NDBI Classs

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International Journal of Geosciences, 2017, 8, 563-576

ISSN Online: 2156-8367
ISSN Print: 2156-8359

Urban Growth Monitoring using Remote

Sensing and Geo-Informatics: Case Study of
Gandhinagar, Gujarat State (India)

Bhavika Badlani1, Ajay N. Patel2, Krunal Patel2, Manik H. Kalubarme2*

Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India


Department of Science & Technology, Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geo-Informatics (BISAG),

Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India

How to cite this paper: Badlani, B., Patel, Abstract

A.N., Patel, K. and Kalubarme, M.H. (2017)
Urban Growth Monitoring using Remote The Gandhinagar town has undergone unprecedented urban growth after as-
Sensing and Geo-Informatics: Case Study of suming the status of a capital of Gujarat state, India in 1971. The Gandhinagar
Gandhinagar, Gujarat State (India). Interna-
city lies on the western bank of river Sabarmati and city is also known as the
tional Journal of Geosciences, 8, 563-576.
“Tree capital of India” because of greenery with 54% green cover. The urban
sprawl in Gandhinagar town was analyzed using multi-temporal Landsat TM
Received: March 6, 2017 data from 1981 to 2015. Spectral indices namely Normalized Difference Ve-
Accepted: April 25, 2017
getation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) and
Published: April 28, 2017
Built-up Index (BUI) were generated from the Landsat TM bands covering
Copyright © 2017 by authors and visible Red (R), Near Infrared (NIR) and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) wave-
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. length regions. Spectral variations in built-up, open spaces, urban vegetation
This work is licensed under the Creative
and water areas were studied by generating two-dimensional spectral plots of
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY 4.0).
NDBI and BUI. The spectral response of built up areas like Urban-dense and
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ urban-sparse classes are quite distinct from other cover types like open spaces,
Open Access urban vegetation and water. The results indicate that the normalized differ-
ence built-up index (NDBI) and Built-up Index (BUI) were very useful for
mapping urban built-up areas in Gandhinagar town using Landsat Thematic
Mapper (TM) data. The built-up area in Gandhinagar increased from 1100.1
ha during Jan 1989 to 1907.3 ha during Jan 2015 which indicates about 73 per
cent increase in the built-up area during the period of 26 years. The urban ve-
getation which includes parks and gardens in the city has also shown increas-
ing trend during the period of 1989 to 2015. However, the area under open
spaces has decreased as the development of built-up area has increased as per
development plan of the Gandhinagar town.

Landsat-TM, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized

DOI: 10.4236/ijg.2017.84030 April 28, 2017

B. Badlani et al.

Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), Built-up Index (BUI), Urban Sprawl mon-

1. Introduction
The ever increasing population has led to the rise in unplanned urban growth in
the suburbs of the city which is usually termed as urban sprawl [1] [2]. Urban
growth on one hand is an indicator of economic, social and political growth
whereas, on the other hand it is at the cost of forests, agriculture lands, orchards
and greenery of the city [3] [4]. Bhatta et al., 2010 [5] had described the urban
sprawl as an unplanned and uneven pattern of growth driven by various
processes finally leading to inefficient resource utilization. Urban growth man-
agement is critical in the continued growth of a city. The trend specified, using
conventional land surveys by department authorities, focuses on land usage, and
is often inaccurate in its depictions of how studied lands are actually used. The
pace of urbanization is adversely affecting the green cover in the urban areas.
With expanding urbanization in the twentieth century, the tree cover in urban
areas around the world is declining due to the demand of the area for develop-
ment. The identification (location, distribution and size) of the built-up area is
of major importance in urban, suburban and agricultural studies. The calcula-
tion of its change throughout the time to the detriment of the non-built-up area
constitutes a highly important indicator of urban change and environmental de-
gradation [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. Remote sensing provides reliable scientific tools
for the calculation of the built-up area, using intertemporal satellite images and
studying the multispectral space.

