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Volumetric Polymerization Shrinkage and Its Comparison To Internal Adaptation in Bulk Fill and Conventional Composites: A and OCT Analysis

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DENTAL-3410; No.

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Volumetric polymerization shrinkage and its

comparison to internal adaptation in bulk fill and
conventional composites: A ␮CT and OCT in vitro

Camila S. Sampaio a,b,∗ , Jessica Fernández Arias b , Pablo J. Atria a,b ,

Eduardo Cáceres b,c , Carolina Pardo Díaz a,d , Anderson Z. Freitas e ,
Ronaldo Hirata b
a Department of Biomaterials, School of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, Avenue Monseñor Alvaro del Portillo,
12455 Santiago, Chile
b Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics, New York University College of Dentistry, 433 First Avenue, 10010

New York, NY, USA

c Department of Dental Materials, School of Dentistry, University Andres Bello, Quillota 980, Viña del Mar, Chile
d Department of Restorative Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2227 -

Butantã, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

e Nuclear and Energy Research Institute, IPEN-CNEN/SP, University of São Paulo, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2242 -

Butantã, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective. To quantify the volumetric polymerization shrinkage (VPS) of different conven-
Available online xxx tional and bulk fill resin composites, through micro-computed tomography (␮CT), and
qualitative comparison of gap formation through optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Keywords: Methods. Box-shaped class I cavities were prepared in 30 third-molars and divided into 5
Micro-computed tomography groups (n = 6): G1- Filtek Z100 (Z100); G2- Tetric Evoceram Bulk Fill (TEC); G3- Tetric EvoFlow
Micro-CT Bulk fill (TEF); G4- Filtek Bulk fill (FBU); and G5- Filtek Bulk fill Flowable (FBF). All groups were
Optical coherence tomography treated with Adper Single Bond Plus adhesive and light cured (Bluephase 20i). Each tooth
Bulk fill composites was scanned three times using a ␮CT apparatus: after cavity preparation (empty scan); after
Resin composites cavity filling (uncured scan) and after light curing of the restorations (cured scan). The ␮CT
Flowable composites images were imported into a three-dimensional rendering software, and volumetric poly-
Resin restoration merization shrinkage percentage was calculated (%) for each sample. In the same images,
Gap formation interfacial gaps in the pulpal floor were qualitatively evaluated. After ␮CT evaluation, the
Internal adaptation pulpal floor from each tooth was polished until a thin tooth structure was obtained and
Volumetric polymerization OCT images were obtained by scanning the pulpal portion. Gap formation was observed
shrinkage and qualitatively compared to the ␮CT images.

Corresponding author at: Department of Biomaterials, School of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, Avenue Monseñor Alvaro del
Portillo, 12455 Santiago, Chile.
E-mail address: csampaio@miuandes.cl (C.S. Sampaio).
0109-5641/© 2019 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: C.S. Sampaio, J. Fernández Arias, P.J. Atria, et al.. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage and its
comparison to internal adaptation in bulk fill and conventional composites: A ␮CT and OCT in vitro analysis. Dent Mater (2019),
DENTAL-3410; No. of Pages 8
2 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 9 ) xxx–xxx

Results. VPS means ranged from 2.31 to 3.96% for the studied resin composites. The bulk
fill materials, either high viscosity or flowable, were not statistically different from each
other (p > 0.05). The conventional resin composite Z100 presented statistically higher VPS
than both high viscosity bulk fill materials studied (p < 0.05), although it was statistically
similar to the flowable bulk fill materials studied (p > 0.05). Both ␮CT and OCT method-
ologies enabled gap formation visualization, and images from both technologies could be
associated. Gap formation was mostly observed for G1-Z100, G4-FBU, and G5-FBF. VPS% and
pulpal gap formation could not be completely associated with each other for all groups and
samples. Voids were observed in most of the resin composite fillings, and most VPS were
observed in the occlusal area of the samples.
Significance. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage was material-dependent, although bulk
fill materials did not differ from each other. Both ␮CT and OCT enabled interfacial pulpal
gap formation visualization. VPS and gap formation cannot be completely associated with
one another.
© 2019 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

