Mobility Training After Hip Fracture

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Age and Ageing 2009; 38: 74–80 

C The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society.

doi: 10.1093/ageing/afn217 All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
Published electronically 18 November 2008

Mobility training after hip fracture: a randomised

controlled trial

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The George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Cnr Barker Street & Easy Street, Randwick, NSW 2031, Australia
Rehabilitation Studies Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, Ryde, NSW 1680, Australia
Address correspondence to: A. M. Moseley. Tel: (+61) 2 9657 0385; Fax: (+61) 2 9657 0301. Email:

Objective: to compare the effects of two different exercise programmes after hip fracture.
Design: assessor-blinded randomised controlled trial.
Setting: hospital rehabilitation units, with continued intervention at home.
Subjects: 160 people with surgical fixation for hip fracture transferred to inpatient rehabilitation.
Method: in addition to other rehabilitation strategies, the intervention group received a higher dose (60 min/day) exercise
programme conducted whilst standing and the control group received a lower dose exercise programme (30 min/day) primarily
conducted whilst seated/supine. The primary outcome measures were knee extensor muscle strength in the fractured leg and
walking speed, measured at 4 and 16 weeks.
Results: 150 participants (94% of those recruited) completed the trial. There were no differences between the groups for
the two primary outcome measures. Post hoc analyses revealed increased walking speed among those in the higher dose,
weight-bearing exercise group with cognitive impairment at 4 and 16 weeks.
Conclusions: there was no benefit (or harm) due to the higher dose, weight-bearing exercise programme with respect to
the primary outcome measures. However, people with hip fracture and cognitive impairment gained greater benefit from the
higher dose programme than from the lower dose programme.

Keywords: hip fracture, mobilisation, physical therapy, rehabilitation, cognitive impairment, elderly

Introduction functional abilities in community dwellers [8] when compared

to an exercise programme conducted whilst seated or supine.
Hip fractures are an important public health issue as out- There is evidence from the stroke literature that a higher dose
come after hip fracture is often poor [1]. Current best practice of exercise leads to greater improvements in physical func-
in hip fracture management involves little delay to surgical tioning [9], and that exercise which involves weight-bearing
repair and subsequent mobilisation [2]. However, the opti- functional task practice [10] and treadmill walking with some
mal type and intensity of mobilisation remain unclear. The body weight support [11] can be particularly effective. We
Cochrane review focusing on mobilisation strategies after hip drew on these pieces of evidence to develop a ‘best-practice’
fracture included 13 trials but concluded that there was exercise programme for people after hip fracture which
insufficient evidence to determine the relative effectiveness involved a higher dose of exercise with an emphasis on exer-
of different strategies [3]. It does seem that higher dose inter- cises conducted whilst standing (i.e. weight bearing).
ventions after hip fracture are associated with larger effects We conducted a randomised controlled trial to determine
on physical functioning [4, 5]. whether, in addition to usual rehabilitation care, a higher
Among younger people, exercise most relevant to the dose exercise programme conducted whilst standing led to
task trained leads to the greatest improvements in perfor- greater improvements in mobility after hip fracture than a
mance in that task (e.g. [6]). We found that, among people more traditional programme of bed and chair exercises con-
after hip fracture, an exercise programme conducted whilst ducted at a lower dose. The experimental hypothesis was
standing resulted in reduced need for gait aids in inpatient that the higher dose weight-bearing exercise programme would pro-
rehabilitation [7] and greater improvements in balance and duce better mobility, strength and balance (with no additional

Mobility training after hip fracture

complications) than the lower dose limited weight-bearing exercise plus a walking programme. The frequency of home visits
programme. gradually decreased.
Participants in the LOW group undertook five exer-
cises in sitting or lying plus a small amount of walking
Method using parallel bars or walking aids for a total of 30 min
Participants each day for 4 weeks. The exercises were progressed by
increasing the repetitions and resistance. This type of exercise
Participants were recruited from the inpatient rehabilitation programme is commonly prescribed after hip fracture and

