Table 7.1). It is very likely that negative impacts of increased
likely to experience increased water stress as a result of frequency and severity of floods and droughts on sustainable
climate change. Under all SRES scenarios, reduced rainfall development cannot be avoided [WGII 3.7]. However, aside
in summer is projected for this region, so that it is unlikely from major extreme events, climate change is seldom the
that demand would be met during low rainfall periods. main factor exerting stress on sustainability. The significance
Increased rainfall in winter is unlikely to compensate, due of climate change lies in its interactions with other sources of
to the lack of storage and high runoff during storm events. change and stress, and its impacts should be considered in such
[WGII 16.4.1] a multi-cause context. [WGII 7.1.3, 7.2, 7.4]
Section 7 Implications for policy and sustainable development
Table 7.1: Potential contribution of the water sector to attain the Millennium Development Goals. [WGII Table 3.6]
Goals Direct relation to water Indirect relation to water
Goal 1: Water is a factor in many production activities (e.g., agriculture, Reduced ecosystem degradation improves
Eradicate extreme animal husbandry, cottage industries) local-level sustainable development
poverty and hunger Sustainable production of fish, tree crops and other food brought Reduced urban hunger by means of cheaper
together in common property resources food from more reliable water supplies
Goal 2: Improved school attendance through improved
Achieve universal health and reduced water-carrying burdens,
education especially for girls
Goal 3: Development of gender-sensitive water management programmes Reduce time wasted and health burdens
Promote gender through improved water service, leading
equity to more time for income-earning and more
and empower balanced gender roles
Goal 4: Improved access to drinking water of more adequate quantity and
Reduce child better quality, and improved sanitation, to reduce the main factors of
mortality morbidity and mortality in young children
Goal 6: Improved access to water and sanitation supports HIV/AIDS-affected
Combat HIV/AIDS, households and may improve the impact of health care programmes
malaria and Better water management reduces mosquito habitats and the risk of
other diseases malaria transmission
Goal 7: Improved water management reduces water consumption and Develop operation, maintenance, and cost
Ensure recycles nutrients and organics recovery system to ensure sustainability of
environmental Actions to ensure access to improved and, possibly, productive eco- service delivery
sustainability sanitation for poor households
Actions to improve water supply and sanitation services for poor
Actions to reduce wastewater discharge and improve environmental
health in slum areas
Gaps in knowledge and suggestions
for further work
Section 8 Gaps in knowledge and suggestions for further work
There is abundant evidence from observational records and calculated from parameters such as solar radiation, relative
climate projections that freshwater resources are vulnerable humidity and wind speed. Records are often very short, and
and have the potential to be strongly impacted by climate available for only a few regions, which impedes complete
change. However, the ability to quantify future changes in analysis of changes in droughts. [WGI 3.3.3, 3.3.4]
hydrological variables, and their impacts on systems and • There may be opportunities for river flow data rescue
sectors, is limited by uncertainty at all stages of the assessment in some regions. Where no observations are available,
process. Uncertainty comes from the range of socio-economic the construction of new observing networks should be
development scenarios, the range of climate model projections considered. [WGI 3.3.4]
for a given scenario, the downscaling of climate effects to • Groundwater is not well monitored, and the processes of
local/regional scales, impacts assessments, and feedbacks from groundwater depletion and recharge are not well modelled
adaptation and mitigation activities. Limitations in observations in many regions. [WGI 3.3.4]
and understanding restrict our current ability to reduce these • Monitoring data are needed on water quality, water use and
uncertainties. Decision making needs to operate in the context sediment transport.
of this uncertainty. Robust methods to assess risks based on • Snow, ice and frozen ground inventories are incomplete.
these uncertainties are at an early stage of development. Monitoring of changes is unevenly distributed in both space
and time. There is a general lack of data from the Southern
Capacity for mitigation of climate change and adaptation to its Hemisphere. [WGI TS 6.2, 4.2.2, 4.3]
impacts is limited by the availability and economic viability of • More information is needed on plant evapotranspiration
appropriate technologies and robust collaborative processes for responses to the combined effects of rising atmospheric
decision making among multiple stakeholders and management CO2, rising temperature and rising atmospheric water vapour
criteria. Knowledge of the costs and benefits (including concentration, in order to better understand the relationship
avoided damages) of specific options is scarce. Management between the direct effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment
strategies that adapt as the climate changes require an adequate and changes in the hydrological cycle. [WGI 7.2]
observational network to inform them. There is limited • Quality assurance, homogenisation of data sets, and inter-
understanding of the legal and institutional frameworks and calibration of methods and procedures could be important
demand-side statistics necessary for mainstreaming adaptation whenever different agencies, countries etc., maintain
into development plans to reduce water-related vulnerabilities, monitoring within one region or catchment.
and of appropriate channels for financial flows into the water
sector for adaptation investment.
8.2 Understanding climate projections
This section notes a number of key gaps in knowledge related iiiiiiiand their impacts
to these needs.
8.2.1 Understanding and projecting climate
8.1 Observational needs
Major uncertainties in understanding and modelling changes in
Better observational data and data access are necessary climate relating to the hydrological cycle include the following
to improve understanding of ongoing changes, to better [SYR; WGI TS.6]:
constrain model projections, and are a prerequisite for adaptive • Changes in a number of radiative drivers of climate are not
management required under conditions of climate change. fully quantified and understood (e.g., aerosols and their
Progress in knowledge depends on improved data availability. effects on cloud properties, methane, ozone, stratospheric
Shrinkage of some observational networks is occurring. water vapour, land-use change, past solar variations).
Relatively short records may not reveal the full extent of • Confidence in attributing some observed climate change
natural variability and confound detection studies, while long- phenomena to anthropogenic or natural processes is limited
term reconstruction can place recent trends and extremes in a by uncertainties in radiative forcing, as well as by uncertainty
broader context. Major gaps in observations of climate change in processes and observations. Attribution becomes more
related to freshwater and hydrological cycles were identified as difficult at smaller spatial and temporal scales, and there
follows [WGI TS.6; WGII 3.8]: is less confidence in understanding precipitation changes
• Difficulties in the measurement of precipitation remain an than there is for temperature. There are very few attribution
area of concern in quantifying global and regional trends. studies for changes in extreme events.
