NASA Facts Manned Space Flight Projects Mercury and Gemini

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Vol. II, No. 8
An Educational Services Publication of the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration oJ-
c~ /

Astronauts Virgil I. Grissom (left) and John W. Young (right) in pressure suits climb into the Gemini Procedures
Trainer for a flight test profile and training session in preparation for the first manned Gemini flight.
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Page 2 Vol. II, No.8


A major goal of the United States space pro-
gram is manned space flight to the moon, and
safe return to earth of the astronauts, before the
end of this decade.
NASA's manned space flight program has
been divided into three big steps, or projects-
Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo.
Already accomplished, Project Mercury paved
Mercury one-man spacecraft alongside mock-up of
the way by using experimental one-man vehicles
two-man Gemini.
and proving that men could be sent into space
fully achieved a suborbital Mercury-Redstone 2
and returned safely to earth.
(MR-2) flight on January 31,1961.
Project Gemini's two-man spacecraft will ful-
fill a two-part plan: first, extending orbit missions Then all was ready for the historic MR-3 flight
of May 5, 1961, as Astronaut Alan B. Shepard,
up to 2 weeks at a time; second, developing the
technique of rendezvous and docking, during Jr., made the first U.S. manned space flight. His
which two space vehicles are maneuvered close suborbital mission of 19 minutes took his Freedom
7 spacecraft 116 miles high into space.
together and finally joined, or "docked."
After another countdown for MR-4 on July 21,
That same technique of orbit rendezvous-but
1961, the Redstone booster hurled Astronaut
around the moon instead of earth-will enable
Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom through the second bal-
astronauts in the three-man Project Apollo space-
listic (suborbital) flight in the Liberty Bell 7.
craft to achieve lunar landings.
This ended the Redstone non-orbital tests as
the Mercury-Atlas series of flights advanced to
orbitol missions. Again preceding the first
Project Mercury became an official program of manned attempt the chimp Enos made an orbital
NASA on November 26, 1958. A Space Task flight (MA-5) on November 29, 1 ~61.
Group to initiate this new venture was formed An MA-6 space milestone, on February 20,
at Langley Field, Virginia. This group evolved 1962, made Astronaut John H. Glenn, Jr., the
into the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, first American in orbit, completing three circuits
Texas and after a nationwide call for jet pilot in Friendship 7.
volunteers, seven astronauts were chosen in On the MA-7 mission of May 24, 1962, As-
April 1959. tronaut M. Scott Carpenter in Aurora 7 com-
The one-man Mercury spacecraft was designed pleted another three-orbit flight.
and built with a maximum orbiting weight of MA-8 of October 3, 1962, doubled the flight
about 3,200 pounds. Shaped somewhat like a time in space as Astronaut Walter M. Schirra, Jr.,
bell (truncated cone), the craft is 74.5 inches orbited six times, landing Sigma 7 in the Pacific
wide across the bottom and about 9 feet tall. recovery area, instead of the Atlantic.
The astronaut escape tower on top adds another Finally, on May 15-16, 1963, Astronaut
17 feet for an overall length of approximately L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.'s Faith 7 completed a 22-
26 feet at launch. Two boosters were chosen- orbit mission of 34 112 hours, triumphantly con-
the Army's Redstone (78,000 Ibs. thrust) and Air cluding the flight phase of Project Mercury. The
Force's Atlas (360,000 Ibs. thrust)-for suborbital technical report, "Mercury Project Summary" was
and orbital flights, respectively. Before the published in October 1963, five years after the
manned flights began, Ham, the chimp, success- project began.
Vol. II, No.8 Page 3
Originally, Project Mercury was assigned only craft, a modified version of the military Titan II
two broad missions by NASA-first, to investigate became the Gemini Launch Vehicle (GLV), with
man's ability to survive and perform in the space a total thrust of 530,000 pounds (first sta g e,
environment; and second, to develop the basic 430,000 pounds). The hypergolic (self-igniting)
space technology and hardware for manned propellants used are non-explosive, an astronaut
~ space flight programs to come. safety factor.

