Lectura Espectroscopia Absorción Atómica
Lectura Espectroscopia Absorción Atómica
Lectura Espectroscopia Absorción Atómica
long-lived radio-isotopes of the elements to be Hieftje GM and Norman LA (1992) Plasma source mass
analy- sed are added as internal standards, e.g. the spectrometry. Imtermatiomal Jomrmal of Mass
use of 111Cd in the analysis of 114Cd. In addition, Spectro- metry amd Iom Processes 118/119: 519–
ICP-MS can be extremely useful in speciation. In 57S.
this respect, there is a growing interest in the use of Iribarne JV and Thomson BA (1976) On the evaporation
ICP-MS directly coupled to LC or capillary of small ions from charged droplets. Jomrmal of
electrophoresis for speciation and analysis of CSemical PSysics 64: 2287 and (1979) Field induced
elements of toxicological interest, like As, Se, Pb ion evaporation from liquid surfaces at atmospheric
pressure. Jomrmal of CSemical PSysics 71: 4451.
and Hg.
Knewstubb PF and Sugden TM (1958) Mass-
See also: Chemical Ionization in Mass Spectrome- spectrometric observation of ions in flames. Natmre
try; Chromatography-MS, Methods; Cosmochemical 181: 474–475.
Applications Using Mass Spectrometry; Inductively Knewstubb PF and Sugden TM (1958) Mass-
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Methods; Inor- spectrometric observation of ions in hydrocarbon
ganic Chemistry, Applications of Mass Spectrometry. flames. Natmre 181: 1261.
Meek JM and Craggs JD (1978) Electrical Breaddomm of
Gases. Chichester: Wiley.
Further reading Meng CK, Mann M and Fenn JB (1988) Proceedimgs of
tSe -6tS ASMS Comferemce om Mass Spectrometry amd
Bruins AP, Covey TR and Henion JD (1987) Ion spray Allied Topics, June 5–10, San Francisco, CA,
interface for combined liquid chromatography/atmo- pp. 771–772.
spheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry. Niessen WMA (1998) Liqmid CSromatograpSy – Mass
Amalyti- cal CSemistry 59: 2642–2646. Specctrometry, 2nd edn. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Carroll DI, Dzidic I, Horning EC and Stillwell RN (1981) Niessen WMA (1998) Advances in instrumentation in liq-
Atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry. uid chromatography – mass spectrometry and related
Applied Spectroscopic Reviem 17: SS7–406. liquid-introduction techniques. Jomrmal of CSromatog-
Chowdhury SK, Katta V and Chait BT (1990) An elec- rapSy A 794: 407–4S5.
trospray-ionization mass spectrometer with new fea- Vela NP, Olson LK and Caruso JA, Elemental speciation
tures. Rapid Commmmicatioms of Mass Spectrometry with plasma mass spectrometry. Amalytical CSemistry
4: 81–87. 65: 585A–597A.
Cole RB (ed) (1997) Electrospray Iomiçatiom Mass Spec- Yamashita M and Fenn JB (1984) Electrospray ion
trometry. Chichester, UK: Wiley. source. Another variation on the free-jet theme.
Fenn JB, Mann M, Meng CK, Wong SF and Whitehouse Jomrmal of PSysical CSemistry 88: 4451–4459.
CM (1989) Electrospray ionization for mass spectro- Yamashita M and Fenn JB (1984) Negative ion
metry of large biomolecules. Sciemce 246: 64–71. production with the electrospray ion source. Jomrmal
of PSysical CSemistry 88: 4671–4675.
