LK 1.2-Modul 5-Medi Heri Saputra

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Name : Medi Heri Saputra

Class : 001 Bahasa Inggris

Number : 201699754746

LK 2: Lembar Kerja Refleksi Modul Bidang Studi/Jurnal Harian

Judul Modul English for Practical Use

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Procedure Text (Manual)
2. Procedure Text (Recipe)
3. Itinerary
4. News Item
No Uraian Respon/Jawaban
1 Uraikan hasil diskusi bersama The result of the discussion between
teman dan dosen mengenai the students and lecturer:
pemecahan masalah dalam The material in module 5 is explaining
memahami materi yang mengalami about English for Practical Use. There
kesulitan are 4 topics in this module:
1. Procedure Text (Manual)
2. Procedure Text (Recipe)
3. Itinerary
4. News Item

In teaching English, the function of those topics is

to give the information to the students.

The difficultiest material from the module 5 is


In making Itinerary we have to know

the generic structure. The generic
structures of Itinerary are:
(1) The name of the trip;
(2) The details of the trip : activites,
place, and time;
(3) Name of the person/instituion in

The difficultiest one is related to: travel

arrangements, and developing the itinerary.

In writing itinerary, we also have to

know the places that will be used as
travel destination. It will be hard if we
do not know the condition of  the
places well.

The problem can be solved by organizing the

details chronologically. It will help us in making the
structure of the itinerary.
2 Uraikan hasil diskusi bersama 1. Procedure Text (How to do)
teman dan dosen mengenai
miskonsepsi di modul ini 2. Itinerary

Both Procedure text (how to do) and

itinerary give a guidance to the reader.

But sometimes we  assume that they

are the same.

The difference between Itinerary and

Procedure Text is:

Itinerary is used to provide a guide

for a traveler.

Procedure text is used to guide

someone to do seomething.

3 Hambatan yang dialami pada The problem that exist in this module
pembelajaran analisis materi is:
pembelajaran berbasis masalah di a. The concept of Itinerary.
modul ini This module explains that the
concept of Procedure Text and
Itinerary are the same (Itinerary
is a part of Procedure Text).

4 Hal yang akan dilakukan untuk a. Read more

sukses di pembelajaran modul b. Focus on how to implement
berikutnya HOTS in teaching English.
c. Make some notes when the
lecturer explains the material.

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