Geospatial Analysis Urban Expansion
Geospatial Analysis Urban Expansion
Geospatial Analysis Urban Expansion
Volume 2020, Article ID 3239471, 12 pages
Geospatial Analysis of Urban Expansion Using Remote Sensing
Methods and Data: A Case Study of Yangtze River Delta, China
Wei Sun ,1,2 Jie Shan,3 Zhiming Wang,3 Lei Wang,1,4 Dianmei Lu,5 Zhifeng Jin,6,7
and Kun Yu 3
Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, China
Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210008, China
Institute of Agricultural Information, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210014, China
Manchester Urban Institute, School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of Manchester,
Manchester M13 9PL, UK
Geological Exploration Technology Institute of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210046, China
School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079, China
Jiangsu Research Center of Land and Resources, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210017, China
Received 9 June 2020; Revised 13 July 2020; Accepted 23 July 2020; Published 14 August 2020
Copyright © 2020 Wei Sun et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Land use in the Yangtze River Delta in 2000 and 2017 was classified by the visual interpretation of Landsat satellite images. Then,
these images were overlain with economic and physical geographical data to analyze the urban spatial expansion pattern and its
physical constraints and socioeconomic influence factors by employing a combination of transition matrix analysis, expansion
intensity indices, and equal-fan analysis. The results showed that from 2000 to 2017, there was a significant increase in built-up
areas in the region, with rapid expansion in the core area. The northern and southern parts of the Yangtze River Delta experienced
different urban spatial expansions, with a higher scale and rate in the cities along the Yangtze River and the coast in Jiangsu
Province in the north than in Zhejiang Province in the south. Cities expanded towards megacities or hubs along the Yangtze River
or the coast, indicating that urban expansion is influenced by preferential policies and urban planning factors in addition to the
spillover effects of neighboring cities and the adjacency to seas or large rivers. Finally, urban expansion is significantly constrained
by elevation, with cities at lower elevations or in flat terrain undergoing more rapid urban expansion and development.
(along transportation lines), sprawling, and “satellite” type input to urban development planning and sustainable
expansion. Extensions of this research allowed for the economic development in the region.
inclusion of physical, socioeconomic, accessibility, and
neighborhood factors in the analysis of urban expansion 2. Materials and Methods
and the spatiotemporal variation of relevant driving factors
[5]. Moreover, new emerging technologies and method- 2.1. Study Area. Located adjacent to the Yellow and East
s—in particular, wide application of remote sensing China Seas, the Yangtze River Delta megalopolis (Figure 1;
technologies—have enabled urban expansion research on 32°34′–29°20′N, 115°46′–123°25′E) is comprised of two
an immense spatiotemporal scale. Since the 1970s, the provinces as well as Shanghai municipality. The area has a
United States began to use long time series remote sensing subtropical monsoon climate and serves as a major interface
data from Landsat to investigate the patterns and driving of the Belt and Road economies and the Yangtze River
forces of urban land cover expansion and landscape metrics economic belt. Covering an area of approximately
to predict future urban development trends [6, 7]. Other 11 × 104 km2, the core of the megalopolis includes the cities
countries are also currently focusing on monitoring and of Shanghai, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Suzhou, Wuxi,
predicting the rapid urbanization of cities by using Landsat Changzhou, Taizhou (Jiangsu), Nantong, Hangzhou,
Thematic Mapper (TM) or Operational Land Imager (OLI) Shaoxing, Huzhou, Jiaxing, Ningbo, Zhoushan, and Taizhou
[8–11]. (Zhejiang). This megalopolis is one of the most developed
In recent years, with the increasing availability of remote and urbanized regions in China and thus is both the most
sensing data, investigating urban development patterns densely populated region in China and one of the six biggest
through the integration of different sources of remote megalopolises in the world [31]. In 2016, the region had a
sensing information has become a popular avenue of ur- GDP of 1.8 trillion USD, accounting for 16.7% of the
banization research. For example, studies of the intensity Chinese economy, with a population of more than
and mode of construction land expansion in developed and 9800 × 104 [1, 32, 33].