Precipitation measurements over oceans (from satellites) • Uncertainty in modelling some modes of climate variability,
are still in the development phase. There is a need to ensure and of the distribution of precipitation between heavy and
ongoing satellite monitoring, and the development of light events, remains large. In many regions, projections of
reliable statistics for inferred precipitation. [WGI] changes in mean precipitation also vary widely between
• Many hydrometeorological variables e.g., streamflow, soil models, even in the sign of the change. It is necessary to
moisture and actual evapotranspiration, are inadequately improve understanding of the sources of uncertainty.
measured. Potential evapotranspiration is generally • In many regions where fine spatial scales in climate are
Gaps in knowledge and suggestions for further work Section 8
generated by topography, there is insufficient information • Feedbacks between land use and climate change (including
on how climate change will be expressed at these scales. vegetation change and anthropogenic activity such as
• Climate models remain limited by the spatial resolution and irrigation and reservoir construction) should be analysed
ensemble size that can be achieved with present computer more extensively; e.g., by coupled climate and land-use
resources, by the need to include some additional processes, modelling.
and by large uncertainties in the modelling of certain • Improved assessment of the water-related consequences
feedbacks (e.g., from clouds and the carbon cycle). of different climate policies and development pathways is
• Limited knowledge of ice sheet and ice shelf processes needed.
leads to unquantified uncertainties in projections of future • Climate change impacts on water quality are poorly
ice sheet mass balance, leading in turn to uncertainty in sea- understood for both developing and developed countries,
level rise projections. particularly with respect to the impact of extreme events.
• Relatively few results are available on the socio-economic
8.2.2 Water-related impacts [WGII 3.5.1, 3.8] aspects of climate change impacts related to water resources,
including climate change impacts on water demand.
• Because of the uncertainties involved, probabilistic • Impacts of climate change on aquatic ecosystems (not only
approaches are required to enable water managers temperatures, but also altered flow regimes, water levels
to undertake analyses of risk under climate change. and ice cover) are not understood adequately.
Techniques are being developed to construct probability • Despite its significance, groundwater has received little
distributions of specified outcomes. Further development attention in climate change impact assessment compared to
of this research, and of techniques to communicate the surface water resources.
results, as well as their application to the user community,
are required.
• Further work on detection and attribution of present-day
8.3 Adaptation and mitigation
hydrological changes is required; in particular, changes in
water resources and in the occurrence of extreme events. • Water resources management clearly impacts on many other
As part of this effort, the development of indicators of policy areas (e.g., energy projections, land use, food security
climate change impacts on freshwater, and operational and nature conservation). Adequate tools are not available to
systems to monitor them, are required. facilitate the appraisal of adaptation and mitigation options
• There remains a scale mismatch between the large-scale across multiple water-dependent sectors, including the
climatic models and the catchment scale – the most adoption of water-efficient technologies and practices.
important scale for water management. Higher-resolution • In the absence of reliable projections of future changes in
climate models, with better land-surface properties and hydrological variables, adaptation processes and methods
interactions, are therefore required to obtain information which can be usefully implemented in the absence of
of more relevance to water management. Statistical and accurate projections, such as improved water-use efficiency
physical downscaling can contribute. and water-demand management, offer no-regrets options to
• Most of the impact studies of climate change on water cope with climate change. [WGII 3.8]
stress in countries assess demand and supply on an annual • Biodiversity. Identification of water resources needs for
basis. Analysis at the monthly or higher temporal resolution maintaining environmental values and services, especially
scale is desirable, since changes in seasonal patterns and related to deltaic ecosystems, wetlands and adequate
the probability of extreme events may offset the positive instream flows.
effect of increased availability of water resources. • Carbon capture and storage: Better understanding is needed
• The impact of climate change on snow, ice and frozen of leakage processes, because of potential degradation of
ground as sensitive storage variables in the water cycle is groundwater quality. This requires an enhanced ability to
highly non-linear and more physically- and process-oriented monitor and verify the behaviour of geologically stored
modelling, as well as specific atmospheric downscaling, is CO2. [CCS, TS, Chapter 10]
required. There is a lack of detailed knowledge of runoff • Hydropower/dam construction: An integrated approach
changes as caused by changing glaciers, snow cover, rain– is needed, given the diversity of interests (flood control,
snow transition, and frozen ground in different climate hydropower, irrigation, urban water supply, ecosystems,
regions. fisheries and navigation), to arrive at sustainable solutions.
• Methods need to be improved that allow the assessment of Methane emissions have to be estimated. Also, the net
the impacts of changing climate variability on freshwater effect on the carbon-budget in the affected region has to be
resources. In particular, there is a need to develop local- evaluated.
scale data sets and simple climate-linked computerised • Bio-energy: Insight is required into the water demand, and
watershed models that would allow water managers its consequences, of large-scale plantations of commercial
to assess impacts and to evaluate the functioning and bio-energy crops. [WGIII]
resilience of their systems, given the range of uncertainty • Agriculture: Net effects of more effective irrigation on the
surrounding future climate projections. GHG budget need to be better understood (higher carbon
Section 8 Gaps in knowledge and suggestions for further work
storage in soils through enhanced yields and residue returns runoff, infiltration and groundwater recharge is needed.
and its offset by CO2 emissions from energy systems to [WGIII 9.7.3]
deliver the water, or by N2O emissions from higher moisture • Wastewater and water reuse: Greater insight is needed
and fertiliser inputs). [WGIII] into emissions from decentralised treatment processes and
• Forestry: Better understanding of the effects of uncontrolled wastewater discharges in developing countries.
massive afforestation on the processes forming the The impact of properly reusing water on mitigation and
hydrological cycle, such as rainfall, evapotranspiration, adaptation strategies needs to be understood and quantified.
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Appendix I: Climate model descriptions
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Pope et al., 2000
RegCM2 National Center for Atmospheric ~50 km Giorgi et al., 1993a, b
Research, USA
ECHAM4 Max Planck Institut für ~2.8° x 2.8° Roeckner et al., 1996
(with OPYC3) Meteorologie (MPI) and the
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum
(DKRZ), Germany
Flato, G.M., G.J. Boer, W.G. Lee, N.A. McFarlane, D. Ramsden, M.C. Reader and A.J. Weaver, 2000: The Canadian Centre for
Climate Modelling and Analysis global coupled model and its climate. Clim. Dyn., 16, 451-467.
