HEC-RAS MapperUsersManual

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River Analysis System

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual

Version 6.0
December 2020

Approved for Public Release. Distribution Unlimited.

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 8
2 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 9
MENU SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................. 9
LAYER LIST ................................................................................................................................. 10
Layer Properties ..................................................................................................................... 11
Vector Data ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Raster Data ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Features.................................................................................................................................. 14
Geometries ............................................................................................................................. 15
Results .................................................................................................................................... 15
Map Layers.............................................................................................................................. 16
Terrains................................................................................................................................... 16
STATUS WINDOW ...................................................................................................................... 16
Messages ................................................................................................................................ 16
Views....................................................................................................................................... 17
Profile Lines............................................................................................................................ 17
Active Features....................................................................................................................... 17
Layer Values ........................................................................................................................... 18
MAPPING WINDOW.................................................................................................................... 18
Legend .................................................................................................................................... 19
Scale Bar................................................................................................................................. 19
3 SETTINGS AND OPTIONS ...................................................................... 20
PROJECT SETTINGS .................................................................................................................. 20
Projection ............................................................................................................................... 20
General ................................................................................................................................... 21
Render Mode .......................................................................................................................... 22
Mesh Tolerances .................................................................................................................... 23
GLOBAL SETTINGS .................................................................................................................... 24
General ................................................................................................................................... 24
RAS Layers .............................................................................................................................. 25

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 2

Map Surface Fill ...................................................................................................................... 26
Editing Tools........................................................................................................................... 27
4 SPATIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM ............................................................... 29
WEB IMAGERY ............................................................................................................................ 30
5 TERRAIN LAYER................................................................................... 31
RAS TERRAIN DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................... 31
STEPS IN CREATING A TERRAIN LAYER..................................................................................... 33
TERRAIN VISUALIZATION .......................................................................................................... 34
ASSOCIATING TERRAINS ........................................................................................................... 36
EXPORTING RAS TERRAINS....................................................................................................... 37
Resample to Single Terrain ................................................................................................... 37
Clip Terrain to Geometry Extents .......................................................................................... 38
Clip Terrain to Current View .................................................................................................. 38
6 LAND CLASSIFICATION LAYERS ............................................................. 39
LAND COVER LAYER................................................................................................................... 39
Creating the Land Cover Layer .............................................................................................. 39
Parameterizing Land Cover Data ........................................................................................................................ 42
SOILS LAYER .............................................................................................................................. 43
Importing gSSURGO Data ...................................................................................................... 44
INFILTRATION LAYER................................................................................................................. 46
Using a Land Cover and Soils Layer ...................................................................................... 46
Using a Classification Shapefile Layer .................................................................................. 47
CLASSIFICATION POLYGONS .................................................................................................... 49
USING LAND COVER FOR MANNING'S N VALUES ..................................................................... 51
7 GEOMETRY DATA................................................................................. 52
EDITING TOOLS ......................................................................................................................... 53
Add New.................................................................................................................................. 55
Select/Edit Feature ................................................................................................................ 56
EDITING A GEOMETRY ............................................................................................................... 57
Updating Geometry ............................................................................................................... 59
RIVERS........................................................................................................................................ 60

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JUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 61
RIVER STATION MARKERS......................................................................................................... 62
FLOW PATH LINES ..................................................................................................................... 63
BANK LINES ............................................................................................................................... 63
CROSS SECTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 63
XS Properties .......................................................................................................................... 64
XS Plot..................................................................................................................................... 65
Display Properties .................................................................................................................. 66
Elevation Profiles from Points............................................................................................... 66
River Stations Table ............................................................................................................... 67
EDGE LINES................................................................................................................................ 68
CROSS SECTION INTERPOLATION SURFACE ........................................................................... 69
INEFFECTIVE FLOW AREAS........................................................................................................ 69
BLOCKED OBSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................... 70
STORAGE AREAS........................................................................................................................ 71
2D FLOW AREAS......................................................................................................................... 72
Perimeters .............................................................................................................................. 72
Computation Points............................................................................................................... 75
Breaklines............................................................................................................................... 76
Refinement Regions............................................................................................................... 79
BRIDGES/CULVERTS.................................................................................................................. 81
Culvert Barrel Editor .............................................................................................................. 82
Plotting Bridges...................................................................................................................... 82
INLINE STRUCTURES................................................................................................................. 83
LATERAL STRUCTURES ............................................................................................................. 85
SA/2D CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................... 86
PUMP STATIONS........................................................................................................................ 87
MANNING'S N VALUES............................................................................................................... 88
Final n Values Layer ............................................................................................................... 90
PERCENT IMPERVIOUS.............................................................................................................. 91
INFILTRATION PARAMETERS .................................................................................................... 92
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................... 93

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Boundary Conditions ............................................................................................................. 93
ERRORS...................................................................................................................................... 93
8 TERRAIN MODIFICATION ...................................................................... 95
CROSS SECTION INTERPOLATION SURFACE ........................................................................... 95
TERRAIN MODIFICATION TOOLS............................................................................................... 96
Clone Terrain.......................................................................................................................... 97
Add New Modification Layer.................................................................................................. 97
Simple Shape Modification.................................................................................................... 98
Circle/Ellipse Editor ............................................................................................................................................. 99
Rectangle Editor................................................................................................................................................... 99
Triangle Editor.................................................................................................................................................... 100
Elongated Pier Editor......................................................................................................................................... 100
Line Modifications................................................................................................................ 101
Polygon Modification........................................................................................................... 104
9 MAPPING RESULTS.............................................................................106
CREATING RESULT MAPS ........................................................................................................ 107
Result Maps .......................................................................................................................... 107
Associated Terrain ............................................................................................................................................. 109
Map Type ............................................................................................................................................................ 109
Profiles................................................................................................................................................................ 111
Output Mode ...................................................................................................................................................... 111
Dynamic versus Stored Maps ............................................................................................................................ 112
MANAGING RESULT MAPS....................................................................................................... 113
RAS Results........................................................................................................................... 113
Interpolation Surface......................................................................................................................................... 114
Water Surface Elevation .................................................................................................................................... 116
Depth .................................................................................................................................................................. 117
Inundation Boundary......................................................................................................................................... 117
Velocity ............................................................................................................................................................... 118
EVALUATING RAS RESULTS..................................................................................................... 121
Layer Watch List ................................................................................................................... 123
Time Series Plots.................................................................................................................. 124
Profile Lines.......................................................................................................................... 126
Plot Profile.......................................................................................................................................................... 126

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Plot Time Series ................................................................................................................................................. 128

10 RASTER CALCULATOR.........................................................................129
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 129
SCRIPTS ................................................................................................................................... 130
LAYER VARIABLES.................................................................................................................... 131
CALCULATION CODE ............................................................................................................... 132
HELP......................................................................................................................................... 134
CALCULATED LAYER ................................................................................................................ 135
11 GOOGLE EARTH EXPORT .....................................................................137
KML EXPORT ............................................................................................................................ 137
3D KML EXPORT....................................................................................................................... 138
3D KML EXPORT OPTIONS ...................................................................................................... 141
Boundary Polygon Filter Tolerance .................................................................................... 141
Interior Polygon (Cell) Size .................................................................................................. 141
Number of Decimal Places................................................................................................... 141
Interior Polygon Values........................................................................................................ 142
Water Surface Plotting Method ........................................................................................... 143
GOOGLE EARTH VISUALIZATION ............................................................................................ 144
12 TILE MAP SERVER ...............................................................................145
EXPORTING RAS TILES ............................................................................................................ 145
VIEWING RAS TILES ................................................................................................................. 146
13 V.6.0 RELEASE NOTES.........................................................................149

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Geospatial capabilities in HEC-RAS.

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Geospatial capabilities are available in HEC-RAS to assist the hydraulic engineer to create and refine
the model geometry and analyze computed results.  This capability to visualize the combination of
geometric data (terrain, river networks, cross section locations, cross section parameters, 2D
meshes, etc.) and simulation results (water surface depths, velocities, etc.) allow HEC-RAS users to
more readily identify hydraulic model deficiencies and make improvements.  
While HEC-RAS Mapper is not intended to replace a GIS, as it provides very hydraulic-modeling
specific tools, it has a tremendous number of geospatial capabilities for working with geospatial
data. Not only does RAS Mapper provide the user with tools to edit HEC-RAS data layers, the editing
tools can be used to edit generic shapefiles.  Not only can you visualize HEC-RAS results, but you can
symbolize and query information in numerous ways to assist in the analysis of the river hydraulic
This document will discuss how to use the HEC-RAS Mapper to develop an HEC-RAS model and
perform mapping of model output to view and compare results, as well as how to publish map

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The HEC-RAS Mapper module is an interface accessed from the main HEC-RAS program and provides
a geospatial visualization of HEC-RAS geometry, simulation results, and other pertinent geospatial
data to assist users to efficiently create river hydraulic models.  The HEC-RAS Mapper module is
accessed using the GIS Tools | RAS Mapper menu item on the main HEC-RAS program interface or by
pressing the   RAS Mapper button, shown below.

The RAS Mapper interface, shown below, is comprised of a menu system, data layers list, status
window and the mapping window.

Menu System
The menu system for RAS Mapper provides access to the most often used capabilities.  Many other
capabilities are available through right-click on a Group Layer, Layer, or selected feature.  A summary
of menu options is provided in the table below. Each of the menu items is discussed in detail
throughout the users documentation.

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Menu Description
    Open If RAS Mapper is launched outside of HEC-RAS, this is used to open a .rasmap file.
    Save Saves RAS Mapper state - layer symbology, zoom, etc.
    Exit Closes RAS Mapper
    Set Projection Used to set the coordinate reference system for the project - necessary to use
with web imagery.
    Create New RAS Terrain Used to import a terrain model(s) into a single, RAS Terrain.
    Create New Geometry Used to create an empty geometry to begin model development.
    Create New RAS Layer Used to create RAS-specific layers such as a Land Cover layer for Manning's n
    Manage Layer Associations Used to associate a Geometry or Result file with Terrain and Land Cover layers.
    Manage Results Maps Used to create a new result map and recompute multiple result maps.
    Add Web Imagery Used to add web imagery services to RAS Mapper.
    Add Layer Used to add geospatial data (.shp, .tiff, etc.) to RAS Mapper.
    Options Provides access to all RAS Mapper Options.
    Create Calculated Layer Opens the RASter Calculator to create a calculated layer.
    Create Multiple Maps Provides a dialog for creating multiple results maps at one time.
    Show Legend Shows the legend for the Selected Layer.
    Plot Tick Marks Plots tick marks on Profile Lines.
    Remove Missing Layers Cleans up the RAS Mapper project by removing references to files that were not
    RAS Mapper Help Opens the RAS Mapper help documentation.
    About Provides the RAS Mapper version number.

Layer List
The Layers window provides a list of the layers available for display and is organized with a tree
structure based on the HEC-RAS data structure and the supporting data layers needed for model
evaluation – there are groups for "Features", “Geometries”, “Results”, “Map Layers”, and
To interact with a layer, the layer must be Selected.  The selected layer is shown in the Layers list with
the Selection Color.  The default selection color is magenta.  In order to interact with any layer, it
must be the Selected Layer.

The Selected Layer will be displayed in the Selection Color.

To change the display order of a layer, right-click on a layer and choose from the Move Layer menu
item options. (Note: layers may not be moved between groups in the layer list.)  Additional options
available for each layer through the right click are summarized in the table below.

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Option Description
Layer Properties Provides access to the visualization properties, feature table, and source files. 
Double click on the layer opens the Layer Properties.
Open Feature Table Provides access to the underlying feature table.
Zoom to Layer Zooms the Display Window to the extents of the selected layer.

Remove Layer Remove a layer from the Layers Window.

Move Layer Used to reorder the layer list and by moving the layer: To the Top, Up one Level,
Down one Level, or To the Bottom of the layer list.
Export Layer Allows the user to export a vector data to Shapefile format for viewing in an
alternative GIS.

Open Folder in Windows Opens Windows Explorer to location of current layer.


Other Other options are available specific to the layer.

Interactive tools are available for the active layer.  The layer becomes active when selected by
clicking on it in the layer list.  The text for the active layer will be drawn in the selection color
(magenta).  This active layer will be use for selecting features in the Display Window using the Select
tool, animation profile information (if available), and reporting information based on the mouse

Layer Properties
The Layer Properties option provides access to display properties and information about the layer. 
Vector data and raster data both access the same properties dialog; however, the options available
depend on the data type.  Vector data will allow for the changing of point, line, and fill symbology. 
Raster data allow for the changing of the surface fill, contour, and hill shade properties.  Depending
on the layer type, the Layer Properties dialog will also provide access to information about the layer
features and source file information.  An example Layer Properties dialog is shown below.

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Plot options specific to the layer shown will be will be shown in the "Additional Options" portion of
the Layer Properties dialog.

Vector Data
Vector data are symbolized by points, lines, and/or fill colors which have access to their own editors. 
Depending on the type of layer selected, different options are available.

Options for vector data also allow for labeling of each feature when the "Label Features" option is
checked.  This will draw to the Map Window a label based on the field selected by the user.  To select
the labeling field and placement, click the Edit button.  The Label Properties dialog, shown below,
allows the user to choose the attribute, location, and presentation (font) for the label text.  Fields in
the attribute table are available to be selected.  For lines, the Label Location defines where to place
the label based on the start or end of the line.

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Raster Data
Options available for displaying surface data will be enabled for raster data.  A legend for the surface
fill color properties is created with corresponding layer values.  The surface fill can be plotted as
either a “Stretched” (interpolated) color ramp or as “Discrete” (banded) color values.

Contours and hillshade options allow for more detailed visualization of raster data.  Contours are
generated dynamically based on the interpolation of the raster data.  Using the Hillshade option
allows for shadowing of elevation data based on the angle of a light source, and can give the dataset

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a "3D" feel to the data.  It also allows for the vertical exaggeration of the data to provide more
pronounced relief.

To change the surface fill properties, select the “Edit” button.  The surface fill properties dialog
(shown below) allows the user to select from predefined color ramps.  The predefined color ramps
have a predefined range of values over which to apply colors (Depth, Velocity, Arrival Time ...).  Other
color ramps do not have a predefined values associated with a color (Terrain, Water Surface
Elevation, …) as they are expected to be applied to layers that have a wide range of possible values. 
For these layers, the color ramps are applied to layer based on the minimum and maximum values in
the dataset. 

The colors and values in the Surface Symbol table can be changed by the user to create a new
surface fill.  To create a surface fill, enter the Max and Min values for the data and number of colors to
interpolate over and press the Create Ramp Values button.  Functionality to reverse the color ramp
and to save the color ramp to the color list are available.

The "Features" group contains a layer named "Profile Lines".  The Profile Lines layer allows you to
create lines in location you consistently are requiring results information.  These lines are created

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and edited just as any other vector dataset. (Editing features will be discussed in detail throughout
this document.)  The Features group is also your RAS Mapper digital playground - you can add
existing Shapefiles and create new ones to hold points, lines and polygons.  New Shapefile layers can
be created by right-clicking on the Features group and selecting the Create New Layer option.

Editing Tools will be discussed in detail throughout the HEC-RAS Mapper documentation, but you
can start in the Geometry Data section.

Profile Lines will be discussed in the Mapping Results section.

The “Geometries” group displays the RAS Geometry files used in the current HEC-RAS project.  In
addition to the normal geometry files (*.g0n), the RAS geometric data are saved to an HDF5 file
format (*.g0n.hdf), processed, and displayed in RAS Mapper.   For each Geometry, there will be a
Layer to represent hydraulic model information.  For 1D modeling there will be a layers for the River,
Junctions, Flow Path Lines, Bank Lines, Cross Sections, Ineffective Flow Areas, Blocked Obstructions,
Manning's n Values, and Storage Areas.  For 2D modeling, there will be a 2D Flow Area layers
constructed from a Perimeter polygon, Computation Points, Break Lines, and Refinement Regions. 
Additionally, there will be layers that are computed from the base data River Edge Lines, and the XS
Interpolation Surface.

 Geometry Layers creation and use will be discussed in detail in the Geometry Data section.

The “Results” node displays the simulation results from each RAS Plan as saved in the RAS Plan’s
output HDF5 file (*.p01.hdf).  For each Plan, a copy of the geometry that was used for the simulation
will be stored in the output file along with stage and flow data for each computation location.
Output layers for Depth, Velocity, and Water Surface Elevation will be automatically generated
within RAS Mapper for each plan. 
The output layers are not stored to disk, rather they will be generated dynamically (on-the-fly) for
the current map extents.  Each output layer can be animated through the Animate tool. The Animate
tool will work on the selected layer. To animate multiple layers, the RAS Plan must be selected.  If the
Plan is selected, all layers in the group (that are checked on) will be animated together. To animate
all output results, select the Results group node and check on all layers to animate. Output for each
Mapping Output Interval, as specified on the Unsteady Flow Plan editor, will be available for
display.   The current time step for the animation will be update on the display screen as well as the
layer name in the Layers list.  If available, the Max and Min values for the simulation will also be
available for mapping.  There are tools to play through the animation using the animated button.
The "Tortoise" button will allow you access to another window which allows you to slow down the
animation by delaying visualization of the next time-step.

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Map Layers
Additional data added to the RAS Mapper (not constructed by HEC-RAS) will be added into the “Map
Layers” list as background data.  Data formats that are supported include Shapefile, GML, VRT, and
image file formats.  If the map projection has been specified and the data has a specified projection,
it will be re-projected on the fly to the map projection.
Web imagery data will also be displayed under the Map Layers node. To add background imagery
data, select the Project | Add Web Imagery menu item and choose from the specified list of
services.  The map projection for RAS Mapper must be specified when using web imagery.

The “Terrains” node is where all Terrain layers are listed.  A Terrain Layer is used by RAS Mapper for
computing hydraulic properties (elevation – volume, elevation – wetted perimeter, elevation
profiles, etc), inundation depths and floodplain boundaries, once it has been associated with a
Geometry and Plan.  Prior to using a Terrain, it must be created through the Create New Terrain
Layer tool. 

 RAS Terrain layers will be discussed in detail in the Terrain Layer section.

Status Window
The Status Window provides user information for status Messages, Map Views, Profile Lines
information, and a Watch List of Layer Values. 

Status messages that keep the user informed of the actions performed within RAS Mapper are
displayed in the Message tab.  A separate progress bar will be shown for major tasks that are
expected to result in the user waiting for program interaction.

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The Views tab allows the user to create and manage predefined zoom locations.  Once a location is
created (based on the current view) it can be quickly zoomed to by clicking on the location name in
the list. Use the Add button to save the current extent to the View list.  Delete and Rename options
are also available.  Click once to highlight the extent of a View (will be displayed if it's extent is within
the current view).  Double-click to zoom to the View.

Profile Lines
The Profile Lines tab allows the user to create a strike line where a profile will be taken.  Select a
profile line, right-click on the line and choose the output to extract a profile along the user-defined
line.  These Profile Lines are a mirror of the data in the Profile Lines layer.  To Add a new line, select
the Edit button.  Double-click to zoom to the profile line.  Options to Delete and Rename the profile
lines are available.

Active Features
A summary of features in the Active/Selected Layer are shown in the Active Features tab.  Use this
option for quick access to options on cross sections and other feature layers. Double-click will select
and zoom to the feature.  Right-click options are the same as if clicking on the feature in the Map.

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Layer Values
Layers added to the Layer Watch List are shown in the Layer Values table.  This table is customizable
to show the user values as the cursor pans over the Map.  The user can customize the layer's
visibility, order, and label.  Use the Add button to add the Active layer.

Mapping Window
The Mapping Window is used for displaying the geospatial component (features) of a data layer.  It is
intended that the display will provide visualization of HEC-RAS results along with the geometric data
that was used in performing the analysis.  Tools, summarized in the table below, provide user
interaction with the display to change the viewable extents and query data.

Tool Description

Select                           Selects the feature of interest.  The feature will change to the highlight color.  If a
raster layer is selected the value for the selected grid cell is reported.
Raster layers: the value for the current mouse location will be interactively

Pan                     Interactively drag the display window to view a new location.

Raster layers: the value for the current mouse location will be interactively

Zoom In                        Zooms into the region identified with a bounding box.