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units of three teaching hospitals in Sydney, Australia, between represents usual care [14]. This commenced as an inpa-
March 2002 and May 2005. These patients represent a middle tient programme, followed by weekly home visits and a
band of people with hip fracture. High functioning patients structured home exercise programme incorporating the same
who are discharged directly to home and low functioning exercises. After 4 weeks participants were provided with a
patients who are discharged to a residential aged care facility tailored programme of limited weight-bearing exercises and
from the acute orthopaedic ward were excluded. encouraged to continue exercising; no further physiotherapy
All people with surgical fixation for hip fracture admitted home visits were undertaken.
to the inpatient rehabilitation units who fulfilled the follow- All participants received usual post-operative mobilisa-
ing criteria were invited to participate: approval to weight tion (e.g. walking practice in the ward), and the rehabilita-
bear or partial weight bear; able to tolerate the exercise pro- tion programme usually provided by other health profes-
grammes; able to take four plus steps with a forearm support sionals (e.g. occupational therapists) and any gait aids were
frame and the assistance of one person; no medical con- progressed as per usual protocols. No other physiotherapy
traindications that would limit ability to exercise; living at treatments were administered during the trial.
home or low care residential facility prior to the hip frac-
ture, with the plan to return to this accommodation at dis-
charge. Subjects with cognitive impairment were included if Outcomes
a carer who was able to supervise the exercise programme Outcomes were assessed at baseline, 4 weeks and 16 weeks.
was available. If no carer was available, subjects with >4 All measurements were made by assessors who were blinded
adjusted errors on the Short Portable Mental Status Question- to group allocation. The two primary outcomes were knee
naire were excluded [12]. Subjects provided informed consent extensor strength in the fractured leg and walking speed.
to participate. The study complied with the Declaration of Isometric knee extensor strength at 90◦ was measured in
Helsinki and was approved by the relevant institutional ethics the fractured leg using a spring balance. This test has good
committees. test–retest reliability in people with hip fracture [intraclass
Participants were randomly allocated to either the higher correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.85] [15], and muscle weakness
dose weight-bearing exercise (HIGH) group or the lower is a risk factor for falls [16]. Walking speed was measured
dose limited weight-bearing exercise (LOW) group. Ran- over a 6 m distance using a stop watch. This is reliable among
domisation was stratified for recruitment site and pre-fracture people following hip fracture (ICC 0.97) [15] and is valid
Barthel Index (i.e. ≥80/100 or <80/100) [13]. The alloca- [17].
tion sequence was generated from computer software and Secondary outcomes included functional abilities, balance
concealed using consecutively numbered, sealed and opaque abilities, pain, fear of falling, quality of life, length of stay in
envelopes. hospital, residential status and community service utilisation
after discharge, adverse events and adherence with the treat-
Interventions ment programmes. Functional abilities were measured using
Participants in the HIGH group undertook weight-bearing the Physical Performance and Mobility Examination [18],
exercise twice daily for a total of 60 min per day for 16 sit-to-stand time (i.e. the time to sit-to-stand-to-sit five times
weeks. Five weight-bearing exercises were prescribed in from a 45 cm seat height) [8], gait aid use and the Barthel
addition to walking on a treadmill with partial body weight Index [13]. Balance was assessed using a battery of six stan-
support using a harness (for inpatients) or a walking pro- dardised tests [19–23]. Participants were also asked to rate
gramme (after hospital discharge). The five weight-bearing their current mobility, strength and balance on five-point
exercises used for both legs included stepping in different Likert scales. Pain was measured using a seven-item ordinal
directions, standing up and sitting down, tapping the foot scale. The Modified Falls Efficacy Scale was used to quantify
and stepping onto and off a block. Hand support could be fear of falling [24]. Quality of life was assessed using the EQ
used if necessary. The exercises were progressed by reducing 5D and expressed as a utility score [25].
support from the hands, increasing block height, decreasing Falls and hospital readmissions were obtained using a falls
chair height and increasing the number of repetitions. This calendar collected at the 4 and 16 week assessments and via a
commenced as an inpatient programme, followed by home postal survey at 10 weeks. Participants were asked if treatment
visits and a structured home exercise programme after inpa- had any negative effects and, if so, the nature of the effects.
tient discharge. The home exercise programme incorporated Participants completed exercise diaries which were analysed
the five weight-bearing exercises used in the inpatient phase, to ascertain adherence to the programmes.