developing countries using multiple-source remote sensing
data and the Defense Meteorological Satellites Program/
Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) night-time light 2.2. Data
data revealed the effect of policy factors at different eco- 2.2.1. Satellite Data. TM and OLI are key instruments
nomic development levels and of heterogeneous regional onboard Landsat satellites which have a ground revisit
landscapes on urbanization [12–14]. Following the imple- period of 16 days. In 2009, images collected by Landsat
mentation of the Chinese national policy of reform and satellites became freely available from the United States
opening-up in the 1980s, the spatiotemporal changes of Geological Survey (USGS), with historical images dating
Chinese cities and their driving factors have attracted in- back to 1982 at 15∼30 m pixel resolutions. A total of 7
creasing attention from researchers [15–19]. spectral bands between 450 nm and 12.5 μm and 9 spectral
In studies of the spatiotemporal differentiation and bands between 433 nm and 2.3 μm are available by TM
transfer patterns of urban land expansion of large and images and OLI images, respectively, allowing the explo-
medium cities, including Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou, and ration of the Earth’s resources and environments on a global
Nanjing, remote sensing technology provided timely, cost- scale at maximal resolution but with minimal costs. Images
efficient, and effective data for large-scale urbanization re- from the Landsat series satellites were selected for this study,
search [20–25]. As a byproduct of investing increasing ef- owing to the consistent resolution and continuity of the data.
forts for reform and economic accessibility, China All data used in this study were provided by the USGS/EROS
experienced increasingly rapid urbanization. In particular, Data Center, including 16 views of images from the Landsat-
the Yangtze River Delta region is now considered the largest 5 TM in 2000 and 15 views of images from the Landsat-8 OLI
regional economy of China. In a regional development plan in 2017. All remote sensing images were of good quality and
published by the Chinese government, the Yangtze River covered the entire study area (Table 1).
Delta is positioned as an economic center with the strongest
comprehensive power in China; it is considered not only as a
major international gateway to the Asia-Pacific region, but 2.2.2. DEM Data. A digital elevation model (DEM) is a
also as a major base of global advanced manufacturing and digital simulation of surface terrain using limited topo-
the first megalopolis of China with international implica- graphic elevation data (or a digital representation of the
tions. As such, urbanization in this region has become a surface morphology) and is a physical model of surface
popular research topic. However, most remote sensing data- elevation represented in matrices of ordered values. The
based studies of the urban spatiotemporal expansion in the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection
Yangtze River Delta are outdated [26–30]. More recent Radiometer (ASTER) Global Digital Elevation Model
studies of urbanization in this region have mainly focused on (GDEM) V2 data used in this study were provided by the
individual cities; however, a comprehensive investigation of Geospatial Data Cloud ( Compared
the Yangtze River Delta is distinctly lacking. In this study, with the ASTER GDEM V1 data, the V2 data use more
the Yangtze River Delta was investigated to establish the advanced algorithms and have an enhanced spatial resolu-
characteristics, patterns, and mechanisms of urban spatio- tion and elevation accuracy. The V2 data have a spatial
temporal expansion since 2000, in order to provide scientific resolution of 30 m and are presented in the WGS84
Complexity 3
120°0′0″E 123°0′0″E
Taizhou Nantong
Nanjing Zhenjiang
Changzhou Wuxi
Shaoxing Ningbo
Shanghai city
Jiangsu province
Zhejiang province
Figure 1: Yangtze River Delta megalopolis. Inset shows location within eastern China.
4 Complexity
coordinate system using the Universal Transverse Mercator tailored using the latest vector boundaries of the cities
(UTM) projection. covered in this study.