The basic principle of both FAAS and ETAAS is that
sample is introduced into the atom cell, where it is
desolvated and then atomized. The analyte atoms
so formed then quantitatively absorb light in a way
that is proportional to the concentration of the atoms
of the analyte in the cell. The light, which is at a
specific wavelength, is then isolated from other
wavelengths that may be emitted by the atom cell Figure 1 Schematic representation of a hollow-cathode lamp.
and then detect- ed. Thus, much of the From Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic
Spectrometry. Reproduced by permission of John Wiley & Sons
instrumentation used for elec- trothermal and flame Limited.
absorption spectroscopy is identical. Both
techniques require a similar light source,
background correction system, line isolation device intense than the microwave-excited ones, but are
(monochromator or polychromator), detector still 5–100 times more intense than a standard
(photomultiplier or charge coupled device) and hollow- cathode lamp. In the electrodeless
read- out system. Each of these components is discharge lamp, a bulb contains the element of
discussed below, together with details of the interest (or one of its salts) in an argon atmosphere.
individual atom cells (flame and the electrothermal The radiofrequency energy ionizes the argon and
atomizer) and sample introduction systems. this in turn excites the analyte element, causing it to
produce its characteris- tic spectrum. For analytes
such as arsenic and seleni- um, these lamps give a
Light source better signal-to-noise ratio than hollow-cathode
lamps and have a longer useful lifetime. A
The fundamental requirement of the light source schematic diagram of an electrodeless dis- charge
is to provide a narrow line profile with little lamp is shown in Figure 2.
background. It should also have a stable and repro-
ducible output with sufficient intensity to ensure that
a high signal-to-noise ratio is obtained. Two basic Background correction systems
types of light source are used for atomic absorption,
There are basically three types of automatic back-
of which the hollow-cathode lamp (HCL) is the
ground correction system available for atomic ab-
more commonly used. This is a lamp in which the
sorption, although manual methods such as the use
cathode is coated with the analyte metal of interest.
of nearby non-atomic absorbing lines to estimate
Within the lamp, inert filler gas (neon or argon) is
background absorbance may also be used. The
ionized by an electric current and these ions are
three main automatic methods are the deuterium or
then attracted by the cathode. The inert gas ions
hy- drogen lamp, the Zeeman effect, and Smith–
bombard the cathode and in so doing excite the
Hieftje background correction. The deuterium lamp
metal ions coated on it. It is this excitation of the
produces a continuum of radiation, some of which
metal that produces the emission of radiation with
will be absorbed by molecular species within the
wavelengths characteristic of the analyte. Hollow-
atom cell. The amount of atomic absorption ob-
cathode lamps are available for most metallic
served using the deuterium lamp is negligible and
elements. A schematic diagram of a hollow-cathode
hence the atomic absorption signal is obtained by
lamp is shown in Figure 1.
subtracting the absorbance from the continuum
Electrodeless discharge lamps are used less fre-
lamp from the total analyte absorbance from the
quently than the hollow-cathode lamps except for
hollow cathode lamp. The deuterium or hydrogen
analytes such as arsenic and selenium. These
lamp is of most value at wavelengths in the UV re-
lamps may be excited using either microwave
gion ( S50 nm). The Zeeman effect background
energy (al- though these tend to be less stable) or
correction system is more versatile. It relies on a
radiofrequency energy. The radiofrequency-excited
strong magnetic field operating at approximately
lamps are less
Figure 2 Electrodeless discharge lamp. From Ebdon L (1998) Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Reproduced by
permission of John Wiley & Sons Limited.
1 T and 50–60 Hz, placed either around the light more complex and offers far fewer advantages for
source or, more commonly, around the atom cell to atomic absorption when compared with double-
split the signal into a number of components. The beam spectrometers in molecular spectroscopy.
component is at the normal analyte wavelength; the This is because the reference beam does not pass
components are typically 0.01 nm (depending on through the atom cell. Despite this, double-beam
the strength of the magnetic field) either side of the instruments can compensate for source drift and for
component and hence lie outside the atomic warm-up and source noise.
absorp- tion profile. Background can be corrected
by sub- tracting the absorbance with the magnetic
field ‘on', from the signal with the magnet ‘off'. It Line isolation devices
should be noted that this is a simplified description
To ensure that only light of a wavelength specific to
of the process, as different elements have different
the analyte of interest is being measured, a line
splitting patterns and the magnetic field may be
isolation device is required. Until recently, the line
applied longi- tudinally or transversely, which may
isolation device used for atomic absorption was a
also produce different splitting patterns.
