Radical Sabbatical - Time Out To BE: by Lynn Gardner
Radical Sabbatical - Time Out To BE: by Lynn Gardner
Radical Sabbatical - Time Out To BE: by Lynn Gardner
By Lynn Gardner
The Radical Sabbatical is a great exploration of our unique truth and destiny. A Radical Sabbatical
journey expands wisdom and truth about our purpose, our relationships and the 'awe' of our true nature,
the source that's always there to guide us. RADICAL: of, relating to, or proceeding from the root; of the
origin. SABBATICAL: a year of rest for the land, every seventh year in ancient Judea.
What happen to the sabbatical for the teachers in our education system and why is it foreign and not
embraced by corporate America, the very group who could benefit the most from relieving stress of its
executives. People who dare to take a sabbatical are those who are on a quest for a significant life
change and greater meaning. It is a craving for 'autonomy' or 'adventure.'
At many junctures of our lives we are challenged with uncomfortable and sometimes painful symptoms
resulting from the stress of long work hours, the anxiety of finances, the panic of long to do lists, the
blogs, clogs and congestion all around us. Not often do we challenge the choices we are making on a
day to day basis or notice the contrast or resistance as it relates to our happiness. Our minds are on
automatic, once creative and open are now responsive or reactive as provoked and required.
Once in awhile we are in character of our true nature - full of creativity, courage, adventure, curiosity,
playfulness and fun. Many of us catch glimpses of this when we are out of our element, on vacation,
away from it all. The Radical Sabbatical is an intensive, culturally, ecologically and spiritually rich journey
to Revisit, Restore, Redefine our life purpose. We return with an opening of new insight and supporting
practices that create all the goodness, richness and abundance in our life and relationships.
The program is supported by a veteran life leadership mentor and founder Lynn Gardner, M.A.A.H.A
who has taken her own radical sabbatical three times during her career life. She is described by her
clients as having compassionate acceptance and acknowledgment of where people are and seeing the
sacredness of what is. She acts as a catalyst for her clients to overcome the risk and build confidence
and trust that the practical and financial stuff will take care of itself. You are not doing anyone a favor -
yourself, family and organization - by staying in a job that does not feed you on some deeper level. If we
already have built into our lives refreshment, it is not imperative to do anything radical. But if we are not
experiencing this in a significant way it may be time to explore ways to rest and be still. Her philosophy is
that with an intensive program of restfulness, stillness, yoga and meditative practices we access greater
balance, clarity, creativity, courage, respect, understanding and fearlessness. The Radical Sabbatical
helps us on a deep level to discover the answers we are seeking to our perpetual question and restores
our Divine Purpose and Destiny.
Last year's African Safari offered the group an amazing nature experience where everyone celebrated
the beauty and miracle of diversity. The second group journey offered to the community launches
August 3 through August 13, 2006 to Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley of Peru, a place of great
power and magic. The beauty and wonder of the landscape, the warm people and the incredible
mysteries left by the Incas combine to change the visitor's perspective forever. Traveling and immersing
as a group in a timeless culture and ecology provides a unique and exclusive experience of observing
new dimensions of life and a certain truth of information that collectively raises our social and
environmental consciousness.
As Eckert Toll author of 'The Power of NOW' so profoundly says, "You are here to enable the divine
purpose of the Universe to unfold. That is how important you are." By taking a Radical Sabbatical you
will learn the mystery that it is by doing less and being more that you are capable of living a life of great
Lynn Gardner is principle and founder of OutSource UnLimited, Inc., dedicated to transitional leadership,
assisting organizations and individuals to develop the abilities to be more powerful, more effective and
more fulfilled in all areas of the workplace and life.
Lynn earned a Master of Arts in Applied Healing Arts from the Tai Sophia Institute for the Healing Arts.
She created the Radical Sabbatical, a three month program mentoring clients through personal and
professional transitions and transformations. Lynn also offers mentoring on creating your own
individualized Radical Sabbatical.
The next group trip is an ecological sail in the Grenadines of the Caribbean, scheduled for February
2007. For more info contact Lynn Gardner - by email or online at Radical Sabbatical and The Soul
Sabbatical Coach.