Zoom In (Fixed)             Zooms into the center of the viewable extent reducing the viewable area by half.

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Tool Description

Zoom Out (Fixed)         Zooms out from the center of the viewable extent to double the viewable extent.

Zoom to Entire Zooms to the maximum viewable extent of all the loaded data layers.

Zoom Previous              Zooms to the previous map extents.

Zoom Next                      Zoom back to the previous map extents prior to using the Zoom Previous option.

Measure Tool                Measure the distance in map units.

Mouse Wheel Zoom in with forward mouse wheel roll, Zoom out with backward mouse wheel

Render Mode Changes the water surface rendering mode between Horizontal and Sloping water
3D Viewer Launches the 3D Viewer.

When raster layers are the Selected Layer, a legend will be drawn in the lower right corner of the Map
window.  The Legend will be based on the raster symbology as defined in its Layer Properties.

Scale Bar
A scale bar with be drawn in the lower right corner of the Map window.  It will resize as the user
zooms to various scales.  The scale bar will auto size to predefined scales.

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Settings and Options


RAS Mapper provides the user with control over several aspects of data extraction and visualization. 
Access to these Options are provided through the Tools | Options menu item.  The Options window
is organized into the general categories of "Project Settings" and "Global Settings".  Project Settings
are those where the user will want to provide change on a per project basis, where "Global Settings"
are more general preferences that are unlikely to be changed once set.
Each option will have Default Settings that can be reset using the Restore Defaults button.

Project Settings
Project Settings will be specific to the HEC-RAS model being developed based on the coordinate
system you are working in, the resolution of the terrain model, and the your preferred choice of

This is used to allow the user to specify a projection by selecting an projection file).  Once a
projection has been specified, RAS Mapper will project all data into the selected coordinate system. 
This must be set to visualize background data such as Web Imagery.  HEC-RAS uses GDAL (gDal.org)
for reprojection data.  Projections can be defined using a projection file - esri prj, wkt, proj4, and epsg
strings are supported.

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Settings and Options

General project settings are the catch all for all of the RAS Mapper options that are most likely to be
modified for each HEC-RAS project.
Computation Decimal Places - This is the number of decimal places used for extracting information
from the Terrain.  Options for Horizontal and Vertical decimal places are provided.
XS River Stations - River stationing for 1D hydraulic objects (cross sections, inline structures, and
lateral structures) are automatically computed using the Units specified to the number of Decimal
Places selected.  If the 1D objects require increased precision, RAS Mapper will automatically
increment the number of decimal places.
Elevation Point Filtering - Point filtering is used to reduce the number of points on Cross Sections
(XS Points) and Lateral Structures (LS Points) to the number of points specified by the user.  HEC-
RAS has a total limit of 500 points on a cross section.  Hydraulic computations at lateral structures

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Settings and Options

will take place between every two points; therefore, it is wise to limit the number of points to just
those that provide adequate definition to the structure.

Render Mode
Render mode is used to control how computation results are plotted in RAS Mapper.
Water Surface Rendering Mode - This render mode is used to specify how 2D model water surface
elevation results are interpolated, Sloping or Horizontal.  The default option is the Hybrid option
where RAS Mapper attempts to use either the Sloping or Horizontal method depending on the
change in water surface between two computation points.
Plot Tolerance - this tolerance is used as a threshold values to remove areas that have an extremely
shallow depth from plotting.
Rendering Engine - GDI+ and Direct2D rendering are supported by HEC-RAS Mapper.  GDI+ tends to
work with all graphics drivers; however, Direct2D will improve vector graphics.

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Settings and Options

Mesh Tolerances
Minimum Face Length Tolerance (%)  is used to evaluate the length of each cell face.  If the cell face
becomes very small compared to the overall distance from the cell center to the neighboring cell
center it is removed with the two adjacent cell faces replacing the length.
Verify Computation Point is within the Cell Boundary is used to verify that the computation point
is fully contained with the the cell.

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Settings and Options

Global Settings
Global Settings will be based on user preferences on how they prefer RAS Mapper to look and feel as
they interact with data during data query, selection, and editing.

General settings are used to setup the symbology for the mapping Tools.
Map Tools Symbology allows the user to customize symbology when Selecting and Highlighting
features, Zooming into an area, and using the Measure Tool. The Highlight Color is also used to
highlight the Selected Layer in the Layer List.
Map Display controls the how text is written to the cursor's map tip when hovering over a layer.

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Settings and Options

RAS Layers
RAS Layer Symbology allows the user to customize the symbology for the RAS-specific layers to
have a consistent look and feel across HEC-RAS projects.

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Settings and Options

Map Surface Fill

The Map Surface Fill options allow the user to customize the default symbology for the RAS result
maps that are created.

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Settings and Options

Editing Tools
The Editing Tools options allow the user to customize how interface looks and reacts to the user
interaction with the Edit Layer.
Symbology - allows the user to set the symbology for the layer that is currently open for editing.  The
Action Color shows the user what will happen provided a point is moved or inserted through the
click of the mouse.
Tolerances - interaction tolerances can be specified based on the precision with which the user is
working.  The Near Point tolerance specifies how close the mouse cursor needs to be to a point
before it "snaps" to the point to allow for a move or delete action.  The Near Line tolerance specifies
how close the mouse cursor needs to be to a line before it allows the insertion of a new point.

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Settings and Options

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Spatial Reference System


The first step in creating a project in HEC-RAS Mapper is establishing the coordinate system you are
going to work in for the project's geospatial data. Setting the projection for your project will ensure
that the Terrain and geometric data are all in a common coordinate system and allow you to use
background data from another coordinate system to assist in model development and analysis.
To set the projection in RAS Mapper, select the Project | Set Projection menu option.  This option
will show the Project Settings | Projection option allowing you to select the projection for your
project.  (At this time, the only projection used is an esri projection file (*.prj).)  Once a projection has
been specified, RAS Mapper will project all data into the selected coordinate system.

RAS Mapper must have a projection file specified to utilize the automatic re-projection of data using
Web Imagery or other added background data.  Re-projection of data within RAS Mapper is
accomplished using GDAL/OGR libraries developed under an Open Source license by the Open
Source Geospatial Foundation (http://www.osgeo.org).  GDAL supports numerous raster and vector
formats (http://www.gdal.org).  The Default RAS Warping Method uses GDAL; however, we have
found GDAL Warp to not work properly in ALL circumstances.  If you are having trouble aligning
reprojected data, the Alternate HEC-RAS Raster Warping Method may provide the correct results.
Typically, a well-known projection will be created used for your study area and if you have any
additional GIS data it will be projected to that coordinate system and a projection file will be
available.  The digital terrain model (DTM) for your study area is the basis for the hydraulic analysis

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 29

Spatial Reference System

and having one projected into an appropriate coordinate system for the study area is imperative. 
Projection files can also be generated using a GIS (in ArcGIS, for instance, a user just needs to export
a vector dataset to a shapefile).  You can also use online resources, such as the Spatial Reference
web site (http://spatialreference.org) to search for a projection file and download the esri .prj file
(viewable online using the ESRI WKT link).  However the user acquires the projection, care must be
taken to verify the coordinate system parameters – especially the unit system!

Web Imagery
Setting the coordinate system is necessary to utilize publicly available web imagery.   The Web
Imagery tool (Project | Add Web Imagery) allows the user to add background imagery (aerial
imagery, for instance) available from standard web services.  Data is temporarily downloaded from
the selected web service and then projected to the coordinate system specified in RAS Mapper. 
Typically, hosted data is in the Web Mercator projection.  Translating the data from Web Mercator to
another projection may result in data artifacts.  Distortion is most apparent when using a
continental-scale projection (e.g. USA Albers) as opposed to a local projection (e.g. California State
Plane Zone 3).
Users can add access to a web map service (or tile map service) by creating a an XML file, which
meets GDAL specifications for web services, and placing it in the HEC-RAS “..\GDAL\Common\Web
Map Services” folder.  An example XML file for access to Open Street Maps is shown in the figure
below (http://www.gdal.org/frmt_wms.html).

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 30

Terrain Layer

The first step to creating a good hydraulic model is having good terrain data.  A good terrain model
represents the ground surface well in locations that affect the movement of water through the
floodplain.  HEC-RAS supports the use of terrain data in a raster format - once terrain data has been
imported to HEC-RAS it is referred to as a RAS Terrain.
HEC-RAS supports the use of a digital terrain model (DTM) for representing the bare earth ground
surface.  The RAS Terrain support is for raster data of many formats, but once processed, the data
will be stored in the GeoTiff format.  In order to properly represent the floodplain area and develop
an accurate geometry for the river analysis, the DTM must have representative data in the main
channel and the overbank areas.  In other words, a good terrain model is comprised with accurate
bathymetric information to supplement the more readily acquired overbank information.  The
definition of linear features that direct the movement of water such as levees, floodwalls, and
roadways should be captured in the terrain model while such features as bridges should not be
included.  Further, if a detailed 2D model is being developed, bridge piers, training walls, and
buildings should be included in the terrain such that they can eventually be included in the 2D Flow
Area mesh.
Because RAS supports a DTM as a gridded model, the grid-cell size used to represent the terrain must
be small enough that it captures the features of the terrain.  For instance, even though a larger cell
size may appropriately capture the ground surface definition in the overbank areas, the cell size
must be small enough to capture the more abrupt changes in elevation that tend to occur in the
main channel. If the model is intended to capture the detailed hydrodynamics through a bridge
opening, the grid-cell size must be small enough to capture and represent the piers (or high ground)
that will significantly direct flow.  When used for developing 2D Flow Area information, RAS will allow
the placement of breakline locations (to align cell faces) where elevation data will be extracted for
cell faces elevation profiles.  In the event that sufficient detail is not provided in the terrain model
(such as at a levee), the hydraulic structure option is available in RAS to override elevation data.
Terrain data can be used in RAS to visualize the floodplain geometry.  It is also used for
preprocessing geometric data for 2D Flow Areas, computing flood depths, and inundation
boundaries from simulation results.  To use a Terrain Layer in RAS Mapper it must first be “created”
and then “associated” with the geometry and plans of interest.

RAS Terrain Development

A new Terrain Layer is created by selecting one or many raster (gridded) datasets and importing
them into a single layer.  This is done through the New Terrain Layer dialog, shown the figure
below.  Each raster is added to the dialog and the user is encouraged to establish each raster’s
priority when being used for computations (higher priority data are listed above lower priority data). 
A filename and location is  then provided for the Terrain Layer and the precision with which data will
be rounded is specified. 

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Terrain Layer

Input Terrain Files are added to the dialog through the Add Files button.  These are the files
that will be imported and evaluated by the priority defined in the list.  The terrain file at the top of
the list has the highest priority when evaluating the Terrain Layer.  Each file will be evaluated and
stored as a GeoTiff in the Terrain Folder with the name “Terrain Name.Filename.tif”.  RAS Mapper
supports numerous raster file types through its use of the GDAL libraries including the binary raster
floating point format (.flt), esri grid (.adf), and GeoTiff (.tif).  (A full list of raster format supported by
GDAL can be found here: http://www.gdal.org/formats_list.html).  Terrain priority can be established
using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.  A terrain model can be removed using the
Delete  button.
Rounding specifies the precision with which the new raster data are stored.  Rounding the terrain
data allows for more efficient compression of data, resulting in smaller files sizes on disk and faster
processing times within RAS Mapper for inundation analysis.  The default value of 1/32 of a map unit
was found to be the best trade-off between file size and precision because rounding to base-2 values
is more efficient for file compression than base-10 values. (Rounding to 1/32 means that each data
point created in the GeoTiff will be +/- 0.015625 of the raw data value.)
Vertical Conversion can be performed as the terrain input files are imported.  The default method
attempts to ready the input file and determine whether conversion should take place.  If you KNOW
what should happen, select the options from the pick list (Feet to Meters, Meters to Feet, Custom
Value, or No Conversion).
Create Stitches automatically creates a triangulation surface between imported terrain models. 
This will create a continuous surface and fill in holes in the terrain surface for elevation extraction
along cross sections and 2D cell faces. 

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 32

Terrain Layer

Merge Inputs to Single Raster allows you to bring in multiple tiles that are of the same cell
resolution and which area all registered and edge-matched to create a single, continuous surface. 
This option is inteneded be used for bringing in many, many LiDAR tiles that all line up.  If you would
like one single Terrain model with a single raster cell size, use the Export option on the RAS Terrain
after you have imported the data initially.
Filename is used to set the name of the Terrain Layer shown in RAS Mapper – “Terrain” is the default
name. A HDF file will be created that has information on what raster data are part of the Terrain
Layer as well as information for merging information from adjacent rasters.  A second file with the
VRT extension will be created.  The VRT file is a visualization file allows for displaying multiple rasters
at once using the same symbology with just the one VRT file in a GIS.

Steps in Creating a Terrain Layer

The process of creating a new Terrain Layer in RAS Mapper can be a time-consuming process
depending on the size and number of raster files to be imported.  The steps performed in creating
the Terrain Layer are enumerated.
1. Converted to GeoTiff - The first step of the Terrain Layer creation process copies and converts the raster data
to a new file in the GeoTiff format.
a. Projected – If necessary, the raster data is projected from its current coordinate system to the
coordinate system specified in RAS Mapper. If a coordinate system is not specified, no projection will
take place.
b. Tiled – The raster file is stored in data “chunks” that are 256 rows by 256 columns. This helps
minimize data access time to improve performance.
2. Rounded – Each value in the terrain GeoTiff is rounded to the specified precision. Rounding the data allows
for more efficient compression of redundant data files thereby allow for smaller file sizes and faster read/
write times.  The default value of 1/32 means that all values in the final GeoTiff will be within 1/64 (~0.016) of
the original (raw) data value.
3. Statistics Generated – Statistics are pre-computed to identify minimum and maximum values to help
establish layer processing and symbology.
4. Pyramided – The GeoTiff file stores several copies of the base data at lower resolutions to provide an
overview of the data at various map scales (zoom levels). This allows for fast display of raster data regardless
of the zoom level.  Further, on-the-fly computation and display of flood depths is available within RAS

Steps 1 – 4 are performed for each file specified in the New Terrain Layer dialog. A separate GeoTiff will be
created for each user-specified raster.

5. VRT – An Xml file is generated (“Terrain.vrt” is default) for display of the newly processed GeoTiff files in
alternative GIS software. (Adding only the VRT file will load all of the GeoTiffs.)
6. HDF – An HDF file will be created (“Terrain.hdf” is default) which identifies all the GeoTiff files for the Terrain
Layer, the priority in which to use GeoTiff values, and stores a computed surface for transitional area
between GeoTiffs. The HDF file is the file that is loaded into RAS Mapper; thereby, allowing the user to
manage one layer file for the Terrain.

The final GeoTiff files are stored using the base name of the original terrain file prepended by the
user-specified terrain name (“Terrain” being the default name). The status of the terrain processing
will be reported in the dialog shown in Figure 20‑10.  Processing time for each computation task is
reported in hours, minutes, and seconds (hh:mm:ss).

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 33

Terrain Layer

There are no intended file size limitations with raster datasets in RAS Mapper.  RAS Mapper utilizes
the BigTiFF file format which allows for very large file sizes.  All GeoTiff files created with RAS Mapper
are stored in the BigTiFF file structure.

Terrain Visualization
There are several options for assisting the user in visualizing the Terrain Layer.  These options are
available by right-clicking on the layer and choosing the Layer Properties option or double-clicking
on the layer.  Options include the ability to specify Surface Properties, plot contour lines, and use a
hillshade effect.  The Layer Properties dialog is shown in figure below.

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 34

Terrain Layer

Surface Properties –Surface Properties allow the user to adjust the color ramp used for plotting the
terrain.  Layer transparency is available using the slider bar left of the color scale.  To change the
color scale, click on the Edit button.  It will bring up the color palette editor and allow the user to
change colors palettes, individual colors, and color break values.
Plot Contours – If the Plot Contours option is checked, contour lines will be drawn to the screen
based on the specified interval and line symbol color. The contour Interval list has default interval
values, however, the user may override the preset values by typing in a value.  The contour lines will
be generated on-the-fly based on the current view extent and, by extension, the “level” of the terrain
data that is shown. If contour plotting is turned on, the contour interval will be appended to the
terrain layer name.
Plot Hillshade – the Plot Hillshade option will render the terrain using a hill shading effect that
produces shaded relief based on directing a light source on the terrain which produces shadows in
areas obscured from the light.  This works to mimic the effect of the sun on the topography,
illuminating higher terrain and darkening lower values.  The result transforms a flat color ramp into a
faux 3-D surface where the relief is clearly visible.  The Z-Factor is used to exaggerate the changes in
elevation.  Changes to the location of the light source can be modified by clicking the Edit button to
access the Azimuth and Zenith parameters. An example of the effect of hill shading on terrain is
shown in the figure below.

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Terrain Layer

Additional Options – There are several other options for discovering additional information about
the Terrain Layer. Options for plotting the Tile File Outlines and File Names are available to get an
overview for the extents of the based terrain data.  Individual cell values and extents can be plotted
when zoomed in to get an idea for the values used in creating the terrain surface.  Stitch TIN
information can be plotted to show the user how the surface is connected from one terrain tile to
another.  An example of plotting terrain file extents and name is shown below.

Associating Terrains
Before you can use a RAS Terrain, you will have to associate it with the Geometry to use it with. 
Associating a Terrain done by right-clicking on the Terrains group and selecting the Manage Terrain
Associations menu option (or Project | Manage Layer Associations menu item).  In the dialog that

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 36

Terrain Layer

appears, you can select the RAS Terrain for use in extracting information for the geometry or for use
when mapping RAS results.

Exporting RAS Terrains

You may wish to change the resolution or geospatial extents of the RAS Terrain model.  To create a
new RAS Terrain, select the Generate New RAS Terrain menu item and select the process you would
like to perform.  At this time, you can Resample to a Single Terrain, Clip Terrain to Geometry
Extents, and Clip Terrain to the Current View.  For each option you will be prompted for additional
information with the end result being a new RAS Terrain that is added to the Terrains group.

Resample to Single Terrain

The Resample to Single Terrain option will allow the user generate a single RAS Terrain at the
specified cell size.  The user will also be required to specify the RAS Terrain Name and file location. 
After the new Terrain is created it will be added to RAS Mapper in the Terrains group.

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 37

Terrain Layer

Clip Terrain to Geometry Extents

The option to clip the Terrain to the extents of a Geometry layer is intended to reduce terrain file
sizes.  After selecting a Geometry and provide a new Terrain Name, press OK.  After the new Terrain
is created it will be added to RAS Mapper in the Terrains group.

For Terrains that are a composite of multiple terrain tiles, the conversion will check to maintain the
previously established tile priority. If the RAS Terrain was created with an older version of HEC-RAS,
the priority information may not have been stored in the Terrain file.  If the priority cannot be
established the user will see an message informing you HEC-RAS isn't sure what to do (shown
below).  If this is the case, remake the Terrain model and then clip it to the new extent.

Clip Terrain to Current View

The option to clip the Terrain to the extents of a Geometry layer is intended to reduce terrain file
sizes.  It works the similar to the clip to geometry option.  Provide a new Terrain Name and press
OK.  After the new Terrain is created it will be added to RAS Mapper in the Terrains group.

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 38

Land Classification Layers


The use of spatially varied data across the model domain is characterized in RAS Mapper through the
creation of land classification layers.  Land Classification layers can be used to for identifying specific
parameter values for Manning's n values, soils data, and infiltration parameters.  The basic process
of  using data based on land classification is to import either gridded data or polygon shapefiles that
have a unique value upon which they can be classified.  Once the data are used to create a RAS Layer,
you can define individual parameters for each unique land classification layer. 
The Land Classification layers currently supported in RAS Mapper are referred to as a Land Cover
layer, Percent Impervious Layer, Soils Layer, or Infiltration layer.  Land Classification layers have a
sub-layer associated with it named "Classification Polygons".  These are used to define a land
classification or to override an area in the Land Classification layer.

