Applied Sciences: Modern Aspects of Cyber-Security Training and Continuous Adaptation of Programmes To Trainees
Applied Sciences: Modern Aspects of Cyber-Security Training and Continuous Adaptation of Programmes To Trainees
Applied Sciences: Modern Aspects of Cyber-Security Training and Continuous Adaptation of Programmes To Trainees
Modern Aspects of Cyber-Security Training and
Continuous Adaptation of Programmes to Trainees
George Hatzivasilis 1,2, * , Sotiris Ioannidis 1,3 , Michail Smyrlis 4,5 , George Spanoudakis 5 ,
Fulvio Frati 6 , Ludger Goeke 7 , Torsten Hildebrandt 8 , George Tsakirakis 9 , Fotis Oikonomou 10 ,
George Leftheriotis 11 and Hristo Koshutanski 12
1 Foundation for Research and Technology–Hellas, Institute of Computer Science, Vassilika Vouton,
70013 Heraklion, Greece;
2 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU),
Estavromenos, 71410 Heraklion, Greece
3 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, 73100 Chania, Greece
4 Innovation Department, Sphynx Technology Solutions AG, 6300 Zug, Switzerland;
5 Research Centre for Adaptive Computing Systems (CeNACS), City, University of London,
London EC1V 0HB, UK;
6 Department of Computer Science, University of Milan, 20122 Milano, Italy;
7 Innovation Department, Social Engineering Academy, 60322 Frankfurt, Germany;
8 Research Department, SimPlan, 63452 Hanau, Germany;
9 Research and Development Department, ITML, 11525 Athens GR, Greece;
10 Applied Research Department, DANAOS Shipping Company, Limassol CY 3300, Cyprus;
11 Systems Certification Department, TUV HELLAS (TUV NORD) SA, 15562 Athens GR, Greece;
12 Research Department, ATOS SPAIN SA, 28037 Madrid, Spain;
* Correspondence: or; Tel.: +30-2810-391600
Received: 6 July 2020; Accepted: 13 August 2020; Published: 17 August 2020
Keywords: cyber-ranges; security training; security modelling; serious games; dynamic adaptation;
training programmes; computers in education; bloom; STRIDE; smart shipping
1. Introduction
The 4th Industrial Revolution brings the Information Society to the foreground. Every day, highly
interconnected systems, utilizing not just the ordinary computer technologies but also the Internet
of Things (IoT) and the cloud, exchange high volumes of data and user-related information [1,2].
This complex ecosystem cannot be safeguarded easily, as the attack surface is continuously increasing,
while the security of the deployed primitives is not always retained [3–5]. Therefore, successful
attacks have been demonstrated by researchers or have been actually performed by hackers, exploiting
the underlying vulnerabilities (e.g., [6,7]). The risk still remains high, not only for large organizations,
but for small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) and individuals as well.
As a human is generally considered the weakest link in a computer system, professional
training is now becoming a necessity [8,9], not only for raising the users’ awareness but also for
training the technical staff to operate the various protection mechanisms that must be acquired
(e.g., cryptographic protocols, intrusion detection/prevention systems, machine learning and artificially
intelligent modules, digital forensics, etc.). Gartner estimates that the global cyber-security awareness
and training market will worth around USD 1.5 billion by 2021 [10].
Except from the related academic education that is mainly designed for computer science students,
professional programmes are gaining more and more ground, ranging from introductory short courses
for non-security persons to highly specialized certifications for security experts. The means to offer
such training include (e.g., [11–19]): traditional in-class teaching, on-line training platforms and
virtual labs, as well as modern cyber-ranges frameworks that mirror an actual system and provide
hands-on experience to the trainee under realistic operational conditions. However, in most cases,
these modules target a specific subset of the potential beneficiaries and their educational flexibility is
limited. Moreover, the training programmes are designed by technical personnel, who, in most cases,
are not aware of the mainstream pedagogical principles. This is a general characteristic of lifelong
education that focuses on adult professionals.
In this paper, we try to tackle this issue by combining pedagogical methods that promote skill
development and security models that capture the security-related aspects of a process. More specifically,
based on the Bloom’s taxonomy [20], we categorized the level of difficulty and knowledge maturity
that is required in order to learn the underlying training modules for a programme, and based
on the Microsoft’s STRIDE model [21], we map all these modules in terms of the security aspects
that they involve. At first, the trainer organizes the educational content and the learning process
for a professional cyber-security certification, by mapping the learning objectives and the training
methods with the Constructive Alignment [22] framework. Then, the trainee consumes the teaching
material and is continuously evaluated. The assessment starts from the knowledge base and the easiest
layers of the Bloom’s taxonomy, and if the user is successful, he/she can proceed to the upper layers
and the advanced training procedures. The Kolb’s learning lifecycle [23] is iteratively performed
until the student masters the involved teaching material and accomplishes the learning objectives.
The training is finished when the trainee has reached a specific level of understanding for the examined
security properties that are included in the STRIDE analysis of this certification. The proposed method
is deployed in the THREAT-ARREST cyber-ranges platform [24] as part of the overall trainee and
training programme assessment.
The rest paper is organized as: Section 2 refers the related work and the background theory.
Section 3 sketches the proposed methodology for the design and evaluation of the cyber-security
training programme. Section 4 details the process for establishing a programme for the personnel of
a smart shipping company and a preliminary implementation in the THREAT-ARREST cyber-ranges
platform. Section 5 summarizes a discussion concerning modern aspects of cyber-security training.
Finally, Section 6 concludes and refers future extensions.
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Table 1. Cyber-security training platforms: (A) THREAT-ARREST, (B) BeOne, (C) Kaspersky, (D)
ISACA CSX, (E) CyberBit, (F) online training platforms. The following notations are utilized for (Y)es,
(N)o, and (P)arial.