1.1. Remote Sensing and GIS Applications for Urban Growth

Remote sensing offers several advantages over conventional ground methods
used to map and monitor urban growth. Several studies have analysed urban
sprawl at regional, local and temporal scales [11] [12]. Another practical advan-
tage of utilizing RS data for urban studies is the availability of historical archives
that can help in mapping and understanding urban sprawl over time [8]. The
urbanization pattern of the greater Asmara area in Eritrea was studied using sa-
tellite remote sensing data of Landsat. They analysed land use/ land cover
change using a data object based image analysis and urban sprawl using Shan-
non entropy [13]. Urban sprawl of the Ajmer city (Rajasthan) was studied at
mid-scale level for 25 years (1977-2002) where they used Landsat TM, MSS,
ETM+, and IRS LISS III data [14]. Landsat imagery of Kansas City of United
States of America (USA) was used to generate a time series of land cover data
over the past three decades [15]. Long term trends and patterns of urban sprawl
were studied in south India and its surrounding area, by [16] using IRS P6 data
and topographic sheets in the GIS domain along with Shannon’s entropy model

B. Badlani et al.

to assess the urban sprawl. In the Udupi district of Karnataka state in India, Ur-
ban sprawl patterns were analysed using (LISS and PAN images of 2003 and
LISS IV and Cartosat images of 2013), which showed that barren/waste land was
also converted to settlement/built up area [17]. The urban sprawl in Ranchi city
was analysed, using Landsat data from 1976, 2002 and 2015. The study revealed
that the annual urban growth rate was 1.76 ha/yr over the period from 1976 to
2002 whereas the annual growth rate was 2 ha/yr over the period from 2002 to
2015. The northern side of the city has witnessed more expansion in 2002 when
compared with the growth in 1976 [18].

1.2. Remote Sensing Based Indices for Urban Growth Monitoring

Remote sensing images are useful for monitoring the spatial distribution and
growth of urban built-up areas because of their ability to provide timely and
synoptic views of land cover [8] [12] [19]. Zha et al., 2003 [20] proposed the
normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) to automatically map urban
built-up areas. The method takes advantage of the unique spectral responses of
built-up areas and other land covers. Built-up areas are effectively mapped
through the arithmetic manipulation of recoded NDVI and NDBI images de-
rived from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery. However, the approach
proposed by Zha et al., 2003 [20] recodes the derived NDBI and NDVI images to
create binary images under the assumption that a positive value of NDBI should
indicate built-up areas and a positive value of NDVI should indicate vegetation.
As discussed by Zha et al., 2003 [20], with this recoding process, their approach
is unable to separate urban areas from barren and bare land. Therefore, He, et al,
2010 [21], proposed new method which eliminates the original assumption that
a positive NDBI value should indicate built-up areas and a positive normalized
difference vegetation index (NDVI) value should indicate vegetation. The new
method uses a semiautomatic segmentation approach which has improved un-
iversality and lower commission error compared with the original method. Di-
mitris and Patias, 2016 [22] developed new index BUI (Built-Up Index) which
combines the bands of Landsat ETM+: RED (band 3), SWIR1 (band 5) and
SWIR2 (band 7).

2. Objectives
This study was carried out in Gandhinagar town with major objective to map
changes in built up area in Gandhinagar town using multi-temporal satellite data
from 1981 to 2015. The detailed objectives of this study are as follow:
• Generate three indices namely NDVI, NDBI and BUI using Landsat TM
bands covering visible Red (R), Near Infrared (NIR) and Short Wave Infrared
(SWIR) wavelength regions.
• Study the spectral responses of built-up, vegetation and water areas in the
NDVI, NDBI and BUI images.
• Monitoring Urban Growth of Gandhinagar Town using Multi-temporal Sa-
tellite data of last 35 years (1981 to 2015).

B. Badlani et al.

3. Material and Methodology

3.1. Study Area
Gandhinagar got an identity of its own when the state of Mumbai was divided
into two separate states of Gujarat and Maharashtra. In the beginning, Ahme-
dabad—a commercial hub of Gujarat was chosen as the state capital and it was
proposed that a new capital should be constructed along the line of other new
state capitals, particularly Chandigarh. Named after Mahatma Gandhi the foun-
dation stone of this city was laid on 1965 and in 1971 the capital was shifted
from Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar. The Gandhinagar district includes four talu-
kas—Mansa, Kalol, Dahegam and Gandhinagar. It is bounded by Mahesana, Pa-
tan, Sabarkantha and Banaskantha. All kinds of head offices of state government,
secretariat of all departments, offices and residents of ministers of legislative as-
sembly, residence of governor and other important offices are situated in Gand-
hinagar. The average elevation of Gandhinagar town is 81 m (266 feet) above
MSL. The city lies on the western bank of river Sabarmati. Gandhinagar city is
also known as the “Tree capital of India” because of greenery with 54% green
cover. Gandhinagar town lies between 23.0˚N to 23.6˚N Latitude and 72.3˚E to
73.7˚E Longitude. The 388 sq km area under Gandhinagar Urban Development
Authority (GUDA) includes the 57 sq km area under the Gandhinagar Munici-
pal Corporation (GMC). Gandhinagar—the capital of Gujarat undergoes con-
stant development. The built-up area, vegetative cover, barren land, the area
covered with water bodies—everything changes in the process. The location map
of the study area is given in Figure 1. The development plan of the Gandhinagar
town from 1967 to 2004 indicating development of various sectors during each
decade is given in Figure 2.