Land Cover Layer

Support for the use of Land Cover data for estimating the spatial distribution of surface roughness
and defining the percent impervious area in HEC-RAS is available in RAS Mapper.  There are several
published data sources for Land Cover data in both gridded and polygon format; however, the most
prominent data sources are those provided by the National Land Cover Database (Land Cover 2016:
https://www.mrlc.gov/) and the USGS (USGS vector data: https://water.usgs.gov/GIS/dsdl/ds240/
index.html).  These small-scale datasets typically are not sufficient for defining surface roughness for
hydraulic modeling; however, they show general trends in land cover across broad areas.  Channel
data will NOT be sufficient for estimation of roughness coefficients requiring the user to supplement
the data with information from aerial photographs in field data. 
The Land Cover layer is used in HEC-RAS as a surrogate for roughness coefficients.  RAS Mapper
supports the use of multiple grids or polygon shapefiles having a unique name field to classify the
land.  During the creation of the Land Cover layer, the layers then prioritized (the highest priority
layer above lower priority layers) and are converted to a single integer raster (default filename is
“LandCover.tif”) using a specified cell size (default cell size value is 10).  The Land Cover GeoTiff
values are mapped through a unique description/name (typically from the Land Cover) to a
Manning’s n value and/or percent impervious area.  The Land Cover dataset can then be used to
extract spatially distributed n values for Cross Sections and 2D Flow Area meshes and impervious
area fro 2D Flow Areas.

Creating the Land Cover Layer

A new Land Cover Layer is created by selecting one or many raster or polygon shapefile datasets and
importing them into a single layer.  This is done selecting the Map Layers | Create New RAS Layer |
Land Cover Layer to invoke the New Land Cover Layer dialog, shown in the figure below.  A series of
tables are provided to allow the user to define a unique classification name.  Once a description has
been provided, a “LandCover” grid ("LandCover.hdf" and "LandCover.tif") will be created, using the
specified Cell Size.

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 39

Land Classification Layers

If you are importing a shapefile that already has data defined for the Manning's n values or percent
impervious, you can use the "Add Field" button to include those data fields and map the data to the
RAS Mapper data type.

Import Extents are used to limit the amount of data that RAS will process.  The default value of
“Terrains” means that only data within the bounds of the RAS Terrains will be evaluated and
converted to the LandCover grid.  Additional options include: “Geometries”, “Terrains and
Geometries”, “Current View”, and “Entire Input File(s)”.  The Import Extents should be established
prior to adding Input Files.

Input Files are added to the dialog through the Add Files  button.  These are the files that will be
imported and evaluated by the priority as defined in the list.  The land cover file at the top of the list
has the highest priority when evaluating the Land Cover Layer.

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 40

Land Classification Layers

Raster data is treated differently from polygon shapefile datasets.  Raster data will be identified
through integer values.  Therefore, the user will have to establish a naming standard.  Three default
naming standards are available for raster datasets to link the integer values to a common
description based on the NLCD 2016 naming standard, the Anderson Level II naming standard (USGS
data), and the NOAA C-CAP system.
• Naming Standard – The “Naming Std.” field is provided to help the user auto-populate the RAS Identifier. If
the data uses “NLCD2016” or the “USGS Anderson Level II” naming standards, the predefined names will be
populated based on the integer values of the dataset. (In the figure above, “Anderson II” has been selected
for the Naming Standard.)

If using polygon datasets, the user will also have the ability to specify the unique “Name Field” which
selects the field that has a unique name/description that classifies the land cover polygon. 
• Name Field (shapefile only) – The “Name Field” is used to select the Shapefile field that holds the
descriptions for the land cover data and will automatically use those names for the RAS Identifier. (In the
figure below, “LANDUSE” has been selected for the Name Field.)

The polygon dataset may also have associated data that can be imported along with the
classification name. The Add Field button can be used to import the data field and have it mapped as
either Manning's n values or Percent Impervious.
• Add Field (Shapefile only) – The “Add Field” is provided to allow the user to select the Shapefile field that
contains Manning’s n Value or Percent Impervious information.

Selected File Land Cover Identifiers are defined per dataset.  Data is displayed for whichever Input
File is selected.  The user can then enter the RAS Identifier (e.g. name or description) to associate
with raster/shapefile polygon value. 
Output File information specifies what will be in the Land Cover layer that is created by RAS.  A Land
Cover raster layer will be created based on the defined ID values  (with the 0 value is reserved for No
Data values) and will be linked to the unique names.   The Output File information is a summary of all
Input File values and user-specified data.
Cell Size indicates the grid cell size of the raster dataset that will be created to associated land

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 41

Land Classification Layers

Filename is the user-defined name of the Land Cover dataset (the default name is "LandCover").  
The LandCover.hdf file will be created along with the LandCover.tif raster dataset.  The
LandCover.hdf file will also contain lookups between the raster cell ID and the unique name.  The
Land Cover dataset will be created by default in the RAS Land Classification t folder in the project
When created, the Land Cover layer will be automatically added to the display. 

Parameterizing Land Cover Data

At this point, the data has been classified.  To parameterize the data, right-click on the land cover
layer and select the Edit Land Cover Data menu item.  Land Cover layers will provide the possibility
to paramaterize Manning's n value and Percent Impervious data.  Once the data have been entered,
press the OK button to save the changes.

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 42

Land Classification Layers

Soils Layer
Soils data is used to help define the parameters used in for the selected Infiltration Method.  Soils
data information can be quite complex.  Vector (shapefile) data from the SSURGO database can be
downloaded from the NRCS (https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/WebSoilSurvey.aspx).  The
data comes as a shapefile with an abbreviated soils name and unique key.  Numerous tables are also
included, however, to use the tabular data, you will need to have an understanding of the tables
(metadata and table columns information can be accessed here: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/
portal/nrcs/detail/soils/survey/geo/?cid=nrcs142p2_05363) and join the data from the tables using
other software like a GIS.  Data are also available in a geodatabase format from the gSSURGO
database (https://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/GDGOrder.aspx).  RAS Mapper has the capability to
import the gSSURGO data.

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 43

Land Classification Layers

Creating a Soils Layer is similar to the Land Cover Layer.  Select the Map Layers | Create New RAS
Layer | Soils Layer to invoke the Create New Soils Layer dialog.  If you are adding soils in shapefile
format, select the field name that provides a unique name convention for the soils layer, such as
"Hydrologic Group" or "Texture Class".  Adding soils data from a standard coordinate system will
take a moment to load the data as all of the polygons must be reprojected to the coordinate system
used for the project.   If using the gSSURGO geodatabase (discussed below), other field choices will
be provided for you.
Pressing the Create button will create a “Soils” grid ("Soils.hdf" and "Soils.tif") will be created, using
the specified Cell Size.

Importing gSSURGO Data

If you adding gSSURGO data, you will need to select the "GSSURGO" name from the file type list. 
Navigate to the file geodatabase (which is a folder).  Pick a file inside of the database ("gdb" is a good
choice), choose the Open button. RAS Mapper willl recognize and interpret the database, preparing
it for import.

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Land Classification Layers

The data will then be imported, converted from the geodatabase to raster and projected to the RAS
Mapper coordinate system.  As the data are loaded, the user will be informed with a progress bar.

By default, RAS Mapper will choose to bring the data in classified on the "Hydrologic Group" field. 
Other options include the "Texture Group", "Map Unit Key", "Map Unit Symbol", or a the
combination of hydrologic group and texture group "Merged Hydr : Texture".  Select the Name Field
to classify the data.  It is likely that some of the SSURGO data will not be classified; in this case, RAS
Mapper will classify those areas with the "none" keyword.  It is the user's responsibility to provide a
classification for that data.
Verify the output file Cell Size and Filename.  Press Create to create the soils layer.

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 45

Land Classification Layers

Infiltration Layer
RAS Mapper allows for the creation of an Infiltration Layer.  An Infiltration Layer defines the
Infiltration Method (Deficit Constant, SCS Curve Number, or Green and Ampt) that will be used for
surface losses from a precipitation event.  There are two different ways to generate an Infiltration
Layer in RAS Mapper to represent infiltration parameters: (1) using and existing RAS Land Cover layer
or RAS Soils layer or the intersection of a Land Cover layer and Soils layer or (2) to use a single
classification shapefile layer to define the infiltration parameters.  The approach used to create an
infiltration layer for parameterization will depend on the selected infiltration method and data

Using a Land Cover and Soils Layer

This will create a complex table which cross reference the Land Cover and Soils classifications from
which you can parameterize the infiltration data.  To create a complex Infiltration layer, select Map
Layers | Create New RAS Layer | Infiltration Layer from Land Cover / Soils Layers menu item. A
dialog will be provided to allow the user to select the Infiltration Method, Land Cover Layer, and Soils

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 46

Land Classification Layers

Layer and provide the new Infiltration Layer name.  Note, that you do not need to specify both a
Land Cover layer and a Soils Layer.

Press the Create button to create a new raster layer that is the intersection of the land cover and
soils layers.  As shown in the figure below, the intersection of the layers can become quite complex,
creating a table with rows for each overlapping classification from the base layers. Depending on the
infiltration method selection, additional columns for the required parameters will be provided.

Using a Classification Shapefile Layer

To use a single classification layer, select Map Layers | Create New RAS Layer | Infiltration Layer
from Shapefile | Method menu item.  The Create New Infiltration Layer dialog will come up allowing
you to choose the shapefile of interest.  Once the shapefile has been selected, select the unique
classification name (like "Hydrologic Soils Group") to import the data, as shown in the figure below. 

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 47

Land Classification Layers

Once the data has been imported, you will need to enter infiltration parameters  by right-clicking on
the Infiltration Layer and selecting Edit Infiltration Data.  A table will be provided with the
infiltration parameter based on the Infiltration Method (Deficit Constant, SCS Curve Number, or
Green and Ampt) selected.

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 48

Land Classification Layers

Classification Polygons
Land Classification layers have a sub-layer associated with it named "Classification Polygons". 
These are used to further define a land classification or to override an area in the Land Classification
layer.  Use this layer with the Editing tools to create polygons.  Once a polygon has been created, an
editor will be provided allowing the user to select the classification or to specify a new unique
Classification Name and provide the associated parameter values.  Note: if you type in a parameter
for an existing classification, it will replace the existing data for the that class.

Associating the Land Classification Layer with a Geometry

Once you have develop classification layers and entered parameter values, you will need to
associate the layers with the geometry.  Depending on the type of study and data prepared, you may
only have to associate the Land Cover layer with the Manning's n value data (and Terrain layer).

NLCD - Manning's n Values Reference Table1

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 49

Land Classification Layers

NLCD n Value Description

Value Range
11 0.025 - 0.05 Open Water- areas of open water, generally with less than 25% cover of vegetation or soil.
12 n/a Perennial Ice/Snow- areas characterized by a perennial cover of ice and/or snow,
generally greater than 25% of total cover.
21 0.03 - 0.05 Developed, Open Space- areas with a mixture of some constructed materials, but mostly
vegetation in the form of lawn grasses. Impervious surfaces account for less than 20% of
total cover. These areas most commonly include large-lot single-family housing units,
parks, golf courses, and vegetation planted in developed settings for recreation, erosion
control, or aesthetic purposes.
22 0.06 - 0.12 Developed, Low Intensity- areas with a mixture of constructed materials and vegetation.
Impervious surfaces account for 20% to 49% percent of total cover. These areas most
commonly include single-family housing units.
23 0.08 - 0.16 Developed, Medium Intensity -areas with a mixture of constructed materials and
vegetation. Impervious surfaces account for 50% to 79% of the total cover. These areas
most commonly include single-family housing units.
24 0.12 - 0.20 Developed High Intensity-highly developed areas where people reside or work in high
numbers. Examples include apartment complexes, row houses and commercial/
industrial. Impervious surfaces account for 80% to 100% of the total cover.
31 0.023 - Barren Land (Rock/Sand/Clay) - areas of bedrock, desert pavement, scarps, talus, slides,
0.030 volcanic material, glacial debris, sand dunes, strip mines, gravel pits and other
accumulations of earthen material. Generally, vegetation accounts for less than 15% of
total cover.
41 0.10 - 0.20 Deciduous Forest- areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and
greater than 20% of total vegetation cover. More than 75% of the tree species shed foliage
simultaneously in response to seasonal change.
42 0.08 - 0.16 Evergreen Forest- areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and
greater than 20% of total vegetation cover. More than 75% of the tree species maintain
their leaves all year. Canopy is never without green foliage.
43 0.08 - 0.20 Mixed Forest- areas dominated by trees generally greater than 5 meters tall, and greater
than 20% of total vegetation cover. Neither deciduous nor evergreen species are greater
than 75% of total tree cover.
51 0.025 - 0.05 Dwarf Scrub- Alaska only areas dominated by shrubs less than 20 centimeters tall with
shrub canopy typically greater than 20% of total vegetation. This type is often co-
associated with grasses, sedges, herbs, and non-vascular vegetation.
52 0.07 - 0.16 Shrub/Scrub- areas dominated by shrubs; less than 5 meters tall with shrub canopy
typically greater than 20% of total vegetation. This class includes true shrubs, young trees
in an early successional stage or trees stunted from environmental conditions.
71 0.025 - 0.50 Grassland/Herbaceous- areas dominated by gramanoid or herbaceous vegetation,
generally greater than 80% of total vegetation. These areas are not subject to intensive
management such as tilling, but can be utilized for grazing.
72 0.025 - 0.50 Sedge/Herbaceous- Alaska only areas dominated by sedges and forbs, generally greater
than 80% of total vegetation. This type can occur with significant other grasses or other
grass like plants, and includes sedge tundra, and sedge tussock tundra.
73 n/a Lichens- Alaska only areas dominated by fruticose or foliose lichens generally greater
than 80% of total vegetation.
74 n/a Moss- Alaska only areas dominated by mosses, generally greater than 80% of total

HEC-RAS Mapper User's Manual – 50

Land Classification Layers

NLCD n Value Description

Value Range
81 0.025 - 0.50 Pasture/Hay-areas of grasses, legumes, or grass-legume mixtures planted for livestock
grazing or the production of seed or hay crops, typically on a perennial cycle. Pasture/hay
vegetation accounts for greater than 20% of total vegetation.
82 0.020 - 0.50 Cultivated Crops -areas used for the production of annual crops, such as corn, soybeans,
vegetables, tobacco, and cotton, and also perennial woody crops such as orchards and
vineyards. Crop vegetation accounts for greater than 20% of total vegetation. This class
also includes all land being actively tilled.
90 0.045 - 0.15 Woody Wetlands- areas where forest or shrubland vegetation accounts for greater than
20% of vegetative cover and the soil or substrate is periodically saturated with or covered
with water.
95 0.05 - 0.085 Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands- Areas where perennial herbaceous vegetation
accounts for greater than 80% of vegetative cover and the soil or substrate is periodically
saturated with or covered with water.
Manning's n values adapted from Chow (1959), excluding "Developed" land type

Using Land Cover for Manning's n Values

Once you have a Land Cover layer created in RAS Mapper, you can used it to associate Manning's n
values.  This will be discussed in the Geometry Data | Manning's n Values section .

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Geometry Data

The development of a good river hydraulics model begins with an accurate terrain model and the
development geometric data elements that represent how water will move through the river
system.  For a 1D river hydraulics model, these geometric data elements are river network lines,
overbank flow paths, bank lines, cross sections, bridges and other layers.  For a 2D hydraulics model,
data elements include the 2D flow area with cell faces properly aligned to high ground such as banks
and hydraulic structures that pass water over and through high ground such as roads and levees.  In
order to facilitate the development of geometric data, HEC-RAS Mapper provides vector Editing
Tools which allow the user to define geometric data elements specific to HEC-RAS.  We refer to these
data as RAS Layers.
Creating RAS Layers in RAS Mapper requires that a RAS Terrain Layer has been created and
associated with the Geometry layer and a coordinate system has been defined.  A summary of RAS
Layers is provided in the table below.
RAS Layer Description
Rivers River layer is used to establish the river network.  It must be created in the downstream
direction.  It will be used in concert with the XS Cut Lines layer to establish river
stationing for each cross section and compute the main channel reach length between
cross sections.
Junctions Junctions are automatically created at the confluence of three river reaches.
Bank Lines Bank lines are used to establish the main channel bank stations for the cross sections. 
They should not intersect the river lines.
Flow Paths Flow path lines are used to compute cross section reach lengths from cross section to
cross section in the left and right overbanks.  If not specified the main channel reach
length computed from the river centerline will be used.
River Station Markers The River Station Markers layer is a point layer that can be used to manually assign
river stationing along the River centerline.  Values are linearly interpolated between
assigned station values.
Cross Sections Cross sections are used to establish the spatial location and alignment of cross
sections.  Cross section elevation profiles will be extracted from the terrain model. 
Other cross section properties are extracted based on their intersection with other
Ineffective Flow Areas Ineffective flow are polygons are used to establish locations of non-conveyance for
cross sections.
Blocked Obstructions Blocked obstructions polygons are used to establish locations where flow area is
obstructed from flowing through cross sections.
Edge Lines Edge lines are used connect the ends of cross sections.  This layer may be edited
between cross sections; however, the edge line points at the cross section endpoint
may not be modified.
Interpolation Surface The interpolation surface is not editable.  It is constructed from the River Centerline, XS
Cut Lines, Bank Lines, and Edge Lines.  The interpolation surface is used for mapping
HEC-RAS results.
Storage Areas Storage Areas are a set of polygon features that can be used to extract an Elevation-
Volume relationship.
2D Flow Areas The 2D Flow Areas group organizes information used to build a 2D Flow Area mesh. 
This is not a directly editable layer.
Perimeters A polygon is used to represent the boundary of each 2D Flow Area.

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Geometry Data

RAS Layer Description

Computation Points The “cell centers” are stored in the Computation Points layer. 

Break Lines Breaklines are line features used to enforce cell faces.  Each breakline will have a Name
and Cell Spacing information.
Refinement Regions Refinement Regions are used to modify the cell spacing in a 2D Area.  The regions can
be used to increase or decrease the density of the computation points.
Bridges/Culverts The Bridges layer is used to locate bridges in the hydraulic model.  The location line is
used to extract and elevations for the top-of-weir profile.
Inline Structures The Inline Structures layer is used to locate in-river weirs in the hydraulic model.  The
location line is used to extract and elevations for the top-of-weir profile.
Lateral Structures The Lateral Structures layer is used to locate hydraulic structures in the hydraulic
model that laterally connect cross sections to another set of cross sections or a 2D
Flow Area.  The location line is used to extract and elevations for the top-of-weir profile
and establish connection.
SA/2D Connections The SA/2D Connections are used to established hydraulic connections between
Storage Areas and/or 2D Flow Areas or internally within a 2D Flow Area.   The location
line is used to extract and elevations for the top-of-weir profile and establish
Pump Stations The Pump Stations layer is used to establish pump station locations.  Pumps lines are
used to establish connections.
Manning's n Values This group layer has a raster layer of n values used and a vector layer to override base
The Override Regions layers is a vector layer used to override the base Manning’s n
value data.  The user will specify a description and n value for each polygon in the
This layer is a raster composite of base n values and override n values.  These are the
values used when developing hydraulic property tables for 2D modeling.
Infiltration This group layer has a raster layer of  soils data used and a vector layer to override base
The Override Regions layers is a vector layer used to override the base infiltration data. 
The user will specify infiltration parameters for each polygon in the layer.
This layer is a raster composite of infiltration parameters.  These are the values used
when developing hydraulic property tables for 2D modeling.
BC Lines BC lines (internal and external) are used to establish boundary conditions for 2D Flow
Areas.  External boundaries must be fully outside of the 2D Flow Area.
Errors The Errors Layer is designed to assist the user in identifying geometric mistakes.  For
instance, if a cross section is intersected by the river line more than once, and error will
be produced.

