Six Sigma Questionnaire

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1. Using the SIGMA Performance Review Questionnaire...............................3

2. Phase one: Leadership and vision ..............................................................5

3. Phase two: Planning ...................................................................................8

4. Phase three: Delivery................................................................................11

5. Phase four: Monitor, Review and Report ..................................................13

6. Self-Assessment Scoring Sheet................................................................15

7. What the scores mean ..............................................................................16

APPENDIX A: Additional guidance on the potential issues to be considered

under the heading of economic, environmental and social aspects and
impacts: .........................................................................................................17

2 2

1. Using the SIGMA Performance Review Questionnaire

The SIGMA Performance Review Questionnaire can be used by any organisation interested
in implementing the SIGMA Guidelines. It can then be used subsequently by the same
organisation to track its progress at regular intervals.
The Questionnaire’s aims are three-fold:
• To provide a self-assessment tool for organisations to determine their current level of
progress against the SIGMA Guidelines and hence towards managing sustainability.

• To support organisations who are undertaking the Performance Review sub-phase of the
SIGMA Management Framework to gather information about their current level of
performance and build a performance review report

• To track progress on an ongoing basis, comparing year-on-year performance and also

enable comparisons between business units, regions and other organisations.

In order to give a fair representation of an organisation’s current level of progress against the
SIGMA Guidelines all 15 questions should be answered. Each question relates to a stage in
the SIGMA Management Framework and is broken down into a number of statements of
performance. The answers given should be representative of the organisation’s specific
scope of implementation of the Guidelines – this could be, amongst other things, the whole
organisation, a particular site, a business unit, a product range, a specific sustainability impact
or issue, a department or revenue stream. When the questionnaire has been completed, the
numerical scores should be transferred to the final excel summary sheet to calculate scores.
Completed questionnaires should be kept for future reference and use.
Each question requires a self-assessed, self-scored answer in the form of a mark on a linear
scale. Ensure that scores are made with WHOLE numbers only.
1 2 3 4 5

Other parts of the SIGMA Guidelines containing supporting information relevant and useful to
the Performance Review process are signposted in these sections. Additional guidance on
the potential issues to be considered under the heading of economic, environmental and
social aspects and impacts can also be found in the Appendix. See also SIGMA
Sustainability Issues Guide for a basic introduction to sustainability issues.

As with all self-assessment concerning sustainability issues, the limitations of personal

knowledge, lack of internal communication and the integrity of the organisation’s business
aspirations should be taken into account.
In order to provide some assurance that the views of respondents are representative of the
organisation’s performance as a whole, organisations may find it useful to answer this
questionnaire in teams wherever possible, rather than through a small number of individuals

3 3

1. Assessment of overall management of sustainability

To what extent do you have the following systems in place?

Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely -
some of the across across
the org’n whole most of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

A system for managing environmental 1 2 3 4 5

A system for managing stakeholder 1 2 3 4 5
engagement and social performance
A system for managing economic 1 2 3 4 5
performance (beyond traditional financial
An integrated system for managing 1 2 3 4 5
performance across social, environmental
and economic performance
Certified or verified processes for managing 1 2 3 4 5
environmental performance e.g. ISO14001 /
Certified or verified processes for managing 1 2 3 4 5
social and economic performance e.g.
Investors in People, EFQM, ISO 9001,

The following questions map performance against the four phases of the SIGMA
Management Framework. These are:
• Leadership and vision
• Planning
• Delivery
• Monitoring, reporting and review.

