Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan
Objective To examine the efficacy and safety of an innovative, device-driven abdominal trunk muscle strengthening
program, with the ability to measure muscle strength, to treat chronic low back pain (LBP) in elderly participants.
Methods Seven women with non-specific chronic LBP, lasting at least 3 months, were enrolled and treated
with the prescribed exercise regimen. Patients participated in a 12-week device-driven exercise program which
included abdominal trunk muscle strengthening and 4 types of stretches for the trunk and lower extremities.
Primary outcomes were adverse events associated with the exercise program, improvement in abdominal trunk
muscle strength, as measured by the device, and improvement in the numerical rating scale (NRS) scores of LBP
with the exercise. Secondary outcomes were improvement in the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RDQ)
score and the results of the locomotive syndrome risk test, including the stand-up and two-step tests.
Results There were no reports of increased back pain or new-onset abdominal pain or discomfort during or
after the device-driven exercise program. The mean abdominal trunk muscle strength, NRS, RDQ scores, and the
stand-up and two-step test scores were significantly improved at the end of the trial compared to baseline.
Conclusion No participants experienced adverse events during the 12-week strengthening program, which
involved the use of our device and stretching, indicating the program was safe. Further, the program significantly
improved various measures of LBP and physical function in elderly participants.
Keywords Abdominal muscles, Elderly, Low back pain, Physical therapy, Strengthening
Received July 29, 2019; Revised September 19, 2019; Accepted November 11, 2019; Published online May 29, 2020
Corresponding author: Satoshi Kato
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kanazawa University, 13-1 Takara-machi, Kanazawa 920-8641, Japan. Tel:
+81-76-265-2374, Fax: +81-76-234-4261, E-mail:
ORCID: Satoshi Kato (; Satoru Demura (; Yuki Kurokawa (https://; Naoki Takahashi (; Kazuya Shinmura (
4615); Noriaki Yokogawa (; Noritaka Yonezawa (; Takaki Shimizu
(; Ryo Kitagawa (; Hiroyuki Tsuchiya (
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Copyright © 2020 by Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine
Abdominal Trunk Muscle Strengthening in Elderly Patients
INTRODUCTION measures carried out with the device do not induce stress
and/or pain in the lumbar spine or the extremities. A pri-
The economic and social burdens of low back pain or validation study demonstrated that the device could
(LBP) are considerable, and growing [1]. Among elderly measure muscle strength and featured excellent intra-
adults, LBP is the most frequently reported musculoskel- and inter-rater reliability [17,18]. Another study found
etal complaint and the third most frequently reported that strength training with the device increased both the
symptom of any kind [2,3]. Although multiple clinical strength and activation of the abdominal trunk muscles,
interventions are available to treat chronic low back including the diaphragm, abdominal rectus, external and
pain (CLBP), only a few have been proven effective [4–7]. internal obliques, transverse abdominal muscles, and
Exercise is clearly effective for treating CLBP [6–11]. A pelvic floor muscles [18]. However, the authors did not
systematic review by Hayden et al. [11] reported that evaluate the efficacy of exercise that used the device for
strengthening exercises are the most effective options treatment of CLBP treatment. Determining the efficacy
for improving functional outcomes among the various and safety of device use by elderly patients is particularly
types of exercise therapies. Unfortunately, motivation important in terms of clinical utility.
and adherence to exercise therapies are generally low The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the effi-
among elderly patients with CLBP [12]. Exercise requires cacy and safety of exercise using the device for treatment
a much longer time to decrease pain than oral medica- of CLBP in elderly patients.
tions or injections, which are often prescribed to elderly
patients. Elderly patients with CLBP often report they MATERIALS AND METHODS
cannot, or will not, exercise owing to mobility difficulties
associated with loss of strength, flexibility, or endurance, Ethics statement
and presence of pain and/or deformities in the spine and Our university hospital ethics committee approved
extremities [13,14]. These problems reduce exercise ad- this trial (No. 2016-009). Written informed consent was
herence in elderly patients with CLBP, thus diminishing obtained from each prospective participant before reg-
the potential effects. Hence, important considerations for istration by research physicians, in accordance with
CLBP exercise therapy include the ability of the patient the Declaration of Helsinki (Clinical trial registration:
to perform the exercise easily and repeatedly to achieve UMIN000023181).
early and recognizable effects while meeting short-term
goals [12].