Editing Tools
The editing capabilities will allow the RAS user to create geospatial 1D and 2D geometry directly in
HEC-RAS, based on an underlying Terrain dataset.  It is a difficult task to provide editing tools flexible
enough to handle the complexities of editing, modifying, and processing all of geospatial data
required with a minimalist set of tools.  However, every attempt was made to make the editing tools
environment as simple and straight forward as possible so that the user can easily find a desired
operation.    The Editing Tools have resulted in two essential tools: the Add New Feature tool and
the Select/Edit Feature tool.  All operations can be performed by selecting one of the two tools - the

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Geometry Data

user can either add a new feature or right-click on a existing (selected) feature to access editors and
perform edits.  Access to perform actions on multiple feature are accessible through a right-click on
the layer.
The integration of editing tools directly in RAS Mapper should make developing HEC-RAS models
more efficient and encourage the development of a more refined hydraulics model.  Users will be
able to spend more time refining geometry to give accurate model results and spend less time
struggling with data development. 
To begin editing the Geometry layers, right-click on the Geometry Layer and select Edit Geometry. 
The Editing Toolbar, shown below, will be added to the Map Display. The standard RAS Mapper
toolbar will also be active while during and edit session, so you can switch to the Pan or Zoom tools

while editing; however you must click on the Select Features tool to reactivate the Edit

The Edit Toolbar is only available if the Select Features tool is active on the main RAS Mapper

Tool Description
Add New                    Adds a new feature.
Left-click to Add a point.
Double-click to Finish editing the feature.

Select/Edit Feature   Select features by left-clicking and dragging.

Double-click on a selected feature to Open a feature to start editing.
Double-click to stop editing (Close) an open feature.

Insert a point with a left-click near the line.

Move a point by left-click on a point and drag.
Delete a point by selecting it and pressing the Delete key.

Undo                           Undo the last edit operation.

Redo                          Redo the last edit operation

Plot Elevations         Plot the elevation profile under the selected feature.

Tools         There are many edit operations that will work on the selected set.

Copy, Paste and Delete Feature options are available.

Reverse Feature will reverse the order of the points in a line feature.
Merge Feature will combine the selected features.  For line features, this
tool is very robust, but for polygon features, the polygons must overlap.

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Geometry Data

Tool Description
Clip - Preserve will clip against overlapping polygons, preserving the
selected feature. (Polygons must intersect.)
Clip - Discard will clip against overlapping polygons, discarding the
overlapping portion of the selected feature. (Polygons must intersect.)
Buffer Polygon will enlarge or shrink the selected feature by the buffer
Filter will filter the points on a feature given a user tolerance.  The Douglas-
Peucker filtering algorithm used throughout RAS is implemented with this
View/Edit Points will bring up a dialog with all of the points in the feature. 
You can then modify the points in the table.
Help                          Opens an interactive help dialog to give the user quick tips on the editing
Additional Options Right-click to re-center the Map View on the cursor.
Hold the Shift key to Pan or use the middle mouse button to Pan.

Use the Tab key to switch between Add New and Edit Feature modes.

There are user-specified options available to help the user visualize what will happen next within the
editor.  The Selection Color (magenta, bright pink, is default) is used to indicate that a feature is
selected and can be moved, copied, deleted, etc.  A selected feature can also be “opened for editing”
to edit points on the line or polygon.  Once a feature open for editing, the symbology will change
from the selection color to the Editor Symbology (grey line with black points).  The Action Color
(chartreuse, bright green, is default) will indicate that an action will occur if the user clicks.  For
instance, if the mouse hovers over a point, it will change color to the action color indicating that it
will be “grabbed” if the user clicks on it and will remain the action color as it is moved.  Further, if
dealing with a line or polygon feature, action color lines will indicate that what the feature will look
like if a point is inserted. 
The tolerance for how close the mouse cursor needs to be to a point to select it is specified by the the
“Near Point” tolerance.  The tolerance for how close the mouse cursor needs to be to insert a point
on a line or polygon is specified by the “Near Line” tolerance.  These values can be user-specified
from the Tools | Options menu.

Add New
The Add New tool is used to create new features.  Use the left mouse button to add a new feature or
extend the selected line.  As shown in the figure below, the location of the new point (as well as the
new segment that will be created for a polyline or polygon feature) will be shown in the Action color
defined in the Editor Options (accessed from the Tools | Options menu item). 

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When finished with adding the new feature, double-click to end the polyline or polygon (point
features do not require a double-click) and "close" it from editing.  When finishing a feature, often a
dialog will be invoked requesting that you name the feature.  For instance, when you finish a river
line, the River/Reach naming dialog with be displayed, requesting a name.  A unique default name
will be provided for you, so you will not be required to provide a name.

Select/Edit Feature
The Select/Edit Feature tool is used to created select existing features and then edit the feature. 
This tool can be used to modify the entire feature (move, delete, etc.) or modify a portion of the
feature.  The Selected feature will be drawn in the Selection color.  The Selection color may be
changed in the General Options (accessed from the Tools | Options menu item).
To select a feature, click the feature or click and drag a selection rectangle, as shown below.

To modify a feature, select it, then perform one of the available options : (1) double-click to edit the
feature, (2) left-click to drag it, (3) right-click to get a list of options available for the feature.  Shown
in the figure below, are the right-click options available for the a River Layer polyline feature.

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Geometry Data

In order to edit a feature, it must be “open for editing”.  This is done by double-clicking the feature. 
Once the selected feature is opened, the feature will be drawn with the Editor Symbology, defined in
the Editor Options (accessed from the Tools | Options menu item).  (The default edit symbology is
grey lines and black points.)  Typical editing operations such as inserting, moving and deleting points
can then be performed on the open feature through a left click.  To perform operations such as
deletion on multiple points, perform a selection using click-drag and then press the Delete key.   

To finish editing a feature, double-click off of the feature to close it. 

Editing a Geometry
The first step to using developing geometric data is to create a new Geometry.  This can be done in
the Geometric Schematic, but can also be done in RAS Mapper with a Right-Click on the
“Geometries” group and select the Add New Geometry menu item, as shown below.  Provide a
name for the geometry in the dialog provided.

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Geometry Data

The new Geometry will be added to RAS Mapper.  The RAS Layers used to create hydraulic elements
will provided.  To begin editing the Geometry layers, right-click on the Geometry Layer and select
Edit Geometry as shown below.  You will not be able to have the Geometry open for editing in RAS
Mapper and have any editor open in the Geometric Data Editor - if an editor is open, it will be closed.

You cannot edit a Geometry in RAS Mapper while having an editor open in the Geometric Data Editor. 
When starting a new edit session in RAS Mapper, any editors open in the Geometric Data Editor will
be closed.

When a geometry is in an edit session, the  Edit icon will appear next to the geometry name.  The
Edit icon will also appear next to the currently selected layer – the Edit Layer – and the Edit Toolbar
will be added to the Map Window, as shown in the figure below.

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Geometry Data

When finished editing, select the Stop Editing menu item (right-click on the layer) from either the
Geometry group or the Edit Layer.  The dialog shown below, will request confirmation to save edits.

Updating Geometry
When editing RAS Layers, you are really editing two distinct pieces of information.  There is the
geospatial component of the feature (where it is) and the then there is the properties of the hydraulic
element (name or other value).  RAS mapper is designed to automatically compute and extract the
hydraulic properties for an hydraulic element based on it's previously established information (e.g.
an elevation profile line for a cross section).  The hydraulic properties are used for they hydraulic
computations, so we have attempted to make editing information as "safe" as possible without
making data interaction cumbersome. This may best be explained through an example.  Let's use the
example of a 1D model where you have updated the channel data for a cross section manually (the
data is NOT in the Terrain Layer), but you modify the geospatial layout of the cross section.  In this
case, you don't want RAS Mapper to automatically update the ground surface elevations for the
entire cross section.
When a feature is closed during editing, RAS Mapper may re-compute properties for the feature. 
Properties are always computed for NEW features.  Features are considered "new" if the feature was
newly constructed in the current edit session.  Once you Stop Editing, the feature will be considered
“old” and properties may not be automatically updated.  For example, you have just started creating
cross section lines.  Each time you add a new cross section line, RAS Mapper will compute the
elevation profile for that line.  If you move the cross section during the same edit session, the
elevation data will continue to get updated.  However, if you Stop Editing the geometry and then
Start Editing it later, you will have to manually have RAS Mapper update the elevation data.

Existing geometric information will not be automatically updated in HEC-RAS Mapper during an
editing session unless the auto update properties have been enabled.

Automatic update of the RAS Geometry is controlled by the RAS Geometry Properties | Editor
options accessible by right-click on the Geometry layer.  Place a checkbox next to the individual
items that you would like automatically recomputed as you adjust the corresponding geospatial

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Geometry Data

Access to the auto update options is also available by right-clicking on the Geometry layer and
selecting the Auto Update Geometry option (the number of properties enabled with be listed).  

The Rivers layer is used to represent the river network for flow connectivity.   The River line will be
used to compute the River Station for each Cross Section element based on the distance from the
downstream end of the River (zero defines the most downstream point on the river line).  The units
used to compute the river stationing be defined by the "XS River Stations Units" option.  The river
centerline will also be used to compute the Channel Reach Length property for the cross section.
Rivers must be created in the downstream direction.  When a river has been completed, the Rename
River and Reach Name dialog will be invoke.  Provide a unique River and Reach name for the river
segment and press OK to accept the line and name.  River names must be unique throughout the
model and reach names much be unique for each river.

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Geometry Data

Once a River Reach has been created, right-click will provide options for to rename the River Reach,
update the river stationing on cross sections, and to auto-generate cross sections at a specified
width and spacing.

Junctions are used to connect river reaches.  Junctions will be automatically created for the user
within RAS Mapper and the distance between bounding cross sections computed internally.  The
default method for computing the water surface elevations across the junction will be used unless
modified by the user within the Junction Editor available from the Geometric Data Editor.  There are
two ways to form a junction: (1) a tributary reach will split an existing river reach and (2) the end
points of three reaches will be moved and snap together.  Either case, RAS Mapper will give the visual
feedback to assist the user.  Discussion of how to form a junction is provided below.
Splitting a river reach to form a junction is the most-likely scenario.  To do so, create the second river
such that the downstream endpoint lands on the first river at the location to split the river. Double-
click to end the new river.  The user will be asked to provide a name for the new river reach.  The user
will then be prompted to create the junction through a series of steps:
1. Splitting the existing river

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Geometry Data

2. Rename the downstream reach of the existing river

3. Name the new junction.

An alternative way to create a junction is by moving the endpoints of three reaches close enough
together that the points “snap” together and form a junction.  If/when all three reach endpoints are
within the snapping distance tolerance a junction will be formed.  Note, the junction is formed when
the editable reach is closed (double-click to close the open feature).  An example of this process is
illustrated in the figure below.

River Station Markers

River Station Markers are used to override the the computation of the river station along the River
layer.  By default, the river station is computed as the length from the downstream most point on the
the river line.  If you wish to try and tie in cross sections to historic river stations, use the River
Station Markers to set the river station at know locations.  River stations will be computed based on
the interpolation between River Station Markers.  Any cross sections not bounded by a river station
marker will result in the river station being interpolated based on the river station marker and the
endpoint of the river reach line (zero or line length).
To add a River Station Mark, click on the River line and provide the "mileage" to use for that river

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Geometry Data

Flow Path Lines

Flow Path lines are used to compute reach lengths between cross sections in the left and right
overbank.  Flow path lines are created in the downstream direction following the center-of-mass of
flow in the left and right overbanks (it is not necessary to create a flow path in the main channel). 
They should be drawn in the direction of flow, never intersect river lines and only intersect a cross
section line once.  Flow path lines should be constructed prior to creating Cross Section locations to
assist the user in laying out cross sections perpendicular to flow.
For existing model data, flow path line can be auto-generated base on the shape of the river
centerline and cross section layout.  Right-click on the Flow Paths Layer and select Create Flow
Paths from XS Layout.  Lines will be created in the overbank areas based on on 1/3 of the distance
from the bank stations to the ends of the cross section and will be shaped based on the river.  These
lines will not be reflect the Reach Lengths defined on each cross section; they are only an initial
geospatial estimate to assist users with a a starting point and must be edited by the user to connect
the expected center-of-mass of flow from cross section to cross section.

Bank Lines
Bank Lines are used to define the main channel banks for a cross section. If the bank lines are not
defined, the bank stations will be set to the ends of the cross sections.  Banks lines may be drawn
continuous or discontinuous, in either the downstream or upstream direction, but it is suggest that
you have a left and right bank line for each river line.  Make sure the bank lines don’t intersect the
river lines or each other and only cross a cut line once.
For existing model data, bank lines can be auto-generated from bank stations by from a right-click
on the Bank Lines layer and selecting the Create Bank Lines from XS Bank Stations menu item.
Another option to Pull Bank Lines to Bank Stations is available once a user has set bank stations in
the Cross Section Editor and wants the Bank Lines layer to snap to those bank stations.

Cross Sections
Cross sections are developed based on the location layout of cross section lines and properties from
other layers such as the River, Bank Lines, and Terrain layers.  Cross sections should be laid out
perpendicular to where water will flow in the channel and overbank areas.  Therefore, most cross
section lines should be created from a minimum of four points (the end points and points at the edge
of the main channel).  Cross sections will also be visualized when looking in the downstream
direction; therefore, they should be created from left to right when looking downstream (RAS
Mapper will automatically flip the line to have the correct orientation).  There are many
considerations when developing cross section data for orientation, locating, and spacing, but
keeping in mind that the cross sections should represent a smooth transition in geometry (elevation
and area) and properties (conveyance, surface roughness, etc) is paramount.  Use the terrain, river
centerline, bank lines, flow path lines, inundation mapping, and other data to properly place cross
section lines.
As each cross section is created, RAS Mapper will automatically compute the River Name, Reach
Name, River Station, Bank Station, Reach Length and other data for the cross section (assuming the
corresponding layers were already created).  Elevation data will also be automatically extracted. 
Cross section properties will continue to be updated each time a cross section cut line is edited. 

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Therefore, the river station value will be updated as you edit the cross section layout, each time you
finish editing the feature (close it).  This may break linkages with other RAS data that depends on the
river station.
Cross section data will only be automatically updated during a cross section’s first edit session, while
it is considered a “new” cross section.  To update the elevation profile data in subsequent sessions,
you will need to manually update it through the menu system – right-click on the Cross Section
layer and select Update and the property you would like to update, as shown the figure below.  If
you would like the cross section properties to automatically update, see the RAS Geometry
Properties for the editing session as discussed in Updating Geometry section.

Individual or multiple selected cross sections can be updated by left-clicking on the cross section
and choosing from the Update menu options.

XS Properties
Cross section properties are assigned to the cross section as the cross section location lines are laid
out.  Properties can be updated at any time using the Update options on per cross section basis or
doing the entire layer at once.   A summary of the update options along with description of the layers
need to compute the properties is provided below.
Cross Section Property Description
River Station The intersection of the River layer and the Cross Sections layer is used to
compute the River Station based on the distance from the most downstream
point on the river reach line.  This distance can be "overwritten" using the River
Station Markers layer.
Bank Stations The intersection of the Bank Lines layer and Cross Section layer is used to
compute the Bank Station locations for each cross section.

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Geometry Data

Cross Section Property Description

Reach Lengths The distance between the cross sections in stored as the Reach Length
property.  The Channel reach length is computed as the distance between cross
sections along the River line.  The Left and Right Overbank reach lengths are
computed as the distance between cross sections based on the Flow Path Lines
Ineffective Flow Areas The begin and end location for ineffective flow area are computed based on the
intersections of the Ineffective Flow Areas layer and the Cross Section layer.  A
default "trigger" elevation is computed based on the highest elevation
extracted from the Terrain layer at the intersection points.
Blocked Obstructions The begin and end location for blocked obstructions are computed based on
the intersections of the Blocked Obstructions layer and the Cross Section layer. 
A default "trigger" elevation is computed based on the highest elevation
extracted from the Terrain layer at the intersection points.
Manning's n Values Roughness coefficients are extracted based on the intersection of the Mannin's
n layer and the cross section layer.
Elevation Profiles from Terrain Ground surface elevations are extracted from the RAS Terrain layer for the
entire cross section.
Elevation Profiles from Terrain Ground surface elevations are extracted for the overbanks portion of the cross
(Overbanks Only) sections from the RAS Terrain layer.
Elevation Profiles from Terrain Ground surface elevations are extracted for the channel portion of the cross
(Channel Only) sections from the RAS Terrain layer.
Elevation Profiles from Points Elevation are extracted from a specified point shapefile where each point has an
associated elevation.  The Elevation Update editor will be opened for the user to
choose the point shapefile, apply settings for each cross section, and select the
cross sections you wish to update.

XS Plot
When laying out cross sections, a preview of the elevation profile is available of using the XS Plot
button.  If you are modifying an existing cross section, the plot will show the existing cross section
along with the profile of the ground surface based on the RAS Terrain.  As you modify the cross
section line the plot will actively update.

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Display Properties
Additional plotting options are available on the Cross Section layer.  The additional options (shown
below) allow you to visualize important information about the cross section such as the location of
Bank Stations, Manning's n Values, and Ineffective Flow areas.  The symbology for these options is
not user-definable.

Elevation Profiles from Points

If you have ground surface elevation point data, you can update cross section profile elevations with
the Update Elevations by Points editor.  This option is intended to assist users in updating cross
section where new bathymetric data are available to update an existing set of cross sections. To use

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Geometry Data

this option, you must first add a point shapefile to RAS Mapper using Map Layers | RAS Layer | Add
an Existing Elevation Point Layer option.  The elevation point layer must have and Elevation
column or be a PointZ shapefile.  Select the shapefile, provide a name for the layer in RAS Mapper,
and specify the field with Elevation data.  Press the Import button.

If an Elevation Point Layer has been specified, Start Editing the Cross Sections layer and select
Update | Elevation Profile by Points.  The Update Elevations by Points editor (shown below) will
allow you to specify the Elevation Point Layer and define the portion of the cross section to update
(Channel Only or Entire Cross Section) in a table.  On the right side of the editor, a Plot of the existing
and preview cross section is displayed.  You can then specify the tolerance to look for points
upstream/downstream from from the cross section and whether to update each cross section.  Once
the data table specifics have been finalized, use the Update Cross Section button to save the new
cross sections.  (It is always prudent to save a copy of your geometry before you update cross

River Stations Table

The River Stations Table option provides you with the ability to rename/recompute the cross
section's river stations. The Rename River Stations editor will allow you to set a river station to an
exact value or recompute it using specified units, decimal places and the Starting Downstream
River Station.  Click the Create New River Stations once the river parameters have been entered. If

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Geometry Data

you the results are not desirable, use the Reset RS button to set the stations back to their previously
saved values or choose Cancel.

Edge Lines
Edge lines are used to limit the extents of inundation mapping and are typically the bounds of the
cross sections.  These are an editable feature.  This allows you to map an area where the mapping
between cross sections is not seamless or an area that is in backwater not included in the cross
section layout.  The edge lines should be modified prior to running your model because they will be
copied to the results data and used for mapping.  Lastly, create the interpolation surface once the
edge lines have been completed to see what results.  Note: the Edge Lines must intersect with the
end points of each cross section.  If they do not, RAS Mapper will automatically insert a point on the
Edge Line and provide a user warning message.

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Edge lines can be auto-computed based on the ends of the cross sections by right-clicking on the
Edge Lines layer and selecting Create Edge Lines at XS Limits.  The edge lines are computed based
on the shape of the River centerlines, Bank Lines, and the layout of the Cross Sections.  This will give
the user a good starting point for modification.

Cross Section Interpolation Surface

The Interpolation Surface is used for interpolating hydraulic results between cross sections.  This
layer cannot be edited directly.  The interpolation surface is dependent on the cross sections, river
lines, bank lines, and edge lines, which are all editable features.  To see what the interpolation
surface will look like, right-click on the XS Interpolation Surface layer and select Compute XS
Interpolation Surface. An example triangulation for an interpolation surface is shown below.

Ineffective Flow Areas

Ineffective flow areas are used to identify areas of zero-velocity where a cross section should not
have conveyance.  These non-conveyance areas are represented with polygon areas and are
important in areas behind bridges in backwater areas in the floodplain.  When creating an ineffective
area polygon, the user will be asked to provide a trigger elevation (the default elevation will be
defined by the highest elevation on the terrain model at intersection of the ineffective polygon with
cross sections).  Ineffective flow area trigger elevations will need to be modified in the XS Editor for
each individual cross section.