4 4

2. Phase one: Leadership and vision

2. Business case, awareness raising and senior management commitment (LV.1)

The following statements relate to the awareness and commitment to sustainability among
managers in your organisation. To what degree do you and your team agree with the
following statements?
Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely -
some of the across across
the org’n whole most of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

There is a board member responsible for the 1 2 3 4 5

management of sustainability performance in
our organisation – for those with boards at
multiple levels please choose the board that
is most appropriate
The Board regularly discuss non-financial 1 2 3 4 5
performance, covering the full range of
economic, environmental and social aspects
of the organisation’s performance
Our organisation has a clearly articulated 1 2 3 4 5
business case for managing sustainability
Our senior managers understand what 1 2 3 4 5
sustainability means for our organisation–
socially, economically and environmentally

3. Vision, mission and operating principles (LV.2)

To what extent do you have a vision, mission and operating principles for sustainability - on a
scale of one to five, where one is No clear direction on sustainability set and five is
Comprehensive sustainability vision developed and embedded within organisation.
No clear direction on sustainability Comprehensive sustainability vision
set developed and embedded within
1 2 3 4 5

How far do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your organisation’s
vision, mission and principles for sustainability?
Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely -
some of the across across
the org’n whole most of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

The organisation’s long term, high level 1 2 3 4 5

strategies incorporate sustainability
The organisation’s strategies are aligned to 1 2 3 4 5
and fully cover the SIGMA Principles
The organisation has a vision to become 1 2 3 4 5

5 5

We have a clear set of operating principles 1 2 3 4 5

that incorporate social, economic and
environmental factors
Our vision and principles on sustainability 1 2 3 4 5
are communicated widely
1 2 3 4 5
We have published strategies, policies,
mission, values, principles and codes of
conduct relating to sustainability
1 2 3 4 5
There is a rigorous process for monitoring
organisational performance against the
organisation’s vision and operating principles

4. Training and communication (LV.3)

To what extent are the following statements true of your organisations communication and
training on sustainability?
Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely -
some of the across across
the org’n whole most of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

There is a strategy and plan in place for 1 2 3 4 5

communicating sustainability internally
There is a strategy and plan in place for 1 2 3 4 5
communicating sustainability externally
The training needs analysis and provision of 1 2 3 4 5
training cover the full range of environmental
aspects of an organisation’s performance
The training needs analysis and provision of 1 2 3 4 5
training cover the full range of social aspects
of an organisation’s performance
The training needs analysis and provision of 1 2 3 4 5
training cover the full range of economic
aspects of an organisation’s performance

6 6

5. Culture change (LV.4)

The following statements relate to your organisation’s culture and the extent to which it
supports the management of sustainability. Please read the following statements and mark
down to what extent the statement applies to your organisation.
Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely -
some of the across across
the org’n whole most of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

Our organisation’s culture supports the 1 2 3 4 5

organisation’s vision of sustainability
The organisation is aware of stakeholders’ 1 2 3 4 5
views and is able to respond to them and
learn from them
The organisation has allocated adequate 1 2 3 4 5
resource to successfully manage

7 7

3. Phase two: Planning

6. Performance review (P.1)

To what extent have the following activities been carried out in your organisation?
Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely -
some of the across across
the org’n whole part of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

A comprehensive review of sustainability 1 2 3 4 5

issues covering the full range of economic,
environmental and social aspects of the
organisation’s performance
The mapping of our processes and main 1 2 3 4 5
activities which have an impact on
Involvement of stakeholders in reviewing 1 2 3 4 5
performance, formally or informally
An evaluation of the organisation’s alignment 1 2 3 4 5
with the SIGMA Principles
The results of reviews of performance for 1 2 3 4 5
sustainability have been reported to senior
management and / or the board of the

7. Legal and regulatory analysis and management (P.2)

To what extent does the following statement apply to your organisation?

Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely –
some of the across across
the org’n whole part of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

The level of conformity of your activities to 1 2 3 4 5

sustainability legislation and regulations has
been established and is being monitored.