Beyond these basic goals, Mercury accom-
plished the following: developed a NASA man-
Chosen for Gemini's prime mission of orbital
rendezvous and docking was the Agena-D "tar-
agement system to carryon more advanced get" vehicle, a new version of the reliable

I manned space flight ventures; explored the fun-

damentals of spacecraft reentry; started a family
Agena-B second-stage that, with Thor or Atlas
boosters, had orbited many satellites and

of launch vehicles from existing rockets that led
to new booster designs; expanded the aerospace
industry by NASA contracting; set up an earth-
launched Mariner and Ranger probes. Agena's
"stop-and-restart" rocket engine, capable of
cutoff and reignition at least four times, is im-
girdling tracking system; trained a pool of portant for rend~zvous maneuvers with Gemini.
I astronauts easily augmented for future space The hypergolic propellants are hydrazine and
I exploration programs. nitrogen tetroxide.
Agena-D is 32 feet long and 5 feet in diam-
eter, is shaped like a cylinder and tapered at the
front end to a blunt point.
Project Gemini was named after the twin stars
Castor and Pollux in the constellation Gemini.
NASA decided to follow the Mercury's basic FIRST GEMINI-TITAN FLIGHT (GT-l)
"capsule" design for Gemini spacecraft, saving The first Gemini-Titan test flight (GT-1) on
time and engineering efforts. But the two-man April 8, 1964, was an almost perfect lift-off, as
craft is wider (7.5 feet), taller (11.5 feet), and Titan boosted the unmanned Gemini craft into
more than twice as heavy (7700 Ibs.). These orbit from Launch Complex 19 at Cape Kennedy,
dimensions give 50 percent more cabin space, Fla.
making room for much new equipment and with Gemini's apogee (high point of orbit) was 204
it far greater performance flexibility. miles, perigee (low point) 99.6 miles, and the
Since Mercury's Redstone and Atlas boosters revolution period around the earth was 89.27
lacked the power to orbit the heavier two-man minutes.



Separated segments of Gemini mock-up. At right is docking structure of Agena which

contains apparatus for link-up of spacecraft and rocket.
, Pa'ge 4 Vol. II, No. 8
In orbit 4 days, the craft came down as cal-
culated on April 12. There was no attempt at
recovery since the flight was mainly a structural
integrity test for the booster / spacecraft combi-
nation, and for its guidance system.

Following GT - 1, NASA scheduled a series of
scientific, biological, and technological experi-
ments for subsequent Gemini flights. Separate
bioastronautics (space medicine) experiments in-
volve the physiological reactions of the astronauts
in space.
In "extravehicular activities " experiments, the
Gemini astronauts, each in turn, will leave their
spacecraft and practice getting around and work-
ing in empty space. It is planned that this
activity will include tests of specially designed
space tools that a weightless astronaut can use
without twisting effect.
Capability to leave the craft is afforded by
life-support features of the Gemini space suit.
While outside of the spacecraft, the astronaut,
in effect, will be a " human satellite. "

The Gemini craft is designed to be piloted by
its two-man crew. After an automated launch,
the Gemini spacemen take over: turning, chang-
ing speed, even shifting orbits .
The spacecraft cons ists of two major por-
tions-the reentry module (package) and the
adapter module. The latter, in turn, also has
two separate sections, so that Gemini, as
launched, is actually a three-part structure.
Only the reentry module returns to earth .
This module contains the " living " section where
the two astronauts ride .
The life-supporting cabin is double-walled
with an inner shell around the crew ' s pressurized
compartment and an outer shell as the craft' s
external hull.
Between these shells is a storage space for
electronic gear and other apparatus-a techno-
logical improvement over the Mercury craft,
Gemini-Titan launch at Cape Kennedy in April 1964. whose components (parts) were " stacked" upon
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Vol. II, No.8 Page 5