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For existing data, Ineffective Flow Area polygons can be created by right-click on the Ineffective
Flow Areas layer and select the Create Ineffective Flow Area Polygons from XS Ineffective Areas.
If ineffective flow areas are defined on existing cross sections, the first time a user creates a polygon
on the Ineffective Flow Area layer, HEC-RAS will automatically create ineffective flow area polygons. 
From that point forward, those polygons will be used to define the ineffective flow areas.

Blocked Obstructions
Blocked areas are used to identify areas where a cross section should not have conveyance based on
a physical obstruction built in the floodplain but that is not represented in the terrain model.  These
areas are represented with polygon areas where large areas of in-fill may occur in the floodplain or
other man-made structures (like an old bridge support structure).  When creating an blocked
obstruction polygon, the user will be asked to provide a elevation height (the default elevation will
be defined by the highest elevation on the terrain model at intersection of the blocked polygon with
cross sections).  Blocked obstruction elevations will likely need to be modified in the XS Editor for
each individual cross section.
For existing data Blocked Obstruction polygons can be created by right-click on the Blocked
Obstructions layer and select the Create Blocked Obstruction Polygons from XS Blocked
If blocked obstructions are defined on existing cross sections, the first time a user creates a polygon
on the Blocked Obstructions layer, HEC-RAS will automatically create Blocked Obstructions area
polygons.  From that point forward, those polygons will be used to define the blocked obstructions.

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Storage Areas
Storage areas are used in HEC-RAS to model areas with a horizontal water surface. Storage areas
boundaries are identified using a polygon boundary.  After creating a storage area, the user will be
prompted for a unique name. 

An elevation-volume curve will be computed from the associated RAS Terrain for use in the hydraulic

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2D Flow Areas
The 2D Flow Areas Group contains features that are used to create the 2D Flow Area computational
mesh: perimeters, computation points, breaklines, and refinement regions.  This layer is not
editable.  A 2D flow area is developed by first adding a new Perimeter.  Then the user can create a
mesh by bringing up the 2D Flow Area Editor, entering a base point spacing (DX and DY), and then
generating cell points.  After a base set of cell points are generated for a 2D Flow Area, users can
refine the mesh by adding additional points, Breaklines, and Refinement Regions.  When creating the
2D Mesh, the order in which RAS computes the mesh is to: (1) use the points from the computation
points layer; (2) insert the refinement region points and perimeter as breaklines; (3) insert the
breakline points (overriding points within a buffered area around the breakline); (4)  triangulate the
computation points; and (5) develop the computational mesh from the triangulation.

The Perimeters layer is used to define the polygon boundary for a 2D Flow Area.  Upon completion of
drawing a boundary polygon, the user will be prompted to name the 2D Flow Area, as shown below.

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The 2D Flow Area editor, shown below, is then accessed either by right-clicking on the 2D Flow Area
feature or right-clicking on the Perimeters layer and selecting the Edit 2D Area Properties menu

The computational mesh is created based on computation points.  Enter the nominal cell center
Points Spacing, and press either Generate Computational Points button.  This will create
computational mesh based on an evenly distributed “grid” of points and generate cells that have
faces orthogonal to the connections of each computation point.  The Generate Computational
Points with All Breaklines button will create the computation points using any Breaklines or 2D
Structures that are defined in the Geometry.  The Generate Computational Points without
Breaklines button will create the computation points ignoring the presence of any Breaklines or 2D
Structures defined in the Geometry.
After computing the mesh, the mesh status window will provide information of the success of the
mesh generation and some statistics, such as the number of cells in the mesh.  The computation

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points that were used to generate the mesh are stored in the Computation Points layer.

The computational mesh will be drawn to the Map Window.   The visualization of the mesh is
controlled by the 2D Flow Areas group (not by the Perimeters layer, which only controls the

The 2D Flow Area Editor also provides access the points used to generate the computational mesh,
by pressing the Edit/View Points button. The computation points, however, are visualized by
the Computation Points layer, discussed below.  The Edit Points table is available many places in
RAS Mapper and allows the user to Add, Multiply, Set, Replace, and Adjust decimal places for
values within the selected area of the table.  Users can also cut, copy, and paste points from and into
this editor.

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The 2D Flow Area Editor also provides access to a Default (base) Manning’s n value for all cells in the
2D Area and Filter Tolerances for the computation of the Hydraulic Property Tables (shown below).

Computation Points
Points used to generate the 2D Flow Area meshes are stored on the Computation Points layer.  All
points for all of the 2D Flow Areas are stored in one multipoint feature in the Computation Points
layer.  Because there may be many, many mesh points, when in edit mode, the Computation Points
layer must be the Edit Layer for the points to be drawn.  Further, you must be zoomed in such that

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there are less than 15,000 points within the view area, for the points to be displayed.  An example
mesh with points displayed is shown below.

As points are modified in the Computation Points layer, the visible portion of the mesh (with a
surrounding buffer) will be recomputed on-the-fly.  This will allow the user to see the impacts of
modifying a point.  An illustration of moving a point and mesh re-computation is shown below.

Breaklines are a hydraulic modeler’s best friend (second only to a faithful four-pawed companion). 
The Breaklines layer is a set of polylines used to enforce cell faces along linear features, such as high
ground, to direct the movement of water through the 2D domain.  Typically, you can start with a
coarse 2D mesh and then begin refining and improving the mesh with the use of breaklines. 
To add a breakline, draw a polyline where you’d like the cell faces to be aligned.  When finished
creating a breakline, you will be prompted to provide a name for the breakline.

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Also, after finishing a breakline, the local mesh will update to show how cell faces have magnetized
to the breakline.  To enforce the breakline, right-click on the breakline feature and choose the
Enforce Breakline menu item.  Enforcing a breakline will clear out any cell points on either side of
the line based on the 2D Flow Area cell point spacing value (default behavior).  New points will then
be added on either side of the line to produce cells at (approximately) the default cell point spacing. 
An example of breakline insertion and enforcement is show in the figure below.

Once a breakline has been created, you can right-click on it for specific options to edit properties,
enforce, and rename the breakline.

The breakline insertion algorithm is a complicated process: points near to the line are removed and
then points are added to the mesh in attempt to align the cell faces with the breakline.  By default,
the cell point spacing for the 2D Flow Area is used to determine how often points are inserted. 
However, the breakline properties offers a much more robust option for removal of existing points
and insertion of new points.  The Breakline Editor, available by right-click on the feature or the
Breakline layer and selecting the Edit Breakline Properties menu item, allows you to modify the
properties of each breakline.

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The properties for each breakline include the Name, Near Spacing, Far Spacing, and Near Repeats
are summarized below. These properties (other than the Name) control how the breakline will be
used to modify the mesh, when enforced. 
Property Description
Each breakline must have a unique name.  Editor tools are available to Create a

new one, Rename, Delete, and Import  from a shapefile.

Near Spacing The distance to add computation points along the breakline (i.e. how often are point
added).  The points are added next to the line at ½ the near spacing value.  If not
specified, the default value is the point spacing on the 2D Flow Area.
Far Spacing How large a distance to go, when adding points, away from the line.  Computation points
will be added sequentially starting with the Near Spacing and transition (doubling the
previous spacing) out until the Far Spacing values is achieved (approximately).  If not
specified, the default value is the point spacing on the 2D Flow Area.
Near Repeats The number of times the Near Spacing will be used before the doubling of previous
spacing begins. If not specified, the default value is zero. This property is used in cases
where the breakline needs to provide detailed spacing along a feature such as a channel
or on top of a hydraulic structure.
Enforce 1 Cell A protective region buffered around the breakline that extends by the Near Spacing
Protection Radius distance on each side.  Within this protection region, computation points can neither be
added nor removed by the cell generation routines. This means that any previous hand-
edits to those computation points will remain, and any nearby breaklines cannot
interfere with this already-enforced region.
When a breakline is enforced, it is added to the 2D area by first removing the computation points
within a certain buffered region.  This buffered region is computed from the Near Spacing, Far
Spacing, and Near Repeats to make room for points that will be added as the spacing transitions
from the Near Spacing to the Far Spacing values.  As points are added back into the mesh along the
breakline, the points are added such that the point spacing will double the cell size for each set of
new cells that are added laterally away from the breakline.  An example of a breakline based is
shown below.

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Refinement Regions
Refinement regions are used to change the cell point spacing for specific areas within a 2D Flow
Area.  A polygon is created to define the boundary of the refinement region.  The interior of the area
is given a cell spacing (just like the Perimeter layer) and the bounding polyline is given a point
spacing (just like a breakline).  Refinement regions can be used to increase the computation point
density in an area where you would like more detailed results due to rapid changes in terrain or
water surface elevation or to simplify an area where the water surface elevation will not vary much
and you want to reduce the number of computation points in the 2D Flow Area. After creating a
refinement region polygon, you will be prompted to name the feature.

Additional properties for controlling how the regions affects the 2D Flow Area are accessed through
the Refinement Region Editor.  The Refinement Region Editor, available by right-click on the
feature or the Refinement Region layer and selecting the Edit Refinement Region Properties
menu item, allows you to modify the properties of each region.  When a refinement polygon is
enforced, the boundary is treated much like a breakline where the point spacing along the breakline
grows larger the farther you get away from the line.  This transition of cell sizes happens both outside
of the boundary and on the inside of the polygon.

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The properties for each refinement area include the Name, Cell Spacing X, Cell Spacing Y, Near
Spacing, Far Spacing, and Near Repeats. These properties control how the refinement region will be
used to modify the mesh, when enforced. 
Property Description
Name Each region must have a unique name.
Cell Spacing X The spacing distance in the X-direction for adding computation points inside of the
refinement region.
Cell Spacing Y [NOT IMPLEMENTED YET] The spacing distance in the Y-direction for adding computation
points inside of the refinement region.
Perimeter Spacing The distance to add computation points along the region boundary (i.e. how often points
are added) just as done with the Near Spacing on the Breakline layer.  The points are
generally placed along the line offset by ½ of the spacing value.  If not specified, the
default value is the Cell Spacing X value.
Far Spacing How large the max cell will be to go when computation points away from the line. 
Computation points will be added sequentially starting with the Near Spacing and
doubling the previous spacing until the Far Spacing values is achieved (approximately).  If
not specified, the default value is the point spacing on the 2D Flow Area.
Near Repeats The number of times to duplicate the Perimeter Spacing on both sides of the polygon
boundary before transitioning to the Far Spacing. If not specified, the default value is
Enforce 1 Cell A protective region buffered around the perimeter that extends by the Perimeter Spacing
Protection Radius distance on each side.  Within this protection region, computation points can neither be
added nor removed by the cell generation routines. This means that any previous hand-
edits to those computation points will remain, and any nearby breaklines cannot interfere
with this already-enforced region.

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Geometry Data

The Bridges/Culverts layer is used to locate the centerline of road crossings. The bridge should be
created from left to right when looking downstream, crossing the river line exactly once.   When a
new bridge is created a dialog will be prompt the user to enter the Width (in the direction of flow) for
the structure and provide a Description, if desired. The bridge's River Station is computed based on
the intersection with the River layer (just like the cross sections).

Information for the Deck/Roadway Data Editor is extracted from the proximity of the Bridge structure
to surrounding cross sections for the Distance property, while elevation information is extracted
from the Terrain layer.
Bridges/Culverts information will need to be completed in the Bridge/Culvert Data Editor.

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Culvert Barrel Editor

Culvert locations can then be specified by selecting the Culvert Barrels layer and drawing from the
upstream to downstream where the culvert is located.  When finished, the user can provide
information for the Barrel Name and Culvert Group information for barrel Width, Length, Inlet
Elevation, and Outlet Elevation (the Terrain elevations corresponding to the inlet and outlet will be
shown next to the user-specified elevations).   For each each additional culvert, the Culvert Barrel
Editor will default to the last Culvert Group specified.

Plotting Bridges
Plotting structures is available by right-click on the structure of interest.  You can always plot the
Terrain Elevations for any line in RAS Mapper.  Plotting the Bridge itself, has a limited capability in
RAS Mapper.  Once information has been entered for a bridge in the Bridge Editor, a the bridge may
look like that shown below which is a complicated plot that creates a composite weir from deck
information and the ground elevations of the bounding cross sections.

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In RAS Mapper, the Plot Bridge Data will result in a plot for the upstream and downstream sections
of the bridge.  Bridge information that has been defined by the user will be plotted along with the
cross section bounding the bridge.  The bridge plot will show the user-defined Weir, Lid, and Internal
Bridge Section along with the bounding Cross Section.

Inline Structures
The Inline Structures layer is used to locate the centerline of hydraulic structures that span a water
course (e.g. dam, weir, etc). The inline structure should be created from left to right when looking
downstream, crossing a river line exactly once.  When a new inline structure is created a dialog will
be prompt the user to enter a Node Name, the Width (in the direction of flow) for the structure and
provide a Description, if desired.   The structure's River Station is computed based on the

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intersection with the River layer (just like the cross sections). Information for the Weir/Embankment
Data Editor is extracted from the proximity of the structure to surrounding cross sections for the
Distance and property, while elevation information is extracted from the Terrain layer.

Inline Structure information will need to be completed in the Inline Structure Data Editor.
Inline structures can have Culvert Barrels, Gate Openings, Rating Curve Outlets, and Outlet Time
Series.  Each are defined by selecting the corresponding layer and drawing a line in the direction of
flow across the structure.  The Gate Opening Editor is very similar to the Culvert Barrel Editor.  For
Rating Curves and Outlet Time Series you are prompted for a name.  Additional data will be need to
be entered in the appropriate editors in HEC-RAS to complete the data.

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Lateral Structures
The Lateral Structures layer is used to locate the centerline of hydraulic structures run parallel to the
river course and are used to connect a river reach to another river reach or 2D Flow Area.  The lateral
structure should be created in the downstream direction along the edges of cross sections. When a
new lateral structure is created a dialog will be prompt the user to enter a Node Name, the Width for
the structure and provide a Description, if desired. 

The lateral structure's River, Reach, and River Station is automatically computed based on
evaluating the upstream end point of the structure and finding the river station location between the
two bounding cross sections. Information for the Weir/Embankment Data Editor is extracted from
the Terrain layer.  Elevation data will be filtered based on the Elevation Point Filtering tolerance set
in RAS Mapper Options.
Lateral Structure information will need to be completed in the Lateral Structure Data Editor.
Lateral structures can have Culvert Barrels, Gate Openings, Rating Curve Outlets, and Outlet
Time Series.  Each are defined by selecting the corresponding layer and drawing a line in the
direction of flow across the structure.  The line will then determine the structure it belongs to.  The
Gate Opening Editor is very similar to the Culvert Barrel Editor.  For Rating Curves and Outlet Time

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Series you are prompted for a name.  Additional data will be need to be entered in the appropriate
editors in HEC-RAS to complete the data.
While Culvert Barrels specified at a Bridge may be have an inlet and outlet in close proximity of the
structure (just upstream and downstream), culvert barrels can be created going from any 2D cell to
another, so long as they intersect the lateral structure.  This will allow the user to define the inlet and
outlet location at location in the computational meshes that are the true low-elevation collection
points.  The terrain elevation at the inlet and outlet of the culvert barrel or gate opening must be
lower than the invert elevations provided.

SA/2D Connections
The SA/2D Connections layer is used for connections between storage areas and 2D flow areas.  It is
also used as a hydraulic connection within a 2D Flow Area. A hydraulic structure used within a single
2D Flow Area can be used to simply increase the elevations of the terrain, to specify the equation set
to solve for the water surface, or to model a bridge.  When creating the hydraulic structure, consider
that positive flow (in the downstream direction) is determined based on left to right orientation of
the structure.  After creating the SA/2D Connection, you will be prompted to provide a Name. Specify
a Width for rendering the connection and provide a Description, if desired.  You also need to select
the Structure Type.

The Structure Type has three possible options: a normal overflow type weir (Weir, Gates,
Culverts, ...),  Linear Routing, and a Bridge (Internal to 2D Areas).  All options require the user to
complete the hydraulic structure data in the SA/2D Connection editor.  If the Bridge option is
selected, the Width of the structure will used to place and create Internal Bridge sections (this will be
done within the Geometric Data Editor).  The Upstream Distance supplied in the SA/2D Connection
editor will then place and create Bounding Cross Sections to complete the bridge geometry.

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When creating the hydraulic structure inside of a 2D Flow Area, the line will be treated as a breakline
where you can specify breakline properties like cell spacing.  To access the hydraulic structure's
breakline properties choose the Edit 2D Connection Breakline Properties by right-clicking on the
SA2/2D Connection layer or an individual 2D Connection.

You can enforce the hydraulic structure as a breakline using the Enforce Selected as Breaklines
button on then Hydraulic Structure Breakline Editor or by right-clicking on a 2D Connection and
choosing Enforce 2D Connection as Breakline.

Pump Stations
The Pump Stations layer is used to specify pump station locations. After clicking on a location on in
RAS Mapper, you will be prompted for a Name.

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To create a pump, select the Pump layer and draw a line from the pump inlet location to the pump
outlet.  When you finish the line, RAS Mapper will attempt to find the nearest Pump Station to attach
to.  If a pump station is not within tolerance, the Select Pump Station dialog will provide user input
to attach the correct pump station.  The Pump Group Editor will then be shown, allowing the user to
select the Pump Group and provide a Pump Name.  The inlet and outlet locations of the pump will
be determined by RAS Mapper.  Additional Pump and Pump Station information must be completed
in the Pump Station Editor.

Additional pump information, like the pump capacity curve and rules, will need to be completed
from the Geometric Data Editor.

Manning's n Values
Roughness coefficients, represented by Manning's n Values, can be extracted for Cross Sections and
2D Flow Areas from a specified Land Cover layer. The Manning's n group layer will profile sub-layers
for Calibration Regions and the result Final n Values raster used in the model.  Base Manning's n

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Values and overrides should be specified on the Land Cover layer.  Once finalized, the Land Cover
layer is then associated with the Geometry.  During model analysis and refinement, the Calibration
Regions polygon layer can be used to modified specific areas in the model.
To add a Calibration Region, start Editing.  Create the polygon of interest and provide an unique
name (all calibration regions are unique).

The new region will be added to the Manning's n Values table and allow the user to specify how to
treat the region.  Entering a value for the new region ("Manning's n Region 1") will take precedence
over those values in the Land Cover dataset ("ManningsN").

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You can also override Manning's n Value data using the "Base Override".  Base Override data replaces
all instances specified in the base Land Cover dataset; however, Calibration Regions take precedence
over the Base Override data (columns on the right are considered higher priority than those on the

Final n Values Layer

The Final n Values layer is used to visualize what the model is using.  For 2D models, the layer will be
the combination of the Land Cover layer (which has Classification Polygons) and the Calibration
Regions.  For models that have Cross Sections, the Final n Values layer will reflect the n values
specified on the cross sections, as well.

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Percent Impervious
Percent Impervious, can be extracted for Cross Sections and 2D Flow Areas from a specified Land
Cover layer. The Percent Impervious group layer will profile sub-layers for Calibration Regions and
the result Final Values raster used in the model.  Base Percent Impervious Values and overrides
should be specified on the Land Cover layer.  Once finalized, the Land Cover layer is then associated
with the Geometry.  During model analysis and refinement, the Calibration Regions polygon layer
can be used to modified specific areas in the model.
To add a Calibration Region, start Editing.  Create the polygon of interest and provide an unique
name (all calibration regions are unique).

The new region will be added to the Land Cover Parameters table and allow the user to specify how
to treat the region.  Entering a value for the new region ("Polygon 1") will take precedence over those
values in the Land Cover dataset ("Percent Impervious" values). Base Override values may also be

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specified to globally replace values, while the Calibration Region only affects the area within the

Infiltration Parameters
Infiltration parameter values can be established spatially for each 2D Flow Area cell based on the
associated Infiltration layer. The Infiltration group layer will profile sub-layers for Calibration
Regions and the result Final Values raster used in the model.  Base infiltration parameters and
overrides should be specified on the Infiltration layer.  Once finalized, the Infiltration layer is then
associated with the Geometry.  During model analysis and refinement, the Calibration Regions
polygon layer can be used to modified specific areas in the model.
To add a Calibration Region, start Editing.  Create the polygon of interest and provide an unique
name (all calibration regions are unique).