8 8

8. Actions, impacts and outcomes (P.3)

The following statements relate to the management of sustainability within your organisation.
To what extent do you agree with them?
Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely –
some of the across across
the org’n whole part of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

Our significant environmental, social and 1 2 3 4 5

economic impacts have been assessed
Current levels of performance against these 1 2 3 4 5
impacts have been assessed
Action needed to address our significant 1 2 3 4 5
sustainability impacts has been identified
and prioritised
Management programmes have been 1 2 3 4 5
established to address identified and
prioritised sustainability impacts
Stakeholder interests have been 1 2 3 4 5
incorporated into the identification and
evaluation of impacts

9. Strategic planning stage (P.4)

The following statements relate to strategic planning within your organisation. To what extent
do you agree with them?
Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely –
some of the across across
the org’n whole most of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

The organisation’s sustainability impacts are 1 2 3 4 5

considered as part of the strategic planning
There is a clear strategy for balanced capital 1 2 3 4 5
enhancement (e.g. social, human,
environmental, manufactured and economic
Roles and responsibilities for managing 1 2 3 4 5
sustainability impacts have been assigned
Strategic plans, and the consideration of 1 2 3 4 5
alternative strategic options, take into
account the organisation’s sustainability
vision and operating principles
Strategic plans have been clearly 1 2 3 4 5
communicated within the organisation

9 9

10. Tactical planning – business systems and management programmes (P.5)

To what extent are the following statements regarding systems and management true in your
Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely –
some of the across across
the org’n whole most of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

Management systems aligned to the 1 2 3 4 5

organisation’s vision have been agreed
There are a set of short (1-2 years), medium 1 2 3 4 5
(3-5 years) and long term (20 years+)
objectives in place for managing
There are a set of quantifiable performance 1 2 3 4 5
indicators and targets in place regarding
sustainability performance
Performance targets are sufficiently 1 2 3 4 5
challenging to deliver improvements against
the organisation’s vision for sustainability
The organisation is confident that their 1 2 3 4 5
suppliers are taking necessary action to
deliver the organisation’s strategic objectives
in relation to the SIGMA Principles
The organisation has identified and 1 2 3 4 5
prioritised its stakeholders groups and
mapped current dialogue processes against
The organisation has adequate resources 1 2 3 4 5
(including human, technological and
financial) to deliver improved performance
against the targets

10 10

4. Phase three: Delivery

11. Delivery of management programmes stage (D.1)

The following statements relate to the operations function within your organisation. To what
extent do you agree with them?
Strongly Slightly Neutral Slightly Strongly
disagree disagree agree agree

Management programmes to achieve 1 2 3 4 5

performance objectives for sustainability
have been established and documented
There is awareness of the management 1 2 3 4 5
systems for sustainability across the
The organisation has established and 1 2 3 4 5
maintained procedures for identifying training
needs and for providing appropriate training
All the relevant personnel at all levels have 1 2 3 4 5
the necessary knowledge, attributes and
qualifications relating to their roles,
responsibilities, and contribution to
Our employees understand how our 1 2 3 4 5
organisational activities impact on society –
socially, economically and environmentally

11 11

12. Management programmes (D.2)

The following statements relate to control and influence in relation to sustainability within your
organisation. To what extent is this true within your organisation?
Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely –
some of the across across
the org’n whole most of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

A full range of economic, environmental and 1 2 3 4 5

social aspects of the organisation’s
performance are built into it’s risk and
opportunity management processes
A Board Level representative has been 1 2 3 4 5
appointed with responsibility for the
management of sustainability performance
and the maintenance of the system
Appropriate emergency planning and 1 2 3 4 5
response / crisis management procedures
are in place
The organisation has identified the aspects 1 2 3 4 5
of the products and services it uses that
affect its progress towards sustainability and
has put in place control procedures to
manage these
The organisation has established supply 1 2 3 4 5
chain management processes for the
economic, environmental and social aspects
of its operations, products and services
Stakeholder interests have been 1 2 3 4 5
incorporated in the identification and
evaluation of the impacts of goods and
The organisation lobbies in a manner that is 1 2 3 4 5
consistent with its strategies, policies,
mission, values, principles and codes of
conduct relating to sustainability for its key
economic, environmental or social aspects

