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Report Title: Marketing Plan of Healthy chips

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Submitted Date: 9-4-2021
Table of Contents
1. Marketing environment …………………………………………… (2)
1.1 SWOT Analysis …………………………………………………… (3)
2. Marketing Strategy
2.1. Segmentation ……………………………………………………… (4)
2.2. Target market ……………………………………………………... (4)
2.3. Positioning ………………………………………………………. (5)
3. Strategies/marketing mix
3.1. Product
3.1.0. Product attributes ………………………………………… (6)
3.1.1. Branding ………………………………………………… (6-7)
3.1.2. Packaging ………………………………………………...(7-8)
3.1.3. Labeling ………………………………………………… (8)
3.2. Price
3.2.0. Marketing ………………………………………………. (9)
3.2.1. Marketing channel ……………………………………… (9)
3.3. Promotion ………………………………………………. (9-10)
3.4. Place …………………………………………………… (10)
4. Future plans – Ansoff matrix……………………………………………. (11)
5. References ………………………………………………. (12)

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1. Marketing environment
In the market of People's Republic of Kuwait includes a demand of chips product. At present, a
great deal of chips square measure offered in market and there's a thought within the market that
chips square measure terribly harmful for the health. thus, a great
deal of aware individuals doesn’t take chips and plenty of oldsters don't feel comfort to
administer this to their youngsters. thus, individuals have a latent demand of harmless chips. we
wish to launch Mushroom Chips with prime quality, and it'll be harmless. the
merchandise quality is a lot of high comparative to the opposite competitors, as a result of our
main ingredients is Mushroom that is whole new flavor with
delicious style and additionally Mushrooms square measure sensible sources of nutrition.


“We want to be Kuwait favored Chips Company”.

“We want to be favored chips company in Kuwait  and build sturdy relationship with
our provider and guarantee our customers’ health security by providing additional nutrition”.

● we wish to be no. 1 Chips Company in Kuwait.

● once one month, we tend to square measure collection our sales review and satisfaction
level of our customers.
● Diversification in our merchandise.
● we wish to make social price for position in customers mind.

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1.1 SWOT Analysis:

Strengths: Weaknesses:

● The product quality is additional high ● Although the corporate is new, it's not established

comparative to the a whole or pictures within the marketplace this
opposite competitors, as a result of our can be the weakness for the merchandise quality.
main ingredients is Mushroom that is ● Attributable to the new product and
completely new flavor company businessperson skills are absence here
and style and additionally work against that’s why we tend to can’t include any internal
for the cancer. facilities.
● There are a unit another strength of the ● For the primary time the mushroom is exit within
corporate is distribution channels. Our the market that’s why folks can’t properly reliable
channel is incredibly robust, relation of to the merchandise quality.
the provider and resellers is incredibly ● Money drawback is another weakness of the
strong. corporate like what's going to be the value and

Opportunities: Threats:

● It’s associate offered product however of ● If government is increasing the taxes and also

the recreate of style and quality produce a the political problems don't seem to be favor,
brand-new amendment of the client style. then it'll be the threats for the corporate.
● For the technological changes and ● The merchandise might not be accepted to
advances it’s easier to grant any data and the individuals then it'll be the good threats
promotional activities to understand the for the corporate.
merchandise quality to the individuals. ● The merchandise rival rate is incredibly high
● If the govt. changes policies that’s why typically we tend
then it'll be simple to access the to face several competitor drawbacks, which
merchandise to the market. might be a threat of the corporate.

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2. Marketing strategy

2.1. Segmentation:

Customers have totally different desires, likes and dislikes. There are a unit many various sorts

of customers with differing types of desires. Experian aims to treat
all customers as people. Within the segmentation stage, we tend to area unit alleged to divide the
overall market then we should always provide importance on specific target client. For the
segmentation of the client we tend to have thought of 02 variables that area unit a) Age and b)
Region of the client.

Age Region
Urban Sub-urban Rural
5-20 Moderately use Highly use Moderately use
20-35 Less use Highly use Less use
Above 35 Less use Moderately use Less use

Healthy Mushroom chips for youngsters, teenagers, chips customers who are a unit seeking for

delicious style with nutrition and Sub urban people that are a unit seeking cheap and
healthy product. Urban and sub urban, and rural poor individuals are the biggest  part of
Kuwait population. As we all know urban made individuals area unit a lot of probably to shop
for foreign and dear foods. Moreover, rural poor individuals tend to shop for low-cost foods
even while not evaluating its quality and that they aren't aware concerning their health
that abundant. but sub urban higher middle, middle and lower middle-class individuals tend to
shop for cheap and healthy product.