one another inside the crowded pilot's compart- FUEL CELL
ment. In contrast, much Gemini equipment is
Another " space first " is Gemin i' s fuel cell,
in the double-walled storage area, where it can
generating electrical power by chemical means.
be easily checked, adjusted, replaced, even when
Much lighter than the equivalent batteries they
Gemini is in place atop Titan on the launch pad.
replace, two groups of fuel cells provide 1,000
The aft (rear) section contains more equip-
watts each, supplying the spacecraft' s total
ment, and bottommost is the ablative (melting
electrical needs.
and evaporating) heat shield that protects the
reentry module from air-friction heat on earth- GUIDANCE SYSTEM
return. Aboard Gemini is an ingenious inertial guid-
One purpose of the two-part adapter module, ance system which records and totals every bit
which tapers and flares out from 7 112 feet to 10 of progress forward, backward, and sideways,
feet in diameter, is to "adapt" (fit) the narrow from the earth-launch starting point to the space
Gemini to the Titan booster's broad top. Sec- desti nati on .
ondly, the adapter's 90-inch deep volume is Linked into the guidance system during orbital
another housing area for equipment. maneuvers are other units-computer, radar,
The adapter section adjacent to the crew ' s electronic controls, attitude thrusters, propulsion
reentry module is the retrograde assemblage, units-so that the astronauts ' master conrols can
holding two sets of engines -retrorockets (for accurately achieve rende zvous and docking with
reducing speed) and space-maneuvering thrusters. Agena .
The adapter's aft part, the equipment section,
holds fuel cells, attitude controls, radio units, RENDEZVOUS RADAR
and a liquid-coolant radiator to dissipate internal Gemini ' s high-definition radar gives the range
'I spacecraft heat away into open space. (distance), bearing (direction and angle of ap-
IIII The lower end of this two-part adapter is proach), and closing speeds of the chase and
,I mated, by means of a metal collar, to the top of
II target vehicles, w ith data starting when they are
the Titan launch rocket.
I' 250 miles apart.
Later, the high-intens ity flashes of Agena's
EJECTION SEAT light beacon become visible to the astronauts, at
I a maximum range of 50 miles . These optical
I Based on a jetplane technique, Gemini ' s light-
I observations, plus radar t racking, are then com-
weight ejection seats can, in emergency, catapult bined, as manual controls gu ide Gemini toward
the astronauts out of two large hinged hatches
Ii that open mechanically .
rendezvous w ith Agena .
Undoubtedly, the Gem ini astronauts will even-
Unlike Mercury ' s automatic ejection sensors, tually blend their own intuitive skills wi th com-
Gemini's system relies entirely upon the astro- puter data, and ga in the know-how to swing the
naut crew ' s quick reflexes, because Titan ' s non- two vehicles around in space with the routine
explosive propellants merely burn and allow time ease of parking cars on earth .
for human reactions.
Three major communications systems are car-
ried aboard Gemini: the voice system, which in-
I Among Gemini innovations is a " shoebox " cludes an intercom connection between the
compute r , weighing only 57.6 Ibs. and occupy- astronauts; the rece iver of command signals and
ing a mere cub ic foot of cabin space, yet able to updated orbit infor mation from Manned Flight
make the computations for the intricate rendez- Control; data collection tapes and their relay
vous and docking maneuvers with the orbiting transmitters for automatic transmission of repo rts
Agena-D. to earth .
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Vol. II, No.8

Gemini spacecraft is raised to top of gantry for mating to Titan launch vehicle.
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Vol. /I, No.8 Page 7
I ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM (ECS) around and goes backwards. Its fore end is
thus in docking position as the later-launch
The Gemini Environmental Control System in
Gemini arrives nose first.
the reentry module's cabin compartment sustains
Bringing the front ends of two spacecraft to-
the astronaut pilots and permits them to carry
gether, while whirling around earth at nearly
out their duties.
18,000 mph, is much more difficult than mid -air
Though the Gemini life-support system is sim-
refueling between a jetplane and a tanker.
ilar to the Mercury ECS, major engineering
Hence, the mid-space meeting of rocket vehicles
changes have gone into it. Each astronaut has
must feature the quickest and most reliable con-
two parallel suit circuits for oxygen, plus the op-
tact via easy-fitting docking devices.
tion of using the cabin's habitable (purified) at-
At the Agena's forward end, the target dock-
mosphere while being partially unsuited for more
ing adapter (TDA) is a cylindrical collar, within
freedom of action.
which is a docking cone illuminated by two ap-
Mercury's bottled gas has been replaced in
proach lights. Self-adjusting mechanisms lock
Gemini by a liquid oxygen supply, requiring less
firmly to the inserted nose of Gemini and moor
storage volume for the maximum 14-day supply.
the two vehicles.
The third major ECS change is an improved
Prior to docking, an invaluable aid to the
method of dissipating unwanted heat into space.
astronauts is the lighted status display panel,
FOOD AND WATER mounted outside Agena's lOA. Its visual mon-
itors reveal the Agena equipment ' s operational
Besides being a body fuel, food is important
readiness by means of nine lights and three
to man as a psychological "uplift."
dials. Typical are green lights for "OK to
A basic diet of 2,550 calories per man will be
dock," "PPS TIME" (primary propulsion system),
fulfilled by freeze-dried foods including meats,
which clocks the amount of burning time left for
soups, desserts, and fruits. Water restores
the main rockets before fuel depletion.
them to their original form.
Water will be recovered from the atmosphere
within the spacecraft, also will be derived as a
fuel cell byproduct.
Historically famous as the booster for six
GEMINI LAUNCH VEHICLE highly sucessful Mercury space flights, the Atlas
The Gemini launch vehicle is a modification will also serve as the Agena launch rocket in
of the military Titan II. Fueled by stable and Gemini's rendezvous experiments.
storable propellants, it is 1 a feet wide and 89 Known as the Standardized Space launch
feet long (flrst stage booster 70 feet). The com- Vehicle (SSLV), this 62-foot booster is powered
bined Gemini-Titan stands 108 feet high. by five conventional liquid rocket engines. Atlas
An important new Gemini launch vehicle de- power alone cannot orbit the Agena, and at
vice is the Malfunction Detection System, whose booster burnout, pyrotechnic devices (explosive
electronic monitors watch the vehicle's perfqrm- bolts) at the SSl V-adapter's forward end release
ance during launch for possible booster trouble. the Agena, whose own engine fires to gain
Warning signals allow ample time for the astro- orbital velocity.
nauts to abort (cut short) the mission, if neces-
sary, by using their ejection seats. LAUNCH CHECKOUTS
Prior to a scheduled Gemini rendezvous mis-
AGENA-D TARGET VEHICLE sion, all the hardware of two complete launch
In the rendezvous of Agena-D and Gemini, vehicles and two spacecraft is meticulously
the two spacecraft will be joined nose to nose. checked and rechecked many times over. Be-
Hence, after first being orbited, the Agena turns cause the failure of the tiniest relay or switch
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can ruin an entire multimillion dollar space ven-
- ture-and also risk two human lives-this tedi-
The Agena is propelled into a circular orbit
185 miles up, after which precise velocity and