Feature A B C D E F
Automatic security vulnerability analysis of a pilot system Y N N N N N
Multi-layer modelling Y P Y Y Y P
Continuous security assurance Y N N Y Y N
Serious gaming Y N Y Y N P
Realistic simulation of cyber systems Y P Y Y Y N
Combination of emulated and real equipment Y N P Y N N
Programme runtime evaluation Y N N Y Y Y
Programme runtime adaptation Y N Y Y N P
Usually, most of the general-purpose e-learning platforms (e.g., Coursera (Mountain View, CA,
USA, 2012–2020), Udacity (Mountain View, CA, USA, 2011–2020), edX (MA, USA, 2012–2020),
etc.) offer introductory and main educational courses on cyber-security. On the other hand,
specialized solutions, such as the SANS (Bethesda, MD, USA, 2000–2020) [11], CyberInternAcademy
(MO, USA, 2017–2020) [12], StationX (London, UK, 1996–2020) [13], Cybrary (College Park, MD, USA,
2016–2020) [14], and AwareGO (Reykjavík, Iceland, 2011–2020) [15], support more advance and focused
training. In most cases, all these approaches target individuals whose goal is to develop/sharpen
new skills. However, they fail to provide hands-on experience on real systems or even cyber-ranges.
Modern cyber-ranges platforms, such as BeOne (Hilversum, The Netherlands, 2013–2020) [16], ISACA’s
CyberSecurity Nexus (CSX) (Rolling Meadows, IL, USA, 1967–2020) [17], Kaspersky (Moscow, Russia,
1997–2020) [18], and CyberBit (Raanana, Israel, 2019–2020) [19], offer more advance features.
THREAT-ARREST combines all modern training aspects of serious gaming [25,26], emulation
and simulation in a concrete manner [27], and offers continuous security assurance and programme
adaptation based on the trainee’s performance and skills (Table 1). The platform [24] offers training
on known and/or new advanced cyber-attack scenarios, taking different types of action against them,
including: preparedness, detection and analysis, incident response, and post incident response actions.
The THREAT-ARREST platform supports the use of security testing, monitoring and assessment tools
at different layers in the implementation stack, including:
The procedure begins by analyzing the organization’s system. The Assurance Tool [28] evaluates
the current security level and reports the most significant security issues that must drive the following
training process. Then, hybrid training programmes are produced, and tailored to the organizational
needs and the trainee types. This includes the main training material along with serious games,
as well as the simulation and emulation of the cyber range system. THREAT-ARREST also provides
continuous evaluation of: (a) the performance of individual trainees in specific training programmes;
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and (b) the effectiveness of training programmes across sub-groups of trainees or the entire organization.
These evaluations are used to tailor programmes to the needs of individual trainees or alter them
at a more macroscopic level.
The whole operation is defined under a methodology called “Cyber Threat and Training
Preparation (CTTP) modelling” [24], which determines the learning goals of a training programme,
the learning path of the trainee, as well as how to drive the on-demand instantiation of the virtual
labs with the advance cyber-ranges features for these programmes and assess the trainee’s
actions automatically.
This article documents this latest characteristic of the THREAT-ARREST platform and the CTTP
modelling concept (see Sections 2.3 and 3). Moreover, the scope of a CTTP programme can be aligned
with cyber-security professional specialization programmes, e.g., from ISACA or ISC2 . Therefore,
the dynamic adaptation of the training process and the continuous improvement and building of skills
constitutes a novel and competitive feature of the THREAT-ARREST solution.
valuable phase for the individuals as they can ask questions on the underlying concepts, which will
hopefully lead to the achievement of the defined learning objectives.
The study in [43] indicates that students can reach competence in cyber-security only via hands-on
learning with virtual labs led by an instructor. Therefore, a proper training programme must
incorporate a series of good content and tutor interaction, pedagogical framework, and essential
virtualized exercises for hands-on interplay. In [44], researchers propose a technology-enhanced
pedagogical framework for training with virtual labs. The process starts by applying the Constructive
Alignment [22] (map intended learning outcomes with deployed teaching activities) for the design
of the curriculum. The learning follows the Kolb’s experiential learning cycle [23] (disassembled
in four subsequent phases of learning for “Concrete Experience”, “Reflective Observation”, “Abstract
Conceptualization”, and “Active Experimentation”) and the educational elements are categorized
based on the Bloom’s Taxonomy [45] (method for the classification of learning objectives into levels of
complexity and specificity). Collaborative learning may also be supported for team work. The students
are evaluated via on-line quizzes and discussion boards.
Several studies also examine the inclusion of modern gamification techniques in the learning
process [46,47]. The implication of serious games is generally considered positive, as the trainee can
become familiarized with the involved topics in a more relaxed manner, even in his/her free time.
Another aspect that is usually neglected in cyber-security training programmes is “psychology”.
This affects both the attacker and the threat model—motivation to devote effort and launch an attack;
and the legitimate user-communication/team-working skills, tendency to ignore warnings or defined
procedures, etc. These issues are examined in [48]. The “age, sex, or cultural background may make
a person more subjectable to some malicious behavior”. Thus, despite their familiarization with
technology, young people may be at greater risk of being tricked by phishing emails than older
ones. Moreover, “different type of trainees has diverse expectations” from a cyber-security course.
For instance, computer science students are mostly interested on how an attack can be performed,
while psychology students focus more on why someone would exploit a vulnerability and harm
a system or a person, and general public may be concerned about the side-effects of a successful hit.
Other challenging issues [49,50] include: (i) the “dynamicity” of the Computer Science,
(ii) the “workforce needs” and the requirement for industry standards, and (iii) a “common taxonomy”
for threats and the underlying security properties. A modern curriculum design methodology must
be able to easily align in the continuous evolving Computer Science and cyber-security fields [49].
Moreover, training programmes should cover the current threat landscape and potentially lead to
a professional certification [50]. A common vocabulary across all these aspects must be followed by
a well-established programme or body of programmes [50].
The THREAT-ARREST platform supports a model-driven operation based on a methodology called
CTTP modelling, which administrates the whole training process. At first, experts examine a piloting
system (i.e., for smart shipping, healthcare, and smart energy) and record its main components, user
types, etc. The core CTTP sub-model defines how a digital twin of this system can be instantiated
on the developed Emulation and Simulation tools. Thereupon, the experts also apply the STRIDE
threat model [21] in order to capture the current security status of the piloting system, including
the potential threats, vulnerabilities, and the proper deployment of the required defense mechanisms.
This information is also part of the core sub-model (a well-structured XML or JSON format [28]) and
offers a common and widely-used vocabulary across the whole training experience.
Based on the analysis outcomes, we identify the most critical security aspects for the examined
organization and tailor a training programme to its needs. The training perspectives are recorded
in the training sub-model. This includes the learning objectives for each trainee type and the organization
as a whole, as well as the dynamic adaptation and skill development features that are presented in this
article (Sections 3 and 4).