2.2.3. Ground Observation Data. The remote sensing images 2.3.2. Interpretation. Land cover in the study area was
selected for this study were obtained during the period of classified into one of the following six categories: farmland,
March to November for the years 2000 and 2017. To facilitate forest, grassland, water bodies (including artificial water
accurate visual interpretation of the images, more than 1500 bodies), construction land, and unused land (including native
reference ground objects, including 500 surface quadrats vegetation and barren land). The classification was made by
measuring 500 × 500 m, were randomly selected in the study referencing GB/T21010-2017 Current Land Use Classification,
area using a Trimble GEO-XT6000 GPS, with their latitudes issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision,
and longitudes identified. Inspection, and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China,
and noting the characteristics of land use in the study area. The
2.3. Methods mean values, standard deviations, and correlation coefficients
of the images were quantitatively analyzed by frequency band,
2.3.1. Data Preprocessing. Data preprocessing began with using the Optimum Index Factor (OIF) method proposed by
atmospheric correction on selected remote sensing images Lu et al. [34]. Next, the information content of various fre-
using the FLAASH module in ENVI 5.1 software. Second, quency band combinations was computed. The resulting OIF
geometric corrections were performed on the remote values were arranged sequentially from high to low. The red,
sensing images from 2017 using the latitude and longitude of near-infrared, and short-wave infrared bands (corresponding
reference ground objects as ground control point data, with to bands 3, 4, and 5 and 4, 5, and 6 of Landsat-5 TM and
the error held below 0.5 pixels. Next, geometric corrections Landsat-8 OLI, respectively) were selected as the preferred
were performed on the remote sensing images from 2000, bands in correspondence to the purpose of the study, the
using the geometrically corrected 2017 images as the ref- particular situation of the study area, and the characteristics of
erence. All the geometrically corrected images were then the spectral-reflectance of different ground objects in the
presented in the WGS84 coordinate system using the UTM frequency bands of the images. Next, after repeated trials, the
projection. Finally, all the remote sensing images were red, near-infrared, and short-wave infrared bands were
Complexity 5
rendered in blue, red, and green colors, respectively, to To analyze temporal changes of land use in the study area
transform the data into quasicolor data. The resulting data and to identify inherent driving factors of urban expansion
showed strong color contrast for different ground objects and and pattern of land use changes, the transition matrix
had rich color gradation, thereby facilitating manual data method was combined with the overlay analysis function in
interpretation. Finally, the land uses of the study area in 2000 ArcGIS 9.3 software to compute transition matrices of land
and 2017 were classified using the visual interpretation use. These computational results were used to analyze the
method, that is, the interpretation of the remote sensing land use changes in the cities covered in the study during the
images based on their spectral characteristics, geoscience period 2000–2017.
patterns, and expertise as well as the brightness, color tone,
texture, spatial relationship, and phase of image pixels, with
the results presented in Figure 2. 2.4.2. Spatial Analysis. To analyze the spatial differentiation
and morphological evolution of urban land expansion in the
Yangtze River Delta over the last 20 years, the dimension and
2.3.3. Accuracy Evaluation. The confusion matrix method is intensity of land expansion in the region were analyzed by
now the most widely applied method for evaluating the combining DEM elevation data, the expansion intensity
classification accuracy of remote sensing images [35]. This index, and the equal-fan analysis method.
method operates by comparing classification results and field The expansion intensity index is the ratio of the area of
observations using an n × n matrix (where n is the number of urban land expansion to the total land area in a spatial unit
classifications), with the elements in the matrix representing in the study period. This index normalizes the annual mean
the number of pixels to be verified [36]. Research shows that expansion rate based on the land area in a spatial unit,
the number of points for verifying the classification accuracy thereby enabling comparative analysis. The expansion in-
of a single class should be no less than 75 [37]. In the land use tensity index—an indicator of urban expansion status-
classification of this study, 200 points were randomly selected —enables a comparison between different geographical
for each class of ground objects. Confusion matrices were areas of a city in terms of the intensity, rate, and trend of land
established by comparing the classification results of these use expansion. The index is computed using the following
reference points at different time points with the corre- equation [40, 41]:
sponding field investigation results and high-resolution re- Ua − Ub
mote sensing data from Google Earth (including QuickBird, Ui � × 100, (2)
IKONOS, and SPOT5 satellites). Producer’s accuracy, user’s T × Uc
accuracy, overall accuracy, and Kappa coefficient were used to where Ui is the expansion intensity in the ith spatial unit, Ua
measure the land use classification accuracy, calculated as is the area of the urban land in the ith spatial unit in period a,
Kjj Ub is the area of the urban land in the ith spatial unit in
PPA � , period b, Uc is the total land area of the ith spatial unit, and T
is the time span from period a to period b in the unit of year.