12 12

5. Phase four: Monitor, Review and Report

13. Monitoring, measurement, auditing and feedback – gathering objective evidence


The following statements relate to monitoring and measurement of sustainability within your
organisation. In relation to your organisation, to what extent do you agree with these
Strongly Slightly Neutral Slightly Strongly
disagree disagree agree agree

There is enough objective evidence to 1 2 3 4 5

provide assurance of sound performance
against the organisation’s vision, operating
principles and objectives
There is constant review, feedback and 1 2 3 4 5
corrective action on plans to progress
sustainability performance, including
reviewing the economic, environmental and
social impacts.
Evidence of capital enhancement is 1 2 3 4 5
systematically gathered and documented
across the organisation
Performance against indicators is tracked on 1 2 3 4 5
a regular basis
The organisation’s economic, social and 1 2 3 4 5
environmental performance indicators are
regularly reviewed to ensure that they
address the organisation’s key impacts and
reflect stakeholder’s concerns
Performance information and processes are 1 2 3 4 5
externally verified to ensure accuracy and

14. Tactical and strategic review (MRR.2)

The following statements relate to the process of monitoring and reviewing the organisation’s
performance on sustainability. In relation to your organisation, to what extent do you agree
with these statements?
Strongly Slightly Neutral Slightly Strongly
disagree disagree agree agree

The organisation has defined responsibility 1 2 3 4 5

and authority for initiating action for
improvement based on the results of it’s
monitoring processes
Findings from previous audit and verification 1 2 3 4 5
programmes have been incorporated into the
current management system

13 13

The organisation has established and 1 2 3 4 5

maintained an independent audit and
verification programme and procedures
against the SIGMA Guidelines
We have regular and effective reviews of our 1 2 3 4 5
sustainability objectives and management
The Board has regular updates of 1 2 3 4 5
sustainability performance and is involved in
the review process
Stakeholder engagement is an integral part 1 2 3 4 5
of the review process

15. Reporting progress (MRR.3)

To what extent does your organisation report on sustainability performance?

Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely –
some of the across across
the org’n whole part of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

The organisation produces reports on it’s 1 2 3 4 5

environmental, social and economic impacts
and performance
The organisation produces integrated reports 1 2 3 4 5
on sustainability performance
Clear sustainability performance indicators 1 2 3 4 5
are reported against (for example GRI
indicators) in a way that allows for
comparison over time
Future targets are communicated 1 2 3 4 5
Stakeholder views of reports are sought and 1 2 3 4 5
work is done to meet their expectations
Reports include a mechanism for 1 2 3 4 5
stakeholder feedback, which is supported by
a process that takes into account any
feedback received

16. Assurance of reporting sub-phase (MRR.4)

Does your organisation have its sustainability reports independently assured

Not at all To some To some Extensiv Extensiv
extent in extent in ely ely –
some of the across across
the org’n whole part of whole
org’n the org’n org’n

Reports are assured by independent, 1 2 3 4 5

credible third parties

14 14

6. Self-Assessment Scoring Sheet

Through completing the questionnaire you will already have a clearer picture of how good you
are at effectively managing sustainability issues. The scoring structure gives you a broad
rating of current performance and enables you to track ongoing trends. To calculate your
score add up the numbers you gave yourself for each question (adding up the sub-questions)
and complete the appropriate box in the excel spreadsheet, then total your scores. This will
give you an overall score, whose broad meaning is given on the following page.