A. M. Moseley et al.

244 people excluded:

95 made > 4 errors on Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire
47 did not give informed consent
40 medical contraindications that limit ability to exercise
24 not anticipated that they would be discharged home
N = 404 people with surgical 14 could not tolerate both treatment programmes
fixation for hip fracture screened on 11 weight-bearing restrictions (unable to at least partial weight-bear)

admission to inpatient rehabilitation 10 can’t take at least 4 steps with assistance
2 staff shortages
unit 1 second admission and had previously been recruited

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N = 160 randomised

N = 80 higher dose weight-bearing N = 80 lower dose limited weight-bearing
exercise group (HIGH) exercise group (LOW)
N = 78 completed 4-week Ax:
N = 80 completed 4-week Ax
2 death (unrelated to trial protocol)
N = 73 completed 16-week Ax: N = 77 completed 16-week Ax:
3 death (unrelated to trial protocol) 2 death (unrelated to trial protocol)
1 withdrew for personal reasons 1 withdrew for personal reasons
1 withdrew for health reasons
(unrelated to trial protocol)

Figure 1. Recruitment and flow of participants.

Sample size assessment and 150 (94%) the 16 week assessment. Parti-
We estimated that a sample of 160 subjects (80 in each group) cipant characteristics are listed in Table 1. There were no
would provide an 80% probability of detecting differences clinically important differences between the groups.
between group means of 0.1 m/s in walking speed (SD =
0.2 m/s) and 25 N in quadriceps strength (SD = 50 N) [8]. Compliance with the trial protocol
We assumed a correlation of 0.6 between pre- and post-test During the inpatient phase, total exercise time with a physio-
scores, an alpha of 0.05, a loss to follow-up of 10% and 20% therapist or physiotherapy assistant was significantly greater
non-compliance. for the HIGH group than for the LOW group [median (IQR)
HIGH = 543 (463) min, LOW = 363 (318) min, P = 0.001].
Statistical analyses
Both groups spent a similar amount of time practicing over-
All analyses were by intention to treat. To test the effects of ground walking and exercising, but the HIGH group com-
treatment, between-group differences were examined with pleted additional treadmill walking. During the community
analysis of covariance using a linear regression approach. phase, the HIGH group were visited by study physiothera-
Separate analyses were performed on 4 and 16 week follow- pists a median of 8 times (IQR 4) and the LOW group were
up data. The primary time point was 4 weeks. Pre-test scores visited a median of 4 times (IQR 1). Exercise rates (days on
were entered into the model as covariates. When distribu- which exercise was undertaken/days in study) were similar
tions were highly skewed, change scores were compared between groups, and the HIGH group reported walking for
using linear regressions. Categorical data were dichotomised a median of 517 min (IQR 1,125).
and between-group differences were compared using logistic People with cognitive impairment had a lower overall
regression models. exercise rate than those without (between-group difference
Three post hoc sub-group analyses were performed based = −16%, 95% CI −24 to −8%, P < 0.001), but there was
on three predictors of outcome after hip fracture—pre- some indication that those with cognitive impairment had a
fracture disability, surgical procedure used and pre-existing greater exercise rate in the HIGH group (the effect of the
cognitive impairment. Participants with a pre-fracture Barthel interaction between group and cognitive status = 14%, 95%
Index of ≤95 were classified as having pre-fracture disability CI −2 to 31%, P = 0.096).
[26], surgical procedure was dichotomised to pin and plate or
arthroplasty and participants with ≥3 adjusted errors on the Outcomes
Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire were classified as
Baseline, 4 and 16 week data for the HIGH and LOW groups
cognitively impaired [12]. The effects of the combination of
are in Table A in the supplementary data file (available at Age
group allocation and sub-group status were quantified using
and Ageing online). Both groups experienced substantial but
interaction terms in linear and logistic regression models.
incomplete recovery over the 16 week follow-up period.
There were no statistically significant or clinically relevant
Results between-group differences at 4 weeks or 16 weeks for either
walking speed or knee extensor strength (Table 2, columns 2
Participants and 3; P > 0.05 for all between-group comparisons). With the
The participant flow is in Figure 1. One hundred and sixty exception of two secondary outcomes, differences between
people were randomised, 158 (99%) completed the 4 week groups were small and not statistically significant (Table 2,