Johns, T.C., R.E. Carnell, J.F. Crossley, J.M. Gregory, J.F.B. Mitchell, C.A. Senior, S.F.B. Tett and R.A. Wood, 1997: The second
Hadley Centre coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM: model description, spinup and validation. Clim. Dyn., 13, 103-134.
Gordon, C., C. Cooper, C.A. Senior, H.T. Banks, J.M. Gregory, T.C. Johns, J.F.B. Mitchell and R.A. Wood, 2000: The simulation of
SST, sea ice extents and ocean heat transports in a version of the Hadley Centre coupled model without flux adjustments. Clim.
Dyn., 16, 147-168.
Pope, V., M.L. Gallani, P.R. Rowntree and R.A. Stratton, 2000: The impact of new physical parameterizations in the Hadley Centre
climate model: HadAM3. Clim. Dyn., 16, 123-146.
Giorgi, F., M.R. Marinucci and G. T. Bates, 1993: Development of a second generation regional climate model (RegCM2). Part I
Boundary layer and radiative transfer processes. Mon. Weather Rev., 121, 2794-2813.
Giorgi, F., M.R. Marinucci, G. T. Bates and G. DeCanio, 1993: Development of a second generation regional climate model
(RegCM2). Part II Convective processes and assimilation of lateral boundary conditions. Mon. Weather Rev., 121, 2814-2832.
Roeckner, E., K. Arpe, L. Bengtsson, M. Christoph, M. Claussen, L. Dümenil, M. Esch, M. Giorgetta, U. Schlese and U. Schulzweida,
1996: The atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM-4: model description and simulation of present-day climate. Max-
Planck Institute for Meteorology, Report No.218, Hamburg, Germany, 90 pp.
Appendix II: Glossary
This Glossary is based on the glossaries published in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.
The italics used have the following meaning: Glossary word reference; Glossary secondary reference (i.e., terms which
are either contained in a glossary of the IPCC Working Group contributions to the AR4, or defined within the text of an
entry of this glossary).
Annex II countries addition, the atmosphere contains the greenhouse gas water
The group of countries included in Annex II to the United Nations vapour, whose amounts are highly variable but typically around
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 1% volume mixing ratio. The atmosphere also contains clouds
including all OECD countries in the year 1990. Under Article and aerosols.
4.2 (g) of the Convention, these countries are expected to
provide financial resources to assist developing countries Atmospheric boundary layer
to comply with their obligations, such as preparing national The atmospheric layer adjacent to the Earth’s surface that is
reports. Annex II countries are also expected to promote the affected by friction against that boundary surface, and possibly
transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing by transport of heat and other variables across that surface
countries. (AMS, 2000). The lowest 10 metres or so of the boundary
layer, where mechanical generation of turbulence is dominant,
Annex B countries is called the surface boundary layer or surface layer.
The countries included in Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol that
have agreed to a target for their greenhouse-gas emissions, Attribution
including all the Annex I countries (as amended in 1998) except See Detection and attribution.
for Turkey and Belarus. See Kyoto Protocol
Annular modes Barrier
Preferred patterns of change in atmospheric circulation Any obstacle to reaching a goal, adaptation or mitigation
corresponding to changes in the zonally averaged mid-latitude potential that can be overcome or attenuated by a policy,
westerlies. The Northern Annular Mode has a bias to the North programme, or measure. Barrier removal includes correcting
Atlantic and has a large correlation with the North Atlantic market failures directly or reducing the transactions costs in
Oscillation. The Southern Annular Mode occurs in the Southern the public and private sectors by e.g., improving institutional
Hemisphere. The variability of the mid-latitude westerlies has capacity, reducing risk and uncertainty, facilitating market
also been known as zonal flow (or wind) vacillation, and defined transactions, and enforcing regulatory policies.
through a zonal index. [WGI Box 3.4]
Anthropogenic Reference for measurable quantities from which an alternative
Resulting from or produced by human beings. outcome can be measured, e.g., a non-intervention scenario
used as a reference in the analysis of intervention scenarios.
The managed cultivation of aquatic plants or animals such Basin
as salmon or shellfish held in captivity for the purpose of The drainage area of a stream, river, or lake.
Aquifer The total diversity of all organisms and ecosystems at various
A stratum of permeable rock that bears water. An unconfined spatial scales (from genes to entire biomes).
aquifer is recharged directly by local rainfall, rivers and lakes,
and the rate of recharge will be influenced by the permeability Bioenergy
of the overlying rocks and soils. Energy derived from biomass.
Appendix II: Glossary
Appendix II: Glossary
an extended period, typically decades or longer. Climate change investigating the potential consequences of anthropogenic
may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings, climate change, often serving as input to impact models.
or to persistent anthropogenic changes in the composition of Climate projections often serve as the raw material for
the atmosphere or in land use. Note that the United Nations constructing climate scenarios, but climate scenarios usually
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in require additional information such as about the observed
its Article 1, defines climate change as: ‘a change of climate current climate. A climate change scenario is the difference
which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that between a climate scenario and the current climate.
alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in
addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable Climate system
time periods’. The UNFCCC thus makes a distinction between The climate system is the highly complex system consisting
climate change attributable to human activities altering the of five major components: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere,
atmospheric composition, and climate variability attributable the cryosphere, the land surface and the biosphere, and the
to natural causes. See also Climate variability; Detection and interactions between them. The climate system evolves in time
attribution. under the influence of its own internal dynamics and because
of external forcings such as volcanic eruptions, solar variations
Climate feedback and anthropogenic forcings such as the changing composition
An interaction mechanism between processes in the climate of the atmosphere and land-use change.
system is called a climate feedback when the result of an
initial process triggers changes in a second process that in turn Climate variability
influences the initial one. A positive feedback intensifies the Climate variability refers to variations in the mean state and
original process, and a negative feedback reduces it. other statistics (such as standard deviations, the occurrence of
extremes, etc.) of the climate on all spatial and temporal scales
Climate model beyond that of individual weather events. Variability may be due
A numerical representation of the climate system based on the to natural internal processes within the climate system (internal
physical, chemical and biological properties of its components, variability), or to variations in natural or anthropogenic external
their interactions and feedback processes, and accounting for forcing (external variability). See also Climate change.
all or some of its known properties. The climate system can be
represented by models of varying complexity, that is, for any CO2
one component or combination of components a spectrum or See Carbon dioxide.
hierarchy of models can be identified, differing in such aspects as
the number of spatial dimensions, the extent to which physical, CO2-fertilisation
chemical or biological processes are explicitly represented, or See Carbon dioxide fertilisation.
the level at which empirical parameterisations are involved.
Coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models Confidence
(AOGCMs) provide a representation of the climate system that The level of confidence in the correctness of a result is expressed
is near the most comprehensive end of the spectrum currently in this Technical Paper using a standard terminology defined in
available. There is an evolution towards more complex models Box 1.1. See also Likelihood; Uncertainty.
with interactive chemistry and biology (see WGI Chapter 8).
Climate models are applied as a research tool to study and Control run
simulate the climate, and for operational purposes, including A model run carried out to provide a baseline for comparison
monthly, seasonal and interannual climate predictions. with climate-change experiments. The control run uses constant
values for the radiative forcing due to greenhouse gases,
Climate projection appropriate to present-day or pre-industrial conditions.
A projection of the response of the climate system to emissions
or concentration scenarios of greenhouse gases and aerosols, Coral
or radiative forcing scenarios, often based upon simulations The term coral has several meanings, but is usually the common
by climate models. Climate projections are distinguished from name for the Order Scleractinia, all members of which have hard
climate predictions in order to emphasise that climate projections limestone skeletons, and which are divided into reef-building and
depend upon the emission/concentration/radiative forcing non-reef-building, or cold- and warm-water corals. See Coral reefs
scenario used, which are based on assumptions concerning, for
example, future socioeconomic and technological developments Coral reefs
that may or may not be realised and are therefore subject to Rock-like limestone structures built by corals along ocean
substantial uncertainty. coasts (fringing reefs) or on top of shallow, submerged banks or
shelves (barrier reefs, atolls), most conspicuous in tropical and
Climate scenario subtropical oceans.
A plausible and often simplified representation of the future
climate, based on an internally consistent set of climatological Cost
relationships that has been constructed for explicit use in The consumption of resources such as labour time, capital,
Appendix II: Glossary
materials, fuels, etc. as a consequence of an action. In economics is the process of establishing the most likely causes for the
all resources are valued at their opportunity cost, being the value detected change with some defined level of confidence.
of the most valuable alternative use of the resources. Costs are
defined in a variety of ways and under a variety of assumptions Development path or pathway
that affect their value. Cost types include: administrative costs, An evolution based on an array of technological, economic,
damage costs (to ecosystems, people and economies due to social, institutional, cultural, and biophysical characteristics that
negative effects from climate change), and implementation costs determine the interactions between natural and human systems,
of changing existing rules and regulation, capacity building including production and consumption patterns in all countries,
efforts, information, training and education, etc. Private costs over time at a particular scale. Alternative development paths
are carried by individuals, companies or other private entities refer to different possible trajectories of development, the
that undertake the action, whereas social costs include also the continuation of current trends being just one of the many
external costs on the environment and on society as a whole. paths.
The negative of costs are benefits (also sometimes called
negative costs). Costs minus benefits are net costs. Disturbance regime
Frequency, intensity, and types of disturbances, such as fires,
Cryosphere insect or pest outbreaks, floods and droughts.
The component of the climate system consisting of all snow, ice
and frozen ground (including permafrost) on and beneath the Downscaling
surface of the Earth and ocean. See also Glacier; Ice sheet. Downscaling is a method that derives local-to-regional-scale
(10 to 100km) information from larger-scale models or data
D. analyses. Two main methods are distinguished: dynamical
Deforestation downscaling and empirical/statistical downscaling. The
Conversion of forest to non-forest. For a discussion of the term dynamical method uses the output of regional climate models,
forest and related terms such as afforestation, reforestation, global models with variable spatial resolution or high-resolution
and deforestation see the IPCC Report on Land Use, Land-Use global models. The empirical/statistical methods develop
Change and Forestry (IPCC, 2000). statistical relationships that link the large-scale atmospheric
variables with local/regional climate variables. In all cases, the
Dengue fever quality of the downscaled product depends on the quality of the
An infectious viral disease spread by mosquitoes, often called driving model.
breakbone fever because it is characterised by severe pain in the
joints and back. Subsequent infections of the virus may lead to Drought
dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome In general terms, drought is a ‘prolonged absence or marked
(DSS), which may be fatal. deficiency of precipitation’, a ‘deficiency that results in water
shortage for some activity or for some group’, or a ‘period of
Desert abnormally dry weather sufficiently prolonged for the lack
A region of very low rainfall, where ‘very low’ is widely of precipitation to cause a serious hydrological imbalance’
accepted to be less than 100 mm per year. (Heim, 2002). Drought has been defined in a number of
ways. Agricultural drought relates to moisture deficits in
Desertification the topmost 1 metre or so of soil (the root zone) that affect
Land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas crops, meteorological drought is mainly a prolonged deficit of
resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and precipitation, and hydrologic drought is related to below-normal
human activities. Further, the United Nations Convention to streamflow, lake and groundwater levels. A megadrought is a
Combat Desertification (UNCCD) defines land degradation as longdrawn out and pervasive drought, lasting much longer than
a reduction or loss in arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid areas normal, usually a decade or more.
of the biological or economic productivity and complexity of
rain-fed cropland, irrigated cropland, or range, pasture, forest Dyke
and woodlands resulting from land uses or from a process or A human-made wall or embankment along a shore to prevent
combination of processes, including those arising from human flooding of low-lying land.
activities and habitation patterns, such as: (i) soil erosion
caused by wind and/or water; (ii) deterioration of the physical, Dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM)
chemical, and biological or economic properties of soil; and Models that simulate vegetation development and dynamics
(iii) long-term loss of natural vegetation. through space and time, as driven by climate and other
environmental changes.
Detection and attribution
Climate varies continually on all time scales. Detection of Dynamical ice discharge
climate change is the process of demonstrating that climate has Discharge of ice from ice sheets or ice caps caused by the dynamics
changed in some defined statistical sense, without providing a of the ice sheet or ice cap (e.g., in the form of glacier flow, ice
reason for that change. Attribution of causes of climate change streams and calving icebergs) rather than by melt or runoff.