Kii The equal-fan analysis operates by mapping a study area
PUA � , into a circle and dividing the circle into equal fans. The land
use classifications in different periods are then plotted onto
n K equal fans for overlay analysis, and the expansion intensities
POA � i�1 ii , in different aspects are computed to describe the spatial
differentiation in land classification. The center of the circle
T ni�1 Kii − ni,j�1 Ki+ K+j is usually the central business district (CBD) of a city
K� , [42, 43], with the radius of the circle determined based on
T2 − ni,j�1 Ki+ K+j the criteria that the circle can cover the entire city. In this
study, each of the cities considered was divided into 16 equal
where PPA is the producer’s accuracy, PUA is the user’s fans (where the angle of each fan is 22.5°), with the division
accuracy, POA is the overall accuracy, K is the Kappa co- starting in the north. Urban land expansion intensity indices
efficient, n is the number of columns in the confusion matrix in the different fans in various periods were then computed.
(number of classifications), Kii is the number of pixels in the The computational results were then combined with the
matrix at the intersection of the ith row and the ith column DEM elevation data to analyze the differentiation in urban
(the number of correct classification), Ki+ and K+j are the spatial expansion intensity.
total number of pixels in the ith row and the ith column,
respectively, and T is the total number of pixels used for the
accuracy evaluation. 3. Results
3.1. Accuracy Evaluation. The accuracy of land use classi-
2.4. Data Analysis fications for the Yangtze River Delta in 2000 and 2017 was
evaluated by establishing confusion matrices and computing
2.4.1. Temporal Analysis. Transition matrix-based analytical the producer’s accuracy, user’s accuracy, overall accuracy,
results can intuitively reflect transitions between different and Kappa coefficient. Table 2 shows that the overall ac-
types of ground objects during two adjacent periods [38, 39]. curacies of the classifications in 2000 and 2017 were higher
6 Complexity
Figure 2: Classification of land use in the Yangtze River Delta in (a) 2000 and (b) 2017.
than 90%, and the Kappa coefficients were greater than 0.90. the study period, with the largest increase occurring for
This confirms that the land use classifications were suffi- construction land which expanded by approximately
ciently accurate for this study. However, all accuracy indi- 8.57 × 105 hm2, equivalent to an increase of 7.61% of the
cators showed that the land use classification in 2017 was total land. In contrast, forest, water bodies, and unused
more accurate than in 2000, which is likely because the land increased only slightly, together accounting for ap-
ground resolution of the Landsat-8 OLI data used for the proximately 2% of the total land (Figure 3). The area
2017 classification was higher than that of the Landsat-5 TM transition matrix analysis showed that construction land
data used for the 2000 classification; this suggests, to a represented the largest transition in the 17-year period. The
certain extent, that a higher spatial resolution leads to a more area of farmland converted into construction land was
accurate visual interpretation. Moreover, the producer’s approximately 8.91 × 105 hm2 (Table 3), accounting for
accuracies and user’s accuracies for the construction land 47.66% of the total construction land in 2017.