Mobility training after hip fracture

Table 1. Participant characteristics and primary outcome variables at baseline for the higher dose weight-bearing exercise
(HIGH) group and the lower dose non-weight-bearing exercise (LOW) group
HIGH (N = 80) LOW (N = 80)
Gender (male:female) 15:65 15:65
Mean (SD) age at injury (years) 84 (8) 84 (7)
Mean (SD) height (cm) 160.5 (11.0) 158.7 (9.3)
Mean (SD) mass (kg) 61.7 (12.5) 58.9 (13.6)

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Type of pre-fracture accommodation
House:unit:flat at family home:independent living unit:hostel 49:8:2:3:18 48:15:3:3:11
Pre-fracture prescription medication use (excluding vitamins)
Takes ≥4 medications (yes:no) 69:11 69:11
Takes cardiovascular system medications (yes:no) 74:6 69:11
Takes musculoskeletal system medications (yes:no) 8:72 11:69
Takes psychoactive medications (yes:no) 27:53 25:55
Median (IQR) pre-fracture medical conditions 4 (2–5) 4 (3–5)
Median (IQR) community services used pre-fracture 1 (0–2) 0 (0–1)
Social support
Has someone to confide in (yes:no:missing) 76:4:0 76:3:1
Encouragement from confidant (discourages:neutral:encourages) 1:21:54 0:22:54
Walking aid used pre-fracture
None: crutches 36:1 34:1
1 single-point stick:1 quadruped stick:2 single-point sticks 22:1:1 30:2:2
Pick up frame:rollator:forearm support frame 4:13:2 2:8:1
Pre-fracture disability, Barthel Index ≤95 (no:yes) 50:30 44:36
Median (IQR) falls in 12 months before hip fracture 1 (1–2) 1 (1–2)
Hip fractured (left:right) 41:39 54:26
Type of fracture
Intra-capsular, non-displaced (Garden I/II): missing 14:2 14:0
Intra-capsular, displaced (Garden III/IV) 26 24
Trochanteric, two-part:trochanteric, multi-part: sub-trochanteric 19:17:2 18:22:2
Type of surgery
Multiple bone screws:compression screw and plate:other 3:42:1 5:45:0
Hemiarthroplasty:bipolar hemiarthroplasty:total arthroplasty 24:8:2 21:6:3
Median (IQR) time from fracture to surgery (days) 1 (1–3) 1 (1–2)
Median (IQR) time from fracture to rehabilitation admission (days) 14 (9–21) 12 (9–19)
Mean (SD) post-fracture blood haemoglobin level (g/dl) 11.2 (1.5) 11.2 (1.2)
Mean (SD) post-fracture blood albumin level (g/dl) 32.5 (4.7) 32.8 (5.5)
Pressure ulcer on admission to rehabilitation unit (yes:no) 7:73 9:71
Urinary catheter on admission to rehabilitation unit (yes:no) 3:77 4:76
Cognitive impairment ≥3 adjusted errors on the Short Portable 50:30 56:24
Mental Status Questionnaire (no:yes)
Mean (SD) knee extensor strength, fractured leg (kg) 7.4 (3.3) 6.8 (3.4)
Mean (SD) walking speed (m/s) 0.30 (0.22) 0.28 (0.16)

columns 2 and 3). The HIGH group had significantly faster and 5). Those with arthroplasty allocated to the HIGH group
sit-to-stand times at both 4 and 16 weeks and completed had higher walking speed at 16 weeks, but no effects were
more steps in the step test at 4 weeks compared to the LOW detected for the secondary outcome variables (Table B in the
group. No adverse effects of the intervention were detected. supplementary data file, available at Age and Ageing online).
Participants in the HIGH group had a total of 73 falls, and Pre-fracture disability did not influence the results.
those in the LOW group had 77 falls.
Post hoc analyses were performed to explore whether sub-
groups of participants showed differences in response to the Discussion
intervention. For a number of variables, there was a sig-
nificant interaction between group allocation and cognitive When conducted in addition to other rehabilitation inter-
impairment. Specifically, those with cognitive impairment ventions, there was no additional benefit of a higher dose
who were allocated to the HIGH group had better outcomes weight-bearing exercise programme following hip fracture
than those without both of these factors at either or both when compared with a lower dose programme that focused
of the post-intervention assessments as measured by walk- on exercises in sitting and supine. However, in the third of
ing speed, Physical Performance and Mobility Examination participants who had cognitive impairment there was a sta-
score, step test, maximal balance range, body sway, coordi- tistical and clinically relevant improvement in functioning as
nated stability test, Barthel Index, EQ 5D, Modified Falls a result of the HIGH programme. No adverse effects of the
Efficacy Scale, walking aid use and pain (Table 2, columns 4 higher dose programme were detected.