Appendix II: Glossary
Energy Evapotranspiration
The amount of work or heat delivered. Energy is classified in The combined process of water evaporation from the Earth’s
a variety of types and becomes useful to human ends when it surface and transpiration from vegetation.
flows from one place to another or is converted from one type
into another. Primary energy (also referred to as energy sources) External forcing
is the energy embodied in natural resources (e.g., coal, crude oil, External forcing refers to a forcing agent outside the climate
Appendix II: Glossary
Appendix II: Glossary
Groundwater recharge I.
The process by which external water is added to the zone of Ice cap
saturation of an aquifer, either directly into a formation or A dome shaped ice mass, usually covering a highland area,
indirectly by way of another formation. which is considerably smaller in extent than an ice sheet.
H. Ice sheet
Habitat A mass of land ice that is sufficiently deep to cover most of
The locality or natural home in which a particular plant, animal, the underlying bedrock topography, so that its shape is mainly
Appendix II: Glossary
determined by its dynamics (the flow of the ice as it deforms absorbing aerosol, which heats the air and tends to increase
internally and/or slides at its base). An ice sheet flows outwards the static stability relative to the surface. It may also cause
from a high central ice plateau with a small average surface evaporation of cloud droplets.
slope. The margins usually slope more steeply, and most ice is
discharged through fast-flowing ice streams or outlet glaciers, Infectious disease
in some cases into the sea or into ice shelves floating on the Any disease caused by microbial agents that can be transmitted
sea. There are only three large ice sheets in the modern world, from one person to another or from animals to people. This may
one on Greenland and two on Antarctica (the East and West occur by direct physical contact, by handling of an object that
Antarctic ice sheets, divided by the Transantarctic Mountains). has picked up infective organisms, through a disease carrier, via
During glacial periods there were others. contaminated water, or by spread of infected droplets coughed
or exhaled into the air.
Ice shelf
A floating slab of ice of considerable thickness extending from Infrastructure
the coast (usually of great horizontal extent with a level or gently The basic equipment, utilities, productive enterprises,
sloping surface), often filling embayments in the coastline of installations, and services essential for the development,
the ice sheets. Nearly all ice shelves are in Antarctica. operation, and growth of an organisation, city, or nation.
Appendix II: Glossary
to the UNFCCC. It contains legally binding commitments, in Paper using a standard terminology defined in Box 1.1.
addition to those included in the UNFCCC. Countries included See also Confidence; Uncertainty.
in Annex B of the Protocol (most Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development countries and countries with Little Ice Age (LIA)
economies in transition) agreed to reduce their anthropogenic An interval between approximately AD 1400 and 1900 when
greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere were generally colder
oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur than today’s, especially in Europe.
hexafluoride) by at least 5% below 1990 levels in the commitment
period 2008 to 2012. The Kyoto Protocol entered into force on 16 M.
February 2005. Malaria
Endemic or epidemic parasitic disease caused by species of
L. the genus Plasmodium (Protozoa) and transmitted to humans
La Niña by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles; produces bouts of high
See El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). fever and systemic disorders, affects about 300 million and kills
approximately 2 million people worldwide every year.
Land use and Land-use change
Land use refers to the total of arrangements, activities and inputs Market impacts
undertaken in a certain land cover type (a set of human actions). Impacts that can be quantified in monetary terms, and directly
The term land use is also used in the sense of the social and affect gross domestic product – e.g., changes in the price of
economic purposes for which land is managed (e.g., grazing, agricultural inputs and/or goods. See Non-market impacts.
timber extraction, and conservation).
Land-use change refers to a change in the use or management of Mass balance (of glaciers, ice caps or ice sheets)
land by humans, which may lead to a change in land cover. Land The balance between the mass input to an ice body (accumulation)
cover and land-use change may have an impact on the surface and the mass loss (ablation, iceberg calving). Mass balance terms
albedo, evapotranspiration, sources and sinks of greenhouse include the following:
gases, or other properties of the climate system and may thus Specific mass balance: net mass loss or gain over a hydrological
have a radiative forcing and/or other impacts on climate, locally cycle at a point on the surface of a glacier.
or globally. See also: the IPCC Report on Land Use, Land-Use Total mass balance (of the glacier): the specific mass balance
Change, and Forestry (IPCC, 2000). spatially integrated over the entire glacier area; the total mass a
glacier gains or loses over a hydrological cycle.
Landfill Mean specific mass balance: the total mass balance per unit
A landfill is a solid waste disposal site where waste is deposited area of the glacier. If surface is specified (specific surface mass
below, at or above ground level. Limited to engineered sites with balance, etc.) then ice-flow contributions are not considered;
cover materials, controlled placement of waste and management otherwise, mass balance includes contributions from ice flow and
of liquids and gases. It excludes uncontrolled waste disposal. iceberg calving. The specific surface mass balance is positive in
the accumulation area and negative in the ablation area.
A mass of material that has slipped downhill by gravity, often Meningitis
assisted by water when the material is saturated; the rapid Inflammation of the meninges (part of the covering of the brain),
movement of a mass of soil, rock or debris down a slope. usually caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi.
Appendix II: Glossary
women and environmental degradation, agreed at the UN combustion of fossil fuel, and chemical industrial processes.
Millennium Summit in 2000. Nitrous oxide is also produced naturally from a wide variety
of biological sources in soil and water, particularly microbial
Mires action in wet tropical forests.
Peat-accumulating wetlands. See Bog.
No-regrets policy
Mitigation A policy that would generate net social and/or economic
Technological change and substitution that reduce resource benefits irrespective of whether or not anthropogenic climate
inputs and emissions per unit of output. Although several change occurs.
social, economic and technological policies would produce an
emissions reduction, with respect to climate change, mitigation Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)
means implementing policies to reduce greenhouse gas A non-profit group or association organised outside of
emissions and enhance sinks. institutionalised political structures to realise particular
social and/or environmental objectives or serve particular
Monsoon constituencies.
A monsoon is a tropical and subtropical seasonal reversal in
both the surface winds and associated precipitation, caused by Non-linearity
differential heating between a continental-scale land mass and A process is called non-linear when there is no simple
the adjacent ocean. Monsoon rains occur mainly over land in proportional relation between cause and effect. The climate
summer. system contains many such non-linear processes, resulting in a
system with a potentially very complex behaviour.