Phase Reference Question number and subject Score

General Q1.Assessment of overall management of sustainability 30

1. Leadership and Q2. Business case, awareness and commitment 20

Q3. Vision, mission and operating principles 40

Q4. Training and communications 25

Q5. Culture and change management 15

2. Planning Q6. Performance Review 25

Q7. Legal and regulatory review 5

Q8. Actions, outcomes, impacts 25

Q9. Strategic planning 25

Q10. Tactical planning 35

3. Delivery Q.11. Delivery 25

Q.12 Management programmes 35

4. Monitoring, Q.13. Monitoring and measurement 30

Review and Report
Q14. Review of strategic and tactical plans 30

Q15. Reporting progress 30

Q16. Assurance and verification of reporting sub-phase 5

Total Score 400

(Minimum 80/ Maximum 400)

15 15

7. What the scores mean

Target scores and what they indicate about the organisations concerned:

Organisational score: 80 – 150

An organisation scoring less than 150 is likely to have little integration of sustainability issues
into organisational processes and decision-making. They probably have little awareness of
what it means for them to be sustainable and they will not have identified and evaluated the
full range of consequences associated with their actions. They are unlikely to have engaged
in any meaningful stakeholder dialogue.

Organisational Score: 151 - 220

An organisation scoring between 151-220 may well have identified some elements within their
organisation that have the capacity to help them integrate sustainability issues into
organisational decision making and promote such issues in the wider community. Such an
organisation may have undertaken some limited sustainability related initiatives, but as yet
they are content to cope with problems as they appear, rather than choose a more proactive
approach. It is likely that they have little understanding of the role of sustainability issues in
relation to the continued long-term health of their company.

Organisational Score: 222 - 290

An organisation scoring between 222-290 has already attempted the identification of those
sustainability issues that are pertinent to their organisation and its stakeholders. They have
the building blocks of management framework in place, and probably have some good in-
house technical expertise. They have engaged in some systematic stakeholder dialogue.

Organisational Score: 291 – 360

An organisation scoring between 291-360 already has a fledgling management framework for
sustainability in place. It may be that this management framework has not been in place long
and is still generating its first useful information. It may also be that integration with the
mainstream business planning process and / or other operational level systems has not yet
taken place.

Organisational Score: 361 - 400

An organisation scoring 361-400 is likely already to be in amongst the foremost proponents of
sustainability and is also likely to be actively promoting sustainability issues beyond the
organisational 'footprint'. The organisation will be enjoying a positive relationship with a range
of stakeholders. The organisation is focused on the optimisation of principles, values and

Organisational Profile
These score profiles are not intended to be accurate portrayals of any organisation. They
merely suggest what an organisation achieving a particular score using the Performance
Review Questionnaire might look like.

The overall score will give you a broad impression of performance. It is also useful to reflect
on the relative scores for each section, which reflects a phase in the SIGMA management
framework – this will highlight any particular areas of strength and where there is room for

16 16

APPENDIX A: Additional guidance on the potential issues to be

considered under the heading of economic, environmental
and social aspects and impacts:

The purpose of this section is to provide simple signposts or indicators to the sort of issues
that implementation teams may wish to consider when answering questions about relative
levels of performance and the maturity of management practices and processes within their
organisation. The issues highlighted below should not be considered to be all-inclusive lists
and organisations should reflect on the full range of sustainability aspects and impacts that
are (or are likely to) occur given the nature of their day-to-day activities, processes, products
and services. Organisations are encouraged to use their stakeholder dialogue processes to
refine or reinforce their understanding of the sustainability aspects and impacts that are likely
to have a significant effect on the attainment of their vision for sustainability.
The list of issues below is drawn from the performance indicators referenced in the Global
Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (

GRI Performance Indicators1:

GRI structures performance indicators according to a hierarchy of category, aspect,
and indicator. The definitions used by GRI within this hierarchy are aligned with
international standards, but adapted to the GRI framework. Indicators are grouped in
terms of the three dimensions of the conventional definition of sustainability:
economic, environmental, and social.