When utilizing the Smith–Hieftje system, the hol-
low-cathode lamp is boosted periodically to a much
higher current, causing the lamp to ‘self-absorb'. In
this state no atomic absorption occurs in the atom
cell but the molecular absorption still remains. Back-
ground correction is achieved automatically by sub-
tracting the signal obtained at high current from that
obtained using the normal current. The process is
particularly efficient at removing interferences such
as that caused by phosphate or selenium
determina- tions, although the high currents used
may shorten the lifetime of the lamp. In modern
instruments, modulation of the source is achieved
electronically. This enables discrimination between
absorption and emission signals. Previously, a
rotating sector, often referred to as a ‘chopper',
placed between the source and the atom cell was
Detection systems
Traditionally, detection of the light isolated by the
monochromator has been accomplished using a
photomultiplier tube (PMT). Several configurations
exist, e.g. end-on and side-on, and the construction
may be of different materials, to increase the
efficien- cy at different wavelengths; but basically
they all work in a similar way. Light enters the
multiplier through a quartz window and impacts with
a photo- cathode that is usually made from one of a
number of alloys (e.g. Cs–Sb, Na–K–Sb–Cs or Ga–
As), which then emits electrons. These electrons
are then accel- erated down a series of dynodes,
each being at a more positive potential than the
previous one. As the electrons impact with
successive dynodes, further electrons are ejected
and hence a cascade effect occurs. In this way a
single photon may cause the ejection of 106
electrons. The number of electrons is
Atom production
In the first step of an AA determination the
element of interest must be atomized. The ideal
atoms. Excitation processes, however, should be
minimal so that analyte and background emission
noise is small. For achieving the best detection
limits, the analyte vapour should not be highly
diluted by the atomizer gas. Various types of
electric discharges, laser radiation, electron
bombardment and induc- tively coupled plasmas
were tested as atomizers. Although not ideal, high-
temperature flames and elec- trothermal atomizers
have gained acceptance as the most common
technique of atom production in AAS.
Flame atomization
The longest practiced technique for converting a
sample into atoms is the spraying of a sample
solu- tion into a combustion flame. The most
popular flames used in AAS are the air–C 2H2 flame
providing a maximum temperature of about 2500
K and the N2O–C2H2 flame with a maximum
temperature ex-
ceeding S000 K. Atomization occurs because of the
high enthalpy and temperature of the flame, and
through chemical effects. Owing the generation
of cyanogen radicals, which are known to be an
effi- cient scavenger for oxygen, the nitrous
oxide-acety- lene flame provides not only a
hotter but also a more reducing environment for
atom production: the lack
of oxygen moves equilibria such as MeO = Me
to the right. Therefore a N2O–C2H2 flame provides
greater atomization efficiencies and thus better
tection limits for refractory elements, such as Al,
Ta Ti, Zr, Si, V and the rare earths.
Atom production in flames is an extremely com-
plex process consisting of many stages and
involving numerous sides processes. A
quantitative theory of analyte atomization in
flames is absent. Qualitative- ly, the process can
be described as follows: the solu- tion droplets
sprayed into the flame are first dried, the
resulting solid microparticles become molten and
vaporize or thermally decompose to produce
gaseous molecules that are finally dissociated
into free atoms. The atoms may further be
excited and ionized and form new compounds.