The biogeographic zone made up of relatively moist, cool Non-market impacts
upland slopes below the sub-alpine zone that is characterised Impacts that affect ecosystems or human welfare, but that are
by the presence of mixed deciduous at lower and coniferous not easily expressed in monetary terms, e.g., an increased risk
evergreen forests at higher elevations. of premature death, or increases in the number of people at risk
of hunger. See also Market impacts.
Rate of occurrence of disease or other health disorder within North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
a population, taking account of the age-specific morbidity The North Atlantic Oscillation consists of opposing variations of
rates. Morbidity indicators include chronic disease incidence/ barometric pressure near Iceland and near the Azores. It therefore
prevalence, rates of hospitalisation, primary care consultations, corresponds to fluctuations in the strength of the main westerly
disability-days (i.e., days of absence from work), and prevalence winds across the Atlantic into Europe, and thus to fluctuations in
of symptoms. the embedded cyclones with their associated frontal systems. See
WGI Box 3.4.
Rate of occurrence of death within a population; calculation of North Pacific Index (NPI)
mortality takes account of age-specific death rates, and can thus The NPI is the average mean sea level pressure anomaly in
yield measures of life expectancy and the extent of premature the Aleutian Low over the Gulf of Alaska (30oN- 65oN, 160oE-
death. 140oW). It is an index of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (also
known as the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation). See WGI Box
N. 3.4 for further information.
Net ecosystem production (NEP)
Net ecosystem production is the difference between net primary O.
production (NPP) and heterotrophic respiration (mostly Oil sands and oil shale
decomposition of dead organic matter) of that ecosystem over Unconsolidated porous sands, sandstone rock and shales
the same area. containing bituminous material that can be mined and converted
to a liquid fuel.
Net primary production (NPP)
Net primary production is the gross primary production minus Ombrotrophic bog
autotrophic respiration, i.e., the sum of metabolic processes for An acidic peat-accumulating wetland that is rainwater (instead
plant growth and maintenance, over the same area. of groundwater) fed and thus particularly poor in nutrients.
Appendix II: Glossary
greenhouse gas. In the stratosphere, ozone is created by the A distinction is made between phytoplankton, which depend on
interaction between solar ultraviolet radiation and molecular photosynthesis for their energy supply, and zooplankton, which
oxygen (O2). Stratospheric ozone plays a dominant role in the feed on phytoplankton.
stratospheric radiative balance. Its concentration is highest in
the ozone layer. Policies
In United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
P. (UNFCCC) parlance, policies are taken and/or mandated by a
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) government—often in conjunction with business and industry
Also known as the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO). See within its own country, or with other countries—to accelerate
North Pacific Index. [WGI Box 3.4] mitigation and adaptation measures. Examples of policies
are carbon or other energy taxes, fuel efficiency standards for
Pacific-North American (PNA) pattern automobiles, etc. Common and co-ordinated or harmonised
An atmospheric large-scale wave pattern featuring a sequence policies refer to those adopted jointly by parties.
of tropospheric high- and low-pressure anomalies stretching
from the subtropical west Pacific to the east coast of North Primary production
America. [WGI Box 3.4] All forms of production accomplished by plants, also called
primary producers. See Gross primary production, Net primary
Peat production and Net ecosystem production.
Peat is formed from dead plants, typically Sphagnum mosses,
which are only partially decomposed due to their permanent Projection
submergence in water and the presence of conserving substances A potential future evolution of a quantity or set of quantities,
such as humic acids. often computed with the aid of a model. Projections are
distinguished from predictions in order to emphasise that
Peatland projections involve assumptions concerning, for example,
Typically a wetland such as a mire slowly accumulating peat. future socioeconomic and technological developments that may
or may not be realised, and are therefore subject to substantial
Percentile uncertainty. See also Climate projection.
A percentile is a value on a scale of zero to one hundred that
indicates the percentage of the data set values that is equal to or Proxy
below it. The percentile is often used to estimate the extremes A proxy climate indicator is a local record that is interpreted,
of a distribution. For example, the 90th (10th) percentile may be using physical and bio-physical principles, to represent some
used to refer to the threshold for the upper (lower) extremes. combination of climate-related variations back in time. Climate-
related data derived in this way are referred to as proxy data.
Permafrost Examples of proxies include pollen analysis, tree-ring records,
Ground (soil or rock and included ice and organic material) that characteristics of corals and various data derived from ice
remains at or below 0°C for at least two consecutive years. See cores.
also Frozen ground.
pH Radiative forcing
pH is a dimensionless measure of the acidity of water (or any Radiative forcing is the change in the net, downward minus
solution). Pure water has a pH=7. Acid solutions have a pH upward, irradiance (expressed in Watts per square metre, W/m2)
smaller than 7 and basic solutions have a pH larger than 7. pH at the tropopause due to a change in an external driver of climate
is measured on a logarithmic scale. Thus, a pH decrease of 1 change, such as, for example, a change in the concentration
unit corresponds to a 10-fold increase in the acidity. of carbon dioxide or the output of the Sun. Radiative forcing
is computed with all tropospheric properties held fixed at
Phenology their unperturbed values, and after allowing for stratospheric
The study of natural phenomena in biological systems that temperatures, if perturbed, to readjust to radiative-dynamical
recur periodically (e.g., development stages, migration) and equilibrium. Radiative forcing is called instantaneous if no
their relation to climate and seasonal changes. change in stratospheric temperature is accounted for. For the
purposes of this Technical Paper, radiative forcing is further
Photosynthesis defined as the change relative to the year 1750 and, unless
The process by which green plants, algae and some bacteria take otherwise noted, refers to a global and annual average value.
carbon dioxide from the air (or bicarbonate in water) to build
carbohydrates. There are several pathways of photosynthesis Rangeland
with different responses to atmospheric carbon dioxide Unmanaged grasslands, shrublands, savannas and tundra.
concentrations. See Carbon dioxide fertilisation.
Plankton The use of climate indicators to help determine (generally past)
Micro-organisms living in the upper layers of aquatic systems. climates.