A. M. Moseley et al.

Table 2. Between-group differences (ANCOVA-adjusted mean difference and 95% confidence intervals) for the primary
analysis (i.e. HIGH versus LOW) plus the post hoc analyses to test the interaction between group and impaired cognition
Between-group differences for all participantsa Effect of both HIGH group & impaired cognitiona

4 Week 16 Week 4 Week 16 Week

Knee extensor strength, fractured −0.1 (−1.3–1.1), 0.853 0.6 (−0.8–2.1), 0.389 0.2 (−2.5–2.5), 0.991 1.8 (−1.2–4.9), 0.239
leg (kg)

Downloaded from by Korea national university of transportation user on 02 February 2021
Walking speed (m/s) 0.03 (−0.03–0.10), 0.345 0.01 (−0.08–0.11), 0.793 0.20 (0.07–0.34), 0.003 0.24 (0.05–0.44), 0.015
PPME 0.3 (−0.2–0.9), 0.219 0.3 (−0.4–1.0), 0.433 1.4 (0.3–2.6), 0.013 1.9 (0.3–3.4), 0.019
Sit-to-stand (number/s) 0.06 (0.02–0.10), 0.002 0.04 (0.01–0.08), 0.026 0.00 (−0.08–0.08), 0.930 0.07 (−0.01–0.15), 0.098
Barthel Indexb 3 (−2–8), 0.196 1 (−4–6), 0.771 18 (8–27), 0.000 17 (6–27), 0.002
Max balance range test (mm) 5 (−7–18), 0.378 −7 (−21–7), 0.321 9 (−17–35), 0.512 36 (7–66), 0.016
Step test (standing on affected leg) 1.9 (0.3–3.4), 0.017 1.4 (−0.3–3.0), 0.100 0.2 (−3.1–3.4), 0.915 3.5 (0.07–6.8), 0.046
Body sway, total path (cm)b,c 3.3 (−3.7–1.4), 0.352 −1.9 (−8.6–4.8), 0.577 2.1 (5.4–34.8), 0.008 9.8 (−4.3–23.8), 0.171
Lateral stability, tandem (mm)b,c 8 (0–16), 0.064 0 (−7–8), 0.949 13 (−5–30), 0.158 12 (−4–29), 0.129
Coordinated stability test (errors)b,c −3 (−7–2), 0.291 −2 (−7–4), 0.592 6 (−4–17), 0.213 14 (2–26), 0.020
Choice stepping reaction time (s)b,c 0.33 (−0.36–1.02), 0.340 0.97 (−0.49–2.43), 0.190
Modified Falls Efficacy Scale 6 (−2–15), 0.145 6 (−4–16), 0.263 15 (−4–33), 0.115 28 (7–49), 0.009
EQ 5D 0.02 (−0.07–0.10), 0.712 0.01 (−0.09–0.09), 0.919 0.14 (−0.04–0.32), 0.114 0.20 (0.02–0.39), 0.034
Length of inpatient rehabilitation 3 (−1–8), 0.151 3 (−7–13), 0.528
Able to walk unaided or with sticks 1.2 (0.6–2.6), 0.598 1.0 (0.5–1.9), 0.990 3.9 (0.3–44.5), 0.268 6.0 (1.4–26.7), 0.018
or crutches
Self-rated mobility as good 1.0 (0.5–2.0), 0.981 1.6 (0.8–3.1), 0.157 2.1 (0.5–8.7), 0.302 2.4 (0.6–1.3), 0.225
Self-rated strength as good 1.7 (0.8–3.7), 0.175 1.5 (0.8–3.0), 0.217 3.0 (0.4–21.2), 0.267 0.9 (0.2–3.6), 0.844
Self-rated balance as good 0.7 (0.4–1.6), 0.429 0.7 (0.4–1.4), 0.363 1.8 (0.4–8.5), 0.486 1.5 (0.4–6.0), 0.596
No or slight pain 0.8 (0.4–1.6), 0.540 0.9 (0.5–1.7), 0.691 0.9 (0.2–3.4), 0.834 5.3 (1.3–22.1), 0.024
Accommodation in the community 0.7 (0.4–1.4), 0.356 1.7 (0.4–7.2), 0.453
Uses no community services 2.2 (1.0–5.2), 0.064 0.8 (0.1–5.1), 0.774
Fell during the study 0.9 (0.4–1.8), 0.727 0.2 (0.1–1.1), 0.074
Readmitted to hospital during the 0.8 (0.3–1.9), 0.566 0.1 (0.0–1.2), 0.071
Participant reported negative effects 1.1 (0.6–2.1), 0.784 0.6 (0.3–1.3), 0.236 0.8 (0.2–3.4), 0.810 0.7 (0.1–3.8), 0.644