to place the final restoration [20]. Bulk fill composites simplify

1. Introduction the restorative procedure by reducing the number of incre-
ments and thus the final curing time [3]. It has been shown
Resin-based dental composite composition and technol-
that flowable bulk fill composites present comparable or lower
ogy has greatly improved to meet aesthetic and functional
volumetric polymerization shrinkage when compared to a
demands since it was first introduced more than 60 years
conventional flowable resin composite [6], which was also
ago, and is considered a reliable restorative material in den-
observed for high viscosity bulk materials [4].
tistry [1]. Advances in resin composites have promoted the
Evaluation of gap formation may be performed by conven-
development of bulk fill resin composites, which according to
tional methods, such as microscopic assessment [21]. This
manufacturers can be used in a single increment of 4–5 mm
method requires multiple sectioning of the samples, surface
depth, due to modifications in their organic matrix, initia-
polishing and immersion into a staining solution [22]. In an
tor, and filler content [2,3]. Such composites are available in
attempt to elucidate problems related to destructive analyses,
two types: flowable and high viscosity, and many studies have
more sophisticated and nondestructive methods, that are also
compared both of them [4–8].
suitable to volumetric polymerization shrinkage assessments,
Despite their dramatic improvements, volumetric polymer-
are being studied nowadays facilitating the characterization of
ization shrinkage (VPS) and interfacial gap formation are still
resin composites. [4–7,9,12,17,23–36].
an issue when it comes to the longevity of resin composite
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a nondestructive
restorations [9,10]. VPS is an unavoidable characteristic gener-
and noninvasive technique that requires neither specimen
ated during polymerization due to distance reduction between
preparation and coating nor vacuum conditions [17]. OCT
monomer molecules as a result of short covalent bonds, reduc-
applies near-infrared light for cross-sectional scanning to pro-
ing the overall free volume within the monomer structure and
duce 2D and 3D tomograms [28], and evaluation of marginal
producing densely packed polymer molecules [11]. Depend-
adaptation, voids and gap formation of different adhesive and
ing on the magnitude of the VPS, contraction stresses can be
composite resin systems has been studied with this method
generated, which can affect the adhesive interface between
[7,8,27,28,30–33,37]. The OCT image is reconstructed based on
the tooth and restoration [7,12]. When the stress generated
the reflection of the coherent light beam from the structure
exceeds the strength of the bond between the adhesive and
[32]. When the light of the apparatus passes through two mate-
the tooth, interfacial gaps can be formed [13,14]. It has pre-
rials with different refractive indexes, a portion of the light is
viously been proven that polymerization shrinkage also plays
reflected, and if a gap is present, which means that there is
a role in stress development and consequent gap formation
air or water at the interface, the difference of the refractive
around cavity margins [15]. Furthermore, gap formation and
indices can be detected [32]. Specimens with poor marginal
volumetric polymerization shrinkage that leads to an inter-
sealing show images with bright clusters at the cavity wall,
ruption of the restoration margin, associated with patient
indicating interfacial gaps, while tight margins do not show
factors such as cariogenic biofilm might result in treatment
such increased scattering [38].
failure in some cases [16]. Thus, their detection and evaluation
Micro-Computed Tomography (␮CT) obtains three-
are important both from clinical and in vitro research points of
dimensional (3D) structures images of small objects with
view [17].
a high level of spatial resolution in a non-destructive matter
Incremental techniques have been suggested to com-
[5,6]. The use of ␮CT allows non-destructive 2D and 3D
pensate for the polymerization shrinkage of composites by
imaging, and the possibility to analyze the material behavior
reducing the stresses developed within the tooth-restoration
inside a given geometric configuration, such as a tooth cavity
system [18,19]. However, their disadvantages regard the possi-
[5,6,39]. This methodology has demonstrated its efficacy in
bility of trapping voids between layers and the time required
the assessment and visualization of polymerization shrink-

Please cite this article in press as: C.S. Sampaio, J. Fernández Arias, P.J. Atria, et al.. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage and its
comparison to internal adaptation in bulk fill and conventional composites: A ␮CT and OCT in vitro analysis. Dent Mater (2019),
DENTAL-3410; No. of Pages 8
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 9 ) xxx–xxx 3