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The new region will be added to the Infiltration Parameters table and allow the user to specify how
to treat the region.  Entering a value for the new region ("Polygon 1") will take precedence over those
values in the Infiltration dataset. Base Override values may also be specified to globally replace
values, while the Calibration Region only affects the area within the Region.

Boundary Conditions

Boundary Conditions
The Boundary Conditions layer is used to specify boundary conditions for 2D Flow Areas.  These
boundaries can be considered to be internal or external flow and stage conditions.  Internal
boundary conditions are used to a attach a Flow Hydrograph inside of the computational domain. 
External boundary conditions are used for a Flow Hydrograph, Stage Hydrograph, Rating Curve, and
Normal Depth.  Once a boundary condition line has been created, you will be prompted to enter a
unique Name. 

When creating a boundary condition line, the line much be entirely outside of the 2D Flow Area, to be
considered an external boundary; otherwise, it will be treated as an internal boundary. Boundary
condition information will then be completed from the Unsteady Flow Data Editor.

The Errors layer is used to visualize suspected problems with the RAS Geometry.  The Errors list is
updated each time that a new feature is added to a layer.  RAS Mapper will evaluate the feature for

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Geometry Data

missing data or bad intersections with other layers and create a feature and description of the
message in the attribute table.  The user can force an analysis of possible errors by right-click on the
Geometry and choosing the Validate Geometry menu item.
The error messages can be categorized as critical, warnings, and notes.  Critical errors are problems
that are significantly wrong, such as a cross section not having a River Name, Reach Name, or River
Station, which could result from the cross section intersecting the river more than once or more than
one river line.  The result is a geometry that will not run in HEC-RAS.  A warning informs the user
something most likely is wrong (high confidence) with the model geometry, such as a bank line that
crosses the river centerline, which may lead to model errors (the interpolation surface will not be
correct, which affects mapping, but the model will run and most likely give good results).  A note
indicates there may be something wrong (low confidence) with the data, such as a cross section that
doesn’t intersect with bank lines (RAS Mapper will automatically assign bank stations to the end
A geospatial feature (typically polyline) will be created for suspected problems and added to the
Error layer.  When the feature is added, information for the problem Layer that the feature originated
from, the feature's name, and as description of the problem will be added to the attribute table. 
These a features can be selected just like other feature.  The layer symbology can be changed and
the features can be labeled.  To get an idea of possible errors in the Geometry, turn on the Errors
layer and hover the mouse over the error feature.  A tool tip will display a stacked list of error
messages based on the description in the attribute file (as shown below).

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Terrain Modification

The basis for any accurate river hydraulics model is a good representation of ground surface
elevations for the river and floodplain areas.  A good terrain model accurately describes the
elevations of the river channel and floodplain by incorporating important features that control the
movement of water, such as the channel bottom and channel banks, and high ground such as
roadways and levees.  If the initial terrain model insufficiently represents the ground surface, HEC-
RAS provides tools for improving the terrain data directly in RAS Mapper.  There are currently two
methods for improving channel data in HEC-RAS: (1) using cross sections to create an interpolation
surface to add to an existing terrain model and (2) using the vector Terrain Modification tools in RAS
Mapper to improve the terrain by adding channel information, adding high ground (such as a road),
adding features that impede flow (such as piers), or otherwise modifying the terrain elevations.  RAS
Mapper supports many different raster formats; however, the Terrain Modification tools work
specifically with the RAS Terrain layer to create a compilation of vector additions to the underlying
GeoTiff representation of the grounds surface.

Terrain Modifications can be performed using Cross Sections to create an interpolation surface or
using the Terrain Modification Tools to create vector additions to a RAS Terrain.

Cross Section Interpolation Surface

Cross sections can be used to create a ground surface model for use with HEC-RAS.  This is often a
convenient method for improving a terrain model where a 1D model exists for the channel portion of
the land surface.  Using the River centeline, cross sections, and bank lines, RAS Mapper can be used
to create in interpolated surface of the channel or channel and overbanks.  This new surface can
then be used to create a new terrain model that combines the channel surface (with top priority)
along with the other terrain files.  This method can also be used for adding high ground, simply by
flipping the cross sections "upside down".  The general steps to including elevation information, for
specific area of interest (AOI), using cross sections are provided below.
1. Create a New Geometry
2. Start Editing
3. Create River centerline features for the AOI
4. Create Cross Sections locations bounding the AOI
5. Create Bank Lines layer features to shape and limit the channel influence (if desired)
6. Stop Editing
7. Modify the cross sections (as desired) in the Geometric Data Editor
8. Export the Geometry to a new GeoTiff, providing a cell size for the new raster dataset
9. Create a New RAS Terrain using the new channel raster (top priority) and the old terrain models (lower
priority) using the Create New RAS Terrain interface

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Terrain Modification

Terrain Modification Tools

Terrain modification tools in RAS Mapper take advantage of the vector editing tools to create points,
polylines, and polygons to create vector modifications to an existing RAS Terrain. Terrain
modification tools allow the user to add simple shapes with constant elevations (such as rectangles,
ellipses, and polygons), complex polylines with multiple elevations and a cross section shape, or
complex features such as a polyline or polygon controlled with Elevation Control Points. In order to
use the terrain modification capabilities, the Terrain's modification layer must be the Active, Edit
Layer.  All modifications are performed using the standard vector editing tools. 
The modifications have been organized into simple Shapes, complex Lines, and complex Polygons. 
A summary of the modification group types is provided below.
Modificatio Description
Shapes Shape modifications are defined by an single overriding elevation.  Length dimensions vary based on
the selected shape type.
Available shape types are Circle or Ellipse, Square or Rectangle, and Triangle.
The Elongated Pier shape allows for a more complex shape which is a composite of the other simple

Lines Line modifications allow the user to specify elevations along the line to produce an interpolated (3D)
line with a shape template for either High Ground or for a Channel.  The template and elevations will
be interpolated along the profile of the line to create a surface that is merged with the Terrain.  A
complex Ground Line Editor requires input for the profile line and the ground template.

Elevation Control Points can also be used along the modification line to control elevation along the

Polygons Polygon modifications allow the user to override an area.  The polygon can be a simple rectangle or a
multipoint ("free hand") polygon.
There are multiple options available to control elevation overrides:
Single Elevations - a single elevation is used for the entire polygon.
Use Elevations at Boundary from Terrain will automatically extract the elevations from the Terrain
along the polygon perimeter.  The elevation values are triangulated to create a surface internal to the
polygon that "matches" the terrain at the boundary.
Elevation Control Points can also be used along the modification polygon perimeter or internal to to
the boundary. The elevation control points will be triangulated to create a surface with the polygon

Terrain layers are can be very large datasets.  Modifications are often experimental and each time a
user wishes to change the ground surface elevations, we don't want to make an entire copy of the
Terrain.  Therefore, terrain modifications have been implemented as vector additions to the Terrain
layer.  These modifications are stored in the terrain layer's .hdf file.  Further, in a continued attempt
to reduce data and to keep the base terrain data unmodified, there is an option to create copy of the
Terrain data. The Clone Terrain option create a virtual copy of a terrain layer, allowing the user to
perform terrain modification, without creating enormous data on disk.

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Terrain Modification

Clone Terrain
To create a virtual copy of a Terrain layer, right-click on the Terrain and select Clone Terrain
(Virtual).  A dialog will prompt the user to provide a Name that will be appended to the existing
Terrain name.  After pressing OK, a new .hdf file will be created for the terrain clone that points to the
base Terrain layer and stores vector modifications.  The Terrain clone will then be added to RAS
Mapper in the Terrains group. Note: the base terrain.hdf that the clone was created from must not
be deleted or moved.  The cloned file is linked to the base terrain via that file.

 When creating a Clone of the Terrain, it uses the base Terrain data (.tif) and RAS layer (.hdf). 
Therefore, to use the cloned data (in another location) you must have the Terrain.tif, Terrain.hdf,
Terrain.Clone.hdf, and the Terrain.Clone.vrt files.

Add New Modification Layer

The modifications have been organized into modification types based on function: simple Shapes,
complex Lines, and complex Polygons.   Simple Shapes allow the user to specify a single elevation
override, while the more complex Lines and Polygons options allow you to use multiple elevations to
control the development of a modification based on interpolation.

To add a modification layer to the Terrain, right-click on the Terrain layer and select the  Add
New Modification Layer menu option to access the specific modification type of interest.   Once a
modification type has been selected, you will be prompted to provide a Name for the modifications
layer.  The new modification layer will be added to the Modifications group under the Terrain layer. 
Proceed by selecting the layer and create the individual modification features.

Once a modification layer is created,  select the layer to create individual modifications (shape, line,
polygon).  When a modification is created you will be prompted to provide a Name, enter

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Terrain Modification

dimensions, and choose the Modification Method.  An example dialog is shown below for the
simple Triangle modification.

The Modification Method refers to how you want to apply the modification to the Terrain - "Replace
Terrain Value" is the default method for most of the modifications.  The modification method are
listed below.
• Replace Terrain Value is used to override the Terrain elevation values.
• Higher (Terrain/User) Value evaluates the modification and the terrain and uses the higher of the values
("high ground option").
• Lower (Terrain/User) Value evaluates the modification and the terrain and uses the lower of the values
("channel option").
• Add Value to Terrain adds the modification value to the terrain ("builds a fence").
• Replace NoData Values fills in "no data" voids in the terrain.

Simple Shape Modification

The Shapes group type is intended to be used for "simple" shapes that block out area using single
elevation, like a pier that terminates into a bridge deck.  There are four shape choices: Circle/Ellipse,
Rectangle, Triangle, and Elongated Pier.     To add a simple shape, select the Add New
Feature tool on the Edit Toolbar.  A "preview" shape based on the default dimensions or previously
added modification will appear to show the user what the modification will look like.  A single click
creates the shape in the modification group and an editor will be enabled to allow you to specify a
Name, Modification Method, Elevation, shape dimensions, and Rotation Angle.  Click OK to save the
edits.  At this point the shape can be moved and graphically modified (and rotated) using the
Edit Features tool.  To edit the modification parameters, right-click on the feature and choose Edit
Modification.  The editors for each modification type are shown below.

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Terrain Modification

Circle/Ellipse Editor

Rectangle Editor

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Terrain Modification

Triangle Editor

Elongated Pier Editor

The Elongated Pier Editor allows the user to specify a complex shape by specify the Length of the
pier and the pier nose shape.  Rounded and triangular options are available for the nose.  The ability
to rotate the pier, to align it with the direction of flow or to meet as-built specifications, provides
additional flexibility the pier editor

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Terrain Modification

Line Modifications
The Lines group type is intended to be used for complex elevation modifications for either High
Ground or Channel bathymetric modification.  The line is used to identify the alignment property,
(e.g. the center of an elevated road or invert of a channel) while elevation data can be specified in
multiple ways.   Elevation data can then be applied to the line using a station-elevation approach
(where the zero station is the start of the line) or using Elevation Control Points to set elevations
along the line.  A simple trapezoidal template for the cross section can then be applied along the
line.  A 3D centerline can also be imported from a shapefile.

To add a simple shape, use the Add New Feature to create a centerline for the modification. 
The centerline is completed by double-clicking to finish the line.  To make modifications to the line
at a later time, use the Edit Feature tool.

Once the line is completed, the Ground Line Editor (shown below) will be invoked to allow the user
to define the elevation data and the cross section information.  By default, elevation data will be
"extracted" at the first and last point of the polyline to help assist tying in the modification to the
existing ground surface elevations.  If the line type is High Ground the modification method will
default to use the Higher Value, while if the line type is Channel, the method will default to use the
Lower Value.

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Terrain Modification

The upper portion of the editor allow you to control the cross section template to apply along the
line. Top Width, Left Side Slope, Right Side Slope, and Max Extent Width describe the trapezoidal
shape and area to influence around the line.  The Station-Elevation data controls the interpolated
elevation profile.  As data is entered the cross section and profile plots will update to provide
feedback on how the terrain will be modified.
If you possess a polyline shapefile (with or without elevations), you can import the features.  The
shapefile import is available by right-click on a line modification layer and selecting Import Features
from Shapefile or using the Import from Shapefile button on the Ground Line Editor.  If you are
importing into/over an existing modification line, RAS Mapper will warn you that you will be
replacing the XY data (and later, if Z-values are detected, you will warned that the Station-Elevation
data will be replaced).  The shapefile importer dialog will be invoked, allowing you to pick the
shapefile to import and the feature(s) to import.  Multiple features cannot be import through the
Ground Line Editor.  The Shapefile Importer will help the user visualize what data is available for
import by previewing the data with a mini view of RAS Mapper, allowing you to choose the Terrain

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Terrain Modification

Once the line and modification information are provided, RAS Mapper will automatically recompute
the Terrain layer using the modifications.

For each "complex" modification type in RAS Mapper, a sub-layer is added to allow you to add
Elevation Control Points.  Elevation Control points allow you to set the elevation of the line based
using point locations. While editing the Control Points layer, click on a location to assign and
elevation.  When attempting to create a point, if it is close enough to the line based on the Control
Point Snapping Distance a cross will appear - if the cross does not appear, the point will not be used

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Terrain Modification

by the line.  After each point is created, a dialog will appearing requesting an elevation override (with
the current Terrain elevation already provided).  Enter an elevation for the control point and click
OK.  The elevations from the control points will be used to interpolate values along the line

Polygon Modification
The Polygons group type is intended to be used for complex elevation modifications for an area
using multiple elevations to control the terrain surface.  There are two options: Rectangle and
Multipoint.  The Rectangle option works like the simple shape version, but allows for Elevation
Control Points to be added.  The Multipoint option is more robust in that it allows you to draw a
polygon to define the area to override terrain elevations and provides the option to use the
elevations from the Terrain at the boundary of the polygon. By default the Use Elevations at
Boundary from Terrain is checked, which will allow you to blend the polygon elevations with the
base terrain elevations.  Using the terrain elevations option will use the polygon to cut a profile from
the terrain.  The profile elevation points will then be triangulated.  The resulting surface may not
provide the desired outcome, at which point you can add Elevation Control Points to improve the
After creating the polygon, an editor will allow for providing a name for the polygon modification,
select the elevation method, and enter the tolerance for snapping Elevation Control Points.  When
using control points, any point placed inside the polygon will be used in triangulating the interior
surface while points placed exterior to the boundary (within the snap tolerance) will be used to
control the boundary elevation.

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Terrain Modification

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Mapping Results

Geospatial capabilities are available in HEC-RAS to assist the hydraulic engineer to create and refine
the model geometry and analyze computed results.  This capability to visualize the combination of
geometric data (terrain, river networks, cross section locations, cross section parameters, 2D
meshes, etc.) and simulation results (water surface depths, velocities, etc.) allow HEC-RAS users to
more readily identify hydraulic model deficiencies and make improvements.  This document will
discuss how to use the HEC-RAS Mapper to performing mapping of model output to view and
compare results, as well as how to publish map products.
The HEC-RAS Mapper module is an interface accessed from the HEC-RAS program.  The RAS Mapper
is intended to provide visualization of HEC-RAS simulation results along with pertinent geospatial
data to assist users in improving hydraulic models.  The HEC-RAS Mapper module is accessed using
the GIS Tools | RAS Mapper menu item on the main HEC-RAS program interface or by pressing the  
RAS Mapper button, shown below.

When RAS Mapper is launched, the Layer List will show all of the main data used to create model
geometry and perform simulation runs.  This data is organized into the Geometries, Results,
Terrains, and other group layers.  Specifically, for HEC-RAS simulation results, a data is grouped
under the Results group using the simulation Plan Short ID.  For the example shown in the figure
below, there are two simulation runs: "Steady Flow" and "Unsteady Flow".  Each Result is self-
contained - the event conditions data, geometry, and resulting maps are all stored (and organized)
within the same dataset.  RAS Mapper provides tool to analyze these results by changing the
rendering order, changing the layer symbology, animating data by profile, interactive data querying,
creating results profiles, and may other options.

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Mapping Results

Creating Result Maps

HEC-RAS results are stored in a single .hdf output file based on the simulation Plan information (for
example rasproject.p01.hdf).  Therefore, an entire copy of the geometry used for the simulation and
simulation results are written to the output file. For unsteady-flow simulations, time-series data is
written out based on the Mapping Output Interval specified on the Unsteady Flow Analysis
window.  This Mapping Output Interval is what is used for animating water surface results in RAS

When RAS Mapper is opened, the Layer List will automatically add in a result layer for each plan. 
Layers will be created to allow you to visualize the geometry used to construct the model, various
output types, and other data such as event conditions.  By default, inundation maps for Depth, Water
Surface Elevation and Velocity will be created to assist in visualizing the results.  The Result will also
automatically be associated with the Terrain layer used to create the geometry - this is necessary to
properly compute flood depth and inundation boundary information.

Result Maps
Results are managed in HEC-RAS in two distinct methods: (1) dynamic maps and (2) stored maps.
Dynamic maps are generated on-the-fly for the current view and are intended to be the main
method for visualizing and interacting with results in RAS Mapper.  Each time you pan or zoom the
result map is updated based on the view extents and based on the zoom level.  This results in a
resampling of interpolated data and is NOT the exact (computed) answer for any specific point. 
Stored maps are written to disk based on resolution of the RAS Terrain and are intended as a
permanent data storage solution. Dynamic mapping should be used by the HEC-RAS modeler for
hydraulic analysis, investigation, and model refinement.  Stored maps should be used to publish and

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Mapping Results

transfer results for use in further analysis outside of the HEC-RAS software.  Dynamic mapping and
stored maps results will not be exactly the same because the dynamic maps are generated for screen
pixels and the stored maps are generated based on the underlying RAS Terrain cell size.
By default, a RAS Result is added to RAS Mapper and dynamic maps for Depth, Water Surface
Elevations, and Velocity are automatically generated.  Additional maps can be created by right-
clicking on a result and choosing the Add New Results Map Layer menu option. Select the Map
Type, Profile, and Output Mode in the Results Map Parameter dialog shown below.  Layer Names
can also be provided.  The Map Type refers to the hydraulic (or sediment) variable to plot, the Profile
is the computation time step to evaluate, and the Output Mode is either dynamic or stored.  Once the
map type and parameters are selected, click the Add Map button to add the map to RAS Mapper.  As
shown in the figures below, the map parameters will change base on the Map Type selected.

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Mapping Results

Associated Terrain
A Terrain Layer must be associated with the RAS Geometry Layer and Results Plan prior to creating a
results map.  (The Plan must also have been simulated, creating an output HDF file.)  If there is only
one Terrain Layer in the RAS Mapper, it will be associated with all geometries and results; however,
to associate a Terrain Layer manually, right-click on the Results node and select the Manage Terrain
Associations menu item.  In the associations dialog, shown below, select the Terrain Layer for each
RAS Result.

The terrain layer is used in the inundation mapping process to compare the computed water surface
to the ground surface.  Depending on the expanse and resolution of the terrain data, users may have
chosen to tile the original terrain datasets to reduce file size and improve computational efficiency
using raster (gridded) datasets.  The Terrain Layer may be organized as desired by the user: multiple
terrain models may overlap, there may be gaps, or a single terrain model may be used for a specific
location in the model.

Map Type
The Map Type identifies the type of map that will be created.  The available Map types will vary based
on the type of simulation performed.  For example, an Arrival Time map is not available for a steady-
flow simulation.  A summary of map types is provided in the table below.