In the 2002 Guidelines, the hierarchy is structured as follows:

Category Aspect / Example Indicators

ECONOMIC Direct economic Customers: e.g. Net sales: over a specified timeframe and
impacts by geography (e.g. Europe, North America, etc.)
Suppliers: e.g. Cost of all goods, materials and services
purchased; percentage of all contracts paid in accordance
with agreed terms and conditions
Employees: e.g. Total payroll and benefits
Providers of capital: e.g. Distributions to providers of capital
broken down by interest on debt and borrowings, and
dividends on all classes of shares, with any arrears of
preferred dividends to be disclosed.
Public sector: e.g. Total sum of taxes of all types paid
broken down by country; Donations to community, civil
society, and other groups broken down in terms of cash and
in-kind donations per type of group.

Indirect Innovation: measured through number of patents and

economic partnerships
Community and local economy: dependency on
organisation’s activities
Suppliers: Location of suppliers / service providers
Inward investment: ability of the organisation to attract
further inward investment (monetary value per annum)

Source: GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines – August 2002

17 17

Category Aspect / Example Indicators

Materials : e.g. total use of materials by type; Percentage of
ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental materials used that are wastes (processed or unprocessed)
from sources external to the reporting organisation.
Energy : e.g. Direct energy use segmented by primary
source; Indirect energy use (e.g. imported electricity);
Initiatives to use renewable energy sources and to increase
energy efficiency; Energy consumption footprint (i.e.,
annualized lifetime energy requirements) of major products.
Water: e.g. Water sources and related ecosystems/habitats
significantly affected by use of water; Total recycling and
reuse of water.
Biodiversity: e.g. Location and size of land owned, leased,
or managed in biodiversity-rich habitats; Description of the
major impacts on biodiversity associated with activities
and/or products and services in terrestrial, freshwater, and
marine environments.
Emissions, effluents and wastes: e.g. Greenhouse gas
emissions in tones of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e);
Use and emissions of ozone-depleting substances; Total
amount of waste by type and destination; Significant
discharges to water by type; Significant spills of chemicals,
oils, and fuels in terms
of total number and total volume; All production, transport,
import, or export of any waste deemed “hazardous” under
the terms of the Basel Convention Annex I, II, III, and VIII.
Suppliers: e.g. Performance of suppliers relative to
environmental components of programmes and procedures
Products and services: e.g. Significant environmental
impacts of principal products and services; Percentage of
the weight of products sold that is reclaimable at the end of
the products’ useful life and percentage that is actually
Compliance: e.g. Incidents of and fines for non-compliance
with all applicable international
declarations/conventions/treaties, and national, sub-
national, regional, and local regulations associated with
environmental issues.
Transport: e.g. Significant environmental impacts of
transportation used for logistical purposes.
Overall: e.g. Total environmental expenditures by type.

18 18

Category Aspect / Example Indicators

SOCIAL Labour practices Employment: e.g. Employee benefits beyond those legally
and decent work mandated; Net employment creation and average turnover
segmented by region/country.
Labour / management relations: e.g. Percentage of
employees represented by independent trade union
organisations or other bona fide employee representatives
broken down geographically OR percentage of employees
covered by collective bargaining agreements broken down
by region/country; Provision for formal worker
representation in decision-making or management,
including corporate governance.
Health and safety: e.g. Practices on recording and
notification of occupational accidents and diseases, and
how they relate to the ILO Code of Practice on Recording
and Notification of Occupational Accidents and Diseases;
Evidence of substantial compliance with the ILO Guidelines
for Occupational Health Management Systems.
Training and education: e.g. Average hours of training per
year per employee by category of employee; Specific
policies and programmes for skills management or for
lifelong learning.
Diversity and opportunity: e.g. Description of equal
opportunity policies or programmes, as well as monitoring
systems to ensure compliance and results of monitoring;
Composition of senior management and corporate
governance bodies (including the board of directors),
including female/male ratio and other indicators of diversity
as culturally appropriate.