age vectors [23,40], volumetric shrinkage changes within a ibrated using a phantom standard at 70 kVp/BH 200 mgHA/cm.
restoration and cementation [4–6,24,41], correlation between The operating condition for the ␮CT device used was 70
the polymerization shrinkage strain/stress and the internal kVp–114 microamperes with a resolution giving 16 ␮m/slice.
adaptation generated by tooth stress [26,39], and correlation The average of the total number of slices was approximately
between digital and analogical natural tooth morphology 250, and the average scan time was 28 min. Peak kilovoltage
measurements, showing a concordance correlation between and resolution of the system can greatly affect the acquisi-
methods of 97% [42], within others. tion of the images, thus, these parameters were determined
In both described methodologies, the specimens remain following previous studies [4,6].
intact and can be used several times without damage to The first scan was performed after cavity preparation
the structures. Several studies have pointed out the impor- (empty scan). After that, all teeth were etched with phospho-
tance of OCT in detecting gaps in resin composite restorations ric acid (Ultra-etch 35%, Ultradent Products, South Jordan, UT,
[7,8,17,30–33,37], as well as the ␮CT on showing volumetric USA) for 30 s in enamel and 15 s in dentin, rinsed for 20 s with
polymerization shrinkage and gap formation [4–6,41]. How- water and dried with a thin absorbent paper; adhesive system
ever, few studies had shown a comparison between volumetric was applied according to manufacturer’s instructions, light
polymerization shrinkage and interfacial gaps through ␮CT cured and restorations were performed with their assigned
and OCT [32]. Thus, the aim of this study is to quantify the vol- resin composites. All resin composites were applied in bulk,
umetric polymerization shrinkage of different conventional and since Z100 is a material that needs an incremental tech-
and bulk fill resin composites, through ␮CT, and qualitatively nique, its depth was reduced to 2.5 mm instead of 4 mm used
associate these results with interfacial pulpal gap formation for other materials, as it was observed a correlated degree
through ␮CT and OCT. The working hypotheses tested were of conversion for this material and bulk fill materials [43].
that: (1) different composites would result in different VPS and Before light curing the restorations, a second scan was per-
gap formation; (2) VPS and gap formation findings could be formed (uncured scan), and when it was finished, teeth were
associated; and (3) both ␮CT and OCT methodologies would removed from the ␮CT apparatus and individually light cured.
enable the qualitative observation of the gap formation. After light curing the resin composites, teeth underwent a
third scan (cured scan). In order to avoid unwanted curing
of the resin composites, the ␮CT apparatus was covered with
2. Materials and methods dark plastic, avoiding contact with any light source during all
the scans. All restorations, as well as the adhesive system,
Thirty freshly extracted sound human third molars were were light-cured with a polywave light-curing unit for 20 s
obtained according to protocols approved by the University (High power, 1.200 mw/cm2 , Bluephase 20i, Ivoclar Vivadent,
Ethical Committee. The sample size was determined accord- Schaan, Liechtenstein).
ing to previous studies, which used the same methodology Finally, ␮CT data were imported into a workstation and
[3–5]. Teeth had their roots cut and their cusps flattened until evaluated with Amira software (version 5.5.2, VSG, Burlington,
a regular flat surface was reached, using MetaServ® 250 twin MA, USA). The three scans were superimposed in the software
grinder-polisher (Buehler, Lake Bluff, IL, USA), and box-shaped (“superimposition” tool), and both uncured and cured scans
class I cavities (4 mm length, 4 mm wide, and 2.5 mm depth were subtracted from the empty scan, isolating the restora-
for Z100 group or 4 mm depth for the other groups) were pre- tion. This procedure was performed to avoid scattering and
pared using a diamond bur (AD20 Occlusal Reduction Bur, possible noise between tooth structures and the resin com-
Code 845-022, Strauss & Co., Palm Coast, FL, USA). The bur posites due to their similar radiodensity [4,5,40]. After that,
was replaced after every five cavity preparations, and the final resin composite volumes were quantified in both uncured and
cavity preparation was then checked with a digital caliper. cured scans, allowing the volumetric polymerization shrink-
All teeth were maintained in distilled water at room temper- age (VPS) to be calculated as a percentage. Another subtraction
ature (25 ◦ C) before and after preparation procedures. After was conducted for the uncured minus cured scans for imag-
that, teeth were cleaned with a pumice slurry and divided into ing of resin composite’s shrinkage. Using the same software,
5 different groups: G1- Filtek Z100 (Z100 - 3M Oral Care, St. interfacial gaps in the pulpal floor were also characterized on
Paul, MN, USA); G2- Tetric Evoceram Bulk Fill (TEC - Ivoclar the 3D images with green opaque color (Fig.1).
Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein); G3- Tetric EvoFlow Bulk fill Data from VPS analysis were checked for normality using
(TEF - Ivoclar Vivadent); G4- Filtek Bulk fill (FBU - 3M Oral the Shapiro–Wilk test (p > 0.05) and after that, analyzed by
Care); and G5- Filtek Bulk fill Flowable (FBF - 3M Oral Care). All one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% level of signifi-
groups were treated with the Adper Single Bond Plus adhe- cance and Tukey post hoc tests, using IBM SPSS software (IBM,
sive (3M Oral Care), according to manufacturer’s instructions. Armonk, NY, USA).
A schematic depicting the step-by-step of this study is shown
in Fig. 1. All restorative steps were performed by a specialized 2.2. OCT
single operator.
After ␮CT evaluation, optical coherence tomography was
2.1. CT evaluation performed by a trained OCT operator using an OCT device
(OCT930SR, Thorlabs Inc, Newton, NJ, USA); its light source
Each tooth underwent three scans, performed with a emitted a central wavelength of 930 nm and 2 mW of optical
␮CT apparatus (␮CT40, Scanco Medical, AG, Basserdorf, power. In order to allow the visualization of the interfacial gaps
Switzerland) by a ␮CT trained operator. The apparatus was cal- in the pulpal floor, considering OCT’s limited image depth [14],