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Mapping Results

Map Type Description

Depth Water depths computed from the difference in water surface elevation for the selected
profile and terrain.  A Terrain Layer must be associated with the Plan.
Water Surface Elevation Water surface elevations for the selected water surface profile at all computed
locations and spatially interpolated between those locations.
Velocity Spatially interpolated velocity results at computed locations for the selected water
surface profile.
Inundation Boundary Inundation boundary computed from the zero-depth contour of flood depths for the
selected water surface profile.  A Terrain Layer must be associated with the Plan.
Flow (1D Only)  Interpolated flow values as used in the RAS simulation for the selected water surface
profile.  This option is only available for 1D simulations.
Courant (Velocity/ The Courant number is computed as the flood wave velocity times computation time
Distance) step divided by the distance the wave traveled.  For a 1D model, velocity slices are used
and distance is computed along the main channel from cross section to cross section. 
For a 2D model, face velocities are used and distance is computed from computation
point to computation point.
Courant (Residence Time) The Courant number is computed using a Residence Time - a cell volume divided by
net flow out of the cell.
Froude The Froude number is computed as the local velocity divided by the square root of the
gravitation constant and distance. For a 1D model, velocity slices are used and
distance is computed along the main channel from cross section to cross section.  For a
2D model, face velocities are used and distance is computed from computation point
to computation point.
Shear Stress Shear stress computed as: (γRSf). For 1D cross sections, the cross section is broken into
user defined slices, then average values are computed for each slice.  Values are
interpolated between cross sections using the cross section interpolation surface. For
2D cells it is the average shear stress across each face, then interpolated between
Stream Power  Stream Power is computed as average velocity time’s average shear stress.  For 1D
cross sections, the cross section is broken into user defined slices, then average values
are computed for each slice.  Values are interpolated between cross sections using the
cross section interpolation surface.  For 2D cells it is the average velocity times average
shear stress across each face, then interpolated between faces.
Depth * Velocity Computed as the hydraulic depth (average depth) multiplied by the average velocity at
all computed locations and spatially interpolated between those locations. For 1D
cross sections, the cross section is broken into user defined slices, then average values
are computed for each slice.  For unsteady-flow runs, the Maximum value is the
maximum of depth times velocity squared based on the user mapping interval, and not
the computation interval.  For 2D cells the hydraulic depth is computed for each Face,
then multiplied by the average velocity squared across that face.  Because the Max
computation must evaluate the results for the entire simulation this can be
computationally expensive and may take several minutes to generate; therefore, this
option is most appropriate for a stored dataset (caution using a dynamic map).

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Mapping Results

Map Type Description

2 Computed as the hydraulic depth (average depth) multiplied by the average velocity
Depth * Velocity
squared at all computed locations and spatially interpolated between those locations.
For 1D cross sections, the cross section is broken into user defined slices, then average
values are computed for each slice.  For unsteady-flow runs, the Maximum value is the
maximum of depth times velocity squared based on the user mapping interval, and not
the computation interval.  For 2D cells the hydraulic depth is computed for each Face,
then multiplied by the average velocity squared across that face.  Because the Max
computation must evaluate the results for the entire simulation this can be
computationally expensive and may take several minutes to generate; therefore, this
option is most appropriate for a stored dataset (caution using a dynamic map).
Energy (Depth) Depth to the energy grade line computed as the combination of water depth plus
kinetic energy.
Energy (Elevation) Elevation of the energy grade line computed from the combination of water surface
elevation plus kinetic energy.
Arrival Time Computed time (in hours or days) from a specified time in the simulation when the
water depth reaches a specified threshold flood depth.  The user may specify the time
units, start time, and depth threshold.
Arrival Time (Max) Computed time (in hours or days) from a specified time in the simulation when the
water depth reaches its Maximum flood depth.  The user may specify the time units,
start time, and depth threshold.
Duration Computed duration (in hours or days) for which water depth exceeds a specified flood
depth (threshold),  The user may specify the time units, a start time, and depth
threshold.  (Note: RAS ignores multiple peaked events.  Once a depth threshold is
reached the duration continues until the depth has completely receded for the event.)

Recession Computed time (in hours or days) from a specified time in the simulation when the
water depth recedes back below a specified inundation depth (threshold).  The user
may specify the time units, start time, and depth threshold.
Percent Time Inundated The amount of time an area is inundated as a percentage of the total simulation time
Wet Cells Identifies which cells are wet or dry. Partially wet cells are considered entirely wet.

The profile selects the computation time step from which to use data.  Profile options will change
based on the simulation type (steady/unsteady/sediment) and map type.  For instance, for an Arrival
Time map, a Threshold Depth and Start Time must be specified.
For steady-flow simulations, the profile group will have a list of all the profiles in the steady-flow file. 
For unsteady-flow simulations, the Profile group will have the option to choose between Minimum,
Maximum, or a specific time step (as set by the ‘Mapping Output Interval’ on the Unsteady Flow
Analysis dialog).

Output Mode
The Map Output Mode determines whether the map is Dynamic or Stored.  Dynamic maps are
recomputed in RAS each time the map extents change based on the zoom level.  Further, dynamic
maps can be animated within RAS Mapper (assuming there is time series information).  Stored maps,

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Mapping Results

however, are computed using the base resolution of the underlying Terrain Layer and stored to disk
for permanent access.
RAS provides the option of calculating output values as a raster surface (using the Terrain Layer as
the template) or at point locations using a point shapefile as the output template.  Often outputting
data at specific locations is the prudent course of action to decrease computation times and data
Map Output Mode Description
Dynamic Map is generated for current view dynamically.  Results in the output HDF file
may be animated if there are multiple profiles for the variable.
      Raster Gridded output is computed based on the associated Terrain.

      Point Feature Layer Values are computed a locations specified by a point shapefile.  For the Depth
map type, elevation values are compared against the Associated Terrain, Z-
Values from shapefile points, or using a specified column for elevation data (in a
point shapefile).
Stored Computed map is stored to disk.

      Raster Gridded output is computed based on the user-specified Terrain and stored to
disk.  The Associated Terrain is the default.
      Point Feature Layer Values are computed a locations specified by a point shapefile.  For the Depth
map type, elevation values are compared against the Associated Terrain, Z-
Values from shapefile points, or using a specified column for elevation data (in a
point shapefile).
      Polygon Boundary at Value A polygon boundary is created at the specified contour value stored to disk.  This
is the default option for the Inundation Boundary map type using the computed
depth at the zero-depth contour.

Dynamic versus Stored Maps

There can be important differences in the computed values between the dynamic results and the
stored raster information.  Dynamic maps differ in that they are a surface created through the
interpolation of values; therefore, as the user moves the mouse in the display the interpolated value
for the corresponding location will be displayed.  This is in contrast to viewing a raster in a typical
GIS where the reported value (from a stored map) will be that for the entire grid cell.
For dynamic depth results, the values reported to the user at a specific map location may change
depending on the zoom level.  This is because for dynamic mapping, the terrain pyramid level used
for evaluating the ground surface elevation is dependent on how far the user has zoomed in or out
on the map.  Even while zoomed in so that the base data are used for analysis, the map results will
not be identical, especially at the floodplain boundary.  This is because for the stored depth grid the
cell is considered either wet or dry.  For a dynamic map, the flood boundary is determined by
interpolating the elevations values and intersecting the interpolated water surface with the
interpolated terrain elevations for the boundary.  The dynamic map will, therefore, result in a
“smooth” floodplain boundary.  An example of the differences between the dynamic mapping and
stored mapping are shown below.

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Mapping Results

Managing Result Maps

Once a Results Map has been created, it is listed by Plan in the management dialog. The Manage
Results Map dialog is available by right-click on the Results group. It organizes data by Plan and
identifies which maps are dynamic or stored, and provides a message on the status of the map.  If
the layer is a stored map, but has not yet been processed, the label “Map not created yet” will be
shown under the “Store Status”.  To compute a stored map, select the layer in the list (multiple
layers can be selected by holding the Ctrl key) and press the Compute/Update Stored Maps button
on the Manage Results Map Dialog. As the map results are computed, a status message will be
provided updating the user with the progress.   Upon completion, the status label will change to
“Map files up to date”.  There are also options on the dialog to Copy and Delete a results map.
The Manage Results Maps dialog is convenient for processing multiple stored maps.

RAS Results
As long as a Terrain Layer is associated with a Plan, dynamic results layers for Depth, Velocity and
Water Surface Elevations will be available. Results for each plan are stored in an HDF file.  This HDF

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Mapping Results

file has a copy of the input geometry and computed values from the HEC-RAS simulation.  When RAS
Mapper loads, there will be a node in the Layer List for each Plan.  For each Plan, layers are created
for the input Geometry, Depth, Velocity, and Water Surface Elevation (WSE).
Each result maps can be evaluated by selecting the layer and hovering the mouse over a selected
location.  The selected map will be shown in Magenta in the layer list.  If the map is a dynamic map,
it can be animated using the animation toolbar.  The animation tool will allow the user to plot the
Maximum or Minimum profile, step through each profile, or play the entire set of profiles.  The water
surface Profile (time step) selected by the animation tool will be displayed in the corner of the Map

Animation of multiple layers is accomplished by selecting a Plan of interest.  All layers that are
currently displayed (checkbox is turned on) will have the profile updated to match the time step of
the animation tool.  Layers that are not turned on will not have the profile updated.  Animation of
multiple layers from different Plans (for Plan comparison) is accomplished by selecting the “Results”
node in the Layers List.  The first Plan (“base” Plan) turned on will be used to establish the time step
of the Animation Tool.  Any Profile of displayed layers (from Plans that are turned on) that matches
the base Plan Profile will be updated. 

Interpolation Surface
Geospatial analysis and visualization of the HEC-RAS results will be based on the Interpolation
Surface - the surface is created differently for 1D and 2D model domains.  For a 1D model, the
Interpolation Surface is created based on River, Bank Lines, River Edge Lines, and Cross Section
layers. The shapes of the River lines and Bank Lines are used create the Edge Lines (which connect
the ends of the cross sections).  These three line features will act as transition lines to interpolate
hydraulic results from cross section to cross section.
Four interpolation “regions” are then created based on triangulation between each set of cross
sections using the transition line features (River, Bank Lines, River Edge Lines): (1) between the left
river edge line and the left bank line, (2) between the left bank line and river centerline, (3) between
the river line and right bank line, and (4) between the right bank line and the right river edge line. The
interpolation surface created between each set of cross sections becomes the XS Interpolation
Surface that RAS Mapper uses to determine how to distribute computation results from cross section
to cross section for each region.  An example interpolation surface is shown below.

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Mapping Results

The limits of the Interpolation Surface is dependent on the Edge Lines that connect the ends of the
cross sections.  You can only edit the Edge Lines in the Geometry (not the Geometry in the Results!),
because editing should be performed prior to model simulation.  After simulating, if you want to
change the Edge Lines, you can import them from an existing Geometry.  This is accomplished by
right-clicking on the Geometry node and selecting the Import Edge Lines and Recompute
Interpolation Surface menu item. The newly imported Edge Lines will be display along with lines
that show what HEC-RAS computed to be the limits of the model based on the cross sections.  User-
modified Edge Lines is not intended to fix model limitations, rather to improve small areas where
base mapping functionality was deemed deficient.  Water surface elevations, velocities and other
hydraulic results will not be the same as results from a refined model with improved cross sections.
For 2D models, interpolation is performed based on triangulation between computation points and
face points.  How the interpolation is performed; however, is slightly different based on the Render
Mode when evaluating Map Type (water surface elevations versus velocities). Further, there are three
Render Modes available within RAS Mapper: (1) Hybrid, (2) Sloping, and (3) Horizontal.  These
Render Modes are available from the Options | Render Mode menu item or by clicking the
Render Mode button.  The Hybrid method is the default method and is a combination of the Sloping
and Horizontal methods. The render mode will affect both the dynamic map and the store map
• Hybrid - This method attempts to employ the most appropriate rendering method based on the flow
conditions. This is the default rendering mode.
• Sloping Water Surface  – The Sloping water surface rendering mode plots the computed water surface by
interpolating water surface elevations from each 2D cell face.  This option of connecting each cell face
provides a visualization for a more continuous inundation map.  The more continuous inundation map,
looks more realistic; however, under some circumstances it can also have the appearance of more water
volume in the 2D cells than what was computed in the simulation.  This problem generally occurs in very
steep terrain with large 2D grid cells.  This sloping water surface approach is most helpful when displaying
shallow inundation depths in areas of steep terrain. This method is not a volume conservative approach -
water most likely will "be created" during the interpolation.
• Horizontal Water Surface – The Horizontal water surface rendering mode plots the computed water surface
as horizontal in each 2D Area cell.  This option fills each 2D cell to the water surface as computed in the 2D
simulation.  In areas where the terrain has significant relief between 2D cells this plotting option can
produce a “patchwork” of isolated inundated areas when visualizing flood depths.  These isolated

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inundation areas are more visible in areas of steep terrain, using large grids cells, with shallow flood depths. 
This method is a volume conservative approach and should be used to generate stored maps where water
volume will be used for further calculations.

A comparison of the Sloping and Horizontal water surface methods is shown below.

The impacts of the two different render modes are shown based on inundation depth in the figure

Water Surface Elevation

A surface of water surface elevations is created using the the interpolation surface.  If present,
Storage Areas and 2D Flow Areas will take precedence over Cross Sections.  For 1D models, water
surface elevations are inserted into the surface at cross sections.  For 2D models, water surface
elevations are inserted at the location of computation points.  An example water surface elevation
map is shown below.

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Mapping Results

Water surface depth is computed based on the difference in water surface elevations and the terrain
elevations.  The values reported to the screen for dynamic maps will be based on the resolution of
the map you are looking at.  If you are zoomed out, you will be not be looking at the "exact" value
based on the simulation, rather a values based on the resampling of the terrain and water surface
based on the pyramid level you are zoomed to.

Inundation Boundary
The Inundation Boundary map type generates a polygon boundary at the zero-depth contour when
comparing the water surface elevation to the associated Terrain layer.  This layer is a stored dataset
that is developed for a specific water surface profile.  An example flood inundation boundary map is
shown in below.

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Mapping Results

The inundation boundary for various depths can be evaluated by selecting the Map Type of Depth,
Max Profile, and setting the Polygon Boundary Value to the depth of interest.  Note: This is approach
allows for the evaluation of depths less than or greater than zero for 1D models; however, it is only
able to evaluate depths greater than zero in the 2D domain.

1D interpolated velocity results are created using the computed velocities at each cross section.  The
number of velocities that are used for interpolation are based on the Cross Section Subsection
Distribution specified from the Horizontal (Velocity mapping) option on the HTAB Editor in the
HEC-RAS geometry editor. Because the interpolation surface was created based on regions, there
will not be any velocity interpolation across bank lines; therefore, overbank velocity data are not
interpolated with channel velocity data.  This methodology prevents areas with extreme velocities
from influencing the distribution values (low velocity values in the overbank being affected by high
velocity values in the channel).  
If velocities are an important model evaluation criteria, a 2D model should be created.  Velocities
from 2D model results use the normal velocities at the cell face to create an interpolated velocity
surface.  An example velocity magnitude plot is shown below. 

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Mapping Results

There are several ways to visualize velocity data within RAS Mapper.  Velocity vectors are available by
turning on the Plot Static Arrows option.  This will use the magnitude of velocities for
determining arrow length and evaluate the interpolation surface for determining the flow direction
(again, this is based on the shape of the river and the interpolated bank lines and edge lines).  An
example velocity vector surface with static arrows is shown below.

Velocity arrows are plotted on a regular interval based on a user-defined spacing based on screen
pixels.  This spacing refers to how often an arrow is displayed (when zoomed in the number should
be higher and when zoomed out the number should be lower). The user can also specify to the color
the arrows in black or white.  This parameter is available by clicking on the   Edit Velocity
Parameters option.   
HEC-RAS also has the capability to visualize the movement of flow using Particle Tracing.  To see an
animation depicting the relative flow velocity and direction, click on the   Particle Tracing
option.  The flow lines are generated by using the velocities on the depth grid to move a particle
along the interpolation surface during animation.  A trace of the particle will be created based on the
distance and direction it has moved during the animation and will give the appearance of stream
lines.  An example plot of the Particle Tracing capability is shown below.

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Depending on the zoom level, complexity of the floodplain, variation in velocities, and personal
preference the user may need to adjust velocity trace parameters. Options for the particle trace are
available by right the  Edit Parameters option.  Particle Tracing options include Speed, Density,
Width, Lifetime, and Anti-Aliasing.  A description of velocity mapping options is summarized in the
table below.
Velocity Map Options Description
Static Arrows Static arrows are generated.

     Spacing Refers to how often (based on screen pixels) an arrow will be drawn.  This also
determines the size of the vector for the maximum velocity. Velocity vectors are scaled
from the maximum vector.
      Color Color options for the arrows are Black or White.

Particle Tracing Animation of particle tracers are shown.

     Speed Refers to the animation speed of the particle trace and the distance it will have moved
when projected in time. (When zoomed in, particle speed should be lower.  When
zoomed out, particle speed should be higher.)
     Density Refers to the number of traces drawn to the screen (number of particles per pixel).

     Width Refers to the width of the particle. (Larger particles will render slower.)

     Lifetime Refers to how long the particle exists on screen before it disappears and a new particle
spawns in its place.
     Anti-Aliasing Refers to a graphical display property.  The setting of “Yes” is the default; it will be slower
but create a better visual image.
     RGB RGB color control is available to set the tracing colors. White is the default color.
Once a Results Map has been created, it is listed by Plan in the management dialog. The Manage
Results Map dialog is available by right-click on the Results group. It organizes data by Plan and
identifies which maps are dynamic or stored, and provides a message on the status of the map.  If
the layer is a stored map, but has not yet been processed, the label “Map not created yet” will be
shown under the “Store Status”.  To compute a stored map, select the layer in the list (multiple
layers can be selected by holding the Ctrl key) and press the Compute/Update Stored Maps button
on the Manage Results Map Dialog. As the map results are computed, a status message will be

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Mapping Results

provided updating the user with the progress.   Upon completion, the status label will change to
“Map files up to date”.  There are also options on the dialog to Copy and Delete a results map.
The Manage Results Maps dialog is convenient for processing multiple stored maps.

Evaluating RAS Results

Every effort has been made in HEC-RAS to give the user a consistent interactive experience. 
However, because of the different data requirements for 1D and 2D modeling, the output options in
RAS Mapper will depend on the model type.  The simplest method for interacting with HEC-RAS
results is to move the mouse cursor over the Map Window and a map tip with the interpolated value
value for the Selected Layer with be displayed next the cursor.  The selected layer will be
highlighted in the Layer List and the name will be shown in the Map Window.  The selected Profile
will also be displayed ( upper right corner) in the Map Window.  The number of decimal places used
to show the value is controlled by the Display Output Decimal Places in the Global Settings |
General options.

The simple cursor reporting of values is a quick way to get an answer or two, but is reliant on the user
selecting the layer of interest and then moving the mouse.  More efficient tools are available to
analyze the full scope of the HEC-RAS results using the Layer Watch List, Time Series Plots, and
Profile Plots.

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 When querying results Maps, an interpolated value is reported to the user.  The interpolated
value may change based on the Render Mode and zoom level.

For computed model results (that are not interpolated), you can use the structure of the geometry to
query results.  For 1D models, this means that the River, Cross Sections, and Storage Areas have
results that can be plotted.  Select the layer, right-click on the feature and choose the Results Profile
Plot option of interest (WSE, Depth, Velocity) or a Results Time Series (Flow, Stage).  For 2D models,
the 2D Mesh is allows you to select various time series plots for the cell or cell face (discussed in
detail, later).  Below are an examples for different cross section plot options.

 When querying model geometry for Results, such as cross sections or 2D cells, the value
computed by the computation engine is reported to the user.

 Results Profile Plot for Water Surface Elevation

Results Time Series Flow Plot

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Mapping Results

Cross Section Terrain Profile Plot

Layer Watch List

The Layer Watch List is provided for the user to simultaneously evaluate multiple layers.  This is
extremely convenient for diving deep into the results.  To use the Layer Watch List, right click on
Add Watch to Layer Values.  Each layer will be added to the Layer Values tab, shown below, in the
lower left of the RAS Mapper interface.  As you add layers, they will automatically be turned on, but
you can establish the order you want to the reported values and you can specify the short ID tag next
to each value.  By default, the first letter of the layer name is used for the ID tag.  The Layers Values

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Mapping Results

list also allows you to Add and Delete layers to watch.  If you would prefer, you can also pop the
window out and place it at any desired location.

As you move the mouse over the Map Window, values for the watch layers will be shown as the map
tip, without having to select the layer.  In the example below, the Depth (D), Water Surface Elevation
(W), and Terrain (T) are being evaluated.  The number of decimal places used to show the value is
controlled by the Display Output Decimal Places in the Global Settings | General options.