The trainer defines complete training programmes with ordinary training material (e.g., lectures,
tutorials, etc.), serious games, and virtual labs (emulated and simulated scenarios). The learning
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 6 of 26
path for2020,
Appl. Sci. a programme
10, x FOR PEER is consisted
REVIEW by a series of CTTP models. Each model defines which of these 6 of 27
modules will be activated and their correlation with the learning objectives (Constructive Alignment).
The model-driven
model-driven approach
approach enables
enables us tous provide
to provide a highvariety
a high varietyofofCTTP
models where
where different
scenarios ofofescalated
escalated difficulty are activated
difficulty based on
are activated the trainee’s
based on the type, expectations,
trainee’s and performance.
type, expectations, and
performance. The variations of a model are mapped in the Bloom’s taxonomy. The trainee begins the
The variations of a model are mapped in the Bloom’s taxonomy. The trainee begins the training
by buildingby building
the basisthe ofbasis of the cognitive
the cognitive learning
learning andproceeding
and then then proceeding to constructivist
to constructivist learning
learning and
and high-order
high-order thinking.thinking. Multi-user
Multi-user CTTP are
CTTP models models are also supported
also supported (i.e.,
(i.e., red/blue team red/blue team CTF
and advance and
advance CTF
scenarios), scenarios),
offering offering also
also collaborative collaborative
learning learning
opportunities. Thus,opportunities.
the successfulThus, theofsuccessful
learning a security
(or other)oftopic
a security (or other)intopic
is performed is performed
several iterationsin several
based on iterations
the Kolb’s based on the
learning Kolb’s
cycle. learning
the Moreover, curriculum
programmes the programmes curriculum
can correlated withcan correlated specification
professional with professional
bodies, specification
such as thosebodies,
such as and
ISACA thoseISC 2
from ISACA
, and and outcomes
learning ISC , and of
2 learning outcomes
the models of the
and the models and
programme as athe programme
whole are mappedas a
whole on
based arethe
mapped based on
Constructive the Constructive
Alignment Alignment methodology.
Figure 1.
1. The
The THREAT-ARREST lifecycle.
THREAT-ARREST lifecycle.
securely. Then, it searches to widely-known security repositories (i.e., CVE) and automatically discovers
the active vulnerabilities of the system (e.g., if a server uses MSQL 5.5.35, then it is vulnerable to buffer
overflow attacks based on the CVE-2014-0001). The vulnerabilities set is assessed in a semi-automated
fashion by the experts, who identify the most significant of them for the evaluated organization. Based
on this information, we define the core assurance sub-model.
Experts also interview the organizations personnel and record the followed operational procedures
(e.g., password-update policy, anti-virus updates, etc.). The training programme is designed afterwards
based on the overall outcomes of this initial analysis.
Moreover, during this phase, the experts gather real-operational log or other data files from
the piloting system. This knowledge is further processed in order to enhance the advance training
procedures of the THREAT-ARREST platform. At first, we perform statistical analysis on the original
data to disclose the statistical patterns of each file. This is performed either through manual examination
by experts or via an automatic statistical analysis module. The goal is to produce synthetic events
(i.e., a series with legitimate and/or phishing emails) or other data (i.e., a database’s content with
dummy but realistic entries) via our Data Fabrication Tool that will be later used in order to provide
advance training under realistic conditions.
the THREAT-ARREST operator, e.g., for the platform modules, the programme, etc., in order to update
and improve our system. All these could form ordinary characteristics of a training platform.
3. Results
the programme
Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 and the underlying training procedures, correlating also threats with
9 of 26
respective defensive countermeasures.
the training programme and the underlying training procedures, correlating also threats with
respective defensive countermeasures.
Figure STRIDEthreat
3.1.2. Today,
Trainingthere are several
Programme threat modelling techniques [51], including Attack Tress, Security
Cards, the MITRE ATT&CK framework, etc. STRIDE is a mnemonic method that focuses on assets.
We choose programmes
this primitive asare established
it can be easilyduring
understoodthe second THREAT-ARREST
and applied modelling
by a trainer during phase
the design
(Section 2.3.1). Atprogramme
of the training first the trainerandmust
the design the lifecycle
underlying training for a training programme.
procedures, correlating also The preparation
threats with
Figure 2. The STRIDE threat model.
of the learning procedure is
respective defensive countermeasures. important and resolves the problem of teaching a learning topic in the
3.1.2. Training timeProgramme
limits of thePreparation
programme. The trainer can sketch the learning evolution and becomes
3.1.2. confident in the class (or
Training Programme virtual class). Problematic issues are foreseen and avoided while the
preparationprogrammes are established
helps in saving during the
time and reveals the potentials
of the educationalmodelling
content. phase
(Section 2.3.1).programmes
At first the are established
trainer must design during
the the second
lifecycle for a THREAT-ARREST
training programme. modelling
The phase
Learning is a cyclic process and involves the four Kolb’s stages [23]. At first, the trainee based
of his/her 2.3.1).
the learning At first
procedure the trainer must design the lifecycle for a training programme. The preparation
on knowledge and is importantfaces
experience and resolves
new problems,the problem of teachingacts,
takes decisions, a learning
and appliestopic what
in the
of the
timein procedure
limits is
of theThen, important
programme. and resolves
trainer can the problem
sketch the of
evolutiona learning topic
and becomes
he/she has learnt practice. the trainee copes with real conditions and acquires new
morethe determined
confident in time
the limits
class (or of the
virtual programme.
class). ProblematicThe trainer
issues can
are sketch
foreseen the
and learning
avoided evolution
while the
experiences. The gained experiences are examined via several perspectives, the results are processed,
timelybecomes more confident
preparation helps in in the class
saving time (or
and virtual
reveals class).
the Problematic
potentials of issues
the are foreseen
educational and avoided
their significance is understood, and conclusions are drawn. Finally, these experiences are grouped,
while the timely is preparation helpsandin saving time and reveals the potentials
[23]. of the educational content.
to scientific a cyclic
data process
and/or theoretic involves the four
approaches, Kolb’s
generalstagesprinciples At
arefirst, the trainee
drawn, based
and action
on Learning
his/her is a
knowledge cyclic process
and and
experience involves
faces the
new four Kolb’s
problems, stages
takes [23].
decisions, At first,
acts, the
and trainee
applies based
guidelines are formed. These phases are repeated in a cyclic manner, as they are depicted in Figure
on his/her knowledge and experience faces new problems, takes decisions, acts, and applies what
3.he/she has learnt in practice. Then, the trainee proceeds, copes with real conditions and acquires new
he/she has learnt
experiences. in practice.