3.2. Data Used

In this study, satellite data from Landsat TM from 1981 to 2015 and GIS data of
Gandhinagar town as well as field data was used.

3.3. Remote Sensing (RS) Satellite Data

Multi-temporal Satellite data of Landsat TM of different years from 1981 to 2015
for the month of January were downloaded from website:
https://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/ and used for mapping and monitoring urban
sprawl of Gandhinagar town during last 35 years (Table 1). The Multi-temporal
Landsat TM and MSS data covering Gandhinagar Town used in this study is
given in Figure 3.

3.4. Geographic Information System (GIS) Data

The GIS data available with BISAG like: a) Gandhinagar Urban Development
Area (GUDA) and Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation (GMC) Boundaries, b)
Transport Network, etc. was used for preparation base maps of the study area.
The base map of Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation showing lay-out of dif-
ferent sectors and transport network is given in Figure 4.

B. Badlani et al.

Figure 1. Location of the study area in Gujarat state.

Figure 2. Development Plan of Gandhinagar indicating development during three phases.

B. Badlani et al.

Table 1. Details of remote sensing satellite data used.

Sr. No. Satellite Sensor Path/Row Resolution Date of Pass

1. Landsat-4 MSS 148/045 60 m Jan-1981
2. Landsat-5 TM 148/045 30 m Jan-1989
3. Landsat-5 TM 148/045 30 m Jan-1995
4. Landsat-7 TM 148/045 30 m Jan-2000
5. Landsat-5 TM 148/045 30 m Jan-2011
6. Landsat-8 TM 148/045 30 m Jan-2015

Jan-2015 Jan-2011 Jan-2000

Jan-1995 Jan-1989 Jan-1981

Figure 3. Multi-temporal Landsat TM data covering Gandhinagar Town.

Figure 4. Lay out Plan of Gandhinagar indicating different sectors and transport network.

B. Badlani et al.


IRS LISS-IV: April-2015

Figure 5. Field data collection on Tree cover and urban density in Gandhinagar Town.

3.5. Field Data Collection

Field data on tree cover and urban density in different parts of Gandhinagar
town was collected and their Geographic coordinates of the visited fields were
also recorded using GPS. These photographs were transferred on the satellite
image for accurate area identification. Field photographs of tree cover and urban
density in different areas of Gandhinagar town were geo-tagged for actual visu-
alization of the field details and areas on the satellite data. The locations of field
observations and geo-tagged photographs superimposed on the Satellite data
covering Gandhinagar town are given in Figure 5.

4. Data Analysis
4.1. Remote Sensing Satellite Data Analysis
The multi-date Landsat images from 1981 to 2015 were downloaded and geome-
trically corrected using the Ground Control Points (GCPs) identified on image
and Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements. Using these GCPs and
GPS measurements, second order polynomials with nearest neighbour (NN) re-
sampling procedure, the geo-referenced images were generated in Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection with WGS 84 datum at 30 × 30 m reso-
lution. Root Mean Square (RMS) errors were within +0.5 to 0.75 pixels. The
study area covering the Gandhinagar town was extracted from all different date

4.2. Generation of Indices

The traditional approaches of classification to extract built up areas remains la-
borious and has a high probability of misclassification between bare soil and
constructed surfaces; this is due generally to the urban complexity, where spec-
tral reflectance can represent a combination of several land cover called mixed
pixels (Wu, 2004). However, the development of spectral indices helps in the

