Chapter 5

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Research Design

The descriptive research design will be use to find out the factors that affects

in the participation of the Senior High School students in asynchronous online

learning in Bicol College during their online and modular class. Descriptive research

aims to accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or

phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how questions, but not why

questions (Shona McCombes, 2019).

A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to

investigate one or more variables. Unlike in experimental research, the researcher

does not control or manipulate any of the variables, but only observes and measures


This approach emphasizes both the word “what” and “why” of the topic of

interest. It centers on describing the factors that affects the participation of students

during the student’s participation this year 2020-2021.

Quantitative methodology was considered pertinent from the point of view of

comparing concrete aspects of the same teaching program taught in two different

modes, i.e., face-to-face and online. Quantitative methods emphasize objective

measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data

collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing

statistical data using computational techniques. Quantitative research focuses on

gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a

particular phenomenon (SAGE Publications, 2010).

The researchers will use an online adaptive survey-questionnaire that will

then circulate to the participants in order to calculate and collect results which was
sent to be statistically analyzed, summarized, and interpreted for the research

subject. This study will be limited to all Senior High School students in GAS sections

in Bicol College.

Sources of Data

According to Cooper and Schindler (2018) there are two main sources of

data. These sources of data are primary and secondary data sources. The study

implements both primary and secondary data in answering research questions. Both

data sources contribute to the objectives and helped generate conclusions and


Primary Data Sources will be gathered from surveys from the total numbers of

respondents. Primary data basically includes the data collected by observing the

respondents. Neil J. Salkind (2018) describes primary data as an original data

source, that is, one in which the data are collected firsthand by the researcher for

specific research purpose.

Secondary Data Sources may be referred to as information that isn’t initially

gathered by the study, and helped in some ways to an end result for the

investigation. Secondary data for this study was acquired from many different online

databases of books, year projects by past students and other such sources.

Population and Sample

The population of the study is referred as comprehensive group of institution,

object, individuals and so forth with common characteristics that are interest of a
researcher (Dr. Rafeedalie, 2021). A clearly defined population of respondents can

ensure that the result and findings will also be clear. Knowing that the study basically

assesses all the factors that affects the participation of grade twelve GAS students in

Bicol College Senior High School. Since the data that will be gathered from all of

respondents is needed to have an end result, there is no need for respondents to

have an investigation. Once all the information that is need from the grade twelve

GAS students have gathered, the researchers will compute results for the factors

that affects the participants participation in asynchronous online learning.

Research Instrument

The study adopts a questionnaire guide as instruments for data collection in

this quantitative approach and the large data mode collected helps gather enough

evidence to know the factors that affects the participation of students through

asynchronous learning method. The instrument used by researchers was performed

in a fiend by the respondents to ensure the validity and clarity of the instructions.

Sigmund (2018) describes primary data as data gathered for the central purpose of

the study. Gathering primary data helped to enhance understanding and

implementation of direct evaluation of the subject using a survey questionnaire and

an interview guide. The instrument that will be used is an online adaptive survey-

questionnaire. It is a combination of check boxes that allows the respondent to

choose weather what kind of factors affects their participation. Before distributing the

questionnaire, the materials were first pilot by a professional librarian to have a critic

and examine the materials and have a recommendation for much clear study.
Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers wil focus the interview and group discussions to the selected

respondents. There were 15 selected respondents in total. Online surveys will be

used and after assesments simple follow up questions or interview with the

respondent will be conducted through chat whether text chat, voice chat or video


Statistical Treatment Data

Descriptive Statistics will be used to determine the factors affecting the

participation of Grade 12 GAS students at Bicol College during the asynchronous

online classes. Trochik (2020) stresses that descriptive statistics are used to

describe the basic features of data in a study. They provide simple summaries about

the sample and the measures.

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