The gained Then, are
experiences theexamined
trainee proceeds,
via several copes with real the
perspectives, conditions
results are and acquires
new experiences. The gained experiences are examined via several
their significance is understood, and conclusions are drawn. Finally, these experiences are grouped, perspectives, the results are
processed, their significance
linked to scientific data and/oris understood,
theoretic and conclusions
approaches, are drawn.
general Finally,
principles arethese
drawn,experiences are
and action
grouped, linked to scientific data and/or theoretic approaches, general principles
guidelines are formed. These phases are repeated in a cyclic manner, as they are depicted in Figure are drawn, and action
3. are formed. These phases are repeated in a cyclic manner, as they are depicted in Figure 3.
The trainee’s evaluation has to be continuous, systematic, methodic, pedagogical, and multi-
factor in terms of what has been taught, learned, and is capable of doing. Thus, an effective training
The trainee’s evaluation has to be continuous, systematic, methodic, pedagogical, and multi-
factor in terms of what has been taught, learned, and is capable of doing. Thus, an effective training
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 10 of 26
The trainee’s evaluation has to be continuous, systematic, methodic, pedagogical, and multi-factor
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 27
in terms of what has been taught, learned, and is capable of doing. Thus, an effective training procedure
must be able must
procedure in adapting
be ableto each individualtotrainee’s
in adapting needs and capabilities,
each individual trainee’s needsand continually contribute
and capabilities, and
their improvement.
contribute to their improvement.
BenjaminBloom Bloomwas wasoneoneofofthethefirst
categorizedthe theeducational
objectives and the related educational goals [20]. The so called “Bloom’s
objectives and the related educational goals [20]. The so called “Bloom’s taxonomy” is one of taxonomy” isthe
the main principles of the educational sciences, which has been revised and
principles of the educational sciences, which has been revised and updated in the last years [45]. In updated in the last
years [45].the
general, In general,
taxonomy theforms
taxonomy forms a hierarchical
a hierarchical model formodel for the classification
the classification of educational
of educational learning
learning objectives into levels of specificity and complexity. The overall
objectives into levels of specificity and complexity. The overall method tries to enhance the method tries to enhance
the communication
communication between
between educatorsononthe
educators thedesign
designof of curricula,
curricula, exercises,
exercises, and
and examinations.
examinations. ItIthas has
been adopted by related teaching philosophies that lean more on skills rather
been adopted by related teaching philosophies that lean more on skills rather than on content. than on content.
withthe the33bottom
understanding,and andapplying)
denoting the basic understanding of the examined topic, while the coverage of the 33top
the basic understanding of the examined topic, while the coverage of the topones
(analyzing, evaluating, and creating) reveals that the trainee has achieved a higher-order
(analyzing, evaluating, and creating) reveals that the trainee has achieved a higher-order of thinking. of thinking.
procedureisisbuilt builtfrom
bottom-up,as asthe
throughthe thecognitive,
affective,and and sensory
sensorylearning domains
learning domains [45].[45].
Starting fromfrom
Starting the lowest maturity
the lowest layer, where
maturity layer,the trainee
where the
needs only to know the basic learning material, the process may reach at
trainee needs only to know the basic learning material, the process may reach at the highest point,the highest point, where
the trainee
where the must
haveunderstood the overall
fully understood learninglearning
the overall concept.concept.
Figure Figure
4 illustrates the main
4 illustrates the
features for the latest revisited Bloom’s taxonomy
main features for the latest revisited Bloom’s taxonomy [52]. [52].
Figure Therevisited
assessthe thetrainee’s
development is promoted with “higher-order thinking”. This also forms the final
development is promoted with “higher-order thinking”. This also forms the final aim of the Bloom’s aim of the Bloom’s
taxonomy—buildingaaculture cultureofofthinking.
The Blooms taxonomy
The Blooms taxonomy was chosen
was chosen forfor
scope of our
scope study
of our (instead
study of other
(instead candidate
of other ones ones
candidate like
likeMiller’s pyramid
the Miller’s [39]) as:
pyramid (i) itas:
[39]) fully
(i) covers
it fullythe educational
covers objectivesobjectives
the educational for cyber-security training,
for cyber-security
(ii) it is a well-established pedagogical methodology and widely-known among
training, (ii) it is a well-established pedagogical methodology and widely-known among tutors, tutors, and (iii) it offers
good it balance
offers abetween simplicity
good balance and completeness
between for the
simplicity and categorization
completeness for ofthethe learning elements.
categorization of the
learning elements.
3.1.3. Continuous Trainee Assessment and Dynamic Adaptation of the Training Process
trainee is Trainee Assessment
taught the teaching and Dynamic
material Adaptation
and then ofevaluated
he/she is the Training
a single or several
learning cycles). Afterwards, the results are surveyed and feedback is provided (both to the trainee
The trainee is taught the teaching material and then he/she is evaluated (in a single or several
and the trainer). During the evaluation phase, the overall process chooses the involved learning goals
learning cycles). Afterwards, the results are surveyed and feedback is provided (both to the trainee
that will be evaluated (based on the teaching material which has been consumed by the specific trainee
and the trainer). During the evaluation phase, the overall process chooses the involved learning goals
so far) and records the trainee’s achievements. The process selects these goals based on the Bloom’s
that will be evaluated (based on the teaching material which has been consumed by the specific
revisited taxonomy, starting from the bottom (base of the knowledge pyramid) to the top (advanced
trainee so far) and records the trainee’s achievements. The process selects these goals based on the
Bloom’s revisited taxonomy, starting from the bottom (base of the knowledge pyramid) to the top
(advanced knowledge and hands-on capabilities/experiences). As the trainee accomplishes the lower-
level goals, he/she proceeds to the upper/layers. Denoting also the increment of the training difficulty.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 11 of 26
knowledge and hands-on capabilities/experiences). As the trainee accomplishes the lower-level goals,
he/she proceeds to the upper/layers. Denoting also the increment of the training difficulty.
When the accomplishment ratio for the goals of a specific maturity layer goes beyond a threshold
(i.e., 85%), we consider that the trainee has “cover” this layer. Thus, four “professional certification
levels” are determined for each educational phase, based on the layers of the Bloom’s taxonomy:
• Foundation: the trainee has covered the first layer. He/she knows the main theoretic background
of the educational topic.