2.2. Target market:

Healthy Mushroom Chips main target markets individuals are Children’s and

teenagers however we tend to additionally like the merchandise for young generation
and recent ages individuals. We tend to additionally target those customers who have
negative plan concerning the standard chips.

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2.3. Positioning:

We can strive to position our product through differentiation, as a result

of connected promoting and products differentiation. To capture the client simply we'll focus our
core competence that is “Healthy”. As our main ingredient is Mushroom that is completely new
flavor with delicious style and it's simply accessible in our country, we are able
to guarantee prime quality with low value. Our product Slogan is:

“Eat Healthy. Stay Healthy”

High quality

Mushroom chips Pringles

Lays, potato chips chips

Low price High price

Ring chips,

Potato crackers

Low quality

Positioning map of Healthy Mushroom Chips

The Positioning map of the Healthy Mushroom Chips is shown our chips position in the
consumer mind on two dimensions. This is (i) high quality and (ii) medium price.

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3. Strategies/ Marketing Mix

3.1. Product:
A product is something that will be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or
consumption which may satisfy a wish or want. Our product is “MUSHROOM CHIPS”.
Product might be Physical merchandise, Services, Persons, Places, Organizations, Ideas,
and mixtures of the higher than. Our product is largely Physical Product.

3.1.0. Product Attributes:

Our product is “Mushroom Chips”, this retains the nutrients and natural flavor
giving customers a healthier and tastier snack selection. Our product is formed from the
chosen top-quality mushroom to assure the profit it contains for in body.
Quality: That we tend to an initial assure in our product. the merchandise quality is
extremely high, as a result of our main ingredients is Mushroom that is sweet sources of nutrition
and Mushroom Chips has the best level of macromolecule, Fat, Saturated fat, sugar, Sugar,
Energy, steroid alcohol, metal and it's noticeably essential for specially children and young
age individuals. every and each method of the assembly is completed by automatic machine.

Features: The Mushroom chips is verified in a way in which, initial by the

dimensions 1) youngsters 2) Family.

Design: we are going to keep the form of Mushroom Chips like original Mushroom, which is
able to facilitate the customers to perceive that this chip is made up of 100 percent natural
Mushroom and it'll satisfy them.

3.1.1. Branding:

Branding is one in all the foremost necessary aspects of any business, giant or little, retail or

B2B. An efficient complete strategy provides you a significant go up progressively competitive
markets. For a brand-new product to the market we tend to believe the stigmatization works sort
of a boosting and additional powerful weapon to contend with the
present challenger. Stigmatization makes it potential to make an image a few products in

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consumer’s mind. Brand represents the consumer’s perceptions and feelings a few products and
its performance.

Brand name: We have hand-picked “Healthy Mushroom Chips” as our name. We'll use a word

in our name, that is “Healthy”. Once individuals believe their health, they inform the name of
Healthy Mushroom Chips. As we tend to aware that when the brand got far-famed several of
duplicate brand can attempt to acquire the market with a similar name if the
name isn't registered. So, to safeguard the name initial of all, we'll register our name. we tend
to additionally choose a logo for our brand, and this is:

Brand sponsor: we tend to produce our own product, with our own machineries.

Brand Slogan: The slogan we used for our brand is “Eat Healthy. Stay Healthy”.

Brand strategy: Our product is going to be native brand product as we provide it with a brand-
new class (Mushroom Chips) and a reputation (Healthy Mushroom Chips) with a new
slogan(‘Eat Healthy. Stay Healthy”).

3.1.2. Packaging:

We know that packaging is that the initial purpose of contact with our client. Packaging of a

product can build the impression among the buyer relating to the corporate also because
the product. Packaging of our Mushroom Chips shown by image is given below:

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3.1.3. Labeling:

Actually, Labeling means that delivers any product message to the client. It includes indicator,

manufacture date, expire date, that worth added on that product like victuals, mineral etc.
that component accustomed manufacture of the merchandise. Company address etc. here is given
our product level:

Nutrition fact Healthy Mushroom Amount per serving



Saturated fat-1.42%

Exp. Date:
Mfg. Date:


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3.2. Price:

Price is the worth that is place to a product or service and is the result of an advanced set of

calculations, analysis and understanding and risk-taking ability. Therefore, this is often a matter
of variety however we tend to cannot fix a worthwhile not survey the
market. Most corporations, massive or tiny, base the worth of their product and services on
production, labor and advertising expenses so add on a precise proportion in order that
they will build a profit. Before fixing worth of the merchandise we are going to survey shopper,
that during which worth the shoppers are willing to shop for our product.