Locomotive syndrome is characterized by restricted or
limited ability to walk due to degenerative dysfunction
of locomotive organs [15]. Syndrome progression can
impair activities of daily living and increase nursing care
needs. Exercise interventions for locomotive syndrome
are effective for improving physical function. However,
we should be careful when choosing the type and inten-
sity of exercise because most patients are elderly and also
exhibit degenerative musculoskeletal system dysfunction
[16]. A B
We developed a novel exercise device for the abdominal
trunk muscles (Nippon Sigmax Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) Fig. 1. Innovative exercise device for the abdominal trunk
(Fig. 1). This device allows patients to perform abdominal muscle. (A) Photograph of a device-equipped patient. Us-
ing the device, the patient can measure their abdominal
trunk muscle strengthening exercises while in a sitting
trunk muscle strength or perform strengthening exercise
position, and requires no trunk movement. The device in sitting position without requiring trunk movement. (B)
also enables patients to measure their abdominal trunk Photograph of the device. It consists of an inflatable cuff
muscle strength. Additionally, exercises and strength and a mechanical manometer to measure pressure. 247
Satoshi Kato, et al.
Table 2. Inclusion/exclusion criteria of the study Muscle strength value: 10.0 kPa (peak baseline)
Pressure measured by the monometer (kPa)
Inclusion criteria 20
· D iagnosis of CLBP lasting at least 3 months by a
15 Peak pressure
· 65-year-old or older (15.0 kPa)
· Moderate or severe CLBP: 3 or more by NRS pain Abdominal trunk muscle strength
Abdominal Trunk Muscle Strengthening in Elderly Patients
the air in the cuff is released. The muscle strength value participant contracts his or her abdominal trunk muscles
was considered as an estimate of the abdominal trunk intermittently, or continually, in opposition to cuff pres-
muscle strength. sure. This exercise resembles a bracing exercise and is
While using the device for muscle strengthening, the stabilizing [19]. When the cuff pressure peaks, the par-
ticipant performs isometric and maximum muscle con-
tractions under maximum pressure from the cuff. During
Pressure measured by the monometer (kPa) 249
Satoshi Kato, et al.
Abdominal Trunk Muscle Strengthening in Elderly Patients
responders. All significance levels were set at 0.05. SPSS The mean abdominal trunk muscle strength was sig-
version 19.0 for Windows (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) nificantly increased at 8 and 12 weeks (end of the trial)
was used for statistical analyses. compared to 0 week (baseline) and 4 weeks (Table 4).
The mean NRS scores of LBP were significantly decreased
RESULTS at 4, 8, and 12 weeks compared to 0 week. The mean
NRS score gradually decreased over time, and was lower
Seven participants were enrolled and treated with the at 8 weeks than at 4 weeks (Table 4). Based on muscle
prescribed exercise regimen in this trial. All participants strength improvement, 4 participants were identified as
were females, with a mean age of 75.4 years (range, 68–84 good responders, and 3 as limited responders (Table 4).
years). Participants’ characteristics and inclusion/exclu-
sion criteria are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Secondary outcomes
The mean RDQ score was significantly lower at the end
Primary outcomes of the trial than at the start (3.9±3.4 vs. 6.0±4.1, p<0.05)
None of the 7 participants experienced adverse events (Table 5). With regard to the locomotive syndrome risk
during the trial period. There were no reports of in- test, the mean scores of the stand-up and two-step tests
creased back pain or new-onset abdominal pain or dis- were significantly improved at the end of the trial com-
comfort during or after the device-driven exercise pro- pared to baseline (Table 5). However, the mean scores of
gram. No abnormal changes in blood pressure or heart the GLFS-25 at the end of the trial were not significantly
rate were observed during the exercise program. increased over baseline.