B. Badlani et al.

correct interpretation of spatial remote sensing images in various domains, in-

cluding urban planning, which the success of these indices is due generally to the
combination of two or more land surface reflectance with different wavelengths.
Based on the analysis of the unique spectral responses of built-up areas and
other land covers in seven Landsat TM bands, the original NDBI approach de-
veloped by Zha et al. (2003) was implemented and three indices based on Land-
sat TM bands covering visible Red (R), Near Infrared (NIR) and Short Wave In-
frared (SWIR) wavelength regions were generated using following equations:
a) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI):
NIR − Red NIR + Red (1)

b) Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI):


c) Built Up Index (BUI):

In this study, the non-urban and urban built-up areas are distinguished based
on a BUI and NBI. The Non-urban areas include urban vegetation including
parks and gardens, open spaces, water and Agricultural vegetation. The urban
areas were also identified into dense urban and sparse urban areas. Using these
equations the images of NDVI, NDBI and BUI were generated and a colour
composite image of NDVI and BUI was also generated. These images generated
using 16-Jan-2015 Landsat TM data are given in Figure 6.



Figure 6. Images of three indices and composite of NDVI and BUI covering Gandhinagar.

B. Badlani et al.

5. Results and Discussion

5.1. Spectral Response of Urban Land Cover classes
Spectral variations in built-up, open spaces, urban vegetation and water areas
were studied, using sample areas of urban land cover types and DN values these
classes were averaged to plot the graphs given in Figure 7. The DN values in
four Landsat-8 TM bands namely Band3-Green (0.53 - 0.59 nm), Band4-Red
(0.64 - 0.67 nm), Band5-NIR (0.85 - 0.88 nm) and Band6-SWIR1 (1.57 - 1.65
nm) of sample areas having more than 190 pixels were generated and average
DN values for each cover type were generated. The spectral response of built up
areas like Urban-dense and urban-sparse classes are quite distinct from other
cover types like open spaces, urban vegetation and water.

5.2. Relationships among NDBI, NDVI and BUI

Zha, Gao and Ni (2003) developed the NDBI on the footprints of the NDVI that
used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) near-infrared (NIR) band 4 (low reflec-
tance in built-up area) and mid-infrared (MIR) band 5 (high reflectance in
built-up area). The output NDBI was further refined by removing vegetation
noise using NDVI. He et al. (2010) found in their studies that NDBI generated
using TM band 4 (0.76 - 0.90 μm) and TM band 5 (1.55 - 1.75 μm) were most
suitable for discriminating built-up areas from other land cover types.
In this study three indices namely, NDVI, NDBI and BUI were generated us-
ing the Equations (1)-(3) given above and given in Figure 6. The built-up areas
are seen as white and bright grey tones on the BUI image, where as the other

Spectral Profiles of Urban Cover Classes

Mean DN Values

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Spectral Wavelength (nm)

Urban-Dense Urban-Sparse Open Spaces Urban-Vegetation Water

Figure 7. Spectral Profiles of Urban land cover types using Landsat-TM data.

B. Badlani et al.

Table 2. Mean and Standard Deviations of various urban land use classes in NDVI, NDBI
and BUI images.


Mean Std Devi Mean Std Devi Mean Std Devi

Urban-Dense 251 0.189 0.033 −9.87E−03 0.025 −3.77E−01 0.035

Urban-Sparse 294 0.295 0.073 2.63E−02 0.046 −2.67E−01 0.052

Open Spaces 167 0.247 0.028 −1.33E−01 0.032 −3.77E−01 0.024

Urban-Veg. 346 0.575 0.046 1.68E−01 0.049 −4.04E−01 0.025

Agri.-Veg. 156 0.688 0.095 2.77E−01 0.118 −4.11E−01 0.039

Water 54 −0.176 0.068 4.00E−01 0.057 5.98E−01 0.107

land cover types are seen as light grey, dark grey and black tones. Also Densely
vegetated areas appear dark black tones. The water in the river and other places
in the town are seen as very bright white in colour. The urban vegetation as well
agricultural crops are seen as bright pink and red tones in the composite image
of NDVI & BUI. The spectral responses of built-up, vegetation and water areas
in the NDVI, NDBI and BUI images were generated using the sample areas of
various classes on these images. The number of pixels used to generate the statis-
tics along with mean values and Standard Deviations of each class are given in
Table 2.
The urban land cover types have quite distinct signature in all the three spec-
tral indices which indicates that these land cover types can be segregated from
each other using these indices. The scatter plots of various urban land cover
types in two-dimensional spectral space of NDBI and BUI were also generated to
monitor their spectral separability (Figure 8). The scatter plots given in Figure 7
indicate very distinct separation in spectral responses of built-up, urban vegeta-
tion and water classes in NDBI and BUI images. The clusters of open spaces,
urban vegetation and water are quite distinct and well separated from built-up
areas indicating that urban built-up areas are clearly separable using the NDBI
and BUI. However, there is some overlap among the urban-dense and urban-
sparse built-up categories but nevertheless these two urban classes are quite dis-
tinct from open spaces and urban vegetation.