Please cite this article in press as: C.S. Sampaio, J. Fernández Arias, P.J. Atria, et al.. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage and its
comparison to internal adaptation in bulk fill and conventional composites: A ␮CT and OCT in vitro analysis. Dent Mater (2019),
DENTAL-3410; No. of Pages 8
4 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 9 ) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1 – Schematic depicting step-by-step of this study: cavity preparation, followed by the first ␮CT scan; cavity was filled
with resin composite, second scan was taken; restoration was light cured for 20 s, third scan was performed;
restoration/tooth system was turned upside down for gaps observation in the OCT. Images acquired in the ␮CT scans were
observed in a software (Amira 5.5.2). (For interpretation of the references to colour in the text, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

in this case about 0.7 mm (with an axial resolution of 0.4 ␮m

Table 1 – Means (% ± SE) of volumetric shrinkage
and lateral resolution of 6.0 ␮m), teeth were prepared before determined for each resin composite material, observed
the scan. The pulpal floor from each tooth was polished until a through ␮CT.
thin tooth structure was obtained, without reaching the cavity
Volumetric shrinkage (%)
and the resin composite. Then, teeth were positioned on the
G1 – Filtek Z100 (Z100) 3.96 (0.30) A
worktable with the pulpal floor facing up, while the occlusal
G2 – Tetric EvoCeram Bulk fill (TEC) 2.31 (0.14) B
portion was positioned facing bottom, as observed in Fig. 1.
G3 – Tetric EvoFlow Bulk fill (TEF) 2.75 (0.32) AB
OCT scanning was performed along all the pulpal surface of G4 – Filtek Bulk fill (FBU) 2.40 (0.28) B
the polished tooth looking for interfacial gaps; movements G5 – Filtek Bulk fill Flowable (FBF) 3.50 (0.37) AB
were standardized (from top to bottom, and from left to right),
double-checking. Cross-sectional images of 2000 × 512 pixels and G5-FBF (p = 0.412); and G4-FBU was also similar to G5-FBF
(corresponding to 2.5 × 0.7 mm) were obtained using SR Scan (p = 0.097). Regarding the conventional resin composite Z100,
program (Thorlabs Inc, Newton, NJ, USA), with parameters it presented statistically higher VPS than both high viscos-
of 2000 A-Scan (Columns) for a width of 2.5 mm (Range), by ity bulk fill materials studied (TEC: p = 0.005; FBU: p = 0.008),
analyzing the interference pattern based on the low coher- although it was statistically similar to the flowable bulk fill
ence light scattered from the sample [44]. Gap interfaces were materials studied (TEF: p = 0.056; FBF: p = 0.797). Qualitative 3D
observed by changes in the signal intensity (high scattering reconstructions depicted voids in most of the resin composite
area) at the interface of resin and dentin, which appeared fillings, and most of the volumetric polymerization shrinkage
as brighter pixels since when light traverses the interface was observed at the top of the samples (occlusal), and part on
through two different media, it undergoes refraction as well as the pulpal floor, observed as a green opaque line (Figs. 2 and 3).
partial reflection [37]. This procedure was performed without Fig. 2 shows representative images of the equivalence
cutting or destroying the samples. within ␮CT and OCT images. Qualitative comparisons of ␮CT
Representative images selected by the operator (interface and OCT images depicted a correspondence within the gaps
pulpal gap presence: image with the highest scattering area, or lack of gaps observed in the pulpal floor of the restorations.
interface pulpal gap absence: image with non-high scattering Interfacial gaps were observed as bright spots in OCT images,
area) were saved and compared with the 3D reconstruction while when a detachment of the resin composite from the
image of the ␮CT, in order to compare pulpal interface gap tooth is observed, gaps are demonstrated as two bright lines
detection and proportions. with a black line in the middle. The lack of gaps is demon-
strated as a continuous line with no bright spots. In ␮CT
images, gaps are observed as an opaque green line. Quali-
3. Results
tatively, for all ␮CT and OCT images, the highest amount of
interfacial gaps in the pulpal floor were observed for G1-Z100,
Table 1 summarizes the means and standard deviation of VPS
G4-FBU, and G5- FBF.
from the different groups. A significant statistical difference
was found among groups, where VPS means ranged from 2.31
to 3.96%. The bulk fill materials, either high viscosity or flow- 4. Discussion
able, were not statistically different from each other (p > 0.05);
G2-TEC was similar to G3-TEF (p = 0.827), G4-FBU (p = 1.000) This study evaluated the volumetric polymerization shrink-
and G5-FBF (p = 0.063); G3-TEF was similar to G4-FBU (p = 0.912) age of different conventional and bulk fill resin composites,