ously painstaking checkout procedure is vitally trajectory elements are calcu l ated. About 24
All the major vehicles arrive at Cape Kennedy
hours later Gemini blasts off, within the specified
"launch window"-the time interval during which
broken down into modules and sections. After launch will produce an orbit permitting the two
dozens of checkouts until all modules are mated craft to meet.
into full vehicles, 7 days remain before lift-off. Gemini ' s orbit must be in the same plane I
In that week, the final tests include: radio and (slant toward equator) as Agena ' s. This restricts
radar circuits; simulated flight via computer; sim- the Gemini launch window to about 2 hours in
ulated launch with the two astronauts aboard the each 24, for the 5-day period the target vehicle
spacecraft; servicing and fueling of Titan with can wait for rendezvous. Certain orbit-correcting
checkout of engine systems; complete check of maneuvers by the Agena, before Gemini launch,
total Gemini Titan equipment; 300-minute dress can double the launch window .
rehearsal countdown; final 2-day servicing and The basic plan is to maneuver the Gemini into
checkout. a circular orbit whose altitude is approximately
Only after this long parade of cross-check 23 miles less than the Agena.
check-outs does the real countdown start.
Sharing in all main tests, the two Gemini astro- TARGET CAPTURE
nauts gain full confidence that the Titan booster When the distance between vehicles IS 250
and Gemini spacecraft will successfully bear them miles, radar is switched on. As the gap closes
into orbit, and safely return them to earth. to 50 miles, the Gemin i astronauts pick up the
The Mission Control Center of MSC, at Cape Agena ' s flashing beacon and take over the
Kennedy, will monitor early Gemini flights. In manual controls.
later missions, the flight phase will be monitored Aiding the astronauts is the status display
by a new Mission Control Center at the Manned panel outwardly mounted on the Agena-D, g iv-
Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex.; the launch ing visual data on Agena fuel reserves, electrical
phase will still be conducted by the Cape Ken- power, attitude position, all of which is processed
nedy team. through the computer along with the Gemini
craft's own movements.
During these maneuvers the relative speed
difference between the vehicles has been cut to
Expanded from the former Mercury network, less than a 2 mph drift rate so that their noses
the Gemini tracking system comprises 13 land touch gently.
stations and two tracking ships, the latter filling If the first docking maneuver is imperfect, the
landless gaps in the Pacific Ocean. Agena is merely bumped away and no harm is
Besides tracking equipment, all stations have done. The astronauts simply back off for an-
two-way communications with the Gemini space- other tr.y. In a successful contact, the Gem ini 's
craft. Some have additional telemetry equip- narrow end enters the Agena's target docking
ment or command signal transmitters. adapter, whose latches clamp shut to prevent
the two vehicles from slipping apart. Then a
motorized Agena unit pulls the Gemini nosecone
inward all the way.
A Gemini rendezvous mission calls for send- Once the two craft are tightly moored, match-
ing up the Agena target vehicle from Cape ing electrical contacts meet and give the Gemini
Kennedy's Launch Complex 14 approximately astronauts direct control of Agena's onboard
24 hours prior to the Gemini chase vehicle's lift- equipment-guidance, propulsion, attitude con -
off from Launch Complex 19. trol, relay switches, and the rest.
Vol. II, No.8 Page 9
Union of the two vehicles results in a larger REENTRY AND RECOVERY
Gemini / Agena spacecraft almost 50 feet long,
Their rendezvous maneuver completed, the
much more powerful and versatile than either of
astronauts unhook their Gemini craft from the
the two original craft. With the main Gemini
Agena (left in orbit) and prepare for earth-return.
rockets in back and the Agena thrusters in the
They first ascertain that upon firing the retro-
front, the two-part Gemini-Agena spacecraft can
rockets, their downward trajectory will land them
move either forward or backward without having
in a designated recovery area . This may re-
to turn around. The doubled rocket power also
quire orbit corrections by means of their
allows for unique space performances through
propulsion units.
the series of manned Gemini missions.