These processes are depend- ent upon the
temperature and the reducing power of the flame
and occur within a few milliseconds – the time
required by the sample to pass through the
flame. The processes taking place in flames are
volatilization of matrix components that are
shown in more detail in Figure 1.
purged from the atomizer by a flow of inert gas);
(iii) analyte atomization (1500–S000 K achieved
Electrothermal atomization
rapidly at a heating rate of about 2000 K s–1). A
In the majority of cases this occurs in a small major difference of electrothermal atomization
graph- ite tube where the sample to be analysed is from atomization in flames is that some matrix
intro- duced via a small aperture in the upper tube components are removed at the pyrolysis step and
wall. Metals such as tantalum or tungsten are also the atomization takes place within a confined
used to construct electrothermal atomizers as well geometry in an inert gas atmos- phere. During
as non- tubular geometry for the atomizer atomization, the purge gas flow is shut off so that
(graphite cups, rods, filaments, etc.). After a 5–50 analyte atoms remain in the probing beam as long
L droplet of the sample solution has been as possible.
deposited into the graphite furnace, it is heated The number of analyte atoms in the atomizer
resistively through a series of preprogrammed vol- ume N(t), generated during the atomization
temperature stages to provide: (i) drying of the stage is described by the convolution:
droplet to evaporate the solvent ( S70 K for
about S0 s); (ii) thermal pretreatment (pyrolysis)
to remove volatiles without loss of ana- lyte (600–
1500 K for 45 s) (this allows selective
Figure 1 Schematic representation of the processes taking place in a flame. The bold arrows show the pathways for analyte atom
production and thin arrows show side processes. Reproduced with permission from Welz B (1985) Atomic Absorption Spectrometry,
2nd edn, p. 167. Weinheim: VCH.
Here tSe smpply fmmctiom S(t), gives the rate
(atoms s1) of the primary generation of analyte
atoms from the deposited sample, whereas tSe
removal fmmctiom, R(t,t) characterizes the
subsequent transfer of the vaporized atoms in the
atomizer volume. In the sim- plest case of
vaporization of a monolayer of atoms from the
atomizer surface the supply function is given as:
Table 2 Selected relative detection limits (g L–) for different atomization techniquesa
Element Flame AA GF AA Hydride AA Element Flame AA GF AA Hydride AA
Ag 1.5 0.02 Mn 1.5 0.035
Al 45 0.1 Mo 45 0.08
As 150 0.2 0.03 Na 0.3 0.02
Au 9 0.15 Ni 6 0.3
B 1000 20 P 75 000 130
Ba 15 0.35 Pb 15 0.06
Be 1.5 0.008 Pd 30 0.8
Bi 30 0.25 0.03 Pt 60 2
Ca 1.5 0.01 Rb 3 0.03
Cd 0.8 0.008 Ru 100 1
Co 9 0.15 Sb 45 0.15 0.045
Cr 3 0.03 Se 100 0.3 0.03
Cu 1.5 0.1 Sn 150 0.2 0.03
Fe 5 0.1 Sr 3 0.025
Ge 300 10 1 Te 30 0.4 0.03
Hg 300 0.6 0.009 Ti 75 0.35
Ir 900 3 Tl 15 0.15
K 3 0.008 V 60 0.1
Li 0.8 0.06 Zn 1.5 0.1
Mg 0.15 0.004
Detection limits are based on 98% confidence level (3 standard deviations). The values for the graphite furnace technique are re-
ferred to sample aliquots of 50 L.
Adapted with permission from The Guide to Techniques and Applications of Atomic Spectroscopy (1997) p 5. Norwalk, CT, USA:
Atomic absorption effect, interatomic collisions and hyperfine
splitting. Other types of broadening (natural
AAS is based on the interaction of the probing
broadening, Stark broadening, etc.) are negligible.
radia- tion beam from a primary source with gas
The Doppler broadening originates from the
phase ana- lyte atoms. Two different types of
thermal agitation of emitting and absorbing atoms
primary source are used in AAS: line sources
that results in a Gaus- sian-shaped spectral line
emitting narrow spectral lines of the element to be
(curve G in Figure 5). The full width, D, at one-
analysed and a continuum source (normally high-
half of the maximum intensity (FWHM) of the
pressure xenon arc lamp) that produces radiation
Doppler-broadened atomic line is given by:
from below 180 nm to over 800 nm. In principle,
the continuum source is best suited for AAS. It has
a unique capability for multi- element
determinations, and provides extended ana- lytical
range and inherent background correction.