Please cite this article in press as: C.S. Sampaio, J. Fernández Arias, P.J. Atria, et al.. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage and its
comparison to internal adaptation in bulk fill and conventional composites: A ␮CT and OCT in vitro analysis. Dent Mater (2019),
DENTAL-3410; No. of Pages 8
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 9 ) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 2 – Representative images showing correlation within images obtained by ␮CT (left column) and OCT (right column). A:
image from a gap-free sample in the pulpal floor, note the lack of gaps and volumetric shrinkage in this region in the ␮CT
image, correlating with an absence of bright spots in the OCT image. B: image from a sample with few gaps in the pulpal
floor, opaque green areas in that region demonstrates gaps in the ␮CT image, correlating with the bright spots in the OCT
images. C: image from a sample with a great area of gap in the pulpal floor, observed in the ␮CT image, correlating with the
OCT image showing detachment of the resin composite from the tooth (two bright lines with a black line in the middle).
VPS and gap formation are showed as red arrows. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

through ␮CT; the correspondences of ␮CT and OCT images mesiodistal and buccolingual walls of restorations, agreeing
regarding interfacial gap formation observation; and the with results from previous studies, that related higher shrink-
correspondences within VPS and gap formation. The first age occurring in unbonded free surfaces [4–6]. Moreover, voids
hypothesis was accepted, since different composites showed were presented in most of the restorations, also agreeing with
different VPS and gap formation. Volumetric polymerization previous studies [4,6,8,20].
shrinkage ranged from 2.31 to 3.96%, which is in accordance The second hypothesis had to be rejected, since VPS
with previous studies [4–6]. The conventional resin composite and interfacial gap formation did not correspond completely.
studied showed no significant difference when compared to Qualitatively, the groups that showed a greater number of
the flowable bulk fill composites, although it showed higher interfacial gaps were G1- Z100, G4- FBU and G5-FBF, demon-
VPS than the high viscosity bulk fill composites. Bulk fill strated as bright spots or a line within bright spots in the
composites had shown lower volumetric shrinkage than con- OCT images, and opaque lines in the ␮CT images. This result
ventional composites when the same type of consistency is was expected for the conventional resin composite, as it does
compared [4,41]. However, when different consistencies are not have the modern formulation of the bulk fill composites,
compared a composite with lower filler content, or flowable, which, in order to be cured in 4–5 mm deep, present stress
could result in higher volumetric shrinkage than the ones relievers and polymerization modulators in their composition
with high viscosity, since it commonly presents increased [47,48]. For both FBU and FBF, a modified urethane dimethacry-
monomer content, which may lead to increased VPS [45], late was introduced in their chemistry (AUDMA – aromatic
which in turn could explain why the flowable bulk fill compos- urethane dimethacrylate), which presents a high molecular
ites were similar to the conventional resin composite and the weight. According to the manufacturer, by adjusting the pro-
high viscosity bulk fill was different. Since shrinkage occurs portions of high molecular weight monomers, those RCs could
in the course of monomer conversion to polymer, the lesser produce low polymerization shrinkage with a low modulus
the filler content, the higher the resultant shrinkage will likely development, resulting in low stress [49]. However, in this
result [46]. study, although manufacturers claim that reduced stress is
Mostly, interfacial gaps and shrinkage were observed in expected, such bulk fill composites presented a greater num-
the occlusal surface, and less frequently observed on the ber of interfacial gaps than the other bulk fill materials, which