classifications in 2000 and 2017 were higher than 93%. Regarding the increase in the ratio of the construction
land to the administrative areas (Figure 4), the cities covered
in the study experienced different rates of urban spatial
3.2. Temporal Changes in Urbanization. Among the six expansion. More specifically, Shanghai and Suzhou expe-
classifications of land use, a noticeable reduction of rienced the biggest increase (higher than 13%), with the
farmland and grassland occurred from 2000 to 2017. More increase of Suzhou higher than that of Shanghai; Jiaxing and
specifically, farmland was reduced by approximately Wuxi experienced increases of approximately 10%; Nanjing,
1.11 × 106 hm2, accounting for 9.92% of the total land, Changzhou, and Taizhou (Jiangsu) of 8–9%; Ningbo,
whereas the grassland accounted for less than 1% of the Huzhou, Yangzhou, and Nantong of 6–8%; and Zhenjiang,
total land after its reduction. Forest, water bodies, con- Shaoxing, Zhoushan, Hangzhou, and Taizhou (Zhejiang) of
struction land, and unused land increased in area during 4–6%.
Complexity 7
Percentage of area
Farmland Forest Grassland Water bodies Construction Unused land
Figure 3: Changes (%) in the different classifications of land use from 2000 to 2017.
Table 3: Transition matrix of the land use transitions (hm2) in the Yangtze River Delta from 2000 to 2017.
2000 Farmland Forest Grassland Water bodies Construction land Unused land Total
Farmland 4327710 136653 3708 294997 891980 22339 5677387
Forest 44518 3049272 2639 16808 37918 7299 3158454
Grassland 5525 67091 48279 17019 5946 1730 145591
Water bodies 82243 5721 2759 1122505 53019 6594 1272841
Construction land 98675 8783 835 16196 882330 6527 1013347
Unused land 1081 458 0 540 480 1894 4452
Total 4559752 3267977 58220 1468066 1871672 46384 11272071
8 Complexity
Percentage of area 10
Figure 4: Increases (%) in construction land in the Yangtze River Delta by city.
3.3. Spatial Changes of Urbanization. Expansion intensity The municipality of Yangzhou (Figure 5(d)) saw sig-
indices for the municipalities identified above (Figure 1) nificant development in the SSE direction together with
were computed using an equal-fan analysis. The computa- notable expansion in the SE, S, SSW, and SW directions. The
tional results for growth between 2000 and 2017 were then National Economic Development Zone, located in the
plotted as radar charts, as shown in Figure 5. southern part of the city, boasts the geographical advantage
Shanghai experienced very rapid expansion in the of being adjacent to seas and rivers, an investment envi-
SWW-W-NWW directions and rapid expansion in the NE- ronment with comprehensive support facilities, and an in-
E-SEE and SSE directions (Figure 5(a)). This is attributed to dustrial base with unique characteristics. Following the
the accelerated development of the Hongqiao transportation construction of an integrated transportation hub in the
hub in the west and the Pudong New Area and the Shanghai eastern part of the city in 2016, the focus of the urban ex-
Port in the east. pansion has gradually shifted to the SE direction.
Construction of the Xianlin University Town, the Qilin Taizhou (Jiangsu) City experienced very rapid expansion
Science and Technology Park in the east, and the Jiangbei in the S-SSW and SWW directions and extensive growth to
New District in the north contributed significantly to ex- the NNE and NEE (Figure 5(e)). Construction of the
pansion in Nanjing (Figure 5(b)). These new constructions Taizhou Medical New & High-tech Industrial Development
resulted in a significant increase in growth in the NE-NEE Zone, the Taizhou Binjiang Industrial Park, and the Riv-
direction, but less rapid development in the SEE, SWW, and erside Economic Development Zone has significantly driven
NW directions. urban expansion in this area.
Zhenjiang underwent considerable growth in the NEE-E Considerable development took place in Nantong
and SWW directions, together with noticeable expansion in (Figure 5(f )), primarily in the SE direction, with addi-
the SE and SSW directions (Figure 5(c)). In the Zhenjiang tional heightened growth in the SWW. Due to the strong
Economic and Technological Development Zone, located in economic attraction, Shanghai has served as a driving
the eastern part of the city, a high-quality coated paper force of the urban development of Nantong. Since the
manufacturing base (the largest in the world), an engi- Tongzhou municipality was reorganized as a district
neering plastic particle base (the most extensive in China), in 2009, urban development has gradually shifted from
an automobile engine cylinder block manufacturing base the south (Chongchuan and Gangzha Districts) to the
(the most substantial in China), and a controllable propeller southeast.