19 19

Category Aspect / Example Indicators

Human rights Strategy and management: e.g. Description of policies,

guidelines, corporate structure, and procedures to deal with
all aspects of human rights relevant to operations, including
monitoring mechanisms and results; Evidence of
consideration of human rights impacts as part of investment
and procurement decisions, including selection of
Non-discrimination: e.g. Description of global policy and
procedures/programmes preventing all forms of
discrimination in operations, including monitoring systems
and results of monitoring.
Freedom of association and collective bargaining: e.g.
Description of freedom of association policy and extent to
which this policy is universally applied independent of local
laws, as well as description of procedures/programmes to
address this issue.
Child labour: e.g. Description of policy excluding child
labour as defined by the ILO Convention 138 and extent to
which this policy is visibly stated and applied, as well as
description of procedures/ programmes to address this
issue, including monitoring systems and results of
Forced and compulsory labour: e.g. Description of policy
to prevent forced and compulsory labour and extent to
which this policy is visibly stated and applied as well as
description of procedures/programmes to address this
issue, including monitoring systems and results of
Disciplinary practices: e.g. Description of appeal
practices, including, but not limited to, human rights issues;
Description of non-retaliation policy and effective,
confidential employee grievance system (including, but not
limited to, its impact on human rights).
Security practices: e.g. Human rights training for security
Indigenous rights: e.g. Description of policies, guidelines,
and procedures to address the needs of indigenous people;
Description of jointly managed community grievance
mechanisms/authority; Share of operating revenues from
the area of operations that are redistributed to local

20 20

Category Aspect / Example Indicators

Society Community: e.g. Description of policies to manage impacts

on communities in areas affected by activities, as well as
description of procedures/ programmes to address this
issue, including monitoring systems and results of
monitoring; Awards received relevant to social, ethical, and
environmental performance.
Bribery and corruption: e.g. Description of the policy,
procedures/management systems, and compliance
mechanisms for organisations and employees addressing
bribery and corruption.
Political contributions: e.g. Amount of money paid to
political parties and institutions whose prime function is to
fund political parties or their candidates.
Competition and pricing: e.g. Court decisions regarding
cases pertaining to anti-trust and monopoly regulations;
Description of policy, procedures / management systems,
and compliance mechanisms for preventing anti-competitive

Product Customer health and safety: e.g. Number and type of

responsibility instances of non-compliance with regulations concerning
customer health and safety, including the penalties and
fines assessed for these breaches; Voluntary code
compliance, product labels or awards with respect to social
and/or environmental responsibility that the reporter is
qualified to use or has received.
Products and services: e.g. Description of policy,
procedures/management systems, and compliance
mechanisms related to product information and labeling;
Number and type of instances of non-compliance with
regulations concerning product information and labelling,
Advertising: e.g. Description of policies,
procedures/management systems, and compliance
mechanisms for adherence to standards and voluntary
codes related to advertising; Number and types of breaches
of advertising and marketing regulations.
Respect for privacy: e.g. Description of policy,
procedures/management systems, and compliance
mechanisms for consumer privacy; Number of substantiated
complaints regarding breaches of consumer privacy.

21 21
About the SIGMA Project
The SIGMA Project - Sustainability Integrated Guidelines for Management
was launched in 1999 with the support of the UK Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI) and is led by:

• British Standards Institution - the leading standards organisation

• Forum for the Future - a leading sustainability charity and think-tank
• AccountAbility - the international professional body for accountability.

The SIGMA project has developed the SIGMA Guidelines and a series of
tools to provide clear, practical advice to organisations to enable them to
make a meaningful contribution to sustainable development.

The SIGMA Guidelines consist of:

• a set of Guiding Principles that help organisations to understand

sustainability and their contribution to it.
• a Management Framework that integrates sustainability issues into
core processes and mainstream decision-making. It is structured into
phases and sub-phases.

The SIGMA Toolkit, consists of targeted tools and approaches to help with
specific management challenges, and case studies explaining how
organisations have used the SIGMA Guidelines and Toolkit to tackle real

More information including the full SIGMA Guidelines and the accompanying
SIGMA Toolkit are available at:

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