Appendix II: Glossary
Appendix II: Glossary
Appendix II: Glossary
Appendix II: Glossary
signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro by more to sustain human health, livelihoods, production and the
than 150 countries and the European Community. Its ultimate environment.
objective is the ‘stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations
in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous Water stress
anthropogenic interference with the climate system’. It contains A country is water stressed if the available freshwater supply
commitments for all Parties. Under the Convention, Parties relative to water withdrawals acts as an important constraint on
included in Annex I (all OECD member countries in the year development. In global-scale assessments, basins with water
1990 and countries with economies in transition) aim to return stress are often defined as having a per capita water availability
greenhouse gas emissions not controlled by the Montreal below 1,000 m3/yr (based on long-term average runoff).
Protocol to 1990 levels by the year 2000. The Convention Withdrawals exceeding 20% of renewable water supply have also
entered in force in March 1994. See Kyoto Protocol. been used as an indicator of water stress. A crop is water stressed
if soil available water, and thus actual evapotranspiration, is less
Urbanisation than potential evapotranspiration demands.
The conversion of land from a natural state or managed natural
state (such as agriculture) to cities; a process driven by net rural- Water-use efficiency
to-urban migration through which an increasing percentage of Carbon gain in photosynthesis per unit water lost in
the population in any nation or region come to live in settlements evapotranspiration. It can be expressed on a short-term basis as
that are defined as urban centres. the ratio of photosynthetic carbon gain per unit transpirational
water loss, or on a seasonal basis as the ratio of net primary
V. production or agricultural yield to the amount of available
Vector water.
An organism, such as an insect, that transmits a pathogen from
one host to another. Wetland
A transitional, regularly waterlogged area of poorly drained
Vector-borne diseases soils, often between an aquatic and a terrestrial ecosystem,
Diseases that are transmitted between hosts by a vector organism fed from rain, surface water or groundwater. Wetlands are
(such as a mosquito or tick); e.g., malaria, dengue fever and characterised by a prevalence of vegetation adapted for life in
leishmaniasis. saturated soil conditions.
Vulnerability References
Vulnerability is the degree to which a system is susceptible to, AMS, 2000: AMS Glossary of Meteorology, 2nd Edition. American
and unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. http://amsglossary.
including climate variability and extremes. Vulnerability is a
function of the character, magnitude, and rate of climate change Heim, R.R., 2002: A review of twentieth century drought indices
and variation to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and used in the United States. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 83, 1149-
its adaptive capacity. 1165.
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 2000: Land
W. Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry, R. T. Watson, I. R. Noble,
Water consumption B. Bolin, N. H. Ravindranath, D. J. Verardo and D. J. Dokken,
Amount of extracted water irretrievably lost during its use (by Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 375 pp.
evaporation and goods production). Water consumption is equal IUCN, 1980: The World Conservation Strategy: living resource
to water withdrawal minus return flow. conservation for sustainable development. IUCN/UNEP/WWF,
Water security Nakićenović, N. and R. Swart, Eds., 2000: Special Report on
Reliable availability of water in sufficient quantity and quality Emissions Scenarios. Cambridge University Press, 599 pp.
Appendix III: Acronyms, chemical symbols,
scientific units
III.1 Acronyms and chemical symbols
ACIA Arctic Climate Impact Assessment NAO North Atlantic Oscillation
AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome NASA National Aeronautics and Space
AMO Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation Administration
AOGCM Atmosphere–ocean general circulation model NGO Non-governmental organisation
AR4 Fourth Assessment Report (of the IPCC) NH Northern Hemisphere
ARD Afforestation, reforestation and OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation
deforestation and Development
CCS Carbon capture and storage PCBs Polychlorinated biphenyls
CDM Clean Development Mechanism PDO Pacific Decadal Oscillation
CH4 Methane, see Glossary PDR People’s Democratic Republic
CO2 Carbon dioxide, see Glossary PDSI Palmer Drought Severity Index
CRU Climatic Research Unit pH See Glossary under pH
DJF December, January, February PNA Pacific–North American (pattern)
ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin ppm Parts per million, see Appendix III.2
America and the Caribbean PREC/L Precipitation Reconstruction over Land
ENSO El Niño–Southern Oscillation PSA Pacific–South American (pattern)
EROS Earth Resources Observation and Science SAM Southern Annular Mode
ES Executive Summary SAR Second Assessment Report (of the IPCC)
EU European Union SD Standard deviation
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization SI Suitability index
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions SIDS Small Island Developing States
FAR First Assessment Report (of the IPCC)
SLE Sea-level equivalent
GCM General circulation model
SM Supplementary Material
GDP Gross domestic product
SOI Southern Oscillation Index
GHCN Global Historical Climatology Network
SPCZ South Pacific Convergence Zone
GHG Greenhouse gas(es)
SPM Summary for Policymakers
GLOF Glacial lake outburst flood
SRES Special Report on Emissions Scenarios
GNP Gross national product
GPCC Global Precipitation Climatology Centre SST Sea surface temperature
GPCP Global Precipitation Climatology Project SWE Snow water equivalent
HABs Harmful algal blooms SYR Synthesis Report (of the IPCC Fourth
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus Assessment)
IIASA International Institute for Applied TAR Third Assessment Report (of the IPCC)
Systems Analysis TS Technical Summary
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change UK United Kingdom
IPO Inter-decadal Pacific Oscillation UN United Nations
IUCN International Union for the Conservation UNDP United Nations Development Programme
of Nature and Natural Resources (World UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention
Conservation Union) on Climate Change
JJA June, July, August UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
LIA Little Ice Age US$ United States dollar
LULUCF Land use, land-use change and forestry USA United States of America
MARA/ARMA Mapping Malaria Risk in Africa/Atlas du WCP World Climate Programme
Risque de la Malaria en Afrique WGI Working Group I (of the IPCC)
MDG Millennium Development Goal WGII Working Group II (of the IPCC)
MOC Meridional overturning circulation WGIII Working Group III (of the IPCC)
N2O Nitrous oxide, see Glossary WHO World Health Organization
NAM Northern Annular Mode WSP Water safety plan
Appendix III: Acronyms, chemical symbols, scientific units
Appendix IV: List of Authors
Appendix IV: List of Authors
Appendix V: List of Reviewers
Appendix V: List of Reviewers
Wratt, David
Sherwood, Steve
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric
Yale University
USA New Zealand
Shim, Kyo-moon Wurzler, Sabine
National Institute of Agricultural Science and North Rhine Westphalia State Agency for Nature,
Technology Environment and Consumer Protection
South Korea Germany
Sorooshian, Soroosh Yabi, Ibouraïma
University of California, Irvine LECREDE/DGAT/FLASH/UAC
USA Republic of Benin
Tabet-Aoul, Mahi
Research Centre on Social and Cultural
Anthropology (CRASC)
Appendix VI: Permissions to publish
Figure 3.3: Reprinted from Lehner, B. and Co-authors, 2005: Estimating the impact of global change on flood
and drought risks in Europe: a continental, integrated assessment. Climatic Change, 75, 273-299, with kind
permission from Springer Science and Business Media.