manufacturing base were recently constructed. Located at In Changzhou, marked expansion in the N-NNE and
the intersection of the Shanghai and Nanjing metropolitan E-SEE directions and development to a lesser degree in the
areas, the Zhenjiang High-Tech Zone in the west of the city is SSE direction were observed (Figure 5(g)). This is mainly
included in the core area of the Nanjing-Zhenjiang- because the Changzhou National High-tech Development
Yangzhou Integrated Strategy Initiative and is one of nine Zone is in the north of the city and construction projects for
National High-Tech Zones in the southern Jiangsu National equipment manufacturing, new chemical materials, and port
Innovation Demonstration Zone. The Zhenjiang Science logistics have been implemented in the Riverside Economic
and Technology Town, located in the southern part of the Development Zone since 2006. Located in the eastern part of
city, was constructed in 2016; therefore, the expansion in- the city, the Changzhou Economic Zone displays the most
tensity in this direction was slightly lower. rapid development.
Complexity 9
NNW 2.00 NNE NNW 1.60 NNE NNW 0.80 NNE NNW 2.50 NNE
NW 0.60 NE NW 2.00 NE
NW 1.50 NE NW 1.20 NE
1.00 0.80 0.40
0.50 0.40 0.20 0.50
W 0.00 E W 0.00 E W 0.00 E W 0.00 E
Figure 5: Spatial expansion directions of cities covered in the study during the period 2000–2017. The numbers in the (a)∼(p) were
calculated by equation (2), representing the expansion intensity in the spatial direction. (a) Shanghai. (b) Nanjing. (c) Zhenjing. (d)
Yangzhou. (e) Taizhou (Jiangsu). (f ) Nantong. (g) Changzhou. (h) Suzhou. (i) Wuxi. (j) Hangzhou. (k) Huzhou. (l) Jiaxing. (m) Shaoxing.
(n) Ningbo. (o) Taizhou. (p) Zhoushan.
Suzhou (Figure 5(h)) experienced very rapid expansion Xishan District in the east and the attraction of Shanghai and
in the NEE direction and evident growth in the SSE and Suzhou contributed to significant expansion in the southeast
NWW direction. Construction projects in the Suzhou In- direction.
dustrial Park, the Wujiang Lakeside New Town, and the The city of Hangzhou (Figure 5(j)) experienced very
Suzhou National Hi-Tech District contributed to the sig- rapid development in the SEE direction and rapid growth in
nificant expansion in the easterly direction. the NNE and NNW directions. The urban development of
Wuxi experienced noticeable expansion in the NEE-E- Hangzhou to the west is constrained by the western Zhejiang
SEE-SE-SSE direction (Figure 5(i)). Construction of the hilly area. The east side of Hangzhou is located on the
10 Complexity
Percentage of area
Lower than 100 100–500 500–1000 Higher than 1000
Elevation (m)
Land use
Construction land
Figure 6: Land use changes (%) by elevation.
Northern Zhejiang Plain and has traditionally been a The land use classification and DEM elevation data of
manufacturing hub. As such, Hangzhou experienced sig- the study area were overlain to perform an expansion
nificant expansion to the east, particularly after the planning classification analysis in order to understand how ele-
and construction of the Jiangdong New District. vation affects land use and expansion. The results show
Huzhou experienced marked expansion in the NEE and that more than 90% of land use changes occurred in areas
NNW-N directions and rapid increases in growth in the with an elevation of less than 100 m, 99% of the con-
NWW and S directions (Figure 5(k)). The construction of struction land expansions occurred in areas with an el-
the Taihu New Town contributed to significant expansion in evation of less than 100 m, and land use changes,
the north and east. particularly changes in construction land, decreased with
In Jiaxing, well-defined expansion occurred in the NE an increase in elevation (Figure 6).
