Vehicloud - How Can Vehicles Increase Cloud Intelligence?: Digicosme PHD Proposal
Vehicloud - How Can Vehicles Increase Cloud Intelligence?: Digicosme PHD Proposal
Vehicloud - How Can Vehicles Increase Cloud Intelligence?: Digicosme PHD Proposal
Supervision team
Lila Boukhatem (LISN, Université Paris Saclay, France)
Andrea Araldo (Télécom SudParis – SAMOVAR, France)
Nadjib Achir (INRIA Saclay TRiBE, France)
Collaborator: Aline Carneiro Viana (INRIA Saclay TRiBE, France)
The idea of using computation resources deployed on vehicles to execute tasks generated by mobile users’
devices has attracted the interest of the research community. However, it is still not clear under which
conditions it is beneficial to integrate such resources with the entire computation infrastructure. The objective
of the PhD project can be summarized in answering the following questions: what is Vehicular Cloud Computing
(VCC) good for? And under which conditions?
Many works consider VCC in isolation or together with Cloud Computing (CC). However, some of the benefits
expected from VCC could be already (and better) satisfied by Edge Computing (EC). For this reason, we take a
holistic view, considering the entire Computation Ecosystem (CoE), composed of CC, VCC and EC. Most of the
work on VCC proposes yet-another-offloading strategy. Since we aim to answer the fundamental questions
above, we take instead a different approach. We measure the overall performance of the CoE, in terms of
mobile device energy consumption and QoS metrics, with and without VCC, with a heterogenous set of
application classes. We systematically study under which conditions (vehicle mobility, VCC penetration rate,
vehicle density, user load, application traffic class composition) adding VCC into the CoE brings performance
By doing so, we can understand in which cases VCC can benefit the CoE, and reduce the need for EC
infrastructure (which is costly to deploy) and in which cases, instead, such a benefit would be marginal. We use
to this aim simulation and analytical models of connectivity, mobility and application task inter-dependency.
Instrumental to answering our fundamental questions, we seek a system-optimal offloading strategy, resorting
to learning based optimization.
Keywords: Vehicular Cloud; Cloud Computing; Vehicular Networks; Edge Computing .
Data-intensive Data-light
High responsiveness Augmented Reality [12] Online Gaming (when only game commands transit
over the net[4])
Low responsiveness Video Livecast [13] Antivirus [5, 7]
Table 1: Examples of applications
In simulation, we propose to measure the performance of the computing system, consisting in (i) application
latency (and probability of violating latency constraints of the applications considered) (ii) mobile user energy
consumption, (iii) amount of traffic generated in the backhaul. We aim to study the performance of the CoE
with and without VCC. We define a set of contextual conditions (vehicle mobility, VCC penetration rate, vehicle
density, amount of resources deployed in EC, load of the different task classes) and systematically study how
the performance vary with them. The overall goal is to understand in which contexts VCC brings relevant
performance gain, to guide operators in planning the evolution of their access network infrastructure.
The key challenges that we need to tackle are: (i) Extremely large scale of the Computation Ecosystem (CoE)
and heterogeneity of its computation nodes, in terms of mobility, connectivity and amount of computation
resources. (ii) The CoE is highly dynamic and stochastic: resources available and quality of connections change
over time and cannot be exactly known. (iii) Applications diversity, in terms characteristics, structure and
Required documents are:
- CV.
- A cover/motivation letter describing the interest in this topic.
- Degree certificates and transcripts for Bachelor and Master (or the last 5 years).
- A recommendation letter from the Master thesis’ supervisor (or research project or
internship) to be sent directly to the contact person.
The PhD student will be funded on a Digicosme PhD allocation (of three years duration). More details
can be provided on request.
Lila Boukhatem:
Andrea Araldo:
Achir Nadjib :