Table 5. Outcomes of the muscle strength, and the conditions of LBP and the locomotive syndrome
Outcomes Before the exercise at 0 week After the exercise at 12 weeks p-value
AMTS (kPa) 4.4±2.1 7.8±3.7 <0.05
NRS of LBP 5.4±1.7 3.1±1.3 <0.05
RDQ score 6.0±4.1 3.9±3.4 <0.05
Stand-up test score 3.7±1.0 4.7±0.8 <0.05
Two-step test score 1.23±0.09 1.46±0.07 <0.05
Score of the GLFS-25 15.0±11.0 12.4±10.0 0.13
Values are presented as mean±standard deviation.
LBP, low back pain; ATMS, abdominal trunk muscle strength; NRS, 11-point numerical rating scale; RDQ, the Roland-
Morris Disability Questionnaire; GLFD-25, 25-Question Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale. 251
Satoshi Kato, et al.
Table 6. Comparison of improvement of outcomes between the good and limited responders
Outcomes Good responders (n=4) Limited responders (n=3) p-value
ATMS (kPa) 5.1±1.8 1.1±0.7 <0.05
NRS of LBP 3.0±1.4 1.3±1.5 0.20
RDQ score 3.0±4.1 1.0±1.0 0.45
Stand-up test score 1.5±0.6 0.3±0.6 <0.05
Two-step test score 0.24±0.05 0.23±0.02 0.96
Score of the GLFS-25 4.3±5.9 0.3±2.1 0.33
Values are presented as mean±standard deviation.
ATMS, abdominal trunk muscle strength; NRS, 11-point numerical rating scale; LBP, low back pain; RDQ, the Roland-
Morris Disability Questionnaire; GLFD-25, 25-Question Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale.
Comparisons between good and limited responders core muscles such as the transverse abdominis. The brac-
The mean improvement in the stand-up test score was ing exercise further provided protection against sudden
significantly better in good responders than in limited trunk perturbations [25,26]. During daily activities, ideal
responders. The mean improvements in the NRS score of spinal stabilization coordinates all deep and superficial
LBP, RDQ score, and the GLFS-25 score were also better core muscles [27]. The abdominal contraction used with
in good responders than in limited responders, but these the device is similar to that used during abdominal brac-
differences were not significant (Table 6). ing, creating a coordinated contraction of the deep and
superficial core muscles at the anterolateral aspect, roof,
DISCUSSION and floor of the “muscular box” [18]. Lumbar stabiliza-
tion exercises include “bridging” exercises such as the
This trial combined a device-driven abdominal trunk plank, side-bridge, and pelvic tilt. Okubo et al. [28] dem-
muscle strengthening program and stretching exercises. onstrated that the superficial and deep muscles in the
We wanted to offer participants a practical exercise pro- trunk were coactivated, but the activation level of each
gram and evaluate the program as a comprehensive exer- muscle differed according to the exercise. Many elderly
cise treatment protocol. Our results indicated that the 12- patients with CLBP cannot perform bridging exercises
week exercise program—which consisted of stretching due to deteriorated physical function, including pain
and strengthening exercises combined with use of our and/or weakness in the trunk and extremities [13,14].
innovative device—was safe and not associated with any The device-driven abdominal trunk muscle strengthen-
adverse events. The program effectively improved LBP, ing exercises are performed while seated, did not stress
physical function, and abdominal trunk muscle strength lumbar spine movement. The exercise used in this trial
in elderly patients. did not induce pain in the trunk or extremities of elderly
Lumbar stabilization exercises are designed to improve patients with CLBP. Because of this, participants contin-
stability in the lumbar spine and protect the spinal joints ued to perform the exercises, eventually completing the
from microtraumas and degenerative changes. These ex- entire program.