direction (Figure 5(l)), simultaneously with minor expan-
sion to the E, SSW, and NW. Jiaxing adopts integration into 4. Discussion
Shanghai—in particular, integration with the Jinshan and
Songjiang Districts of Shanghai—as its core strategy of urban The most drastic land use changes from 2000 to 2017
development. Therefore, Jiaxing exhibited significant growth resulted from farmland and construction, with the overall
to the east and more significantly the northeast. pattern of land use change being the conversion of the
Shaoxing experienced very rapid growth in the N and former to the latter. The assessment of spatial changes in
NWW-NW directions and notable expansion in the NEE urbanization in the 15 cities (excluding Shanghai) demon-
and SSW directions (Figure 5(m)). Expansion to the NW-N strated an increasing rate of urbanization that is higher than
is a direct result of the construction projects implemented in 6% in 7 cities which are located within Jiangsu Province. This
recent years, including a textile and small motor center, an indicates that the overall urbanization rate of Jiangsu
energy-saving photoelectricity center, and a biological Province exceeds that of Zhejiang Province (Figure 1). In
brewing industry. addition, cities in the Yangtze River Delta megalopolis with
Ningbo experienced marked development to the the exclusion of Shanghai, a municipality directly under the
N-NNE-NE-NEE (Figure 5(n)) and to a lesser extent in the central government, Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province,
NWW direction. The Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone—a and Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, have the fol-
National Economic and Technological Development lowing urban spatial expansion characteristics: (1) expansion
Zone—is in the north of Ningbo. In addition, large petro- towards a municipality that is directly administrated by the
leum, chemical, and steel enterprises are constructed in the central government or the provincial capital, for example,
Beilun and Zhenhai Districts in the eastern part of the city. Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, and Nantong expanding to-
In the city of Taizhou (Zhejiang), significant expansion wards Shanghai or Huzhou and Jiaxing and Shaoxing
took place in the E direction, owing to port construction. In expanding towards Hangzhou; and (2) expansion towards
addition, minor growth was noted to the south (Figure 5(o)). major port hubs and industrial platforms along the Yangtze
Zhoushan—a city surrounded by sea—experienced very River or the coast, for example, Yangzhou, Taizhou
rapid development in the E and NW directions and rapid (Jiangsu), and Zhenjiang expanding along the Yangtze River
expansion in the SSE and SWW-W directions (Figure 5(p)). and Ningbo, Taizhou (Zhejiang), and Zhoushan expanding
This growth is attributed to the construction of the towards sea ports. This indicates that urban expansion is
Zhoushan Port in the east and the Jintang Bridge that influenced by geographical factors to a certain degree, in
connects Ningbo in the west. addition to the influence of policy factors.
Complexity 11
Notably, the present study has certain limitations. First, Conflicts of Interest
it spanned a long period, but higher temporal resolution data
are needed to further investigate urban expansion during The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest
this period. In addition, only the key factors influencing regarding the publication of this paper.
urban spatial expansion were considered, yet the addition of
socioeconomic indicators would help explain the demand
factor of urban land expansion. For future studies, multiple- Acknowledgments
source remote sensing data with a higher resolution should
The authors acknowledge USGS for providing Landsat data,
be used to obtain a more accurate classification of land use,
and the ASTER GDEM V2 data were provided by Geospatial
and longer periods should be covered to carry out an in-
Data Cloud site, Computer Network Information Center,
depth investigation of the characteristics of urban expansion
Chinese Academy of Sciences. This work was supported by
by stage. Economic, social, and ecological factors in addition
the National Natural Science Foundation of China, under
to the topographical, geographical, and policy factors should
Grant no. 41871119, the Jiangsu Agricultural Science and
be included and additional analysis methods and mea-
Technology Innovation Fund, under Grant no. CX-18-3044,
surement indicators, such as compactness, fractal index, and
and the Natural Resource Science and Technology Foun-
landscape index, should be employed to comprehensively
dation of Jiangsu Province, under Grant no. 2020009.
analyze the urban expansion characteristics and pattern of
the study area.
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