Learning Activity 3

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1: Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri

Judul Modul English for Public Information

Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Procedure Text; Manual
2. Procedure Text; Recipe
3. Itinerary
4. News Item
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Garis besar
materi yang

I. Definition of Itinerary
It is a route or plan or guide book of travel. It usually
contain any information dealing with travel or journey
such as schedule of visit, time, dates, transportation, and
other information.

II. Social/Language Function:

1. to make well-prepared program or travel
2. to make an effective journey or travel
3. to be a guideline in spending time during travelling

III. Generic Structure:

1. Tour program
2. Timetable
3. Duration
4. Destination
5. 4As (atrraction, accessibility, accomodation, and

IV. Language Features :

1. Use simple present tense
2. Use action verb
3. Use simple sentence or phrase
2 Daftar materi 1. The language features of Itinerary especially the using of
yang sulit Simple Present Tense, verb base (infinitive), and action
dipahami di verb.
I feel difficult in disitinguish …
modul ini
 Do verb base and verb action use words that indicate
the traveller will do something or there are
differences in their usage?
 Does the verb base include action verbs or both of
them are differ in the words usage of making

2. The meaning differences and use between itinerary and

3 Daftar materi 1. One of the language features of “itinerary” is using
yang sering simple present tense. Meanwhile, itinerary describes
mengalami schedule which will be done in the future. So, some
people think that the use of simple future tense is
more appropriate.

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