• Practitioner: the trainee proceeds and accomplishes the layers 2–3. He/she has practical knowledge
regarding the application and operation of the underlying concepts.
• Intermediate: the trainee reaches the layers 4–5. He/she has hands-on experience and technical
knowledge regarding the deployment and management correlation of the various learning subjects.
• Expert: the trainee reaches the top layer 6. He/she has complete knowledge of the educational
topic and is able in designing, developing, and administrating all aspects of the involved subject.
The absolute completion of a topic (100%) presents that the trainee has successfully learned all
the underlying learning goals. Moreover, various trainee types with divert expectations and skill
development needs could target a different level of certification.
Ships are becoming more and more integrated with shore-side operations because digital
communication is being used to conduct business, manage operations, and stay in touch with head
office. Furthermore, critical ship systems essential to the safety of navigation, power and cargo
management have been increasingly digitalized and connected to the Internet to perform a wide
variety of legitimate functions (e.g., updates, versioning upgrades, remote maintenance, voyage or
ship performance monitoring from ashore, etc.). The ship–shore interface is conducted with several
communication methodologies and5.5.
Figure protocols
Smart whistle
shipping cyber
system threats could be applicable to the full
range of networking.
schematic approach more
are becoming on
on the aforementioned
more integratednetworking
networking for
for consumption
with shore-side of
of services
because between
two distinct
distinct partners
partners (shore
(shore and ship, supplier and vessel, third-party
communication is being used to conduct business, manage operations, and stay in touch withOS system provider and vessel,
office.isis Furthermore,
following. The
following. The nextfigure
critical figure
ship isis displaying
systemsdisplaying and
essential describing
to describing
the safety thethenavigation,
of configuration
configurationpowerof DANAOS’
and cargo
management have protocols (web services,
been increasingly emails,
emails, telco,
digitalized and calls
telco, calls etc.)
etc.) and
connected and security
to the protections.
Internet to perform Firewalls
a wide
applied at
variety of eacheach side of junctions
side offunctions
legitimate between
between network
updates, components
versioning and data
upgrades, remote protection
protection is
secured with
not storing
storing data
data in
in centralized
centralized repositories
repositories but with
with controlling
controlling from aa tailor-made
ship performance monitoring from ashore, etc.). The ship–shore interface is conducted with several and
and internally
communication service platform
platform (DANAOSone
servicemethodologies(DANAOSone platform
and protocolsplatform [54]).
whistle The overall
cyber threats platform
could bemodules
applicable aretodepicted
the full
in Figure
range 6.
of networking.
A schematic approach on the aforementioned networking for consumption of services between
two distinct partners (shore and ship, supplier and vessel, third-party OS system provider and vessel,
etc.) is following. The next figure is displaying and describing the configuration of DANAOS’
communication protocols (web services, emails, telco, calls etc.) and security protections. Firewalls
applied at each side of junctions between network components and data protection is secured with
not storing data in centralized repositories but with controlling from a tailor-made and internally
developed service platform (DANAOSone platform [54]). The overall platform modules are depicted
in Figure 6.
Cyber threats are raised where vulnerabilities in the system exist. A cyber-attack involves
the attacker who in turn is motivated to trigger the attack in order to achieve a certain objective and
the victim, who in turn faces the consequences of the attack. Protective barriers either in the form of
technical protection or human awareness are set forward to prevent attack from impacting the system
network components and cause negative consequences [55]. A schematic flow of cyber threat
mechanism is given in Figure 7.
Figure 7.
Figure 7. Flow
Flow of
of cyber
cyber threat
threat mechanism.
Appl. Sci. personnel
2020, 10, 5702 should be able to identify the signals when a system has14been of 26
compromised. For example, training scenarios should trigger and evaluate user awareness aiming at
the effective and efficient identification of hidden threats between applicable signs such as:
• An unresponsive or slow to respond system;
•• An unresponsive
Unexpected or slow
password to respond
changes system; users being locked out of a system;
or authorized
• Unexpected password changes or authorized users being locked out of a system;
• Unexpected errors in programs, including failure to run correctly or programs running; unexpected
• Unexpected errors in programs, including failure to run correctly or programs running;
or sudden changes in available disk space or memory;
unexpected or sudden changes in available disk space or memory;
• Emails being returned unexpectedly;
• Emails being returned unexpectedly;
• Unexpected network connectivity difficulties;
• Unexpected network connectivity difficulties;
•• Frequent
Frequent system
system crashes;
•• Abnormal
Abnormal hard
hard drive
drive or
or processor
•• Unexpected
Unexpected changes
changes to to browser,
4.3. Teaching
Teaching and
and Learning
Learning Strategies
At first,
first, we
we begin
begin by
by establishing
establishing aa training
training programme
programme that
that is
is tailored
tailored to
to the
the organization’s
particularities. Then, we model the overall “learning path” (from basic to advance
particularities. Then, we model the overall “learning path” (from basic to advance training) training)
the trainee
trainee startsstarts the process.
the process. He/she He/she is continuously
is continuously evaluated,evaluated, and the
and the learning learning are
procedures procedures
are adaptedneeds.
to his/hers to his/hers
Figureneeds. Figure
8 sketches the 8overall
sketches the overall
process, which process,
is furtherwhich is further
detailed detailed
in the following
in the following
subsections. subsections.
Initially, security
security experts
experts interview
interview thethe personnel
personnel of of the
the evaluated
evaluated organization
organization (i.e.,
(i.e., DANAOS
shipping company). Then, we execute the Assurance Tool of the THREAT-ARREST THREAT-ARREST platform platform [24,28]
with thethe specifications
specifications ofof the
the pilot
pilot system
system (e.g.,
(e.g., software
software modules,
modules, hardware
hardware equipment,
equipment, network
topology, business processes, etc.). With this Tool, we can: (i) export the system’s
topology, business processes, etc.). With this Tool, we can: (i) export the system’s security security vulnerabilities
and threats, (ii)and
vulnerabilities conduct a risk
threats, analysis atorisk
(ii) conduct identify
analysisthetomost significant
identify the mostof them, and of
significant (iii)them,
statistical analysis on the various system log-files in order to produce realistic synthetic
(iii) perform statistical analysis on the various system log-files in order to produce realistic synthetic logs (i.e., with
(i.e., with Data Fabrication
the platform’s Tool).