Figure 4.1(a): From Fischer, G. and Co-authors, 2002: Global agro-ecological assessment for agriculture
in the 21st century: methodology and results. Research Report RR-02-02. International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria. Reprinted with kind permission of IIASA.
Figure 5.1: Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd [Nature]: O’Reilly, C.M. and Co-
authors, 2003: Climate change decreases aquatic ecosystem productivity of Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Nature,
424, 766-768. Copyright 2003.
Figure 5.3: From Hemp, A., 2005: Climate change-driven forest fires marginalize the impact of ice cap
wasting on Kilimanjaro. Glob. Change Biol., 11, 1013-1023. Reprinted with permission from Blackwell
Publishing Ltd.
Figure 5.4: From Arnell, N.W., 2006b: Climate change and water resources: a global perspective. Avoiding
Dangerous Climate Change, H.J. Schellnhuber, W. Cramer, N. Nakićenović, T. Wigley and G. Yohe, Eds.,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 167-175. Reprinted with permission from Cambridge University
Figure 5.8(a): From Haylock, M.R. and Co-authors, 2006: Trends in total and extreme South American rainfall
1960-2000 and links with sea surface temperature. J. Climate, 19, 1490-1512. Reprinted with permission
from American Meteorological Society.
Figure 5.8(b): From Aguilar, E. and Co-authors, 2005: Changes in precipitation and temperature extremes
in Central America and northern South America, 1961–2003. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D23107, doi:10.1029/
2005JD006119. Copyright (2005) American Geophysical Union. Reproduced by permission of American
Geophysical Union.
Figure 5.12: From Smith, L.C. and Co-authors, 2005: Disappearing Arctic lakes. Science, 308, 1429. Reprinted
with permission from AAAS.
Note: Page numbers in bold indicate page spans for entire chapters. Page numbers in italics denote tables,
figures and boxed material.
Land-use change and management, 118, 119-120 land-use change and management, 118, 119-120
Latin America, 96-102, 129-130 policy implications, 130
adaptation and vulnerability, 50, 100-102, 101 relationship with water, 117
glaciers, 35, 97, 99, 129-130 residue return, 122-123, 123
observed changes, 96-98, 97 synergies with adaptation, 67
pre-Colombian adaptations, 101 unconventional oil, 118, 122
precipitation, 16, 97-98 waste/wastewater management, 118, 121, 123-124, 123
projected changes, 98-100, 129-130 water management policies and, 122-124, 123, 130
runoff, 21-22, 30, 35 See also Adaptation
water-stress, 96, 98, 100, 129 Models. See Climate models
Leptospirosis, 97 Monsoon regimes, 25
Linking of climate change and water resources, Mountain ecosystems, 58
adaptation to climate change, water-related, 48-51 N
future water changes due to climate change, 38-48 Nasca system of water cropping, 101
observed climate change impacts, 35-38 New Zealand. See Australia and New Zealand
See also specific aspects of change and water resources Nile River, 79, 84
Livestock, 62, 64 Nitrogen fertiliser use, 10, 120
Non-climatic drivers of water resources, 8, 10, 43-44
M North America, 102-106, 130
Malaria, 80-81, 100 adaptation, 50, 104-106
Mekong river, 63 case studies of climate change impacts, 104, 105-
Meningitis, 68 106
Meridional overturning circulation (MOC), 24 droughts, 38, 66
Methane lakes and rivers, thermal structure of, 36
hydrodams and, 122 observed change, 102
landfill/wastewater, 123 precipitation, 16
sources and sinks, 24, 130 projected change and consequences, 102-104,
Millennium Development Goals, water sector 102, 130
and, 131 runoff, 21-22
Mitigation, 115-124, 130 North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), 15, 22, 31
afforestation/reforestation, 118, 120-121
avoided/reduced deforestation, 118, 121 O
benefits vs. negative side effects of, 4, 67, 130 Observed changes
bio-energy crops, 117-119, 118 in climate, 15-23
biomass electricity, 118, 119 impacts on water resources, 8-9, 35-38
buildings, energy use in, 118, 119 summary, 3-4
carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS), 117, See also specific regions and sectors
118 Oceans
cropland drainage, 123, 123 circulation, climate feedbacks through, 24
cropland management, 118, 120 salinity, 15, 24
desalinisation, 123, 124 See also Sea-level rise
future data needs, 136-137 Oil, unconventional, 118, 122
geothermal energy, 118, 119, 123, 124
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and, 122-124, 123 P
hydrodams, 122, 123 Pastoralist coping strategies, 64
hydropower, 118, 119 Permafrost. See Frozen ground; Ice
irrigation, 122, 123 Phenology, 60
O Climate change
bservational records and climate projections provide abundant evidence that freshwater resources
are vulnerable and have the potential to be strongly impacted by climate change, with wide-ranging
consequences for human societies and ecosystems.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Technical Paper Climate Change and Water draws
together and evaluates the information in IPCC Assessment and Special Reports concerning the impacts of
climate change on hydrological processes and regimes, and on freshwater resources – their availability, quality,
and water
use and management. It takes into account current and projected regional key vulnerabilities, prospects for
adaptation, and the relationships between climate change mitigation and water. Its objectives are:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up jointly by the World Meteorological
Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme to provide an authoritative international assessment
of scientific information on climate change. Climate Change and Water is one of six Technical Papers prepared
by the IPCC to date. It was prepared in response to a request from the World Climate Programme – Water and
the International Steering Committee of the Dialogue on Water and Climate.