5.3. Built-up area Extraction using NDBI in Gandhinagar

The area under urban land use classes like built-up area, open spaces and urban
vegetation classes were estimated using the false colour composite images gener-
ated using NDVI and BUI images of different years. The estimated area under
built-up, open spaces and urban vegetation in Gandhinagar town during 1989 to
2015 is given in Table 3. The changes in Urban Land cover types in Gandhinagr
during 1989 to 2015 are also plotted in Figure 9.
The built-up area in Gandhinagar increased from 1100.1 ha during Jan 1989
to 1907.3 ha during Jan 2015 which indicates about 73 per cent increase in the
built-up area during the period of 26 years. The urban vegetation which includes

B. Badlani et al.

parks and gardens in the city has also shown increasing trend during the period
of 1989 to 2015. However, the area under open spaces has decreased as the de-
velopment of built-up area has increased as per development plan of the Gan-
dhinagar town. The development of Gandhinagar has been carried out in three

Figure 8. Scatter plots of urban land cover types in NDBI and BUI spectral space.

Table 3. Area under Urban land cover in Gandhinagar during 1989 to 2015.
Area (ha) under Urban Land Cover Type
Sr. No. Month-Year
Built-Up Open Spaces Urban Vegetation

1. January 1989 1100.7 1147.0 598.5

2. January 1995 1599.1 566.5 680.6

3. January 2000 1706.6 304.1 835.5

4. January 2011 1824.1 151.1 871.0

5. January 2015 1907.3 65.4 873.0

B. Badlani et al.

Change in Built-up area in Gandhinagr


Area (ha)
1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Built up Open Spaces Urban-Veg

Figure 9. Changes in Urban Land cover types in Gandhinagr during 1989 to 2015.

phases as given in Figure 2. During Phase-I (1967 -1980) only northern part was
under development. During Phase-II (1981-1990) and Phase-III (1991-2004)
most of the sectors in the town were under development and after 2005 to 2015
all the sectors were fully developed with increasing built-up area. This activity of
increase in built-up area in different sectors can be clearly seen in Landsat im-
ages from 1989 to 2015 given in Figure 3.

6. Conclusions
The present study urban growth in Gandhinagar town was monitored using
Geospatial technology and multi-temporal Remote Sensing Satellite data of last
35-years. Landsat MSS and TM data from 1981 to 2015 was analysed for urban
sprawl mapping. The field data on built-up areas, open spaces, urban vegetation
including parks, gardens and tree clusters etc. was also collected in different sec-
tors of Gandhinagar town. To identify and delineate urban built areas and other
urban cover types, various indices like of Normalized Difference Vegetation In-
dex (NDVI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) and Built-Up Index
(BUI) were generated using Landsat TM data covering Gandhinagar town.
The major conclusions of this study are as follows:
• Spectral variations in built-up, open spaces, urban vegetation and water areas
were studied by generating two-dimensional spectral plots of NDBI and BUI.
The spectral response of built up areas like Urban-dense and urban-sparse
classes are quite distinct from other cover types like open spaces, urban
vegetation and water.
• The results indicate that the normalized difference built-up index (NDBI)
and Built-up Index (BUI) were very useful for mapping urban built-up areas
in Gandhinagar town using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data.
• The area under urban land use classes like built-up area, open spaces and ur-

B. Badlani et al.

ban vegetation classes were estimated using the false colour composite im-
ages generated using NDVI and BUI images of different years.
• The built-up area in Gandhinagar increased from 1100.1 ha during Jan 1989
to 1907.3 ha during Jan 2015 which indicates about 73 per cent increase in
the built-up area during the period of 26 years.

The authors express their sincere thanks to Shri T. P. Singh, Director, Bhaskar-
charya Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics (BISAG), Depart-
ment of Science & Technology, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar for his
encouragement and guidance to conduct this study.

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