Data Afterwards,
Fabrication these
Tool). logs are utilized
Afterwards, by the
these logs areCTTP models
utilized by the and can
be processed
models and canby the Gamification,
be processed Emulation,
by the and/or
Gamification, Simulation
Emulation, Tools Simulation
and/or [25–27]. Tools [25–27].
After the initial analysis, we define which are the main user/trainee types (e.g., simple users,
operators, administrators, security experts, business managers and general personnel, CISOs, etc.),
the security-related
security-related features (based on the STRIDE model), and the learning goals that we want want to to
achieve (based on the Bloom’s taxonomy).
(based on the Bloom’s taxonomy). Furthermore, we determine the involved learning
involved learning topics topics
that have
havetotobe be
taught to the
taught toorganization’s personnel
the organization’s for the basic
personnel training
for the basicprocedure
training (e.g., information
procedure (e.g.,
systems security, network security, cryptography, social-engineering,
information systems security, network security, cryptography, social-engineering, password password management, etc.).
For the advance training procedures, several valuable scenarios are also designed (e.g., serious games,
emulated and/or simulated settings, potential synthetic logs, etc.).
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 15 of 26
The outcome is a tailored training programme for the specific needs of the evaluated user types.
The programme specifies the learning topics and the advance evaluation scenarios for each trainee
type, along with the correlated learning goals.
Applicable personnel should be able to identify the signals when a system has been compromised.
The objective is to increase the security awareness in shipping ICT systems’ operators, and security
attacks and help towards identifying new threats which jeopardize the operations of ICT systems
in the Shipping Management industry.
A secure network depends on the IT/OT set up onboard the ship, and the effectiveness of
the company policy based on the outcome of the risk assessment.
Special attention should be given when there has been no control over who has access to
the on-board systems. This could, for example, happen during dry-docking, layups or when taking
over a new or existing ship.
Cyber Security protection measures may be technical and focused on ensuring that on-board
systems are designed and configured to be resilient to Cyber Attacks. Protection measures may also
be procedural and should be covered by company policies, safety management procedures, security
procedures and access controls.
Implementation of Cyber Security controls should be prioritized, focusing first on those measures,
or combinations of measures, which offer the greatest benefit.
The guidelines for preventing deliberate attacks on ships and port facilities is defined
in the International Ship and Facility Security Code ISPS adopted by the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) in 2002 [56]. DANAOS is also following the guidelines of the Center of Internet
security (CIS) [57] to apply critical security controls to equipment and data onboard vessels.
Figure9.9. Scenarios
Figure Scenarios overview.
From theprevious
figure, Table
Table 2 summarizes
2 summarizes the the
mainmain cyber-ranges
cyber-ranges exercises
exercises that been
that have have
been implemented
implemented so far. so far. Notice
Notice that duethat duemodel-driven
to the to the model-driven
approachapproach of the THREAT-ARREST
of the THREAT-ARREST platform,
we we can
can easily easilyaproduce
produce a highof
high volume volume of variations
variations of these of these
four four scenarios
scenarios and theand the related
related CTTP
CTTP models
models (as depicted
(as depicted in Figurein9),Figure 9), supporting
supporting the dynamic theadaptation
dynamic adaptation features
features based on thebased on the
methods thatmethods that were
were described in described
the previous in the previous
sections. sections.the
Moreover, Moreover, the same
same models can models can
be applied
in applied in other application
application domains (e.g., domains (e.g., smart
smart energy, energy,etc.)
healthcare, healthcare, etc.)changes.
with slight with slight changes.
Table MainSmart
## Description
Description Trainee Type
Trainee Type Security Expertise
Security Expertise Platform Tools
Platform Tools
• Emulation
The organization’s • • Emulation
44 Digital Forensics The organization’s Security experts • Simulation
Digital Forensics Security experts
security engineers
security engineers •• Data
Data Fabrication
The smartshipping
basedonon the
the system
system of
of the
DANAOS shipping
shipping company.
company. This
This mainly
includes backend
backend systemsystem at the organization’s
at the organization’s premises,
premises, along along
with the with communication
platform platformas(DANAOSone),
(DANAOSone), as well
well as the systems as smart
on the the systems
andthe smart
their vessels and with
communication their
the with the
main system. Figure main system.
10 depicts the pilot’sFigure 10 depicts
architecture the components.
and main pilot’s architecture and main
For the deployment of the main Virtual Labs under THREAT-ARREST, the backend system and
For the
the system ofdeployment
smart vesselsofare
main Virtual
The Labs under THREAT-ARREST,
operational the on-board
behavior of the vessels’ backend system and
the system
(e.g., of smart
navigation vessels
modules, smartare emulated.
devices, etc.) isThe operational behavior of the vessels’ on-board
equipment (e.g., navigation modules, smart devices, etc.) is simulated.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 17 of 26
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 27
Figure 10.
10. The
The Smart
Smart Shipping
Shipping pilot
pilot architecture
architecture and
and Virtual Lab deployment.
Application Example
Application Example of of the
STRIDE Model Model and and thethe Bloom
Bloom Taxonomy
In this
In this subsection,
subsection, we we will
will describe
describe the the application
application of of the
STRIDE methodology
methodology for for the
the modelling
of the security aspects of the social engineering scenario. The trainee
of the security aspects of the social engineering scenario. The trainee type is the captain of the type is the captain of the vessel
(valuable actuator with moderate security knowledge). He/she must
(valuable actuator with moderate security knowledge). He/she must start a (simulated) journey from start a (simulated) journey from
the Heraklion
the Heraklionport porttotoPiraeus,
Piraeus, whichwhich will be designated
will be designated by the bybackend
the backendoffice office
via an viaemailantoemail
the captain.
to the
All legitimate emails are digitally signed with
captain. All legitimate emails are digitally signed with PGP. PGP.
The programme
The programme involves
involves the the security
security aspects
aspects of of “Tampering”
“Tampering” and and “Spoofing”.