Please cite this article in press as: C.S. Sampaio, J. Fernández Arias, P.J. Atria, et al.. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage and its
comparison to internal adaptation in bulk fill and conventional composites: A ␮CT and OCT in vitro analysis. Dent Mater (2019),
DENTAL-3410; No. of Pages 8
6 d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 9 ) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3 – Images representing ␮CT 3D renderings and OCT images of groups. Transparent green areas represent the mass of
the composite, while opaque green areas represent areas where volumetric polymerization shrinkage occurred, leading to
gap formation in some samples. Note that most of the volumetric polymerization shrinkage is located mainly on top of the
restorations, and not always the groups with higher VPS showed greater gap formation. VPS and gap formation are showed
as red arrows. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

goes in accordance with previous studies [49,50]. In this study, that the clinical significance of the gaps presence remais con-
TEC and TEF demonstrated qualitatively reduced amounts of trovertial, as the correlation between marginal quality, clinical
interfacial gap formation in both ␮CT and OCT analysis, agree- outcome, and postoperative sensitivity is hard to measure.
ing with the results of recent studies [49,50]. According to the Several studies relate presence of gaps in the interface with
manufacturer, these resin composites present a silanized filler postoperative sensitivity [10] and secondary caries develop-
that acts as a shrinkage stress reliever and provides a lower ment [10,52,53], while some other studies state that it is more
elastic modulus, reducing stress, and thus, interfacial gap [49]. determinated by the oral enviroment [54]. To the best of our
It has been observed that, although low volumetric shrink- knowledge, there is still a lack of evidence regarding a sistem-
age does not necessarily correspond to a low polymerization atic correlation betweeen marginal adaptation and its clinical
stress development [51], high polymerization stress values outcome. Thus, further clinical investigations are needed [55].
are correlated with gap formation along the bonded tooth Both methodologies studied enabled the observation of
interface [50]. Moreover, it has been observed that reduced presence of interfacial gap formation, thus accepting the
volumetric shrinkage does not guarantee reduced interfacial third hypothesis. Such results agree with a previous study
gap formation [15], thus agreeing with our results. It is impor- that showed that such technologies can be useful as non-
tant to mention that this study used class I cavities, and the destructive methods for evaluation of internal adaptation [32].
C-factor can have a strong effect on internal adaptation [31]. When compared, ␮CT and OCT present advantages and dis-
The results of this in vitro study give useful background to the advantages. For instance, OCT permits instant non-invasive
understanding of polimerization shrinkage and internal adap- imaging with no radiation hazards [37], while ␮CT takes min-
tation of resin composites, however, it is important to notice utes to capture the images [6]. On the other hand, ␮CT enables

Please cite this article in press as: C.S. Sampaio, J. Fernández Arias, P.J. Atria, et al.. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage and its
comparison to internal adaptation in bulk fill and conventional composites: A ␮CT and OCT in vitro analysis. Dent Mater (2019),
DENTAL-3410; No. of Pages 8
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s x x x ( 2 0 1 9 ) xxx–xxx 7

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Please cite this article in press as: C.S. Sampaio, J. Fernández Arias, P.J. Atria, et al.. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage and its
comparison to internal adaptation in bulk fill and conventional composites: A ␮CT and OCT in vitro analysis. Dent Mater (2019),
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Please cite this article in press as: C.S. Sampaio, J. Fernández Arias, P.J. Atria, et al.. Volumetric polymerization shrinkage and its
comparison to internal adaptation in bulk fill and conventional composites: A ␮CT and OCT in vitro analysis. Dent Mater (2019),

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