Scanning the dark sky, Gemini's radar locates Agena at a distance of 250 miles and holds
the quarry in view (far left). Gemini's computer determines the approach speed and point
at which the two craft will meet. An 8-foot boom antenna on the target craft receives
radio signals from the astronauts, who order Agena to assume a stabilized position. Guided
by flashing beacons, the astronauts speed up their vehicle and maneuver it toward Agena's
cone-shaped docking collar. Though the two craft travel 17,500 miles an hour, their
difference in speed is only a little more than one mile an hour at final closure. Crewmen
maneuver Gemini's nose into a V-slot in Agena's collar; then mechanical latching fingers
snap the craft together. The space-mated couple turn around, placing Agena's restartable
engine in position to propel the vehicle into a new orbital path so that the astronauts can
probe deeper into space. They will detach Agena before re-entering earth's atmosphere.
Page 10 Vol. II, No. 8
, Because of Gemin i 's slight " lift" (gliding abil- One Gemini flight trainer is located at the
ity), there is a capability for " aiming" toward the Manned Spacecraft Cen t er's new Clear Lake site
desired landing site. However, provision is at Houston, Tex ., whe re the Mission Control
made for the possibility of a random landing; Center is also stationed . Another simulator in-
equipment and training for Gemini astronaut sur- stallation is at Cape Kennedy, Fla .
vival are more elaborate than they were in Proj- Centrifuges at Johnsville , Pa. and at Ames
ect Mercury. Research Center in Californ i a provide high-g
A survival pack for each Gemini crewman is loads to match the stresses of powered launches,
stowed in a rectangular-shaped cavity in the back training astronauts to handle controls despite
of his spacecraft seat. If he leaves the seat, his acceleration strains .
personal parachute and survival pack-both
being strapped to him-are at the same time

pulled along .
Gemini spacecraft will have large spacecraft
parachutes for water .Iandings, as in Project Gemini flight plans call for various space
Mercury. medicine investigations conceived by NASA's
I If reentry is unavoidably over land, the astro- bioastronautics authorities.
nauts will eject themselves in the air and para- In general life-support (bioastronautics) studies,
I chute down by themselves. The craft's impact
on hard ground is too violent for the astronauts
important information to be gained during Gemini
missions includes: ways to improve space suits
to risk, but low enough to prevent serious vehicle for greater comfort and health; more efficient
damage. body waste management; methods of exercising
to keep the astronauts in good muscle tone.
A major problem is that the crew of the
ASTRONAUT SELECTION Gemini, unlike that of the Mercury, will have long
periods of zero-g inactivity . These periods might
The National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
be physically detrimental, unless su itable musGle
istr ation started with the seven Mercury astro-
exercises are developed for the weightless sta te,
nauts in April 1959. For the Gemini and
plus work-rest cycles that keep spacemen mentally
Apollo missions, it chose 9 others in September
1962, and 14 more i n October 1963.
NASA scientists also face " human engineer-
There now are 28 astronauts (of the 30 se-
ing " problems involved in space suit design . To
lected) comprising the pool from which the two-
alleviate discomfort during confinement for 14-
man Gemini crews are chosen.
day Gemini trips, parts of the astronaut's suit
will be removed for comfort and more free
The GT -3 and GT -4 Gemini crews were I
All astronauts undergo training to reach peak chosen early in 1964. From GT -5 on, other C
mental and physical efficiency for Gemini flights. paired teams of astronauts take over the
Basic sc ience studies have been expanded to in-