However, the lack of intensity found below 280 nm
still limits the use of the source in research where D is in cm1, in nm, T in K and M in
laborato- ries. In conventional AAS, the line g mol1. The width is inversely proportional to
radiation of the element of interest is generated in the wavelength of the transition, to the square
a hollow cathode lamp (HCL) or an electrodeless root of the absolute temperature, T, and to the
discharge lamp (EDL). The spectral profile, J(λ), of reciprocal of the square root of the molecular
the analytical line emitted by the source interacts weight of the analyte,
with the absorption profile, d(λ), of the analyte M. The absorption line widths predicted from this
atoms in the atomizer (Figure 4). It is seen that equation range from 1 pm to 10 pm for flame and
radiation absorption is strongly dependent on the electrothermal atomizers. The Doppler widths of
shape and relative posi- tion of the two spectral the lines emitted by HCLs and EDLs are 2–S times
profiles. In order to describe quantitatively lower than those for absorption profiles in
absorption, both emission and absorp- tion profiles atomizers.
must first be well defined. The second major broadening mechanism in AAS
is collision or pressure broadening which originates
Emission and absorption line profiles from deactivation of the excited state due to
inter- atomic collisions. There are two types of
Three major broadening mechanisms determine collisions. Collisions between two analyte atoms
emission and absorption profiles in AAS: the lead to resonance broadening which is negligible in
Doppler analytical
Atomic emission spectroscopy is one of the most microwave plasmas (CMP). Glow discharges are
use- ful and commonly used techniques for utilized for direct solids analyses, but will not be
analyses of metals and nonmetals providing rapid, dis- cussed here. An analytical plasma is a high-
sensitive results for analytes in a wide variety of energy, slightly ionized gas (about 0.01 to 0.1%
sample matri- ces. Elements in a sample are ionized).
excited during their residence in an analytical
plasma, and the light emit- ted from these excited Inductively coupled plasmas
atoms and ions is then collected, separated and
The most commonly used ion source for plasma
detected to produce an emis- sion spectrum. The
spec- trometry, the ICP, is produced by flowing an
instrumental components which comprise an
inert gas, typically argon, through a water-cooled
atomic emission system include (1) an excitation
induc- tion coil which has a high-frequency field
source, (2) a spectrometer, (S) a detector, and (4)
(typically 27 MHz) running through it (Figure 1).
some form of signal and data processing. The
The alter- nating current in the coil has associated
methods discussed will include (1) sample
with it a changing magnetic field, which induces a
introduc- tion, (2) line selection, and (S) spectral
changing electric field. The flowing gas is seeded
interferences and correction techniques.
with electrons by means of a Tesla coil. These
electrons undergo acceleration by the electric
Atomic emission sources field, and gain the energy necessary to excite and
ionize the gaseous atoms by collision. This
The atomic emission source provides for sample produces the plasma, self-sustaining as long as the
vaporization, dissociation, and excitation. The RF and gas flows continue.
ideal excitation source will allow the excitation of Sample particles entering the plasma undergo de-
all lines of interest for the elements in the sample, solvation, dissociation, atomization, and
and do this reproducibly over enough time to excitation. The ICP has sufficiently long residence
encompass full ele- mental excitation. Excitation times and high enough temperatures so that the
sources include but are not limited to (1) sample solvent is completely vaporized, and the
inductively coupled plasma (ICP), analyte reduced to free atoms, which undergo
(2) direct current plasmas (DCP), (S) microwave excitation. This excitation results in the emission
induced plasmas (MIP), and (4) capacitively of light at specific frequencies for elements in
coupled the sample, which is