“Spoofing”. During During the the basic
training, the trainee gets familiar with the main cryptographic primitives
training, the trainee gets familiar with the main cryptographic primitives (Remembering), practices (Remembering), practices
cryptography via
cryptography via related
related tools,
tools, i.e.,
i.e., CryptTool-2,
CryptTool-2, (Understanding),
(Understanding), and and signs/verifies
signs/verifies emailsemails with
with PGP PGP
(Applying). Moreover,
(Applying). Moreover, the the trainee
trainee is is touch
touch the the general
general concepts
concepts of of social
social engineering
engineering and and phishing
attacks (Remembering), reviews specific examples of attacks
attacks (Remembering), reviews specific examples of attacks and plays a PROTECT game and plays a PROTECT game with awith social a
engineering card-deck (Understanding), and tries to classify email
social engineering card-deck (Understanding), and tries to classify email examples as legitimate orexamples as legitimate or malicious
malicious (Applying).
For the
For the advance
(Analyzing/Evaluating) as as
thethe emulated
emulated scenario
scenario starts,
starts, a faulty
a faulty (but
(but legitimate) email, commanding the captain to go to the Thessaloniki
legitimate) email, commanding the captain to go to the Thessaloniki port, is sent. The email contains port, is sent. The email
the details theofdetails
another ofjourney
anotherand journey
was andsent was
to thesent to thebytrainee
trainee mistake: by mistake:
(i) the trainee(i) theidentifies
trainee identifies
that this
that this is a legitimate email, (ii) since the destination port was Piraeus,
is a legitimate email, (ii) since the destination port was Piraeus, the trainee understands that this emailthe trainee understands that
this email
was sent to was sent to by
him/her him/her by mistake,
mistake, and (iii)and the (iii) the trainee
trainee ignoresignores the email
the email and reports
and reports it backit back
to theto
the backend office. Then, the trainee receives a malicious (phishing)
backend office. Then, the trainee receives a malicious (phishing) email, alerting him/her that a bad email, alerting him/her that a bad
weather condition
weather conditionwill willtake
place, thus,
he/she needsneedsto gototogoanother port to
to another make
port a stop:a(i)stop:
to make the trainee
(i) the
trainee that thisthat
identifies is athis
phishing email and
is a phishing email ii) and
ignores the email
ii) ignores the and
emailreports it to the
and reports backend
it to the backendoffice.
Lastly, the captain receives a legitimate email with the weather forecast,
office. Lastly, the captain receives a legitimate email with the weather forecast, denoting that the denoting that the weather is
good, andisthe
weather destination
good, and the isdestination
the Piraeusisport: (i) the trainee
the Piraeus port: understands
(i) the traineethat this is a legitimate
understands that thisemail is a
and (ii) starts the journey in the Simulation Tool (where CTTP
legitimate email and (ii) starts the journey in the Simulation Tool (where CTTP simulation simulation sub-models can be activated
with on-ship
models can beattacks for more
activated complexattacks
with on-ship scenarios, i.e., GPS
for more spoofing).
complex scenarios, i.e., GPS spoofing).
If the trainee succeeded in all steps and has learnt
If the trainee succeeded in all steps and has learnt the underlying concepts, the underlying concepts, he/she
he/she cancanact asactthe
the trainer and create the emails (legitimate, faulty, or malicious) that will be
trainer and create the emails (legitimate, faulty, or malicious) that will be sent to other trainees during sent to other trainees during
the emulation
the emulation scenario
scenario (Create).
(Create). Table
Table 33 summarizes
summarizes the the modelling
modelling stepssteps for for the
the social
social engineering
scenario of
scenario of Table
Table 22 and
and Figure
Figure 9. The overall
9. The overall accomplishments
accomplishments of of the
the trainee
trainee disclose
disclose his/her
his/her level
level ofof
understanding concerning the tampering and spoofing perspectives of social engineering attacks and
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 18 of 26
understanding concerning the tampering and spoofing perspectives of social engineering attacks and
the usage of the relevant countermeasures that would assure integrity and authentication, respectively.
Once a good level of understanding has been accomplished by the trainee, he/she can proceed
with the related advance training scenarios, which are modelled in the form of CTTP models.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 19 of 26
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4.6.2. AdvanceWhen a trainee starts a game, the Training Tool collects the learning topics that have been
consumed by the specific trainee and sends them to the Gamification Tool. Then, the game selects
randomly training
The advance a set of theinvolves
from thesimulated
pool that contain the learning
scenarios topics in 9their
(see Figure and Table 2).
tag-list. The trainee plays the game and the score is maintained within the game. Once it is over, the
Once the trainee has completed the basic training for a learning unit, the accompanied CTTP models are
overall evaluation is sent back to the Training Tool and the trainee’s profile is updated.
activated in theTheTraining Tool’s
basic training is Dashboard and thewhen
considered successful trainee can now proceed with the advanced training.
the trainee:
The CTTP models describe a virtual system and how to instantiate it via the Emulation and Simulation
• Has consumed the main teaching material;
Tools. In most
• cases,
Has thisthevirtual
passed trainingsystem will
evaluation resemble
(e.g., exercises,the pilot
exams, system
etc.) with anof the evaluated
adequate score; organization.
The trainee chooses
Has passed onewhich
a game, of the available/active
contains all the involved CTTP
learningmodels from
topics of the the unit,
learning Dashboard.
with an Then,
adequate score.
the Training Tool parses the CTTP model and identifies the underlying emulated/simulated components,
exports the instantiation
Once a good levelscripts for each of
of understanding hasthese emulated/simulated
been accomplished by the trainee,components, and deploys
he/she can proceed
with the related advance training scenarios, which are modelled in the form of
the components sequentially, based on a designated instantiation order which is defined in the CTTP CTTP models.
4.7. Resources
4.7. Resources Required
Required to
to Complete
Complete the
the Training
THREAT-ARREST platformincludes
mechanismsthatthat have
have beenbeen deployed
deployed with
with respect
respect to
to the
the aggregated scoring of trainees in the various training scenarios, in order to provide real-time
aggregated scoring of trainees in the various training scenarios, in order to provide real-time
assessment information
assessment information through
through the
the interface
interface of
of the
the Training
Training Tool.
Tool. The
The evaluation
evaluation process
process is
is briefly
depicted in Figure 13.
depicted in Figure 13.
Scoring method
Figure 13. Scoring method for
for trainees’
trainees’ performance
performance assessment.
Based on that, two complementary basic scoring “sources” are being used:
1 A quantitative (automated) scoring based on the TREAT-ARREST platform’s tools and the relevant
information derived from the CTTP Models. The first one can be divided to three sub-scores
stemmed from:
The overall score is calculated through the formula presented at the bottom of Figure 13, with
the weights of each score to be defined by the administrator or the trainer. The exact algorithm
and weights are pre-defined, based on a specific scenario/exercise and the CTTP Programmes
standardization/certification associations.