Time Series Plots

For both 1D and 2D result maps that are enabled there will be a floating menu to plot All Enabled
Results | Plot Time Series for WSE, Velocity Depth, and Courant for the current mouse location.
The plotted results are based on interpolation of results.  If no maps are turned on, the context menu
will show the property followed by “[No enabled maps]”.  The  An example stage hydrograph plot
for a location in the model domain for multiple plan results is shown below.  The location for which
the results are plotted will be highlighted in the Map Window and allows for interactive comparison
of results from multiple plans.

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If the 2D Flow Area layer is enabled (turned on, you can see the mesh), as the mouse is moved over
the map, the selected cell will be highlighted.  A right mouse click provide access to simulation
results (not interpolated) for the highlighted cell or cell face. Depending on the zoom level, the
mouse will snap to the cell or face (zoom in more to snap to cell center).   These computation values
are what are used in the 2D hydraulic computations and are available under the Cell/Face Plot Time
Series menu option.  Available options are listed below.
• Cell: Water Surface
• Fact Point: Velocity
• Face: Normal Velocity
• Face: Flow
• Face: Shear Stress

Not only will a right mouse-click provide access to simulation results, the user will also have access
to the pre-processed geometric data.  The context menu will provide a Plot Property Table menu
item for several plot options.
• Cell: Volume-Elevation
• Face: Profile
• Face: Area-Elevation
• Face: Wetted Perimeter-Elevation

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Mapping Results

• Face: Manning’s n – Elevation

• Face: Conveyance - Elevation

Profile Lines
River and Cross Sections lines allow you to plot 1D model results, simply by clicking on the feature. 
However, user-defined Profile Lines allow you to create lines for 2D models in specific locations
where you would like to repetitively evaluate simulation results.  The Profile Lines layer and is
located in the Features group so that the layer is drawn on top of all other features. Profile lines are
created using the RAS Mapper Editing tools.  To create them, start editing the Profile Lines layer, and
create lines wherever you would like to extract information from a raster dataset.  The orientation of
the profile lines with have zero-station at the start of the line and positive flow will be evaluated with
downstream (positive flow) established with the starting point on the left of the line. 
Once a feature has been created, you will be prompted for new name for the Profile Line.

Profile lines are features just like any other in that they can be modified, moved, and deleted.  You
can also interact with them when the Profile Lines layer is selected.  To plot information along a
profile line, select the Profile Lines layer and select a feature from the Map.  Alternatively, you can
select profile line from the Active Features list or the dedicated Profile Lines list.  A right-click will
allow you to Plot Profile or Plot Time Series.

Plot Profile
Plot Profile will allow you to create a plot underneath the line for a single mapping time step.  Plot
options are dictated by what Result layers are turned on in the Layer List (WSE, Depth, Velocity, etc.). 
There are plot options to plot the map values with and without Terrain.  The profile plots are also
linked to the animation tools, so you can move through the simulation window to evaluate results. 
When animating, the profile line and map layer will update.  As shown in the figure below, multiple
map layers of the same type can be plotted at the same time (so long as they are turned on).  The
data behind the plots are available for inspection by clicking on the Table tab in the plot.

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Mapping Results

Another plot option when plotting velocities is to plot Velocity with Terrain.

It is also convenient to have an idea where you are along a line.  One of the Profile Lines layer
plotting properties is the ability to turn on Stationing Tick Marks along the line.  In the figure below,
a plot of velocities near a breach location are shown along with the stationing along the profile line
used to extract the velocity information.

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Mapping Results

Plot Time Series

Time series information is also available for a profile line.  Option to plot Flow, Volume
Accumulation, and a Rating Curve are available.  Positive flow is evaluated as flow passing though
the line (away from the viewer) when looking at the line with zero-station on the left.  An example
plot comparing flow through a breach location is shown below.

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RASter Calculator

There are several tools in RAS Mapper that allow the user to evaluate model results at specific
locations through interactive point querying and with profile lines.   However, in order to perform
analysis of the entire layer, you can use the the RASter Calculator.  The RASter Calculator allows you
to perform mathematical and logical operations on gridded datasets in RAS Mapper through user-
defined scripts.  When using the RASter Calculator, the you are actually creating a syntax for a
Calculated Layer that can then be evaluated in RAS Mapper using the interactive querying tools
used for evaluating normal RAS Results.  The Calculated Layer is intended to be treated very similarly
to a Dynamic Map, in that you can animate the layer.  If you are using the calculated layer to compare
results from two different HEC-RAS simulations then it is quite convenient to  use the animate
toolbar to evaluate various timesteps.   However, a calculated layer can also have a static
component layer, such as the Terrain layer or using the value from a particular timestep in a result.
A Calculated Layer is added to RAS Mapper by selecting a RAS Result group or by selecting the Map
Layers group, right clicking and choosing the Create a New Calculated Layer menu item.

A Calculated Layer is created by defined the Layers you want to use in the analysis.  By default, the
Terrain layers will always be available to the user.  After defining the layers (think of them as
variables in an equation), you can then write simple code to perform and operation. The intent, is to
have example scripts provided with HEC-RAS, so that the user doesn't have to create a script.  One
example script might be to compare water surface elevations from two different plans.  The basic
steps to creating a calculated layer are listed below.

Begin with Tools | Create Calculated Layer menu item or right-click on a Plan and select
Create a New Calculated Layer.
1.  Select an example Script or "User Defined" to write your own.
2.  Add the Layers to be evaluated.
3.  Add mathematical operations and logic calculation code.
4.  Provide an output location to save the script.
5.  Provide a Name for the Calculated layer.
6.  Press the Create Layer button to add the layer to RAS Mapper.

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RASter Calculator

The RASter Calculator was developed to allow users to write complex scripts; however, HEC-RAS
provides example scripts to assist you in performing common calculations.  Example scripts are
available from the Script list at the top of the calculator.  Current examples include:
• Compare WSE - Allows the comparison of water surface profiles from two different plans.  By default, the
script uses the first two Plans available in the RAS project.
• Depth * Velocity - Result is the multiplication of the Depth times the Velocity for the first plan in the RAS
Project.  Using the Max profile is not appropriate as it multiplies the max depth and max velocity (which will
not have occurred at the same time).
• Hazard - This is an complex example of how to script to evaluated the product of depth and velocity given
rule criteria.

You can Load a script shared by another RAS user or Save a script once you have completed it. 
Example scripts most likely will not be exactly what you need. To write or modify the code, you will
first need to add Layers or change what the represent.

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RASter Calculator

Layer Variables
Layers are used as the "variables" for scripting.  Tools are available to Add New, Delete, Rename,
and Edit.  By default, Terrain layers are added as static layers that cannot be modified or removed.

Add - Use the Add button to add a Layer to be evaluated.  When a layer is added, you must define
how the layer will be use.  A layer variable is defined by its Name, Plan, Map Type, Animation
Behavior, and Profile.

• Name - a short name for the layer.

• Plan - identifies the RAS Plan (result) that the map layer is generated from.
• Map Type - this defines the simulation result of interest (Water Surface Elevation, Velocity, etc.).
• Animation Behavior - defines whether the layer can be animated by time step (profile) or if the layer is static
(does not change the profile).
• Profile - the water surface profile to be evaluated. Only available for Static layers.

Once a layer definition has been supplied, click the Add Variable button to add to the Layer list. 
Press the Close button to dismiss the form.
Delete - Removes the selected Layer from the Layer list.
Rename - Allows you to rename the selected Layer variable.

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RASter Calculator

Edit - Allows you to change the definition of a the selected layer variable.

Calculation Code
Scripts are written in a simple text editor using either Visual Basic or C#.  You are only writing the
functional code (not the complete program).  Once a script is complete, it will be compiled at
runtime when the Calculated Layer is evaluated.  Example code is provided to assist users in
scripting.  More complete help is available by clicking on the  Help button.

To check to see if it will compile use the View Full Code button to compile the script, see the full
code, and check for any errors.  Successful code compilation will result in a window message without
errors.  If there are errors, the line number where an error occurred will be reported at the top of the
Code Compiler Check window.

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RASter Calculator

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RASter Calculator

Help is available by clicking on the  Help button.  Help is provided for the coding in Visual Basic
logic and .Net Framework math functions.  Additionally, example scripts are provided to
demonstrate the use of functional code.  The example code can be copied and pasted into the
coding window, however, layer variables will have to be created to use the script.  Examples of
available help are shown below.

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RASter Calculator

Calculated Layer
Once a script is finished, specify a Folder location to store the map script (name.rasscript) and
provide a layer Name.  The script will be saved to disk will be used to load the map each time RAS
Mapper is opened.  Clicking the Create Layer button will then add the Calculated Layer to the Map.

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RASter Calculator

If a script already exists on disk, you will be prompted for a unique name.

Once a Calculated Layer has been added to the Map, it will be treated like other layers.  All the
fundamental map querying tools will be available to analyze the layer.  If the layer variables were
added as a dynamic map type, the animation toolbar will allow for changing the profile.

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Google Earth Export


HEC-RAS inundation maps are able to tell a complex story of the flooding potential in our river
floodplains.  While users can display background imagery using web services in HEC-RAS, it is often
not the best way to avail to the results to non-RAS users.  Google Earth, however, is a powerful
visualization tool that can be used to display inundation boundary maps.  HEC-RAS has two different
ways to create inundation maps using the KML format specific to Google Earth.

Provided you have an inundation boundary polygon developed in HEC-RAS, you can export it either
to a KML file or to a 3D KML by simply right-clicking on the inundation boundary polygon and
selecting the Export Layer menu option.

KML Export
To create a KML, perform the following steps listed below.
1. Create and Inundation Boundary layer in RAS Mapper.
2. Right-click on the Inundation Boundary layer and choose the Export Layer | Save Features to KML menu
3. Provide a filename and press OK.
4. The KML can then be added to a Google Earth instance (or likely you can double-click on the KML and it will
launch and load Google Earth).

 Experience has shown, that KML files with more that 10,000 points do not render well in Google
Earth.  Therefore, you may consider filtering the inundation boundary polygon, prior to KML

An example inundation KML in Google Earth is shown below.

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Google Earth Export

3D KML Export
To create a 3D KML, perform the following steps listed below.
1. Create and Inundation Boundary layer in RAS Mapper.
2. Set the symbology to the color and transparency (blue, 50% are good values).
3. Right-click on the Inundation Boundary layer and choose the Export Layer | Save Inundation to 3D KML
menu option.
4. The 3D KML export dialog will be shown.

5. The default name and location of the KMZ file (zipped up KML) will be based on the Plan that produced the
inundation boundary.  You can change the name and file location using the Browse button.
6. The default values for the output options are good suggestions.  They are discussed in detail below.
7. Press OK to generate a KMZ file to use in Google Earth.
8. As the file is generated, a status message will inform you of the progress.  The number of polygons that are
processed for the entire file extent is shown and the maximum count.

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Google Earth Export

9. When finished, a message box will report the filename location and number of polygons in the KML file.

10. The KMZ can then be added to a Google Earth instance (or likely you can double-click on the KMZ and it will
launch and load Google Earth).

 The final file is a KMZ file, which is a zipped up KML file.  The smaller file size will improve sharing
the floodplain inundation.

The 3D KML file may initially look a lot like the 2D KML file discussed above, as Google Earth will
zoom to the extents of the data.  Interacting with the map is when the "3D" aspect starts to get
interesting.  The 3D KML file allows you to interact with it by clicking on a particular location.  The
depth, water surface elevation, and velocity for that area will be reported. 

At this point, let's make it clear that the 3D KML file you are visualizing is a vector representation of
an HEC-RAS results grid.  The reported results in the 3D KML are values based on interpolated HEC-
RAS results for the center of the 3D KML polygon.  This is more obvious if we turn on the polygon
boundaries, as shown in the figure below.  While the point values are exacting, they do lend insight
into the potential hazards for a particular area for the event being considered.

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Google Earth Export

Providing interaction with the map is very useful, but there are better ways to visualize results in
Google Earth.  Choose a location and enter "Street View".

You can now visualize the water level in perspective to cars, buildings, sign posts and other features
to inform you how the flood hazard.

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Google Earth Export

3D KML Export Options

There are several options available when exporting the inundation boundary 3D KML.  These option
control what the KML will look like in Google Earth.  Experimentation with your data and study area
may be required to discover the best option for you.

Boundary Polygon Filter Tolerance

The polygon filter tolerance is used evaluate the floodplain boundary and remove "redundant"
points.  If the filter tolerance is set to 0, no filtering will occur.  For all other values, three consecutive
points along the boundary are evaluated by connecting the first and third point by a straight line.  If
the second point of the three is within the distance tolerance of the line, the point is removed. 
Removing the number of points in the inundation boundary can reduce file size and improve
rendering speeds in Google Earth, but sacrifices accuracy. The default value is 1ft.

Interior Polygon (Cell) Size

The KML created is a vector representation of a raster (gridded) dataset.  HEC-RAS attempts to come
up with a cell size that will result in a KML that has 10,000 polygons - which tend to render well in
Google Earth.  However, you may want more detail (smaller polygon size) or less detail (larger
polygon size).

Number of Decimal Places

This rounds the water surface, depth, and velocity results written to the KML. Queried values will be
reported to the number of decimal places specified.  The default value is 1 decimal place.

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Google Earth Export

Interior Polygon Values

There are two methods available in HEC-RAS for reporting the water surface elevations and depth
values written to the KML file.  The Sloping Water Surface method will interpolate the water surface
elevations and write out the water surface elevations for each corner of of the interior polygons and
a value at the center of the polygon (that can be queried).  This will allow the water surface to looked
sloped in Google Earth.  The Horizontal Water Surface method applies the water surface at the
center of the polygon to each side.  This can result in "stair stepped" inundation in steeper terrain. 
The Sloping Water Surface method is default.
A example plot using Sloping Water Surface shows a continuous water surface (the bulging in the
upper left corner is due to using the Depths Relative to Ground option and that the bridge deck is in
the Google Earth ground surface elevations).

An example plot using Horizontal Water Surface example where the "flat" water surface results in an
elevation gap at the boundary of each polygon.

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Google Earth Export

Water Surface Plotting Method

Google Earth thankfully provides two different ways to visualize elevation data: absolute values and
values relative to the ground.  Which option is best for you is dependent on how good the data are in
your study area and what detail you are interested in visualizing.  The Depths Relative to Ground
option will plot the output depth on top of whatever ground elevations Google Earth is reporting. 
This method works best when the Google Earth terrain data is "poor" relative to the terrain model
used to create the HEC-RAS model.  This method also tends to work better in steeper terrain.  When
you query the inundation map, depth with be the primary identifier.  The Computed WSE option will
plot the computed water surface elevation without considering the Google Earth terrain values. 
Limitations of the Computed WSE option become more clear when looking at the floodplain
boundary - often the Compute WSE boundary will be limited base on it's intersection with the
ground.  The Depths Relative to Ground option will always show the correct boundary, although the
visualization of the flood depths interior to the boundary may not be perfect. The Depths Relative to
Ground option is default.
An example of plotting differences in Google Earth using the Depths Relative to Ground (blue) option
overlayed with Computed WSE (red) option.  The Computed WSE option performs poorly at shallow
depths because it is attempting to intersect the computed HEC-RAS water surface (which is based on
high resolution terrain) with the Google Earth ground surface elevations (which will not be
consistent with the terrain used in the RAS model.

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Google Earth Export

Google Earth Visualization

Street View is a great way to visualize flood depths at buildings, etc.; however, you can also turn on
Google Earth 3D Buildings to get an idea overall on what is flooded and by how much. This option is
down in the Layers list and labeled "3D Buildings".  While this can produce a dramatic picture, trees
tend to get in the way of the rendering.

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Tile Map Server


RAS Mapper provides the capability to export HEC-RAS Results for visualization using web mapping
services.  This option provides the flexibility to publish map results to a web server (or locally) to use
web-based mapping as the background for the HEC-RAS results. 

Exporting RAS Tiles

To write information into the map tile system, select a dynamic raster result, right-click and choose
the Export RAS Tiles for Web Mapping menu item.  The RAS Tile Cache Export Options dialog will be
populated with a default Layer Name, Cache Level, and Profile (Time, Max, or Min based on what is
active in RAS Mapper).   Map tiles will be stored in PNG format in a database file in the RAS Model
directory using symbology defined for the Layer in RAS Mapper will be used for storing the exported
data.  By default, the data will be written to a database file (.db extension) that has a filename based
on the HEC-RAS Plan Short ID.

The Cache Level used will greatly affect the time it takes to write out the map tiles because the Cache
Level corresponds to the effective cell size resolution of the raster that is stored.  The process of
creating each PNG for the tile cache requires RAS Mapper to re-compute the output variable layer
(depth, for instance) for each cache level.  The PNG must then be re-projected to the web Mercator
projection supported by web mapping services and written to the ‘db’ file.  This can be a time
consuming process - larger Cache Levels will result in smaller “cell” sizes and larger file sizes. 
The Cache Level also indicates how far you can zoom into the map.  If you attempt to zoom in
beyond the pyramid level of the tile cache, the data will be interpolated.  The default Cache Level is
12 and is recommended for a first cut look at the data at a low resolution that will not sacrifice
speed.  If you write out data using an initial Cache Level and then wish to add additional levels, RAS
will append the data, assuming the output Layer Name (and time step) is consistent – the dialog
shown below will appear allowing the user to overwrite or append to existing data.

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Tile Map Server

The other option affecting what is written to the map tiles is the Profile selected.  The options of
Maximum, Minimum, or Profiles are available.  If the Profiles option is selected, the user must define
the time range for data export.  Using a time window allows for the data to be animated from the tile
cache.  If there are many profiles in the unsteady flow simulation, there is an option to skip profiles in
the list so the event range can be visualized without having to write out more data than is needed.  If
the inundation area associated with the maximum water surface is exported by default.

Viewing RAS Tiles

To utilize the RAS Tiles option, you can view the RAS Tiles data through a web browser hosted on a
web server.  The RAS Tiles server software was developed using open source tools. Hapi (hapijs.com)
is used for the server framework and Leaflet (leafletjs.com) is used for the interactive mapping
capability.  The RAS Tiles server software is available from the HEC-RAS software downloads web
Instructions for local viewing are provided below.
1. Download and unzip the “RASTiles_server.zip” file from the HEC-RAS software download web page for the
appropriate Windows Operating System (32- or 64-bit).
2. Copy the “rasplanshortid.db” files to the “tilesets” folder in the RAS Tiles directory.
3. Start the tile server by running the “RASTiles.bat” script.
a. This can also be accomplished by starting the tile server using the command line by navigating to the
install directory and typing “node server” and hitting Enter.
4. Open the “RASTiles.html” file in a web browser.
a. This can be accomplished by opening a web browser and typing
5. If additional tile datasets (.db files) are to be viewed, the server will need to be restarted, after copying
the .db files into the “tilesets” folder.
a. To stop the web server, close the CMD prompt.
b. Start the server as discussed in Step 3.

Instructions for web server hosting are provided below.

1. The server must be started as described for local viewing.
2. An Information Technology specialist will need to set up server security/policy so that the web server may be
accessible via the web to mobile clients.
3. Provide the web client with the URL to the web server. Note, the server address will be shown in the CMD
prompt window.

The web browser is launched with the “RAS Tiles” title at the top of the web page.  Individual RAS
Project datasets in the ”.db” files are available for display as indicated by the RAS project name with

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Tile Map Server

sub headings listing the available Plans.  An overview image is shown on the right of the webpage, as
shown below. 

Selecting a RAS project will show a new web form with datasets for each Plan that has been exported
based on the database files in the “tilesets” folder.  The web interface, shown the figure below, will
allow you to select the Opacity for the RAS maps, animate through the list of output maps, pan,
zoom, and select from the list of background layers.

Map Tool Description

RAS Tiles Takes the user back to the RAS Tiles pages listing each RAS project with available map

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Tile Map Server

Map Tool Description

Play, Stop, Forward, The animation toolbar allows the user to step through RAS profile results.  This tool is active
and Back if once a map type (“Depth”) for a particular Plan is selected.
Zoom In, Zoom Out The Zoom Toolbar allows the user to zoom in or out on the data.  The mouse wheel will
allow for zooming.  Double-clicking on the map will also zoom in.
Background Layers Available background layers will provide the user with options to view street names and
aerial imagery.  Currently, Open Street Map data is supported.

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v.6.0 Release Notes



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