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Research methodology

This chapter discusses the methodology, this is based on the given statement of the

problem , it includes the research gathering tools,and instruments used in this study to

gather information in this study conducted in order to know the impact of computer

system servicing to senior high school graduates of Tandaay high school.

This also includes the methodology, steps and data resources that were used in this

research. Additionally ,it provides an overview of the statistical procedures,and data

collection instruments utilized in the data analysis and interpretation

Research Methods

The descriptive survey method study was chosen by the person conducting the

research . Primarily, it is employed for carrying out quantitative investigations and

collecting data that is easily analyzed statistically, it is particularly designed especially

for the analysis of the impact of computer system servicing to senior high school

graduates of Tandaay high school.

This method is used in different studies because it primarily employs the process of

disciplined inquiry through the gathering and analysis of empirical data, and each

attempts to develop knowledge. It is concerned not only with the characteristics of

individuals but with the characteristics of the whole sample thereof. It provides

information useful to the solutions of local issues (problems).The survey research

employs applications of scientific method by critically analyzing and examining the

source materials, by analyzing and interpreting data, and by arriving at generalization

and prediction.

The respondents in this research are made up of fifteen(15) in the year 2020 2021 ,

ten(10) students from the year 2021 2022 and ten (10) students for year 2022 2023 in

the selected grade 12 students of computer system servicing of Tandaay high school.

Table 1 below shows the number of students selected from different year

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents

School year no. of respondents percentage

2020 2021 15 42

2021 2022 10 29

2022 2023 10 29

Data Gathering Tools

To collect data, the researcher uses an online survey questionnaire. Based on the

problem statement, the researcher provides a series of questionnaires.


This study made use of survey questionnaires to gather data.The researcher created

sets of survey questions based on the study's difficulty.

Preparations of the questionnaire. Questions were created by the researcher based

on the impact of computer system servicing to senior high school graduates of Tandaay

High School. The questionnaire underwent multiple adjustments in order to improve the
information it contained upon consulting the subject teacher.The respondents profile is

covered in the first section of the questionnaire. The second section is the call of

righteous answer from the respondents on the effect of computer system servicing to

them in terms of job , entrepreneurial opportunities, higher educational options , career

advancement , increased employability, and financial.

The first draft of the questionnaire was given to the subject teacher of the practical

research 2 to review ,check and provide suggestions for improvement, to assure its

accuracy , and pinpoints the elements that could impact the responders dependable

performance on the instrument. As a result the questionnaire was revised based on the

suggestion for changes ,corrections, better wording,questions that were

relevant,reliability, and length of time.

Validation of the Questionnaire. The first draft of the questionnaire goes through final

revision , it has been shown to the subject teacher to give its final analysis and its final

comments and advice and after the analysis the subject teacher approves the


Administration and Retrieval of the questionnaire. The researcher has the approved

questionnaire by approval of the subject teacher personally. The distribution of the

questionnaire was done by the researcher from the second week of january up to the

half week of january 2024. There was an incoded letter to inform the respondents about

the study , how it will be answered and guarantee them about the privacy of the data..

Throughout the questionnaire's retrieval , the researcher conducted an online interview

to the respondents which were used to supply the main data. The collected information

was tallied, arranged, and quantitatively interpreted.

Interview. Open-ended questions, a questionnaire checklist, and an interview were

used to collect the data in order to obtain more substantive contributions. approach

helps the researcher see the study more broadly and from a different point of view.

Statistical Tools

The researcher made use of two(2) different tools to assess the data gathered. The

respondent's answers were categorized and methodically tabulated based on the many

study variables. The statistical tools used are the following percentage techniques and

weighted mean.

Percentage Technique Responses were quantified using the percentage technique.

The study employed the altares formula.


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