Additionally, to the evaluation of the individual progress of each trainee, we also need a way
to evaluate a CTTP Programme for an organization. Thus, aggregated metrics are also utilized to
capture the success of an organization’s trainees. In the main form, the min and max scores will be
used from all the pilot trainees to disclose the deviation of the training among trainees of the same
category (e.g., administrators) as well as the mean value and regression analysis to reflect the overall
achievement and the generic security posture of the examined organization.
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 21 of 26
Figure 14.
14.14. Trainee’s
Trainee’s scores.
Figure 15. Smart
Smart shipping
shipping trainees’
trainees’ scores
scores and and
and overall
overall programme
programme evaluation
evaluation graphs.
DANAOS capitalizes
capitalizes on on THREAT-ARREST
on the the THREAT-ARREST
platform which
which delivers
delivers security
security training, based
training, based based
on a model-driven
on aonmodel-driven
a model-driven approach
approach where
approach where
where CTTP models,
CTTP specifying
models, specifyingthethe the potential
potential attacks,
attacks,the the security
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 22 of 26
of cyber systems against them, and the tools that may be used to assess the effectiveness of these
controls while driving the training process, and align it (where possible) with operational cyber system
security assurance mechanisms to ensure the relevance of training.
The THREAT-ARREST’s maritime pilot objective is to increase the security awareness in shipping
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) systems’ operators, and security attacks and
help towards identifying new threats which jeopardize the operations of ICT systems in the Shipping
Management industry.
5. Discussion
Cyber-security training is always important for the general public and can be even imperative for
some economic sectors. The evolving digitalization of our daily activities is expected to bring more
and more cyber-security in the foreground. Although there is a plethora of training platforms with
advance technical features, the focus to the pedagogical aspects is expected to gain more focus for
the next generation of these platforms.
The European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO) along with the European Cybersecurity
Competence Network Pilot projects published a concrete report for 2019–2020 [58,59], concerning
the modern features and aspects that novel cyber-security training platforms have to support.
The overall THREAT-ARREST approach supports several of the modern educational features that
an innovative training environment has to support, such as virtual labs, serious games, collaborating
exercises, discussion sessions, the human in the training loop, etc. Moreover, the maritime
sector is identified among the important economic sectors that require advance cyber-security
training programmes.
This paper tackles the incorporation of educational methods to the overall lifecycle of a complete
training programme with the dynamic adaptation of the training process to the trainee’s particularities.
In the current version, these procedures are more-or-less predefined to some degree by the trainer or
the programme designer. Therefore, we can support different difficulty levels for different trainee types
(ranging from main security for the general public to advance training for security experts), as well
as, the gradual building of the Bloom’s knowledge pyramid for each one of them. The model-driven
operation enables us to easily generate a high variety of training models and cope with the dynamicity
of the training requirements.
One important aspect which should be offered by a modern platform based on the surveys from
ECSO [58,59], is the adaptation of the training based on machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Therefore, the dynamicity will be mostly supported by an intelligent system and will be further adapted
to a person’s behavior. The goal is to make the training even more human-centric. The THREAT-ARREST
platform does not support this functionality. Nevertheless, the benchmarking of the training modules
(Section 4.8) could act as a training dataset for the potential machine learning proposals. Improvements
can be suggested regarding the time that is required for specific trainee groups to complete an exercise,
the use of assistive hints throughout the exercise, as well as the assessment of the mapping between
the training modules and the learning objectives. Furthermore, a model-driven design, such as the one
developed by THREAT-ARREST, could make the implementation of this vision feasible.
As aforementioned, expansion to other economic sectors and industries should also be
considered [58]. Now, we are in progress of providing targeted training scenarios for healthcare
and smart energy piloting systems. Videos with demos for the main platform tools as well
as a set of training scenarios can be found on our YouTube channel at
UCBUClnDkE6cjYtw7cEgP0vQ. The platform is currently under evaluation and actual training
sessions with real employees from the shipping company are to be conducted this summer.
6. Conclusions
This paper proposes an educational methodology for the dynamic adaptation of cyber-security
training programmes. A training session is disassembled into learning topics, which are then
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 5702 23 of 26
categorized based on the revisited Bloom’s taxonomy and are mapped to the STRIDE security model.
The trainee starts the learning process by consuming the main teaching material (e.g., lectures, tutorials,
videos, etc.) and proceeds to more advance learning procedures, involving hands-on experience on
emulated/simulated components. The trainee is continuously evaluated. The assessment begins from
learning topics that cover the knowledge basis of the examined teaching unit (modelled in the Bloom’s
taxonomy), and if the trainee is successful, he/she can proceed to the correlated modules for advanced
training. The beneficiary aims to develop his/her skills and earn a professional certification on
specific cyber-security fields, based on the four specialization levels that are offered (foundation,
practitioner, intermediate, and expert). The overall method is integrated in the cyber-ranges platform
THREAT-ARREST and a preliminary application is presented, where a training programme for smart
shipping personnel is established.
As a future extension, we consider the further evaluation of the method based on feedback that
we receive by trainers and/or other users of the platform. Artificial Intelligence empowered by machine
learning for the adaptation of the training to the trainee’s skills is also an interesting approach that can
be implemented when a sufficient volume of trainee profiles has been collected from future iterations.
Moreover, we are now planning new training programmes for the cases of healthcare and smart
energy organizations.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, all co-authors; methodology, G.H., F.O., and G.L.; software, M.S.,
G.T., F.F., L.G. and T.H.; validation, F.O., G.H., H.K. and G.L.; resources, F.O.; data curation, M.S. and G.T.;
writing—original draft preparation, G.H.; writing—review and editing, G.H. and M.S.; visualization, T.H., G.T.
and L.G.; Supervision and Project administration, S.I. and G.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work has received funding from the European Union Horizon’s 2020 research and innovation
programme H2020-DS-SC7-2017, under grant agreement No. 786890 (THREAT-ARREST).
Acknowledgments: This work has received funding from the European Union Horizon’s 2020 research and
innovation programme H2020-DS-SC7-2017, under grant agreement No. 786890 (THREAT-ARREST).
Conflicts of Interest: “The authors declare no conflict of interest”.
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