The primary outcomes are shaded in grey.

PPME = Physical Performance and Mobility Examination; a data are ANCOVA-adjusted mean (95% confidence interval), P-value or odds ratio (95% CI), P-value;
b between-group differences were assessed using change from baseline; c a higher score reflects poorer performance; negative between-group differences indicate that

the HIGH performs better than the LOW group.

There are four possible explanations for the similarity study than those in the LOW group. It should be noted that
in results between the HIGH and LOW groups overall. participants with cognitive impairment were only recruited
First, treatment received by both groups represented a small to our trial if they had a family carer who was available
proportion of the total rehabilitation and was insufficient to supervise the exercise programme at home. The inter-
to produce large effects. Second, treatment received by the action between arthroplasty and improved walking speed for
LOW group may not have been sufficiently different to that the HIGH group was unexpected and is probably a chance
received by the HIGH group. Third, therapists could not be finding.
blinded to group allocation, so the existing rehabilitation pro- Our clinical trial was carefully designed and implemented
gramme for participants in the LOW group may have been according to a strict experimental protocol. The sample size
modified. Finally, it is possible that the HIGH programme was adequate, with a very low dropout rate and good com-
does not provide additional benefits. pliance with the exercise programmes. Two weaknesses of
The benefit of the HIGH exercise seen in participants the study are the possible insufficient difference between the
with cognitive impairment is consistent with the finding that HIGH and LOW exercise programmes and the relatively
intensive geriatric rehabilitation reduces the length of stay short (i.e. 16 weeks) duration of the exercise programmes.
in people after hip fracture with mild and moderate demen- However, the programmes studied continued substantially
tia [27]. Participants with cognitive impairment may have longer than most rehabilitation currently available after hip
responded to either the increased supervision or exercise fracture in Australia. It is also possible that the outcome
specificity in the HIGH group. The provision of increased measures used were insufficiently sensitive to the changes in
supervision may permit a more appropriate progression of function that occurred in the study.
the exercise programme or the completion of a greater quan- Of the 13 clinical trials of exercise after hip fracture [3],
tity of exercise. Analysis of exercise diaries revealed that the two trials with the largest effects have involved broad
among participants with cognitive impairment, those in the programmes involving balance, strength, endurance and
HIGH group exercised on 15% more of the days in the functional task training which were more intensive and more

Mobility training after hip fracture

highly supervised than our programme [4, 5]. It is our from the NHMRC. The financial sponsors played no role in
impression that a number of the participants in our study the design, execution, analysis and interpretation of data or
would not have tolerated a programme of this nature within writing of the study.
the first few months after fracture. Further research is
required to establish the optimum timing, type and inten-
sity of exercise for enhanced mobility after hip fracture. Supplementary data
Supplementary data mentioned in the text are available at

Downloaded from by Korea national university of transportation user on 02 February 2021
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Received 23 August 2007; accepted in revised form 2 July 2008


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