assi gnments.
clude such courses as computer fundamentals, From among the Gemini astronaut roster, will
guidance technology, and astrogation (space undoubtedly emerge the three spacemen-un-
navigation). known as yet-destined to be the first u.S. citizens I.
To prepare for space missions, astronauts
practice earth-simulated flights in trainer devices.
The space pilot-room simulators teach astronauts
to fly an Apollo spacecraft to the moon, near the
end of this decade.
Those three " Iunarnauts " will have an eternal
the elements of rendezvous and docking by place in history as Columbuses of space who I
means of electronic dials and dummy controls. I
landed on a new world. I
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Vol. II, No.8 Page 11 I

Gemini spacecraft mockup being checked out by Astronaut John W. Young.


APOGEE: In an orbit about the earth, the point at which BOOSTER ROCKET: A rocket engine, either solid or
the satellite is farthest from the earth; the highest alt itu de liquid fuel, that ass i sts the normal propulsive system or
reached by a sounding rocket. sustainer engine of a rocket or aeronautical vehicle in
ASTRONAUTICS: The art, skill, or activity of operating so me phase of its fli ght. A rocket used to set a missile
space vehicles. In a broader sense, the science of space vehicle in motion before another engine takes over.
flight . DOCKING: The process of bringing two spacecraft to-
ATTITUDE: The position or orientation of an aircraft, gether while in space .
spacecraft, etc., either in motion or at rest, as determined HYPERGOLlC: Propellants, fuel and oxidizer, which ign ite
by the relationship between its axes and some reference spontaneously upon contact; hydrazine and nitrogen
line or plane such as the horizon . tetroxide are examples.
BALLISTIC TRAJECTORY: The trajectory followed by a MODULE: A self-contained unit of a launch vehicle or
body being acted upon only by gravitational forces and spacecraft which serves as a building block for the overall
the resistance of the medium through which it passes. structure. The module is usually designated by its primary
(ContinNed 011 page 12)
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Page 12 Vol. II, No.8

Astronaut Tom Stafford takes his turn in the Gemini Docking Simulator.

DEFINITIONS- (Continued from page 11 )

function as " command module " , lunar landing module, etc . ROLL: The rotational or oscillatory movement of an air-
A one-package assembly of functionally associated elec- craft or similar body which takes place about a longitudinal
tronic parts; usually a plug-in unit. axis through the body~called " roll " for any amoun t of
PERIGE~: That orbital po int nearest the earth when the su ch rotati on .
earth is the center of attraction. SENSOR: The component of on instrument that converts on
PITCH: The movement of an aircraft or spacecraft abaut input signal into a quantity which is measured by another
its lateral (nose going up or down) axis. port of the i nstrument . Also called " sensing element. "
PROPELLANT: Any agent used for consumption or com-
bustion in a rocket and from which the rocket derives its SUBORBITAL: Non-orbiting or ball istic flight trajectory
thrust, such as a fuel, oxidizer, additive, catalyst , or any from launch point to target point .
compound or mixture of these .
TRAJECTORY: In general, the path traced by any body,
REACTION, ENGINE: An engine that deve lops thrust by as a rocket , moving as a result of externally appl ied forces .
its reaction to ejection of a substance from it; specifically,
such an engine that ejects a jet or stream of gases created WEIGHTLESSNESS: A condition in which no acceleration ,
by the burning of fuel within the engine . whether of gravity or other force can be detected by an
REENTRY: The event occurring when a spacecraft or observer within the system in question . A condition in
other object comes back into the sensible atmosphere after which gravitational and other external forces act in g on a
being rocketed to altitudes above the sensible atmosphere; body produce no stress, either internal or external , in the
the action involved in this event. body .

RETROROCKET: A rocket fitted on or in a spacecraft, satel- YAW: The lateral rotational or osc illatory movement of
lite, or the like to produce thrust opposed to forward on aircraft, rocket, or the like about a transverse axis .
motion . The amount of this movement, i .e ., the angle of yaw .

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