My decision:
For our product, we tend to  select Penetration evaluation Strategy. As a result of our product
Mushroom Healthy Chips may be a new whole. As our product is new within the market and that
we need to form a place in our customer’s mind, for the initial nine to twelve months we tend
to can keep our merchandise worth in low vary to let the client understand our product quality.
Then step by step over time we'll increase the value of our product ‘Healthy Mushroom Chips’.
So, we tend to square measure taking penetration evaluation strategy.

3.2.0. Marketing

As our product is extremely fresh in current market thus, we've selected “Pull

Strategy” technique for our product. As a result of as a brand-new product 1st of all we've to
require an area on customer’s mind and therefore the trust of our shopper regarding our
product. First, we tend to guarantee our product quality for this we'll be taken the entire step to
build and execute a correct advertising by victimization “pull Strategy”. Pull strategy refers to
the client actively seeking out our product and retailers putting orders for stock thanks
to direct shopper demand.

3.2.1. Marketing channel:

As whole new brand in the market, we should always produce smart distributor channels. we

tend to do not have enough budgets for the distribution. We tend to can distribute our product
to distributer. So, we tend to are following the “One Channel” strategy for our new product.

3.3. Promotion:

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Promotion means that promoting the product by act with client, typically organization uses this
policy for a selected amount to extend the sales. Promotion is one amongst the note within
the promoting combine. Promotion has its own mixture of communications tools.

Advertising: We spent more cash in advertising sector as a result of our Mushroom Chips is

new within the market. We'd like to catch the market. we'd like to aware client regarding our
product; this main method is advertising in media. we will see the TV and Newspaper media
is additional well-liked instead of different media. During this case advertising is costlier. That’s
why we tend to exploitation five hundredth of our total budget on Advertising.

Public relation: We additionally send our cash in publicly relation. We tend to organize few

seminars for the helpful or our economy or pour society. Someday we tend to organize
health connected event in putative college & school at that point we provide our Mushroom
Chips to the scholars. We provide sponsored with some innovative sector. During
this manner we tend to get return nearer to the general public.

Sales promotion: We trough some offer as a result of subsidization our product. At that

point, we tend to get few proportions of profit. We provide additional instead of different chips.
As Associate in Nursing example, if any client buys 5 Mushroom Chips packet in time then he
or she's going to be got one free. That's why we tend to determine 15%  of our budgets
in advertisement.

Publicity: Publicity is all concerning gaining public visibility or awareness for a product during

this sector we tend to spend 10 percent of our budget. Simplest kind is that the suggests
that of transference data to the final public through the media. In our company policy, we tend
to don’t use any reasonably marketing or personal commerce. That’s why we tend to don't keep
any cash during this sector. We glance forward alternative four sectors.

3.4. Place:

As we are new to the market, we want to make available our products for our customers
through several distribution channels. We will use different wholesalers, retail stores
and local shops.

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4. Future plan

Ansoff matrix of marketing plan of mushroom healthy chips:

Market penetration: Product development:

As our product is new in the market and we In future we will add new flavors to our Product
want to create a place in our customer’s “ Mushroom chips: like cheese mushroom
mind, for the first 9 to 12 months we will chips, hot and spicy mushroom chips, salted
keep our products price in low range to let the mushroom chips etc. As cheese flavor is love by
customer know about our product quality. Then both children and old age people so, it will be
gradually over time we will increase the price of helpful in order to increase our brand growth.
our product ‘ Mushroom Chips’.
We will also sell our product through online
In future, we also Supply our product in big platforms like online food delivery
supermarkets and healthy food chain suppliers. websites/app. As in this technological world
everyone is using mobile apps and website
frequently so it will definitely provide benefit to
our brand.
Market development: Diversification:

In future we will supply our product “ In future, we will introduce new products
Mushroom chips” to new geographical market. related to mushrooms. Like we will introduce
Like we will supply our product to mushroom biscuits among national or
multinational countries or Asian countries. In international markets. We will supply two
future we will also change the packaging of our categories of mushroom biscuits
product to attract more national or international
1. Sweet mushroom biscuits(specially for
customers. We will also focus on pricing
kids, youngster)
policies of our product according to the
2. Salted mushroom biscuits(specially for

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requirements of our customers. old age people or people suffering from

5. References:

● Principles of marketing by Philip Kotler.2.

● The effects of mushroom powder on the quality of cake’ Sheikh et al.,Agric.21(1 &
2):205 –  214, 2010.4.
● Ansoff Matrix-Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ansoff_Matrix

6. http://www.recipesource.com/fgv/vegetables/mushrooms/00/rec0053.html

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