ercises have been applied to treatment of CLBP [6,21–23]. Several studies reported that trunk muscle strength
The core muscles resemble a muscular box, with the dia- was significantly lower in patients with LBP compared to
phragm as the roof, abdominal muscles forming the front asymptomatic participants [29–31]. A systematic review
and sides, paraspinal muscles in the back, and pelvic demonstrated that weak trunk muscle strength was as-
floor muscles on the bottom [22]. Diaphragm contraction sociated with poor physical function, including impaired
stabilizes the spine by increasing intra-abdominal pres- balance and increased incidence of falls in the elderly
sure [22]. Brown et al. [24] proposed a bracing exercise [32]. Granacher et al. [33] reported that, in elderly indi-
for lumbar stabilization and reported that the bracing viduals with core instability, strength training improved
technique produced better spinal stabilization results trunk muscle strength, dynamic balance, and functional
than the hollowing exercise, which activates the deep mobility. The device-driven exercise program in this
Abdominal Trunk Muscle Strengthening in Elderly Patients
trial—which included device-driven abdominal trunk cerebrovascular, or gynecological diseases; or other med-
muscle strengthening exercises—improved dynamic bal- ical conditions.
ance and functional mobility. These factors were using The present study has several limitations, including
the locomotive syndrome risk test in elderly adults with the small sample size and lack of a control group. Im-
CLBP. provements in CLBP and physical functions identified in
The device-driven exercise program improved muscle the trial included the effect of stretching. A prospective,
strength, as measured using the device in all participants. comparative controlled study a larger cohort is required
Although most of the differences were not significant due to affirm these findings. Further studies are needed to
to the small number of participants, good responders compare outcomes among the device-driven exercises,
showed increased pain reduction and physical function other lumbar stabilization exercises, or other exercises
compared to limited responders. In good responders, prescribed for CLBP treatment. The study participants
improvement of the stand-up test score was significantly did not experience any device-related adverse effects or
better than that in limited responders. The stand-up limitations. Future studies with a larger cohort, a wider
movement requires adequate abdominal trunk muscle age range, and both sexes are required to recognize draw-
contraction and strength, as well as lower extremity mus- backs that might influence device utility.
cle strength, adequate joint range of motion, flexibility, Despite these limitations, our results demonstrated the
and balance [16]. Abdominal trunk muscle strengthen- efficacy of device-driven strengthening exercises, in com-
ing directly improved these important physical functions bination with stretching, for improving CLBP, physical
during activities of daily living. A lack of consensus on function, and abdominal trunk muscle strength in elderly
how to measure core muscle strength has weakened the patients with CLBP. The device-driven strengthening ex-
impact of this research on determining optimal core sta- ercise was safe and could be a good treatment option to
bility exercises [27]. If we can easily and quickly measure reduce CLBP and improve physical function, especially
core instability and muscle weakness, we can determine among elderly patients.
the outcomes and place proper emphasis on core muscle
strengthening in patients. Our device could be a practi- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
cal option for measuring core muscle strength. Further, it
may also improve adherence to strengthening exercises. Nippon Sigmax Co. Ltd. provided the exercise device
A systematic review reported that stretching produced used in this clinical trial. The authors declare that they
the largest improvements in pain outcome measures. In have no conflict of interest.
contrast, strengthening exercises were most effective for
improving functional outcomes among the various types AUTHOR CONTRIBUTION
of exercise therapies [11]. Device-driven strengthening
exercises, combined with stretching, could help elderly Conceptualization: Kato S. Data collection: Kato S,
participants improve their physical function and reduce Kurokawa Y, Takahashi N, Yokogawa N, Yonezawa N,
LBP. Shimizu T, Kitagawa R. Interpretation of data: Kato S, De-
Previous studies reported that muscle strength mea- mura S, Shinmura K. Formal analysis: Kato S, Kurokawa
surement and device-driven strengthening exercises did Y. Writing - original draft: Kato S. Writing - review and
not exert adverse effects in young adults [17,18]. Similar- editing: Demura S, Tsuchiya H. Supervision: Tsuchiya H.
ly, in the present study, use of the device for 12 weeks did Approval of the final manuscript: all authors.
not produce adverse effects in elderly patients with CLBP.
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